#based on a tweet I thought was funny
seatokki · 2 years
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its been a while since I last cumplaned xo
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258punkweight · 3 months
u don't have to come out as trans to get my attention btw
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toastylicious · 2 months
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@profhazrd I think of them often
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quartztwst · 3 months
A Canterlot Wedding type AU from mlp HLEP
i really loved This Day Aria bro also this was based on a tweet i saw
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Princess Candance is the mc and like Queen Chrysalis is my persona bc i thought it was funny and also i love sticking her in everything bc im just like those self insert people who insert themselves everywhere bc im crazy or smth idk lmaoo
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also quartz can switch to mc form and you can tell by the shape of the eyes lmao
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some other doodles
also this is what hypnotized azul looks like in this au (he’s shining armor bc yeah bro idk im feeding azul lovers):
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i thought it was fun even though i think it would fit more with Jamil and Kalim but i already had designs made up 😭😭
ALSO MC IS NOT WEARING A HIJAB I didn’t really draw the mc with one in mind but i didn’t want to people to mistake it since I drew it more of like a head scarf im really sorry
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i needed something to cover them since their design doesn’t show a proper face.
It’s a reallt silly au with no ideas and yeah i didn’t put much effort on azul bc this is mc and my persona’s moment HEFP
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luffysprincess · 2 months
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⊹ summary : the blue lock boys are invited to take a lie detector test, but they’ve got to answer twitter’s unfiltered questions
⊹ pairing : rensuke kunigami x reader (established relationship)
⊹ wc : 740
⊹ warnings : fem!reader with she/her pronouns, reader is referred to as a “girlfriend”, unedited, suggestive/nsfw. MINORS DNI
⊹ a/n : kunigami was highly requested and I’m sorry for such a long wait but I finally got the motivation to write his part!! lmk who should be interviewed next <33 ALSO if anyone has a reblog of bachira’s version pls send me the link. I never saved it before I deactivated my previous acc TT
⊹ isagi’s version | bachira’s version
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Kunigami’s never been hooked up to a polygraph before. He’s never been in an interview like this before either. When the team’s PR manager introduced the idea to the team, Kunigami was rather excited for something so fun and unique. It’d definitely get them more attention and hopefully expand their fan base. Not to mention, he used to love watching those ‘answering your tweets’ interviews so he was looking forward to being on the other end of the screen this time. 
He, however, did not expect the fans to be so dirty minded. 
“Twitter user @/rensuckmyclit asks ‘How do you feel about breeding and how do I get myself a rensuke creampie??’”
He shouldn’t be so surprised, not after hearing what Isagi and Bachira had to answer but he was hoping he’d get some tame questions. How in the hell was he supposed to answer this?
It didn’t help that he could hear the two men beside him laughing at his expression, one of shock, confusion and embarrassment. But he’s made his bed and now he’s gotta lie in it or however the saying goes. 
“Yeah breeding is…nice, and uh you can’t?” his statement coming out as more of a question. 
All heads in the room turn to Milo, the polygraph examiner, curious to hear his verdict but are met with an old man frowning at his machine. “Inconclusive.”
“Maybe try saying more than just two words, idiot,” Isagi sarcastically adds as he punches his arm. 
“Don’t bother lying, Milo’ill catch ya,” Bachira adds, grinning mischievously at the ginger. 
“I’ll repeat the question for you: ‘How do you feel about breeding and how do I get myself a rensuke creampie??’”
“How are you even saying that with a straight face?!” Kunigami questions. “Ugh nevermind.…Breeding is uh…a yes for me.”
“So you’re into it?”
“Yes I’m into it,” he sighs.
“And as for the second part of the question—god I can’t believe I’m about to say this on camera—,” Kunigami drags his hand down his face and mutters out the rest of the answer, “only Y/N gets a ‘rensuke creampie’.” He uses his free hand to form air quotes for the embarrassing term. 
“Y/N?” the interviewer questions.
“My girlfriend. Now can I get the next question before these two pass out? Megs looks like he forgot how to breathe– dammit its not that funny!” Hearing their usually collected teammate lose his temper over this only released another wave of cackles from the boys, contagious enough that even the polygraph examiner and the interviewer couldn’t hold back their chuckles. Kunigami can only huff in embarrassment as he waits for what’s next.
“Okay, okay… our next question is from twitter user @/kunigamisrightasscheekhairs.”
“What the fuck are these handles?”
“I think they’re creative,” Bachira snickers.
“They ask ‘What’s the weirdest thing you’ve been asked to sign?’”
Kunigami takes a second to reflect on all his fan interactions. Frowning, he hums in thought and just when he thinks he’s got answer he remembers an even odder instance. On the outside he looks like a fish opening and closing its mouth with nothing ever coming out until finally he sits up straighter to respond, “Someone once asked me to sign her tits.” 
“What’s the verdict Milo? Is he telling the truth?”
“Well did you do it?”
“Do what?”
“Sign the girl’s tits.”
“I don’t need to answer that so I won’t” Kunigami smirks at Isagi feeling smart but the blue eyed man just smirks back, “Well that just makes it seem like you definitely did. I wonder if Y/N knows about this. Should I tell her?”
Isagi is met with Kunigami’s playful glare and a series of curses thrown at him, all of which will be censored out when this episode is posted on BlueTube. 
However, the room is silenced when Kunigami goes serious. He turns to the camera with a straight face, “I’m only admitting this because I don’t want any false accusations of me cheating or anything going around. Yes I signed her tits. And yes Y/N knows about it. They were her tits. And because I know one of these two idiots will ask, yes we were dating at the time.”
“All true,” the examiner confirms but one look at Kunigami’s face would be more than enough to know if he was really telling the truth. Afterall, his face was turning redder than his hair. 
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taglist:  @kazuubaby @satanblessing @saiki-enthusiast @nnasv @nymphsdomain @mitzukichan18 @celestair @ilovechuuyaa @mortallytenaciouskoala @tsumu-senpai @hweartiish
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cindol · 9 months
Portgas D. Ace x black fem reader
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꒰͡ 𐙚 ͡꒱ syn — inviting your ex rockstar boyfriend over isn’t such a bad idea, right?
wc: 3409 words (3K words)
tw— funny/corny banter(deal with it!!), smut, ex bf ace, slight unfaithfulness, ace signs a woman’s titties, oral(woman receiving), fingering, cum eating, dick riding,creaming,
a/n: was suppose to be based on Olivia Rodrigo’s song Vampire but the plot shifted lol !
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a cheeky look was on y/n’s face as she looked at the contact on her phone. Her finger was hovering over the call button from the contact “🔥❌❗️”. For the first time in a long time she felt needy, as embarrassing as it was for her to say. It didn’t make sense, she was a very thirsted woman in the media, always having some random or underground rapper in her dms trying to hit on her but still she was lonely and it was all Portgas D. Ace’s fault.
Even after the months following their breakup she still wanted him whether she wanted to admit it or not. Many men couldn’t keep up with her humor or banter the way the cocky rockstar did. He always could respond on time to her sass leaving her bashful and silent. But even with a relationship so balanced they had their issues and it was unsurprising, having two cocky people in a relationship would cause issues. Issues like Ace always being so comfortable with his inappropriate fans, signing their tits and encouraging their behavior made y/n livid and even fuming when seeing how little he cared. It always turned to y/n doing petty things in response and it’s what led to the breakup itself.
Even still after they broke up being the woman y/n was, she still subbed him in anything, always posting a pretty picture of herself with some petty caption that the public could figure out was about her ex rock lover and in reponse ace did the same. Posting corny tweets along the lines of,”she still wants me, yeah I can tell baby they don’t call me the fire rock for nothing 😎🔥” it doesn’t help the fact the two still have each other’s numbers so they argue to the max in messages.
The arguing never stays PG too. Always going to arguments of calling him cocky to borderline flirting. It came to a halt this Saturday evening as her finger hovered on the call button on his contact. She was stuck between giving him the awaiting call since she hasn’t talked to him in over 9 months or keep playing it safe in messages. She bit her lip,”fuck it.” She’ll bite. Pressing the call button she put her phone to her ear. She heard the dial up sound and then what sounded like a pick up on his end and a deep lazy chuckle.”The princess finally calls for her rock.” The line was corny but made her wanna chuckle as she did an eye roll and small smile.”Well a lady shouldn’t even be doing the call first, just did it because I knew you ain’t have it in you to call first.” The sound he spat out was the mix of a laugh and scoff.”Let's go with that baby, sure. I’m just glad to have this awaited call with you.”
She made a soft hum at that.”I��m sure you were.” He chuckled and snorted. She could by that lazy chuckle he was in the position she always saw him in but needed a visual.”what are you even doing right now? Sounds like you’re just on your ass.”
“I’m just laying down.” She huffed.”more details please?” Ace could tell she was in that mood, he could tell with the short breathed huff she made and how quick she said her sentence so he delivered what she needed in a lazy voice.” ‘m laid up on my couch, slouched with my legs spreaded, one hand resting on the arm of the couch with my other hand holding my phone to my ear.” Manspreading, she nearly made a moan. She wished she could see him manspreading in action.
Ace noticed her breathing noises into the phone and shook his head smiling. He was affecting her sooner than he thought.”Now how bout you tell me what you’re doing since you’re making these deep breaths.” His quip got her by surprise but she responded.”Well right now, I’m just chilling. I’m laying on my stomach with my legs kicked up and shit.. not like you and that man spreading.”
A loud laugh erupted in her ear.”please princess, you love me man spreading, driving you crazy you can’t see it though don’t it?” She shivered a bit at his response and took a deep breath before regaining control again.”as much as you’d like to see me in those pretty outfits I’ve always worn for you ace?” When she said that it was like a flashback when she was wearing and modeling all the sexy lingerie she had in black and red for him while he watched.
By his lack of response she could tell she had him.” ‘member the fire colored lingerie and even the bikini’s ace?” She was speaking in a soft tone now making him sweat but he wouldn’t give in too soon.``well let’s talk about the now yeah? Those little bikini’s were fucking hot but what is your pretty little self wearing now?” She giggled at how he switched the conversation.``right now I’m just in some yoga pants and a white tank top, something simple really.” He put the phone away from him for a bit and groaned before placing it back to his ear. He could imagine her body in some yoga attire, seeing her ass in some stretchy yoga pants made him lick his lips.
She checked her nails.”How about you?” He shrugged.”Just a pair of jeans as usual, you know me baby.” SHe raised a brow.”And that hat?” He gave her a ‘mhm’. She was familiar with his hat, not because it was a big staple of his wardrobe and who he was but from past personal experience.
The two sighed thinking of each other now.
“I wanna see you tonight, come over.. please.” He could hear the hitch in your voice and made a soft laugh.”You'll see me when you see me tonight princess.” With that he hung up leaving y/n wanting even more, in her luck he sent her a photo of his lap, the background was the inside of his jeep. She was looking forward to this night
Ace didn’t know how long it took him to be in front of y/n’s door but it couldn’t have taken long with how fast he got here right after their call ended. It surprised y/n when he showed up at her door in 30 minutes. Looking through her door hole she saw him in all his glory. She was truthfully a bit nervous to open her door to him but make a sharp breath and opened it, finally seeing his full body in front of her since the months they broke and were apart made her remember how tasty he looked, to his cowboy hat, black hair down to his beaded red necklace, naked chest and dark blue jeans. The set smirk on his face as he looked down on her wasn’t any better also.
She squeezed her thighs and put a hand on her hip as she saw him staring her down the exact same way she was staring at him.”Are you looking at something rockstar?” He snapped out of it for a second looking at her face then back to her body. The lilac silk shiny robe she had matched her perfectly and hugged her body just right, looking at her chest he could see she was wearing this robe without anything under it. His stare went back to her round face looking at two toned lips and brown eyes then her 4C hair in two puffs.”I’m definitely looking alright.” He leaned on the door a bit, making her just chuckle and shake her head at his little antics.”you’re too much ace, c'mon in.” Stepping away she entered back inside with ace following inside and closing the door.
When looking around everything was so familiar. Turning to see the red velvet couch he always saw in her living he smirked at the memory they shared on it.”takes me back, the nice memories on that love couch mhm..” he said it in a soft tone with his hands in his pockets just making y/n scoff and laugh.”you and I both know the only memories we shared on that couch were sweaty nasty hot ones.” He just scratched his neck humming as if to show he couldn’t argue on that.
Y/n stepped forward to him wrapping her arm around his wrist“Now c'mere, we got a lot to talk about Mm yeah?” She said it in that seducing accent, they both should know they were absolutely getting no serious talking done once she led Ace up her brown wooden stairs.
Once the two got inside her room on top of y/n’s bed their lips were smushed together. The tension they felt from their texts, the call and all the way downstairs was coming out finally. they separated with a string of saliva and a gasp from y/n while Ace took a sharp breath.``what about our talk?” Ace teased but y/n sucked her teeth.”fuck the talk.” With that ace went along to unbutton his jeans and threw them off somewhere. Y/n was on her way to doing the same with her robe till Ace grabbed her wrist.”nah let me, wanna see all of you unravel.” She giggled.”Nothing you haven’t seen already, just a little pudge added.” He just made a cackle at her saying that.”more for me.” He said it in a starved raspy tone making her snort more.
Once his hands went to the long strings holding her robe together and unwrapped them y/n felt this sudden bashfulness come. It wasn’t that she was shy of him seeing her body in so long, just that it changed from last he saw. Her cheeks are more round, breast more fuller and stomach having more pudge including her thighs being more thick. She looked away from his stare. She couldn’t tell if it was a good stare or a bad one.”If you wanna end this we easily can, I can easily find some discarded dildo if you’re not feeling all this.”
He just stared her down making a humming tone. Shd hated it when he did that, it always left her in suspense. Grabbing her chin for her to look up at him he then did a toothy grin and put his own hat on her head.”don’t doubt my abilities baby, I was raised like a good boy. I know how to handle some pudge.” Once her robe then fell off her body revealing her bare naked body, an amused noise came out from his lips. He gripped her hips with his strong hands, making her gasp.”plus I think ya look good, motherly. Might even dump some good kids in ya!” She made a pout, slapping his arm at that.
Letting go of her for just a second he pulled down his boxers letting his dick flop out. Y/n’s eyes peered down, staring at it looking so dumbfounded, making him laugh and pat her head.”Nothing new for you baby, I think you can take it all just like every other time right?” She dumbly just nodded. Flinging off his boxers somewhere he turned his full attention to his ex girlfriend. He gripped her jaw giving her a heated kiss.”No playing games anymore, I’m gonna give you everything you’ve been missing for 9 months, understand?” She just stared at him, no words coming out from his switch up from cocky to serious. She nodded up at him, making him grin at her understanding.
Now sitting on the bed he patted his lap.”Now c'mere.” Crawling over she stared at his lap for a second, eyeing his dick.”Not like it’s gonna bite ya, cmon.” She gulped sitting on his lap but not exactly on his dick a flush was on brown cheeks when he abruptly parted her legs not even wasting time. He put his own fingers in his mouth before inserting two inside her.”oh?” When he moved his fingers around there was a small squelching noise, already wet even before everything.``Needy even before we started?” His other hand multitasked with squeezing her brown mound. She made a soft whimper, nodding.”t-those calls and texts are something y’know? Got me all worked up and shit..”
He was pleased with the effect he had on both her body and mind, he needed to hear more and her exact thoughts too.”yeah? Tell me baby, how’d I make you feel with the texts and calls?” The thrust of his fingers had a steady pace making her arch against his chest.”m-mmph! Got me so needy, even when we were arguing I couldn’t stop thinking of you… you were my ah…! Every thought and in my dreams.” He gave a sharp thrust making her moan out.”What kind of dreams?” She let out what sounded like the mix of a cry and moan.”my wet dreams! You were in my wet dreams!”
He did that familiar hum, something she would be hearing all night.”exactly what I like to hear.” His fingers thrusting pace changed, going from steady to a more fast beat making her throw her head back and whine. He placed soft smooth kisses on her neck.”know my baby’s been needy.. all the texts and fighting back, just let go for me.” He cooed into her ear making her nod, making impatient “mhm!”’s. He added 2 more fingers into her hot snatch.”It's okay though, gonna make it worth your while now.” All that was heard between the two was breathy moans, whispering, kissing and the squelch of her pussy as he jerked his four fingers inside of her.
a sudden gasp came from her as she gripped his wrist.”ace! Gonna cum!” He smirked, moving his fingers faster.”yeah? Gonna cum on my fingers baby?” She frantically nodded her head.”cum” with that one word she creamed on his fingers with a yell. Coaxing her out her orgasm he rubbed her back as her head laid against the front of his shoulder with a bashful lusty look on her face, it was cute really till ace ruined her fun time. Laying her down on the bed he stood up in front of her.”we’re not done yet baby, still got a lot to show you and prove through those texts right?” She softly whimpered in response, looking still with hooded eyes at his taller figure.
Taking her legs in both hands he placed them on his strong shoulders doing a wide eyed big grin peering down at her. She made a weak chuckle from her first argument, trying to humor him a bit.”we’re excited tonight, your first time in a while getting good cooter or something?” He made a small “tch” with a laugh mixed at her quip.”Speaking of cooter,” he lifted her body a bit, getting her comfortable for his feast.”I recall you doubting my abilities, yes? Something like..” he caught by surprise doing a strip lick of her pussy then continuing his talk.”I can’t handle it right? I can’t handle your cooter or something?” Gasping from the first lick and still recovering from the whiplash she didn’t respond as quickly, making him give her a spank on the pussy. That made her whimper and cry out.”y-yes I said that ace!” He gave her another lick getting her sensitive with each one.”Then I think I should prove you wrong, yes? Because you just were obviously talking out your mouth from being depraved for so long baby.” She made a simple nod looking at him with brown eyes.
Gripping her thighs which were placed on his shoulders he bent his head down digging in. His mouth practically made out with her pussy, tonguing her clit and even getting her fat lips wet while she cried out and moaned gripping her sheets. He sucked and licked at her with such a sloppy roughness making her hands go from the sheets to gripping his jet black hair, not that he minded. The more she gripped just means he was doing fantastic. Even with her plea’s he knew she just wanted more.”Mmph! Gonna cum ace! Please!” She exclaimed in a shout but his mouth stayed on her. With no surprise she embarrassingly creamed inside his mouth making him get off and just swallow smiling, making an ‘aah’ sound and her show a brown tinted blush on her cheeks.”so indecent..“. “You love my indecentness though.” She knew she couldn’t argue and made a soft sigh.
Staring down at his lower body she could see his dick was up and ready. Even from just now creaming on his face she made a smirk at it.”morning wood?” She joked pointing down once he let go of her legs. He tsked looking down and clicking his tongue at her joke.”More like night wood baby.”
She hummed while sitting up.”Well, the little man is obviously awake and ready.” He crossed his arms behind his head stretching.”Well you gonna do anything to cure him?” She bit her nail.``Mm.. how bout you c'mere and lay for me, you haven’t even put your dick in me in months and you’ve worn me out already.” He made a small side eye doing a toothy grin while she sat pretty even with tired eyes.”Your wish is my command oh great princess!”
He didn’t waste a second on doing as she pleased and laying on his back for her. Her 5’6 frame towered over his tall 6’1 body a bit but she still looked small anyways. She rubbed his thighs, looking at his tan dick for a minute as he laid there with his hands behind his head.”it’s not gonna bite baby, I’m sure you remember how to ride it real nice right? Or should I just leave while I can?” He teased making her gasp furrowing her brows at him, it was easy to play her and get her to play along. Not wanting him to deceive her skills even in a joking way she gathered her courage slowly inching herself on all his 9 inches doing a small whisper count down before she sat on all of him. a breathy gasp came out feeling all of his thickness inside her for so long.
Ace could see her hesitating before he gave a harsh slap to her ass.”prove me wrong.” That made her clench, making a low groan come from Ace's throat. Putting her hands on his shoulders she rode him at a slow pace at first, getting more sloppy with it as her pussy made squelching sounds. Moans, whimpers and groans echoed inside the bedroom with sounds of skin slapping. She made short breathing gasps losing her pace from energy and ace noticed. Giving both ass cheeks short slaps he grabbed her attention again.”I’m gonna have to help ya or something sleepy head?” He gave a sharp thrust making her cry out.”you gotta prove me wrong baby,”
She nodded along with a single tear in her eye from his unwarned thrust.” ‘m am..” with some of ace’s help lifting her ass and slapping her back down she got back into the rhythm, this time her pace being faster with ace’s rough hands gripping on her waist to slam her down making cries and high moans coming from y/n while grin had a toothy grin showing his shiny whites.”you gotta prove me wrong ‘member?” She just made a cry in response, gripping on his shoulders, bouncing herself.”a-ace! Can’t pleasee, ‘m gonna cum please please!” She made a plea in a whiney voice through her moans.
Ace groaned with her feeling her clench and took over.”never can take the lead? Was always my needy girl.” With some sloppy thrusts from Ace she felt an orgasm coming.”Mm! Cumming— gonna cum ace I-!” With a loud squeal she creamed on his dick. Ace made a hum at how in weakness she laid her head on chest.
“I’ll give ya a break, pretty sure I could get some more outta ya.”
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twistedsocials · 15 days
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This is the only tweet he gets anyways these are the others
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Woah I’m back! These are probably unfunny I’m sorry
Okay so first off, Jamil’s new card is so cunty omg also one sided Jamiazu>>>> (imo. I just see it as Azul crushing on a lesbian or jsut Jamil not liking Azul back like that), fourth tweet is based on that one meme like “ahh you mad 😹” “ahh you gay 😹” also ik Yuuka is like extremely nice, I just thought this would be funny im so sorry if this is ooc 😭, for the 5th and 6th one guess who’s “yaoiriver5TYX” ;3. For the 8th one I just need more silver and Sebek being siblings (if you tag this as Sebesil you will be blocked/srs). Last one is completing the trilogy of “Yuuta and the weird bitches who are infatuated with him”.
Eugh I’m sorry I yap too much
[Daily Click Reminder!]
[Lmk if anything is ooc!] (yes I brought this back)
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jgs-xs · 3 months
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Based on the tweet below 👇 Saw this video about octopus getting stressed and hiding to not to be seen. I have to draw this cause I thought it would be funny!
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dr-spectre · 4 days
So... it's come to my attention recently... that um...
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The translation was done by @ silverghost5_ on twitter. Now it could not be TOTALLLYYYY accurate but, this is still incredible to see and i will leave a link to the tweet once I'm done gushing about the chart.
I'm gonna go over some stuff i found interesting.
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So we're just gonna go with this huh Nintendo? Alright, i mean it's funny but, compared to the previous relationship chart, this is kinda lame. I was expecting story deets, not more comedy.
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"gramps don't die pls. thx. xoxo."
"Busy as always eh" yeah, they are fucking idols and agents what did you expect? YOU TRAINED THEM YOU MORON!!!! YOU MADE THEM MORE BUSY THAN THEY NEED TO BE!!!!!!
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Callie is all like "Deep Cut, we gotta collab again~ 🫦🫦👅👅💦💦💦💦💦" While Marie is like "Y'all fuck off."
ALSO FRYE CALLING CALLIE AND MARIE SIS OH MY GODDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nintendo dropped the biggest fucking ball in the world for ROTM by not developing the relationship between the Squid Sisters and Deep Cut.
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Oh, i actually didn't expect this. That's really cool how Octavio understands Mr. Grizz. Also, hard worker? Does Octavio do salmon run shifts.....?
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Idk what "Ur in the middle" means in this context. Maybe "Ur in the middle of it" idk. I love how Neo 3 thinks the Squid Sisters look bored in Alterna.
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This woman is too horny for her own good. She needs to go outside, have a cup of water, get a job, GET A HOBBY! OR GET SOME FRIENDS! CAUSE I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMO-(SpongeBob reference sorry.)
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Okay that's all i wanted to talk about, this relationship chart was kinda.... eh? not bad, not great either. Was expecting more interesting story details other than "le shrimp on head lmao" you know? Oh well!
Also wanna say something too.
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Splatoon base doesn't count, that shit is outdated and shouldn't be trusted source of information.... inkipedia....
Also no Agent 8, 4 and Smollusk is so fucking disrespectful and LAME!!!!
Here's the tweet btw.
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midnightsslut · 7 months
So was taylor really cancelled in 2016 or was it more that she wasn't as popular as she was/would like to be?
oh she was absolutely canceled. buckle up because I have a lot of thoughts on this djsjsj.
if you were around in the fandom at all, you knew. things were BAD. that level of hate towards a celebrity is honestly rare these days. i would say the only thing that comes close in recent memory is like… idk, it’s actually hard to think of any because it was a combination of a few factors. it’s not that the general public decided to quietly boycott her and stop consuming her music. it’s that there were viral tweets hating on her pretty much every week. if she did anything in 2016-18, it was met with an absolutely asinine amount of criticism. twitter had a field day with things as innocent as her september cover and her post about having a good year in 2017. a lot of celebrities decided to distance themselves and take kanye’s side. there were numerous articles written about how she was finally going down and should apologize for being problematic. people were famously convinced the tour would flop and absolutely celebrated it. people literally told her she was dead. it’s genuinely difficult to explain the scope of this hate train to people who weren’t around at the time, especially because the news cycle is very different now. people get over news stories a lot quicker than they used to.
now, the main argument people use to prove that she wasn’t canceled is the first-week sales of reputation, which is sort of funny to me because all the coverage in 2017 focused on how its performance was lackluster compared to 1989. of course it still sold well compared to other artists’ albums in the first week, because there was still hype around her comeback, and most importantly, she has a huge fan base. none of the singles had longevity except delicate, which fans genuinely worked their asses off to campaign for. the radio did not play her singles like it used to, though this is due to other factors as well. sure, rep was not actually a flop, but it was nowhere near how TS6, the follow-up to one of the biggest pop eras of the decade, could’ve performed without the cancellation. it also got the worst reviews of her career, most of which generally didn’t focus on the music or the lyricism and were just mad at her as a person. yes, this sounds dramatic, considering the fact that it still got a lot of glowing reviews. the media made sure to focus on a lot of the negative stuff, although they were surprised that critics generally seemed to like it.
what’s funny is that, when she spoke about the kanye controversy in interviews in 2019, no one told her she wasn’t ‘really’ canceled, because a lot of people still hated her. they just told her to get over it. the level of hate was nowhere near pre-rep tour levels anymore, but she was still one of the most criticized celebrities, and it was widely believed that her peak had passed (people love to write revisionist history about the lover album and its performance that does not actually reflect the numbers, but that’s another story). now that more time has passed, and she’s even higher than she was pre-2016, people want to convince her that she’s actually wrong.
it’s almost insane to me to chalk up that level of hate to anything other than a cancellation. seeing articles like ‘was taylor swift REALLY canceled?’ and essays on why that’s just in her head will infuriate ANYONE who was online and didn’t hate her. none of the articles I linked here really convey the scope of that hate. taylor really played the long game and came out the other side of it, but she WAS canceled.
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slyblonder · 8 months
Love Sick
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serious bf jeno x unserious/goofy partner(based off a tweet i saw)
word count: 0.4k
“look its a heart” “can you please stop drawing in my cum and let me get up”
No one really knew how the relationship lasted so well. Two years to be exact. You and Jeno were complete opposites of each other, the kind that would clash under any circumstances. But it worked perfectly. Him being dreadfully serious and you annoying unserious. But he found your stupid jokes and unserious nature to be endearing. You couldn’t STAND serious situations, always needing to make a joke or laugh when you’re not supposed to. But thats what Jeno was for, to handle those situations. You’re unserious nature even carried on during intimate situations…
“P-please I want your mouth around me so bad.” You could listen to Jeno beg all day. You could listen to him speak in general all day. He sounds so fucking perfect. Positioned between his legs, you look up at him with a small smile. You loved teasing him until he lost him. Placing small kisses and kitten licks around his shaft, you felt him becoming more and more impatient. “fuck y/n, please please i need you so bad. I’ll cum just like this if you continue.” You couldn’t help but giggle a bit before taking him into your mouth without warning. Jeno quickly grabbed onto your hair, holding your head down for a second. “J-just like that…fuck your mouth always feels amazing.” Hearing those words definitely stroked your ego causing you to moan. Jeno was dangerously close to his climax, and you being you had a silly little plan.
You rise from Jeno and smile, stroke him as a replacement to your mouth. “I want you to cum on your stomach. I wanna lick it off.” Jeno stared at you for a second but was quickly amused at the thought. You picked up the pace, using both your hands and mouth to get him closer and closer to his release. “y/n im cumming oh my- Fuck!” There it was, Jeno cumming all over his stomach looking fucking beautiful. Now what you said wasn’t a lie, you are going to lick the cum off his stomach…but not before you rub it in and draw fun shapes on it. Before Jeno could move or say anything, you lied down between his leg and began drawing random shapes and hearts. “what are you doing? move-“ In the two years Jeno has been dating you, this has to be the oddest thing youve ever done. “look its a heart.”You say as your kicking your feet, having a blast. “can you please stop drawing in my cum and let me get up” He actually found it a little funny but ge would rather perish than let you see him laugh. “uh oh the cum controller is here.”
(first short wtv this is, please give me feedback abeg. if you like it ill give you a smooch por favor reblog🤍😞)
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update:omg hello everyone thank you sm for liking this?! please feel free to ask for a story with your member/idol of choice and what kind🤍🤍😞
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bronson2099 · 3 months
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Here's a comic page based on a tweet by @waitingforthet that I thought was so damn funny I needed to draw a version of it.
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brucewaynehater101 · 2 months
It started simple, it really did
before Tim was Robin, before Jason was Robin
tim had a thought, clicker training
every time Bruce and dick did a good job on something well on patrol Tim would click a clicker, then the next day Tim would make sure everything went well for them
and well if that meant he conditioned the hero’s of Gotham into associating a soft click with less stress, an effective way of control? He was just a kid
and if this spread just to the teen titans and Yj? Well Tim was a mortal, just a step above then most other mortals
and then the Jl? The Jld? If he has the very gods the world worships at his beck and call, easy to control with a simple click? Well he is god he just has a lot of allies
and if when he gets a little bored
after all he had been a hero for ages
and the villains look like they are having so much fun
well he has the most loyal army imaginable in just one click
he rules the universe with an iron fist
after all it’s his right
he is GOD after all
Just to clarify... Is this an AU where Tim gets corrupted into being an all-powerful "god" villain with the influence of a clicker???
I was thinking, while reading this, that for just Gotham-based heroes Tim could use a series of bird calls to train Bruce instead.
Here's how that interaction would go:
Tim: *in bird call* "Tweet tweet"
Bruce: *instantly drops the goon he was pummeling like a dog being told to drop something*
Or Tim just let's out a low menacing chirp, and Batman just starts apologizing
The idea of bird calls being used as a reprimand has me cracking up.
Anyways!!! I love how your ask/au has Tim subtly training all of the heroes (without their knowledge) with clicks. I'm not sure how powerful clicks would actually be, but it is funny to imagine them suddenly changing their action and not fully comprehending why (once they figure it out, though, it'd be easier to counter)
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atzidraws · 5 months
Top-zai and Bottom-zai... But what about Switch-zai???
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A slightly self indulgent nsfw rant is abt to unfold
this may or may not be out of character for Dazai and Chuuya so I'm sorry-
Seeing the discourse about whether or not Dazai should be a top or a bottom is so funny to me. Not because of how ridiculous it is (I actually enjoy seeing some valid points being made on both sides), but because honesty??? Switch-zai has some potential! I like the idea of Dazai being able to be dominant or submissive depending on what he or his partner thinks at the moment.
Like Chuuya could be flirting with Dazai when he least expects it and Dazai would become a flustered mess about it. However, Dazai could also have his moments of cockiness that gets Chuuya equally flustered when he's least expecting it.
A scenario that pops up in my head that sums up my take would be Chuuya pinning Dazai. Usually for Dazai, he would expect such actions to come out of Chuuya but something that would always get him would be when Chuuya pins him in a seductive manner and gets on top of him. No chill, just very straightforward. Something about that just excites Dazai. However, there are times where Dazai also finds enjoyment in seeing Chuuya moaning and whimpering his name while under him. He likes seeing Chuuya taking pleasure as well.
Though, Dazai would only let those he genuinely trusts dom him (aka chuuya).
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It's okay to disagree with my take lol, this was mostly written as a small self indulgent rant at 4:30 AM. I saw someone on Twitter have an argument over this discourse and I just wanted to share my thoughts based off the tweet.
If y'all wanna give me your takes about the discourse or head canons I'm open to hearing them! I like seeing different interpretations!
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piningpercussionist · 2 months
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I wholeheartedly believe Roxie would send Scott this photo and then turn her phone off. From Ramona's phone, even.
Sketch based on a tweet I was sent (original image and link will be under the cut!)
bonus content:
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From this tweet; if you enjoyed this then be sure to say "thank you Volt"
I debated rendering this further but... eh. You get the bonus content from me instead; I just thought the visual of Kim taking that photo was a bit funny-
Also a bonus fun thing I guess? I couldn't figure out what to do with the BG, so in my head they're like, behind Leo's Place (been replaying the game on my ps4 lately, hence all the bricks and boxes and other throwable things...)
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felassan · 2 years
Some DA facts collected together, from recent tweets -
GhilDirthalen: "the frostbite engine didn’t do ending slides, so the slides you see in DAI are actually paintings that quickly spawn in your bed room. You can zoom out during the end with fly cam" John Epler: "i remember when we were trying to do these and we're like 'hey can we display still images' and the answer was 'uhh it's a lot more complicated than you think' so this was the solution. i set up all the cameras, and I THINK level design handled all the scripting logic" JE: "anyways videogames are basically held together by magic and hope and it's a legitimate miracle anytime one gets finished"
JE: "When you 'sprint' on a horse in DAI it doesn't really do much because frostbite couldn't stream in levels fast enough, so we just added speed lines and changed the camera so it felt faster. JE: "i've carried the guilt of this for years. guilt is an ocean, and i'm tired of drowning." "feels like I just murdered Santa Claus in front of many of you" [source], "feels like i just declassified Area 51" [source]. "i'm just glad the truth is finally out there" [source] Seb Hanlon: "ME1 did it first" JE: "just to be SUPER clear, riding a horse is faster than being on-foot, but the difference between normal horse run and horse 'sprint' is non-existent except for making it look faster". "the base horse speed is faster than unhorsed run speed, but horse sprint doesn’t move you faster than normal horse speed" [source] JE: "there were three days on that project where my entire job was ‘try to make horse sprint feel faster’" User: "I swear to god John I knew it, I fucking knew it, none of the mounts have different speeds, either?" JE: "i actually don't know the answer to that one, i just set up the gameplay cameras and did what what i was told." Seb: "but they have different sounds /screams in Red Hart" JE: "no one believed that's what a Red Hart really sounds like but they are fucked up animals."
Seb: "The save system in DAI loads with all doors in the area closed. This is a problem if there’s a door between you and a party member when the save happens, because they can’t open doors. If they can’t path to you, they get teleported to join you before the fade-up from black." Seb: "This “system” was rigged entirely in Frostbite Schematic logic quite late in development once we realized it was a problem." JE: "i vaguely remember that the first time we really saw this problem was when we were putting together the Redcliffe demo for... whatever event we showed Redcliffe at." Seb: "Yeah I think that was the map I tested the teleport-fallback in. Dorian was there in those saves for sure?" JE: "yeah 100%. it was when you first end up in the future and you're fighting your way to the locked-up followers. i think we were playing it in Hanged Man or Neverwinter and we discovered 'oh shit our followers can't get to you'"
Seb: "Zither’s first-pass ability icons originally echoed a broad swath of iconic album art. The UI art team made me so happy. Why didn’t it ship? Ain’t nobody chasing down those IP clearances for an April Fools DLC."
JE: "in DA2 Mark of the Assassin, if you let Baron Arlange live after the first encounter with him, he shows up very deep in the background of several scenes, creeping on Hawke and the party around stalagmites and around corners." "no one asked for this but i put it in as a little treat because i thought it was very funny. i still do. oh the scene where you get captured in the vault by Prosper and his guards, that's the same 5 (6?) guards just cycled through multiple times." [source, two]
JE: "i've told this story before but the reason Iron Bull's romance scene takes place in a separate tower is because the mocap for everyone walking in on you assumed that there was a doorway, and the player's bedroom ended up having stairs. so we moved the scene to the Sex Tower"
Seb: "DAI: To enable party followers’ AI to use their defensive abilities (dodge/block/parries), enemies spawn a “telegraph volume” as part of their ability wind-ups. This tells the party AI what kind of reaction it can use to counter (if it’s not on cooldown and it can branch in time)." "“Parry” telegraphs are the ‘weakest’ (can activate block, dodge, or parry abilities); “dodge” telegraphs are the ‘strongest’ (dodge or get fucked). There’s an all-abilities AI cooldown on these responses; before this was added, I saw Cass perfect block for minutes at a time." [source]
Seb: "the Qunari Ashaad in Trespasser is the only combat creature I personally implemented; and the only one intentionally plays both ranged and melee. and it was great fun watching play-testers climb a ladder to close and shut down his range attack—and get kicked off by the sweep"
Seb: "I’m still personally pleased that the Red Templar faction in DAI has such a strong overarching principle: “power corrupts”. The more elite the creature, the less human they are."
Seb: "Both the Children in DAO Awakening and the Harvester in DAO hide their extra body parts *inside* their torso mesh before they appear."
Seb: "Varric in DA2 is the most specialest snowflake; he’s not like any other dwarf because his rig includes all the Bianca animation bones."
Seb: "DAI’s Emerald Graves was the map where we hammered out the conceptual balance of using abilities based on the enemy composition and position."
Seb: "There’s an animation-driven movement mode in DAI that’s only used by a handful of large creatures; the dragon and the Red Templar Behemoth are the ones I remember."
Seb: "“making two combat creatures at melee range face, and not slide past, each other when they’re playing attack animations” took a surprising amount of problem solving on DAI; most of the basic-attack animations have both moving and standing variations for this reason."
Seb: "30 seconds of good combat gameplay takes more-or-less the same development effort as 10 minutes of good combat gameplay. Which is more than you’d think. IYKYK."
Seb: "The original concept for the Grand Fear Demon at the end of DAI’s Fade was a “level boss” - instead of a single big combat creature (like a dragon), the idea was it was so big it would attack out of the darkness with “limbs” (creatures) that shared a health pool. Cut for scope."
Seb: "The core combat ability animation/effects/branching system in DAI is called “CSM”, for “combat state machine”. It’s the third generation spiritual successor to the first system called CSM that I worked on, built for a project called Revolver…"
Seb: "The “impassable” purple fire zones in Trespasser were a tremendous pain in the ass, because both: - making them do enough damage fast enough to be a lock-and-key for invincibility powers as intended - keeping party members from following you in and getting bug-zappered" User: "I hate to tell you this but my first time through, I was determined to get through and I did not know that invincibility powers were literally down the stairs so I spent 10 minutes and eventually managed to get through with some mage shenanigans" Seb: "by the time we got to trespasser there were so many abilities you MIGHT have that MIGHT JUST get you through that we gave it our best shot and said “good enough”" User: "I died at that thing SO MANY TIMES until I realized there was an invincibility boost, lol" Seb: "clearly signaling “THIS IS A THING YOU WILL DO LATER” without saying it, especially if it’s a mechanical systems thing, can be surprisingly difficult"
Seb: "during development on DAI someone made a staff that, when used (hit the ground with the butt animation) spawned a bunch of nugs that ran off in all directions. for checking pathmesh bounds, obvs"
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