#ball drop game
zakkaplay · 2 years
Bubble Tea Balls Drop Game | Free Android Game
Enjoy an addictive bubble tea maker balls drop game and catch fun boba monsters like UFO arcade games! If you like arcade catcher games, you’ll enjoy this free bubble tea cafe game! Whip up bubble tea recipes with a simple addictive arcade game play with lots of bubbly joyful boba monsters to collect! Shoot down boba ball to make the boba ball drop lots of delicious boba balls drop when it…
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15-lizards · 2 years
Fun hair stuff bc I’m sad ab what ASOIAF could have given us:
(All these fun posts can be found under #asoiaf hair and clothing) (go from the tag on this post instead of searching it on my page bc not all of them will show up :/)
(Also here’s the sequel with clothing)
(More hair styles) here’s some free cities ones
(All of this was found on Pinterest! I usually search traditional clothings from diff cultures!)
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Is this not a fancy Baratheon woman who can’t wear her hair down bc the wind at storms end won’t allow it
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Give the Dothraki cool beads and headwear to denote status!! Give them little additions to their culture!!
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Let the northern women cover their heads their ears are COLD George
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The Braavosi should wear shells and pearls bc they live by the sea god damnit
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Targ girl coded and Lannister maiden pilled
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setaflow · 4 months
People in the comments of the Assassin's Creed: Shadows trailer becoming armchair historians trying to explain why Yasuke shouldn't be a protagonist actually are hilarious. Like besties this is a franchise where people can control eagles with their minds and a good 5% of the population are descended from evil psychic aliens. I THINK we can expand on a story of Japan's only-recorded African koshō without it jumping the shark.
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offonaherosjourney · 1 year
Shoutout to the person that, within 24 hours of the release of Tears of the Kingdom, is going to build a fully functional airship. Not the flying drone we've seen on the trailers, but an actual flying boat with a helm, cellar, some cabins, and maybe even canons. Whoever you are I love you and I hope you post a tutorial
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Fun fact: McLaren have scored 1102 points from 2021 to the first half of 2024.
Fun fact: 152 of those are Danny Ric. 264 of those are Oscar Piastri. 686 of those are Lando Norris, that’s well over half.
Fun fact: Lando had a 130 point advantage across ‘21-‘22 and has a 140 point advantage across ‘23-‘24 thus far.
Thank you and goodnight.
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crimescrimson · 4 months
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Albert Wesker in Resident Evil Remastered (2002)
#crimson's gifs: resident evil#resident evil#re#Resident Evil 1#RE1#Resident Evil 1 Remastered#RE1R#Resident Evil Remastered#Albert Wesker#Albert Wesker (RE1)#Wesker#One of the most interesting things I noticed studying the game and the appearences of Wesker throughout is that when it comes to him#He only seems to be fixated on Chris#Hes a lot more confrontational and engaged when Chris confronts him#Notice the little smirk he makes before he turns around to greet Chris at the private residence#With Jill hes more focused on the tyrant and practically bored but hes a lot more gleefully insane (and emotional) when its Chris#Really set up the whole Chris Fixation wesker has quite well imo#I dont like wesker that much personally and yall already gathered i HATE Chris' character but I have to give credit when its due#Its a shame they kinda wasted it#If they are remaking 5 I hope they expand on that more#The post credits in 4r of Wesker watching Chris in Revelations on the screen was another good setup#CVX hooks onto RE1R perfectly and that 4r cutscene also hooks onto that great its just that re5 kinda drops the ball a lil#Because Wesker is blindsided by Chris when thats supremely out of character for the man absolutely obsessed with him#To not know where he is at all times#I kinda believe he only took Jill to make sure Chris would find him eventually#Anyways this is the last character focused set. Last ones are just alternative outfits now which is just Jills 3 alts and cowboy rebecca
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lesbianralzarek · 22 days
being able to criticize something you love isnt a chore youre morally required to do, its fucking freeing. yeah, i am "critical of my interests" and after some self-reflection ive determined that everything i love fucking owns even when its bad. im taking an honest look at it, and deciding which parts to hype up without feeling like i also have to downplay its problems, or get huffy and defensive, or be vigilant about steering the conversation away from its issues
"you like this? how can you ignore all of its flaws?" well first off, im not ignoring shit, im aware of all that and dont judge anyone for considering them dealbreakers. second off, did you know ronald reagan died of ligma?
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ice-cap-k · 10 months
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Best task of the session. I love watching these full-grown adults devolve into children.
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timethehobo · 2 months
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Scribbling some KTJL charm ideas because sometimes you just gotta make merch yourself when there’s nothing official out there.
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nebuladreamz · 4 months
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Today you get painting of a genshin oc of mine
Tomorrow? Fuck if I know
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frailgun · 1 year
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actually the most insane fit ive ever done
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damn-daemon · 2 months
Can't believe House of the Dragon is making me reconsider my hatred toward D&D...
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lavampira · 4 months
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#ffxivbridgerton — ball
D’alia filled her dance card with many would-be suitors that eve, but when she took to the floor with Sidurgu, they only seemed to have eyes for each other. Perhaps she has found her perfect match quite early this season.
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okiankeno · 1 month
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close enough. welcome back magnet
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hecksupremechips · 4 months
Having Ryuki thoughts and what really makes the ending of aini feel off to me is like. Ryuki kinda just like, doesn’t have any friends. Mizuki has plenty of friends, we know she’s good friends with Iris, Ota, and Aiba and then we also see her with Mame, Shoma, Kizuna, and Bibi and generally she just seems to be on good terms with everyone in the cast. But with Ryuki it’s not really like that. He doesn’t really form any meaningful relationships with the characters he meets in the game, at best theyre acquaintances. Boss doesn’t really know what to do with him and Ryuki can tell. He has Tama of course, no doubt shes his only family and they care deeply about each other, but you just know Ryuki feels uncertain because she’s an ai who was made to work with him, she’s his friend cuz she HAS to be. The only friend he’s ever actually made in his life is Date and Ryuki just. He attaches himself so strongly to Date he bases his sense of justice around Date he starts feeling like he can carry on because of Date he starts losing his mind and drinking himself to death because he loses Date HE HAS DATE BACK FOR 5 MINUTES AND THEN TAKES A BULLET FOR DATE. But we don’t really know what becomes of their relationship after everything that’s happened or if Ryuki can even allow himself to be around Date considering all his guilt. And when Ryuki gets shot and starts bleeding out the only person who goes to him is Date and like. Their time is so brief I forget it even happens. We dont get to react to it at all and honestly why would we? This game hasn’t given Mizuki and Ryuki a relationship so why would she feel strongly about him nearly dying? So then when we’re finally allowed to know if Ryuki is okay AFTER BEING SHOT it’s done as a surprise for Mizuki and Bibi which is just. So so weird cuz like I said Mizuki doesn’t really have a relationship with this guy and Bibi like, actively hates him. Its so weird and like it makes a lot of sense WHY he doesn’t have any friends cuz he isolates himself and is just in general very socially awkward and off putting but for the game to just kinda squeeze him into this friend group all of a sudden as a second thought without putting any effort into what his relationships with these people would be like it’s just. I hate it I really hate it
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ganondoodle · 9 months
(this went on to be a longer ramble, talking about shrines and the abilities in totk i had more thoughts about the overworld repetition but im putting this into a separate post)
something i havent seen anyone mention before is also that it is a problem that you can skip nearly any puzzle in the totk "temples", some of which just by climbing walls ... and that wasnt possible in botw bc the titans were made of the same material as the shrines and prevented you from climbing on them, which feels like they knew making them climable would reduce the amount of puzzle you had to do and make it even less impactful, surely there are some glitches or movement tech that can make it easier, but at least you had to think about it a little?
but i guess that went against their newly adopted "more freedom equals better" way of thinking .. but then ..
the thing that i find confusing is that the shrines interior in totk are once again, NOT climable, but similar sonau buildings in the overworld ARE climable, they even restrict how you can use the tech in shrines, so ... they arent actually against restrictions? but then dont restrict anything else? not even in the main dungeons?? its kinda inconsistent and conflicting (like everything else lmao)
and that kinda extends to the abilities too, both the ceiling jump and ultrahand make alot of puzzles obsolete bc theres always a way easier way to skip everything; i know they kidna based it around people doing crazy thigns in botw, but there it felt like you were actually kinda missusing the mechanic of stasis for example in a smart way, YOU came up with that and it felt rewarding creating your own solution to shrine puzzles bc there were multiple ways to do it in this engine (like isntead of aligning blocks to lead electritiy to one end to the other you put out your weapons and place them there instead, and it WORKS) it felt more non intended, even if they had thoguht about it, it still FELT like you just came up with that, and sometimes it really was the only way your mind worked with and everyone had their own way of thinking
while in totk, they kinda tried to encourage that way of thinking, but it doesnt feel like your own idea anymore really, and, while its not every single one, in alot of totk shrines .. or even overworld puzzles you were just .. literally given the puzzle pieces for you to put together, but the pieces were like .. in parts of 6 at most so putting together the picture was both obvious and also kinda boring, like you were treated like you are a 4 year old and they were giving you 4 piece puzzles over and over- and fine you CAN just glue the two fans together and stand on them to fly high enough to just glide over to the end instead of building the flying thing they gave you the pieces for BUT its still .. expected, like you dont feel like you are working on it your way but seeing what the devs obviously planned for and then knowingly circumventing it i dont think its good either that in combination with the ceiling jump you really can just skip almost anything, take out a fly thing and fly near the end to spam the jump until it works, instead of using the building blocks they gave you for the obvious solution you build some platform and just ceiling jump to it, theres a rocket here? fuse it to your shield and fly high enough to glide to the end, its both too easy and obvious for the intented way and then you can even entirely skip that too, and you dont even feel smart about it bc it doesnt feel like you came up with it on your own and instead feel like a child that is way too old for the toys its given and the adults giving them to you stare at you while they wait for you to solve the puzzle- and alot of the solutions were either build something with these three pieces or fight something with these pieces-
i still remember that one (or more?) botw shrines were it lead you to a button to press and once you stand on it the wall slides open and reveals some fun and unexpected challenge, over and over- there was a hallway you had to glide through but there were big moving spiky metal balls hanging from the ceiling, maybe one has a normal rope on it and you can shoot it down if you notice it but the others dont so what do you do, stasis them so you can avoid it in time, grab it with magnesis to make it swing harder and then hope for the best as you fly there or dont do anything of that and just jump in- the one were a spiked wall was chasing you and as you run more obstables are put in your way right before you get to it, you stand on a button and the wall opens greeting you with an immediate guardian laser to the face? it felt more creative and fun to me, tho granted i havent done all shrines in totk bc i grew too tired of the everything to play more
(at least thats how i felt like, like i was treated like i was stupid for alot of totk, not just in the shrines sometimes .. which were one of the more enjoyable things in it, but also in the story .. like you dont have to think at all to get everything before its said to your face over and over)
and that thing with the abilities and the tech also makes the world less like a world and more like a playground bc you can just skip to every point of interest, you dont have to walk or climb or fight your way anywhere really bc you can just go up and fly to whereever you want, the new weird ass towers only make it worse bc .. of course youd make use of them to get everywhere even quicker, its also kinda in the combat, they might give you the tools to be creative (with arguably very simple things .. like a wheel, a rocket a fan and flamethrower arent realyl that interesting to begin with) why would you build a laser firing tank maschine to fight some bokblins you can just .. clobber like you usually do way quicker and easier
i do like the abilities in botw more than in totk too, but its got multiple reasons, like the world felt built around it without putting it into your face all the time, and the shrines were more built around giving you fun challenges, or just .. a fun experience, with often more subtle puzzles and not always forcing you to make use of the shiekah stone runes, plus the totk abilities feel more like the same thing .. or less interesting? fuse and ultrahand really are one and the same thing but separated into two for .. some reason, the time reversal is like stasis but with less ways to apply and use it (and kinda clunky how everything freezes in place when you prime it), and both it and the ceiling jump are a skip button from one location to the next (even tho we already have the fast travel) so you dont even need to climb, like those weird towers in the underground i thoguht looked cool and interesting when i first saw them only to realize its just a way to get to the surface via ceiling jump and nothing more .. you could fast travel up with the same amount of loading time, and more often than not it wasnt even in an interesting spot or somewhere you couldnt get to otherwise; the autobuild too even lets you skip building!! the thing thats the supposedly focus! i know its annoying to build something for a long time with its clunky function but isnt it yet another skip button
... another random ramble, much more incoherent too, again i want to mention im not trying to hate on everything, jsut kinda communicate or ... spill out my thoughts and feelings; i do absolutely agree that ultrahand is a very impressive mechanic and i did have fun with all the abilities for a while ..... i still like botws more bc its more diverse and is more restricted (which i LIKE) while also having more ways to use them
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