#basile's grandpa
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pey-up · 8 months ago
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You know damn well it'd be the most angsty one shots you'd ever read
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agardenofbasil · 7 days ago
Pedri crashing out scared Lewy so bad that he immediately found the back of the net.
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coffee-dere · 1 year ago
feeling very silly gonna commit atrocities later
also made this
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Btw you (Yes, you) are welcome to join in on the atrocities commiting
(Commitation? Commiton? Is there a future tense of commit???)
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wildelydawn · 7 months ago
https://www.tumblr.com/wildelydawn/760475696266149888/i-pitched-this-angsty-jude-and-gavi-fic-idea-to-my?source=share it's just gavi's way of showing love lmao. no but all the content that el clásico left always kills me, gavi would have been basically apologizing after having committed some very hard foul lmao. he had the task of marking jude and not letting him breathe, which he was doing pretty well until the second half when some changes were made that didn't help him. conclusion: jude turned the game around and madrid ended up winning. and gavi literally ended up crying. sensitive boy 😭
I feel compelled to tell you that this was the IG reel I was obsessively watching and not just for the editing and how funny it is, but because the way Gavi dove head first towards the ball. That got me SO fucking interested in his style of play. And I ended up actually seeing that clip you're talking about, with Gavi crying, and that's sort of what inspired the new fic idea I have! I mean I haven't seen him play in real time, obviously with his injury and me only seriously watching since last year, but it's very clear that he takes the crest seriously and that he brings a certain passion and dedication to the game that's pretty raw and unrestrained. Being that passionate in anything will get someone emotional, so I get why he cried after losing. I think it's admirable, especially in a world (football or otherwise) in which people (and perhaps particularly men) are so often injured/mentally unwell and told to cope on their own. I can't wait for him to start playing again!
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uncle-dusknoir · 2 years ago
a mismagius? what was familiar about it?
i'm not sure, honestly.
my grandparents had a Mismagius, but gran passed a whiiile ago and gramps... i think he's still alive, but he's old and creaky. i don't doubt he would have let it go, the ghost was older than he is and would've probably wanted to rest.
... i'm sure he's still alive. I would have heard about it if he passed...
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aceofstars0 · 1 year ago
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Kimetsu academy Basil! I think he would be a super good student and would DEFINITELY be the teachers favorite. He'd also have the style of a grandpa.
Let's all make ourselves as little guys! Everyone is welcome to join!
Here's mine:
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Tagging: @silentwillowwhisperer @hecateisalesbian @mushr00mswirl @mischievousmary
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tempural · 6 months ago
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October postcard! Ghost, Baby Bear, and Selina go trick or treating.  Toothless Grandpa Basile doesn't give out candy though.
Traditional brush ink + digital color. Yeah I draw my irl cats interacting with my fake characters... I know how anne rice felt.
[Hi-res jpg and .clip file for kofi supporters]
[postcard in the mail for sticker club members!]
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somethingclevermahogony · 1 year ago
Get to Know Me Tag Game Thing
I was tagged by @loksthegreat ! Thank you!
1. are you named after anyone? Yep, my grandpa. I'm technically the 2nd. Same first, middle, and last names.
2. when was the last time you cried? Hard to say? I guess that depends on what you count as crying? I'm sure I've made myself tear up over some fictional scenerio some time in the last week. As far as a real cry goes, probably last year when my grandpa passed.
3. do you have kids? Not yet, but hopefully soon
4. what sports do you play/have you played? I did track and field, specifically I ran dashes and did hurdles. Jeez how things have changed... I also did tai chai in a class taught by a nun for a while if that counts?
5. do you use sarcasm? A bit
6. what’s the first thing you notice about someone? Honestly probably the eyes.
7. eye color? Greyish-Green
8. scary movies or happy endings? Happy Endings or Bad Scary movies. I don't really get scared by horror films, so if I'm gonna watch one I want it to be kinda fun and campy.
9. any talents? I've been told I'm a good cook, can't really think of much else off the top of my head
10. where were you born? Spokane, WA, USA
11. hobbies? Reading, writing, useless world-building, trying to draw, cooking, getting lost, DnD with my partner, falling down archaeological rabbit-holes
12. any pets? Not allowed in our flat, does a basil plant count?
13. height? 5'10 but my hair adds an extra inch or two, depending on how fluffy it is that day.
14. favorite school subject? History
15. dream job? Archaeology professor and author
Okay, I apparently need to tag 15 people, here goes. I'm gonna cheat and tag my partner first. @persnickety-peahen, @patienceofstone, @patternwelded-quill, @peresephones, @theprissythumbelina, @the-octic-scribe, @foragedbonesblog, @infinnative, @illarian-rambling, @scribble-dee-vee, @hallowedfury, @lord-nichron, @unrepentantcheeseaddict, @flaneurarbiter, and @abalonetea Anyone else who is interested can also do this!
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maryland-officially · 5 months ago
If Gmail (my son) is your father that means I'm your grandpa
- @fistfulls-of-basil
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churchofyobaofficial · 3 months ago
hey how do you guys feel about Yule?
( @grandpas-afterlife )
(Heya, it's the mod here to answer this out of character, since in my interpretation no real world holidays or faiths exist in the stardew universe but I do have Thoughts about this!)
(I see a lot of Yoba followers as likely celebrating a similar holiday for similar reasons, actually! Their faith canonically has ties to the sun and the like, after all. I don't know much about the holiday, but have a very close friend who celebrates and shared some of the traditions with me this year, I really enjoyed it! I actually made Basil's birthday to fall on the solstice after seeing the similarities. I do think that the more extremist sects that are disconnected from the original message of Yoba (such as the environment Basil was raised in,) would twist it to suit their modern agenda, though.)
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milfzatannaz · 9 months ago
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I got to sing to grandpa and read him his favorite psalms. I love you forever. Say hi to Grandma, Basil, BJ and Uncle Mike for me.
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agardenofbasil · 1 month ago
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100% sure Hansi Flick is a sadomasochist.
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youhavehitawall · 5 months ago
ask game i invented right now: 1 random fact about each of your ocs >:3 ?? funny/sad/disturbing/badass you choose... 🥺
Ohh hell yeah! literally could not do all of them because it would be a million words long but here are some . i went mostly with mid-style headcanons because italk about the outlandish stuff a lot more than the normal everyday things.
Austin's personality takes after his mother more than his father. His dad was always very calm and pacifistic. His mother was a proper firecracker and quick-witted with a sharp tongue. He still hates this fact.
Firestorm is prone to overheating when he's in a high emotional state. He's known for spitting flame or catching himself on fire in an intense situation. (wink.) He fixes the damage himself.
Rundown learnt to play piano as a child in England, and is still quite good at it. He picks it up again when one of Firestorm's kids wants to learn.
Myles loves hiking!! Her early memories are of going hiking with her folks. She drags everyone else along whenever she can. Her other hobbies include prawning and fly-fishing.
Manuel is a lot more artistic-minded and enjoys painting. Before meeting the crew she was very reclusive and only painted from the imagination. Now she lets herself be dragged off on hikes but carries supplies with her. While Myles is setting up the picnic, Manuel has her easel out, she makes almost cubist depictions of the landscape.
Michael always secretly looked up to the road trains and wanted to be one when he grew up. Being convoy for the military was the closest he ever got.
Cass grew up in the Snowy Mountain region. She was a drover for her grandpa's farm and helped her cousins with crops as well. She only moved to Queensland in her later years, when Joyeuse Sr. was suffering arthritis from the cold. She used to shoot rabbits and roos and still has a shotgun, and she never wastes a bullet.
Dusk is from VIC and his first job was in a wrecking yard. He now works helping analyse car genomes and determine successful lineages, as well as predict 'recall' flaws in model groups. He also consults couples to determine if they can successfully hybridise. He sparks occasional controversy with his peers for having such an outlandish model for a partner.
Dusk and Cass have been together thirty-six years and are not married. I think theyre the only cishet relationship in the entire series?
Artemis is a big fan of the stars and has a bunch of glow-in-the-dark stickers on his ceiling in the pattern of actual night skies. He also joined the school boxing team without his parents knowing and is one of their most feared fighters now.
Joy Jr. is continually being pressured to race by her peers and teachers. She wants to be a firefighter! She wants to be a firefighter. She does volunteer work with the local station but she can see in their eyes they don't believe her.
Basil learnt to weld from a random old bloke she met at work while doing her apprenticeship for medicine training. The old man mentored her for seven years. She's one of the best welders in the country and has extensive practise because she has to fix and jury-rig Reg every time he breaks, which is often.
Reg got a creative streak the rest of his family seem to lack. He makes things for whimsy as well as practicality. He's been painting the walls and adding flower-shaped stained glass to the windows since he was a baby.
Aggie is the oldest running road train in the registrar and basically is connected to her trailers permanently now. She can move a lot like a snake, even whipping around like a twenty-tonne taipan. Like all road trains, she idles along the road even when sleeping, and will often wander off in the night without even realising.
It's common to hear screaming if certain lights go out in the opal fields. Johnny's experience in a cave-in haunts his young mind. He can't handle darkness. His mama can't run a generator all night, but he has battery-powered fairylights. If they go out he can't help it; he wails and roars until someone can calm him down. Reg is the one that pulled him out of that dark hellhole the first time, and he's often the only one that can bring Johnny back to the present now. There's good reason Reg is so strict about mining safety in the BWD region.
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bbu-fan-blog · 1 year ago
Some new info from the most recent QnA on Twitter
Aristotle and Percy would be able to cook the best burgers.
Ash loves Basile for a reason that shall be clear when the game comes out. They also put a lot of themselves in Fantoccio.
Barnaby, being inspired by Weird Al Yankovic, used to be called Weird Owl before he recieved his official name.
Would Barnaby be good with kids? Apparently yes AND no. He'd definitely try to be, at the very least.
Elaine would avoid catnip.
Fresca, the seller of water and juice at Claw Bay, is afraid of water, but since Marmelade, her crush, dreams of sailing the sea, she's trying her hardest to overcome her fear so she'll join her travels.
Ash and Katie share one least favorite character: Moon, a seller in Claw Bay who's Marmalade's grandpa, and a real grump. He's just... there.
On a scale of 1 to 10, Barnaby's skill at throwing his parties is a wopping 10000000000!
Sadly, if Barnaby kills you, you won't become like him.
Fantoccio's favorite plays all involve his idol Sssherlock Holmes (The S is silent!).
The reason why Barnaby is quite peeved at Billie, the first time she meets him? She disturbed his pre-party nap. He cares about his nap time A LOT!
The one thing that disturbs Barnaby is seeing someone alive.
Fantoccio's standard McDonald's order involve 20 chicken nuggies sharebox and two large fries; and no, he won't share.
The most huggable character is Dutch: not only is he a hugger, he's also as soft as a pillow!
The devs' most favorite characters to write for are Barnaby, Fantoccio, Billie and Basile.
Scrimshaw is the kind who would forget to eat (or lie about it, so he can have food), while Percy would berate him and cook for him.
Basile loves birds, so much so he uses them as a ride.
Barnaby is not great at introductions: Katie even wonders if he'll ever say his name to Billie, during his chapter.
If you were to throw Barnaby at the wall, he'd bounce all over the place like a ball.
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wardenevka · 6 months ago
ranking civ vi men based on their cuteness
Abraham Lincoln: 10/10
my grandpa
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Matthias: 3/10
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Basil: 8/10
also my grandpa
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im tired
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skyward-floored · 7 months ago
berry link for the wip game? i'm very curious 👀💛
Berry Link is a little zelda au I’ve created, where Link has six older sisters who just so happen to be the six maidens/sages who are the key to freeing Ganon. He has to go on a quest to save them, and save Hyrule too of course. I call him Berry Link because his whole story has a big plant theme going on (his sisters all have flower names, there’s plant things he had to collect, etc), plus he loves blackberries, so his sisters and most people in his village call him Berry.
I’ve mostly just been writing some short scenes for him here and there, but maybe someday I’ll fit them all together into a bigger fic. Either way, here’s a scene I’ve been working on lately—
Link carefully took the flowers out of his pack, the blooms still as vibrant as when he’d first collected them from the temples. The petals glowed a bit in the sunlight, and Zelda leaned closer, her eyes wide.
“What are these?” Zelda asked in fascination, and Link held them out, vibrant greenish-yellow, soft blue, and warm reddish-orange.
“The three flowers of the goddesses,” he said simply, then pointed to each one in turn. “Blossom of Courage, Wisdom, and Power. I had to find them in these temple things, it took me a while— my grandpa said you’d know what to do with them.”
“Really?” Zelda said in confusion, staring at the flowers. “Oh. I... I’m sorry Link, I don’t think I do. I’ve never seen anything like these before.”
Link felt his hope plummet. “You’re sure?”
Zelda nodded, giving him an apologetic look. “I’m sorry, Link. I really haven’t.”
“I have.”
The two of them squeaked in surprise, Link scrambling not to drop the flowers as he grabbed for his sword, both of them whirling around. Standing a few paces away in a uniform reminiscent of the soldiers Link had seen around, was a teenager around the age of some of Link’s older sisters.
“Basil! Don’t sneak up on us!” Zelda pouted, and Basil, apparently, gave her a small smile as he walked over.
“Sorry Zellie. But I do know what your friend is asking about.”
Zelda immediately perked up. “You do?!”
“Sure. The flowers of the goddesses are mentioned in some older books I’ve read, they’re the key to freeing the Master Sword,” Basil said in a matter-of-fact voice.
“The what?” Link and Zelda asked simultaneously. Basil sighed.
“Don’t you kids pay attention in history class? The Master Sword. Pure weapon of light and goodness, slays demons, seals evil. It was locked up in a secure location so nobody could access it unless it was needed again,” he explained, a hand on his hip. “And those blossoms are the key to getting it.”
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