#barrie tree removal
purple-imagines · 1 year
Guns and Trees
Pairing - JJ Maybank x Reader
Summary - Reader gets shot by Rafe
Warnings - kissing, gun violence, blood, swearing, mentions of death and fighting
Word Count - 749
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I laughed as JJ swung me back and forth, his way of “dancing”, Pope and Kiera had just walked off, leaving me, JJ, John B, and Sarah to ourselves. We were celebrating John B and Sarah returning to the island. 
JJ lets me go, allowing me to sit on the ground beside Sarah. I lay my head against her thigh. JJ and John B stand in front of us. I hear John B’s boat start causing me to perk my head up.
We all look out at the water, seeing Pope and Key taking the boat out. “Oh! All right.” JJ yells. Sarah waves, “have a good time”
  “There he goes. He jacked your boat, dude.” JJ tapped John B. John B looks shocked saying, “Popes poking on the pogue.” Causing me to laugh and Sarah to let out a cat call. 
JJ starts giving John B crap about Pope on the boat, while Sarah and I talk about Charleston. We hear John B say “wait” a few times, causing us to lift our heads up. “What was that?”
“Your chicken?”
“I heard a car door.”
I stand up beside Sarah, walking towards JJ, as he makes chicken noises. I hit his stomach, causing him to look at me, and I shush him. When he doesn’t stop John B puts his hand over JJ’s mouth.
Listening closer, I hear voices. “Put out the fire.” JJ grabs a bucket of water and pours it on the flames. “We need to hide.” John B looks around. 
“Inside?” Sarah suggests.
“They’ll look there.” 
JJ points towards the tree, “we’ve gotta go up.” 
We all, slowly, huddle around the bottom of the tree, first JJ and John B push Sarah up, then me, JJ and John B jump up right after. Barely missing Rafe and Barry.
Barry heads towards the house, while Rafe checks out the fire. 
“Where the hell are you?” Rafe asks, from right underneath us. I hope Pope and Kiara don’t come back.
I’m on the branch across from JJ, John B under me, and Sarah across from him. I hear Barry throwing stuff right before he slams open the door. 
“Yo, anything?” Rafe calls. 
“No, aint shit in there, bro.” Barry walks towards Rafe.
“No? Nothing?”
“No. Nothing, Rafe.” They both rub their foreheads. 
“They were obviously just here based off the smoke.” Great observation, asshole. 
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Great observation, boy scout.” Ha. 
“They’re not far, you know?” Just leave already. 
“Smokey the Bear! Look at you, bro!” Sarah and I look at eachother. I'm sure my expression mirrors hers. Barry has a gun and he’s getting angry, those two things don’t mix well. 
“They gotta be around here somewhere.” They both stare at the caving in the tree. It was a memorial for John B, we did it when we thought he and Sarah died in the storm. It’s a heart saying ‘2003 - 2020, John B Routledge, P4L’.
“P4L,” Barry’s mocking it. Him and Rafe are starting to laugh. Rafe pointing the gun at the trunk. “Well, shit.”
“So your sister’s a Pogue for life, huh, Rafe? Now who would’ve thought?” It's like Barry wants him to get pissed. 
Rafe starts shaking his head, letting out a loud yell, “shit!!” Sarah and I both flinch. 
“All right, chill.” Rafe raises the gun towards the tree, shooting the trunk, causing us all to flinch. 
“Hey! Whoa! Hey, chill, bro! Rafe!” Barry tries to calm him, grabbing his arm, causing bullets to shoot our way. I hide my face behind a limb. 
I feel a sharp pain shoot through the left side of my lower torso. I bite my tongue, to not make a sound. All I want to do is cry out. I grab where the pain is. Peeking out I see Rafe and Barry run back the way they came. 
I look down at JJ, John B, and Sarah, they seem to be ok. John B hops out the tree, grabbing Sarah's hand, helping her out. 
“Ju-” I stutter out, “Jayj” He looks up at me, I remove my hand from the wound, allowing him to see the blood. 
His eyes widened, “shit. Shit, shit, shit.” He repeats, climbing onto my branch with me. I feel my eyes droop.
“John B!” He calls out. I need-” His words start to blur together, and my vision gets spotty. 
I look down, barely able to see Sarah and John B. I feel JJ’s hands wrap around me, then nothing. 
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beautifuldisaster88 · 6 months
Don't Blame Me
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A/N: I just randomly came up with this whole listening to Taylor Swift's song Don't Blame Me. I feel like that would so be Unhinged!Rafe and InnocentTurnedUnhinged!Girlfriend. Like they would do whatever it takes to protect each other. Sorry in advance if it sucks. I didn't proofread or anything. Simply wrote it and posted right after.
She ran as fast as her legs would take her the moment that she found out Barry planned on betraying Rafe, and turning him in. After trying over and over again to call Rafe, having no luck, she panicked, throwing her phone as she kept running. Her chest tightened and breathing became more difficult, but a panic attack wasn't going to stop her from getting to Rafe.
Drenched in sweat and out of breath, she spotted the Kildare County Sheriff's department boats, making her worst nightmare come true. It was too late. They'd found him. No, fuck that! Nobody was taking her love away, not even the fucking law. That's when she spotted him, face smashed into the mud and a large deputy on top of his. From what she could see, they already had her man in handcuffs. Wrong move, assholes.
Removing her gun, well Ward's gun, from the waistband of her shorts, she quickly turned off the safety, and stepped out from behind a tree and pointing it straight at Shoupe's head. All eyes were on her, including Rafe's. An eerie silence washed over those who were meant to serve and protect.
"You've got two options here, Shoupe. One, you let Rafe go and forget any of this happened. You destroy every file, every piece of evidence, anything that pertains to Rafe. Option number two." She cocked the gun, the click echoing from the dead silence. "I don't think you're going to like option two. Two, I pull the trigger and put a bullet in your fucking skull. Then you can reunite with Peterkin. Sure, I might not be fast enough to shoot all of you, but you can bet your asses, I'm taking most of you down with me. Your choice, Shoupe."
She took a step closer, more than ready to shoot. The look in her eyes was unlike any they'd ever seen. The once sweet and innocent girl was gone, replaced with a stone cold killer. After all, she was just a girl in love, and that meant protecting the man she loved at all costs. Consequences be damned.
"You don't wanna do that. You're not like him. You're not a killer." Shoupe tried to plead with her, but his words were useless. He might as well have been a baby babbling.
"That's where you're wrong. Now, I'm going to count to three and if your buddy still doesn't back the fuck away from Rafe, he'll be the first to reunite with Peterkin. One."
"Think this through. Is he really worth losing your life over? I know you, you're a good girl. You've got a clean record. Can't you see what he's doing to you? He's poisoned you."
"Yes. Yes, he is worth losing my life over, and he's not fucking poisoning me! He just helped me realize who I truly am. Also, you don't know shit about me. None of you fucking do! Whatever blood is on his hands, I've got the same on mine. Two. Don't make me get to three, Shoupe. I'm warning you."
The deputy that had Rafe on the ground, dug his knee deeper into the Cameron boys back. "Get the fuck off me! Don't you dare fucking hurt her, Shoupe! I'll fucking kill you myself if anything happens to her!" Rafe yelled, trying his damnedest to fight off the deputy. Having his hands cuffed behind his back wasn't helping. He panicked, picturing the worst. He had to get free, had to save his angel.
"Three. Don't say I didn't warn you."
In the blink of an eye, she had the gun pointed at the deputy's head, finger on the trigger and ready to shoot.
"Don't blame me, love made me crazy. If it doesn't you ain't doing it right."
"WAIT! WAIT! DON'T SHOOT!" Shoupe screamed, looking between her and the deputy, his hands up in surrender. The look in her eyes said everything, she was going to kill the deputy. Love really had made her crazy. The other deputy's shot hesitant looks at one another, but slowly began to lower their weapons.
"Let the boy go." Shoupe instructed him, earning a look as though he'd lost his mind.
"He killed Peterkin! This bastard is going to rot behind bars." The deputy spat, digging his knee deeper into Rafe's back.
Doing as he was told, the deputy uncuffed Rafe, releasing his weight off the Cameron boys back, making Rafe smirk... That was until he saw the deputy reaching for his gun in his holster, eyes glued on the only girl that Rafe has ever loved. Oh no he didn't, nobody was shooting his girl.
In one swift motion, Rafe wrestled the deputy to the ground, grabbing his gun and hitting him in the head with it, hard enough to knock the big guy on his ass. With both of them still pointing their guns at the officer's, Rafe quickly made his way to her side.
Taking her hand, they laced their fingers together, both glancing over at each other.
"Together until the end, yeah?" Rafe whispered to her.
She nodded, squeezing his hand. "Together until the end, baby. I love you, Rafe."
"I love you too, angel. If we make it outta here, 'm taking you far away and we're gonna start that life we always talked about, yeah? Yeah. I promise."
Shots rang as the couple began shooting at the deputy's, trying their hardest to dodge the bullets as they shot back.
"Shit. Motherfucker shot me!" She hissed, grabbing her side as she put a bullet into the deputy's skull. Her side hurt like a motherfucker, the pain worse than anything she'd ever experienced. Still, she wasn't about to just lay down and die. No, they'd come this far, and this was not how her and Rafe's story ended.
"angel, you okay!? Talk to me, baby!" Rafe yelled out from behind a tree, trying to avoid the flying bullets that hit the bark above his head. The panic evident in his voice.
"Yeah, yeah, m'fine. Don't worry 'bout me."
Rafe could tell by the sound of her voice that she was lying. He knew her inside and out, and knew when she was lying. She wasn't fucking okay. He couldn't lose her. No, not her. Without thinking twice, he ran out from behind the tree, staying crouched down as he ran towards her, dodging bullets as he shot at the remaining officer's along the way. Shoupe was nowhere to be seen, meaning the pussy ran and left his deputy's to die. Not surprising.
As soon as Rafe reached her, he wrapped an arm around her, using his strength to keep her on her feet. The color in her face was fading, white tank top now soaked in crimson.
"We gotta go, baby. Gotta get you outta here and patched up. You're fucking crazy, you know that?"
He chuckled, shaking his head as he quickly planted a kiss on the side of her head, before scooping her up in his arms.
"Like I said, don't blame me love made me crazy."
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keyh0use · 1 year
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Kinktober Day 1: Free Choice
jealously, Semi-public sex, Rafe acting like a brat to get what he wants
Rafe's back hit the large trunk of the towering tree with a sickening crack, startled gasp slipping out at the contact.
Before the boy could get his bearings, Barry was fusing their mouths together, two large hands coming up to cradle his flushed face.
Confused, and wildly turned on by the sudden change, Rafe mumbled, "Shit, what—"
"Isn't this what you wanted, Rafey," Barry asks, dark brow cocked. The nickname makes both of them cringe, but it gets the point across, Rafe's responding grin annoyingly attractive.
Lithe fingers curl into the material of Barry's sweatshirt and the boy inquires, "You're jealous? Really?"
"Should I be?" snaps Barry.
The two of them arrived mid-afternoon to the corn maze Rafe had been raving about for weeks, noting several times it was all the rave this time of year for north side families, seeing how it was put on by one of their own.
And sure, Barry could admit the farm had been cute upon first glance, only a couple groups moving about and the October sun comfortable.
Then they approached the girl sitting behind a table covered in a checkered tablecloth with a metal box to pay the entry fee—and she gave Rafe a very warm welcome.
Her freckled face was stretched in a wide smile the entire interaction, not paying a lick of attention to Barry's presence and openly flirting with the kook boy.
And Rafe...Rafe hadn't flirted back, no. But he was unusually friendly, happily engaging in conversation and nudging Barry's arm when he laughed. Like they were just buddies or something.
When the bitch finally turned to greet Barry, acting like she'd seen a fucking ghost upon the sight of him, his intention was to introduce himself as Rafe's boyfriend. Just to be petty.
But that didn't happen because Rafe was quick to interrupt the introduction, boasting about the ugly orange cupcakes the girl had supposedly baked.
Then Rafe had the audacity to cling to the older man the whole way through the maze, making light-hearted chit-chat and kissing his face lovingly, like nothing happened.
"No, of course not," Rafe assures the other man, leaning in to share an affectionate kiss, one that Barry very rudely pulls away from.
Instead of making a counter argument about how disrespectful that whole debacle felt, Barry instructs, "Turn around."
"What? Barry, there's people—"
"Oh, shit, you're totally right." Barry fixes a stern look on the boy's face and meanly says, "Did it sound like you had a choice? You don't. Turn your ass around."
Not one to disobey, Rafe glanced nervously from side to side before doing as told, only to have his face shoved roughly into the bark.
The splintering wood is cold and damp against Rafe's sensitive skin, no doubt nicking him where it cuts in to his face.
Rafe's pants and briefs are unceremoniously yanked down his long legs, pooling around his ankles and leaving him completely exposed from the waist down, an embarrassed sound escapes him and has Barry huffing a laugh.
"This is—Barry," the boy nervously rambles, trying to make sense of his conflicted thoughts just as two spit covered fingers push inside of him without warning. "Fuck! Barry, no, we can't—"
"Calm the hell down, country club. If anyone's goin' away for public indecency, it ain't gonna be the pretty white boy."
Two fingers quickly becomes three, scissoring and curling, Rafe still relaxed from being fucked before breakfast.
Barry used his clean hand to undo his button and zipper to free his aching cock, quick to remove the digits and replace them with the fat cockhead, pressed bluntly against the boys entrance.
"We—" Rafe breaks off with a deep groan and lolls his head down, forehead pressed against the tree as he pants harshly. "Barry, we shouldn't, this is wrong."
"Is it?" Calloused hands come to grip the kooks slim hips just as Barry's kicking his legs further apart, choosing to yank him back instead of snapping forward, impaling Rafe on his sizeable prick. In a teasing tone, the dealer asks, "Does this feel wrong, baby?"
The kook is trying to keep a watchful eye on the opening of the maze, sure a group of unsuspecting strangers will stumble out and catch the two in the act, fucking against a tree like animals.
Only blue eyes can't help but flutter when Barry pulls out halfway and fucks back in deeper, causing Rafe to let out a cry into the otherwise quiet autumn evening.
Not the whistling wind or the faint sound of music in the distance can cover the obscene noises the two are making.
"You wanted this," accuses Barry, hunched over the boys slender form and grunting in his ear on every inward thrust. "Admit it, bitch, you pissed me off on purpose—"
Rafe insists, "No!"
"No? You're lying." Barry curls rough fingers around the boy's throat, effectively keeping Rafe pinned in place as a punishing pace is set. "You want that north side slut, Rafe? You gonna take her to midsummer's and invite her to Sunday dinner? Huh? That what you want, baby boy?"
Short, blunt nails reach back to dig into Barry's hip, latching on like a lifeline. "God, no, no—"
Pulling Rafe closer by his throat, the man spits, "No of 'course not, baby, you're too much of a cock whore. Right? Can't live without it?"
Bobbing his head dumbly in reply, Rafe's free hand flies between them to fist his own neglected cock, weeping precome like a faucet as Barry assaults the bundle of nerves inside him.
Barry prompts, "Tell me. Tell me you need it, Rafe, please—"
"I do!" whines the kook. "I love your big cock, love you!"
The absence of Barry's fingers digging into his throat isn't missed because the man wraps his large hand around Rafes and helps strip the boys prick, breathing heavily over his shoulder.
There's people coming—Barry hears the laughter first, and clocks the exact moment Rafe does, the boy tensing around him.
Tight rings of muscle flex around Barry's pulsating cock and it swells before he's flooding Rafe with warm, sticky come.
"Oh," moans Rafe at the sensation, eyes squeezing shut as Barry's guided masturbation brings him off too, shooting ropes of come against the dark wood of the tree.
Then it's a scramble for Barry to right then in time for the strangers to come around the corner, finding the two locked in an affectionate embrace but otherwise unsuspecting.
The walk back to the truck is peaceful, Rafe's hand in Barry's until they're within sight of the kook girl, who waves enthusiastically at the boy.
Only this time Rafe doesn't just wave back and continue on like the older man expected, instead the boy is turned to press a heated kiss to his boyfriends mouth.
Barry can't help but to glance back at the entry table, a sick satisfaction settling in his chest when he spots the obvious scowl on the bitches face.
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straightouttatheashes · 8 months
Through the Smoke And Fire
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Set during the battle for Amirdrassil & the Wellspring -----
There had been hardly any time to recover from the assault at the Eye of Ysera from the djaradin, before Alexstrasza, Merithra, Ysera and Vyranoth summoned their forces into battle. The time for Amirdrassil to bloom had come, yet due to the need to draw from the Wellspring, the World Tree was weakening the barrier, and Fyrakk chose this moment to launch a full assault - stronger than any they'd seen before. Pheonix and Barry had already lended their aid to defend the Eye, so in the sin'dorei's mind, there was no other option but to fight here too, to see it through and protect the World Tree. They'd made it to the frontal assault camp, gearing up and listening to strategies from the leaders....although there was a delay in reinforcements. The line had to be held. --- Pheonix kept close to Barry, fighting by his side as they aided the army of kaldorei and druid alike, fending off enemies so the faerie dragons could create treants from fertile soil to bolster the ground forces. But the assault from the combined forces of the djaradin, druids of flame and primalists together seemed to never falter. One fell, more would appear. A call was made from Vyranoth to remove the large elementals from further towards the fiery chasm...and Phe looked over across the battle field where smoke billowed upwards. "...I can." She whispered to herself, before speaking louder. "I can help! I'm gonna go down there!"
Barry heard Vyranoth's call as he struck down an enemy. He glanced over his shoulder quickly at the leaders before whipping his head back to Phe. "Are you sure?" He asked, full of concern. "I know you can take it but theres so many guys down there." He gestured towards the chasm as he spoke with a dagger - a large crowd of flame druids gathering.
Pheonix was already strategising in her head, though her estimate would be just that. Barry was right. “I’m more than equipped for it. I dunno if we’ve got numbers on our side down there.” There were obviously the stoneskin druids that could handle the fire….but they were outnumbered, clearly. “Those big guys need to be taken outta the picture.” She looked back to Barry with a slanted grin. “I’ll be back, no sweat.” Barry glanced back around and then groaned. "If i see you get in any kind of trouble, I'm coming down to get you. I dont care if my ass burns." He glared at her as if he was threatening her. "Yell for me if you need help!"
She knew it was risky, though quickly turned and shoved an enemy back before replying. Oof. No time to chat. “You won’t! I’ll be fine! I’d care if your ass burned.” Phe winked over her shoulder, before aiming a quick jab straight into the foe’s windpipe to bring them down, as she vaulted over them, dashing towards the chasm. “Keep alert!” She wouldn’t need help! It’s fine! She has this. It’s what she was made for. She’d be right back at Barry’s side.
Barry watched as a few enemies charged down after Phe as she ran past them, and he shifted his weight a few times. He couldn't help but groan loudly and sprint after her. Why did he second guess himself? He could have been fine on the grass and not by the fire. Damn it Phe. Blades drove into an unsuspecting Primalist, only to be pulled out just as quickly as he closed the distance between himself and his wife.
Pheonix was quick on her feet, despite taking a few hits, she managed to easily dodge others and cracked her knuckles once she’d stopped being attacked. Okay, where to- “Barry?” She was suprised to see he had followed her. The heat from the elementals was already able to be felt, and no doubt it was just going to get more intense. Not to mention the flame druids in this area. “I-“ She looked worried for a brief moment, but nodded. A part of her was glad he came after her. “It’s gonna get hot, you know that?” "I'll be fine! I'm already hot. You focus on the heat." Barry fell into place by her side - her vulnerable blind spot - and caught a druid as they charged towards him. His blade cut through flesh, and the druid fell. "I'm quick, I can avoid the flames." Blood is going to be hell to clean up.
Phe raised a brow, a slight smirk at his little joke before she nodded and inhaled sharply. Focus on the heat. She was going to have to, if Barry had any chance of surviving and not being burnt to a crisp. Her nose wrinkled at the smell of charred flesh and blood, before she pushed that to the back of her mind and slid down the side of the hill, into the fray - ground crumbling under her boots as a bit of ash and dust kicked up. “Okay okay, let’s go.” Reaching out towards a line of fire that threatened to bar their way across, Phe concentrated as she drew it into herself, tattoos glowing - before releasing it towards another druid.
Barry made sure to not stay too close to Phe while she did her thing. The last thing he wanted was to be singed, especially if Phe was doing her 'fire stuff'. But that didn't mean he wasn't so far away that he couldn't protect her. Just incase. Her blind spot would be protected at all times, and while she was concentrating, he'd make sure she wasn't targeted.
Pheonix was nothing if not determined, so if she had a problem with pushing herself, she didn't show it or say anything. Instead her focus was carefully split between making sure they had a somewhat-safe path towards the Elementals, while also being aware and ready to fight as soon as they were assaulted. She trusted Barry to have her back on that one, which he did, and he was quick on the mark with a few that approached her blind spot. Swiftly unhooking one of her obsidian blades from her belt, she dispatched a Primalist that got too close, before redirecting a ball of fire hurled at Barry, back at the assailiant. "Ugh." She grunted. "Be great if they'd stop, right?" A little chuckle to try and lighten the mood, though she knew it wasn't the time for jokes.
Barry was about to jump away from the fireball, knowing he'd still be singed but luckily Phe had intercepted it. He sighed out in relief and then thanked her for saving his ass. "I'm surprised how many fuckers are out here," He muttered loudly. Its like they don't stop coming over no matter what. He already noticed more of their side slowly dwindling. "What are we gunna have to explode to make them stop?" He tried joking back.
"Yeah, it's..." Oop. She quickly moved out of the way as a thorny vine sprang from the ground. Focus. Keeping away from any shadowflame that Fyrakk unleashed upon the battlefield from above, Pheonix started to clear a path for them towards the large elementals - taking down any enemy that got too close, although a few times she wasn't as quick on the mark as usual. Thank fuck for Barry. "There!" She pointed out, a few 'champions' rushing towards the elementals. They must have been who Vyranoth sent, so they most likely had a way of dealing with the large foes. "We'll keep these guys off their backs, huh?"
Barry was able to help with any enemies Phe may have missed, but he still wasnt able to get too close to the flames like she could. Looking over to where Pheonix had indicated, he saw the 'champions' rushing into the fray, and let out a small groan despite himself. "They need to hurry up, we're ain't the professionals." It wasn't as if he was going to leave Pheonix by herself, however, no matter how much he groaned about it.
“It’s fine, we got this!” Phe grinned, once again focusing her attention on siphoning flames into herself, and expelling them towards any enemies that dared try to stand in their way. There was a moment where she staggered slightly, though remained on her feet. Barry glanced at the firebender between stabs at enemies. As soon as the most recent one fell, he paused for a brief moment to observe her. She was slowing down...at least for her personal standards. He pressed his lips and as he was about to say something, a blast of cold suddenly swept past them. Pheonix noticed one of the Elementals incased in ice as she turned to see where the chill had come from. “Hah, look! Easy!” Gods she had to catch her breath. Her body was running hot. Barry turned around to look at the frozen Elementals, and muttered under his breath. "Finally..." At least there was a slight break as Barry another enemy down soon afterwards. For now at least. But the assault group would be moving on, so they’d have to follow. Battling their way to the last one, Phe wasn’t as quick to the draw as she usually was. She’d suffered a few wounds, but luckily managed to hold her own, her tattoos glowing vibrantly as bursts of fire laced her attacks. As another wave of cold swept across the near vicinity, she pushed back the Druid she’d been fighting and inhaled sharply. Fuck. “Big guys down! We can fall back!” Barry should be pleased with that order.
The half-elf looked around briefly as he heard the order to pull back. His attention then fell onto Phe and he gave a quick nod of his head. "Come on, let's go." Barry was more than ready to leave, this fight was getting out of hand and they wouldn't last much longer if they had to stay in.
The fire continued to rage on, and there was no shortage of shadowflame that blasted the charred ground from above. If there was a time to move, it was now. With the large elementals down, the enemies seemed to pause if only for a moment before they continued their fierce assault. Realizing their original path through would soon be overrun, Pheonix looked for another opening - quickly sprinting ahead to clear the fire away, enough for Barry to make it through. But the task was demanding of her, and the more fire she drew in, the more energy she had to spend. "Through here!" She shouted back at Barry - directing another blast towards a primalist that was heading for her.
Barry started to run behind Phe, watching her as she took in the flames. He caught up with her, with an expression of mixed concern and anger. "You have to stop taking in all of this shadowflame, Phe. I'm not leaving until you do, any more you'll end up dead."
"Lucky it's not shadowflame, huh?" Phe grinned back at him. "I'm not that stupid." She'd thought about it though. Still, Barry had a point. She was taking on way more fire than she ever had before....at least not since the 'inferno' incident, but the outcome of that hadn't been great either. "Bro I'm not staying. I'm clearing a path. We don't have much choice." It was either run through a bunch of enemies, or go through a few firey spots - she knew which was easiest. "Now shut up and go, before we get more than a few eager guys on our ass." "Shut it," He threw a playful sneer at her. Fine what ever, she was technically right that they were done fighting for now. It wasn't too far until they'd be out of the canyon, the grass a welcome sight, even though there was an active, bloody battlefield up there as well. "Looks like our side's got the upperhand." Phe pointed out. For now at least. Barry went ahead as she told him to do, taking in the surroundings and sight of the battlefield, despite how bloody it had become. "True..." He thought about when they didn't have the upperhand for a good while.
Suddenly, a fierce wave of fire made Pheonix stumble as she did her best to redirect some, and absorb the rest - leaving an opening for Barry to take the charging druid down. Fuck.
Barry let out a yelp at the sudden attack. There was no time to hesitate though, and as Phe took the brunt of the attack and gathered it up, he regained his focus and charged at the bastard who sent the fire their way - a suprise attack of his own. Shoving his daggers into their body, and kicking them away as he tugged his blades free, Barry looked to Phe to see what kind of condition she was in.
Pheonix was now panting heavily, her forehead sweating and face visibly flushed. Her tattoos seemed to be glowing much brighter than they ever had before...it was clear she was reaching her limit. She'd never had to take on this much fire (nor the power it had behind it) in such a short amount of time before. Maybe she'd bitten off more than she could chew but, drastic things happened in a damn war. She wasn't too far behind Barry as soon as he'd taken the opportunity she'd given him. Don't stop. Keep going. Grass started poking through ash. They'd made it. Unfortunately her blind spot was left vulnerable, and she was caught off-guard and just. While she felt the thorns of the vines summoned by the Flame Druid dig into her leg, she managed to burn herself loose - not before said druid had descended upon her. With the last bit of her energy, she thrust her arms forward to grab at their neck, squeezing and crushing until she felt their throat give way. Her assailant had been prepared though - one opening traded for another. Phe watched their body fall at her feet - before clutching at the dagger driven into her stomach. Oh. "Ha...think you're gonna..have to do the rest."
She was frozen in the moment, her adrenaline the only thing keeping her going, her energy depleted. She felt her knees give way and she dropped....into Barry's arms. He'd always been quick. She heard him repeat her name, and something about 'not removing the dagger'. But she was so tired, and her eyelids were getting heavy.
"Phe? Phe! Stay awake, please." Barry scooped Pheonix's body up carefully, and continued the final push towards the makeshift camp where the Dragonflight leaders and allies gathered. It's gonna be okay.
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shrinkthisviolet · 1 year
Sending you some of my favourite songs for the oc ask thing:
Where's My Love by SYML
To Build a Home by the Cinematic Orchestra
Day One by Twelve Titans Music
NDA by Billie Eilish
Love these choices!! And thanks for the new rec with Day One, I’m obsessed 🥰
(and I highly recommend Mars by Nick Ingman and Terry Devine-King to anyone who loves Day One 👀)
Where's My Love by SYML
Did she run away? Did she run away? I don't know
If she ran away, if she ran away, come back home
Just come home
This is so Lucy 😭 mostly everyone @ her when she's wandering the galaxy post-ROTJ! Plans on that are still a bit fuzzy, but Lucy has a wanderer's heart. Much in contrast to Leia's...and even to Luke's sometimes (he has a wanderer's heart too, but he's dedicated to rebuilding the Jedi). And her family misses her so much 🥺
This is also so Barry @ Morgan, he worries about her so much when she's not there with him 🥺 especially after all she goes through in s1 and s2 alone
To Build a Home by the Cinematic Orchestra
This is a place where I don't feel alone
This is a place where I feel at home
Majorly Original Quartet (Lucy, Leia, Luke, Han) coded!! But Skywalker family coded too (even extending as far as Rey), with:
Out in the garden where we planted the seeds
There is a tree as old as me
Branches were sewn by the color of green
Ground had arose and passed its knees
This song is also majorly Team Flash coded (especially everyone @ Barry because of Crisis and all). And Westallen family coded, but we knew that already 😂
Day One by Twelve Titans Music
I could see this playing in one of two scenes for Morgan: when she finally figures out how to catch herself in a forcefield, or when she escapes from a cell by blowing it up with one of her forcefields
NDA by Billie Eilish
Hmm this gives me Morgan vibes. I can't even explain why, it just does 😅 though "did I take it too far? Now I know what you are!" is Morgan @ Thawne in particular
Maybe a little Amelia @ Peter with "you couldn't save me, but you can't let me go...did I take it too far? Now I know what you are!"
send me a song, and I’ll say which OC it makes me think of!
Taglist (send an ask or DM to be added or removed!):
@ocappreciationtag @arrthurpendragon @vexic929 @raith-way @thechaoticfanartist @ironverseocs
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noodyl-blasstal · 2 years
Scamming me, scamming you: chapter 3
Sometimes you just make your sister and her definitely-not-boyfriend lunch and drop it by to them at work for absolutely no reason. Thank goodness there won’t be any further confusion.
Read on A03 or below. Ch 1 | Ch 2
Taako had texted Lup mid-morning to ask if she and Barry were going to be free for lunch. It made more sense than stopping by without any warning at all. As much as he wanted to surprise them, she and Barry often ended up diving off to obscure archives or locked in the labs observing contamination protocols. Taako refused to waste time cooking if they weren’t going to appreciate his genius.
The email from Krav had been a surprise. Not an unwelcome one, but just uncharacteristically forward. But then, it had been a few months now (on top of a year of pining), and, well, Taako had initially propositioned him (look, Krav looked really good in that suit, no jury could convict), so it wasn’t actually that forward when he thought about it. Fuck it, why not? He could message back again with suggestions, but as he was stopping by it might be a nice surprise to just make plans in person. Krav said he liked surprises, and today’s lunch would be Taako’s treat. Krav could arrange the next meal… and anything that came afterwards.
Three quick changes and a long hard stare in the mirror later, Taako grabbed the wicker basket and walked towards the University. Thankfully Lup had won the debate over which twin’s workplace to get the apartment closest to. They both knew it should be hers, but Taako had to at least pretend he thought he was long term at Fantasy Costco. He finally found a kitchen job which fit around school three weeks after they moved in. He’d graduated and worked four other jobs since then. Lup had just steadily worked her way up the chain at the university, she was even still based in the same building.
The campus was almost empty - the students were on break so the tree lined paths were mercifully peaceful. Taako couldn’t help but bounce slightly as he walked - he was finally getting that date with Kravitz, just under a year late, but still! His previous attempts at dating had been a nightmare because everyone just wanted a quick hook up. That had been fine, but he was sick of being appraised by strangers and getting to know new hands and new faces. He wanted someone to cook for and watch terrible films with, someone to send bad puns to without his friends working out he liked their nerdy humour.
Taako knew the route to Lup and Barry’s office easily. They’d put forward a compelling case for sharing after Lup’s first promotion, and the administration decided it wasn’t worth arguing. A slight misunderstanding (actual understanding?) of their relationship had led to the ‘Bluejeans-Taaco’ sign on the door and Taako grinned every time he saw it. Lup had initially alternated between complaining about it and refusing to get it removed whenever Taako mentioned that was an option. Barry had merely said it was “quite nice to see their names together like that actually… in a friendly way, you know?”
“Prepare your butts, chaboy’s in the house and he catered!” Taako knocked on the door and swung it open dramatically, posing with the basket of food.
“Prepare my butt? There’s dairy then?” Barry asked, arching an eyebrow.
“I would never!” Taako pretended to be offended. “How could I do something so cruel, so heinous, to you Barold? I know how careful you are about not ingesting cow juice.” Barry had the good grace to look mildly ashamed about his inability to resist cheese.
Taako glanced around the office as he walked in, just casually, in case anyone else may have been there for a meeting or something. He wasn’t looking for anyone in particular, obviously.
“He’s in his office, Ko.” Lup said, clocking his glances.
“I don’t know to whom you’re referring, actually. Just making sure that I wasn’t rudely ignoring anyone who may also have happened to be here. I was being polite.” Taako focused very hard on unpacking the basket onto the wide desk and not looking at Lup, he didn’t want to see her stupid smug smile. They were absolutely not going to talk about this and he wasn’t going to admit that ‘bumping’ into Krav was a big part of why he came in.
“Looks like you’ve made an awful lot there, bud.” Barry, the traitor, said. Taako was trying to work out exactly how to threaten him into shutting right the fuck up, when Lup jumped up.
“Oh, I just remembered that I left something in Kravitz’s office when I was speaking to him earlier. I’d better go get it. Shall I tell him there’s extra food if he’d like any?” Lup smiled, face infuriatingly passive.
“I could go get it!” Taako replied before he could stop himself.
“Really, brother mine? You’d be so kind, so generous, as to go and get my pen from the hot boy? You’re selfless!” Lup was smirking now. So okay, she knew exactly what was going on because she could read him like a book, and yes she was completely right, but there was no way Taako was admitting it. He didn’t need to be called out like this.
“Well it’s your lunch break, so you’re supposed to be actually having a break. Plus, what if he has allergies? You might get him all the way over here and then it turns out he can’t have nuts and your colleague is dead because you didn’t know what to tell him if he asked if it was safe.” Taako shrugged his shoulders as if that was a completely reasonable justification… because it was, obviously.
“Uh huh.” Lup replied, suspiciously. “So I could go get my own pen but also tell him to check with you before he eats anything if he wants some of the food, and that would also save his life?”
“I thought you were all about efficiency!” Taako was indignant now. It wasn’t that bad a lie. He was being responsible! Allergies were important, no matter how fast and loose Barry played it with his.
“Which pen is it I’m missing?” Lup asked.
“I assumed I’d just ask Krav for your pen. Surely he’ll know which one isn’t his?” There, logic.
“It’s a… company issue pen. They might look the same.” Lup fumbled the landing on that one, and Taako smelled blood.
“There isn’t a pen!” Taako accused. “You just wanted to go get Kravitz and make him come here!”
“Well you don’t actually want to get my pen, you’re only here to see him!” Lup accused right back. “I’m doing you a favour!”
Their bickering was interrupted by a knock on the door. Both twins snapped round, and Barry let out a giggle… Taako made a mental note to ‘accidentally’ shove him into Lup some time and see how red he got.
“Hello? Lup? Barry?” Kravitz pushed the door open tentatively.
Taako quickly perched himself on the desk, making sure to elongate his body in the most alluring but-definitely-completely-casual way possible.
“Hey Kravitz!” Barry said happily, massive smile plastered across his face. “You’ve shown up at just the right time, look at this spread!” Barry gestured expansively to the food on the desk, and ended by indicating Taako himself.
Kravitz froze.
Taako grinned.
Kravitz stayed frozen.
Okay, he looked good, he knew he looked good, and lunch was nice, but this was overkill.
“You okay, my guy?” Taako asked.
Kravitz opened his mouth a few times, then looked at his feet. “Yep!” He managed.
Huh. Surely a conversation shouldn’t be this difficult. They’d been emailing for months! Kravitz had asked him out! Although, maybe the first meeting after that featuring his sister and Barry wasn’t ideal? Yeah, that was probably it. Krav was just embarrassed to show too much emotion in front of his colleagues. The man was a professional. It was okay, Taako could fix this.
“Lup lost her pen!” Taako announced loudly.
Kravitz looked at him like he might be broken. “I.. I’m sorry?”
“Lup lost her pen, in your office. I was going to go and get it for her.” Perfect, perfectly normal. Taako couldn’t work out why Kravitz was still looking concerned. This was a flawless plan, they could go get the pen together, have a nice private chat, maybe get a few smooches in with Taako perched on Krav’s desk, and then set their date up. Not necessarily in that order, he was flexible.
“You know what, it’s a very important pen…” Lup said, getting up. “...and Barry and I are going to go get it, aren’t we Barry?” Lup said pointedly, and tugged a reluctant looking Barry to his feet. It looked for a second like he might try and fight her, but then shrugged and allowed himself to be towed out of the door, staring longingly at Lup’s hand on his arm.
There was an awkward silence.
“So… Hi!” Said Taako.
Kravitz looked terrified. Taako glanced down, was something wrong with him? Had he stepped in something on the way here?
“Surprise! I brought food.” Taako powered on. This wasn’t going quite the way he anticipated.
“I… wow. There’s… this looks lovely.” Kravitz stopped staring at Taako as if he might bite him and looked down at the food instead.
Okay, Taako could talk about food, Taako could talk about food for days. He explained each dish to Krav, told him what paired well (all of it, because Taako’s cheffing skills were impeccable), and then deposited a plate into his hands. “There you go, Stud. Have at it.”
Krav looked like he might be sick. This was not the usual reaction to his cooking, joy, yes. People ignoring him to dive on in? Absolutely. This haunted look of shock? Not so much. Kravitz looked down at the spread in front of him, back at Taako, and took a deep breath. “Taako, I… I’m so sorry about what happened at the Candlenights party. I just didn’t realise, I thought you were Lup and I really like Barry and I thought that it was some plot to make him jealous so he finally told her he liked her, but it didn’t make sense because they both knew I was gay. I was so confused, and I didn’t meant to shout at you I just didn’t want to get caught up in anything weird.” He spilled everything out in a rush.
This was sweet, Taako decided. Krav wanted to make sure the air was clear before they went out formally, and, to be fair, they hadn’t talked about the Candlenights party in their emails. Taako had assumed they’d just mutually agreed to pretend it didn’t happen - Krav had apologised to Lup for yelling at Taako, she had apologised to Kravitz for forgetting to mention Taako existed. Taako maintained that he was blameless because Krav was supremely hot.
“Hey, Kemosabe, we’re good! You could have just said something if this was eating at you. You already made good with Lup and I plead not guilty on account of how good your ass looked in that suit.” Taako winked, smiled his most dazzling smile, and hoped that maybe this could segue them into dinner plans ‘I’ll reintroduce you to me in that suit if you’re free Friday?’ or something. Instead, Kravitz’s eyes widened in panic and he stared intently down at the table in front of him again.
“Noodles are nice!” Kravitz said suddenly. Grabbing a fork and ineffectually trying to scoop some onto his plate.
“Do, er, do you want a hand there, Krav?” Asked Taako, bemused. Was this because he was nervous? It made sense, Taako was A Lot, and he knew today that he was visually A Lot as well. Perhaps Krav was just overwhelmed? How often did someone who looked this good bring him a spread like this to work? Taako wagered never. That was the kind of thing that could easily throw a guy off kilter, especially if he wasn’t used to being spoiled.
Kravitz looked even more startled and dropped the fork. “Taako, why did you call me that?” Kravitz asked, a slight edge of concern to his voice.
He must be on edge - calling him his name was an issue now? Did he just hate the nickname and never knew how to bring it up? “It’s a really obvious nickname, my guy. Krav-itz.” Taako moved his hand in a circular motion, waiting for him to get it. “Krav… itz.” He finished lamely. “Surely everyone calls you that? You can’t tell me everyone is using all of the syllables all of the time?” Taako tried not to let any irritation into his voice, but this was peculiar behaviour. "If you don't like it I can stop?"
“No... it's. Most people use Kravitz. I'm not the kind of guy people give nicknames to.” Kravitz said, staring very intently at the desk. Taako felt his heart soften again. Krav had been fairly candid in the emails and he knew that sometimes social interaction wasn't the easiest for him. He reached out his hand with the intention of laying it on Krav's shoulder to reassure him. Before he could, Kravitz snapped his eyes to the door. “I, I just remembered I saw Lup’s pen, I’m going to help them find it!”
“Wait!” Taako said quickly, he didn’t want Krav to leave it like this. Something weird had happened and he had no idea what. “At least take some noodles. Here.” Taako began scooping them. If Krav at least tasted the food he’d have to come back and compliment Taako on it later? Why was this so weird? Fuck. Did they only work via email? This was the second time they’d met in person and yeah, okay, Kravitz hadn’t yelled at him about HR yet, but he was still being really weird.
As Taako worked, Kravitz alternated between sneaking not-so-subtle glances at Taako and eying the door longingly. He obediently held out his hand when Taako offered the food. Taako couldn’t pass up the chance to brush his fingers against Krav’s as he handed it over and gave him another wink. “Thank you, Taako.” Kravitz said stiffly. Then he looked down at the plate, at Taako’s hand still resting against his, and softened. “I really appreciate it, this looks so good.” He added, sounding more sincere, face melting into a slight smile. That was more like it, and Taako hoped for a moment that this might mean he was going to stay, or at least ask him out properly. There was definitely something sparking between them, Taako could just lean forward and…
Kravitz pulled away. “Anyway, I… uh. I’m… pen!” Kravitz turned abruptly and walked to the door, glancing back longingly before he closed the door behind him.
At least, Taako though, he got another good look at Krav's ass as he left to go and help Lup and Barry look for the imaginary pen. Taako shrugged, grabbed a plate, snagged Lup’s desk chair, and kicked his feet up. May as well eat in comfort if no one was going to keep him company. Academics were nightmare people.
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agentldiddy · 1 year
Leviathan Company Session 3
So, to recap, cult's dead, there's a new party member, they fought a tree and a cult leader in a tree mech, the slaver killed Baron VonBaron, and Zeta vored a crossbow. They victorious party returns to the employer to get a new job: locating a mysterious magic item for him. So, they venture out to a town across a sea to get the item. On the way there, they free a prisoner and escape an angry mob to get to a temple where they find the object: a regular bag. When one member of the party opened it, a large swathe of bees shot out. This, my friends, is the BAG OF HOLDING BEES. The DM puts in in every campaign he runs. In my first proper campaign with him, (which will be called the "Lightbringer Campaign," for reasons I will tell later) the barbarian actually had that item. He then joined the BBEG, his player replaced him with a character that's the opposite of the barbarian, we fought him, and the undead aaracockra he kept harassing got the final shot on him. We then gave the bag of holding bees to this guy we called "Barry B. Benson" who was obsessed with bees and secretly a warlock for the Bee God. After the campaign, he died of malnutrition due to only eating honey and honey products.
Anyways, back to the Leviathan Company, Anakiir found a magical helmet there, too, and Dar found a magical sword named Gjortt (it can shoot lasers if you say its name). Then, the party gave the employer the bag, disgusted that THIS is what they were sent to get, and decided to cut all ties with the employer then and there. Afterwards, Anakiir fiddled with the magic helmet and learned of a cool treasure, so they went to chase after that. Along the way, the party encounters a beautiful and young noblewoman in a carriage going along the road. Dar decides to speak with her, but learns that the noble was a doppelganger. That sucks, but what sucked more was that the carriage she rode in was a mimic.
Needless to say we killed both.
Next stop on their travels, they found a strange, stone staircase descending in a small depression in the middle of the woods. Dar and Ivan went to investigate, and found only a jail cell with a suit of plate armor lying in it. Dar removed the Jail door and tried to take the armor, only for it to spring to life and attack. It then ascended to steps, where it met eyes with the party, and most notably Zeta.
So I think it's about time I fully detailed Zeta's backstory, according to what he wrote in his bible. In a far away land, there was a group of 7 gnome artificers. Each one was adept at their trade of inventing wonderous things. One day, they heard about legends of metal men all the way from Eberron called Warforged. They sought it as a wonderous challenge to make their own Warforged. They spent several days designing and building a prototype called Alpha. Their goal was to find out any issues with him and repair it until it reaches it's final version, Meta. One of the gnomes had a different idea. His plan was to turn Alpha into his own war machine and sell copies of him to the highest, deadliest bidder. The others told him off, so he snatched a copy of Alpha's blueprints to fulfill his own plans. He worked for days on his own Alpha to rival the good one, and an additional one named Bravo. When he was done, he attacked his former colleagues without mercy. The good Alpha beat the other robots, with Bravo going missing and the bad gnome being flung out a window. However, only 1 good gnome barely survived, the whole workshop was in disrepair, and Alpha was heavily damaged. So, the last gnome made a cacoon like-thing to put Alpha and his power core in, and removed small segments of it. He made many other warforged bodies out of remaining metal and put a piece of alpha's power core in each of their power cores. He was hoping-in his delirious state-that the warforged would grow stronger with their core returning when they die. When that happens, it would be absorbed back into Alpha, until Omega journeys back home to personally turn them into Meta. How true this story is ambiguous, since this is Zeta we are talking about. However, if any single part of it can be 100%, it would be the existence of Bravo, considering that was the warforged Dar just released. So, Zeta went into a rage and went to attack this vile bad-gnomespawn, mano de hierro y mano de hierro (with the rest of the party providing support). In the fight, Dar was almost killed, but Sir Ivan saved him. Then, at the conclusion of the battle, Zeta grabbed his enemy, ripped through it's chest with his bare head, grabbed its core, punched their hand through the other end with the core in hand, and crushed it, killing Bravo forevermore. They then scavenged the metal in it's corpse, with a bitter Dar not being able to get new armor since there's a hole in it now.
They then reach another pit stop at a local city. There, Lily buys a Tiefling slave girl and the party meets with some strange, human-looking entity that sells "Curiosities." They get a 3-headed fish skull from this abominable creature and then get told of a terrifying monster they could kill: The Fish King.
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dreamswapafterdark · 2 years
Okay, some of that stuff is great for febwhump and that sounds traumatizing, but also perfect for writing fucked up situations. You can give me any ideas you have, as I'm struggling to figure out what to do for the prompts. I'll send the list and you can just give some ideas, doesn't even need character names, could just be like a and b and then whatever situation. I've currently only got an idea for day 18.
DAY 1: touch starved
DAY 2: flinching
DAY 3: muzzled
DAY 4: knife to the throat
DAY 5: “that’s gonna scar”
DAY 6: secrets revealed
DAY 7: made to watch
DAY 8: panic
DAY 9: voice loss
DAY 10: difficulty breathing
DAY 11: fever
DAY 12: “can you hear me?”
DAY 13: forced to hurt a loved one
DAY 14: captivity
DAY 15: self-sacrifice
DAY 16: semi-conscious
DAY 17: silent tears
DAY 19: “you deserve this”
DAY 20: knife wound
DAY 21: shackled
DAY 22: can’t scream
DAY 23: “you’ll have to go through me”
DAY 24: bloody clothes
DAY 25: assumed dead
DAY 26: forced to choose
DAY 27: survivor’s guilt
DAY 28: “you’re safe now”
ALT 1: rope burns
ALT 2: caged
ALT 3: soft words
ALT 4: experimentation
ALT 5: time loop
ALT 6: limp
ALT 7: immortality
ALT 8: found footage
ALT 9: natural disaster
ALT 10: inferno
*rubs hands together* assume this is all dreamswap cast unless stated otherwise
Also likely have a TUSOUD flavor to them but you can remove it if you like
Day 1: touch starved - Error is in the meme squad house and still a little icky on touch with the other two. Cross is a new addition to the place and doesn't quite know about the touch stuff. (Alt 1: rope burns - Angel getting his hands on Nightmare, having his fun with him all the while throwing insults at him and his body)
Day 2: flinching - Finch having an extra bad reaction to Nightmare's tendrils (Alt 2: caged - Nightmare getting stuck in a cell before he meets his friends and realizes.. crap, he is stuck. Freak out ensue :3)
Day 3: muzzled - Chris feeling unable to reach out to others and thus doesn't tell anyone about his struggles. Could end in many ways~ (Alt 3: Soft words - probably this but like. someone helps him.)
Day 4: knife to the throat - Blue's done a bad to Error and Error is finally done with his shit. (Alt 4: Experimentation - you know the thing with Night being in constant pain if someone attempted to radiantise him? Yeaaaaaah...)
Day 5: "that's gonna scar" - Error hurting himself and Blue taking care of his wounds, but continuing to terribly try and manipulate Error during it.
Day 6: secrets revealed - so imagine Nightmare never stopped self harming. Now imagine Angel hurting Nightmare more and trying to rape him on the battle field, thankfully being stopped by the others, but not before Nightmare's thighs are basically shown for all to see. Yeaaaaaahhh...
Day 7: made to watch - either Dream or Angel raping Nightmare and unfortunately, Error and Cross is in the same room but cannot do a thing. (Alt 7: immortality - Nightmare is immortal, which means that his friends will die before he ever will.)
Day 8: panic - I mean idfk maybe use the situation of my panic attack when mxrtified blocked me to do this. maybe edward gets blocked by barry for whatever reason and shit starts to spiral. a good song to listen to is "panic attack" by insane clown posse
Day 9 - 11: voice loss; difficulty breathing; fever - allergic reaction?
Day 12: “can you hear me?” - Nightmare got really badly hurt during a fight (perhaps hitting the ground in that fight at the tree and Cross is forced to take him away to the omega timeline)
Day 13: forced to hurt a loved one - Reverie and Neil end up finding Terror in the red rock AU (fun fact that AU they found themselves in before they were found by the meme squad + night and glitch is actually based on a real place, aka Sedona Arizona). While Reverie is trying to use his bow to hit Terror, Neil gets shot thanks to the goop bitchass.
Day 14: captivity - Broken Family!JMV Jade is in the rehab alongside Obsidian. He's trying to keep Obsidian in check because there is little chance his family (zircon, jasper, silver and koroit; oh yeah uh they're obsidian and jade's kids in broken family au) will stand a chance against the entirety of Justice Reigns. Inside, a random doctor (it could be an oc of mines, or an oc of yours!) notices over the course of a few days how Jade reacts, and kindly says to him "oh sweetie, you don't belong here in this rehab."
Day 15: self-sacrifice - Night taking a fatal blow for Reverie.
Day 16: semi-conscious & day 17: silent tears - tbh i dunno
Day 19: “you deserve this” - Dream finding out about Nightmare's self harm much sooner and telling this to him.
Day 20: knife wound - Nightmare wants to die, but he's tired of letting Dream ruin his life. Now he wants to ruin Dream's, in a more permanent way. (Specifically without Error and Cross being Dream's friends)
Day 21: shackled - Nightmare hurting himself after an extended stint in jail where he can't escape.
Day 22: can’t scream - Blue raping Error.
Day 23: “you’ll have to go through me” - Cross defending Nightmare from Dream.
Day 24: bloody clothes - Dream comes back from a rough fight from Terror. Maybe some Ink x Dream?
Day 25: assumed dead - Kevin dies, but with this, Nightmare is now thought to be dead due to Kevin's negative aura disappearing.
Day 26: forced to choose - Terror capturing both Night and Neil and Reverie is forced to choose whether Neil or Night dies.
Day 27: survivor’s guilt - Nightmare and Error die, and Cross has to deal with the fact he lost his loved ones once again.
Day 28: “you’re safe now” - Error encountering Blue for the first time and being brought to his house.
Hope you like all of these <3
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backtothestart02 · 2 years
The Twinkle in His Eyes - 1/1 | westallen fanfiction
A/N: HAPPY 5TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY, WESTALLEN!!!! Loosely based off some tweets I saw. Enjoy.
Synopsis: Barry surprises Iris on their 5th wedding anniversary.
Meet me outside.
Iris frowned.
It was her lunch break, so she didn’t have trouble getting away, but she hadn’t intended on doing anything with her husband until they both got home from work hours later.
Her frown deepened when she stepped outside of the office building and saw him standing there, grinning like a fool with his hands in his pockets, looking sheepish but with no gifts in hand, not even food.
What is he up to?
“Hey, wife of five years…”
Her frown immediately turned upside down as she broke into a wide smile. She walked towards him.
“Hi, husband of-”
“Do you trust me?” he cut her off.
She blinked.
He turned her slowly so her back was against his chest, then he whispered into her left ear.
“Close your eyes.”
Still smiling, she did as he asked.
“Are they closed?”
She nodded.
He covered his hands over her eyes anyways, making her laugh, and then began to phase them, presumable to a new location.
It was a slightly dizzying experience, as it tended to be, but she sensed immediately when they’d stopped moving. Barry removing his hands helped too.
“Can I open my eyes?” she teased.
He smirked.
“You can open them.”
Iris had to blink a few times to adjust to the new lighting. They were in a suburban neighborhood now, and the sun in front of them was almost blinding with no trees or buildings in plain sight.
“What…am I looking at, Babe?” she asked, lifting her hand up to block the sun.
Barry’s smirk shifted into a smile as he brushed his hand on the small of her back and then took her other hand.
“Come with me.”
She looked at him inquisitively but followed after him, intertwining their fingers in his grasp. Within minutes the sun disappeared before a set of medium-height trees and the walkway they were on emerged into a large yard and a two-story house that looked suspiciously like one she had drawn up in elementary school and she’d thought no one had seen before.
“Barry…who lives here?”
Barry said nothing, just squeezed her hand tightly and tugged her along.
“We’re almost there,” he said instead.
He looked at her over his shoulder.
“You’ll see who lives here, Iris. Relax.”
He winked, sending a delicious chill down her spine. She had the sneaking suspicion her husband of five years was about to sweep her off her feet. Again.
Barry stepped up onto the porch and came to a stop in front of the door. Then he gestured towards the smooth, wooden door and said two words:
“Open it.”
Iris’ eyes bulged. She looked at him, at the door, then back at him. In the back of her mind, she knew she should be saying something about not breaking and entering on private property. But the glint in her husband’s eyes told her they were in no danger of breaking the law.
She reached for the doorknob with her free hand and turned it. An immediate gasped escaped her lips as the door swung open.
Rose petals on the shining wooden floor. Not just everywhere but a trail.
She turned to look at Barry.
“What do you think? Should we follow it?”
Her jaw dropped.
“Barry. Is this our-”
He put a finger to her parted lips.
“You’ll ruin the surprise.”
And so, she followed him into the gorgeous house. They followed the trail of red rose petals from room to room, exploring the exact blueprint she’d created as a child and dreamed of for years, and then given up dreaming of.                 
At last, they reached a beautiful already decorated room – the only room that was decorated in the entire house.                               
A tasteful pale yellow colored the walls. A beautiful large window faced the large backyard, and a crib lay nestled in the center of the room, lightning bolts dangling above it and Iris’ baby blanket hanging over the railing.
Iris stilled, then spun around.
“But, I haven’t- I’m not-”
“Not pregnant, I know.” He chuckled. “I just thought…we’ve been trying a long time, and at least when we are ready, we’ll have this.”
Her eyes started to water.
“And hey, if there’s anything you don’t like, just say the word, and I’ll-”
“I’m pregnant.”
He froze, forgetting how to speak momentarily.
“I found out last night. I was going to tell you, but-”
“You’re pregnant?”
And she hesitated. Because what if he was just pretending to not know so she could have her moment of telling him? That wasn’t the case, but she wouldn’t put it past him, and it made her love him even more.
“You really didn’t know?”
He laughed and pulled her into a hug.
“I can’t believe you’re pregnant!”
She wrapped her arms around him and smiled against his neck as he spun her around.
“I can’t believe you bought us this house!”
“Oh, I didn’t buy it.”
She frowned when he pulled away.
“My dad could not afford this place, Bear.”
“Not your dad either.”
“I don’t…” she trailed off.
He set her down and tugged her along to the master bedroom, which was more luxurious than she could have imagined. It also contained a surprise visitor.
“Hey, sis.”
She ran and hugged her brother, letting him spin her around too. Then she took a step back and looked at two of the top men in her life as they shared a mischievous look and grin.
“What are you two not telling me?” She put her hands on her hips.
“You want to tell her?” Barry asked.
“Nah, man, this is all you. It was your idea…your anniversary gift…” He shifted his gaze to his sister. “Congrats on the baby by the way. I can’t wait to meet Nora…as an infant.”
Iris could barely contain herself. She was practically blubbering.
“One of you tell me what is going on!”
Barry laughed and nodded.
“Okay, okay.” He cleared his throat. “We built it. So, we did buy the land, or rather, I bought it, but we buil-”
“We? We, who?” Iris demanded.
“Your brother and I.”
Her jaw dropped.
“I wanted to take on the thing myself, but with our anniversary coming up so fast, and all these metahumans and non-metas having a vendetta against up every six months, I called in for some backup.” He winked. “But…” He pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket and showed it to her, confirming her suspicions. “I made sure to keep the architect’s wishes intact.”
“Oh, my god…Barry. Wally! Ba- Both of you!”
“Is she gonna cry?” Wally asked. “It looks like she might cry.”
She whimpered, and Barry took her in his arms again until the happy tears subsided, and she demanded a group hug with both her men.
Then, when the time was right, Wally made his departure, promising not to say a word about the baby until after they’d told everyone else at a planned gathering or an impromptu meeting intended for that kind of reveal.
“Why are you so good to me?” she asked, her hands around the back of his neck as he swayed them back and forth between kisses.
“What do you mean?” he asked innocently.
“A house? Built by your own two hands-”
“And Wally’s.”
“And Wally’s,” she allowed. “But, Babe, my childhood dream house… you are so-”
“What?” He grinned.
“I got us a bottle of wine.”
“Which you can no longer drink.”
“Oh.” She frowned, apparently having not considered that. “Right.”
He chuckled.
“Don’t worry. I’ll pick us up some sparkling juice. It’ll be just as tasty and won’t endanger the little one.”
He brushed his nose against hers, smiling softly.
“I love you,” she murmured.
“I love you, Iris West-Allen.” He pressed his lips to hers. “To another great five years?”
“Oh, no,” she said, shaking her head.
“Much longer.”
The twinkle in his eyes was all the warning she got before he lifted her off her feet and carried her to the bed covered in rose petals.
Iris didn’t return to work that day, but a quick email sent out from her phone by her husband dearest was enough to send everyone home early and make sure Allegra locked up on her way out.
After all, Iris would be of no good to anyone until the next day after she’d been properly made love to in the bedroom of her dreams in the house of her dreams by the man of her dreams a few times over.
If this was life with Barry Allen, she never wanted it to end.
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jiiminho · 1 year
Google Ads Editor version 2.4 is out with 8 new features
Google has just released its Ads Editor version 2.4, and advertisers can take advantage of several new features and updates. Let’s see what’s new.
New Features:
Video asset library. All of the videos used in the account can now be found in the video asset library.
Multi-account overview. The “Overview” tab now shows a summary across multiple accounts. Previously, it could only show one account at a time.
Google Drive integration. With Google Drive integration, Editor now supports export to or import from Google Drive. You can also share files in Drive with other users. But Google Sheets is not currently supported with this release.
Scheduled Post. You can now schedule your posts for a specified time.
Editable product groups and listing groups. Product groups and listing groups can now be added and modified within Editor, in a dialog that makes it easier to view and maintain their tree-like structure for campaigns using Merchant Center product feeds. Previously, the only way to manipulate product groups and listing groups was via CSV import.
One YouTube Network. All Video campaigns now target YouTube Search and YouTube Video networks, so these options are removed from Editor. Only the Video Partners setting remains the same.
Video enhancement opt-out. There is a new setting to enable or disable video enhancements for Video campaigns.
Download. “Download,” which was previously known as “Get recent changes” now allows you to download previously downloaded campaigns, item types, and optimize downloaded data or the combination of all 3 choices. You can also schedule downloading a campaign or other item types.
Deprecated Feature:
Google deprecated one feature, the updated validations for geo targeting and exclusion methods. Google said the “Area Of Interest (“People interested in your locations”) geo targeting method is mostly deprecated. It’s only allowed for Discovery campaigns. In addition, the Don’t care (“People in or interested in…”) exclusion method is disallowed in Search, Display, Shopping, and Performance Max.”
Why we care. The new features can help improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your Google Ads campaigns. Hopefully some of these 8 new features can help you be more efficient with your Google Ads workflows and campaigns.
Here is the full list of changes.
Add Search Engine Land to your Google News feed.    
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About the author
Barry Schwartz a Contributing Editor to Search Engine Land and a member of the programming team for SMX events. He owns RustyBrick, a NY based web consulting firm. He also runs Search Engine Roundtable, a popular search blog on very advanced SEM topics. Barry can be followed on Twitter here.
Read more here https://searchengineland.com/google-ads-editor-version-2-4-is-out-with-8-new-features-429001
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college-girl199328 · 2 years
Residents of a quiet enclave north of Toronto say they're worried about their futures because their landlord is not properly maintaining the land on which their houses sit. About 80 families live in Royal Oak Estates, in Cookstown, near Barrie, Ontario. There, residents, mostly seniors, own their homes but not the land where they are located.
The arrangement is called land lease home ownership. Homeowners pay a monthly lease to the landowner, plus property taxes. They're also expected to maintain the property immediately surrounding the house, such as mowing their lawns.
The landowner is responsible for managing sewage systems if they are off an individual's lot, plus water and power lines, roads, snow removal, and other maintenance issues that would normally be the work of the municipality. There are a handful of land-lease communities just outside the Greater Toronto Area. But at Royal Oak Estates, some say problems have been ongoing for about the last seven years.
"All we're asking is for the landlord to do the required maintenance. Part of we pay fees is to have these problems looked after and properly," said 22-year-old resident Barb Coleman.
Residents who spoke to CBC News said flooding is routine, trees and street lights aren't maintained, and the roads are so cracked and filled with potholes that their cars are being damaged. "Most of the year flooding and terrible potholes, and to drive, you have to dodge those," said Coleman. "Some people are also having trouble with the snow plowing."
The residents who spoke to CBC News blame the landlord and property manager, Sabi Ahsan, for not consistently living up to the landlord's responsibilities.
Ahsan denies that he's a lax landlord. He says that he's been holding up his end of the leases. And besides, he says the property is in high demand. He also denies that roads in the community have ever flooded.
"Most of the tenants have lived there for 20, 25, or 30 years," he told CBC News. "There's a reason they've been there that long. And whenever a home goes up for sale in that community, it is sold within days… because there's a great reputation. It's a great place to live." Land-lease home ownership is much cheaper than traditional home ownership, residents say, with rates that range from about $500 to $1,000 a month, including property taxes. Some also pay mortgages on houses, but those tend to be low because they're only financing the cost of the house, not the land.
Paralegal Kathleen Lovett, who specializes in landlord-tenant issues, says there are good reasons why the land lease option is popular, especially among seniors. "Living in a mobile home park community is an affordable way to live, where you don't have full responsibility for all the exterior maintenance of the homes. "Your lot size is pretty manageable," she said.
"Plus, have neighbors… Everybody looks after everybody in these communities. There's definitely a feeling of security and community."
One downside, though, according to Lovett, is that it can be very expensive should a tenant decide to move. That's because it's not just the tenant who leaves, but the house too.
Houses in the community are supposed to be moveable, but that can be a challenge. Residents have to pay to move their house off the lot, which can be prohibitively expensive.
It's also one reason residents can sometimes be afraid to complain about maintenance issues, fearing the costs associated with a possible eviction, she says.
"You have to remove that house in a very short amount of time, and that can cause an enormous amount of stress," said Lovett. "A lot of them just don't want to rock the boat… So they'll just sit back and take what's coming at them."
Landlords often know this, she says. "I feel in a lot of cases…it's empowering the landlord to a certain extent to not be straightforward in resolving these issues promptly."
Glenda Hagerman, 89, and her husband Brian have lived in the Royal Oak Estates community since 2007. They live on fixed incomes, and they agree that, despite their complaints, it would be, in Glenda's words, "impossible" to move. As for the municipality, elected officials say there's little they can do to force action on the landowner because, unlike a traditional subdivision, the estate is technically on private property.
Until last fall, Rob Nicol was the councilor who represented the residents of Royal Oak Estates. Asked how he would characterize the relationship between the landowner and some of the residents, he said "strained would be a mild way to put it. When you move into a nice, quiet community like this, you're hoping to enjoy those years of your life as opposed to having to [fight] for something as simple as a street light, or drainage," he said. "It's really sad that our community has to fight through this."
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barriebasementreno · 2 years
Basement Finishing Solutions in Barrie
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Basement finishing is not an easy task because there are many things you have to check. As compared to other floors of the house, the basement requires extra precautions and care to prevent problems in the future. Whether you are using the basement for storage or living purposes, you still need to take proper measures to make sure it does not grow any mould, get flooded, etc.
How to Flood Proof Your Basement? The best way to flood proof your basement is to seal it. Target the openings of your basement and look for cracks in the walls to ensure that there is no space from which water can enter. Ensure that the windows have secure caulking and the doors have good weather-stripping around them.
Another way to flood proof your basement is to keep check of your landscaping. The roots of plants and trees in your garden can grow and cause cracks in your foundation and basement walls. Make sure that the plants and trees are kept at a distance from your foundation and basement walls. You can also dig some type of culvert to direct the water in another direction. 
Apart from that, you can also install a sump pump as a backup to remove the water from the basement in case it gets collected there. A sump pump is installed slightly lower in the basement to detect the presence of water. It kicks right away if the water has crossed a certain limit.
Furthermore, you can install a backwater valve to prevent wastewater and raw sewage from flooding your basement. It is a valve with a flap open at one end and works only one way. It is a very effective flood prevention system for basements. 
For more information on basement renovation solutions in Barrie, visit JC Unlimited today.
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sciencespies · 2 years
Early forests did not significantly change the atmospheric CO2
Early forests did not significantly change the atmospheric CO2
Scientists have discovered that the atmosphere contained far less CO2 than previously thought when forests emerged on our planet, the new study has important implications for understanding how land plants affect the climate.
The research has been led by the University of Copenhagen in collaboration with the University of Nottingham and alters 30 years of previous understanding. The study is published in Nature Communications.
Earth’s continents were colonized by tall trees and forests about 385 million years ago. Before then, shallow shrub-like plants with vascular tissue, stems, shallow roots, and no flowers had invaded the land. Textbooks tell us that the atmosphere at that time had far higher CO2 levels than today and that an intense greenhouse effect led to a much warmer climate. The emergence of forests was previously thought to promote CO2 removal from the atmosphere, driving the Earth into a long cool period with ice cover at the poles.
Reconstructing atmospheric CO2 levels in the geological past is difficult and has previously relied on proxies that also depend on parameters that had to be assumed. Climate scientists agree that CO2 plays a crucial role in shaping Earth’s climate both today and in the past. Therefore, a grand challenge for Earth scientist is to understand what has controlled the abundance CO2 in the atmosphere.
“We calibrated a mechanistic model for the gas-exchange between plant leaves and the ambient air to the oldest lineage of vascular land plants, namely clubmosses. With this approach, we could calculate the CO2 level in the air solely from observations made on the plant material,” tells associate professor Tais W. Dahl from the Globe institute at University of Copenhagen, who led the study in collaboration with an international team of researchers from Germany, Saudi Arabia, UK, and USA.
The new method builds on three observations that can be made both in living plants and fossil plant tissue, including the ratio of two stable carbon isotopes and the size and density of stomata (pore openings) through which CO2 is taken up by the plant. The researchers calibrated the method in living clubmosses and found that this approach can accurately reproduce ambient CO2 levels in the greenhouse.
“The newly calibrated method to study CO2 levels from the geological record is superior to previous approaches that produce estimates with unbound error bars simply because they depend on parameters that cannot be independently constrained in the geological record,” says Barry Lomax Professor at University of Nottingham and a co-author on the study.
The research team applied the method to some of the oldest vascular plant fossils that lived before and after trees evolved on our planet and discovered that the ratio of the two stable carbon isotopes, carbon-13 and carbon-12, is very similar to that of modern plants. Further, the stomata density and size were also very similar to that observed in their living descendants. These observations kickstarted a more thorough investigation of the early CO2 record.
Dahl and colleagues collected data from 66 fossils of three distinct species of club mosses found in 9 different localities worldwide 410 to 380 million years in age. In all cases, the atmospheric CO2 levels were only 30-70% higher (~525 — 715 ppm) than today (~415 ppm). This is far lower than previously thought (2000-8000 ppm). Ppm stands for parts-per-million and is the unit used to measure carbon dioxide concentrations in air.
The team utilized a paleoclimate model to show that Earth was a temperate planet with mean tropical surface air temperatures of 24.1-24.6°C.
“We used a fully coupled atmosphere-ocean model to find that Earth had ice-covered poles when forests emerged. Yet, land plants could thrive in the tropical, subtropical and temperate zones,” explains Georg Feulner from the Potsdam Institute for Climate in Germany, who co-authored the study.
The new study suggest that trees actually play an insignificant role on atmospheric CO2 levels over longer time scales because early trees had deeper root systems and produced more developed soils that are associated with lower nutrient loss. With more efficient nutrient recycling in soils, trees actually have a smaller weathering demand than the shallow shrub-like vegetation that came before them. This idea goes against previous thinking that trees with deeper root system promoted CO2 removal through enhanced chemical weathering and dissolution of silicate rocks.
Dahl and colleagues used Earth system models to show that primitive shrub-like vascular plants could have caused a massive decline in atmospheric CO2 earlier in history, when they first spread on the continents. The model shows that vascular ecosystem would have simultaneously led to a rise in atmospheric O2 levels.
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thatyamiguy-blog · 2 years
A very little guy Christmas (DC)
It was the most wonderful time of the year, at least if you asked a certain orangeish red haired freckled faced 10 year old in a 19 year old's body. wally west always loved Christmas but this year was better then any other as Christmas morning also happened to land on the 4 month anniversary of him and his wonderful boyfriend Dick having moved in together. Their modest little one story house was well stocked thanks to stocks Dick had from his adopted father Bruce Wayne that were managed by Lucas fox meaning neither boy HAD to work out side of the occasional superhero stint. Dick had actually been thinking about getting a bigger house till wally had pointed out they didn't have a butler and he wasn't gonna just clean the palace pointing out 'just because I move at super speed doesn't mean I'm not still putting in the same effort' That being said, Wally had taken it upon himself to put up the Christmas decorations, Dick had just come home with the box with the speedster had removed it from his hands and it look like a Christmas explosion had happened in the house, both inside and out. "..You know, Barry warned me but I didn't believe him." Dick had teased. "Hey! I left the tree alone for us to do together." Wally had said, a mock pout on his face, and earning a kiss on his freckled cheek from dick that almost made him melt. "That you did Wall man, that you did."
As the pair had set up the tree, Dick couldn't help but gush mentally about how much his lover and best friend seemed to have regressed just from such a simple act. he loved the freckled dork with all of his heart and it was that love that helped him get over the semi hurt he'd experience a month before after discovering the dork's secret, something he apparently thought was so shameful that not even Barry or Iris knew about. Considering the bond between the three that said lots. Still while he had been temped to confront wally at the time, Dick had a better plan and was waiting for Christmas morning, when his adorable little speedster would get a very special Christmas present from Santa. "Dick! you're not gonna believe this, but somebody, and I don't know who, ran in here and stole the last of those awesome sugar cookies you made while we were getting the tree decorated! I bet it was Zoom, he's always had a sweet tooth!" Wally said, shaking Dick out of his distracted thoughts. Dick smirked. A speedster wasn't totally unnoticeable if you knew what you were looking for and while you wouldn't be able to do much to stop them in most cases, there was a tell tale vibration in the chest that you could feel if you trained yourself to notice it. even then Wally's claims that it could of been Zoom (who dick knew for a fact was locked up in Iron heights at the moment) Wally's claims fell flat due to the scatter of crumbs on his chin and a smudge of icing on his lip. "Really? that DASTARDLY fiend!" Dick chuckled. "He even went the extra mile to plant evidence on you!" Wally froze and blushed, then wiped his face getting icing and crumbs on his Christmas sweater and gave a sheepish laugh. "oh uh..well, see.."  wally started, rubbing the back of his head with the other arm. "Relax, I'll make more after this, but your helping this time. note that means helping me make the dough and cook it, not stealing half of the cookie dough one tea spoon at a time." Dick chuckled. "I can handle that, BUT!" and wally held up a finger. "Only if I get to lick the beaters." "Deal dork."
With the presents under the tree, Wally had to keep fighting the urge Christmas eve not to just unwrap them and re wrap them at super speed to see what he got. For one, he knew it would spoil any surprises Dick had planned for him and well for anther.. he was Nightwing and had been trained by the freaking batman. there was no way Dick wouldn't of found out somehow. Believe it or not, living with the world second (or was that third?) greatest detective could be a pain, no matter how great his butt looked. 'Though it IS a very, very sexy butt.' Wally thought, watching as Dick bent down to add a last second extra three presents. "heh, really going all out and spoiling me this year even after I made you wear that ugly sweater huh?" Wally giggled, sitting on the couch and sipping at some eggnog. It's a wonderful life was playing on TV though never of them were really paying attention to it, it was just a Christmas tradition that Dick had with Bruce and wally had been fine with carrying it on over to their house. "Oh, these aren't from me. Superman was doing a favor for Santa and dropped these off early, he knows what a good boy you've been." Dick said and smirked. Wally giggled, he of course knew there was no such thing as Santa (though given what kind of world he lived in, he'd maybe had spent A LOT of time in the north pole when he first got his powers looking for Santa's workshop) He loved how small dick was treating him and wised that he could of confessed his hidden side to Dick. But with all the weirdo's that dick had dealt with in Gotham, the last thing he wanted was for Dick to find out that sometimes wally liked to act even younger then he had been since December 1st. "heh, you think superman helps out at Santa's workshop?" Wally asked, winking, and keeping the little game going. "well maybe once or twice, Likely doesn't do it too much or he'd put the elf's out of work you know." Dick fired back. Wally snorted, he'd gone for anther drink of eggnog and now some flew out of his nose and onto the front of his own ugly sweater. "Ha! Picture a picket line around the fortress! 'Workshop jobs for workshop elf's!' and all that!" "heh, Or maybe he just doesn't care for the work uniform, having to wear the fake ears and all." dick said, coming over as wally was caught up in a fit of giggles mentally picturing it.
Dick smirked as the movie wasn't even halfway over and wally was already falling asleep, he'd caught him going out on a dozen pointless patrols though out the day but Barry had warned him wally tried to tire himself out on Christmas eve under the whole 'the sooner I go to bed, the sooner it's CHRISTMAS!' mindset. Despite having no powers of his own Dick was pound for pound the stronger of the two (at least when wally wasn't using his speed to add force to his attacks) and Dick scooped the cutie up in his arms, wall's chest to his own and the sleeping redhead's face resting on his shoulder and getting it damp with drool. arm under his silly little lover's butt and thigh's Dick carried him  to their bedroom, gently setting wally on the king sized bed and then slowly getting him undressed, trying not to wake the little guy up. Getting wally out of his sweater and pants and socks was the easy part, and Dick had originally planned and tucking wally into bed in just his Flash brief's. The he got a look at the stained on them and rolled his eyes, the boy just didn't like to wipe right! 'Oh well, let's me get to see that cute freckled ass.' Dick mentally chuckled and slowly, carefully, a bit at a time got the undies off of the fastest dork alive. picking out a pair of loose boxers (with a lighting bolt them going on) Dick tugged them up most of the way, getting Wally's cute little pee pee (though Dick knew it was a grower not a shower) covered up the rolled him gently over onto his side, and drooled little as he looked at dat ass. the white almost pale skin (Since Wally didn't have the patience for tanning) made the brown freckles all over the boys bubble butt stick out and if it wasn't for the fact he'd of woken wally up, he'd of leaned down and blew a raspberry on one of those cheeks. 'Sigh, the things I do for the greater good.' Dick thought and tugged up the boxers instead and got the wall man tugged under the blankets. Looking at the clock it was only 8 pm, and Dick wasn't used to going to sleep this early due to his years of patrolling the streets at night. '..oh what the heck.' He thought, and after going and turning off all the lights in the house and making sure the doors were locked, made his way back to their bedroom and stripping down to his own undies, crawled under the blankets. it wasn't even five seconds later before wally was snuggling into his chest and cooing 'daddy' '...I could get used to this." Dick thought with a grin.
Wally yawned as he woke up, a grin coming over his face. He was alone in the bedroom though that wasn't anything new considering, same with Dick carrying him to bed when he conked out. the only mild surprise was that he hadn't been woken up by a raspberry on his cheeks, he knew how much Dick loved his tushie. Getting out of bed he slipped on a cream white sleeping robe, not bothering with a top or pants and his only detour as he made his way to the living room/kitchen because of it's open concept was to tap a kidney so to speak. Dick  had made coffee and was reading a new's parent, the tree lights on and a fire going in the fire place and he looked up to see Wally and smirked. "About time sleepy head! I thought you were gonna sleep the whole day away." Dick teased lightly. "he, It's only 6:30 in the morning Dick." "Like I said.." Blowing a raspberry at Dick wally eyed the presents under the tree and was about to make his move when Dick cleared his throat. "I was thinking, I know normally Barry and iris let you open all your presents first..But I wanna open MINE all up first. trust me, it'll be worth the wait." Dick said, setting the paper down and coming over leaving his mug behind as well. wally whined like a little boy and then bit his lip, He WAS semi used to ruling Christmas morning and it couldn't hurt to let Dick this, if he had to. he guessed. "ooook. just don't take forever. I've seen you with wrapping paper, you try and save it!" wally said, unable to keep the BRAT out of his tone. "I swear, I'll go fast..not as fast as you but.." Dick chuckled and took a seat. In what took what seemed like hours to wally (though it was only 15 minutes at most) dick had unwrapped his presents, Having gotten marital arts gear, tech and books from members of the bat family (and some cook books from Alfred) It was his present from wally though that had Dick squealing with delight, as it was a old stuff toy robin Dick had tossed out when they first moved in together since it hadn't handled the move and had basically come apart. Wally had found it, rescued it and after a few (ok a lot) hit and misses had managed to get it cleaned, stuffed and restitched back together. "I know it's not as fancy as the other presents bu-" Wally was said, rubbing the back of his head but was cut off as Dick Hugging him hard and kissed both his cheeks over and over. "Thank you! I love it!" Dick gushed. "This makes me SO glad I went all out for your gifts!" "heh, ooooh? and speaking of~" wally said, grinning like a fool and blushing at just how much Dick treasured his cheap fixed up stuffed toy over the insane amount of cash that had been spent on his other gifts. "Yes! Though hand on, I wanna give you your gifts in the right order!" Dick said and semi rushed and pushed wally onto a seated position on the floor. "heh, jeez, remind me that plushies are the way to your heart." Wally giggled, but took a seat cross legged and holding out his arms, his hands all in 'gimme!' mode. The first present was from Wally's parents, a set pot's and pans even though they already had some, they tended to try and be practical. The second was from his ex Artemis, who he was still friends with since the break up had been on both of them and she was dating Red arrow these days. It was a book on the zen of archarcy, though wally wasn't much into shooting. The third and forth were from Tim and Barbra, Robin and batgirl and were some lower tech versions of the gifts Dick had gotten and the firth was large book with lots of fairy tales in it with vivid drawing to go along with the text. "heh, Guess Alfred doesn't know I'm not much of a reader." Wally said, blushing at that gift and how childish it was. "oh you'd be surprised what Al knows." Dick said in a amused voice. Wally went to ask what that meant but was shushed as the first present from Santa was handed to him, and Dick stood by, with a HUGE grin on his face as wally took the bulky thing and torn at the tape, only to freeze and blush red all over and look back up at Dick. "Merry Christmas little guy." Dick said as wally looked back down at the pack of little waddlers, the diapers for big babies in his lap. "I.. but ..you.. " wally whined, trying to find the words to ask just HOW Dick had known Wally was a closeted adult baby! "Before you ask, Just remember, I'm a world class dective, I found out last month and you have NO idea how hard it's been to keep it to myself till now. well mostly to myself." Dick chuckled. "...Mostly?" Wally asked, gulping and looking back under the tree. there was still two more presents from Santa, a present or two from dick, -groan- a present from batman and.. "Tell me you didn't tell Barry and Iris!?" wally whined and pouted. "I would but that would set a bad example for my baby boy. you shouldn't fib." Dick laughed.
Dick felt a little bit bad as wally whined and whimpered, clearly he hadn't of wanted Barry and Iris to know but they were coming over for dinner later (with Dick and wally going to Wayne manor for dinner on boxing day) and he wanted him free to be a little guy all day. "can i at least get one of my diapies on before we open the rest?" Wally whined, hugging the pack close to his chest and making Dick smirk. "Open up your present from Santa then we'll get my widdle man in his diapies." Dick said, Kissing the redhead's cheek and breaking the pout from his face, though damn if wally didn't try and keep pouting, it just kept turning into a grin. 'Santa's' other two presents it turned out were a six pack of wipes and baby powder for the babies bottom, making it clear to Wally that Dick was more then willing to change him.(and BOY did Dick watching that realization click and the the MASSIVE blush that brought!) and then a second pack of diapers. "Don't worry, we'll get more as you need them, we can even clear out your underwear drawer if we have to." Dick said cheerfully and got a reply that was music to his ears. "DADDY!" "awww, it's ok. I know you'll wanna make me all sorts of presents. Now, ready to get your diapies on?" Dick asked, coming closer and gently pushing Wally onto his back. "Y-yeah but right here?" wally asked, eyes darting to the window, even though the curtains were drawn shut. "hey, you wanna be a big baby, you have to go with it..when does a BABY get to chose where he gets his huggies changed?" Dick asked teasingly. "I hate you so much right now!" Wally huffed and laid back, crossing his arms. "No you don't." Dick said. "..No I don't." wally agreed.
it was surreal, having his loving boyfriend being so ok with this and slipping into a daddy role with such ease.. It also had wally mentally cursing himself for not having spoken up sooner since he could of been rocking out in diapers ALL this time! he closed his eyes not in shame but in bliss and his arms uncrossed as a thumb found it's way into his mouth as Dick pulled his undies off then opened the package. "How many diapers do you want on little man? you can keep sucking your thumb and show me with your finger unless it's gonna take more then five." Dick teased gently. wally squirmed LOTS at that, he had toyed and experimented with layering of course, what big baby hadn't? but those were cheap store brand diapers and he wanted to make these last. Thinking about it for a second, wally held up three fingers. "ok, can do.. Hmm.. Should of gotten your robe off first." Dick said. Wanting to speed this along and get his butt back in diapers wally took matters into his own hands, thumb out of mouth and eyes open as he quickly shed the robe and tossed it down the hall like it was on fire and then was back on the floor, shivering a little from the cold, and a whole lot from excitement. "heh, well that takes care of THAT I suppose." Dick laughed and tickled Wally's tummy as the speedster went back to slobbering on his thumb, but kept his eyes open this time. Dick made a show of it, Unfolding each of the bulky baby print diapers and teasing wally almost with them and making the little reach out with his free hand, all I want. he was almost making Wally's little guy stick up to a full 6 inches. "Well, if I had ANY doubt you didn't want this before." Dick chuckled then added "Butt up wall man." Wally listened to daddy and lifted his hips, all three diaper had been layered on top of each other and it felt like he was resting his butt on a pillow as his tushie came back down, his stiffly twitching wildly and Wally blushed, he was gonna cream hands free any second now. "Guess I better stop teasing and hurry up before you shoot and coat yourself and have to go for a bath." Dick chuckled, quickly sprinkling LOTS of baby powder on Wally's privates and BARLEY getting the inner most diaper taped up before wally started to jerk his hips up and down, crying out around his thumb as load after load of 'baby milk' shot out into the diaper, Dick watching the show and though his orgasmic haze Wally could see Dick was getting excited as well.
Dick had to admit, while he'd of never thought of being a daddy dom before, he was finding it super fun and hot as fuck. watching wally cream that hard just from his huggies had Dick wanting to replace that thumb with a certain put of himself in Wally's mouth, but this was all about the baby and there would be time for that later. Waiting for the hip's to stop jerking Dick moved a hand down and even though the thickness of the diaper could feel how hard his boyfriend turned baby boy was spurting and leaned down, smooching the big babies cheek and setting off anther wave of orgasmic bliss for the little guy. Once wally was done, Dick smiled and rubbed Wally's tummy. "have fun?" Dick asked and wally nodded. "Do you still wanna go on with the rest of the diapers or do you need a bit of big boy time after you cream?" He wasn't being mean, he'd be happy to keep babying little wally but also didn't wanna force this on him anymore then he already had with the telling Barry and iris and Bruce. wally pulled his thumb out, and there was a line of drool with it that Dick somehow found just even cuter and he gushed in a babyish voice. "me wanna wear diapies ALL day dada." Wally coo'ed. Dick's cock almost shot then and there and he was positive it was only his training in self control under Bruce and other martial art master that kept him from shooting though his undies and coating wally. 'maybe I'm gonna need a diaper too at this rate.' dick mused to himself then out loud. "Ok little guy!"
triple diapered and feeling all so small in the most wonderful way, Wally had turned into a little cuddle bug and kept nuzzling into Dick whenever he wasn't opening a present or waiting for Dick to get him one. His present from Barry and iris was a large teddy bear, with a kid flash outfit on and by larger it was almost as big as his upper body and he gave it LOTS of hugs and named it Teddy flash right then and there. His present from Bruce was confusing, as it was a book about how to stop bed wetting and he held it up for Dick to see with a eyebrow raised. "Yeahhh..Bruce didn't really get what I was trying to tell him and just settled on thinking you were a bed wetter so I ran with it." Dick explained sheepishly. "heh, Ok. Guess that means no wearing to grandpa's house huh?" Wally giggled. "Ha! yeah, don't think that'll work out..though Alfred semi knows hence the fairy tales and well, Tim's got a lot of quirks like you so think he'd just get jealous." Dick chuckled. Wally giggled LOTS at that and then it was time for his gifts from Dick, which included two type of paci's (one with a naughty nipple and one with a normal) A set of Lego blocks but the big ones meant for babies, a rattle, a few more stuffies (A anther bear, a owl, a rabbit) and a diaper shirt that was main yellow with the flash logo on the front and on the back went 'Faster pooper alive!' in red lightning text. He also got a teddy bear themed shirt and shorts outfit, a couple of toddler show DVDS and of course his FAVORITE onesie, the one he insisted on right away, was a red one with green trim and a picture of mistletoe on the small of the back, just above the butt and text about it saying "Kiss under the mistletoe"
Getting the onesie on the little guy wasn't easy, Dick would have to see if Iris could let it out some or something or just cut back on the diapers when Wally wanted to read it. But as the protege of the god damn batman wasn't one to give up quick and with a lot of effort and grunting he got the crotch snaps done up, though he had to make use of some spirit gun like he used to keep his mask on to do it. unsurprisingly Wally wasted little time as soon as it was on, rolling over and getting on his hands and knees and offering his massive padded rear up and looking over his shoulder. "Welllll Daddy? Aren't you gonna kiss me 'under the mistletoe'?" he asked, breaking into a fit of giggled. "I suppose I better do it now before you go uh-oh." Dick countered and too lots of hoots and giggles, Leaned in and planted a big old smooch on Wally's diapered butt. "Hehehehehe I might be a BIG baby..But your a BUTT kisser!" Wally giggled like mad. Seeing how excited wally was Dick made a mental note NOT to let him have sugar while he was in little mode. "Soooo what do we do noooooow?" Wally asked, plopping back on his butt, leg's spread. "well I'm gonna go make use breakfast while YOU have a very, very important mission." Dick said, grabbing the first DVD he came across and noting the title then opening it. "Ohhh?" Wally asked, tilting his head and getting the normal paci clipped to his onesie. "Yup! You need to start watched Paw patrol so you can explain it all to daddy when he goes to watch it with you later. think you can handle that?" Dick asked. Wally smirked and then put on a fake look of concern. "it'll be tough.. but I MIGHT be able to handle it if I have my super science blocks to put together while I study the Intel sir!" Wally giggled. "heh.. well of course!" Dick said, going and getting the dvd in the machine and turning on the tv, and hearing a weird scuffing noise turned around and grinned ear you ear. Wall had the container of blocks in one arm, and was rocking his hips and using the other arm to guide him as he scooted across the floor on his butt! 'Just how did it take me finding diapers not to see what a little guy he is, and just how the hell does he manage to adult at all?' Dick wondered.
With the blocks dumped out (after Dick got them opened since there was plastic to cut and Wally was too little to have a knife of course) Wally set to work while sucking on his paci to make a semi mock computer, while Dick cued up the menu and had episode 1 ready to go, he was just waiting on 'agent baby' to give the thumbs up he was ready. give the thumbs up wally could feel a familiar pressure building up rapidly in his bowels and thought about letting Dick know he had to go poopie, and ask to use the potty, he'd never actually crapped himself before. 'nggggh.. nah. he said I hafa think like a baby and babies dun get to pick when and what they use their diapers for.' Wally thought and leaned forward as Dick passed him by, deciding to give his boyfriend a slight warning of what was coming by giving out a poot. Instead, the 3 days of backed up poopie in his tummy (his eating habit's sometimes could back him up for days as food struggled to get though) took the opening and a soft 'eek!' escaped from his lips and a massive amount of poopie forced it's way out into his diapers, bulking them out even more but because of the spirit gum the onesie couldn't just pop open which meant once the back of the diaper was full, it only had one place to go.. the front. Hands on the floor and on his knee's wally suckled hard on his paci as his poopies coated the front of his diapies, making him make tinkles and milk again and as the massive load came to a stop three or four minutes later, he opened his eyes and saw Dick smiling, having watched the whole thing. "So glad you made room for din din. I'll change you after we eat." he said and then gently and firmly pushed wally onto his squishy and smelly seat and made the big baby make anther load of baby milk. Unsurprisingly, he wasn't able to tell daddy much about paw patrol.
The end
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barrykevinorourke · 2 years
A Proposed Strategy for Sustainable Gold Mining
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A successful mining executive in Guyana, Barry Kevin O’Rourke serves as managing director of S.A.B. Mining, where he oversees the company's activities for mining diamonds and precious metals on more than 30,000 acres of land provided by the Guyana government. Barry Kevin O’Rourke has also established himself as an industry expert in the gold and mining industries.
A publication in the journal Land Degradation and Development posits that environmental hazards from surface gold mining operations can be reduced via measures that are geared toward restoring vegetation in mined sites. Mining operations typically result in deforestation, which has been linked to an increased risk of climate change, flooding, and desertification of land. Deforestation in developing nations due to mining accounts for roughly seven percent of deforestation in the regions. Subsequent mining operations alter land topography and disrupt the topsoil (the most important soil for vegetation).
In the publication, researchers suggest that mining companies should deploy technologies that can help remove the topsoil from target sites before proceeding with mining operations. These technologies should keep the topsoil (including constituent nutrients and seeds) intact throughout the period of separation. After the mining operation is completed, the topsoil can be restored to the sites to enable vegetation. To expedite forest regeneration, the researchers recommend growing hardy plants and trees at the sites.
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orangextreeservices · 2 years
OrangeX Tree Services
3431 Penetanguishene Rd, Barrie, ON L4M 4Y8 Canada
OrangeX Tree Services is a team of tree care professionals who are passionate about providing trustworthy, professional, high-quality tree service in Barrie, Ontario and our many surrounding areas. If you need an arborist in Barrie, ON, OrangeX Tree Services can meet your needs.
Every tree is different, and our experts have the skill and expertise to provide a wide range of tree services, including tree pruning, tree trimming, tree assessments, bracing and cabling trees, tree removal, stump grinding and emergency tree services. Whether you need an appointment for a Barrie tree removal service or emergency services to help with storm damage from a fallen tree, you can rely on OrangeX Tree Services !
As your Barrie tree service company, OrangeX proudly serves many areas throughout Simcoe County and nearby areas including Innisfil, Adjala-Tosorontio, Clearview, Collingwood, East Gwillimbury, Essa, Huntsville, Midland, Muskoka, New Tecumseth, Oro-Medonte, Orillia, Penetanguishene, Ramara, Shanty Bay, Wasaga Beach and West Gwillimbury.
If you need a Barrie arborist who can help with tree removal and other tree services, choose your local tree care experts at OrangeX Tree Services!
Call 705-817-8773 today!
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