#barahir of ithilien
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annabthesolitarywriter · 7 months ago
(Title Translation: My Beloved...Farewell!")
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It took me several attempts to make it, but I think it came out pretty well. As you can see from the cover, Enna is the main character once again. In this AU, she is the daughter of Hiril, Beren Erchamion's sister and daughter of Barahir of the House of Bëor. She'll fall in love with a Fëanorian and Eönwë may or may not show up at the last minute during the War of Wrath (nope, there's no Elenwë in this, but he will still save her).
Knowing how the First Age ended, this fic too will have a lot of angst and tragedy and it's also very likely to have a sad ending.
Featuring Fëanor's sons and the Silmarils.
PSA=> These things will also be referenced in The Lady of Ithilien. I'll try to connect the two fics somehow. Fourth Age Enna will have a lot of weird dreams about Beleriand and First Age Enna will have a bunch of weird dreams/visions about the Herald that she doesn't really understand.
Check my masterlist for more details!
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arofili · 4 years ago
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the line of elros ❖ stewards of gondor ❖ headcanon disclaimer
          Faramir was the younger son of Denethor II, and was the last Ruling Steward of Gondor. His father loved him less than his brother Boromir, for though they were alike in many ways, Faramir listened to the advice of the wizard Mithrandir whom Denethor distrusted. It was Faramir who first received dreams of Imladris and Isildur’s Bane, but Denethor chose to send Boromir to discover what the dreams meant while Faramir was ordered to Ithilien as a Ranger of the South.           There he encountered the hobbits Frodo and Sam on their journey to Mordor to destroy the One Ring. To them he revealed the death of Boromir, of which the hobbits had not known, and showed great strength of will in refusing the Ring in contrast to his brother’s fall. As the hobbits continued on their journey, Faramir returned to Osgiliath, failing to hold its defenses as had Boromir. He was struck down by the Witch-king of Angmar’s Black Breath, and was saved only by his uncle Prince Imrahil of Dol Amroth.           Faramir was rendered unconscious and near to death for the remainder of the War of the Ring. His father went mad and attempted to burn them both on a pyre in Minas Tirith, but Faramir was saved by Mithrandir and the guard Beregond, though Denethor perished. He was then taken to the Houses of Healing, where he was healed by Aragorn after the Battle of the Pelennor Fields was won. He spent the rest of the War recovering in the Houses of Healing, where he met Éowyn of Rohan, another grievously wounded patient. They fell in love, and were married after the War.           Showing a humility his father never possessed, Faramir led the coronation of Aragorn as King Elessar of Gondor and Arnor, surrendering his position as Ruling Steward. Aragorn reinstated the original role of the Stewards and returned the title to Faramir, also creating him as the Prince of Ithilien.           Faramir and Éowyn settled in Ithilien, and he inherited his ancestral title of Lord of Emyn Arnen. Together he and Éowyn had two children, Elboron and Rohiril. Elboron, a scholar and writer, was very dear to Aragorn’s son Prince Eldarion, and never married; Rohiril wed one of her father’s knights, Silevegil, and bore them a son. This child, Barahir, would eventually inherit his uncle Elboron’s title and passion for lore, writing the Tale of Aragorn and Arwen which survived in an abridged form through the ages in the Thain’s Book.
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anghraine · 3 years ago
There’s absolutely nothing wrong with imagining Fourth Age Barahir as the son of Elboron, but I really enjoy my headcanon where he’s instead the son of Elboron’s sister.
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storyweaverofgondor · 2 years ago
LOTR Cats Au: Scenes to do
The Foundations of Stone
 Elven Rope
The Taming of Sméagol
The Uruk-hai
The Three Hunters
The Burning of the Westfold*
 Massacre at the Fords of Isen*
The Banishment of Éomer*
On the Trail of the Uruk-hai
Night Camp at Fangorn
The Riders of Rohan
The Fate of Merry and Pippin
The Passage of the Marshes
The White Rider
The Song of the Entwives
The Heir of Númenor
The Black Gate is Closed
Ent Draft
The King of the Golden Hall
The Funeral of Théodred
Simbelmynë on the Burial Mounds
The King's Decision
The Ring of Barahir
A Daughter of Kings
Exodus from Edoras
The Forests of Ithilien
Gollum and Sméagol
Of Herbs and Stewed Rabbit
Dwarf Women
One of the Dúnedain
The Evenstar
The Wolves of Isengard
Helm's Deep
Isengard Unleashed
The Grace of the Valar
Arwen's Fate
The Story Foreseen from Lórien
The Window on the West
Sons of the Steward
 The Forbidden Pool
Aragorn's Return
 The Glittering Caves
 "Where is the Horse and the Rider?"
"Don't Be Hasty Master Meriadoc!"
The Host of the Eldar
The Battle of the Hornburg
Old Entish
 The Breach of the Deeping Wall
The Entmoot Decides
The Retreat to the Hornburg
Master Peregrin's Plan
The Last March of the Ents
 The Nazgûl Attack
Forth Eorlingas
The Flooding of Isengard
The Tales That Really Mattered...
 Fangorn comes to Helm's Deep
 The Final Tally
 Flotsam and Jetsam
 Farewell to Faramir
"The Battle for Middle-earth is About to Begin"
Gollum's Plan
I need a little something to help me remember what scenes i’ve finished so here you go.This is every scene I’ve finished so far. Scenes with a ‘*’ next to them are one’s I’m debating whether to write at all. Will update as i finish scenes.
@afairytalestray Lookie! Lookie! Over halfway done! :D
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lotrobsession · 4 years ago
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The birthday, and death of Aragorn
March 1, 2931 Birth of Aragorn II (Elessar) (not from the appendices) “And it happened that when Arathorn and Gilraen had been married only one year… “ (Tolkien, 1965 Ballantine, p. 420 RotK)
March 1, 1541 The passing of King Elessar (not FROM the appendices—but IN the appendices) “‘Lady Undómiel,’ said Aragorn, ‘the hour is indeed hard, yet it was made even in that day when we met under the white birches in the garden of Elrond where none now walk.’” (Tolkien, 1965 Ballantine, p. 428 RotK)
Aragorn’s Vital Statistics:
Date of Birth: March 1, 2931 Date of Death: March 1, 120, Fourth Age Residences: Rivendell; various; later Minas Tirith & Annuminas Parents: Arathorn II and Gilraen Siblings: None Spouse: Arwen Undomiel Children: 1 son - Eldarion - and daughters Hair & Eye Color: Dark hair & grey eyes Height: 6 feet, 6 inches Sword: Anduril Horses: Roheryn and Hasufel Galadriel's gifts: Sheath and Elfstone Emblem: White Tree with Seven Stars & a Crown on a black field
Aragorn was born on March 1, 2931, and just two years later he became the sixteenth Chieftain of the Dunedain when his father Arathorn II was killed by Orcs. Aragorn's mother Gilraen took him to live in Rivendell, home of Elrond. Elrond accepted the child as a foster-son and gave him the name Estel, meaning "Hope." Aragorn was not told his true name and heritage until 2951, when he was twenty years old and Elrond perceived that he had grown to manhood. Elrond then gave Aragorn two of the heirlooms of the House of Isildur: the Ring of Barahir and the shards of Narsil.
Aragorn was a direct descendant of Isildur, son of Elendil. The Heirs of Isildur were the Kings of Arnor until that kingdom was divided in three in the year 861 of the Third Age. The line was then continued first by the Kings of Arthedain and then, when that kingdom was decimated by war and plague, by the Chieftains of the Dunedain. Aragorn was also descended from Anarion - whose heirs ruled Gondor - through Firiel, the daughter of King Ondoher of Gondor, who married Arvedui, Last King of Arthedain.
In the year 120 of the Fourth Age, at the age of 210, King Elessar knew that his days were at an end and he went to the House of the Kings in the Silent Street. He said farewell to his son Eldarion and his daughters and he gave Eldarion his Crown and Sceptre. Arwen remained at Aragorn's side until he died.
Then a great beauty was revealed in him, so that all who after came there looked on him in wonder; for they saw that the grace of his youth, and the valour of his manhood, and the wisdom and majesty of his age were blended together. And long there he lay, an image of the Kings of Men in glory undimmed before the breaking of the world. Appendix A of The Lord of the Rings: "The Tale of Aragorn and Arwen," p. 344
It is said that the beds of Merry and Pippin were set beside the bed of the great king. After the death of the king, Legolas built a grey ship in Ithilien, and sailed down Anduin and so over the Sea; and with him, it is said, went Gimli. With the passing of that ship came an end in Middle-earth to the Fellowship of the Ring.
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lesbiansforboromir · 4 years ago
Impossible LotR Quiz Answer sheet with explanations!
As an addendum, since people have been doing the quiz I’ve seen a few mistypes and awkwardnesses that are my own fault so I’ve corrected them. This means some people got a higher score than was shown, know that when I looked over your answers I saw your actually right answers and fully appreciated them! It’s good to not that the ‘fill in the blanks’ questions will not take two words in one space, so I’ve had to get creative with how I apply two named folk like Mardil Voronwe, or people who have numbers like Hurin I.
I would also like to say, to everyone talking about how they’ve never read the Silmarillion, this quiz is very purposefully almost entirely based outside of the Silmarillion. This is Appendices stuff! Indeed there is only 1 question even tangentally related to elves in here, this is by design. 
@magaramach, @brynnmclean and @apojiiislands asked to be tagged in this! Answers under the cut. 
Q2. Who was Dora Baggins in relation to Bilbo Baggins? - Second cousin on his father's side Dora Baggins is a very elderly woman who was the daughter of Bilbo’s father’s brother. She likes writing people a lot of unsolicited advice! THIS WAS WRONG AND SAID FIRST COUSIN FOR SO LONG AND I AM DEEPLY SORRY FOR IT.
Q3. How many pairs of biological twins are mentioned in the whole of Arda's timeline and what races do they belong too? - 2 for men, 1 for elves and 3 for half-elves Fastred and Folcred, Haleth and Haldar (men) Amrod and Amras (elves) Elured and Elurin, Elrond and Elros, Elladan and Elrohir (half-elves) Now, admittedly Elladan and Elrohir are never actually described as twins. However they appear completely identical and have the same birth date, so it is assumed.
Q4. Baldor is who the skeleton scratching at the door used to be. When Aragorn and co pass through the paths of the dead they find a skeleton clawing at a door to the mountain. It is finely dressed and described as mighty and was later essentially confirmed to be Baldor, the eldest son of King Brego of Rohan, also called Baldor the hapless, who foolishly wandered into the paths of the dead on, apparently, a dare. (the answer to this was originally Brego because of a foolish typo from me, many apologies!)
Q5. When was the Ondonóre Nómesseron Minaþurie written? - During Meneldil's reign. “Enquiry into the Place-names of Gondor” was a text written by settled numenoreans about their new kingdom during Meneldil’s reign, who was the first sole King of Gondor after both Anarion (his father) and Isildur had perished.   
Q6. Farmer Maggot's particular friend was Tom Bombadil  It is stated that Farmer Maggot sometimes peacefully passes through the Old Forest to go and meet Tom Bombadil, who very much enjoys his company. However! Those who answered Merry or Pippin still deserve excellent recognition, Farmer Maggot was indeed fond of Pippin and respected Merry greatly.
Q7. What was the office of the Steward originally created to do? - Keep the Tradition of Isildur When Romendacil I went to war in the east, he realised that if he died then the secret of the Tradition of Isildur would die with him. Hence he wrote it down in a sealed scoll and gave it to a trusted confidante, to be given to his heir if he should perish. This tradition was maintained by further kings and those trusted confidantes became the Stewards of Gondor. This, admittedly, is a more suggested progression than explicit, but it’s a Impossible evil quiz so :) Q8. What was the 'Tradition of Isildur'? - Remember where Elendil was buried. Elendil had been secretly entombed in Calenardhon, supposedly the midpoint between Gondor and Arnor. This was a hallowed space for only Kings at first, but in later years when the Stewards came to rule Gondor they also were permitted the secret. Cirion had the remains moved when Calenardhon was gifted to the Eotheod to eventually become a part of the Kingdom of Rohan. 
Q9. At the time of Pelargir's founding, is the world flat or round? - Flat. Pelargir was founded as a ‘Faithful Numenorean’ haven on the river Anduin. Therefore it was built before Numenor’s destruction in the Akallabeth, the reason for which being that Eru turned the world from flat to round. 
Q10. Which of these monarchs were indolent and had no interest in ruling? - King Atanatar I - King Narmacil I - Tar-Vanimelde King Atanatar I ruled during Gondor’s richest generation and seemed to believe that meant he didn’t need to put any work in. Narmacil I, his son, didn’t want to put any work in, but he at least assigned his nephew, Minalcar, as ‘Karma-Kundo’ or regent during his reign. So he at least did something to keep the country going. Tar-Vanimelde had no interest in ruling and allowed her husband to do most of the governence. This backfired when she died and he organised a coup against his son to hold power.
Q11. When looking back on the Ship-Kings of Gondor, King Tarannon Falastur began the invasion of Harad and expanded Gondor's borders, King Earnil-I finally took Umbar but died at sea shortly afterwards, King Ciryandil spent most of his reign trying to defend Umbar and died in it's seige and King Hyarmendacil defended Umbar against seiges for 35 years before making war upon all Harad and claiming Harondor as a province of Gondor, ending the line of the Ship Kings.
Q12. What happened during the reign of King Romendacil II? - I don't know! Nothing? Yes I know this is particularly evil of me but Romendacil II was originally called Minalcar, yes the same Minalcar who became REGENT of Gondor due to Narmacil’s indolent nature. Minalcar indeed did everything else listed as answers to this question, but none of them happened during his reign as king. Indeed, his reign was said to be peaceful and we have no real information on it, so technically saying we don’t know, and suggesting nothing happened, is actually the most correct answer :)
Q13. Who succeeded Tar-Telperien of Numenor? - Her nephew, Minastir Tar-Telperien was a lesbian Queen of Numenor who never married and never wanted too and did an excellent job and I love her. Her nephew built a tower to mope in about how much he wanted to be an elf. They are not the same. Absolutely terrified about what Amazon could do to her. 
Q14. Whilst his brethren, the nazgul, were attacking the Prancing Pony, The Witch-King was waiting in the Barrow Downs and probably had a really nice time. Not much to this! Witch King was chilling with the Barrow Wights. 
Q15. Which of these characters are described as 'beautiful' at least once in the Lord of the Rings? - Galadriel, Denethor, Eowyn, Frodo, Elanor, Celeborn, Boromir Yes, Arwen is never described as beautiful, but Denethor is :)
Q16. We all love Boromir II, select the similarities he and Boromir I did NOT share. - Renowned relationship with the Rohirrim. - Destroyed the Bridge of Osgiliath - Feared by the Witch King - Retook Ithilien. - Had a brother. In case you’re wondering, yes, I love both Boromirs. But this question is a fun highlight of how many similarities Boromir II has with his namesake. These are the only things they didn’t both do. Although! Boromir I’s son was Cirion who allied with the Eotheod and created Rohan in the first place, the Uruk-Hai destroyed the Bridge of Osgiliath in Boromir I’s lifetime, Boromir II was PROBABLY feared by the witch-king we just don’t know, Boromir II held Ithilien and Boromir I had two elder sisters like Denethor II did.
Q17. Hey, did you know that, from Boromir I's war with the Uruk-Hai of the Morgul Vale, Gondor didn't know peace until Sauron's death on the 25th of March, 3019? Hah hah! How gut wrenching is that? About how long do you think it has been since Gondor knew peace then? Hey wait does that mean Boromir I's valiant victory that came at a personal sacrifice was the beginning of Gondor's wars and then Boromir II's valiant sacrifice was the end- oh god... oh fuck - 550 years To everyone who answered the crossed out answer,,, you’re correct in my heart. You get bonus points. Also hey! What the fuck :) 
Q18. Who was Borondir? - The rider sent to find Eorl who made it to him after starving himself for two days but who then rode to the Celebrant with Eorl anyway and died in that battle. Literally couldn’t love this fellow more. Big Hirgon energy. A hero of Gondor for time immemorial. 
Q19. The Ruling Stewards, from first to last (with their numbers typed as so Turin-I Hurin-II etc), were as follows; Mardil ; Eradan ; Herion ; Belegorn ; Hurin-I ; Turin-I ; Hador ; Barahir ; Dior ; Denethor-I ; Boromir-I ; Cirion ; Hallas ; Hurin-II ; Belecthor-I ; Orodreth ; Ecthelion-I ; Egalmoth ; Beren ; Beregond ; Belecthor-II ; Thorondir ; Turin-II ; Turgon ; Ecthelion-II ; Denethor-II ; and for like two seconds ; Faramir ; Alrighty, we had a bit of a fight in my discord about this but eventually I did relent in agreement that Faramir IS... very briefly... legally considered a RULING Steward. Ruling Stewards being Stewards that ruled a Kingless Gondor. But! With Aragorn RIGHT THERE is just seemed very redundant. Still! I’ll allow the pedant to win out, ten minutes is still a Ruling Steward. ALSO! I decided that having an extra box for the ‘voronwe’ part of mardil voronwe was just mean as it set everyone’s answers off kilter, so I removed that. ALSO for all of those calling me a bastard for adding this question, @illegalstargender was the one who requested it! I wasn’t going too! 
Q20. The Stewards, despite ruling through very tumultuous and violent periods, were often known for boring things (because they simply ruled better than the Kings did, I said what I said) But what boring thing was Steward Turin I remembered for? - Being the only monarch of Gondor that married twice This skeezy bastard really did marry a second time during his OLD age just to father a son. I can only imagine what a dreadful cultural and social effect this had on this prude country. It’s so unnecessary! He had daughters, many of them! One of them certainly had a son before he did. He was just being a controlling arse, down with Turin I!!!!
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ladyeowyn · 6 years ago
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I have recently reached my next follower goal and honestly, I have no words..! There are so many of you ahhh!! Thank you very much!! I’m incredibly grateful for everyone who gave me a follow over those years and to those who support my edits. ❤️ Here is a small celebration as a thank you! 😊 Pick as many of these as you like but, please, be patient with me if it takes a while.
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T o l k i e n ⚔ • race: maia - elf - human - hobbit - dwarf • location: Gondolin - Rivendell - Alqualondë - Lothlórien - Mirkwood - Minas Tirith - Edoras - Fangorn Forest - Bag End - Erebor - Lake Town - Ithilien - Tol Galen - Dol Amroth • occupation: Dúnedain ranger - rider of Rohan - shieldmaiden - soldier of Gondor - lord / lady of (Númenór - Gondor - Rohan - the Noldor - the Sindar - the Teleri) - Galadhrim warrior - jeweller & weaponsmith - scholar & librarian - gardener - burglar • weapon: sword (Ringil - Andúril - Guthwine - Orcrist - Glamdring - Sting) - Gondolin knife - spear Aeglos - longbow of the Galadhrim - Númenorian steelbow - Black Arrow - the Phial of Galadriel • jewel: the Silmarils - ring of power (the One Ring - Nenya - Narya - Vilya) - Arkenstone - the Ring of Barahir - the Evenstar necklace • Vala: Manwë - Ulmo - Aulë - Oromë - Mandos - Lórien - Tulkas - Varda - Yavanna - Nienna - Estë - Vairë - Vána - Nessa - Melkor • following: no(t yet) sorry, but ily ♥ - now! - yes ofc - always and forever
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mairi-mia1 · 6 years ago
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Éowyn was the second child of Éomundand Theodwyn. Like her brother Éomer, she was related to King Théodenthrough through their mother, the King's sister. Her father was slain and her mother died of illness in TA 3002. Afterwards, Théoden took Éomer and Éowyn in his household and raised them as his children.
During the War of the Ring, Éowyn was forced to stay in Meduseld and care for her declining uncle for several years, as he was weakened by the influence of Saruman and Gríma Wormtongue. When Gandalf restored the King, he prepared to defend Rohan against Isengard. Since Théoden planned to ride to battle himself, he asked his doorwarden Háma, to suggest a leader for the people in his absence. Háma recommended Éowyn, who, though a woman, was "fearless" and "all love[d] her".
Éowyn reluctantly obeyed the King's orders to stay behind in Edoras while Aragorn, Théoden, and the rest of the men confronted Saruman's army at the Battle of the Hornburg. When they returned, victorious to Edoras, Éowyn had kept everything in perfect order for their return. It was near this time when she confessed her growing feelings for Aragorn, but he reluctantly refused.
When Denethor II urgently called for Théoden's aid against Mordor, Éowyn again, begged to be allowed to ride with Aragorn to battle, but he refused.
In bitterness, she disguised herself as a man, under the alias Dernhelm, and rode to Minas Tirith on her horse Windfola. She took Meriadoc Brandybuckalong because he likewise wanted to follow his friends to battle, but had been refused by Théoden. Because Éowyn weighed less than a man of similar height, Windfola was able to bear both her and Merry.
During the Battle of the Pelennor Fields, she fought in Théoden's escort; when he and his company were attacked by the Witch-king of Angmar, lord of the Nazgûl, she and Merry were the only riders who did not flee. As Théoden lay mortally wounded, she challenged the Witch-King, who boasted that "no living man may hinder me". In answer, she removed her helmet, exposing her long blond hair, and declared, "No living man am I! You look upon a woman! Éowyn I am, Éomund's daughter. Begone if you be not deathless! For living or dark undead, I will smite you, if you touch him!".
In a rage, the Witch-king attacked her, but she cleaved the head off his Fell Beast. The Witch-king shattered her shield with a blow of his mace, breaking her arm, but stumbled when Merry stabbed his leg from behind with a Barrow-blade of Westernesse make. Éowyn stabbed her sword through the Witch-king's head, killing him, and thus fulfilling Glorfindel's prophecy a thousand years earlier at the Battle of Fornost that "not by the hand of man" would the Witch-King fall.
Her constitution already severely weakened by her loneliness and despair, combined with her physical injuries, Éowyn succumbed to a severe case of the Black Breath. Théoden, not knowing that she was nearby, told Merry with his dying words that she had been "dearer than daughter" to him.
Seeing her lying apparently dead on the battlefield caused her brother Éomer to go temporarily mad, and charge in fury at the enemy. But during the battle she was found by Prince Imrahil, who noticed that she was still alive, though barely, and ordered her taken to the Houses of Healing. There she was healed by Aragorn, the cure of the plant Athelas, and the entreaties of her distraught brother.
Éowyn remained behind in Minas Tirith while the Army of the West marched toward Morannon, the Black Gate, to challenge Sauron. She met and fell in love with Faramir, who had likewise been injured before the battle. After the War of the Ring had ended, she decided to give up dreams of glory in battle and devote her life to peace and a happy marriage.
At Éowyn's insistence, Merry was made a Knight of the Riddermark. He attended Théoden's funeral and Éomer's coronation as King of Rohan, where Éowyn presented Merry with a parting gift: the Horn of Rohan, a small silver horn taken from the hoard of Scatha, the dragon.
Faramir and Éowyn settled in Ithilien, where they had at least one son, and their grandson was Barahir, who wrote The Tale of Aragorn and Arwen in the Fourth Age. The date of Éowyn's death is nowhere recorded.
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nbula-rising · 8 years ago
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All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost; The old that is strong does not wither, Deep roots are not reached by the frost. From the ashes a fire shall be woken, A light from the shadows shall spring; Renewed shall be blade that was broken, The crownless again shall be king. The Fellowship of the Ring: "Strider," p. 182 Aragorn’s Vital Statistics: Date of Birth: March 1, 2931 Date of Death: March 1, 120, Fourth Age Residences: Rivendell; various; later Minas Tirith & Annuminas Parents: Arathorn II and Gilraen Siblings: None Spouse: Arwen Undomiel Children: 1 son - Eldarion - and daughters Hair & Eye Color: Dark hair & grey eyes Height: 6 feet, 6 inches Sword: Anduril Horses: Roheryn and Hasufel Galadriel's gifts: Sheath and Elfstone Emblem: White Tree with Seven Stars & a Crown on a black field Aragorn was born on March 1, 2931, and just two years later he became the sixteenth Chieftain of the Dunedain when his father Arathorn II was killed by Orcs. Aragorn's mother Gilraen took him to live in Rivendell, home of Elrond. Elrond accepted the child as a foster-son and gave him the name Estel, meaning "Hope." Aragorn was not told his true name and heritage until 2951, when he was twenty years old and Elrond perceived that he had grown to manhood. Elrond then gave Aragorn two of the heirlooms of the House of Isildur: the Ring of Barahir and the shards of Narsil. Aragorn was a direct descendant of Isildur, son of Elendil. The Heirs of Isildur were the Kings of Arnor until that kingdom was divided in three in the year 861 of the Third Age. The line was then continued first by the Kings of Arthedain and then, when that kingdom was decimated by war and plague, by the Chieftains of the Dunedain. Aragorn was also descended from Anarion - whose heirs ruled Gondor - through Firiel, the daughter of King Ondoher of Gondor, who married Arvedui, Last King of Arthedain. In the year 120 of the Fourth Age, at the age of 210, King Elessar knew that his days were at an end and he went to the House of the Kings in the Silent Street. He said farewell to his son Eldarion and his daughters and he gave Eldarion his Crown and Sceptre. Arwen remained at Aragorn's side until he died. Then a great beauty was revealed in him, so that all who after came there looked on him in wonder; for they saw that the grace of his youth, and the valour of his manhood, and the wisdom and majesty of his age were blended together. And long there he lay, an image of the Kings of Men in glory undimmed before the breaking of the world. Appendix A of The Lord of the Rings: "The Tale of Aragorn and Arwen," p. 344 It is said that the beds of Merry and Pippin were set beside the bed of the great king. After the death of the king, Legolas built a grey ship in Ithilien, and sailed down Anduin and so over the Sea; and with him, it is said, went Gimli. With the passing of that ship came an end in Middle-earth to the Fellowship of the Ring.
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anghraine · 4 years ago
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For my anon who asked if I had any Fourth Age headcanon family trees ... indeed I do. :D
This is simplified; people are placed by convenience rather than age, and more of the second generation (i.e. Elfwinë et al) have children than appear here, but I haven’t thought too much that far in. Also:
- Ithíriel, Elros’s wife here, comes from this headcanon; the short version is that she was a Hadorian loremaster who made for an obscure Queen of Númenor but a highly accomplished scholar and patroness of scholarship.
- In POME, Tolkien says that the Stewards were not direct descendants of the line of Elendil but were ultimately “of royal origin,” which I take to mean that they come from some junior Elrosian offshoot along the way. A lot of Dúnedain probably do at this point (many times over, at that).
- In UT, Tolkien says that the ancestors of the Princes of Dol Amroth were kin of Elendil. This doesn’t have to be on the Elrosian side, but my headcanon is that it is and they were related through Inzilbêth. 
- I imagine Princess Telperiën as silver-haired and named for Celebrían (not Tar-Telperiën, much as I love her)
- Glóredhel is the only one of Faramir and Éowyn’s children with golden hair, and was named for it and (as I imagine is pretty common) for the Edainic figure from the First Age, not Elves.
- Elfhild/Elvaeth marries a Dúnadan of the North and goes to Arnor; Athelflaed/Aravain becomes a knight in Gondor (her path somewhat smoothed by her aunt Éowyn’s heroics) and a close friend and protector of Eldarion.
- Morwen’s son Barahir, sister-son of Glóredhel and Eldarion, is the Barahir who wrote the Tale of Aragorn and Arwen.
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anghraine · 5 years ago
“the gift of men” - fic
The fic is three pages long and has taken yeaaaars to write. Anyway: some cheerful Eldarion fic!
He did not choose the marriage. He did not choose the bride; he did not even choose the day. He assented to everything, decided nothing. Yet though he wed not of his own desire, he never regretted his marriage, nor his fair and laughing princess.
Eldarion had no queen.
His folk knew better than to press him on this. For one, the traditions of Gondor discouraged him from seeking marriage now, however much they might have wished it. The matter might have been different, and indeed alarming, had he no heirs; but he had many of them, son and daughter, sister-sons and sister-daughters under the law, their children and his own grandchildren, all beloved.
For another—though he now reigned alone, king without queen, he had not always lived so. Once, he had been a prince; and once, long ago, there had been a princess.
She died of old age almost a century before the kingship fell to him.
Certainly, none of Eldarion’s people could say he had neglected his duty. At their will, and his father’s, he took a wife before his thirtieth year.
He did not choose the marriage. He did not choose the bride; he did not even choose the day. He assented to everything, decided nothing. Yet though he wed not of his own desire, he never regretted his marriage, nor his fair and laughing princess. 
But then, he knew her well, long before the wedding-day. 
Eldarion always expected that he would marry Morwen of Ithilien or Gilanor of Dol Amroth.
Both, eldest daughters of princes, came from the greatest houses in Gondor; he could not say so of himself. His father might be heir to Isildur and Elendil, his mother a peredhel of the blood of Elros Tar-Minyatur and the Lady of Lórien, the two of them sprung from the highest lineages still remaining—but not from Gondor. And coming as they did on the heels of nigh on a millennium of the Stewards’ rule, Lord Denethor and his sons beloved of the people— 
Well, by then the handful of plots had long since subsided, but he knew he must marry a lady of Gondor; ideally, a kinswoman of the Prince of Ithilien. As Morwen and Gilanor were near Eldarion in age (a more pressing concern for him than anyone else), he supposed his wife would be one or the other. 
And yet she was not. 
In his more fanciful moments, well before his actual marriage, Eldarion cherished vague hopes of Aravain.
It was not a great love-story, nor even a great tragedy; at that age, he did not wish to marry—but he would have rather married Aravain than anyone else. By then, she was a great knight, a faithful protector, a dear friend, indeed dearer than any woman but his mother and favourite sister. But she was not at all what Gondor expected of a princess.
Always a creature of contradictions, she was, in fact, a princess: at once the most Dúnadan of Queen Lothíriel’s daughters—she had been fostered in Ithilien for that reason—and very much the Lady Éowyn’s niece. But after years in Gondor, she regarded herself as more Aravain than Athelflaed, more akin to Morwen, Glóredhel, and Gilanor than her own sisters, more Dúnadan warrior than Rohirren princess; after the first shocks, so did Gondor regard her. 
He knew she would not have accepted him even had he dared offer, yet no man could have asked for a more faithful captain or friend; she remained at his side for nigh on a century—until old age took her, and then, she too died. 
Throughout Eldarion’s childhood and youth, he knew his father best as a victor of distant triumphs, the great Elessar who brought glory and riches to Gondor, an occasional towering presence. In his early years, it was very occasional; Gondor had many enemies, eager to try her battered armies, and from the first, Elessar declared himself determined to recover all that the Dúnedain had ever lost, but for Rohan and drowned Númenor. 
The Queen, Eldarion’s mother, did not reign in these absences; the Steward Faramir did, by law and—though Eldarion did not understand it at the time—policy. Gondor knew and loved Faramir, and found so many changes easier to bear with the Steward ruling from Minas Tirith. 
But by good fortune, Faramir and Arwen held each other in the highest regard; he always requested her counsel, she accorded him every honour, and Eldarion only ever knew them as close allies and friends.
Indeed, he thought it perfectly natural that the Steward and the Queen should rule Gondor together, for he remembered little else. And as a boy, he thought it perfectly natural that they should rule over him, too.
As a young man, he did not think so quite as much, but he had a mild temper, and appreciated that his mother simply asked him about Glóredhel. 
Eldarion had never thought much about Glóredhel one way or another, though he had seen her many times. She was several years his junior, of an age with his sister Telperiën; indeed, Glóredhel and Telperiën used to laugh and whisper together when they were in company in either Minas Anor or Emyn Arnen, and remained faithful friends. She had a lighter temper than her sister Morwen and her various cousins, including Aravain; she enjoyed songs, and dancing, and tales of victory; she had a pleasant voice and a fair face. Eldarion, without ever imagining her as a bride, had always liked her well enough. 
He said as much to Arwen, who nodded thoughtfully, and said nothing more; but Eldarion understood what went unsaid, and soon found himself easily assenting to a marriage.
So did Glóredhel; she listened as he stumbled through an explanation, then laughed and said yes, of course.
Over the year of their betrothal, Eldarion took pains to acquaint himself better with Glóredhel, finding her as fearless, frank, and curious as he remembered her. 
“It will be an adventure,” she said once, and he could not help but smile—a weakness, if weakness it was, that often beset him around her. He could not quite say that he loved her on their wedding-day, not as he did later, but he was happy to take her hand in his; happy to hear the King call her daughter; happy to bury his fingers in her golden hair.
It turned white with a terrible quickness, yet not before her time. Their son and daughter were grown with children of their own, and Glóredhel’s sister-son, taken into their household in his youth, had become a renowned loremaster, and Éomer of Rohan had come to grieve over his sister with them. Yet it all seemed impossibly fast to Eldarion, each moment passing instantly onto the next, until he stood weeping between Faramir and Elessar as Glóredhel was borne into Rath Dínen.
She had lived over seventy years, and Eldarion had lifetimes ahead of him.
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anghraine · 3 years ago
For my anon who asked about the chronology of, and interrelationships between, the children of Aragorn and Arwen / Faramir and Éowyn / Lothíriel and Éomer—
The chronology is here, but briefly, the next generation in order of age: Princess Melyanna -> Elboron of Ithilien and Elfwinë of Rohan -> maybe-Steorrahild of Rohan -> Prince Eldarion, Morwen of Ithilien, and Athelflaed (Aravain) of Rohan -> Princess Telperiën and Glóredhel of Ithilien -> Éadmund and Éadwyn of Rohan, and Cirion of Ithilien.
There are lots of interrelationships, especially between the royal children and Faramir and Éowyn’s children, but here are some of the first to come to mind:
- Glóredhel, as you noted, is bffs with Princess Telperiën, and while not particularly close to Eldarion during their childhoods, knows him and readily consents to marry him. They become friends during their betrothal and fall deeply in love over the first few years of their marriage. (You didn’t ask about intergenerational relationships iirc, but Glóredhel always got on particularly well with Aragorn—as a little girl, she took an immediate liking to him that he found touching, and he was very pleased by her marriage to Eldarion.)
- Morwen is reasonably close to her brother Elboron and sister Glóredhel, but somewhat less to her brother Cirion—less because of his character than because she’s very focused on the here and now and a much-younger brother falls somewhat under her radar. So does her own son, Barahir, after Morwen is devastated by the early death of her husband. Glóredhel and Eldarion take pity on their sister-son and offer to bring him into the royal household with their own children, which Morwen gratefully agrees to. Barahir takes well to it and from an early age, absorbs everything he can learn, especially from Arwen.
- Eldarion tends to be a little more comfortable around girls than boys, though he’s on good terms with friendly, serious-minded Elboron. But he’s closer to his sisters and probably to Morwen, and definitely closer to Aravain (née Athelflaed), the most overtly Dúnadan of Lothíriel and Éomer’s children—so much so that she was fostered in Ithilien, which is what brought them into proximity. She became an extraordinary warrior, a difficult path somewhat smoothed by her aunt Éowyn’s glory, and stayed at Eldarion’s right hand until her death. She was never in love with him, or anyone, but they were devoted friends.
- Melyanna is the eldest of the next-gen characters by several years and, while not exactly standoffish, the most solitary of them. She’s fond in her reserved (though slightly bossy) way of her siblings and (to a lesser extent) the Ithilien children.
- Prince Éadmund, the bookish younger son of Lothíriel and Éomer, rather looked up to his fierce sister Athelflaed until her departure. Afterwards, he became closer to his other siblings, especially his elder brother Elfwinë (a somewhat restrained but gracious, considerate personality), the only other boy, and his twin Éadwyn. He and Aravain maintained an affectionate correspondence, however, and he also corresponds regularly with his cousin Cirion.
- Steorrahild is very middle-child in some ways; she gets on well enough with her siblings and appreciates the concern of her far-flung relations for her welfare, but (even as a shieldmaiden) feels vaguely restless until she ends up in Arnor as the wife of a Dúnadan of the North. She likes being part of the rebuilding effort and, while she misses her family, isn’t particularly devastated by it.
- Éadwyn, also a shieldmaiden, is both more daring and more contented in her life as princess of Rohan. She loves horses and songs, and while not quite as skilled a warrior as Aravain or Elfwinë, is not someone to underestimate. Somewhat unexpectedly, she’s very close to her ultra-Númenórean mother, and eventually, to her scholarly twin Éadmund, though she identifies strongly with her father and Rohan.
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arofili · 4 years ago
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the line of elros ❖ stewards of gondor ❖ headcanon disclaimer
          Hador was the youngest child and only son of Túrin I by his second wife, Meldis. He witnessed his father’s poor treatment of his first family, Andreth of Belfalas and her daughters, and resolved to be a kinder husband and kinsman. After Túrin’s death, Hador reconciled with his estranged sisters and invited them to return to Minas Tirith. The youngest and worst-treated, Níniel, did not come, but her elder sisters Lalaith and Nellas were glad to be welcomed back to the city of their birth and the family they had left behind.           Lalaith was older than Hador’s own mother, and soon became a mentor to Meldis in needlework and philosophy. Nellas was likewise many years Hador’s elder, but the two became fast friends, and she often advised him in political decisions.           Due to Túrin’s age at the time of his birth, Hador inherited young, before his marriage. Like his father, Hador wed the love of his youth, but he was determined to remain a loving husband to his wife. Thus, when that wife confessed to him shortly after the birth of their first and only child that he was a man at heart, Hador fully supported his transition from wife to husband despite the scandal it caused in court. This husband, who named himself Maerion, lived joyfully at Hador’s side, though due to the hostile nature of Gondorian politics he often went on long journeys, mastering the bow and entering athletic competitions in the various fiefs throughout the land.           Hador ruled in a time of peace, and became known not for any great deeds but rather his alteration of the Stewards’ Reckoning first established by his ancestor Mardil Voronwë. On the three hundredth anniversary of the calendar’s implementation, he added an extra day to the year to reduce the millennial deficit and ensure that timekeeping was kept in synchronization with the seasons. He lived to an admirable age of 150 years, but was the last man of Gondor to have such a lifespan; after him, the lifespan of those with Númenórean blood began to wane.           The son of Hador and Maerion was Barahir, named as his father was for a mighty lord of the Edain. As his father’s reign was long and mostly uneventful, Barahir gave little thought to running a nation and focused instead on hunting in the White Mountains. He was frequently absent from home, leading to quarrels between him and his wife Taweneth. Though Taweneth did not leave Minas Tirith, after one such argument she did depart to a different part of the city, taking her daughter Rían with her, though Barahir insisted he keep his son Dior with him in the Stewards’ house.           Barahir grew old sooner than his ancestors, and upon his death at age 122 it began to be speculated that a harsh temperament decreased the lifespan of a Dúnadan. Fearing his own decline, his son Dior decided to spend his rule as Steward doing good deeds. Dior oversaw the renovation of Minas Tirith’s lower districts, providing food and shelter for the poor, and ensured that Gondor’s outer settlements received as much support as the capital did. Alas, this did not prevent him from succumbing to old age at 107, though he was remembered kindly by his people for his efforts. Still, he lived longer than his namesake, whose elven blood did not prevent him from an early death at age 36.           Dior never married, for his desires were turned toward men and the attitude of Gondor was against such unions at the time, especially after his grandfathers Hador and Maerion flouted custom with their “unconventional” marriage. He took various lovers throughout his life, but kept his affections secret to all but his sister Rían, whose son Denethor was named Dior’s heir.           Rían came of age free of her father’s shadow. She became an herbalist in the Houses of Healing and was known for her curiosity about the wider world. Once, on a visit to Ithilien, Rían made the acquaintance of an elf who had once been of the Laegrim, those led by King Denethor who died on Amon Ereb. Rían greatly admired her new friend and was eager to hear the tales of the Laegrim, returning to Minas Tirith to ensure the story was recorded correctly. She even named her son Denethor in the Avarin king’s honor.           The husband of Rían was Bellmund, a farmer who dwelt on the outskirts of the Pelennor Fields who once came to the Houses of Healing for treatment of a deep cut received while reaping his crops. They fell in love and were soon wed; though her mother Taweneth was sad to see her daughter leave, she allowed Rían to move to her husband’s farm, in part to spite Barahir’s disapproval of the union.           When Barahir died and Dior became Steward, Rían frequently took to visiting her brother in the city, accompanied by her son Denethor. When it became apparent that Dior would not marry, she convinced him to name Denethor his heir, and moved her family from Bellmund’s farm to the Steward’s House.
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anghraine · 4 years ago
IDK how many in Tolkien fandom make OCs (not textual ghosts/characters we know little to nothing about, full OCs). But I’m ridiculously fond of mine, who are by wild coincidence all Númenóreans of some kind. My top five:
- Princess Belzîrân of Númenor: the proud, strong-willed firstborn of Ar-Sakalthôr. She refused to resign her claim to her brother Gimilzôr and was mysteriously found dead not long after. Gimilzôr was grieved in his way, but also deeply relieved.
- Anárien of Eldalondë: a descendant of the house established by Princess Tindómiel. In a reversal of the above, Anárien’s elder brother resigned his position of heir to her after the forced marriage of his beloved. Anárien was a stalwart Faithful partisan and marched across Númenor to Rómenna with the rest, but managed to smuggle priceless plants off the island.
- Azruphel: a scholar in the later days of Númenor and, for many years, a King’s Men partisan. As they escalated, she became disillusioned and secretly joined the Faithful, aiding them and eventually escaping with Faithful university friends and protégées to Middle-earth.
- Eärendur of Emyn Arnen: Anárien’s descendant and heir, though that meant little by his time. His family had passed themselves off as loyal King’s Men and Tar-Míriel managed to get him appointed to her service, under the Adûnaic version of his name. She ultimately sent him away to join the flight of the Faithful. He escaped with them, loyally served Isildur in the newfound Gondor and the Last Alliance, and was made Lord of Emyn Arnen by him.
- Glóredhel of Ithilien: the younger of Faramir and Éowyn’s daughters, a cheerful, good-natured woman who was married to Prince Eldarion. Their marriage, though arranged, was very happy, and they raised her scholarly nephew Barahir in their own household. She had a normal lifespan for the time in which she lived and died shortly before her father, well before Eldarion inherited the throne.
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ladyeowyn · 6 years ago
Wow! Congrats for your milestone girl, you deserve all the love ♡♡ I'm currently reading Once Upon a River and it's so beautiful :') and so far my day is just going fine. Tending to my new cat is fun I must say and my little brother loves playing with the kitty a lot :D Also, for blogrates may i request for ❤ and ⚔
ahh thank you very much love!! you're so kind 💖 and the book sounds incredible, I've just added it to my tbr! 😊 and please, say hello to your new kitty from me 💖💖
a e s t h e t i c ❤️• element: water - air - fire - earth - æther• season: spring - summer - autumn - winter• flower: lilac - lavender - daffodil - peony - orchid - sunflower - iris - magnolia• scent: citruses - rain - coffee - cinnamon - roses - vanilla - books - mint• landscape: city - forest - rainforest - countryside - mountains - beach - lake - ocean - desert• celestial object: sun - moon - stars - nebula - planet - comet• supernatural being: dragon - phoenix - mermaid - witch - werewolf - ghost - elf - vampire• following: no(t yet) sorry, but ily ♥ - now! - yes ofc - always and forever
join? ♥
T o l k i e n ⚔• race: maia - elf - human - hobbit - dwarf• location: Gondolin - Rivendell - Alqualondë - Lothlórien - Mirkwood - Minas Tirith - Edoras - Fangorn Forest - Bag End - Erebor - Lake Town - Ithilien - Tol Galen - Dol Amroth• occupation: Dúnedain ranger - rider of Rohan - shieldmaiden - soldier of Gondor - lord / lady of (Númenór - Gondor - Rohan - the Noldor - the Sindar - the Teleri) - Galadhrim warrior - jeweller & weaponsmith - scholar & librarian - gardener - burglar• weapon: sword (Ringil- Andúril - Guthwine - Orcrist - Glamdring - Sting) - Gondolin knife - spear Aeglos - longbow of the Galadhrim - Númenorian steelbow - Black Arrow - the Phial of Galadriel• jewel: the Silmarils - ring of power (the One Ring - Nenya - Narya - Vilya) - Arkenstone - the Ring of Barahir - the Evenstar necklace• Vala: Manwë - Ulmo - Aulë - Oromë - Mandos - Lórien - Tulkas - Varda - Yavanna - Nienna - Estë - Vairë - Vána - Nessa - Melkor
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ladyeowyn · 6 years ago
congrats on 4k nickie!!!! u deserve every single one!!!!
thank you so much Marisa, ily!! 😭💖💖 and choosing is always the worst, isn't it, lol? I'm happy you liked the formats and tysm for entering love!
a e s t h e t i c ❤️• element: water - air - fire - earth - æther• season: spring - summer - autumn - winter• flower: lilac - lavender - daffodil - peony - orchid - sunflower - iris - magnolia• scent: citruses - rain - coffee - cinnamon - roses - vanilla - books - mint• landscape: city - forest - rainforest - countryside - mountains - beach - lake - ocean - desert• celestial object: sun - moon - stars - nebula - planet - comet• supernatural being: dragon - phoenix - mermaid - witch - werewolf - ghost - elf - vampire• following: no(t yet) sorry, but ily ♥ - now! - yes ofc - always and forever
A S O I A F 👑• allegiance: House (Stark - Lannister - Martell - Tyrell - Baratheon - Targaryen - Greyjoy) - Night’s Watch - The Lord of Light - Free Folk• occupation: knight/knightess - septon/septa - lord/lady - mercenary - entertainer - spy - faceless man/woman - red priest/priestess - healer• home: Winterfell - Lannisport - Highgarden - Sunspear - Highgarden - King’s Landing - Eyrie - Riverrun - Dragonstone - Pyke - Castle Black - Volantis - Braavos - Pentos• weapon of choice: sword - dagger - crossbow - poison - words - knowledge - axe - spear - dragonglass• hero: Nymeria of Ny Sar - Ser Duncan the Tall - Brandon the Builder - Visenya Targaryen - Lann the Clever - Azor Ahai - Durran Godsgrief - Good Queen Alysanne• trusted ally: Arya Stark - Sansa Stark - Jon Snow - Arianne Martell - Ellaria Sand - Jorah Mormont - Missandei - Gendry Waters - Meera Reed - Davos Seaworth - Melisandre - Jamie Lannister - Asha Greyjoy - Loras Tyrell - Brienne of Tarth
G r i s h a v e r s e ☀️• grisha order: heartrender - healer - tailor - sun summoner - inferni - squaller - tidemaker - durast - alkemi• occupation: Second Army soldier - member of king’s guard - member of the Dregs - runaway Drüskelle - privateer - acrobat - spy - thief - demolitions expert - inventor - scholar• home: Ravka - Fjerda - Kerch - Novyi Zem - Shu Han• weapon of choice: knives - explosives - your abilities - guns - sword - axes• friend: Sturmhond - Genya Safin - Inej Ghafa - Wylan Van Eck - Tamar Kir-Bataar - Alina Starkov - Jesper Fahey - Nina Zenik - Leoni Hilli - Zoya Nazyalensky - Matthias Helvar• tale: The Soldier Prince - Ayama and the Thorn Wood - Little Knife - The Too-Clever Fox - When Water Sang Fire - The Witch of Duva
M a r v e l ✨• species: human - inhuman - mutant - Asgardian - Xandarian - Krylorian• occupation: secret agent - scientist - attorney - investigative journalist - private detective - mercenary - professor - soldier - pilot - ravager - outlaw - bounty hunter - Asgardian warrior - Valkyrie - member of Dora Milaje• hero: lone superhero - leader / member of a superhero team - sidekick - vigilante - antihero• home: Hell’s Kitchen - Brooklyn - Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters - London - Asgard - Vakanda - Xandar• weapon of choice: gun - explosives - throwing knives - bow & arrows - supersuit - martial arts - your fists - your superpowers - your mind• superpower: telepathy - telekinesis - electrokinesis - teleportation - superspeed - shapeshifting - flight - regeneration - healing - manipulation (fire - water - wind - earth - ice - weather)• sidekick: Peter Parker - Gamora - Lady Sif - Nakia - Melinda May - Matt Murdock - Sam Wilson - Steve Rogers - Thor - Carol Danvers - Bruce Banner - Negasonic Teenage Warhead - Scott Lang - Ororo Munroe - Daisy Johnson
T o l k i e n ⚔• race: maia - elf - human - hobbit - dwarf• location: Gondolin - Rivendell - Alqualondë - Lothlórien - Mirkwood - Minas Tirith - Edoras - Fangorn Forest - Bag End - Erebor - Lake Town - Ithilien - Tol Galen - Dol Amroth• occupation: Dúnedain ranger - rider of Rohan - shieldmaiden - soldier of Gondor - lord / lady of (Númenór - Gondor - Rohan - the Noldor - the Sindar - the Teleri) - Galadhrim warrior - jeweller & weaponsmith - scholar & librarian - gardener - burglar• weapon: sword (Ringil- Andúril - Guthwine - Orcrist - Glamdring - Sting) - Gondolin knife - spear Aeglos - longbow of the Galadhrim - Númenorian steelbow - Black Arrow - the Phial of Galadriel• jewel: the Silmarils - ring of power (the One Ring - Nenya - Narya - Vilya) - Arkenstone - the Ring of Barahir - the Evenstar necklace• Vala: Manwë - Ulmo - Aulë - Oromë - Mandos - Lórien - Tulkas - Varda - Yavanna - Nienna - Estë - Vairë - Vána - Nessa - Melkor
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