#Based on a real tweet I saw
toastylicious · 2 months
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@profhazrd I think of them often
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lemmetreatya · 2 years
kpop fanboy!eren who runs a famous stan account for his favourite kpop group — but mostly only famous himself because most fans stan him instead
kpop fanboy!eren who regularly posts dance videos or makes fan based tiktoks about the group. kpop fanboy!eren whos even been noticed by some of the groups on twitter when they do occasional menpas.
kpop fanboy!eren who makes a group chat for a meet up at a concert for his favourite group in his city. kpop fanboy!eren who adds you into the chat, unknowing of how cute you are. he doesn’t realise at first — being chat admin comes with it’s responsibilities and for awhile he’s unaware of who you are.
but one day kpop fanboy!eren checks your account out of curiosity and it’s absolutely star struck by how pretty you are. kpop fanboy!eren who dms you privately to get to know you. kpop fanboy!eren who no longer talks in the chat but never fails to text you throughout the day.
“fuck, you’re much cuter over the screen.”
kpop fanboy!eren‘s voice is deep as you cover your giggle with the back of your hand. why exactly was he facetiming you again?
kpop fanboy!eren who’s chats are suggestive despite his constant tweets about turning down advances from other fangirls. kpop fanboy!eren who asks if youd like to meet up a few hours before the kpop concert.
kpop fanboy!eren who takes you out for a meal at the kbbq place not too far from the venue.
“damn, you’re even cuter in person” he says as he hugs you hello.
kpop fanboy!eren who tells you to slip with him into his section of the concert venue so that you’re closer to the stage. kpop fanboy!eren who tells you to come with him to the toilets real quick before the concert starts — something about one of his contacts flying out.
however, once you step out of the arean seating area, kpop fanboy!eren softly leans you up against the wall of the hallway and you have to ask him what’s wrong.
“can i kiss you right now?” he asks, breath hitched and hands warm on your waist.
“what happened to your contacts? they’re okay now?” you muse although you can feel your heart picking up at his advances.
“they were always fine.” he rolls his eyes. “just wanted an excuse to get with you alone.”
and you figure that was the idea but you didn’t want to jump to conclusions. regardless, youre leaning in first so that he can get the message. kpop fanboy!eren takes the initiative and lightly kisses you as he meets you half way.
but the kiss doesn’t stay innocent for along and soon the both of you are gripping at each others faces and pressing into the other.
“okay, now i need to go to the bathroom.” he breaths and you understand what he’s getting at.
kpop fanboy!eren ends up fucking you over the sink in the communal toilets. his moans are so loud, garbling on about how he’s been waiting so long for this.
every time someone accidentally steps in, you have to abashedly cover your face because most of stan tweet were literally at this show. but kpop fanboy!eren didnt care about who saw, and that aroused you even more because he had more to lose than you did.
the both of you hear the thundering opening of the kpop act coming on stage and you want to get angry at the man but you cant! he was digging you out so good that maybe missing just the first few minutes werent so bad.
“ren…ren…t-the show.” you whine with the back of your head leaning against the mirror.
kpop fanboy!eren doesnt let up — he just continues fucking into your wet cunt.
“fuck the show. right now…im f-fucking…fucking you.”
kpop fanboy!eren pulls out at the last minute and ends up cumming onto your concert fit. you have in mind to be mad at him but the sparkling glow in his eyes and the way he still reaches in for a kiss changes your mind.
both you and kpop fanboy!eren go back to the arena area to watch the rest of the concert and you enjoy it regardless. you just both make sure to mute your usernames on the timeline once it’s finished.
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bakuhatsufallinlove · 2 months
I heard that the japanese fans saying that bkdk was implied is it really true? Can you please explain?!! (I was pretty happy with the ending already, but if it's true I would be ecstatic 🧡💚💖)
I'm not really sure how to answer this. First, I'll direct you to this ask I answered previously about bkdk in the Japanese fandom.
And if you're talking about the same tweets from jpn fans I saw getting shared around, the majority of the comments clearly used emojis, euphemisms, and algorithm-disrupting nicknames for Katsuki and Izuku, which kind of immediately suggests the user is already a bkdk fan. So, I mean... do you go into shipping fan spaces, see people shipping, and decide that means everybody thinks those characters are dating? Probably not, right?
But now that we've got an ending, lemme say outright that bkdk is implied by the base structure of the story. By the characters' thematic arcs. By their words, values, goals, and actions. Regardless of what language they speak, no reader can walk away from MHA without understanding that Izuku and Katsuki are profoundly important to each other.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: Izuku loves Katsuki. And by the end of his character arc, there is no way to read Katsuki's actions towards Izuku and not see love, either. The exact nature of that love is up to individual interpretation; this is common for stories outside the romance genre that have complex character relationships, and I encourage you to feel secure in your own reading without external validation.
But if you want to talk about validity, the fact that we don't see either of them say the words "I love you" out loud does not diminish a romantic interpretation.
Just for fun, let's talk a bit about some important history of "implied" romance in shonen manga.
(Spoilers for Urusei Yatsura and Ranma 1/2.)
Takahashi Rumiko, one of the most successful and influential manga creators of all time, famously ended two of her heterosexual romantic comedy plotlines while denying readers a spoken, reciprocated "I love you."
In Urusei Yatsura, Lum spends the entire series actively pursuing Ataru and in the finale, she threatens to erase everyone's memories of her and her fellow aliens if he does not tell her he loves her. The situation makes it impossible for him to win and stop the memory erasing without saying it.
And he still refuses to say it.
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He keeps trying to win and avoid losing his memory without saying it; she recognizes his devotion to her when she sees that all this time, he has been carrying something that reminds him of her.
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Oh, look at that. I wonder who else spent a long time holding fast to something that represents the time they spent with their loved one?
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Lum finally relents and allows Ataru to win, so everyone keeps their memories.
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Each of them affirms the intention to be together forever, without using the words "I love you."
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In Ranma 1/2, Ranma and Akane have been engaged to be married for the whole series, and at a pivotal moment, Ranma thinks the words "I love you," though he does not say them aloud.
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Afterwards, Akane finally agrees to let the wedding take place with this as her reasoning:
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And Ranma completely objects to having admitted this.
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Akane is fucking right, fyi--ignoring everything else that happens in the series, Ranma rescuing her and crying over her injured body while yelling her name might as well be a confession.
Due to ensemble cast chaos, the wedding is postponed again at the end of the manga.
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It is worth noting that these series are both in the romantic comedy genre, so their plot devices surrounding love are much more explicit, even if the final execution toys with our expectations. It makes the characters' real feelings obvious while keeping them true to their nature, because that's the core appeal of the relationship to begin with.
As I said, in manga that are not romances, these bonds are often more subtle.
When I said 424 was as good as a confession to me, this is part of why.
Katsuki says he thought they would be together for the rest of their lives. Izuku promises what he can, which is the time he still has the embers of OFA. He may think Katsuki is simply mourning a future where Izuku has OFA, which he can't get back.
In direct response to that exchange, for our finale, we find out Katsuki spent eight years arranging for Izuku to be a pro hero without OFA.
Katsuki beckons Izuku to his side, using the name that used to be an insult, but has since become Izuku's hero name. He reaches out his hand to Izuku, which the reader knows he has wanted to do for so long.
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The last image we see might as well be them skipping off into the sunset together, side by side.
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Am I supposed to see that as something other than love, just because all their friends are there, too? That seems kinda silly to me.
MHA emphasizes the collective, but that doesn't diminish the individual bonds within it. It goes out of its way to tell us this moment is possible because of Katsuki, because he wants Izuku beside him. We may not get our handhold here, but it is plain to see that Izuku accepts his invitation.
I'm not saying Horikoshi was directly inspired by Takahashi, but her works are an important piece of the narrative language of love within the shonen genre.
Art always reflexively harkens back to what came before it. Whether the creator intends it or not, the audience is reminded of what they've seen before in the cultural landscape of media. Whether or not Horikoshi intended for us to see bkdk as romantic is simply irrelevant to how any given reader is going to see it.
So, if you want permission to think Katsuki and Izuku are in love, you've got mine. tumblr user bakuhatsufallinlove sanctions this epic gay love story. Plus Ultra. You're welcome. <3
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This is complaining day because I realized there's more than one thing that got on my nerves lately and it's not just about the treatment of a kpop idol's mother. Let's begin.
Please, stop refering to Jungkook's mother as mama Jeon. I know the tendency is to ignore so many of the cultural differences that exist, but in SK, people don't change their surname after marriage. It just sounds idiotic and westernized in a ridiculous way.
So, Jungkook's mother loves all BTS members. She LOVES them all. How does army know that? How? I'm genuinely curious and genuinely asking. Because they say it as a certainty. Or, forgive me if my memory is faulty as well, but the only instance that we as outsiders were privy to in which we heard that woman speak for the first time, it was in early 2021 on another phonecall with Jungkook when she said I love you to Jimin.
Of course, the same ot7 narrative came as a buldozer at that time too. Damn, does that mean Jimin = BTS? Sometimes yes, but only when Army wants to diminish Jimin's importance and doesn't allow him to stand out individually too much. Musically or otherwise. But back to this Big Love that Jungkook's mom is supposedly feeling for everyone and which has been invoked once again when that woman mentioned Jimin twice while talking to Jungkook on the phone. Cause she already knew they were in Jeju. I bet she didn't have to find out randomly from a schedule group chat.
So what happens? An assumption is turned into certainty because of small people being extremely insecure. Because they see that one person is once again given more importance on a personal level and we can't have that. No sir! So in a panic, they tweet, they post on tumblr, tiktok, youtube the old age, boring af, sounding like a broken record sentence: "Mama Jeon loves all seven". Fuck me gently with a chainsaw cause that sounds a lot better than the feeling of throwing up I get whenever I read such things.
No, she doesn't love all of them. That is not a fact. It could be true and it's not impossible. But it is not a fact based on the knowledge we have at the moment.
Also, it shows once again that an entire fandom is actively creating a reality of their own which is not even like some sort of simulacrum of the reality they must live through. In Army world, the mother of one member of a k-pop group must love all the members of such group. It doesn't matter than irl, our mothers a lot of the times don't even like all our friends, besties or partners. We might have the most incredible connections and it would mean nothing to our mothers.
In that same vein, another narrative that makes me want to pull my eyes out is the "awww, their bond is to die for, they are (like) siblings after all". Do any of them never had any siblings? Never saw other people and their relationship with their siblings? Or with their family?
I also had to read (which was followed by me blocking it immediately) how Jimin and Jungkook's relationship is the sum of the other relationships they have with other BTS members. I mean, why would I have any sort of expectations from any of these people when they are completely incapable of looking at JM and JK as actual people. As persons with individual minds and an intellect of their own. Let alone the fact that their world does not stop with the presence of 5 other men. In what realistic scenario does this translate in real life? That's not how it works. Yes, we are social creatures and a product of our surroundings, but it is not in the way in which these stans believe it to be. They think that living in a dorm for a few years and working together with other people, it means that those experiences are the only ones that actually shape the personality of a person. They are real people, not fictional characters. I've never heard such ridiculous theories in my entire life, to be used as talking points about someone's behavior or relationship with another person.
Maybe the need to create this elaborate fantasy comes from the lack of love in their life, which then gets projected into this Disney, kumbaya, capitalist heaven narrative in which everyone is a big family and they love each other so much and equally and all the parents of all the children love every single member and thus, harmony is created. Love is always platonic and ever present. The complexity of human relationships must not exist.
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tayloralisonswift · 1 month
invisible string? subversive lie? i'd love to hear more
hi sorry i just saw this !
SO basically invisible string is based on a quote from ernest hemingway's the sun also rises. specifically, the final page of the novel:
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for some context: in the sun also rises is about a man named jake whose world war 1 wounds mean he can't have sex. he's chasing after brett but he knows he can never have her because of his disability, and at one point early on she says she loves him but they both know it doesn't matter. this final page is brett throwing out this possibility of them together, but jake sees through it. it's a daydream: what if the war hadn't (in her eyes) ruined you? what if i saw you as a real man? and jake knows that the war has ruined him and he is not (in her eyes) a real man. it's futile, to imagine these things; it's fake, it's not real now and it never will be. so when brett says, we could have had such a damned good time together, jake replies, isn't it pretty to think so? as in, isn't it lovely to imagine this world that never happened and never will? isn't it magical to pretend everything were different?
so at first, i thought that invisible string, frankly, was misunderstanding this passage and taylor just liked the sound of it. and i guess that's still a reading. but what changed my mind was what we learned about sweet nothing:
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by liking this tweet, taylor was confirming that her sweet love song was a daydream. it wasn't based on real events from her real relationship, it was an exercise in imagination: what if i came home with a poem and you said this? what if you wanted nothing from me in a good way? etc etc.
so that had me rethinking invisible string. what if the song similarly was exploring a pretty lie, a daydream that didn't line up with the faithless love described a few songs later?
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she's saying, isn't it sweet to imagine that we were fated to be happily together? it's not real, but let's pretend for a moment it is. taylor loves to play with the idea of fate in her music (state of grace, mastermind, the prophecy come to mind immediately) and she debates within these and other songs whether fate is controlling her narrative or she is. here, she is letting fate take the reins and tells a story of two people fated to be together. isn't it pretty to think this was meant to be? it wasn't, and never will be, but isn't it lovely to think so?
invisible string is sweet as a love song, but i don't think it was meant as a genuine one. like the sun also rises, the relationship was not fated to be, and she would not end up with him, but alone. it was pretty to think something else could've happened, but it was doomed from the start - and i'm not saying that in hindsight, i'm saying she called it doomed even back in 2020 with this song.
sorry this is so long. thank you for the question <3
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discopaddock · 7 months
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SUMMARY: reader is only a fantasy and romance writer and a huge fan of sebastian. he's fan of her book. when he reveals that to the public there's no way their fans are going to lose an opportunity to have them meet.
PAIRING: rbr!sebastian vettel and author!reader
GENRE: smau, fluff pure fluff!!!
AUTHOR'S NOTE: hiya! this was based on this request! also if you see any similarities to one of @hrts4scarr ’s recent works, that's because we got the same request! also go check scar’s work, it's so cool! once again, english isn't my first language so sorry for any mistakes!
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“You’ve checked Twitter recently?” Senna, Y/N’s manager from the publishing house, asked extra happily. The author only shook her head between drinking water, exhausted from another day of signing books for long hours.
Of course it wasn't that she didn't like it! She loved it! But if she was doing it for eight hours six days a week for two months now it was getting boring.
“Then do it!” Senna said, almost shrieking.
Y/N only gasped but opened her laptop and searched Twitter to see her whole feed in Tweets of Sebastian Vettel talking about her book.
That Sebastian Vettel she had the biggest crush on and created him in her book series.
The author looked at the other girl with opened mouth and she only said:
“You're gonna see him tomorrow, we've already arranged it with Red Bull. Sign some books for him with special dedications baby”
Y/N only started smiling like a stupid teenage girl.
Oh what she was gonna do in front of Sebastian?
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Nice is beautiful.
And so is Monaco.
Sebastian found himself in a car in the passenger seat. He wasn't sure where he was going. He only understood that there will be books? Like a lot of books.
He entered the library with his PR manager and some photographer and when he saw that one book on the poster, he immediately knew why he was there.
There weren't a lot of people.
The queue to the author desk wasn't too long, only five people before him.
Sebastian knew that the author of his beloved book was pretty attractive. He had seen her photos on her website.
But in real life she was even a hundred times prettier than in photos.
He was close to saying she was beautiful in that interview. So close but he didn't for his own sake. Now he could say it to the first person that walked beside him.
Finally the queue ended and he was standing in front of the girl.
“Hi, I'm Sebastian” he said only with a smile on his face and she quickly stood up from her chair and fixed her hair.
“Hello, I'm Y/N” she answered with a shy grin and shook his hand.
“I can say that I'm a fan of your writing,” Sebastian announced with a laugh, making her blush.
Mein Gott, she looks so pretty with rosy cheeks – he thought. My God
“Great, because I have something for you” she said and showed him all of her books excluding “Young and beautiful”. “For you, for the longer flights to Australia” she added.
Oh, Sebastian was speechless. He didn't expect to get anything from her, especially since he found out about meeting her like half an hour ago.
“Oh, thank you so much!” he said with a big smile and looked at all the books. The covers were pretty, just like her.
“I don't know if fantasy is your favorite, so I put here most of the romances I have” Y/N laughed a little, looking at him as he carefully watched all of the books.
“I actually like it a lot, even if I don't look like it” he answered, holding in his hands the book where he was in as the main character.
He read the text at the back and when he saw a review from a Twitter user he couldn't believe it.
“Book is great, especially since Hugo gives me major Sebastian Vettel vibes”
“Haha, what is this?” he asked, showing her the review and she only blushed and shrugged.
“Well, I can say that I was lacking in character personalities” she wasn't, he put him in that book on purse. She was writing that book on Wattpad years ago before it was published, when she was watching him in Formula 3.5 and was dreaming of him.
As if she wasn't doing it now.
“Okay, I'll remember that,” he said and laughed. Oh, she loved his laugh. His laugh on TV wasn't as good as in real life.
She was in love with him.
She thought to herself that she was crazy.
But did he care? No, he didn't. Not at all.
“Can I get your number? I want to do something for you as a thank you” Sebastian asked and Y/M speechless and in shock, nodded and grabbed a pen and one of the books to write the number next to the dedication. “I'll text you, don't worry” he winked at her and left with his team and all the books in his hands.
Getting Paddock Passes for the European Grand Prix didn't sound wrong, did it?
And with that Y/N ended in the Red Bull garage in Valencia, extremely happy since it was her first Grand Prix in real life ever.
Also when the fans saw the photos of their little meet up in Nice they went crazy. She had never seen anything like shipping her with someone before that but did she like it? Yes, because Sebastian seemed to like her too.
And now he looked so hot in post race glow and champagne.
“Hey Y/N, I was thinking if you would want to join me at dinner after the whole post win thing?” Seb asked when he came back to the garage, covered in sticky alcohol.
“I don't want to intrude on you-”
“You won't! I'm the one who's asking you to join me” he smiled at her shy personality. She was adorable as hell.
“Okay, I'll go” Y/N said and Sebastian grinned widened and he left a kiss on her cheek.
“See you soon, pretty girl” he said and left to take a shower. She was just standing here without any words, red on face and with butterflies in her stomach.
Oh the thing that she had for Sebastian was big, very, very big.
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andy-wm · 2 months
Said by Jimin himself. He's searching for the person he's meant to be with, the one his heart is waiting for. He passes one person after another thinking is it you or you. And guess what ? IT WAS ALWAYS A WOMAN.
You and your theory about WHO proven wrong for 975939488848th time 😛
My goodness Anon, are you telling me my theory has been discussed that many times? That's quite an achievement! I didn't know my theories - or I - had such a far reaching impact.
[basking in the glow of this proud moment]
Ok I'm done basking, now back to the ask:
For those of you playing along at home, here's the tweet Anon sent in, for context.
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Anon, I'm going to quote you, since you said it so succinctly...
"He passes one person after another thinking 'is it you or you'. And guess what ? IT WAS ALWAYS A WOMAN."
Absolutely correct Anon!
It WAS always a woman
I'm glad we agree on this.
You also said "He's searching for the person he's meant to be with, the one his heart is waiting for."
Yes! We agree on this too!
He's definitely working hard to find the one his heart is waiting for - you said it yourself, he's searching. He's actively looking for them.
We're doing well so far...
Oh but context is important here, right??
We should probably clarify that he's actually describing the last scene of the MV - the one he's about to film. He's not describing himself or his own life.
Yes, to be totally transparent, Jimin is describing a scene he's shooting for the MV of a song - a song he asked Jon Bellion to write. A song he himself didn't contribute to beyond that. He didn't write the visual narrative for the MV either, that was the creatives at Lumpens. No doubt he gave a lot of input but he didn't provide the material.
Did you forget that part, Anon? Or did you think he was actually describing his own life? Or... were you sneakily pretending he was talking about his real life when he said those things, because that suited your argument?
If you were trying to make it sound like he was talking about his own personal lived experiences, that kinda sucks. Because we love Jimin for WHO HE IS. We don't need to make shit up about his life and pretend things are real when they aren't.
We don't need to pretend, Anon, we can just observe, write about what we see - honestly and objectively and without judgement - and then step back and look at the situation.
I guess you might be wondering how come I'm analysing everything if I think we should just be talking about what we see. Fair call. I don't mean that we can't read between the lines or make educated (substantiated) guesses that we can back up with facts (and cite our sources - I am a librarian after all). I also don't mean we can't look deeper than the surface. There are always layers of meaning and hidden messages in the art produced for BTS. I get right into it because I enjoy it - my background is in visual arts analysis so it's kinda my jam - but I'm not just making shit up. I have a wealth of learning and experience I'm basing my analysis on. I'm also not claiming that it's fact - it's an interpretation - It's my interpretation (and just quietly I am pretty good at this stuff so it's a justified and plausible interpretation).
What I'm saying is don't purposefully misinterpret what you see to mislead, or to fuel an opinion or argument that doesn't stand up otherwise. If you have to bend the truth to back up your argument, you might want to reconsider that argument. Theory is built on evidence, not the other way around.
But back to Jimin...
Of course it's perfectly possible that he did spend several years thinking he would one day find true love with a woman. Maybe he dated loads of women. Maybe he came close to finding a deep love with one or more of them. And if he did, I hope those were happy times for him (or at least meaningful times if happiness was elusive). I would never think of denying that if I saw evidence of it, or judging him for who he loves (or loved). I don't think there's any wrong or right here - whether it's heterosexual or bisexual or asexual or gay or queer or into kink or poly or whatever else he is or does. Who he fucks or who he loves or who he feels emotionally safe with - and for many of us humans those are not necessarily even the same people - that's his business.
His life, his body, his business.
I don't judge Jimin. I just admire and celebrate him for who he is.
And I wish him happiness.
I wish them both so, so much happiness.
That's the whole point of all of this, really.
That's why I watch Jimin and Jungkook together, Anon. Not because I want them to be together or because I think they should be, but because I see real happiness when they are together.
True happiness and true love are rare and beautiful things.
I think that's why most of us Jikookers are here, Anon. Because the joy we see and the delight we feel, just from witnessing these two beautiful people being happy, is real.
I'm not saying ALL of us are altruistic. Some Jikookers are full of shit. They covet one or both of them and they think supporting Jikook's relationship entitles them to make judgements or assumptions or claims about Jimin and JK. They get possessive, they objectify, they demand things. Some people who claim to support Jikook have spite and hatred in their hearts... yes, we have our share of nut jobs too.
But the majority of genuine Jikook supporters I encounter are simply here to celebrate the greatest love story we've ever seen. We're here to get behind two beautiful men who clearly love each other despite the odds against them. We're here to bask in the reflection of their glow and it's bloody wonderful.
But, I digress....
Let's go back to the making of the MV for WHO...
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<and here I go again with the analysis>
Here Jimin describes the MV, just like when talking about the final scene. He says it's like a musical movie.
"Right now we're filming one of my favourite parts. It's like a musical movie." There's definitely a narrative here, it's the part where he joins 6 other male dancers, an obvious nod to BTS.
We already know there 's a narrative, but Jimin confirms it for us here.
So let's look again at the narrative:
Throughout this production we can see that the dance (not choreographed by Jimin) and the lyrics (not written by Jimin) have been created/chosen to show /tell us that Jimin (the performer) is searching among all these women for the love of his life.
But it leaves out a pretty big development ...
He was searching for love, looking at every woman just as he was supposed to, but someone (WHO?) crashed into his life and stopped him in his tracks. Yes, that someone fell directly into his path in a way that couldn't be ignored.
Jimin said
"I try to see WHO I'm meant to be with... is it you? Is it you?"
It doesn't sound like he was giving anyone much of a chance, does it? It sounds more like he was searching for someone in particular.
Maybe it was no accident. Maybe he was searching for WHO all along and he just didn't realise, until he found him.
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Ok I am done talking (finally)
I'll finish responding to this ask so we can all go on with our lives.
To respond to your specific query, Anon:
Jimin doesn't say he's searching for a woman himself, does he? Not even in that quote you supplied.
He could have said "women walk past me" but he said "people walk past me".
He could have said he's trying to see which of these women he's meant to be with, but instead he said "who I'm meant to be with"
We can't ignore him saying WHO, Anon.
The song isn't called Which woman?
The song is called WHO
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Anon, if you stuck with me all the way through this post, I commend you.
And yes, I was a bit facetious in the beginning, in my defence I had a shitty day at work. But I responded to you as the adult I imagine you to be, even though your language was a little on the childish side. I assume you were intending to piss me off but I enjoyed answering to your ask, so thank you regardless.
If you are still here I want to ask you a few genuine questions in return... I'd love to hear your honest answer.
Why, in the face of all the evidence, it's so difficult to accept that Jimin and Jungkook have a bond that goes beyond friendship or brotherhood?
They look like they're vey happy together, so why do you want them to not be together?
Why is it a problem for you if they love each other? Homophobia is learned behaviour. Who did you learn it from?
And probably my most burning question:
Have you ever experienced true, deep, lasting love?
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youuuimeanmee · 7 months
Get ready with me to be surprised with
✨️Arnold Crowley✨️
Hint: Crowley
I was scrolling through Twitter/X, laughing and giggling at the cute DamiAnya and Loid tweets from the recent chapter 95, when I stumbled on a tweet about Arnold Crowley.
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Btw, Arnold is one of the character I'm looking forwad meeting the most because he's the top scorer in the classical language test. His score must be 90 or above, which is kinda insane when we know classical language is a dead language and barely taught anymore. I previously made a theory that the reason why Anya is so good at classical language is because she came from Covenia, the equivalent of Romania irl; which language derived from Latin language. That's why I was intrigued with Arnold Crowley; I want to know how is he able to beat Anya's score. Like, did he come from the same place as Anya, or, does his family have a medical/researcher background; stuffs like that
Anyway, back to the tweet. Some people are weirded out with Arnold Crowley's hairstyle, which is not surprising, because me too.
I clicked the comments when I saw this.
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What. The Fuck. Is That.
The hair/hat reference! The same last name!
Suddenly everything about Arnold clicked. Why I feel weirded out not just from his hairstyle, but also from his bow tie (which reminds me of a moth's wing pattern). Why his polite demeanor is lowkey making me uneasy. Why he is so interested to meet the runner-up of his strong subject. Why he is so good at classical language.
I was scared. I am scared.
But I was still excited to learn that Crowley was a real person, so I googled him just to make sure.
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Dear God what did I discover.
Arnold Crowley or his parents might be based on Aleister Crowley.
Aleister Crowley is an occultist.
He practiced spells.
Spells often comes from Latin words.
He is also a poet.
A poet also often uses Latin language.
Do you see what I'm seeing here.
Arnold Crowley or his parents might be an occultist or poet; that's how he's able to be excelled in classical language.
If Arnold's family is a poet, then thank God.
If Arnold's family is an occultist, I am really scared for Anya. What if he wants to learn if Anya is a fellow occultist like him. What if he wants to invite Anya to join his cult. What if he finds out about Anya's telepathic ability. What if he somehow trigger Anya's bad memories with his magic skills(?). I really want Anya to get tf away from him now.
And here I was so excited with Arnold's appereance, I even joked he'd become Anya's new classmate or even the 2nd ML, lol. But now? I'm really not sure. I better keep an eye on him from now on.
Yah that's about it! Thank you for following me in this short journey! 👋
*Edit: I missed the fact that Aleister Crowley is from British. Now I imagine Arnold speak in British accent and I can't stop laughing 🤣
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yusuke-of-valla · 24 days
The thing about conflicting headcanons re: Yusuke's financial situation post Madarame (ie is he actually poor, does he make money but spends it all on art because he has poor impulse control, is Kosei a money laundering scheme etc.) is that like Yusuke's financial situation is written to facilitate a running gag so it's not consistent.
The school gives him an allowance, but he's also being charged for utilities despite being on a scholarship and so showers in the cold and works in the dark and worries about the electricity bill.
We know he bought those lobsters that one time but realistically how much of his money is being spent on supplies for class vs non-necessities he feels inspired by? Because canvases are expensive and if there's a certain size expectation/requirement you can't save by getting a smaller canvas. So when someone says "he just spends all his money on art" what are we really talking about?
By Strikers he's very excited to have money from an art contest to spend on his friends but was that true during the course of the base game when he was in his slump? Because I have a hard time believing he was even entering competitions
The details don't really make sense because most of these details come from jokes that are never elaborated on into cohesive worldbuilding.
And even if you want to say the issue is just he's got bad spending habits, that's still a situation that would require intervention by an adult probably because uh, no shit?
Yeah of COURSE Yusuke is completely unprepared to live on his own and is incidentally starving himself, he was raised by a dude who convinced him that the only purpose he served was helping his Sensei. In what way would it have benefitted Madarame to prepare Yusuke in any way to live on his own or know how to balance finances, he actively wanted Yusuke reliant on him, because that's how abuse works.
I'm pretty sure Yusuke has never even conceptualized living on his own, and that's not even adding in the detail of Nakanohara being concerned he'd commit suicide if he stayed with Madarame. NO SHIT HE'D BE BAD AT IT? People don't just emerge from the womb capable of money management
In that situation is the proper response really "oh that Yusuke, he just doesn't understand money, it's not a big deal"?
And like regardless, he IS still starving. Like the extent to which you think it's self inflicted aside, he's a 16 year old who will constantly talk about skipping meals and eating sprouts from the park and that sucks. Someone should maybe like talk to him about the root cause of that!
TL;DR: Yusuke's financial situation doesn't make sense because it's not supposed to, so it kind of doesn't matter to me how people headcanon the nature of it, and I fundamentally think it's incorrect to say one option of "poor vs has bad impulse spending habits" is more correct than the other because arguably they both raise the question of "holy shit why is no one stepping in here" if you think about it all the way through
PS. Also I wrote this whole thing because I saw a tweet that was like "one big misconception i see about yusukes character and how he’s treated is people saying “Why doesn’t Joker/Haru give him money when he’s poor?” and the real fact is that he’s not poor (post madarame). He’s just EXTREMELY irresponsible with his spending and spends it all on art," and I was like "idk if that's a misconception really I think a case can be made for both because it doesn't make sense" and then AFTER I wrote it I remebered that I have repository of every Yusuke scene uploaded into my brain and was like "wait if you call Yusuke poor in PQ2 during the Akihiko/Shinjiro/Yusuke quest he'll agree" and then there's also the scene in Tactica where Marie calls him dirt poor and he doesn't disagree with the poor part, just that she insulted dirt
So like my point still stands but I'd ESPECIALLY not call it a misconception to say he's poor when canon material supports it.
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3cremepie3 · 1 year
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Synopsis - Jamil finds your spicy anonymous Twitter and he realizes you’ll do anything for him not to leak it.
Warnings - 18+ black mail, manipulation, roughfucking, deepthroating, hate sex, degradation, humiliation
A/n - I’m glad to be back writing. I recently got back into twisted wonderland and I wanted to write a fic on how Jamil would probably be in real life. I hope you enjoy!
“Care to explain what this is?” He had you backed against a wall defenseless physically and mentally. Mops and brooms clattered as you back up further not wanting to meet his phone's gaze.
“It couldn’t be there’s no way,” you thought. But there was a way someway he found your Twitter you had made sure to conceal yourself as best as you could cropping out your face and any other obvious objects.
“I-I don’t know what that is.” You were gonna lie until you couldn’t anymore. The shame you felt was too heavy to admit to your sins. “There’s no need to lie I know how kinky you truly are,” he slithered.
“Pet play? Really Y/n someone as headstrong as you can’t be into something that degrading.” He laughed for a while probably at your horrified face. “Or how about this tweet right here… I want to be someone’s cumslut. Damn, I can’t get enough of this.”
He laughed for a while longer before he stopped remembering his mission. “Anyways I can’t point out at least 5 ways I knew this account is yours. And I won’t be afraid to point it out to everyone. How will the student body feel after realizing how lewd you really are? You’ll probably have half of the horn dogs lusting after you.”
“Just shut the fuck up,” you seethed. “Hmm, that’s not nice language for someone in your situation.” You sighed clearly defeated. “Then what do you want Jamil? It’s not like I have money to give you.”
“No you don’t have money but you have something else.” Something you and I both need.” Don’t look away you might as well get used to this face because you’ll be seeing it every day.” He grabbed your jaw making you face him. “It’s not too bad we’ll both help each other right cumslut,” he snickered.
And that’s how you ended up here. On your knees for the first time. It was dinner time at scarabia so everyone else was busy eating some type of stew Jamil prepared.
You were eating something Jamil prepared too. That something was his surprisingly big dick. “What’s the issue you’re glaring at it.” I’m just surprised it’s that big is all.”
“Normally good for nothings have good for nothing dick. But I suppose yours is decent.” You wouldn’t know a good dick like mine if you saw one you virgin,” he teased. You wanted to protest more but your mouth was filled with dick.
You gagged immediately being taken aback by the stretch your mouth was getting. “Ahh fuck your mouth is so warm,” he hissed. You looked up watching his mouth fall agape. While he looked down watching your hands grab both his thighs for support.
He chuckled a little bit loosening his grasp on your hair. You pulled off his cock coughing. “You look so much prettier with my cock down your throat.” He spoke while caressing your neck. By now the burning in your throat calmed down and you were ready to take him again.
Like a mind reader, he pulled you onto his cock yet again. This time you went all the way to the base. Spit poured out your mouth spilling onto his tone thighs and your uniform shirt.
“Look at how messy you are. You know you have to actually suck right?” He popped your head off of him so you could speak. “It’s kinda hard to do that when I’m taking you so deeply,” you yelled. “Shhh you don’t want to be caught looking all whorish right? Then I advise you to shut the hell up and do what I said Y/n.”
He grabbed your head and brought you down in his cock this time moving you at a fast pace. You couldn’t keep up your breathing quickly starting to choke. You looked up realizing Jamil didn’t care he was in pure bliss. “Fuck keep sucking that feels so good!”
He loved how pretty you looked on his cock your mascara now running because of your tears and your lipgloss smeared everywhere. So naturally he sped up his hips thrusting to meet your mouth. You gagged loudly one of your hands tapping at his waist begging him to tap out.
In that moment you realized he was practically blind and death. His eyes were closed and his mouth was open completely. Even while doing such devilish things he looked so heavenly. His hair somehow came loose falling over his shoulders.
You tried your best to breathe through your nose and brace yourself you knew what was soon to come. His dick was violently twitching in your mouth leaking enough precum to flood your mouth. And another obvious indication was his voice. For someone who told you to keep it down, he was pretty loud.
If someone walked by they would for sure know someone was getting sloppy. His groans were turning into long drawn-out moans. With every thrust, he began to curse more and more. “Fuck c’mon, you can do it.”
“So good you fucking slut. You want my cum that bad huh? Of course, he didn’t receive an answer since he was balls deep but he continued. “I’m gonna ahh,” he moaned. He came immediately flooding your throat. He sat there for a minute just holding your head making sure you swallowed every drop.
After what felt like forever he let go of you. You fell forward onto him your mind hazy from the amount of breath you lost. He patted your head moving your sticky hair out of your face. “I should fucking slap you,” you spat.
“Why you know you had fun Y/n.” I tapped out Jamil what if I died?” You wouldn’t have died.” And you wouldn’t have known you were death for a minute there. Was the head that good Jamil that you couldn’t hear anything,” you laughed.
He just glared at you not bothering to respond to your antics. “Well make a rhythm or something for a tap-out plan another day.” Wait,” you paused. “Another day? You plan on continuing this?”
“Of course, I do why would I lose my perfectly good cumslut when I just got her?” Now clean yourself up and be back here tomorrow same time,” he directed.
You sat there on the ground is disbelief.
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Is that really JuanaFlippa?
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Based on everything we know right now, the answer is "no"
What's more likely is that this is a Binary Monster pretending to be JuanaFlippa.
On a meta level, we know the admins of dead QSMP Eggs said they won't reprise their roles, but it's no fun to base lore analysis on meta alone, so here's a lore explanation for my reasoning:
First, and perhaps the most obvious explaination: JuanaFlippa never had cracks in her shell. She died long before the event where all the Eggs got kidnapped and were returned with cracked shells, yet this "JuanaFlippa" had cracks. What's interesting to note here is that during the Election Dinner when the fake Chayanne and Tallulah tried to trick Phil, he immediately pointed out that they didn't have cracks in their shell while the real Chayanne and Tallulah did. Perhaps the imposter was trying to overcompensate for their previous mistake by adding cracks to JuanaFlippa's shell not realizing that she never had them in the first place.
The reason why I specifically say this is a Binary Monster is because of the signs she left:
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We've already seen the Binary Monster(s) try to replicate regular non-binary writing before when Etoiles encountered the fake Dapper and fake Tallulah (the book he showed Forever pictured below):
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"My Dapper me na name" —> "My name is Dapper"
We know the Codes are constantly evolving and learning, so naturally their writing is getting better too (though we can clearly see 1s and 0s and other errors in "Flippa's" signs despite this).
But what's the Code's motivation in doing this?
In the past, we saw the Code(s) mimic Eggs because they wanted to attack and kill Presidential candidates— but that's a pretty recent development. Remember: before the elections, they were attacking the Eggs (though they also attacked Maximus and Cellbit at one point). The motivations of the Binary Monster(s) has always been unclear, and there's a lot of potential roads we could go down while theorizing, but in the interest of keeping this as relevant to the current discussion as possible, I'll focus on just one:
We have strong evidence to believe that the Binary Monster didn't want Islanders to stay on the island. It kept attacking the Eggs and leaving behind signs that said "Last Warning," strongly implying that it was trying to chase them away.
HOWEVER: shortly before the elections, QSMPGlobal tweeted an image of the Binary Monster above the Federation building.
[ Note: I thought I had this photo saved, but I didn't. I've been scrolling through their media tab for 5 minutes and Twitter crashed, so I'll have to add this photo later. It’s very late and I am so so tired. ]
This is the first time the Federation acknowledged the existence of the Binary Monster, and afterward, it said Islanders wouldn't need to worry about it attacking them. Why would the Federation suddenly acknowledge this physical embodiment of a mistake, an error, on their (supposedly) perfect Island?
The answer? The Federation took control of the Binary Monster. Why else would they suddenly deem it "not a threat"?
We could clearly see the Binary Monster deteriorating over time during the election arc. It looked shabbier and shabbier as time went on during the election arc. Something was clearly wrong with it (perhaps whatever the Federation was doing to control it hurt the Code in some way? Maybe the Federation experimented on it and made their own Binary Monsters?) But I digress-
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The next time we see the Binary Monster after the Election ends is on Tazercraft's recent stream this week. Not only does it have a new upgrade (the strange OP sword Cellbit + Etoiles saw records of), it also ignores Richarlyson and opts to take a swing at Pac and Mike instead.
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Now here's where things get really weird.
Earlier this week, we also saw the Binary Monster on Etoiles' stream. It didn't attack him, and instead leads him to a sharestone, which teleported him to a portal. He's given this image, then is kicked from the QSMP with the message: "The Nether Awaits."
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So what does this have to do with JuanaFlippa?
...Well, that's the question, isn't it?
This is where things start getting murkier. I want to draw our attention to two specific things Flippa said before she left:
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"It's not safe out there for me."
"Please keep this a secret."
The Binary Monster has already proven time and time again it's a force to be reckoned with. Why would it need to hide? Is it so that it can get closer to Charlie? (And if so, why? To mimic him? To get information?) I think a likelier answer is that the Binary Monster is trying to hide from the Federation itself.
Perhaps whatever the Federation did to shackle it— whether they experimented on it or copied it or whatever— left it damaged and weak. Or perhaps it isn't damaged at all; it just needs to lay low and needs someone else to do its dirty work for it (like sending Etoiles on a quest to find that strange shield in the Nether).
Unfortunately, a lot of this amounts to speculation because we simply don't have enough information yet. (It's also very very very late for me, so this analysis is purely driven by sleep-deprived madness and love for QSMP lore and JuanaFlippa).
Whatever's going on, we need to be very careful and think carefully about this being's motivations. Like Cellbit said: "Eyes always open."
Anyways, feel free to share your thoughts in the tags or comments or whatever, it's always fun hearing what people think of my analysis posts. You can find other analysis posts in my QSMP Info and QSMP talk tag.
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cursedvida · 4 months
Saw a tweet saying mae is the real villain with 23k likes and how noa will make her pay in the next one for her betrayal and is crazy bc the ones saying that are men! Like, them hating mae is misogyny at this point idc. bc what do they mean when they say they wanted noa to beat her to death???
Lots of fictional male characters share traits with mae (and have even done worse) actual villains are loved by them, but as soon as they see a woman not being the number one supporter of their male lead they lose it.
It's the same old story: morally questionable and complex gray characters are fan favorites as long as they're men. If the character is a woman and, on top of that, has the AUDACITY not to be the protagonist's number one supporter, unconditional girlfriend or caring mother then she's practically the reincarnation of Beelzebub.
Just yesterday Iwas thinking the same thing you mentioned because I was watching a bunch of Mae haters on TikTok, and it's no coincidence that THEY WERE ALL men, and precisely those who defended her were women. The hate was based on totally absurd arguments typical of someone with the argumentative comprehension capacity of an amoeba. Special mention to the macho of Reddit for having the same two malfunctioning neurons that lead them to hate Mae with zero coherence because then they are the biggest fans of Koba, for example, excusing his actions with the argument that "he suffered a lot because of humans" when, in fact, Mae has also suffered a lot because of the apes.
But in the end, it's as you say: the problem isn't the actions but the character's gender. Women in fiction are relegated to being lovers, unconditional friends or self-sacrificing mothers. Anyone who deviates from that role, especially in such male-dominated franchises, is condemned to bear all the male misogyny of the internet.
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pseudophan · 11 months
how did we figure out phil’s room in the second london flat was a set beyond the fact that his shit was in dans room? and also how did we figure out the two flat situation i literally do not remember
oh boy, well, this story is vastly different depending on the phannie circles you were in at the time
me personally i saw their floor plans like, a week after they moved in. i always knew they had two flats, way before it even became a theory, but i was on here for two years like idk man! who's to say! because oh my god we were NOT supposed to know that shit. now, in my defence, it REALLY wasn't my fault. i didn't go looking for it nor did i ask to see it, however i did and to this day the whole thing was just very funny. weird! creepy! but funny. i'm not gonna say who found them in the first place, but in short the real estate listings stayed up for awhile after they moved in and bc of the location (near the first london flat, an address everyone had at that point) someone quite easily found them. said person emailed phil and phil got them taken down, but because phannies can't keep their mouths shut the contents of that listing did get spread around a fair bit
as for everyone who Wasn't being a creep like some of us, there were just clues that added up over time. firstly just like, the designs of the two flats are vastly different. you can tell which rooms belong to which flat just based on the look of them, and the difference in style combined with the fact that they had two kitchens made it so it just didn't make much sense for all of this to be one apartment. there was a whole thing about hardwood floors vs carpet, namely when phil tweeted about this centipede that got into "his room" and then dan happened to "walk past" at 2am. meanwhile the pics he posted of said centipede were on wooden floors (or laminate or whatever idk) and the amazingphil bedroom set very much had carpet. like, the centipede was in the moon room, i do believe the conclusion was
my personal favourite thing though was one of phil's sleepless night videos, because those of us who knew for a fact there were two flats were CRYYYINGGGG laughing at that shit bc the blatant lying was just so funny. this dude rly laid on top of his sheets fully clothed complaining at full volume about how he couldn't sleep. but then he went to get a charger from the living room (in the other flat, where dan was sleeping) and all of a sudden he's being all quiet. absolutely incredible content. 10/10 no notes.
anyway, kids... don't look at your favourite youtube gay people's floor plans. even if it's funny.
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love-byers · 4 months
the bridgerton hive mind on tiktok is going to make me buy a gun like i can't take it anymore
so much of the hate i see towards s3 is based off of shit that's completely and entirely made up. you could say anything and i mean ANYTHING with conviction and people on tiktok would believe you
just saw a tiktok mad that they replaced the wanna be yours string cover with imagine dragons and everyone is agreeing in the comments. WANNA BE YOURS BEING IN THE SHOW WAS FUCKING MADE UP. SOMEONE MADE A FAKE LIST OF SONGS IN PT 2 AND EVERYONE FUCKING BELIEVED IT. and to make it WORSE the top comment is someone saying wanna be yours is in a deleted polin sex scene that has a whole petition to be released. i'm losing my damn mind.
i'm not even sure the "deleted polin sex scenes" are real like who on the show said that....all i've seen is people shouting it from the rooftops and everyone whole heartedly believing it.
then there's everyone saying polin had barely any scenes and had the least screen time which is another flat out LIE
it's not even just with bridgerton. this year it seems like every show that comes out will be picked apart and hated. percy jackson was hated, avatar was hated, house of the dragon s2 is already hated and it has 1 ep out, and of course bridgerton. like i saw someone on tiktok post the toph casting call netflix put out encouraging visually impaired people to audition and someone commented "i thought toph wasnt going to be blind?" they think that because of a fake tweet someone made of netflix saying toph wasnt going to be blind. it had hundreds of thousands of likes and comments of people BELIEVING IT AND MONTHS LATER S T I L L BELIEVING
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qqueenofhades · 8 months
I frankly sometimes feel like social media has ultimately given a lot of people the illusion of power, while also causing them to become corrupted in a similar way to traditional forms of power, only without any actual power that goes with it. The similarities in their behavior to the latter is disturbing as hell, ESPECIALLY given the horrid behavior of online types the past few months.
I really can't emphasize enough how much of a constructed and artificial environment social media is, especially these days, and especially the Social Media Platform Formerly Known as Twitter, which is still the main avenue by which a lot of people attempt to "do" social justice. Once upon a time, Twitter was a moderately beneficial public communication service because everyone and God was on it and you could therefore get communiques directly from the source, there was a blue-check verification service that actually helped you understand who was real and who was not, and while there were serious and ongoing flaws such as there is when useful public discourse is sacrificed on the Great Altar of Profit, there was at least some attempt to monitor or ban Nazis, white supremacists, bad actors, and eventually Trump himself. All of that changed and/or was directly destroyed when Apartheid Clyde took over and turned it into a revenue-generating service for Russian propaganda, alt-right cranks, bots, and the rest of the Elon Fanclub willing to pay $8 for a meaningless blue checkmark, while trashing the site's guardrails and any other useful features. It basically exists for Elon to fanboy Putin, Trump, white supremacy, his 4chan trolls, and anything else that makes his money (while Mr. Free Speech Absolutist arbitrarily bans anyone who hurts his man-child fee-fees). This is not an unbiased, neutral, or constructive environment to start with. You don't have any certainty about who you're interacting with or who is amplifying your messages, and only a hardcore-radicalized (of whatever persuasion) base of human users remain, while a lot of casual users have left.
As such, if you're basing anything (hypothesis, claim, source, evidence, opinion) on "what everyone on Twitter thinks," that is fatally flawed data to start with. Even at the peak of its popularity, something like 24% of all American adults regularly used Twitter. That still means 76% of the country who doesn't (and the number is larger now as Chucklefuck McGee has continued driving it into the ground). If you're forming your ideas or looking for "what America thinks" just by quoting or relying on the tweets of people who already agree with you, you've done basically nothing and you certainly haven't proved it, you've stunted your own critical thinking skills, and you are selecting from a data source that is already fatally poisoned and limited in any number of ways. Adding to the echo chamber of similar opinions on Twitter is not going to actually influence public policy or make lasting change. Yes, the interns and/or public relations staff of the public figures still on there will probably check the feed every so often and make note of things that come up, but couching it as mindless vitriolic abuse and/or demonstrably nonsensical things is not going to get back to their boss. It will just be ignored and/or given less weight in the limited space available for things that are deemed important enough to actually follow up on/make policy around.
Also, a lot of people saw Trump tweeting insane things at 3am for four years, and somehow decided that was actually how US/American presidential and governmental policy was made, rather than that he was a fucking narcissistic-personality-disorder psychopathic lunatic. But uh, and it should go without saying, it didn't work. Just because Trump posted something absolutely unhinged and announced it was now policy, that doesn't mean it was. Half the time he didn't even do so much as issue an executive order, those can be and regularly are challenged in courts, and so forth, because despite all its flaws, America is not an absolute monarchy where the king can rule by fiat and have it totally done, no questions, the end. That's also why Trump's second term would be even more dangerous than his first. In his first, he was flailing around and yelling on Twitter and not really paying attention to anything. In his second, the administration will be staffed top to bottom with dedicated fascists like the Heritage Foundation's Project 2025 people, who have spent the last four years brooding on revenge and drawing up detailed plans to actually co-opt and suborn all the levers, checks, balances, controls, and functions of government directly to Trump's personal will (and/or the outrageously evil people pulling strings behind the scenes, because Trump is now basically a gibbering orange vegetable and the media is still far too beholden to the Biden Old!!! narrative to accurately report this).
In short, another Trump term (God fucking forbid) would be run by the kind of methodical and careful evildoers who know that policy isn't made by tweet, and would act accordingly. That would be much, much harder to remove, counteract, or fix, it would almost certainly lead to the end of American democracy at least for most of our lifetimes, and the repercussions of that would be absolutely terrible. But because we still have people who act like Trump is somehow a preferable option, who think that it's bad that Biden is trying to work through established and long-term channels to make sustainable policy and not just get short-term chuckles from an internet dopamine approval rush, that is the risk we are running from now until November 2024. After that, either way, we'll know for sure: we'll finally have a measure of safety, or we will be comprehensively fucked for generations. We all have the power to influence which of those outcomes come to pass. I suggest we use it.
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leonaluv · 1 year
Your in laws 😊
Your spouse relationship with their parents and your relationship with your in laws. Now some people barely see their parents or the parents won't really have any presence in the marriage.
Choose a four of wands photo or 1-4
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Pile one
The mother in law or just family on the mother side in general sense
Your spouse's relationship with their mother, or more so, the feminine energy is one that is nurturing and healing. They are precious to their mom. The water energy of the queen of cups suggests that type of relationship where they will be frequently in contact with their mother. Your spouse is just the love of the woman in their family and close to their aunt. Your spouse was raised by another woman in their family. Your spouse's relationship with their mother, or more so, the feminine energy is one that is nurturing and healing. They are precious to their mom. The water energy of the queen of cups suggests that type of relationship where they will be frequently in contact with their mother. Your spouse is just the love of the woman in their family and close to their aunt. Your spouse was raised by another woman in their family.
Father in law
Now the other side of the family, but really the father-in-law (or just person b). The masculine energy feels that your spouse should be successful, and you were certain high expectations for them growing up. There was a talk about what a real man should do or live by those expectations. Even if your spouse is a woman here on the masculine side, they were still told to live by certain traditionalists. To go to the military, to learn to cook and fix stuff, and to be independent at an early age. (Etc.).  The gossip card is here; It reminds me of a tweet that I read that said, "Think of the messy person you know, and it's a man." I only mention that to shame more of the negative aspects of masculinity. Your spouse's father did not stay long in their lives. Or left for years and came back only when his child was successful. They either heard or saw you do lots of kind acts for others. They expect kids to come out of this union. Their dad will even criticize your spouse for always treating you better. They will see the two of you as a power couple. They either heard or saw you do lots of kind acts for others. They expect kids to come out of this union. Their dad will even criticize your spouse for always treating you better. They will see the two of you as a power couple. A family vacation will happen between your spouse and their father. They feel that your spouse is lucky to have you in their life. That you light up a room every time you walk in and that you have strong charisma. That you command respect and that you are great at influencing others just by being yourself. That you have a nice sense of style and that they love your smile. They just love your sense of humor.
The mother in law expection vs reality
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For the mother's side of the family, or just the mother's opinion of you. They will expect you to be someone who is superficial and only wants to be with their child for their looks and money. They will think that you are a greedy person, and that's because they will judge you based on what you wear and the images they see online. They think you are proactive. Some will make comments about you when you're staying or visiting the mother's side of the family, but they will wait for you to be alone. Your spouse will catch them doing this and get them to apologize. The father-in-law will also speak up for you because he will know more about your personal story than others. He just has a soft spot for you. What your mother thinks of you will shift into a more positive perspective. They see that you have a balanced lifestyle: being healthy, working on yourself, and being social or partying at the right time. They see that you are not a weak person but someone who has a lot of willpower. They would love to travel with you in the future and always want you to be there for the holidays and celebrations. They see that you are not a weak person but someone who has a lot of willpower.They would love to travel with you in the future and always want you to be there for holidays and celebrations. Honestly, both sides of the family see you as an attractive person and brag about you. I remember this scene from a TV show where the wife wanted to prove that her looks didn't determine her character or something.
Pile 2
The mother in law
Their child relationship with their mother is strong. The mother thinks of their  child as Intelligent, intuitive, and someone that always will persevere. That their child will  always be ambitious and even give up their own life to help others. Their relationships with each other is long distance but one where they still visit each other every now and then. Also have big family reunions or go on family trips.   The mother or the mother's side as whole sees your future spouse as someone able to be anything they want to. Your future spouse does actually does have talent and pass on. The card here is the shape shifter, a person able to transform and adjust to any situation. The card here is the four of wands is a card of celebration, love between family here.  The card that represents the dad relationship is the lovers which are the same girl hugging her mother (page of wands)  in the four wands.She went through a transformation, as you see her brown hair is now, black  and in the lovers she is embracing her crying boyfriend (knight of cups)  after opening up about the relationship she went through.  
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Father in law
  Now in the reading, your future spouse relationship with their dad is bad. Although their father does regret  his past actions and wants to apologize, but  he causes a lot of issues in both his child and mother of his child life. For some this will involve trying to use their child to pay off their debt. Your future spouse is close to  a few people on their dad's side but not really. The mother was an active parent protecting their child against the father too. The mother in law will just want their child to be happy. So  she does have a few exceptions but nothing over the top. Just someone willing to understand their child.Or while the mother in law has been praying, going to temples or church in hopes that their child will find someone that will take good care of her child. She will think of you as someone that makes up for what her child lacks. So for example her child can be more of dreamer at times, overthink and tend to overwork themselves. She will be happy to see someone that will be able to help their to relax, be on the more practical side. For others it will be a reverse situation where you are the more emotional person and more of a dreamer.
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Mother in law knows that you care deeply about everyone around you.  You will have people randomly tell you their secrets or just other deep stuff someone passing away in their family.  People see you as a natural healer  in general. That's something the mother in law will see that you are someone that deeply introspective and good intuitive skills. She also loves how expressive you are with your face. The mother is easily able to tell how you really feel and she will see more casual side of you even if you try to have more of a cooler side to you. Your mother in law will either just see or hear from others how your really are at home , as an example in your pjs eating in bed , messy bed hair , unshaven acne face ,etc / just a more personal glimpse of you than the more perfect side you show in public your mother law also sees you as someone just beginning their career as you still have a good career, but they see you as someone who likes the youngest having to take care of others and not be taken as seriously compare to your peers.  She will also see you as someone who is busy and stress out. She knows the amount work you put in and bring you food, bring you things like that. A breath of fresh of air I'm hearing that from her that she will love you because other people she met that her child has dated was more model like in not wanting to eat her food, or just act to good for everything more of superficial connection.
She just sees you as just being so real not boujee and like a mother to you and know exactly how you feel at the moment. The father in law relationship, sees you as a confident person, dresses in bold way and someone curvy a bit sensual.  That's also their expectations of wanting their offspring to just in up with an attrativce person. The father will see you as someone who is nervous around them   also it is a subtle tension between the two of you.
Pile three
Your spouse doesn't really have a good relationship with either of their parents.  They were raised by other family members or  people like family.  Still, from what I get from their mom's side of the family they are treated as the outcast / illegitimate child the family.  Their mom's side of the family is rich and has a generation of wealth. (Old money).  Then on father's side it shows that he was never around or not even know who their father is.  The mother in law will think of you as a good mother or father. As I got the mother archetype. They see you as kind, nurturing, and loving. They love hard working you are. The father in law will think you are a caring person. They think you can be demanding and see you as arrogant with them.
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Pile four
Your spouse's relationship with their mother is one, and they were taking care of their mom. Generally, the main household earner Their mother has mood swings and almost feels like two different people. They had a good relationship. 
With their father-son relationship, he sees his child as a warrior. Good disposition, willing to learn from their mistakes.
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Their mother-in-law will think you are idealists, and they will think you aren't realistic enough. The mother-in-law will be shading you at times and thinking you don't know enough common knowledge, but later they will see you as a fun person to be around, and it will also be them just wanting to spend more time with your spouse.
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