#barcode sticker
ghostiesim · 1 month
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"Our investigation files include the passports and some of the artifacts recovered from the survivors of Flight 177 after their rescue in the winter of 2008 - 582 days after they seemed to vanish into thin air..."
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townofcrosshollow · 2 years
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@theshitpostcalligrapher After confirming I am allowed to put stickers on my self checkout key at work, the no name sticker has officially become a permanent part of my uniform at Superstore!
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zvaigzdelasas · 1 year
Got a new toy (thermal receipt printer) & having a blast playing with my new toy (writing a python program to automatically make shopping lists which print as receipts)
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since people (one person) asked, here is a folder with all of my jeff stickers:
thank you @viva-yas-vegas and @fuckyeah-itme for your contributions <3
(to use these you have to download the app Sticker Maker and then save them to WhatsApp or iMessage)
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dawntheduckrb · 6 months
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They put me downstairs at work :(
All thumb healing progress was undone in one evening apparently. It actually felt mostly fine on Sunday, until after work. They put me in an area I'm rarely sent to on Sunday evening, and I had to do a ton of heavy lifting. My arms are sore but it's like a post-exercise soreness (painful, but still very normal). My thumb felt fine allllllll day today, until I started to draw. Even with breaks, it still feels super tense, and now it's hurting even when I'm not using it. I'm gonna take that as a sign to stop for the night lol
I have one drawing I want to finish before school starts back up, because I'm worried it'll distract me if I don't have it done before then. Of course, if my hand prevents from finishing it, I'll manage, but that'd suck :')
On a lighter tone I feel very strongly about this cat in a blanket I found, I don't know why it amuses me so much but it's such a mood
#for those of you who dont know; i work at a package sorting/distribution center#I'm normally in the small package team where people who can't constantly lift stuff go (i have double curve scoliosis and back hurty)#but they moved me downstairs to a truck loading area to help the people that are normally there#most packages come from a series of overhang chutes and I didn't have to do anything with them#but everything thats too big/heavy/oddly shaped comes down a seperate larger belt system#these have to be manually sorted#my job was to take a barcode scanner and find a barcode on each package#then a little printer i was holding would make a sticker w/ that package's destination after i scanned its barcode#the thing is#those packages got up to 80 lbs and sometimes the barcode label was on the very bottom#i had to flip quite a few packages in a hurry because that belt does not stop while I'm printing the stickers#i guess between holding the barcode scanner and flipping over ridiculously heavy boxes#i completely destroyed my thumb again#splatoon didn't give me a problem today but i guess i dont really use my thumb much for that game#and even still#i took a whole four hour break between that and trying to draw#and i didnt even draw for that long#but now moving my thumb hurts worse than it did last week#idk what im gonna do when school starts :/#this is where i'd say 'crying and sobbing atm' but im actually starting to tear up holy shit#wanted to post a drawing tonight but i cant finish it :') gonna grab some chocolate and curl up into a ball instead#will also try icing my hand tonight#i have also memorized those hand exercises and they are my lifeline right now
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cottagecori · 11 months
i so badly want to get a tattoo of a fruit sticker
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wedding-shemp · 11 months
caving and buying the $60 square reader
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curejiraiya · 7 months
no one panic, but there's a copy of Shiny Seven Stars on Mercari
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varokai · 1 year
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working in a used book store affords unique moments. people transferring the lease on their shared memories, some of them leaving pieces of themselves between the pages or under the covers. inscriptions in the blank spaces. remember the characters from your own life or notice something of yourself two hundred pages in or so. ratty or immaculate bookmarks holding sentry. duty as far as the back cover. an original receipt was like a dog-ear in time.
old price stickers. layers and layers. they changed the fonts, the colors, and for some reason the value. often it falls with age, but there's a crooked smile to be had when you notice someone tried to raise it in the middle. universities will often include a thermal printed emblem or mascot.
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cleaning and preparing another reader's book can feel almost funereal inverted. and a very busy and successful practice. it is astonishing how quickly hands can acclimate to a task. any good community would be proud. that is why they hold book fairs, yeah?
the people behind the counter with me. rejuvinative morticians. it's lively work if you can get it.
hardcovers like textbooks were simple enough, sloughing off like glossy, austere reptiles refreshed.
the adhesives acted so oddly on the paperbacks. the tool of choice was something like a plastic finger. it was easy to be too brutish, with the low result of tearing or clumsily embossing the cover. often, several arcs of the hand were necessary to find purchase. it was important to be delicate but firm. done correctly, the edge of the label would crimp into a rare texture, like the veil of some elusive deep sea creature. still. drifting. dreaming in the cloud of its endless world.
other tags took on lives and personalities of their own.
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for a short while, there was a mischievous cycle to add a small inconsequential mark of my own to a new sticker (i remember it being an arrow in a corner but that detail eludes memory). i think i enjoyed seeing them again, even if i didn't always catch them at first, when one of these beautiful strange beasts returned to glide across my counter once more.
there's this unique flavor of pride you can only share across certain countertops.
marked territory. one of the smallest liminal spaces between hands.
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marimachaa · 6 months
feeling chatty because i am finally home and my room is clean and my stomach is full
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mondaymoon-goodnotes · 10 months
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◻ Barcode Stickers
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newlyy · 2 years
Honestly the buying four albums and then an additional clock mechanism is annoying, and idk how she could have done that differently, but the concept of them all making a clock for the album Midnights is actually really cool and these pictures, and the mid century modern clock center, are beautiful
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I wish I cared enough about Taylor Swift to justify spending the money
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something-artz · 2 years
some stickers on my redbubble
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carinaelise · 9 days
Food Safety Packaging and Labeling
Ensuring Excellence in Food Safety Packaging and Labeling
In the dynamic and highly competitive hospitality industry, ensuring food safety through effective packaging and labeling is crucial. With increasing awareness about health and safety standards, both consumers and regulatory bodies demand stringent adherence to these standards. At YashTech, we understand the pivotal role that food safety packaging and labeling play in maintaining quality, preventing contamination, and complying with regulations. This blog explores the importance, best practices, and future trends in food safety packaging and labeling, offering insights into how hospitality businesses can uphold these standards effectively.
The Importance of Food Safety Packaging and Labeling
Food safety packaging and labeling are essential components of the food supply chain. They serve multiple purposes:
Protection from Contamination: Proper packaging protects food from physical, chemical, and biological contaminants. It ensures that the food remains safe and fresh from the point of production to consumption.
Compliance with Regulations: Adhering to food safety standards is not just about maintaining quality but also about compliance with local and international regulations. Proper labeling helps in meeting these regulatory requirements, avoiding legal issues and potential fines.
Consumer Information: Labels provide critical information to consumers, including ingredients, nutritional values, allergen warnings, and expiration dates. This transparency builds trust and helps consumers make informed choices.
Brand Reputation: High standards in food safety packaging and labeling contribute to a positive brand image. Customers are more likely to trust and choose brands that prioritize their health and safety.
Key Elements of Food Safety Packaging
Ensuring food safety through packaging involves several critical elements:
Material Selection: The choice of packaging material is fundamental. Materials must be food-grade, non-toxic, and capable of protecting food from external contaminants. Common materials include glass, metal, and various types of plastic.
Design and Integrity: Packaging design should ensure that the food is sealed properly to prevent contamination. It should also be tamper-evident, indicating if the package has been opened or compromised.
Temperature Control: For perishable items, packaging must support appropriate temperature control to prevent spoilage. This includes insulating materials for hot and cold foods and packaging that supports freezing or refrigeration.
Sustainability: Increasingly, consumers and regulators are demanding sustainable packaging solutions. Eco-friendly materials and designs that reduce waste and support recycling are becoming standard.
Best Practices in Food Labeling
Effective food labeling goes beyond basic compliance. It involves providing comprehensive and clear information to ensure consumer safety and satisfaction:
Clear Ingredient Lists: Ingredients should be listed clearly, including any potential allergens. This helps consumers with dietary restrictions or allergies make safe choices.
Nutritional Information: Detailed nutritional information, including calorie content, fat, sugar, and salt levels, helps consumers maintain a balanced diet.
Expiration Dates: Clearly marked expiration or "best before" dates ensure that consumers are aware of the product’s shelf life, reducing the risk of consuming spoiled food.
Storage Instructions: Proper storage instructions help consumers maintain the quality and safety of the food after purchase.
Regulatory Compliance: Labels must meet all local and international regulatory standards, including language requirements, font sizes, and specific disclosures mandated by law.
Technological Innovations in Food Safety Packaging and Labeling
Advancements in technology are continuously enhancing food safety packaging and labeling:
Smart Packaging: Incorporates technology like QR codes and RFID tags to provide additional information about the product, track its journey through the supply chain, and ensure authenticity.
Active Packaging: Contains substances that actively help preserve food, such as moisture absorbers, oxygen scavengers, and antimicrobial agents.
Blockchain Technology: Used to ensure transparency and traceability in the food supply chain, providing consumers with detailed information about the origin and handling of their food.
Biodegradable Materials: Development of new materials that are both food-safe and environmentally friendly, addressing the growing demand for sustainable packaging solutions.
Challenges and Solutions in Food Safety Packaging and Labeling
Despite advancements, the industry faces several challenges:
Cost: Implementing high-standard packaging and labeling can be expensive. However, investing in quality materials and technologies pays off by reducing the risk of contamination and legal issues.
Regulatory Changes: Keeping up with evolving regulations can be challenging. Partnering with experts in food safety and regulatory compliance, like YashTech, ensures that your business stays updated and compliant.
Sustainability: Balancing food safety with sustainability requires innovation and commitment. Adopting new, eco-friendly materials and practices can address this challenge effectively.
Consumer Education: Educating consumers about reading labels and proper food handling is crucial. Clear and informative labeling helps, but broader consumer education initiatives are also necessary.
Future Trends in Food Safety Packaging and Labeling
The future of food safety packaging and labeling is shaped by several emerging trends:
Personalization: Customized packaging and labeling that cater to specific consumer preferences and dietary needs are becoming more popular. This trend enhances customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Increased Transparency: Consumers demand more transparency about the origin and handling of their food. Technologies like blockchain and smart packaging are making this possible.
Regenerative Packaging: Moving beyond sustainability, regenerative packaging aims to restore and improve environmental health, not just maintain it.
Health Focus: With growing health consciousness, there is an increasing focus on highlighting health benefits and nutritional information prominently on labels.
Food safety packaging and labeling are critical to ensuring the quality, safety, and success of products in the hospitality industry. At YashTech, we are committed to providing top-notch solutions that meet the highest standards of safety, compliance, and innovation. By staying ahead of industry trends and leveraging advanced technologies, we help our clients deliver safe, high-quality food products that consumers can trust. Investing in superior packaging and labeling not only protects your customers but also enhances your brand's reputation and market success.
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signmakeraus · 5 months
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aartstroke · 11 months
Revolutionizing FMCG Printing: AartStroke's Creative Excellence
In the fast-paced world of Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG), where competition is fierce and consumer preferences shift rapidly, packaging has evolved from being a mere protective shell to a powerful marketing tool. The battle for consumer attention begins on the store shelves, and it's packaging that determines whether a product will catch the eye or be lost in the sea of options. Enter AartStroke – a name synonymous with revolutionary FMCG printing that brings creative excellence to the forefront.
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The Evolution of FMCG Packaging:
The journey of FMCG packaging has been nothing short of a transformation. What was once considered a functional necessity has now become a canvas for artistic expression and brand storytelling. Consumers no longer make purchasing decisions solely based on product quality; they are swayed by the emotional connection and visual appeal that packaging provides.
AartStroke's Creative Excellence Unveiled:
AartStroke has not only recognized the evolving landscape of FMCG packaging but has also embraced it with a spirit of innovation and creativity. Let's delve into the facets that make AartStroke's creative excellence a game-changer in the realm of FMCG printing.
1. Customization Redefined:
One of the cornerstones of AartStroke's creative approach is customization. The company understands that every brand has a unique identity, and every product has a distinct story to tell. AartStroke's designs are a result of a deep understanding of a brand's ethos, its target audience, and its market positioning. This attention to detail ensures that the packaging is not just eye-catching but also resonates with consumers on a personal level.
2. Artistry in Design:
AartStroke boasts a team of designers who are more than artists; they are storytellers. These creative minds possess an innate ability to blend colors, typography, and imagery in a way that conveys a brand's narrative and values. Every design that emerges from AartStroke's studio is a masterpiece, meticulously crafted to capture attention, evoke emotions, and communicate the essence of the product.
3. Packaging as a Brand Ambassador:
Packaging isn't just a vessel; it's an ambassador of the brand. AartStroke understands that packaging is an opportunity to tell a brand's story, and it seizes that opportunity with finesse. Whether it's incorporating a brand's history, showcasing its commitment to sustainability, or highlighting the product's unique features, AartStroke's designs are compelling narratives that resonate with consumers.
4. Captivating Shelf Presence:
In a crowded marketplace, capturing the consumer's attention is a Herculean task. AartStroke's designs don't just stand out; they demand attention. The creative excellence that AartStroke infuses into its packaging solutions ensures that products not only catch the eye but also linger in the consumer's memory. This, in turn, translates into increased brand recall and, ultimately, higher sales.
5. Expertise and Innovation:
AartStroke's journey towards creative excellence is underpinned by a blend of expertise and innovation. With years of experience in FMCG printing, the company has perfected its techniques and processes, ensuring that every project meets the highest standards of quality. Furthermore, AartStroke stays at the forefront of printing technology, leveraging innovation to push the boundaries of creativity.
6. Sustainable Creativity:
In an era where sustainability is a global concern, AartStroke takes its responsibility seriously. The company incorporates eco-friendly practices into its printing processes, using environmentally conscious materials and minimizing waste. AartStroke's creative excellence isn't just about aesthetics; it's about contributing to a greener future.
In the dynamic landscape of FMCG, where consumer preferences are ever-evolving, staying ahead requires not only exceptional products but also packaging that tells a compelling story. AartStroke's creative excellence doesn't just design packaging; it crafts experiences, emotions, and connections. It's a revolution in FMCG printing that redefines the way brands interact with consumers.
Choosing AartStroke isn't just about selecting a printing service; it's about embarking on a journey to elevate your brand. With designs that ignite emotions, convey narratives, and command attention, AartStroke's creative excellence is a force that propels brands to the forefront of consumer consciousness.
Ready to revolutionize your FMCG packaging? Connect with AartStroke today and experience the creative excellence that sets us apart.
Visit Us:- FMCG printing
Contact AartStroke today to unlock the potential of your FMCG packaging:
Address:- 13-C. Brijpurt, Opposite UBI, Mahal Road, Jagatpura, Jaipur-302017
Phone: +91 9829029709, +91 925 160 7177
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