#basically I got a job bought a horse
irlwolfdog · 6 months
I fucking love DnD
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I’m so sorry for this guys but
AITA for telling someone their horse was masturbating?
Basically does what it says on the tin. For those of you who don’t know horses can masturbate. It’s most common in male horses under the age of three who have not had their testicles removed and who are confined to a stall or small pen and get really bored. They typically grow out of the behaviour once they’re older or given more freedom. Some owners try to train them to stop it from happening but most just ignore it because it’s better than other boredom behaviours like cribbing and wind-sucking (both are SFW to Google btw).
Anyway, I’m a groom and stable hand, mid-twenties now but been working at my job since I was fifteen (part-time then, now full-time). The stable I work at boards horses and gives lessons but also offers training for young horses, so we get a lot of OTTB here – that is “off-the-track Thoroughbreds”, so ex-racing horses that people typically buy cheap and then retrain to be show jumpers or dressage horses or whatever. One such horse is Bert, who is the horse in question in this situation.
Bert has excellent bloodlines but he sucked as a racing horse so he was sold OTT. The man who bought him, I’ll just call him John, knows nothing about horses – he’s a total beginner in every way, has never ridden and pays other people (including me) to take care of Bert, but claims to be an expert in everything equine because Bert cost him so much money (I don’t know the actual amount but he’s in the section of the stable where the $20,000 Warmbloods are boarded so I’m assuming around that amount which is a lot yes but also not the most expensive horse we’ve had here).
Anyway the actual story – I’m at work cleaning out stalls when John walks past, he completely ignores me as he always does so I do the same and get back to work. A few minutes later he goes sprinting back in the opposite direction which I thought was weird but whatever, I kept mucking, until I heard him shouting for help. I went out into the aisle and he’s there shouting at another groom and demanding to know the emergency vets number (it was a weekday morning btw, so he didn’t need the emergency vet, he just needed the regular vet but that’s meaningless anyway). I went over to see what was happening and he tells me his horse (Bert) is ‘acting weird’ and needs a vet immediately, so I offer to go see Bert for myself and then call the vet if necessary.
So basically yeah Bert was masturbating. Had an erection, was rocking about rubbing it on his tummy, and did NOT want anyone going in his stall or touching him. John points at Bert and says something like “see, he’s sick!” and then tells me Bert tried to attack him when he entered the stall and I just, I dunno, I cough and say that Bert is fine and just wants some privacy right now, figuring that the obvious erection might be a giveaway as to what’s happening? But John turned to me and blurts out word for word “are you an actual retard” and then starts cursing at me and telling me I know nothing and Bert needs a vet etc and so on. I kind of blanked on everything else he said after he called me a retard to be honest because WTF? I don’t really know what went on in my brain in the next few seconds but I ended up shouting – yes, shouting, extremely loudly, it fucking echoed in the stable – “he doesn’t need a vet because HE’S JUST MASTURBATING” in John’s face and then walking back to the stall I’d been mucking.
As I got back to the stall I heard laughter from a couple of aisles over. Apparently my co-workers and some riders who were there had all heard me shout and found it hilarious, and that made me laugh too because it was so freaking ridiculous. I honestly kind of forgot the entire encounter afterwards because we had a horse who actually needed a vet a little while later and yeah, John and Bert just slipped my mind.
I didn’t remember until that afternoon when my boss came to see me and said he’d had a complaint from John who wanted me fired. I did not get fired but I did get ‘warned’ (just a formality, my boss didn’t actually punish me but wanted me to act like I had been if John questioned me later, which he never did). John complained that I’d treated him like an idiot, spoken down to him, and “acted above my position” (those were the exact words he used) causing people to laugh at him. I explained the entire situation to my boss, who also laughed, and that was that, nothing else ever came of it aside from my co-workers telling the story of me shouting HE’S MASTURBATING so loudly it scared a pony into jumping so suddenly that it farted to everyone they possibly could.
Since then John has ignored me even more than before which I honestly consider a blessing, and I would leave this situation thinking I’m NTA except that one of my co-workers brought their boyfriend to the stable recently and when they introduced us the boyfriend said something like ‘oh right, you’re the asshole who talks down to people who don’t know everything about horses’ and yeah. My co-worker was blindsided by that as well and we basically both said you don’t have to know everything about horses to know what an erection means, but since then I’ve been wondering if I am TA in this situation? Like, clearly there were better ways to tell John what his horse was doing, but he called me a retard and also I get paid to take care of horses not to teach the birds and the bees to fifty year olds so I don’t know. I’ll let Tumblr decide.
So, AITA for telling John his horse was masturbating?
Additional info: I'm on a rota with other stable hands so I sometimes groom Bert, muck his stall, attend to his vet/farrier appointments, give him worming paste, etc and so on. I am not his trainer and have no input into when he gets to leave his stall. I've mentioned to my boss a couple of times that he boredom stims and should be in a paddock with other young horses, but John refuses to agree to that for reasons I don't know. My boss has since spoken to Bert's trainer who is now trying to convince John to let Bert have more time outdoors.
What are these acronyms?
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uslessnoahtall · 10 months
Book Genre Legacy Challenge
Hello! I've been playing the Sims for what feels like forever at this point, and the only way I ever manage to keep myself invested in the game is by playing legacy challenges. I kinda wanted to try my hand at making my own legacy challenge, so here it is!
The Sims 4 Book Genre Legacy Challenge!
Basic Rules: - Reach the end of each aspiration. - Reach level ten of career unless specified otherwise. - Cheats are allowed but try not to use them (only because they make gameplay less fun). - Reach level 10 of each set of skills given for each generation - Heir can be any gender unless specified.
I did my best to make this as Base Game compatible as possible, if you’re missing some packs and I didn’t offer an alternative just pick your own or skip it.
Gen 1: Classics
Colours: Blue and Brown Traits: Family Oriented, Dog Lover (BG: Neat), Art Lover Aspiration: Lord or Lady of the Knits (BG: Successful Lineage) Career: Start as Business but quit once you have kids Skills: Knitting and Parenting
You’ve been called an old soul all your life. Everyone always laughed at you for your simplistic dreams. You’ve always wanted a simple life. White picket fence, perfect partner, two kids, and a dog, maybe even a rocking chair to knit on. Who cares if you don’t have big career plans, at least you’ve got a family.
Rules: - Must have at least two kids - Quit your job once you have your kids. - Have a good relationship with all children. - Adopt a dog once your kids are toddlers. - Only have one romantic relationship and marry them before you’re an adult.
Gen 2: Western
Colours: Brown and White Traits: Bro, Rancher (BG: Hates Children), Loner Aspiration: Championship Rider (BG: Bodybuilder) Career: Athlete or no Job (Horse Ranch) Skills: Fitness, Horse Riding, and Guitar
You grew up in a picture perfect home. You were adored by your parents and lived the perfect life. But not everything was as great as it seemed. You learnt very quickly how mean children could be, as you were the youngest of the family and constantly picked on by your sibling(s). You moved out as soon as your were able to and bought the biggest piece of land you could find. Anything to get away from other people. 
Rules: - Have a bad relationship with your sibling(s) - Move out as soon as you’re a young adult onto a plot of land - Buy a horse (if you have HR) as soon as you can - Have an unexpected child (one only)  - Don’t move in with your partner until you know you’re having a child  - Have a high relationship with partner and parents, no one else
Gen 3: Science Fiction 
Colours: White and Green Traits: Geek, Socially Awkward (BG: Clumsy), Genius Aspiration: Computer Whiz Career: Astronaut Skills: Programming, Rocket Science, and Robotics
As an only child, you were taught to entertain yourself. Your parents had never enjoyed company, and hadn’t payed much attention to you growing up. You kept yourself busy, ignoring their silly western ideals and searching for a more captivating life in the stars. You found a passion in technology, and found numbers far easier to understand than people. Maybe there’s life out there better than the people you’ve met on earth. 
Rules: - Build a rocket ship  - Travel to Sixam and bring an alien back to earth with you (if you have GTW) - Marry the alien and have a kid  - Never make friends  - Don’t talk to your parents after you move out 
Gen 4: Comedy
Colours: Green and Yellow Traits: Goofball, Self Absorbed (BG: Noncommittal), Outgoing Aspiration: Joke Star Career: Entertainer (Comedian Branch) Skills: Comedy and  Charisma
Your parents always had their head in the stars, and being half alien you felt like an outcast as a child. You hated how hard it was to make friends and only wanted to be like everyone else. Once you reached a teenager however, you realized that if you tried hard enough and got everyone to like you, no one would even realize you were a little odd. 
Rules: - Make a bunch of friends as a teenager, but never stay close with any of them - Host house parties once a week - Have at least three kids and have a good relationship with them all - Sever all connection to your alien parent after you move out
Gen 5: Contemporary
Colours: Yellow and Pink Traits: Ambitious, Snob, Materialistic  Aspiration: Fabulously Wealthy Career: Doctor (BG: Business) Skills: Logic and Painting 
You grew up in a very loud family. Everyone was always laughing and there were parties almost every week. As a child you loved it, but as you got older you realized there were more important things in life than laughter. You decided to take a different route than the rest of your family. To you, there was nothing more important than success, other than money of course. 
Rules: - Marry someone in the same career field as you. - Have a large house and hire a maid/butler as soon as you can afford it. - While your children are young, hire a nanny for them instead of sending them to daycare. - Have an over-the-top wedding. - Decorate your house with your own art (no one else makes art that is good enough for you)
Gen 6: Romance
Colours: Pink and Red Traits: Romantic, Good, Music Lover Aspiration: Soulmate Career: Entertainer (Actor Branch) or Acting (GF) Skills: Charisma, Acting, Piano or Violin
As a kid, you always felt like the outcast of the family. Your sibling(s) were super smart and seemed likely to follow in your parents successful footsteps, while you were always a little behind, more interested in making friends than success. You feel in love with romantic stories and tv shows at a young age, as everything always seemed to work out for the main characters. Your parents were a little cold and  you barely saw them be affectionate with each other. As you got older you decided that the world needed a little more love.
Rules: - Must be a woman  - Date as many sims as you want but don’t woohoo until married - Have at least two close friends and one best friend - Adopt a dog - Have a music room in your house
Gen 7: Horror
Colours: Red and Black Occult option: Vampire Traits: Gloomy, Perfectionist. Unflirty (BG: Hot-Headed)  Aspiration: Villainous Valentine Career: Secret Agent (Villain Branch) Skills: Vampire Lore, Pipe organ or Piano, Mischief 
Your mom drove you crazy growing up. Her insanely positive outlook on life made you laugh. You believed she’d just gotten lucky in her love life, there’s no way anyone else could achieve that sort of perfect romance. All that being said, you do love her with all your heart. But as the only official black sheep of the family, you made it your goal to make your family the complete opposite of the one you grew up in, staring with the worst career you could think of. 
Rules: - Have a good relationship with your parents and invite them over for weekly dinners  - Adopt a black cat -Partner should match your values - Don’t settle down until aspiration is complete 
Gen 8: Fantasy
Colours: Black and Purple Traits: Loves Outdoors, Jealous, Creative Aspiration: Freelance Botanist  Career: Gardener (BG: No Job) Skills: Gardening, Flower Arranging, Baking
You loved the whimsicalness of your grandmother when you were a child. If you had the choice you would’ve had her raise you instead of your own parents. Growing up in such a dark environment made you want to fill your own house colours. The one thing you and your parent do have in common however, is your twisted outlook on love, as you are constantly convinced that your partner is cheating on you.
Rules:  - Have a good relationship with your grandmother  - Have at least three partners before you find the one, and be the one to break up with them all - Have a greenhouse  - Don’t have any kids until your grandmother dies - Have a rocky relationship with your spouse
Gen 9: Mystery
Colours: Purple and Grey Traits: Paranoid (BG: Loner), Loyal, Slob Aspiration: Master Mixologist  Career: Detective (BG: Secret Agent, Diamond Agent Branch) Skills: Mixology, Photography, Charisma
You had a pretty normal childhood, aside from the occasional screaming match between your parents. Unfortunately you inherited one of your parents tendency for paranoia, and constantly think somethings out to get you. Instead of taking it out on your partner however, you take it out on the criminals in town, and the occasional drink. And hey you never know, maybe some criminals can be trusted. 
Rules: - Have at least one drink a night after work (either at a bar or at home) - Marry someone in the criminal career branch (can be cheated) - Move houses at least three times (best to never stay in one place too long) - Never hire a repair service, fix everything yourself 
Gen 10: Memoir
Colours: Grey and Blue Traits: Perfectionist, Ambitious, High Maintenance (BG: Creative) Aspiration: Best-selling Author Career: Writer (Author Branch) Skills: Writing
Growing up you loved your parents, but something about how much they drank always rubbed you the wrong way. You always liked things to be set up in specific ways and you hated the fact that your parents always left a mess. You spent a lot of time reading as your parents were too preoccupied to take much care of you. One day you find a bunch of dusty old books that appear to be about the older generations of your family, but it’s hard to make out. Annoyed by the lack of information about your family lineage, you decide you should be the one to write it all down. 
Rules: - Have a complicated relationship with your parents  - Publish 10 books, each named after a different generation. - Read 9 books prior to starting your writing (as research). - Have a library in your home 
I think that's everything! I hope you guys enjoy this challenge! Please tag me in any posts about this challenge or post it with the hashtag #bookgenrelegacy
Happy Simming!
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renren-006 · 6 months
Heyo! How are you? I was wondering if I could put in a request for a Geralt x fem reader one shot?
Reader is injured in some sort of way but tries to hide it from Geralt coz she doesn’t want to worry him but he obviously finds out?
I’m bad at descriptions😪
Please and thank you xx
Wounds and Kisses | Geralt x fem Reader
a/n: hello! thank you for the request and i hope you like it!
fluff and angst
word count: 966
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You tagged Geralt along on another one of his quests. You had before, and Jaskier seemed to think it was an excellent idea to have another person join them. So it was you and Geralt on Roach and Jaskier on his own horse, Fawn, playing tunes on his instruments. You were not a Witcher, but you did have basic abilities passed down from your mother, who was a half-elf and half-sorcerer, making you a mixed-blooded woman. Your abilities revolved around the elements, like your mother and her mother before her. You were trained by her before she died and before you had met Geralt.
He was adamant about letting you on quests; he wouldn't tell you why, but you knew the brooding man had some form of feeling towards you. The two of you never discussed it, but there was always something between them. You had slept together, kissed in halls, and spent the nights together, but no relationship was formed, and no words of love were ever spoken. You wished he would; you wished he would just tell you he loved you so you may finally not have to steal glances at the man without him knowing. 
The beast was something of a bigger size than either you or Geralt had previously thought it would be. Jaskier was back at the tavern drinking away and singing about adventures, while the two of you were stuck dealing with a beast that continuously terrorized this poor town. You didn't expect it to also be so difficult to defeat but its hard armor made things worse. It also made things worse when the beast tail slammed into you sending you flying to the ground. Geralt was too busy with a second beast that charged that he had no idea you had been flung by the beast. You stumbled back over to the fight, trying not to clutch your side. Your powers roared in you as you launched yourself on top of the beast, shoving your sword in any place between the armor before finding its weak spot. You shoved your sword deep into the spot by its neck in between the brakes in its armor, it wailed loudly before it fell. You stumbled off the beast intime to see Geralt doing the same with the second beast. Once you stumbled out of the muddy water onto land your side erupted in pain, you bit back a cry as you got onto Jeskier horse, Fawn, and rode back alongside Geralt who was far ahead of you and determined to finish the job fully and get home. You didn't dare touch your side or grimace about it, not wanting the boys to know you got hurt. 
You sat by Jaskier who held his nose by the stink of the beast coming off you. 
“Damn Y/N you stink” he said “Oh and Geralt smells worse…both of you go take a bath!”
“Were fine Jaskier” Geralt said, not wanting to jump to the bath and instead started drinking whatever it was he bought.
“Ill go” you said. As you stood a flash of pain crossed your face, making Geralt straighten. You stumbled your way to the room finding that someone had already filled the bin with hot bath water. As you undressed you didn't hear the door open or the heavy footsteps of Geralt entering. 
“Y/N” he said, standing still at the sight of the entirely too large gash and hole in your side. The beast tail had been spiked and its tail punctured your side while also slashing the entire length of your stomach. The blood and ooze that gushed from you seemed like it didn't matter under the eyesight of Geralt who stumbled over to you. “Why didn't you say anything?” he asked you. His voice was…soft. 
“I didn't want to worry you” you told him. You clutched the bin, your vision blurring as Geralt caught you, finished undressing you and got you into the hot water. You screamed a bit from the feeling of the hot water in your wound. Geralt held you, sliding in after undressing himself and holding you close to him.
“I want you to tell me when you're hurt. It means nothing against your skills when you are” he told you, making you feel worse about not mentioning it.
“I'm sorry,” you told him. 
“No apologies. Just heal” he told you, knowing that with concentration and his strength behind you, using the water and your magic can help heal the deep wound on you. The water swirled slightly as you used the magic in you to heal what you could. The deep gash slowly faded to a large gash, and the scratches along your stomach turned to scabs and then to scars. Your body had enough scars that you hated the sight of them but your magic only worked so far.
“I'm sure Yennefer would be happy to show you how to heal scars” He told you, pulling you even closer to him. “I know we never talked about what is between us…”
“I love you” you spoke faster than he could finish his thought. 
“I love you too y/n…if you had let me finish” he said, causing you to laugh. 
“Sorry, just wanted to say it before I couldn't” you told him looking at his face. 
“I should have told you sooner. I took advantage of your feelings before mine came around..”
“I know, but i never told you to stop” you said, “I just wanted all your love not just parts”
“Now you have it all” he told you, “so no more hiding your wounds” 
“Promise,” you said, kissing his cheek before falling back and laying on him.
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the-lonelyshepherd · 6 months
tell me abt your OCs please🙏 including the horses you draw them so prettyyy
gonna do a simple overview of main two and their horses for now
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evelyn sinead “shay” murphy
first (and a half?) generation american. her father immigrated from ireland and her mother’s parents from ireland and england.
youngest sibling of five daughters. all the others are already adults and out of the house, she’s 17/18 range.
her family started out poor, only recently got pretty wealthy
personality wise she’s very silly - kinda excitable, talkative but in a very nervous energy type of way. like a chihuahua or something. she kinda spaces out a lot or is off in her own world and jumps from thing to thing really fast without a lot of regard for others (not on purpose, she just doesn’t notice). overall she just really wants to be wanted - she’d bleed for anyone if they held her the right way.
fun fact: she likes fishing
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othello - shay’s horse
when shay was younger her whole family had two horses between the seven of them. after their recently accumulated wealth, she gets her own - a top of the line tenessee walking horse. she names him othello after the title of some fancy play her father bought to make the house look more distinguished for guests. she thought the name was cool.
othello is a fucking bitch to literally anyone but shay (and later catalina and tumble). he’s really loyal but can get overtly defensive sometimes. very quiet, just stands there menacingly. we love him though. he’s really tall.
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catalina “cat” “tilly” “lina” “bird” osorio
mexican-american, family has been in america for forever (she has some portugese heritage mixed in though)
nickname haver. almost everyone calls her something different. she lives with her aunt and uncle, two cousins and younger brother. they work as ranch hands for hire, and help on cattle drives. occasionally her cousins will pick up odd jobs and rope her into them.
she’s generally pretty quiet but is actually pretty funny sometimes. she’s constantly seen as “the responsible one” out of her family, but it really just stems from a constant worry that she’s not good enough and that she doesn’t want to cause problems. daydreams a lot, kinda anxious, tired a lot because she has sleep problems.
fun fact: really likes birds. can identify them and draws them a lot
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tumbleweed “tumble” - catalina’s horse
descended from some of the first horses on the osorio family’s farm, tumble is a mutt of a horse, but she’s perfect for any job you would need on a ranch. she does get distracted a lot though - she’s pretty playful which doesn’t always bode well for a horse her size.
she wasn’t supposed to be named tumble - catalina wanted to name her first horse something cool, like trigger or hawk. but when tumble was born her legs were a little too long and her tawny roan color made her look like a tumbleweed. so after a while the name stuck.
that’s just a basic overview of the main two and their horses but if you have any more questions lmk!! this was pretty short for each of em i tried to leave it open ended
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vintagepresley · 2 years
His Love Affair
Pairing: Elvis Presley x Reader 
Word Count: 7,921 words
Warnings: 18+ SMUTSMUTSMUT Cheating, oral (f receiving), rough sex, dominate Elvis, praise kink, some dirty talk, public sex, Elvis catering to your pleasure and needs, cursing, typical elvis stuff. 
Author’s Notes: AHHHH, okay, Elvis besties, so I got this random idea yesterday after watching a movie and it just inspired me to write this story, it’s different, and he is cheating on Priscilla (don’t hate me for writing this) 😭 But I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it!! Also changed the timeline of when he bought Circle G. I can’t wait to hear everyone’s thoughts. Possible spelling errors!! Side note: look how cute he is!!
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You’re not a dream, you’re not an angel, you’re a woman…
It’s 1969 and Elvis had just purchased Circle G Ranch as quiet get away to relax and ride the horses that he had just bought for Priscilla and himself, in the hopes of having something that the two of them could bond over, things hadn’t been the best between them, especially with the apparent rumors of his infidelity, but his love of horseback riding was beginning to take on a life of its own when he began to purchase more horses for his friends and family, to the point that he needed to hire someone to be able to take care of them for him. That’s when he found you, your credentials were all he needed to know that his horses would be well taken care of. But his assumption was that you were a man, so much to his surprise the first day you showed up to Circle G Ranch he was taken aback by the assumption he made, but also by your beauty. But you were also a bit starstruck by the fact that Elvis Presley was hiring you to take care of his horses, but you kept things professional, you had to just to keep yourself from fangirling.
The both of you discussed when you would work, and he even suggested you moving into Circle G Ranch just to make sure that you were always there just in case. You thought that was a bit odd, but then again after the small tour he gave you noticed quite a few people were living there besides him and Priscilla. So, you took him up on his offer after your discussion. He was nothing like you thought he was going to be, he was very respectful and quite shy it seemed. But very welcoming, he had a way of making you feel like you’d known him for years. It was different from other people you had worked for. So, you had a good feeling about this new job. He tried to offer you a room in the house, but you didn’t feel right about that with his wife and all. You told him you were fine with having a trailer home like everyone else who had lived there. You were there to do a job, that was all. He respected the fact that you took your job seriously and that you wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize it. So, he bought the nicest trailer that money could buy, you were a bit shocked and didn’t need anything that fancy, but he insisted.
It had been a few weeks since you had been working there, and from time to time you would speak with his friends and family, even Priscilla the two of you were basically the same age. But the person who you spoke to the most was Elvis, at first you just thought he wanted to learn more about horses, and horseback riding and the care they needed. But sometimes he would talk to you about his life and ask you about your own. The conversations only grew more personal as the days went on, and he was coming out to the barn more often anytime he was at the ranch. There was something about you that was just a breath of fresh air for him. He felt like he could talk to you, open himself up to you in ways he couldn’t with others, not even his own wife. You learned that you had some things in common when it came to the world of spirituality and that made him even more impressed with you. He could talk for hours about it. You did enjoy the unusual bond the two of you had formed, he was charming to say the least, a bit flirty at times, but you still had a job to do, and he was a married man. So, you chalked it up to nothing more but some innocent conversation.
Elvis didn’t always stay at the ranch; he spent his days riding when he wasn’t busy with his work schedule. But always went back to Graceland. He just needed a place to relax from time to time. But he kept some of his Memphis Mafia at Circle G just to make sure you were looked after. Which you thought was ridiculous because you didn’t feel unsafe. But he insisted. The urge to admit that his protectiveness made him even more attractive only made you feel so bad, because you didn’t want to have thoughts like that. Especially since you spoke with Priscilla sometimes. It was late one night, and you were getting ready for bed. Elvis had told Priscilla he was going for a drive because he couldn’t sleep, that drive being to Circle G with a few books of his that he thought you’d be interested in. You heard the gates of the ranch opening assuming one of his men might have been going out for a bit. Just as you were getting ready to call it a night, you hear a knock at your door. Which you thought was quite unusual at this hour. You were wearing just your nightgown, so you quickly grabbed a robe to cover up with and then you answered the door. The look of shock on your face when you realized it was Elvis and with a stack of books and he was in his pajamas. “Mr. Presley... What are you doing here? Is everything okay?” you asked a bit confused.
He chuckled softly. “Call me, Elvis and everything’s fine. I hope I’m not disturbing ya.. I couldn’t sleep and I-I found some books that I thought you’d be interested in after our chat the other day.” He said with a smile, handing them to you, he couldn’t help but noticed how different you looked, your hair was down, and he had never seen it that way before, he couldn’t help thinking how beautiful you looked. “Oh.. Thank you, I’ll be sure to read them.” You say with an awkward smile, thinking it was a little weird he felt the need to bring these books tonight instead of tomorrow. You weren’t sure what to say now, you wanted to sleep, but you didn’t want to be rude. He was standing there like he was waiting for an invite. “Um, did you want to come inside?” you asked. “Can I? Unless I’m keeping you awake..” he said. “No, of course not. Please come in.” You said as you moved out of the doorway, letting him in and then you shut the door behind him, setting the books down on the table.
He looked around the trailer, noticing the little touches you had put on it. “I like what you’ve done with it. Ya know my offer still stands to have you move into the house.” He said with a smile. “Thank you, but that isn’t necessary, Mr. Presley.” You said nervously, it was late, and you weren’t in your usual attire, and you were completely alone with him in your trailer. If any of the guys had seen, they would assume only the worse. “Mr. Presley? Come on now, I feel like we’ve gotten to know each other enough for you to call me Elvis, honey.” He said with a nod. “Okay… Elvis, I’m quite comfortable here.” You said softly. “I can see that.” He said, his blue eyes now staring at you as you both stood there in silence. “Is something wrong?” you muttered. “Hm? Oh, nothin’... I just... Ya look different is all..” he said. “Different how?” you said as you raised an eyebrow. He was reaching over to you now, his fingertips gliding through your hair gently. “Your hair... I’ve never seen you wear it down. You should wear it like this sometimes. I like it.” He said. You were practically holding your breath the moment he touched your hair, and when he pulled his hand away you, you quietly exhaled and ran your own fingers through your hair, nervously, like some little girl. “Oh, thank you… I prefer it up when I’m working…” you mumbled.
“Mm..” he nodded. “Y/N.. Do you want to know the real reason I came out here tonight?” he asked. “Um, it wasn’t to bring me books?” you responded. “Well, I did want you to have the books, but no... That was just an excuse to come here.” He said with a shrug. “I don’t think I understand.” you uttered. “I haven’t been able to stop thinkin’ about you, honey. I wanted to see you.” He said as he stepped closer to you, prompting you to back up from him with each step he took until there was nowhere else for you to go. Part of you thought about him too, you hated yourself for it, but you had to gain control here. “Mr. Pres- Elvis... I can’t... We can’t… Priscilla.” You mumbled out, wanting him to back away from you after hearing her name, but secretly hoping that wouldn’t stop him. I hate myself for feeling this way… This is wrong. “Don’t do that..” he mumbled, he had you cornered, just how he wanted you to be, he was standing closer than ever to you, you haled his scent and feeling his body against yours, wanting nothing more than to push him away, your brain kept telling you this was wrong, but your body was telling you something else.
Before you could even get a response out, he was capturing your lips in a soft kiss, your body slightly giving into him and your lips kissing his back and then you caught yourself and you gently pushed him back, covering your mouth shaking your head. “Elvis, please... We can’t.” you mumbled. He was staring into your eyes now, trying to get a read on you, he brought one of his hands up to comb his fingers through your hair gently, brushing some of it behind your ear. “I know you’ve been thinking about me too. Don’t deny yourself something you want…” he whispered as he caressed your cheek gently with the back of his hand. “It’s just some innocent fun... Nothing more.” He said as his lips hovered over yours once again. “Just an innocent… little… affair..” he whispered as his lips met yours again in a more passionate kiss, this time he made it so hard to resist and your body finally succumbed to his whims, wrapping your arms around his shoulders, kissing him back deeply, unable to stop yourself. He slipped his arms around your waist, and he let out a soft groan against your lips as the two of you pulled each other in your embraces.
He moved his hands to the front of our robe, quickly getting it undone to reveal your nightgown that he took a quick glance at with a smirk, and he reached behind him, pushing off the books you sat on the countertop onto the ground and he grabbed your waist and lifted you up onto the counter, you let out a soft noise against is lips and then his hands moved down to his pajama pants and as he was doing that you were tugging your nightgown up your thighs, revealing the heat between your legs as you spread them open for him as was tugging his pants down and his cock springing out, he grabbed a hold of your thighs, tugging you forward, you squealed softly. You were having second thoughts about this but everything in you wouldn’t allow you to stop this foolishness. You knew there was no turning back. He thrusted himself forward, guiding his cock into your pussy that was already pooling with your slick, he roughly slammed himself into you. You let out a loud gasp and a moan follow right after, throwing your head back as your grasp on him only grew tighter, he held onto your hips as he began to fuck you, each thrust becoming rougher as he picked up the pace, burying his face into your neck as his groans escaped him loudly, you were holding onto him for dear life, your moans becoming louder as he plunged himself deeper into you, every inch of him filling you up as your bodies moved at the same tempo.
It was a passion neither you nor him had ever felt before, your breathing was becoming heavier, louder as did the noises that escaped you, wrapping your legs tightly around his waist, you cried out his name the words leaving your lips in almost a whimper. “Fuck… You’re so wet for me, so tight, baby... I knew you wanted this…” he mumbled against your neck nearly breathless, as he kept up his pace inside of you. His hands gripping your hips tighter as your nightgown slipped up above your ass, he held you down as he slammed into you, forcing you to adjust to the size of him, like you were made just for him. You felt your body shake, tense up, shudder at the very feeling of him inside of you like this. He was going to make you cum like you never had before, there was no holding it back. There were no words being spoken now just the sounds of both of your moans, your bodies colliding together, the creaking sound of the trailer, and the heavy breathing that escaped the both of you. You both were so in tune with this act that there was no warning when the both of you reached your orgasms, your body jolted as you came, making a mess on his cock, the very feeling of him filling you up with his cum only made that feeling more intense, but before you could even ride out that high, he was pulling out of you quite abrutly, the mixture of his cum and yours pooled out of you and dripped down your thighs.
You looked confused as you were trying to catch your breath and bring yourself back down to earth as you watched him quickly pull his pants up, he kissed your lips softly. “I’ve gotta go.. I’ll see you tomorrow.” he mumbled. “Elvis, wait! We-” but before you could get anything further out, he was already rushing out of the trailer, you hopped off the counter and looked out the window seeing him get in his car and drive out of the gates of Circle G. You were dumbfounded by what just happened. Fuck... What did I just do? This was a mistake... Why did he leave like that? How could I face him or Priscilla tomorrow... You’re so stupid. You went to bed feeling confused and in fear that someone was going to find out what the two of you just did. But you also thought about how much you enjoyed it, the way he just made you putty in his hands, his very words running through your head the rest of the night. “An innocent little affair.” It was going to be a restless sleep for you.
The next morning came quick, and you were tired as ever from the lack of sleep you got, but you started your day like you usually did, because you still had a job to do. As the day went on you saw no signs of Elvis or Priscilla especially around the time the two of them would come to Circle G. You thought it was a bit odd. He is avoiding me. ME? When he started that last night. You shook off those thoughts trying to focus on your work and caring for his horses, but you couldn’t help but check every five minutes in hopes that he’d show up. But nothing. Later that night your mind was still on Elvis, you didn’t under what was happening or why you even cared so much. You got yourself showered and put your robe on as you stood in the mirror, brushing your wet hair thinking about the night before and the way he fucked you. You suddenly heard a familiar little knock at your door, knowing it had to be only one person. Elvis. You sat your brush down and hurried to the door, opening it and seeing him not dressed in his pajamas like last night, but in his usual style of clothing, looking good as always. You couldn’t find the words to say to him.
“Hey, baby.” He said in that thick accent with a smirk on his face as he made his way inside of the trailer, shutting the door behind him. “Elvis.. I-I didn’t think I was going to see you today, you never came around your usual time.” You said trying not to sound like you were clingy or desperate, just making an observation. “Yeah, I got a little busy with some business… But I did tell ya I’d see you.” He said as he leaned in to give you a kiss, but you backed away from him, shaking your head. “We can’t do that again… Last night shouldn’t have happened. Speaking of, why’d you leave like that? Did I do something wrong?” you said. He raised an eyebrow at you, and he shook his head. “No, you didn’t do anything wrong, I guess I felt like I maybe got ahead of myself, but I couldn’t stop thinking about what we did or you. I know you feel the same way, darlin’.” He said with a sly smirk.
“Maybe I do… But it’s wrong.” You said softly, watching him step closer to you, cupping your face in his hands, and kissing your lips softly. “What’s so wrong about this?” he mumbled on your lips, one of his hands moving to tangle in your hair. “Everything…” you whispered against his. “Then tell me to stop, tell me this isn’t what you want, tell me.…” he mumbled, tugging gently at your hair as he kissed your lips once again, you kissed him back letting out a soft whimper, knowing you should listen to what your mind was telling you, but the weakness you felt around him made it impossible. “I…I… Don’t stop… Please… I want you…” you whispered; you couldn’t believe those words left your mouth. A small “Mm” escaped his lips, he grabbed a hold of your waist, walking you backwards toward the bedroom as he glanced down at your robe, tapping the front of it with his index finger. “Take this off.” He demanded. You stared up at him, slowly untying the front of your robe and slipping it off your body, letting it fall to the ground, you stood there completely naked in front of him. He eyed you up and down with a smirk. “Lay on the bed.” He mumbled as he began to unbutton his shirt. You felt like you had floated out of your body and someone else was controlling your mind and your actions.
You climbed onto the bed, turning to lay on your back as you propped yourself up on your elbows, inhaling deeply as your spread your legs open for him, tilting your head back for a moment. “Uh uh.. I want ya to looking at me, baby.” He growled. You tilted your head back up and now you were staring directly at him, watching him unbutton his pants and removing them along with his underwear, tossing them aside and he climbed onto the bed and then on top of you, your heart was racing anticipating what he was going to do next. He kissed your lips softly, running one of his hands down your body, just barely touching your soft skin, he ran his hand down between your legs, brushing his fingers between your folds, your slick coating his fingers and then shoving two of his long fingers inside of you without warning, you gasped, and your body twitched from his touch, a soft moan escaping your lips. “You gonna be a good girl for me?” he mumbled on your lips as he pumped his fingers slowly inside of you. “M-Mhmm…” you managed to mumble out as you nodded your head. He captured your lips in another kiss, grazing his teeth over you bottom lip. “Let me hear you say it...” he mumbled right against your lips.
You were speechless, you were so turned on by what he was doing and still having a conflict within yourself about all of this, he pumped his fingers deep inside of you, curling them just enough to cause a loud whimpering moan to escape you, your body squirming beneath him. “Answer me, baby..” he barked. “Y-Yes.. Yes, I’ll be a good girl...” you cried out. He smirked at your words, continuing to pump his fingers inside of you at a slow pace as he kissed along your neck and down to your chest, stopping once he got to your breasts and you watched as he kissed over your breasts giving each equal attention, he let his lips linger over one of your nipples, then taking the sensitive bud between his teeth, grazing it gently, you tilted your head back and arched your back just a bit as you moaned softly, he had the ability to make you feel complete bliss, playing with your sensitivity the way that he did, you squirmed beneath him some more when you felt him slip another finger inside of you, your hands clawing at the sheets.
“Goddamn, baby, I love how wet you get for me…” he mumbled against your skin, glancing up at you through those dark long eye lashes of his. You felt him start to kiss further down your body, his lips soft and light against your skin, he trailed a bunch of kisses down your stomach and once he was between your legs, he pulled his fingers out of you, holding them up for you to see what good girl you were, a soft whimper leaving your lips. “Mm, look at that… Makin’ such a mess already, little one.” he muttered with a smirk. You bit down on your bottom lip as you stared at his fingers, becoming a bit flustered at the very sight of your mess and then your eyes widen a bit watching him lick your juices off his fingers, one by one, you could feel your pussy practically throbbing for him at this point. Once he was done, he buried his face between your legs, leaving kisses on both of your thighs, teasing his way to the thing that was screaming for him the most, once he finally got there, he teased his tongue in between your wet folds, working his way up to your clit, flicking the sensitive bud between his tongue, tracing circles over it. Your breathing grew heavy, he stared up at you watching your chest rise and fall as your moans grew louder for him. His goal was to please you, to give your body every bit of attention that it deserved.
You reached both your hands down to tangle into his hair, pulling at the dark strands lightly and wrapping your thighs around his shoulders as he continued to tease your clit, he glided his tongue down your folds, bringing one of his hands up to press his thumb firmly against your clit, as he rubbed against it slowly, teasing your entrance with his tongue, your slick coating his face as it pooled out of you, your eyes were rolling back from the pleasure he was giving you, you whimpered out his name, and each time you called it out it became more and more inaudible as your breathy moans took over, plunged his tongue deep inside of you, fucking you with his tongue, you tightened your grip on his hair without even realizing it and pushed his face into your pussy, your toes curling against his back. The noises escaping echoing throughout the trailer, and you slowly began to grind yourself up against his face, trying to get his tongue to be as deep as possible in you, all the way, his thumb was still working against your cilt, that was making things uncontrollable for you. He was eating your pussy like a man starved, a man eating his very last meal. A man who hungered for you and only you. “Oh…M-MY… God…” you cried out.
You could hear his muffled groans against your pussy and the vibration from them sent shivers throughout your body. “El-Elvis… You’re going to make me cum…” you said in an airy tone. He pulled himself back, looking up at you, wrapping his hands around your thighs, shaking his head. “Don’t you dare…” he uttered, licking you off his lips and pulled himself up and your body was shaking with delight from how over stimulated he had made you, you pouted when he pulled away, but in a fleeting moment, he grabbed your hips and lifted you up to turn you on your stomach, forcing you to sit up on your knees and he brought your hips up toward him and pushed your upper down to rest against the bed, forcing you to arch your back, your face was pressed up against the pills, your hands grasping them as you heard him behind you, stroking his cock and he slide the tip between your folds using it to coat his cock, then grabbed a hold of your waist, keeping you still as he guiding his cock into your pussy, groaning softly from the familiar feeling of it, the tightness and how you felt so perfect around him, you moaned out against the pillows, he was being too gentle. “Fuck me… Just fuck me..” you begged.
He couldn’t help but smirk and he was pleased that you were finally giving in and not denying yourself the pleasure you felt with him, he held on your hips as he started to thrust himself into you, each thrust became faster than the last until the point of him slamming into you, his hands running up and down your back, his groans growing louder as the sound of your bodies slapping together filled the room, you were practically biting at the pillow beneath you as you felt every inch of his cock plunging deep inside of you, stretching you out around him, he reached one of his hands up to grab your throat, pulling you up towards him, your back pressed firmly against his chest as he bounced you on his cock, you took advantage of that by moving yourself against him. “Fuck.. Just like that… Just like that, baby..” he mumbled softly as his lips pressed against your shoulder, you tilted your head back against him, reaching up to place your hand on the back of his head and pulling him down to kiss his lips as you moaned softly against them, his groans following right after as your bodies continued to move completely in tune with one another.
“I-I… I’m going to cum, Elvis... Please let me cum…” you begged. Your orgasm was approaching fast, you could feel it building. “Go ‘head, baby.. Make mess on my cock like a good girl.” He whispered in your ear. Those were the only words you needed to hear and you thrusted yourself against his cock faster, grabbing onto his arms, your nails digging into his skin, as your eyes rolled shut, your body tensing up and trembling above him and your moans coming out in droves the very moment you finally reached that high and you came all over his cock, you heard him groan loudly against your ear, he held you down as he followed right behind you, feeling the warmth of his cum filling you up and you both rode out your highs. “Good girl.. Good girl…” you heard him mumble against your ear, he pulled out of you, smirking at the sight of your mess, you collapsed against the bed, completely drained, you felt the weight of him collapse on top of you, trailing kisses along your back, before he rolled over onto the bed and laying there for a moment to catch his breath. You turned your head to face him, trying to pull yourself together. He leaned over and kissed your lips softly, wrapping his arm around you and you snuggled into his side, staring up at him. “Can you stay?” you asked softly. “I’m sorry, baby, I can’t. Maybe another time.” He said, combing his fingers through your hair. A small pout formed on your lips as you nodded. “I understand.” You said softly.
You watched as he pulled away and climbed out of the bed, grabbing his clothes, and getting dressed, you rolled over onto your back, pulling the blankets up to cover yourself with them as you sat up. He walked over to you leaning down to kiss your lips one more time and you returned his gently kiss. “When will I see you? I mean… When will you come back here like this?” you said, trying to rephrase knowing you may see him like you usually do when he comes to ride his horses. “Give me a few days, honey.” He said and you nodded at his words, he kissed your forehead, and you watched as he made his way out of your trailer, faintly hearing him get into his car and driving away. You laid back against the bed, letting out a soft sigh, at this point you were in way too deep now, that’s twice now that you fucked. This night more passionate than the first. It was hard to resist him. You were strong enough, you laid in bed replaying this whole night in your head, pondering what this made you now. His mistress? His lover?
Weeks had gone by and within those weeks Elvis had paid you a visit few nights a week, sneaking out of Graceland and making his way down to Circle G in the middle of the night, the two of you fucking each other to no end in the late hours of the night and sometimes he’d stay overnight. Then you would see each other in passing during the day when he would come to ride his horses, you did your best to not come face to face with Priscilla when she would be there with him, feeling a bit of jealously when you see the two of them, knowing you had no right to be jealous. Sometimes Elvis would sneak away to steal a kiss from you and for a bit of heavy petting, you even started wearing your hair down for him since liked it. The Memphis Mafia was beginning to catch on to what was going on between the two of you, because they would see Elvis coming to Circle G and sneaking into your trailer at night, sometimes they’d overhear the commotion going on, but that was none of their business. They were there to look after you while you worked for him. But anyone who was paying attention could see what was going on. What concerned you the most about this torrid affair was falling in love with him. You did not want to fall in love with him and it was becoming hard to control your feelings.
You were doing your usual work making sure the horses were well fed and cleaned, making sure the stable was in good conditions, with everything going on with Elvis you forgot the reason you were here, for your love of horses. You were humming to yourself and brushing the mane of Elvis’ favorite horse, Rising Sun. Priscilla and some of guys were already out riding their horses and Elvis hadn’t showed up yet, but you knew with everyone here today he’d have no way of sneaking off to come and see you like he sometimes did. But he had finally arrived, and he figured where you’d be, since the guys had already caught on to his games with you, they didn’t follow behind him any further as he made his way to the stables, quietly walking inside as he saw you with Rising Sun, he stared at you for a moment with a smile, walking up behind you and pulling you into his arms. You nearly squealed because he scared you and you looked back to see it was him and then you were frantically looking around as you squirmed out of his arms.
“Elvis, you can’t do that. Everyone is here today; someone could walk in at any moment.” You whispered. “Don’t worry about that. How’s Rising Sun doin’ today?” he asked with a smile, as he pet the horse. “Good. Ready for you to ride.” You nodded with a smile. “Before I do that, I want to show you something. Come with me.” He gestured for you to follow him, and you raised an eyebrow, following him out of the stables, he hopped into one of his golf carts, patting the seat beside him. “C’mon.” he said. You were a bit hesitate because you didn’t want people to get the wrong idea, but you hopped in with him and he drove off to the back of the ranch house. “You know that old barn I’ve been getting fixed? Well, it’s finished now, and we should be able to a few more horses now.” He smiled. You looked at the newly renovated barn. “It’s beautiful.” You smiled at him. “Isn’t it? I was thinking of calling it “House of the Rising Sun”, what do you think?” he looked at you with a grin. “I love it, Elvis. Really.” You nodded, smiling at him.
“Come on, I wanna show you inside.” He said as he got out of the golf cart and you followed him behind him, he passion for horses was quite adorable, though much like everyone else you did feel he was spending too much money on things, but you never mentioned those concerns to him, it made him happy and made him feel relaxed. So, that was the most important thing. You followed closely behind him as he showed you around the barn. Once he was finished, he turned to you wanting your opinion. “Do you like it?” he smiled. “I do, it’s perfect. You’re going to have your hands full.” You laughed softly; you watched as he moved toward you. “That’s why I have you, honey. You’ve been a big help to me... In a lot of ways...” he smirked as he combed his fingers through your hair. “Elvis…” you said bashfully, hiding your flustered face, still on high alert of making sure no one would catch you two. He placed his index finger beneath your chin, tilting your head up to look at him. “Don’t look away, I want to see how I make my little girl blush.” He grinned, leaning in to kiss your lips softly. You brought your hands up to press against his chest, pushing him back just a bit. “We can’t do this now.. Tonight, come by tonight.” you whispered.
You squirmed past him, but he grabbed a hold of your arm, pulling you back to him. “I want to fuck you right here… Right now, baby.” He said sternly. “But what if someone catc-“before you finished your sentence his lips crashed against yours in a deep kiss, his hands pushing up your dress and running up your legs, his hands grazing over your panties as you returned his kiss, letting out a soft noise, he mumbled against your lips. “Let’s get these panties off, baby.” He mumbled, backing you into a corner and leaving you with no choice but to submit to him. He grabbed a hold of the hem of your panties, tugging them down your legs and you slowly stepped out of them as you stared up at him and he moved his hand between your legs, brushing his fingers up against your wet heat, your slick coating his fingers, you let out a soft whimper. “Mm, turned on already I see..” he smirked. “Elvis… Please.. We could get caught.” you cooed. He let out a soft chuckle. “That’s the fun of it, honey.” He said teasingly, leaning down to kiss along your neck as his two of his fingers glided back and forth between your folds.
He used his other hand to try to unbutton the front of your dress but ended up tearing the delicate fabric open as he grew impatient with the buttons, revealing your bare breasts, you let out a soft gasp, biting on your bottom lip. He removed his hand from between your legs and then grabbed a hold of your thighs, lifting you up into his arms and he laid you down on the floor of the barn, the roughness of the wooden floor against your back caused a small whine to escape your lips, you held onto his back, grasping him gently and keeping your legs tightly wrapped around his waist as he forced your dress up. “I want you, I want you so bad, Elvis.” You cried out softly. A sly grin dancing across your lips at your words and he reached down to undo his pants and reaching inside of them to pull himself out, he was already hard for you, he was done with the teasing, he wanted you just as much as you wanted him, the possibility of being caught with you and fucking on the floor of the barn only turned him on more. He leaned down, pressing kisses against your breasts and he grabbed a hold of his cock, shoving every inch of himself deep into your pussy, your body shook beneath him at the rough feeling of him inside of you, clawing at his back with your nails, a loud moan escaping your lips almost forgetting you were out in public.
He began to roughly thrust himself inside of you at a steady pace, gripping one of your thighs in his hand the faster his body moved against yours, letting out loud groans against your neck, and you arched your back just a bit, the feeling of the wood beneath you scrapping your skin with each of your movements that followed his, he was moving quicker, his cock slamming inside of you, hitting each spot that he knew drove you crazy, your head tilted back as your eyes were rolling closed, the sounds escaping the both of you echoed throughout the empty barn, the two of completely forgetting that you weren’t in the trailer and that people could possibly hear, but in that moment not giving a damn. You moved your hands to cup his face in them, making him look at you and crashing your lips against his in a sloppy kiss. “I love the way you fuck me…” you managed to mumble out against his lips between your moans. He lifted your hips slightly off the ground fucking you from a different angle, you cried out his name over and over, his name never leaving your lips.
“Goddamn, you’re gonna make me cum already..” he growled against your ear. He lifted you up so that you were in his lap as he continued to fuck you deep, your dress slowly slipping off your shoulders, you wrapped your arms around him tight, grinding your hips against his movements, his hands gripping your thighs tight the feeling of his rings piercing your soft skin leaving their mark on you. You were on the brink of having an orgasm and you grabbed a hand full of his hair, your lips hovering over his as you moaned against them repeatedly. “Make me cum, daddy… I’m almost there..” you cooed. That only prompted him to plunge himself into you faster. “That’s it… Yes.. Yes…” you cried out against his lips and just like that your orgasm finally hit you at full force, your body completely tensing up your legs holding him in place, as you clenched around him as you came. “Fuck…” he mumbled out between a groan and your orgasm only causing his to follow right after especially feeling your juices dripping down him, the warmth of his cum coating your insides, and you grinded against him slowly wanting to milk it all out of him, kissing his lips sloppily and he returned your kiss, biting at your bottom lip.
You pulled back from him now with a small smirk and lifting yourself off him and falling back against the floor, letting out a soft groan, a soft giggle escaping your lips. He smirked at you, laying by your side out of breath and shoving himself back into his pants and buttoning them back up, he looked over a you as he chuckled to himself. “You’re such an amazing fuck… Goddamn, baby.” He said with a soft laugh. “I’m sorry for ripping your dress, I can buy you a new one, honey.” You laughed at his words, shaking your head a bit. “You don’t need to buy me anything. Thank you, though.” You said as you smiled over at him. He sat up a bit and he leaned over you, and you watched as he slipped one of his rings off his fingers. “I want you to have this.” He said, grabbing a hold of your hand and placing in the palm of it. “What for?” you asked curiously. “Because I care about you, I want you to have somethin’of mine and don’t ya dare think about givin’ it back.” He said sternly, pressing a kiss to your cheek. You smiled at him, nodding at his words, and trying to keep yourself from blushing. “Thank you. It’s lovely.” You said softly.
“We should probably get back. I’ll drive you over to your trailer so you can get changed.” He said as he stood up and reached down to help you up as well, the both of you cleaning yourselves off and you held your dress closed at the top where he had ripped it. You watched as he went over to grab your panties, slipping them into his pocket. You raised an eyebrow at him. “I guess I won’t be getting those back, hm?” you laughed. “Nope.” He grinned, taking a hold of your hand, and leading the two of you back out to the golf cart. You both hopped in and drove back around to where your trailer was and where everyone was hanging out at, there was no sign of Priscilla, so you assumed she was in the house, you tried your best to look like you weren’t just fucked on barn floor as you quickly ran into your trailer trying to avoid the guys from seeing you. You let out a sharp exhale, taking a moment to breathe.
You stood with your back against the door, lifting your hand up to stare at his ring that was still in the palm of your hand, you smiled to yourself and you began to realize that you were falling in love with him because the feelings you were beginning to develop were strong and growing each day, after him giving you his ring that only deepened your feelings. You knew you were in trouble now. You couldn’t fall in love with him because you know you two could never really be together. He’d never leave Priscilla and you never expected him to, never wanted him to. You were better than this, you didn’t understand how you could let this happen. But as much as you started to care for him and vice versa, you knew this affair needed to come to end. You didn’t want to get hurt and as thrilling this was, you knew it was still wrong and wasn’t fair to Priscilla. There was only one person who could end it. You.
That night you began packing some of your things, deciding you couldn’t do this anymore, you knew it would hurt him. But this had gone on long enough and if it went any further you weren’t sure what might happen. After you had packed a few of your things, you sat down at the table and you began to write Elvis a note, you knew he’d be coming at his usual time and you wanted to be gone by then, so he didn’t try to stop you, but you wanted to still say goodbye to him. Once you had it written, you placed it on the counter for him to see as soon as he walked in, deciding to keep his ring and the books just to have something to hold onto the memory of him and you headed out of the trailer, without a word to his guys and you hopped into your car, tears welling up in your eyes as you began to have second thoughts, but you knew you had to go, it was for the best for both of you. Giving a quick glance back at Circle G as you began to drive through the gates and out of Elvis’ life forever.
Later that evening Elvis was pulling up at his usual time, happy as always to see you and he knocked on your door lightly, waiting for you to answer, he looked around noticing your car was gone which he thought was odd, because you knew he was coming to see you, usually you kept the door open for him so he wouldn’t have to knock, but he always did anyway, but he opened the door and walked inside, not seeing any sign of you and noticing that some of your stuff was gone, he then he saw the note and his heart nearly sank. He picked it up and sat down as he read:
Dear Elvis,
This is the hardest thing that I’ve ever had to do, but I feel it is for the best for both of us, I can’t continue with this affair any longer, my feelings for you were turning into love and that scared me. I know you won’t ever leave your wife and I don’t expect you too. So, the best thing was for me to end this, end it before it went further than it already had. The amount of guilt I feel is unbearable and falling in love with you would just cause too much trouble. I couldn’t bare saying goodbye to you in person. I want to thank you for letting me work for you and for the fun that we had together. I’ll never forget those crazy few weeks with you and the way you made me feel. The feelings you awakened in me, the deep conversations we shared and for the books you gave to me and your ring. I’ll cherish those moments and those things for as long as I live. I hope for nothing but the best for you and Priscilla.
Love, Y/N.
He was speechless, shocked, and hurt by your sudden departure, you were special to him and now that was all gone, he had to stop himself from crumbling up that note of yours, he inhaled deeply and folded it up and slipped it into his pocket, looking around the empty trailer, he knew that this wasn’t going to last forever, but he wasn’t expecting it to end so soon. But he understood that being a married man he wouldn’t have been able to have you both. The summer of 69’ spent with you would always be one he remembered even as it became a distant memory throughout the years.
TAGLIST: @erutluve​ @idk3453​ @elvisgirl35​ @godlypresley​ @lindszeppelin​ @re3kin​ @elvisdoll​ @pennyroyalcreep​ @kaitaesupremacy​ @presleyturner​ @presleybewbie​ @samfangirls​ @ilovehobi101​ @literally-just-elvis-fics​
Sorry if I forgot anyone!!!
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dawnleaf37 · 7 months
@spiderwebd regretevator
Regretevator (Game) is similar to The Normal Elevator from older days of roblox, being that you enter an elevator and it will arrive on a myriad of different floors to explore, minigames to complete, or just . Funny Thing
The Regretevator (the actual Elevator) is an interdimensional form of travel that is used by various entities to get around. It is confirmed to be able to go Anywhere. and seems to be able to transcend time and space which is always fun
The game features 70+ floors currently, and has a certain style of humor to it, but what really makes it are the NPCs, interactable characters, some of which can enter the elevator and some of which cannot. Im going to recap the ones who will enter very quickly, so sorry for the imagespam here:
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A mannequin(which is a species produced by a factory) named mark. Woodcarver as a job, has a coworker named Jim. Hates concrete. Southern accent. Divorced from Wallter.
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Used to be a human, drank cement, is now concrete. Generally nice dude. Thinks concrete is better than wood. Tall as fuck. Divorced from Mark.
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Often shortened to Poob. Loves parties if you couldn't tell. Can kill you if you slap them like 10 times. You can slap them. theres something so so so so fucking wrong with them holy fucking shit oh my god. oh my god oh my g Keep this asshole in Mind. Keep them in mind ple;as
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Actual name is PartyGuest. Builds robots. Steals money from you. Speaks Japanese. Yes they are a bug beetle to be specific. Asshole
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Found in the 3008 level yes theres a 3008 level yes i love it. Germophobic, clean everything. Zoomies he is zoomies. Despises Infected, but knew him as Kasper
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Diseased when he bought a freemodel with a virus in it. Perpetually trapped as a scene kid. Had a cat. No longer has a cat. Used to be named Kasper, infection made him forget
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It;s the fucking unpleasent gradient meme. does jackshit. some people headcanon that it ate infecteds cat and i think thats the funniest shit
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Species called a fruitaur or something, banana-snail-horse-dog-girl. Hosts a wipeout-like show named Splitsville. Lesbian. canonically has feelings for bive
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Completely made of hair. Conspiracy theorist. this is just touch tone telephone. canonically has feelings for Split. may seem crazy but she Knows things
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It;s freddy from fnaf but for Red Ball Diner, go look up gregoriah regretevator and tell me how gender he looks
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Animal Jam emote. framed for many crimes. Also knows things. Shoots lasers out of her eyes that will either kill you or heal you. meows
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that fucking cat everyones nuts about. Alien. Abducted Spud! and did shit to them. proud xe/they swag. was redesigned cause the creator was an ass :/
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yes the exclamation point is part of the name. was a camp councilor, got abducted by gnarpy and experimented on, is this now. that line is his mouth btw. if you click it 200 times it will explode. please be nice to them :(
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Clown fired from job after to bad of stage fright. They are just a sad thing tbh
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lovely little robot, if a bit glitchy and unfinished. VERY nicey ! a researcher, learns info on everythings for their database! my friend made this one :3!
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(invasive)Species of shapeshifters. Repeats words back at you in jumbled wordsalad. they dont seem malicious i dont think . my favorite. ever. the best
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a cat
There's more NPCs but i just covered the basic ones(new one being added soon made by my friend as well :3333333333)
this is MR
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it is an effigy for a spirit and when it enters the elevator it has a chance to cut the lights and burn any NPC in the elevator. EXCEPT FOR FUCKING POOB. the spirit that inhabits MR is also the same one that protects poob. and if you look close at the game youll see POOB SI FUCKING EVERYWHEREi have to stop here before i go fucking insane but the basic premise is these two are tied and i dont know why or what how whatthe fuckkkk theres a whole lot more like theres a damn religion surrounding it and symbolism of the axolotl sun which means something but fuck FUCK!!!!
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scentedpepper · 10 days
Hiiii I really liked ur recent lip fic so I had a request if it interests u :) it's probably pretty basic actually
Lip x male reader where reader is basically struggling to find a decent job because they're falling behind on bills so they become over stressed/overwork by their current shit job. This being something Lip can relate to he tries to comfort them/tries to get them to relax. (Totally not self reflecting haha 🧍🏻)
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Summary: Lip knows when you're right and when you're wrong.
Content Warnings: None
Hey Anon 😼
Totally doable request
Gets a little angsty there for a sec cus I can't not put angst in my fics but yk
This has got to be the mushyest thing on my page so hopefully it's alright (^-^;
Allusiveness per usual..
The self projection is so real..
I'm glad you liked my last fic and I hope you find something that works for you soon tho!!
That's the smell that immediately hits Lip upon entrance into the little studio apartment you call home.
Your cat stares at him, big eyed and blinking slowly from the peeled leather sofa with a blanket draped over it to hide the tweaks and imperfections of a Craigslist bought Lazy Boy.
If the boy was none the wiser, he'd assumed your place had been ransacked, burglarized and left with nothing but items not worth taking a second glance at. Though, it wouldn't be a half bad guess given that your front door was left open and there were clothes and trash strewn about the creaky floors, some of your furniture knocked out of place or even right on its side.
But he could hear you shuffling around the bathroom, knocking something over, the clatter of it to the floor, the less than enthusiastic curse from you and an internal groan that sounded like a hog dying as you bent down to pick it up.
–He wasn't sure how he'd heard that last one.
Intuition, perhaps.
Sheer connection, even.
But he wouldn't delve too much into that concept.
Despite the reality of its contents.
A sigh escapes him, he thinks, maybe one of these days, your recklessness will get you killed. But who is he to speak?
He locks the door from the inside before abandoning his shoes at the entryway, a task you never fail to stress upon to any guest who decides to stop in your home.
The cat is now perched comfortably on the end of your mattress, yawning and stretching as he makes sense of the newcomer in his house that just so happens to be intimately close with his owner.
Lip glances at his feet as he steps into the middle of the walkway, there's holes in his socks right where his toes protrude and they'd gone through their fair share of stitching and needless patching to keep them from slipping off his feet and turning into giant floppy gray lint brushes at his ankles.
Two people, similar living situations and yet two vastly different attitudes toward it.
He tries not to focus on that particular line of thought while he tucked his hands into his front pockets and rocked back and forth on his heels until you shut the bathroom door with a slam.
You're a sight for sore eyes, hair a disheveled mess, sunken in tired eyes, wearing nothing more than boxers, a white tee halfway up your arms when you pause abruptly at the sight of him.
"Hey. “
He finally acknowledges with a little side-smirk that immediately makes you feel a way that's contradictory to every single negative emotion running wild in your head.
You look at him quizzically, pulling your head through your shirt so you could breathe through the collar and clear away some of the exhaust building up after you tugged at your own hair like a horse suffering from some sort of brain-storm induced illness.
"Door was open. " He states the obvious, just to ease the awkward silence beginning to swallow you up.
In response, your eyebrows raise, tugging at your facial features and making your frown look even more drawn, and weary as your lips, that had seen better days, curl up in such a subtle, effortless smile that Lip fails to suppress his immediate burning response.
It's an ironic smile, but it charms your features nonetheless.
“Yeah.. I-” You clear your throat all the sudden, your sentence falling off into a mumble as you grab your hair before releasing it, only succeeding at making it less than structured. Your eyes dart around the room, suddenly aware of the chaos surrounding you. “Been busy. “
You move past him with rushed steps, partially knocking into the broom leant up against the wall, it clatters to the floor loudly behind you.
Lips eyes follow your frantic movement, tracking you as you stumble past him. The broom punctuates the silence like an exclamation point and he notices your cat jumping up out of his peripheral.
He doesn't move to pick it up. Instead, he stands there, hands still in his pockets as he watches you fumble with a stack of envelopes on the counter. He sees the tremble in your fingers despite the effort to suppress it, the tips pushing deep into the thick, yellow colored paper with bold, red text emblazoned on them.
“You know, “ Lip starts, voice low and measured, “I've got a pretty good idea about what those are. “
He steps over the broom, careful not to crowd you, the air between the two of you feeling heavy and charged.
Your shoulders tense at his words, a barely perceptible flinch. For a moment, the only sound is the soft padding of your cat's paws as he slinks away.
"Yeah?" Your voice is strained, almost challenging, but there's an underlying note of relief. Of being seen.
Lip's gaze drifts from the envelopes to the deep bags under your eyes, the knit in your brow, the stain in the creases of your face, to the worn-out shoes by the door, to the empty fridge humming in the corner. He finally settles back on you, confliction in the seas of his eyes.
“Look, “ he starts, then pauses, rubbing the back of his neck. You feel him get closer to you, his warmth invading your senses at once and you have to close your eyes at it.
He takes another step, less than half, not quite touching. An invitation, not a demand.
Your fingers trace the edge of the envelope as your mind blanks, for once. The paper's supposed to be rough, you know that, but you can hardly feel it with the way your fingers have calloused with the grime and weight of construction. You battle with your instincts, not moving an inch, freezing at his non touch touch.
“I have some extra cash from–”
“No. “
It's immediate. You don't think and your body instantly makes flee from him, the sizzling of the fake fish on the stovetop re-registering in your mind.
Lip doesn't flinch, but his eyes follow you as you retreat to the stove. The sizzling fills the silence between you, a mundane sound at odds with the emotional undercurrent.
"Okay. " He says softly, his tone careful but not placating. "No money. Got it. “
He leans against the counter, giving you space but not leaving. His presence is like a gravitational pull you're fighting against.
You focus on the fish, flipping it with more force than necessary. The spatula scrapes against the pan, a harsh sound that makes you wince.
"I don't need—" You start, then stop, unsure how to finish. Charity? Help? Him? All feel like lies on your tongue.
Lip waits, his patience a contrast to your agitation. When he speaks again, his voice is low, almost confessional.
"You know, when I was at my lowest, I couldn't stand the idea of anyone helping me either. ”
There's something so melancholy in his voice, a darkness creeping into the depths of the ocean that usually swims with his gaze that draws your attention, once again, back to him and his story.
He pushed himself off the counter, coming just a little closer to you with gentle steps like he's scared to startle you into abandoning him for a second time.
"It sucked, " he goes on, "It felt like shit, it made me feel even shittier. "
Then he's behind you and he isn't reaching for you, isn't touching you and it's even more dizzying than if he just was.
You shut the burner off and slump, feeling smaller as his breath ghosts across your skin.
The fish continues to sizzle, filling up the gaps where you don't speak, almost like it's speaking for you.
He's an inferno, a personal sun, everything burns in his orbit, you're convinced.
But you don't like the heat, the tension.
So, instead, you stand straight with a grimace as you say,
"What're you here for, Lip?" You glance at the clock on your stove. "It's nearly midnight. "
His eyes trail down your neck and he says nothing.
Everything goes quiet. So quiet, that when you tilt your head away from him, you catch the cat staring blankly at the two of you with his tongue out and drool pooling on the ground beneath it.
You press your lips together as your brows, furrowed, meet the bridge of your nose with creases and wrinkles you've picked up from excessive worrying.
"Here for a hookup?" You don't face him as you say this, instead you busy yourself with retrieving a plate but fail to find a clean enough looking one amongst the pile of dishes in your sink and settle for a coffee filter instead.
"Jesus christ, Y/N. “ He leans forward so he's sure you can hear every word he says. "Stop projecting your shit onto me. "
Your lips purse, pulling down to a flat, disapproving line at that.
"You're an asshole. “
You place the faux fish on the makeshift plate with a slightly shaking hand and then turn to him, looking him in the eye in distraught before you're speeding past him again, to the couch to rip the blanket you've got on there back over the chipping surface before you finally land on it, slumping into the battered cushions with a huff and a deep, tired sigh that has him blinking at you.
The cat has since vacated the premises upon the third trip you made around your apartment, choosing to go do gods knows what over sitting on his owner's lap which is even more distressing than anything Lip had seen on his way over, or once he had actually stepped inside.
For a moment he stands awkwardly in the kitchen, staring at the back of your head, unable to fathom what you must be thinking, so he ponders, maybe trying to relieve some of that pressure instead.
"Why does this—" he catches his own sentence, having almost used the words "make you", and quickly removes that option from use. "How's your stress lately?" Is the question he elects to ask instead.
"Stress doesn't bother me. "
You lie, blatantly, blatantly lying.
He clicks his tongue, finally removing himself from the stagnant stance and strolling toward you.
One foot before the other, before the other, before the next and the next and the next, finally finding himself within the circle that surrounds your worn out couch.
"Come on. " Lip grunts lowly, eyeing the coffee table you're sat before that's cluttered with junk, and half gone boxes of garbage, with rags and bottles, stray pens and hair ties.
"Lemme see. " He hums at the sight of an empty plate with something half burnt and some sort of vegetable fried in butter but otherwise undistinguishable. He's pretty sure he might have to scrape it off from how long it's been sitting there, hardening.
"I didn't say you could help clean my shit. " You warn him, trying to maintain a certain sort of coldness even though there was no way of disguising the way your shoulders lessened at his voice, or the way your back pushed in further in the seat.
That's okay. He liked your stubbornness more and more with each passing minute.
You kept him on his toes.
He sighs in response, mumbling out a comment he kept to himself over your unwillingness to accept some kind of help; like you were starving– dehydrated.
He kneels slowly in front of you and reaches out his hands until your body stiffens and then wilts underneath them.
For the sake of your pride and that stubborn resistance to accept any amount of comfort, or to even bring up the fact that Lip is, in some ways, your rock.
He can do that for you, he tells himself. He likes being relied on by someone.
Someone who needs him in a way you never let anyone see because you had this notion to keep it all locked away inside of you like you could be dependable, like you were all you had.
"Listen to me. " He takes the tasteless fish away from you and for a moment you look appalled and ready to snap, but then he grabs your hands from your lap and slides his fingers along your palms and the fight is gone at that instant.
Your eyes glaze, darkening the circles underneath and he can't help but tug you away from the makeshift plate, from the furniture, the piles of stuff on the ground, the stack of boxes in the corner, the scattered clothing and the woes of your life.
Before you know it, his arms are cradling you and his warmth, his body heat, his scent, it's all encompassing.
"You don't gotta be perfect, you know?"
You grit your teeth when he says this, laying limp like a baby on your half living room, half bedroom floor with your face buried against his collar as he practically lay above you, holding you.
"Stop. " You force out, then a second time and a third before you can get anything more coherent from your lips.
He quiets you each time with another and another gut wrenching statement and soon, your intensities are practically splayed out across the stained, Dollar Tree carpet.
"It's not anything I can't handle. "
"I'm sure you can– you always find a way. " He shifts a bit, but it doesn't disrupt your hold on him. "But it's okay to need help every once and awhile. It's okay. Even to ask for it. "
"Lip, I just—”
He hears the anger in your tone, and he shushes you with a coo like noise and a slight nod of his head.
"I can't find a fucking job. " You mutter a few moments later into his shoulder, where his hands had snaked up into your hair so he could run the pads of his fingers along your scalp.
He nods, sympathetic, "You'll find something. You'll figure it out. "
"What the fuck am I doing wrong?" Your fingers raise from the carpet in silent resentment as you ask this, reaching up to claw at the thin, coarse fabric adorning his chest.
"Nothing. Absolutely nothing. You're fucking great. The problem isn't you. Okay?"
"Sure, " You sigh, gripping onto his shoulders tighter, pulling his torso closer to you. "You say that because you think you'll hurt my feelings if you say anything else. "
"That's not true. " Lip snickers, sliding the hand back from where he was gently squeezing the back of your neck to play around with your hair instead. "If I was, we wouldn't be talking right now. You know?“
"Right. " You sniffle, a bit of a laugh bubbling up within the depths of your chest. "Because your heart belongs to anyone other than yourself? Doubt it. "
And the snark causes a giggle to erupt into the quiet of your little studio apartment.
You can smell him. His smell is like his scent mixed with coffee and sugar– for those Mondays when you want a treat, but are too lazy to walk the three blocks to the bakery for anything different than a cup of joe.
"Wow. " He snorts in return, resting his forehead against the top of your head where your nose met the tuffs of his curly, messy looking hair. "You're lucky I like you. "
"Uh huh. " A strained chuckle pushes past your lips, eyes sliding shut as your hands find his hips.
The sound of your heart beating in your ear is all you can hear as his fingers clasp around the sides of your face.
Everything is calming, cathartic. His demeanor is like honey; it runs down your bones, seeping into your open wounds and they begin to grow a bit plumper under the heat.
"Sometimes I just—" you pause, the feeling of his thumbs stroking back and forth across your jawline is too distracting for you to pay attention to the fact that you're trying to get your point across, "feel like there's something bad coming? Something coming for me, you know?"
"Yeah, " he blinks, hands gliding from your cheeks to the underside of your ears. "I know what you mean. "
His hands flatten, then run down until they find the collar of your shirt and a part of you relaxes as his fingertips stroke the outer lining of the stretched fabric.
"I get the same feeling too. " He adds, voice, so wonderfully low, rumbling from deep within his chest. "All the time. " He sighs quietly, rocking a bit.
"I'm gonna help you. " His eyes are dilated, even against the muted white ceiling light that hung above the two of you. You don't think twice to notice. “Get something going. Something solid. “
"Lip. " You choke a bit on the inside as he says this, turning your head to the right.
"I know you don't need it, but I want to. "
Against your better judgment, you take a dive and glance him right in his eyes and he doesn't falter.
It surprises you, then it doesn't.
A short sharp intake, air filling your lungs and Lip smiles. Just a sliver of skin at the edges of his lips. You take note of his change of expression immediately.
"When was the last time you had something actually good to eat?”
You narrow your gaze at him, ready to throw back an answer at his statement when he silences you by raising his hand up, index finger flying to shush you as he points at something past the two of you.
When you turn to look, you see your cat lapping his sandpaper tongue on your fish, seemingly enjoying it more than you had been.
"Been awhile for him too, apparently. "
You groan quietly, leaning back into him where the sound of his beating heart feels like music from some unknown realm your tired mind couldn't hope to understand.
"C'mon, " Lip nudges you gently.
"I'll get you something to eat. “
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gothicemoowl · 10 months
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Push: Chapter 1: Prologue
(Bought and paid for Rewrite with NottaMoxxie and Geez43)
Alternate universe where Blitzø was forced to be a slave for the Goetia family as a punishment for stealing.
Years later Stolas misses his friend Blitzø and wants to help Blitzø with his company as a way to make amends.
But Blitzø doesn't know If he can forgive Stolas for what he did.
Begining Notes:
TW: Child slavery hurt feelings, getting arrested, dungeon. Lmk if we should add.
(This is a rewrite. Please read all the way through)
He thought he’d finally escaped the Goetia family for good…
But as it seems that’s not the case at all.
"Well, well, well. Look who we found."
"Blitzo, no see long time." The gray hellhound (Darron) says.
"Dumbo and Torso. Don't you two have better things to do with your time?" Blitzø asks.
"Those aren't our names and you know it!" Turbo says, rolling their eyes and grabbing Blitzø’s arm. "You're coming with us, his majesty has been trying to catch you for some time."
"Right, okay. Do you mind removing the death grip? Christ on a stick, there's no way Paimon can still be this upset, it's been years!"
"You think that's what this is about? You think we don't know about you stealing the grimoire from Master Stolas?" Turbo asks.
When will he finally be freed from this?!
“Sir, we found the imp.” Turbo announced to Stolas, in the middle of some sort of party they were throwing.
Anniversary no doubt… Blitzø could never forget that fucking date!
His guards barely got Stolas’s attention. “Who-“
Stolas stops to look at this imp. His face glows for a moment, then grows angry at the sight of his old…friend. “Blitzo.” He greets.
“Stolas…” Blitzø mumbles, not wanting to look him. "How's it going?"
“Thank you, but you can leave him to me, I will handle him.” Stolas says.
They agree and set Blitzø down.
"Follow me…Imp." Stolas says.
Blitzø barely manages to breathe…
He couldn't go through all of this…
Not again…
{25 years ago:}
Blitzo and Fizzarolli were happily playing with their horse balloons; They were in-between shows and they needed time to just have fun and be kids for a change.
The three kids- Fizzarolli especially was constantly working, they took on a lot for them being so young, but Blitzo never understood that, none of them did. They just knew it was their job to help their parents get money so they can afford the basic necessities.
Cash grabbed Blitzø and pulled him away from his friend. "Hey-"
“Boy, I've got a job for you! You are gonna spend the day with one of the Goetia princes.” Buckzo says to him.
“Ew. Why?” Blitzo asks.
Cash rolls his eyes. “Because money! Now, listen carefully. You are being bought out to be his playmate, but I want you to steal as much from those rich fuckers as you possibly can.”
Blitzo retorts. “Steal? But… What if I get caught?”
Cash’s eyes widen and he pouts. “Don't you want your family to be able to buy a bigger tent? better food? don't you want to be able to help me and your mama out?” He asks.
Blitzo defends: “Of course I wanna help mama!”
“Then, you gotta do this. Everything those rich fucks have will be worth a fortune!” Cash explains.
Blitzo rubs his arm anxiously, he’s sick of seeing his mom and sister suffer like they had… of course he wants to help them, he’d do anything for them, really! It's such a risk though. “But, if I'm caught - I'm scared, dad.” He admits, hoping his father would understand or offer him some advice, or comfort.
Cash gets closer to Blitzo, eyes darken as he grips his shoulder tightly. He pulls Blitzo closer to the boys dismay. “There are scarier things, aren't there, son?” He asks.
Blitzo can smell the alcohol from his father’s breath, he couldn’t even move away from it for his ownprotection... “But -“
Blitzo looks up as his father, eyes promising a fate worse than death if he didn’t comply.
“Yes, papa.” Blitzo finally complied.
“That’s a good boy.” His father says.
Blitzo surprisingly had a good time with Prince Stolas… at least- it wasn’t as bad as he thought it would be. His father even got to take a ton of treasures home. Barbie and Mama would be taken care of…that's all that mattered.
He felt accomplished, like he actually did something- he wasn’t a failure for once!
Blitzo and Stolas were playing by a tree. Stolas had a strange book in his hands that intrigued Blitzo. “What Is that? Your diary?” He asks.
Stolas shakes his head. “No, this is my new grimoire! It's a spell book! I have to learn it so I can access the living world!” He explains.
“The living world? Like the world with humans and stuff? Where the sinners come from?” Blitzo asks.
Stolas nods. “Mmhmm.”
Blitzo is in awe. “That's cool!”
Stolas nods. “Yes! I'm supposed to use it to study the sky!”
Blitzo tilts his head. “Why?”
“My dad says I can find prophecies, but I don't really know. But, I'm supposed to, that's what my job will be when I grow up. To join the rest of the Goetia family.” Stolas explains.
“Sounds boring.” Blitzo says.
“Not really…though I also have to get married…" Stolas explains.
"Ew, married?!" Blitzø asks.
Stolas nods. "It's my responsibility as a Goetia."
“Not me, I’m never getting married.” Blitzo declares.
“Never?” Stolas asks.
Blitzo scoffs. “Well, maybe someday. But not till like I’m like- thirty or something.” Blitzo explains.
Stolas nods. "Good plan. Must be nice to be able to do whatever you want."
Oh yeah! You wanna know what I'm gonna do when I grow up?” Blitzø asks.
“What’s that?” Stolas asks.
Blitzo jumps up on the tree. “I'm gonna run my own circus and I'm gonna be the most famous imp ever and I'll be able to do what I want to do, all day! I'm gonna make so much money and buy myself a big building, with a big office!”
“A big office? For a circus?” Stolas asks, confused.
Blitzo nods. “Yeah! A big office! Circus business with clowns and horses! and the horses will all have good names like Stapler and Biscuit Queen!”
Stolas giggles. “I'm sure you will. That sounds like a good business.”
“Yeah! And, if you want to apply, I'll hire you. Maybe.” Blitzo says.
Stolas chuckles. “You'll hire me?” He asks.
“Yeah, if I feel like it.” Blitzo shrugged.
Stolas giggles. “Well, I hope I qualify! You'd be a good boss, Blitzo.”
Blitzo puts his hands on his hips. “You say that with sarcasm, but I totes would! You’ll see.”
Stolas laughs happily, and Blitzo does too.
Suddenly a hellhound came by and snatched up the tiny demon. “Hey, let me go!” Blitzo screamed. “Help!”
“What is the meaning of this?” Stolas asks, infuriated by how his fathers guards were treating his new friend. "Release my friend at once!"
“Apologies, Prince Stolas. Your fathers orders.” The wolf says.
Stolas is terrified, not unlike Blitzo, he decides to follow them to see where they might take the Imp.
They had the young imp sent to a cell to be chained up.
Paimon called the circus to pass on a little message to Cash:
“You thought you could steal from the Goisha family and get away with it? Well, I think not! You have until sundown to return my treasures, or else I will be keeping your son in my dungeon until his dying days!”
Blitzo gasps.
That’s it then, he failed. His father will have to give the owl man his stuff…he could’ve helped out his family if he had just been more careful. Now they’re back to square one.
His dad was probably on his way back now. He’ll have to come up with a good excuse for when he shows up.
But then the sun eventually started to set.
His father wouldn’t abandon him…
Barbie and Fizzarolli:
“Dad? Where’s Blitzo?” Barbie asks her father while they packed everything up to move the circus to their next big location.
“He….Uhh was kidnapped.” Cash said.
“What?!” Fizzarolli shouts, Barbie gasps.
“By pirates.” Cash says.
“No! Not Pirates!” Fizzarolli gasps.
“What’ll we do?!” Barbie asks.
Tilla, Blitzo and Barbie’s mother takes her husband’s arm and pulls him away. “Cash, where’s Blitzo?” She asks.
Cash sighs. “Listen, the plan didn’t work the way I had hoped. The Goetia prince has him now.”
“What? Go get him!” Tilla demanded. “Now!”
“Don’t you think if I could I would?!
If we go over there they’ll have our heads, using Blitzo as an example!” Cash shouts.
Tears fill Tilla’s eyes. “We have to try.”
Cash hugs her. “We will try. We just need a plan.
Stolas and Blitzo:
Blitzo has been trying his best to escape for the past two weeks but nothing has worked. No matter how many times he’s been caught, no matter how many times they beat him, he wasn’t going to give up. Mama needed him! Barbie needed him. He had to get out of here!
The king's guards grew tired of dragging the Imp into the castle, so they chained his arms and legs up so he couldn't leave the dungeon, they threatened to tie him to a table if he tried anything else.
Blitzo sat on the floor and cried despite himself, he hated being so weak, but he was defeated. He was stuck, and he may never see his family again…he may never see anything again actually.
“Blitzo?” A voice called, the small owl prince opened the door to his cell and walked in.
“What do you want?” The Imp asks him.
“I- I just wanted to make sure you are okay.” Stolas says.
“Well, obviously I’m not okay!” Blitzo shouts. “I’m all alone, I’m cold, my arms hurt and I’m slowly loosing my hecking sanity over being trapped in a cage!”
“Maybe if you stopped trying to escape, father would go a lot easier on you?” Stolas suggests.
“Why should I? There’s no risk, I don’t want to be here, I just want to get out! I’m all alone here, no one cares about me! If I die no one will even notice. So why don’t you just leave me alone?” He asks.
Stolas walks over to him. “I’m here for you, Blitzo.”
“What?” Blitzø asks.
“I care about you, I would be very sad if you died. I’ll help you as much as I can.”
“Buy why? I tricked you, I used you for your money.” Blitzo says.
“Only because your father made you.” Stolas defends. “I understand having to do something you didn’t want to do because of obligation.” He explains.
“I don’t even know what that means.” Blitzo mumbles.
Stolas sits on the floor with Blitzo, making eye contact. “What I mean is, I want to help; I can’t convince my father to let you go, but I can take care of you. Get you food, water, we can talk about stuff, have fun. Whatever you need.” Stolas explains.
Bltzo sniffs and wipes his tears away. “Why would you do something like that?”
“Because that’s what friends do, right?” Stolas asks.
Blitzo nods. “I guess.”
“Great! I shall go fetch you something warm, oh, and better food. I’ll be back soon, Friend!” Stolas promises, leaving the dungeon.
Blitzo didn’t really expect Stolas to come back, but he did just as he promised with food and a warm blanket for him. “Wow, thanks.”
“Of course! I know this is scary now…but over time maybe you’ll grow to like it here?” Stolas suggests.
Blitzo shrugs. “Maybe.”
Once Stolas left, Blitzo looked out the barred window. He knows his family would be busting him out of here soon..he just has to play the victim, and play nice for Stolas until he can break out.
They are coming…right?
{25 years later:}
Stolas looked down at Blitzø, eyes glowing bright red in anger, but Blitzø can sense a little pain behind those eyes. “Follow me, IMP.”
Blitzø sighs and does. He crosses his arms and reluctantly keeps up with Stolas. He hates the way Stolas called him Imp like they didn't fucking know each other.
They walked down the long hallways. Blitzø looked around at the different portraits. There were hideous pictures of Stolas and his good for nothing shrew Stella, but then he saw a picture of Stolas where he looked…not miserable, holding a small owl demon- did Stolas have a kid?
Stolas led Blitzø to his bedroom and locked the door behind them. He slowly walks over to the smaller demon. It was eerily quiet. The only sound was coming from Stolas’s boots stepping forward.
Blitzø sighs, he can’t stand quiet; he needed to get out of this, and fast. He had people waiting for him! He backed away slowly from the prince, maybe he can talk his way out. “Stolas, listen, I-“
“Give me the book. Now” Stolas orders harshly.
Blitzø reluctantly takes Stolas’s book out of his jacket and hands it back to the owl.
Stolas let him go and he opens the book to be sure this wasn’t a fake or something. “What exactly were you planning on doing with this?” Stolas asks.
"Why should I tell you that?" Blitzø asks.
"Would you like to be arrested?" Stolas asked.
"Testy, who pissed in your Cheerios?” Blitzø asks.
"Wh- you did! Pardon me if I'm not thrilled to see my former best friend who abandoned me, and is now stealing from me."
"Believe me, I don't want to be here eithe." Blitzø says. "In case you forgot, I had a good reason to leave, and speaking of which, happy fucking anniversary!" He says.
"I had no choice but to marry Stella! I could have lost my rank, my family! I would have lost my home!” Stolas says.
“Really? Wow, Stolas. I'm so sorry. I wouldn’t know what that’s like at all." Blitzø says loudly and sarcastically.
“Fucking hell! Will you never let that go?! Don’t you fucking care about anyone but yourself?” Stolas asks.
Blitzø scoffs. “Right. I'm the selfish one."
"You’re the one who left, what was I supposed to do?” Stolas asks.
"I dont know, Stolas…maybe not marry Stella?" Blitzø suggests.
“I had no choice! We had an obligation to our families!” Stolas shouts.
“No, you're just a coward who couldn't just say no to daddy." Blitzø says. "You never could stand up for yourself, I always had to do that for you."
“Shut up!” Stolas shouts. “Shut the fuck up!”
Blitzø does, still heaving angrily.
“I will not ask again, what were you going to do with my book?” Stolas asks.
“Fuck off.” Blitzø says.
"Why won't you just tell me?" Stolas asks.
"Many reasons, mostly because I think you're an entitled privileged asshole." He says.
Stolas sighs. "You don't know me, Blitzø. You don't know what I've had to go through."
"And you were so sympathetic to me growing up? I'm out of here, sorry to disturb your special event. Either arrest me or let me go, I have somewhereimportant to be." Blitzø says.
Stolas sighs. "Blitzo-"
"Blitzø, the O is silent now.” Blitzø explains.
Stolas tilts his head. “You changed one-fifth of your name?” He asks.
“Yeah. What of it?” Blitzø asks.
“It’s…nice. But, why?” He asks.
"I don't need to explain myself to you!" Blitzø says.
Stolas sighs again. "Fine, Blitzø. I just- I'm trying to understand is all. I never meant to hurt you, I just…didn't know what to do." Stolas says.
Blitzø sighs, hating this conversation. Stolas was nothing but a coward, he shouldn't feel sympathy for him!
"We were best friends." Stolas says. "I know you wouldn't be here if there wasn't a legitimate reason, just please talk to me? I promise I won't lock you up like he did."
"I'm- look,...it's just complicated." Blitzø says.
"Complicated how?" Stolas asks.
Blitzø sighs. “I needed your book to access the human world.” Blitzø says.
“Why would an Imp need access to the human world?” Stolas asks, intrigued.
“I’m an assassin. My team and I are running out of clients here, most of them seek revenge on the living world…so we’ve been using it to get new clients. We’ve been very successful in it so far.” Blitzø explains.
Stolas hums. “That's..actually not a bad idea."
"Business has been great, but I need your book to do my job." Blitzø says.
Stolas frowns. "Well, I'm sorry I can't help you, Blitzø. My book is too important to lend out, if you want to access the human word, I'd try Asmodeus."
Oh yeah, because an Imp like Blitzø can just talk to a sin like Asmodeus.
Blitzø shrugs. "Fine."
"I should go; My daughter will wonder where I am." Blitzø says, not wanting to linger too much.
Stolas's eyes widened. "Daughter? You have a daughter?" Stolas asks.
"Yeah, I adopted her a few years ago… She's my whole world." Blitzø says.
"I know what you mean." Stolas says. "My life began when I had Octavia."
Blitzø couldn't help but hurt a little at that comment, but he knew what Stolas meant, it wasn’t a jab at him.
"I'll tell you what…you can use my book. But, there will be some conditions." Stolas says.
Blitzø looked at him suspiciously.
"You have to return the book to me once a month on the full moon." Stolas says.
"No one can know about this deal, this stays between us." Stolas says. Blitzø is totally telling everyone, but Stolas thought he'd try.
"Okay. Fine-"
"And…be careful. Do not use any spells you don't recognize. I can teach you how to use it, but don't do anything stupid, I beg you." Stolas says.
"I won't do anything stupid, I'm not a child, Stolas." Blitzø says.
"I'm not so sure about that, but…I do trust you." Stolas says.
"And what exactly do you want in return?" Blitzø asks.
Stolas thinks about it. "You don't owe me anything…you worked for my family longer than you ever should have. I just want to make amends." Stolas says.
"That will be hard." Blitzø says.
"I know. And I do understand." Stolas says.
Blitzø takes the book from Stolas. "Thanks."
"My guards won't bother you anymore." Stolas promised. "I'm sorry they grabbed you like that." He says.
"It's fine, I'm pretty used to it." Blitzø says. "I have to go, I have somewhere important to be." He says.
Blitzø climbed up to the window, then looked at Stolas.
"I am sorry." Stolas says. "If I could change what happened, I-"
"Yeah? Well…you can’t, so I'll see you later.." He says before climbing out the window.
Stolas sighs, trying not to feel so awful over this.
He hears Stella laughing and making fun of him…
Tears start to fall down his face…
What an awful life this turned out to be…
END NOTES: Co-written with Geez43 on Ao3
If you would like more, please lmk.
Also let me know if you want to be tagged when the next chapter comes out so you won't miss it.
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ultimateaclrecovery · 9 months
2023 year in review!
I actually had a pretty incredible year.
It’s weird, back in like 2021 I had been really stuck in my life and just kind of bored of doing the same things over and over and feeling like I fell into comfortable and was stuck in a rut, so I took an opportunity to live in LA for a year in 2022 which was mostly fine but the job sucked, and then came back to Colorado in 2023 and it’s like everything was all rainbows and sunshine. The grass really isn’t greener on the other side. So anyway here’s my recap.
Played lei out where we had a good time despite getting rained in.
January 21 went on our first date with my now boyfriend.
Ran a half marathon
Got to celebrate an actual valentines with my first boyfriend (although he wasn’t quite my bf yet)
Had an adorable galentines
Bought a horse, the very best pony and fulfilled an absolute life long dream and I still just can’t believe it.
Spent a weekend in dc with Anthony and got to do all the muesuem and eat purple food
Hosted a whimsical brunch just because
Had my golden birthday and turned 30 and was so purple
Played frisbee master nationals with a womens team after qualifying at regionals
Got a promotion to basically my ideal job. Am now a level 4 (out of five normal levels). Came with an 11% pay raise.
Went camping and hiked a terrifying fourteener
Helped return a sample of an asteroid to the earth.
Spent a girls day at the lake
Qualified to regionals for frisbee again. Finally.
Went to the hot air balloon festival in New Mexico and saw the eclipse and went camping
Realized the Nuvaring was not good for my emotional stability and came off of it (the one negative of the year)
Played fright flight frisbee tournament and got to be super hero Barbie
Spent nearly two with Japan with Anthony and had an absolutely marvelous time
Met his parents for thanksgiving dinner
Came home early enough for Christmas to make cookies with my mom after having to skip this last year.
Between a horse, a promotion, a boyfriend, great travel, great friends and an overall healthier for me and my family( no Covid for my birthday or dad breaking his hip before Christmas this year.) it’s been a pretty spectacular year.
Wishing you all an equally wonderful 2024 full of joy and peace!
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dollarbin · 2 months
Sandy Saturdays #22:
Fairport Convention's Who Knows Where the Time Goes
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When questing after undiscovered delights we can forget to slow down and appreciate familiar perfections.
I'm currently reading a terrible Tarantinoesque cowboy novel instead of rereading Middlemarch. The cowboy keeps shooting people in the face but they don't die; George Eliot's hapless Fred Vincy never shoots anyone in the face: rather he gambles on the wrong horse and ardently loves a girl. Why aren't I reading about him instead?
And while we are at it, I just ate furry anchovies on cold polenta for lunch. Why didn't I just have good old peanut butter on toast?
The same goes for the Dollar Bin. Robin Williamson's Merry (but somewhat crappy) Band has been spinning on my turntable of late in place of Paul Simon; I've been listening to Dylan and The Dead and American Dream instead of Blonde on Blonde and On The Beach.
All these decisions are wrong and in need of correction.
So let's get ourselves back on track: let's listen to Fairport Convention's version of Sandy Denny's best known song, Who Knows Where The Time Goes.
Like the wonder that is peanut butter, I take this wondrous version of the song for granted and struggle to taste/hear it anew: 31 years after first buying the record every note seems familiar and already considered.
But if I, and if we, put our minds to it, the track can once again become a thing of wonder. When Sandy joined the band in 68 she'd already recorded the song several times at home and with her former band, The Strawbs. It was her calling card: when Judy Collins latched onto the song and named an entire album based on it a year later I doubt anyone in Sandy's circle was shocked; rather I bet they all said she and the song deserved it.
Who Knows Where the Time Goes is a M.F. of a song; here in our chaste blog that stands for Mother Figure, not what your coarse minds assumed. And mothers are like Sandy's signature song: they are among the best, most admirable things on earth.
As I listen to the song with fresh ears here in the summer of 2024 what I love most about this version is Sandy's generosity. It's her song, but she does not dominate in volume or gesture; rather she lets the band's other genius, Richard Thompson, sing along with her - though he does his calling out through six subtle strings rather than with his voice.
Listen to the two of them patiently and generously make room for one another; the empty spaces between their efforts are as musical as the notes they make. They do not count the time; over more than five generous (and therefore unmarketable as a single) minutes they allow that time to unfold with care, sensitivity and warmth. The drumming, from Martin Lamble, who'd die tragically within a few sort weeks of this recording in an auto accident involving the whole band that would forever change them all, is also pretty damn great.
I remember ditching a portion of my senior year in high school to drive with my college-age girlfriend (now my sainted wife) up to Santa Cruz; we slept in open fields on campus and then stayed with a woman we knew who handed me a sandwich and said "eat this." I'd spent my childhood eating countless dollops of Laura Scudders on squashy, grocery store wheat. They tasted like nothing and got the job done: doughy filler for normal days.
But in Santa Cruz in 1993 I ate handmade, sprouted, whole wheat bread with seeds all over it for the first time in my life; I finally tasted freshly ground organic peanuts. Together they were basically the best things I'd ever eaten.
It was on that same trip that I bought Liege and Lief for $3 and discovered Sandy Denny. And so I encountered the sublime in music and food all at once. I was falling in love with life at the same time I was falling in love with a girl.
I'm blessed to say that all those ingredients remain in my daily life 30 plus years later. I just need to put down my terrible cowboy book, greet my wife, drop the needle and spread the peanut butter.
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jankwritten · 2 years
Jasico AU but it's 10 years in the future and they tried dating when they were teenagers but it just didn't work out and afterwards Jason couldn't keep up with his feelings, something complicated about how Nico loved him but he didn't feel like he could trust Jason to love him back for the right reasons kind of thing, and Jason basically disappeared from camp for like. A year straight. Didn't contact anyone but Chiron and Dionysus, and by the time he showed back up, Nico was dating someone new, too pissed off at him to actually talk to him, and preparing to move out of camp.
So, essentially, they drifted apart despite still loving one another.
CUT TO: the ten years later section
Nico lives somewhere out in the mortal world, probably on a farm or some shit, maybe something that he bought with his partner but inevitably wound up in alone. I think he'd work with rehabilitating animals, something he picked up from working with Will in the infirmary and found he really loved. Hazel lives with him (she and Frank didn't pan out in the end) and helps him from time to time, but she's got her own job and doesn't really have much experience with animals aside from horses anyway. Nico's just glad that she's there, because otherwise it would get really lonely. He's got other friends, obviously, the members of the seven love to drop by and hang out not to mention the other friends Nico has made along the way (Pollux, probably other OCs that I love dearly like Persephonus or Kyle Bane).
So of course, Jason Grace shows up one day with an injured hellhound puppy. Jason's covered in cuts and bruises and injuries but he doesn't seem to notice or care (how cliche of him) as he practically begs Nico to save the puppy which, yeah, of fucking course he will even if the thing terrifies the shit out of him. He does help mythological creatures, but he tends to hand them off to CHB or CJ since they tend to attract monsters and he doesn't want to put any of his other animals at risk.
He tries to ask Jason literally any questions for context but he just blows them off one way or another, either claiming that he can't talk about a quest (which, he's still doing quests? Percy doesn't even do quests anymore) or that he just found the hellhound (which is obviously a lie because nobody just finds a hellhound pup) or that he's fine (which, hello, Jason Grace putting fresh bloodstains on his couch). So obviously Something's Up With Jason Grace and apparently, just like when he was seventeen, he refuses to fucking talk about it.
Nico is PISSED as he is because seriously? SERIOUSLY!? Jason shows up on HIS doorstep after ignoring him for EIGHT YEARS (or however long it's been at that point) and asks for help and then WON'T FUCKING TALK ABOUT IT???? So obviously they have some *cough* unresolved tension there. So Nico just gives up and tells Jason to fucking sleep on the couch and leave in the morning if that's all he needs and Jason agrees (assuming Nico is angry at him for being there, not assuming he's angry that Jason is being distant and cagey) and so they go their separate ways.
Until like, a week later, Jason shows up with aother injured animal - this time a mortal one! But it's an owl, and Nico doesn't know SHIT about owls and he can't just tell Jason to go to a bird snactuary because Jason is ONCE AGAIN covered in injuries that he refuses to explain and so Nico has to call ANNABETH for HELP and he's just fuming at her the whole time.
it would continue from there, the worrying trend of Jason appearing to gift Nico an injured beast and then fucking off for weeks-months at a time, each time with an increasingly worrying number of scars and abrasions, until EVENTUALLY! Jason himself is the wounded beast. Nico walks out onto his front porch to drink some O and eat some waffles and OPE there is a LUMP OF MAN passed out on his front porch stretched out like he made it up the stairs but couldn't quite reach the front door and THAT'S SO FUCKING WORRYING
So Nico drags Jason inside panicking and gets him set up on the couch (fuck you Grace fuck you fuck you I JUST fucking cleaned the bloodstains out of these FUCKING cushions) and tips some nectar down his throat and tries his best to clean off the wounds, which proves difficult by virtue of them being LITERALLY EVERYWHERE and he never really realised it before but Jason smells AWFUL like he hasn't showered in ages and what the hell is up with that etc etc etc
By the time Jason is conscious again (a worrying amount of time later) Nico has contained his anger to a small caged part of himself and is very calm and collected when he demands Jason explain what the fuck is going on. He refuses to take the answers Jason offers until he finally caves and explains himself, apologising for his behavior and that he'd get out of Nico's hair the second he's better.
Nico is absolutely NOT taking that, obviously. Calls in reinforcements (Leo Piper Percy) to try and talk some sense into Jason while he goes to Will/Pollux and SCREAMS about Jason. Really just all the shit he's unloaded in therapy about him over the years, which obviously these two already know but they let him get it out and then they console him for a while and then talk to him about what the hell they can do to help.
THIS ALL CULMINATES INTO: Jason Grace, ranch/farmhand. Cowboy Jason Grace who helps Nico with the animals and helps him with his vegetable/fruit gardens and fixes up parts of the house Nico's never been able to get around to fixing up himself. Jason moves into one of the MANY spare bedrooms and Hazel nudges Nico in the side every single time Jason does all the dishes by hand in the mornings after they eat and Jason still sneaks off somewhere every night and comes home bloodied but Nico acts like he doesn't notice that because Jason comes home.
Dunno where I would want this to go - inevitably Jasico would get heads out of asses and talk to each other about shit, but I'm not sure what I would want Jason to be up to (godly fight club? indebted to a minor god over a fuckup? potentially still trying to complete quests despite being nearly twenty seven years old? the world may never know) or really how they get together BUT. the idea is so fun. and i like it so much.
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ballsballsbowls · 10 months
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The pizza situation got super weird after covid, as even established pizza places around here can't get pepperoni on the regular now? I think a lot of places closed down out here in the wake of covid and nothing new has opened. We were lamenting that there's basically nowhere that does soft serve ice cream here anymore, and there's nowhere in the COUNTY where my parents are to sit down in a Chinese place and eat.
If I had another bedroom, I'd probably be pushing you harder to move out here (even temporarily as I assume our giant cats won't get along even if we had the extra space). As it is, this is my sales pitch:
We have everything:
Freezing rain that entombs you in your residence at least twice a winter
Only 16 earthquakes since 1900 over a 4.0
Sidewalks aren't flat. Roads aren't flat. Driveways aren't flat. Nothing is flat. You want flat? Ohio is right there.
Laughable public transportation and zero walkability
I bought a house because a mortgage was like 60% of the cost of renting a place with similar attributes (though they'd be a lot smaller footage wise). I don't think the rental situation is "good" inherently but it's not either fucking coast and that has to mean something
Tons of jobs, as long as you like working in medicine, retail/service, or warehouse/trucking
Drive 4 minutes out of town and you're looking at someone's horses (whether it's a rich guy's horse or a poor guy's horse depends on where you are exactly)
No concerts because the only real venues are in Pittsburgh and they've chased away most reasonable performers and also Pittsburgh hates hosting concerts so it's a win-win
Basically every store/restaurant is a chain, everything else has closed
You'll work with a balls-out "make miscegenation illegal again" racist at about 1 out of every 3 jobs you work at (Hate you guys but I talk about you guys extensively when I get asked about working with people with Different Beliefs in job interviews! Thanks for the great material)
Got really excited because I moved to the only nearby area where you can buy Indian groceries. Like in a pretty big radius.
Got excited when I moved here because there are other obviously gay people at the grocery store and nobody is being annoying to them either
When I was younger I desperately wanted to move to either coast, but as an adult I don't think I see myself moving anytime soon. Not dying in a hurricane/earthquake is very appealing to me and there's no water rationing as long as you're not on a well.
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soullikethesea · 10 months
I'm still in a weird phase where I'm ruminating a lot. But I think yesterday also had some productive moments. I decided to cook pumpkin soup instead of order food & the experience of cooking felt soothing.
I also played with magnatiles for a while and set up some animal figures and searched for images to describe how I felt. The annoying thing is that the anxiety seems to be coming from another part, so whenever I am not actively focusing on soothing, it seems to jump right back up. Without "persevarating" thoughts I can notice.
I was able to notice that Fox is still quite active. I pictured him as a howling wolf, instinctively expressing the injustice and pain. Then also the little parts. One fawn that is lying down and one that is ready to run. Vesper (the one lying down) seemed to calm down a LOT when I put the figure in the lap of a plush bear. Thunder, however, hated that - and suddenly I was hitting the floor... The horse figure I bought last week feels like it is *such* a spot on representation of how I feel, how I want to be. It stands securely, proudly, protectively. Like I can keep it all to myself, but in a good way.
I also took a walk and thought a lot about role-models. Right now my role-models are my supervisor at work, another supervisor at work, my colleague at my other job, and some of my other colleagues. Basically, everyone who seems to hold some sort of grace in how they interact with others. Grace, fairness, staying calm, compassionate, structured, encouraging, trusting, and yet also firm. I suppose that's how I really would like to be.
When Fox got so overwhelmed, I noticed that I immediately had the imagery inside of a memory. As if I have saved that memory inside specifically for "replayability". It's from visiting a lake, where I used to jump in from a dock and spend time floating on my back looking at the sky. My favourite moments are 1) the textures of the grass & the two types of docks under my feet, 2) the feeling of being submerged after jumping in (that feels like everything else is gone for a moment), 3) the soft feeling of the water, 4) hearing birds, 5) the vast sky. We looked up some images and found one of an underwater library and Fox seems to like that idea of diving under and having the water be a boundary of some kind.
I also found a video about relationships for autistic people and it was exactly the kind of clear explanation some of us needed. It was about how it can often feel too hard to interact with others, so you may give up on it. It's because you may bump into each other while dancing (analogy).
I really have disorganized attachment, because I feel different urges at exactly the same moment. It's super clear with Vesper and Thunder. And it leads to a feeling of paralysis. Fox seems to mostly have anxious pre-occupied attachment, maybe a reflection of the boundaries he still needs to work on.
So yeah. Not really organized thoughts about all this, but I wanted to write it down somewhere...
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frogsandfries · 3 months
I really hit the ground running this morning: I guess we should've tried earlier, but as a last ditch effort, I put the dying sapling apple trees and plum tree out on the lawn. I figured, there were some plants my sister left for dead outside and they're thriving. Perhaps we could accomplish a bit of a repeat performance. If not, we'll just have to get some apple trees next spring and plant them immediately.
The soil here is really clay-y. I'm not sure if it's from all the rain. I've touched a lot of Wisconsin dirt, and this is the most clay-like. But it's also rained the most this year that it has for a long, long time.
I have to mow the lawn over the next few days. My sister bought the push mower for her pleasure, now it gets to be my torture until her leg heals up enough.
I bought some carbon transfer paper. I decided, instead of trying to risk printing on my colored pencil paper, I'll try printing on my shitty printer paper, and transfer it. This better be worth it for all this effort.
I don't know if I mentioned, but yesterday, my sister insisted that we go to the farmer's market. By the time we got there, it was already at peak traffic, but it had been such a struggle for her to get the block or so up the hill, so I got the blueberries she wanted. They are in the freezer for now. I'm reserving my dance-card-for-chores for mowing the lawn this week. It's an absolute monster of a lawn, and I have to use the push mower.
Anyway, while they were there, there was this LGBT person with stickers and a table. My dad got info on where to get a trans flag in town, so we went over there. I grabbed a graphic novel, sent a picture of one of the sections to a friend who I thought would vibe with it. I think there were like some local/homebrew/zine games there.
We got Sonic! It was, okay, don't judge me, it was kind of grounding to have some of their pretzels. Living in Wisconsin again has been hard for my brain to accept.
Anyway, dad brought the rabbits downstairs.
They brought themselves upstairs. I didn't fucking know rabbits could fucking climb stairs. So I brought them downstairs and swept aaaaaaallllllllllllllllll their shit from just the one room they shat'd in. Sooooo muuuuuucccchhh shit. Might as well get a horse instead.
Today has mostly just been for relaxing and recharging, so I've been hanging out downstairs with my sister, except the part where she took a nap, so I went to chill with my tablet on my bed, rolled over and it was six in the evening.
I might have to start consuming caffeine again. My sister being out of commission at the moment is really forcing me to face all my limitations head-on. I simply cannot do this job full-time, on the schedule I'm on, and do everything else. This house is absolutely gargantuan. Two floors. The kitchen is basically two rooms. There's a dining room, basically three living rooms. Two bathrooms, one on each floor. A master bedroom that's two rooms with a door between, a laundry room, an extra bedroom I'm using for my office right now, and my room.
We're having cleaners come tomorrow, thank gaawwwddddd. It'll be such a relief to have a clean slate. It's such a tragedy that I really have to go to work tomorrow already. Whenever my sister goes on her vacation, I am taking PTO and not-P-TO. I desperately need to find a new job. I'm keeping this job by getting mildly high most shifts and doing some creative project while I'm at work and it is not healthy.
Anyway, I have a ton of media I want to add to my personal library: Steven Universe, Star Trek, Wolf Children and Magus Bride. I want to finish collecting Saga. And I want to finish collecting my own graphic novel.
I'm just so fucking tired.
0 notes
acetheidiotinacloset · 3 months
A ramble about Madrid, because life has no meaning
Tw for mentions of alcohol
Me and a friend went to Spain, and had a very long discussion about that one time Dionysus and the Devil teamed up against the King, and manifested that as Madrid. so now you get to hear the highlights of it (or don't, I don't really care), this is kinda in the format of short rambles, there will be typos:
So basically, Madrid's weird, their geography's ridiculous, they just function on a cliff, away from water, no access to agriculture. This place doesn't even have access to oil. So what's the responsible thing to do with the land? Not build a city. But what do they do? Build a city. And it became a capital? What the actual frick dude? But it happened anyway, why will be discussed later. What you need to know now is that the Christian's have control of the land.
This might sound dull, trust me, it isn't. The history is rich, (Game of thrones did a good job writing it, just less dragons, but they got the incest right). Plus half of their history is either really bloody (Roman roots just be like that) or gossipy and petty (love that).
Stories of the main square:
Madrid… is definitely a city. Not a super popular one, but a city nonetheless. The king wants more attention, so he says "let's build a market!" and his people say "you'll kill us if we don't so let's do it!", so he builds the market, outside of the city…. what? Why he did that is debated, so let's not get into that for now, bottom line, it's there.
Before I get to the rest of the market shenanigans, I'd like to remind you that water wasn't clean, so, you could, A: boil it, or B: just drink wine. So I want you to remember that through all of this, everyone was SO drunk. To give you a picture, near every butcher shop, was at least one doctor was stationed, because, you know, drunk guy with big knife. The doctor was also drunk, but better that than nothing right?
The market was pretty successful! People made money, sold produce, bought produce, and payed taxes! Yay, taxes… PEOPLE HATE TAXES. So what did they do? Ignore the tax collectors near the entrance, go in through the corners!
The king, did not find this party rocking.
So, he said "CLOSE ALL THE ENTRANCES, LEAVE ONLY ONE!" And the people say "you'll kill us if we don't, but what if there's a fire or something, all those people, one entrance?" So he finds that a good point, and puts tax-collector people at every entrance. So what do the people do? Ignore them. The king has control of Madrid and the market, but not the streets between. So that's where they go, and it's great! For the people at least, not the king.
So he does some critical thinking; what is the foundation to the market? BREAD, remove the bread, it all crumbles. So he says "if you don't sell bread IN THE PHYSICAL MARKET, IN THIS SPECIFIC BUILDING, you'll be Marie Antoinetted." And the people say "yeah right as if", then a baker dies, and they say "alrighty then, in we go."
Unfortunately the bakers are all tipsy as heck, and the market is surrounded by six stories of wood, so fires obviously ensue, three, to be exact. (Though the first two were harmless.)
The third fire burnt the place to ashes, so when they rebuilt it, they used NO WOOD WHATSOEVER. So that's how it is now.
Last, but FAR from least, is the story of a statue. The market started to feel… empty, so they put down a statue of the previous king and his horse. Nice. But after say, a year, people started moving out, and businesses shut down. But why? Apparently, this rotten smell. But from where? Good question, we don't know. So they ask the ruler, the queen, what happened. And she says "ITS THE DEVIL." And the people, doubt her, and search nearby buildings, and don't see the devil. Well, if it's not over ground, it must be under. It's not hell, but it kinda is, it's a torture dungeon! With.. no bodies? So that wasn't it.
A few months later, a dude whose name is unimportant commits some high treason for some reason. He places a bomb in the horses mouth, and watches it blow. That… was NOT A GOOD DECISION. But while contemplating his choices, something spills out the horses head. Bird guts.
So basically, roughly 1000 birds had flown into the hollow statue through the horses open mouth, gotten stuck, died, and rotted and cooked under the sun heating them up. That explains the smell. So instead of being killed for their actions, the reasoners were declared heroes, and were rewarded. Alright then, tell me you're drunk without actually telling me you're drunk.
Story two: story of
There was one street outside the market that had a LOT of bars, and people would get next level wasted, then continue with their days. The king didn't like them going against god's will, so he places down a fence.
They climb it
Ok, so that didn't work, uhhhhh- shoot- um let's place two moats. Unfortunately, a little water never killed anyone.
They go through it.
Most bars would now keep towels and combs to freshen up then get a drink. Plus, it was seen as a rite of passage now. If you went through the moats, you earned this, you may now get drunk.
Well that didn't work either. But worry not, he has another plan. The people seem to forget about god when they go out, so let's remind them. They placed a giant cross outside the moats, may god help them.
God did help them! Well, the cross did. If you climbed it and jumped, you could clear the moats, or at least the first one. Everything else is just history
Here are some very short anecdotes
1. After the population increased, the large housing wouldn't work, we needed small apartments, but, with one of the large areas, they made a prison. Every morning, the prisoners would have to go out onto the balcony, and publicly announce why they were in prison. This one absolute legend went out every day and basically said "I banged the kings wife", but instead of the expected jeers of disapproval, people cheered for him, he was a hero, seriously
At some point, Muslims were tried to be kicked out of the country by Catholics, who quickly said "wait, no, you're our scientists, doctors, and other genius minds, come back pretty please". And at some point down the line, said Muslims wanted to build something to bridge the gap between Spain and a country down south.
Soon, the people sent out to plan the build came back and said "let's not build it"
"Let's invade it"
"Do you really think we're capable"
"Burn your boats"
"You heard me. Prove y'all aren't a bunch of wusses and burn your boats so you can't just flee home"
"Alright bet."
They burnt the boats, and conquered the land. These guys were awesome and they knew it.
3. Just a fun note about the roofs of most buildings, which are terracotta. Why does this matter? Terracotta is mostly used in colder places cause' it's good at trapping heat, and the Hapsburg people know that, so they use that for the roofs in Spain? Which has an annual heatwave… the people of Hapsburg were powerful, just not the brightest
The royal family tree at this point is just a decorative reef. I say this because of their incessant inbreeding. So come a later generation, the fact that the current king lived till 40 is honestly a miracle. His organs just didn't work, and he had no heir. They were going to go with an uncle (who was also a sibling), but France already had their face pressed to the glass of the wall.
"Actually, there was an affair, the third to the Throne of France is next in line of Spain"
So the Spanish were like "can't argue with that I guess"
Then the English crash the party and say "no me"
"Cause we want to, man I dunno"
Then they all go to war about it
5. So the population just quadrupled, but food supply hasn't, so how do we encourage more people to work on a farm? Got it, free food. So if you work on a farm, you get one coin to buy either food or a drink. If I had been working in the heat for half a day, I'd want nothing more than a cold Diet Coke, but they don't have Diet Coke, they have wine, so they buy wine! They then go back to the farms tipsy, tired and hungry. The king than says "How about two coins"
So they can buy food and wine. Emphasis on "can". Because sure you can buy both things, or, you can buy TWO TIMES AS MUCH WINE BABYYYYY
So now they came back to the farms absolutely levered, and still pretty hungry. So now, the king, says "ALRIGHT SUCKERS. BECAUSE YALL ARE INCOMPETENT, IT IS NOW A LAW, THAT ALL WINE MUST COME WITH FOOD."
It's not a law anymore, but some places still do it.
6. When they had to come up with an emblem for Barcelona, they quickly decided on a bear. Around their city are seven stars used to mark different blocks, sounds an awful lot like ursa major right? Funnily enough the trees surrounding the city and eating the berries.
This wouldn't be an issue if the church didn't run a wine business (ironic right?) The berries taken by these bears were needed to make the wine, so they went to the king and said "Get rid of them" "Counter proposal: no."
And they were worried about their business, but then told not to worry about their business, well shut it down. Now. :)
And so that happened, and now there's a new emblem, a bear, climbing a tree. The tree represents the church, and the bear represents the crown. If you look closely, you can see the bear eating the berries. This has to be the pettiest story ever.
7. You're being lied to. If you look up "why is Madrid the capital?" You're told it's because they're in the center of the country, opposed to Toletho, the old capital . But here's the thing, the center's between the two equidistantly. Would you really give up good geography and military, for a "city" with three crumbling buildings, that's be the a meter closer to the center? No!
So what actually happened was more pettiness. Basically, the king and arch bishop are both difficult people, and are pent up together in a palace. The king gets fed up and says "We're leaving!" "Why!?" "New capital let's go!" "Alright I guess"
Issue is that other places are too marshy, too dry, too mediocre whatever. The kings servants are pissed off that the kings being so whiny, so they mansplain malewife manipulate him.
They tell him: "ya see that hill up there? You should go check it out, tell us if it's any good"
So he walked all the way up there on foot. So now he's tired, hot but a little less angy. He looks around at modern day Madrid, tours its whopping three broken buildings, his men knew he wouldn't like it much, so after some contemplation, he makes his way back down.
"Guys guys shut up he's coming back"
"I've made a decision"
So they build a capital outta that hellhole! Or- hell hill, more accurately.
8. Fast forward, the most commonly talked about location in Madrid is likely the royal palace, but that's not the original.
The late king hates this place, so when he asks to leave, they tell him
"Are you drunk!?"
"Probably, all we drink is wine. Anyway, may I-"
"No. Now you may not."
So that shuts him up for four years, then on Christmas Eve on year, the house MYSTERIOUSLY burnt down.
"OH NO! The castle I loved so much has BURNT DOWN! For non suspicious reasons uncorrelated to me! What a shame that is not my fault"
"Alright,do you have plans for a new place"
"Coincidentally yes"
So he pulls out this house plan from his childhood home, and says
"Do that, just bigger"
So the architect makes it twice as big; and now there's that monster of a building everyone's talking about. I'm not even kidding, 3481 rooms. Damn! If you lived in every room for only a night it would take you more than 9 years!
That's it :)
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