#barbara nowacka
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In Poland, Donald Tusk (the GOOD Donald) was formally sworn in as prime minister on Wednesday along with the rest of his government. He gave a speech in the Sejm, parts of which you can see with subtitles above.
He has promised to undo much of what the previous rightwing PiS government had done for the past eight years.
Expect Poland to play an increasingly important role in EU affairs.
Things may be bumpy into mid 2025. Lame duck President Andrzej Duda, associated with PiS, will remain in office until the next presidential election set for May of 2025.
Tusk is pro-democracy, pro-NATO, pro-Europe, pro-Ukraine, pro-US, anti-Putin, and anti-bigotry. What's not to like? 😁
This is the new cabinet.

Several notable ministers...
Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz - A Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense. He's from Trzecia Droga (Third Way), one of Tusk's coalition partners.
Krzysztof Gawkowski - Another Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Digital Affairs. He's from Nowa Lewnica (New Left), Tusk's other coalition partner.
Adam Bodnar - Minister of Justice. An anti-racist who previously served as Commissioner of Human Rights.
Barbara Nowacka – Minister of Education. She is an advocate of separation of church and state and leading opponent of the strict anti-abortion law passed by the recently defeated PiS government. IMHO, she's one of the best speakers in Polish politics.
Radosław "Radek" Sikorski - Minister of Foreign Affairs. A veteran colleague of Tusk who served as Foreign Minister and Defense Minister in previous governments. His wife happens to be American historian and journalist Anne Applebaum.
Speaking of Sikorski, he's already spoken with Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Ukraine's Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba who invited him to Kyiv.
This government has hit the ground running.
#donald tusk#poland#polska#rząd#władysław kosiniak-kamysz#krzysztof gawkowski#adam bodnar#barbara nowacka#radek sikorski#nato#eu#sejm#human rights#prawa człowieka#Youtube
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Miażdżąca reakcja Nowackiej na exposé Morawieckiego w Sejmie
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Na ten ból nie ma maści
Prześmiesznym jest, ale też wyjątkowo obrzydliwym, że niejaki Robert Bąkiewicz, patologiczny i genetyczny naziol (nota bene to żadne pomówienie, o tym zaświadczają fakty), zawiadamia prokuratura o jakoby przestępstwie jakiego dopuściła się minister Nowacka (powołuje się naziol na art. 133 kk, mówiący o „publicznym znieważaniu Narodu lub Rzeczpospolitej Polski”), wspominając coś o polskich…
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az általános iskolákban nem lesz többé otthoni házi feladat
változni fog a hittanórák száma - gondolom lefelé
tantervben szereplő tananyag mennyisége 20%-kal csökken
kötelező olvasmányokon változhatnak mert a jelenlegi lista idejétmúlt
bónusz: van oktatási minisztériumuk oktatási miniszterrel. Aki amúgy nő.
Így veri szét Soros Lengyelországot! Lehet sivalkodni!
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Poland election: exit polls point to Law and Justice defeat as Tusk hails ‘rebirth’ (Shaun Walker, The Guardian, Oct 16 2023)
"Poland’s ruling populists appear to be heading for electoral defeat, in what would be one of the most consequential European political turnarounds of recent years, if exit polls showing a victory for an opposition coalition led by Donald Tusk prove correct.
The exit polls suggested that the ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party received the most votes, but that Tusk’s Civic Coalition together with two other opposition parties should have a route to a parliamentary majority. (…)
The official results have been slow to come in amid a record turnout of more than 70%, the highest since the fall of communism in the country.
There were long queues at polling stations across the country and some voters in the city of Wrocław stood in line until nearly 3am waiting to vote, six hours after the official close of polls.
If the exit polls are confirmed, the result is likely to transform Poland’s domestic political scene and restart relations with Brussels, which had frayed over PiS’s attacks on the independent judiciary and other rule of law issues.
It comes after months of vicious campaigning, in which Tusk highlighted the damage done to Poland over the past eight years while PiS claimed he was a foreign stooge who would destroy the country.
PiS apparently failed to convince enough voters to support them despite control over public media and the introduction of a referendum on the same day as the election with a series of leading questions on migration and other issues, aimed at motivating its base to vote. (…)
Many progressive Poles celebrated the exit poll results late into the night on Sunday, with the probable end of PiS rule seen as positive step for the rights of women and LGBTQ+ people.
Barbara Nowacka, a Civic Coalition MP who has been fiercely critical of the PiS crackdown on abortion rights, said it was clear the opposition had won and that it was an important day for Polish women.
“Young women won’t be afraid to get pregnant, young women won’t be afraid to go to the doctor,” she said."
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Polens Regierung halbiert Religionsstunden an Schulen
Bildungsministerin Barbara Nowacka reduziert den Religionsunterricht an Polens Schulen auf eine Stunde in der Woche – Es droht ein Rechtsstreit mit der katholischen Kirche, die sich übergangen sieht weiterlesen: [https://www.kathpress.at/goto/meldung/2441384/polens-regierung-halbiert-religionsstunden-an-schulen
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El gobierno polaco insiste en atacar la asignatura de religión a pesar de una sentencia del Constitucional
La reciente invalidación de un reglamento sobre las clases de religión por parte del Tribunal Constitucional ha intensificado el debate en Polonia. La ministra de Educación, Barbara Nowacka, persiste en sus planes de reducir la carga horaria de la asignatura, mientras la Iglesia denuncia la vulneración de acuerdos legales y constitucionales. Leer más… »
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Katecheza w Polsce: Fałsz, Dogmatyzm i Manipulacje Subskrybuj Śmiem Wątpić!! 🔔 https://www.youtube.com/c/smiemwatpic?sub_confirmation=1 Wspieraj mnie przez Patronite! - https://ift.tt/IHc9xXV Wspieraj mnie przez Paypal! - https://ift.tt/rOEemhs Link 1: Ks. Kozyra - Prezentacja "Chodzenie ze sobą - miłość czy zakochanie?" https://ift.tt/yUNah6m Link 2: Mapki które tutaj pokazuje zaczerpnąłem z artykułu od TVN 24: https://ift.tt/KkfUxwI Link 3: Demagog o ilości lekcji religii w porównaniu do geografii, biologii i informatyki razem wziętych: https://ift.tt/piA9B2G Link 4: Magdalena Rigamonti i Barbara Nowacka o kontroli lekcji religii: https://youtu.be/CjE2Wi_TElQ?t=1257 Link 5: Magdalena Środa - koszt lekcji religii: https://youtu.be/FyeCMF72pfQ Link 6: Onet w 2016 - koszt lekcji religii: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SfomwwVwMTE&t=37s Link 7: Oko press - MEN o koszcie lekcji religii: https://ift.tt/e8qZVxw Link 8: Terlikowski został zacytowany w tym temacie przez Karola Fjałkowskiego w następującym fragmencie filmu Karola: https://youtu.be/PrBM_8TtEPU?t=3789 Link 9: Mój pierwszy film w temacie lekcji religii: https://youtu.be/R0RrDJwJ89k Link 10: Klaudia Szubert o duszyczkach: https://ift.tt/GLiwXag Link 11: Demagog odkrywa fake news w temacie podręczników do religii: https://ift.tt/NzqAVym Link 12: Film "Czujesz...?": https://youtu.be/ben7vOFo4pY Link 13: Michał Chaberek OP o kreacjonizmie na lekcjach religii: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2B1uhjJbAAU&t=5875s Link 14: Podręczniki do Przyrody i Biologii z wydawnictwa "Nowa Era": https://ift.tt/C1SuJ5g https://flipbook.nowaera.pl/dokumenty/Flipbook/Puls-Zycia_[kl_5][pr_2018]/ https://flipbook.nowaera.pl/dokumenty/Flipbook/Puls-zycia[RE][kl_6][pr_2022]/ https://ift.tt/tSTJrjl Link 15: Materiał dla dzieci - drugi dzień stworzenia: https://youtu.be/9plT_H2aI1o?t=31 Link 16: E-katecheta - 1SP - lekcja "Bóg stworzył świat": https://ift.tt/6TI2SWJ Link 17: Kreacjonistyczny film dla dzieci: https://youtu.be/-D4Jio-zZHo Link 18: Aniolek Wesolek - Nasza Ziemia: https://youtu.be/RriTGVqWBho?t=108 Link 19: MAŁE ANIOŁKI - DZIEŁO BOGA: https://youtu.be/vWkvnoeCqmI?t=26 Link 20: E-katecheta - 5SP - lekcja o Noem: https://ift.tt/raS2MRB Link 21: Encyklika Humani Generis: https://ift.tt/FPQicHS Link 22: Dane na temat tego kiedy wykonywane są aborcje: Anglia - https://bit.ly/3vnf57F USA - https://wapo.st/3ISxgVS Link 23: Ks. Kozyra - prezentacja "Prawda o Anty...": https://ift.tt/yUNah6m Link 24: Ks. z Limanowej o anty: https://ift.tt/mOEv0XD Link 25: https://youtu.be/wae7Ix-LKB0 Link 26: Zmniejszenie ryzyka konkretnego rodzaju raka wśród kobiet przyjmujących: https://bit.ly/4a9PuOA Link 27: Cukrzyca ciężarnych: https://ift.tt/Hwg32F4 https://ift.tt/Xe8VsfG Link 28: Wydawnictwo Jedność - Strefa Katechety: https://ift.tt/QYv7PL9 Link 29: WHO o zabezpieczniu mechanicznym: https://bit.ly/3x64z57 Link 30: UNAIDS, WHO i UNFPA - wspólne stanowisko: https://bit.ly/3xacQFa Link 31: Mandarynkowy dowód nieszczęścia ateistów: https://youtu.be/H9j84mxBfYE Link 32: Tak utrzymują np. I. Finkelstein, w książce "The Bible Unearthed", lub Łukasz Niesiołowski-Spanò. Link 33: Pi-Stacja o ciśnieniu hydrostatycznym: https://youtu.be/fTDpRVj56Vw Link 34: Paradoks Pascala w akcji: https://youtu.be/EJHrr21UvY8 0:00 Wstęp 01:14 Quiz 09:58 Kreacjonizm 23:13 Przerwanie ciąży 32:02 Zapobieganie ciąży 47:59 Podziękowania dla Patronów! 49:05 Ateizm 59:51 Podsumowanie via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HvuEmIH5UhQ
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Das polnische Schulsystem wird nach links gerückt
Tichy:»Polens neue Bildungsministerin, die selbsterklärte Feministin, Pazifistin, Abtreibungsbefürworterin und LGBTQ-Aktivistin Barbara Nowacka, hat in Absprache mit Ministerpräsident Tusk eine umfassende Reform des polnischen Schulsystems in Aussicht gestellt, die im Kern schon dieses Jahr in Kraft getreten ist. Das Programm ist schockierend, wenn auch für einen Westeuropäer schmerzlich vertraut – und das Ziel, nämlich eine massive Der Beitrag Das polnische Schulsystem wird nach links gerückt erschien zuerst auf Tichys Einblick. http://dlvr.it/T32yQL «
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The nightmare is (almost) over in Poland! 🇵🇱
The ruling PiS (Law and Justice Party) did not win enough seats in the Sejm in October's national election to form another government.
Poland's PiS President Andrzej Duda tried to slow down the departure of his Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki by dragging out the transfer of power. Duda even asked Morawiecki to try to form a new government despite the obvious mathematical impossibility of doing so.
But time ran out for PiS. Morawiecki lost a vote of confidence in a 10+ hour meeting of the Sejm on Monday. With 456 members voting and 229 needed for a governing majority, Morawiecki lost by a margin of 266 to 190.

After that fiasco, a three party pro-democracy coalition led by former Prime Minister Donald Tusk won a vote of confidence by 248 to 201.
After nine years out of power, Donald Tusk is back — securing the support of the Polish parliament on Monday evening to head a new government.
The vote was 248 in favor and 201 against, cementing his return nearly two months after a coalition of opposition parties led by the former European Council president delivered a surprising win in the October 15 national election. “I want to thank the Polish people,” Tusk told cheering MPs. “Thank you Poland, this is a great day, not for me, but for all those who for these long years deeply believed that it will still be better, that we will chase away the darkness, chase away the evil.”
The new coalition government officially takes power on Wednesday.
I don't understand much Polish, but went out of my way to see Barbara Nowacka's speech in the debate leading to the votes. She had no qualms about calling out members of the outgoing government by name.
The PiS losers could only listen grimly as she excoriated them and compared them with the autocratic Viktor Orbán régime in Hungary.

Pani Nowacka will likely be the new Minister of Education in Poland.
#poland#polska#donald tusk#mateusz morawiecki#pis#sejm#no confidence vote#winter came for the house pis#barbara nowacka#andrzej duda#victory for democracy#wotum nieufności#żegnaj PiS!
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Barbara Nowacka: Konferencja prasowa ws odwołania kurator Barbary Nowak
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Szkoła to nie kościół!
Decyzja pani minister Nowackiej o lekkim otrzepaniu szkolnych planów z lekcji religii, nie mogła oczywiście zakończyć się inaczej, niż to w tej chwili obserwujemy. Słychać wycie, to dla mnie przynajmniej brzmi znakomicie i czemu kibicuję, bo lubię to wycie o pranku, niczym podpułkownik William “Bill” Kilgore lubił o poranku zapach napalmu. W sprawę na prośbę kościelnych, zaangażowała się nawet…
#barbara nowacka#edukacja#konstutucja#koścół#ministerstwo oświaty#religia w szkole#szkoły publiczne#top#wiary czyni czuba
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Macierewicz przeprasza za publikację zdjęć ofiar katastrofy smoleńskiej
Macierewicz przeprasza za publikację zdjęć ofiar katastrofy smoleńskiej
Zdjęcia ofiar katastrofy smoleńskiej zostały opublikowane wbrew jasnej decyzji, że nie można tego robić; wyjaśniamy teraz jak do tego błędu doszło, ale bez względu na to ja ponoszę za to odpowiedzialność – mówił w Sejmie szef podkomisji smoleńskiej Antoni Macierewicz. Podkomisja ds. Ponownego Zbadania Wypadku Lotniczego pod Smoleńskiem opublikowała w poniedziałek raport ze swoich prac, a wraz z…

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A contentious near-total ban on abortion in Poland went into effect late Wednesday, despite rampant opposition from hundreds of thousands of Poles who began protesting in the fall in the largest demonstrations in the country since the 1989 collapse of communism.
Thousands of outraged women, teenagers and allies returned to the streets Wednesday night bundled up against the cold after word that a ruling that halts the termination of pregnancies for fetal abnormalities — virtually the only kind of abortion performed in Poland — would come into force.
The decision had been made in October by the Constitutional Tribunal, but its implementation was delayed after it prompted a month of protests. On Wednesday the government abruptly announced that the ruling was being published in the government’s journal, meaning it came into effect.
The protesters chanted slogans like “I think, I feel, I decide!” and “Freedom of choice instead of terror!” In Warsaw, they marched to the headquarters of the governing Law and Justice Party to songs including “I Will Survive.”
“We are dealing with incompetence, corruption, a total decay of the state, so these men are doing what they know best — taking away rights and freedoms from the citizens,” Marta Lempart, a protest organizer, told the television station TVN24 on Wednesday. “This is about women, but also about all other minorities and majorities that Law and Justice hates.”
Opposition lawmakers on Wednesday criticized the decision to suddenly announce that the ruling would be published in the Official Journal. The government had previously delayed publication of the ruling in an apparent answer to the protests, a move that legal experts have called unconstitutional.
“It’s not only women whom you’re bringing to the streets, it’s the whole nation that has had enough,” said Rafał Trzaskowski, the mayor of Warsaw, adding the decision to publish the ruling “against the will of Poles” was a “conscious and calculated acting to the detriment of the state.”
Others did not mince words in their discontent. “Bastards. #pseudo-ruling #pseudo-tribunal,” Barbara Nowacka, a center-left opposition lawmaker, said on Twitter.
The decision by thousands to protest, despite a surge in coronavirus cases, was another sign of discontent from a wide array of groups that believe human freedoms are being eroded under the Law and Justice Party, which is growing increasingly autocratic. It also comes as public anger is rising over the government’s handling of the pandemic — extending restrictions to the end of January — and a sluggish vaccination rollout.
Poland already had one of Europe’s most restrictive abortion laws, with the procedure legal in only three instances: fetal abnormalities, pregnancies resulting from rape or incest, and threats to a woman’s life. The latter two remain legal. But with 1,074 of 1,100 abortions performed in the country last year because of fetal abnormalities, the ban would outlaw abortion in most cases, and critics say many women will resort to illegal procedures or travel abroad to obtain abortions.
Even without the ruling in force, some hospitals had pre-emptively instructed doctors to stop performing abortions for fetal abnormalities, fearing the legal ramifications for their doctors, according to local media.
European lawmakers, who have accused the government of influencing the court’s decision, also criticized the announcement.
“Many of us cannot be in the streets with you to march in defense of our fundamental rights,” Terry Reintke, a Green lawmaker from Germany who is in the European Parliament, said on Twitter. “But know this: In every village, in every city in Europe there are women following your struggle. Never forget you are standing on the shoulders of brave and courageous women who have fought this fight for many years.”
“For them it is not about protecting life,” said Donald Tusk, an opposition Polish lawmaker and former president of the European Council said of the Law and Justice Party. “Under their rule more and more Poles are dying, and less are being born.”
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Pregnant woman’s death renews abortion ban controversy in Poland
O.K.s o the bible is pretty clear in this case.
Someone needs to be executed …
No really.
If two men are fighting, and in the process hurt a pregnant women so that she has a miscarriage, but she lives, then the man who injured her shall be fined whatever amount the woman‘s husband shall demand, and as the judges approve.
But if any harm come to the woman and she dies, he shall be executed.
EXODUS 21:22 – 23
SO there you go, two men where fighting … two-ish … two parties made up of males …
The men of her family who wanted her to live AND the men of the court who ruled on the new abortion law, the government who didn‘t disagree and the medical profession who all decided that them going to jail* was way worse then that women dying …
Like they could just have send her over to the Czech Republic where they don’t get their panties in a twist over an abortion ... yet ...
Problem solved ... but nope ... after a century of amazing improvements in medicine they decidet the best aproch was “wait and see” ...
No seriously that is in the article:
“Budzowska said the patient had, in messages sent to family and friends, said that the doctors were taking a "wait and see" approach. They held back from draining her uterus until the fetus died — which the lawyer said was in accordance with the rules limiting abortion.”
*(I mean what would happen if they all ended up in jail? Like … as a form of protest? … But I guess that is to much to ask of the stronger sex** … )
**(Yes I am just going to assume that in a country that has laws that are THAT fucking quaint, the majority of her doctors where male … bite me!)
HARM did come to her and she did die …
So heads have to roll … again not me saying … the bible is screaming for their blood …
I personally feel 3 men should die … one from the court, one from the government and one from the medical team … they can draw straws or something … or pregnancy tests … he who draws the positive shall die …
Behead them, burn them, disembowel them (all of those are methods that have been used to execute people)
Again, I am so sorry … it’s really nothing personal … but the bible says so … and we have decided that we want to live after an almost 2000 year old completely outdated book that is a collection of stories, anectotes and letters for several different cultures sensibilities …
I mean I personally think that is just no way to go through live but I bent to the majority …
And if the majority fantasizes a biblical demand against abortions in to the bible that isn‘t really there …
-- Which is quiet telling because the bible has opinions on everything … EVERYTHING … clothe ... food … weather you are allowed to fuck your dead brothers wife … owls … suspiciously specific minutia that covers highly specific and unlikely scenarios … like
If two men are fighting and the wife of one of them comes to rescue her husband from the assailant, and she reaches out and seizes him by his private parts, you shall cut off her hand. Show her no pity.
Which is incredibly specific and also … cowards! God build men with a self destruct button for a reason … just saying …
If a thief is caught breaking in at night and is struck a fatal blow, the defender is not guilty of bloodshed; but if it happened after sunrise, the defender is guilty of bloodshed …
EXODUS 22:2 – 3
SO no killing during the day you guys … wait till it’s night …
Then I feel like we have no choice but to follow the laws that actually ARE in the bible …
So … die motherfucker … see you in hell!
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