mysticdragon3's art
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mysticdragon3art 14 hours ago
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Happy Hinamatsuri!馃帋
FIGURES: Nendoroid Homura Akemi haregi version. Nendoroid Madoka Kaname maiko version, using crown from Nendoroid Kageyama Tobio and fan from Nendoroid maiko Mami Tomoe.
SUBJECT(S): Hinamatsuri Abbreviated Hinadan. March 3
PROPS: DIY golden folding screen (byobu). DIY miniature lamps. DIY crown. DIY shaku. crown from Nendoroid Kageyama Tobio. fan from Nendoroid maiko Mami Tomoe. Red felt.
I'm really lazy this year, so no full Hinadan this time. Also demotivated because I usually make my current OTP the Emperor/Empress, but there still aren't Nendoroids of my current OTP (JayVik). Last several years, I didn't have Nendoroids of my current OTPs either (Goldenheart, Dimiclaude). Also very discouraging. But I got into JayVik because it was compared to HomuMado, so HomuMado will be my Emperor/Empress this year.
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mysticdragon3art 2 days ago
2/28/2025 & 3/1/2025
2/28/2025. A photo to express my venting about social/communication overwhelm. Nendoroid More Pajamac set's black tunic body, using hair from Nendoroid Ushio Aotsuki, faceplate from Nendoroid Aoba Suzukaze.
3/1/2025. A photo to express my surprise when I recognize a fanartist from a previous fandom being active in my current/next fandoms. Nendoroid More Pajamas set's black tunic body; using hair from Nendoroid Ushio Aotsuki, faceplate from Nendoroid Mikasa Ackerman; straight arm with pointing finger from Nendoroid Makoto Naegi.
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Been doing some figure photos with a custom Nendoroid to react to my days.
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mysticdragon3art 6 days ago
Nikolai could not sleep. He carefully peeled the covers off their bed and tried to not wake Iason.
He did not stir.
Nikolai let out a breath and sat on the floor, carefully crossing his legs, as Ryu had taught him during their meditation class earlier. As his eyes closed, he extended his spirit beyond his body.
A dark expanse filled his astral vision. Walls of light blocked most of the infinity from view, yet there was a translucency to the walls that allowed him to see past, the more he concentrated. Ryu was right: Just being able to "see" afforded a lot of power already.
Beyond the walls were sleeping forms, all cloistered within their own rooms, within their own walls of light. He couldn't see more than blurry silhouettes, but he could tell how many students were asleep in the school, how many were having nightmares, and how walled-off the perimeter of the school was, psychically, from the rest of the world. If he was wearing one of the school's pendants, like these schoolgirls, he probably wouldn't be able to see past his room's own walls of light.
Nikolai's astral form whipped around to a presence peeking over his shoulder. But there was nothing, except Iason's sleeping psychic form.
Iason was full of dreams. He could sense it. Nikolai's psychic form came to stand over Iason, resting a palm on his shoulder. He could see now, Iason dreamed of memories with his adoptive sister. They were both so small back then.
"So cute." Nikolai chuckled.
Then little Iason stopped running after his sister, and looked up at Nikolai, his eyes glowing as he took a big, smiling breath. "Nikolai! Nikolai!" He raised both of those tiny arms upward. "I love you, Nikolai!"
Nikolai almost staggered backwards, sputtering, and his astral form impossibly blushing.
"You can see me?"
"MMMH!" Little Iason's smile beamed.
"But---But isn't this just a memory? I recognize it. You've told me about this before."
"No, I'm dreaming." Little Iason turned into adult, astral form Iason. "Dreaming of a memory." The dream receded, revealing the dark infinity of the astral plane, interspersed with translucent walls of light. "Ryu said memories can't be interacted with, but dreams can."
"Wait. Did you sit in on her psychic meditation classes too? You never mentioned it."
"No, I...I saw your memory of it when you touched my shoulder. Did you really not notice me looking into your memories?"
Nikolai covered his mouth and looked away. "I was...a bit distracted."
"I can't believe your astral face is turning red!"
"Stop it!" Nikolai shook his head at the non-existent floor, his voice carrying no real bite.
"So...are you up? Or dreaming?"
"Eh...I couldn't sleep. I thought I'd practice our new perceptive capabilities."
"Oh, good! Because I've noticed some things that I wanted to talk to you about!"
Maybe they spent the next half hour, exchanging observations. Auras they could now see in the physical world, when they concentrated. How sometimes others' thoughts came to them like verbal language to ears, unless they were distracted. How the translucent walls of light must be the protection seal, barrier spells that Ryu told them about. The astral walls of light had alien runes in some places, a foreign script in others, but were mostly sustained by a pure, unwritten energy.
"And sometimes there's a presence that goes in and out of the walls, but when I look in its direction, there's nothing there."
"Exactly!" Nikolai almost jumped up...if their forms weren't already floating. "Just now, there was something."
"It's likely Ryu's son. She said he's High Priest here. That he overlooks everyone's psychic states to make sure none of the girls turn into demons."
"So he can sense past these walls... Wait." Nikolai froze. "If he can see past these barrier spells, then he can see...when we...!" Nikolai hated feeling his cheeks burn again. He hated even more knowing that it was his own mental self-perception, and lack of conscious control over it, that made his astral form's cheeks red, to manifest his emotional state.
"W-wait, Nik! I asked about it earlier, and he said that as soon as he hears us doing anything, he puts an extra psychic shield around our room, and doesn't pay attention!"
"Doesn't pay attention?!? How can someone not pay attention when I screa---" Nikolai covered his mouth, almost gritting his teeth. His astral cheeks may as well stay red.
"Apparently it's part of their psychic training? Ryu said it doesn't work the same as sound and ears. That psychics can actually not look in a direction and not perceive anything there, if they concentrate."
"You just don't want to stop being loud during sex."
Iason fidgeted. "Well, yeah...that too... But Ryu swore to me that that's how psychic powers work."
"It's not that way for us."
"We're new to it, Nik. I think we got thrown into the deep end."
Nikolai deflated. "That's true. There's still too much to try to understand. Just seeing is already overwhelming."
Iason's eyes twinged with concern.
"I am fine, Iason. How are you handling this new perception? Does it not overstimulate?"
"Well...I just kind of feel...the same? But just more things around me to sense? Ryu said that emotional people are more used to what it feels like to be suddenly aware of all these psychic energies."
Nikolai studied him. "Yes, I imagine you've had more practice coping with your excess emotions."
"C'mon, Nik. You make it sound like a bad thing." Those puppy dog eyes made Nikolai smirk.
"I meant it as a compliment." He reached over with both hands and thumbed at Iason's cheeks. "You're not bad. You're very good. I'm impressed."
Iason just closed his eyes, enjoying the sensation. "I can feel all the...affection you're pouring into me. Lots of puppy images. Is that how you really see me? And I thought you preferred cats?"
Nikolai paused. "You can see all that?"
"Yeah..." Iason's eyes remained closed, savoring Nikolai's palms on his astral face. "It's a really...warm feeling. Feels kinda like...being home after a long time." He opened his eyes. "Do I feel like home to you?"
Nikolai's eyes softened. "Yes. Yes, you feel exactly like that."
Iason hummed happily and closed his eyes again. "But, Nik. You really don't feel me picking out your memories? Because I can feel you picking at my memories. That's how I knew you were in my dream. And y'know, not just a part of my dream."
"No, I... I guess I haven't determined that feeling yet. I sense many things since we ascended, but I cannot decipher what each one means. Not yet."
"You will. You're brilliant."
"Hm." Nikolai kept pouring affection from his palms into Iason's serenely savoring face.
"I wanna stay like this for the rest of the night."
"But we need to sleep or we'll burn out."
"Yeah. Ryu said our brains use the same channels for cellular recovery, as they do to disperse nutrients for thought. Can't do both at the same time."
"And psychic activity is more draining than regular thought."
Iason put a hand onto one of Nikolai's wrists, his eyes still closed. "You need to get some rest, Nik. More than me."
"Are you concerned for my health?"
"I am studying to change my psychic self-image."
"But you were sick for such a long time. It's hard to change your ingrained self-image. Yesterday you started needing a cane again."
"I won't deteriorate further."
"Hm. I believe in you."
Nikolai was glad Iason's eyes were still closed.
"I can feel your embarrassment radiating off you."
Nikolai almost pulled both hands away.
But Iason grabbed both wrists and opened his eyes. "I won't judge you, Nikolai. It makes me happy that you can feel so effected by me."
Nikolai grimaced, but couldn't suppress a smile. "You are too straightforward with your emotions, Iason."
"But it's why I'm better at this psychic thing than you. Ow!"
Nikolai rapped two fingers onto Iason's forehead. It didn't actually hurt Iason. His exclamation was more from surprise.
"You," Nikolai guided Iason's arms to wrap around him, "are going to sleep."
Iason floated towards Nikolai and hugged him tightly, nestling his chin into the nape of Nikolai's neck. "G'night."
"Good night, Iason." Nikolai returned to his physical body, still seated on the floor of their cobblestone room. He started to feel the plush, hand-woven rug and the cool night air again. The air still seeped through the window, though those translucent walls of light on the astral plane sealed out so much. It was a whole other layer of reality he was learning to navigate, simultaneously with returning to the physical plane. He lifted his hand and stared at it. A much more immediate connection to this body, than he had in his previous---that body so changed by his wayward experiments.
"Nik?" Iason's sleepy voice mumbled. "Please come to bed."
"Yes, of course." Nikolai got up, got under the bed covers, and wrapped Iason's physical arms around him. They finally rested for the night.
5:06 AM 2/25/2025
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mysticdragon3art 9 days ago
Almost forgot to note this daydream from 2 days ago.
I guess I was thinking about what a s2 with more time given to their falling-out would be like.
This isn't polished. Plot holes/characterizations that don't make sense in some places. So please don't read it. This post is for my records.
It's just a nonsensical daydream.
1:56 AM 2/21/2025
2:00 AM 2/22/2025
Jayce practically chased Viktor through the commune. "It's not right, Viktor!"
Viktor, for his part, had stalked away, forcing Jayce to call across the different tents of people who started to stare. Viktor ducked into the greenhouse.
"They're not human anymore, Viktor!" Jayce pleaded.
"And who decided that was so important?!" Viktor hugged his elbows and turned towards one of the windows, away from Jayce.
"They don't breathe anymore. I haven't seen any of you eat, even once. Do you really think this is what they wanted to become? Something inhuman?"
"It's certainly easy for you to judge, when your body hasn't been so---!" Viktor could swear he heard the gear in Jayce's leg brace creak.
They both took a breath.
"I'm sorry." Viktor tried to meet Jayce's eyes again.
He was quickly smothered in a hug, Jayce's arms around him, tight.
"You never need to apologize to me."
Viktor tried to parse the way Jayce cradled his head, massaged his fingers through his hair.
"I've done so much wrong to you. I deserve any anger you give me."
"Jayce." Viktor turned his face towards him.
Jayce's hand still held his head close. His other, moving behind his shoulder, refusing to let go. "Hextech can't spread anymore, Viktor. It's a curse." He placed a hand onto the center of Viktor's chest, where the Hexcore was absorbed into him. "It has to stop."
"Your eyes tell me otherwise."
Jayce's gaze turned glassy, tearful. His expression wavering between some kind of confession and sobbing.
"Won't you tell me what happened to you?"
It had been several days since Jayce appeared in the commune, haggard and exhausted. Viktor had to practically nurse him back into health. But now that he finally had the energy for a real conversation, he was still so ambiguous and hesitating. Like he didn't want to dare say something.
And now at Viktor's question, Jayce's hand was trembling. Viktor's slender hand gently took Jayce's palm.
"Will you still not let me heal you?"
Jayce shook his head, closing his eyes. "It can't spread anymore, Viktor. I promise, afterwards..."
"You haven't been good at keeping promises, Jayce. But neither have I. I haven't been able to do any of the good I set out to do, until after you broke your promise to destroy the Hexcore. I was wrong to make you promise that, Jayce." Viktor brought Jayce's forehead to his own. "We were wrong. It has been a miracle. Look around us."
"Maybe not now. But it leads to more disaster than I can describe. The end of everything. Us at the center, for what we've done. Please, Viktor. We have to end it here." Jayce pressed his cheek into Viktor's. "After I get rid of all traces of Hextech, I'll follow you, so... I'll keep my promise to you."
"Jayce..." Viktor closed his eyes, savoring the one place he could still feel Jayce's warmth.
"Ah, sorry!" Vi stopped at the greenhouse's entryway.
Jayce and Viktor hadn't noticed how long they had been holding each other close. Maybe it felt too natural.
"Just, uh, just came to check dad."
Warwick slept at the far side of the green house, behind several plants.
Jayce stepped away from Viktor.
"Of course." Viktor regarded Vi.
Jayce barely glanced her way as he walked out.
"He okay in the head yet?"
"I'm not sure."
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mysticdragon3art 13 days ago
Placeholder post for Descanso Gardens figure photography.
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mysticdragon3art 18 days ago
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Happy Valentine's Day 2025 <3
FIGURES: Nendoroid Saber Bride, using Nendoroid Easle Stand. Nendoroid Shiro Emiya, using body and white rose from Saber/Arthur Pendragon (Prototype) Costume Dress White Roses Ver.
SUBJECT(S): Valentine's Day
PROPS: Scrapbook paper.
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mysticdragon3art 24 days ago
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Figure Friday with Nendoroid Aoba and Ren.
FIGURES: Nendoroid Aoba Seragaki Nendoroid Aoba Seragaki's Ren accessory
SUBJECT(S): Figure Friday
PROPS: Scrapbook paper
Some lighting adjustments in Krita.
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mysticdragon3art 24 days ago
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mysticdragon3art 1 month ago
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Kairi for Figure Friday鉁笍
1.31.2025. Nendoroid Kairi on Kingdom Hearts themed playing cards.
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mysticdragon3art 1 month ago
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Quick Figure Friday with Nendoroid Yusuke Kitagawa and hanafuda.
FIGURES: Nendoroid Yusuke Kitagawa (Phantom Thief version)
SUBJECT(S): Figure Friday
PROPS: Hanafuda cards
Wanted to do a quick photo, just to get back into regular figure photography practice. But it turned into a slightly longer photoshoot.
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mysticdragon3art 2 months ago
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Trying some color combos on my OC in qipao.
Love the quipao with mamianqun fashion I saw from
1/16/2025. Platinum Preppy fountain pen, using Noodler's Ink. Colored with Copic markers and ShinHanArt Touch markers. Corrections digitally in Krita.
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mysticdragon3art 2 months ago
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Trying some qipao fashion on an OC.
1/16/2025. Platinum Preppy fountain pen, using Noodler's Ink. Colored with Copic markers and ShinHanArt Touch markers. Corrections with white-out pen and digitally in Krita.
Love the quipao with mamianqun fashion I saw from
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mysticdragon3art 2 months ago
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Quick birthday card for my White Rabbit-loving sis.
1/12/2025. Platinum Preppy fountain pen, using Noodler's Ink. Colored with Copic markers. Digitally assembled with text and stars, in Krita.
Referenced Google Image results for "man in waistcoat 1865" and "white rabbit".
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mysticdragon3art 2 months ago
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Testing some OC costume redesigns again.
1/7-8/2025. Pilot Petit fountain pen, using Monteverde "Charoite" ink. Colored with Copic markers and ShinHanArt Touch marker. Corrections with white-out pen and digitally in Krita.
Beginning to think I draw better when emulating the "fashion sketches" style that I grew up seeing in my mom's sewing pattern catalogs.
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mysticdragon3art 2 months ago
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Xmas card for my parents.
I don't know why I couldn't get my dad's likeness correct. Usually I get his face right, and my mom's face wrong. The more I tried to fix it, the worse it got, so I had to leave it like this.
12/28/2024. Pencil sketch (because I'm too last-minute ORZ). Referencing photo photos/family events/vacations/20180428t0512scandinavia/Scandinavia2018-Viber pics by Tatay/image-0-02-04-41c3a966f97387ec888622030be932b7861c939da705da1796dce10a3b7338a2-V.jpg
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mysticdragon3art 2 months ago
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Spiral doodles.
Sometimes the only thing I can draw for the day are spiral doodles.
12/30/2024; 1/5/2025. Platinum Preppy fountain pen using Noodler's Ink
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mysticdragon3art 2 months ago
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Testing some OC costume redesigns.
1/6/2025. Pilot Petit fountain pen, using Monteverde "Charoite" ink. Colored with Copic markers and ShinHanArt Touch marker. Corrections with white-out pen and digitally in Krita.
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