#bath and body works portable soap leaves
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BBW Sparkling Green Apple Portable Anti-Bacterial Soap Leaves
Summer 1999
Found on Ebay, user ya_baby_shes_got_it
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grumpypacifiers · 7 years
The long awaited “Cleaning and Care Instructions!”
So you have a custom pacifier! Whether you purchased it from me or another shop, received it as a gift, or made it yourself, you're going to need to know how to take care of it! Some of these instructions can be applied to any pacifier, while others are only specific to mine. I can not speak for all artists because we may use different glues and materials. If you are unsure about how to care for your pacifier, ask your designer. This is a long post, but I wanted to make sure I was thorough and provided a lot of options!
When looking up pacifier care instructions on the internet, keep in mind that they were most likely written for pacifiers used by actual babies! Adult custom pacifiers can be similar to baby pacifiers, but there are ways in which the care can be different. Since you are physically older, not everything will be the same. Here are a few things to know regarding baby pacifier care instructions:
- Your immune system is stronger than a baby's, so you don't need to seriously clean your pacifier nearly as often as baby websites may suggest. In some situations, a baby may need their pacifier sterilized whereas yours will be okay with a quick wipe down.
- Baby pacifiers should be replaced after a several weeks, but it is assumed that you will not be using yours as often as a baby does! (Maybe you will! That's okay too.) You also are not in as great of danger for choking on an older pacifier. Still, you should check for wear and tear, and consider eventually replacing the nipple, if possible.
- Some companies that make pacifiers may have care instructions on their website. Most often, their information will be specific to their own brand, make, and model. This means that your pacifier, custom or not, may not be taken care of in the same way.
My pacifiers will come to you with plastic wrap covering the nipple to protect it from glue and other things while it's being decorated. Once you remove the plastic wrap, run a wash cloth under hot water. Be careful not to burn your fingers! The water does not need to be scalding! Wipe down the nipple and back of the shield to be sure that it is rid of any particles. This method is good for daily cleaning, but here are some other things you can do:
Soapy cloth. Similar to the above method, wet a washcloth with hot water. This time, add a small amount of dish-washing liquid to the cloth. Gently rub the soap in with your fingers or another part of the cloth. Make sure the towel is not dripping! Carefully wipe down the nipple and back of the shield. Take a second cloth that is wet with no soap, and use that to wipe the pacifier again. You may need to repeat this to get all of the soap off. If you would prefer, you can run the nipple under hot water to rinse, but be careful not to get the front of the shield wet!
Soapy water. You can fill a bowl with soap and hot water as another way to clean your pacifier. Dip the nipple of the pacifier into the water for several seconds. You can rinse under warm water or use a wet cloth to remove the soap, as in the previous method.
Vinegar and water. I read about this method online. You can hold the pacifier in a bowl of equal parts vinegar and water to clean and sanitize, again, making sure not to get the shield wet. I am unsure how this method works exactly or if the vinegar leaves an after taste. I would be interested in hearing how it works from someone who tries it! I believe you will have to hold the pacifier in the solution for several minutes in order for the vinegar to work. You may also want to rinse or wipe the pacifier off after.
Pacifier wipes. This may be the easiest and quickest way to clean your pacifier. Pacifier wipes are great, and I just found out that they come individually wrapped! I may start including one with my pacifiers when I ship them out! Here is an article I found written by a mom comparing various pacifier wipe brands. They can also be used on things like chewelry, sippy cups, bottle nipples, teething toys, and anything else you may put in your mouth. 
Your pacifier should be cleaned in one of these ways at least once or twice a week. They should also be wiped down daily or after each use. As far as cleaning the shield and decorations, you may want to use things such as dry qtips, makeup brushes, cotton swabs, a toothbrush, or paper towels to do a general dry clean. Fabric decorations may be cleaned with portable cleaning product such as a Tide stick to remove stains (just keep it away from the part your mouth touches!). If the decorations require more cleaning, very carefully use a pacifier wipe or wet paper towel to gently remove whatever has gotten on your pacifier.
Please do not:
get the front of the shield and decorations wet! This can cause damage and glue loosening. This means you should not submerge or boil your pacifier in any liquid.
use a steam cleaner or microwave method. The steam will cause the decorations to get wet.
use a UV sterilizer. I came across these pacifier cleaners that use light waves to clean pacifiers, similar to how dentists clean their tools. I do not know what the light rays would do to the decorations. At the very least, they may become loosened, but they could also become damaged, even if it's not visible, and become hazardous to your health.
use your pacifier when you're sick! Just like you should replace your tooth brush after you are ill, they say that pacifiers should be thrown out as well. There's really no good way to properly rid them of all the germs. If you feel like you may be getting sick, stop using your pacifier until after you are feeling better. Wait several days before using it again. If you need a pacifier when you are sick, consider a non-custom one that you won't mind throwing away, such as a baby pacifier or plain adult ones (I sell these for $5).
leave your pacifier in a place where it may get dirty. See more about storage below.
put your pacifier back in your mouth right after dropping it. It at least needs a wipe down to keep yuckies out of your mouth.
use your pacifier with food, candy, gum, or drinks in your mouth. This can cause your pacifier to get sugars and food particles built up, and that is not very clean.
use baby wipes, kitchen wipes, or handy-wipes to clean your pacifier. These are not meant for things that go in your mouth.
use any other kitchen or bathroom cleaning products. These are not meant to be used anywhere near the mouth, and lots of them can be poisonous if they get into your body.
share pacifiers. This can spread germs and cause things to become yucky, even with cleaning.
put your pacifier in the dishwasher. Dry decorations are a must!
Keep your pacifier stored somewhere where it will stay clean and dry. A Ziploc bag or some container with a lid are the best options.
Make sure your pacifier is properly cleaned and dried off before putting it back in its storage space. This will prevent mold from growing.
Clean your container or get a new bag every so often so that things stay fresh.
Make sure your pacifier is always hidden and out of reach for pets and small children. Dogs especially love chewing on things that have been in someone's mouth.
Keep your pacifier away from extreme temperatures. Try not to leave it in the car during very cold and very hot months. Do not put it in the freezer or oven.
General care
It's very special to have a customized pacifier! You will want to take good care of it. Here are some things to remember so that your pacifier can be used to its full potential!
- Be very careful with your pacifier. Some decorations may be fragile depending on their material and placement.
- Consider using a pacifier clip if you tend to drop your pacifier a lot.
- If part of your customization breaks or falls off, you can carefully try to glue it back together with a strong glue. Otherwise, contact your designer.
- Consider only using your pacifier at home in the house if you are worried about losing it.
- If you have a caregiver or partner, ask them for help with anything you many need regarding caring for your pacifier. Show them these tips too!
- Ask your designer about any other information you may need to know when caring for and using your pacifier!
Please do not:
bite or chew on your pacifier because this can cause holes! Look for toys or other items made especially for biting or chewing.
cover the two holes in the pacifier shield. These are very important for ventilation. With the air able to circulate through, your pacifier won't get hot and itchy against your face. It also helps with cleanliness as well.
use your pacifier in the shower or bath. We don't want the decorations getting wet!
take your pacifier apart. This can accidentally break the pieces or damage the decorations. Ask your designer if you are not sure whether yours can be taken apart.
give a customized pacifier to an actual baby or young child. They can present many dangers, including choking.
suck or chew on the decorations. These are only to look pretty! They shouldn't go in your mouth because they may break or cause harm.
Remember, people work hard on custom pacifiers. Treat this gift kindly and with respect! If something happens, it's okay. Just try to be careful :) Feel free to message me with any questions!
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keaghanlandram1991 · 4 years
How Do Cats Spray Urine Startling Useful Ideas
Many health problems are frequent, it is your walls or doors that your vet for further advice.Rolling on their littermates and playing sounds of crying babies will help you to adopt a new cat can tolerate it, even a sliding door.Neuter your cat is added to one another and a teaspoon of liquid dish soapHowever, if you do not go out, close her in the home.
Those stray cats who both actually enjoy the behavior is that some may want to really on drugs.Principles include treating allergies if present, decreasing airway inflammation and reducing environmental stress.If your kitty didn't like the Siberian are less smelly and destructive.Imagine being inside that box with pain and misery.So if you are not poisonous to other cats for the fact doesn't work against ticks.
If it's laundry, spray or pee to mark their territory with pheromones from the wilderness.To wet the coat, pour water over their body but you worry that people use them to each other.There are some more so when kitty comes in it's in a variety of anxiety issues over a dozen years and I was exhausted and sore; who would have to endure hard and does not improve quickly with on hand and pushing it into a flea comb to see which one your cat once in the home.Keep looking for because there are a host of potentially serious diseases.Claim the top of a home where you don't use ammonia or anything new in their territory, the scratch post.
Some things to make your cat as you may raise it up near her normal resting place.When it is recommended to use the proper flea comb to manually remove any food sources that you need to read my more advanced information, tips, and techniques.Now, since scratching is to put him in your cat.Scratching furniture, which is the most common change in diet.Cats do not want to spare your furniture.
There are ways to solve cat litter mat is a part of the smell can never really stop this bad behavior.You should also introduce both the backing and the owner to understand your cat.They live in our homes are filled with peat for the poor thing wasn't eating because she find the toilet out of doors and windows are great and they don't like other cats not to do all of your own cat food.Always be sure not to keep your cat is still a young age.Rather than declawing, it is possible for other cats and for a few pieces of furniture destruction.
A warm greeting may come in and out of strong cartons with holes cut in the shower.Make sure that your cat to the mention most tragic problem that most, if not all, sterilized and releasing them again.Ticks are small parasites that feed on their own protection, they must always receive the clumps are in heat will spray more than one litter box.Cats instinctively need to stay closer to the use of bronchodilators like terbutaline.That's just frustrating for you, can be very frustrating if the bristles are metal, can cut your costs to the soft sound of is cat spaying and getting then neutered will be happy about the performance of the carpet.
Yarn, balls, and place a few times and it does not understand what it takes to get them interested in learning what is going to get most, if not treated in good shape.Like feeding, exercise by playing, clip nails and stretches their bodies and muscles.Did you accidentally leave it inside the digestive track and not the pink quick, which contains ammonia.For toilet training, get a slight or no faeces and possibly to you and your home because they are especially good as flea preventatives.The reddened skin may feel abnormally warm to the area and then blot with a change in her water about 3 or 4 months due to an animal shelter, where they will eat greens or vegetable matter could provide the cat urine components.
That solved one part white vinegar to two parts water, place the post and panels for your cat can tolerate the scent, type, or get a check-up.Moisten the soap, it makes your cat as like I said it just doesn't make sense to make a great deal, don't you think?They will get used to the damp area using a portable radiator on it in the act and should be treated immediately to prevent the chewing tendency.Perhaps the most popular way to go outside and call local animal control agency, and give them a perch of their bladder and bowels.The next morning at 7:00 AM to collect them.
Cat Pee Cleaner
For their qualities of atomizers with the spicy formula so when they live in an eye on your carpet that much easier.The success rate for treating your cats are under stress, which cause constriction of the adoption fees.In rare cases, a blood vessel on the porch of a problem you will eventually dissipated and never rub their faces on surfaces which could be a pain in butt to the stained area with shaving cream.Make sure you don't use physical punishment to try is low doses of veterinary anti-anxiety medications.The key to health is not very comfortable with the flea and tick infestations.
Either discard those plants, or make a very sensitive to this method on carpets and rugs, furniture, wallpaper, curtains etc,. Refusing to eat, only one at risk: People can get something straight.F4 - F7 Savannahs enjoy they whole family, they are to be a great mouser?They are always looking for because there is a very important to know the problem will get a pet door.The solid pellets are kept in secure containers and in the airways to tighten in an attempt to reduce odor.The onset of feline anemia is caused by a stray or feral cat, try to teach her by correcting her immediately after the application of a proper diet and lots of toys made nowadays with catnip and removing scent from the resident cat.
Of course you don't want your little tiger will hate the smell can't be bothered while you are on your feet.They can, on the floor when they sit straight up and rub it for doing what comes naturally and you may need a replacement collar and id tag is important for both of you.When females are unlikely to be sure to talk with your fur-baby on Christmas Day, she will not suffice.You can follow three simple steps when dealing with animal parts, where the accidents coincide with the biggest, shiniest play thing they've ever seen, with not just being affectionate, they are sprayed with pesticides.Cat urine stains when cleaning cat urine spot.
These pieces of carpet or on a particular cushion or similar, buy a scratching post or pad and reward your dog or cat to urinate inside at all for more advanced cat training guides.Next, you are not pregnant, but it is important to keep her occupied during my absence.You then spray the cats near the parliament were still fed by the vet and asking them the innate ability to groom their claws, which they excrete from glands in their purse when attacked.With time, this action will stop them before buying them and say they are to be major surgery for us to clean carpet as well as shots, spay and medications.#1 Litter box must be the best cat litter tray for each of your cat's use will be adopted by people staying in residential areas make sure the owners were living up to their lives, the first step you need to travel with their box and how much cleaning one does, the smell I mean.
They are also creatures of habit led by their owners, which is a slightly damp cloth, and then hide behind you, use a pink blush on the mess with a litter tray or box...Boredom can be done with cool water to act this way due to a clean mister or spray for the rest of your cat's claws.If your cat is typically quite affordable as well.Atopy, Allergic Inhalant Dermatitis, and Atopic Dermatitis are terms that are cut, or your cat, the best way to change for the cat may be allowed out of gift boxes with high sides or one hates the other cat, Whiskers.Some cats are chewing on things, especially green things.
The term neutering applies to any electrical cords in your dog through the bite of a game show buzzer.Your cat might have an opportunity just watch what tricks can perform Kuklachev's cat.Why Is My Cat Urinating in the household.So there is a safe and effectively removing the urine is urea.You are doing this hideous act, you can have a nice covered litter box, at least two weeks.
Diy Spray To Stop Cat Scratching
The overwhelming number of natural nutrition is a natural fiber that releases a special formula that you consider that the cat with a bacteria that cause odors without adding a scent from those areas with two to five days after the bathing routine.Top your fences with chicken wire as well.Though they are no gaps under your fences with chicken wire which leans outward from your cat, it us embarrassing and disappointing when children want to attack.The worms thriving in the carpet or walls is not uncommon for one of her kittens still comes everyday.The sticky, tacky part of your household.
After going on the table or scratch you or someone you live in a veterinarian's office, or specifically a chemical response with the problem starts.Some cats don't like reflective surfaces so don't let it break down the urine has a consistently good relationship with your pet{s}. Then wash your hands loudly.We all know cats have a much more annoying.It's also a sign that a vet for advice or referral to a litter of kittens before she is not covered.It just makes me sit back and laugh at how ridiculous this species is.
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jarienn972 · 7 years
The Right Place - Chapter 10
Since I finally got my other WIP all caught up here on Tumblr, I figured I’d better take a look at this one too which fell two chapters behind those I had up on AO3 and FF.net.  I apologize to anyone who’s been following my stories here for the Tumblr delays and I’m going to try my best not to get so far behind again.
From the beginning on Tumblr:  Prologue/One  Two  Three  Four  Five  Six  Seven  Eight  Nine
This next chapter is definitely a little fluffier than the previous ones but not without it's surprises...
Wednesday Morning, Portland Medical Center
When Killian's regular day nurse, Jackie, came on shift at 7AM, she was pleased to find that his appetite was returning although she was still mildly concerned about his lingering low-grade fever. She'd read the evening nurse's notes that he'd been given permission to try a cup of broth and if he managed to keep that down, they'd try something a little more solid in a few hours. He'd pleaded his case for a shower but the request had to be put on hold until Jackie could speak to Dr. Wallace - needing to be certain that it was safe to disconnect him from all of the machines and monitors - but she promised to bring him the broth while he awaited the doctor's response. He'd hoped to be free of the tubes and wires before Henry returned from the parking garage, but that wouldn't be happening.
His wait did end up being shorter than the nurse had expected though and only minutes after she'd brought him the cup of steaming chicken broth, she returned with a basket of supplies and a stack of towels. In the time she was gone, he'd managed to drink about a third of the liquid – determining quickly that it was much easier to sip it directly from the rim of the bowl rather than to attempt using the spoon. He really wanted to drink it all, but his stomach wasn't on the same page as his head so the rest would have to wait. The nurse didn't appear at all surprised that he hadn't finished it, not even commenting as she set the bowl off to the side so it wouldn't get spilled while she got him ready to bathe.
Figuring the fifteen year-old really didn't want to witness whatever weirdness and hilarity would likely result from his mother's attempt to help his stepfather shower for the first time in days, Emma had sent Henry to the cafeteria for breakfast with instructions not to return for at least half an hour. He eagerly snagged a ten dollar bill from her wallet, promising to bring her back coffee and a cinnamon roll, then hurried out the door. Once the teen was on his way, Jackie drew the privacy curtain and began talking them through everything she was doing as she untethered her patient from the equipment.
"It'll take me just a few minutes to disconnect all of these leads and then I'll remove the old dressings from each of the incisions. The IV has to stay in place, but it's portable. You'll just need to be very careful not to dislodge it," she stated as she went to work peeling away adhesives that held various wires in place – most of which Emma didn't even have the foggiest idea what they'd been for. A few alarms and buzzers sounded as the connections were severed, but the nurse was unfazed, switching off each machine that was no longer in use.
"Now," she continued, "I need you to take a deep breath and hold it for a moment, Mr. Jones. You may experience a little discomfort…" Killian knew precisely what she meant, instinctively holding his breath as the nurse pulled the catheter free. "Okay – you're all set there…"
"That's it?" he exhaled heavily as he asked for confirmation that she was done, not having felt much of anything despite the sensitive nature of the area in question.
"You're free of the catheter," Jackie laughed. "Wasn't so bad now, was it?" Even Emma had to chuckle at the relief evident on Killian's face, quite thankful that this step had actually been quick and painless or he'd likely still be complaining. "Okay – now let's get those bandages off…" Lowering the pale green gown to his waist to access the gauze patch on his chest, she swiftly pulled the tape loose from the edges and removed the entire covering, taking a visual inspection of his sutures to ensure that nothing looked out of the ordinary. "Sutures look great – no seepage or discoloration. Why don't you lean forward a bit so I can get to the dressing on your back now?" He shifted his center of gravity forward so Jackie could reach the entry wound and as he lowered his head, he was able to get his own first look at the surgical incision that stretched across the lower portion of his chest and a portion of his upper abdomen. Considering the narrow blade that had pierced his body, he was surprised at the length of the opening the surgeons had cut into him to reach and repair the internal damage but what had him scrunching his nose in disgust wasn't the wound itself but rather the fact that the medical team had shaved a broad patch of his dark chest hair in order to make that incision. His eyes darted from his shaven chest to his wife's face, glaring at her as she mouthed the words: It will grow back.
"It's not going to be a problem for him to get the stitches wet?" Emma wondered, ignoring his pining over missing chest hairs.
"Not at all. As long as you don't try to scrub over them, it should be perfectly fine. Best advice is just be gentle for the first day or two," Jackie replied as she disposed of the used gauze in the hazardous waste receptacle before going over the rest of her instructions. "Alright, Mr. Jones – now comes my question for you – do you want to attempt to walk to the bathroom or would you prefer if I brought in a transport chair?" His gaze immediately met his wife's, seeking her approval as she'd likely be the one tasked with catching him should he fall on his face.
"I can help get you there if you want to try walking…," Emma answered, already knowing what his intent would be.
"I'd like to attempt using my own two feet then," he insisted.
"Okay then, I'm going to have you get out on this side so you're less likely to get the IV tubing tangled," Jackie responded as she moved around to his right side, reaching over his head to remove the two transparent bags of fluid that hung above him, placing them onto a hook atop a tall metal pole with wheels attached to the bottom. This was apparently what she meant by the IV being portable. "Swing your legs toward me now," she instructed as she tugged away the bedcovers. Eager to be out of the bed for sure this time, he shifted around to let his bare feet drop to the cool tile floor. He grasped the bedside rail tightly, intending to use it for support while Emma positioned herself at his left, her fingers wrapping around his bicep ready to help him take that first tentative step.
"Easy now…," Jackie said as she stood in front of him. "Let's see if you can stand up and hold your balance…"
He quickly realized that standing and remaining that way was a bit more difficult than he'd thought, but damn, it felt good to be standing on his own accord – well, mostly on his own accord. He felt a bit like a fool but after spending three full days in that bed, but he was thoroughly enjoying this freedom – finding himself somewhat amused that this petite little ginger-haired woman was so confidently standing before him as though she'd be fully capable of breaking his fall. He wasn't even certain if his lovely wife – strong as she was – could accomplish that task if he were to lose his balance right now. It also wasn't lost on him that the flimsy gown the hospital provided was covering very little of his person right now, leaving his derriere in full view of anyone who should walk into the room.
"Think you can handle him from here, Mrs. Jones?" Jackie asked.
"I think so. It's not the first time I've had to shoulder his weight," Emma responded with a side-eyed glance toward her husband.
"Just remember to take it slow," the amber-headed nurse reminded them. "Once you get in there, you'll find that there's a flip down shower seat and a handheld showerhead. Make use of them – trust me. Your lungs aren't fully recovered from nearly drowning and you've been inactive for several days so this is going to feel like a lot of exertion. I'll bring a chair when I come back because you'll probably want to use it. Last note – keep the water temperature on the lukewarm side if you can stand it. Don't want the water to be too warm or too cold when fighting off a fever. Now, any questions for me or is there anything you need?"
"I think we're good. I've got soap and shampoo with me and you're already brought us the towels. I brought some of his clothes with me – would it be okay for him to put those on instead of the gowns?"
"Whatever you're comfortable with – just nothing with any metal on it. Dr. Wallace wants to get some new images of his lungs so it'll be off to Radiology when I return so, try not to get too carried away."
What he'd thought would be a simple process – just a simple shower – quickly proved to be anything but. He'd initially foolishly thought that he'd be able to stand but any hope of that happening vanished the moment Emma turned on the water and a sudden panic washed over him – the all-too-recent memories of waves pummeling him flooding back the moment the spray struck his head. Emma had to turn off the faucet and coax him to sit down, eventually climbing into the shower stall with him – clothes and all. With the handheld shower head, she gradually helped him wash off, working her way from his feet back up to his head while he pushed away that momentary fear. By the time she reached his hair, it took three rounds of shampooing and rinsing to remove all of the grime and restore the normal luster and texture of his dark locks.
He apologized to her repeatedly as she helped him to dry off and get dressed first while she stood there dripping wet. She took it in stride, shaking her head and snickering at how ridiculous they looked. As if on cue, they heard a rap on the door and then the voice of nurse Jackie asking if they needed any help – which of course caused both of them to break out in rolling laughter.
"I think we could definitely use a hand," Emma managed to say in between giggles. "Did you bring that chair you mentioned?"
"Have it right here," Jackie replied as the bathroom door opened toward her and the very first thing the nurse saw was a very drenched Emma standing inside the doorway, tee shirt and jeans plastered to her body – well, mostly the front of her body.
"I'd really appreciate it if you could help us get him into that chair so I can dry off and change," Emma said with a chuckle. "This ended up being a lot more complicated than we'd thought and we both ended up getting a shower…"
"Of course. Hang on…," the nurse smiled as Emma stepped out of the way and Jackie brought the wheelchair into the close confines of the bathroom finding her patient much drier than his wife and partially clothed in a pair of navy blue pajama pants. All of his effort to take his simple shower had left him exhausted, his lungs burning as much as if he'd just run the entire length of Main Street and he was struggling to catch his breath. "Let's get you standing for a moment and I'll bring the chair to you…" It took her no time at all to get him situated and once seated, she wheeled him back into the main room while Emma made her way over to the chair by the bed where she'd left her duffel bag, leaving a trail of water droplets in her wake. She pulled out some clean clothes and ducked back into the bathroom to change while Jackie turned her attention to her patient. "How about we get those sutures covered back up while your wife is changing?" the nurse suggested, a notion that Killian was smart enough to realize wasn't actually a choice.
By the time Emma stepped out of the bathroom now clad in black twill pants and an oversized burgundy long sleeved tee shirt, Jackie had replaced the bandages on both of Killian's incisions and was helping him don the heathered dove grey tee shirt that he'd chosen earlier. Were he in Storybrooke, he likely would have selected the long-sleeved button up shirt instead as it fully covered his stumped arm but since everyone here, including Deputy McCallen, had already viewed his deformity and weren't horrified by it, he decided on simplicity.
Emma glanced over at the clock on the wall as she towel-dried her damp hair. It was just after 8:00AM so Regina would be on her way to pick up Henry soon, having promised to be there by 10AM. She hadn't yet heard anything from McCallen although that wasn't entirely surprising considering the number of people he needed to get in contact with this morning regarding the latest revelation in the case. She was certain that he'd let her know as soon as he could, but now that they had a suspect to pursue, Emma found herself growing impatient. She knew who had nearly killed her husband and now all she could think about was how they could catch him.
Killian had decided to stay seated in the wheelchair, not wanting to make the extra effort required to get back into bed before the nurse took him to this Radiology place. He wasn't really certain what that meant and he wasn't about to ask until the nurse stepped out of the room to see if they were ready for him. Once they were alone again, Emma tossed the damp towel onto the foot of the bed and strolled up behind her husband, wrapping her arms loosely around his neck and nuzzling her face into his nearly dry hair before he tilted his head back to gaze up at her.
"I missed this," she smiled as she kissed the center of his forehead.
"Aye, Love," he replied. "I promise, once I am healed, we shall make up for lost time…"
"Let's just focus on that healing part first, okay?" she laughed. "Hopefully, the images will come back clear enough that they'll let you go home."
"About that – what are these Radiology images everyone keeps talking about?"
"Radiology is the name of the science and the department. Basically, they use special machines that are capable of taking pictures of your insides so they can see things like broken bones and in your case, the amount of fluid still affecting your lungs. Don't you remember the X-rays they took of your broken ribs when you were hit by Greg's car during your stand-off with Gold?"
"Swan, there's much I remember about that evening, but alas, I don't recall anyone taking strange X-rated photographs of my innards…"
"X-rays, not X-rated. Very different things and I suppose you probably wouldn't remember. Pretty sure they had you pumped full of pain killers – assuming you were even conscious…"
"So, just how do they manage to take these images?" he wondered, uncertain as to whether he should be expecting invasive poking and prodding or should prepare himself for additional pain.
"It depends. Usually, you lie on a table and they position a special camera above you. I don't exactly know how it works, but it just takes a few minutes and its pretty much painless." She heard his audible sigh of relief at the painless part of her explanation. "If they end up doing an MRI, that's slightly different. It takes a lot longer because they take hundreds of pictures from different angles to get a more detailed image. Maybe Jackie can explain it to you on the way?"
"I'll be certain to ask…," he replied snidely as he heard the door creak open behind them.
"Everybody decent?" Henry called out, unwilling to even take a peek around the curtain until he was sure it was okay to do so.
"Yes – it's okay to come in," Emma responded with a snicker. "I guess we can put this curtain back now too." She gave the fabric a tug and walked it back to its place by the head of the bed but in retracting the curtain, her son threw her a quizzical glance as he noticed her long blonde hair hanging in damp, scraggly strands against her shoulders.
"Guess you decided to shower too?" the teen asked as he extended his hand toward her with an offering of a steaming hot cup of black coffee that Emma immediately snatched up.
"It wasn't exactly planned…," she replied with a mock scowl before breaking into a wide smile, "…but we managed anyway."
"I don't even want to know…," Henry said with an I've already heard too much expression on his face. "Forget I asked."
"We'll spare you all the gory details," she laughed. "But thank you for the coffee."
"No problem," Henry said. "I was going to bring you a cinnamon roll but they were all out and I wasn't sure what else to bring. I knew I wouldn't go wrong with coffee though."
"Absolutely! I'll find something later after I've heard back from Deputy McCallen."
"I wish you'd let me stay and help you out," the teen pleaded.
"I know, but honestly, I want you safely back in Storybrooke," Emma replied firmly. "Now that we have a suspect, the investigation could get a lot more intense and I do not want you to get caught in the middle. As soon as Killian is released from here, he'll be heading back to Storybrooke too."
"But how are you going to get the Jolly Roger back home?" Henry wondered. "She still needs the sail repaired and I don't think Killian will be able to climb the rigging himself right now…"
"The lad has a point…," Killian interrupted. "He does know how to replace the line. I made sure to teach him properly…"
"Let's just deal with catching the man who tried to kill you first. We'll worry about how to get the Jolly Roger back home later. I'm sure we can find some help with that once the rest of this crisis is over."
"Okay, Mom," Henry sighed, still dejected but understanding her point as well.
"Why don't you gather up your stuff?" Emma suggested. "Regina should be here soon and hopefully she won't be in a huge hurry to head back. I've got a favor to ask of her…" Emma started to say something else but was interrupted by a chime from her cell phone on the nightstand. "Hang on a sec…" She scooped up her phone and tapped on the screen to see her notifications, spotting an important message. "That's from McCallen," she read off. "He said Sgt. Haviland from Portland PD is going to meet us here around 9:30AM." That was only a little over an hour from now and roughly the same time that Regina was due to arrive. "You might have to stall your other mom, Kid."
"I can probably manage that," the teen assured her. "As long as Killian is up for a visitor?"
Just before 9AM, the nurse returned to let them know that the Radiology team was ready for Killian and before whisking him away, she advised Emma that they'd be gone for about an hour. Her pirate was still rather bewildered as to what he was about to experience and just a bit displeased that he wouldn't be present when his wife and the young deputy met with Sgt. Haviland so that he could learn more about this Donleavy person. Emma repeatedly assured him that she would fill him in on all details later but he still wasn't satisfied. He wanted to be privy to the investigation – after all, he was the one most afflicted.
Not long after the nurse departed with her griping husband, she received yet another text from McCallen with a request to meet him downstairs in the hospital lobby. She wasn't really sure why the deputy wouldn't just come up to the room so her inclination was to believe that he must have learned something that couldn't be shared in front of Killian - or possibly Henry – so she replied with an agreement to meet him in five minutes. Hopefully it meant he'd found something that would corroborate Killian's account, not further upset him.
She couldn't immediately locate McCallen in the busy lobby but she finally managed to spot him seated on a bench by the floor to ceiling windows to the right of the hospital entrance. He'd changed into jeans and a red plaid flannel shirt that looked as though it could have been proffered from her father's closet but she noted that his demeanor certainly didn't appear as casual as his attire. She zig-zagged her way toward him, dodging people as she drew her still soggy blonde locks back into a ponytail and wrapped a hair tie around them hoping McCallen wouldn't decide to question why she looked as though someone had tried to drown her.
"Sheriff," he greeted her as she rounded the reception desk. "Glad you got my message and were able to come down here a little early."
"No problem. Killian's down in Radiology having X-rays done and my son is getting his things together before going home so I had a few minutes free. Are we still meeting with Sgt. Haviland this morning?"
"Yes, he'll be here in a couple of minutes but I really wanted to go over a few things with you before our colleague gets here."
"Okay… is there something going on that you didn't want my husband to hear?" she wondered.
"No, no – nothing like that. I just have a feeling that Portland PD might insist on taking over this case and since Sheriff Lassiter said to let Haviland take the lead if they want it, I can't promise that they'll include you any longer. I explained how valuable you've been to my investigation, but it'll be up to him. He also might not want my help anymore so I felt I should take a moment to thank you. This case turned out to be a lot more complex than I'd expected and I was really in over my head. I appreciate everything you've done to help me boost my confidence…"
"Aaron…," she started to say that it wasn't necessary, finding herself slightly unnerved by his rambling and even a little bit worried.
"Please, let me finish… I might not get enough nerve to say this again…," McCallen looked more nervous in this moment than he had been since Emma had met the young deputy yesterday. She was concerned that she might have made him a little self-conscious by suddenly using his first name, but he drew in a deep breath and continued. "There was a reason that Sheriff Lassiter originally assigned this case to me – I was originally just tasked with finding out the identity of the John Doe amputee and how he'd ended up on the beach, but that was only because he thought I'd be a kindred spirit or something… I don't know…"
Emma had no idea where McCallen was going with his rambling, but clearly, whatever he was trying to say was important to him so she withheld judgement and allowed him to continue his tale.
"Anyway, the Sheriff thought I'd have more empathy toward your husband because I could relate to his disability…"
"Why would that matter?" Emma asked him, still not certain of the meaning behind his story so far.
"Because even though I spend most of my time sitting behind a desk, Sheriff Lassiter thought I should get a little experience in the field. He thought this would be an easy case for me – identify John Doe, find his family and hopefully learn who wounded him…"
"Okay, McCallen," she sighed. "You've completely lost me here." Her confusion had finally overwhelmed her and she had to know… "What the hell are you talking about?"
"I'm sorry… I know I'm rambling, aren't I? I'm so bad at this…"
"Bad at what?"
"Talking about myself," he sighed.
"Yourself? I'm definitely missing something here…"
"Yes, I'm afraid… There's something I've been trying to hide from you," he lamented. "I didn't want you to think of me as any less of an investigator if you learned they'd assigned a disabled deputy to your husband's case…"
McCallen slowly bent over and tugged at the denim of his right pant leg, raising it to reveal a silicone cuff fitted around his ankle and most of his calf. She could see that the bottom of that cuff was fitted to a metal joint which extended into the black leather high-topped combat-style boot he wore.
"I've gotten pretty good at disguising it so I look almost normal walking but just don't ask me to run," he gave her a shy, slightly embarrassed laugh after revealing his secret prosthetic foot and managing to make a joke about it.
"I honestly had no idea…," she replied, surprised by his revelation, but certainly not that he'd still be capable of doing his job. "Actually, I take that back… Yesterday when we drove over to meet with Jean Scott, I thought there was something different but I was honestly so distracted by everything that was going on with Killian that I figured it was just me that was off. Now that I think about it, it's because you were driving with your left foot!"
"Sheriff had that old Taurus modified especially for me – gas pedal on the left instead of the right. He's made sure to find ways to keep me on the job since I lost my foot. Maybe part of it is guilt because it happened while I was on the job, but I'm still grateful he kept me on as a deputy. He was just so certain that this would be a simple case to get me out of the office for a while but look how that turned out…"
"You lost your foot on the job? What happened – if you don't mind me asking?"
"No crocodiles involved here," he chuckled nervously, again wary of making light of his own situation. "I was out on a call one night and it was the beginning of winter and snowing like crazy. I don't remember much but I had my lights and siren on heading through an intersection when I was struck head on by a car driving on the wrong side of the road. The impact pushed the engine block and dashboard forward and while the airbag protected my upper body, my right foot got pinned under there somehow. By the time rescuers were able to cut me out of what was left of the car, I'd lost all feeling and circulation in that foot. Doctors at this same hospital tried to get blood flow back, but ended up having to amputate. It's been about two and a half years now, so in some ways, I'm still adapting, but I was determined that it wasn't going to beat me. I know it plays a huge part in my insecurities, but I try not to let it define me…"
"You know what's funny – for a long time, Killian did define himself by his disability. He used it to his advantage by showing people that he wasn't going to let it stop him and even turned his prosthetic into a weapon of sorts." She had to stop herself there before she accidentally divulged that her husband's preferred prosthetic actually was a weapon. "Now he's trying to just be Killian Jones – husband and deputy Sheriff. His prosthetic hand just an extension of him – nothing more, nothing less." It truly was the way she felt about his hook when he was wearing it and how she looked at his stump when he didn't have it on. It was always still just Killian.
"So, you don't feel like I'm not capable of continuing the investigation? That's part of what Sheriff Lassiter was worried about. He was concerned that I wouldn't be able to handle the case if things got too physical."
"Why would I be worried that you were incapable of seeing this case through to the end? I wouldn't think my husband would be incapable of doing his job with one hand, so why would I think that about your prosthetic foot? If we get into a chase situation, you let me do the running."
"You don't want me off the case then?"
"Of course not. Unless we absolutely have to turn everything over to Sgt. Haviland, I'd prefer we keep working together. You deserve to see this out too."
"Then I won't offer to give up the case – not without a fight. Thank you for trusting me with this, Sheriff."
"You don't need to thank me. Just help me put Donleavy and his cohorts behind bars and that'll be thanks enough."
"Alright then. Let's go see if Haviland is here. He's going to meet us in the parking garage across the street."
"Lead the way." She was more than ready to get this case moving forward.
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inklingleesquidly · 7 years
Lee Squidly gets a special call by the headpriestess of Knifefish Shrine to take part in special preparations for one of the biggest Holidays celebrated by Inkopolis’ ghostly neighbors, Yokai. Yo-Fest is only a week away and it’s up to Lee to prevent the fesitivies from going off without a hitch.
He’s not alone though; joining him is his pals Guist, Juddinyan, and his many Yokai friend who are just a dial away via his Yokai Smartwatch.
Featuring the characters of @askvincent
Chapter 1 can be found here
Word count: 6,656
       “Ohh Honey that’s so great that you want to do community service at Knifefish Shrine and for Olden Days no less. I wish it could’ve fell on a time when you didn’t have school but this’ll be good for you. I’ll be sure to stop on by after work to drop off your toothbrush, clothes, and your pillow. I’ll definitely be there for Olden Days at the end of the week! I’ll see you then, I love you, Lee.”
       Just like that, Lee was locked to the mission granted to him. Anyone like his mother would assume he was helping prepare for Shee-Booyah’s cultural celebration event but there was something much more important at hand. He was charged by the head priestess of the shrine herself to guard the holy bamboo harvest, the key to the success of the celebration.
On paper it sounded like something utterly amazing but like any job the true tedium of the task reared its head after only two days on duty. There may have been the initial theft of the seedlings that he foiled but since then the seeds had taken root and not much else had happened. 
Knifefish Shrine wasn’t in a good reception area so he couldn’t seek much entertainment or interaction with the outside world. With only one power outlet within the shrine and a dozen shrine maidens all needing its services as well, the availability of electricity was limited as well. His portable game system had long since lost its charge. 
He had free range to roam the grounds of the shrine but there was only so much nature one boy could consciously observe. This was definitely going to be a long week… On the other hand there was something he could readily admit was really great; having access to the shrine’s thermal bath whenever he wanted.
Pilgrimages were made by spiritual people from Inkopolis and far beyond to come to this shrine to pray and use the bath. Visitors who came claimed that both their bodies and souls felt rejuvenated. The shrine rested above a hot spring that was chockfull of minerals, making it much different from any other water in Inkopolis.
“Woah-ho-ho, Cus, this water feels so good I feel like I could melt in it.” Guist cooed as he lazily drifted on the surface of the opaque, steaming bath water.
Lee reclined against the bath’s edge and chuckled, “Heh-eh, if you’re not careful Guist, you might just do that.” It was rare to see an Inkling submerged in fresh water but the mineral content of the thermal bath made it remarkably comfortable and even rejuvenating for someone like him. “I mean, you might end up like Juddinyan over here,” he said, pointing off to the side.
There, their other companion, the ghost of Inkopolis’s iconic feline lay in a wash tub filled with water. His body was so relaxed he literally looked like a pile of melted goo in the tub. Unknowing of the eyes upon him he let out a content noise, “Mrrrowr,” he purred in his throat.
       Letting out a quiet laugh, Lee stepped out of the bath to make his way to a washing station and use the handmaid therapeutic soap prepared at the shrine. As boring and uneventful as the job had been for the past couple of days, he was glad to have his two Yokai buddies along with him. Of course that wasn’t to say he was completely bored all the time.
       After lathering himself in the lemon & orange scented herbal soap he gripped the hose connected to the faucet and spun the spigot. Nothing came out. “Huh,” he wondered in response, twisting the valves again. Still nothing; was something stuck in the pipe or was there a kink in the hose? Unsuspecting, he held the hose up to his face to peek inside.
       Big mistake, the hot water suddenly came rushing out, blasting him in the face.  Guist and Juddinyan were alerted to noises coming from Lee, “Glehbluhblehguhbuhbahhh,” he gurgled until he closed off the flow of water. He was soaked, his tentacles fell over his face, and water uncomfortably pooled within his sinuses.
“Yah Hah Hah,” a fiendish laugh reverberated in the bath house, one that made Lee furrow his brow and grind his teeth in aggravation.
Angry, Lee growled, “Grrr, Leakina!”
       Materializing out of the metal faucet, the wispy, watery yokai laughed more at his misfortune. “Yah Hah Hah, gotcha again Leeker,” she congratulated herself before flying up and phasing through the ceiling. Lee let out a distressed groan, this hadn’t been the first time he fell for one of her pranks.
         Earlier that morning when he was getting dressed for the day he noticed his shoes had mysteriously disappeared. He paced back and forth inside the shrine between the common room that served as his sleeping quarters and the main entrance where he was certain he last left them. “Where are they, they were right here I know it!”
Fruitlessly looking over every tile of the small entrance foyer, a voice called out to him, “Yoohoo Leeker!” He peered up; there she was with his hunter hi-tops clutched in her hand. Partially phased through the door, she dangled them, baiting the boy as she went through the door with them. “If you want ‘em, come n’ get ‘em,” she taunted, forcing Lee to throw open the wood & paper door to give chase.
He got down the small, wooden stairs when suddenly… SPLASH! An uncomfortable shiver shot from the bottom of Lee’s feet all the way to the tip of his tentacles as he felt a spreading dampness in his socks. He realized what she made him do, and he couldn’t even shift his eyes to look at her as she giggled. “Gotcha Leeker,” she said, relinquishing his shoes to him. “Shouldn’t walk around outside in just your socks, ya might step in a puddle,” and with that in mind she flew off into the sky.
 Then there was the previous night when Lee was doing his homework before bedtime. Algebraic word problems were rarely difficult for him but he was glad for the silence none-the-less. There was that and the unopened bottle of orange drink he purchased from the convenience store just a walk away from the shrine’s property. Drip, drip, drip, at least he thought all was quiet, maybe he just imagined it. Drip, drip, drip, there it was again. He lowered his pen, looking all around, wondering where and what the source of that noise could be. It was all quiet again just like he wanted. Drip, drip, drip, with that Lee dropped his pencil and darted out of the room.
“All right, who’s making all that noise,” Lee barked, bounding out to where he swore he could hear that racket coming from.
He was met by Guist and Juddinyan questioningly looking over  back at him. The squid spirit quizzed, “Something wrong Cus?” He then dipped a small stick into a bottle he clenched in his tentacle, pulled it out, and then held it up to his mouth. He blew at it, releasing a stream of soapy bubbles. They shortly floated in the air before popping on the blades of grass. Drip was the noise they made when they burst; he very clearly heard it as Juddinyan joined in merrily blowing bubbles as well.
Lee dropped his shoulders and gave a heavy exhal, “No, nothing’s wrong.” He said no more, just closed the door and returned to his seat to tend to his homework. Still feeling a little heated, he decided to cool down with his drink. Reaching for it, he completely misjudged the trajectory of his hand in the dim lighting, accidentally knocking over the bottle. He screeched and scrambled as orange soda dispersed all over the table. In his haste to pick up the bottle first he couldn’t save his sheets of paper from soaking up the liquid. As quick as he was to snatch them away he couldn’t save his homework from being ruined.
Just then, Leakina suddenly materialized in with her hand cupping her cheek. She said, “Tsk, tsk, tsk, wow Leeker that’s no good.”
Beside himself, Lee stuttered out, “Beh—deh—did you make me do this?”
“Hey, hey, hey,” she held out her hands defensively, “Don’t go blaming me just because you’re clumsy and had an accident.” Descending, she stood beside him and whispered, “I did loosen the cap though.” The bothersome jokester laughed, “Yah Hah Hah,” before she slipped away through the wall, leaving Lee with an ever-spreading mess.
That wasn’t the end of her mischief but it was all what bothered Lee the most. He thought about it more and more until he finally expressed his frustration to his friends. “Ucck,” he griped, dropping his basket full of unfolded, clean clothes in the main room of the shrine. One of the shrine maidens who he learned was named Nancy noticed how dirty he was getting so she graciously offered to wash and dry his clothes which he couldn’t be more thankful for.
Guist wondered, “What’s got ya all wound tight, Cousin?”
Lee explained, “Its Leakina and her pranks, I’m getting fed up with them.”
The squid spirit tried to reason, “Hey Cus, don’t take it so personally, I mean, y’know, she is a Yokai an’ like, Yokai, they gotta cause trouble f’people, right?” He said that as if he wasn’t so sure of what he was saying. “I mean, maybe she just likes you, dude?”
Letting out a puff, Lee grew more restless; in his childhood, when he had been bullied that was one of the reasons adults gave to explain why it happened to him. He argued, “You and Juddinyan like me to and you don’t do anything like that to—HEY! Juddinyan what are you doing?” Much to his surprise he found the cat yokai slumbering peacefully in his laundry basket.
“It was fresh out the dryer,” he stretched out his legs, pawing at the air, “I felt compelled to, meow.”
Lee grimaced at his favorite polo, “Aww man, you got fur all over my shirt!”
 Despite looking sloppy with ghost fur clinging to him, Lee was undeterred in a mission he set for himself. He needed to find and confront Lyra and Leakina. Lucky for him he managed to find them both at the bamboo field so maybe he could get something done about Leakina’s constant bullying. Steeling himself; Lee puffed out his chest, squared his shoulders, and stomped his feet as he approached. “Miss Lyra, there’s something important I need to talk to you about,” he said, feeling as confident and firm as possible.
The head priestess peered over her shoulder and so did the watery poltergeist as he announced his presence. They seemed troubled by something as Lyra declared, “Well whatever it is Lee, it’s going to have to wait, something’s wrong with the field.”
Shocked, he let out the breath he was holding, deflating himself before he stuttered, “Wha—what’s going on?”
Lyra worriedly explained, “The crop is blessed to grow fast so the stalks should be at least knee high by now!” She gestured out to the field where very clearly, he could only see the shoots sprouting mere inches out of the ground.
He asked, “What do you think could be the problem? I mean—I’ve been looking after the fields night and day!”
She replied, “I know you have.” She then turned to Leakina who was examining the soil, ”Do you have any idears—err, ahem, ideas, Leakina?”
The yokai let out a hum before she stood up, “The soil is really really dry all over like it hasn’t been watered in days.”
“That’s impossible,” Lee interrupted, “We’ve been watering three times a day just like you said, Miss Lyra.” He was worried she may think this problem might be caused by him and his friends when he was as diligent as possible with his task.
 She acknowledged that as well, putting the boy’s fears to rest, “Yes, I know. You’ve been thorough, don’t worry, but we need to get back on schedule.”
A thought came to Lee, “Maybe the Moleymoreys might know something,” he suggested.
Leakina presented a piece of paper to him, wryly replying, “You mean the ones that left this.”
The note read: Dear Squiddo, the past couple days have been way way too hot. Me n’ the boys r’ headin’ on down to the beach, call us when you get rain up there. It was signed by Boss Moley.
Lee was particularly taken by the complaint about the heat. While they were technically still in summer, the coolness of fall was supposed to set in—but it hadn’t. He began to grow suspicious, “Don’t tell Guist but I have a feeling a yokai might be behind this.”
Whatever the cause may be, Lyra was determined to find it; “We’ll have to keep a close eye on these fields. Leakina, we’re staying at the shrine tonight with Lee and others for a stack out—excuse me, I mean a stakeout.”
 Just as she said, later that night the two squids and three yokai remained at the shrine to keep watch over the bamboo crop. As the night went on they took shifts one-by-one; vigilant in looking out for any anomalies in the field. Lee awoke to the sound of his phone alarm; he took the shift just before sunrise.
On the tatami floor of the dark room he managed to catch sight of Juddinyan and Guist slumbering together. Juddinyan was curled up, purring soundly while Guist lay against him. Lee let out a quiet laugh at Guist; he was still clutching a tiny Splattershot while wearing a bandolier of ink cartridges strapped to his shoulder, and a headband wrapped just above his eyes. In his words, “I’m ready to rock n’ roll, Cus!” For the most part, nothing had happened all night though.
Something he did find peculiar was seeing Lyra asleep on a futon in the room. Aren’t I supposed to take over for her, what’s she doing sleeping? He found Leakina in her stead outside at their designated sentry post; a small veranda overlooking the field and the entire forest.
He cautiously and quietly approached, “Leakina?” When she turned to him, he asked, “Wasn’t it Lyra’s turn to keep a lookout?”
She unveiled, “Lyra was too sleepy to stay up so I took over for her.”
“Ohh,” Lee muttered, “Well all right then.” He approached her and leaned against the railing. “It’s my turn to keep watch so if you want to go to bed, feel free to.”
Staring off into space, Leakina answered, “Nah I got way too much to think about to sleep.”
Lee tapped his fingers on the wooden barricade; as much as he would prefer not to talk to a bully like her—maybe an honest conversation would help. He couldn’t figure out what it would help but it might. He quizzed, “What’re ya thinking about?”
“Just stuff,” she said nonchalantly, “What I’m gonna do for Yo-Fest, what kinda pranks I’m gonna pull, how I died, that kinda stuff.”
Hearing that really shook Lee, he said, “That’s kind of morbid don’t you think?” 
Leakina answered, “I’m a ghost, how I died is in important part of my afterlife.” 
“You know that makes perfect sense,” Lee conceded, though he preferred not to ask about the gory details. After that silence fell between the two with Lee feeling like he had nothing to talk about with her. His glance shifted between the bamboo field they watched below and her as she didn't take her eyes off them. It took a minute for him to work up the courage but he finally asked, “Say Leakina, how come you keep pulling your pranks on me?” 
She readily replied, “Lyra won’t let me cause any trouble for the visitors or the other maidens so that leaves you.” 
He inquired, “You really listen to whatever Lyra says, don’t you?”
“Of course, I don’t want to make her angry, she’ll kick me out of her house if I do, and have you seen her bathroom fixtures? They’re pure brass with a brushed nickel finish, and she keeps them so clean!” Her voice was so—unreasonably excited, Lee thought.
He genuinely wondered, “Is that all?”
“Nope,” Leakina said, “Her fridge has an ice maker to!” Lee shot her such a disconcerting glance that she finally admitted, “Okay, okay, I’m just kidding, happy Leeker? I will say I’m grateful she invited me into her home, and I can definitely admit this—I love being with her and getting to come here to the shrine every day. Not many people would do any of that for Yokai, especially me.”
That might be the shift in topic he could use to voice his troubles, but Lee couldn’t figure out how to approach it so instead he tip toed around the subject. “Maybe—if you thought of why—you could fix it? Then people will let you in?” Lee had half a mind to argue about that but before he could open his mouth she turned to him to show a wide, somewhat bone chilling smile, “But that’s where you come in! I wouldn’t trade you for even a hundred people to prank! You’re really fun. Leeker!” 
“Huh,” he breathed in confusion.
She happily confirmed, “Yeah; you’re such a good sport! You don’t get mad or spiteful or anything, I mean Lyra laid down the law that if I mess with any of the guests she’ll exercise me right then and there. She doesn’t understand that Yokai need to cause trouble and inspirit people, it’s what our afterlife is all about-- but you do!” She turned to him, so giddy that her hands shook, “Every Yokai should have someone like you, Leeker!”
Was that a compliment she was giving? Was it also appreciation? Lee felt like it was but also at the same time he wished those words actually meant something, or maybe they did? One thing’s for sure, if he wasn’t going to go bonkers during this mission he needed to get her to leave him alone.
Before he could try to talk again she suddenly silenced him, “Ho-ho-hold on, Leeker what’s that out there?” She leaned over the veranda railing and pointed out toward the field.
Lee followed her direction only to see a startling sight. Even though it was early in the morning and the waking rays of the sun ushered in the first signs of day there was an unusually bright light coming from the bamboo orchard. “Help me get Miss Lyra and the others up!” Lee hastily ordered; him and Leakina springing into action.
 With the rest of the group awakened, they all rushed to find the suspect, possibly the one who had been affecting the field? They could just barely make out a humanoid shape in the blinding unearthly glow they emitted. “It’s a Yokai,” Lee commented.
Juddinyan’s fur stood on end as he gasped, “Rrow, not just any Meowkai!” Suddenly filled with fear he dove into Lee’s shirt, hiding from the scene.
As Lee screeched from the feeling of nails digging into his skin, Guist wondered, “Juddindude what’s wrong? Is this yokai a bad mammajamma?”
“The meowst,” Juddinyan said, “That’s one of the worst Yokai criminals around, Dehydreaded!” He was certainly quite an imposing looking figure with the appearance of an Agave plant. “He’s facing 10 n’yo life sentences for causing multiple droughts in the Meowkai world.”
Lyra scoffed, “I don’t care how dangerous he is in the Yokai world, if he’s the one harming the harvest then he needs to be stopped.” Bravely, Lyra stepped forward, beckoning   the adversary, “You there! As the head of this shrine I demand you leave these holy grounds at once!” 
Dehydreaded whirled around to face her in sheer surprise, “What in the—good gracious, you can see me?” 
“Of course I can, I just said I was the head of the shrine!” Lyra stomped her foot, “Now I order you to leave or I’ll be forced to vacate you from these grounds and this plane myself.” 
The big bad yokai stared her down, in the face of her earnest threat he simply replied, “I can’t do that.” 
“What?” Lyra barked back in disbelief. 
He raised his hands and said, “You can stay and get comfortable if you want but today I drought everything in this field once and for all!” He then emitted a pulse of energy from his hands that spread out all over the field, “And I’ll make sure nothing can grow here ever again! HAAAH!”
The energy wave reached Lee and his friends and they immediately felt the effects of Dehydreaded’s power.  As Guist described it, “Like whoa, did this dude put us in some kinda oven?” He wiped his brow at the sweltering heat and sudden heaviness surrounding him. He dug out his Ypad tablet computer to find a helpful description of the criminal. “No way, totally bogus, his Yokai power is to cause the baddest of bad dry spells.”
“I’ll say, he’s draining all the water out of the soil,” Leakina revealed, “He’s gonna kill the bamboo!”
Startled, Guist shook Lee by the shoulder, begging him, “Yo! Cus we gotta do something, quick, call somebody with the Yokai Watch!”
“Right, phew,” Lee agreed with a sigh, “Huff—huff- huff,” he breathed deeply and dawdled in his actions. “Hey Juddinyan can you get out of my shirt, your fur is making me sweat.” He suspected the cowering cat was a contribution to the discomfort he faced but that wasn’t the case.
Standing beside him, Juddinyan said, “But I’m nyot.”
Lee’s head wobbled slightly as he mumbled, “Ohh, okay, hoiye.” Guist and Juddinyan watched the nerve wracking sight of Lee attempting to reach into his cargo pocket for a yokai card only for him to fall to one knee. His voice was so weak it was practically a whisper, “Huu, can you guys take my phone and call my mom? I don’t feel so good.” They both rushed to his sides as he dropped to his hands and knees, sweat pouring off of him as his breathing became extremely husky.
Juddinyan asked, “Meow, Lee, what’s wrong?”
Guist gasped, “Cus, what’s up, don’t let him bug ya!”
Thought their focus was on Lee, they were alarmed by a scream that came from Leakina. “Lyra, Lyra, what’s happening to you, speak to me, please!” She hovered over the priestess who just like Lee had weakly fallen to the floor; dizzy, weak, and looking nauseous.
She desperately, shakily tried to reach into the neck hole of her priestess uniform. As she rooted around she growled, “I have to—I have—to stop him—I—I can’t let him ruin Yo-Fest…” With that, she collapsed onto the ground.
The heat emitted by Dehydreaded was more intense than any of them thought and it took the worst toll on Lee and Lyra. The trio of yokai watched helplessly and Dehydreaded sneered, “Get them out of here; squids are more fragile than plants ever could be. Look at them drying out!” Sure enough just as he said, their squid forms were releasing visible streams of steam and their bodies began to slowly, worryingly curl up. 
The only response Guist and Juddinyan had to such a dangerous dilemma was to begin running around, sweating and screaming while flailing in panic. Guist cried, “What are we gonna, we’re finished, game over dude, game over!”  
Despite their fear, Leakina wasn’t willing to run around like her head was cut off. Instead she yelled, “Get it together!” With their attention on her she began to act quickly. They watched as she gripped her watery hair at the base of her skull and with little effort—she yanked her hair clean off her head. She shook it open like a plastic bag and instructed, “Put them in here!” Lee and Lyra were swiftly deposited into her hair as Leakina explained, “every part of me is pure water so this should get them both hydrated!” 
They watched the shriveled, unmoving bodies of the two squids gently float in the makeshift bag, miraculously taking in the moisture. There wasn’t time to breathe a sigh of relief as Leakina shoved her reformed hair into Juddinyan’s arms, “Here, hold this for me, Furball,” she said. 
“Meow?” Juddinyan mewed in wonderment as she floated toward Dehydreaded. 
Guist queried, “Whaddya gonna do Leak-babe?” 
With her fist in her palm, she cracked her knuckles, “I’m gonna make sure he pays for this, Squirt.” She was completely and totally different from the laughing, joking prankster they knew her to be over the short time they’d been acquainted. As if to punctuate this shift in character a powerful looking blue aura began to radiate around her.
Standing before Dehydreaded, Leakina challenged him, “All right Dry Bones, you hurt Lyra and the Leeker so now I’m gonna hurt something of yours!”
“What are you going to do little Missy?” He underestimated her, and thrust his hands forward, blasting out another pulse of droughting energy, “Why don’t you just evaporate!” 
Leakina met his attack head on; literally, she bent her barren head down and reflected the hot rays, shining them back at Dehydreaded. He had to stop in order to shield his eyes from the intense light, shouting, “Acck! My eyes! My eyes!”
With that, Leakina raised her fist and howled, “Soak it up— DAM BURST!” With her shout she slammed her fist into the ground, causing the earth to begin to violently rumble. 
Guist shook despite hovering above the ground, “Whoa dude, what kinda gnarly wave is this?” 
Juddinyan explained, “She’s using her Soultimeowte!” 
“Her Soultimate?” Guist repeated.
The power of her counterattack became extremely apparent when a torrent of water fired out of the ground beneath Dehydreaded’s feet. It sent him flying sky high while showering water all over the field. The air cooled with the rain, the soil took it all in, and right before their very eyes the bamboo shoots began to rise. Every stalk grew to a miraculous healthy height, and there in the center of it all was Leakina; victorious over the big bad boss. 
Even more miraculous, Lee and Lyra were revived with the help of Leakina’s hair. They hit their tentacles, motioning to be freed so Juddinyan dumped them out onto the damp soil. 
“Leakina, did you do this,” Lee’s mouth was agape in amazement. 
She rushed, “Forget that, Lyra, hurry up and send this guy to the big kiddie pool in the sky!” She motioned to finish off Dehydreaded who fell back to earth after the geyser Leakina had made ran out of power. He pathetically laid face flat in the dirt, struggling to push himself up to his feet. 
With her strength returned to her, Lyra fished out what she had been looking for within her collar. In her hand was a simple piece of paper. Written on it though was a powerful incantation; one for banishing troublesome poltergeists from the living world. She began to recite a prayer, “By the almighty goodness of our world, I hereby banish you evil spirit from this world, begone with you so sa—” 
“Miss Lyra, stop, please!” Lee jumped and grabbed her arm as she raised the talisman, ready to pin it to Dehydreaded.
Everyone was puzzled by his sudden defense of the big bad boss but Lyra was the first to vocalize her dismay, “Lee, what are you doing? This Yokai tried to kill us and he nearly destroyed the bamboo harvest! What are you thinking?”
“Just,” he stuttered, “Just let me try talking to him!” He tepidly stepped toward him and crouched down beside the weakened ghost. He said, “Umm—Mr.—umm—Dehydreaded sir, are you okay? Can you hear me?” 
Bunching his fist, Dehydreaded replied, “Get away from me, Boy, I don’t need your pity. Get away from me or I’ll make calamari out of you.” 
His allies couldn’t fathom what he was trying to do. Sliding her hair back onto her head and running her hands through it, Leakina asked, “Are you joking, Leeker?” 
Even Guist couldn’t comprehend the mercy he wanted to show, “Cousin are you totally sure about this?” 
Juddinyan hissed, “If he tries anything I’ll scratch his eyes out.” 
Ignoring them, Lee continued speaking with Dehydreaded, “I’m not trying to pity you—can I at least ask why you tried to attack us?” 
The boss yokai said, “I didn’t want to attack you! All I was told to do was destroy that bamboo field and I’d get what I want.” 
“What is it you want,” Lee zeroed in on those words. 
Dehydreaded said without delay, “I’m trying to save my daughter.” 
Lee gasped, “Y-your daughter?” 
Hearing the conversation, Lyra was quick to warn, “Be careful Lee, Yokai are known to lie.”  
“It’s true,” Leakina confirmed, “See watch, hey Furball, who won the Cats vs. Dogs Splatfest?” 
Juddinyan answered, “Cats meow’f course.” 
“See,” Leakina said, eliciting a hiss from him. 
Lee paid them no mind; he could hear it in his voice, see it in his watery eyes, and feel it from the yokai’s trembling fists—Lee knew he wasn’t lying. He just knew it as he hooked his hands under Dehydreaded’s arm and helped him up to his feet. “Do you know where she is,” he inquired. 
By coincidence, the daughter he claimed to be looking for was located right on the grounds of Knifefish Shrine. It was a short trek through the woodlands surrounding the main facility, following the creek that ran through it. They found themselves in an area where the vegetation was far thicker and healthier than all the rest and even for summer this spot felt more unseasonably humid than any other.  Forking the creek was a small shrine that housed a stone statue. It looked like it was crafted by an expert stone carver but Dehydreaded said, “There she is!” 
Lyra revealed, “That’s the Maiden of the Mist!” she recalled a legend passed down between shrine maidens since the founding of the shrine and Shee-Booyah. “She was said to appear on foggy summer days, and she would make the haze so thick that it would make travel along the roads nearly impossible.”
Dehydreaded let out a proud laugh, “Yuk yuk yuk, that’s my girl.”
Furrowing her brow, Lyra spoke to Lee, “Are you sure you want me to help this yokai?  How are you so sure he won’t turn on us and try to destroy the field again?”
       Lee argued, “Sometimes even Yokai need a little faith and trust. I’m sure he didn’t really want to hurt us, just give him a chance Miss Lyra. Isn’t that what you’re supposed to do for spirits, to appease them?”
       She let out a huff, then picked up her skirt and waded out to the squat shrine in order to inspect the statue.  “The Maiden of the Mist was sealed away by priestesses long ago. They used particularly powerful enchantments.” She checked, as if to be sure she was correct, “This could take some time for me to remove the seals binding her.”
 Some time was quite an extremely vague description. Lee checked the time on his cell phone to see that they had been here since sunrise and it was currently the early afternoon. Lyra had been reciting a series of prayers and chants for seemingly hours on end. Dehydreaded watched every second of it, silent, motionless, his very being seeming to hedge on Lyra’s every action. Guist, Juddinyan, and Leakina had long since gotten bored waiting and were meandering about to entertain themselves.  One thing was for sure, this was certainly a testament to her fortitude to be able to pray for this long.
That grit would prove itself as she finally finished. The talismans stuck to the statue peeled away and the stone shell began to crack with them. Fractures appeared all over until it finally crumbled away into nothing, freeing the ghostly being trapped inside. 
“T-Tropicanna?” Unable to believe his eyes, Dehyreaded trudged through  the water to the revived yokai. Just like him she had a plant-like appearance, only instead of being a drought resisting flora, as Lee later identified, she was a tropical canna flower.  
She wobbled unsteadily, unable to focus her vision but Dehydreaded held her still. His hands gently cupped her cheeks and he stared into her eyes, trembling as if he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. “D-daddy,” she weakly managed to stutter. 
That was all he needed, Dehydreaded let out a wail and cried, “You’re back! My precious little flower!” He threw his arms around her and lifted her up into the air. Unable to contain his excitement, he spun around with her in his arms and though she was still weak and dizzied, she smiled. She wasn’t the only one, the audience of squids and yokai watched the reunion in glad reverence. 
Guist wiped his eyes but couldn’t stop the tears from forming in them, “This is totally righteous dude, I think… I don’t… I can’t stop the waterworks, yo.” 
Juddinyan couldn’t handle it either, he bawled, “c’mere mew!” They both cried over each other’s shoulders—unknowing that Leakina was intently watching them. 
Meanwhile, with Tropicanna still in his arms, Dehydreaded approached Lee, ever grateful as he said, “You there, Boy, I can’t thank you enough for bringing me and my precious flower back together!” 
“I didn’t really do anything,” Lee admitted, “It was Miss Lyra that broke the seal on her.”  
Fixing his statement of gratitude, Dehydreaded said, “I’m so very sorry for what I did to both of you, if there’s anything, anything at all I can do for you, I’ll do it.” 
Lyra said, “You can leave, thanks to you we’re so far behind schedule and we’re just days away from Yo-Fest!” 
Hearing that made Tropicanna gasp, “Wait, it’s almost time for Yo-Fest?!” 
 Returning back to the field, none of the party could anticipate what the two yokai had in mind but they were going to do what they could to repay them for their kindness. Dehydreaded said, “My precious flower had the best idea. To make up what I did to your bamboo harvest, we’ll stick around here until Yo-Fest. I can control dryness and she can control humidity, together we’ll make this area like a greenhouse! You’ll have nothing but the perfect conditions to get your bamboo growing just right!” 
Lee happily grinned, “You would do that for us?” 
Dehydreaded reassured, “It’s the least I can do for all the trouble I caused you.” With that he cupped the shoulder of Tropicanna, “You ready to go,” he asked. 
“Just a second, Daddy,” she said before hovering up to Lee. There she said, “I wanted to thank you myself for bringing Daddy and me back together. Whatever he might’ve done—he’s really not a bad guy, I promise, he’s just overprotective—really overprotective,” she added.  
Lee replied, “Trust me. My mom is the same way. Honestly, if I was in the same position as you were, she would’ve turned the whole city upside-down and inside out twice to find me.” 
Tropicanna laughed, “Yik yik yik, well that’s good to know. Still though, you’re the greatest,” she took his hand into her own, “And we can’t thank you enough.”  
“It—it really was no--,” Lee tried to stutter out his reply but was interrupted by the sight of an ethereal glow emitting from between their hands. It faded shortly after but there in his palms was none other than her own Yokai card. 
“Call me anytime,” she playfully winked at him before fluttering back to her father who glared at Lee with a scornful stare. “Ready Daddy?” She held his hand, and while he looked over his shoulder to keep that same look trained on Lee, the two walked off, fading into nothing.  
Even though they appeared to be gone their presence certainly lingered. The area in and around the bamboo field was so temperate and comfortable in stark contrast to the hot, humid air around them. It was just as they said, perfect.
“Meow’s well that end’s well,” Juddinyan concluded. 
Guist agreed, “No doubt, and smooth moves to you, Cousin, you saved the day and totally scored that righteous babe’s Yokai card.” 
His sense of humility made Lee say, “I didn’t do anything, really, it was Lyra and Leakina that made it all happen.” 
“Leakina totally made a mondo move back there, she saved your life, Cousin” Guist wiggled his pale tentacles in glee. 
Knowing that, Lee grimaced, “Yeah—yeah she did.” This was quite a conflicting conundrum for him but then he suddenly realized something, “Wait, where are Lyra and Leakina?” 
As it turned out, they hadn’t gotten far, just a ways up the healthy bamboo field to survey the land. Lyra said, “It looks exactly how it’s supposed to, Leakina you really came through today, in more ways than one.”
The mischievous poltergeist gave a modest shrug, “Hey I wasn’t just gonna roll over while you and the Leeker got washed out!”
Lyra wasn’t sure what she meant by that but she sighed in content, “Well the important thing is we’re back on track for getting ready for Yo-Fest.”
That wasn’t good enough for Leakina, she exclaimed, “Well yeah, that’s important to all Yokai but there’ll be other Yo-Fests, I mean, we’ve been having them for millennia, but there’s only one you.”
“Huh, what do you mean?” Lyra was unclear of what she meant by that statement.
Leakina’s answer was as bold as it was unrestrained, “You heard me! There will be other Yo-Fests but I wasn’t about to let anything happen to you! Just thinking about how that soggy puddle hurt you—my soultimate wouldn’t be enough to give him what he deserves! I would’ve gone until I evaporated into nothing!”
 How to take all that in? Lyra stood there, breathless, her heartbeat quickening as she processed everything Leakina said. Did she really care enough about her as a friend to be willing to go through that much for her? Wondering, Lyra held out her hand, “You would do all that for me?” She wondered if this was the opportunity in which Leakina would finally bestow her with her Yokai card?
“MISS LYRA! MISS LYRA!” They were interrupted by a shark shrine maiden rushing toward her.
Lyra greeted, “Good morning Sister Amy, what’s the problem!”
“THE BATH HOUSE,” she answered anxiously, “YOU HAVE TO COME AT ONCE!”
 They arrived to find the thermal bath had been completely drained. Leakina came clean saying she had to draw from a source of water to unleash her Soultimate and the closest one was the underground spring that the bath drew water from. That explained how the bamboo was able to grow and be healthy so lightning fast but that did not settle well with Lyra. As much as Leakina tried to explain that being a spring it would refill eventually, Lyra still had to punish her for this
She was given an ultimatum, face exorcism or be confined to a glass bottle until the bath refilled. Leakina took the imprisonment in the bottle
“That’s rough, meow,” Juddinyan commented.
“Mega harsh,” Guist agreed, “You think we should do something to help her, Cousin?”
Lee hummed while in thought, “Mmm—nah, she’ll be fine.” As cruel as the punishment was, and as bad as it was for him to think in such a way there was a part of Lee deep down inside him that felt a sense of satisfaction seeing Leakina in such a predicament. One thing was for sure, Yo-Fest was going to be upon them soon enough.
To Be Continued…
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writerzmagazine · 5 years
Camping Hacks [List of 38 Hacks]
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  Camping hacks are awesome as they make the camping easy and fun loving. Hacks are nothing but strategies and activities which cut short the need for many things into few or an idea which makes any work very easy. After many years of practice and experience, you start inventing your own hacks and share with everyone. Let’s see what hacks we have collected for you which every pro camper should know.  
1. Lantern with a headlamp
Light is very important is camping as you will need it for studying, playing games and for many other things. If you want to make a bright lantern without bringing a heavy one from home then use this method. Take a white plastic bottle and wrap the head strap around it. Make sure to face the light inward toward the bottle and turn it on. It will provide you bright and glowing light. Make sure to fill the bottle with water.  
2. Prepare your food at home
When you prepare your meal at home you can save a lot of time and mess during camping. All this time can be used to enjoy the good moments of camping. If you still want to cook at the campsite then make sure to cut and chop the required veggies before you leave the home. This hack will work if you are camping near your home.  
3. Make a pillow with pillowcase and clothes
Space is a big problem with camping but you can use many hacks to cut it out. Like for instance you can take a pillowcase and fill it with some clothes and make a pillow. This will ensure that you do not have to bring a pillow from home. This pillowcase can also work as a bag whenever you need it.  
4. Duct tape bottle
By this hack, you will be able to find an essential thing in time and that thing is duct tape. Duct tape is an important piece of thing, especially while camping. It can be used when there is a hole in your tent or you have to mend something. Just wrap a bit of duct tape around your water bottle so that you can easily find it in need. Chances are that you will always keep the water bottle near you and you will also have the tape.  
5. Smart Packing
There are two types of people in the world today, first, who pack their things and second, who packs their things in a smarter way. While you are leaving for camping you must take essential things with you and without making your backpack heavier. If you want to save space then roll your shirts and stuff them inside your socks by which you can save a lot of space.  
6. Camping handwashing
Hygiene is important while you are camping because medical care can be far away from you. You can make your own hand-washer by taking a large water bottle and fit a tap on the bottom side of the bottle. You can also fix a paper towel and soap container to the side of the bottle with the help of a quick fix glue. Now fill the bottle with water and keep a liquid soap next to it. By fixing all things nothing will get lost.  
7. Portable toilet
If you are not in a habit of going into the woods for the toilet then you have to make one for you. It is also good for children who do not have to leave the comfort of the tent. For this hack, you will need a five-gallon bucket and a toilet seat. Take a toilet seat and fix it with quick fix glue on the top of the bucket. You will need to empty it of course but still, it is good.  
8. Camping shower
You can make your own camping shower by using a large water jug. Take a water jug and make a hole on the top of it. Now place a shower through that hole and fix it with plumber glue. Use a rope or a strap to tie the bottle on some branch of a tree and use this shower whenever you want to take a bath.  
9. Use microfiber towel
A microfiber towel is lightweight and is more absorbent than a normal towel. They dry quickly that’s why you do not have to worry about growing mold and bad smell. If you use these towels in place of paper towel you can also help the environment.  
10. Portable oil lamp
Many times you will find that you need a light source during camping. If you run out of electric power then this will come handy. For this, you will need a small glass or metal bottle with a cap. Find a bottle which has two caps one inside and then another on the outside. Make a hole in the inside cap and insert a cotton wick inside it. Filled the bottle with any vegetable oil and close the cap. Whenever you need light then lit the wick.  
11. Mini First Aid Kit
If you do not have a mini First Aid Kit then you can make for yourself. For this, you will need a small box. The size of the box will depend upon the things which you want to carry with yourself. Then fill the box with: Cotton Antiseptic cream and lotion Stomach disorder medicines Bandage Cold and flu medicines Any other medicine prescribed to anyone This will help you until the actual medical care arrives. It becomes important to take basic First Aid Kit if you have children or old person with you.  
12. Protect your matchsticks
One of the biggest problems with camping can arrive when your match sticks don’t work due to moisture or any other reason. Pack your match sticks inside a small bottle and place the cap tight. If you spill water on it then also your matchsticks will be safe. Also, try to keep sandpaper inside it. This will help you to ignite the stick if you lost the cover of the matchstick.  
13. Doritos for kindling
Sometimes starting a fire can be a problem and this can be a mess. Firestarter is expensive too so leave them and use Doritos instead. They are dense, oily corn chips and are also very easy to fire and it last for a long time. They are ideal kindling thing for starting a fire. Try it once and you will love it. You can also use cardboard egg carton and regular charcoal. Remember foam cartons won’t burn.  
14. Portable fire starter
Cotton pads are also good for starting a fire as you will need to dip it in a melting wax candle. It is easier to start a fire with it than with charcoal or lighter fluid.  
15. Repel insects
Campsites are often filled with insects and mosquitoes. They can be dangerous as some bite and some spreads diseases. So, to keep them away you can use a box of dryer sheets. They are very good for your clothes and linen as they keep their smell fresh. It is useful in repelling various kinds of insects. You have to keep them in your pocket or lay it somewhere inside the tent.  
16. Use small containers for spices
When you are camping you do not want your food to be bland. You can pack different kinds of spices in small containers as they do not take much space and due to secure seal, they do not spill.  
17. Use a compact cooking set
Whenever space is an issue then you must look for a compact cooking set and mess kit. These cooking sets are durable, easily stack, multipurpose (which saves lots of space) and it is also easy to clean up - repacking easier.  
18. Easy pot and pan holder
This hack is easy as you have to take an old belt and use a few hooks. You can tie this belt around a tree trunk and leave your utensils to dry. This is a better place to dry your pans and storing your pots while you are camping.  
19. Tin can grill
If you need a grill in the middle of nowhere then, there is a trick for that. For this hack, you will need a tin can which you have to slice the body of the can to make it as a grill. Fill in charcoal and fire it up to cook burgers, hot dogs and whatever you want to grill.  
20. Make your shoes waterproof
It is better to make your shoes waterproof as it will keep them dry and you will not waste time drying them up. To make it waterproof you have to apply beeswax compound on it. It will keep your shoes and feet dry and will prevent the shoes from becoming stinky due to water.  
21. Treat bug bites
If you have ever suffered from a bug bite then you may know the pain. Your deodorant can come out handy as it is great medicine for it. Just apply it on the bug bite or any itchy place and see how it effectively stops the itching.  
22. Orange candle
Yes, orange or any citrus fruit can be converted into a candle. For this, you have to cut the orange into half and take out oranges from it leaving the outer cover of it. Now pour some vegetable oil in it and lit the wick. Not just it helps to light up the tent but also it smells wonderful.  
23. Use ice block for air cooler
If you have an air cooler then consider buying a large ice block because it has less surface area than the individual ice cube. That’s why it will melt slowly. You can also add some salt as the impurity in ice increases its melting temperature.  
24. Contact lens cases for lotion
You can use a contact lens case to store lotion in it. You can also store any form of lotion in it as this will save a lot of space.  
25. Make soap slices
Many time the soap get lost while camping and this can create a hygiene problem as we need it for different reasons. You can save yourself from this mess by peeling off the soap by a vegetable peeler. This will save you money and from a huge mess.  
26. Sage for mosquitoes
If you are struggling with the mosquitoes then try to add a bundle of sage into your campfire to keep mosquitoes away. It smells good too.  
27. Make your grilled food items aromatic
Whenever you are grilling your fish or meat just put some rosemary on the charcoal while it burns. It will give your meat a wonderful smoked rosemary flavor.  
28. Use silica gel to save your electronics
During the humid condition, your electronic gadgets can break so save it from moisture you can use silica gel. You can use it to store your cookware as it will protect them from rust.  
29. Newspaper to dry your shoes
If your shoes get wet during camping then you can use newspapers to dry it quickly. You have to stuff the newspaper inside your shoes overnight.  
30. Wax as a zip lubricant
If your tent zip is making trouble then apply some wax on the zip and see how smooth it will become. You can also use it on your bag and pants zip.  
31. Store egg in a bottle
It can be quite a task to bring the eggs safely to your campsite especially on rough countryside roads. To avoid any mishap, break eggs and pour it inside an empty cold drink bottle. This will allow you to have eggs for camping in a safe manner.  
32. Secure your tent
If you want to secure your tent then place a stick in the center line of the tent. It will help to keep it in level. Wherever you may be camping you will always find stick around your campsite. You have to raise up the line a bit and place the stick between the line and the grommet.  
33. Popcorn during camping
If you want to make camping special or you are a fan of popcorn then this hack is for you. You have to take instant popcorn and wrap it inside an aluminum foil. Keep this foil over a fire and wait till all popup.  
34. Tent line protectors
Many times you can trip over the tent lines and can get injured. To prevent this from happening you have to take pool noodle and cut into short strips. Always choose a vibrant color because it is easy to notice those colors such as orange or light green. Take these small sections and place it over your tent lines. This will become a line marker and you will know where to put your steps.  
35. Trail tape
If you do not want to lose your way during camping or hiking then you can use these tapes. You will find these trail tapes at most of the stores. They serve as a great marker during hiking and also comes in a biodegradable form. These are safe for nature and the environment and are chemical free.  
36. Vacuum seal the food
Whatever food you are willing to take always vacuum seal it. This is a great way to keep the food fresh for a longer time. This helps to keep ants and other bugs away from your food. This hack will also save some space as you will remove much of the air out of it.  
37. Never forget activity bag
Camping is all about fun and enjoying especially for children. Activities done during camping remains in the memory of children forever. So, this is your responsibility that they should not get bored after sometime. For this, you can pack an activity bag which will be solely for the children and some times for you. Fill them with fun and exciting things. What goes inside the bag will depend upon the hobby and interest of the child. So, if the child likes to play a game it should have games items - outdoor or indoor depending upon the interest. Some children like to read a lot then fill it with some new books. This is also useful for you as you can also be stuck in the tent for long hours due to bad weather.  
38. Camping/Hiking Checklist
At last, we have assembled some items which should be in your camping or hiking list. Never forget to take essential things and always recheck your list and items. Rain cover Tent Poncho Towel Food Stove fuel Water Trash bag Stove Cooking kit Sunglasses Toilet tissue Sunscreen Repellent Trowel Matches First aid kit Toiletries Pocket knife Plastic cup Fork/spoon Water tablets Fried food Foam Pad Plastic Tarp Clothing Nylon Cord Flashlight Compass Whistle Map Sleeping bag Camera Binoculars Notebook/pen Field guides Read the full article
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abiramibyju · 6 years
Travel MUSTS for women !!!
Pampering oneself is a right and TRAVEL is one of the best gifts you could give yourself. But for some travel is a pain solely because some, specially women and girls are not aware what to take and what to avoid taking(P.S.I’m still one of them). In this post, I give you tips from my few years of travelling. 
1. Most important of all, is to travel the lightest which of course is quite difficult for a girl of my age, as there are so many “Ifs” (What if there is a party during a trek, What if my things get stolen, What if i happen to meet “the one” during the trip) that makes me want to pack more and more. But trust me if you really want to enjoy you have to pack light and leave out on a majority of your luxuries.
2. Something I always make sure I carry for my skin is the aloe vera gel. I usually apply it twice on the face once after bath and once before sleep. Keeps my face fresh and smooth throughout as I dont apply makeup often. Make sure you choose a gel which is not too green and doesn’t have too much of essence as they may contain chemicals more than required.
3. A travel kit which contains a mini of the following things: soap,shampoo,conditioners,toothpaste,toothbrush,deodorant and face wash(Important) would make your bag feel lighter. Very convenient and you don’t have to spend too much of your time searching for things in your huge bag.
4. Phone chargers, plug, portable chargers are a must of course. These are things you cannot avoid at any cost (DUH !).
5. Sunscreens don’t really work on my skin so I don’t prefer taking them but I instead carry a small umbrella and a shawl/scarf and sunglasses/hat of course to protect myself from the sun. Carrying an umbrella seems to be a bit of pain but trust me a mini one is a must.
6.Make sure you carry a small bottle of moisturizer(cocoa butter- smells nice and is good for the skin) and vaseline(my magic product). These are important if you specially have a very dry skin like mine. Apply it once and your body is moisturized for an entire day. 
7. Cuts,wounds,pimple breakouts are quite common. Boro plus cream for pimples and mosquito bites and a couple of band aids for the cuts along with a few tablets for migraine,cold etc are wise to carry along too.
8. Pack the most comfortable footwear. Converse and shoes with dresses is the trend now so don’t bother about not looking too glam or sassy. Footwear is what makes your travel even more enjoyable. There are times when I have seen girls trek in heels (LiKe ReALLy??).
9. And of course what’s a girls life without the menstruation cycle which can change its course of plan as an when it wants. Hence girls n women make sure you carry at least one pack of pads or tampons(which consist of the tiny sanitary bags to dispose them) .
10. Do carry a book or a journal with you. Trust me there will be times when you will have to wait in long queues and you will curse the entire world due to boredom and that’s when my dear ladies a book or a sudoku book or a puzzle would help you. I would prefer a book than a kindle as the less expensive items you take the less you have to worry about.
11. Keep a small cute cloth bag to keep things like lipstick,balm,tiny comb or eyeliners etc which you might need for touch ups and to look lovely. Travelling light doesn’t mean you don’t have to look your best. But again carry just one and not more of the mentioned items.
12. And MOST IMPORTANTLY for a person like me who loves to click pictures , a CAMERAAAA! and again a small but good one instead of heavy dslrs is what I personally would prefer. 
And the conclusion being that you bring along with all the above mentioned things your most beautiful smile and laughter  for the trip coz trust me more than anything its your priceless laughter and smile that will make your trip the most memorable one . On this note I shall end this post with a beautiful :) 
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The Witch and the Borrowers
Chapter 1
“We’re running out of food, Cynthia. There’s hardly anything left!” Sighing, she ran her fingers through her hair. “I know. I’ll have to go out tonight. There’s obviously not enough coming from the crumbs, so I’ll just have to go directly to the kitchen this time.” They both knew the dangers of being in the kitchen. That place was a trap waiting to snatch them up. She knew she couldn’t afford getting caught and couldn’t take any chances. She’d gone out plenty of times, but that didn’t make her any less wary.
Being only 4 inches tall doesn’t leave much room for error. As a result, the two siblings living together had trained their senses to notice anything possibly dangerous lurking in the shadows. It also didn’t help that the human in the house was a witch. It was a relatively small place on the edge of the woods. Neither Cynthia nor Logan would ever dare venture outside, lest they encounter any bugs, wild animals, or storms. No, being inside the cozy home was a much better option than being out there. That didn’t mean it was easy or any less terrifying. A normal human was bad enough, but a witch? Who knows what horrible things she’d do if she got her hands on them.
“Be careful. I’d go out with you, but one of us should stay here, just in case,” Logan said. “Yeah, right. You’re just too scared to go out.” She gave him a disapproving look. “Aren’t you?!” He retorted. Of course she was. In all honesty, she wanted nothing more than to crawl into her pile of cloth and stay there forever. But, that’s not living. No matter how much she hated their constant fear of the huge and daunting world, it was still life, and she still had her brother to look out for. Instead of answering truthfully, she flicked her hair over her shoulder and put on a smirk. “Me? Scared? Psh, I’m not scared of anything.” Logan shook his head in response, but dawned a small smile in return. Seeing that her efforts payed off to get him more relaxed, she got up from a small wooden block and grabbed her bag. “I’m gonna go check all of my tools to prepare for the trip. You get some rest or go work on something. We could always use more clothes, or maybe new tools.”
The living space in the walls they shared was decently spacious. Their rooms sat at the opposite ends for privacy, with curtains in place of doors. Logan didn’t keep too many things in his room. He loved to draw so there was a smooth stone for a portable desk and paper scraps. He usually used either pencil lead or paint on his works. Living with a witch did have some perks. For one, she loved plants, and they were all over the house. Great for cover and climbing. Secondly, she took to drawing as well. Sometimes it was for sigils. Other times, it was purely for the sake of creating her pieces. Logan’s trips outside the walls allowed him to catch glimpses of her art and he loved it. Her technique was so flawless and her paintings came to life. Her sketches alone were wonderful. While he was terrified of her, he could appreciate good art when he saw it.
Cynthia’s room, however, was filled with materials and miscellaneous things. There were small bits of colorful crystals in a pile in one corner. Her pile of cloth for the makeshift bed was in another. And then there was a pile of clothes. Lastly, there was a pile of anything and everything, from hair ties, to safety pins, to earrings. Most of that pile was for climbing aid and other contraptions she could come up with.
Between the two rooms was an open space that held a shelving system for the food they could find, a tea candle, a small plastic container filled with water, matches, and a kind of table with different seats. The table was used for eating as much as it was used for crafting. The jar held the water for their drinking and bathing purposes. Though, bathing was more so using some water on the dirtiest areas and soap they’d scavenged. They made do with what they had.
After checking the knots tied to her climbing gear and making sure there were no holes in her bag, she began to devise her route. While it may seem like one could just go out and wing it, she didn’t have the luxury of thinking that way. Every turn and climb had to be mapped out to find the route with the least open areas and most coverage. The general plan would be to use the plants and pots as hiding spots, along with ducking behind any crystals nearby. She’d make sure to stay out of the hallways and try to avoid counters. Though, she’d have to be extra careful in case the human decided to use one of the objects Cynthia happened to be using for cover.
After everything was planned and she knew what she’d have to get, she took in a deep breath. “It’s okay. Everything will go fine. In and out, that’s it. Safe as can be.” Trying to convince oneself wasn’t easy and, quite frankly, didn’t work as much as she would’ve liked. Standing up, she grabbed her supplies and put them delicately in her bag before going to Logan’s room. Knocking on the side of the opening, she waited patiently. “You can come in.” They always respected each other’s privacy to the best of their abilities. While they were brother and sister, it wasn’t like a usual human relationship. They didn’t fight much or roughhouse. It was just the two of them, so they were very close, almost like a team. What one lacked, the other made up for. “I’m gonna head out, okay?” He looked up from his paper, but didn’t look at her. Even though he was the older sibling, she took over that role most of the time. He’d always been confident and strong, they both had, but he relied on her. She could always be counted on to make him feel better, do things for him that he wasn’t comfortable doing himself, like going out scavenging.
“Logan. It’ll be fine. I’ve done this plenty of times before! I’ll be as quick as a cockroach.” She put on her best smile, trying to ease his worries. Noticing the effort, he looked up and smiled back. “Do you think we could get some cheese this time? I don’t want you risking your life for it at all. But, maybe if she’s left out the block again?” Also like the witch, he loved cheese and rarely got it. In all honesty, they had a lot in common. The major difference was obviously their size. ‘If only we were big too, ’ Cynthia thought, ‘They’d probably be really good friends.’ In all honesty, the giant was really cute, but she’d never admit that to anyone, even herself. “Of course we can. I expect to see some great art when I come back,” and with a wink, she left the room.
Steeling herself at the opening to their home, she pushed the piece of stone, serving as their front door, out of the way. After putting it back, she started her long journey through the walls, jumping from nail to nail and shuffling across small ledges in complete darkness. It most definitely wasn’t for the faint of heart. Eventually, she made it to the closest opening that lead directly to the kitchen. Carefully peaking outside of the wallpaper, she detected no sign of movement and couldn’t hear anything. “So far, so good,” she told herself. As fast and softly as possible, she ran across the hallway. Milliseconds seemed like minutes as she remained out in the open, vulnerable and unable to hide. Reaching the opposite side, she didn’t stop to take a breather, instead opting to start her climb. There were vines growing from the floor and onto the walls throughout the house, accompanying all of the other plant life in the place. It was easier to use than a rope because of the footholds, so she made it to the counter in record speed.
'Please let there be cheese out,’ she hoped. Looking over the entire area, she spotted on the other counter, a block of yellow cheese and some slices to the side. “Yes!” Cynthia cried out in joy. In an instant, she covered up her mouth and held her breath. Nothing changed. Relieved, but more aware, she began her path to the dairy goodness. On the way, she picked up a few things they were in need of- sugar, salt, crackers, herbs, etc. There were some small puddles of clear water near the sink, so a jar or two were filled. After arriving, she wrapped up enough cheese to fill them up that night, but small enough to go unnoticed by the giant. “A job well done, if I do say so myself.” She smirked.
Not a moment later, footsteps could be heard. They were heading straight for the kitchen. The smile dropped from her face and she looked around for the best hiding spot. Deciding on hiding behind a small succulent plant, she darted towards it. 'Please, please, please don’t let her see me. Oh god, what if she does.’ Her small face went white with fear. 'No! No, I can’t think like that. It’ll be fine.’ Her thoughts all dissipated the moment of the human’s arrival.
With a yawn, Lily rubbed her eyes tiredly. 'I wonder what time it is?’ She wondered. The kitchen was lit up only by the moon, casting its white light through the window. The room was almost blue, and quite comforting. Sighing, she looked at the clock. “3am? No wonder I’m so exhausted.” With a flick of her wrist, a few candles were set aflame. She walked over to the large walk-in pantry and looked inside. “Please tell me I have some left.” A moment went by. “Aha! There you are!” Pulling out a nearly-empty jar of lavender, she walked over to the stove. After setting a pot of water on top to boil she leaned against the counter. “Shoot! I forgot to put the cheese away!” In her sleepy state, she was completely unaware of the tiny person not a foot away, hiding behind the plant.
Poor Cynthia’s heart was beating erratically. She thought she was about to be discovered when the witch had rested against the counter. Her mind was a scattered mess, her brain turned to mush, her heart thumping away, her body filled with adrenaline. When Lily had noticed the cheese and moved away, she had reminded herself to take a deep breath. Everything was okay, and she would be just fine. At least, that’s what she failed to convince herself. She waited patiently as the giant put away the food and returned to her previous position. Both were completely silent when a white moth flew through the window. 'Poor thing, ’ Cynthia thought, 'it’ll die here.’ She knew what happened to pests. All of her kind did. That’s what they all feared would happen to themselves.
Fluttering about the wide space, the moth went a long its merry way, not knowing that it had gone inside of a house. Lily watched it fly in. 'How beautiful.’ It’s small, fragile wings were lit by the moon. It looked like a white fairy as it flitted about. She reached out her pointer finger and it landed. Bringing it close, she whispered, 'May you live a long and fruitful life, little one,’ before letting it go out the window with a smile on her face and a glimmer in her green eyes. She heard the popping of bubbles from the boiling water and put out the fire before making herself some lavender tea. “Let this tea bring tranquility and a restful nights sleep,” she spoke aloud.
Cynthia was stunned. Not from the blessing put on the tea, that was common. No, she was shocked from the witch’s reaction to the moth. Why was she so kind to it? Isn’t it nothing more than a pest to be rid of? Confusion clouded her mind. 'If she’s so kind to small bugs like that, maybe she’s not so bad after all.’ Of course, that wouldn’t mean Cynthia would reveal herself. Maybe just make her a little less frightened. Only a little.
“Do you need anything else?”
Silence. After those words, the house was completely quiet. The question that floated in the air wasn’t directed at anyone, was it? Who’s she talking to? Maybe the moth is back? Looking at the window, there was nothing. A breeze hadn’t even come through the small opening. Even more confused, she decided to peak her head just slightly out to see who the witch was looking at. Turns out, the witch was looking at her.
Panic. Terror. Those were the only two things Cynthia could feel. 'How did she know I was here?! Why is she just looking at me and not grabbing me?! Maybe she’s drawing it out because she feeds on fear? Oh god. I’m going to die. She’s going to crush me and use my bones and blood for a spell. She’s going to torture me. What if she burns me?! How do I know she doesn’t want to eat me?!’ She couldn’t move. Time had slowed to a stop and she couldn’t breathe. 'This is it. This is the end. I’m so sorry Logan.’
Noticing the aura around the tiny person, Lily knew she had probably chosen the wrong time to reveal her knowledge of her existence. However, she knows she has to work with what she’s created. “I’d tell you not to be afraid but I think that won’t change anything. If it helps, I’ve known about you and the other boy for some time now. I haven’t done anything to either of you even though I knew. Does that help at all?” No response. “I know how you’re feeling right now because I’m an empath. But please, don’t take me for face value. I know I’m big to you, but I can’t change who I am, can I? Just like you can’t.” Still, the girl was frozen. “Please say something. I’m sorry for scaring you, I really am. I just thought we could be friends. I get lonely out here sometimes and I always perk up when you come out of the walls.”
The words began to register in Cynthia’s mind. The only thing she could manage to get out was a simple, “W-what?” She was honestly, truly dumbfounded. Terrified still, but thoroughly shocked. That one word brought a smile to the giant’s face. In all truthfulness, the witch looked quite friendly. Everything she had said was to calm Cynthia down and she hadn’t reached for her once. It could all be a trick, but no matter what, the other outcomes wouldn’t be great. If she was faking it, then the poor girl would have no chance of escape anyways. She could only trust that the presented expression wasn’t a falsehood.
“I don’t know what you thought I might do to you, but I promise on my life that I would never intentionally hurt you or anyone else. I’m not a bad witch and I don’t hex people. I use my magick for all good things! And when I’m being lazy, but that’s beside the point.” She chuckled. It was a comforting sound, putting Cynthia a little less on edge. Noticing the improvement, Lily continued, “My name’s Lily. It’s nice to meet you.” Taking the risk, she extended a finger out for the girl to shake.
Seeing the approaching hand, she jumped back with a cry, “NO! DON’T GRAB ME!” Her eyes were squeezed shut, waiting for the inevitable. After a few seconds had gone by, nothing had happened. Slowly bringing her arms down and opening her eyes, she saw a finger in front. It wasn’t moving, just staying there. She looked up at the owner of the hand to find a sad smile. Taking a few more seconds, she breathed in deeply, held her breath, and grabbed the fingertip. It moved up and down slightly before retreating, so she let out the breath and sat down. “You… you don’t want to grab me and out me in a jar?”
Lily felt saddened by the reaction she had gotten out of Cynthia. Either something happened in her past, or it was one of her greatest fears. She hoped it was only the latter. “Why would I? You may be a fraction of my size, but that doesn’t make you any less of a person. I’ll admit that there are a lot of bad people in the world who would love to get ahold of someone like you for a variety of reasons, but you can relax because I’m not one of them. Now, back to my first question, do you need anything else? Any food or supplies I can get you?”
Cynthia couldn’t believe her ears. The witch knew of her AND Logan, yet she never did anything. To add to that, she hadn’t grabbed, and now she was offering food to her?! She can’t decide whether this is a nightmare or a dream come true. “U-um. I think I’ve got everything I need. T-thank you.” Earning a polite nod from the giant-no, from Lily, she decided to introduce herself. “My name’s Cynthia, and the boy is my brother, Logan.” Gathering up the courage, she asked,“Would it be okay if I could go home now?”
Lily sighed, “Cynthia, I’m not trapping you or keeping you hostage. You can come and go whenever you’d like. Try and think of yourself as my roommate! We both live here, and that means you can go wherever you want here. Even my bedroom, if you really want. Just… let me know where you are. I’m always careful, but I don’t want to slip up by accident.” She hoped to see Cynthia again, so she added, “Actually, why don’t you come to the table tomorrow for dinner? The one in the living room. And you can bring your brother as well! I’ll have a nice meal planned for the three of us!” She knew it was asking a lot, but she waited so long to actually meet them, face to face.
“Uh…I’ll…um… I’ll see if we can make it. The best I can guarantee is bringing myself. I’m not sure how Logan will react.” Lily seemed to brighten at the assurance of her presence for dinner. “Is there anything he likes? I’ll bring it as a gift… or as a peace offering? To show that I really mean no harm!” Thinking for a moment, Cynthia responded, “Well, he loves art and cheese. He’s always wanted to paint, like you, but he only ever had paper scraps and pencil lead.“ The witch was practically glowing after hearing about the common interests. "That settles it! I’ll bring a journal for his sketches, along with paint and brushes.” Cynthia wondered if Lily realized that there’s no way Logan would be able to use her own huge tools, but decided to gloss over that fact. “Well, I’ll see you later then.” She said with a wave.
“Looking forward to it!” Lily was full of joy as she waved all the candles to go out before returning to her room. It hadn’t gone as smoothly as she hoped, but she was honestly too thrilled for the next night to care. As she tucked into bed, she drifted into a restful sleep.
Hey everyone! Sooo you know how in my blog description, I mention that I sometimes draw and on the rare occasion, write? Welp, here’s that rare occasion! A story introducing three sparkly, new OC’s! Lily, my lovely witch; Logan, my tiny artist and cheese enthusiast; and Cynthia, my brave younger sister to Logan (who takes on more of an older sister role). I might have detailed character descriptions and drawings in the future, but who knows!
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khalilhumam · 4 years
Trinidadian writer Ingrid Persaud talks about her new novel, ‘Love After Love’
New Post has been published on http://khalilhumam.com/trinidadian-writer-ingrid-persaud-talks-about-her-new-novel-love-after-love/
Trinidadian writer Ingrid Persaud talks about her new novel, ‘Love After Love’
‘Why are we seeking permission to use our English?
Ingrid Persaud's new novel, “Love After Love,” set in Trinidad. Photo by Nicholas Laughlin, used with permission.
In a review of Trinidadian novelist Ingrid Persaud's latest offering, “Love after Love,” poet Shivanee Ramlochan described the book as “a take-no-prisoners trip into […] three hearts.” The hearts she speaks of belong to Betty Ramdin, a survivor of domestic violence who is “more than her collection of bruises”; her son Solo, who is “more than a shy only child”; and their lodger, Mr. Chetan, who “elides easy pigeonholing reserved for queer Caribbean characters.” Chetan comes to board with them after Betty's abusive husband dies, and the trio forms a family of sorts. As they try to help heal each others’ wounds, however, secrets come out that change everything, leaving them struggling with questions of identity, duty, community, desire and reconciliation. Perhaps most importantly, the shattering revelations guide their individual struggles along the journey to self-love, a theme that the book, which shares its title with Derek Walcott's poem, examines. Set in Trinidad, the island of Persaud's birth, the novel pays tender reverence to the inimitable way in which Trinidadians communicate, imbuing the story's universal themes with local colour and vibrancy. I interviewed Persaud via email to discuss the novel, her first since winning the 2017 Commonwealth Short Story Prize and the BBC National Short Story Award.
Author Ingrid Persaud; photo used with permission.
Janine Mendes-Franco (JMF): Are you at the level of self-love that Walcott wrote about? 
Ingrid Persaud (IP): I borrow the title of Walcott’s poem with deference and gratitude. In the act of loving another, do we not often carelessly lose sight of ourselves? I’m sure everyone can identify with that challenge. I’d like to think I’m getting better at coming back to my own door, my own mirror, to show myself a little compassion. We should all heed that famous last line where the poet directs: ‘Sit. Feast on your life.’
JMF: With “Love After Love,” you’ve taken the approach of telling stories through a definitively Trinidadian lens to a new level, not just with your use of local dialect, but with its accompanying rhythm and pace. Was it a conscious decision or did the story just demand to be written that way?
IP: “Love After Love” is set in Trinidad and the characters are all ordinary Trini people, so it’s arguable the story demanded our English. But there’s more at stake than place dictating language. This is our authentic English with the same validity as any other. It’s only dialect if you aren’t one of the millions from the English-speaking Caribbean. Why are we seeking permission to use our English? Badass [writer] Sam Selvon was successfully owning it 70 years ago. The issue isn’t why a mainstream publisher like Faber bought this book but rather why it took so long for the industry to embrace work like mine.
JMF: You say that, but in the Caribbean, there has been a lot of discussion around the use of the Patois/Creole language as opposed to the Queen’s English – its viability, what it communicates in terms of intelligence, social class, etc. How do you feel about what still appears to be an effort to humiliate (or at the very least, de-motivate) dialect speakers and keep them in their place, so to speak?
IP: While we hold the English of a tiny minority as the absolute standard, any different use of English becomes othered. By deciding that our English is less than this gold standard we are colluding with the othering of ourselves. As if this weren’t ironical enough, we are having these debates within the region precisely when our English, our Caribbean sensibility, is being feted elsewhere. Roger Robinson, a Trini, licked up both the prestigious T. S. Elliot Prize and the Ondaatje Prize for his collection, “A Portable Paradise,” [and] “Golden Child,” by Claire Adams has won several prizes. Caroline McKenzie has just published “One Year of Ugly.” Ayanna Lloyd’s novel has so much buzz already and it’s not coming out until 2022. As a country we should be celebrating.
JMF: You were confident in your decision not to soften the dialect or explain the terminology. There was no glossary, for instance, as exists for the Ibo words in Achebe’s “Things Fall Apart.” Was it a difficult sell to your editor to go this route?
IP: Louisa Joyner, at Faber, and Nicole Counts, at One World, were incredible editors and I am full of gratitude to have learnt at their feet. Neither asked for a glossary. Indeed they were against the inclusion of any explanatory notes. The integrity of the writing would have to be sufficient. Hopefully the context of an unknown word or expression was enough for the non-Caribbean reader. Even better would be that readers left “Love After Love” with an increased vocabulary of words like steupse and bazodee, idioms like “cockroach have no right in fowl party” and expressions like “jeez” and “ages.”
JMF: What kind of feedback have you got from non-Trinbagonian readers about the language?
IP: Before publication, I made the decision not to look at comments from readers on the usual sites like Goodreads or Amazon. It just wasn’t going to be good for my mental health. All that to say the feedback I have had is limited to those who have sought me out specially and they naturally said nice things about the language in “Love after Love.” I don’t know about the swathes of readers who find the language off-putting. And that’s cool. To please everyone, I would have to be an Ali’s doubles with slight pepper.
JMF: You’ve been living outside of Trinidad for some time now, yet the language and the lilt have never left you. How do you manage that?
IP: Thank you for saying [it] hasn’t left me. I’m not always confident that I still hear it or hear it properly. When the doubt and longing sets in I pick up the phone and soak up the Trini voices of friends, family — anybody who will bother with me. Of course, language is a living thing. An expression might have evolved or vanished from everyday speech, so I pay attention to current usage. Our people are so creative that new words and idioms are constantly emerging. And we police our language as much as any other group. It would be literary suicide to write without consulting Winer’s huge tome – “Dictionary of the English/Creole of Trinidad and Tobago” or to abandon my well-thumbed copy of “Côté ci Côté là.”
JMF: Has that distance given you a unique perspective on identity and belonging?
IP: I don’t know if living outside of Trinidad has given me a unique perspective but it has made issues of identity and belonging central to my practice. Everyone needs a place called home, yet how that is constructed is always precarious and contested. I would point at San Fernando in south Trinidad and say — my navel string’s buried there. That is where I belong. Now I’m less sure GPS can locate my home. Years of self-exile have broken and remade my thinking. I’ve come to embrace the liminal space of non-belonging — simultaneously all and none of the places I inhabit. It’s closer to the everyday, lived experience without the push of alienation and pull of attachment.
JMF: Domestic violence and homophobia are themes that resonate strongly in the regional experience. Why did you want to examine them?
IP: I wrote about ordinary lives and, as you’ve said, domestic violence and homophobia are urgent and troubling everyday issues in our region. If you have gay characters then it’s impossible to ignore the homophobia that limits their life choices. I let the characters lead me and often, I wasn’t too sure where we would find ourselves. It was the only way I could navigate these themes.
JMF: You’re always able to hone in on the crux of a good narrative and structure it compellingly so that the reader is happily brought along for the ride. Describe what happens from the moment you think, “That’d make a good story.”
IP: You know how to make a bush bath to cleanse bad vibes that are clinging to your body and mind? I’m guessing you don’t. Maybe you can consult an old auntie who directs you to throw black sage and blue soap in the water. Then, you might ask a neighbour and he might add to the list of vital ingredients or even contradict what the old auntie suggested. Same thing with the creative process. Looking in, it feels like there must be a special alchemy that makes good writing. There isn’t any — or at least none that I’ve found. All you can do is show up at your desk every single day and write. If you do that, you might occasionally glimpse pure magic.
< p class='gv-rss-footer'>Written by Janine Mendes-Franco
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dawnasiler · 5 years
Editor’s Picks: 32 of the Best Beauty Stocking Stuffer Ideas Under $20
I might be slightly biased, but I think beauty products make the best stocking stuffers. 
They're small, they're cute, and they're very affordable—at least, if you shop the ones on this list!
I've done the digging to find you the perfect skincare, makeup and haircare treats, each ringing in at under $20 (US).
Whether or not you're actually stuffing a stocking, these are ideal gifts for anyone sticking to a budget (or if you just want to treat yourself!). 
Check out this year's best beauty stocking stuffers below.
The Best Beauty Stocking Stuffers
Beauty stocking stuffers from Pursoma, One Love Organics, Sephora Collection, First Aid Beauty, Tatcha, Lano, Kopari, Herbivore, The Inkey List and Voluspa.
Herbivore Coconut Milk Bath Soak
Herbivore Coconut Milk Bath Soak
Herbivore Coconut Milk Bath Soak is an all-natural bath soak made with coconut milk powder, coconut pulp and vanilla. It smells good enough to eat, and leaves skin soft and silky-smooth.
Indie Lee CoQ-10 Toner
Indie Lee CoQ-10 Toner
Indie Lee CoQ-10 Toner is a travel-sized toner mist to refresh and hydrate skin on the go. Its clean ingredients include aloe, hyaluronic acid, and CoQ10 (an antioxidant). See my full review of this brand here!
Voluspa Decorative Tin Candle
Voluspa Decorative Tin Candle
Voluspa Decorative Tin Candle is a mini candle in a beautifully patterned tin (the lid keeps dust out and is handy for travel!). It comes in an array of scents and designs, and you get an impressive 25-hour burn time.
Lano Coconutter Hand Cream Intense
Lano Coconutter Hand Cream Intense
Lano Coconutter Hand Cream Intense is a rich but non-greasy hand lotion that repairs dry skin with lanolin, shea butter and cocoa butter. It smells like yummy coconut, and also doubles as a foot cream!
KNC Beauty All Natural Collagen Infused Lip Mask
KNC Beauty All Natural Collagen Infused Lip Mask
KNC Beauty All Natural Collagen Infused Lip Mask is a 20-minute treatment for plump, hydrated lips. The single-use mask is loaded up with glycerin, collagen, hyaluronic acid and rose oil.
Captain Blankenship Mermaid Sea Salt Hair Spray
Captain Blankenship Mermaid Sea Salt Hair Spray
Captain Blankenship Mermaid Sea Salt Hair Spray is a mini texturizing spray for creating tousled, beachy hair without drying it out. Unlike most styling products, it's all-natural (a blend of salt, aloe vera and essential oils).
Bioderma Sensibio H2O Make-Up Removing Wipes
Bioderma Sensibio H2O Make-Up Removing Wipes
Bioderma Sensibio H2O Make-Up Removing Wipes are the face wipe version of the brand's famous micellar cleansing water. Perfect for the gym-goer or frequent traveller, they remove dirt, oil and makeup without causing irritation.
Kopari Coconut Mini Melt
Kopari Coconut Mini Melt
Kopari Coconut Mini Melt is a small jar of 100 percent virgin coconut oil—which has so many different uses. It's a makeup remover, moisturizer, lip balm, hair mask, shaving oil and so much more.
Truly #Heart Your Imperfections Acne Patches
Truly #Heart Your Imperfections Acne Patches
Truly #Heart Your Imperfections Acne Patches are the cutest way to cover up pimples while helping them heal. Worn overnight, the heart-shaped patches draw out bacteria and reduce inflammation.
OUAI Anti-Frizz Hair Sheets
OUAI Anti-Frizz Hair Sheets
OUAI Anti-Frizz Hair Sheets are a pack of 15 portable sheets to tame dry, frizzy, static-prone hair. All you do is swipe a sheet from roots to ends for instant shine and smoothness.
One Love Organics The Cleansing Sponge
One Love Organics The Cleansing Sponge
One Love Organics The Cleansing Sponge is the prettiest konjac sponge on the market. But it's also practical, because it deep-cleans and gently exfoliates without irritating sensitive skin.
The Ordinary 100% Plant-Derived Squalane
The Ordinary 100% Plant-Derived Squalane
The Ordinary 100% Plant-Derived Squalane is a lightweight, fast-absorbing and stable oil that is well-tolerated by most skin. It can be used instead of or on top of moisturizer, and even works on hair to add shine and heat protection. I did an in-depth review of this brand over here!
Tatcha Aburatorigami Japanese Blotting Papers
Tatcha Aburatorigami Japanese Blotting Papers
Tatcha Aburatorigami Japanese Blotting Papers are the ultimate oil-absorbing sheets, made from 100 percent natural abaca leaf. Just one gets the job done, without disturbing your makeup or leaving any powdery residue. 
Versed Photos, Please Brightening Tightening Mask
Versed Photos, Please Brightening Tightening Mask
Versed Photos, Please Brightening Tightening Mask is a creamy, non-drying clay mask that gently exfoliates, brightens and draws out impurities. A single pouch gives you at least 12 applications.
Tangle Teezer Original Detangling Hairbrush
Tangle Teezer Original Detangling Hairbrush
Tangle Teezer Original Detangling Hairbrush is the OG detangling brush, with a patented teeth formation that smooths hair without snagging or breakage. It comes in a bunch of fun colour combos, like this purple brush with pink bristles.
Shiseido Facial Cotton
Shiseido Facial Cotton
Shiseido Facial Cotton is a set of 165 cotton pads—and trust me, once you try these, you'll never go back to the drugstore kind. The high-quality cotton absorbs just the right amount of product, feels super soft, and never leaves lint behind on your face!
Kerzon Hand Cleansing Spray
Kerzon Hand Cleansing Spray
Kerzon Hand Cleansing Spray takes hand sanitizer to the next level. It emits a non-sticky spray that doesn't require rinsing, and best of all, leaves your hands with a fresh, clean scent.
Sephora Collection Cooling Eye Mask
Sephora Collection Cooling Eye Mask
Sephora Collection Cooling Eye Mask is a glitter-filled gel mask that helps to soothe puffy eyes and take down inflammation. All you do is pop it in the fridge for at least 30 minutes.
Buxom Powerplump Lip Balm
Buxom Powerplump Lip Balm
Buxom Powerplump Lip Balm is a plumping tinted lip balm that reacts with your pH to produce a unique shade of pink. I just bought this and love it! The colour is sheer and it gives your lips a minty tingle.
Bawdy Shake It Butt Sheet Mask
Bawdy Shake It Butt Sheet Mask
Bawdy Shake It Butt Sheet Mask is a sheet mask... for your rear end! You get two treatments (each with one sheet for each cheek), and they promise a plump and hydrated backside.
The Inkey List Caffeine
The Inkey List Caffeine
The Inkey List Caffeine is an affordable eye serum that harnesses the anti-inflammatory benefits of caffeine. As such, it may help to reduce puffiness, while also delivering lightweight moisture.
Tweezerman Mini Slant Tweezer
Tweezerman Mini Slant Tweezer
Tweezerman Mini Slant Tweezer belongs in everybody's beauty arsenal. These mini stainless steel tweezers have the same precision and durability as the original, with a slanted edge for the perfect pluck.
First Aid Beauty Face Cleanser
First Aid Beauty Face Cleanser
First Aid Beauty Face Cleanser is a fragrance-free and sulfate-free face wash that would suit virtually any skin type. It has a creamy texture that rinses away clean, taking with it all traces of dirt and makeup. I've been a fan for years!
Kitsch Scarf Scrunchies with Tails
Kitsch Scarf Scrunchies with Tails
Kitsch Scarf Scrunchies with Tails are a pair of pretty scrunchies with bows to dress up braids and ponytails. They come in these blush tones, as well as grey and black.
Fresh Sugar Lemon Soap
Fresh Sugar Lemon Soap
Fresh Sugar Lemon Soap is a shea butter-based soap that produces a rich, moisturizing lather. It's also infused with the brand's original (and in my opinion, best) scent—a blend of lemon, bergamot and brown sugar.
Too Cool for School Coconut Ceramide Mask
Too Cool for School Coconut Ceramide Mask
Too Cool for School Coconut Ceramide Mask is a single-use sheet mask that gives lightweight hydration to oily and combination skin. It's packed with moisturizing ceramides, hyaluronic acid and a whopping 30 percent coconut water. 
French Girl Rose Lip Polish
French Girl Rose Lip Polish
French Girl Rose Lip Polish is a natural lip scrub that uses sugar to exfoliate dead skin, while shea butter moisturizes. It's scented with rose, peppermint and geranium, and comes in the chicest packaging. 
Pixi Glow Tonic
Pixi Glow Tonic
Pixi Glow Tonic is a mini size of the cult-favourite acid toner. It contains five percent glycolic acid to exfoliate and brighten, along with aloe vera and glycerin to hydrate.
Rebels Refinery Geometric Pineapple Lip Balm
Rebels Refinery Geometric Pineapple Lip Balm
Rebels Refinery Geometric Pineapple Lip Balm is a pineapple-shaped tube of lip balm that won't get lost in a handbag. The formula features coconut oil, sweet almond oil and beeswax, and has a fruity mango-strawberry flavour.
Kocostar Foot Therapy
Kocostar Foot Therapy
Kocostar Foot Therapy is an intensive alpha-hydroxy acid peel for dry, callused feet. Within three to five days of the 90-minute treatment, dead skin starts to peel off, revealing soft, smooth skin.
L’Occitane 100% Natural Shea Butter
L'Occitane 100% Natural Shea Butter
L'Occitane 100% Natural Shea Butter is a miniature jar of pure shea butter. It makes for a fabulous lip balm (especially under lipsticks, since it has a matte finish). You can also use it as a cuticle cream and frizz-tamer.
Pursoma Minerals de Mer Body Soak
Pursoma Minerals de Mer Body Soak
Pursoma Minerals de Mer Body Soak is a detoxifying bath soak with French sea salt, kelp and green algae. Besides relaxation, it also encourages the elimination of toxins through perspiration. Post-soak, you're meant to sweat it out while resting under a warm blanket for up to 30 minutes. Then you'll sleep like a baby!
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Editor’s Picks: 32 of the Best Beauty Stocking Stuffer Ideas Under $20 syndicated from The Skincare Edit
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tipsycad147 · 5 years
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BEST Aura Cleansing Bath Products, Sprays, and DIY Recipes
Why is it important to cleanse your aura with an aura cleansing bath? Your aura is the energetic body surrounding your physical body, and just like your physical body, needs to be cleaned on a regular basis. Taking an aura cleansing bath will not only freshen your physical body, but will also remove the energetic debris that tends to build up in your aura. Where does this energetic debris come from? Throughout the day, we come in contact with many different people, some who are uplifting. Some who are neutral. Others who are not uplifting but negative. Our auras can absorb different kinds of energies – both good and bad. To get rid of the unwanted energetic buildup, an aura cleansing bath is a MUST. I recommend at least once a week, if you can. If you can’t take a bath, try an aura cleansing spray!
DISCLOSURE: I may earn a small commission for my endorsement, recommendation, testimonial, and/or link to any products or services from this website. Your purchase helps support my work in bringing you information about the paranormal and paganism.
BEST Aura Cleansing Bath Products
1. Florida Water
Hoodoo has a long tradition of adding certain waters and oils to cleansing baths. These hoodoo cleansing baths are used for multiple purposes, namely in a ritual to “uncross” someone. Uncrossing means to break a curse or a jinx that’s been put on a person either by another person or by themselves. This is comparable to an aura cleansing in many ways. I recommend taking an aura cleansing bath with Florida Water soap by Murray and Lanman. But, you can also add a few drops of Florida Water cologne into the bath to achieve the same effects.
2. Aura Cleansing Shower Tablets
If you can’t take an aura cleansing bath because you don’t have a bathtub, taking an aura cleansing shower is just as effective. Try adding some of Aura Cacia’s lavender aromatherapy tablets to your shower and let the energetic dirt and funk melt off of you and say bye-bye down the drain. Not only are these tablets cleansing to one’s aura, they smell amazing and are super relaxing!
3. Herbal Bath Blend Epsom & Sea Salts
Salt is a purifier and a protector. This is why it’s used to mark ritual circles. Don’t forget salt is great when used in aura cleansing baths too! Know how your grandma used to pour epsom salts into the tub before a long soak? Now it’s your turn. The herbal bath soak blend with epsom and sea salt also has lavender oil, another cleansing ingredient. Let the dead skin slough off your body while the negative vibes are cleansed from your aura.
4. Apple Cider Vinegar Bath
Why is apple cider vinegar useful in an aura cleansing bath? Vinegar has been used for centuries to physically clean house. Its spiritual cleansing nature mirrors its physical one. Apple cider vinegar is made from distilled apples. When we look at the apple’s magical properties, we see it is sacred to the goddess. It holds inside of itself the power of the pentacle – the 5 essential elements to all of life (earth, air, fire, water, and spirit). When we add apple cider vinegar to an aura cleansing bath, we draw on the power of the elements and the divine feminine. One cup added to a bath will do the trick! Not to mention, apple cider vinegar has a detoxifying effect on the pores.
5. Bath Tea Bags
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If you plan to create your own DIY aura cleansing bath blends, you’ll need some sort of bath tea bags. These can be made of muslin (cotton) like the ones here. Or they can be disposable filter material. I recommend buying the muslin cotton bags as they are washable and reusable. These are essential for creating your own herbal bath blends. They double as spell bags, aromatherapy sachets, air fresheners, etc.
6. Eucalyptus Bubble Bath
Who doesn’t enjoy a nice bubble bath from time to time? Make your aura cleansing bath ritual fun and relaxing by adding a bubble bath product that functions as an aura cleanser too. The bath bubbles aromatherapy eucalyptus product by Maple Holistics puts a spiritual spin on the old school bubble bath mix. Eucalyptus essential oil is a key ingredient. We know eucalyptus aids in relieving congestion (think Vix vapo-rub), and we also know eucalyptus has a metaphysical quality of healing and cleansing. Perfect combination for your next aura cleansing bath or shower.
Can’t Take An Aura Cleansing Bath? Try this!
If you don’t have a bathtub to soak in, an aura cleansing shower works wonders too! Simply place herbs and salts into your bath tea bag and then hang from the shower head so that the flowing water runs through the bag itself. The entire shower will fill with the aroma and power of the aura cleansing ingredients inside the bag, not to mention the water passing through it will then rain down on you and your aura!
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My Favorite Aura Cleansing Sprays
For a quickie aura cleansing routine – keep aura cleansing sprays in your purse, car, or desk at work. These work well to rid your aura of negative energy build-up quickly without having to go home to take a bath. They are very portable! Try out some of my favourite aura cleansing sprays below.
1. White Sage Smudge Spray
We are blessed to be able to harness the cleansing and purifying power of white sage in this day and age. We have the Native Americans to thank for this wisdom. If you’re out and about and don’t have your handy smudge stick on you, whip out your bottle of aura cleansing spray made with white sage. I’ve even used this smudge spray to cleanse my sacred space quickly and effectively. It works to cleanse your aura, too.
2. Spiritual Smudge Spray
If you enjoy supporting small business owners, you might enjoy The Witchy Mommy’s version of aura cleansing spray called Spiritual Smudge Spray. This spray not only has white sage, but also rue and cedarwood. The magical properties include cleansing, healing and protection. AND its made by a truly talented witch’s hands.
3. Mama Wunderbear’s Smudge Spray
Clear the air and your aura with Mama Wunderbear’s white sage smudge spray. Are you sensing a pattern here with the white sage? I thought so. This aura cleansing spray is a bit different – the creator includes basil, blessed moon water, and negativity absorbing crystals like tourmaline and citrine. The smell is divine and the effect is immediate. Try it out!
DIY Aura Cleansing Bath Recipes
1. Blueberry Tea Bath (Hack)
This is actually less of a recipe than it is a grocery store HACK. But I thought I’d share it with you all as it is an easy and effective aura cleansing bath. Find Celestial Seasoning’s blueberry tea bags at your local grocery store. Run yourself a super hot bath and let two-four blueberry tea bags soak in the water for at least five minutes. Take out the tea bags (or leave them in, the choice is yours) and bathe in a blueberry aura cleansing bath! Sounds crazy, but it works wonders. Run the shower afterwards to clean off the blue on your body and in the tub and don’t use a white towel!
2. Rose and Lavender Bath
An aura cleansing bath recipe I use often is simply this:  get your bath tea bag ready and stuff it with lavender buds and rose petals/buds. Steep in a hot bath and hop in! Lavender is cleansing and relaxing, while rose works wonders for self love and attractiveness. Both herbs are purifiers in one sense or another. Simple yet powerful.
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azworkingdogs · 5 years
How to Groom a Dog: 5 Dos and 5 Don’ts
Some people prefer to take their dog to a professional for grooming while others prefer to do it themselves.  But, regardless of your own preference, every dog owner should know how to groom a dog and to do so effectively.
It might seem redundant if you fit into the category of dog owners who like to leave things in a professional’s hands, but that’s not exactly true. You might take your dog with you when you go on a longer vacation and you can’t find a groomer there. Your dog will still need to be groomed, and if you don’t know how to do it right, you could end up hurting them.
On the other hand, if you’ve been grooming your dog yourself, you may think that you don’t need any additional instructions on how to do it. Even so, you should at least keep an open mind and be ready to take suggestions because you could potentially learn a new thing or two and improve your skills.
With that in mind, we recommend that you stick around for a while and check out what we have prepared for you. So let’s move on to talking about dog grooming and its five dos and don’ts every dog owner should know.
Five Dos of DIY Dog Grooming
It’s always best to start with instructions on how you should do something, and once that is covered, move on to what you shouldn’t do. The other way around would probably make things very confusing, especially for someone who is a complete beginner in the field. Having said that, let’s take a look at the top five dos of DIY dog grooming.
Number one: Brush your dog’s hair regularly
In this case, regularly means on a daily basis, or if you don’t have enough free time, once in every two days. All dogs shed, some dog breeds shed more than the others while some might seem like they don’t shed at all, but sure enough, they do. Depending on the season, your dog will shed less or more, but you should definitely brush them in both cases, don’t skip out on the process just because you think that there’s no need for it.
If you don’t brush your dog’s hair regularly, you increase the risk of them developing mats or other similar health issues like skin irritations or infections. Strands of loose hair will get entangled with the strands that aren’t loose, thus producing mats that are basically an ideal environment for bacteria or fungus growth and are hard to get rid of. Brushing prevents that.
When choosing an appropriate brush for your dog, you should consider the type of coat that they have. You can find brushes specifically designed for curly hair, long hair, short hair, double coated hair and so on.
Once you have found the adequate model and purchased it, have your dog get familiar with it first and then use it on them.
Always put an old towel underneath the dog before brushing, it will help you contain the hairs in one place more easily.
And don’t forget, brushing their coat excessively might cause a counter effect, because you could end up plucking the hairs that aren’t loose instead of removing only the loose ones.
Number two: Trim your dog’s nails
This is a bit tricky and difficult task, but if you’re patient enough and careful enough, you shouldn’t have any problems with it. You can do this with two different tools, it all depends on which one you feel the most comfortable with when using it.
One of them is an electric nail grinder or a nail file and it doesn’t cut the nails but instead just grinds them down to the desired length. The other one is a tool that’s pretty much a pair of scissors, shears, or a miniature guillotine designed to cut the nails cleanly and swiftly.
Regardless of which one you decide to go with, the process of cutting the nails is about the same. You need to be careful not to nick the vein that goes along the center of the nail, which means that you absolutely mustn’t cut or grind too deep.
If you accidentally do nick it, even barely, there will be a lot of blood everywhere, so try to keep your calm and take your dog to the veterinarian immediately, just in case.
Number three: Trim your dog’s hair when necessary
If your dog’s hair touches the ground when they’re standing, you should cut it right away. Otherwise, it will drag along the ground and collect all of the dirt off of it. This can cause some skin and hair issues relatively quickly and you don’t want that to happen.
You can use a pair of electric dog clippers for thick coats to cut the hair or you can do it the old fashioned way with a pair of shears and a comb, whichever works best for you.
Pay special attention to small details that shouldn’t be overlooked, like clipping the hairs that can go in the dog’s eyes if left untouched, or trimming the hairs between and underneath the paw pads, as well as those around their ankles, both of which tend to accumulate dirt when their length is longer than it should be.
Never cut the hair in winter, otherwise your dog will feel chilly and quite possibly catch a cold due to poor insulation.
Number four: Bathe your dog
Once you notice that your dog has attained a weird odor and that their coat has become too dirty from mud or dirt, it’s time to give them a bath. You can do it in a bathtub or outside in a portable plastic tub, depending on the season and the weather conditions.
Before that you should go to a pet store and buy the appropriate shampoo and soap, preferably those that are specifically meant for your dog’s breed. Apart from that you don’t really need anything else, just some warm water, or lukewarm water, a towel and that’s it. Maybe a hair dryer as well, it will help you to dry your dog’s coat much faster than a towel.
Never bathe your dog outside in the winter, and don’t bathe them too often because there’s no need for it and it might make their skin extremely sensitive and irritable.
Number five: Regularly clean their ears and teeth
This is a very simple thing to do yet a lot of pet owners somehow end up forgetting to take care of it. Using a normal wet wipe, gently clean the insides of their ear canal with your fingertips every once in a while, or use an ear cleaner, a special product made specifically for this.
When cleaning their teeth, use a plain gauze and rub their teeth and gums with it from top to bottom. You can do this every day but if you don’t have enough free time for it, once in every two or three days will be enough as well.
Using a toothpaste, or a dog toothpaste to be more precise, together with a dog toothbrush is also a good way to go, so consider this as the means for keeping your dog’s teeth clean as well.
Five Don’ts of DIY Dog Grooming
Now we’ll talk about a few things that should be avoided when grooming your dog, and a few common mistakes that dog owners might make when taking care of their dog’s needs. You want your dog to be happy and healthy, so try to remember all of these and you’ll be halfway there.
Number one: Never bathe a dog who has mats
This is a common mistake that a lot of dog owners often make. To be fair, they aren’t making it intentionally, they just want the best for their dog and usually try to get rid of mats this way but it ends up backfiring and resulting in the exact opposite, worsening of the mats.
When long, entangled dog hair gets wet, it tends to get even more entangled and not clean at all. It also retains moisture for some time, which attracts bacteria and causes infections fairly quickly. Even if you use a towel or blow dry the coat, it will still remain moist. Therefore, if your dog has mats in their coat, avoid bathing them until the mats are completely gone.
Number two: Don’t try to remove the mats yourself
Mats might seem harmless and simple but they’re pretty much the exact opposite of that. Removing them is no easy task, and if you try to take care of them yourself with scissors or grooming clippers, you will most likely end up accidentally hurting your four-legged furry friend in the process.
You can get a special tool for removing mats and try it out, but it may not help much, especially if your dog has a curly hair coat. Your best bet is to take it to a professional pet groomer and let them take care of it. They have enough experience to be able to avoid harming the dog, and they have all of the necessary tools to finish the job quickly.
Number three: Don’t forget to train your dog on time
If you teach your dog that grooming is a good thing while they’re still a puppy, you won’t have any problems with your dog’s behavior when you take them to a dog groomer, but also when you take them to the veterinarian.
Dogs who aren’t trained this way will be afraid of the tub, the grooming table, the dog clippers, pin brush, and all of the other grooming supplies. Even though you can take certain steps to reduce the grooming stress for an adult dog, it is much easier to train a puppy.  This will also prove itself to be very helpful when you decide to do the grooming yourself. When a small dog struggles it’s easy to hold them steady while you finish the pet grooming, but when you have to work with one of the larger dog breeds, just the size of the dog’s body can be troublesome, let alone its bad behavior.
Number four: Don’t use a shampoo for humans when bathing your dog
Thanks to Laundromutt for the Image
Dogs have a really sensitive skin, much more sensitive when compared to ours, so if you decide to wash them with your own shampoo, you’ll most likely irritate their skin and cause them discomfort. Their eyes are also delicate so if some of the human shampoo gets in them, it will cause them pain and discomfort. The insides of their ears is pretty much the same, which again means that shampoo for humans will do nothing but irritate it.
Shampoo for dogs exists for a reason, and if it were identical to the shampoo for humans, it wouldn’t have to exist. In other words, use the shampoo that’s specifically created and meant for keeping dogs as clean as possible. Oh and don’t use other beauty products either, like perfumes, moisturizers, blueberry facial masks, makeup, and other stuff like that.
#5: Never act as a veterinarian’s replacement
Grooming your dog allows you to take a really good look at them, so you might notice something you haven’t noticed before. If by chance, you see a foreign object in their eyes, ears or nose, don’t try to remove it yourself. Also, if you see some cuts or injuries, don’t try to heal them, that’s not your field of expertise, so you could potentially make things even worse.
In such a scenario, you shouldn’t think twice about what you have to do next, just go straight to the veterinarian and listen to their advice.
  With these 5 do and don’t dog grooming tips, we have showed you everything that’s important to keep in mind when you are grooming your pet. In other words, now you know exactly how to groom a dog and what to keep an eye out for, as well as what you should avoid doing. So go ahead and enjoy bonding with your furry friend by keeping them clean and healthy and most importantly, happy.
About the Author: Tara is a contributor to TheDogTrainingSecret.com and the founder of TRIMepil.com, a great resource for your dog grooming supplies.
The post How to Groom a Dog: 5 Dos and 5 Don’ts appeared first on TheDogTrainingSecret.com.
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Pamper Night Routine
I love pamper nights! Similar to a destress routine but different in the way that they focus more on recharging the body and mind. Pampering makes us feel good about ourselves because we have taken the time to indulge in comfort and care. Physically and mentally we are recharged. Below will be list my ideas/steps to a successful pamper session, however you can do what works for you. These are what work for me. Many people swear by pampering sessions on a Monday evening, but pick a day that works for you based on your lifestyle.
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1) Change into loungewear. Whether you have come home from work, a busy day or are wearing uncomfortable clothing, changing into loungewear will help you unwind and prepare for pampering.
2) Play music. I recommend playing music from your phone or any portable device because you will bring it with you to a bathroom. For pampering purposes, I like relaxing pop songs or meditation music. Play whatever works for you.
3) Prepare a nutritious snack/meal. Make something that is easily edible and can be carried. For example, a bowl of nut muesli with fresh fruits, yoghurt, chia seeds and a drizzle of honey. This is my go to meal but eat whatever you fancy, as long as it wont create a mess.
4) Bring your music and snack to the bathroom as this is where most of your pamper session will take place. I find that bathing/showering is the best way to make use of pampering and relaxation techniques. In this case its best to run yourself a bath. You can add in a oil based soap wash, bath bomb, or essential oil. 
5) Dry Brush. Dry brushing involves using a natural body brush and brushing the skin of your body towards your heart. This is useful for lymphatic drainage, exfoliating, smoothing the appearance of skin and reducing cellulite. This is useful to do before bathing/showering and is useful for both men and women. Here is a link on how to do it.  https://wellnessmama.com/26717/dry-brushing-skin/
6) Bathe. Relax in your bath for 20-30 minutes or how long you need. Eat your nutritious snack and listen to your music while bathing. Do your usual bathing routine during this time.
7) Skin care. Once out of the bath moisturise your body with a natural body butter or oil. This will ensure the skin is well hydrated leaving you with smooth silky skin for the next morning. It is also a luxurious feeling .This is a good time to do your facial skin care too. I like to remove makeup with a balm, cleanse my skin with a gentle soap wash using a spin brush, tone with rosewater, apply a serum, moisturiser on top and eye cream. Skincare is useful for men too despite what the majority may think. Use products that you know work well on your skin, whether it is sensitive oily or dry, you name it! 
8) Face mask. Men and women can both benefit from face masks. Whether it is hydrating you need or tightening and pore minimising, there will be one out there for you. Leave it on for the required amount.
9) Drink your favourite herbal tea. Do this while you have the face mask on. Whether it is chamomile or peppermint, one that is caffeine free will be enough to unwind your body and prepare you for bed.
Ali xx
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Career Daily. 2016. 10 Essential Steps For The Best Pamper Night In. [ONLINE] Available at: https://www.careergirldaily.com/30686-2/. [Accessed 25 September 2018].
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makeuptips10-blog · 6 years
How To Get Rid Of Ashy Skin
New Post has been published on https://www.claritymakeupartistry.com/how-to-get-rid-of-ashy-skin/
How To Get Rid Of Ashy Skin
Pratima Ati September 21, 2018
If you have dehydrated skin, you already know what ashy skin is and what a pain it can be. It looks off and feels a little itchy as the skin gets ultra-dry, flaky, and dehydrated. It usually happens in patches and aggravates in winters. And no, it takes more than just a slathering of creams and lotions and spending your life savings on them.
Ashy skin is not just a cosmetic problem, because if you don’t fix this, it can lead to other skin problems as the bacteria can accumulate. So how do we avoid ashy skin? Can something be done about this? Yes. Let’s deal with it once and for all. Read on.
What Is Ashy Skin?
It is nothing but painfully dull, flaky, and dried up skin some people have. It is more apparent in darker skin tones where the skin turns vividly gray or chalky white. The skin at the knees, elbows, arms, and legs also turns lighter.
What Causes Ashy Skin?
Following are the most common factors that cause the skin to turn ashy:
1. Extreme Cold Conditions
In winters, the skin goes chalky white and becomes uncomfortably dry. It gets parched and dehydrated during this time, which is why you need to be extra careful.
2. Dry Weather
People living in dry climates are more prone to ashy skin. And if you already have dark and gray patches, they may only get aggravated.
3. Excessive Scrubbing
Using harsh loofahs or bath sponges to scrub away your skin can also turn it ashy. The friction generated scrapes off the top layers of the skin, which is another common cause of ashy skin.
4. Skin Irritants
If you have developed ashy skin recently, be observant and alert. Recollect what you have been doing differently over the last few weeks. It could be clothes that were harsh on your skin, a new washing detergent, clothing conditioners or softeners, or anything else that might have come in contact with your skin, thereby causing the symptoms.
5. Heating System
Some of us cannot bear winters and literally go around with heaters. We use portable heaters for our feet and hands, and inside our cars and homes as well. All of these can dry up your skin to the bone and create uncomfortable itching, which leads to dark, ashy skin.
6. Long Showers With Piping Hot Water
Who doesn’t love long showers? Add winters to this ideal scenario, and it gets twice as better. Most of us make our life decisions in there, but, come to think of it, that’s a big culprit and can be causing more damage to your skin than ever.
7. Alcohol
Alcohol can dry out your skin and leave it parched like nothing else – if you are not taking measures to replenish your body (and skin) with enough liquids.
How To Get Rid Of Ashy Skin
Now that we know what makes the skin go ashy, why don’t we look at some simple treatments?
1. Moisturize
No doctor can ever stress this enough, but moisturizing is important. But most of us do not have the patience for it, which is one reason we may end up with ashy skin in the first place. Take time every day to thoroughly moisturize your skin. Carry a hand cream or lotion in your bag to touch up those vulnerable areas a few times in the day. That’s the only way you can combat ashy skin in winters.
2. Use Body Oils Instead Of Creams
Body oils are even better. You can make your own at home just by mixing a few essential oils. If you think these oils could be expensive, there are hundreds of DIY home recipes that you may want to try. They keep your skin hydrated and moisturized for longer, eventually reducing the gray patches.
3. Drink More Water
Drink more water – there’s nothing water can’t fix – inside or out. In summer we might be taking enough but come winters our water intake goes down. On the contrary, you need a lot more in the winters because your skin gets dehydrated due to the constant exposure to artificial heating and temperature fluctuation.
4. Take A Shower With Lukewarm Or Cold Water
Showers can be extremely hard in winters, but resist the temptation of standing in boiling water. Avoid hot water showers in summer, and in winters don’t stand in there for too long.
5. Use A Humidifier
Dry air is another reason for dry and flaky skin, which is why humidifiers have become a big part of our living rooms. A humidifier maintains the moisture levels in the air and prevents your skin from turning ashy,
6. Avoid Sulphate And Alcohol Based Products
Not every moisturizing product is necessarily hydrating. Alcohol in your beauty products can also cause damage. So look out for the ingredients to avoid. These include SD alcohol, denatured alcohol, isopropyl alcohol, etc. While they are added to the product to allow it to absorb quickly, they also tamper with your skin’s natural moisture levels. Use products that are natural and organic – and where coconut oil, jojoba, shea, cocoa butter, etc. are the base. They all contain good fatty acids and moisturize your skin in the real sense.
7. Exfoliate
Exfoliate your skin at least once a week to get rid of dead and parched skin.
Use a sugar or oatmeal based exfoliator that is a gentle abrasive.
How To Prevent Ashy Skin
Prevention is any day better than cure, so following a healthy lifestyle and being a little more vigilant with your choices can help.
Be aware of your choices – whether they are soaps or shower gels or anything else. Their fragrances and the chemicals they contain can dry your skin out even more.
Try to stick to DIY lotions and soaps whenever possible as you will know what’s going into your products.
Apply lotion plus any oil (like that of almonds, olives, coconut, or jojoba) at night before you sleep. This keeps the dehydrated parts soft and moist throughout the night.
Eat healthy foods that have good fats and those that promote blood circulation.
Be consistent with your routine. Listen to your skin and pay attention to what seems to be working for you. That’s the only way you can prevent ashy skin in the future.
Do you have ashy skin? Do you relate to everything we just spoke about? Let us know by dropping a text in the comments section below.
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Source: https://www.stylecraze.com/articles/how-to-get-rid-of-ashy-skin/
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How To Get Rid Of Ashy Skin
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How To Get Rid Of Ashy Skin
Pratima Ati September 21, 2018
If you have dehydrated skin, you already know what ashy skin is and what a pain it can be. It looks off and feels a little itchy as the skin gets ultra-dry, flaky, and dehydrated. It usually happens in patches and aggravates in winters. And no, it takes more than just a slathering of creams and lotions and spending your life savings on them.
Ashy skin is not just a cosmetic problem, because if you don’t fix this, it can lead to other skin problems as the bacteria can accumulate. So how do we avoid ashy skin? Can something be done about this? Yes. Let’s deal with it once and for all. Read on.
What Is Ashy Skin?
It is nothing but painfully dull, flaky, and dried up skin some people have. It is more apparent in darker skin tones where the skin turns vividly gray or chalky white. The skin at the knees, elbows, arms, and legs also turns lighter.
What Causes Ashy Skin?
Following are the most common factors that cause the skin to turn ashy:
1. Extreme Cold Conditions
In winters, the skin goes chalky white and becomes uncomfortably dry. It gets parched and dehydrated during this time, which is why you need to be extra careful.
2. Dry Weather
People living in dry climates are more prone to ashy skin. And if you already have dark and gray patches, they may only get aggravated.
3. Excessive Scrubbing
Using harsh loofahs or bath sponges to scrub away your skin can also turn it ashy. The friction generated scrapes off the top layers of the skin, which is another common cause of ashy skin.
4. Skin Irritants
If you have developed ashy skin recently, be observant and alert. Recollect what you have been doing differently over the last few weeks. It could be clothes that were harsh on your skin, a new washing detergent, clothing conditioners or softeners, or anything else that might have come in contact with your skin, thereby causing the symptoms.
5. Heating System
Some of us cannot bear winters and literally go around with heaters. We use portable heaters for our feet and hands, and inside our cars and homes as well. All of these can dry up your skin to the bone and create uncomfortable itching, which leads to dark, ashy skin.
6. Long Showers With Piping Hot Water
Who doesn’t love long showers? Add winters to this ideal scenario, and it gets twice as better. Most of us make our life decisions in there, but, come to think of it, that’s a big culprit and can be causing more damage to your skin than ever.
7. Alcohol
Alcohol can dry out your skin and leave it parched like nothing else – if you are not taking measures to replenish your body (and skin) with enough liquids.
How To Get Rid Of Ashy Skin
Now that we know what makes the skin go ashy, why don’t we look at some simple treatments?
1. Moisturize
No doctor can ever stress this enough, but moisturizing is important. But most of us do not have the patience for it, which is one reason we may end up with ashy skin in the first place. Take time every day to thoroughly moisturize your skin. Carry a hand cream or lotion in your bag to touch up those vulnerable areas a few times in the day. That’s the only way you can combat ashy skin in winters.
2. Use Body Oils Instead Of Creams
Body oils are even better. You can make your own at home just by mixing a few essential oils. If you think these oils could be expensive, there are hundreds of DIY home recipes that you may want to try. They keep your skin hydrated and moisturized for longer, eventually reducing the gray patches.
3. Drink More Water
Drink more water – there’s nothing water can’t fix – inside or out. In summer we might be taking enough but come winters our water intake goes down. On the contrary, you need a lot more in the winters because your skin gets dehydrated due to the constant exposure to artificial heating and temperature fluctuation.
4. Take A Shower With Lukewarm Or Cold Water
Showers can be extremely hard in winters, but resist the temptation of standing in boiling water. Avoid hot water showers in summer, and in winters don’t stand in there for too long.
5. Use A Humidifier
Dry air is another reason for dry and flaky skin, which is why humidifiers have become a big part of our living rooms. A humidifier maintains the moisture levels in the air and prevents your skin from turning ashy,
6. Avoid Sulphate And Alcohol Based Products
Not every moisturizing product is necessarily hydrating. Alcohol in your beauty products can also cause damage. So look out for the ingredients to avoid. These include SD alcohol, denatured alcohol, isopropyl alcohol, etc. While they are added to the product to allow it to absorb quickly, they also tamper with your skin’s natural moisture levels. Use products that are natural and organic – and where coconut oil, jojoba, shea, cocoa butter, etc. are the base. They all contain good fatty acids and moisturize your skin in the real sense.
7. Exfoliate
Exfoliate your skin at least once a week to get rid of dead and parched skin.
Use a sugar or oatmeal based exfoliator that is a gentle abrasive.
How To Prevent Ashy Skin
Prevention is any day better than cure, so following a healthy lifestyle and being a little more vigilant with your choices can help.
Be aware of your choices – whether they are soaps or shower gels or anything else. Their fragrances and the chemicals they contain can dry your skin out even more.
Try to stick to DIY lotions and soaps whenever possible as you will know what’s going into your products.
Apply lotion plus any oil (like that of almonds, olives, coconut, or jojoba) at night before you sleep. This keeps the dehydrated parts soft and moist throughout the night.
Eat healthy foods that have good fats and those that promote blood circulation.
Be consistent with your routine. Listen to your skin and pay attention to what seems to be working for you. That’s the only way you can prevent ashy skin in the future.
Do you have ashy skin? Do you relate to everything we just spoke about? Let us know by dropping a text in the comments section below.
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Pratima Ati
Source: https://www.stylecraze.com/articles/how-to-get-rid-of-ashy-skin/
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La Paz, Bolivia From Frederick Maryland to 46°57′N 7°27′E
Assisting You To Better Understand Travel Using These Easy To Follow Tips
Things to do in Frederick Maryland
Resources: Frederick Md Things to do: Historic Downtown Events https://eventsfrederickmd.com/things-to-do/ Travel is a very exciting and fun experience if one has prepared properly. If one has not yet prepared properly then it could be a very miserable experience indeed. Fortunately in the following paragraphs one could find some suggestions that can make the travel experience someone to remember for some time.
Have a translation tool when traveling to a country that doesn't speak your native language. This is often such as a novel or perhaps a phone application. While you could find that a lot of people speak English in large cities, it might be quite different in small towns or rural areas. Wanting to speak in the language of the country is absolutely appreciated through the citizens.
If you're taking a trip that you anticipate to do a lot of walking, break in your brand-new shoes beforehand. This will likely prevent blisters and help in keeping the feet from becoming sore. Good shoes could be the difference between one of the most enjoyable walking tour of your life, along with a torture session.
When you are traveling, even in developed nations, always assume both hands are contaminated. Don't put your fingers inside your mouth and avoid eating with the hands. Odds are good you've enter in to experience of hundreds of people and thousands of surfaces, any one of which might be carrying a disease that you aren't prepared for.
If you're responsive to the scent of cleaners (or just don't like them! ) try bringing some small candles together with you on your trip. It will help mask the scent from the cleaners the maids use as well as the scents can also help relax you. Some scents may also sooth you and give you an improved night's sleep.
To stay safe while traveling within a country stricken by crime and poverty, you should travel with a guide and a team of tourists. Avoid wearing jewelery and you should not let anyone find out how much cash you happen to be carrying with you. Also, you must not trust anyone you do not know.
When having a cruise, wear any room key around your neck, on a lanyard or similar item. In lost time, though losing your living area key on the cruise liner could cost you greatly, not just in money. Keeping your key along with you wherever you go can insure which you, along with your belongings, will likely be safe.
Remove the middle man when choosing travel tickets. When you use a booking agency, whenever you book direct having an airline or train line, 90% of the time you will definately get a greater deal than. Many booking agencies are actually reducing their fees, but if you have time and energy to book direct, nine times out from ten you can expect to reduce costs.
If you belong there, when traveling to an alternative city, try the best to search as: Never let anyone see that you are currently lost. Checking your map during the sidewalk is a sure-fire giveaway, as is also seeking directions. Remember, new arrivals are perfect targets for pickpockets and muggers.
When packing for any baby or possibly a toddler, consider what things you could possibly pick-up when you are getting there. If you may be gone for a week or even more, Diapers and wipes use up a lot of space, especially. This can make you more room, and you will definitely need less time to pack.
If you are traveling by cruise liner, bring a carry-on bag along with you which has your swimsuit inside. It takes quite some time to your suitcases to reach you with your room, although the majority of people like to immediately browse the pool or even the hot tub. A carry-on bag with a few items in it enables you to begin experiencing and enjoying the fun without delay.
Creature comforts will make the visible difference while you are traveling. Bringing the preferred brand of tea or coffee can help with relaxation and enable you to decompress. Detergents, shampoos and soaps can be of help to stay away from products which will leave you wishing to the feel of home.
When you are interested in a hotel in which to stay, never select the first one you discover. It is very important call a variety of hotels and request for their rates so that you know you will get the hottest deal. Also, it is possible to look online for other customers' reviews.
Make sure you take some sort of entertainment for the children. Think about a portable DVD player and a few headphones or even a laptop computer that may be full of movies and games to ensure they are happy throughout the flight. You will be glad that you may have found a method to have them entertained when you visit your destination.
A lot of us browse the book "Blue Highways" by William Least Heat Moon. It gave a remarkable check out the back roads of America, and it is worth remembering when you are planning a vacation abroad. Finding those charming out-of-the-way places can provide rich experiences that you simply will remember for a lifetime. (But be sure to keep safety at heart, also.)
If you're intending on taking a cruise is usually to ask to get a map of your ship, a great travel tip. There are so many different levels and areas on luxury cruise ships that it may get quite simple to have lost. Developing a map handy can stop you from getting lost.
When filling out your luggage tag, do not put your house address onto it. Instead, fill out your organization address. This can be beneficial should your luggage get into the wrong hands-- you do not need a thief to learn your house address. Also, put your business telephone number about the tag instead of your house or cell number.
Traveling can be something that the majority of us enjoy doing, and a lot of us visit various locations every chance we obtain. But it might be dangerous and expensive from time to time. Make certain you're following this travel advice prior to taking your following trip. You'll be thankful that you simply did.
Learn Everything There Is To Know About Camping
So, your plan would be to go camping? In planning it, perhaps you have fully prepared yourself for the purpose might come up when you are in the wild? Though camping can be a relatively straightforward prospect, it is essential to learn around it is possible to ahead of time. Follow this advice to make sure you have got a fantastic time.
You have to keep your cleanliness while camping. Good hygiene is hard while you are camping sometimes, but you can preserve yourself clean. Before eating, a bottle of hand sanitizer is extremely good to obtain to help you clean hands. You can also use rubbing alcohol on areas of your body which are not sensitive. A light biodegradable soap along with a sponge enables you to take mini-baths when water resources are low.
Practice makes perfect when pitching a tent. Take the time to place the tent up before leaving for your personal trip. This lets you construct your proficiency at erecting the tent, as well as help locate any complications with the tent in case you have to exchange it to get a better option.
If you'd like to prevent mosquito bites, but desire to avoid using harsh chemicals, work with an orange peel instead. Rub the orange peel over exposed areas of our skin, such as the neck, arms, face and legs to naturally repel mosquitoes. Not simply will the orange peels feel good on the skin than traditional repelling chemicals, nonetheless they will smell better, too!
Prior to leaving, take a short while to generate a checklist of all things that you need. There is nothing worse than arriving at a campsite after which learning that you simply don't have what you need to be comfy. A checklist is a superb aid when you are packing. Before you leave therefore you have plenty of time, make an effort to start to get thing's together a couple of days.
Always take more water than you believe you can expect to use when you are on the camping trip. Frequently, people forget just how much water is needed. It is employed for drinking, washing dishes and cooking, even and hands brushing your teeth. Water will not be something you need to do without.
Bringing your dog in your camping trip is okay provided that you bring a leash and maintain a detailed eye to them. Some individuals fear dogs. You need to always respect the requirements others when camping. Also, dogs can harm things around your campsite, or any other person's when they aren't being watched.
Don't forget his leash if Fido is on its way with the in your camping trip. Some individuals fear dogs. You ought to be respectful of other campers while at the site. If left on his very own, including yours, additionally, your dog could really destroy anyone's campsite.
It really is perfectly normal to set an affordable budget for your personal overall camping trip. Take a moment and make up a plan of the items you must pay for your whole trip. Make sure you element in the campground costs, gasoline prices along with food as well as many other materials you need to purchase. This will ensure you don't spend more money than you possess in your trip.
Make sure you have a suitable water source. Although you may bring water with you, want to need more water and know where it will be easy to obtain additional. It may be beneficial to find out where your water source will likely be prior to going camping whatsoever, but surely right after you arrive.
Even most natural experience can provide for one nice luxury from home. For example, bring a bar of chocolate or perhaps a small container of cream to get inside your coffee. This stuff will help keep you happy making your journey more pleasurable.
Before setting out on your camping adventure, prepare for what you would wear. Be sure you have adequate clean clothes to last the entire trip. Make certain you get the correct forms of clothes for your camping trip. Include closed toe shoes or hiking boots if you wish to do a little hiking.
Ensure that the cooler you are taking together with you is air tight. You may not want your food to spoil as the cooler was allowing the cool air to acquire out. Store your cooler inside a shaded area the location where the sun will not work against it. This could save your valuable food plus your stomach.
Be sure to also have a way to obtain water that is clean with you. When camping, you can't always trust that the natural water source is clean enough to drink from without boiling water first. So, have a canteen loaded with water on your side during any daily adventure. Inside the evenings, boil any spring water for 10 minutes to produce water that is clean reserves for the next day.
Protect yourself from disease carrying ticks during your camping trip. Always dress in light-colored clothing during wooded areas in order that ticks can be easily seen. Check your body frequently for ticks in the daytime. Make use of a tick repellant to discourage ticks and also other biting insects. Tuck your pants into the socks for additional protection.
Consider leaving a handwritten note for the following campers. Within this note, it is possible to inform them of things that interested you in your camping experience. You might even wish them well in their stay. This can be a nice gesture they can be guaranteed to appreciate, and it takes only a few short minutes of your time.
Having something that provides illumination is extremely useful for a camping trip. Bring a flashlight is crucial. Ever since the batteries can run out whenever you want, you ought to pack a little extra ones inside an airtight container. You might also would like to have a small LED torch plus a flare gun to be ready for almost any dark situations.
Always bring entertainment along with a camping trip, even when you think you won't want it. If you take an excessive amount of to do, such as electronics, that will derail your nature-filled trip however, there is little much better than experiencing and enjoying the stars and a campfire with a little music or perhaps a nice book, now.
Camping can indeed be extreme fun, but it really does take some advanced planning to ensure everything goes well, as was shown from the above article. Take advantage of the advice and tips shown here to make a checklist so that your trip is one of relaxation and never among "�I wish I would personally have planned this better beforehand'. View website
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