#bamboo island australia
fromzion · 5 months
At Bamboo Island, Australia, what steps do you take to ensure your bamboo is sourced sustainably and ethically?
At Bamboo Island Australia, our mission goes beyond crafting luxuriously soft and comfortable bamboo apparel. We're deeply committed to sustainability and ethical production, ensuring the clothes you love are made with respect for the planet and the people who bring them to life. So, how exactly do we guarantee our bamboo is sourced sustainably and ethically produced? Let's unveil the specific steps we take.
Sustainable Sourcing: Partnering with Responsible Forests
Our journey starts with the bamboo itself. We source our raw materials from meticulously managed forests within Australia. These forests are overseen by responsible practices that prioritize the long-term health of the bamboo ecosystem. Here's how we ensure sustainability:
Selective Harvesting: We only harvest mature bamboo culms, allowing younger plants to flourish and maintaining the forest's natural balance. This guarantees a continuous and sustainable supply of bamboo.
Reforestation Initiatives: We actively participate in reforestation programs. This ensures the long-term health of the bamboo forests and contributes to a more sustainable future for the environment.
Minimal Chemical Use: Sustainable practices are prioritized throughout the bamboo growth and processing stages. This minimizes or eliminates harsh chemicals, protecting the environment and workers' well-being.
Transparency Through Certifications and Traceability
Transparency is paramount at Bamboo Island Australia. You deserve to know exactly where your bamboo clothing comes from. That's why we prioritize certifications and traceability initiatives:
FSC Certification: Look for our bamboo apparel's Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) label. This certification guarantees that our bamboo is sourced from responsibly managed forests that meet strict environmental and social standards.
Traceability Programs: We proudly offer traceability programs for some bamboo apparel lines. These programs allow you to track the origin of the bamboo used in your clothing, providing peace of mind about our sustainable sourcing practices.
Beyond Sustainability: Ethical Labor Practices
Our commitment extends beyond the raw material. We believe in ethical labour practices throughout the entire production chain of our bamboo apparel:
Fair Wages and Working Conditions: We work closely with our manufacturing partners to ensure that workers in harvesting, processing, and manufacturing our bamboo clothing receive fair wages and work in safe and healthy conditions.
Supporting Local Communities: Whenever possible, we source our bamboo and manufacture our clothing within Australia. This reduces the environmental impact of transportation and allows us to support local communities and economies.
Your Choice Makes a Difference
By understanding our commitment to sustainability and ethical production, you can make informed choices about your clothing. At Bamboo Island Australia, we believe in creating beautiful bamboo apparel that's kind to the planet and kind to the people who make it. When you choose Bamboo Island Australia, you're not just investing in comfort and style but contributing to a more responsible and sustainable fashion industry.
We invite you to explore our collection of luxuriously soft bamboo apparel crafted with respect for the environment and the people who bring it to life. Let's embrace comfort, style, and sustainability together.
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fatehbaz · 1 year
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Despite its green image, Ireland has surprisingly little forest. [...] [M]ore than 80% of the island of Ireland was [once] covered in trees. [...] [O]f that 11% of the Republic of Ireland that is [now] forested, the vast majority (9% of the country) is planted with [non-native] spruces like the Sitka spruce [in commercial plantations], a fast growing conifer originally from Alaska which can be harvested after just 15 years. Just 2% of Ireland is covered with native broadleaf trees.
Text by: Martha O’Hagan Luff. “Ireland has lost almost all of its native forests - here’s how to bring them back.” The Conversation. 24 February 2023. [Emphasis added.]
[I]ndustrial [...] oil palm plantations [...] have proliferated in tropical regions in many parts of the world, often built at the expense of mangrove and humid forest lands, with the aim to transform them from 'worthless swamp' to agro-industrial complexes [...]. Another clear case [...] comes from the southernmost area in the Colombian Pacific [...]. Here, since the early 1980s, the forest has been destroyed and communities displaced to give way to oil palm plantations. Inexistent in the 1970s, by the mid-1990s they had expanded to over 30,000 hectares. The monotony of the plantation - row after row of palm as far as you can see, a green desert of sorts - replaced the diverse, heterogenous and entangled world of forest and communities.
Text by: Arturo Escobar. "Thinking-Feeling with the Earth: Territorial Struggles and the Ontological Dimension of the Epistemologies of the South." Revista de Antropologia Iberoamericana Volume 11 Issue 1. 2016. [Emphasis added.]
But efforts to increase global tree cover to limit climate change have skewed towards erecting plantations of fast-growing trees [...] [because] planting trees can demonstrate results a lot quicker than natural forest restoration. [...] [But] ill-advised tree planting can unleash invasive species [...]. [In India] [t]o maximize how much timber these forests yielded, British foresters planted pines from Europe and North America in extensive plantations in the Himalayan region [...] and introduced acacia trees from Australia [...]. One of these species, wattle (Acacia mearnsii) [...] was planted in [...] the Western Ghats. This area is what scientists all a biodiversity hotspot – a globally rare ecosystem replete with species. Wattle has since become invasive and taken over much of the region’s mountainous grasslands. Similarly, pine has spread over much of the Himalayas and displaced native oak trees while teak has replaced sal, a native hardwood, in central India. Both oak and sal are valued for [...] fertiliser, medicine and oil. Their loss [...] impoverished many [local and Indigenous people]. [...]
India’s national forest policy [...] aims for trees on 33% of the country’s area. Schemes under this policy include plantations consisting of a single species such as eucalyptus or bamboo which grow fast and can increase tree cover quickly, demonstrating success according to this dubious measure. Sometimes these trees are planted in grasslands and other ecosystems where tree cover is naturally low. [...] The success of forest restoration efforts cannot be measured by tree cover alone. The Indian government’s definition of “forest” still encompasses plantations of a single tree species, orchards and even bamboo, which actually belongs to the grass family. This means that biennial forest surveys cannot quantify how much natural forest has been restored, or convey the consequences of displacing native trees with competitive plantation species or identify if these exotic trees have invaded natural grasslands which have then been falsely recorded as restored forests. [...] Planting trees does not necessarily mean a forest is being restored. And reviving ecosystems in which trees are scarce is important too.
Text by: Dhanapal Govindarajulu. "India was a tree planting laboratory for 200 years - here are the results." The Conversation. 10 August 2023. [Emphasis added.]
Nations and companies are competing to appropriate the last piece of available “untapped” forest that can provide the most amount of “environmental services.” [...] When British Empire forestry was first established as a disciplinary practice in India, [...] it proscribed private interests and initiated a new system of forest management based on a logic of utilitarian [extraction] [...]. Rather than the actual survival of plants or animals, the goal of this forestry was focused on preventing the exhaustion of resource extraction. [...]
Text by: Daniel Fernandez and Alon Schwabe. "The Offsetted." e-flux Architecture (Positions). November 2013. [Emphasis added.]
At first glance, the statistics tell a hopeful story: Chile’s forests are expanding. […] On the ground, however, a different scene plays out: monocultures have replaced diverse natural forests [...]. At the crux of these [...] narratives is the definition of a single word: “forest.” [...] Pinochet’s wave of [...] [laws] included Forest Ordinance 701, passed in 1974, which subsidized the expansion of tree plantations [...] and gave the National Forestry Corporation control of Mapuche lands. This law set in motion an enormous expansion in fiber-farms, which are vast expanses of monoculture plantations Pinus radiata and Eucalyptus species grown for paper manufacturing and timber. [T]hese new plantations replaced native forests […]. According to a recent study in Landscape and Urban Planning, timber plantations expanded by a factor of ten from 1975 to 2007, and now occupy 43 percent of the South-central Chilean landscape. [...] While the confusion surrounding the definition of “forest” may appear to be an issue of semantics, Dr. Francis Putz [...] warns otherwise in a recent review published in Biotropica. […] Monoculture plantations are optimized for a single product, whereas native forests offer [...] water regulation, hosting biodiversity, and building soil fertility. [...][A]ccording to Putz, the distinction between plantations and native forests needs to be made clear. “[...] [A]nd the point that plantations are NOT forests needs to be made repeatedly [...]."
Text by: Julian Moll-Rocek. “When forests aren’t really forests: the high cost of Chile’s tree plantations.” Mongabay. 18 August 2014. [Emphasis added.]
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Places to Go for Vacation
Planning a vacation is an exciting endeavor, and the world is brimming with remarkable destinations to explore. Whether you're seeking natural beauty, cultural richness, adventure, or relaxation, there's a perfect vacation spot for everyone. In this article, we'll take a tour of some of the top places to go for vacation, each offering a unique and unforgettable experience.
1. Bali, Indonesia
Known as the "Island of the Gods," Bali is a tropical paradise with stunning beaches, lush rainforests, and vibrant culture. Visitors can explore ancient temples, enjoy water sports, and savor Balinese cuisine. Don't miss the tranquil rice terraces and the energetic nightlife in Seminyak.
2. Santorini, Greece
Santorini, an enchanting island in the Aegean Sea, is famous for its iconic white-washed buildings, crystal-clear waters, and dramatic sunsets. It's a romantic destination with breathtaking views, ancient ruins, and delicious Mediterranean cuisine.
3. Kyoto, Japan
For a taste of Japanese culture and history, Kyoto is a must-visit. This city is renowned for its traditional tea houses, stunning cherry blossoms in spring, and beautiful temples. Stroll through bamboo forests, participate in tea ceremonies, and admire the art of the geisha.
4. Bora Bora, French Polynesia
Bora Bora is synonymous with paradise. Its turquoise lagoons, overwater bungalows, and coral reefs make it a dream destination for honeymooners and water enthusiasts. Snorkeling, scuba diving, and relaxation are the order of the day.
5. Tuscany, Italy
Tuscany's rolling hills, historic cities, and delectable cuisine make it a favorite European destination. Explore the charming streets of Florence, sample world-class wines in Chianti, and savor the simple pleasures of life in the Tuscan countryside.
6. Maldives
The Maldives, a collection of over a thousand coral islands, is a tropical haven with luxury resorts and stunning marine life. It's an ideal spot for beach lovers, honeymooners, and those seeking seclusion in paradise.
7. Machu Picchu, Peru
Machu Picchu, the ancient Inca citadel nestled in the Andes Mountains, is a UNESCO World Heritage site and one of the world's most iconic travel destinations. Hike the Inca Trail or take the train to witness this archaeological wonder.
8. New York City, USA
For the bustling urban experience, New York City is a top choice. Explore iconic landmarks like Times Square, Central Park, and the Statue of Liberty. The city offers a vibrant arts scene, diverse cuisine, and endless entertainment.
9. Cape Town, South Africa
Cape Town is a city of breathtaking beauty, nestled between Table Mountain and the Atlantic Ocean. Explore vibrant neighborhoods, visit the Cape of Good Hope, and savor South African wines in the surrounding vineyards.
10. Patagonia, Argentina and Chile
Patagonia offers awe-inspiring natural beauty with its glaciers, mountains, and remote wilderness. It's a dream destination for hikers, nature lovers, and wildlife enthusiasts.
11. Iceland
Iceland's dramatic landscapes include geysers, waterfalls, volcanoes, and geothermal springs. The Blue Lagoon, the Golden Circle, and the Northern Lights are just a few of the attractions that make Iceland a unique vacation destination.
12. Marrakech, Morocco
Marrakech is a bustling and exotic city in North Africa. Explore the bustling souks, visit the historic medina, and relax in stunning riads. Marrakech offers a blend of tradition and modernity.
13. Sydney, Australia
Sydney, with its iconic Opera House and Sydney Harbour Bridge, is a vibrant city with beautiful beaches, world-class dining, and a variety of cultural attractions. The city's coastal charm and natural beauty are hard to resist.
14. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Rio de Janeiro is known for its lively Carnival, stunning beaches, and iconic Christ the Redeemer statue. Enjoy samba music, relax on Copacabana Beach, and explore the lush Tijuca Forest.
15. Istanbul, Turkey
Istanbul straddles Europe and Asia, offering a rich blend of cultures, history, and architecture. Visit the Hagia Sophia, the Blue Mosque, and the Grand Bazaar for an unforgettable experience.
The world is a treasure trove of vacation destinations, each offering a unique blend of natural beauty, culture, history, and adventure. Whether you're drawn to tropical paradises, ancient cities, or remote wilderness, there's a place for every traveler to discover and savor. When planning your next vacation, consider the experiences that ignite your wanderlust and create memories that will last a lifetime.
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casbooks · 1 year
Books of 2023
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Book 47 of 2023
Title: Three Tastes of Nuoc Mam Authors: Douglas Branson ISBN: 9786613914316 Tags: AUS ADF AA Australian Army, AUS ADF Australian Defence Force, AUS Australia, HKG Hong Kong, HKG Hong Kong - Peninsula Hotel, KOR Korea, KOR ROK 9th White Horse Division, KOR ROK Republic of Korea Army, P-3 Orion, US Bob Hope (Entertainer), US USA United States Army, US USA USSF Green Berets, US USA USSF Special Forces, US USCG United States Coast Guard, US USCG USCGC Point Comfort (WPB-82317), US USN United States Navy, US USN USS Currituck Sound (AV-7), US USN USS Vesuvius (AE-15), US USO United Service Organizations, USN Admiral Elmo Russell "Bud" Zumwalt Jr, USN PCF Patrol Craft Fast Swift Boat, VNM ADF AA 1st Australian Task Force (1 ATF) (Vietnam War), VNM ADF AA AATF Australian Army Training Team (Vietnam War), VNM Ba Dong, VNM Binh Thuan Province, VNM Cam Ranh Bay, VNM Co Chien River, VNM Con Na Beach, VNM Cu Lao Cau, VNM DRV NVA North Vietnamese Army, VNM DRV VC Viet Cong, VNM Highway 1, VNM Hon Cu Loa (Monkey Island), VNM Hon Mat, VNM Hon Mieu (South Island), VNM Hon Tam, VNM Hon Tre (Bamboo Island), VNM III Corps (Vietnam War), VNM Mekong Delta, VNM Nha Trang, VNM Nui Dat, VNM Operation Market Time (1965-1975) (Vietnam War), VNM Phan Rang Air Base, VNM Phan Thiet, VNM Point Ke Ga, VNM Point Mui Dinh, VNM RVN ARVN Army of the Republic of Vietnam, VNM RVN ARVN Vietnamese Rangers - Biet Dong Quan, VNM RVN Ngo Dinh Diem, VNM RVN Nguyen Van Thieu, VNM RVN RVNP Can Sat National Police, VNM RVN VNN LLHT Luc Luong Hai Thuyen Navy Coastal Force / Junk Force(Vietnam War), VNM RVN VNN Republic of Vietnam Navy, VNM Tan Son Nhut Air Base, VNM Truong Son Mountains, VNM US MACV Advisory Teams (Vietnam War), VNM US MACV Military Assistance Command Vietnam (Vietnam War), VNM USN Coastal Patrol Center III Corps - Halo Shampoo, VNM USN Coastal Surveillance Center III Corps - Nha Trang, VNM USN TF 117 MRF Mobile Riverine Force (Vietnam War), VNM Vietnam, VNM Vietnam War (1955-1975), VNM VNN Yabudda Junks, VNM Vung Tau Rating: ★★(2 Stars) Subject: Books.Military.20th-21st Century.Asia.Vietnam War.Naval.VNN Year Read: 47 of 2023 Price: 13.29
Description: During the War, Vietnam's coast had to be protected against Viet Cong ambushes and smuggling. The U.S. forces had destroyers, cruisers and gargantuan aircraft carriers, none suited for inshore patrol. This is the story of the Brown Water Navy, the garage-band flotilla assembled to do the job.Douglas Branson has been to Vietnam several times, including trips in 1966, 1995 and 2011. The first time, he was a 22-year-old, Brown Water Navy lieutenant JG. Subsequent visits were as a consultant/tourist. Here, Branson recounts three of his Vietnam adventures with humor, detail and insight into the economic, political and gastronomic forces at work.
Review: I'll be honest, I didn't finish this book. I read the vietnam war part, and skipped the rest because even the war part was difficult to get through. This wasn't quite a 1 star book but it definitely came close. For anyone who has read anything about Operation Market Time, the Swift boats, or even coastal advisors - this book sets off red flags and alarm bells. The author has some very strong opinions about everyone and everything and often ... well ... let's just say that he vacillates wildly from complete bullshit to just plain stupid. Avoid this book and read Bob Andretta's Brown Water Runs Red for a better book on the Junk Force.
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fyeahcindie · 2 years
Gorgeous, hypnotic song from the 2022 album by Small Island Big Song 小島大歌.  The MV was just posted today, and a live version was posted last week.
We have featured this group last year, check it out!    About the group: Small Island Big Song is a collaboration of musicians across the Pacific & Indian Oceans, united for cultural and environmental justice. After hearing the IPCC report, in 2015, a couple, Taiwanese producer BaoBao Chen and Australian music producer/filmmaker Tim Cole, spent three years recording and filming with artists on their island homes, sharing songs from island to island. Outcomes include two award-winning albums, a feature film and a world-touring concert.
There are a lot of musicians/nations/locations listed in the a/v credits back at YT and on screen. (Paiwan lyrics are also translated to English on screen)
Madjadjumak (Finding One Another) Composition: 戴曉君 (Sauljaljui) Arrangement, Music Producer: Tim Cole  Sauljaljui 戴曉君: Lead Vocals, Guitar Putad Pihay (布妲菈·碧海): Vocals, Bass (Putad is in the Amis band 漂流出口 Outlet Drift) Producer, Curation: BaoBao Chen 陳玟臻 (co-founder, producer) 
Small Island Big Song links: Instagram, YouTube,  Spotify,  StreetVoice, Official
Let’s hear another from the album; this is written and sung (in Amis) by Putad:
Lyrics translated on screen, full a/v credits on screen and back at YT.
Lead vocals, composer Putad - Amis, Taiwan Paiwan chant, Jaw harp Sauljaljui - Paiwan, Taiwan Purerehua Horomona Horo - Aotearoa/New Zealand Kundu, shakers Richard Mogu - Papua New Guinea Sanza Emlyn - Mauritius Udu, Balafon Luc of Vaiteani - Tahiti Warup, Kundu drum Airileke - Papua New Guinea & Australia Monika Yumi Yet Bamboo Band - Bougainville Valiha Tarika Sammy - Madagascar and four generations of Amis women of Putad's family (her grandmother, her mother, herself, and her daughter) Music Producer Tim Cole - Australia
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zappak · 2 years
Andrew Pekler [Khao Sok Extension]
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Release date: February 1, 2023 Catalog no. zappak-003
1. Khao Sok Extension [DVD: 60:00 / CD: 54:46]
Excerpt: https://soundcloud.com/zappak/zappak-003-excerpt
DVD: Video footage and field recordings captured in and around Khao Sok National Park, Thailand, January 2016. Processed, edited and mixed in Berlin, September 2018. Running time 60:00
CD: Field recordings captured in and around Khao Sok National Park, Thailand, January 2016. Processed, edited and mixed in Berlin, September 2018 / October 2022. Running time: 54:46
In 2016, Berlin-based artist Andrew Pekler travelled to Thailand and visited Khao Sok National Park where he gathered field recordings and recorded video footage of the park's flora and fauna. Some of excerpts of this material was used in the compositions and live presentation of Pekler's album “Tristes Tropiques”, released on the Faitiche label in 2016. Two years later, Pekler further processed, edited and mixed the materials to create the one-hour long audio-visual piece “Khao Sok Extension”. A monochrome landscape of branches, leaves, flowers, grass, vines and bamboo shifts slowly through multiple exposures and inversions of color tones. The speed and tone are as if wandering through a forest under the influence of psychedelic substances. The natural sounds of insects, bird calls, wind and water are processed and layered in ways that evoke electronic textures, sequences and effects. However, no instruments were employed in the production, Pekler's field recordings from Khao Sok are the only sounds used. The visuals and audio blur perceptual boundaries between the "natural" and "artificial" while evoking an ambience that is both immersive and deeply uncanny.
[Note] In the video, a 30 minutes long audio version of “Khao Sok Extension” is repeated once. The audio on the CD is a newly-mixed 54 minutes long version.
2016年、ベルリンを拠点とするAndrew Peklerはタイのカオ・ソック(Khao Sok)国立公園へおもむき、環境音の収集と園内の動植物の映像の撮影をおこなった。そのいくらかは2016年にFaiticheよりリリースされた作品[Tristes Tropiques]の制作やライブ・プレゼンテーションにおいて使用された。その2年後、Peklerはさらなるプロセシング、編集、そしてミキシングをおこない、1時間におよぶオーディオ・ビジュアル作品「Khao Sok Extension」は作り上げられた。 木の枝や葉、花、草、ツル、そして竹によるモノクロームな風景は、多重露光や色調の反転をさせながら緩やかに変化していき、そのスピードやトーンはサイケデリックな物質の影響下で森をさまよっているかのよう。昆虫、鳥の鳴き声、風や水などによる自然の音は、電子的なテクスチャーやシーケンス、エフェクトを連想させる方法でプロセシングやレイヤー化されているが、制作において楽器類は一切使用されておらず、園内でフィールドレコーディングされた素材のみで構成されている。没入感のある不気味なアンビエンスを呼び起こしながら、映像と音は自然のものと人工的なものの知覚的な境界線を曖昧にしていく。
[注記] 映像では30分のオーディオ・バージョンが繰り返されており、CDには新規にミックスされた54分のバージョンが収録されています。
Andrew Pekler
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Andrew Pekler was born in 1973 in Samarkand, Uzbekistan. His family immigrated to the United States in 1980. He has resided in Germany since 1995. Andrew Pekler works with techniques of digital sampling and analog synthesis to recontextualize found sounds and archival musical materials. Since 2002 he has released solo and collaborative musical works for labels includung Kranky, Faitiche, Shelter Press, Staubgold and Senufo Editions. Pekler has also produced a number of video and installation works – always in combination with sound. Together with cultural anthropologist Kiwi Stefanie Menrath he developed Phantom Islands – A Sonic Atlas, an interactive online map that charts the sounds and histories of a number of islands that were once found on nautical maps but have since disappeared. In addition to his studio productions, Andrew Pekler has composed music for theater, dance, and film and played numerous concerts in Europe, North and South America, Asia and Australia. andrewpekler.bandcamp.com
Vital Weekly: https://zappak.tumblr.com/post/710540828859334656
Avant Music News: https://zappak.tumblr.com/post/712663788614221824
The Bandcamp Daily https://zappak.tumblr.com/post/713220636752969729
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xtruss · 2 years
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A kelp forest off Anacapa Island, California. Researchers have found that underwater forests cover an area comparable to the Amazon basin. Photograph: Douglas Klug/Getty Images
Seascape: The State of Our Oceans! The Hidden Underwater Forests That Could Help Tackle The Climate Crisis
Kelp absorbs carbon dioxide and has high nutritional value, but it is under threat from rising temperatures, pollution and invasive species
— By Lucy Sherriff in Los Angeles
Bubbles stream furiously behind Frank Hurd as he gently parts the curtains of giant kelp. Green and gold ribbons reach upwards through the cold waters of the Pacific Ocean towards the sun.
Hurd, a marine biologist with environmental organisation the Nature Conservancy, is diving in a kelp forest off Anacapa Island, one of the protected rocky volcanic islets that form the Channel Islands national park, an archipelago off the coast of southern California.
This thick, healthy kelp – a type of seaweed – forms a small part of underwater forests that blanket the coastline of nearly every continent. Some are relatively well-studied, including the Great African Sea Forest, a rich stretch of giant bamboo kelp spreading north from Cape Town to the Namibian coastline that was the setting for the film My Octopus Teacher; and the Great Southern Reef, a giant kelp forest hugging Australia’s southern coastline. But many more of these forests are unnamed and unknown – hidden underwater.
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A harbour seal descends from the kelp canopy in the rich underwater forests off Santa Barbara, California. Photograph: Douglas Klug/Getty Images
Despite being one of the fastest growing plants on Earth, kelp has historically been difficult to map because of the difficulties of measuring ocean depths with satellites. However, research published in September found that seaweed forests are far more extensive than previously realised.
An international group of scientists from eight countries, led by Dr Albert Pessarrodona from the University of Western Australia, manually sifted through hundreds of studies – including local plant data records, online repositories and citizen science initiatives – to model the global distribution of ocean forests. They found that underwater forests cover between 6m and 7.2m sq km – an area comparable to the Amazon rainforest basin and twice the size of India.
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Still from My Octopus Teacher, set in a rich stretch of giant bamboo kelp spreading north from Cape Town to the Namibian coastline. Photograph: Netflix
Seaweed forests can act as a vital buffer against the climate crisis, absorbing carbon dioxide from seawater and the atmosphere. Ocean forests may store as much carbon as the Amazon rainforest, according to one analysis.
Yet there is still a sizeable gap in understanding of seaweed’s long-term ability to sequester carbon, because it lacks a root system to lock the carbon into the ground, unlike other marine plants such as mangroves and seagrass. Whether carbon stays locked up also depends on what happens to the seaweed, and there is still scientific debate on how effective it is at storing the element.
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Kelp provides food and shelter for fish, marine animals and birds. Photograph: Brandon Cole Images/Shutterstock
Marine ecologist Dr Karen Filbee-Dexter, one of the study’s 10 authors, said the research was a “major step forward” in understanding the potential role that seaweed can play in mitigating climate breakdown, “because it calculates the productivity – growth and carbon uptake – of the largest marine vegetated ecosystem”. It can also help estimate the carbon-sink potential of the world’s marine forests, she added.
Kelp, the largest seaweed species, able to grow tens of metres high, also plays a vital role in marine ecosystems, providing food and shelter for fish, other marine animals and birds.
In Australia, native kelp is home to the weedy seadragon – a purple-hued creature with leaf-like appendages that look like kelp fronds – which only lives along the country’s coastline. Kelp forests along North America’s Pacific coast provide vital habitats for southern sea otters. In addition, the mighty grey whale uses kelp forests as a haven from predatory killer whales and as vital feeding grounds for their young during their migration to Alaska waters from Baja California in Mexico.
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A weedy sea dragon in Jervis Bay, New South Wales, Australia. Photograph: By Wildestanimal/Getty Images
Underwater forests could also have a role in efforts to alleviate the world’s food security crisis, thanks to their rapid growth.
The scientists examined hundreds of individual studies from around the world where seaweed growth had been measured by scuba divers. “We found ocean forests are more productive than many intensely farmed crops such as wheat, rice and corn,” the study noted. It defined productivity in terms of how much biomass – the fronds, stipes and holdfasts of the seaweed – was produced by crops and seaweed.
On average, ocean forests in temperate regions, such as Australia’s southern coast, produced between two and 11 times more biomass by area than intensely farmed crops, a productivity that could be harnessed for the food system.
“If Harvested Properly, Seaweeds Have The Potential To Be A Very Sustainable And Nutrient-dense Food Source” — Amanda Swinimer
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Seaweed ecologist Dr Sophie Steinhagen inspects the crop at the seafarm in the Koster archipelago in Sweden.
Seaweed has been mass-consumed in Asia for centuries, and now western markets are catching on, albeit on a small scale, with more European and North American companies manufacturing seaweed products for human consumption. The Cornish Seaweed Company has a seaweed salad range; Marks & Spencer has a “coconut seaweed crunch” snack, and there are numerous lines of kelp burgers.
“Although there is evidence of seaweed being consumed as food 14,500 years ago, it has not been a part of the diet for large swaths of the world’s population,” says marine biologist Amanda Swinimer, who has been wild harvesting seaweed for decades through her company, Dakini Tidal Wilds.
However, she adds, as food security becomes more of an issue, “people are looking for other sources of nutritious food. If harvested properly, seaweeds have the potential to be a very sustainable and nutrient-dense food source.” Seaweed is also being used as animal feed, in place of corn and soya beans, thanks to its high nutritional value.
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Seaweed can be a nutritious source of food if harvested properly. Photograph: M&S
Yet these underwater forests face multiple threats, including rising sea temperatures, pollution and invasive species. Along the northern California coast, kelp has declined by more than 95% over the past several years, decimated by sea urchins – whose population has exploded as vast numbers of starfish, their main predators, have been killed by a wasting disease linked to warming waters.
The Great Southern Reef along Australia’s coastline, and forests in the north-west Atlantic, along the coasts of Maine, Canada and Greenland, are also showing concerning signs of decline.
Seaweed forests are often overlooked and less studied compared with coral reefs, making it difficult to understand how they are changing. “Most of the world’s seaweed forests are not even mapped, much less monitored,” says Filbee-Dexter. While corals are found in warm, calm and easily accessible areas, making them fairly easy to study, kelp is in cold waters on some of the choppiest, roughest coasts in the world.
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Seaweed farming in Sweden could be a vital component of the shift away from eating meat for protein.
Filbee-Dexter believes that the more scientists understand about these vital but fragile marine ecosystems, the easier it will be to help them survive. “I hope that more awareness about these forests will lead to more protection and restoration.”
In California, Hurd continues to dive among the kelp forests, monitoring their progress and hoping their decline can be stemmed. “The loss of these incredibly productive ecosystems is devastating for both nature and people,” he says. However, as science continues to develop smarter technologies to track kelp, such as drones, satellites and AI, he remains hopeful that research can shed light on the role of kelp in fighting climate breakdown.
“The one thing that kelp in particular should never be underestimated for is the productivity and biodiversity it supports around the world. It should be protected and restored with a great sense of urgency.”
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Seaweed growth was measured by scuba divers for the research. Photograph: vernonwiley/Getty Images
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trendscribe · 6 days
7 Must-Visit Destinations Around the World: Unlocking Adventure and Cultural Experiences for Every Traveler
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Traveling is an exhilarating escapade that beckons us to explore the world's hidden wonders, to savor new tastes, and to immerse ourselves in diverse cultures. If you are a travel enthusiast, an adventure seeker, or a cultural explorer, this listicle is tailor-made for you. Join us as we unlock the gates to unforgettable destinations that promise to ignite your wanderlust.
                                                              1. Paris, France: The City of Lights
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No travel itinerary is complete without a visit to the enchanting city of Paris. Stroll along the Seine River, savor freshly baked croissants at a local café, and gaze in awe at the iconic Eiffel Tower. Ensure you lose yourself amidst masterpieces at the Louvre Museum and wander the charming streets of Montmartre.
Travel Tip: To avoid crowds and high prices, plan your visit during off-peak seasons. 
2. Kyoto, Japan: A Cultural Haven
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Kyoto, a city steeped in tradition and history, offers a glimpse into authentic Japanese culture. Explore the serene Arashiyama Bamboo Grove, witness the ethereal beauty of cherry blossoms in spring, and partake in a traditional tea ceremony to deepen your cultural experience.
Travel Tip: Opt for a bicycle rental to uncover hidden gems and scenic pathways throughout the city.
3. Bali, Indonesia: A Tropical Paradise
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Bali, with its lush landscapes and vibrant culture, is a haven for nature lovers and adventure seekers. Bask on pristine beaches, marvel at ancient temples, or partake in rejuvenating wellness retreats. Don't miss the chance to visit the Ubud Monkey Forest for a playful wildlife encounter or catch some waves with a surfing lesson in Kuta.
Travel Tip: Immerse yourself in the island's rich traditions by attending local Balinese festivals.
4. New York City, USA: The Urban Jungle
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New York City, a bustling metropolis teeming with life and energy, offers an array of attractions for every traveler. From the iconic skyline and sprawling Central Park to world-renowned museums and Broadway shows, the city is a melting pot of experiences waiting to be explored.
Travel Tip: Venture off the beaten path to discover hidden gems and unique local experiences.
5. Cape Town, South Africa: Where Nature Meets Urban Charm
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Embark on a journey to Cape Town, a city that seamlessly blends natural beauty with urban sophistication. Explore Table Mountain, relax on pristine beaches, and savor delectable South African cuisine at vibrant markets. Don't miss the chance to visit the colorful Bo-Kaap neighborhood for a cultural immersion experience like no other.
Travel Tip: Catch a sunset from Signal Hill for breathtaking panoramic views of the city and the Atlantic Ocean.
6. Sydney, Australia: Down Under Delights
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Sydney, a vibrant city nestled along Australia's stunning coastline, is a treasure trove of adventures. Admire the architectural masterpiece of the Sydney Opera House, relax on sun-kissed beaches, and embark on a coastal walk from Bondi to Coogee. Dive into the bustling food scene to savor fresh seafood and multicultural culinary delights.
Travel Tip: Explore the city's eco-friendly initiatives and support sustainable travel practices.
7. Santorini, Greece: Idyllic Aegean Escape
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Unveil the mesmerizing beauty of Santorini, a picturesque island in the Aegean Sea famed for its whitewashed buildings and stunning sunsets. Explore the charming villages perched on cliffs, unwind on black sand beaches, and indulge in delectable Greek cuisine. Capture postcard-perfect moments against the backdrop of the azure waters and colorful rooftops.
Travel Tip: Venture beyond the tourist hubs to discover secluded spots and experience the authentic charm of the island.
Embark on your next travel escapade armed with these must-visit destinations that promise a tapestry of adventure, cultural discoveries, and unforgettable memories. Whether you are a solo traveler seeking solitude, a family yearning for bonding moments, or a luxury traveler in pursuit of opulence, these destinations cater to every wanderlust-filled heart.
Let these travel gems be your gateway to a world of enchanting experiences and captivating adventures that redefine the essence of exploration and discovery.
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mywisdomexchange · 25 days
30 Destinations to Tick Off Your Bucket List
1. Kyoto, Japan:
Why: A blend of ancient traditions and modern amenities, Kyoto offers stunning temples, serene gardens, and delicious cuisine.
Must-see: Arashiyama Bamboo Forest, Kiyomizu-dera Temple, Gion district.
2. Santorini, Greece:
Why: With its iconic white-washed buildings, blue-domed churches, and breathtaking sunsets, Santorini is a dream destination.
Must-see: Oia village, Akrotiri archaeological site, Santorini Wine Museum.
3. Iceland:
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Why: From glaciers and geysers to the Northern Lights, Iceland offers a unique and unforgettable experience.
Must-see: Blue Lagoon, Golden Circle, Vatnajökull National Park.
4. Machu Picchu, Peru:
Why: A UNESCO World Heritage site and one of the Seven Wonders of the World, Machu Picchu is a marvel of ancient Inca engineering.
Must-see: Inca Trail, Huayna Picchu, Sun Gate.
5. Galapagos Islands, Ecuador:
Why: Home to a unique ecosystem of endemic species, the Galapagos Islands offer unparalleled wildlife encounters.
Must-see: Isabela Island, Santa Cruz Island, Charles Darwin Research Station.
6. Taj Mahal, India:
Why: A symbol of love and loss, the Taj Mahal is a breathtaking mausoleum and UNESCO World Heritage site.
Must-see: Agra Fort, Fatehpur Sikri.
7. Great Barrier Reef, Australia:
Why: The world's largest coral reef system, the Great Barrier Reef offers incredible snorkeling and diving opportunities.
Must-see: Whitsunday Islands, Cairns, Great Barrier Reef Marine Park.
8. Paris, France:
Why: A city of romance, art, and culture, Paris is a must-visit destination.
Must-see: Eiffel Tower, Louvre Museum, Notre-Dame Cathedral.
9. Venice, Italy:
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Why: With its canals, gondolas, and stunning architecture, Venice is a magical city.
Must-see: St. Mark's Square, Rialto Bridge, Doge's Palace.
10. New York City, USA:
Why: A bustling metropolis with endless things to see and do, New York City is a must-visit for any traveler.
Must-see: Times Square, Central Park, Statue of Liberty.
11. Angkor Wat, Cambodia:
Why: A stunning temple complex and UNESCO World Heritage site, Angkor Wat is a must-see for history buffs and culture enthusiasts.
Must-see: Bayon Temple, Ta Prohm, Preah Khan.
12. Petra, Jordan:
Why: A hidden city carved into the sandstone cliffs, Petra is a marvel of ancient architecture.
Must-see: Treasury, Monastery, Siq.
13. Great Wall of China:
Why: One of the Seven Wonders of the World, the Great Wall of China is a symbol of Chinese history and culture.
Must-see: Mutianyu section, Badaling section, Simatai section.
14. Cape Town, South Africa:
Why: With its stunning natural beauty, vibrant culture, and delicious food, Cape Town is a must-visit destination.
Must-see: Table Mountain, Cape of Good Hope, Robben Island.
15. Reykjavik, Iceland:
Why: The capital of Iceland offers a unique blend of Scandinavian charm and Icelandic culture.
Must-see: Hallgrímskirkja church, Harpa concert hall, Perlan.
16. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil:
Why: Known for its beautiful beaches, vibrant nightlife, and iconic landmarks, Rio de Janeiro is a must-visit destination.
Must-see: Copacabana Beach, Ipanema Beach, Christ the Redeemer statue.
17. Amsterdam, Netherlands:
Why: A charming city with canals, bicycles, and a relaxed atmosphere, Amsterdam is a popular tourist destination.
Must-see: Anne Frank House, Rijksmuseum, Van Gogh Museum.
18. Barcelona, Spain:
Why: A vibrant city with stunning architecture, delicious food, and a lively atmosphere, Barcelona is a must-visit destination.
Must-see: Sagrada Família, Park Güell, La Rambla.
19. Sydney, Australia:
Why: A beautiful city with iconic landmarks, stunning beaches, and a vibrant culture, Sydney is a must-visit destination.
Must-see: Sydney Opera House, Bondi Beach, Harbour Bridge.
20. Dubai, United Arab Emirates:
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Why: A futuristic city with towering skyscrapers, luxurious hotels, and a vibrant nightlife, Dubai is a must-visit destination.
Must-see: Burj Khalifa, Palm Jumeirah, Dubai Mall.
21. Buenos Aires, Argentina:
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Why: A vibrant city with a European flair, Buenos Aires is known for its tango, delicious food, and friendly people.
Must-see: Recoleta Cemetery, Caminito, La Boca neighborhood.
22. Prague, Czech Republic:
Why: A stunning city with beautiful architecture, cobblestone streets, and a rich history, Prague is a must-visit destination.
Must-see: Charles Bridge, Prague Castle, Old Town Square.
23. Kyoto, Japan:
Why: A blend of ancient traditions and modern amenities, Kyoto offers stunning temples, serene gardens, and delicious cuisine.
Must-see: Arashiyama Bamboo Forest, Kiyomizu-dera Temple, Gion district.
24. Santorini, Greece:
Why: With its iconic white-washed buildings, blue-domed churches, and breathtaking sunsets, Santorini is a dream destination.
Must-see: Oia village, Akrotiri archaeological site, Santorini Wine Museum.
25. Iceland:
Why: From glaciers and geysers to the Northern Lights, Iceland offers a unique and unforgettable experience.
Must-see: Blue Lagoon, Golden Circle, Vatnajökull National Park.
26. Machu Picchu, Peru:
Why: A UNESCO World Heritage site and one of the Seven Wonders of the World, Machu Picchu is a marvel of ancient Inca engineering.
Must-see: Inca Trail, Huayna Picchu, Sun Gate.
27. Galapagos Islands, Ecuador:
Why: Home to a unique ecosystem of endemic species, the Galapagos Islands offer unparalleled wildlife encounters.
Must-see: Isabela Island, Santa Cruz Island, Charles Darwin Research Station.
28. Taj Mahal, India:
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Why: A symbol of love and loss, the Taj Mahal is a breathtaking mausoleum and UNESCO World Heritage site.
Must-see: Agra Fort, Fatehpur Sikri.
29. Great Barrier Reef, Australia:
Why: The world's largest coral reef system, the Great Barrier Reef offers incredible snorkeling and diving opportunities.
Must-see: Whitsunday Islands, Cairns, Great Barrier Reef Marine Park.
30. Paris, France:
Why: A city of romance, art, and culture, Paris is a must-visit destination.
Must-see: Eiffel Tower, Louvre Museum, Notre-Dame Cathedral.
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swostiindia · 3 months
10 Exotic Destinations for International Tour Packages with Swosti Travels
Exploring new countries, experiencing different cultures, and discovering breathtaking landscapes can create some of the most memorable moments in life. Swosti Travels offers curated international tour packages that promise unforgettable experiences. Here are ten exotic destinations you should consider for your next international adventure.
1. Bali, Indonesia
Overview: Bali is a tropical paradise known for its stunning beaches, lush rice terraces, and vibrant culture. It’s an ideal destination for relaxation, adventure, and spiritual experiences.
Uluwatu Temple: Perched on a cliff with dramatic ocean views.
Tegallalang Rice Terraces: Picturesque landscapes perfect for photography.
Ubud: Cultural heart of Bali with traditional arts and crafts.
2. Santorini, Greece
Overview: Santorini, with its iconic white-washed buildings and stunning sunsets, is one of the most beautiful islands in the world. It’s perfect for honeymooners and romantic getaways.
Oia: Famous for its breathtaking sunsets and charming streets.
Red Beach: Unique red sand beach surrounded by cliffs.
Ancient Thira: Historical ruins offering a glimpse into the island’s past.
3. Kyoto, Japan
Overview: Kyoto is a city that blends ancient traditions with modern charm. Known for its beautiful temples, gardens, and traditional tea houses, Kyoto is a cultural haven.
Fushimi Inari Shrine: Iconic torii gate pathway.
Arashiyama Bamboo Grove: A serene and enchanting bamboo forest.
Kinkaku-ji (Golden Pavilion): Stunning Zen Buddhist temple covered in gold leaf.
4. Cape Town, South Africa
Overview: Cape Town is a city of natural beauty and diverse experiences, from its iconic Table Mountain to its vibrant waterfront.
Table Mountain: Panoramic views of the city and the Atlantic Ocean.
Robben Island: Historical site where Nelson Mandela was imprisoned.
Cape Winelands: Explore vineyards and enjoy wine tastings.
5. Machu Picchu, Peru
Overview: Machu Picchu, the ancient Incan city set high in the Andes Mountains, is one of the most famous archaeological sites in the world.
Machu Picchu: Explore the well-preserved ruins and terraces.
Inca Trail: Trekking route offering stunning mountain views.
Sacred Valley: Picturesque valley with traditional Andean villages.
6. Queenstown, New Zealand
Overview: Queenstown is an adventure capital set against the backdrop of the stunning Southern Alps. It’s perfect for thrill-seekers and nature lovers.
Bungee Jumping: Experience the adrenaline rush at the birthplace of commercial bungee jumping.
Milford Sound: Take a scenic cruise through fjords and waterfalls.
Skyline Gondola: Enjoy panoramic views from Bob’s Peak.
7. Reykjavik, Iceland
Overview: Reykjavik is a gateway to Iceland’s stunning natural wonders, from geysers and waterfalls to the Northern Lights.
Blue Lagoon: Relax in the geothermal spa.
Golden Circle: Explore Þingvellir National Park, Geysir, and Gullfoss waterfall.
Northern Lights: Witness the magical Aurora Borealis.
8. Bora Bora, French Polynesia
Overview: Bora Bora is a dreamy island in the South Pacific known for its crystal-clear waters, luxury resorts, and vibrant coral reefs.
Overwater Bungalows: Stay in luxurious accommodations with direct access to the lagoon.
Mount Otemanu: Hike or take a helicopter tour for stunning views.
Snorkeling and Diving: Explore vibrant marine life in coral gardens.
9. Petra, Jordan
Overview: Petra, the ancient city carved into rose-red cliffs, is one of the New Seven Wonders of the World and a must-visit for history enthusiasts.
The Treasury (Al-Khazneh): Iconic facade carved into sandstone.
Monastery (Ad Deir): Impressive structure offering panoramic views.
Siq: Narrow gorge leading to the city, lined with stunning rock formations.
10. Sydney, Australia
Overview: Sydney is a vibrant city known for its stunning harbor, iconic landmarks, and beautiful beaches.
Sydney Opera House: Architectural masterpiece and cultural hub.
Sydney Harbour Bridge: Climb for breathtaking views of the city.
Bondi Beach: Famous for its surf culture and scenic coastal walk.
The world is full of exotic destinations waiting to be explored. Swosti Travels offers carefully curated international tour packages that cater to diverse interests and preferences. Whether you’re seeking adventure, relaxation, cultural immersion, or historical exploration, our packages ensure you experience the best of each destination.
Embark on your next international adventure with Swosti Travels and create memories that will last a lifetime. Book your exotic tour package today and discover the wonders of the world!
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bestentours11 · 4 months
Discover 6 Beautful Places in International Tour Package
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Embarking on an international tour is an adventure filled with excitement, discovery, and unforgettable experiences. From iconic landmarks and natural wonders to cultural gems and hidden treasures, the world is brimming with beautiful places waiting to be explored. In this article, we'll take you on a virtual journey to discover 10 breathtaking destinations included in international tour packages. Whether you're seeking pristine beaches, majestic mountains, or historic cities, these enchanting places are sure to captivate your heart and inspire your wanderlust.
1. Paris, France:
Known as the "City of Love," Paris is a timeless destination brimming with romance, history, and culture. Explore iconic landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower, Notre-Dame Cathedral, and Louvre Museum, stroll along the charming streets of Montmartre, and savor delicious French cuisine in quaint cafes in our international tour packages.
2. Santorini, Greece:
Famous for its stunning sunsets and picturesque whitewashed buildings, Santorini is a dreamy island paradise in the Aegean Sea. Wander through the narrow streets of Oia, relax on black sand beaches, and marvel at the breathtaking views from the clifftop village of Fira in our international tour packages.
3. Kyoto, Japan:
With its tranquil temples, traditional tea houses, and stunning gardens, Kyoto is a cultural treasure trove in the heart of Japan. Explore historic sites such as Kinkaku-ji (Golden Pavilion) and Fushimi Inari Shrine, experience a traditional tea ceremony, and stroll through the serene Arashiyama Bamboo Grove with our international tour packages.
4. Machu Picchu, Peru:
Perched high in the Andes Mountains, Machu Picchu is an ancient Inca citadel shrouded in mystery and surrounded by breathtaking scenery. Hike along the Inca Trail to reach this UNESCO World Heritage Site, marvel at the impressive stone ruins, and soak in the panoramic views of the Sacred Valley below in our international tour packages.
5. Venice, Italy:
Venice is a city like no other, with its intricate network of canals, historic palaces, and romantic gondola rides. Explore iconic landmarks such as St. Mark's Square and the Rialto Bridge, wander through hidden alleyways, and savor authentic Italian cuisine in charming trattorias.
6. Great Barrier Reef, Australia:
Stretching over 2,300 kilometers along the coast of Queensland, the Great Barrier Reef is the largest coral reef system in the world and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Dive or snorkel among vibrant coral gardens, swim with tropical fish and sea turtles, and marvel at the sheer beauty and diversity of marine life with our international tour packages.
Embarking on an international tour allows you to explore some of the most beautiful and captivating places on earth. Whether you're wandering through the charming streets of Paris, marveling at the ancient ruins of Machu Picchu, or snorkeling in the crystal-clear waters of the Great Barrier Reef, international tour packages offer a wealth of unforgettable experiences for every traveler. So pack your bags, embark on your adventure, and discover the beauty of the world with international tour packages.
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fromzion · 5 months
What are the key benefits of wearing bamboo apparel?
Australia, the land of stunning beaches, vibrant cities, and diverse landscapes, demands a wardrobe that can keep up. But with a growing focus on sustainability and eco-conscious living, many islanders are seeking clothing that's not just stylish and comfortable, but kind to the planet. Enter bamboo apparel, a revolutionary fabric taking Bamboo Island Australia and the entire country by storm. Here's a deep dive into the key benefits of bamboo apparel, making it the perfect choice for the modern Australian islander.
Beyond the Beach: Unveiling the Power of Bamboo Apparel
Sure, bamboo evokes images of swaying stalks and tropical paradises like Bamboo Island Australia. However, the benefits of bamboo extend far beyond its aesthetic appeal. Here's why bamboo apparel is quickly becoming a favourite among eco-conscious Australians:
Unmatched Comfort: Bamboo fibers are naturally smooth and soft, creating a luxurious feeling against the skin. This is especially beneficial in the Australian climate, keeping you cool and comfortable year-round.
Breathable Bliss: Unlike some synthetic fabrics that trap heat, bamboo is naturally breathable. The fibres allow air to circulate freely, keeping you cool and dry even on the hottest Australian days. This makes it perfect for everything from island adventures to exploring bustling city streets.
Moisture-Wicking Marvel: Australian summers can be notoriously sweaty. Bamboo fabric wicks away moisture from your skin, keeping you feeling fresh and comfortable all day long. No more feeling sticky or uncomfortable during your island excursions or outdoor activities.
Odor-Resistant Champion: Say goodbye to unwanted smells! Bamboo fibres inhibit the growth of bacteria that cause unpleasant odours, a major perk for active lifestyles and hot days. This is especially important for island living, where outdoor activities and humidity can be a challenge for traditional clothing.
Sustainable Style for the Eco-Conscious Australian
Australians are known for their love of nature and their commitment to protecting the environment. Here's why bamboo apparel aligns perfectly with these values:
Fast-Growing and Renewable: Bamboo is a fast-growing resource that requires significantly less water and fewer chemicals compared to cotton. Choosing bamboo apparel allows you to embrace a sustainable lifestyle and minimize your environmental impact.
Durable and Long-Lasting: Bamboo clothing is surprisingly durable and able to withstand multiple washes without losing its shape or softness. This makes it a cost-effective and eco-friendly choice in the long run.
Beyond the Basics: Bamboo Apparel for Every Australian Lifestyle
While bamboo apparel offers undeniable comfort and eco-friendly benefits, its versatility is another key advantage. Here are some ways you can integrate bamboo apparel into your Australian wardrobe:
Island Essentials: Pack light and travel smart with bamboo t-shirts, shorts, and dresses. They're perfect for island hopping, exploring vibrant markets, or simply relaxing on the beach.
Activewear All-Star: Embrace the comfort and breathability of bamboo during your next hike, yoga session, or even a swim. Many bamboo clothing options are perfect for activewear, keeping you cool and dry during your workouts.
Everyday Comfort: From relaxed-fit pants and joggers to comfy t-shirts and breezy dresses, bamboo apparel offers a range of styles perfect for everyday wear in Australia's diverse climate.
Sustainable Style Statement: Make a conscious choice for the planet without sacrificing style. Bamboo clothing comes in a variety of cuts, colours, and designs, allowing you to express your unique personality while embracing sustainability.
The Final Word: Bamboo Apparel - Your Eco-Friendly Companion
For the eco-conscious Australian islander seeking comfort, style, and sustainability, bamboo island australia is a perfect choice. Its natural breathability, moisture-wicking properties, and odour resistance make it ideal for conquering the Australian climate.  Furthermore, its eco-friendly nature allows you to embrace a sustainable lifestyle without compromising on style. 
So, ditch the traditional clothing that might not be kind to the environment and embrace the revolution of bamboo apparel. Explore the diverse options available and discover a new level of comfort and style, all while making a positive impact on the planet you love.
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businesspromoting · 6 months
tourist visiting places
Here's a list of some popular tourist visiting places around the world:
Paris, France: Known as the City of Light, Paris offers iconic landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower, Notre-Dame Cathedral, Louvre Museum, and charming neighborhoods like Montmartre and Le Marais.
Rome, Italy: Explore ancient history in Rome with attractions like the Colosseum, Roman Forum, Pantheon, and Vatican City, home to St. Peter's Basilica and the Sistine Chapel.
Kyoto, Japan: Experience traditional Japanese culture in Kyoto with its historic temples, shrines, and gardens, including Kinkaku-ji (Golden Pavilion), Fushimi Inari Shrine, and Arashiyama Bamboo Grove.
New York City, USA: Discover the vibrant energy of New York City with iconic sights such as Times Square, Statue of Liberty, Central Park, Empire State Building, and Broadway theaters.
Machu Picchu, Peru: Journey to the ancient Incan citadel of Machu Picchu, nestled in the Andes Mountains, and marvel at its breathtaking panoramic views and archaeological wonders.
Santorini, Greece: Experience the beauty of the Greek islands in Santorini with its whitewashed buildings, stunning sunsets, volcanic beaches, and picturesque villages like Oia and Fira.
Dubai, United Arab Emirates: Explore the modern and luxurious city of Dubai with its skyscrapers, shopping malls, desert safaris, Burj Khalifa, Palm Jumeirah, and vibrant nightlife.
Cape Town, South Africa: Discover the natural beauty of Cape Town with attractions like Table Mountain, Cape Point, Robben Island, Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens, and scenic coastal drives.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Experience the vibrant culture of Rio de Janeiro with its famous beaches like Copacabana and Ipanema, Christ the Redeemer statue, Sugarloaf Mountain, and samba music and dance.
Sydney, Australia: Enjoy the laid-back lifestyle of Sydney with landmarks such as the Sydney Opera House, Sydney Harbour Bridge, Bondi Beach, Royal Botanic Garden, and Darling Harbour.
These are just a few examples of the countless amazing destinations around the world waiting to be explored. Whether you're interested in history, culture, nature, or adventure, there's something for every type of traveler to discover and enjoy.
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aakarshita04 · 10 months
Top 10 must visit places in the world
In a world teeming with awe-inspiring landscapes, rich histories, and diverse cultures, narrowing down the top 10 must-visit places can be a daunting task. From iconic landmarks to hidden gems, these destinations beckon travelers seeking unforgettable experiences. Let's embark on a journey to explore the world's wonders and discover the top 10 must-visit places in the world that promise to leave an indelible mark on your wanderlust-stricken soul.
Machu Picchu, Peru: The Lost City of the Incas
Nestled high in the Andes, Machu Picchu stands as a testament to the ingenuity of the Inca civilization. The ancient citadel, shrouded in mist and surrounded by breathtaking mountain scenery, invites visitors to unravel the mysteries of its past. Whether you trek the Inca Trail or take the scenic train route, Machu Picchu's mystical allure is an experience that transcends time.
The Great Barrier Reef, Australia: Nature's Underwater Masterpiece
Dive into the kaleidoscopic world beneath the waves at the Great Barrier Reef. Home to an unparalleled array of marine life and coral formations, this natural wonder is a paradise for snorkelers and divers alike. Explore the vibrant coral gardens, encounter majestic sea turtles, and witness the mesmerizing dance of tropical fish in this UNESCO World Heritage site.
Santorini, Greece: A Sunset Lover's Haven
Picture-perfect Santorini, with its whitewashed buildings perched atop steep cliffs overlooking the azure Aegean Sea, is a dream destination for many. Beyond its postcard-worthy vistas, Santorini boasts charming villages, delectable cuisine, and a rich history. Don't miss the opportunity to witness the legendary sunset in Oia, a spectacle that paints the sky in hues of orange and pink.
Bora Bora, French Polynesia: A Tropical Paradise
For those in search of an idyllic tropical escape, Bora Bora is the epitome of paradise. Encircled by a vibrant coral reef, the island's overwater bungalows offer a luxurious and intimate retreat. Snorkel in crystal-clear lagoons, lounge on pristine beaches, and savor the tranquility of this South Pacific gem.
The Grand Canyon, USA: Nature's Masterpiece in Stone
Carved by the mighty Colorado River, the Grand Canyon stands as a testament to the power of nature. Hike along the rim for panoramic views or descend into the canyon for a more immersive experience. As the sun paints the canyon walls in ever-changing hues, visitors are treated to a visual symphony that underscores the grandeur of this geological wonder.
Kyoto, Japan: A Glimpse into Japan's Rich Cultural Heritage
Immerse yourself in the cultural tapestry of Kyoto, a city that seamlessly blends traditional and modern elements. Explore ancient shrines, stroll through enchanting bamboo forests, and witness the elegance of a traditional tea ceremony. Kyoto's timeless charm offers a captivating journey into Japan's storied past.
Serengti National Park, Tanzania: Witness the Great Migration
Embark on a safari adventure in the Serengeti, where the rhythm of nature plays out in the annual Great Migration. Marvel at the vast herds of wildebeest and zebra as they traverse the plains in search of greener pastures. The park's diverse wildlife and sweeping landscapes make it a photographer's paradise.
The Taj Mahal, India: A Monument to Eternal Love
A symbol of undying love, the Taj Mahal in Agra, India, is a marvel of Mughal architecture. As the first light of dawn bathes the ivory-white marble in a soft glow, visitors are transported to a realm of romance and architectural splendor. Explore the intricately designed gardens and marvel at the craftsmanship that has stood the test of time.
Banff National Park, Canada: Majestic Landscapes in the Rockies
Nestled in the heart of the Canadian Rockies, Banff National Park is a haven for outdoor enthusiasts. From turquoise lakes to snow-capped peaks, the park's diverse landscapes offer a playground for hiking, skiing, and wildlife spotting. Lake Louise, with its emerald waters, is a jewel in the crown of this UNESCO World Heritage site.
Venice, Italy: A Floating City of Canals
Step into the romantic realm of Venice, where narrow canals wind through historic neighborhoods and ornate bridges connect centuries-old architecture. Explore the art-filled piazzas, take a gondola ride along the Grand Canal, and savor the flavors of Venetian cuisine. Venice's timeless beauty and unique charm make it a must-visit destination for any traveler.
As we traverse the globe through these top 10 must-visit places, it becomes evident that each destination offers a unique tapestry of experiences. From ancient wonders to natural marvels, these places captivate the imagination and leave an indelible mark on those fortunate enough to explore them. So, pack your bags, embark on a journey of a lifetime, and let the world's wonders unfold before you.
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darkdreamtheorist · 11 months
Lady in Whiskers & Slippers (Updated 11-19-23)
(Sling Set, 19. October) Back in Cinci-Oh, I struggled to earn small wages doing odd jobs in my awkward teen years. At Human age 13, my limbs shot up like bamboo n my paws were whopee cusions, yet Im still kitten sized compared to Big Rhonda n Aunt Jane (Circene screwd my mom's genetics more than dad screwed her in the motel 6 pool that birthed me! srry TMI). Two of my best gigs boiled to babysitting and the Cactus Joan Revue at Cincinnati Zoo. Sure I liked pouncing thru loops made by my preternatural tail Slink n wranglin livestock by the petting zone in Aunt Jane's Cowgirl dress from her Paris,Texas Runway last spring when she toured w/Coco Banana, the sitting jobs fared better cuz I met some critters as odd as I am, like that pygmy hippo boss baby Benny and his growth formula down by Wall Street, or that shadeling Taz Devil Vincent from Brisbane, Australia. But my recent sitting gig had some skeletons I hadnt noticed til then, n it all came to my sitee Last July.
I took care of a literal cat lady and her litter of 35 for 3 wks in her rustic Rhode Island shack. Her name was Julie Phyllis. 30yrs ago, she was a former resi of Spooner Street with a handful of cats, plus a large tabby w/black stripes she calls Mistress Bengal acting as security for the few dogs that dare cross her sidewalk n lawn. Lately some rowdy kids spouted off tall tales of her becoming a cat herself or that Bengal would take her place if she wasn't fed well enough. Wutever the case, she had gradually gone from Crazy Ol Cat Lady to Crazy Ol Cat IRL 'round Halloween time. They hadnt figured what caused her transfur, say for some strange glowing plants by her yard. Her cats musta rubbed on the leaves which carried bits of Circene spores in'em, then she rubbed her face n hands on their fur, turning her to this light orange Tabby I saw my first week of Nana-sitting, or maybe Ms. Bengal had been Mobilized n took Phyllis' place. Like any bothersome pets in the suburbs, her neighbors had shooed them far out of town, living their next nine lives in that shack. Few things to know bout my time w/Ms. Phyllis 2/3 weeks in: 1-Her signature clothes were a periwinkle bathrobe,small round glasses, n peach slippers in stockings. But as a Barban spinster housecat who could shift from anthro to feral at random, she rips her pantyhose clawing n stretching her toes apart when going full cat. Otherwise she's naked in both her Mobile and Wild stance sans a grey-blue collar on her neck with a tag reading "Bagel" whn goin out,wearin it as if she was that same cat that passed not too long ago. And I no shame luv it! 2-Her cats see her as Queen of the Litterbox given her girth from eating too much Meow Mix n cream, but I see a deluded fat-ass pussy, which is no different than other cats, playin round the scratch post, lappin that saucer of cream n tuna. 3-Litterbox stank n dander everywhere was unbearable 4-A pantry stocked full'o'tuna cans, milk & cream yet she forgets to feed them while gourging on the rations herself, chowing so much Meow mix like Trail Mix n guzzling gallons upon gallons of milk!
All that said, she wasnt a bad client, forgetful n piggy yes, but not awful, n still tho...I cudnt help but shake that we were kindred in some way, dark stripes n glasses aside. Few times we went Out to walk, Julie hung with her Golden Girls by a small pet friendly café, sharing gossip from the pets on Spooner street n out of state, comparing pills n claw lengths, wooing would-be mates at the Petsmart n VFW home. She was almost like family to me, rekindling our bonds after we havnt seen one another for a long time.
Near the end of week 2, I saw some frames of Phyllis with her 'tiger cat' Ms. Bengal almost one n the same at this point, even wearin the confounded collar with the wrong name Bagel. Another frame of that cat corners my eye, with a Persian and Siamese by her side, but she wore an enchanting Viper Green collar. Funny how they look a bit like my aunt n uncle on my mom's side, Muffin & Finch. Dad told me they had another tabby as a friend by name of Bagel, looking way too same-ish as Julie on that big orange Snick couch there by the TV set with all the other cats huddled over for daytime soaps or Price is Right like my inlaws did at the adoption center– ⚡️👓⚡️😳 Oh my...I blocked that thought out as a cub some point, not giving 2¢ about it, but it factors into my lineage with Ma when she left our lives. I was too bashful to blurt out my discovery in front of her cats lest they attack their False Queen in shock. Tho given her short-term memory loss, she wudnt hav known herself much post-TF. Was she Ms. Bengal or Julie Phyllis? TBC
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mollyfloragarden · 1 year
Discover the Fascinating World of Eucalyptus
Discover the Fascinating World of Eucalyptus-Origins, Characteristics, and Medicinal Benefits
Explore the diverse genus of Eucalyptus plants, which includes over 700 species native to Australia and other regions. Learn about their evergreen nature, leaf shedding, and unique crown shape, as well as their medicinal and economic significance. Find out more here!
Eucalyptus is the collective name for plants of the genus Eucalyptus in the Myrtle family, which probably originated in the late Cretaceous period. Of the more than 700 known species of eucalyptus, most are native to the Australian mainland, with a smaller number growing in the neighboring islands of New Guinea, Indonesia, and the Philippines. It was introduced to the world in the 19th century, and by 2012, it was cultivated in 96 countries or regions. Evergreen plants, a year with periodic old leaf shedding phenomenon, most varieties are tall trees, a few are small trees, shrubby few. The crown shape has spire shape, multi branches and hanging branches and so on. Leaves simple, entire, leathery, sometimes covered with a thin waxy coating. Leaves can be divided into juvenile, intermediate, and mature leaves, with most species having opposite, smaller, heart-shaped, or broadly lanceolate leaves.
They are of medicinal and economic value.
Main value
China has successfully developed the manufacturing technology of high performance eucalyptus recombination wood, eucalyptus veneer laminated wood, bamboo eucalyptus composite material, thick core eucalyptus solid wood composite board and aldehyde-free eucalyptus plywood, etc. The comprehensive utilization rate of eucalyptus can be increased to more than 90%. Eucalyptus not only brings value to industry, but also brings economic benefits to other industries.
Paper and pulp
Eucalyptus papermaking has been going on since the early 20th century. The average length of eucalyptus fibers is 0.75 to 1.30 mm. Its color, density and extract ratio are suitable for pulping. There are also many large paper mills that use eucalyptus to make kraft paper and printer paper. The cellulose in eucalyptus wood can be made into dissolved wood pulp and then processed into rayon with considerable success.
Oil refining
Eucalyptus varieties are blue, straight rod, Smith, large leaf, small leaf, red leaf, etc. Among them, blue eucalyptus and straight eucalyptus are the main varieties used to extract eucalyptus oil. Eucalyptus oil contains ebulliol, which is colorless or light yellow liquid. It has pungent and cool fragrance. It is mainly used in toothpaste,mouthwash, food and medicine, etc. Eucalyptus globulus and Eucalyptus verticale have excellent species, and the best quality is to extract eucalyptus oil from its branches and leaves.
Gold content
Australian scientists have used X-rays to find trace amounts of gold in the leaves of eucalyptus trees, in what is believed to be the first time humans have found naturally occurring gold in a living organism.The scientists found that eucalyptus and acacia trees in western and southern Australia have deep and extensive root systems. During periods of drought, their roots dig deep into the ground in search of water, some reaching gold veins and sucking up tiny bits of gold. The roots then dilute the gold and transmit it to the tree's venation system, where large amounts of gold accumulate at the tips of the leaves and can form larger crystals.
The scientists further point out that gold is toxic to plants, so it is transported to the ends of plants, such as leaves, where damaging biochemical reactions are reduced.
What's more, the amount of gold in the leaves is so small that the leaves of 500 eucalyptus trees growing in the gold mining region might contain enough gold to make a wedding ring, so the discovery won't be a fortune for gold seekers, the researchers said. However, the scientists noted that the discovery could help explore for gold in a more environmentally friendly and inexpensive way.
The roots of eucalyptus trees can be eaten or taken for water. There are also places that use eucalyptus for fuel. There are many eucalyptus leaves that can be used as fodder.
Eucalyptus oil can be produced by water distillation with fresh leaves of eucalyptus (oil yield 0.5-1.8%). Eucalyptus mainly contains eucalyptus oil (65-75%). Terpene, isoamyl oil, carvidone, humenthone, piperone and other components. It can also be used as medicinal raw materials for oral cavity, rhinitis, expectorant, cooling oil, wind drive ointment and so on.
Click here for more details about eucalyptus 👇
123Pcs Mixed Real Dried Eucalyptus Stems Lavender & Rose Flowers 100% Natural
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