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jamesabelc · 1 year ago
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November 2022
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l-1-z-a · 2 years ago
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Comment from devs in objects.package of Nightlife expansion pack in string about refusal to go on a date. Was found in Russian language section:
The contents of this list of strings:
PJSE String file - single language export
You don't know anyone to call. Loser. Go make friends using the shift-click cheat on the mailbox
! Moved to PhoneGlobals. No longer used here. Sims2 - Needs Translation - batch12 was "You don't know anyone to call. Loser.
$NeighborLocal:1 is at work. Try again later.
! Moved to PhoneCallGlobals, String 0. Sims2 - Needs Translation - batch12 - Was $NeighborLocal:0 is at work. Try again later."
Would you like to invite this Sim over, or just talk?
Sims2 - Needs Translation - batch12
Invite Over
Sims2 - Needs Translation - batch12
Sims2 - Needs Translation - batch12
Who is this? $Neighbor isn't home now! Leave me alone!
Sims2 - Needs Translation - batch12
I don't really feel like coming over right now, maybe once I got to know you a little more.
Sims2 - Needs Translation - batch12
Hey $Me, you realize that some people need to get sleep, right? Could you call back at a decent hour?
!!Deleted - Moved to PhoneCallGlobals String 1 Sims2 - Needs Translation - batch15 - Was "Hey $neighbor, you do realize that some people need to sleep, right?"
Gee, I thought you'd never ask! I'll be right over.
Sims2 - Needs Translation - batch15
$Neighbor doesn't own a phone! You can't call someone without a phone!
!!Deleted - Moved to PhoneCallGlobals String 2 Sims2 - Needs Translation - batch15 - Was '$Neighbor doesn't own a phone! You can't call someone without a phone!"
Hey $Me! Would you like to join our conversation?
The Sims 2 - Needs Translation - Batch22
Would you like to sneak out and visit this sim?
The Sims 2 - Needs Translation - Batch 23
$Object will come pick you up at 1:00 AM.
Sims2 - Needs Translation - batch18
I don't really feel like hanging out right now. Maybe once I get to know you a little better.
Sims2 - Needs Translation - batch18
I can't sneak out with you tonight! I have plans!
Sims2 - Needs Translation - batch18
Can my friend come over, too?
The Sims 2 - Needs Translation - Batch19
Sim invites one Sim over by phone, phone gives this dialog asking if friend can come.
Sneak Out with %s
The Sims 2 - Needs Translation - Batch19
For Phone UI, dialog, variable is name of Sim clicked on in the name list. Appears for teen Sims after 9 pm if they know another teen.
Call %s
The Sims 2 - Needs Translation - Batch19
For Phone UI, dialog, variable is name of Sim clicked on in the name list.
Crank Call %s
The Sims 2 - Needs Translation - Batch19
Note: feature may or not be cut - this is ability to do Crank Calls on the phone. Cut per FP 5/27 but was still in game.
Cool! I'll come pick you up at 8:00 PM.
The Sims 2 - Needs Translation - Batch19
Note: Dialog for Sim accepting invitation to Go Out.
Neighbor Phone Book
The Sims 2 - Needs Translation - Batch 23
Campus Directory
The Sims2EP1 - Needs translation - BatchEP1-5
Campus Phonebook
The Sims2EP1 - Needs Translation - BatchEP1-5
Header for the college dialog
I don't know anyone to ask on a date. I need to get to know somebody before I can ask them out!!
Community Lot
Ask %s on date
Great, I look forward to seeing you there. Don’t be late!
No, I will not go on a date with you. NEEDS REAL TEXT PLEASE
%d Maximum Guests Allowed
! string used in Groups dialog
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enterprisebrewing-blog · 7 years ago
Batch 12: Braggot Update
Fermentation had died down a few days after brew day, as is normal. But then oddly, fermentation has picked up again now, about two weeks in. Maybe that’s to be expected with the honey involved. 
I had planned on letting the braggot ferment for three weeks before bottling, so that’s what I’ll do. 
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bartender4hire · 4 years ago
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It might have been snowmageddon outside tonight but it didn’t stop people from celebrating Valentines day weekend. Hoping everyone out late gets home safe tonight. Drive safe and thanks for putting this bartender to work. I’m going to sleep good tonight. Cheers! #vday #valentinesdayweekend #snowmageddon #makersmark #batch12 #heritage #bacardi #montegobay #earlytimes #liquor #busynight #drinks #drinkstagram #cocktails #cocktailsofinstagram #bartenderoftheday #bartendersbelike #bartendernightmares #bartenderlife #bartenderskills #pouringdrinks #cocktailporn #drinkporn #bartendersofinstagram #barlife #serverlife #restaurant #restaurantlife #drinkspiration #hardwork (at Gig Harbor, Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLOdCjfFhXO/?igshid=ugiysx6p49xk
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rayyan17 · 5 years ago
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Assalamu'alaikum wr wb Hidup mahasiswa! OPEN RECRUITMENT PENELITI MUDA UKM INKUBATOR SAINS USU BATCH 12 👋👋 Hello mahasiswa angkatan 2018 dan 2019 USU, kamu tertarik di dunia penelitian, pengen bisa jadi peneliti, atau pengen jadi juara dari karya tulis hasil penelitian mu ?? Ayo bergabung dan daftar kan dirimu menjadi Peneliti Inkubator Sains USU, disini kamu akan belajar meneliti dan pasti nya berorganisasi karena UKM inkubator adalah organisasi resmi yang berdiri di bidang penelitian di Universitas Sumatera Utara ⏱️ Timeline Pendaftaran : 16 Januari - 6 Februari 2020 Pengumuman : 7 Februari 2020 Wawancara : 8 - 9 Februari Research School : 15 Februari Family Gathering : 28 Februari - 1 Maret Jika kamu memenuhi persyaratan pendaftaran segera daftar kan dirimu dengan cara : 1. Follow instagram inkubs ( @inkubatorsains ) kemudian repost dan tag 3 temen mu 2. Like dan share fanpage " UKM Inkubator Sains USU" 3. Isi formulir online di link : bit.ly/RecruitmentBatch12 Ayo daftarkan dirimu sekarang juga dan jadilah bagian dari inkubator sains USU. Informasi lebih lengkap : 📞 081366961731 Lisa Sahara (Icha) atau 81263216322 (Tubagus) 🌐 Www.inkubatorsains.com Instagram : @inkubatorsains Line : @vyg6279l Facebook : UKM Inkubator Sains USU Semangat meneliti Berkarya Untuk Negeri #oprecinkubs #batch12 #oprec2020 #anakusu #anakinkubs #meneliti #berkarya (di Lppm Usu) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7X2VFkAXDj/?igshid=1dz11rkqugdfm
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ingridleonard · 5 years ago
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What was left from @merryriana @merryriana.lifeacademy #lifecamp #batch12. #Apache tribe that have fun go wise 😁😁 #MerryRianalifecamp #MerryRianalifeacademy (at Hotel Olive Indonesia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6hsXDTl81v/?igshid=1lsq4o9x38wdc
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dingosaidso · 7 years ago
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My Heritage Distilling wall is up in the cabin!!!! @heritagedistilling #liquorwall #vodka #gin #bourbon #brownsugarbourbon #bsb #moscowmule #coppermug #roslynreserve #bsb103 #caskclub #gigharbor #elkrider #batch12 #flavoredvodka #strawberry #coconut #ginger #vanilla #coffee #lavender #raspberry #bloodorange #grapefruit #mango #lemon #peach #noearthquakes (at Big Bear Lake, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnMy8Eoh0Uv/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ffjqwu1ib5k8
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jamesabelc · 1 year ago
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With Jbeth and Geli
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l-1-z-a · 2 years ago
In objects.package of Nightlife expansion pack in Ukrainian and Russian language section was found dialog text about ordering cake using phone:
Did you want to order a Birthday Cake for $Local:0? It'll cost you $$600.
!! Deleted. Cut due to FP. Birthday cake ordering dialog.
Great! The cake will be there shortly!
!! Deleted. Cut due to FP.
What is FP? 🤔
Pretty interesting content of this strings in Ukrainian language section:
PJSE String file - single language export
Sims2 - Needs Translation - batch19
You don't know anyone to call, Loser. Go make friends by shift-clicking on the mailbox.
!! Deleted. Moved to PhoneCall Globals string 4. Was : Sims2 - Needs Translation - batch12
$me is currently talking with $neighbor. Would you like to try to join the conversation?
Sims2 - Needs Translation - batch19
Sims2 - Needs Translation - batch19
No, Thanks
Sims2 - Needs Translation - batch19
Hey, $NeighborLocal:0, is $NeighborLocal:1 available to talk?
Sims2 - Needs Translation - batch19
Sims2 - Needs Translation - batch19
Sims2 - Needs Translation - batch19
$Local:0 isn't at home? Oh, well. I'll try back later.
!!! Moved to PhoneCall Globals string 0 but it is not used there either anymore.
Service Phonebook
Sims2 - Needs Translation - batch19
Other Phonebook
Sims2 - Needs Translation - batch19
Transport Phonebook
Sims2 - Needs Translation - batch19
Delivery Phonebook
Sims2 - Needs Translation - batch19
$Me can't reach the phone! You might want to move it to a lower surface.
!!! deleted - was the "I can't reach the phone from here" message
$Me can't reach the phone from here! You might want to move the phone away from the counter!
!!! deleted - was the "I can't reach the phone from here" message
You're getting married now? Congratulations! We'll be right over!
!!!! deleted - new home in PhoneCall Globals is marked to be translated.
Party? Your place? We'll be over as soon as we can!
!! Deleted
Did you want to order a Birthday Cake for $Local:0? It'll cost you $$600.
!! Deleted. Cut due to FP. Birthday cake ordering dialog.
Great! The cake will be there shortly!
!! Deleted. Cut due to FP.
Call the %s
Sims2 - Needs Translation - batch19 :: Old description - Emergency Phone Call Message in selection dialog
Order %s for delivery
Sims2 - Needs Translation - batch19 :: -Delivery Phone Call Message in selection dialog
Call for a %s
Sims2 - Needs Translation - batch19 ::- Service Phone Call Message
Call for a %s
Sims2 - Needs Translation - batch19 ::- Transport Phone Call Message
Call in %s.
Sims2 - Needs Translation - batch19 :: - Work Phone Call Message
$NeighborLocal:0 isn't home? Okay thanks, I'll call back later.
The Sims 2 - Needs Translation - Batch 23
The Sims2EP1 - Needs Translation - BatchEP1-5
Header for College Phonebook
College Title
The Sims2EP1 - Needs Translation - BatchEP1-5
Header for College Phonebook
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enterprisebrewing-blog · 7 years ago
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Braggot, an ancient beverage that no respectable person I know has ever heard of. Honey, malt and champagne yeast brought my batches ABV to 11.29%. After tasting the sample I was tripping in ancient Sumer. Will let it age until Thanksgiving before trying again. #braggot #homebrew #homebrewer #homebrewing #homebrewed #recipes #batch12 #ancientbrew (at Monrovia, California)
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theelixirspirits · 8 years ago
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As we run out of older batches, new one also come in. Grab while available! @barrellbourbon #BarrellBourbon #Batch12 #CaskStrength #LimitedRelease #ElixirSpirits #SpringHillTN (at Elixir Spirits)
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endangpratiwis-blog · 8 years ago
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Leadership Charismatic Class by Fay Irvanto . "Kita disini bukan training, Tapi berlibur dan dihibur" . Special thanks to mas @fayirvanto and mom @ennyrahmita . . . . Ritz Carlton Hotel, Mega Kuningan - Jakarta 4-5 Maret 2017 . . . . . #LeadershipCharisma #CharismaClass #FayIrvanto #batch12 #training #charismatic (at The Ritz-Carlton Jakarta, Mega Kuningan)
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The Spiti Valley is a cold desert mountain valley located high in the Himalaya Mountains in the north-eastern part of the Indian state of Himachal Pradesh. A new discussion is taking place now days- Leh Vs Spiti Why choose Spiti- -Spiti is less crowded -Different landscape -Old monasteries Like Tabo and Dhankar -Beautiful Lakes like Chandertaal, Nako Lake and Dhankar lake. -You have done Leh Ladakh. We are covering Kinnaur and Spiti valley in this beautiful Road trip. The cost includes Breakfast and dinner with accommodation. Short Itinerary – Day 1- Shimla to Sangla Day 2- Sangla to Nako Day 3 –Nako to Kaza Day 4- Kaza to Langza Day 5- Langza to Chandertaal Day 6- Chandertaal to Manali Day 7- Manali Drop Duration: 6 Nights| 7 Days Batch7. 17th August 2019 Batch8. 24th August 2019 Batch9. 07th September 2019(full) Batch10.14th September 2019(full) Batch11. 21st September 2019(few seats left) Batch12. 05th October 2019 Batch13. 12th October 2019 Batch14. 19th October 2019 For more details message us or send your email ID Email- [email protected] Contact No- 8353010033/8353040008 Or visit- http://himalayanfootslog.com #adventureculture #earthoutdoors #folkscenery ##iamnomad #neverstopexploring #mountainstories #mountainstones #landscapephotography #instagram #keephimalayasclean #HimalayanFootslog #WeMakeItEasy#spiti#spitiroadtrip#spitified#nature#key#chandrataallake #chandrataal #india #bestroadtripever #spiti#chandrataal#dhankarmonastery #tabo#nako#himalayanfootslog #wemakeiteasy#himachal#bestroadtrip#sangla#offroad #adventuretime #keephimalayasclean (at Spiti Valley) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1mC9Y1Fk97/?igshid=1fxfnsq4strrb
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ingridleonard · 5 years ago
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Thank you Ms. @merryriana & all coaches @merryriana.lifeacademy for this best 6 days of Eba's life. We can't imagine how difficult & tiring your day, but still do the best to serve the lifers. May God bless you always all the way 🙏🏻🙏🏻 #lifecamp #batch12 #lifeacademy #MerryRianalifecamp #MerryRianalifeacademy (at Hotel Olive Indonesia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6ZPrcJlIWL/?igshid=xmj7var8vhbf
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letterstoppmk · 8 years ago
Berikut merupakan penambahbaikan yang ingin saya cadangkan:  a. Simpo Kerjaya - dipecahkan kepada 2 : 1) resume workshop focuskan untuk pendedahan n persediaan. adakan awaaaal, cadangan saya libatkan penglibatan 3rd year students. 2) Career workshop focus untuk Students dapatkan kerja, bukan baru diberi pendedahan ttg persediaan yang perlu dilakukan. still, ok je ada brief explanation sebagai ulangan. b. Science Day - buat exhibition ikut 과, boleh collab banyak2 Uni~ c. Entrepreneurship Day - macam Garage Sale, tapi tambah slot dari sonbae2 dah corob yang tengah berbusiness ke,,  ( prep. almaklumlah ekonomi sedang tak baik, sonbae batch12 yang dah 취직 pun tak seramai sonbae2 atas rasanya~)
d. Tema talk to us ppmk - halatuju selepas corob (대학권) ; jemput speaker dari student2 Master ke~  Pengetahuan untuk pembangunan ! :D 
Hello there!
Thank you for your ideas and suggestions. We will look up into these ideas and decide on whether we will proceed with it or not. In the meantime, do participate in our events and our facebook page to keep updated! Who knows any of these suggestions will come up. Because no one knows what the future holds ^^
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jamesabelc · 4 years ago
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Eris Roars
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