#banned concepts
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noturbutchboy · 6 months
Someone needs to fuck the anxiety out of me
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gayvampyr · 2 years
“queer spaces should be inclusive of people who don’t enjoy sex and who have “strange”, negative or repulsed relationships with sex” and “sex is an important aspect of lgbt community, history, and activism and queer people should be allowed and able to talk freely about sex without stigma or shame” are ideas that can and should coexist.
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kataraavatara · 2 months
i still can’t believe the idea that the CoN as a front to “pROtEcT VELaRis” is an acceptable idea both in world and to the fandom at large. like. imagine you’re at the faerie equivalent of a UN meeting and you don’t trust one of the countries because they have a history of serious human rights violations. and the leaders of said country are like. “Yeah. We DO allow tons of human rights violations in our territory, but only in one area. we actually have a secret city where none of that happens, and the reason we encourage those human rights violations is so our evil reputation can PROTECT the good city” and your reaction is “oh word. You were actually the GOOD GUYS all along, sorry I wasn’t familiar with your game.” instead of like idk being horrified that some citizens are subjugated and treated as second class in order to benefit the others.
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sakurapika · 6 months
Hua Cheng with Ban Yue: This is gege's daughter, so she is my daughter, too. I will take care of her and treat her like a princess. She's been through a lot. Let's tuck her carefully into this pickle jar so that she'll be safe and protected.
Hua Cheng with Lang Qingqiu: Lol I'm going to turn you into a little budaoweng doll and flick you around. That's what you get for accusing Dianxia of senseless murder. Get your facts straight before you go around causing trouble, you fool.
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bernard-the-rabbit · 1 year
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master katara, healer, blood bender.
[id in alt text]
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steelthroat · 6 months
*me putting my Transformers figures on a shelf after tidying up* "Optimus and Megatron go together obviously"
My dad jokingly: "Heh, are they friends?"
Me: "In the Ancient-Greek sense of the word yes"
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spampai · 16 days
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Concept Art Retake Part 1: Slow Seline (read up on the reblog if u can’t read the dialogue)
Silly girl she’s underrated and not explained much have a cookie
Also have extra characters joining bcs I like drawing them
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thekingofwinterblog · 10 months
The Problem with Trespasser
So there has been said a lot about the flaws of tresspasser as a finale to Inquisition, as it can basically be divided into two sections.
There is the lore, the character stuff with your companions, and the actual titular trespasser section of the story, which is generally liked.
Then there is the Exalted Council part of the Story which is generally greatly disliked for the way it portrays Arl Teagen as an ungrateful arse, who even though he's in the right that the Inquisition really does need to disband, is such a bitch about it that a player might feel the desire to keeping it intact just to spite him, despite all the reasons that is a terrible idea(Such an organization being doomed to become the templars 2.0 being the single biggest). Not to mention the way it makes Thedas's nations look like they have the memory capacity of a goldfish, given how instrumental the inquisition was in stopping the last massive threat and might be so again against the plenty of obvious threats on the horizon(and sure enough, the stop the Dragon breath terrorist attacks that would have happened with or without them being there).
However, looking at the big picture, i don't think the actual writing of Arl teagen was the problem here.
No the problem is that Arl Teagen and the rest of the world's reaction to the Inquistion is very, very clearly taken from an older draft of this story, where the Inquisitor was far less... An unambiguous force for good, lets say.
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The concept art for inquistion tells a story that is very, very different than what we get in game, with a lot more emphasis is put on the inquisitor very obviously being a dick, that is not well liked by anyone around them.
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There is also the way said inquisitor could be far, far more pragmatic and morally grey or dark, like here, where the Inquisitor could force the Venatori to serve after defeating them.
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Way more emphasis is built on the idea that the Inquisitor is creating a cult of personality around you, personally.
Essentially a dark mirror to the Hero of Ferelden and Galahad's journeys to defeat their own crisis'.
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The option of letting celine die was always gonna be a part of the game, but rather than a pragmatic, move of standing aside and let it happen, your companions would have very negative reactions to this choice, with you having to force Blackwall in particular to stand back as he curses you.
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And of course, it would all cuminate in the logical endpoint for the herald of andraste, the living embodiment of the Andrastian reformation as you took your place on the sunburst throne, and usher in whatever changes you want.
This outcome... makes perfect sense. Frankly speaking, this is a much more narratively fitting ending for the inquistior, that has a clear climax from where they start.
Of course we all know this didn't actually end up happening. The Inquisitor ended up being the most passive of all the PC's by a wide margin(you could shape them into having a personality, but not one with a true backbone like Hawke and the Warden), and all these very morally dubious options was taken out of the game in favor of a much more morally simple story.
The most evil thing you can do in DAI is to choose the templars over the mages... and rather than being portrayed as the clear evil choice as it should have been(and still been a legitimate and pragmatic option for you to take) there is instead attempts at making it more nuanced.
Other than that, you don't have the kind of options that the Warden had, and even hawke did(like selling Fenris into slavery), to be a dick.
With all this in mind, it's blatently obvious why Teagen and the world is so damn afraid of the Inquisition.
Because this part of the story was written from before this change in the direction of the game, and was never updated to fit the final product.
If the original vision of the game had to to pass, Teagen's extreme reactions to the Inquistion would have been far, far more understandable, and in it's own way a way of calling the player out on their bullshit.
However, the final product just makes it appear he's way overreacting, rather than maybe questioning that maybe Teagen is right, maybe it is time to end this inquisition for the good of all.
Its one of the biggest problem with what is otherwise a very good epilogue to Dragon Age Inquisition.
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daminini · 2 months
My question is what liberation or civil rights movement has ever gained success by peacefully asking their oppressors to Grant Them Rights Pretty Please
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recurring-polynya · 9 months
So, my children were challenging me to name Pokemon today and as I was doing my best (their standards are very high!!), my husband blurts out "Ambassador Seaweed." After I got done laughing so hard that I fell over, he then hits me with "So...when he says his own name, is it Byakuya doing a funny voice, or does he just say it in Byakuya's regular voice?" I replied that of course it's in Byakuya's regular voice, Byakuya would never do a funny voice.
Now, in the Halloween episode, Wakame Ambassador is very much played by Byakuya's voice actor, but they're also Doing A Bit based on the Renji-Byakuya fight. Then I remembered that the Ambassador also appears in BBS, and based on this video, he does very much just seem to just have Byakuya's voice.
This is honestly so upsetting.
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croziers-compass · 7 months
Imagine getting told that you're dumb and stupid because you're interested in polar explorers and you're looking to buy a book on 19th century naval charting and magnetic readings.
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sweetbans29 · 13 days
Reader is a swimmer and is in Idny competing in her first Olympic trials to try and earn a spot to Paris. Caitlin comes out to support when she ends up qualifying and it’s their like first official sighting together since they were very lowkey at Iowa. It’s also the first time they’ve been able to see eachother since Caitlin’s move because reader was still finishing up things at school and with graduation. Then trying to sort out her own move and make sure she has a job lined up
(P.s I’ve been trying to be less detailed so you have more creative freedom, have these recent requests been better?)
Hi! Yes, the more recent ones have been great! Keep an eye out for this on a 'Coming Soon' 🤍
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misdre · 2 months
what a disastrous eurovision year, obviously there's the shitstorm outside(literally and figuratively) the contest because of israel but there's a shitstorm INSIDE as well, with the italian channel leaking semifinal televote results that showed 40% of all votes going to israel (which if true as a general sentiment, obviously would reflect that no other country stands a chance whatsoever), and multiple videos of the israeli delegation going around the premises harassing any contestant that's shown pro-palestine sentiments, and (probably unrelatedly) one of the forerunners taken out of the contest yesterday for "investigation" about something they refuse to communicate about whatsoever and the final is supposed to be tonight with him in it,
so the sentiment even with people who do watch is
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incoherentmuses · 1 year
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"It's a bargain, innit?"
Maisie the Merchant, because my favourite wheeler dealer needed an upgrade! She'll sell you pretty much anything, might be cursed, might be fun. No refunds.
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There is a @118bigbang and a @911buddieweek happening soon, and I CAN'T WRITE UUUGHHH I'VE BEEN TRYING AND JUST CANT THINK OF WORDS
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