#barrett is so cringe
murderballadeer · 1 year
petty of me but i actually would not want the tiktok sea shanty people to start a new folk revival or whatever that one post said bc i do not trust them to make good folk music
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Wicked Games 5
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Warnings: non/dubcon, cheating, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Character: Steve Rogers
Summary: you had a one night stand. Or did you?
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging ❤️
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Guilt. You can't deny it any longer. Your stomach is chaos. Everything you eat threatens to come back up or churns like cement. 
Something happened. Something you can't remember but you know what it was. Yet it isn't just that mistake that eats away at you. It's the one keeping you awake. The one draining you of energy and money alike. Your marriage. 
Stupid is an understatement. You didn't think any of this through. It's catching up to you. You didn't just fuck around because you’re angry. No, you're unhappy. 
But you did fuck around. For all you can say about Barrett, he didn't do that. It's over but you just don't know how to end it. He doesn't either. 
Tonight? You say that every day but you find an excuse not to do it. You're tired, you have to make dinner, you'll do it tomorrow when he isn't in a mood. 
That night you delay the inevitable with a trip to the pharmacy. You need something for your stomach. Once you get it under control, you'll be able to think. 
You grab the cheapest anti-nauseant on the shelf and read it over. May cause drowsiness. Well, what doesn't make you tired? 
"Got a bug?" The deep timbre scares you for more than its abruptness. It's familiar. Your vision flickers like a strobe light as you look over. 
It's him. Again. Captain America. What are the odds? 
"Ate something, I think," you murmur. 
He watches you. It's like he's waiting for something. You stare back. 
"Anyway..." you glance around him. "Sorry, if I'm in your way." 
You take a step back to clear the view of the shelf. 
"Nah, this stuff doesn't affect me. Can't remember the last time I had a stomach ache," he scoffs and turns. He grips the edge of a shelf as he faces you. "You never texted back." 
You flinch and flutter your lashes. "Texted?" 
He grins and puts his hand across his chest and drags it down. He laughs, "we had a good night, didn't we?" 
"Huh, I don't know what you're talking about." 
"Really, you don't? 'Cause I can hear your heart racing." 
You blink and look around, "really I don't--" 
"I'm sure that works with your husband. You two did look awfully happy at the grocery store. I could see the disgust crawling all over you," he snickers. 
"Excuse me, I don't know you. So please, go away." 
He clucks and stands straight. He drops his arms and frames his hips, "is that how you talk to your Captain? You're not how I remember you. You were a lot... nicer." 
"Shut up. That didn't happen." 
"Keep telling yourself that," he shrugs. 
"I-- I can't remember..." you whisper. Your voice cracks, "please, I don't remember." 
You look up at him with teary eyes. It was him? Of all people you had a drunken one-night stand with Steve Fucking Rogers. This can't be real. 
"I remember," he steps closer. "I can't forget." 
"No, please, I'm married. Alright? It was a mistake. Just a drunken night." 
"Not for me," he insists. His earnestness makes you shudder. 
"Look, I'm flattered but my life is complicated enough  alright? I'm sorry but I'm sure you can find someone else, Cap. Someone who isn't twenty shades of fucked." 
You shake the box of tablets and cringe. You turn and sweep away. You head to the checkout and go to one of the self-service machines. 
He surprises you as he puts his hand on the plastic divider and looms over you. You focus on scanning the pills and paying. 
"Look, Cap, I'm sorry I didn't reply." You slip your card out of your wallet.
"You ran out. I came back to an empty apartment." He juts a leg out as he leans on the divider. 
"Sure, but I woke up in a stranger's bed, all alone. I was a bit freaked out." 
"I went to get breakfast," he says. 
"Did you not notice the ring on my finger?" The machine blares in rejection of your card. You curse under your breath and try again. 
"You didn't seem to," he retorts. 
You swallow as your card is rejected again. You toss the pills on the little ledge next to the till and huff. "It happened and I'm sorry I didn't say goodbye but I got enough going on." 
He sucks in through his nose and lets it out slowly. You turn away and he snarls, "I can hear the other heartbeat too, you know?" 
You stop short. What the fuck is he talking about? You gather what pride you have left and set your chin high. You march out without looking back. 
Other heartbeat? 
The nausea, the exhaustion, the aversion to the candle in your bathroom. No. It makes sense but it can't be true. 
You can't handle anything else. You just can't. You can't afford a pregnancy test, let alone a baby. 
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gracethyomen · 22 days
Babies. Logan Howlett.
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Logan and his girlfriend have been trying for a baby…
Warnings: Angst angst… Infertility, mention of child loss and pregnancy loss, mention of pregnancy, pregnancy tests, hurt, no real comfort. Lab testing, fertility struggles, talk of reproductive systems, sadness, longing.
special thanks to @a-leg-without-fear and @justvalkyrie for fueling my angsty obsession with this idea for the whole week ily guys sm…
“It's going to be negative." She whispered softly, turning her back from his chest to bury her face against his soft shirt.
"We don't know that." His low voice rumbled in response, one calloused hand lifting to run a hand down her head, stroking her hair gently.
"I can't look at it, Logan." She squeezed his waist, squinting her eyes shut. "Can you look? Please?" She begged him quietly and he eyed the clock before nodding solemnly, picking up the plastic wand from the bathroom counter and holding it up so he could see it.
14 tests. 14 tests. One every month. Over a year since they'd started religiously tracking cycles and days and fertility... With no results.
15. 15 tests.
He gently put the test back down, freeing his arms to wrap around her body as she started to shake with quiet tears, already guessing what he was going to say. "No." He whispered, pressing his nose to the top of her head as he tried to stop his own tears from falling.
"God..." She choked against his chest and he squeezed her tighter, holding her through the pain. "I don't know why i'm crying-" She wiggled her arms free to try and wipe her tears but he stopped her, cupping both her cheeks in his large hands.
"It's okay." He murmured, not soothing but reassuring... She understood what he was saying. It's okay to cry. To be sad. It's okay to feel crushed.
"I should be used to it by now-" She insisted, swiping at her face hastily and clearing her throat before she picked up the test, staring at it for a long moment, lower lip wobbling... Before it fell with a soft thunk into the trash can.
"Hey, look at me." He urged her, watching her turn to face him but not quite meet his eyes. "Look at me." Finally, she looked at him, her eyes wet and a little red at the corners. "We're gonna do this. You and me. I don't care what we have to do or how long it takes." He pressed his forehead against hers, sighing lowly. "We'll keep trying."
"I have to get to class-" She shook her head, stepping out of his arms. "We're doing a lab today I don't want the kids alone with the chemicals."
"Honey..." He trailed off as she swept out of the room, rubbing a hand down his face before looking down at the plastic test sticking out of the trash bin. "Dammit." He muttered hoarsely to himself, sitting down on the edge of the tub with a long, slow sigh.
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"Hello, Logan..." Charles trailed off as Logan stepped closer, eyes softening. "Oh, Logan... I'm so sorry." The Professor rolled slightly towards him, rounding his desk.
"Don't do that." He responded bluntly, landing in the uncomfortable armchair as he watched the elderly man come closer. "I need to ask you for a favor."
"What is it?" Charles asked, folding his hands neatly in his lap while he waited for Logan to speak.
"I need you to have Hank take a look at me." He forced out, cringing internally at the image of Hank studying his... Specimen... That he would no doubt have to submit. "See if there's something wrong, something we can do-"
"These things take time, Logan. I'm sure there's nothing wrong." The Professor interjected, trying to soothe him.
"We've given it time, Charles." Logan shook his head, running a hand through his hair. "Fifteen months and nothing. I just need-" He broke off. "I need to know if this will work for us."
Charles hummed under his breath, pondering his friend's words. "I'll ask Hank what he can do. He's not a fertility specialist but he may have an idea of what to look for." He looked Logan up and down. "As much as i'm sure there's nothing wrong... you have to prepare yourself for both outcomes in this situation."
Logan looked at the man, eyes full of guarded emotion. "I need to do this. I need to be able to do this. For her, for us." He swallowed, hard. "This is the one thing she wants the most... I need to be able to give that to her."
"And what do you want, Logan?" Charles arched a brow.
The Wolverine had never looked more defeated. More determined, than he did when he answered him. Not with words, but in his mind. His desires. A deep longing that went beyond words and could only be communicated by feel.
“I’ll tell Hank to expect you.”
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Almost an hour later, Logan finally handed in his “cup” to the azure doctor. Both men avoiding any kind of eye contact. The exchange happened quickly in an awkward silence, filled by the sound of Hank coughing as he took the sealed container with him.
“I’ll have a look at these-“ He promised. still not quite looking at Logan.
Logan watched as Hank worked, taking note of his reactions to everything he saw, the change in his scent… Unfortunately the man was a consummate professional and schooled his face and body into complete relaxation.
Three hours after that, Hank finally printed a few sheets from his laptop. The sound of the printer spitting out the papers was jarring in the previous near-silence of the room. With a soft clearing of his throat Hank went to pick up the papers and sat down in his chair, spinning it to face Logan.
“Bring her down.”
“What is it? Is something wrong?”
“Just call her down.”
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“Logan, the adamantium fused to your skeleton is obviously going to affect your body.” Hank sighed, removing his glasses. “It’s why we don’t use cobalt for hip replacements anymore, too many cases of it causing side effects.”
“So is there something wrong with him?” Logan looked at her briefly when she spoke. Holding his hand in her lap and rubbing her thumb across it gently. “Is he okay?” Warmth and uncertainty spread through his chest. A double edged sword for what was to come.
“So far his mutation has kept the metal from damaging his vital functions…” Hank hedged. “But for how long I can’t tell. It’s a slow moving condition… But it has had some unsavory side effects.”
Logan swallowed hard, refusing to look away from the doctor. “Say it, Hank.”
Hank took a moment, shuffling the papers in his lap. “Your sperm count is low, Logan. Very low. What few you do have are… damaged.”
“What does that mean?” She asked, clearing her throat. “Damaged?” Logan squeezed her hand softly, nodding at her to let Hank continue.
“They’re not quite formed correctly. I’ve seen similar sperm counts in cancer patients living in remission. Like radiation, it seems the metal in your blood has not allowed your body to make healthy sperm.” Hank coughed softly. “Even on the slim chance fertilization could occur- assisted or otherwise -the zygote would not develop far past conception.” Logan watched his love’s lip start to wobble just a little in his periphery, the movement near imperceptible. “I’m so sorry, Logan. But unfortunately, you are effectively sterile.”
The silence that hung in the room felt suffocating, the three of them sitting in the unnatural stillness for long moments before Hank stood, his stool screeching loudly on the tile floor.
“I’ll tell Xavier you both have the rest of this week off.” He dipped his head, laying a comforting hand on Logan’s shoulder. “Take some time. It’s a lot to process.”
Hank left the room, and the sound of the door shutting was followed by soft sobs.
That silence that came after Hank told them the news followed them both into their shared suite. It hung over their heads while they brushed their teeth and crawled into their bed. When Logan rolled on his side to pull her into his arms, burying his face into her neck.
“I’m so sorry.” She choked out, a quiet sob escaping her throat. “Logan, i’m so sorry.”
His brows furrowed and he rolled her over so she was facing him. “I should be saying that…”
“No.” She lifted both her hands to his face, “This isn’t your fault. It’s not. This was done to you, Logan… We can get through this.”
He swallowed and leaned his forehead to rest against hers. There was that silence again. Filled this time by her soft crying and his own breathing as tears pooled in the corners of his eyes. “I…” He took a deep breath. “I wanted it. So bad.” He admitted into the secret cave between their bodies, letting his heart break in the safety of her arms. That dream floating away like a cobweb on the air. “It kills me that… That I can’t give us a baby.”
“I know.” She breathed, eyes closing against her tears. “I wanted it too. It kills me that I can’t do this for us.”
“You can.” Logan pointed out, pulling one of her hands down to his chest so it pressed against his heart. “I can’t.”
“I won’t.” She insisted. “Not without you. You’re not broken, Logan.” She squeezed their joined fingers over his heart. “I wouldn’t change you. Not for anything.”
“Not even-“
Silence. That painful, suffocating silence. Then…
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zerosketchdump · 3 months
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So, guess who found their cringe ass Heathers story board they never finished for Pip and Damien?
Got bored of the idea, mostly because the Lazarus comic took over and gave me brain rot. But here's as far as I got with it.
I think this is the only Dip fan art I've ever made.
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Muzan X Little Sister Reader X Kokushibo Perfect Life
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Things to know-your Muzans little sister and later Kokushibo’s wife and your power immense telepathy and telekinesis
Since I was born my big brother always wanted to be my caretaker. I was always adventurous but since my big brother has his condition I’d always stay inside with him so he wasn’t lonely. When I turned 17 I refused to leave his side due to his illness getting worse. But that was back when we were humans. My big brother ate our parents because of my beauty they wanted to put me in the entertainment district. It angered my brother and he murdered our WHOLE family. Since then it’s always been me in my brother. I love to read, write, listen to music, and make my own kimonos. I was snapped out of my thoughts when my brother called for me. “(Y/n).” “Yes big brother? Do you need anything?”he looked at me. “Get ready. I have some servants I want you to meet.” I smiled “yes as you wish big brother!” I picked out my favorite kimono I made (https://www.pinterest.com/pin/509962357778109192/) and made my way to my brother. He sat on his thrown (Muzan Kibutsuji - Demon Slayer StickerPinterest) “now that we are all here let’s begin.” I stood by his side and noticed a man with 6 eyes and the symbol 1. ‘Who was this? He seems to be just staring at me. Oh no! Am I bleeding? Did I start my period and get blood all over my dress? No that’s not right I’m supposed to start in 2 weeks. Oh! Do I smell? Or have something on my face?’ I was snapped out of my thoughts when my brother said “(y/n). This is upper moon 1 Kokushibo, upper moon 2 Douma, and upper moon 3 Akaza. For now they are the start of the 6 upper ranks. Therefore they are my most powerful ones.” I nodded. “Who’s that?” I pointed at a woman with a biwa. “She’s upper rank. 4 to be precise.” I was about to say something but my brother said “the meeting is dismissed. Feel free to turn those you find strong and powerful into demons. Or devour them. As long as you find the blue spider lily.” ‘The blue spider lily? Oh I read about it in a book! Why does brother need it so bad?’
-Time Skip-
I put on a different kimono (Kimono, Yukata and RuqunPinterest) I was walking around at night seeing the beautiful river flow. I know brother hates it when I’m by myself. But I like my freedom. There was a slight breeze slowly going back. I felt like someone was watching me. “Who’s there?” I saw Kokushibo. “Are you alright? You seem to be staring at me a lot. Did I do something wrong?” He looked away “here” he held a pretty barrette in his hand (Beaupretty Hair Stick Japanese Hair Accessories, Womens Girls Japanese Kimono Flower Hair Ornament Barrette with Tassel (Black) Hair SticksAmazon.com · In stock) it matched my outfit perfectly“is that for me? It’s beautiful!” I said he replied “a girl of your beauty deserves the finest things.” I blushed and put it in my hair “thank you. It was very kind of you.” I got closer. What was this feeling? He gave me a kiss. I went in for it. We were snapped out of it when I heard my brother. “What is going on here? Kokushibo! What is the meaning of this? Why are you near my sister?” Before he could say anything. “Brother please it’s love. I never felt this way before. Besides remember. he is upper one. Hasn’t he been faithful?” my brother sighed “fine I would allow it but if he breaks your heart, he is good as dust.”
(New outfit Maternity Dress With Kimono - Shop on PinterestPinterest ) As time went on . I became pregnant. I was so excited. But my brother on the other hand. He was furious. “ what do you mean you’re pregnant?” I smiled and placed the hand on my stomach. “I’m having a baby with the man I love. Is that a problem?” For The first time, my brother snapped at me “leave! I no longer need you” I ran away and left my brother and Kokushibo.
-time skip-
I had found an abandoned cottage. (The cottage-A Village house PhotographyPinterest) by now I was heavily pregnant. (You Exploring images in the style of selected image: [Resting with ...PixAI) I decided to go inside. I was so tired. After all I’m 8 months pregnant with a baby girl. I felt her kick rapidly. “Sshhhh it’s okay.” I said as I rubbed my belly trying to comfort her. All the sudden my bedroom window bursted open. I started to cry as I saw Kokushibo standing there. “Why didn’t you tell me?” I cried more and said “brother kicked me out and I didn’t want you to suffer for me!” He sighed and pulled me into his arms. I put my head against his chest as he said “I’ve been looking for you. I missed you.” I looked up and said “I missed you too I’m so sorry.” He just held me in his arms and moved a hand on my belly and rubbed soothing circles. My. Our baby girl started to calm down inside me and nestled against my stomach walls against Kokushibo’s hand. He then said “I love you 2.” As I slowly fell asleep in his arms.
Time past and I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. I named her Aya. Meaning beautiful/design/colorful/woven silk. But I picked the name cause she was beautiful. She had 6 eyes like her father. With my hair color. Aya was perfect in my eyes. I was wearing a new kimono I made when I was pregnant with her. It was stretchy and loose so I can be comfortable. (New outfit-Japanese Kimono Yukata Geisha Samurai Costume Costumes Japan ...Pinterest) I put Aya in (Newborn Infant Girls Spring Summer Long Sleeve Japanese Kimono Romper Jumpsuit Japanese Style Costume Twin DressesAmazon.com · In stock) the outfit I made for her. She was my precious flower. I held her close and thought about my brother. Me and Kokushibo were indoors hiding from the light. “Kokushibo? I want to see my brother.” He looked at me “are you certain?” I nodded and replied “I just want him to meet Aya.” He sighed “we will leave when the sun is down.” I smiled “thank you!”
As we prepared to leave I put Aya in her pajamas (Items similar to Baby Kimono with Japanese fabric , elephant print ...Pinterest) I smiled “you’re just so cute and beautiful! I love you my beautiful baby girl!” I said as I gave her kisses. She looked at Kokushibo and reached for him I giggled “you want your daddy?” She smiled as I handed her over to him. “Why do you trust me with her?” He asked I smiled “because you are her father she loves you! I’m gonna go get ready and then we could go!” I looked through all my kimonos. Which one should I wear. This one! (Decide on Women's Sexy Short Kimono Dress Floral Print Japanese Traditional Geisha Yukata Robe Bathrobe Skirt Belt OutfitAmazon · In stock) perfect! I grabbed Kokushibo and Aya.
-time skip-
“Brother, I’m home! There’s someone I want you to meet!” I heard brother “so you finally decided to visit?” I knew he wasn’t going to apologize. But in his own way, I saw sadness in his eyes. “This is Aya your niece.” My brother looked at her “ she looks like you minus the eyes. But in her own way I guess she’s beautiful.” I smiled. It’s gonna take time but I know. We are going to be a big happy family. Well small but it’s just right.
The end sorry for the cringe
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flash-the-readies · 2 months
Calling my younger self out for all the embarrassing things they thought/did when I first started getting into Pink Floyd (I just think I was endearing albeit annoying)
Initially confused them with LED Zeppelin because for some reason my brain put them on a similar tier
Went to watch the Pulse tour DVD … promptly realised it was post-Waters, cried, shut it off immediately, and haven’t seen it since (I actually own a DVD and a VHS tape of the film…both of which were gifts actually)
Saw that Live at Pompeii gif of Roger blowing the smoke rings and just stared at it for a long while promptly falling in love
Didn’t know the Wall was a double album and just assumed the second disc was demos so I never listened to it and would only listen to half the album. Eventually I decided to play the second disc and realised how stupid I was (In the Flesh confused me)
Had an entire wall in my room dedicated to The Wall (I painted out the brick design and had these posters)
Didn’t really care much for the WYWH album (and now it’s my favourite Pink Floyd album..)
Would listen to the Wall at least once a day for months on end especially while sitting alone at lunch
Used the fact that my mum desperately wanted me to make friends to go to a Roger Waters concert with this boy who had a crush on me and then promptly started trying to convert me to Catholicism once he found out I’m atheist, bisexual, and non-binary. Roger Played the Gunner’s Dream for the encore so no regrets there
Had a long and unhealthy obsession with The Final Cut and would play my LP of it at least once a day
Read something about Roger calling the rest of the band “the muffins” and promptly dubbed David “greasy muffin”…and got the rest of my online friends to join in
Wrote endless HCs with a friend about Watershend (Roger Waters x Pete Townshend)… I stand by this one. Sorry
Did a 10 minute presentation on the Wall for a history class when I was…14
Called in sick to school even though my teachers knew I was going to watch Roger Waters in concert
Found a copy of Rick Wright’s Wet Dream on vinyl at a market… had no cash in the moment … asked my friend if they could give me cash and then I’d pay them back later… my friend agreed thinking it was for food (I wasn’t trying to deceive them I promise I just didn’t communicate what that money was for as clearly as I thought I did… but I did pay them back plus a bit extra!) I did get my record tho
Went to Battersea Station…. DIDN’T REALISE IT WAS A FUCKING SHOPPING MALL ON THE INSIDE BECAUSE I FAILED TO DO MY RESEARCH AND DIDN’T EVEN ATTEMPT TO GO INSIDE BECAUSE I AM AWKWARD AS HELL… so instead I opted to awkwardly stand around the outside and check out the nearby shops (this is recent ;-;)
I used to draw and would just fill my notebook up with drawing of Pink Floyd (mostly just Roger…)
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I am just now remembering how much of my fanart was nose-centric
You know that common trans experience of “trying desperately to live as your assigned gender one last time so you overcompensate before you come out”… well that overlapped with my “ukulele and Syd Barrett let’s dress psychedelic” phase
Have bought way too many pieces of clothing because they remind me of something Roger wore once (I think I’ll make this into it’s own post perhaps)
That’s all I can remember for now. Just feeling nostalgic. I could make a second part of all the most recent cringe shit I’ve done. I’m not laughing at myself I’m laughing with myself. Honestly my younger self was iconic, gotta love her
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mayasdeluca · 5 months
I was not expecting that episode to turn out the way it did with all those flashbacks (I was so confused until Emily gave us a timeline) but it was actually really nice to see some of the missing stuff we never got to at the time. Didn't expect the Marina bar scene to be part of the flashback but that scene was cute too. Loved hearing them talking about being moms, their families and Carina telling her she's going to be a good mom and how much Maya needed to hear that. 🥰
Definitely not happy the kiss seemed to get cut and once again we have an episode still of a kiss better than what ended up happening on screen. This is truly unacceptable considering we're in a 10pm time slot and Marina have yet to even have a decent kiss, never mind any kind of sexy scene. Really hoping that changes next week.
The Marina scene at the station was so cute too, seeing them all flirty and smitten and Maya just so excited at the idea of Carina being pregnant. 😍 And as sad as it was, I'm glad we got to see that moment between Maya and Vic where Maya expressed her sadness and frustration about how many times they've tried to get pregnant and it failed once again.
Maya on hormones was quite the sight too. 😂 "Because I'm a frickin' egg factory, Beckett!" was so good 😂
I loved everything involving Morris and showing Vic's importance to Crisis One and how she is always helping people and not getting that in return. The debriefing scenes were great and Vic finally reaching her breaking point was necessary and Barrett killed it. The Travic scene was so emotional and amazing 😭❤️ They were so long overdue for a scene like that and I'm so glad they got that this season.
The obsession with Ross and Sullivan continues to be weird and they were so cringe this episode. Ignored them for the most part but couldn't help but notice how Marina's kiss practically gets cut and then it leads right into their scene with plenty of kisses. 🙄
The promo for next week looks...intense. The Maya and Mason stuff is going to ruin me but in the best way. Hearing Maya talk about how Mason is hurting her and her community? Getting to hear Maya talk about it so openly? It's going to be so good. I can't wait!
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Watching Star Trek: Strange New Worlds season 2, episode 10, Hegemony
I believe this is the s2 finale, so let's go!
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I love how they mentioned the singing from the last episode 😂
Why am I kinda shipping Batel and Chapel
I feel like Captain Batel is gonna die
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Or the Gorn
Oh shit, Batel's ship blew up 👀
Chris doesn't have much luck when it comes to romance, it seems
Nitrogen bombs + Gorn = Gorn Popsicles
Erica is a genius😂
Quite the memorable first landing party for her to take part in😂
The fact Spock plans to add zombie movies to his research is so funny to me😂
Also, the fact that he's seen movies, makes me think (or hope) he and his mama watched Alice In Wonderland because he loved the book
I love how everyone (especially Pike) felt sick after Erica's driving/diving
If anything happens to her, I'm gonna be very grumpy
Aw man, Spock is so upset that he doesn't know what happened to Chapel
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Spock ^
Wow, the planet really turned into a Wasteland 👀
Awwww the baby Gorn is kinda cute!
This is why I would never survive a zombie/Gorn apocalypse/invasion
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Ooof, cannibalism
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^ I love her in case it wasn't obvious
The way Pelia turned to Uhura like what did you figure out then turned away like ugh don't waste my time(when Uhura mentioned she needs an engineers help) then turn around when Uhura said she had a crazy theory 😂
I feel like Pelia and Raffi would get along famously
Scotty: "That's a lot of lieutenants."
Erica: "There'll be a quiz."
I love Scotty 😂
I love how Scotty is so crafty and resourceful
Pelia to Una: "And if you had answered like that in my class I would've given you an A+"
Una: -_-
I love how Batel knew exactly what Pike was up to when he thought she was sleeping
Pike and Batel: * having a slightly emotional conversation about not going alone to look for stuff/Pike trying to save everyone, ending with them looking flirtatiously at each other in silence*
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Scotty, lurking behind Batel: "You're never gonna be able to retrieve the device without my help"
Batel and Pike: °_°
Scotty: "I didn't mean to eavesdrop. Not my fault you decided to have a secret conversation right in front of my sleeping spot."😂
The fact that it's Majel Barrett(I think) doing the voice for the computer while this Chapel is plugging things into the computer makes me so happy
Chapel: *banging on glass trying to get Spock's attention*
Spock: *casually floats by not noticing*
Damn, Batel's got a strong stomach I would've gotten sick being that close to that Gorn
Uh oh, it took his gun
Whoa, the Gorn was also wearing a space suit, cool
Oh no, did Marie get Gorn eggs planted in her and that's why it left👀
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Batel this episode ^
That's why she was so upset Chris came for her😭😭
I love that Scotty interrupted them 😂
Ooooooo Pelia is required in sickbay
PELIA KNOWS SCOTTY?!She cringed when Pike said his name😂Pelia: "One of my best students who sadly received some of my worst grades."
Pike: "Well, I'll leave you to it" *speed walks away*😂
Pelia, shaking her head looking at the jumble in Scotty's arms: "What the hell is this supposed to be?!"
Scotty in a voice similar to a child whining to their parent: "Something that could help us hide from the Gorn."
Pelia: "Oh"
Scotty: "If we can fix it."
Batel to Chapel: "I'll need you to take me out." Okay, it's a date then😁🤗
Wait the Gorn still have their people? I thought they rescued the surviving Starfleet officers?🤔
Idk it brings me such joy to see Pelia helping carry Scotty's project in the halls as things blow up, but it does
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This is fine.
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vixen525noms · 1 year
Defying Certain Death Part 5
Copied from my DeviantArt account, a non-sexual G/T vore story featuring adults along the lines of the lion and the thorn fable. There will be tons of hurt/comfort aspects, lots of safe vore. That is the primary focus in this.
Barrett is and adult giant standing 85ft tall and Hope is an adult human at 5ft 6. Barrett does not eat children at any point.
Warnings: Fatal Mention; Characters in Distress
Future: While this part is relatively tame, future parts include fatal vore and violence. Barrett, the giant, is not a good guy, so will be doing some occasional bad things.
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He closed his eyes, purring at the wonderful taste of the frightened human girl. It had been far too long since he caught one of the tasty little morsels. He felt the girl curl up in fear, shaking slightly. He was all too familiar with various human fear reactions, but he hadn’t paid much attention to that before. But now was different... As much as he loved the taste, and as hungry as he was, he knew he couldn’t. Not after all she did, not after 3 weeks of taking care of him, helping him recover and escape. 
He went still, no longer moving her around as he tasted her. He heard her faint words as she managed to speak again, “Please... Please don’t hurt me...” He sighed softly, closing his eyes a moment and nodded. He spoke, keeping his tone soft so the volume of his voice wouldn’t bother her too much, “Shh, little one. I won’t. I won’t hurt you, won’t kill you. I would be dead without you. I’m just... I’m just so hungry... I needed something to help cope until I can get washed up and hunt. I can use a protection spell; you’d be completely safe. If you don’t want me to, I won’t. I owe you too much, but it would help me. I’ll get you back out before I go after food... but I would really appreciate if you would agree to this.”
He received no response aside from her faint whimpers of fear. He realized that with her health also in poor condition, she probably wasn’t focusing too well, that she wasn’t able to easily get past the fear of her current location to focus on his words. He so badly wanted to swallow... so badly wanted to do something to curb the feeling of hunger until he could get some actual food. But even if her kind was inferior, even if they were typically no more than prey... She had saved his life. The whole reason he had been able to grab her so quickly was because she had been there to save him. No matter his normal feelings about her kind, he could not treat her like just a meal. His kind may be known for having little regard for intelligent species... But they did have some sense of honor. There were exceptions.
Hesitating briefly, he took her from his mouth and held her in his palm, watching her frightened, shaking form. He really should have talked to her first, not simply given into his desire to know her taste. He nudged gently at her with one finger to try to get her attention, watching her hesitantly relax, then turn to look at him in puzzlement. He gave a slight smile, careful to keep the sharp fangs hidden this time. He reached down to gently stroke her back, pausing when he saw her cringe, “Easy now... I’m not going to hurt you. I swear.” “But... you...” He sighed, “I know; I’m sorry. I just... wanted something to take the edge off. A little taste... but I would never eat you. Not for real. What I was trying to ask you while you were panicking... I want to use a protection spell. I just want a little something to help me cope until I can go wash up a bit and hunt. I was trying to ask... but I would be dead if you hadn’t helped me over those three weeks. So I just want to ask... Please, will you help me one more time, will you help me to cope with the hunger while I wash up, until I have the opportunity to hunt or gather food? You’ll be perfectly safe... I’ll get you out before eating anything...” He looked down at the young woman in his hand, hopeful as he waited for her answer to his request.
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cosmereplay · 7 months
Day 20: Chose violence
Rated Mature (violence), Vin/violence, RIP Shan Cross posted on ao3
Vin’s rage started to abate, so she knew Shan Elariel was approaching. She flared her Tin, listening for footsteps following her as she walked away from the main ballroom and down a long hallway, towards the outer edge of the mansion. She hoped to draw her enemy as far away as possible from anyone who could help.
Tonight she was dressed as Valette, wearing a long, cream-coloured gown with pale blue accents and a pale blue petticoat underneath. Her short, black hair was cut a bob, and to keep it out of her face she wore two delicate barrettes decorated in blue stones. Her makeup was also delicate, expertly painted by an artist with much, much more experience than she had. She looked every inch a noble.
It was a shame that Shan had seen through it. 
Nothing to be done for it now. Vin slowed as she turned down an empty hallway, noting a window at the end letting in the lights of the city. Besides the soft footsteps following her, there didn’t seem to be anyone else around. No security, no guests. 
No witnesses.
She subtly checked the vial tucked into the waist of her dress, then drew out a coin, clenching it in her palm, listening.
“You’re in trouble, little skaa…”
Vin spun, but no one was there. 
“When I catch you, you’re going to tell me all your secrets…” 
The voice was unmistakably Shan’s. Vin hadn’t realized just how much she was burning through her Tin. She looked out the window to find not the bright lights of the city, but dim starlight. This window faced back into the countryside.
The subtle rustle of silks made Vin turn again. This time, Shan Elariel stood at the end of the hallway, fully dressed for the ball, except she was barefoot. In each hand she held a glass dagger.
Slowly, Vin removed her own shoes, kicking them aside as Shan approached.
“So, little skaa, which noble forgot to kill your whore of a mother?” Shan whispered, but the words rang clearly in Vin’s ears. “I’ll have to clip you quick, before you can breed.” The noblewoman smiled confidently, rotating the daggers around her fingers in a smooth, practiced motion that Vin envied.
“You’ll have to catch me first,” Vin said, and tore off her skirt. Burning off the last of her Tin, she turned and shattered the glass window behind her with a loud smash that caused Shan to cringe. Then Vin jumped through, using her skirt to protect her against some of the glass shards.
She threw a coin as she fell, then Pushed, slowing her descent. Shan jumped after her and kicked her in the air. It threw off Vin’s trajectory, and she landed hard among the mists. 
Vin made to roll but Shan had already landed on top of her, her knives aimed at Vin’s neck. It was everything Vin could do not to burn her precious Atium. She was on her back, her arms trapped by Shan’s legs as she straddled her. Her vial of metals was completely inaccessible.
Luckily, Shan stopped. The glass pressed into the soft skin underneath Vin's chin, and she could feel her own body’s heat dripping down her neck.  
“Caught you, whore,” Shan smiled, and pressed her weight a little harder into Vin.
Vin thought quickly. “You can’t kill me. I’m one of Venture’s experiments,” she croaked, and burned Zinc, just a little, trying to take advantage of Shan’s jealousy.
The other woman frowned, her eyes watching Vin’s with an intensity that frightened her. The look was hungry, a raging fire sweeping across a desolate, desperate landscape. For a moment, Vin was mesmerized, and missed Shan twitch a finger, causing one of her blades to flip from Vin’s neck to point just below her eye.
Vin gasped, and Shan smiled again. Vin dared to Riot Shan just a little more, like Breeze had taught her. Shan wouldn’t expect someone like her to be subtle. 
“Tell me,” Shan said, and her smile hardened. “Who’s working with Straff Venture? Is is Hasting? Did they set me up?” 
Paranoia. Excellent. The moment Shan’s eyes glanced away to check behind her, Vin burned her Pewter. She grabbed the knife strapped to her thigh and stabbed upwards, turning her head away from one of Shan’s knives, but exposing her neck to the other.
The blade slipped, but didn't slice deep. Shan screamed in a rage and rolled off Vin, who stabbed after her, but only hit air. 
Shan was fast. She rose, turning and crouching in one smooth movement, and snarled. Soon it was all Vin could do to track the glint of glass knives in the starlight as they sliced the air itself to reach her flesh. Vin cursed, wishing she hadn’t burned through her Tin, as she slowly backed up more and more, only managing to barely stay out of knife range. 
She broke away into a run, burning her Atium, then Pushed off a fence to try to find an advantage, but Shan followed easily, not just catching up but getting ahead. Shan could do everything Vin could do, and better. 
As they fought, a slice opened Vin’s cheek.
Another, her upper arm. 
Vin watched herself slowly failing as if in slow motion, a distant part of her brain admiring the pure skill and elegance of this noble who hated her this much just on principle.
In another world, maybe Shan could have been her teacher. A mentor. A peer, even. They could’ve fought side by side. Hell, she could’ve used Shan’s help choosing dresses and doing their makeup. 
In another world, Shan and Vin could’ve been something beautiful.
But Shan had chosen violence.
What am I thinking? Vin knew violence.
Violence was Vin’s confidante, her teacher, her lover. The more she got to know her, the more she wanted her. Violence would protect her. Violence would make everything right.
Vin burned the violence in her heart and fought back with everything she was–teeth, nails, sinew, guts. She fought like a cornered rat, screaming and feral. Shan had skill, but violence belonged to Vin.
Suddenly it was Vin atop Shan, straddling her in her underclothes. 
“You ran out of Brass, didn’t you?” she said with a dawning awareness, but she didn’t expect an answer, because Shan’s mouth was full of blood. The noblewoman couldn't manage much more than a gurgle.
So Vin stabbed her again and again, grinning as she bloodied her hands to the elbow.
“Violence likes me more,” Vin whispered, and licked the blood from her lips.
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bobdylanfanpage · 1 year
Release the Pink Floyd fanbase cringe compilation, fan page of blues country singer Bob Dylan (you don't have to if you feel pressured ofc)
oh God here i go off of memory:
the syd girlies. i literally love syd barrett too but these girls will act like they know him personally. i saw ppl saying we should call him roger and not syd becuz he "wouldnt like being called syd" and like other stuff like that.
INSANE FANFICS. sheree found one where roger was a gay prostitute who had an eating disorder and was a junkie and went bankrupt and ended up dying from aids. i found one where roger beat his kid and instead of being like upset y/n was just like "pls stop u need to be nice to ur family :( "
them photoshopping themselves so it looks like theyre sucking off the members
mary. this woman WILL comment on every photo of roger waters becuz hes her "baby"
theres sm more but ill either get sheree to update this or come back when i find more cursed stuff
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baldselene · 8 months
hi, I was on character AI and I saw your characters that you created, from heathers, and I loved to talk to all of them. I would like to ask, your AU JD really caught my attention, so what exactly happened to him in this AU? because every time I ask him I get a different answer and I was wanting to know more about this whole AU.
hii!!! thank you so much for this ask!!
it's been a while since ive been in the heathers fandom - but i'll give you what i remember from this au ( and i didnt really plan much around his backstory, only veronica's and their daughter's, barrett's) but basically he faked his death and went on the run, (he has scars and is blind in one of his eyes because the "fake" bomb wasnt exactly foolproof.) my own notes in my journal state that he was "proclaimed dead from the explosion, but has worked his way around with his "connections" and that he may or may not know his daughter exists
i am not really proud of this next one but he becomes a 7/11 manager in sherwood like 13 years later after he fled (which i now think is a stupid move)
i almost didnt answer because its kinda a cringe au but i did not want to leave you hanging and you seemed geniuinely curious!
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stuffkin · 2 years
first regressuary fic let’s go!! in which shiho finds out something about ryuji, but more importantly, she hangs out with her friends
It’s a sunny Sunday afternoon and Shiho is planning to spend most of it inside.
Well, she’s outside now, but that’s just because she’s on her way to Ann’s house. Otherwise she’d still be holed up in her own bedroom, binging on movies and crisps. The plan is to do the same thing, but with Ann instead.
Probably, anyway. Ann hadn’t really said much other than Hey, do you wanna hang out with me and Ryuji? He misses you.
Not wants to see you. Misses. When she’d read that, a dull ache had pounded in her chest, a grim reminder of what had been and what should have remained.
So of course she responded with an enthusiastic affirmative and raced out the door. She misses him, too, after all. While Ryuji hadn’t been as close to Ann and Shiho as they were to each other, he’d still been a vital part of their group. The third point needed for balance. She hopes they can return to that.
The trip passes like a breeze, and Shiho skips up to the door. It’s a good day. Her body doesn’t hurt. Lover of couches and crisps aside, she’s going to take what she can get while she can. Bouncing on her toes, she rings the doorbell.
The door swings open, revealing Ann in all her glory. For a change, her hair is pulled back into a ponytail, with shiny barrettes clipped in haphazardly. It almost looks like a toddler’s work. Ann, of course, makes it work. “Hey, you,” she says with a smile.
“Hey, yourself.” Shiho steps inside and presses a kiss to Ann’s cheek, grinning when her cheeks pinken. It takes all of her self-control to keep herself from doing it again. Her method of resistance is to kneel and untie her shoes. “What’s up?”
“Not much.” Ann twists a strand of hair around her finger. Shiho squints at her as she slips off her shoes. Ann only does that for two reasons: she’s thinking hard, or she’s hiding something. And Shiho gets the feeling it’s not the former.
“Well,” she says, wondering if she should press. She nudges her shoes in line with a bright yellow pair of crocs, which in all honesty, are more concerning than Ann’s hair-twirling. “Where’s Ryuji?”
“In my room.” Ann relaxes, smiling, but there’s still a look. On a normal day, Ann’s face is relaxed, smoothed over, empty of secrets. Earlier that year it had been anything but. Twisted and knotted. At the moment, her eyebrows are just a tad too downturned and her lips a little too pinched.
Shiho always had been a quick study of all things Ann. So she steps closer, putting her hands on her hips. “We’re supposed to tell each other things, right?” There’s a lot of weight in that question, and she knows Ann feels it from the way she freezes and unconsciously slides her arms around her middle. Things unsaid. Things better left off in the past. Pieces still being put back together, the shards digging into shaking palms. Cracking bones, mending. Dead skin, sloughed off. The way Ann cringes is almost enough for Shiho to back down. But she doesn’t. If there’s a problem, she wants to know. She’s not weak. No more rotten festering.
Ann exhales slowly, her shoulders slumping, and glances back down the hallway. Checking to make sure Ryuji isn’t listening, Shiho realizes. “I’m not sure what exactly I’m allowed to say,” Ann starts. The words are drawn out, hesitant, like she’s stumbling over her thoughts. “All Ryuji said is that he misses you and wanted you to come over. But…” Her voice trails off.
Shiho thinks she knows. “Is he having a bad day?”
“...sort of?” Ann’s lower lip puffs out; now, she really is thinking. Then she nods firmly, clapping her hands together. “Well, if he didn’t want you to know, then he wouldn’t have asked to see you right now. Have you heard of age regression?”
Shiho has not, so they spend the next handful of minutes speedrunning what it is. It’s a lot of information to take in all at once, but Shiho thinks she’s got the gist of it. More importantly, she knows it’s something she’s cool with. By now, she understands the need for a good coping mechanism.
So as Ann gears up to go on another tangent—heartwarming, really—Shiho cups her face and squishes her cheeks. “Hey. Breathe.” Startled, Ann stops talking and does as told, taking a deep breath. Shiho gently squeezes her puffed cheeks to get her to exhale. “Better?”
“Somehow I feel like this is backwards,” Ann says weakly. “But yeah.”
“Good. Now can I see Ryuji?”
Ann’s gaze sharpens. There’s the fiery girl Shiho knows and loves. “You’re okay with it?”
“No reason not to be.” Shiho grins. “Let me at the li’l guy.”
A rueful smile graces Ann’s face. “Before we go in...you have to be nice to him, okay?”
“I’m always nice to Ryuji.” It’s true. She was one of the only people to not turn on him after the whole track incident. Sometimes, she wishes she’d tried harder to reach out to him. Maybe they both would have been better for it.
There’s no time to dwell. Ann’s turned to face her completely now. “No, I know just...really nice, okay?” She hesitates. “He’s not...he doesn’t feel bad, exactly, but he doesn’t feel good.”
It certainly seems like he’s feeling good; the second Shiho steps over the threshold, Ryuji scrambles up from where he’d been sprawled on the floor amidst a pile of crayons and plushies, a familiar wide grin taking up most of his face. “Shiho!”
“Ryuji!” She holds out her arms. A second later, Ryuji fills the gap, arms wrapped tightly around her. She readily returns the hug. Missed you missed you missed you. Missed this.
He pulls back, face bright. Now, Shiho may not be as versed in the ways of the Ryuji as she is with the Ann, but there’s something lurking there, too. Something forced. But she doesn’t have the details, and she’s certainly not about to press, but that’s not going to be the end all. She reaches up and taps his nose. “Why don’t you catch me up on what you two have been doing without me, huh?” 
This time, the smile is much more real. “Okay!” Ryuji slides his hand into hers and tugs her towards the pile of stuff on the floor. Not strictly necessary because it’s only a few scant feet, but Shiho makes a show of swinging their hands anyway. It knocks loose any lingering tension. “Sit here,” Ryuji says, pointing at a cushion. “Please,” he adds as an afterthought. 
Giggling, Shiho sits on the offered cushion. “Good manners, kid.” Although she’s unsure about nicknames, she thinks she did something right based on the wiggle of Ryuji’s shoulders. He plops down next to her. Ann sits on his other side. 
Surveying the items tossed every which way in front of them, Shiho realizes it’s just about what she’d expect given the circumstances. Ann always did have a rather large collection of stuffed critters, and crayons are a must for any age, if you ask Shiho–she cracks out her own 64-pack at least once a week. Because it’s Ann’s house, there’s also small packs of cookies and crisps scattered to fill in the gaps. 
Shiho leans over to sneak a peek at what he’d been coloring. It’s one of those color by number sheets--one filled to the brim with mermaids and fishes. It’s also clear that Ryuji hasn’t been paying a lick of attention to what colors go to which numbers. “That’s really pretty.” She ignores the way Ann flashes her a thumbs up.
Ryuji doesn’t notice, beaming as he rocks himself. “Thanks!” He points to the mermaid on the left. “That one’s Sissy.” Then to the right. “That one’s you.” 
“Oh, yeah?” Her chest grows warm. To know that he’s been thinking of her, that she’s still part of this, catches her off guard in a way she doesn’t expect. Loneliness hasn’t touched her the way it has Ann or Ryuji, but it’s had its grip on her nonetheless since the rooftop, since Kamoshida, since entering high school.
Maybe it doesn’t have to stay that way. 
Stretching out a hand, she taps a smiling starfish. “Iiiis that you?” When Ryuji tilts his head, she grins. “Because you’re a star!” 
Ryuji gasps. “For real?” His eyes grow wide as saucers, and for what it’s worth, it’s like they’re filled with the stars themselves. It blows Shiho away how adorable it is. How Ryuji it is. It strikes her that she’s never seen him this open before. 
“For real!” She leans over and boops his nose, giggling when he crosses his eyes. “Never saw you as anything less.” 
The room grows quiet for a moment. Wondering if she’s said something wrong, Shiho starts to look to Ann for reassurance or help or anything, but before she can move, Ryuji’s flung his arms around her shoulders. She doesn’t hesitate to pull him close. Over his shoulder, she can see Ann chewing her lip. Does this have anything to do with why Ryuji’s having a rough time? Maybe, maybe not, but Shiho’s determined to do what she can. Ryuji doesn’t seem like he’s going to let go any time soon, so she gently sways back and forth. Rock-a-bye baby. Ryuji tucks his face into her shoulder.
“It’s okay,” she soothes. “You’re okay.” When that doesn’t prompt a response, Shiho raises an eyebrow at Ann. “What are you doing all the way over there?” 
Ann blink. “Huh?” But she does scoot closer, close enough for Shiho to yank her into the hug, too. Ann grins and squeezes them both. That’s my girl. Shiho’s own face splits into a grin when Ryuji squeaks, finally lifting his head. Shiho gently bonks her head against his. “We’re okay.” 
Ryuji nods slightly, but he still doesn’t pull away from the hug. Instead, he wriggles around and stretches for his crayons and coloring sheet before nestling back against the girls. Folding one of his legs, he uses it as a makeshift desk to continue coloring. 
The moment has passed, but something is different now. Ryuji continues to hold up colors for her to see, but he’s less talkative now. But Ann doesn’t seem too concerned even if she does seem a bit hovery. They chat quietly while Ryuji colors. 
Of course, Ryuji doesn’t let them take attention off of him for too long. One moment Shiho is looking at Ann and the next she is looking at a blur of colors. When neither girl takes it, Ryuji shakes it a little more insistently.
“Okay, okay, hold your horses,” Ann mutters, taking the sheet and holding it out so they could actually, like, look at it. It had gotten sloppier once he started using his leg as a table, colors smearing across lines with wild abandon, but that just adds to the charm, Shiho thinks. Ryuji did this. Ann gasps and starts pointing at all the little fishes, gushing over the different colors and shapes. “Aww, bub, it’s so pretty!”
Giving a pleased hum, Ryuji nestles further against Shiho. The lack of words surprises Shiho a little. But Ann doesn’t seem to think anything of it as she leans over and plants a loud kiss on Ryuji’s cheek. Ryuji squirms and lets out a little whine, but a shy little smile softens the blow. “You’re gonna give Yuyu a run for his money,” Ann tells him. At this, Ryuji frowns and shakes his head. 
Then he yawns, jaw stretching just enough to pop, and he whines again. Ann gently touches his cheek. “That sounded like it hurt.”
Shiho shifts her grip on the boy. “Is someone getting sleepy?”
“Nooo,” Ryuji mumbles, drawing the word out. To complete this thought, his thumb finds its way into his mouth. Shiho giggles quietly as Ann sighs loudly.
Ann pushes herself to her feet and dusts off her leggings. “Let’s at least get on the bed, bub.”
“No’ s’eepy.” But Ryuji still allows Ann to pull him to his feet, and soon all three are tumbled onto the bed together. Ann flicks on a movie. The room lulls into an easy, comfortable quiet. 
At least, for a little while. Eventually, Ryuji gets squirmy between them and tugs on both their sleeves. Pausing the movie, Ann presses a kiss to Ryuji’s temple. “What’s up?”
“Sissy, thirs’y.” By the sounds of it, Ryuji is barely awake. A quick peek confirms Shiho’s suspicion; his eyes are drooping, and he barely lifts his head off her shoulder.
Ann raises an eyebrow. “What’s the magic word?”
“Good job, li’l guy!” Shiho praises warmly. The drowsy smile she gets in return is worth it. Ruffling his hair, Ann scoots off the bed and fetches the requested drink. 
It feels like too soon that the afternoon comes to a close, and Shiho has to leave. She lightly drags her fingers through Ryuji’s hair; he rouses himself just enough to turn drowsy eyes to her. “I have to head home, kid,” she says softly. Now Ryuji pouts, his teeth digging into his lower lip.
“Stay,” he mumbles. His fingers tighten on her sleeve. “Don’ go.” 
“You’re gonna break my heart, star boy.” She presses her forehead to his temple. “I don’t want to go, but you know how fussy moms can be.” 
Ryuji ponders this, then reluctantly lets go. While he still doesn’t look pleased, he allows himself to be shifted from one girl to the other. Ann pecks his nose. “Hello, sweet boy.” All Ryuji does is yawn widely in response. 
Ann looks at Shiho apologetically. “Sorry I can’t walk you out,” she whispers. 
Shiho just shakes her head. “It’s okay. I know where it is.” She leans down so Ryuji can see her. “I had lots of fun today, kiddo. I’d like to do this again.”
A sleepy smile stretches across Ryuji’s face. “‘Morrow.”
Giggling, Shiho boops his nose. “We’ll see.”
And as she makes her way out, she thinks she’d like that very much indeed.
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mejomonster · 1 year
To get real niche lol part of why I love old school lolita (you know besides literally growing up when that was The dominant lolita fashion style so its what got me into lolita)
Is that it embraces the 1 color dresses, 2 color no pattern dresses, lace, and less accessories.
For one, the no pattern and lace containing dresses nowadays are looked at as cheaper or something "not actually lolita" when like... in reality it was always lolita if it was a real lolita fashion brand, it's just the cheap cosplay knockoffs that were too short and actually anime outfits were copying that style more since that's the lolita dresses the anime were making skimpier and copying. And that's still mainly what cosplay cheap fake lolita like dresses look like, because anime took looks from lolita At That Time period and then it continued on as it's own beast (also anime is more likely to animate simple dresses than intense pattern dresses I'm guessing). The reality is like... lace is lolita if it's on a lolita brand dress. Period. People moved away from it, as well as avoiding black/white dresses, because as I mentioned anime and cosplay made rip off cheap fake lolita rhats too short and wrong style and bad quality and not brand (and not lolita on qualities they lack). But you CAN actually wear a real regular lolita brand good quality dress that is black and white with frills... and I think they're fucking cute.
2 a lot of older pictures online exist of old school lolita. I love how many look "cringe" in their own way the same way old emo pictures do. Some of the styles of old lolita dresses like the intense long poofy sleeves or lace trims, are generally Not popular in current lolita fashion trends. But hey, even though they're "cringy" to modern popular opinion. They're still real lolita style - the old style. So wear em if you like them!
3 the lack of Intense Accessory Requirement. There's lots of old Fruit magazine photos of people in lolita, with just a headband/hairclip and socks/tights as their accessories. I fell in and out of wearing lolita, and when I came back into it in the last couple years it's very common now to see the expectation a lolita outfit should include: lolita dress or blouse/skirt and petticoat and dress shoes (the base outfit), legwear (like before), headpiece (like before). And ALSO necklace, arm wear (bracelets or wrist cuffs), purse (I imagine hopefully optional as always since ppl use different bags), hair style done up (again i hope optional and it's just Instagram is High Glam so people tend to wear wigs or intensely style hair more for Instagram photo shoots). The big change for me though is the seemingly much higher expectation on jewelry accessories and Fancy Legwear and mandatory arm wear and some people thinking the outfit is incomplete without them. The lolita style to my knowledge started as base outfit (dress or blouse and skirt, petticoat, all in appropriate lolita shape and length) with some leg wear usually (though occasionally ppl just wear shoes) and some hairpiece (usually a bow or headband but I've seen just a hairclip or barrettes before).
I am assuming the rise in more expectations of accessories comes from: over the top styles currently being what's most popular (and yes like Decora fashion, OTT styling generally expects much more accesorizing), sweet style being currently what's most popular (heavy on patterns so in personal opinion I assume that means one may need to accessorize more or be more dramatic with say Patterned tights to get attention on elements of the outfit outside of the main piece).
On the other hand I've seen more leniency on jumper dresses without undershirts (especially chinese lolita brand dresses some of which are designed specifically to just be worn as straps without undershirts), which I think is nice because in old school lolita dresses were sometimes worn this way. I'd also like to hope in reality lolita fashion worn in person is for the peoples personal happiness and preference, versus online like Instagram where yeah people tend to dress up the Most as public eye is on them.
I just think of Kamikaze Girls lol and how I wear as few accessories as her. Now I get mine is out of laziness, and I hate the feel of so many things on my body. But I grew up wanting THAT look, not the OTT look.
And then I guess semi related? If you're into old school lolita styles (and in particular gothic lolita), I really can't recommend Atelier Pierrot enough. First of all, they have a plus size line they carry that is AMAZING. It's genuinely plus size, I've bought 3 dresses and 1 skirt from this line and love them. The plus size have open free waists and then use a tie around the waist so you can tie it as tight or loosely as your waist needs, and the overall dress shape retains the cute lolita look. The free waist means if like me you jump 20 lbs back and forth, the dresses are guaranteed to fit ans look nice even when weight changes. Also the waist can be loosened easily when bloated or in pain while still looking form fitting (which is great for my ibs lol and makes them the MOST comfortable lolita dresses I have), they're very thin lightweight good quality cotton so they can be worn in the heat or colder without feeling like you're suffocating. Buy based on the free waist size measurements when picking items. Atelier Pierrot also carries Marble which keeps a lot of classic solid color with frills kind of looks, has some plus size (but really CHECK MEASUREMENTS because marble runs very tight... I tend to buy bigger sizes Than I think I'll need). Atelier Pierrot also has an English language option on site, and international shipping options. It's my favorite lolita brand. I also really like the gothic lolita look most, and Atelier Pierrot and Marble are great for that.
Otherwise yeah I'm basic, I get bodyline stuff, because it's sturdy and true to size (though sometimes youll want to buy a size up) and has plus size items that will fit me. sometimes.
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w3bheadz · 9 months
Stylists Fishhooks Chapter 2
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Chapter 1 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7
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I remember the first time I met Dolion Graystone. I was only 5 when we met, but he helped me catch crabs on the beach when I could, so he was alright in my books. He’s been around for a lot of my life changing events. He was there the most when Peggy was reaped for the 9th annual hunger games. She never came home. He had always been such a nice friend. I couldn’t really remember a time without him. I might have to now. When Peggy died, he came and took me to the meadow. We sat in the flower field for a few hours. He had listened to me cry, held me close as I talked about how cruel the games were, how unfair the world was. Peggy was engaged. Her and her fiance had been killed together in the bloodbath. It had been her last year in the draw. She was almost in the clear, for gods sake!
I remember how warm I felt as he held me, and how I craved it so desperately when he finally let go. I didn’t know it then, but I had finally fallen head over heels. If only I had known then how much it would cost me. 𓆝 𓆟 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 Dolion sat across from me on the train, staring out the window. His expression was cold, and he had avoided looking to me for anything. “Dolion? Why are you avoiding me, we have to do this together if we want any chance here-” I asked quietly, resting a hand on his. Dolion jerked his hand back “ Pairing with people you care about doesn’t seem to work well. Look how it ended up for Peggy.” he responded coldly. I felt my face pale, my expression going blank. “What did you say..?” I questioned “You heard me.” He stated, standing up and going to his room on the train. I sat frozen, not knowing how to process what had just happened. My heart ached, and I didn’t really know why. I wish I didn’t care about what people said, but in the end, no one can bear the burden of life itself without cracks in their facade. I stayed alone the rest of the train ride, though Dolion came to apologize for his cruel words before we stepped foot in the capitol’s train station. I forgave him verbally, but did I actually..? It seemed I didn’t quite know, myself.
𓆝 𓆟 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 We were taken to an apartment where we would stay for the remainder of the time before training. It was much nicer than the zoo the tributes stayed in last year. I felt bad for them. I was reminded of Lucy Gray and her beautiful dress when I saw the colorful vases of flowers all over the main room. We were told that we were needed downstairs, and then led to a hallway of rooms. Dolion and I got our own rooms, and were told to put on a gown that looked like something you would see at the doctors if you were going into a surgery of some sort. I slipped off my dress and replace it with the gown, cringing at the papery texture. Soon, there were 3 people in my room, forcing me to lie down so they could ‘access my features’. I laid there, trying to let them do their thing. Finally, they left. A woman by the name of Tigress walked into my room next. “Hello, My name is Tigress. I’ll be your stylist for the remainder of your stay in the capitol.” She smiled warmly. She reminded me of my Aunt Cassandra, her soft blond hair spiraling to frame her soft-featured face, her kind brown eyes filled with golden specks. She was in an extravagant rose gold colored gown, a matching barrette in her hair to pin some of her curls out of her face. “Hello, My name is Mags.” I responded, smiling back at the woman. “Why do I need a stylist, exactly..?” “Well, My job is to make you look sponsor-able. People in the capitol can sponsor you, help you gain materials you could need in the arena.” Tigress explained, holding up a hunter green fabric square and then shaking her head. “We will be working on your parade costume, and then your interview gown. I was told for district four, we wanted to go with a fishnet aesthetic.” She hummed, holding up a cerulean blue fabric “Aha! Blue is most definitely your color, Mags.” Tigress picked up her sketchbook with a smile, sketching out a design for the parade costume. It was a lovely thing, really. I don’t think I’d ever worn anything in my life that could amount to how nice it was. “Do you trust me..?” Tigress asked softly I don’t exactly know what compelled my response, but I nodded.
“Yeah, I do.”
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jrueships · 2 years
ooo OKAY cool thank yall for tagging me in this! i feel so special whenever i get tagged in things like there's a secret security showing me important documents or something like 'mr president. Gay.' ANYWAYS let's get to it!!!
1. which team(s) do you root for?
I like pretty much all the teams and it's kinda contextual for me to decide which to root for at the time? Usually whoevers looking like the underdogs or got the most heartwarming/stand-out players! I'm more-so a player person than a team guy! Does that seem disloyal?? Apparently to my hometown buds 😭 whatever though, player IS in the name, after all ! Even if I don't really watch a team, I try picking one player I like/care about on that team so I can still enjoy watching em when they're on! BUT FOR TEAMS I'D DEF MAKE AN EFFORT TO ACTIVELY WATCH FOR RN ... prolly rockets, sixers okc, spurs, clippers, grizzlies, bucks? Sorry I like my men pathetic and cringe and they're funny. Would i ROOT for them all tho? Prolly not 😭 whatever happens happens !
2. what's your prediction for the 2023 finals matchup plus champions prediction?
Whatever team i didn't name probably LMAO either way warriors or lakers are going to win, you know the drill
3. what's an nba hot take you have?
Men obsessing over sports stats was a direct creation of men trying to gatekeep women from watching sports with an enlightened sense of having an actual personality beyond numbers also people that only watch for sports betting are leeches on life and need to touch grass okay sorry i was kinda kidding on both of my takes but also no
4. who are your favourite players NOT on your favourite team(s)?
how do i make it bold 😭 whatever we fuck on 😎 (i meant fight but ill leave that there tbh) SO hmmm this one is TOUGH i like a LOT of teams.. hm... OH okay actually!! Rj barrett, bones hyland, myles turner, Donovan mitchell, Demar Derozan, cam Thomas, day'ron sharpe (day-day!!), Wendell Carter Jr, Russell westbrook, Andrew wiggins, Otto Porter Jr, terry rozier, frank ntilikina
5. 3 players you would invite to taco tuesday (current or retired)
Michael Jordan because I would like to see the battle of man who lies and doesn't care (mj) and man who lies and cares (lebron). It will be a battle fought by the GOATS of gaslighting, taken place: Taco Tuesday
Lebron , like in a mirror . So it's just lebron alone sitting at a dinner table talking to his mirror while plates of tacos are scattered about untouched. I think.. something would be unearthed. Of golden value !
Jeff teague
6. what's your favourite thing about the nba?
The interconnectedness, the fact that this is an achieved dream job for the guys playing, the fact that memories are made from people making memories (fans remembering the little details from a game they attended/watched off the players just living their dreams) etc etc u know! Just people enjoyin the best part of being people! Unique but shared enjoyment !! Fuck with that heavy !!!!
7. tag however many people you want!
Whoever wants to or hasn't done it!!! This was fun so go have fun !! Tell em TED sent you ;)
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