#bat form is fine - I have no problems with it. But in his normal form? no can do buckaroo.
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theswedishpajas · 7 months ago
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Based on my favorite gif lately
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lunaria-maharlika · 10 months ago
Amity parkers are feral and insane
Somehow, someway, Casper high finds their selves in Gotham.
It could be a field trip or a ghost shoved them in a portal, doesn't matter, they're in Gotham.
As they arrive in Gotham, the Casper teachers decide to turn this into something educational and hire a tour guide from Gotham Academy (or was it Gotham university? I forgot) GA agrees and also Sends some of their students to partner up with the amity parkers as a sort "buddy" and to hopefully teacher em the ways of surviving in Gotham.
To the gothamites, the amity parkers look like children who have never been exposed to crime in their life, never been mugged, never been been kidnapped.
But the truth is, compared to the BS amity is used to, Gothams issues are like kindergarten.
First thing the tour guide hears when she greets Casper high Mr lancer telling them to, "Please don't walk into danger, please don't try and provoke the joker, I know he's a bitch but still. If you find yourself in a tricky situation, do not hesitate to punch yourself to freedom, but ABSOLUTELY NO CRITICAL HITs these are NORMAL people they're not like us or the ghosts, they will not survive. Please do not give phantom problems, He's already failing in class he doesn't need more problems"
Its important to keep in mind that:
amity parkers and ghosts are buddies now.
The Ambient ectoplasm gave them a form of super strength, also making it so that they are able to touch ghost.
They join the ghost brawls everyone in a while and has some wins.
Most, if not all are liminal in a way.
Everyone knows that Danny is phantom but have signed an NDA that says they aren't allowed to tell anyone who isn't a native amity parker who he is.
Things is, The gothamites don't know about this and take it as if Mr lancer and the students are underestimating Gotham. So as a from of pettiness, all the Gotham students decided to bring their amity partner to the most dangerous places they can think of.
Niky has lead sam into a park that poison ivy frequents. Of course, poison ivy is there but instead of running away in fear like niky expected, Sam runs up to ivy, complements her and joins the path of eco terrorism.
Tucker and his partner Vic finds himself in the middle of a riddler attack, locked in a room with no way out, a countdown timer with 20 secs remaining and a riddle in a computer.
Vic is panicking as he tries to figure it out, he looked to tucker for help. Tucker just shrugged and hacked the computer, not even bothering to solve the riddle. It worked and Vic is baffled and the riddler is frustrated.
Danny find himself in the hands of the joker, (his partner ran the moment joker was seen) hanging upside down on top of a large pool of acid, because, it's classic for joker. He is also being live streamed.
The teachers in GA are panicking, the bats are panicking.
Casper high teacher took one look at the stream and shrugged. "Eh, he'll be fine." They also called the number that joker has displayed on the screen, just to say, "Daniel Fenton, make sure your back before in GA 6 pm or else were leaving you to find the hotel on your own."
The time is 5:30 pm.
It takes 25 minutes to walk from Joker to GA.
Danny sighs, might as well start walking.
He uses intangibility to free himself and fall into the vat of acid.
The Gothamites are shocked and screaming, the bats are shocked. Amity parkes went "oh" and continued placing bets on how fast Danny will get back.
Danny then proceeds to swim out of the acid pool, punch the joker in the face, knocking him out in a single hit and then proceeds to casually squeeze out the acid from his Casper high "I am a proud amitian" shirt as if it's regular water.
All of this was done in 5 minutes.
All of this was caught on stream.
The Gothamites are passed out, the bats are questioning everything. Batman is searching up everything he can about acid side effects and about Danny but ends up with nothing.
The amity parkers just raised their bets even further.
Danny somehow makes it back 10 minutes late and Wes wins the bet.
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mixingandmelting · 9 days ago
hey so how do you think the bat boys would deal with a sweet yet fiesty crush? Your jealousy post got me thinking. How the boys deal with jealousy over a crush, but what they do with a crush who isn’t prone to jealousy? the boys ask if crush ever gets jealous over a crush and s/o is like “no. I don’t own him. I have no right to feel jealous over him since we’re friends. And if we date, I’ll just trust him. He’s not my property. If he does cheat on me, I’ll hunt him down and kick his ass cuz I imagine we’d agree about committing at some point”?
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You don’t get jealous. Huh. 
He slouches on the sofa, arms crossed and cheeks puffed out. No he’s not sulking, he’s just stumped. Your words make sense and give him another reason for him to like you. But what does that make him? Here he is, getting bothered by everyone close to him trying to show off how much closer they are to you while looking at him. Especially Wally, yes bros before hoes but he really needs to stop putting his arm around your shoulders whenever the three of you hang out. Not to mention the smug smirk the red head sends him knowing he won’t be able to do anything about it. “Oh, I’m just being friendly” his ass. 
He suddenly feels something tugging at his pants. Looking down, a tiny smile forms on his face as lifts Haley up to his eyes. 
“Haley, would you get jealous over your crush?” 
He heaves a heavy sigh when she tilts her head questionably. Figures. 
Plopping her on his face, Haley barks energetically most likely from him blowing raspberries into her tummy in attempts to vent out his frustration. He has it so bad for you… Why does life enjoy making things harder for him including his desire to simply ask you? 
Welp. That’s a problem. Don’t get him wrong, it’s great and a relief for him since it means you're a green-flag, pro-healthy relationship type of a person. Problem is that he likes you. And he’s trying to gauge if you like him back so he can know if he has a chance with you. Jealousy is one of the biggest indicators of figuring out if a person likes another person seen in books, TV shows, movies, real-life (he’s totally not talking from first-hand experience). 
But you don’t get jealous. He’s not a jerk to plan to purposely instigate you into jealousy but considering it’s one of the more obvious signs, he was hoping he can use it as a form of proof that the feeling was mutual. So much for that plan though. 
Feet propped up on his desk, he slumps deeper into his chair and takes grumpy chomps out of his chili dog. Seriously, what does a guy gotta do to figure out if he’s able to ask someone out around here? 
Apparently everything that annoys him when the chili slides off the hot dog and onto his white t-shirt. 
Mentally he flips a finger into the air as he makes his way to the sink. To whomever is sending back luck towards him, he sincerely expresses fuck them. 
He’s not bothered by it. It’s a perfect response that shows the positivity in being in a relationship with you. So, he’s not bothered by what you said whatsoever.  
That’s what he tells himself, approaching his third hour of searching up if it’s normal to not feel jealous when crushing on someone on top of all the other signs of having a crush. Aggressive mouse clicking and tapping of the keyboard filling the room as his eyes drill holes into the screen.
All the articles say that it’s fine and usually points towards a good sign. He’s thinking the people who wrote them have never been in a relationship before and don’t know what they’re talking about. 
Groaning, he leans back and spins himself in circles. It’s not them. Or you. It’s him. He’s the problem. He’s grasping straws, hoping his feelings aren’t one-sided. That he’s not being odd or -wait. Hold on. Is he being a red-flag???
His eyes shot wide open, he rolls himself back to his desk and fills the room again with clicking and tapping. Only for his phone to ring. 
“Hey, Tim! Do you want to-”
“Do you think I’m toxic?” 
By the end of the phone call, he’s offended. He was asking a genuine question; what did needing sleep have to do with this?
He flips to one side. Then to the other. No matter what he does, counting sheep, listening to black out noise, he can’t fall asleep. 
One part of him falls for you even harder. Your response was so cool and mature. Like, that’s how he’s going to be treated when the two of you go out. Loyal, couple goal’s commitment from you to him and him to you. There won’t be any drama. No you did, he did, who’s that. A strong, wholesome relationship. Thinking about this part makes him want to start planning how he’d ask you out. Where, what time, flowers or food. 
But then there’s the fact that you may have someone you like. Who it is, he wouldn’t be able to know since you won’t express it. What he does know is that he might not have a chance with you. Even if he were to ask you out, you’d reject him. As he thinks about this,  he isn’t sure which is worse at the moment: him getting rejected or him not being able to confess from the start. 
Grabbing his phone next to him, he considers texting his Batsibs until he remembers: none of them were normal. Slowly he puts his phone back down. Maybe he’ll ask his friends at school. At least he’ll get a somewhat decent advice from them. 
He thinks you’re lying. It’s part of human nature to feel jealous, especially for romantic reasons. But you don’t feel jealous? Bullcrap. 
He angrily scribbles his answers onto the paper, maintaining neat hand-writing as it would be unbecoming for it to look like chicken-scratch (full on shade to Jon everyone in his family other than Alfrend and his father by the way). There’s simply no way you would answer as such unless you truly have feelings for someone. And that fact he doesn’t even know who it might be from how tight lipped you’re being-!
Snap goes his pencil. He bites his lip, frustrated and agitated all over again. He won’t admit to anyone else other than to himself but he has a crush on you. But if you like someone, he doesn’t want to continue harboring them. He has no intentions of getting in your way of happiness or causing pain to you and himself. So why can’t you at least drop a hint or something? 
He goes back to working on his homework with the broken pencil until the lead breaks this time. He’s quiet for a second. Then slamming his pencil down, he heads to the Batcave to get ready early. Nothing gets better as he endures teasing during the whole mission. He’s not being broody and it’s not because of a crush!
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letoasai · 1 year ago
Will work for food ~ part 2
Part 1 - Master list
Tim was anxious which wasn’t an emotion he often put into use. Even on a bad day he was calculating, overly prepared, and usually ran on caffeine. He was a young genius and a hell of a detective, but nerves probably didn’t care about his resume or personality quirks. 
He rubbed his thumb against the folded piece of paper kept hidden in his pocket. He’d examined it in the batcave but it held no clues of note. It was just a normal sheet of paper, and the ink could have been a pen from any local corner store. No DNA. No fingerprints. All the same, he kept it out of sight in public. 
Tim had been antsy about summoning Phantom, mostly because he felt like he was disrespectfully late. When he’d first laid eyes on the living form of the Ghost King, he’d felt a familiar ache. Neglect. He didn’t know if the king had neglected himself, or if the blame lay at someone else's feet, but he just couldn’t stand it. 
He’d offered food and company in an instant, the words popping out of his mouth before he could think them through. Despite that, he didn’t regret the offer. He could have done without the teasing from his siblings and teammates, but he didn’t regret the offer once. 
His only remorse was with the clean up efforts. The Infinite creature, Vortex, had left quite the destruction in his wake. Even with many extended members of the League assisting with clean up, it took ages. Search and rescues were active and humanitarian groups had arrived to offer aid but some things couldn’t be done in a weekend. 
The bats returning to Gotham didn’t offer much in the way of a break either. A Scarecrow outbreak with his fear toxin. Three different gangs in the middle of a turf war. A weapons smuggling ring being uncovered… It was one thing after another for a minute. 
When all was said and done it had been nearly two months before Tim had the opportunity to keep his promise. He was in his civvies, standing at the mouth of an alleyway across from a little italian place that looked cheap but was actually the best tasting, most authentic italian place in all of Gotham. Little hole in the wall places often were the best. 
The problem now was his ability to overthink things. Would he summon the king in a glow of green that would light up the street like a beacon? Would he arrive in his ghostly form, crown hovering above his hooded head? 
Phantom looked human enough but was he? Did he come from Earth originally? There were plenty of aliens that looked human. It would be rude to assume… 
What name did he use? Did he need to go full title? Why didn’t he ask more questions when he had the chance?
“King Phantom.” Tim muttered, deciding to just go for it. He still clutched the paper sigil out of sight. “Uh, Ghost King Phantom. King of the Infinite Realm. Um… Or was it High King…” 
“Just Phantom is fine.” 
Tim tensed, all of his hair standing on end at the voice directly behind him in the alley. He hadn’t made a sound but he needed to actively work to exhale and turn around to face his guest. There had been zero indication of his arrival, and he was thankfully, in his living form. 
He was in jeans and an over sized hoodie. Tim could just barely make out a faded NASA written in the front. That was a point in the direction of him possibly being a human from Earth. He wore shoes this time, beat up looking kicks that had seen better days. His hood was also drawn over his head, likely to hide his bony appearance. Tim did spy the tail of his braid over his shoulder though, his hair black to further prove he was in his living form. 
“You…scared the hell out of me.” Tim said, smiling after another hard exhale. “I am sorry it took so long, your Highness.” 
“Phantom.” He corrected, looking around the street and taking it all in. Tim could clock him making note of the turns down the street and the buildings with fire escapes even with his hood up. People just had certain body language when casing an area. “I figured it would be a while, if you summoned me at all. I was not going to hold you to a whim, Red Robin.” 
“I said i would…” Tim muttered. “Uh, it’s Tim, out of uniform. If you don’t mind.” 
“Tim.” He repeated. That softness to his voice remained, and honestly, Tim liked the cadence of it. He liked it as much as he was sure he never wanted to hear Phantom raise his voice. “I understand.” He hesitated only a beat. “You can call me Danny. Phantom is probably a silly thing to call someone in a city like this.” 
“Not if it’s your name.” 
“Danny is okay.” He said, and for whatever reason, Tim noticed now how he kept his hands in his pockets, likely to hide them too. Frail, skeletal looking hands would just frighten some people. “Food? For a favor?” 
“No favor involved. I invited you out.” Tim said. “I mean, maybe we can chat about stuff but you aren’t obligated to answer or anything.” 
Phantom…Danny nodded, shuffling for a moment and looking around again. The height of the buildings seemed to be a mild interest of his. “Where are we eating?” 
“Well, if you like Italian, we’re walking across the street.” He thought pasta and breads would be both filling and flavorful. It would also be something easily packed up for Danny to take with him. 
“I’ll eat anything.” Danny informed him. “I have no preferences after all this time.” He hesitated. “Or maybe i need to rediscover them, but anything will be fine.” 
“Let’s… let’s go then.” Tim said, walking with Danny at his side. He’d made a reservation which wasn’t strictly necessary at such a small place but it gave him the option of reserving a corner table to offer them a little more privacy. 
They walked in, the hostess greeting them with a smile before leading them to their table and leaving them with bread, water, and menus. There were a few other full tables but it wasn’t packed the way it would be in the evening. 
Danny kept his hood up, but it was Gotham and no one questioned the decision. They just left him in peace to not start a conflict with someone who wasn’t causing any trouble. He also kept his hands out of sight until the hostess had left. He sipped the water once and broke off only a little piece of the bread. He buttered it and ate on it while flipping open the menu. 
Tim didn’t know if he was reading the English or Italian parts of the menu but it didn’t matter. Being fluent in reading an Earth language was another check mark for this being his place of origin. 
“Can i…” Tim hummed, keeping in mind that he was speaking with royalty and act a little less like Bruce interrogating a suspect. “Can i ask a couple questions?” 
Danny looked up at him, Tim only barely able to make out some of his features passed the unnatural shadows his hood provided. “Sure.” 
Tim smiled, not even bothering with the menu since he knew what he was getting. “You’re the King of a realm, but was Earth your place of origin?” 
“Yes, but not this Earth.” 
Dimensions! Tim filed that away for later. “You can travel to any of them?” 
“Within reason. Yes. I’m old, but not that old yet. Only eight or nine decades.” He tore another small piece of bread to eat. Tim assumed he was pacing himself. “They call me a baby Ancient still.” 
“That’s cool…” Tim muttered. “Are there many other Earths?” 
“The answer to that would never satisfy you.” Danny said softly. “Trust me. I am the Ancient of Space and i’m hardly satisfied with it.” 
There was a new fact for Tim to latch on. “What’s the-” He stopped when the waitress appeared. Both of them ordered, and Tim was certain he’d end up ordering more halfway through the meal so Danny could take more home with him.  
When the menus were taken and the waitress left again, Tim continued. “What’s the difference between being an Ancient of Space and being the Ghost King.” 
“When i died, or half died, it was my fate to one day become the Ancient of Space. I am that regardless. I won the title of Ghost King.” 
Tim dragged a hand down his face. “That’s…. Endlessly fascinating. I have so many questions.” He didn’t even know how to touch ‘half died’ yet. 
Danny hummed once and fiddled with the end of his braid. “Do i get to ask questions too?” 
“Of course.” 
Danny leaned forward, sipping at his water again. “This Earth has super heroes. That’s interesting. Mine didn’t. How long have you been a hero?” 
Tim nodded, figuring that would be the direction the questions would have wandered towards. They were far enough away from everyone in the restaurant that he didn’t worry about being heard. The music playing in the background also helped a great deal. 
“Hero might be a debate depending on who you ask. In Gotham we’re considered vigilanties. I first suited up at thirteen but it was really more like fourteen after a great deal of training.” 
Danny was quiet for a moment. “And how old are you now? I have trouble telling ages these days…” 
“Eighteen.” Tim said. 
“Young.” Danny muttered. “I was young too. Fourteen when i became the bridge. Sixteen before i really understood what it meant.” 
“The bridge?” 
“Balance. The living and the dead.” 
Tim huffed softly. “You wear a lot of hats, don’t you?”  
Danny made a quiet noise, and it took Tim a beat longer than normal to realize he was laughing. “I do, i wish i didn’t most of the time. It’s fine though.” 
“Just fine?” Tim asked after a beat. He knew a little about expectations and high standards that could weigh you down–both his own standards and other peoples. 
Danny nodded, one of his hands resting on the other. “I’ve seen things. Good things. Bad things. Things that will never happen. Things that have. It’s better i have certain powers because i have no desire to use them.” 
Aah. Tim understood that. “People who want too much power are dangerous.” 
“The power of ruling an entire realm…” 
Tim heaved a sigh. “Damn.” Maybe he should ask something less intense. “Did you enjoy the food we gave you last time? It was just some fast food but there was some worry it wasn’t good enough.” 
“It was great.” Danny said and he sounded sincere. “Nostalgic. It took me a few days to eat all of it. I know the Infinite Realm’s reputation, and it is a warranted reputation, but i’m… hard to offend. Little things are just little things.” 
“I’ll put them at ease then.” 
Danny was quiet for a moment, the silence not an oppressive one. “What is the difference between a hero and a vigilante?” 
“How people perceive us, i guess. Superman will always be seen as a hero. Wholesome and valiant and all that. Things in Gotham are altogether… shadier. Being a vigilante isn’t exactly legal and while we have our boundaries, we break the law all the time.” Tim said. They covered their own tracks well but it was fortunate that no one looked too closely at their activities. 
It didn’t bother Tim when he knew his reasons were still good. 
Danny made a thoughtful kind of noise. “I’m willing to bet Superman’s business isn’t purely legal either. This seems like a nice Earth though, despite whatever troubles you have.” 
“Some hero work is sanctioned by the government so it’s a fine line. Any of it could be argued.” Tim explained, and that was something Danny seemed to find fascinating. 
They paused their conversation again when the waitress appeared with their food, and Tim put in a second order for them to take when they left. The eyes Tim could feel on him told him that Danny already knew what they were for. 
He could hear Danny softly inhale and exhale as he looked at the plate in front of him that came accompanied with salad. He likely wouldn’t be able to eat even a fraction of it but the way he looked at it…. made Tim realize that he could see Danny’s face more clearly. The shadows that obscured his face from his hood had receded. He was still gaunt, but he eyed the food with so much joy. 
The first bite of –non fast food– food nearly seemed to overwhelm him in a good way. 
“You know,” Tim swung hard to change subjects. “We can do a bit of a food tour every time i summon you for lunch. Pizza. Chinese. Barbeque. There’s a great taco truck. We could get something homemade.” 
“You cook?” 
“Haa. No.” Tim said seriously. “But Al… my grandpa is an amazing cook and he seemed to think trading food for world saving services was very sensible but he was appalled that we offered you cheap fries and burgers. He’d honestly love to cook for you.” 
Danny smiled, this shy little look that shouldn’t have fit someone with the title of Ghost King but it sure fit Danny. “That could be nice. Decent home cooked meals are kind of mythological to me.” 
Tim nodded once, and knew better than to ask directly. “I didn’t have a very cuddly upbringing either. There was a lot of take-out involved.” 
“Your food ever come back to life and try to eat you instead?” Danny asked and Tim just stared. 
“I can’t…tell if that’s a real question or if you’re messing with me.” 
Danny smiled and was that a hint of fangs? “Dead serious.” 
Time groaned. “No, no you are a king. You are not making puns.” 
“Thinking i’m too mature for puns is a grave mistake.” Danny said without hesitation. 
“Noo.” Tim groaned, lips upturned into a smile. His brothers could never know about this. Dick would start a pun off and Jason’s morbid sense of humor about his own death…. Ugh, it would be bad. 
It did bring up the interesting question of Danny’s age. He said he’d been alive for decades but how did he mature. Was he still a teenager? Did he age slowly? Asking not only sounded like a bad idea, but Raven and Zatanna had both made sure he knew it was a question to not ask. 
They chatted, they ate, or well, Tim ate. Danny ate a bite every few minutes and looked thrilled about it but he was slowing down. Tim was looking forward to Danny being able to eat more with every visit. 
He flagged down the waitress, gesturing for a box and got a thumbs up in return. 
“You can take it with you.” Tim said when Danny was giving him a look. “It might be a couple days before i can call you again and this way you’ll have enough to eat every day.” 
“I can’t deny that.�� Danny said. “You don’t have to keep summoning me.”
“I promised you lunches.” Tim said firmly. “And you said it yourself, you should eat more and spend more time in a living realm. You may as well take advantage of being summoned for food.” 
“Hm…” Danny played with the end of his braid again. “You do make a compelling argument. It’s nice to talk to someone without it being preceded by a brawl.” 
Tim stared, “What?” 
Danny just looked amused. “I’ll explain to you etiquette in the Infinite Realm sometime.” 
The waitress returned with boxes for Danny to pack up his meal and the empty dishes were whisked away to make more room on the table while they waited for their to-go orders. 
They were almost startled when a second waitress reappeared with a few little dishes before they could begin speaking again. Everything was set in the middle of the table, presumably for them to share. There was a piece of white peach tart, a bowl of strawberry gelato, and a slice of frozen chocolate chip meringata. 
“Um…” Tim blinked. “We didn’t-”
The waitress chuckled. “It was ordered for you by another patron. Please enjoy.” She set down another set of utensils for them and walked away. 
Danny made a small sound in his throat. “Well i was full but how could i say no to a couple more bites…” 
“Wait.” Tim said, gaze subtly shifting around the room. Maybe he was trained to be paranoid, but it usually served him well. What he found almost instantly had his eye twitching. 
Not even halfway across the room sat a poorly disgusted Dick wearing large sunglasses, a fedora, and the world's least convincing mustache. When he saw Tim looking and grinned and raised his own wine glass. 
“I gotta kill my brother…” 
Danny sputtered out a laugh, so genuinely amused that Tim could definitely see his fangs as he laughed.
“That would make him my problem.” Danny pointed out, reaching for a spoon to try the gelato first. 
“I’m not seeing your point.” Tim said, delighted by Danny’s teasing. It was a rookie mistake to think one of his siblings wouldn’t find out about this. An absolute blunder that he hadn’t noticed Dick walking in after them at all. He’d never live it down. 
“Guess i’ll have to be more careful next time.” He added. 
Danny hummed again and seemed to have a fondness for the cold dessert. “I could always invite you to my realm sometime.” 
“Cool.” Tim said instantly. Ha, let them try to follow him then…
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unacknowledgeable · 2 months ago
Bro SK! Reader with jinx personality is so good, I feel like she would see gordan as her "Silco", and I feel like SK reader would taste the blood of the people they kill in order to feel closer to them or something or she would take small items from the person to remember them idk tho just some silly little thoughts
Oh yeah, Gordon is totally readers “silco” in this scenario, and just like the Silco&Jinx relationship, they don't really have proper boundaries….? Like yeah they’re absolutely doing the weird half lap sitting during late nights at the office, running through dozens of case files that were due by the end of the week, highlighting each other's papers over the others shoulders.
they’ll hang out in Gordons apartment and watch shitty television, Gordon will cut your hair every few months because it’s just easier to have him do it (not because you can’t stand the thought of letting someone you don't trust that close to your neck, with scissors), you know each others coffee orders by heart, ye got some pretty harsh codependency issues
On Gordon's end, he already has a daughter, but it’s just… Barbara has always been so independent, she stopped needing her dad in every aspect of her life a long time ago, one day she was his lil girl and the next she was a fully self actualized woman. He misses that, and he would never overstep her boundaries, he knows that isn't how she is with affection, but you don’t seem to mind, so it’s fine right? Right?
On your end, the last time you had a solid parental figure, you were basically allowed to be as clingy as you wanted, depending on your moms moods, so it’s not surprising that when your finally presented with that opportunity again, obviously you gonna start exactly where you left off, Gordon never seemed to have a problem with you climbing him like a monkey, so why stop?
You had tried to form that type of relationship with Bruce, but he never reciprocated, so backed off, figuring he was like your mother, gone one day and there the next, but he just never showed up. (Bruce absolutely curses himself everyday for this) and yeah, Alfred would totally hug you, but he was normally so busy and it just wasn't practical to have a child clinging to his arm like a sloth, coupled with years of low simmering resentment that began to build when you realized where his priorities would always lay, you stopped going to him for that sort of comfort.
Over the years, SK!Reader just became severely touch averse, because it was easier to pretend to hate it then admit to missing it desperately. It took awhile to start expecting Gordons grounding hand over their shoulders, rather than freezing up every time. 
ALSO how SK!Reader “bonds” with their victims.
Serial killers are sometimes known to take items from victims as sort of “trophies”, hair, jewelry, scraps of clothes, photos etc. which is something I wanted to have the reader do, without actually taking anything, too avoid incriminating evidence, confuse the fuck outta the police/bats, while also sating the need for a prize won. Hence, taking the victims ids, memorizing them, and putting them back exactly where you found it. You look up the person later, and learn everything there is to know about them. Family, friends, work, hangouts, shows they were watching that week, love life, everything they would have set out to do if you hadn't killed them, everything you took away, ruined, the ashes for the grieving loved one in your wake, it makes you feel so so important.
Sometimes, when you're feeling especially petty, you'll sneak into the batcave to add to the victims files, because you find it funny.
Thx for the ask haha
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fuzzybirdie · 8 months ago
This work was fully inspired by the following prompt/post and @freedomanddisorder 's amazing art, please! Check out both!
Ch.1 A Vacation To Gotham! What Could Go Wrong? (Pt1)
It had been 1 year scince Danny's accident, and 1 year since his parent's masterpiece miraculously started working. In celebration, danny's parents decided to take a holiday to gotham. Mostly to look at the bats, who were obviously ghosts. Just look at signal! Litterally creating ghost orbs. But, as the bats only come out at night (excluding signal) there nothing to do during the day. Nothing exept the mundane things like amusement parks and fast food restraunts.
Danny could tell that his parents were bored and upset that they couldn't interview any bats, (and boy, was danny glad that they'd chilled out after a year of actually interacting with ghosts) but they were still trying to make things fun for themselves too.
The Fentons had split up near the enterance, agreeing to meet up at the food stalls arround 1 for lunch. His parents went to the haunted house - ever reasearching, Jazz would wonder arround for a bit before deciding on her rides, while Danny went right for the roller coasters.
On the way, Danny had an idea; his parents were on the other side of the park, so they wouldn't question him if his hair and eyes suddenly changed colour, and he had been meaning to experiment with looking more alive in ghost form...Ducking into a bathroom, he started transforming. Slowly, Carefully, not touching the clothes, there. Finished, he looked at the miror to find- "I look like a ghost in a tee and jeans."-his skin still had the green tint from the ectoplasam in his veins, and his hair was steaming like dry ice.
The hair was more obviously inhuman, so he tackled that first. It would need to be solid, condensed, thicker and thicker, -too thick!
What once was steam now looked like a plain old block of ice. Maybe, his hair being made of ice would be fine if he seperated it a bit? If he peeled each layer into tiny little strings luke normal hair. Little by little, piece by piece, perfect. The ice string hair was curlier than he'd thought, waves of snow tickling his ears, eyebrows and the back of his neck.
The next problem was the green tint. This would take some thinking. He couldn't just pretend to be cosplaying a Vulcan from star trek. Could he turn his ectoplasam back into blood? Probably not, either he'd end up 'suffocating' (if that was even the right word) as a ghost or just turn back into a human and need to do this all over again.
Veto'd, too dangerous.
Thinking back, didn't frostbite say there was something odd with his ectoplasam and blood? Thats right! There were slight ammounts of ectoplasam in his blood and vice versa. If he could manipulate his remaining blood into the capillaries along the surface of his skin, it'd look like he still had a beating heart!...
Ok, that sounded bad even in his mind.
Shaking off that thought, he pushed his blood to his skin and checked the mirror one last time. Normal teen with white hair? Check. Now, Roller Coaster!
This is the first! || next
Thanks for reading! Unfortunately, I had to cut this in half. (Curse the word limit!) When I have time to post part 2 I'll link it down here. If the links work... Anyways! Please tell me if there's anything I can improve! Last time I posted something was back in... 2016? So i'm very out of practice
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spicysourchimken · 10 months ago
So with the DP x DC “Corpses AU” thing, what type of worldbuilding about his corpses do you mean? Like, is it about how he deals with his numerous corpses or about the “why” of the many-corpse situation? I’m curious about both
Also, how long did it take for his parents to find out in this AU (assuming they have)? I feel like the corpses would make things kinda hard to hide, but idk
Oh I'm so glad you asked. The answer is Yes.
Why and How on the Corpses
Danny's corpse is the universe leveling itself out. Its the universe manifesting a counter balance to Danny's death, he's still alive, his heart still beats and he breaths and as Danny that's fine, he's able to tap into his more ghostly side freely while still breathing, still sleeping, functioning as a living person but a little bit off.
But as a ghost there's nothing to keep him human, bada bing bada boom corpse. It's acting as a tether or an anchor, its the thing keeping him stable. The more he transforms the more need there is for the corpses.
But there's also an upper limit on the corpses. Because as much as they are real, they were at one point humans- but they're also the universe fucking around with an anomaly. Normally it taps out at around 10 or 12 corpses, once Danny exceeds the Corpse Limit, the bodies spark and disintegrate (mimicking Danny's death via electrocution)
Also there are two main ways for Danny to get corpsed, either willingly but going ghost and dropping another body or by his human body getting too hurt or verging death where he forcefully gets kicked out. Danny is stuck in a state of liminality, he can't be more dead or more alive so he's gotta even out before he can go back to either form (meaning that Danny can also be forcefully turned into a human when his ghost form is beat to hell and back)
Reveal and Dealing With Corpses
His parents very much did find out and it did not go well. It's very in line with the thinking of 'Phantom is a ghost possessing the body of our son' taken to the absolute extreme. It. Genuinely took longer than Danny thought it would've, he did manage to finish high school or get a good way into 12th grade before he was caught.
Sam, Danny and Tucker upon first corpsing, did what normal teens did and panicked. Then Sam took over, eventually settle on using the old drums that the Fenton parents used to primarily store chemicals, it evolved as Danny needed to transform in different parts of Amity Park so they assigned dump sites for Danny to transform in so that Sam and Tucker could get there and take care of it, or so that Danny would know where to drag his own remains.
His parents found out by witnessing Phantom attempt to hide his own corpse, it went as well as can be expected.
In Gotham Danny is far more sloppy that he was in Amity Park, with his main way of dealing with it being Don't Die or Transform. Problem solved. If he has to actually deal with a body he makes sure its out of site and that at least his hands are frozen down so that nobody makes an attempt to move him before he's got a dump site prepared. He tends to prefer not to deal with the logistics of water burials but dumping them in the river is the best he's got at the moment the au takes place in, too bad the bats are faster than he is.
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toska-writes · 1 year ago
This fix is based on this fanart lol (x)
“A Little Buggy”
Summary: You don’t know where the bugs came from, or why there’s loads and loads but hopefully someone on the squad can gather more than one brain cell to stop this.
Paring: Delta Squad x GN padawan!reader
Warning: none just some brotherly action
Word count: 952 not proofread!
Notes: so clearly school started back which is… fun? Sure yeah. Ficus are gonna be a little slower butttt part 3 of endure is coming out next!
Also better news I got a leopard Gecko who is properly named REX!
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You had no idea where the bugs came from, granted they were more dangerous than normal bug's because they were big and metal, and oh yeah could shoot at you.
Watching Scorch run past with a least 3 bugs actively trying to climb up his back. Followed close on his tail flashed the armor of none other than Fixer, carrying both his blaster and the one Scorch dropped.
They seemed to pour from a hole in the factory (that was suppose to blow up altogether) you were originally tasked with destroying.
Now you could understand why.
"Heads up!" The voice of Boss filled your ears, and almost nearly at the same moment you could feel the unmistakable presence of Sev gaining on you. Something cold seemed to grasp you leg pulling you down while igniting your lightsaber. The sucker never stood a chance- however when hundreds more are retaking it's spot- it seemed difficult.
10 of the head sized bugs advanced on you now, but also Sev with guns a blazing. Blaster bolts rained around you as you tried to get back up on your feet, after a shot burned past your ear your head snapped to Sev.
"These little shits Sev, not me!" You yelled as a hand landed on your robes and pulled you up, finally regaining balance you stomped the last droid that was currently on you.
"Yeah we'll it's hard to tell you apart." He spoke with a gruff turning back to look at Boss who had his own problems currently.
You could hear the audible sigh come from Boss as he finished his own little wave of attack. "We'll have to regroup somewhere where we can form another plan to destroy all of the droids."
The comms crackled to life as pants from the resident demolition were heard before he spoke. “Fixer thinks there could be a way to shut them all off if we can get back into the facility.”
“Sev couldn’t have just told us that?” You questioned as another droid was batted down by your lightsaber.
“Little bugger cracked his comms.” From somewhere in the background you could hear the faint voice of Fixer arguing with Scorch probably over the real story.
You could almost hear the eye roll that came from Boss before he started ordering everyone to different positions for this impromptu plan.
The other commandos met up and it was little to no time before you and Scorch were running head first into the swarm.
“I’m starting to see a pattern of these missions.” You huffed to scorch while plowing down the droids.
“Us running into trouble first? Yeah me too.” Scorch shouted too you as more and more of these droid bugs seemed to spears
“If this beeping goes on any longer I swear to the maker.” You could hear Boss curse through the comms.
While you and Scorch tried to lead the bugs one way into the factory Sev, Boss, and Fixer were to take care of any stragglers before looking atriums themselves for some sort of off switch.
“5 credits I find it before you.” Scorch said to you.
“Make it 10.” You countered slapping a bug off the commandos shoulder.
“Is this really the time for bets?” Someone asked over the comms but was downed out when Sev spoke up. “Add an extra 10 if Scorch doesn’t make it back from this one.”
“Deal.” You spoke up rounding another bend.
“Fine. Deal.” Scorch solidified his fate.
An inner buzzer to to factory doused the hall with red flashes. Metal scraping over metal married with the sound of blaster bolts followed in the wake of the pair.
Screens upon screens seemed to cover the room both of you entered through before Scorch shot a blast right at the door pad to close it.
The satisfying plunk against the door could also put a gruesome smile on your face.
“Now where oh where could this off switch be?” The demolition man said in a sing song way.
Silence fell over the park as both eyes latched on what could possibly be the switch. Looking back over your view was met with nothing but the commando helmet.
Gripping the armor tightly you pushed as hard as you could to propel yourself quickly to the button.
Realizing this was the way you wanted this to play out Scorch tried desperately to grab onto any part of the Jedi in front of him.
Getting shoved back slightly you watched as Scorch was about to get to the lever. You had to humble him somehow.
Calling upon the force-which was not cheating- the lever came down and the banging on the door seemed to grow quiet.
Whipping around the commando ripped his helmet off before storming up to you. “That’s totally against the rules! Your not getting my credit.”
With a smug look you responded. “Oh no I will get them, just be glad I didn’t sacrifice you to the masses to get the extra 10.”
Opening the door again and walking out to the hall was like walking through a junkyard. Some of the droids were disassembled from trying to claw there way to the front and other were in perfect working conditions.
Scooping one of the better looking ones up Scorch explained. “GARs gonna wanna take a look at these bad boys.”
Rejoining with the group and stepping over many of the abandoned droids the walk to the ship was a quiet one.
That was until you were trying to get your rightfully earned credits since unlike last time you were the one who did it by following the plan.
You said you’d get them back no matter what
Taglist: @arctrooper69 @thereforepizza @padawancat97 @pb-jellybeans @floffytofu @verybadatwriting @solstraalaa @ray-rook
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managician · 1 year ago
9pm musings: if you think about it Ina11 areori timeline where Tenma never gets passionate about soccer would make perfect sense.
By "if you think about it" I mean, I thought too hard about it and spent like 2h typing all this, so here's my ideas under the cut. Maybe someday I'll make a fic with this?? Who knows
With Orion Foundation being a thing I think the adults would try a lot harder to make sure No Evil Organization tries to take over soccer again right under their noses, so Fifth Sector, reasonably, wouldn't get to exist, or at the very least gather as much power as it did in GO.
No Fifth Sector means no promise of money for Yuuichi's surgery, which means Tsurugi probably straight up gets obsessed with becoming a top tier famous striker who can make enough money instead. Raimon will still be the most prestigious jr high school for that so it's safe to imagine he'll end up attending there.
(If the accident even happens, that is. If we go the 'everything is fine' route the way areori fixed Atsuya and Hiroto's deaths, both Tsurugi and Yuuichi would enroll in Raimon due to their admiration of Gouenji and become an amazing striker duo.
Because yeah might as well bend Yuuichi's age so they can play together if we're fixing everything!)
The rest of GO Raimon started playing soccer for their own reasons, as far as we know, so the team would be formed normally, with or without addition of Yuuichi. Holy Road can work without Tenma, especially without any need to make a revolution.
Now, CS, it gets a bit messier but it can still work. It's mentioned in the season that Tenma was a bit of the 'beginning' of the Second Stage Children genes, but surely there are other talented players that caused it, so Feida vs El Dorado conflict would still end up happening.
Rather than Tenma, at the start of CS Fei would end up saving either Shindou (he's the captain, he has good head on his shoulders) or Tsurugi (probably has the strongest passion for soccer). Either of them can reasonably work as protagonists — I'm leaning towards Tsurugi because I think he'd be able to bond with Fei more closely, with both of them being somewhat loner/aloof type.
The real problem comes with gathering Chrono Storm. Would the timeline simply adjust to Tenma's absence and make someone else able to get King Arthur's miximax, or would they be forever missing that single ideal player...? In a meta sense it's tragic, but fitting, if he just gets replaced (since he was never there to begin with).
With how strong the Chrono Storm lineup is, I think they would be able to win, even if they really were missing a player. They'd just train extra hard to overcompensate that fact.
Which brings us to Galaxy. Literally the ONLY point in history where it would actually make sense for Tenma to develop any kind of liking for soccer. He's the right age for the tournament, he's got a Soul in his body. Heck, he even still attends Raimon, since his parents would send him to Inazuma with Aki because they're swamped with work in Okinawa.
Coach Kuroiwa needs him. There's a reason he picked the specific members he did, so Tenma has to be part of the equation, whether he's played soccer before or not.
But what kind of person would a soccer-less Tenma be? Let me tell you, probably not the chirpy guy we know.
In GO timeline, it's shown he practiced soccer alone with Sasuke, so it's safe to assume he honestly didn't have any friends who wanted to play with him. He's a bit of a "weird kid". The one friend we know he made in elementary was Aoi, and she got interested in him after she caught him playing soccer and grew to admire his passion.
No soccer means no close friendship with Aoi right off the bat, which would make adapting to Inazuma feel more lonely. No soccer means he's got nothing to show his parents that he's doing well while they're away and paying for all his expenses, either.
In the soccer-less world he's part of the /calligraphy/ club of all things, clearly roped in by Aoi, so it's not far-fetched to assume that a soccer-less Tenma just kind of... wouldn't know what to do with himself in the grand scheme of things.
He might've tried things here and there. I mean, he's Okinawan, so he might've liked swimming or surfing when he was a kid (sorry for the stereotype, but hey to be fair Tsunami did it too!). He looks like he'd generally be an athletic person, even if he doesn't dedicate himself fully to anything.
And that's realistic, too. It's a situation many teenagers go through. Seeing everyone be enthusiastic or passionate about something, while you don't even know if there's anything that you want to be doing in life. In this case, with no close friends and without your parents' reassurance or presence, on top of that.
So his condition to join Inazuma Japan could be something as simple as "I want enough money to be able to try out every activity/career/etc. that could interest me". What he REALLY wants is to find something that makes him passionate and lets him make friends — but he doesn't know yet that soccer will become exactly that for him.
The Moment he sees Shindou and Tsurugi do a Hissatsu together, though, completely in sync and with full trust in each other, is when he would think to himself that 'soccer can make people grow /that/ close, huh...' and inevitably get attracted to the idea of playing the sport.
Except, you know. In early Galaxy Shindou fucking hates everyone and he would be no exception. Any attempt to make friends with them and play real soccer with them would be met unkindly.
However, there's also the fact that Shindou can only rely on himself & Tsurugi for scoring this time around — and you need at least 2 players to pass the ball, so he can't hang back and play defensively like in normal Galaxy.
With 3 out of 4 of InaJapan's DF having never played a sport at all, and the 4th one being an injured ex-boxer, Tenma is the least irritating person to trust with defending. As much as it still irritates Shindou to have to trust anyone from this team.
And... you know Shindou and Ibuki's arc, with Ibuki trying to prove himself to Shindou? Yeah, in this BOTH Ibuki and Tenma would be trying to prove themselves to him askskdkdkfkf. I could imagine them ending up having some sort of rivalry to see who can become useful to the Raimon duo faster.
I don't know but the idea of Tenma just... getting to develop a close friendship with Tsurugi and Shindou way later than usual, but it ending up feeling completely natural for all of them, would be so sweet and sad at the same time,,,. almost to the point they feel there was something "missing" in their lives before getting to meet each other 🥲
I have no idea how the season as a whole would develop, especially regarding the Tsurugi kidnapping and 'betrayal' stuff, since Tenma plays a key role in it originally, but... that's for future me or someone else to figure out
Either way: my point is that I still think Tenma wouldn't grow to like soccer itself to a crazy degree like his GO self. Rather, he loves the connections that it lets him make, and thankfully fate allowed him to get to play the sport :>
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I need me an explanation how Zukaang is a proship but Sokka x Toph is not. Sokka shares the same age as Zuko and Toph shares the same age as Aang, so, what's the problem? How is Zukaang a proship and Sokka x Toph is not? How is the age gap uncomfortable for Zukaang when it's not for Sokka x Toph? I don't know how spiritual incest is something people actually believe in when it's literally not how it works in ATLA? All the avatars have different spirit forms because they are different flesh and blood, they are different people. They might be connected but doesn't make Zukaang spiritual incest. Zukaang has multiple anti posts and Sokka x Toph does not. I feel a little damp because it's the same age difference but ones somehow a disgusting proship.
This was actually discussed earlier in these two asks!!! :)
you ship toph and sokka, nobody bats an eye but ship zuko and aang and society SOCIETY-
Actually this is a society issue. I have met people in real life who genuinely believe that age gaps are only okay if the girl is younger. They actually said 18 year old girl + man in his 30s is fine but not the other way round. Like, not in fiction. In real life. Age gaps only okay if it is a young woman and older man. Genuine belief. Wild. Truly a product of society.
Shipping younger woman, older guy is just more normalized. Kinda misogynistic, but true. (Also Sokka is like a year younger than Zuko, I think.)
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morilucidstories · 2 years ago
In your pinned post, I'm curious to know what's going on with the bat dragon person and who might be you holding your cat? Poking around the blog hasn't gotten me answers. Or maybe answers are there and I'm just hungry and tired.
I had this whole thing written with pics on my phone, and then the wifi flaked and the whole things became lost into tumblr's void when I hit post, so this is the 2nd version. ;-; But this version has more images so it's objectively better.
That's not me in the image. That's Lily Mills, the main character of one of my original comics I post on Tapas and Webtoons Canvas. Pine Barrens Super Natural is based on the legends I grew up hearing from my family about the New Jersey Pine Barrens/Pinelands, and shojo romance comics. Lily is a mix of me and my sibling from when we were young -that's why she looks like me (and Lyly if you know what they look like from MtW.)
The series blurb & summary of Ch 1&2: Lily Mills and her dad, Don Mills, have just moved into the Pine Barrens of New Jersey. On their first night there, Lily is attacked by monsters that should only exist in legends. Luckily, another super natural monster also rescues her. There's definitely some connection to the super natural hidden in Lily's past, and it's going to a lot harder for it to stay hidden now that she finds herself surrounded by all sorts of Super Natural things.
Here is the full version of the cover with the logo:
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This comic is actually a reboot of the original comic I started when I was 15-16 in my Sophomore year of Highschool. (It was made on notebook paper.) When I started it I didn't really have a plan for where it was going until around chapters 15-20, so this reboot is taking a lot of loose ends and either cutting them out or adapting them to work with the plot. It's taking me so long to make because I'm struggling with burnout, and I'm now past most of the mental issues I was using it to process so sometimes working on it puts be make into that worst head space. With Lyly's help as my editor we have rewritten and redesigned the parts that cause me problems so once I get back into it, I should be fine.
The little kitty thing is Mascot. He normally appears at the bottom chapters with the credits, in the cover images, and sometimes pops up in chapters with author's notes and comments.
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((If anyone wants to head canon any of my characters as neurotypical just know that it is head canon and not supported by anything in the plot -or me))
Below this point are more character descriptions, but just know that most involve spoilers for things that happen after Ch2. I didn't spoil the biggest things just a few things that lead up to them.
The devil catboy is Damian Leeds the son of the Jersey Devil (TJ) and a human (Nancy). I grew up hearing many different stories about the Jersey Devil with many different depictions so this version is a polymorph, and so is his son. Damian is able to change between human, Neko Mimi, and full furry forms. Lily does not know that the Kitty Devil that saved her is Damian. Damian gets a massive crush on Lily. He's very emotionally secure which makes him a great support as a friend, but he also struggle with recognizing that others won't respond to stress the same way he does.
Nancy Leeds works at the local Super Natural Animal Wildlife Reserve. She is also Don's new boss. SN stuff is kept secret from the populace.
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Even though Lily and Damian are the central 2 characters, the readers have pretty unanimously voted Erik as the fan favorite. They are a mix of many of the friends I had growing up. She is nonbinary and uses all pronouns. He is a huge nerd, lover of chaos and cringe. When not in the school building, Erik wears a beanie their brother made them that reads "I ♥️ Emo Boys." She's the heart of the group without question.
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Alex is Erik's older brother. He is a huge anxiety gay, and introvert. He prefers letting others take center stage while he watches. This does mean he's prone to bottle things up. Luckily he's the type to go to his friends for help after isolating to process. He hasn't had many appearances yet, but what has been revealed is that he really likes fashion and sewing. He has also been weirdly touchy with Lily and even he doesn't know why. The most recent chapter and the next few will have him as a focus.
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(Alex and Erik are half Italian, half Columbian American. This hasn't had an opportunity to be brought up in the story yet. I had a bunch friends that were Columbian. Their extended family and specifically their grandparents were very like my Italian grandparents. So I made these two a mix of those just like they are mixes of many friends I had growing up. Even though I've had these characters for half of my life, I have never been able to decide on a last name for them.)
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The last of the friend group is Mike Sasha Keith Apple Gate. In the OG version I made in Highschool, I had 3 characters that all played the same role at different times throughout the story so I mixed them into 1 person and introduced him in the plot much sooner. He too hot to remain single and keeps ending up in unwanted romantic relationships. MSK has anger management problems while also completely failing at defending his own boundaries. He has a grudge against Damian and the why hasn't been revealed yet. He's author's favorite and you can tell because of how much effort I put into his outfits and hair. Lastly, it has been revealed that MSK can see Super Natural Energy. It is through his eyes that it's also revealed that Alex's behavior around Lily is cause by an energy around her.
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((Since I've been making it slowly over many years you can easily see the evolution of my art through this comic))
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witchcraftandburialdirt · 1 year ago
For both: 🎶Do they have a type? 😡What are their deal breakers? 👫Do they display affection in public? What about in private?
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🎶Do they have a type?
── I genuinely do not think it is any suprise when I say that Robin is attracted to less-than-ideal people in terms of the standards of the general populice. Robin is attracted to people he finds interesting and 98% of the time that means they're most likely willing to do some bizarre or messed up shit. His two ships both have people like this involved, Danny Johnson being a journalist serial killer who delights in bringing misery just so he can spice up "boring lives", and Vladimir vol Kalah Heigaari being a batshit hemomancer who's like 4000 years old and maybe a single step from a god. Robin searches not only for strange, and dangerous, quirks - but he's also very aware that he needs a partner who will encourage him and his pursuits; someone to stick beside him always. His time in Zaun (and wherever he was equivalent to Zaun in other verses) taught him to be resilient and to guard his heart from almost everyone around him - figuratively and literally - he does not trust easy. When that trust is forged it is on purpose and a calculated risk he decides to take for his lover - its a great depth that he could easily drown in - and he expects that same loyalty and vulnerability in return. It creates an amazingly deep connection for the relationships he DOES have. In terms of physical - Robin legitimately could not care less as long as they bathe.
😡What are their deal breakers?
── Robin is the most important person in his life; anything that will abuse him (mentally or physically) is an automatic "no" and he will leave without worry. Following off of this he has a very troubling relationship with his own autonomy after making the deal with Abel - and he is extremely protective of it. If a lover were to threaten that independence I imagine he would make quick work of removing himself from the situation; he wil be no one's slave. Robin will also accept no form of infidelity; once it happens its over - they will no longer be his problem or his lover since they have obviously chosen to unionize with another.
👫Do they display affection in public? What about in private?
── Once Robin is used to being able to touch someone his body reveals that he's been touch starved since before he even died - and now its all layering up and results in Robin being ridiculously clingy and physically touchy. If he can hold his lovers hand, he can - he spends nearly every break in modern verse with Danny - and is happy to carry Vladimir in his bat form too. Although I suppose this is moreso fine around strangers, he's a bit more hesitant around professional settings and around people he actually knows. In private he won't stop touching and being near his partner, I'm so sorry but also not really - he will stick to his partner until he smells like them. He is touch starved and loves kisses, hugs, snuggles - and its stupidly sweet given his usual pragmastism.
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🎶Do they have a type?
── Haruko is a relatively normal person and he has pretty basic needs when it comes to the people he enjoys; honest, mature, and affectionate - he isn't asking a lot like Robin. Granted this doesn't mean at all that Haru is interested in a lot of people, it takes him time to actually care about someone enough to even want to sleep with them. This may seem a bit off course since he did have a few flings - but going into a deeper relationship with him takes time despite the simple desires he has. He also, despite his own preening, doesn't particularly care what his partner looks like - their features will become attractive to him the closer he gets. He's just very lucky that Tarhos has such pretty eyes and is like - a foot taller than him. Ok. Maybe he likes tall people.
😡What are their deal breakers?
── The obvious ones; no abuse, don't be a douchebag - that sort of stuff. But he also comes with an extremely large bag of trauma that focuses around his sexuality and sexual pleasure; in short he did not have a good time with a previous partner. That being said he is still learning how to actually love himself and if Tarhos, for some ... reason?, was ever pushing him or trying to coerce him when he wasn't in the mood - that would pretty much tank his opinion of his boyfriend. He also expects respect not only for HIMSELF but for his family - unlike Robin (in modern at least) he actually loves his family and holds them in very high regard. Disrespecting his sister and/or mother will result in him very quickly dropping his partner, he might be a bit more lenient with teasing Hina but his mom? No.
👫Do they display affection in public? What about in private?
── Oh yeah, Haru absolutely loves being kissy and gross in public with Tarhos - he doesn't care who's watching he loves his boyfriend and will happily show it. The issue is when Tarhos actively returns it or shows the same enthusiasm or flirtations; this drives Haru to become pretty flustered pretty fast. Its weird being a siren usually and then having your own pretty lines thrown right back. Between this and private not much actually changes; he will be a bit more inclined to lean into deeper and more vulnerable conversation though - he doesn't want the world to see him fold but he will happily do it for Tarhos.
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krystinag11 · 6 months ago
Once on the Batplane, Bruce watched as Jason's injuries slowly started to close up leaving silver scars in their place. Most of his external injuries were gone by the time they got to the bat cave.
Once at the bat cave Bruce rushed Jason to the medical Bay, Alfred quickly following. They ran as many tests as they could, Jason's heart rate was slow but steady and his temperature was hot but he didn't have any other signs of a fever. The other test would take time to process.
Bruce reluctantly stepped away from his son, he had some calls to make, one to Constantine and another to Dick. Dick may be out of contact right now but he could leave a message. Once the calls were made he quickly rushed back to his son To wait for Constantine's arrival, the man might be unpleasant and he might hate to admit it but he is good at what he does. Whatever had just transfired had definitely been magical in nature, soul strings do not change color.
By the time Constantine arrived all the tests had finished and Jason had woken up. Most things came back normal except for the blood test which showed traces of a substance similar to Lazarus water. Jason seemed fine other than being a little shaken up. When The Magician finally decided to grace them with his presence, he showing up in a bloom of golden smoke. He took one look at Jason and took a swig of whatever was in his flask and swearing profusely, before promptly lighting up a cigarette a despite the glare now direct full force at him.
"OK what the bloody hell happened to the boy wonder over there, why is he half dead?" There was a long pause after the warlock had spoken.
It was Jason who broke the silence "I'm fucking what?!?"
"You know Halfa, just a being who walks the line between life-and-death, The perfect balance of a human and a ghost. . . Bloody hell of course you wouldn't know they've been extinct for centuries, so how in the bloody hell does this happen?" The Sad Trench Coat Man rented, saring at Batman. Batman and Robin shared a look.
"There was an incident involving The Joker, Robin was nearly killed. His string had appeared and a couple seconds after suddenly turned a neon green, a ring of light appeared around Robin and inverted his colors, he stayed like that for about a minute before the ring reappeared and swapped his colors back. His injuries healing rapidly." The Bat stated.
"It's likely that whatever happened came from his soulmate side. Who is likely also a halfa, which means there are now two true halfa in the world which can only cause problems." The man pacing around the room before abruptly stopping and looking up at The Bat. "Lucky for you I have a book, I don't know the language it's in but it exists." With that the hellblazer said a quick incantation summoning the book to him and handed it over to the The Nightmare furry. "From the stories I have heard they are bloody powerful so the kid will likely start to get abilities at random. The first ones that will likely come in are invisibility, intangibility, flight and because of the kids' temperature something along the lines of fire. The rest are really up to chance. Oh and enhanced pretty much everything," the Brit says as he walks towards the portal that he had just opened. "Good luck, you'll need it."
They watched as The Sad Trench Coat Man leaves. Alfred walked up to Bruce, looking at over the book
"It is in Galwegian Gaelic, A dead language from Scotland, Sir." The family Butler stated grabbing the book form the stunned man and opening it. He begins to read, ignoring the questioning noises coming from his charges. Flipping the page to the one regarding halfas and beganing to read out loud translateing it to english as he went. "A true halfa is a being who walks the line between life-and-death at a perfect balance. They have two forms, one that appears human and another that appears as a ghost. A halfa is formed when an exponential amount of Ectoplasm is forced into the human body at the time of death. This most commonly occurs when a portal to The Infinite Realms opens up on top of a human being, As of such a halfa more ghostly form will appear as a colored swap version of what they looked like when they perished but this form will slowly change to better fit the halfa's personality, environment, characteristics, and titles, along with their powers. A halfa is constantly adapting to their environment because of this the possibilities for abilities the halfa may manifest is nearly endless.
As for a halfa's human form, very little will change about it. The scars of whatever had caused they demise will appear on their skin and will not fade. The scars and their eyes will occasionally glow in highly emotional situations. They will require more food, if not in The Infinite Realms and will require none at all if in The Realms. They also may experience slight cosmetic changes such as slightly pointed ears, glowing eyes, and sharper teeth. Most all of their senses will be enhanced
But because of their near endless powers a halfa can Wheeled, the were wiped out in fear of uprising by the Tyrant king of The Infinite Realms. Resulting in a very limited amount of information. The only way to truly end a halfa is by killing their moral and ghostly halves at the same time otherwise one half will simply heal the other." With that the Butler closed the book. "That is the end of the chapter about halfas. "Now then, I suggest you two head up to bed." Too tired to argue the two bats started the way up the stairs.
But because of their near endless powers a halfa can Wheeled, the were wiped out in fear of uprising by the Tyrant king of The Infinite Realms. Resulting in a very limited amount of information. The only way to truly end a halfa is by killing their moral and ghostly halves at the same time otherwise one half will simply heal the other." With that the Butler closed the book. "That is the end of the chapter about halfas. "Now then, I suggest you two head up to bed." Too tired to argue the two bats started the way up the stairs.
Dead on main soulmate prompt:
You and your soul die at the same time when you dead or are near death is the only time the the red string of fate is visible.
Bruce is holding his son as he takes his final death the string had appeared minutes ago. He's begging his son not to leave him to just hold on a little longer, begging the Red thread to leave and let his son live. He should have learned to be careful what he wished for as Jason's breath start to stutter more and more a surge of toxic green takes over the red of the string. Jason screams as his hair turns white.
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pro-mammonologist · 2 years ago
Animalistic Urges
A mammon x mc fic where demons in their demon forms take on animal characteristics based off their forms…
Warning: NSFW! Mature content ahead (biting, primal, breeding, dirty talk, doggy style, FEM READER)
Part 1/3!!!
Mammon had been avoiding you like the plague ever since some lowlife demon thought it’d be funny to curse him to only stay in his demon form. Mammon was pissed, of course, the rest of his brothers found it funny, but for some reason unbeknownst to you, they were concerned. What difference does it make that he was stuck in his demon form. Sure, it’s inconvenient clothing wise since he can’t cut holes in all his clothes and since his wings would always be out. But his horns are small and don’t really cause problems so you have no clue what they’re so worried about. When you asked they said he’d take on characteristics of the animal that his demon form is based off.
“So what? He’s gonna be nocturnal and stuff?” You pondered. Belphie and Asmo were giggling and Levi looked confused then suddenly went red.
Before Lucifer could answer your question, Mammon chimed in. “It doesn’t matter! It’s not like ima hurt ya! It’ll be fine. I’ll just be sleepy during the day and go crazy at night. But I’m normally like that…” he trailed off and Lucifer nodded.
“It’s not going to be too awful so long as Mammon can control himself.” Lucifer shot Mammon a glare and went back to his study.
Since he’s been stuck in his demon form, you have noticed him doing strange things, like consuming more food than usual especially fruit. Usually you can feel Mammon’s body heat off of him but it hasn’t been as strong in the day. You’ve been staring at him nonstop, noticing that his canines are also larger and sharper. Like a vampire! He’s also been avoiding you for the most part and when he notices that you’ve been staring, his wings flick at you. The initial sound of his wing flapping scared the shit out of you, it was loud and sharp. He apologized for making you jump and then he would go to another room. Each time he’d do so, if one of the boys was in the room, they’d cackle for some reason. You assumed that they were making fun of him for something and you were desperate to know.
This time, you were in the common area seated across Satan and looking at your DDD when Mammon walked in. Once again, his wings flapped at the sight of you, opposed to the quivering motion they had maintained, this was a wide and powerful swing. His smell wafted over to you and he smelled delicious. Your head shot to him. He quickly exited once again and Satan giggled.
“What just happened?” You asked him.
He smirked at you and shook his head. “Nothing.”
“Why do you guys keep on laughing every time he comes in??” You prodded, inhaling deeply again to get any trace of Mammon’s smell.
“I told you, nothing important.”
“Well there is something then! What is it!” You interrogated him further. “You can’t just not tell me!”
He put his book to the side and shook his head while looking at the ground. “Okay.” He lifted his head up to you and held up his index finger. “Promise me you won’t tell anyone I told you, okay? Especially Mammon.”
“Okay. I promise.” You lied, knowing you’d definitely ask Mammon later.
“So you know how we said we gain characteristics of the animals we resemble?” He leaned in and lowered his voice. “That applies to all aspects.”
“I don’t get what you’re saying.”
He sighed before continuing. “Well, Mammons more nocturnal now which affects his sleep. He’s eating more fruit like a fruit bat which is his diet…” He waved his hand prompting you to connect the dots.
“I still don’t follow.”
He chuckled a little. “Okay every species does three things! One, sleep, two, eat, three… reproduce.” He raised his brows at you and watched as the cogs turned in your head.
“So him running around… flapping his wings… avoiding me but also always running into me…” You trailed off and Satan finished for you.
“He’s horny for you, MC.” He picked his book back up and attempted to return to reading. “Humans don’t have any strange mating rituals but animals sure do.”
You looked at him, dumbfounded. So then that sweet smell was to lure you in? Like pheromones? And what’s the flapping for?
“Hey Satan—“
“Nope, not going any further. You know what you need to know.” He cut you off and you attempted to protest but then remembered you had all the knowledge you needed in your hand. To the internet!
After a quick google search, you learned that the flapping was him spreading his scent to you and the fact that they have to urge to wrap their wings around their desired partner. You also learned that bats sing to attract their partners. Well Mammon hasn’t sung to you yet so he has some control! And also, what intrigued you the most about bat mating cycles is why Mammon has fangs. The fangs are used to bite into the females to initiate penetration, or to wake them up from slumber. Suddenly your mind began to wander, thinking of Mammon biting into you as he slowly slid his length into your wetness, his bite mark on your shoulder would be a constant reminder of him being inside you.
You shook your head and quickly stopped those thoughts. If he’s trying to remain in control, you shouldn’t push him. Right?
You opened your phone and shot him a message.
MC: I found out why you keep running away.
He began typing almost immediately.
Mammon: how?
Mc: does it matter? You could’ve just told me you’re horny. 😉
Mammon: as if im horny for some whiny human.
Mc: your lil wings and smell says otherwise.
mammon: Wait, you liked the smell?
Mc: yeah. Why?
Mammon stopped responding and you got up, curious as to why and honestly wanting to tempt him. You couldn’t help but be curious about demon Mammon and his… behaviors. You raced through the HoL, trying to locate him as fast as possible. Crossing by a window, you looked out to see Mammon wandering around outside, pacing with his wings tucked close to his back. You tiptoed outside, hoping he wouldn’t notice you underneath the dark black sky of the devil dom. Considering it’s nighttime, it’s even darker than it is normally considering the only lights illuminating the gardens were the lights through the windows. You got within a few feet of him and then his wings spread and the smell hit your nostrils again. He swung around, wafting it even stronger to you. The smell was intoxicating, like nothing you’d ever smelled before, it was a mixture of his cologne, his regular smell, and something else. As it filled your lungs, you felt butterflies fill you and a strange feeling surge through your most intimate parts. At the sudden feeling down below, you stopped in your tracks. Mammon looked at you, a look in his eyes you’ve only seen a few times. Each time usually leading to something else.
“Mc.” He said your name and that shot to your core as well. Was his voice always that…hot? “What does it smell like?”
“Good.” You said, your voice quivering. “Really good.” He took a step toward you, and his wings remained unfurled, twitching as if they were struggling to not move.
“How does it make you feel?” He asked, raising his hand to your flushed face and tilting your chin up. You eyed him, his face flushed as well and pupils dilated. Listening closely, he was faintly humming.
“I—um—it’s something.” You responded, all of your courage from earlier melting away.
“Does it make you wet?” He mumbled and in the faint light, you could see his fangs.
“Mm-hmm.” You wanted to touch him, but you were frozen. If he were to get any closer, you’re convinced you would faint.
But he did. His other hand grasped your waist. “You want me to make you wetter?”
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olivia-anderson-fanfic · 2 years ago
Hostage(d) situation
Timari January: Day 28 (Problem? What problem?) by @maribat-calendar-events
Summary: That weird moment where you’ve been kidnapped and are being held for ransom but also the person who did that to you is letting you play video games so you can’t even be mad at them.
Back to Timari January 2023 Masterlist
Tim squinted around. His head was fuzzy, the sedative was still somewhat in his system, but he was able to take in a few streaks of neon colors and a faint dinging sound.
Also, he wasn’t tied up. He shifted where he had been laid out on the floor, quietly confused, and found that the only thing holding him down was a blanket.
The almost videogame-like sounds stopped and there was a sigh.
He closed his eyes quickly, but he got the distinct feeling that it wasn’t fast enough.
And then he felt a gloved finger poke his cheek. Which, yeah, that settles that.
“You’re awake,” a voice said, and it wasn’t a question.
He blinked an eye open to find a blank white mask. Or, at least, he thought it was blank, everything was kind of blurry.
“Muddafucka,” Tim slurred.
She laughed in the face of his biting insult and reached behind herself. “I’m sorry, Mr. Drake, but I don’t happen to be a necrophiliac.”
His nose scrunched in confusion, his head unable to piece together what he was pretty sure was an insult, but she didn’t seem to be paying much attention to that. Instead, the mask got closer as the woman leaned in, poking at his face.
“Hm… I guess I should administer the rest…” She murmured absently.
He saw something silver gleam out of the corner of his eyes and thrashed to the best of his abilities, but the blanket was weighted or something and she was holding his head to the floor.
Something stabbed him in the neck.
He went very still. He wasn’t that fond of sedatives, but necks were fragile things and he wasn’t going to purposefully tear it open just in hopes that he would be able to avoid too much of it getting in his bloodstream. He liked being alive, thanks.
But then the weirdest thing happened. His vision got clearer. And he was able to push off the light blanket and her finger left his face.
He sat up slowly, testing out his ‘new’ limbs. “I think you gave me the wrong thing.”
She snorted. She didn’t seem surprised by his newfound ability to form sentences. “I’m not stupid, I wouldn’t do that.”
He tipped his head to the side consideringly. “But…”
“Listen, Mr. Drake, I might be dumb enough to kidnap you for quick cash, but I’m not going to mistreat you.” She winced just slightly, her head jerking to the side almost imperceptibly with the motion. “I’m not fond of the idea of the bats beating my face in.”
He stared at her.
She tipped her head to the side on purpose this time. “Did I not give you enough?”
“You’re… a normal person,” he said, quietly confused.
Her shoulders shook with what appeared to be laughter. “Duh. Now, how good are you at videogames?”
He finally took in the area. Maybe he should have done that earlier, as his bat training had always told him to do that first, but she had been pretty close to his face to examine how he was doing so he had an excuse as to why he couldn’t really see. Now, he realized he was…
“Are we in an arcade?”
“No. My house just has a giant game room complete with an entire prize counter. Y’know, for aesthetic purposes.”
He frowned. He wasn’t sure if she was joking.
She sighed. “Right. That doesn’t work with billionaires.” She pushed herself to her feet, brushing imaginary dust from her knees before gesturing around. “This is an arcade. I hijacked it because I was bored, happened to see you while heading here today, and now here we are.”
He looked around. There was a Frogger character consistently jumping to his doom. That must have been the game she was playing before he woke up.
There were a couple of employees around. They were ignoring the pair that weren’t supposed to be there, going about their daily duties as if everything was fine and normal.
There were no customers.
“Huh,” he said quietly. “So… you’re just going to play games with me until you get ransom money?”
“Yeah. I’m not even taking your phone.”
“Aren’t you scared I’ll call the police?”
Her nose scrunched. “Don’t do that. They’re buzzkills. I literally just want a couple of grand so I can make a quick downpayment. Chill.”
He thought that over for a moment before shrugging. He could play along. And, if she wasn’t taking his phone, then he could warn his family that everything was actually fine.
“Now. What do you think of fps games?”
Tim squinted at the fake, plastic gun in his hand. “Does this have kickback?”
“That’s so weird,” he muttered, frowning as he tried to imagine how he was going to un-account for kickback.
She shrugged.
“-- and then the bastard stiffed me,” she said, throwing her hands up in frustration. Probably not the best thing to do during a round of basketball, but Tim was purposefully doing terribly and she had a good twenty points on him so she must have assumed it was fine.
He frowned and looked away from the hoop to find her pouting. “You don’t take your money in advance?”
“Of course not, no one would hire me,” she sighed, leaning back against the machine. “It doesn’t work like that. Think normal business paranoia, but instead of just trying to get the upper hand they’re also actively trying to screw you over. And they're expecting the same from you.”
He tipped his head to the side consideringly. “How often does this happen?”
“Oh, not that often. Most people are too scared of my general love of poisons to try things like this.”
His eyes narrowed. “Wait, did you –?”
The machines beeped to say they were done and she finally realized that Tim had beaten her score.
She gasped, pointing an accusatory finger. “You were lulling me into a false sense of security!” She said, puffing her cheeks in false anger.
But she snickered all the same.
It took an embarrassing amount of tries considering both of their intellects, but they ended up with a plush each courtesy of a banged up crane machine.
Tim hugged the dumb little smiling octopus to his chest. Technically, the thing was reversible, but consider: why would he want to make his darling baby sad on purpose?
The woman kissed the forehead of a duck plushie. “I’m going to love him and feed him and call him George. Or whatever.”
He snorted. “Please don’t feed the duck.”
“I’m here to take care of the problem,” Red Hood said, cocking his gun in a clear threat.
Tim rolled his eyes and motioned to the woman who was casually taking apart a sensor on a jump roping game to figure out how to make real life pressure plates. To the cherry slushie in his hand. To the plush in his lap. To the phone on the ground that he had used to tell his dumb, paranoid family that everything was fine. “Problem? What problem?”
There was a moment as this was considered, and then shrugged. “There isn’t one, I guess,” he muttered, sending the woman a wave that she only barely acknowledged.
He moved to walk away, but didn’t even get a full step in the opposite direction before he collapsed.
Tim almost choked on his slushie. He turned to give his kind-of-captor a wide-eyed look.
“In my defense, I thought he was going to kill me, I think sedating him is perfectly understandable,” she said, shrugging.
Tim was torn between laughing and going to check on his brother.
He settled for laughing. She’d said ‘sedating’, after all.
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whereonceiwasfire · 3 years ago
A prompt: Jazz does her very best to be a good sister, and sometimes that means grabbing as much weapons as possible, steal the Speeder Specter and beat the shit out of a certain Warden, no one messes with her little brother on her watch
I CACKLED when this came into my askbox. This was such a fun prompt; thanks Anon!
“Nobody!” Thunk. “Messes!” Crack. “With my!” Whap. “Brother!” 
Each word is punctuated with a hard swing of the Fenton Anti-Creep Stick, and Jazz brings down the hardest blow on the ghost’s skeletal face with the final, shouted proclamation.
The Warden drops like a sack of potatoes, crumbling against the concrete floor of the ghost prison, and Jazz’s shoulders heave with exerted breaths as she tosses the bat aside with a clatter, slaps her palms together.
“Holy crap. That was awesome,” Danny says from the cell she was trying to break him out of before the Warden caught them—started drawling about the rules and consequences.  
“Are you asking me to make an exception for your brother? Then where does it stop, human?” 
Normally, she would have been inclined to agree with the ghost. Rules are in place for a reason—to keep people safe—and if people are allowed to break the ones that don't suit them, that can't possibly lead to anything good.
She understands the logic.
But. Well. The problem was, she just hadn’t cared about exceptions, or rules, or consequences. She hadn’t even cared about upholding civilized society, or whatever else the Warden had been spouting.
Because he put her brother in ghost prison. And, plain and simple, nobody touches her little brother.
“Okay, now. Let’s get you out of here. For real this time,” Jazz says. 
Danny has his cuffed hands threaded through the bars of the cell—their biggest hurdle to overcome in this prison break. The bangles glow a gentle green—prevent Danny from using his powers or changing out of his phantom form. They had been working on figuring out how to turn the cuffs off or get Danny free of them when the Warden showed up. Hadn't had a chance to find a solution.     
She twists a glance around now, trying to find something she missed in her first assessment that might be able to help them. 
“Thanks for coming for me, Jazz…” Danny says quietly, his voice strained.
“Of course,” Jazz says in surprise, her gaze dancing up to him. “You know I would never leave you.” 
“I know. But. I mean. It’s dangerous. I don’t know that you should have come,” Danny says, furrowing his lower lip between his teeth. 
“What, are you kidding me?” Jazz says, stooping for the baseball bat again, hefting the weight of it in her hands. Her words are distracted, almost absent when she says, “You know I took out a squadron of ghost guards to get to you, right? If anyone is dangerous, it’s me, when someone tries to hurt my little brother.” 
“I—did you really?” Danny asks, but she’s not listening anymore. 
“Don’t move, okay?” she says, winding up. 
“Wait, no, Jazz. You’re not going to brute force this, are you? You were talking about levers and crap before Walker showed up. You can’t just—” 
But she’s already swinging, throwing all her weight behind the bat as she brings it down on the cuff. The impact jars up her arm and Danny clenches his eyes shut as she makes contact, but he doesn’t seem hurt by it. It gives her the determination to swing again, and again, and again. 
She doesn’t break the whole cuff, but she does shatter the glowing strip that runs through it, and Danny crows triumphantly as he launches to his feet, phasing his wrist through the one bangle. 
“Okay, do the other one now!” he exclaims, bouncing on his toes. 
She gives a panting little laugh.
“Stop moving. I don’t want to accidentally hit you. If you haven’t noticed, I’m really strong,” she says. 
She’s rewarded with that bubbling laugh she was fishing for, and it breaks her face on a smile.
He’s going to be fine. They’re going to be fine. She’s here now.  
It’s a bit slower than she’d like, but Danny finally obliges her request, stilling himself, holding his other hand steady through the bars of his cell. He glances quickly up at her, admiration shining in his bright green eyes. 
“Don’t let this go to your head, or anything, but you’re actually kind of cool,” he says. 
“Pffft,” Jazz rolls her eyes. 
She’s about to retort with a scathing comeback, but it’s then the Warden groans, stirring behind them. Jazz turns a quick look over her shoulder at him, using the brief fizzle of adrenaline his small movements send through her to fuel her next swing. The bat cracks against the cuff, breaking the power source with one hit, allowing Danny to free himself from the last remaining bangle.
"Okay, now, let's get out of here," she says.  
“I think I’m a little bit afraid of you,” Danny says, laughing the words and beaming up at her as the cuffs clatter to the ground at his feet.  
“What, because of this?” she asks breathlessly, swiping sweaty bangs out of her face with a goofy grin. “This is nothing. You should see me when somebody insults the Dewey Decimal System.” 
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