#basically this entire chapter was viktor pining
OBS&BH Highlights
-“obviously taking great amusement in the fact that Viktor had not only been caught looking but that Yuuri had so unexpectedly flirted back, sly and teasing”
Oh Viktor. Oh, honey. No. this poor man so desperately wants The Love of His Life to notice him that he literally took a long-planned, thought out insult and turned it into a flirtatious gesture. 
-“There was absolutely no other way to look at the comment”
A R E   Y O U   S U R E   A B O U T   T H A T   S W E E T Y 
-Viktor writing an literal novel about his arm around Yuuri’s shoulder, while Yuuri was just there like “why do we have to get off the podiums. get ur arm off me scrub”
-Viktor taking paragraphs to describe Yuuri’s nearly-naked body and then seeing christophe and being like “lol yeah and chris is also naked. now back to yuuri.”
-“”You have…pretty eyes.” Viktor nearly tripped over the bed in surprise.”
Viktor ‘Extra’ Nikiforov just watched this guy pole dance naked in front of an entire room of people and got his hair pulled, yet he can’t handle Yuuri complimenting his eyes. 
- “finally, after years of wanting, he finally had something in return. Not everything, not the closeness in every sense of the word that he had been dreaming of but the first small fraction, the rest hopefully eventually following in its wake.”
This dude is planning  l o n g t e r m. He didn’t even hesitate to throw himself into this HEADFIRST with EVERY FIBER OF HIS BEING. Viktor’s philosophy in this story is “either yuuri and i will get married or i will die sad and alone.” There’s no middle ground.
-”It almost seemed like no time had passed when the doors finally slid open again, Viktor far too caught up in kissing Yuuri to notice almost anything else.”
could you imagine if there had been. like. an ISU employee waiting to get on the elevator just then. neither of them would have even noticed that they were basically having sex in the hallway in front of a horrified person who probably decided to quit their job the next day. 
-”He would give Yuuri the whole wardrobe if he asked for it.”
No comment. This boy is so far gone, I dont even think it needs to be explained. 
-”he had also enjoyed the playful way that Yuuri had flipped them over, taking control of the encounter”
i distinctly remember that in UMFB&MHA yuuri thought it was a huge power struggle between them. he so desperately wanted to be on top to show that he was more powerful than viktor.. and then viktor’s thoughts were something along the lines of “omg this cute lil boy look how playful he’s being, flipping me over. my turn to flip him over!!! look at all the fun we have together.”
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minervahopebeyond · 4 years
Blood Petals.
Hi!! I’m so glad I could update this soon! Please let me know if you liked it✨✨
Ps. Sorry if you find any errors (grammar or vocabulary)
Chapter 14: Gryffindor vs Slytherin.
Halloween came and Potter went to Grimmauld Place. Draco was happy that he could spend time with them, specially with the thing of the Prophet going on. He had sent a few Patronuses to know how they were, but their responses had been ambiguous and rather short.
When the green-eyed boy returned the following day, the first thing that Draco did was asking about them.
“They are fine. They hugged me a lot, I think they were feeling a bit lonely... and Halloween just makes everything worst.”
Draco nodded, of course he understood. The fear of everything being an ilusion, the possibility of it going all away again... And also the guilt: because James was here but Lily wasn’t.
“What about the article?”
Potter pushed his hair back and shifted a little.
“Padfoot was very insistent that it was bullshit, but-“ He shut his mouth suddenly, anxious eyes were looking at Draco.
“What, Potter?” The dark-haired boy shrugged.
“It’s just that my dad was very pissed off when we where talking about it. I feel like there is more than what they told me.” Draco frowned at that.
“Pissed off how? With Skeeter?” He asked, confused. Potter shook his head.
“With Sirius.” Draco couldn’t help but to laugh at that.
“Your father couldn’t be mad at Sirius even if he tried.”
Potter looked down at his shoes as he responded.
“Yeah, that’s what I thought, but he almost didn’t speak directly at Sirius when I was there. Only if there wasn’t any other choice.”
How weird... A world where Sirius Black and James Potter were fighting. It seemed surreal.
“Well, they are still coming to the game right? I’ll see it for myself then.”
Potter nodded, and offered Draco a little smile. The daffodils started to annoy him. It was getting worst; the tickles were almost always there if he was with Potter; and the coughing fits didn’t happen often, but the last time he had one, he had coughed eight petals. He just wished to have a little more time without the symptoms being obvious, right now he could hide it and live a normal life... He couldn’t say exactly for how long that was going to last.
The first game of the season was Griffindor vs Slytherin, and it took place at the second Saturday of November. He was excited, counting the days to get back to the pitch and play; practice was nice and all, but the rush of adrenaline he felt while he was in a game could not be compare to anything.
A few days before the game, he was surprised to find Ron sitting on the floor, next to the Slytherin’s dungeons. Pansy and Blaise were standing in front of the boy, he walked towards them.
“Oh, darling! You are here. Good! Weasley is moping and we don’t know how to procede.”
He turned to look at his friend on the floor; crossed arms, an expression that showed little patience to any situation, pained look on his eyes. Shit.
“It’s okay, Pans. I’ll take it from here... You go with Blaise.” It looked like the girl wanted to protest, but the boy next to her took her arm and force her to follow him. Weasley and him were left alone.
“Do you want to go outside to talk about this?”
“No, she could be there.”
Of course it was about Granger, nothing could affect him so much like that girl. It also explained why Ron came looking for him, he refused to talk to Potter about it. Draco sighed and sat beside him, resting his back against the wall. He waited for a few moments, in silence, for him to talk.
“Did you know that Hermione kissed Viktor Krum in fourth year?”
Draco did know that, in fact, he thought that everyone knew that. It was expected. Victor was eighteen at the time, while Granger was only fourteen; logic dictated that they must of done something , even if it was just kissing. To be honest, he was kind of relief that it was only that. Hermione was mature for her age, but when you are fourteen years old you don’t know shit and Viktor was eighteen, almost an adult.
“I assumed that she did, yes.”
Wrong answer. Weasley was red with rage, indignant, hissing at him ‘Why didn’t you tell me?’ ‘All of you were hiding this from me’. And he was wide-eyed, waiting for his friend to calm down. When the redhead stopped with his rant, Draco spoke.
“So, let’s see if I understand. You are mad at Granger for something that happened two years ago, when you didn’t ask her to go with you to the Yule ball-“
“I asked her!” He yelled.
“Yes, but as a last resort, of course she already had a date.” The redhead frowned and looked away. “The point is that it happened two years ago. What are you worried about? It’s not like she’s still dating Krum...”
Weasley muttered something that Draco couldn’t understand, when he asked to repeat it, he spoke again.
“I haven’t kissed anyone, if someday I kiss her I want to know what to do... Imagine if she is disgusted because I do something wrong” The boy pulled his knees to his chest. “It would be different if neither of us knew how to kiss, because she can’t compare it to anyone.” Draco frowned at that.
“Granger is not that shallow. If you two kiss is going to be great because it’s you two. Whether she liked to kiss Krum or not, is irrelevant.”
Ron seemed to relax a little when heard that, he rested his head against the wall and sighed.
“Make a move, weasel. The pining is is unbearable.” Ron chuckled, and looked at him.
“I can’t risk our friendship. If we date and it doesn’t work out, then Harry would be in the middle. And he doesn’t even like it when we fight.” Draco groaned.
“Potter is a big boy. Speaking of which, when do you think that Ginevra is going to dump Thomas for your best friend? I’ll give it a month or so, specially if he keeps being so obvious.” He said in a nonchalant way.
He knew that what he was doing was pretty basic. If he acted like he didn’t care at all, bringing up the subject like it wasn’t a big deal, then Weasley would stop having that stupid smug smile whenever he saw Draco and Potter together around the school.
Ron sighed and rolled his eyes.
“I don’t think that Harry even knows what he feels. He never does, last year when he kissed Cho, I asked how was it... He said and I quote: it was wet.”
The petals started moving, hurting him. He didn’t know that Potter had kissed Chang... He thought that their date to Hogsmade on Valentine’s Day was a disaster, everyone said so. Draco should have heard about a bloody kiss. The air was not getting in. He needed to get out of there. Now. If he started to have coughing fits every time that Weasley said something about his best friend, he was bound to notice it.
“Ferret, are you alright?” Draco stood up, abruptly, nodding his head. He forced himself to speak, containing the urge to cough.
“Yes... I just remembered that I had to meet Severus. Sorry.”He practically ran away from there.
Later he found himself counting the petals: eleven... They weren’t even hard to coughed out. Fuck.
The quidditch games were something that everyone at Hogwarts looked forward to, because they encouraged house unity. For a day, it didn’t matter if you got along with your housemates or not; you sang, yelled and cried for your house colors... This made Draco feel immensely proud of representing Slytherin on the pitch.
Of all the quidditch matches, Slytherin vs Gryffindor was certainly the most important of the year. Not only because it was the first one of the season, but because the competition was fierce. The Slytherin team would push everyone off their broom if necessary just to win the game and the Gryffindors would cheer louder than in any other match.
This could be his last year playing quidditch. His last game playing against Potter. He would win this.
Draco already had his quidditch robes on, walking towards the Great Hall to have breakfast, his best friends by his side. No one could take the smile off his face. Today was the day, he could feel it.
Pansy had some green eye-shadow on, with little hearts of green glitter next to the wing of her eyeliner, her lips colored black; and last but not least... she was wearing Draco’s quidditch shirt (that seemed huge on her tiny body) over her sweater. She looked like a Slytherin queen and if Draco were straight, he would have kissed her right there and then.
Blaise never liked make up but he was wearing a green sweater, and also allowed the dark-haired girl to draw a green snake on the back of his hand.
Draco had the best friends in the entire world, they always supported him. Even with everything that happened in the department of mysteries... they never left him.
“Little cousin!!” Sirius was standing in front of the entrance of the Great Hall with his arms wide open. Mr Potter and Remus beside him, and of course, the golden trio was there too.
Draco ran across the hallway and threw himself into Sirius’s arms, hugged him tight.
“ I’m so happy that you are here!” Then he looked to the men next to his cousin. “All of you.” He stepped away from Sirius to greet the rest of them.
“It’s good to see you again, Professor Lupin.” Said Blaise with a beautiful smile. Draco knew that it was because he found Remus attractive, he had told him about that in third year.
“Thank you, Mr Zabini, it’s good to be in the castle and see you all too.” He responded with a kind voice.
“Don’t you think is a bit much, Parkinson?” That was Potter’s irritated voice.
“Just because you would look ugly in this outfit, Potter, doesn’t mean that is ‘too much’” Said the girl as she rolled her eyes. Mr. Potter couldn’t help but chuckle until his son sent him a look .
“I think that what Harry here...” Said Weasley as he put his arm around the green-eyed boy. “...is trying to say is that we are going to destroy you on the pitch, therefore the outfits are going to look stupid when you are crying over losing.”
Draco smiled in an amused way, he never saw Weasley so confident. The blond boy arched an eyebrow.
“Don’t worry, weasel. You are going to do great out there.” Then he directed his eyes at Potter. “You, on the other hand, I’m going to make you wish you never caught that bloody remembrall. That’s the level of humiliation that I’m promising”. He stated with a playful smile.
Potter was looking at him with fire in his eyes. It felt so familiar to fight like this with him. The petals were crazy inside of him, they had been since that morning; the only thought of flying against the boy was enough to make the daffodils happy, now, he felt the tickles all over.
“I’d like to see you try, Malfoy.”
The blond boy turned around to where the Marauders were.
“Neither of you have Slytherin colors! I’m practically an orphan, how dare you!” He said with a fake dramatic tone.
Sirius and Mr. Potter laughed, although poor Remus looked kind of guilty. Then Potter spoke again.
“To be fair I was actually an orphan until five months ago.” Draco rolled his eyes.
“Yes yes, Potter, we know you were an orphan. Find another personality trait.”
The dark-haired boy rolled his eyes as everyone laugh at their banter.
“I have to eat something or Pansy is going to kill me.” He heard his best friend yelling ‘You got that right’. “I’ll see you after the match, okay?”
“Sure, little cousin.”
And he entered the Great hall with the other two Slytherins.
Draco was so exited for the match, he felt the adrenaline going through him. He was watching Potter on the other end of the pitch, waiting for everything to begin. Madam Hooch blew the whistle and everyone started to move.
Weasley was catching everything that his team threw at him, and the Gryffindor chasers where fierce. It all depended on how quick he could catch the snitch, with the difference of hundred and fifty points, they could still win.
Potter was flying right beside him, the stupid firebolt was too fast. They were chasing the snitch but a bludger was thrown at them and they lost it.
Look for it. Fast. Faster than Potter. Come on, Draco.
He looked up, and there it was... higher than he had ever seen it. He did a little dive to take impulse and flew in a straight line towards it. Another bludger passed by him, he dodged it. Soon he heard the sound of Potter’s firebolt right behind him.
He sped up as much as he could, but his broom couldn’t compete. The only thing that kept him first in line to get the snitch was his determination to win that stupid game.
“Malfoy! Where the hell are you going?? That’s too high!” The boy yelled, he was still chasing him.
Draco extended his hand to catch the snitch, almost there. And then, it all happened so fast.
“Scared, Potter??” He said with a playful tone. Draco closed his hand around the snitch, bright smile on his face. Potter was still behind him so he couldn’t see him, and Lee Jordan was too busy commentating the score of Ginevra.
“You wish.”
There was no air. Fuck. With one hand on the snitch, he took the other one off his broom to cover his mouth as he coughed.
It was too much, hearing Potter saying that. Too much memories invading his head, the flowers were fucking suffocating him. He lost control of his broom, and that was that.
As he was falling, he kept trying to stop the petals from getting out, he didn’t want anyone to see. Tears coming out of his eyes as he coughed the daffodils full of blood. Even if they were just a few... they would know, everyone would know.
He couldn’t breathe, his head was dizzy. He held the snitch even tighter. Draco could feel the wind on his face but no trace of air was getting inside of his lungs, he could only feel the fucking flowers cutting their way through. Everything went black.
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As I promised in my follower celebration post, I wanted to spread some love through a fic rec post! And now I finally came around to make it! \( ˵´ ♡`˵)/
I’m sorry for not going into detail what I loved about them here or leave comments here, because I’m trying to keep the post’s length under control. All of these 17 fics (and 2 comics) deserve a commentary and a detailed recommendation post of their own and I hope I’ll find the time to do that for all of them one day.
Please share this post (and the love), so more people can see the recommendations. Also if you start reading some of these, please consider leaving the writers a Kudos and maybe even a comment. We writers love feeling recognised and cherished! It motivates us to write on ♡ The order in which I name the fics is random.
My Top Three Favourite Fics (all Multi-Chapters):
Listen, I love all three of them so much. I binge read them all when I found them. They all made me feel so many things and I might have cried now and then while reading any of them (for different reasons). Those are fics I would reread - I don’t even know how often. They are just so incredibly well done.
Empty Spaces Between Stars (WIP) by astudyinrose [ E | creator choose not to use archive warnings (mind the notes to the chapters!) | Victuuri | canon universe / AU canon divergence / fake relationship AU | 17/? | 185k ] Summary: Victor gets just as drunk as Yuuri at the Sochi Banquet, and they disappear together after the dance-offs. They wake up the morning after with rings on their fingers, and pictures of them kissing after getting married the night before are all over the tabloids... but neither of them remembers a thing. They decide to stay married for a while for the sake of Victor's sponsorships, and in exchange, Victor coaches Yuuri through nationals...
Dance of the Red Death by Strange and Intoxicating -rsa- [ M | no archive warnings (no MCD, despite the story dealing with AIDS, so read the FAQ and the tags first!) | Victuuri | canon universe / AU canon divergence | 11/11 | 80k ] Summary: Find something to live for.Viktor Nikiforov loved too much. What begins as a cough morphs into something that takes the shape of an unseen monster hiding in his very blood.  With the Russian government scrambling to sweep under the rug the worst of a crisis that's been thirty-five years in the making and a society that sees his disease as a death sentence, Viktor is left with figuring out his own way to survive.It starts as a way to escape— a youtube video of music and color and light, but quickly becomes something he never expected when Yuri Katsuki teaches him that surviving is not living. Yuri teaches him that living is taking the jump into unknown and accepting all that comes with it.This is not a story of anger. This is not a story of fear. This is not even a story of pain. This is a 21st Century love overcoming the obstacles of the 20th Century's politics of fear.This is a story of life. Complete + Epilogue + FAQ
Come Out of Hiding (I’m Right Here Beside You) by osaki_nana_707 [ M/E (not rated by the author) | creator choose not to use archive warnings (check the tags & notes!) | Victuuri | Music AU / Actors AU / Broadway AU | 33/33 | 84k ] Summary: After forgetting the words to his song during a vocal competition as a teenager, Yuuri Katsuki decided singing was not for him. Instead he went to NYU to study English. He never expected Viktor Nikiforov, Broadway star extraordinaire looking to direct his first production on the stage, would ever find his up-and-coming lead... in him.
Humour/Comedy (oneshots):
All of them brought me to tears, made me wheeze and lose my voice completely - that’s how much I had to laugh. If you have difficulties with second-hand embarrassment and it ruins the fun for you, then maybe skip “Bottom’s Up”.
Nikiforov’s Law by LavenderProse [ T | no warnings | Victuuri | CSI AU | 8.1k ] Summary: “I’m a garbage monster,” Yuuri tells Phichit, staring at Viktor through the glass walls of the lab. Viktor has not been in the same room with him since what the denizens of the lab are now calling The Belle Isle Incident. “He looks at me and he thinks dumpster decomp and swamp. I hate my life.” “You’re a very pretty garbage monster,” says Phichit, watching a centrifuge work. “A garbage monster he wants to fuck.” Yuuri Katsuki is a dime a dozen CSI with the Detroit Crime Lab who has never had a conversation with Detective Viktor Nikiforov that did not end in disaster. He's beginning to think that the entire universe is conspiring to make him a fool in front of handsome blond detectives. The universe is doing nothing to prove him wrong.
The Unknown Unknown by opalish [ T | no warnings | Victuuri | Superhero AU | 7.4k ] Summary: Yuuri never meant to become a supervillain.  These things just happen to him.
Night is Young and the Music’s High by opalish [ T | no warnings | Victuuri | post canon | 3k ] Summary: “Best press conference ever,” the Japanese Nationals silver medalist says when asked.  “Ten out of ten, would medal again.” “I would die for Katsuki-kun,” Minami declares, with terrifying sincerity.
The Katsulanont Guide To Life (series of oneshots) by xylophones [ G/T | no warnings | Yuuri & Phichit (friendship) | pre canon | 4.2k / 3k ] Summary: College life shenanigans brought to you by Yuuri and Phichit!
Bottom’s Up by lucycamui and cryingoverspilledvodka [ T | no warnings | Victuuri | Sochi GPF banquet | 3.3k ] Summary: At the Grand Prix banquet, Victor’s been asked to sign an autograph for a very enthusiastic fan. Unfortunately, there’s a distinct lack of paper around. Fortunately, Yuuri has a suggestion. Alternatively titled, “Ever Seen An Ass So Fine You Had To Sign It ‘Mine’? or "Autograph Me (Wherever You’d Like)”
Canon Universe (oneshots): 
Here’s some Fluff-therapy coming your way ღゝ◡╹ )ノ♡
Pink Leopard Print Pajamas by thishasbeencary [ G | no warnings | Victor & Yuri P. (friendship) | pre canon / developing friendship / cute tiny Yura and Victor fluff | 3.3k ] Summary: Yakov told Viktor that he had to socialize with more skaters. He didn't mean the ones who were too young to even compete as juniors. But he wasn't going to stop his top skater from inviting ten-year-old Yuri Plisetsky over to spend the night. He just... sort of thought that Yuri would refuse.
The Boy Who Watched by Rosie_Rues [ T | no warnings | Victuuri | pre canon | 12.5k ] Summary: Despite the fact they've been competing in the same competitions for years, Victor Nikiforov doesn't meet Katsuki Yuuri until the Sochi Grand Prix Final. On the other hand, there's a boy who's been watching him for years and Victor's desperate to know his name.In which Victor pines, everybody drinks too much, and Yakov deserves a sainthood for putting up with these idiots. Basically, it's a decade's worth of near misses, misunderstandings, and pure obliviousness.
Something So Wholesome About You by crossroadswrite [ G | no warnings | Victuuri | canon divergence AU / Vicchan lives | 3.5k ] Summary: It was supposed to be his year. He was supposed to-Celestino stops talking and squeezes his shoulder. Yuuri looks up at him, opens his mouth to say something when someone says his name. He freezes, holds his breath for a full second against the painfully familiar voice, not daring to hope. Then, very slowly, he turns towards the source, eyes going wide with disbelieve. “Mari?” (Or: in which Vicchan lives, Yuuri doesn't quite fail and doesn't quite get drunk, but manages to accidentally woo Victor Nikiforov anyway.)
The Way to a Man’s Heart-Shaped Smile by La_Temperanza [ T | no warnings | Victuuri | post canon | 6.1k ] Summary: In fact, it’s probably faster to list the foods that Viktor doesn’t like than all the ones he does. Except, Yuuri realizes one evening after he and Viktor are sharing a platter of gyoza and play-fighting for the last one--which Viktor wins, only because he cheated by tickling Yuuri’s ribs--he doesn’t know the answer to that, leaving a huge gaping hole in his Viktor Nikiforov database.This obviously needs to be rectified. (Or the one where Yuuri seduces Viktor with food without realizing it.)
Alternate Universe settings (oneshots):
A wild mix, but all are highly recommended!
Duetto Appassionato by astudyinrose [ E | creator chose not to use archive warnings | Victuuri | classical music AU / musician AU | 9.9k ] Summary: Yuuri Katsuki, 23, has been the Detroit Symphony Orchestra’s ace pianist for the past two years. Victor Nikiforov, violinist extraordinaire and living legend of the orchestral world, is the guest soloist for the DSO’s winter series. He asks Yuuri to play a duet he composed, titled On Love: Eros. Basically, this is shameless smutty musician au one shot (it was supposed to be a PWP, but I couldn’t resist adding in some plot) based on the Yuri!!! On Concert art that just came out. Enjoy!
Puppy Love by minsyah [ T | no warnings | Victuuri | neighbors AU / meet-cute | 15.7k ] Summary: Vicchan has a crush on their neighbor across the balcony, and so does his owner. Yuuri, certified Dog-Dad™, will do anything for his beloved poodle—even if that means constantly embarrassing himself in front of his devastatingly attractive neighbor.
Send Your Cutest Delivery Boy by domokunrainbowkinz [ G | no warnings | Victuuri | college AU / meet-cute | 2.5k ] Summary: Victor orders pizza and puts "send your cutest delivery boy" in the special instructions box, and Domino's does, indeed, send their cutest delivery boy. Based off this.
If This City Will Bloom by RennieOnIceCream (Hitsugi_Zirkus) [ G | creator chose not to use archive warnings | Victuuri | magical realism / Flower Spirit!Yuuri | 9k ] Summary: “Viktor, do you know what cherry blossoms mean?” “What they mean?” Viktor tilts his head, surprised at the sudden question. “They can mean beauty. Or a good education. Cherry blossoms generally bloom around the time the new school year starts.” Yuuri’s eyes are unwavering on Viktor, and the colors shift in the dark irises again. “But they also mean impermanence.” Impermanence -- transient. Not lasting forever.The word sends a ripple of fear through Viktor. (Or, the story where Viktor accidentally brings home a cherry blossom spirit from Japan, and his life and heart are turned upside-down.)
A Midwinter Night’s Dream (part one of a series, I’m still praying it gets continued) by persephoneggsy [ G | no warnings | Victuuri | fairy AU / fantasy AU | 7.1k ] Summary: Victor Nikiforov, Prince of the Fae Realm, meets a young blue fairy and thinks nothing of it. But then the years pass, and he meets him again.
Because why not?!
My Reasons (WIP) by adreamorasong-art [ T (maybe E in the future) | no warnings | Victuuri | canon compliant / canon retelling ] This is an amazing comic series by my friend Mari. She draws in realistic style and completely retells season 1 (with added, missing scenes).
Bright Star by butleronice [ G | MCD (but apparently not what one would think) | Victuuri | galactic AU ] There is an accompanying fic. (I haven’t read that one yet.) Summary: Yuuri is a star, sparkling brilliantly in some far reaches of the galaxy. One day, his lonely life is changed, when a dazzling and brilliant comet enters his orbit.
Unfortunately I barely had time to read anything lately and my to-read list is... scaringly long by now. I’m thinking of making a similar post to this one, but with fics that I can’t wait to read! Anyway, you can find even more fics in my ao3 bookmarks, which I use to recommend fics. If you want to, you’re more than welcome to read my stuff as well. (ღ ´◡`)ノ♡
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19, 37?
yay thank you!!
19. Stephen King once said that his muse is a man who lives in the basement. Do you have a muse?
stephen king is a very interesting man haha! i wouldn’t say i have a muse that is a person or sth like that, i honestly never thought of it that way? sometimes a character can be my muse i suppose, they do something and a whole story pops into my head:p i get more inspired by talking to someone or listening to music, or when i try to sleep haha.
37: Talk about your current wips.
but how do i talk without spoiling things lol. i have quite a few wips but just three that i try to consistently update (sorry), all of them in a different fandom. 
Lessons in love (yoi/viktuuri)- i got this idea by talking to nora, as with so many other things. it ended up longer than i planned, but i have decided on the ending and it shouldn’t end up more than 12-15 chapters in total. it’s a lot of fun to write it, and i use social media in a way i never tried before, so that’s interesting! it took me a long time before i got an idea for a yoi multi-chap fic, but in the end i was craving a single dad au and wanted a fic where viktor was the one who did ballet instead of yuuri which i had seen in a lot of other fics. it’s an easy plot which is good because i don’t have to think so much when i write it, everything just falls into place on its own haha! i still hope i can deliver some surprises though. and, well, it’s very self indulgent because i think yuuri deserves to win all the medals and here i get the chance to power him up a little (〃▽〃)
Sugar star (haikyuu/oisuga) - yet another self-indulgent fic... and yet another fic i blame 100% on nora! it’s a sugar daddy au haha where oikawa is his space-nerdy self and suga is just too pretty for him to handle. basically, oikawa ends up accidentally hiring suga as his sugar baby bc he refuses to admit he’s lonely and stuck pining and his friends/family just want him to date again. it wasn’t supposed to end up this long but oh well. i’ll probably post the next chapter later today! it ended up being more of a fake dating au but i have no regrets lol.
The sun within me (naruto/narusasunaru) i’ve been writing this fic for... almost three years. will it ever end? no one knows. pretty sure evakaname made me start this one haha, it was supposed to be crack but ended up very serious and a bit angsty. it’s set a year after the 4th shinobi war and sasuke and naruto end up in the road to ninja dimension (a movie where everyone’s personalities are reversed and a lot of ppl are alive). it’s extremely slow burn and slow in general *cough* but it’s a little bit fix-it and a little bit having fun with the road to ninja universe. there’s a lot of parts i should rewrite and probably plots holes, but i’ll just stubbornly and slowly keep working on it haha. it doesn’t help that the plot refuses to stay consistent in my head and i’m still not entirely sure how it’s supposed to end... pro tip - if you don’t know the ending after three years, you will suffer. 
i hope this was somewhat interesting haha, i could talk about my wips forever so if anyone wants to know more feel free to hmu heh
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cait-writes-stuff · 7 years
Yuri!!! On Ice Fic Recs
I’ve been reading a lot of fics lately so I figured I share some of my favorites with y’all. There are a lot of good ones out there that I’m sure I missed (and I’ll add to this list as I find more) but these are the one’s that I’ve been reading lately. 
Of Dahlias and Deadlines by Ingthing (WIP): HOLY SHIT THIS FIC GUYS. This is the infamous Florist & Wedding Planner AU that I never shut up about. I seriously cannot recommend it enough. It’s one of my absolute favorites of all time. 
Summary: All Victor wants is to get dahlias for Khloe and Brad's wedding in under 24 hours.Hope comes in the form of the little family florist in his neighborhood and the quiet smiles of one Katsuki Yuuri.The florist Yuuri and wedding planner Victor AU no one asked for but everyone needed!
Beautiful by saltycvs (WIP): This one’s really cute and definitely worth the read. 
Summary: Basically Yuuri writes trashy gay romance novels for a living and he hires Victor to help him out with Russian translations needed for his next book.  
Met By Accident by paxton1976 (WIP): Warning about this one: Heavy mentions of parental abuse and Yuuri���s drinking goes a bit too far at one point (sexual assault) (happens during chapters 28/29 and can be skipped without losing any plot), character death. It’s overall a very sweet fic and it’s one of my favorites. 
Summary: Victor and Yuuri literally crash into each other  when their cars are caught in a fender bender. It’s basically an ordinary everyday falling in love story.
Love Unseen by KaylaBellissima (WIP): I absolute ADORE this fic. Basically it’s an AU where Yuuri went blind after a skating accident and Victor comes to Hasetsu to take a break from skating. I love how pure and cute this fic is. I highly recommend it!!!
Summary: AU where Yuuri went blind within the first year or so after he became a fan of Victor, and never pursued figure skating for himself. Told through Victor.
The Boyfriend Experience by cryingoverspilledvodka (WIP): I like this one because they both fall in love with each other but Yuuri’s a stubborn butt and thinks Victor only sees him for the sex (which is totally not true). Lotsa angst, lotsa smut, oodles of fluff in between. 
Summary: Katsuki Yuuri is an accomplished escort at 23, operating under the pseudonym Eros, in Detroit. When one of his favourite clients sets him up with none other than world-renowned figure skater Victor Nikiforov, the delicate balance between Yuuri's personal and professional life teeters ever closer towards ruin.
PS I miss you. by  Viktor__Nikiforov (WIP): Yuuri’s an aspiring artist and Victor’s his normal figure skating legend self. They meet on the internet after Victor finds Yuuri’s fanart and they eventually start dating. Online love turns into irl love. So cute, so floof, much smut.
Summary: When Yuuri's Idol follows him on instagram, praising his art, Yuuri might have had a heartattack. But what happens when their internet friendship becomes more. Can it work? Internet love AU that noone really asked for.
Until My Feet Bleed and My Heart Aches by Reiya (Complete): The ultimate Rivalry AU. I honestly love this fic so much. It’s so beautifully written and really pulls at my heartstrings. Mucho recommended. Lotta angst, lotta smut, lotta pining but with a happy ending!
Summary: ‘…Of all the rivalries in the world of sports over the years, perhaps none has become so legendary as that of Russian figure skater Viktor Nikiforov and his rival, Japanese Yuuri Katsuki…’
A single event changes the course of Yuuri’s life, throwing him into a bitter rivalry with Viktor Nikiforov that spans across his entire skating career. But as the years go on, rivalry and hatred begin to develop into something very different and Yuuri doesn’t seem to be able to stay away, no matter how hard he tries.
Hatred and love are two sides of the same coin and even though everything changes, some things are still meant to be.
Of Bright Stars and Burning Hearts by Reiya (WIP):  This one is Victor’s POV for Until My Feet Bleed and My Heart Aches. It helps to read UMFB first. Lotta angst, lotta smut, lotta pining. 
Summary: Viktor doesn’t remember the first time he met Yuuri Katsuki. This however, is what Viktor does remember…
Part 2 of the Rivals series and companion fic to ‘Until My Feet Bleed and My Heart Aches’. One small change alters the course of both Viktor and Yuuri’s entire lives, throwing them into a bitter rivalry that spans across many years and creates a world where they both tell a very different side to the story.
Like a Fairytale by lucycamui (Complete): Y’all know I love me some AUs (hell most of the fics on this list are some sort of AU). This one is basically a Cinderella AU where Yuuri is a skilled baker who’s family provides the palace with goodies for a ball and Victor is of course the beautiful prince charming that throws a second ball just to get the chance to see his cute lil’ baker again.
Summary: In which Prince Victor gets swept off his feet at a royal banquet and will go to any length to find his 'Cinderella' Yuuri. (And Phichit is the fairy godmother who has no idea what he's doing).   
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katsukiskatsudon · 8 years
last updated: 2017-01-30
I’ve read a SHITTON so here we go,,, hope u like it
Will probably be updated semi-regularly as I continue to delve into the ao3 tag.
by feelslikefire,  43682, time-loop!au
“Victor Nikiforov is poised to win gold in his fifth consecutive Grand Prix Final. He has the world at his feet, is unparalleled in the sport--right up until a snowstorm blows into Sochi, and he finds himself repeating the same day over and over and over. He stumbles over Yuuri Katsuki, and everything changes.”
I absolutely adore this one. There is a quiet and mature tone to it (even though it’s started off by a weird witch lecturing Victor). And the decriptions are so good it felt as though I was there with them. I read the first paragraph and I knew that this was going to be good.
Until My Feet Bleed and My Heart Aches 
by Reiya : wip, 126945 , rivals!au
“Hatred and love are two sides of the same coin and even though everything changes, some things are still meant to be.”
Already a fandom classic, this is a monster of a fic that really handles it’s characters with love. Nothing feels unmotivated and the descriptions are so good it’s crazy. The rivalry is handled beautifully and it exceeded my expectations by a large margin. Emotions done right and very engaging(!). Worth a long and rewarding read.
Constellations (Things You Left Unsaid)
by DasWarSchonKaputt : wip, 22346, role-reversal!au, college!au
“What is Katsuki Yuuri’s greatest asset when competing? If you ask the media, they’ll tell you it’s his flair for artistry, something that shines through in his earnest, winning performances. If you ask Yuuri, he’ll tell you that it’s his coach, Celestino, and the answer will sound as fake as it is.
The truth, though, is something that Yuuri has always known. He wouldn’t be half the skater he is without his prescription for anti-anxiety medication.”
Victor as a 18-year old soon-to-be senior debutant and a master of seduction is right up my lane. Add the long hair and the unwillingness to conform to gender norms and you have perfection. Loving the articles in this fic and use of chats and social media. Cozy college au.
Are you a library book? Because I can’t stop checking you out.
by AriWrote : wip, 8183, bookstore!au
“Yuuri works at his family’s bookstore. Viktor is his favorite author. Somehow he doesn’t realize the cute stranger making eyes at in him in the self-help book section is his idol. Yuri just really wants a break.”
Just as cute and light-hearted as it seems. Phichit is an absolute darling in this and I’ve fallen so hard for Yuuri as a bookworm. Reading this was like the fic equivalent to sipping a pina colada at the beach. Like taking a vacation. Truly lovely.
SkateSquad™ groupchat
by stxmph : wip, 47122 , au
“pikachit added katsukidon, vitya, RussianTiger, Leo♫, and (gay)uanghong to the chat.
pikachit renamed the conversation “ SkateSquad™ ” (groupchat log of the skate squad)”
This fic is (almost) entirely in the style of a groupchat. It’s messy, the author is overly self indulgent and it’s often kind of inconsistent but at times so brilliantly funny it makes the flaws pale in comparison. I’ve been up laughing late at night just because I couldn’t stop reading.
I’ll Give You My Heart
by Aliis : wip, 14009, soulmate!au
“In a world where people’s hearts are displayed on their chests, broadcasting to everyone if you’re looking for your other half or you’ve found them, Victor Nikiforov was a bit of a rock star– he’s twenty seven years old and his heart is still perfectly whole.” 
In a fragmented and poetic way this story is heartaching. Heartbreaking even. It follows the canon storyline somewhat (Victor is Yuuris coach etc) within this very interesting take on soulmates. One of the first fics I subscribed to on aou, which says something, doesn’t it? Over all wonderful and it’s definitely one of my favourites.
when the ice melts in the snow (that's when you'll love me)
by lilithiumwords : wip,  47179, demon!au
“Katsuki Yuuri is the worst incubus in the Underworld. Viktor Nikiforov is his human target.”
Yuuri is a demi-sexual sex demon and have never really felt desire until he gets assigned the human (or is he...) Viktor. (But don’t expect too much explicit sex. We’re seven chapters in and they still haven’t had sex yet). It works. Really well, actually. So well I stayed up way to late because I felt I needed more. My headcanon is that Yuuri is somewhere on the ace scale and I really enjoy when I find someone with the same idea? 
(offer me) that Deathless Death
by melonbug :  wip, 15580, curse!au
“It was the curse he and his family were fated to: Death would come for him the moment he turned eighteen, and he could only hope the flimsy wards passed down through the generations would protect him. But Death always won eventually, Death would snatch him up as he had all of his ancestors.
But somehow he wasn't what Yuuri had expected. He was a constant presence in his life, barely there. A vigilant spectator to his burgeoning skating career, a gray haired man with a soft expression who found him again and again, waiting for him to let his guard down, but becoming something more, over time.
"Don't be careless," his sister told him, but they were all careless, in the end.”
In which Yuuri learns to live with Death over his shoulder. I love the premise and its wonderfully executed. It feels ancient it feels real and the descriptions is sometimes so wellwritten its absolutely crazy. 
Strawberry Bubblegum
by rightofpostponement : wip,  20455, soulmate!au, (semi)canon compliant
“Smile, skate, win. Wash, rinse, repeat. It grew so mundane, after a while. Years and years of being at the top inevitably soured the view, no matter how beautiful. Victor was tired; tired of trying to surprise people, tired of living without love, and tired of making history without anyone to share it with. It takes one night, one dance, and 16 flutes of champagne for Victor's life to be flipped on its head.” 
Cuties! Lovelies! This is basically a collection of sweet, amazing, wonderful romcom cliches. They have a playful pillowfight (that grows intense u kno what i mean), Hiroko embarrases Yuuri with baby pictures. Heck, they even go go disney world! Toothrotting.
Looking for Courage
by icterine : 17035, soulmate!au, college!au
“Victor’s soul rejoices with their meeting. A fleeting attempt to steady a drunken stranger sets his heart afire. It’s all he’s ever dared to wish for. (Yuuri meets his soulmate and forgets.)”
Just as the author says, “there can never be too many soulmate aus…”. Especially if they’re all as well written as this one. The characterization in this is absolutely wonderful. The clueless Yuuri, the hopeless romantic Victor. The pacing is great and I love love love Chris (and Phichit) in this one! 
a great desire to love
by lily_winterwood,  21724, body swap!au
“For some strange, inexplicable, fantastic reason, Yuuri Katsuki and Viktor Nikiforov are trading places. 
Kimi no Na wa AU.” 
I went into this fic having no idea what kimi no na wa even was and boy am I glad I did. I finished this in record time. Intriguing, exciting, action-packed.
The Courtesan
by haganenoheichou : wip,  25,448, courtesan!au, dystopia!au
“Viktor is the most popular Courtesan in Hasetsu House. He is beautiful, he is graceful, he is everything Yuuri has always wanted to be. Except Yuuri is an Untouchable virgin at the age of twenty-three and a universe-class klutz. What happens when Viktor takes an interest?”
This authors worldbuilding is really freaking cool! Some influences from things like ‘Memoirs of a Geisha’ mixed with a dystopian future such as ‘the Hunger Games’ (the civilians clothing and luxiurious customs) with a sci-fi setting. If you, like me, are a sucker for stuff like this (starcrossed lovers with talk of galaxies) it’s pretty awesome.
i have my body (and you have yours)
by astoryaboutwar : 8147, soulmate!au
“Yuuri overflows with the weight of things that have been said, trembles with what remains.Their shared zeroes flicker in time, the early morning light muting the red glow to faint numbers. In the amber dawn, an idol is only just a man.
(Or: the Soulmate Timers AU where things happen out of order, secrets are kept, revelations are had, and they arrive where they need to be in the end.)”
I remember being absolutely smitten when I first read this and I still see why I described it as “words strung together to create a fucking symphony”. It’s poetic, heartbreaking, beautiful. 
the lounge
by fan_nerd :13453, therapy!au
“Dr. Yuuri Katsuki is a psychiatric therapist in Detroit who specializes in alcoholism. The last person he expects to see in his chair is retired figure skater Victor Nikiforov, whom he used to idolize.
Victor is a very different man than the one who’d been subject to the constant flashes of cameras in the prime of his life. He is broken, and so terribly human.
But then, so is Yuuri.”
Strange concept maybe but executed skillfully. Cute story about two lost, middleaged, men who find eachother, Cameo by my favourite mom Yuuko as a sweet tea-drinking 40-year old.
cover story
by fan_nerd :   8210, roommates!au
“Yuuri stares down at the person standing in the doorway. The stranger hisses, “Who do you think you are, anyways?”
Quickly, before he can really think about it, Yuuri responds, “I’m Victor’s boyfriend.”
It’s a lie, but the words feel good in his mouth, and for some reason, he doesn’t want to take them back.”
Yuuri is a workaholic that needs a place to stay. Victor is the playboy looking for a roommate. The relationship is painfully gradual in this but when they do get together, oh, is it sweet. 
leave the banner there
by sixpences :  2904, canon compliant
“"Victor has a crush- a full-blown, goofy-daydreaming, struggling-to-sleep-at-night crush.“
Victor pines, entertains his rinkmates, and wonders what the heck to do with himself.”
Short and sweet read. Pining Victor and fun russian rinkmates. I think I really needed Victors pov post-banquet and this helped me fill the gaps.
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