#ballet thang
fresherfriut · 2 days
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plasma-packin-mama · 2 years
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uhh... happy halloween????
to be real with y'all i started this october 30th and it has been sitting in my files since then because it never felt totally finished. But at this point I haven't touched it in so many months i think its time to just set it free. SO. here u go!!! Arcade and Delilah as Frankenstein and the Monster.
this is sort of a spinoff of a silly mad scientist au i have where arcade makes friends with a Very Good Karma courier.... and then they die and he goes a little bananas trying to bring them back because he believes they're the only one who can save the mojave. he holes up in Big MT and does some malpractice in the name of the Greater Good. and maybe its a little homoerotic i dont make the damn rules ok!
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Ballet of the Misthios
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svt-rosalie · 5 months
. . . ♡ 7TEEN ! ? 🪄 MAESTRO ★ ゚๑
ׁ ׅ ୨ ❪ era overview ! ❫ ୧ ⊹ ࣪
© 2024 , svt-rosalie rosalie masterlist!
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Rosalie can be seen on a ballet stage, wires coming out of her body like a puppet with an AI robot as her puppeteer making her dance whilst another AI robot in playing the piano.
The camera pans over to the audience where you can see other AI robots in the audience.
Throughout the music video there are clips of Rosalie detaching herself from the wires and gaining the baton. Dancing as she pleases, Woozi taking over playing the piano instead of the Robot.
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0:27 - 0:33 (original, joshua)
doesn’t matter either classic or new thang we take pride in our new combinations
1:13 - 1:16 ( original, hoshi)
following the maestro’s lead
1:48 - 1:53 ( with hoshi )
amidst complex notes and rhythms i’ll always be with you
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taglist — @angie-x3 @alixnsuperstxr @allthings-fandoms @peachyaeger @sakufilms @aysxldea @swagcandyfun @wonwooz1 @s4nsmoon @seolarzone @miyx-amour @novwonia @marissa-11 @magicsoyeon @skzfairies
click here to join the taglist!
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am-i-interrupting · 5 months
Reckless | Vox x Alastor’s Child— OATSH
If you like what I’m doing consider tipping me for priority requests & access to characters I don’t usually write for such as Charlie, Valentino, Carmilla, and more.
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You attend the overlord meeting. It doesn’t go as planned because of course it wouldn’t.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to come with you?” Vox asked.
He was leaning against the foot of the bed as he watched you get ready for the meeting. You were sitting at the vanity and finishing smocking out your eyeshadow.
“I would really rather it be Velvette,” you said. “I do love you but I don’t trust you to keep your composure.”
“And she’s so level headed?”
“More so than you. At least with Da— Alastor.”
“I. . . Actually can’t disagree with you. But, speaking of heads, do you want me to pack up our exorcist guest?”
“No, but I do plan to talk to Camilla and Zestial afterwards. If anyone will know what happened, it would be one of them.”
“Okay. . . Are you sure—“
“Alright,” Vox said, raising his hands up as he walked over to you, “I surrender.” He placed those hands on your shoulders and squeezed. “You know all you have to do is call me and I’ll be right there.”
You squeezed his hand. “I know.”
You gave him a kiss as you stood up. Your fingers on the bottom of his screen forced him to look at you when he opened his eyes. A little wave of electricity sparked between his antennae as his eyes opened.
“I’ll call if I need you.”
You saw a flicker of worry cross him before his face glitched for a second and it was gone.
“If that’s what you want.”
He kissed your hand. His fingers twisted your ring to make sure it was secure. He let you walk out.
“Hey,” Zeezi said with a bit of a chuckle in her voice as she shook the floor with her steps. She leaned down to as close to your height as she could and asked in a softer tone, “You okay, babes? I saw the broadcasts.”
“I’m here,” you said simply and she nodded.
Together the two of you walked into the meeting room.
You froze in place, breath quickening when you saw Alastor sitting next to Rosie. The two chatting, as though nothing had changed. As if time hadn’t passed.
“Psst,” Zeezi said.
You looked over and she beckoned you over to her. You sighed and shook your head, a small smile coming to your lips. You walked to her.
She patted her thigh. “Come sit with Missi Zeezi,” she said as she wiggled in her chair before settling. “Come on, Miss Thang.”
You took her outstretched hand and let her pull you into her lap. You nearly toppled backwards onto yourself from the slope that came with how she was forced to bend her knees but you managed to catch yourself. She laughed, a real booming one that vibrates her entire body. It was comforting.
You tail curled around her and wrapped around her own, a silent motion of thanks.
The tink of metal ballet shoes against the floor got everyone quiet. Still, you moved in Zeezi’s lap so you weren’t straddling her thigh and instead had your feet pointed towards the back of the room with your legs crossed. You settled just as Camilla came into the room.
“Welcome, Hell sovereign overlords,” Camilla began, “I’ve invited you all here because you represent the controlling powers of our city. Together you own millions of souls. Souls at risk with the new extermination schedule. We need to discuss what can be done to minimize the impact to our interest.”
A light hissing and chattering noise accompanied the man clad in black and green as he moved into his seat.
“Zestial, so good to see you, my friend.”
“Enchanted as always, Camilla.”
Zestial summoned himself a cup and saucer and raised it to his lips. It was that motion that caused her to catch a glimpse of—
He smiled. You felt a snarl curl on your lips. Your hands in your lap balled into fists. You didn’t register the sting pain that should have been there when your claws dug into your skin.
“Yes, I know, I’ve been absent some time. I’m sure you’ve all been wondering,” he said.
Yes, yes, you had but if your husband wasn’t attending so he couldn’t make a scene then neither could you. You remained silent.
Zeezi’s claw gently worked its way between your hands. The feathers on her wrists softly brushed against your skin. You looked down to see blood beginning to spill over your palms.
She looked down at you with her brows furrowed, a silent question. You shook your head and waved her off. You licked your palm and her nose scrunched up at the sight.
“Not really, but welcome back in any case,” Camilla said.
It wasn’t the snap that caught you attention but barely audible sound of a radio crackling. You knew that crackle meant he was displeased. You licked your lips of the blood and smiled.
“This year’s extermination was brutal,” Camilla said, her accent thickening on her last word, “far more even than years passed. We have assessed that about sixteen percent of the population was lost. With the angelic legions now returning twice as quickly, I think it prudent we—“
She was interrupted by the door slamming open to reveal Velvette. She was wearing a crop top, heigh waisted jeans, and a long jacket, rather reminiscent of the outfits she’d supplied your closet with not long ago.
“Yes, I’ve got it handled, Vox. Are you doubting me? Really? Me?” she said into the phone. “That’s what I thought.”
She laughed as she leaned against her chair. “Yes, I know, they’re all a joke.” She quickly corrected herself when she saw your disapproving look, “‘Cause they’re all just so damn funny. Especially, your sweet darling vixen.”
She rolled her eyes, “I just got here, Vee. What do you want me to do? Already have a goddamn list of every notable expression? Uh-huh, yeah. You’ve got you little ring. You’ll know if somethings wrong. Of course, we will. Thank you, Vee.” She puckered her lips together several times, “Kisses, darling!”
She fell back into her chair.
“Nice of you to join us, Velvette,” Camilla said. “Will Vox be joining us?”
“No! He’s got better shit to do than be in the company of outdated technology that thinks it’s relevant,” Velvette said. “I’m here to represent.”
She held up her phone and made a pointed look at Alastor who’s gums briefly showed before his lips fell into the normal smile he often had. He sat back in his chair. A quick moment where your eyes met, and then it was gone.
Zeezi’s tail squeezed yours softly.
“So, as I was saying, we need to discuss—“ Velvette’s hand shot up. You looked at her, eyes flaring open in warning but she ignored it. “Yes?”
“On the subject of discussion.”
Velvette pulled out an exorcist head and threw it onto the table. The slightly congealed blood was still liquid enough to drip onto the table.
“Oooh, shit!” Zeezi said as she sat up, carefully moving you with her.
Alastor also leaned forward. “Oh, tasty.”
‘What are you doing?’ you mouthed to Velvette.
‘Showing daddy who’s boss’ she mouthed back.
“Where did you get this?” Camilla asked.
“Vox found it during extermination day,” Velvette said simply. “If these holy rollers can be killed, the game has changed.” She jumped up onto the table. “We can take the fight to them. Vox and I have come up with a full assault plan.”
Loud sipping interrupted Velvette for which you were grateful. Zestial slurred from his teacup with intent, making all eyes go to him.
“If it be true thee and thy colleague desire to war with such meager proof, thou art far more foolish than I be thought,” Zestial said.
Velvette scoffed, “‘Meager proof’? It’s a dead fucking exorcist. I’d say that’s pretty fucking definitive. You going blind, old man?
You felt your entire body tense.
“Velvette,” you said between gritted teeth.
“We know not how this perished,” Zestial said. “Mayhaps it was not by a demon’s hand at all. If we rush to war without knowing, mighten they purge all of Hell for daring an uprising.”
Even with the words of agreement, you didn’t untense.
“It could happen.”
You hands began to curl again but you relaxed them.
“Oh, I get it,” Velvette said. You slipped out of Zeezi’s grip. “So grandpa is too pussy to fight so I guess there’s no point, right?”
“What’s the matter, fossil?”
“Too senile to make a real power grab?”
“You better show some respect!” Camilla yelled as she got in Velvette’s face. “Check your behavior! No one speaks to Zestial that way!”
You motioned a hand towards Camilla. She backed down, placing the problem in your hands.
“Did you expect them to sit back and take your insolent, brazen display?” you asked.
Velvette took a step away with a mixture of betrayal and confusion written across her doll-like features.
“I know you feel special and I hate to break the news but we can’t afford to lose. There’s too many people here that’d rather live in fear. This has to be a calculated attack, not just one random act,” you said.
You heard Alastor’s chuckle. You whipped around to him. “You showed no respect! Didn’t check your behavior! Did you think it’d be okay? That no one would notice your little va-cay?!
“Left all your souls unwatched and unsupervised. Leaving them vulnerable to heaven’s all seeing eyes. Not all of them are here. You didn’t shed a tear. Could have prevented it. Not like you have a shit. Your people were dying! They were out crying! Had you not been reckless, they wouldn’t be breakfast.
“Let me say this right here, we’re all beyond our years. Too old for this drama. Can’t just do what we wanna. Don’t forget that Heaven’s eyes can probably see our afterlives. We’ve got to be patient. Can’t act fucking brazen. Understand this arrangement. We’ll all be effected so show some respect and don’t be reckless.”
Camilla placed her hand on your shoulder. “Thank you,” she said softly. “As always, even in moments of frustration you remain well spoken.
“Velvette, your information will be taken into consideration. However, as said, this cannot be a random act. We must have all the information, including how this angel died. Does anyone here have information they’d like to share?”
Camilla looked around the room. Her daughters’ eyes didn’t meet hers and though she looked at people, you noticed hers didn’t either.
“Then we have nothing more to discuss,” Camilla said. “Due to high emotions, I believe it best we adjourn this meeting and come back to discuss in some weeks time. Perhaps there will be more information to share then. Until then, this meeting is over.”
“Whatever,” Velvette said as she gave the finger and stormed out.
Camilla walked out of the room quickly. Your head turned that way as your shoulders slumped.
“Zestial,” you said with an unspoken request.
He didn’t respond verbally but he bowed his head and followed Camilla. Everyone else slowly began to filter the room.
“Do you want me to stay, girlie?” Zeezi asked when it was just you, her, and Alastor left.
You shook your head.
“Alright then,” she said as she got up. “You know where to find me if you need some drinks after.”
The room was silent for several long moments. Neither one of you knew what to do, what to say.
Your ears flickered back as you took a steadying breath. “I know we’re twisted but I didn’t think your screws went so loose. Maybe you missed it, but I’ve always cared about you. Thought that you did too. Mad that you acted so reckless. Think maybe I’d expect this.”
You couldn’t look at him as you continued, “Here’s my sorry to me. Guess you never gave a shit. Maybe I should’ve seen it.”
Your face began to prickle. Your eyes and nose burned. “Fuck, why am I crying? Not like you were really dying.”
“Let me explain,” Alastor said as he stood from his seat. “I never meant to cause you this pain. I made a promise I try to keep. It pains me to see you weep.”
You flinched away from his attempt to touch, his hands having gone to try and stroke your hair. A familiar act. “Do you really think I’d be so quick to forgive? Especially after you’ve been allusive?!”
You turned to look at him. “So go on, tell me something true. I’m done being lied to. Spit it all out, knock that smile off your mouth. Let’s see what it’s been about; Why you’ve been so reckless. Let’s get some directness or will you be respectless?”
Alastor didn’t speak. His smile went small. His ears pinned themselves against his head in what seemed like a mockery of your own.
“Yeah, that’s what I thought,” you said, voice going weak. “I’m done with this ‘talk.’”
Vox had been staring at your vitals the entire time. He took note of every time your heart rate spiked. The camera he’d placed on Velvette could only do so much when she wasn’t by your side, looking at what you were like he would if he’d been there with you.
“Velvette,” he growled under his breath when she brought out the angel head.
Maybe he should have gone. Surely a battle between him and Alastor would be more effective than this. At least you’d get to see the man who brought you pain get bloodied instead of getting a new reason to worsen your migraine.
When Velvette slammed the door as she entered, he didn’t even flinch. He had turned off her camera as soon as you were no longer in sight and the microphone no longer picked up what you were saying.
“Ungrateful brat!”
Oh, that got his attention.
He whipped around, eye swirling, and his voice coming out distorted, “What did you just say?”
“Your little toy decided to fuck up my entire plan and everyone, even you, got a front row fucking seat!” Velvette screeched as she threw down the camera that Vox had planted on her. She squished it with her shoe.
Vox laughed but he wasn’t amused. “Let me make something very clear, Velvette, you are not to talk about my wife in that manner. My wife, who— mind you— has been an overlord longer than you’ve been alive! Did you even think that maybe there was a reason I told you to leave the fucking head in her goddamn weapons’ room?!”
“Well, maybe I would’ve done it if you told me why!”
“You didn’t need to know and it’s for exactly this reason!” Vox took a deep breath. “You were supposed to sit still and listen. That’s all you had to do, Velvette—“
“And you couldn’t do that instead?” Velvette challenged.
“I’ve known Alastor for nearly seventy years,” Vox said. “We have a history and most of it involves fighting. You’ve known him for not even ten and you’ve interacted with him a grand total of fourteen times excluding today. One would think that you’d be able to keep your composure which is the entire point of you going to the meeting in the first place. How many times have I made you go to a meeting?”
Velvette didn’t answer. Instead she looked away from him.
“Don’t be a child,” he said, his voice glitching once again and his eyes spiraling. “How many times have I made you go to an overlord meeting? Answer me!”
“And the one time I do, you fuck it up! I know you feel like you’re invincible, but know your place,” Vox gritted from his teeth. “You only got here because of us. Act like it!”
Velvette glared at Vox. Then she stormed away.
Vox panted for a moment. His fists clenched. He turned to look at your vitals. He calmed when he saw they were normal.
He watched them for the rest of the night. Watched as they would slightly spike occasionally before going into a slightly faster but steady rhythm.
Vox didn’t even flinch when he opened his eyes as you appeared on his lap. Your breath reeked of alcohol.
“I love you,” you said as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
He sighed and finally relaxed. “I love you too.”
He rested his head against your curls. One hand went to rest above your heart. The other carefully embraced your tail as it curled up his arm. His claws held the fur in a gentle grip.
You nuzzled your head in the crook of his neck. Your ears tickled his screen as they flickered.
“I wanna go to bed,” you said.
“We can do that.”
He got up. His arms were beneath you to support your weight. He carried you to the bedroom. Before he closed the door he whistled.
You groaned. He chuckled. “Sorry, doll.”
Vark came running into the bedroom. Vox closed the door with his foot.
He sat you on the bed and pulled off your shirt. He unclipped your bra. He slipped off your shoes and your pants followed. He then undressed himself as you pulled at the blankets.
He saddled up beside you. You quickly curled onto his chest. He patted the bed and Vark jumped up. The shark curled up against your back.
“I love you,” you said as you began to doze.
“I love you too,” he said.
As soon as the words came from your mouth he knew he wasn’t supposed to hear them and it only slipped due to the alcohol, “Don’t leave me.”
His chest tightened. His heart shattered at those three little words.
He placed one hand atop yours and squeezed it. His other pulled you even closer to him.
“Never, doll,” he promised. “I’ll never leave you.”
If you like what I’m doing consider commissioning me for canon/canon stories AND personalized canon/reader stories.
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hoofpeet · 1 year
ouuuh your art is SOOOO GOOD... is there anywhere specific you learned your anatomy from?
awha ty.... honestly not really, I've never really focused on having super accurate anatomy. I do tend to like looking at photos of ice skating, ballet, wrestling and that sorta thang tho because you get to see a lot of people in motion
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bestsynthpop · 7 months
Synthpop Bracket 1: Round 1 matchups
Thomas Dolby: Europa and the Pirate Twins vs. Howard Jones: What Is Love?
M: Pop Muzik vs. Missing Persons: Destination Unknown
Sparks: Cool Places vs. Spandau Ballet: To Cut A Long Story Short
Company B: Fascinated vs. Soft Cell: Tainted Love
The Buggles: Video Killed the Radio Star vs. Prince: Raspberry Beret
Magazine 60: Don Quichotte vs. Visage: Fade to Grey
Erasure: Oh L'Amour vs. Giorgio Moroder: Chase
Bronski Beat: Smalltown Boy vs. Peter Gabriel: Shock the Monkey
Sparks: Number One Song In Heaven vs. Strawberry Switchblade: Michael Who Walks By Night
Camouflage: The Great Commandment vs. The Human League: (Keep Feeling) Fascination
Tubeway Army: Are Friends Electric vs. a-ha: Take On Me
Kate Bush: Running Up That Hill vs. Ministry: Every Day is Halloween
Laurie Anderson: O Superman vs. Shriekback: Nemesis
ABC: The Look of Love vs. Pet Shop Boys: It's a Sin
The Human League: Don't You Want Me vs. Herbie Hancock: Rockit
Heaven 17: (We Don't Need This) Fascist Groove Thang vs. Newcleus: Jam On It
Falco: Der Kommissar vs. Til Tuesday: Voices Carry
New Order: Blue Monday vs. Electronic: Getting Away With It
Debbie Deb: When I Hear Music vs. Sandra: Maria Magdalena
Men Without Hats: Safety Dance vs. Ultravox: Vienna
Baltimora: Tarzan Boy vs. The Nails: 88 Lines About 44 Women
Thomas Dolby: She Blinded Me With Science vs. Tom Tom Club: Genius of Love
Book of Love: Pretty Boys and Pretty Girls vs. Pet Shop Boys: West End Girls
Siouxsie and the Banshees: Cities In Dust vs. Howard Jones: New Song
Fad Gadget: Collapsing New People vs. Jun Togawa: Suki Suki Daisuki
Exposé: Point of No Return vs. Sly Fox: Let's Go All the Way
New Order: Bizarre Love Triange vs. Bananarama: Cruel Summer
Devo: Girl U Want vs. Bronski Beat: Hit that Perfect Beat
Erasure: A Little Respect vs. Talking Heads: Burning Down the House
Anything Box: Living in Oblivion vs. David Bowie: Ashes to Ashes
Peter Schilling: Major Tom vs. The The: Infected
Devo: Whip It vs. The B-52s: Rock Lobster
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aswho1estuff · 1 year
Ep. 3 shawty get loose
The way you move
Plot: Two performing art schools are combined upon underlying reason bringing together an unlikely duo Moose and Alice who help each other grow beyond fluttering hearts and the genre of music.
Overview ep. 3 [s.g.l]: "shawty get loose, hit the dancefloor and act like there's nobody else in there."
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"like the song says you gotta get loose" moose says taking the cereal from my hands and onto the shelf. "Go on" moose says as a I start to move I isolate my arms and legs to the beat of the chorus.
"That moves spectacular but do you enjoy doing it ?, What's your favorite move freestyle wise ?" Moose asks I respond sighing " idk like the lil pop leg thang, ya know like" moving my legs toward each other matching my arms.
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"There you go" moose says excited " I'm going to the dance studio tomorrow after school it'll just be me, you wanna join?" I could get in some ballet practice or use that excuse.
"Sure, gotta see what ya got anyways" I say hitting his shoulder "anyone will tell you I've got the moves like jagger" moose says posing "then show me something".
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"okay that was alright I guess" I tell moose reaching for my water bottle. "You sure? cause for someone a little out of breath id expect a little more" moose states making me gasp "I .. am just a lil out of practice is all alright".
"Then why don't you come practice with me more? we can make it a once a week thing if you want" moose says smiling giving me his hand I take it getting up "id love that, but for now I gotta get home see you later" I repy packing my bag.
"Can I walk you?"
"are you sure?"
"never been more"
"..okay, lets go"
Walking up my porch stairs with moose following behind I turn to him "well this is it, .. thanks again" I say looking at my feet "no problem I wanted to" moose replys handing me my bag.
"alice why are standing outsi- ah"
"oh ...Mother didn't know you were home early"
"I didn't know you came home this late"
"I'm sorry that was my fault, I had her join me for practicing"
"well I'm glad she has a peer who realizes the importance"
"yeah...thank you moose, get home safely"
"thanks I will, enjoy y'all day"
"will do"
<- back next ->
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lianawrites350 · 1 year
Into the Shadows: An Analysis of BTS’s “Black Swan” Music Video
Read the full essay here or on The Medium! https://medium.com/@bethalal5813/into-the-shadows-an-analysis-of-btss-black-swan-music-video-c71c5008bbbe
What if I no longer love my art? Every artist has, at some point, asked themselves this question. It’s a question fraught with fear, shame, pressure and doubt, asked in the deepest, darkest moments where no one else can see. South Korean boy band BTS, and one of the biggest musical acts in the world, also asks this question except they confess this fear to their global audience. In their 2020 single “Black Swan” from their album Map of the Soul: 7, RM, Jin, Suga, J-Hope, Jimin, V, and Jungkook examine their relationship with music and the fear of losing their passion for it. As American dancer Martha Graham said “a dancer dies twice — once when they stop dancing, and this first death is the more painful.” This struggle with their fears is like death to them, tearing at their certainty of who they are, and they must find a way to overcome their fears or risk losing themselves entirely.
“Black Swan” is a raw, vulnerable insight into the insecurities and pressures BTS face as musicians and artists. Whereas their previous track, “Dionysus” is a delirious high, showing an artist’s intoxicating passion for their art, “Black Swan” and its corresponding music video is the bleak hangover. This R&B trap ballad admits the pressure and fears they face and how that interferes with their love for music. The title’s allusion to both Tchaikovsky’s evil character in the Swan Lake ballet and the 2010 thriller Black Swan hints at this duality of passion and fear, perfection and insecurity. The title could also reference the term “black swan”, an event, in this instance falling out of love with music, that happens unexpectedly, has extreme impact, and is of human nature. The music video, shot at the Los Angeles Theatre and released on March 4, 2020, captures these dualities by incorporating motifs of shadow and light, on-stage and off-stage, and black and white to explore the lyrics’s themes of fear and overcoming fear.
“Do your thang with me now. What’s my thang? Tell me now” This intro directs BTS to keep doing their passion, except they’re struggling to remember what their passion is. This struggle is at the core of the first verse, which introduces the shadows that haunt them. Suga raps “The heart no longer races when hearing the music play”. As a rapper, idol, musician, and producer, music is deeply intertwined in Suga’s life. His love for it is detailed in his 2016 song “First Love” which described the piano as the first love in his life, there for him throughout his life whenever he needed it. In this verse, however, he fears losing this passion for music one day, confessing it would feel like death. RM raps similar sentiments, admitting a deep fear that what if this first death is happening right now.
The music video articulates shadows through its lighting. Reflecting his opening lyrics, Suga crouches by himself on an elegant, empty stage that is half-submerged in shadows. In the music video, the stage is a metaphor for their relationship with music, and currently Suga’s love for music is submerged in darkness. The camera is pulled back in a long-distance cut, making him appear even smaller on the stage. Projected onto the background behind him, a huge shadow awakens and flexes like a bird stretching its wings. The shadows are awakening and actively overtaking him. The next scene is RM standing alone in a hallway of the theater, staring at the camera. The hallway is more clearly lit than the stage, but a daunting shadow is projected on the ceiling, looming over him. This shows that they are still being followed by their fears even when they leave the actual stage. As he raps about his “first death”, he momentarily turns his back from the viewer, hesitates, before looking into the camera directly, rubbing his throat.
This gesture of suffocation and death and the fear being realized in the present is reflected in the music video’s costuming and choreography. For most of the music video, the members are in fully black outfits, signifying their descent into the shadows. Black-and-white costuming is featured, however, in the choreography scenes that are intercut throughout. These scenes take place on a blacked-out stage with a single spotlight, symbolizing the shadows they are facing. Two dances take place here: the group’s official choreographed dance and Jimin’s solo dance. The costumes are designed to look mid-transformation from white swans to black swans. Jin and RM are in white suits but have black undershirts and black jacket linings. Further along the transformation, Jungkook has black trailing up his coat sleeves while Suga and J-Hope have black color on their tailcoats. V wears a black undershirt with actual feathers on his collar, and Jimin, the primary character in this music video, has black feathers running down his white jacket. The black represents the shadows, and the gradual overtaking of black, particularly around the neck, suggests the shadows suffocating them. In the group choreography, as Suga raps, Jungkook dances around him as a representation of Suga’s struggle against the shadows before offering his hand which Suga accepts. In RM’s verse, Jimin and V mimic RM’s moves behind him, amplifying his fears. In his solo scenes, Jimin performs a modern dance with the shadows nearly completely obscuring him. A clear shot of his face is not seen until nearly the start of the chorus, suggesting intense private turmoil.
The chorus section drags them deeper into the fear itself. The pre-chorus lyrics describe a muffled silence, impenetrable by songs or their cries for help. The silence is filled with only their heartbeat. This cavernous emptiness represents their fears of falling out of love with music, most likely brought on by the intense pressure, expectations, and scrutiny they face as global superstars as well as possibly anxiety and burnout from constant musical output. In the music video, V looks down at the camera, like a human to an insect, as it circles around him. This reflects the lyrics of trying to escape from the maw, evoking the voraciousness of this fear and the danger of being eaten alive by it. In the pre-chorus line “Do you hear me”, Jimin is alone amongst the audience seats, the room completely dark except for a large spotlight on him. The camera is held at a long-distance and Jimin is crouched away from the camera, reinforcing the isolation and the disconnect BTS feels. Jimin slowly rises but never looks at the camera.
To understand the main chorus, we need the context of BTS’s discography. In 2017, BTS released a hidden track called “Sea” where they described their journey as a group like walking through a desert, which represented their struggles and failures, as they tried to reach the sea, which represented success. The same metaphor is used in “Black Swan” except now they have reached the sea, or the ocean in this case, but find themselves at the bottom of the ocean with no light or sound. The success they have achieved through their struggles has come now with new fears. Rather than swimming in the ocean of success they are drowning in its depths. Further, on the same album as “Black Swan” is “Interlude: Shadow” in which Suga discusses the pressures he feels from his immense success by using the metaphor of shadows to describe his fears of failure, self-doubt, anxiety, and loss of control. Though “Black Swan’’ focuses specifically on the fear of losing their love for music, all these fears and pressures and doubts manifest themselves in the shadows heard and seen in “Black Swan”. In the music video, Jimin dances solo, succumbing to the shadows. As he sings that he is crying out silently, he drops out of the frame, and the scene cuts to the group dance.
During the chorus, the music video contrasts the darkened stage and a brightly-lit lobby, signifying the song’s focus on the group’s internal struggle behind the scenes. In the lobby, Jimin slides across the floor while the others prostrate themselves, reaching out for help. The movements are large and expressive, showing how they are trying to escape and failing. They struggle to rise but their feet are held in a rut on the ocean floor, and it is “killin’ me now, killin me now.” At this line, the scene switches to the stage where the members wear their white-and-black outfits; they are trying to perform, but the shadows are overtaking them. The camera is at a long-distance, disassociating them from the stage. When V sings “Struggle but it’s all ocean floor” the scene returns to the lobby, their metaphorical ocean. It feels like eternity being trapped at the bottom of the ocean, and they direct the listener to “Film it now, film it now”. The scene cuts back to them on the stage to be filmed for the world as Jin drops his arm from head to belt like taking a snapshot. As global superstars, BTS have every move, word, and decision scrutinized by millions across the world. Through this song, they surrender even their darkest moment to these millions of eyes, knowing there is no escape from the pressures and fears. The irony of their journey they discover is that at the bottom of the ocean is more sand: they never escaped the desert.
To be free, BTS has to confront their shadows and, somehow, overcome them. The ending of the chorus shows close-up shots of the members on the stairs. Jimin stands slightly away from the others, and instead of a close-up shot for him, it cuts to him on the stage. The camera curls around him as black wings burst forth from his back, signifying him turning into the black swan but also alluding to a hidden meaning. BTS’s 2016 album Wings, explored the growth and struggles of the group as they became adults. Their song “Outro: Wings” spoke about how BTS’s fandom ARMY are the wings to BTS that enable them to have freedom and success. The motif of wings returning here foreshadows how grappling with this fear will allow them new freedom and new heights.
After Jimin’s wings spread, the music video cuts to J-Hope, wearing all-black, in a new foyer. The light in the room is almost completely extinguished except for a floodlight-like light on him, as if he is in the ‘belly of the whale’. J-Hope raps about sinking deeper into the shadows. This time, however, instead of being pushed there, he tells the darkness to let go and walks himself into the deepest depths to face his own shadows. Throughout their discography, BTS have emphasized the importance of facing your fears. To them, fears are not a weakness to hide or something to run from but an essential part of growth. Fears can be overcome if only we’re willing to acknowledge them and push through them. This fear of their music and passion may be their deepest, darkest moment. Nonetheless they face it head-on. J-Hope dances near a fountain, symbolizing the ocean he is trapped in, and the camera begins to move closer to him, closing the previous emotional distance.
The reward of confronting his fears is seen in J-Hope’s final words of his verse: “I saw myself”. Struggling past the insecurities, pressure, and doubt, BTS have remembered the true reasons why they love music. They don’t specify these reasons because it is private to them, but by remembering why they do this, they realize that music is an essential part of who they are. Their fears were not a negative thing trying to destroy them, but an opportunity to grow deeper into themselves. As J-Hope raps, the scene cuts to a large, window-lit practice room. This time, the behind the scenes don’t suggest inner turmoil but inner peace and familiarity, a place they use to prepare to go back on stage. We now get a close-up of J-Hope’s face, cutting out any emotional distance, as he grabs and faces Suga.
Suga’s verse signals the return journey from the ‘belly of the whale’. J-Hope mirrors Suga’s movements like a shadow as they circle around each other. When Suga raps that he’s found himself, J-Hope leaves, alluding to Suga finally escaping the darkness. As if from a dream, Suga says, he wakes up in his studio, and realizes that no matter how violently the waves throw him, he won’t get dragged away because his love of music is in himself. Similar to the stage, the studio has at times been a burden to them, as seen in their 2015 song ‘Dope’, where the studio is the place where their youth rots away while they work; here, however, it goes from being a place of work to a place of love. The music video returns Suga to the stage where he first started the song. The camera now closely circles around him as opposed to the long shots in the first verse, and the shadow projected behind him is much smaller than it was in the first verse. Their fears held them down on the ocean floor, but openly acknowledging these fears and finding the reasons they truly love music means that they could never lose their passion again. He reaches out to his shadow like a friend.
The second chorus section references their 2018 song “Fake Love”, which features musical motifs repeated in “Black Swan”. “Fake Love” describes a bad relationship where they are masking their true selves. The lyrics “a forest of just us…I forgot the route that I came along”, shows how they have lost themselves in an effort to save the relationship. “Black Swan” continues the themes by describing them being in a bad relationship with music where masking their insecurities causes the death of their passion. The second pre-chorus section finds them waking up from their ocean nightmare in a forest. In the music video, Jin is in a dressing room, perhaps the most well-lit set of the video, surrounded by mirrors. In a different scene, Jungkook stands in the balcony section, where the whole theater is in darkness except the stage. Doolsetbangtan.wordpress.com notes that in Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami the forest is a kind of labyrinth that represents “the understanding of the self”. RM is a known fan of Haruki Murakami and is a main songwriter on both songs, so this is likely the forest he is referring to. In “Fake Love” they’ve lost themselves in the forest, but in “Black Swan” they’ve woken up in the forest, knowing once again who they are. Jin chooses to look himself in the mirror, and thus his shadows, as the lyrics contrast being swallowed by the jaws of fear with “nothing can devour me”. Overcoming the silence around them, they “shout with ferocity”, and Jin turns to stare into the camera. Though millions of eyes are on him, he is just as free to stare back at them. The mirror images don’t move with him, a homage to the film Black Swan, but also symbolizing that by looking into his shadows, he is no longer controlled by them. From the balcony, Jungkook has metaphorically risen above the fears of the stage. BTS know who they are and thus know the route through the forest. Jungkook leans back far over the balcony. Arms spread wide, he has found his wings and is not afraid to fall.
The final group dance takes place on the stage; however, unlike earlier, the camera moves from the audience’s perspective to BTS’s perspective. BTS are silhouetted against the spotlight, and their backs are to the audience, removing the control that the world has on them. They dance and sing for the love of it alone, and here, wearing all black, we see the transformation of the black swan completed. The black swan side of themselves at first appeared dangerous; like in Tchaikovsky’s ballet, it seemed evil, seductive, deceptive, as opposed to the white swans in them who were good, pure, but vulnerable. In truth, though, the appearance of the black swan as the sudden appearance of fear, is a good thing. Like in the 2010 film, the black swan side of themselves is raw, emotional, and in touch with the art, as opposed to the white swan character who is obsessed with perfection, technicality, and therefore afraid. The black swan is good because it is in touch with the deepest part of their souls and who they are as people and artists. Jimin’s solo, from the same stage and perspective, is a silhouette against the bright spotlight. He dances freely, expressing being broken by the pressure and rising once more again with faith in himself.
The difficulty of creating art, however, is that the insecurities, doubts, and pressures never quite fully leave. The outro of “Black Swan” shows the cyclical nature of these fears in BTS’s lives. BTS’s songs are typically structured as 3-verse, 3-chorus with a thesis-antithesis-synthesis approach showing their problem, revelation and growth through the progression of the song. “Black Swan”, however, is condensed into a 2-verse, 2-chorus structure, and the lyrics repeat for the second chorus and the outro. This repetition and break from their three-part structure indicates that their fears are not entirely gone. Producer and Youtuber Joey Nato noted that the synth of the outro sound follows the “What’s my thang” melody of the intro, and the music sounds submerged as if underwater. This suggests the ever-presence of their fears lurking at the edge. On the stage, they dance in a line behind Jimin, who reaches out for help and drags his feet across the floor as they sing about the sound being shut off and their feet held in a rut. Joey Nato points out, though, the “Do you hear me” is more aggressive in the outro. They have gained the ability to confront these fears.
In a solo shot, J-Hope is again surrounded by shadows. He stares into the camera before descending into the darkness. As he does so, Jimin, in his solo dance, collapses, and the camera pulls away, leaving him to the darkness. Though we don’t see the conclusion, we see a post scene of Jungkook in the balcony section. A large shadow has overtaken the stage. As he watches, the shadow shrinks and disappears. Satisfied, he walks off. It’s interesting to note here that a behind the scenes clip revealed that the looming shadows were performed by Jimin and J-Hope, adding a deeper layer of intimacy and familiarity to the shadows plaguing them. In the group dance on the stage, as they block the light, their shadows loom large in front of them. In the final formation, however, their silhouettes become interlaced with their shadows. They have confronted and overcome their fears and recognized that these fears are a natural, ever-present, and vital part of who they are as humans and artists.
BTS’s discography openly talks about their personal challenges, including growing up, mental health, and contending with injustices in society. Throughout these struggles, music remains a vital source of strength carrying them through it. “Black Swan”, however, rocks this security as they question their love for music. The song is spectacularly raw and its intense vulnerability makes it a definitive entry to BTS’s discography and the music industry as whole. But this struggle is not theirs alone. “Black Swan’s” various performance concepts reimagine the song in different contexts of art and shadows. In the premiere performance on The Late Late Show with James Corden, BTS danced barefoot and dressed in black on a stage designed like a fairytale forest at night. This performance paid homage to Tchaikovsky’s Black Swan and the ballet’s theme of good vs. evil. The Korean music show performances had them dancing in both black and white costumes amongst ruined classical architecture. These performances evoked imagery of grandeur decaying, of the art itself being broken because of their shadows. On The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon’s “BTS Week”, they introduced a new spin on this struggle and performed on a stage designed like an abandoned church, alluding to the disillusionment of belief, in institutions but also in themselves, as their core identity is being called into question. Their Japanese promotions on NHK Songs modernized the theme. BTS performed in flowy, loose modern clothes on a simple stage, evoking an image of a performance student dancing alone in an abandoned auditorium as they struggle with their inner demons. No matter the interpretation, these performances and the song itself speak to the struggle of the soul decaying under pressure, shadows overcoming the light, and an artist fighting against all odds to keep the love of their art alive.
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bangtanhoneys · 1 year
Bangtan Sonyeondan: Map of the Soul - 7
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Release date: February 21 2020
Lead singles: Black Swan, ON 
This would be the era where everything changed in a moment's notice. However, before that happened, this was to be an album that would set Grace on the map as a solo artist, a woman in her own right, and a dancer as well. Black Swan would be the video that proved that all in one fell swoop - her ballet history helped with the theme, she was put front in centre and in the middle of the boys in the opening with the iconic lines ‘Do your thang’ and her outfits throughout the whole video made it a masterpiece. She had to be slightly different to the rest of them - blonde hair still compared to the silver/black hair of the rest and her clothes were either black to their white or white to their black. 
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It was also during this time that future plans were starting to be put in motion, even though everything would be cancelled when the pandemic hit at it’s fullest in March 2020 and locked everything down. 
ON was another song that showed Grace’s dancing history to its fullest and she had looked forward to working with one choreographer who had caught her attention on the internet - Sienna, who would be instrumental for Grace in the future. The music video was fun for her to do as it required little dancing especially after the first music video came out where it was full on dancing, in black/white clothes and in Los Angeles heat. 
This album also saw another solo for Grace that would later feature of her mixtape - No Tears Left to Cry. It was a song that had fit the rest of the theme of the album. Though Grace always had an uncertainty to her, never quite sure if she was in the right place, the song reflected that no matter what she was going through she was resilient in the face of adversity and that she was willing to move on, no matter what happened. It is often said that this is where Grace, even for all her worries and doubts, simply settled in to the role that had been created for her: an idol. 
There was no chance for rest, even in the pandemic, for Grace was working through her mixtape as well Yoongi who then released his in May 2020. Grace, however, kept working on hers and pushing the release off until she felt certain that the pandemic would not affect any music videos or any performances that she may decide to do. 
Unfortunately, it was put on hold again as BTS’ career then began to shoot further than ever before with what was going to be two English singles. And with these two English singles, Grace was going to be pushed further into the spotlight. 
Had an outfit specially designed for Black Swan but never got to wear it after it was stolen 
Showed off her operatic skills with Taehyung during the make of Black Swan 
Grace admitted during on V-LIVE that she does sometimes get fed up with performing certain songs over and over again, so she loves it when the older songs are put in. She also admitted that she heard ON thousands of time while regarding, during promo and afterwards. 
Grace wrote No Tears Left to Cry before they travelled to New Zealand and had it confirmed on their last day there 
During the comeback special, Grace followed Jimin’s photo-op move
Grace also took over at least half of the American/British interviews, giving Namjoon a break 
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fresherfriut · 4 hours
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swanlake1998 · 3 years
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mixed media paintings by dinh ngoc thang
(1) the dance of swans
(2) the dance of colours
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modernwizard · 5 years
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Aziraphale got Nanny to dress more kinky than usual. She was self-conscious and somewhat embarrassed, but she relaxed when Aziraphale started making jokes offscreen. And she positively melted when he said she looked beautiful. <3 <3 <3
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rayofsunas · 3 years
I HAVE AN IDEA FOR YOUR BALLERINA FRIEND!!! what if she performs all across teyvat since she’s in theatre and she comes across the traveler and paimon since she’s like, well known across teyvat and takes a break from dancing to help the traveler find their sibling??!! i’m so invested in this i’m sorry haha but like since she dances she can incorporate ballet in her fighting style LIKE ELIZABETH FROM BLACK BUTLER!! She can wield like dual swords shjdjc i love this concept so much
YES, THIS IS SUCH A GOOD IDEA! I CAN SEE THIS!! like maybe she was taught ballet from a young age and how to wield a sword (I see ballerinas as having a lot of patience (that shit looks hard), so it would be cool if she even taught herself how to wield dual swords), but as she got older, instead of people pressuring her into choosing one thing, she chose both. she became a warrior and like you said, incorporated ballet into her fighting style too; I’d imagine it’s very unique and because she adds dance into it, it’s very difficult for her enemies to expect what she’ll do. I bet she’s graceful as well :) AND DUAL SWORDS?!?! BADASS HELL YEAHHH. you just made my friend even more badass HELLO!?! you’re very famous ms thang @miiiwaa VERY DESERVED! <3 thank you anon, for taking the time to think this up!! this is such a good idea :)
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doubleattitude · 4 years
24/7 Dance Convention, Reno, NV: RESULTS
High Scores by Age:
Sidekick Solo
1st: Lauralee King-’Bigger Is Better’
2nd: Valentina Segrest-’All Is Found’
3rd: Nyla McCarthy-’Wind It Up’
4th: Nicole Soto-’Shake and Shimmy’
5th: Brecca Garcia-’Day-O’
5th: Kenlee Townsend-’Kill The Lights’
6th: Ayla Zink-’Stop’
7th: Wren Lavery-’Sweet, Sweet’
8th: Paisley Greendandl-’Worldwide Party’
9th: Marley Cliffe-’Dessert’
9th: Greta Jones-’Shake Rattle and Roll’
10th: Malia Tuaileva-’Stupid Cupid’
Mini Solo
1st: Roxie Onellion-’Drifting Down’
2nd: Isabella Kouznetsova-’Almost There’
2nd: Tiara Sherman-’And The Things Remain’
3rd: Harper Ducale-’Change Is Everything’
3rd: Winter Eberts-’Dreamlike’
3rd: Naiya Abalos-’Forces’
3rd: Cali Cassidy-’Weird People’
4th: Paizley Cogswell-’A Moment Apart’
4th: Fiona Wu-’Juliet’s Dream’
4th: Joah Moore-’Mad World’
4th: Regan Gerena-’My Boyfriend’s Back’
4th: Presley Nava-’Pure Imagination’
4th: Delilah Hewitt-’Shop Around’
5th: Peyton Nowacki-’Angels To Fly’
5th: Kylie Lawrence-’Breathe In’
5th: Tatum Brady-’Fall Creek’
5th: Everleigh Soutas-’Heartbeat’
5th: Olivia Armstrong-’Hit Me With A Hot Note’
5th: Kate Baker-’I’ll Stand By You’
5th: Aria Du-’Reddir’
5th: Elizabeth Hsu-Kwan-’Ruin’
6th: Diana Jouznetsova-’It’s In His Kiss’
6th: Hadlee Heriford-’Unbroken’
7th: Tabitha Nan-’Torn’
7th: June Newmarker-’What A Feeling’
8th: Zoey German-’On My Own’
8th: Elliana Anbardan-’Runway Walk’
8th: Joy Lin-’This Is Me’
9th: Rory Frye-’Amen’
9th: Aurora Brady-’Hit The Road Jack’
9th: Reagan Nordling-’Lemon of Pink’
10th: Khloe Kwon-’Black Pink!’
10th: Aubrey Tolentino-’Footwurkin’
10th: Holland Fraley-’Torn’
Junior Solo
1st: Gracyn French-’CoverGirl’
2nd: Laci Stoico-’Mibiso’
3rd: Makaia Roux-’Everything I Wanted’
4th: Mya Tuaileva-’Can’t Unhear’
4th: Kortlynn Rosenbaugh-’Unearthed’
5th: Hayden Olson-’Breathe’
5th: Lincoln Blakely-’What I Came to Do’
5th: Kendyl Fay-’You’ll Find A Way’
5th: Madison Ortega-’Island Song
6th: Campbell Clark-’I’ll Be Seeing You’
6th: Kylee Ngo-’Ex machina’
6th: Ciana Ciulla-’Sophrosyne’
6th: Madison Ronquillo-’White Ferrari’
6th: Rylee Young-’Lullaby’
7th: Bella Fernandez-’She Was Running’
7th: Kendall Jundt-’Awakening’
7th: Leighton Werner-’The Rose’
8th: Gigi Hipwell-’Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word’
8th: Abbi Francis-’Feel It Still’
8th: Sienna Brown-’Ballroom Blitz’
8th: Natalie Kulba-’Ascending’
8th: Stella Eberts-’Valley’
8th: Campbell Bas-’Silhouette’
9th: Anabel Alexander-’Plans We Made’
9th: Lena Chiem-’Grand Piano’
9th: Anya Inger-’Quiet Thoughts’
10th: Sunnie Pelant-’No Place Like Home’
Teen Solo
1st: Dyllan Blackburn-’Haunted’
2nd: Kaitlyn Tom-’Charity Bound’
2nd: Luke Barrett-’Eden’
2nd: Carley Thinfen-’Self Destruction’
2nd: Elle O’Donnell-’Slowly’
2nd: Imogene Elias-’Timer’
3rd: Zoe Ridge-’A Thousand Eyes’
3rd: Katy McIlwaine-’Heavy’
3rd: Cydney Heard-’I’m Going In’
3rd: Ava DeCristofaro-’Letting In’
3rd: Isabella Warfield-’Nicest Thing’
3rd: Jenna Koblin-’Ultralight Beam’
4th: Kaitlyn Ortega-’All Human Beings’
4th: Sami Sonder-’Fever’
4th: Brooklyn Sandlin-’Hollow’
4th: Siena Riga-’Naked’
4th: Mason Walker-’Touch’
5th: Ali McKeown-’All I Ask’
5th: Lilly McCollum-’Control’
5th: Raina Wu-’Looking In’
5th: Kamryn Webb-’Take Me Out’
6th: Mikaella Lopez-’Mind In Flight’
6th: Dayanara Vega-’Skin’
6th: Amanda J. Lai-’The Journey, Not The Destination’
6th: Zuzu Duchon-’Twelfth of Never’
6th: Riley Cooke-’Yellow’
6th: Aiden Boquiren-’You Will Be Found’
7th: Olivia Magni-’Moonlight Sonata’
7th: Sebastian Hsu-Kwan-’My Identity’
7th: Julissa Ortiz-’Never Knock’
7th: Felix Fulton-’Rome’
8th: Tiffany Robinson-’Human Touch’
8th: Milana Zamora-’Hypnosis’
8th: Ellyana Lor-’Rise of the Phoenix’
8th: Zoey Garcia-’Slappers’
8th: Claire Kaplan-’Suspended’
8th: Avery Reyes-’The Garden’
9th: Bella Machado-’Everybody Got Their Something’
9th: Aaliyah Wiley-’If I Ain’t Got You’
10th: Tyler Chiyuto-’Glitch’
10th: Deanna Zarkova-’Love Song’
10th: Gabbie Carrozza-’Unbroken’
Senior Solo
1st: Zach Burk-’2/21/21′
1st: Selena Hamilton-’Keep an Eye Out’
2nd: Kendall Pangburn-’Secret’
2nd: Anna Miller-’50 Ways’
2nd: Perris Amento-’Addicted to Love’
3rd: Charlotte Foldes-’Shock To Us All’
3rd: Priscilla Tom-’The Blues’
3rd: Milan Furtado-’Peace of Mind’
4th: Gianna Van Den Bosch-’Feel’
4th: Shane Higa-’Superpower’
4th: Camille Fehr-’Till Now’
5th: Kadynce Ross-’Findings’
5th: Kaylee Feierfeil-’Lasting Lover’
5th: Amanda Taylor-’What Is Happening To Me’
5th: Kacie De La Rose-’What’s Poppin’
6th: Lauren Wallingford-’Entanglement’
6th: Izzy Burton-’For All We Know’
6th: Kolton Cross-’Get Your Head In The Game?’
6th: Reese Taylor-’Pink’
6th: Madeline Underwood-’Power of Love’
7th: Mia Hurtz-’Don’t Worry About Me’
7th: John Mays-’Kash’
7th: Amara Tedford-’Stand By Me’
7th: Bianca Capanna-’Unchained Melody’
8th: Grace Glass-’All My Friends’
8th: Stella von Borck-’Hater’
9th: Christina Laude-’Black Ships’
9th: Hanna Clark-’Close To You’
9th: Galilee Nelson-’Everything I Wanted’
9th: Kaitlyn Hong-’I Try’
9th: Cassie Brown-’Ransom’
9th: Delaney Davis-’Shades of Cool’
10th: Noelani Kreider-’Fade’
10th: Alivia Elliot-’My Mistake’
10th: Makenna Bilodeaux-’Oops’
10th: Mallory Davis-’Put It On Me’
Mini Duo/Trio
1st: HYPE Dance Studio-’American Boy’
2nd: Project 21-’I Am The Cute One’
3rd: Pave School of The Arts-’Blow’
3rd: Sweaty Shelly Natomas Dance and Fitness-’Everybody Dance Now’
Junior Duo/Trio
1st: Dance Unlimited Boise-’Me and My Shadow’
2nd: Yoko’s Dance and Performing Arts Academy-’Bring You Home’
3rd: Creative Edge Dance Studio-’Chapstick’
Teen Duo/Trio
1st: DNA Dance Collective-’Tapout’
2nd: Pave School of The Arts-’Amen’
3rd: Dance Attack!-Los Gatos-’Dive In The Water’
Senior Duo/Trio
1st: Elite Studio of Dance-’Layers’
2nd: Elite Studio of Dance-’Woman’
3rd: Core Connection Dance Company-’Take Over’
Sidekick Group
1st: Echo School of Dance-’It’s My Party’
2nd: Echo School of Dance-’Tonight Belongs To You’
3rd: Elite Studio of Dance-’Hard Knock Life’
Mini Group
1st: Project 21-’Fan Tan Fannie’
2nd: Pave School of The Arts-’Swine’
2nd: Elite Studio of Dance-’We Go To Work’
3rd: Echo School of Dance-’We Comin’
Junior Group
1st: Project 21-’Stuff Like That There’
2nd: Project 21-’No Fear But Anticipation’
3rd: Project 21-’Wegue’
Teen Group
1st: Project 21-’Girls, Girls, Girls’
2nd: Project 21-’Bring On The Men’
3rd: Elite Studio of Dance-’Stand Up’
Senior Group
1st: Project 21-’We Can, We Will’
2nd: Elite Studio of Dance-’SR HH”
3rd: HYPE Dance Studio-’Silence’
Sidekick Line
1st: HYPE Dance Studio-’ABC’
2nd: HYPE Dance Studio-’We Got The Beat’
Mini Line
1st: Project 21-’Dive In The Pool’
2nd: Elite Studio of Dance-’Drip or Down’
2nd: Pave School of The Arts-’The List’
3rd: Elite Studio of Dance-’Candy Man’
Junior Line
1st: Project 21-’Proud Mary’
2nd: HYPE Dance Studio-’Get Up Off That Thang’
3rd: Elite Studio of Dance-’Lost On You’
Teen Line
1st: Project 21-’Post That’
2nd: HYPE Dance Studio-’Can U Feel The Beat’
2nd: Dance Attack!-Los Gatos-’Never Be Mine’
2nd: Elite Studio of Dance-’Nine One Six’
2nd: Project 21-’The Dictator’s Dream’
3rd: California Dance Company-’Back Alley’
Senior Line
1st: Dance Attack!-Los Gatos-’Next To You’
2nd: Elite Studio of Dance-’Did Something Bad’
3rd: Elite Studio of Dance-’Fergalicious’
Teen Extended Line
1st: Project 21-’Desoleil’
2nd: HYPE Dance Studio-’Pressure’
High Scores by Performance Division:
Sidekick Jazz
1st: Echo School of Dance-’Tonight Belongs To You’ 2nd: HYPE Dance Studio-’We Got The Beat’ 2nd: Elite Studio of Dance-’Yankee Doodle Dandee’
Sidekick Hip-Hop
1st: Echo School of Dance-’It’s My Party’ 2nd: HYPE Dance Studio-’ABC’
Sidekick Tap
Elite Studio of Dance-’Hard Knock Life’
Mini Jazz
1st: Project 21-’Dive In The Pool’ 2nd: Pave School of The Arts-’Swine’ 3rd: Elite Studio of Dance-��Candy Man’
Mini Hip-Hop
1st: Elite Studio of Dance-’Drip or Down’ 2nd: Elite Studio of Dance-’We Go To Work’ 3rd: Echo School of Dance-’We Comin’
Mini Tap
1st: Elite Studio of Dance-’Mr. Postman’ 2nd: Elite Studio of Dance-’What You Want’ 3rd: Sweaty Shelly Natomas Dance and Fitness-’Pennies from Heaven’
Mini Contemporary
1st: Pave School of The Arts-’The List’ 2nd: Echo School of Dance-’Warrior’
Mini Lyrical
1st: Elite Studio of Dance-’Wind Beneath My Wings’ 2nd: Elite Studio of Dance-’Somewhere We Know’ 3rd: Core Connection Dance Company-’Somewhere Only We Know’
Mini Musical Theatre
Project 21-’Fan Tan Fannie’
Junior Jazz
1st: Project 21-’Proud Mary’ 2nd: Project 21-’Stuff Like That There’ 3rd: HYPE Dance Studio-’You Got The Look’
Junior Ballet
Denisa’s School of Dance-’Warrior’
Junior Hip-Hop
1st: Echo School of Dance-’Swagg Out’ 2nd: HYPE Dance Studio-’Diamond Block’
Junior Tap
1st: HYPE Dance Studio-’Get Up Off That Thang’ 2nd: Sweaty Shelly Natomas Dance and Fitness-’Don’t Want To Dance Alone’ 2nd: Elite Studio of Dance-’Dear Future Husband’
Junior Contemporary
1st: Project 21-’No Fear But Anticipation’ 2nd: HYPE Dance Studio-’How Will I Know’ 3rd: Sweaty Shelly Natomas Dance and Fitness-’All I Know’
Junior Specialty
1st: Project 21-’Wegue’ 2nd: Sweaty Shelly Natomas Dance and Fitness-’Night Fight’
Teen Jazz
1st: Project 21-’Bring On The Men’ 1st: Project 21-’Post That’ 2nd: Elite Studio of Dance-’Diva’ 3rd: Elite Studio of Dance-’Show Me’
Teen Ballet
Elite Studio of Dance-’Counterpoise’
Teen Hip-Hop
1st: HYPE Dance Studio-’Pressure’ 2nd: HYPE Dance Studio-’Can U Feel The Beat’ 2nd: Elite Studio of Dance-’Nine One Six’ 3rd: California Dance Company-’Back Alley’
Teen Tap
1st: Dance Attack!-Los Gatos-’Sir Duke’ 2nd: Elite Studio of Dance-’Just Fine’ 3rd: HYPE Dance Studio-’Beggin’
Teen Contemporary
1st: Project 21-’Girls, Girls, Girls’ 1st: Project 21-’Desoleil’ 2nd: Elite Studio of Dance-’Stand Up’ 3rd: Project 21-’The Dictator’s Dream’ 3rd: Dance Attack!-Los Gatos-’Never Be Mine’
Teen Lyrical
California Dance Company-’Amen’
Teen Musical Theatre
Sweaty Shelly Natomas Dance and Fitness-’Shaking The Blues Away’
Teen Ballroom
Dance Attack!-Los Gatos-’Baila’
Senior Jazz
Elite Studio of Dance-’Lip Gloss’
Senior Hip-Hop
1st: Elite Studio of Dance-’SR HH” 2nd: Core Connection Dance Company-’Bay Area’
Senior Tap
1st: Elite Studio of Dance-’Fergalicious’ 2nd: Elite Studio of Dance-’Bad Guy’
Senior Contemporary
1st: Project 21-’We Can, We Will’ 2nd: Dance Attack!-Los Gatos-’Next To You’ 3rd: Elite Studio of Dance-’Did Something Bad’
Senior Jazz
Elite Studio of Dance-’Lip Gloss’
11 O’Clock:
Echo School of Dance-’It’s My Party’
HYPE Dance Studio-’ABC’
Elite Studio of Dance-’Hard Knock Life’
Project 21-’Dive In The Pool’
Pave School of The Arts-’The List’
Elite Studio of Dance-’Drip or Down’
Sweaty Shelly Natomas Dance and Fitness-’All I Know’
HYPE Dance Studio-’Get Up Off That Thang’
Project 21-’Proud Mary’
Elite Studio of Dance-’Lost On You’
Dance Attack!-Los Gatos-’Never Be Mine’
Echo School of Dance-’Da Girl Gang’
California Dance Company-’Back Alley’
HYPE Dance Studio-’Pressure’
Elite Studio of Dance-’Stand Up’
Project 21-’Girls, Girls, Girls’
Dance Attack!-Los Gatos-’Next To You’
Elite Studio of Dance-’Did Something Bad’
HYPE Dance Studio-’Silence’
Echo School of Dance-’I Lost A Friend’
Core Connection Dance Company-’Heartless’
Project 21-’We Can, We Will’
Studio Showcase:
Sweaty Shelly Natomas Dance and Fitness-’Untouchable’
Project 21-’Girls, Girls, Girls’
HYPE Dance Studio-’Pressure’
Elite Studio of Dance-’Stand Up’
Echo School of Dance-’I Lost A Friend’
Core Connection Dance Company-’Heartless’
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bqstqnbruin · 3 years
Dang how big can they be! I’m a Victoria Secret “C” cup - sooooooooooo basically an A. And girl I remember when I did ballet and there was this very…….”blessed” girl and every time time she twirled when I tell you we ALL stared! Like damn girl them thangs are THAGIN’!!! *Alexa play Jealousy, Jealousy by Olivia Rodrigo”
At Victoria Secret I'm one cup size above their 34DDD (I'm 100% wearing the DDD but it's too small because I grew and bras are expensive af)
STOP WHEN I DID BALLET the amount of tape I had to use for recitals and shit was ridiculous I remember one costume for our competition team I had to do a lil shimmy and I couldn't because I couldn't tape down everything the way the costume fit and it was just 50 shades of a mess
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