Headcanon accepted
HC: victor always has his hand on yuuri’s shoulder in official art bc he accidentally glued his hand to yuuri and they can’t get it off so they’re making the best of the situation
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Holy shit, Yuuri’s and Victor’s rings have each half a snowflake on the inside and when put together, they form a full snowflake.
Just kill me, this is too beautiful.
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[gross sobbing]
have you read just hold on (we’re going home) by @kiaronna​? because it is miscommunication and pining galore (or your angst back, guaranteed!)
Where Yuuri remembers the banquet, Viktor forgets, and Yakov Feltsman has his own plans.
fic has been serving as such good inspiration for my song-writing lately and!!! i hope u enjoy. from jhö yuuri’s pov:
all i know that’s true is that you won’t leave my thoughts, and i’m blue ‘cause you won’t come through and i would wait years, but i’m yearning for you now here i am, you said you’d call and you took my hand, and promised that we’d have it all and i’d fallen so hopelessly all i know is your arms around me feels nice all i feel is your lips against mine at night all i know all i see is your smile in my dreams when i go to sleep you hold me and tell me sweet lies but all i know is that you’re not mine all i know that’s true is that coming home feels a lot like holding on to you
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Headcanon where when Beka went to US to practice with Leo and JJ. Yuri miss him so much and asked for his selfie lolol
Leo was the one who told Beka to selfie like a fuckboy (showing that big bulge that he hides inside his jogger XDDD)) and JJ keep insisting Beka to do the JJ Style lol
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“the yeeteeist” 
@anyone who thought i was dead
unfortunately, i am not. I’ve just been offline because the school year was ending and it was pretty busy. Also unfortunately (for you people); I’ve returned from the war.
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@anyone who thought i was dead
unfortunately, i am not. I’ve just been offline because the school year was ending and it was pretty busy. Also unfortunately (for you people); I’ve returned from the war.
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Viktor at Worlds: "Yuuri! I'm so proud of you for winning first place!" *Tries to kiss him as congratulations*
Yuuri, staring at Viktor's silver medal: "Sorry, Vitya. Like someone wise once said, I'll only kiss it if it's gold."
Viktor, to himself: //Be strong, for Mother Russia//
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it’s seung gil lee’s birthday!! he makes a new friend <3
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The most valuable chart…
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alternative names for snowbaz include: snazzleton, sasilton, and snolton
you know what angers me? the fact that whoever created the ship name for simon snow and baz pitch from carry on thought that ‘snowbaz’ was a good one. like, you literally couldve made it ‘snazlton’. snazzleton. that sounds so much coOLER. it couldve been shortened to snazz or snazzy or snazzle. that is so much beTter. i am disappointed in the creators. you had a chance, and you never took it.
still luv my bbs tho
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update: i have found the sneeze blog 
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q u o i 
the yuri on ice fandom never fails to surprise me. sometimes this is a good thing, and sometimes you find a blog full of victuri sneeze fetish art.
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new tag meme: type “im the” and tag this with the first thing that comes up
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(Has this already been done?)
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REBLOG if you would pat his supple cheek. IGNORE if you would walk away
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guys this is such a good project? even if you don’t want to submit anything, please consider signal boosting.
About The Project
Hello! I just wanted to get a little more information about this project out. Basically, this project is a positivity project aiming to show anyone who views themselves in a negative light that they are truly beautiful, “flaws” and everything. 
What Is This “Project”/What Will It Look Like?
This project is aimed towards those who struggle with their image or are self-conscience about how other people see them and my goal through this is to show those people that it doesn’t matter how other people view you because everyone is beautiful in their own way and no one should talk negatively about anyone. Period. A finished project will be centered around a single person (the person who was submitted to me as the center point for a piece) including their actual appearance, things they enjoy/make them happy, and the one big “flaw” they see within themselves. 
How Do I Submit A Request? 
You can either send me an ask or shoot me a message. For asks, anon will be turned on if you’re afraid of being linked back to your main blog, but I would absolutely love to tag you in your request once uploaded just to be sure you see that it has been posted. I will keep all asks in my box until they are completed, then I will promptly delete them upon upload. I will not post them as some could include personal stuff they wish to not publicly share, all asks will be seen by my eyes only. For messages, I will again tag you in the finished product with the blog you messages me from (or to the blog you message me about [see below]). 
Can I Submit A Request For A Friend Instead of Myself? 
You absolutely can! If you are a concerned friend of someone that tends to act negatively towards themselves, shoot me a request and it will be a surprise to the friend/blog you are requesting for. Of course, I will still need the same information as if you were asking for yourself (see below). 
What Is Needed In A Request? 
When you send a request, please include these things: 
Eye color
Hair color/length/style 
Any visible piercings/scars/moles/freckles etc. 
Gender you/friend you are requesting for identify as – I wish to be accurate and also not upset anyone by drawing the incorrect gender. If you/your friend identify as any nonbinary subgender category or multiple genders (i.e. genderfluid/bigender/agender etc.) then I will make it as neutral as I can, or if genderfluid I will simply include both a male and female version 
Usual clothing style (flannels, ripped jeans, pastel jumpers, shorts, leggings, chokers, jewelry, etc.) 
This is in no way necessary but if you wish to be represented correctly body wise you could tell me your body type/shape. This does not need to be specific, a simple “small/big boobs” “thick thighs” “skinny legs” “hourglass body” “slightly overweight/chubby” etc. will be just fine. If you do not care or are not comfortable with sharing these types of things then don’t send this information, you will simply have to accept my “default” body type. 
Skin Tone (the same as body type/shape, this information can be optional but I do encourage you include this to avoid whitewashing/unintentional offense) 
Favorite Things/Things That Bring You/Your Friend Joy 
Certain animals/pets
Specific foods/drinks
Colors you prefer
Other things not listed 
The “Major Flaw” 
Any scars you feel self-conscience about 
Odd eye colors (heterochromia iridum, tampered colors due to blindness/cataracts, etc.) 
Mental Abnormalities (depression, anxiety, OCD, bipolar, synesthesia, etc.) 
Anything else one could/would feel self-conscience about 
Addition Information: 
I am in no way a professional artist so please do not berate any work I post. I am doing this simply to spread a positive vibe out to all communities and if you do not like what I upload then kindly leave. I’m still a growing artist and this is also a way for me to practice different body types/skin tones/clothing designs etc. THESE ARE ALSO FREE TO REQUEST so please be respectful to me and anyone on my blog. If any nasty comments are said I will simply block you and move on. 
I am only one person so please be patient with me and don’t rush me to finish your request. I will do my best to get these done at a reasonable pace but please understand that sometimes life gets in the way and I may have to go on hiatus/take a break at some point. 
I am still not finished with school so if this manages to continue into when the school year starts back up, please be patient as requests may get done at an even slower pace than expected. Next year I will be taking multiple AP classes along with college courses so I ask that you keep this in mind and not yell/rush me to finish. If you get impatient with me, simply send me another ask/message saying you do not wish for me to fulfill your request anymore. 
I will not link to my real/main blog as I wish to keep them separate from each other (also because when a week passes and this thing ultimately fails like I predict it to I can secretly delete this account without anyone knowing who I really am), but if I have asked anyone to broadcast this project then I certainly follow you on my main blog and have not just picked random blogs for self promotion. (If you wish to follow my main blog/verify I am not a random person asking for free self promotion, you can send me an ask off anon and I will privately answer or send me a DM)
I hope this project can help those who struggle with their image and I hope you have a great day! 
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i just drew for 24 hours straight to finish this
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