#ballister mermaid
starrycassi · 8 months
Can you write a short post canon fic about mermaid bal, taken llace outside the wall when the 3 are on vacation?
Here you go anon!
I'd never thought about mermaid Ballister so this was a fun one to write.
Ballister liked the water.
Bodies of water, to be clearer. Back on his days in the orphanage, they would sneak out to the nearest river and swim on it under the moonlight. Ballister always won the "who can stay underwater longer?" competitions, and he loved swimming like he loved being a knight.
It felt natural to be near water, to dip on it. All his problems went away when he could allow his body to float calmly, all his rage disappearing as he swam laps over and over again.
On the institute, they trained on the water, of course. In case of floods or drownings, they practiced rescuing a wooden dummy in the bottom of the pool.
So it was only natural that he would jump at the opportunity to go to the sea. He's never seen anything bigger than a lake, and Ambrosius, knowing his husband better than anyone else (except, perhaps, Nimona) was quick to buy two tickets for the trip.
Nimona decided to tag along as a bird.
The sea was wonderful. Endless, bright, raw and majestic. Ballister's whole body twitched with (what he assumed to be) anticipation. His legs were suddenly giving up on him, his breathing felt too constricted, he blamed it all on the anxiety and nervousness the whole situation gave him.
It took him less than five minutes to arrive, dump his suitcase, hastily change into a swimsuit and run to the water like his life depended on it.
Ambrosius chuckled behind him, yelling at him to be careful, Nimona chose to run at his side, cackling with glee as she changed into a million different beings. People stared at them, but Ballister couldn't care less.
He felt relieved when he finally got into the water.
It covered his knees, and it was cold. Every nerve in his body shivered at the sensation. He'd never been in salt water, so probably that's why it felt like his legs were scarring. Like a wound finally healing.
He needed to go deeper, so he did. He submerged himself at the hip. It wasn't enough.
He needed to go deeper, so he did. The water covered his chest. It wasn't enough.
Ambrosius screamed, worried, as usual. Has Ambrosius always been so worried about everything? Or was he scared to lose Ballister again?
Had he been thinking clearly, Ballister would've gone back. But his feet weren't touching the sand, anymore. And he was free.
Free from the institute, from the director, from the people. He could keep swimming and never have to see anyone ever again. There were kilometers and kilometers of water around him, and it was whispering to him. The wind and the sun, the salt and the sky, they all sang a single word that he couldn't ignore.
He needed to say it, so he did.
His body felt lighter than it ever had before. This was what he needed. He laughed, relieved. People became dots, blurs. Ambrosius's scream were but a mere note on the song of sound around him. Sound of welcoming. The splash of the dolphins, the currents under him, the fish and the corals and the algae and the rocks, they all sang, and it was the most beautiful thing to ever exist. They all sang, and what could he do but sing too? His voice was weird and distorted, not human, not normal, but made to fit into the orchestra all around him, and he didn't care about being normal, anymore!
How could he care, if his heart was exploding and his senses were screaming and the pleasure was unlike he'd ever heard before and-
"Boss" a voice —Nimona, a whale— interrupted his glee. He looked at her, and she was looking down, down at where his feet didn't touch the sand.
Down, at where his feet didn't touch anything.
Down, at where his feet had disappeared.
Down, at where a strange, black, fish tail was replacing them.
He couldn't help but sing at the sight.
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pinkdevil0725 · 30 days
Goldenheart childhood friends au
But with bal as a mermaid 🧜🏽‍♂️
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This is just a piece of art I wanted to make because I kinda miss this au and it's been a while that i haven't drawn it :)
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noah276 · 1 month
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we all know who the statue is =)))
for you @riririkinzi ❤️
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Some sketches for the Marine Biologist Ballister/(Secret?) Mermaid(?)/Siren(?) Ambrosius (workshopping it) AU (Also, is now going to be known as the Golden Scales AU
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riririkinzi · 3 months
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For Day 3 we got Ambrosius seranading his beautiful mermaid BF
And Day 4 we got Ballister scolding his husband and child for doing something stupid
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williamlandon · 4 months
Mermaid Bal au pls for Mermay
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Mermaid Balliser AU!!
Thank you for this request! It was a lot of fun to do! ^^
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ashfault · 4 months
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A definitely beautiful light.
This Ballister Merman design is belonged too @riririkinzi !! She showed it in discord and I HAD to draw it!
(Totally didn't redraw this 3 time in two days...) Also I tried new techniques! (Tap the image to make it more clearer TvT)
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ratsofarsonunite · 6 months
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Nimona - little mermaid au?
(@riririkinzi inspired 😈🫡)
y’all are going to probably be disappointed but…i don’t think I’ve watched the whole The little mermaid movie? Neither of them. 🥲 but i liked the idea so…head-canons/lore time?? (I included long hair ambro just bc. 😔 that might be how he looks in my au- 🤔)
I’m to lazy to write down everything:
Ballister is most likely seen as a ‘monster’ for being non-human…or sort of human?
Bal eventually gets his arm chopped/blown off when some people were trying to kill him, claiming him to be a ‘monster’
Nimona is a shark most of the time, but she/they can shape-shift, mostly to be able to be on land, shapeshifting into her human form.
Ballister collects random things. (I think Ariel does that in the movie? Aytism.) HELP IT WON’T LET ME CLICK SPACE TO TYPE ANY MORE LORE. 😭
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samuell-art · 11 months
Can you make a litle mermaid au with bal as the mer?
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I didn’t want to make my own au, so I used yours! :]
I also added Nimona (the crab and the shark)
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ilivelikeimtrying · 2 months
Marine Biologist Ballister/(Secret?) Mermaid(?)/Siren(?) Ambrosius (workshopping it)
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puddlestheduck1 · 9 months
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Little mermaid au, yummy ambrosius 👉👈
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mysticdragon3art · 4 months
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MerMay 2024 day 15. Ballister and Nimona mers.
Movie version Ballister Boldheart and Nimona.
I honestly don't know if my chibi are chibi anymore. This keeps happening lately. Is this what they call "your art style finding you"?
5/16/2024. Drawn in Platinum Preppy fountain pen, using Noodler’s Ink. No pencil underdrawings, so mistakes cleaned up digitally, in Krita. Colored with Copic markers and ShinHanArt Touch markers. Digitally added bubbles from a previous drawing. Assembled some elements in Krita.
Please forgive me. The math in the thought bubble is nonsense. I don't remember any math. So the thought bubble is a collage of things I transcribed from Google searching math equations.
I've been feeling a little bad that I haven't been drawing Ballister's robot arm (during Faebruary, and so far during MerMay), when his robot arm is such a big part of his character. During February's drawing challenge, I couldn't figure out how to make a robot arm make sense in a fairy AU's worldbuilding. During this month's May drawing challenge, I initially didn't know how to make a robot arm make sense in a world of mermaids either. But honestly, it was also just easier not to draw his robot arm. And MerMay usually inclines me towards being lazy, since I don't have to draw legs or clothes, so skipping the robot arm again was too tempting for my laziness. But, no. HIs robot arm is important. I should learn to draw it from memory. And I'm sure someone else can think of a reason for how a merman (or tiny fairy-Bal) could get a robot arm. Someone else will figure it out. I just need to draw it. It's an important part of his character, that I should practice. I was almost tempted to go back and draw a robot arm on top of my Bal-mers from MerMay 2024 days 13-14. But I'm reluctant to risk messing up some perfectly fine drawn chibi arms. So I started drawing mer-Bal with a robot arm, with this drawing of him with Nimona, since he canonically has his arm by the time they meet. I can just pretend my previous mer-Bal drawings took place before his arm was cut off, since those were drawings with him happily beside mer-Ambrosius, as if they didn't have any kind of falling-out yet.
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pinkdevil0725 · 6 months
Ok, I finished the Nimona little mermaid au vid that i said would be finished soon. So here ya go, hope you like it 🩷
Some things :
-while i was making this, i made some mistakes while editing and i didn't even realize that there were mistakes. I wanted to fix the pic but that would take my time and make me tired FROM DRAWING ON MY OWN PHONE INSTEAD OF A TABLET WITH A PEN. but that's fine, I'm used to drawing on my phone with ma FINGER.
-And also during the "PART OF YOUR WOORRRRRLLLLLDDDD" part, i think i messed up because of the wave of water behind bal and it looks weird 😥
-i also used the same images but edited them a bit to make the expressions look different and the scenes i imagined
-i also realised that i WAS NOT using @riririkinzi 's au because, the au didn't include the music and the characters singing. Just a different story that Riri made which i like very much with no singing but really cool ( btw amazing work you did Riri )
-and i don't even know what I'm doing while doing this. I wanted to change the whole thing but that would be a waste of time and scolding from my parents for using my phone for a while 😐
- idk if i was using someone's au while doing this or... Uh idk 😶
Okay, that's all and Bai bai🩷
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yrrtyrrtwhenihrrthrrt · 10 months
Goldenheart choices
1. Pirate or surfer Ambro and mermaid Bal au
2. Tinker fairy bal and human ambro childhood friends au
3. Fae Bal and Hunter ambro, (if you want smut? Top ambro, bottom bal with vines as bondage)
4. Riririkinzi's little mermaid au drabble (angst, fluff, or smut)
Ok so I chose Pirate/Mermaid (movie ver.) And let me tell you this was SO much fun to write!!!! I might continue it into something more long-form on my AO3, is that something anyone is interested in?? Thank you for the request anon! I hope you don't mind all the creative liberties I took ❤️
Ballister lifted himself up onto the rocks and sang, his brilliant black tail flicking the water beneath. It was the curse of the sirens that they should be forced to sing, forced to lure the sailors who would linger among them, enraptured, until succumbing to starvation on the barren seabanks of their island. The sirens did not wish to see their beloved muses suffer for them, but if any ship was able to resist their call and pass them by, or if any sailor managed to leave their island, they would all dissolve into the salt of the ocean. So he sang with his brothers and sisters, as beautifully as he could, desperate to lure any ship that came within earshot of their island, to preserve his family. Siren voices carry for well over a mile.
Just as usual, the ship crashed on the rocks and the surviving sailors were thrown to the sea below. They would need to retrieve them. Of course it would be easier to just allow the sailors to drown, but just as the sailors were enraptured by the sirens, so too were the sirens captivated by the sailors. It was nice, sometimes, to have their company, but in addition to that, sirens could not reproduce with one another. To keep their island alive, they needed to rescue the humans.
Diving below the sea, Ballister saw what appeared to be the Captain, based on his attire. He was young to be a captain, with blond hair that whipped and floated in the water. Ballister wrapped his arm around him and carried him to the surface, ushering him to the rocky shore.
Canals ran through this island of boulders, allowing the merfolk to interact with their human pets for however long they had. There was some freshwater springs, but no food. Sirens didn't need to eat.
He rested his hand on the Captain's chest and pressed until all the water was out of him. The man coughed and sputtered. He met Ballister's eyes. "You. Were you the one singing, with the beautiful voice?"
Ballister cradled his head and smiled. "I was singing with my brothers and sisters. We each have our own song. They harmonize when we sing together, but each one is a melody on its own."
The captain blinked. "What was your song?"
Ballister opened his mouth to sing softly. The man's eyes widened. "That's it! Your song is the one that I heard!"
Ballister blushed. "You only heard mine? We were all singing."
"I heard the harmony when we got closer. You all sounded lovely. Are you a mermaid? Or a siren?"
"I'm a merman," Ballister said with an annoyed albeit amused lilt. "But I am also a siren. They're the same thing, you know."
"Oh." The man looked over the stones and into the water, his eyes widening as he caught a glimpse of Ballister's tail. "You don't look like you'll try to eat me."
Ballister laughed. "We don't eat sailors! We don't need to eat. We live forever, unless we are killed or captured. I am a Guardian, I protect the island. You seem to be a pirate, but you don't look like you're going to brutally pillage me."
"Heavens no!" The Captain laughed nervously. "We aren't those kinds of pirates. I was the heir to a corrupt, powerful fishing company. They were exploiting their sailors and stealing from the public, so I rounded up some sailors and now we take down their fishing boats. We don't hurt anyone, we recruit those who want to join us and bring the rest home. Anyway, do you all have names?"
Ballister snorted. "Yes, and mine is Ballister."
"My name is Ambrosius. Hello, Ballister." Ballister just smiled and nodded. They weren't supposed to remember the humans' names. It made things too hard.
The siren's eyes widened when a warm hand, with a skin far more textured than his own cupped his face. "Has anyone told you that you are so beautiful, Ballister?"
He blushed and sank a bit deeper into the water. "I am frequently told I have a lovely voice."
"No," said the human-- the Captain-- Ambrosius. "That's not what I mean. Your voice is beautiful, but that's not what I mean. Something about your eyes. You're just the most gorgeous person I've ever seen. Not something I thought I'd ever say washed up on a boulder to a half-fish man, but I mean it."
Ballister laughed, but something inside him twisted. The siren's seductive magic lies solely in his song. He cannot keep a human captivated unless he is singing. He wasn't singing, but this man still looked at him with that look in his beautiful almond eyes.
Ballister had already decided that this human was going to be his. But now, he was starting to feel sure that he didn't want to let this one go.
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Drawings of @riririkinzi 's Nimona Little Mermaid AU with riririkinzi's Ballister Mermaid.
Inspired by @riririkinzi 's fic: "Golden Tides and Bold Horizons"
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riririkinzi · 1 year
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Here's it's first art everyone UwU
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