#bat goblin
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inkary · 22 days ago
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Bat Goblin. He’s a bat. He’s a goblin. What’s not to love?
commissioned by @will-o-wisps
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biorust-art · 1 month ago
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Nott, but goblins are bat critters.
I used to draw grizzop from RQG as a bat and I had forgotten about it but LISTEN it works so perfectly I'm now translating it to Nott.
[Image Description: Several doodles of Nott the Brave from Critical Role. Nott is a bat-like goblin, which means her head is surrounded by gray-green fluff and her ears are large and striated like a bat's. Her nose is pink and the bridge is ridged and she also has a bat muzzle with sharp teeth. in the bottom left doodle she is sitting down with her legs to her chest, holding a flask and squinting at someone out of view, she is in her original Mighty Nein outfit with the doll mask around her face and gray clothes on. her big ears have some bandages wrapped around it. The drawing next to this is one of Nott in a yellow traditional german-styled dress with yellow and blue roses on her head, her neck fluff is fuller and she smiles at someone standing next to her. she's got buttons on her apron and on a necklace. the next drawing is of Nott, once again in level 1 outfit, standing on Caleb's shoulders. Caleb looks tired but relenting to Nott's rage, as she holds a crossbow and yells at someone to 'get fucked.' Her mouth is open showing her hissing teeth and she squints, making her look like the banana cat meme. The final drawing is of Nott hanging upside using one foot to grip a wooden beam. She uses her three other limbs to give Fjord, who is carrying a crate, the middle finger. Fjord is unimpressed. End ID]
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veinsfullofstars · 11 months ago
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"Still trying to intimidate me? Cute."
(ID: Kirby series fanart of Meta Knight and Galacta Knight based off of a couple dynamics template by @/ReddsMess on Twitter. Original template and source below the cut, as well as a HAL language variant. Top-left panel - high-angle shot of MK lit from above, standing firm and glaring up through his mask, his wings curled out and breaching the panel in places, subtitled "Well well..." Top-right panel - low-angle shot of GK lit from below, looming in the air and leering down through his mask, his wings curled out and his hands spread wide in challenge, both of which breach the panel in places, subtitled "Look who came to see me..." Bottom panel - MK & GK stand next to each other, the latter leaning towards the former and gently caressing the side of his mask with the back of one hand, grinning smugly and wrapping a wing around the knight, subtitled "My Knightmare." MK stands stiffly with his fists clenched at his sides, blushing vividly and glaring away from the warrior. A little flurry of white hearts emanate from GK, while one small one hovers above MK. END ID.)
Started 03/30/24, finished 04/02/24, updated for color correction 11/02/24.
HAL language variant:
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Original by ReddsMess (template link) NOTE: The artist has marked 16-18+ in their bio, so browse at your own risk!
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i-am-worm · 1 month ago
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She's not sharing her DELISHUS herring guts. Git yer own.
The final goblin of goblin week 2025! I actually returned to a design I did back into 2021 which was a 'me' goblin:
Once again, I had loads of fun. I look forward to drawing my goblins every year.
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superkawaiimothman · 9 months ago
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Here's some sort of little bat goblin creature. Just a little guy. Probably doesn't have rabies or anything. Go ahead and let him in your house today :3
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linseedling · 1 month ago
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Goblin Week 2025
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alex-fictus · 4 months ago
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The Cenozoic is Pink 🩷🩷🩷
Western Horse (Equus occidentalis) - Megaloceros
Odobenocetops - Desmodus
Baiji - Goblin Shark
Shop || Phone Wallpapers
The western horse is coming soon! Check out my next shop update on November 1st for new critters joining the Paleo Party!
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goblinfables · 5 months ago
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what big ears you have
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geekmeup-scotty · 4 months ago
Na na na na na na na na Bat Chonk!
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hobohobgoblim · 18 days ago
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To hide you batty shinies.
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novelconcepts · 11 days ago
So not interested in other people’s reviews of my favorite things 90% of the time. I made the mistake of glancing in at some YJ reviews and they were like “Gosh, the weird unhinged show is doing some weird unhinged shit this season, huh?” “Damn, it sucks when stories about how trauma warps people and their abilities to connect with one another results in unlikeable behavior, isn’t it? 😕” Like, good goddamn, you write these for a living?? Must be hard being the smartest viewer in the room, I don’t know how you ever cope.
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k-simp · 9 months ago
How do I even do I even caption or explain this?
Willem Dafoe - Joker
Jeffrey Combs - Scarecrow
Alfred Molina - The Penguin
I couldn't study cause this was on my mind. I'll expand upon this idea later with some more art, I just wanted to throw something in here before I lock in this summer and make content.
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I do like how my bois came out in the sketch, though :D
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Anyway, later.
(I missed alot of details, i can see them now💀)
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lizallanosborn · 2 months ago
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my goblin design
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natedogx15 · 2 days ago
Spider-Bat Rogues Gallery
So, I really enjoy the Spider-Bat AU where Batman and Spider-Man are combined. Though, some are more obvious than others and not that creative.
Joker + Goblin = Mischief
Probably the least creative combo since they're like the main nemesis of each. But it makes for an interesting villain since the two would parallel so well.
Both Mischief and Spider-Bat's civilian identities could be the richest people in Gotham. However, Mischief wants to use the corruption to his advantage while Spider-Bat wants to clean it up. Both use their wealth to create high tech equipment for their alter egos.
To make things interesting, I like to picture Mischief starting out as a normal person that relies on tech while searching for a way to grow as strong as Spider-Bat, while Spider-Bat trains in martial arts to become more skilled at using their powers.
Penguin + Kingpin = Emperor Penguin
This one is another pretty obvious one. But I couldn't help but mix these two together because my mind keeps flashing back to The Batman's version of Penguin who could fight. Plus, their origins mix pretty well.
Two Face + Venom = Madness
This one I'm not sure is as obvious. It could be, given Harvey's connection to Batman being similar to Eddie Brock's in Spectacular Spider-Man. I love the idea of three 'minds' fighting inside one body for control. Maybe the Symbiote can also be the thing that keeps them on track.
Plus, it could be an interesting story. One side of Two Face wants to protect Spider-Bat after Venom reveals their identity to him. The other is filled with resentment for Spider-Bat not saving them.
Scarecrow + Vulture = Murder
Another possibly more obvious one. I like to imagine Murder being a business owner who was betrayed and decides to use his engineering and psychology degrees to create a villain persona to show people what happens when you push someone too far.
Their suit would probably have a cropdusting-theme where they can drop fear gas as they fly. Like their old lego plane.
Riddler + Kraven = Challenge
Challenge is someone who has always been gifted both mentally and physically. The best minds and the mightiest beasts had trouble keeping up with them. So, they grew bored. When they heard about Spider-Bat, they saw someone and possibly the only person who could give them a worthy challenge. They'll test the hero's mind with riddles and questions, while testing them physically through combat.
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a-shrieking-cloud-of-bats · 6 months ago
DF Posting: KingChannels - Year 3
Here we are again. Much belated on account of me having an awful head cold for most of the past two weeks.
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The beginning of the defensive layer, which, as time has gone on, has only gotten less solid. Regardless I think having room to retreat behind corners when archers come a knocking will be helpful.
We left last year with the trade depot Almost complete, and the defensive layer, starting up. Happy to say we made a lot of progress on both, but a lot happened so we'll start from the top.
Early on the elven caravan arrived; I personally have no abnormal distaste for the elves (even if selecting everything in a bin except the bin is obnoxious), but we didn't have any trade goods because I'd not decided to, you know, make any, on account of sheets being wanted next year. So we didn't really get anything, not that they brought much. Not even very many animals. Very dissapointing honestly. Didn't even get a screenshot.
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Our starter library. We probably won't need it anymore after we start getting the tower constructed but that could be a while. I set a scholar to work here after I made it as well, and installed a table later on.
In the meantime we made a starter library for our scholarly pursuits to begin in earnest, rather then waiting for the tower to start construction. It's small, but it'll work. We assigned Ingish Arzesidan as scholar, our old woodcutter. She honestly loves it and is constantly getting good thoughts from debating and pondering, though these are somewhat offset by her bad thoughts from not practicing a craft. Thems the breaks. Around this time I also started making clothes from our pig tail fiber, to ensure our in fort child would have clothing. Also so anyone whose clothes rot off can get a new set.
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Our first scholar.
After all that hubbub we almost immediately got a migrant wave; 9 dwarves, 2 melee dwarves for the military, and a High Master Surgeon, very nice. This reminded me we needed to make a hospital. My idea is to build it on the ground floor, likely near the cistern, hopefully out of the way of any trouble in the event anyone needs to be brought to it during combat. It'll also make getting the water from the cistern to the nearly required hospital well less of a pain in the butt.
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The first two are our melee dwarves and the last is the surgeon.
Around the time of the migrant wave we got another Child Strange Mood; it finished around the time we finished sorting otu the migrant wave as Ablel Regezar only grabbed two apple wood logs. He made, adorably, a toy axe, Desiszisang. During the course of this year I caught several dwarf children playing with it so at least it's getting use!
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The fort's most popular toy. And... only toy, now that I'm thinking about it.
Of note; all this happened in Early Spring. This was a very rapid fire series of events, but things slow down a bit henceforth. Not before finding a mysterious vomit trail from the trade depot to the first floor of the fortress entrance. Probably a dwarf that'd been underground long enough to get cave adapted. I didn't see any sign of combat, anyway, so it's not an injury at least. Regardless the fort now has its first streak of green mess. There will be many more.
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Every fort, by the end of the run, is usually just covered in blood and puke. This is small potatoes.
Taking up the next large swathe of time was mostly me digging to find ores, rather then for fortress construction, with the completion of a stockpile I was digging near the metal processing area to store ore and coal. During this time I'd noticed unhappy dwarves were looking pretty intimidating, I think it hit a high of 16 which is more then a third of our fort. You've gotta nip this in the bud so in a mostly ineffectual attempt to do that I made some meals. Mostly quarry bush leaves, but higher food quality = happier dwarf. Unfortunately we don't really have a lot of edible wildlife, I've only seen ravens and they're too small to butcher and a pain to catch besides. Maybe one day we'll be eating raven eggs, but it seems like a bit too much trouble for now.
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all of my mining floors start like this. I want people to be able to move through them well in the event I use them for something more important then burial site.
We hit Lignite and Iron shortly below where I started digging exploratorily. Very good sign; if we can find flux we've got steel, which is fantastic. That'll handily take care of most of our fortress defense needs, at least as far as we can hope for. We also found kaolinite which will make us some high quality ceramic stuff when I set it up. I also intend to use the exploratory digging tunnels for most of our burial slabs; it just feels appropriate to me.
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During all this, the work on the defensive layer was moving along. The windows on the left are Gem windows, and we'll be layering some fortifications over hte front of them to ensure noone just breaks in through those windows. Eventually patrols or watch animals will keep an eye out through there to let us know when goblins or kobolds are skulking around. Hopefully, anyway.
It was around this time I realized my military squads had Never Stopped Training. I looked into a bit of stuff regarding the new UI and it turns out they've been on manual training, never stop mode, for like a year now. That's probably why everyone's so pissed off. I fix that and indeed the bad moods at the fort start dropping, thankfully. THe summer migrant wave also hit, 8 dwarves. A high master metalcrafter, a high master furnace operator, and a middling papermaker. Normally the papermaker would be on hauling duty, but given we're making a library... hmm. Two randos from the wave got drafted into our military squad making an even 10. Training can Really start now. Especially now that they're doing advanced training and teaching and sparring and such. They don't do that on manual evidently.
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Once more, oru new Local Celebrities. I also assigned another dwarf to scholarship around this time I believe; Kadol Usenvabok. We'll probably worry more about the scholars when the tower goes up because if I keep posting dwarf thoughts we're gonna hit the image cap.
Seconds after this migrant wave the high master metalcrafter enters a secretive mood. Looks like we're getting a legendary metalcrafter. Honestly sort've stinks; he was allmost there anyway. Regardless, he goes to work. After some livestock butchery, he makes an Artifact Silver Chain out of Horse Leather, Chert Blocks, a Silver Bar, and cut bloodstones. Pretty nice sounding, and we can definitely find a use for it somewhere. Probably put it in a well, but maybe we can find some sort've novel use for it in the tower. It Is silver after all.
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Pretty Good.
As we moved into autumn, I realized we were running out of food for some reason. Had the realization we weren't growing any plump helmets in autumn for some reason, so I fixed that. Also set about to making another still, as the population was getting quite hefty and a single still probably wouldn't be cutting it for much longer. As time went on it stabilized, and later in the year restocked itself so we're good again. Crisis Averted.
Shortly before the caravan arrived there were officially enough farmers in the fort to qualify for a farmer's guild. I immediately set about making one of the rooms I Dug out for specifically this purpose into a farmer's guild, and everyone was happy about it. Farmer dwarves will talk about farming in there, along with just generally socializing. It'll slowly increase their skills in various farming aptitudes. It's great.
The Dwarven caravan arrives annnnnd I forgot to make trade goods. God damn. I quickly hammer out some rock rings and buy some iron bars, using them to make a weapon for the militia. Need stuff sooner then later, and we're not exactly short on iron. The liason requested Amulets, which is great for us and I Immediately set on that to avoid this problem next year. I make our standard selection of military grade metals and silver.
Around this time enough work on the cistern got done for me to be comfortable draining the pond, finally. I wanted to get constructed stuff in there sooner rather then later because... I like constructed stuff. No dirty hole water here.
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the top floor hadn't been walled in yet but I did take care of that over the rest of the year.
I love a bit of fluid mechanics in DF so this excited me. I've actually not done a lot of it, but I love the concept. We'll probably need another pool or two before it'll have enough loaded in to make its way to the hospital well, but it rains all the time here, so it shouldn't be too long. Since we've got enough standing water in the cistern too (about a full z level), we can just dump in whatever we can get and it'll be stored too, so that's nice.
Anyway the autumn migrant wave hits annnnnnd we got two dwarves. I forgot I had the migrant cap lowered to a pitiful 50 due to a previous fort I ran, so that's my bad, Yet Again. I raise it to 100. The two dwarves were not notable in any way. I also assign a scribe to our library to copy the books we do have.
As we trundle on towards winter, a child is posessed, which has become a commonplace enough occurrence that I honestly wasn't particularly interested. More livestock died to feed the leather requirement, and he got wood, bones and leather.
Before he finished his artifact, however, a werehare broke into the depot. He immediately bites down on Logem Urvaddatan, our freshly recruited high master surgeon, and shakes him to bits.
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So much for that hospital. KingChannelses first fatality. Brutal.
There were two militadwarves nearby at the time so they immediately set to attacking the werehare (with picks?? why do you people have picks equipped you're not miners), and he goes down pretty unceremoniously, being an unarmored, roughly human size, enemy.
During the scuffle however, a militadwarf was bitten. This means they are now a werehare, and they Will be hostile to their fellow dwarves when they turn.
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The bitten militiadwarf on the left, Iden Eshtanmubun and more competent combat on the right.
Me, not willing to create isolation chambers for bitten dwarves, and not wanting to have to deal with this guy popping off every quarter of a year, elect to banish him. Iden Eshtanmubun has no family in the fort, so nobody is going with him. He's upset, but what's he gonna do, come back as a werehare to take revenge? Hopefully not. He was actually also a aprt of the wave the surgeon came in on, so I guess the wave was just cursed. We'll have to keep an eye on Ablel Dumatdeleth, I Suppose.
After all of the drama and our first death, the child finishes his artifact, a horse bone pick. Maybe someone will actually use it. I kind've don't care right now kid I'm sorry.
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I am normally quite happy about equippable artifacts, even if they're shit, but a pick is pretty hard to equip on purpose and they all behave the same regardless of material.
After processing all this I realized our defensive layer is pretty much done, our wall is done, our trade depot is done, it's time to build that overhang. I don't think the werehare climbed in over the wall but better safe then sorry. Unfortunaetly, while trying to do this, I realize my wall is too close to the edge of the map to build an overhang. So we have to rebuild half of it. Ugh.
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In the shadow of death we find.... more menial labor. As usual, I guess.
I immediately stat making another layer of the wall on the relevant sides inside the fort. We'll worry about tearing down the outside layer later. I'd rather have a wall people can climb over then no wall at all. This in and of itself takes about til the end of the season, so we'll carry on with other stuff, though the death was the last major event of the year.
Other then some boring logistical stuff (we ran out of chert I can't color coordinate until I mine more rarrrr), the rest of the year was pretty quiet. We found some Green Jade, a 20 value gem, which is Very nice, we found more iron on the living floor, while expanding it for future waves, which I mined out, and our scribe made a copy of our one book, The Way of the Path of the Moon. Or whatever. It was something like that.
As the year drew to a close, the baby born in fort grew to a child and learned to walk on his own. He is no longer at risk of being used as a shield by his mother, and they ran out into the snow and immediately got pissed off about being snowed on. Thanks kid. She can now harvest and haul stuff, so she'll be a minor help for the next.... 15 years. Frankly if we see her grow to be an adult that alone is a fantastic run.
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Baby Lolor Rimtarilir, like all dwarves, immediately knows where the clothes are upon gaining locomotion. She's also pissed off because of the snow. Get in line Lolor.
Along with the baby becoming independent, our initial Scholar, Ingish, became an astronomor. He's officially studied the book about the moon's path enough to gain a title. Our mental pursuits are looking up.
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A monumentous occasion given the goal of our fort. We need more eggheads. They're chopping a tree right now but rest assured they are very intelligent.
And that's that. A death, a lot of construction and a working cistern; that will continue, but we are pulling up on the end of Surface construction not involving the tower, at least, maybe another couple of years? Hopefully we'll have sterling silver production in hand by then.
Next years goals are finally get that cistern loaded up with water and giving our dwarves an indoor well, Finish The Damn Wall, and hopefully find flux and start steel production. Also hopefully we find silver. I guess if we can't find any silver on site a ceramic tower might be good. And very silly. Same color anyway. We'll see.
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Until Next Year. Our fortunes rise and fall together.
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peikonlainen · 4 months ago
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19# Big ol' trainers critter fight has crushing end !
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