#band kid zoro au anyone?
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quinloki · 1 year
Wanna do a soul mate AU. Like actual physical/chemical brain/heart attraction - not match maker stuff or anything, but like a world where everyone knows Soul Mates are a thing.
I’ve got a reader archetype set, and a few other details bouncing around, but I can’t decide who I want to have be the other side of the x reader equation.
The main point is that they are in a band in the AU. I mean, anyone can be in a band, but maybe for some people you can’t picture, say, Zoro as an idol xD (it doesn’t have to be an idol band, but it might be.)
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sonicasura · 10 months
This ask is based on art made by @jimlikesdrawing of a Cybertronian Luffy and Zoro.
What if during the Corazon in TFP AU, an Artifact of the Primes was discovered that could turn humans into Cybertronians and a visiting Luffy, or Zoro, or any other person from the OP world was affected by it?
How much chaos is caused to Team Prime because of that?
The art in question as more folks should see it: Luffy and Zoro.
If anyone is getting affected by a Cybertronian Relic, then it's most likely Corazón. This man is accident prone and enough awareness dip for it to happen. Now how it will go.
The item was found in the ruins of an ancient town. It resembles metal band with very faded Cybertronian text. Corazón, Optimus and Arcee were on this mission. Things been fine for the most part until they found the artifact. It went to hell as some Vehicons showed up alongside Megatron.
You know that scene from OG Ben 10 where Ben got the watch? The scuffle had the artifact, Onyx Prime's Brand of Kin, latch onto Corazón's throat instead the wrist. It activates and the type of bot he became was unexpected.
A Predacon. One's whose beast mode resembles an amphithere, a type of legless dragon. Corazón obviously flipped out and Megatron dips as he rather not deal with that at the moment. It was super awkward when the three came back.
One: Shockwave hasn't shown up at this point thus no Predacons. Two: A human becoming a Cybertronian is very very very massive discovery. Three: It's fucking Corazón. The accident prone man that already makes a large mess being his normal self.
Corazón's bot mode is 40 ft and Beast mode is 52 ft. He resembles himself but the feathery mantle has spread further out. Black metallic yet surprising soft feathers cover his upper arms, frames his sides, waist, and lower body. Beast mode resembles the Quezalcoatlus type of amphithere with a blend of black, pink and soft white. His crown being blonde since it's his 'hair'.
The Brand of Kin turns Non-Cybertronians into a type that matches who they are. Thus Corazón came a Predacon as his personality matches how legless dragons are depicted. Kind yet powerful guardians who wish to help and guide others.
Anyone the device was damaged thanks to the scuffle so Corazón couldn't take it off for quite awhile. Until then, he took this as an opportunity to understand his Cybertronian companions better. Also the blonde did tell the kids what Energon tasted like.
Corazón: It tastes sweet and tangy. Like honey covered fruit.
Miko: So it's basically tastes like fruit juice? Huh.
Corazón does take advantage of his new form to hug the bots. They all need it and he can fully wrap his arms around them now! Ratchet begrudgingly accepts his fate.
If Miko has the Apex Armor then the Brand of Kin is Corazón's personal relic. He only uses if needed whether the situation calls for it, hugs included. Should Corazón have it during Shadow Siege...
Law is probably gonna get bowled over by a very big robot dragon who wants to smother his long lost chick with love.
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eirist · 3 years
Little Bits and Pieces of Heaven
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One-shot #: 28
Disclaimer: One Piece (and its characters) belongs to Eiichiro Oda-sensei.
Reminder: I have no beta-reader. Any grammatical and spelling errors are solely mine.
Warning: OOC possible. One shot.
Rating: T
Note: This was supposedly for Nami’s birthday last year but I didn’t get to finish it on time. Not that I did as well this year. But I don’t want to drag this for another more year or so. And since it’s still July, I figured I can still make it work. Better late than never right?
This is for @redpakwan​. AU setting. College zeitgeist. Yet super late. Forgive me. I hope you still enjoy this.
The omedetou in the last part actually has two meanings. In case you are familiar with the Japanese language, you’ll get the implication. *winks*
Summary: All of their friends are present at the party tonight! Even those who she barely knows and acquainted with her only through common friends. Yet Zoro who was supposedly close to her, wasn’t here!
“Ssshhhh! Quiet now!”
Usopp shushed the fidgeting and whining Luffy beside him.
“Quit squirming like an ant is biting your butt!”
“But Usopp…” the black-haired lad bemoaned. “It’s taking too long. I’m starving!” His stomach made a rumbling sound and a horrified expression crossed Usopp’s face.
“Shut up. Just wait for a few more minutes!”
“I can’t! I can smell all the meat that Sanji cooked!” A drool dropped down the side of Luffy’s mouth. “I can’t resist anymore!”
“Oi! Can somebody put a fucking gag on that moron’s mouth?” Sanji hissed somewhere from behind them. He had pushed the swinging door leading to the kitchen (where he was hiding) open to glare at them. “He’s gonna ruin our surprise!”
“Sanji! I can’t wait anymore!” Luffy shouted from his hiding spot.
“Aho! Don’t you dare move from that spot or I’ll tie you to a chair and make you watch us eat all the meat you specifically requested that I cook!”
“Shhh! Quiet down guys!” Franky called out from beneath the bar counter. “She’ll be here any minute now!”
“Usopp,” Sanji drawled, throwing a handkerchief at the curly-haired lad. “Gag him if needed.” He nudged his chin at the boy beside Usopp, who was pouting at being denied food.
“But he bites,” Usopp complained even as he caught the hanky.
“We all have to make sacrifices...”
“Damn you!”
“She’s already here.” Robin announced from her position at the bar’s window. The raven-haired woman was acting as their lookout. “She’s about to cross the street,” she added before sauntering away from her location to join Sanji in his hiding place.
“Robin-chwan,” the cook greeted suavely as he opened the door wider to let the older woman inside. Then he turned and barked at the others. “All of you quiet down now! Anyone who makes any shitty noise will not be allowed to touch any of the food!”
“But, San—mmph!” Luffy opened his mouth and Usopp promptly shoved the small cloth inside.
“Everybody shut up and get ready!”
The bar door opened with a soft tinkling sound.
“SURPRISE!!!” They all shouted simultaneously as they popped out of their respective hiding places… well except for Luffy, who had to spit out the handkerchief in his mouth.
The sound of confetti poppers exploding alongside the hoots of party horns and lots of clapping and cheering immediately followed the greeting.
It was Nami’s birthday. And they had planned a surprise party for her at their group’s favorite bar. It had been a real challenge to pull it off since everyone was busy preparing for the university’s ‘hell week’—those torturous days before the summer break officially starts.
Plus, it was kind of hard to keep it hush-hush since some people in their circle are terrible secret keepers (namely Luffy).
But somehow they did. And Nami—as sharp as she is—didn’t have any inkling on what was going on, given the way her eyes widened and her mouth dropped open.
“Ah ma cherie!” Sanji crooned as he twirled across the room, kneeling down on one knee in front of the newcomer. He presented a heart-shaped cake with flourish—with all the candles lit up. “Otanjoubi omedetou!”
Nami looked genuinely astounded as her brown eyes wandered at the grinning faces of her friends.
She blinked a few times and her lower lip quivered slightly. “You guys…” she whispered, bringing a hand to cover her mouth.
For a moment, she looked like she was going to cry.
Then her face broke into a largest smile.
“Minna! Arigatou!!!” She squealed, clapping her hands together delightedly.
The loud hoot of the party horn filled the room as Franky blew on it again before bellowing, “Supeeer Happy Birthday Nami!!!”
That signaled another round of applause and shouted greetings as the well-wishers approached Nami to greet her up close.
Sanji—who remained kneeling on one knee before her with her birthday cake—nearly got shoved to the side by Luffy and Usopp as they both sprang towards the orange-haired girl to give her a hug.
“Oi temee you idiots!” Sanji shouted. He was barely able to save the cake from the two morons.
But the two were oblivious to his swearing as they launched into a rather off-key happy birthday song, which the others soon followed.
Nami winced slightly as Usopp and Luffy belted out the song just right at her ears. They were saved from her punches by Robin approaching and placing a party hat around her head.
“Happy birthday Nami!” The older woman greeted and Nami grinned at her, holding the party hat with one hand and trying to shove Luffy and Usopp’s faces away from her.
“Thank you Robin!”
The birthday song ended rather exaggeratedly high and Nami tried very hard not to wallop both of her idiotic friends who had made it a contest to see who can sustain the last note longer.
“Enough! Both of you!” Sanji roared as he stood up and kicked Luffy and Usopp out of the way. He presented the cake to Nami again and said charmingly, “Nami-swan if you please.” He motioned to the cake he was holding. “The birthday girl has to make a wish first before blowing the candles.”
“Arigatou Sanji-kun,” Nami smiled at him and leaned forward, tucking a strand of orange hair behind her ear. She closed her eyes, silently stating her wishes before blowing the candles out.
“I hope you wished for your prince charming to—ooof!”
Luffy excitedly elbowed him out of the way to greet her again, almost toppling the cake off the blond’s hand again.
“Nami! Happy birthday!”
“Damn it Luffy!” Sanji desperately and comically tried to save the cake before it falls flat on the ground… and luckily succeeded.
Luffy ignored him and the ever-enthusiastic lad yelled. “It’s finally time to eat!!! Sanji serve the meat!”
“Aho!” Sanji bellowed and hit him in the head. “You nearly made me dropped Nami-san’s precious cake!”  
“Ooops sorry!”
Robin giggled as Nami smiled wryly. Even during her birthday these morons just can’t stop themselves.
“Alright you guys!” Usopp suddenly hollered from her side. “Start calling the others! Nami’s happy 23rd party’s about to start!”
Nami whacked him on the head… hard.
“I’m just twenty you idiot!”
It hadn’t taken long for the bar to be filled with guests. Almost all of their friends and colleagues from the university attended the celebration. Not to mention, those friends also brought their own pals to enjoy a night of overflowing free food and drinks.
Not that Nami minded. She knew most of them anyway. If not, her friends definitely knew them.
Plus, you can bet she’s gonna charge their freeloading asses anyway.
Her eyes roamed around the room, noting the individuals who were present. She was enjoying her beer at the bar counter and taking a break from all that socializing and thanking her birthday guests.
Usopp had taken the responsibility of acting as the DJ for the night. An upbeat music was now playing and Luffy’s attractive older brother Ace had taken over the dance floor with his buddies.
Brook has just arrived from his band practice and Luffy ran off to greet him. Sanji was busy flitting around the female guests, crooning and spewing praises at them while Robin and Franky were sitting near her and was chatting with the bar owner, Shakky.
She gave a small wave at Kid and Killer when she spotted them. Both raised their beer bottles at her—a sort of silent birthday greeting. She mouthed thanks just as Luffy’s attention went to them and he launched himself at the two men much to their chagrin. She wasn’t really that close to the two seniors students but they’re both in the same fraternity as Luffy and Zoro.
Speaking of Zoro… is he still not here?
A frown suddenly appeared on her face and it deepened when she noticed the beer coolers stocked near the kitchen doors.
“Hey,” she turned to Robin, Franky and Shakky who stopped talking. “Why do we still have so much booze?” Nami pointed towards the large, still filled with beer coolers. “Considering we have a lot of guests tonight and most of them are drinkers… I’m surprised we haven’t broken the fifth one yet.”
“Huh?” Franky lifted his sunglasses and gazed at her curiously, before shifting his eyes to where she was pointing. Nami really doesn’t get it why he still wears them indoors. She just dismissed it as one of his idiosyncrasies… they all have one after all.
“Is there a problem Nami-chan?” Shakky inquired with a smile.  
“Nothing. It’s just that… it’s nearing midnight and we still have that many,” Nami observed. “Hmm… never mind,” she waved her hand dismissively. “It’s probably just a slow night.”
“Maybe those guys are still warming up.” Robin observed Ace’s group and the Luffy’s fraternity acquaintances, who were all shouting and hopping on the dance floor. Good thing Luffy and Ace’s other brother, Sabo, is out of town. Or there’ll be chaos in that floor now.
Shakky leaned down the counter and propped her chin on her hand looking at Nami with a glint of amusement in her dark eyes. “It’s probably because Zoro-chan’s not here to start a drinking competition.”
Nami’s eyebrows disappeared behind her bangs. So that confirms it.
“Oh? He’s still not here?” she asked, trying to be casual about it—even if she already noticed that her green-haired friend was nowhere in her party. “Really? Of all days to be M.I.A?”
“He’s probably late just like Chopper,” Robin said with a soft smile, refraining from teasing the younger woman since it was her birthday. She had seen the disappointment flashed across Nami’s brown eyes earlier. It was for a fleeting moment but it is there.
“He better have a damn good reason why he’s not here,” Nami grumbled, folding her arms across her chest. The nerve of that guy, missing one of the most important days of her life.
“Just relax girly…” Franky winked at her as he handed her another bottle of beer to replace her empty one. “He’ll be here. This party’s compulsory and has booze after all.” He guffawed, opening another beer bottle for himself and taking a drink.
“Compulsory?” Nami repeated, cocking one eyebrow.
“Yep,” Franky nodded. “We made it mandatory for all invitees to attend so we’d have more heads. As we promised Shakky when she let us use her bar for your party’s venue.”
Shakky winked at her. “Once the supply beer runs out, you have no choice but to buy here.”
Nami snickered. “I’m surprised you even let them bring beers from outside.”
“Not really,” Robin chuckled. “Those are from Shakky’s as well.”
Said bar owner winked at Nami again.
“Damn,” Nami just shook her head disbelievingly. Shakky’s negotiation and money skills are way beyond awesome!
Franky grinned. “So let’s just wait for him. Besides, what’s a party without any drinking competition started by Zoro?”
Nami nodded her agreement even as she huffed. “He has to get his ass here first before anything else. Or I’m gonna start charging by the minute.”
Franky winced at that while Shakky and Robin giggled. Nami was notoriously known for her habit of charging outrageous amount of belis whenever she thinks the situation calls for it. Almost everyone in their circle owes her a certain amount that just keeps increasing as time goes by.
Usopp suddenly appeared near them. “Got any more beers?”
Nami eyed him warily. “Weren’t you supposed to be on the other side playing songs and entertaining us?!”
Usopp made a face at her. “A guy could use a break you know. You’re not exactly paying me for my services.”
“I thought you said you’d do it free for Nami since it’s her birthday,” Robin reminded him as Franky went to the coolers to get him a drink.
“I did?”
Nami narrowed her eyes at him. “You still owe me my gift you idiot.”
A sheepish laugh escaped Usopp. “Well consider my dj-ing skills your present then.”
“Here ya go long-nose,” Franky handed him his request.
“Thanks Franky!”
“Aren’t you going back there?” Shakky inquired as she lit up a cigarette.
“Nah. I’ll take a break.” Usopp answered. “I just auto-played a playlist. It’s not like those guys really care about what’s blasting on the speakers.”
He shifted his eyes towards the dance floor where the crowd was getting louder and rowdier. “Besides… I swear I’m not gonna be surprised if a fight breaks out in a few seconds.”
“Why?” Robin queried with an amused smile. “Too much testosterone?” As unruly as the guests may get… they wouldn’t dare or lest they acquire Shakky’s wrath and forever be banned in the place.
“More like too much Luffy.”
Everyone nodded in understanding.
“Thank Kami Zoro’s not here.” Usopp gushed. “One less of a headache.”
“You do know if he’s here someone can actually rein Straw Hat in?” Franky said matter-of-factly.
Usopp waved his hand dismissively. “I know that of course. Anyway… Zoro’s like really, really late isn’t he? Has anyone tried to call him?”
Both Robin and Franky shook their heads.
A horror-stricken expression crossed Usopp’s face. “Oh shit wait! Did someone inform him about today?!”
Nami eyes were sharp as they zeroed in at her curly-haired friend. “You didn’t tell him about today?”
Usopp looked guilty. “I think I forgot,”
Robin raised her hand. “I did tell him. And I’m pretty sure Luffy did as well.”
“Whew! Thank heavens for you Robin!” Usopp sigh in relief as Nami punched him on the shoulder.
Robin just smiled. “Luffy wouldn’t let Zoro miss Nami’s birthday of course.”
“Yeah. That’s why he isn’t here now. That moron.” Nami complained, glaring at Usopp who flinched under her gaze.
“Hey I said sorry,” Usopp rubbed the back of his neck. “He’s just been kinda busy lately it’s hard to catch him. Honestly, I haven’t seen him for like a week now.”
“That’s what cellphones are for you idiot,” Nami groused. “So you can send him a message to remind him of important stuff!”
“Like your birthday party?”
“But Robin said she already told him,” Usopp whined. “So he should be getting his ass here by now. He’s a grown man after all.”
“Unless of course he got himself lost…” Franky reminded them. “Anyway well know if he’s here. Sanji’s been blissfully happy all night. Let’s just wait for his—”
There was a noise coming from the entrance as another group entered the bar. The sound of Chopper’s voice excitedly calling for their names got their attention.
From the looks of it, the medical students had just been released from Dr. Kureha’s clutches and they all headed straight to Shakky’s bar for the party.
“Oh wait there’s Kaya!” Usopp perked up when he spotted his girlfriend just right behind Chopper. “I’ll talk to you guys later.” And just like that he ran off.
Nami sighed inwardly. Of all days not to show up and it looks like Zoro will chose this one which means a lot to her. She had been looking forward to this day too. It’s always fun to see her friends try to make it fun and special for her in their own clumsy ways.
Especially Zoro.
Ever since they’d known each other, he never missed her birthday. It doesn’t matter if he had no gift for her… he always make it to a point to be one of the first to greet her.
And sometimes the last as well.
But today… she still hadn’t heard from him. No call… not even a message!
It wasn’t easy to miss. Not when you’ve been waiting for that particular person to greet you.
Nami squared her shoulders. Now is not the time for the birthday girl to be down in the dumps.
There’s still time before midnight after all.
The party was already in full swing. The sixth beer cooler was already opened. There was a lot of drunken shouting, singing and dancing happening inside the bar. Nami was pretty sure that they’ll be seeing Luffy’s brother Ace dancing on one of the tables along with Franky any minute now.
Yet no tall, scowling, green-haired man made an appearance.
She glumly stared at the sprinkle-rimmed birthday martini in front of her. Shakky made it for her birthday. But neither the cute-looking, celebratory beverage nor its taste can make the sinking feeling in her stomach disappear.
It was past midnight. And Zoro is no show.
No calls, no messages… no anything!
Idiot probably forgot her birthday!
All of their friends are present at the party tonight! Even those who she barely knows and acquainted with her only through common friends.
Yet Zoro who was supposedly close to her, wasn’t here!
Nami clenched her fist and gritted her teeth. He’s gonna owe her for this big time!
She didn’t realize that Shakky was just right in front of her, chin resting on the palm of her hand, watching her.
“Don’t worry about it Nami-chan,” Shakky suddenly spoke up. Her eyes were still glinting with the same amusement as before. “I’m sure he’ll show up.”
Nami instantly turned red at that. “It’s not…. that’s not…” she stammered. But then she gave up. No use trying to hide it. The look on Shakky’s face clearly tells her that she knows what’s in her mind (or who, to be exact).
A determined look crossed Nami’s features. “If he doesn’t… I swear I’ll charge him so much, he’ll sell his soul to the devil just to pay me!”
That made Shakky laugh out loud. Luffy’s friends are always so interesting. That is why she is fond of them.
“He wouldn’t miss this for the world. Late he may be,” Shakky stated in a mysterious tone and smile like she knows something that Nami doesn’t.
Nami just gaped at her.
Then Luffy was suddenly hollering at the other end of the room.
“Zorooooo!” He was bellowing loud enough to drown the already deafening noise in the bar. There were shouts of protests and swearing as the young man pushed his way across the crowd to greet his friend. “Zoro’s here!!!” Zorooo! Oi did you got lost again?”
“Shut up Luffy and get off me!” A voice growled.
Nami perked up at the familiar gruff tone.
“Better late than never you dumbass,” Sanji was saying from somewhere. “Thought you got lost and ended up dead and decaying on the other side of the town. Tch! Too bad.”
“You wanna go cook?”
“Unfortunately I’m busy and don’t have time for you. Go scat.”
“Zorooo!” Luffy whined, pulling the taller man away from Sanji and towards the bar counter where Nami was. “Why are you’re sooo late? Come on! You have to greet Nami or she’ll be mad at you and charge you so much money it’ll break you!”
A vein popped on Nami’s forehead as Shakky chuckled.
“Nami! Nami!” Luffy all but dragged Zoro towards her as Nami schooled her face into a neutral expression. “Look who’s finally here!”
“I can see that Luffy,” she huffed and narrowed her eyes at Zoro. “You’re late.”
Zoro scratched the back of his head as Luffy released him and started pestering Shakky for a drink like the one she has. “Sorry… got tied up.”
She raised an eyebrow at him. He was still in his after training ensemble—track pants, zip up hoodie, sports bag. It looks like he just came from Mihawk’s dojo or his gym workout or both.
“I just needed to take care of something,” Zoro was saying. “Anyway, happy birthday.”
“It’s already past midnight idiot! Technically my birthday’s done.”
Zoro glanced around him. The party is still at its height. “Apparently the celebration is not.”
She pursed her lips at his observation. “You better have a good reason why you just got here.”
“Shit. I’m gonna owe you big time for this aren’t I?”
“You bet your ass you already do.” The grin on her face was so evil that Zoro couldn’t help but think she really is the devil incarnate.
“Hey Zoro!” Luffy suddenly appeared between them. “Jaggy’s looking for you. Come on! Come on!” He was referring to Kid whom he fondly calls by that nickname. He hooked an arm around Zoro’s and pulled him towards where their other friends are and away from Nami—much to the latter’s disappointment.
“So why are you late?”
Zoro flinched slightly as Nami surreptitiously appeared beside him. He was standing outside Shakky’s bar, enjoying a few minutes of silence while drinking his beer. He had sneaked out of the party to get away from an already sugar-high and tipsy Luffy and the boisterous, smashed guests as well.
“Thought I already told you I had something to take care of.”
“Important enough to miss my party?”
He paused halfway to bringing the bottle to his lips. From the corner of his eyes he saw a displeased expression appeared on Nami’s face.
Zoro sighed inwardly. He should’ve known she was not going to let him off the hook that easy.
“Hey if it’s that important, then I have no complaints.” Nami raised both of her hands in mock-surrender.
He didn’t answer and instead took a swig from his drink.
“Just thought you were out busy with a date.”
Zoro had sharply swiveled towards her that Nami took a step back, hands still raised up in surrender. He was practically snarling at her.
She was teasing him of course. It was always fun to rile him up. Besides, he deserves it after making her wait for such a long time… intentionally or not.
Plus… she kept hearing snippets all night from their friends about why he’s been so busy recently (to the point that nobody has actually seen him) and why he was constantly absent at their recent group gatherings.
He’s dating someone. Stupid Usopp has whispered to Kaya and Chopper just as she was passing them on her way out to answer a phone call from their friend Vivi.
It made her insides twist and turn when she heard it.
To think he’d pick his date over her—his long-time friend?
What a jerk. She will wring his neck. Definitely.
She was so distracted with what she heard that she wasn’t able to enjoy Vivi’s enthusiastic greeting. And when she saw him stepped outside the bar to quietly enjoy the beer in his hand, she decided not to let the opportunity slip.
Zoro’s face was scrunched into a frown as he glared at her. “Where did you even get that idea?”
Nami bit her lower lip. “Usopp.” She unapologetically throwing her friend  to the sharks… or shark.
Zoro’s face darkened. “What did he say?”
“He said you were dating someone. So I assumed that’s the reason why we weren’t seeing much of you lately and also the reason why you are late for my birthday. And not  just because you were running around in circles again.”
The green-haired man studied her for a moment. His lone grey eye fixed intently on her. “Is that stupid long-nose making fun of me again?”
Nami blinked dumbly at his question. She’s not really sure what he meant by that.
This time Zoro’s frown had turn into a full blown scowl. “What the hell is that idiot up to now? I’m not dating anyone!”
And Nami’s face brightened at that. Good thing they were outside and the entryway of the bar was dimly lit or he will see it.
So Zoro was not really dating anyone? She fought the urge to smile. She’s gonna choke Usopp’s neck so hard later.
“Nami,” Zoro growled out. “Is that idiot making fun of me again? Because I swear I’m gonna hang him by his feet and we’re not talking about a tree this time!”
“Uhm… I don’t think so Zoro,” Nami’s lips trembled and she threw back her head and laughed. She recalled how Usopp spread a gossip about the older lad’s dating his ‘bokken’ before and Zoro literally strung his feet together and let him dangle from one of the trees lining up the front of their complex.
Zoro let out an irritated ‘tch’.
“So you’re really not out with someone?” Nami probed when she finished laughing. Of course she had to be sure. She still doesn’t know the reason why they’ve been seeing less of him lately or why he was late for her birthday party.
“No,” Zoro muttered. “I don’t have time for that.”
“Oh good,” Nami folded her arms across her chest, eyeing him sternly. “Because it that’s the reason why you showed up late for my birthday, I will raise your current debt amount so high you will be serving me eternally.”
He just smirked at her threat.
“And I’ll never forgive you.”
That made him glower at her. An unforgiving Nami is hard to appease after all.
She gave him a cheeky grin before swiping the bottle from his hand and taking a drink from it.
He glared at her, unimpressed with her antic as she childishly stuck her tongue out at him.
“Be glad it’s your birthday witch.” He muttered as he grabbed the bottle from her.
“Like I said Zoro, it isn’t anymore,” she reminded him. “That’s how late you are. You missed the whole day of it.” She was still peeved at him for that. Just a bit though.
She watched him as he exasperatedly rubbed the back of his neck.
And she smiled.
She was still glad he was personally here for her birthday. She can live with that.
There was a sound of pitter-patter coming from above them. And it didn’t take long for them to realize that it started raining.
They remained silent, watching the rain splatter on the street and on the pavement. Inside the bar, they could hear someone hooting. Probably Franky as he was on his eighteenth bottle when Nami stepped outside. And that was minutes ago. He’s most likely on his twentieth or twenty-first.
"Oi."​​ Zoro nudged her shoulder with his own, prompting her to look at him. He was suddenly standing a lot closer to her than before.
"What now Zoro?"
He pulled his hand away from the pocket of his jacket and almost shoved it in her face. "Happy birthday," he mumbled, diverting his gaze straightaway to avoid looking at her.
Nami was taken aback at the object in his hand. It was a small light orange box with a silver ribbon tied around it prettily.
She stared at it, then at him. Even in the dim light she noted the blush that appeared on his cheeks. Truth be told… a blushing Roronoa Zoro was gift enough for her birthday.
But of course she wouldn't say no to the present he was handing her.
She made a grab for it before he decides that she's taking too long in accepting it and retract his hand.
"Aawww... you didn't have to," Nami cooed and laughed when the blush on his cheek deepened and spread all over his face.
"Shut up witch and just open it!"
"I’m really surprised you’re able to get me a present to be honest," she giggled. "And a fancy one too I might add."
Zoro grunted something that she didn't quite catch. She was far too busy untying the ribbon to pay any mind to whatever it was he's grumbling about.
When she opened the box, she didn't fight the gasp that escaped her lips.
Inside was a necklace. With a dainty thundercloud pendant.
She took it out… and a warm feeling suddenly washed over her making her cheeks tingle.
It was beautiful. It was perfect.
Nami lifted her eyes so she could look at him. Zoro was still engrossed on the empty street across them, watching the rain splash down on the ground with the droplets exploding everywhere.
It was really thoughtful of him. "Thank you Zoro."
He gave her a flinty side-glance. There was a smirk on his lips as he turned his attention back on the road. "It's nothing witch."
She glanced at the necklace again. She recalled they have a private joke back in high school that started one afternoon while watching an animated series on the old television set in Luffy's house. Nami loved one of the characters who had a knack for predicting the weather and whose weapon can conjure thunderclouds that produce lightning which the character uses to electrocute her enemies. "It'll be really handy to wield that. I can use it to electrocute your asses whenever anyone of you pisses me off. Especially you," she recalled poking his cheek harshly. "You're so goddamn hard to wake up whenever you are asleep." That had been so long ago. She honestly forgot all about it.
But Zoro remembered. She blinked rapidly as she felt herself tearing up.
Such a sweet gesture. And on her special day too!
Maybe she’s not gonna raise his debt and damn him into eternal servitude to her after all.
She lightly punched Zoro on the shoulder, earning a surprised glare from him.  
"What the hell are you hitting me for?” Zoro hissed at her, rubbing the abused part. “I already gave you a present!" "That doesn't mean you get a ticket away from my knuckles!" Nami countered. “That was for being late today of all days!”
"Oi! Gratitude you wicked witch!" He complained. "Do you know how many nights I've stayed behind to clean up Mihawk's dojo just to get you that?!"
Nami's eyes widened. And so did Zoro’s when he realized his slip.
She finally understood now… the real reason why he was not hanging out with them lately.
Why no one had seen him these past few days.
“Sooo…” she intoned as she glanced him mischievously, loving the expression on his face when as he realized that he just idiotically revealed what he was supposed to keep a secret from her. “You actually went to such lengths just to get me this?”
She almost burst out laughing when Zoro’s face turned so red and he stuttered his objection.
"N-no...I... ju-just..."
"Hmmm..." Nami hummed teasingly. "That's what you said."
"Fine!" He bit out. "Thought that gift would be good enough to cover three more future birthdays."
Nami chortled and tried to ignore the way her heart was doing cartwheels inside her chest from too much happiness.
"Do the honors Zoro," she requested as she handed him the necklace, turning around and pulling her hair over her shoulder so he can clasp it around her neck.
He didn’t protest and did what she asked. His fingers felt warm as they brushed her nape, as warm as the heat that was spreading on her cheeks and sending shivers running up and down her spine.
She immediately whirled to face him. "So? How does it look?"
Zoro rolled his eye at her as she tried to dish out a compliment from him. "It looks... fine."
"Fine?!" Nami snorted in disbelief. "I swear Zoro, you can do better than that!" She looked down to check the necklace, touching the pendant while a pouting.
When she tilted her head up to look at him to chastise his lack of aptitude when it comes to flattering women… Zoro was smiling at her in a way that made her heart skip a beat. 
“It really suits you.”
The way he was looking at her right now made her want to kiss him.
Just like she always wanted to do.
Suddenly the bar door burst open and Luffy and Usopp ran out, excitedly (and drunkenly) shouting that the rain finally let up. Zoro immediately stepped away from her to prevent them from barreling into him.
And just like that… the one, rare moment between the two of them disappeared in an instant.
They both turned to watch the two hopped and danced in the middle of the street like a pair of lunatics. Chopper hurried past Zoro and Nami to join them.
“Oi get back here you dumbasses!” Sanji was shouting from inside.
Nami sighed. It was finally time to rein in the inebriated ones.
“I got it,” Zoro said nodding at her. The corners of his lips quirked up to give her a small smile, then he stepped out on the street to restrain the three before they can create anymore disturbance that might get them all in trouble.  
“Oi Nami!” Franky called out to her from the bar. “You and Zoro both get your asses here! There’s a lot more to drink!”
Nami nodded as she glanced again at the green-haired man who was now effortlessly hauling up Luffy, Usopp and Chopper by their collars back to the bar as they whined and griped.
She looked back to see Shakky standing on the doorway. "Problem?"
"Nah." Nami grinned. “Zoro’s just trying to contain the troublemakers.”
Shakky chuckled. “Zoro-chan’s really handy.” The woman paused momentarily, as if she was studying her. Then she said, "What a pretty necklace."
Nami’s hand automatically went to touch her necklace again.
“Omedetou.” Shakky gave her an insinuating smile. “Now come on. You and Zoro-chan’s still got a drinking competition to start.”
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flimflamfranky · 3 years
Please show me your AUs
*slams down the heavy tome* i hope you are ready for the can of worms you’ve unleashed. also, i’m sorry for any hopes i get and subsequently dash.
so, in no particular order, we have: - klabaturerman franky. now this one i have done things for but i still wanna. do more. like, him interacting with the merry, and the crew learning what he is, that sort of things. - related to this, is a more general sea spirit/fae franky au, just cuz i like fae stuff. i do have some art ideas for this, i just. haven’t done any of them yet. - supernatural frobrobin au, where franky is a (recently turned) werewolf, robin is a vampire, brook is…brook, and they’re all trapped in a magic mansion by some curse. and it’s just them growing close and bonding and trying to break free. also, ghibli vibes. - speaking of ghibli…howl’s moving castle au. featuring franky as sophie with a curse that turns him into a perceptually broken robot, and robin as howl, but with her canon backstory with the government. also has luffy as calcifer, usopp as merkel, brook as turnip head, and nami/crocodile as a weird split version of the witch of the waste (with croc as the villain and nami as the redeemed version). - a pacific rim au, expect it takes place in a post-apoc version where the kaiji have basically won. starts with luffy, usopp, and chopper finding an abandoned jaeger and decided to pilot it. not sure abt the plot on this one, but it does have franky as a disillusioned former jaeger pilot/engineer. - my franky/blueno au, which is being run by vibes and little else. pretty canon-compliant, but with blueno and franky becoming friends (and possibly more) and then dramatically falling out after the reveal. i initially described it as enemies to lovers, but really, it's lovers to enemies. no happy ends here, boys. - several, count ‘em, SEVERAL franky/rosi aus, cuz i got way to into them and had a lot of ideas and then. never did anything with them - main one is them having a meet cute in water 7, before rosi goes undercover with doffy and before the whole sea train thing happens (rosi’s about 24yo, franky’s 21). it’s basically just them bonding and being cute before going their separate ways. - the other one is a sprawling splitting mess of an au that has the two meet as kids on the streets and becoming fast friends. then they get found by sengoku  and becoming marines, with rosi training with sengoku and franky becoming vegapunk’s protege. I had one idea where they were close to saul, and after the arrest of olivia became disillusioned with the marines and helped her escape, and then joining her try to save ohara. another branch is rosi still going undercover with doffy, but with franky in tow, and that whole she-bang happening, but with franky, rosi, and law all escaping alive. plus a bunch of minor plot threads that i'm forgetting. again, it's a mess. - various frobrobin aus set in the early-mid 19th century (20s-50s mostly) with mobs, romance and political intrigue. - a roleswap au that i have bits and pieces of written, i’ve just never finished it. unfortunately doesn’t have jinbe in it cuz he’s just too hard to swap with, and i started this before he joined. - i’ve written a summary of this before, but my rouge adopts franky au that ultimately leads to franky being a big bro to asl. - a disney's beauty and the beast au, where robin is the “beast” (cursed child who has been outcast from society and became a monster to survive with a flower motif) and franky is the “beauty” aka belle (intelligence child of an eccentric inventor whose ostracized by the town and willing to sacrifice himself to save another). has lucci as an altered gaston and the straw hats (+ others) as various cursed castle residents. - an arc style idea (not really sure if it counts as an au) where franky gets kidnapped and experimented on by the government. basically my whumptober comic, but in long-fic form. - pokemon aus! i’m mostly entertaining these two: - one piece but with pokemon, and how the straw hats met their various pokemon partners. - and a pmd au with the straw hats as the pmd starters (this one is a drawing, so i might actually finish it) - and i do wanna do something with pokemon gijinka, i just
haven’t given it much thought. - an au where law convinces franky to join his crew bc doffy has been trying to muscle in on water 7 and law is basically like, "we both hate this guy, let's team up". this one is very shaky, but I do still love the idea. - a subnautica au? hear me out. it has the straw hats as space pirates that infiltrate the aurora right before it gets shot down, and they end up trapped on the alien planet. they get split into three main groups: franky, luffy, usopp / robin, chopper, jinbe, sanji / zoro, nami, brook. and they all basically try to survive and find the others in their own ways.
- an au where the crew stops at a weird marriage theme island and franky and brook get married by accident. which is a problem cuz this marriage is ~magic~ and psychically bonds them together. so the crew has to figure out how to undo it. also features frobrobin and zosopp. - a cookie run crossover au, with the straw hats as cookies. pretty basic, expect i, like with most things, went overboard and then never finished it. - and some zosopp aus! - a superhero actor au, where usopp is a new actor playing sogeking in a new kids show and zoro is the main villain, and they fall in love. - an au where usopp is a tengu that guards a small forest (but mostly plays harmless pranks) and zoro who is a lost woodsman, and they become close and fall in love. And also maybe save the forest from a rich jerk along the way. - a gurren lagann crossover au, where usopp is simon and franky is kamina, with all the angst that implies. i really like this concept, but I haven’t actually finished gurren lagann, so… - a leverage au, where the straw hats are a band of thieves that help people out. basically taking canon and sticking in a thief/modern au. - you know those one piece rewrite aus? i have one of those, surprise, surprise. starts with gin joining the straw hats with sanji and quickly branching off from there. other big changes include: - jinbe getting introduced super early and helping the straw hats with arlong, and then becoming an ally until he later joins - brook getting swept back to the beginning of the grand-line and meets the straw hats when they first arrive. gets to reunite with laboon before decideding to join the straw hats to finish his old crew’s journey. - a delay in loguetown means that croc succeeds in taking over albasta and the straws hats help vivi overthrow him (with robin working with cobra in the background to betray croc); ends with vivi joining the straw hats bc she publicly allied with pirates - franky running from water 7 with the blueprints and ends up working for doflamingo. He gets sent to check in on croc (and search for robin) after he takes over alabasta and ends up kicking it with the straw hats and eventually deciding to betray doffy and join them - there’s like. a lot more, but if I do ever end up writing it I don’t wanna spoil all of it. - but im probably not, cuz this would be looooooong. *lets out a deep breath* and that’s about it. and if anyone wants to steal any of these ideas, please do, i would love you forever.
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gildedmuse · 4 years
Anonymous asked:
do you like any of the one piece manga colorspreads? if yes, which ones?
(Apparently you cannot answer questions more than once which seems like a flaw. People can always change their mind.
Let's see, where did I leave off? Oh that's right. the Strawhats are a acid punk rock band now . So the obvious next step is...
Devil Fruit's Angels
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That's right, in this universe the Strawhats aren't marauders of the sea. They're marauders of the open road.
Look at this badass biker gang. And I'm not abbreviating for motorcycles. Luffy heard there were such a thing as a biker gang and took it very literally. Best of all, he got eight people to go along with this.
Eventually, he accidentally tore the bottom wheel rim from his bike, the Going Merry, but then they met Franky and since he was unaware of Luffy's stupidity innocence at this time, he built him an actual damn motorcycle. Zoro painted the sidecar to look like a shark (okay technically Usopp did the painting and Zoro bitched about it but he loves it if anyone scratches that paint job they immediately find themselves with their blades in their face). He just lays there, sleeping, sometimes doing weights while letting Luffy drive a fucking motorcycle.
Love that Nami weighed up her choices and her and Robin decide to ride with Usopp. Let's face it, he is easily the most responsible rider. Well, that's why Nami choose him. Chopper has two designated seats: Usopp's basket and Zoro's lap. So of course Robin has to sit where she can see Chopper.
Brook seems to be riding a penny farthing which is pretty amazing. He probably just had one in his garage from his youth. Sanji has wisely decided to ride backwards bitchseat so that smoke doesn't fly back in his own face. I am unable to see what Franky is driving. I assume his bottom half turns into a motorcycle. I mean why not?
The Strawhat Gang does pretty much the exact same shit they do as Pirates. I mean, Luffy even falls into water just as often. How? It's Luffy that's how.
Law's little group of anarchist ride around in a yellow Volkswagen Beetle. Fight me.
Winter Wonder Island
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I love Nami and Chopper playing, though Chopper looks less pleased. Plus the polar bear and Luffy are just the same person/bear. And nothing can convince me Robin isn't currently getting a back massage by a walrus. That is how my bitch roles.
The Straw Helmets
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And we're back to the AUs.
Total honesty time: I picked this less put of love (though I enjoy most the AU ones) and more to annoy a friend.. See, I know many a Norwegian. They are a super nice country, you guys.
Who get super pissed at popular depictions of Vikings. Which are wrong.
And yet this particular reimagining is so wrong it's like gone full circle. I mean it's still nowhere near accurate but damn is it awesome. Are they riding walruses? Oda knows the Vikings had horses, right? And reindeer?
And yet he's gone with the well known domestic walrus. Huh. It's a choice.
Honestly, Franky and Usopp's costumes look more gladiator than Viking (also, I know you are a pervert Franky, but you literally gonna die of hypothermia.) Chopper is apparently one of those famous Japaness Vikings based on his costume design while Luffy is wearing something I can 100% imagine Doflamingo owned at some point. And Zoro....
Well, there is a reason I have a tag called Zoro's sense of direction and/or fashion. Look at that thing. That is a mess. I love it.
Get Wet
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Nami, babe, me, Brook, Sanji, and apparently Robin a appreciate how sexy you're being right now.
But all I see is Zoro's damn fine back with water forming little riblets around his muscles. Also, love the boy's smile as he watches Luffy. He totally knows what's about to go down and thinks it's fucking hilarious.
They Call It The Grand Line
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Every member of the coward trio (plus guest member Brook) is freaking the fuck out and I love it. Chopper and Nami are cling to one another, Brook's soul has left his body, and I'm pretty certain Usopp has half climbed into the seat in front of him to grab Zoro. Which I cannot blame him for.
Meanwhile, Robin is watching this whole spectacle with mild amusement, Sanji is straight up grilling... While on the back of a rollar coaster, Franky is chowing down on some of that food and Zoro... Zoro is getting drunk. On a rollar coaster.
The only one who seems to be having any fun is Luffy, sitting, of course, on his special seat. Look at that kid, he's having a blast. Well now we know how all the other Strawhats ended up here.
A Game Of Chicken
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There's a lot I could say about this picture, but all I'm going to say is this: Zoro is clearly riding a weird ass chocobo.
What else can beat that?
Pirate Olympics: Where Everyone Is Winner Wanted Man
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Oh, look, it's another AU one!
Look, over all, everyone has a sport that is either well suited to them (except maybe Brook. I mean soccer? Really? Not, like short distance sprinting since he's the fastest strawhat or fencing? If it were winter he could participate in the skeleton - yohohoho!).
Let's just amire Zoro playing baseball THREE BAT STYLE. LIke a goddamn boss.
You Know What's Awesome? Drugs.
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It doesn't even matter what's going on in this one, it's goddamn beautiful.
Just Another Sunny Day
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[You know when I said I haven't read the manga yet? Well, also terrible with visual images - the world should be in words in my opinion. So this, it turns out, is not a colorspread but fanart by the very talented Frayten who I deeply apologize to for not crediting earlier. I'm keeping it though, because it's amazing art, it's been reblogged and at least now it's properly credit on the main post. Many thanks to @blueriza to for being a better fan than I am.]
I really enjoy this little switch up. I want to believe it isn't just Law fucking with them but they've all inhaled some kind of mind switching pollen of something. So one day Law just came out to find Robin making breakfast and heart eyes at all the men, Sanji eating nothing but meet and bouncing around like he was made of rubber, Franky trying to play the violin, Chopper taling wild stories about when he was captain, Usopp training for a couple hours before passing out, Brook worrying over everyone's health, Nami striking posed while talking about how SUPER it all is, and Luffy, for once in his life, perfectly calm as he sits there reading.
That would be hilarious but, yeah, obviously it was Law. Look at how Nami Zoro is threatening him. She know exactly who pulled this shit. And look at Law's smug little smirk.
Hey, you suppose Law flirted with Nami Zoro? I know it's Nami but she's still got Zoro's abs and ass. Just throwing that out there.
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whereistheonepiece · 4 years
So @lesbian-space-ranger​ and I accidentally created a new Zosan AU that we’ve been talking about since last night. A note: half of this is me summarizing, half of it is pulled directly from Discord because Cas (lesbian-space-ranger) has such great ideas.
This is a long post. I don’t feel like putting it under a read more. So. Enjoy. Or keep scrolling. Either works.
So this post happened
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These roles just came to me. Didn’t need to give it much thought because Sanji has the appearance and demeanor of a lead singer and I like the idea of him using his skilled hands to play piano at the same time.
I also watched the movie Rocketman earlier in the week. You know, that Elton John biopic. I adored it and it’s been heavy on my mind lately and I liked the idea of Sanji giving a high energy performance from the piano. (Sir Elton John’s music comes into play later.)
And as for Zoro, I find the bass and/or the beat the sexiest part of the music in a song and, naturally, I can see him rocking at either.
So I asked Cas if she had any other headcanons for this AU and this thing is too good to not share.
Yeah, so Zoro and Sanji are in a boy band with Usopp and Luffy. Luffy started the band. Luffy does guitar, Zoro is on bass, Usopp is on drums, and Sanji is on keyboard and vocals.
Nami is their manager. She works them hard and has taken a 40% cut of the profits because of the guys’ naivete and inexperience. But she’s why they took off. She booked their gigs at every venue she could manage, no matter how small.
They got their big break when Nami met Vivi, who’s a talent scout for the record label Baroque Works. Nami insisted that Vivi had to see the boys perform because they’re something else and Vivi’s heard that a thousand times, but she agreed because Nami is cute. Nami and Vivi are dating. Also, re Baroque Works: Crocodile looks like a sleazy music producer, doesn’t he? So does Doflamingo.
So Sanji is the pretty one, Luffy is the funny one, Zoro is the quiet/broody one, and Usopp is the smart one.
Zoro has a lot of deals with fitness brands, but secretly finds the famous life unfulfilling. This comes back later, so keep that in your back pocket.
Robin runs their social media. She’s so good at her job, running all of their accounts and tweeting simultaneously, you’d swear she had four sets of hands. Wink.
Franky does pyrotechnics/lighting.
Brook is their stylist.
Chopper was their first real fan. He and Zoro grew up in the same neighborhood and Chopper just always idolized him. He followed them before anyone knew their names. He was their hype man, saying encouraging things like "I know you guys are gonna be great!" He believed in them even when they didn't believe in themselves.
Usopp set up their recordings before they got signed because he’s savvy. And then Chopper would sell their crappy CDs. At these tiny gigs. Like coffeehouses and stuff.
Sanji can play keyboard because his parents forced him to play piano as a kid. They had this idea that classical music would teach him discipline and make him smarter. This is how he meets Zeff. Zeff’s your typical stern instructor, but he’s the first adult to ask Sanji what he actually wants and likes. Zeff sees Sanji’s not into it so he asks him what music he likes and Sanji tells him he likes pop, so Zeff gives Sanji a more rounded education. This includes Elton John because I say so. It did inspire me to put Sanji on keyboard, after all.
But other than being Sanji’s piano instructor, Zeff becomes the one positive adult figure in young Sanji’s life and he becomes something of a mentor figure for him. Zeff has a garden and he lets Sanji work in it with him. This garden is how Sanji gets his “little eggplant” nickname. Sanji pulls an eggplant out before it’s ready and it’s so small and pitiful and Zeff won’t let him live it down. Like, Sanji keeps in touch with Zeff even into adulthood and after he makes it big and he still calls Sanji little eggplant.
Zoro and Sanji are always doing that, "Kind of flirting, not really” thing on stage.  Sanji is always like walking up to Zoro on stage and acting like he's going to kiss him but pushing him away at the last moment. And it's this huge mystery whether they're actually an item or not. This comes from Nami. Sanji and Zoro have this natural chemistry with each other that leads to speculation and Nami, knowing how boy band fan bases work, saw dollar signs. But it’s not just pragmatism on her part; she knows that one cannot simply go up to Zoro and Sanji and say “You obviously like each other. You should date.” So she makes money and helps her friends find happiness.
Usopp has speculation going on as well. People are always confused as to who he’s dating. Tabloids keep being like "Usopp dumped Nami and is now dating Luffy!" "Luffy Scorned?" "Luffy ditches Usopp and steals his girl!" And they just think the entire thing is hilarious. They collect headlines. The answer is Usopp is dating Luffy and Nami and Luffy and Nami just become really affectionate with each other after dating Usopp long enough. Also Nami is dating Vivi, like I mentioned, and sometimes Nami brings her on as a plus one. 
Sanji and Zoro keep giving conflicting answers about their relationship status. Like they'll tell one person they hate each other and another person they're gonna get married someday. Sanji has to walk this fine line of being "in love" with all of his female fans and also "in love" with Zoro. Or not. Who knows? Like Sanji enjoys the attention but he really really plays shit up for his fangirls. This makes Sanji even more popular. Just picture pages upon pages of Sanji/Reader and “Zanji” fics on Wattpad. Nami is one smart lady. "I am the smartest, prettiest, most clever person alive."
Zosan getting together really is just a bunch of Fake Dating tropes. At first it really is just to get more press for the band. Nami schemes with Usopp and Robin to push them together. Robin's a social media genius and knows how to craft tweets and Instagram posts that fans will overanalyze. 
Meanwhile eventually Zoro and Sanji admit to each other they have actual feelings and one day Usopp finds Sanji sleeping in Zoro's bed, both of them completely tuckered out. But they don’t know Nami crafted this. They just come clean and hope she won't be mad and she's like, "Yes! Finally!" and they're like "What?" and she's like, "I've been waiting for you two to realize you have actual feelings. Did you really think I'd just use you for profit like that?" and they're both like "Yes" "Of course"
Zoro’s mad at her for meddling. Secretly he’s grateful, but he doesn’t want to give her the satisfaction and he’s yelling until Sanji grabs his hand and he just calms down.
And to bring Elton John back into the picture, just picture Sanji doing a cover of “Your Song” and uploading it online and thinking about Zoro. Naturally the comments are abuzz with people speculating that he’s singing about Zoro. And like. Onstage Sanji does his rendition and sends these small glances Zoro’s way, partially because he knows it’ll get the band a lot of attention, partially because that song is sweet and beautiful and it’s such a simple way to explain his feelings. (There is a reason why Moulin Rouge included it!!) I imagine this happens before they come clean to each other. Like, Zoro comes to him and is all “I keep thinking about that song you did...” And they go from there.
And eventually the band comes to its natural end. 
Usopp goes solo and flourishes, working as a songwriter and a producer. He wrote the band’s songs and he’s had a drum kit since he was, like, ten and he can make his own beats. He’s not the singing type (though he is good at it and could reach new heights if he came out of his shell), so he’s the kind of artist who makes the beat and then gets super famous pop singers to feature on his tracks. But he also writes songs for other singers and is so good at it and produces other artists’ tracks. I also like the idea that he’s taught himself to play multiple instruments, but he prefers the drums/percussion. He totally played percussion in school and was in marching band. I was in marching band for one year. I loathed every second of it, but I know he’d be phenomenal in drum corps.
Luffy isn’t much in music anymore, but he keeps himself busy. He’s something of an influencer, the kind of celebrity who gets paid to wear fashion brands’ clothing. He’s also Usopp’s trophy husband, living off the money he made off the band. Usopp grew wise to Nami’s antics and made sure he and Luffy would live comfortably for the rest of their lives, even if Usopp were to retire. Luffy also is secretly a Buzzfeed journalist because it’s fun for him to write these hit articles and people not know it’s him because he’s writing on this super bland pseudonym. 
And then there’s Zosan. They have a falling out after the band splits and go their separate ways.
Sanji quits being a professional singer because he’s tired of the prying into his personal life, but he still mentors and/or teaches. He has a string of girlfriends and finds no fulfillment in those relationships because the women are only interested in his celebrity.
And they aren’t Zoro.
Zoro tried branching off into commercials for fitness, but his heart wasn’t in it. He kind of takes up ranching on a whim and learns that he’s really good at it. He likes the physical labor, the quiet, being away from it all, nobody knowing his name. He doesn’t pursue anyone after Sanji because he feels like if it’s meant to be, someone will appear.
And Sanji does.
Sanji finds out where Zoro is through Luffy. So he makes his way to the ranch and finds Zoro and Sanji is all “Come back. I miss you.”
And there’s just a lot of soft Zosan content during Sanji’s visit. Sanji’s always been afraid of horses, but he’s not afraid when he’s with Zoro, and Zoro teaches him they can be gentle creatures, it’s just that you just have to respect them. (Ha. Get it?) Zoro takes Sanji on a ride and they go out and he takes him up the mountain and shows him how beautiful the view is. Sanji's watching the sunset and he's like, "Damn that's the prettiest thing I've ever seen." And Zoro is looking at Sanji and he says, "It sure is." And Sanji's like, "you're not... even looking." And Zoro's like, "No, I'm looking alright. Prettiest thing I've ever seen for sure."
More soft things like Zoro taking off his cowboy hat and putting it on Sanji. Them sitting by the fire, Zoro playing acoustic while Sanji sings. Whenever people see them they’ll ask them if they’re musicians and they share a knowing smile and say “Yeah. Something like that.”
And Zoro convinces Sanji to move out there with him. The others come to visit. Luffy and Chopper are obsessed with the cows and horses and the chickens. Luffy wants, like, eight pet chickens. Usopp is skeptical. Doesn’t believe Lu can look after a pet.
And it kind of ends there. It was us going back and forth, oftentimes out of chronological order, and so here I am putting it all together because it’s too good not to share. But it was a lot of fun.
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onepdumpsterfire · 4 years
I’m gonna start my own AU 2/4
This is just a get to know them type of thing before I start writing the stories. I’m thinking of making it as a continuation of my first story that I posted here. The one were the reader ends up with Sabo.
all things for this series will be tagged as #modernlivingau
Sleeping position
Luffy- splayed out like a starfish. Moves a lot in his sleep.
Chopper- soldier, stomach down and hand under his pillow.
Usopp- on his back, one leg up other stretched out and arms open.
Nami- loose fetal position
Zoro- a hand on his stomach other under his head, one leg bent the other straight.
Sanji- starts off by sleeping on his side with a hand under the pillow end up in a fetal position.
Brook- on his back, both hands under the pillow
Jinbei- soldier on his back
Robin- soldier on her stomach
Franky- starfish
Obsession since childhood
Luffy- really got into soccer thanks to Coby.
Chopper- medicine to help his sick adoptive father because doctors couldn’t find what was making him sick. He died when Chopper was in high school. (Chopper ended up pursuing the field to not have the same thing happen to somebody else.) loved reading comics about superheroes and had a collection. Loves Dark Horse Comics and Marvel.
Usopp- anything creative (i.e. drawing, painting, origami, building replicas, resin, etc...)
Nami- fashion, has a collection of fashion magazines and has started collecting vintage jackets.
Zoro- superhero movies and different types of fighting styles which is what later got him interested in kickboxing
Sanji- learning to cook so he could make his mother who ended up bedridden good meals for the rest of her days. (he didn’t know she was sick until after she got bedridden) he ended up not pursuing cooking.
Brook- trading card. Any of them. Pokemon, Digimon, baseball he didn’t care he just wanted them. Mainly because he saw that other kids were really into them and he thought that if he emulated them then he could make more friends, but no one wanted to hang out with him because the family business was mortuary work.
Jinbei- animal, he had a lot of pets as a kid, still does.
Robin- history, wildlife, books. She has a collection.
Franky- cars, has a collection of toy model cars.
Strange habits
Luffy- other than picking his nose all the time he also takes food off of other people’s plates without asking, no matter who it is.
Chopper- listens to rock/jazz instrumentals while studying.
Usopp- when sorting out his thoughts he talks out loud to himself but feels embarrassed if he finds out someone was listening in on him.
Nami- has a small weather kit in her yard, whenever asked what she’s doing by passersby she says something ridiculous. (i.e. praying to the old gods or defeating the sun a weather prediction at a time.)
Zoro- weaves things when stressed out. Usually has some plastic strings on him to make simple four-way key chains. (scoubidou, I think its called.)
Sanji- hums and sings to himself, immediately shuts up hen someone comes in.
Brook- OCD about his instruments. Needs them nice and tidy, no one else can touch them. He polishes them and cleans them routinely.
Jinbei- pretends his animals talk back to him, gives them weird voices too. Though he doesn’t do it in front of people.
Robin- tells morbid jokes even in inappropriate times and even if there was no one there.
Franky- other than wearing shorts, even in the wintertime, he is way too friendly and will approach anyone that is in need of help without a second thought.
Favorite warm-weather activity
Luffy- soccer and go-karts
Chopper- staying indoors and going to the pool. (he really hates the heat, but the pool is bearable with friends.)
Usopp- soccer with Luffy and painting scenery.
Nami- window shopping and hanging out with friends.
Zoro- hiking and hanging out at the pool. Mainly with Chopper.
Sanji- barbecuing
Brook- sets up near a peer or a  city corner and plays his instruments. He doesn’t do it for the money just for the love of music and anyone with a mourning soul searching for companionship.
Jinbei- gives swimming lessons
Robin- hiking
Franky- driving around, windows down and music blaring.
Favorite cold-weather activity
Luffy- campfires, making s’mores
Chopper- snowboarding if there’s enough snow or looking at the frozen and still nature.
Usopp- making his famous hot cocoa for people, movies and snuggling
Nami- absolutely hates the cold, will do anything to get out of it.
Zoro- hiking, going for runs, campfires
Sanji- doesn’t particularly like the cold but at least he can practice making hot drinks and soups.
Brook- spending time with people he cares for. The band he used to be in crashed because of a snowstorm during a tour and all the members died, being with others keeps his mind from wondering. He doesn’t hate the cold but would rather not be out in it if can be helped, though there are times that he goes out just for the melancholy.
Jinbei- indoors, probably hibernating sleeping
Robin- having a hot drink while reading
Franky- other than stubbornly putting on something other than shorts, at home working on a project
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gildedmuse · 4 years
If anyone, for any reason ever suddenly finds they want to roleplay some random ZoLaw AU* I just want to introduce you to someone:
Tumblr media
[It's me. The person I wanted to introduce you to is me.]
I just realized how many fucking ZoLaw stories live in my head and how I will never, ever be able to write them all.
Then I remembered that I am a huge geek and that there is an easier way!
So, you know, hit me up about that if you're ever just like, "But what if Law was a sports photographer and this certain kendo competitor was his favorite subject, but he refused to admit it, until the day the media company he works for throws this event and of course his boss would have to invite Roronoa. No, thanks, Corazon, it probably totally won't creep him out how many photos I have of him."
Or, "But what if the only way to stay on the university kendo team is if he can pull up his gpa and while he finds the (admittedly attractive) TA for his biology class to be haughty and cold Zoro needs to be able to compete and he figures the guy will at least have some one he can recommend. And Law, in a hurry and not properly listening, somehow agrees to tutor this kid himself and fuck how does this happen to him?"
Or, "What if the Strawhats are a band. They mainly play at Shakky's rip off bar, which just so happens to be one of medical student Trafalgar Law's favorite places to go after a long day. He'd like it more if not for that annoying Strawhat band that they keep booking even though Law doesn't find them at all that impressive. Then one night after the show the drummer - cute, but the green punk hair is a little desperate - comes and takes the seat next to him at the bar. It isn't that Law is staring but at some point, the boy turns and just asks, "what's your problem? You keep glaring at me but as far as I can tell all I've done so far is sit here and try and order a drink." And that's when they start to talk."
Or, "Law works for Doflamigo and when the Straw hats arrive in Dressrosa, they end up quickly having to run, trying to escape from Big Mom's ship. Only one crew member stays behind to distract the powerful devil's fruit user that had been following them.*
Or, "Law follows in Corazon's footsteps and becomes a marine. Years later this fresh faces, green haired swordsman straight from the academy is assigned to his crew."
Or, "Alternative Universe where both Law and Zoro are Shichibukai."
And of course, "But what if Zoro was a Heart Pirate."
Or you know, really anything. Doesn't even technically have to be an AU.
So long as I get some ZoLaw content, you'd be surprised how unpicky I am.
So, yeah, feel free to just message me on Tumblr. Or my discord is like #7480. Or reply here. Again. Not picky.
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