#ban amv
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wings0fruin · 1 year ago
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Drenched in blood, just like God intended
whore (affectionately)
Decided to color and shade/light the study teehee - the (kinda cleaned up??) sketch only version is down below ⬇️
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Old higurashi amvs are so something bc like, you can track the average narrative comprehension in watching them, and you know that an amv maker has self restraint if they wait to use the rika furude meakashi knife incident. A good way to find some interesting ones are to find like cofandoms or like, fanbases that exist in like similar narrative spaces (like kingdom hearts, there’s an overlap, i feel like there’s a strong demographic of Roxas and Kairi fans consistently for that also), or look up older bands when trying to find amvs. The authors often leave funny little comments about it all, but there’s often not many comments so I worry abt putting like an EX kid on blast and having them delete their former work. The linkin park higurashi amvs are so good bc early linkin park has a lot of the vibes of 2000s jrock so even mashups sound good. I have this downloaded with the creator labeled so Lemmie show you that even the mashups can be fun! https://youtu.be/fdqvQH-SMCQ?si=3pgeklSjWPVdqWLB
I’m considering reblogging this with different amvs I’ve downloaded so if the creator gets embarrassed and deletes them I have a copy.
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chaotic-toby · 1 month ago
Now that TikTok is banned in the US and I can no longer watch edits, it's time to go back to my roots-- amvs
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keithtreason · 1 year ago
TGCF - MDZS 「AMV」 Things We Lost In The Fire
What I pieced together over the weekend before watching Good Omens. Lol and now I have a new thing to edit with so posting what I've got before it sits forgotten on my drive for 6 months.
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Also, my computer is currently on fire right now and rendering this sets off my surge protector 😂 Why is 360 binaural audio more intensive than editing with 4k?
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someawesomeamvs · 7 months ago
Warning: Violence, spoilers, flashing lights
Editor: BAN AMVS 愛
Song: Champion
Artists: Neoni & burnboy
Anime: Jujutsu Kaisen
Category: Action
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yarnwigeon · 11 months ago
has anyone made a video essay dissecting the warrior cats animation community on scratch.mit.edu because i would love to see that
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ahmedwahdann · 1 month ago
"Hello, I am Ahmed Wahdan, and I have been working tirelessly to provide food and water to those in need in Gaza. Every day, families are struggling to survive, and your support can help bring some relief to those who have lost everything. I am dedicated to this cause and would greatly appreciate any help in spreading the word or making a donation
Together, we can make a difference in the lives of over 3,000 families. Every contribution, no matter how small, helps provide a meal or water to someone in desperate need. Your support means the world to us, and it gives hope to those who have nothing left. Please share this message and help us reach as many people as possible.
My old account has been banned. I kindly ask for your support by sharing my new account. Your participation means a lot to me. Thank you for your help! @ahmedwahdan
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✅️Vetted by @gazavetters, my number verified on the list is ( #440 )✅️
Your donation, starting from 5, will provide a hot meal for families who have lost everything. 5 , 10 , 50 – every contribution means saving a life. We also ask for your prayers for their safety as they carry out this heroic work in difficult circumstances
Please, please donate to this cause if you can; it does no harm to you and it does the opposite for people in need. If you feel comfortable, please do consider donating. The ceasefire has not ended the hunger that’s resulted from it
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@aceofblog @ankle-beez @amvs @akajustmerry @alovesogentle @sporesgalaxy @staff @solarpunkwitchcraft @spitblaze @spongebobssquarepants @do-you-have-a-flag @determinate-negation @dughole @danielhowell @derrickdent @familyfaten @fireyfobbitmedicine @featheredcritter @fuckyeahtattoos @funnyordie @fashion @gothhabiba @gerardlesbian @g-l-a-s-s-h-e-a-r-t-s-s @guerillas-of-history @gotinterest @humanly @honted @halalchampagnesocialist @hellenic-reconstructionism @homunculusalphonse @j-amatus @juliantinadeanoru @jinnazah @jayjay-thejet-plane @jophiares @kibumkim @kinderes @kingslayer- @kippdipp @kil9 @lazyleafeon @longseasons @lovedeluxe92 @lezbianz @lizord-lord @c-u-c-koo-4-40k
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iam-anordinary-human-orami · 2 months ago
I know spotify wasn't a thing probably for the aftg universe but like imagine it was and the trojans are holding a spotify wrapped unwrapped party or some dumb name like that, where they gather the team and what they do essentially is they write down what their top 5 songs were on a piece of paper, give it to this year's presenter and that person plays songs from each top 5 and the trojans have to figure out whose list it is.
So everyone thinks oh jean probably listens to french music, whether classical or otherwise, cause he seems to be so out of touch with pop culture. But, they forget that Jean started living with two lesbians and a gay golden retriever(I don't mean bark bark) and so his music horizons have widened.
So it's Jean's top 5, no one knows of course. Presenter is one of the trojans "and here goes our next mystery contestant starting off strong with... a band named, I assume it's a band, um plastic titties?" People are snickering, "we get it you're gay" "they're lesbians Harold!", and Jean tenses but hides it very well that it's his top 5. Song starts. It's a screamo punk indie rock combo. Ppl start making guesses, "your honour I think it's Cat, only she knows fringe bands with monthly listeners less than this team's defence line" cat yelling back "not my fault you're a slave to the trends you swiftie!" , "Look me in the eye and tell me you dont know the words to 'love story' " , "Settle down, we ain't finished yet. Any other guesses?" , "Are we sure it's not one of the coaches?" , "Which coach do YOU think would listen to, and I repeat, 'plastic titties'? And if anyone else responds with 'your mom' I'm banning u from this round" , "Play the next one so we cop a feel" , "Why u gotta make it weird bro"
"Okay next one!" And the next one is like an intense rap song "someone's covering their tracks people", "we need to figure out whether this is working out music or what they genuinely listen to", "go on to the next one cause this is a bop but it could be anyone", "couldn't be Jeremy though" Jeremy standing up for himself "hey, I listen to rap" , "says the person who's top song was probably by Natasha Bedingfield", "beat the Sugababes fan allegations and then refer to our captain"
"Riight, next one is" and the next one is a funky hip hop anti-establishment song "sounds like Laila people" laila making it clear "I do listen to them but I can guarantee you that's not in my top favourites, not because it's not a banger, but because I don't listen to this album very much" , "she's lying to the defence your honour!" , "No one's in trial Cody sit down" Jean turning to look at Jeremy "and this is supposed to be a bonding exercise?" Jeremy thoroghouly invested in the game and scribbling down "bet you it's Ananya, she's been awfully quiet" Jean rolls his eyes, his hands crossed while he looks upon the second best collegiate exy team and wondering how his life came to this
"Aight? Is there anyone that has an educated guess?" Shawn puts his hand up, presenter says "I said educated" Shawn puts his hand down.
The last two songs are like an indie creepy heartfelt song and a ballad. This throws everyone off. At the end of the round everyone is accusing everyone and their mother, Jean with a sigh and rubbing his temples "we could be doing drills" , someone yells "I bet my firstborn it's Nabil!" , "You are an embarrassment to this team, sit down!" "Nabil is an anime nerd, I didn't hear a single Naruto in that playlist!", "That's not amv music your honour" , "bring the strikers forward let them justify their crimes upon the eyes of God!" , "If it's a crime to have good taste lock👏 me 👏up👏"
The presenter gets tired after a while "alright, kindly shut your traps so we can have a winning day! The mystery contestant is.. drumroll people! The mystery contestant isss....Jean" Silence. And then "I didn't know the french listen to screamo?", "But your honour, this is not coloniser music?", "Amelie is not even on there though", someone quietly "not a single song about baguettes?", "What's next? Jeremy Knox being a secret death metal fan?"
Meanwhile, Dan got the foxes to post screenshots of their top 5 songs on social media. The Internet is breaking cause why is Andrew Minyard's top song by the veronicas???
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raileurta · 3 months ago
In the miko in tfa au
As established miko is danm menace, she goes for the kill whenever she can so shes banned from fighting the human villains, (thanks inpart to her telling professor princess to go after the ceos and shareholders of the companies she hates if she really wants to make a difference)
When it comes to the cons however? Well she agreed no murder so they just throw her at the cons and try to stay out of the way. Shes treats fighting them like a game most days so they figure its best to let her do her thing. The decepticons as a whole are obviously freaked out by this nightmare autobot that suddenly showed up. Half of them are convinced she's a former decepticon the rest just think she's straight up insane. I can see megatron trying to recruit her if only to keep her from traumatizing his troops further.
Meanwhile miko has developed a frenemy rivalry with soundwave because she's both immune to his power and really into his music which poor boy has no idea how to respond to other then to declare her his rival and constantly try to destroy her in epic musical battles. He gave her his guitar to male this happen so miko thinks they're friends and that the battles are just jam sessions. That doesn't stop her from casually throwing him around like a rag doll whenever they fight but still.
Hahaha I'm loving everything about this ask. Yeah Miko is definitely eating the rich type person and will try to get everyone on board with her.
Miko is the autobot's feral attack dog and to the cons she's a living nightmare. The dynamic essential is:
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Why not both be a former decepticon and insane! Most of them probably think she's both. I bet there's bets going on what the hell her deal is.
The visual of Megatron trying to recruit Miko to prevent trauma™️ is hilarious.
Megatron: Join us Joyride prime! (Please please please I don't have therapists please)
Miko: I'll eat your skin.
Megatron: 😟
I'm now just thinking of an anime AMV type thing with rock music playing in the background. Soundwave and her would totally jam out! Their jam sessions would be legendary to witness. They totally fight like little siblings now lol.
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mud-castle · 1 year ago
all this christian warriors talk reminds me of that one tumblr user who didnt/couldnt? listen to music as a child so they imagined warrior cats amvs to the church hymns
Iirc that person would nod off in church and imagine AMVs to the hymns, it wasn't that they were banned from music
But that happens too. Raise your hand if you ever had a family member freak out when they learned about something magic/satanic/heretical about some kind of media you were interested in 🖐
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tk-tastic · 6 months ago
Here it is! A compilation of every single Turbo flipnote I made, starting in 2014. Some of the art is rough to look at, but there's a little improvement over time, lol
Video length: 3:16
Sappy, sentimental stuff below...
As a child, my mother banned me from making and posting flipnotes to Sudomemo (and Hatena, which was the original place to upload them). She was extremely strict about when I could use electronics, and how I had access to the internet. She was strict about a lot of things. I wanted to be an animator so badly, I wanted to make art, I LOVED making art; so I would get on late at night, often forfeiting four hours of sleep in favor of making animations on my DSi. And it was the best time of my life. I don't think I will ever be as happy as I was when I was hiding under the blankets with a stylus carefully tracing over every frame of an AMV, I'll never get the same adrenaline rush as when I would hit "upload" on a finished piece.
I was so frustrated in 2014 that I was two years late to the fandom, lol. Wreck It Ralph had run it's course online and people had moved on, I'd missed all the good Turbo art as it was uploaded. But there were stragglers like me on Sudomemo who were still fixated on it. If I ever meet xNightx again I think I'll cry. I hope they're doing alright.
So yes these animations are a bit cringey, and yes they're not my best work, but I was happy when I made them and they're an important part of my art journey, so I'm happy to share them.
I can't believe my first special interest has been revived so severely, lol
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which-qsmp-egg-would · 8 months ago
Time for the June Summary! And we've got some WILD results!
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For the first time EVER, Richarlyson has been dethroned!! Lullah won 11/60 polls, and tied in 2 more polls.
Lullah has been voted most likely to:
Love to sing when she's alone, but hate it when there's people around
Stay up way too late to watch the stars
Have a Hamilton phase
Make paper fortune tellers
Be obsessed with crafts to the point almost everything in their room is homemade
Try to go foraging for mushrooms
Make flower crowns for her siblings
Make Warrior Cats AMV's
Be a fiber artist
Host her birthday party at a "Paint Your Own Pottery" place
Win the talent show
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Despite being dethroned, I'm pretty sure that Richas will never be below top 3. Richas has won 12/60 polls this month, and tied for another one. Richas has been voted most likely to:
Put an object in his tooth gap
Be banned from the kitchen for causing a fire
WILLINGLY put his head in Freddy Fazbear's mouth
Be the first to jump into the pool
Not realise that straight people exist
Dye his sibling's hair in the middle of the night
Sneak out of bed to secretly watch whatever late night TV their parents have on
Be the goalkeeper in a football/soccer team
Eat his shed skins like a leopard gecko
Play dirty in Marco Polo
Play on Roblox
Sneak into the kitchen to eat butter straight from the butter dish
Dapper, Pepito & Sunny
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With 7/60 polls won each (Well, technically Dapper won 6 and tied for one), Dapper has been voted most likely to:
Convince her siblings that he has magical powers
Collect trading cards
Perform a science experiment that forces the class to evacuate
Play scary games at a sleepover just to scare everyone
Tell their parent bedtime stories
Have strong opinions about classical music composers
Pepito has been voted most likely to:
Not recognize a parent after they got a haircut, and start crying because Pepito thinks they are a stranger
Get lost in an airport
Crawl into Pepito's parent's bed after a nightmare
Play on Club Penguin
Parallel play with a sibling by watching them play videogames
Accidentally trip on the graduation stage
Be tricked by Pepito's sibling giving Pepito an unplugged controller
Sunny has been voted most likely to:
Win a fashion contest
Cry crocodile tears
Have imaginary family members
Write exclusively in sparkly gel pens
Have a new playground boyfriend/girlfriend every day
Be a picky eater
Host a sleepover
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With 5/60 polls won, Chayanne has been voted most likely to:
Be really into Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Be super into greek mythology
Be a natural leader in a Lord Of The Flies -like story
Jump on the stage of a talent show to help a sibling with stage fright
Get really competitive at the Splat-A-Lot course
Ramón & Pomme
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With 3/60 polls won each, Ramón has been voted most likely to:
Make dioramas
Eat instant ramen at LEAST twice a day
Start a stick blacksmith shop
Pomme has been voted most likey to:
Be at the library every day if she could
Offer free face painting of pride flags at a pride event
Go all out for pride month
Leonarda & Empanada
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With 1/60 polls won, and tied for 1 more, Leo has been voted most likely to:
Play on Neopets
Empanada has been voted most likely to:
Embroider in her spare time
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With 1/60 polls won, Chunsik has been voted most likely to:
Step outside for 10 minutes and somehow get sunburnt
Now, onto the ties!
Lullah & Empanada
have tied for being most likely to have a sticker journal!
Lullah & Leonarda
Have tied for being most likely to play on Animal Jam!
Dapper & Richarlyson
Have tied for being most likely to try to scare their sibling while they're playing a horror game!
I'll see you all next month! o/
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lestats-les-tits · 8 months ago
fancams and amvs of loustat or loumand or loumandaniel or claudeleine set to fucking taylor swift should be banned and obliterated im so serious
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someawesomeamvs · 26 days ago
Warning: Potential spoilers, slight sexual imagery
Title: Figure You Out
Editor: BAN AMVS 愛
Song: Figure You Out
Artist: VOILÀ
Anime: 2.5 Jigen no Ririsa
Category: Romance/For fun
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c-u-c-koo-4-40k · 4 months ago
Okay now I'd like to have a moment of you time for the Hashem Family.
Link here to more info and the verifications.
They've not only been campaigning for months trying to bring their family back together, but have had to face their blog being deleted.
2,892 / 50,000 £
6% Funded
Please share so more eyes and donors can see this campaign.
Then if you've got the extra money consider donating.
Even small amounts help and anything given can be taken back through Gofundme for a Year.
Thank You
Direct link to campaign here
Tag list for reach. Dm me for removal
@a-shade-of-blue @sunnylittledragon
@selflovejolteon @virovac
@frustrated-froglet @qattdraws @heydreamchild
@amvs @boosting-donations
@kala-mies @genderdog @mx-piggy
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tgcg · 1 year ago
you have my favorite interpretation of davekat look at them go
thank you so much man
its the youtube poop boyfriend and the amv collection boyfriend i think
its the dynamic of my mind palace dk. forum shitposter that keeps making alt accounts x the staff member thats banning all of them
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