#baldurs gate g/t
undertheleaves · 6 months
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Maybe it wasn't the best idea for Tav to try and catch up with Gale in his realm
Ty @rainydaygt for providing the lovely inspo :]
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sm0lprism · 6 days
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I commissioned the wonderful @entomolog-t to draw my g/t Baldur's Gate 3 oc, Ria, with Astarion and I'm absolutely over the moon with it!! This is very reflective of their encounter in the first chapter of my fic, Bite-Sized. I love this so much and I'm so happy with how Ento brought Ria to life.
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qwiqwiaqwi · 1 year
where is this forge of yours honey i'll bring it to you
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lnbeep-art · 3 months
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For @smallsday as part of G/tGotcha4Gaza!
Donations are still open:
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marshmallow-bg3 · 7 months
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Rule or ruin, they should be able to do it together...
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okminer07 · 1 month
Mice Among Beasts Pt 1
A Baldur's Gate fanfiction.
The dungeon-like space smelled awful, like death, rot, and goblins. It was impossible to see where they were going, what with the cage constantly rocking back and forth with each step the goblin took, clearly taking pleasure in jostling them around.  
A look of shock was still painted across Willow’s face, her brain struggling to keep up. How had she been so stupid?! Trying to steal food from that camp, and without any sort of plan? Had she even taken the time to scope the place out? No! She had simply seen the food and gone for it. Now, she was facing the grim reality that they themselves might become food. Did goblins eat her people? It seemed like a very real possibility, seeing what had been on- 
She jumped when a loud, high-pitched wail filled the air, the source being right next to her. Belle had been sniffling and whimpering from the moment they had been captured, but now she was screaming.   
The goblin above them groaned. He gave the cage a good shake, sending the two tiny humanoids falling from one side to the other, “Shut up!” 
Belle only cried louder. Holding her aching head, Willow stumbled over to her. She wrapped her arms tightly around her sister's frail body and pulled her into her lap. Cooing at her and petting her golden hair very slowly quieted the girl down, being content to cry into Willow’s shirt.   
The two were both trembling, but Willow tried to mask it by slowly rocking the sobbing mess in her arms. The corners of her own eyes burned, but she gritted her teeth and tried to remain composed. It wouldn’t help anyone if both of them began to crumble. Then again, could anything help them now?  
She turned her head to glare at the underside of their captor's chin, “What do you want?” she hissed.  
The two shrunk away as the cage was brought up to the goblin’s eye level. He smirked, “Entertainment.” 
He lowered the cage back down to his side, pushing open a large double door with a guttural grunt. Willow peered through the bars, vaguely able to make out the room they had entered. There were two rooms on either side of them, but the goblin walked past them and down a short set of stone steps. All sorts of crates and wooden boards peppered the room's perimeter, but what caught her eye were the two large cells across the room, one on the left, and one on the right.   
The goblin turned right, going down another short flight of stairs. Willow’s eyes widened, seeing ahead of them a small group of even more goblins. Three looked to be young ones, all of which were cackling with laughter. A guard of sorts seemed to be supervising them, a look of content amusement on her face.  
“Listen! Did you hear it squeal?” one of the young ones laughed, pointing into the cell before them.  
“Make it do it again!”  
One of the goblins bent down and when they straightened, had a large rock in their grasp. They promptly threw it into the cell. A deep yet pained whimper came from behind the bars, pitiful and animalistic. Willow tensed at the sound, goosebumps beginning to pop up along her arms. What sort of animal did they have in there? Anything larger than a rabbit would have been enough to send her running.   
The group burst into laughter, “Hand me another one!” 
Willow flinched as their captor cleared his throat. The oldest of the group turned, her face lighting up with a similar sinister smirk.  
“Hey, Crusher! Come to join the fun?” 
“Actually, I plan to add to it.”  He raised the cage and gave it another harsh shake, exciting a shriek out of Belle, “Lookie what I got ‘ere.” 
The whole group descended upon them. All the kids hurried forward, pushing and shoving one another to get to the front and peer inside the birdcage. Willow’s arms tightened around her sister as the pairs of eyes on those hideous faces slowly settled upon the two of them.  
“Woah!” exclaimed one child, “What are those?”   
The goblin next to him gave him a shove, “They’re clearly some kind of fey, idiot.” 
“What kind though?”  
“Well… uh…” the smartass peered through the bars once more, “Uh… I’m not sure. Are they pixies?”  
The eldest pushed them aside, leaning her ugly face down to scrutinize the girls, “No… no, pixies got wings, and these nibblets seem smaller. At least from what I’ve seen.” she gave the cage a small shove, causing Belle to cry out once more, her bony fingers clawing into her sister. 
“Hah! They make even funnier noises!” Willow flinched at the volume of the child’s voice, wishing her hands were free so she could cover them, “Make ‘em do it again!”  
“Oh oh! Let me see!” the smartass lept forward, his massive pudgy hands groping for the cage.  
Their captor- Crusher he seemed to be called, held them higher up, chuckling, “Now now, you’ll all get plenty of time to hear them make their noises.” he shot the two a grin before turning to the other adult, “Notice you haven’t fed that furball to the worgs yet.”  
“Nah, I’ve been having too much fun with ‘em.” she peered over her shoulder, “But if we ever run out of fresh meat-” 
Crusher held up his hand, silencing her and turning to the kids, “How would you guys like to see a real show?”   
Those greenish-yellow faces lit up, “Yeah!” 
“You wanna see a real show?” 
“Alright then.” he smirked from the cage to the cell, “This will be fun.”  
The cage started to sway once more as Crusher pushed past the kids, approaching the cell. Willow, her sister still in her arms, began to back towards the opposite side of the cage. 
They were suddenly lifted higher, being held right against the bars. Her heart hammered against her ribs as if trying to escape itself. She didn’t want to look, didn’t want to know, but her eyes betrayed her as they peered down into the cell.  
She gasped. Through the bars, standing in the very center, was a bear. An absolutely massive brown bear.  
Belle screamed, trying to backpedal further away to no avail. The goblins burst into fits of laughter, “What? You don’t like ‘em?” The cage was spun so now their backs were right up against the cell. Willow held her sister’s head against her chest as she whimpered. 
Chancing a glance over her shoulder, Willow saw that the bear’s eyes were fixed upon the cage. When Belle let out another whimper, its ears perked up at the sound.  
“D'aww look, I think he wants to be friends” teased Crusher, receiving more laughs in response.  
A shiver ran down her spine as the bear released a low, long drawn-out growl. Oh gods. 
“You wanna go in and say hello?” 
Belle shrieked, frantically shaking her head as if it would do anything.  
“Is that a yes?”  
“No!” she screamed. 
“Well, if you say so.”  
They began to be lowered, the cage nearly being touched down to the ground before the floor suddenly began to tilt. Willow hurriedly pulled her and her sister up the growing incline and wrapped her legs around the cage bars. Her sister screamed, clawing her way up her body and desperately trying to also grab onto something as their world continued to turn.  
Her arms began to burn as they became vertical, but she didn’t dare let them loosen their grip around Belle, not even for a moment. A large clawed hand came around and pried open the cage door.
“Come on now, “ Crusher gave the cage a good shake. Willow winced, straining to keep the two of them up, “Don’t want to keep ‘em waiting do ya?” His eyes zeroed in on what was keeping them from falling. Those clawed fingers crept towards her, nails slipping beneath her legs. A mere flick of the finger, and they were falling, falling into a death trap.  
She spun around in the air, putting herself between Belle and the approaching stone floor. An airless gasp escaped her as she collided with the ground. She coughed and wheezed, wincing at the throbbing pain now blooming across her whole back. 
Belle began to shake her and tug at her shirt collar. Willow pushed her away, forcing herself up. She froze as another low growl filled her ears. Grabbing hold of her sister, she looked up and wanted to scream. The bear’s eyes were fixed upon them. Even from afar, it towered over them, a huge mass of fur that could swallow them whole.  
Whipping her head around, her eyes landed upon the cell’s bars. The space between them was big enough for them to slip through. She ran for it, dragging her sister behind her. Almost as soon as she had started towards it, the goblins took notice. All of them crouched down in front of the cell to block her path, laughing at her pitiful attempt at escape.   
She spun around, heading in the opposite direction. Heart pounding in her ears, she began scouring the stone walls for cracks, holes, anything. The ground beneath them quivered and Willow looked over to see the bear taking a step towards them, head lowered and shoulders up.  
It stalked towards them, throwing her off balance with every step. She frantically continued to search the walls, running along the perimeter of the cell. When she reached a corner, she stopped, out of breath. She turned and froze. The bear was close now, its shadow beginning to cover the two of them. They couldn’t run now, they were cornered.  
Belle began to whimper. Willow stepped in front of her and began to back away. She only made it a few steps before they were pressed against the wall. Looking up in horror, she watched as the bear's head began to encapsulate her entire vision. The air around them stunk of its rancid breath. Its eyes were piercing, the gaze as sharp as its protruding fangs. This was it, they were dead. 
Willow’s arms came up to shield her and her sobbing sister. She braced herself as the beast closed in, opening its gaping maw. It descended upon them and she snapped her eyes shut, praying it would be a quick death for the both of them.  
Nothing. Nothing happened. She didn’t feel anything. Not the feeling of teeth tearing them to shreds like she had expected. Not the feeling of being doused in drool, not anything. However, she did hear something, the snapping of the bear’s jaws. 
Willow cracked open her eyes, freezing. The bear was mere inches away, its warm breath blowing back her silvery hair. It was still staring at them. It remained motionless.  
Suddenly, its massive form began to shift as it turned away from them. It began to make a noise that sounded like chewing. Willow hurriedly checked behind her, worried that it had somehow gotten a hold of Belle before her. But no, her sister was still huddled up behind her, looking up in terrified confusion. 
The bear continued to chew, at least that’s what it sounded like. She wracked her brain for an explanation of what else it could be but came up short.  
“Aw man, where’s all the blood?” rang out the familiar voice of one of the goblin children.   
Another voice sighed, “I guess if we wanted a real show, we should have thrown in something bigger, or maybe something that would have at least put up more of a fight. Ah well.”  
Willow’s eyes widened. Did they think that they had been- she looked up, seeing that the bear’s form was completely blocking them from the view of the goblins.   
“I guess we should get you lot back to work.” 
The young goblins all began to protest, “Aw come on! Can’t we throw more rocks at it or-”  
“Do you want to keep our True Soul waiting?” growled Crusher. 
True soul? 
“N-no. N-not at-” 
“Then get to it!” he barked, and Willow felt and heard the multiple pairs of feet hurry away, “Oh, and Butch wanted to see you, something ‘bout his worg. Won’t stop whining over it.”  
“Ugh, fine. Take me to him, will yah?” 
Another rumble of footsteps and the goblin’s grumbling murmurs slowly grew distant. With the slam of a door, the room fell silent.  
Hope you enjoy! and let me know if you want to hear more!
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kakemakes · 26 days
You ever think about how for a long time it didnt matter to Astarion that’d he’d outlive the people around him because of his torment and enslavement, but now having freedom and people that actually care for him it would actually be saddening to eventually outlive them.
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rose7420 · 11 months
Astarion BG3 GT Story
I've been wanting a GT Astarion story so this is self-indulgent...
Warnings: Language, Nudity
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“I know how to cast a goddamn spell Astarion” You huff out as you stand up from the blanket you both sit on. He chuckles, standing up to follow you.
Ever since you’d been back to set up camp he’d been pestering you about your mishap. On your mission to set up, a group of goblins had ambushed and in attempts to take them out quicker, you’d sent a fire blast incantation. 
It backfired.
You wouldn’t lie and say it didn’t hurt like utter hell but to Astarion’s smug face, you’d never admit it. Thankfully at the time you had been carrying around a vial of healing potion and that cleared up the blistering burn. But for now, you were stuck with the irksome vampire until the rest of your party arrived. The group had split up into two; Shadowheart, Gale, and Karlach off to kill a nest of spiders and their matriarch. You made it very clear this was not an adventure you’d partake in with your arachnophobia and promised to set up camp. Astarion had conveniently left out through the whole previous weeks of the group’s journey of his fear of spiders too. But you knew how he was. A true diva to the core. Right now you’d almost rather take the spiders.
“You know it is rather unsettling knowing how undisciplined of a sorcerer you are. How in the world did you make it to be the unsaid leader of the group?’He clicks his tongue, steps matching with yours now as you trudge into the woods.
“Go find something to bite!” You groan coming to a stop.
“And leave you alone? Darling if something happened to you I couldn’t live with myself knowing I left such an atrocious spellcaster to defend themselves.”
His teasing words are the edge of the cliff for you. “That’s it!” You yell and cast a mute spell towards him in an effort to shut him up.
You know that it backfires again when a sudden, unexpected sensation washes over you. Your head spins for a moment with a wave of nausea. Then after a few seconds, it's gone. 
“Oh dear…” You hear a booming voice say. Astarion’s. You groan.
You open your eyes ready to yell some more. 
But then you stop.
All around you, everything is enlarged, and like you’ve entered a world of giants. Massive pebbles as big as rocks now, grains of dirt larger than your hand. It’s unrecognizable but it's the same place you’ve always known.
“Well now, that didn’t go as planned, did it? Was your plan to shrink me?”
Your head snaps up taking in the enormous form of Astarion now. And your mouth dries.
He was always a few inches taller than you, him having substantial height for an elf. But now he was godlike. It was mind-numbing to think about how fucking huge he was now. Your eyes follow the gigantic black, leather knee-high boot all the way to his crossed arms and smirking face. You stumble back, overwhelmed by his size and not bothering to mention the fact you cast a mute spell not reduce.
He continues to stand being the little shit he is. Not bothering to kneel.
“Are you going to say something or simply take in my charm little dear? I completely understand the latter choice mind you. What a pleasure I assume that you get to bask in even more of me than usual…”  Of course, he’d say that. He’s probably enjoying this entire thing. For all you know, he has a kink for tiny chicks.
You’re pulled from your thoughts as he shifts his weight slightly, making his boot crunch a leaf.
Fear is no stranger to you in this daunting lifestyle. That quick feeling of your heart skipping a beat and limbs electrifying as you meet your opponent's glare. 
But here you’re useless. One step from his boot and you’re simply another bloodstain on the ground. 
So that’s exactly when you start to run. 
Rationally you know he has the upper hand in almost every way. He’s fast, an expert at hunting, and the small detail of him having a hundred feet on you now. Except it’s you who's smaller than a dormouse and vaulting over twigs that minutes ago you'd snapped with your boot. 
The ground starts to rumble under your feet, causing you to stumble. No doubt Astarion is already on your heels. You still keep running, no idea where you’re headed but far away from-
You stumble, barely managing to avoid falling headfirst into a river.
Well a river to you, but merely a stream to the vampire not far behind you.
You dare glance behind you and see Astarion stalking towards you, his pace unhurried as if this is an afternoon stroll and not a chase. 
You wager you have less than seconds to clear the “river” before he’s caught up. You take a few steps back and start a running leap. You get ready to jump, feet just about to leave the ground when the earth shudders. You misstep, tumbling down the slight slope straight into the running water. 
Your lungs seize with the freezing temperature and you desperately reach out for anything to keep you aloft and not down the stream. The muscles in your arms strain paddling to keep your head above the rapid and take a breath before you’re swept under the current. For a split second everything is peaceful and silent. The only pain is the burning in your lungs. 
Then something cups beneath your body, a tad warmer than the current temperature but not by much. Then you’re lifted away, your body instantly curling up with the chill of the air and your sodden clothes. You cough the water from your lungs.
“I think that went well, don’t you? I’m personally delighted you ran off into the forest like a lunatic! What in the hells were you thinking?” Astarion says, his voice loud. You cover your ears, shivering now. 
He must notice how you don’t respond as he begins to tuck you into his chest with more grunts of complaint. His fingers are surprisingly gentle as he uses the collar of his ruffled undershirt to cover you with. Thankful for the refuge and warmth you close your eyes and pull it around you. You feel every thump of his heart here. An odd but not unfamiliar place for you since you’ve only been this close to Astarion once. 
The one night he was so weak he tried to drink from you in your sleep. You had woken up with his fangs bared at your throat. Immediately he scrambled away, the only time you’d seen him so unsure of himself. He’d explained how weak he was and how he only needed something that would be easy to drink from and no requirement of being hunted. Seeing him as a vital part of your team you allowed him to drink from you. Not to mention you couldn’t bear to stand the sight of the bags under his eyes, how desperate he’d become to make himself vulnerable enough to ask for your help. 
You remember how he’d leaned over you, how his eyes met yours asking permission one last time. With either hand planted beside your head, he’d tilted your jaw up tenderly before sinking his teeth in. The pain had been icy sharp, but his tongue lapped your blood and it settled into a dull, pleasant ache. 
You blink your eyes back to reality as his finger twitches from the sensation of your tiny foot brushing the soft pad. As you tuck your legs in you notice his many rings that adorn his fingers. The one on his middle catches your eye with the ruby gem atop it. The jewelry is elegant and you think of how much it suits Astarion. Your heart still pounds, even with a small twitch the movement of something so big startles you and your stomach flips. You wrap your fingers in the soft cloth of his shirt and deeply inhale to soothe your nerves. And for the first time, you notice how silent Astarion is. 
Peeking a look up at him you see his defined, taught jaw. He’s clenching it looking straight ahead. It’s astounding how much of your vision he takes up. And you can’t help but admit how attractive he is. His throat bobs as he swallows, at one point you’d imagine running your tongue over it but now the damn lump is bigger than you. And the firm chest under you is only a fraction of the rest of his solid, lean body. 
“Are we there yet?” You ask
Astarion looks down at you, huddled in his shirt collar and in a small puddle of water his palm had created. “Patience little mouse.”
“Don’t call me that!”
“Why? It’s fitting no?”
“Well then I guess that makes you a…” You search your mind for a fitting creature of his stature compared to you now. With a sigh you have nothing. You settle for ignoring him.
“Don’t go quiet on me now…” He says raising you to his eyes. The sudden elevation is dizzying and you shoot forward to hold onto one of his fingers. 
“Astarion!” You chide him.
“Apologies…” He smirks not being apologetic at all. Probably secretly loving how your chest is pressed tightly against him in your embrace. 
“Serves you well making me chase after you on your mad run.”
“You didn’t have to chase after me.” You pout.
“And become some creature’s next meal? How dreadful of an end for you though…”
You roll your eyes, but notice how his hand curls around you as you shiver. He lowers you back to his chest and almost smothers you with his shirt collar piling it on top of you.
Later on when Astarion finally gets you both back to camp...
“You can’t sleep in wet clothes.” He says holding out a palm for you to drop them into. 
“It’ll b-be fi-fine As-Astarion.” Your teeth chatter and you bite down to keep them from clacking. 
You sit on his pallet with him towering in front of you despite his sitting position on the ground. His eyes darken as he looms over you. “You’ll take them off or I’ll take them off for you.”
Your heart quickens and you nervously chuckle, “I kn-knew y-you were kin-kinky bu-but-” 
Your words are cut off as his hand whisks you from the ground, placing you in his palm. “A pitiful attempt at seduction on your part my dear. You know I can’t in good mind accept your invitation when you are colder than me… now help me warm you up. You're tinier than a pixie.”
He’s gentle as his fingertips pinch the hem of your shirt to get it over your head. You undo the buttons at your breast to let it slip over your head. He sets them on the ground and lets you go about undoing your bottoms and the wet fabric falls with a slap to his palm. 
You don’t make a move to remove your undergarments. He gives you a questioning look with a lift of one eyebrow. 
“Oh no darling I meant it all. Don’t worry, although tempting I suppose I’ll leave you be tonight.” The side of his mouth quirks in a smile with your blushing face, revealing a glimpse of a sharp fang. 
You roll your eyes and shuck off the rest throwing your bra at his face. It lands on the slope of his nose, so he crosses his eyes to see it making you laugh. With an unimpressed look, he peels off the garment and lays it with the rest. 
“Cheeky little pup…” His eyes flicker up and down your naked form.
You blush and lean back into his palm, feeling very exposed. Not that you aren’t.
“I need some clothes you pervert.” 
Astarion’s eyes are heavy, darkening as he continues to stare. “I suppose you do. Though I don’t have a habit of carrying anything your size darling.”
“I’m not going to stand here naked! Besides I’m cold.” You whine.
He exhales. “Fine, I’ll see what I can do.”
Instead of setting you down on the pallet, he brings you to his shoulder. “What do you expect me to do?” You ask him. Certainly, it can’t be safe up here.
“Climb aboard my little pet.” He purrs. Your stomach jumps from the name.
“Astarion! I could fall! And then you’d miss me and my terrible spellcasting abilities.”
“Ah! You admit it! You were dreadfully awful at it. I suppose you being the size of a mouse and quite adorable make up for it.” He maneuvers you in his hand, instead of standing he has only two fingers gripping your waist. He deposits you right beside his neck. 
The sliver of bare skin feels intimate as you begrudgingly sit down. You even feel his pulse beneath you.
“Hold tight.”
He stands up without warning and your soul leaves your body as the ground moves. It’s all you can do to find something to hold on to which is his beloved hair. Your death grip is certainly noticeable but you can’t seem to care.
“Ow!” Astarion shouts as you watch his hand appear and part you from your only saving grace. You hold tight, not willing to let go while your heart races.
“A little warning next time you stand or anything for that matter! Fuckin hells…” You squeak out.
He must sense your racing heart and relents, pulling his hand away. “Fine… let's come to an agreement. You keep your hands out of my hair as irresistible as it is. I’ll make a better effort to forewarn you of any sudden movements. Deal?”
You grunt and let go of his white curls, hands still shaking from the height you’re at. 
“Oh darling, scared of spiders and now heights…what am I to do with you? Hold on.” You begin to snap at him asking what in the hell he means by both those sentences when his hand engulfs you, tucking you snugly against his shoulder. 
“Ah here we are.” He says lifting his hand away and nudging you to the side with a fingertip. You watch as he puts on a chain necklace. 
When his hand retreats your left staring at it. Did he feel he had a fashion crisis and desperately needed an accessory?
“It’s for you so you feel more… steady. I understand it may be quite daunting to be up so high. And so you quit pulling my hair.” You can tell its hard for him to admit he cares so you quietly thank him and scooch over to wrap an arm around the chain. Instantly you feel more secure.
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sugacoco77 · 3 months
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WIP of my newest G/T projects. Rapheal catching a tiny mouse Tav running through his house~
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rainydaygt · 7 months
can someone please draw/write god gale god sized with tav in his hands before i lose my mind
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tagerrkix · 1 year
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undertheleaves · 6 months
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Cracking open this blog with a wip because there is a chronic lack of g/t for this game. Someone posted on here about there needing to be some content with God!Gale and a small Tav and they're so right
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sm0lprism · 5 months
Bite-Sized (10) - A G/t BG3 fanfic
This contains g/t (giant/tiny content) so if that isn't your thing, then I suggest you stop reading. Thank you!
Read on ao3
Chapter 1 | Previous chapter | Next chapter
Series master list
Summary: Ria awaits her impending fate inside Astarion's mouth. Will this be the end for her or will Astarion surprise her?
Pairing: Astarion x f!borrower!oc (Tav/oc) (slow-burn)
Warnings: MOUTHPLAY WARNING!!! If you are uncomfortable with mouthplay or vore-ish themes, then DO NOT read this chapter! No actual vore occurs but mouthplay is VERY prominent and makes up the majority of this chapter. Swearing/course language.
Word count: 2.5k
EDIT: shoutout to my good friend @smolgloves for coming up with one of the ideas for this chapter!! (you know which one hehe)
It took every fibre in her being not to scream as Astarion’s lips passed over her body, pulling her inside his open maw. Before her eyes could adjust to the change in lighting, she was suddenly pressed to the roof of his mouth as he took a loud gulp and swallowed the remaining beer from his cup. She remained motionless as the giant fleshy muscle held her in place, all she could do was watch in terror as the liquid disappeared down his cavernous throat in a matter of seconds. All it would take was one swallow, and she would disappear down his gullet too.
His tongue suddenly relaxed, the beer now gone down his throat, and she found herself lying on the expanse of his wet, warm tongue. The scent of beer was heavy in the air, but it chilled her to the bone when she could also smell the metallic scent of blood hanging evidently in his mouth too. Tears burned her eyes and she stifled a sob. Her breathing came out in raspy gasps as dread hooked its claws into her once more as she attempted to process what was happening.
Gods, is he going to eat me?! Will I die like this?
Her mind immediately flickered back to when she had first met Astarion, how he had been so intent on eating her, how he had tasted her blood, running his tongue over her arms, and held her squirming in his cold fist like she was nothing but a mere piece of meat ready to be eaten. Fear clung fiercely to her heart and it quickly spread to the rest of her body like wildfire, smothering any other rational thought that was left in her brain. How could she sit idly, inside a vampire’s mouth, and not do anything? If she didn’t do something right now, she could be taking a trip down his throat very soon. She refused to wait around to see what would happen if she chose to remain idle.
My dagger.
As soon as the thought struck her brain, she hastily reached for her tiny dagger that Dammon had so carefully crafted and gripped it firmly in her trembling fist. Without a second thought, Ria drove her dagger into the flesh of his tongue and began stabbing the muscle multiple times as pure adrenaline clutched onto her hungrily with a vice-like grip. No sensible thoughts crossed her mind as she stabbed relentlessly, all she could think about was how much she didn’t want to go down Astarion’s throat and into his waiting stomach.
“Let me out!” she shrieked at the top of her lungs, blood from his tongue now splattering over her clothes as she continued to stab the wet surface, tears streaming down her face. “I haven’t come this far to be eaten by the likes of you!”
The fleshy surface beneath her suddenly tensed before pinning her to his palate once more, an audible grunt resonating loudly from the back of his throat. In the confusion of the moment, the dagger slipped out of her grasp and clanged against his large molars before falling and wedging itself between some of his pristine teeth that were dangerously close to the back of his throat. All she could do was watch in stunned silence, aside from the gurgling noises coming from the back of his throat, as her only means of defense was completely out of her reach.
Shit. Shit. SHIT!
Now she was quite literally at his mercy.
Perhaps stabbing his tongue so persistently wasn’t a good idea after all.
Sealing her eyes shut, she waited for the dreaded moment where he would swallow. Surely after her outburst of frequent stabbing, he would be done with her and gulp her down with no hesitation. Her body trembled as more sobs racked through her core violently as she waited for the end. But moments passed, and she was still pinned to the roof of his mouth as his tongue firmly held her in place.
What is happening?
Opening her eyes, her gaze scanned her surroundings and she was soon greeted with a formidable wall of teeth. She shuddered as her eyes fell on his fangs, so large that they could impale her entire body if he so pleased. Those same fangs had almost ended her life only a few weeks ago, and now she was face to face with them once more inside the vampire’s mouth. Chills snaked down her spine, suppressing another shiver, as she recalled those memories yet again of that fateful night. However, this time was different to when she had first met him – she was alive and inside the vampire’s mouth now, and surprisingly not halfway down to his stomach.
Why hasn’t he eaten me yet?
She wriggled around against his soft tongue, wondering if he was simply tasting her before the inevitable happened. Surely if he was going to eat her, he would’ve done so by now – right? His tongue barely moved, cradling her delicately against his palate, and it showed no signs in flicking her body down his throat. All she could do was wait painfully to see what he would do. Her heart pounded relentlessly against her ribcage, threatening to burst right out of her chest, her stomach dropping like a stone. If Astarion didn’t end her soon, the sheer suspense of the moment would.
After what felt like days, his tongue slowly relaxed and lowered her down until she was resting on the bottom of his mouth again. She didn’t dare move a muscle as she quivered on top of his tongue. Seconds turned to minutes, but still nothing happened. His tongue was surprisingly still as well, holding her as if she was as fragile as glass. While she sat in the vampire’s mouth, her overwhelming fear started to slowly dwindle. Her body was still frozen in place, refusing to move, worried that if she attempted to move again, he would squash her to the roof of his mouth, or even worse, swallow her whole. While she laid on his tongue, the only noises she could hear was the bubbling noise at the back of his throat. It certainly unnerved her listening to his bodily functions, a constant reminder of where she could easily end up if Astarion willed it.
Saliva coated her entire body, drenching all her clothes until they were a sodden mess. She sniffled as she realised that if she survived this, her clothes were completely and utterly ruined. There was no way she could walk out of this with any dignity left to her name, if she managed to get out of this at all. At least it was…pleasantly warm inside his mouth. It shocked her that while Astarion himself was icy cold to the touch, his mouth was surprisingly cosy. It pained her that the thought even crossed her mind, but the warmth that radiated from his mouth could only be described as such. Perhaps there was hope for her yet. She recalled Astarion winking at her moments before he slipped her inside his mouth, and how he had looked almost apologetic. Maybe she would be fine after all. And maybe stabbing his tongue had been incredibly stupid of her, but in her defense, after everything that she had been through, stabbing him was a perfectly reasonable reaction to the situation. Or at least that’s what she would keep on telling herself.
Pools of saliva had now started to gather around his tongue, steadily increasing by each passing second. A small yelp escaped past her lips as the fleshy muscle suddenly pinned her against his teeth, his throat releasing a very loud swallowing sound as the gathering pools of saliva vanished down his throat in a matter of seconds. Panic fluttered in her chest like a swarm of butterflies as she watched the liquid disappear so quickly down his gullet, and she shivered, thinking how easily that could’ve been her.
He…he still isn’t swallowing me.
His tongue soon relaxed, no longer pressing her against the wall of giant teeth. She inhaled a shaky breath, attempting to calm her frantic beating heart as she slowly accepted that perhaps she was safe after all. Why would he deliberately avoid swallowing her multiple times if he wasn’t going to do it? Especially after she had stabbed his tongue so harshly, she had expected him to swallow her almost immediately after doing something like that. But despite everything, he was holding her on top of his tongue like she was some kind of prized jewel. She was surprised that the vampire could be so gentle, especially in his mouth of all places where his dangerously sharp fangs could easily tear her in half.
Does he…care about me?
As soon as the thought entered her brain, heat blossomed across her face and her heart almost skipped a beat. Maybe he did care about her somewhat, after all, she had persuaded the group to allow him to feed on bandits and other thinking creatures. He had expressed gratitude towards her, and he had even thanked her for it the previous night. But she still couldn’t believe it.
No, that can’t be right. There’s no way that he could, especially after everything that’s happened…
The burning blush on her face only deepened and she knew for a fact that he could feel her tiny heartbeat pounding fiercely against her chest. She needed to get out of there quickly. She wasn’t sure just how much more of this she could take without turning into a complete mess.   
Gods, why me? Why did I have to suggest the alcohol idea in the first place?
As if her prayers were answered, light suddenly showered down on her small frame as his lips parted open. A startled squeak jumped out of her throat as pale, cold fingers gripped her waist and pulled her out of his mouth and into the cold air from outside. She shivered as the freezing air caressed over her saliva-coated skin, and for a brief second, she almost wished that she was back inside the warmth of the vampire’s mouth.
Before she could even process the thought, silky fabric smothered her entire body and gently massaged small circles into her drenched skin and clothes. She was completely numb to it all, her brain still attempting to comprehend what was even happening, but through all her mixed and flustered emotions she gathered that Astarion was attempting to dry her with what seemed to be a handkerchief of some kind. He continued to softly dry her soaked body, including her little head, his saliva and drying movements causing her hair to stick up in utterly ridiculous angles. Her face burned with embarrassment as he continued to dry her body and she was a little grateful that he couldn’t see her face during that moment.
The fabric soon pulled away, revealing Astarion’s piercing red gaze that settled on her small frame as she quivered in the palm of his hand.
“Well.” Astarion’s tongue swiped over his lips, a faint smile pulling at the corners of his mouth. “That certainly got a lot more intimate than what we planned for, didn’t it, darling?”
She opened and closed her mouth, but no audible sound registered on her lips. How was she supposed to talk after going through all of that, and then have him say that to her? Not to mention the way he ran his tongue over his lips – although she couldn’t tell if that was deliberate or not, it sent her heart spasming in her chest. Her mind failed to string together a coherent sentence as her lip trembled.
Astarion faltered, clearly seeing the look of distraught across her puffy face made him rethink what he was going to say next. His usual cheeky demeanour soon faded and was quickly replaced with a look of worry that once again surprised her.
“I do apologise for…uh…that.” He cleared his throat, his sanguine eyes staring at her with a soft warmth that was much unlike his usual piercing glare. “Holding you in my mouth was not my intended plan at all.”
He paused for a moment, his eyebrows knitting together as he cradled her in his hand.
“Are you alright?”
Her throat felt as if it were being crushed by some unseen force, tears pricked at her eyelids as her gaze darted away from his face to look at the floor below her as she sat in his cold palm. She didn’t know how to respond, after being faced with death once again and having those memories resurface, all she wanted to do was to run away and hide.
Of course I’m not alright. After all that, how can I possibly be?
“Ria?” Astarion’s voice rumbled all around her, startling her from her thoughts.
“Put me down,” she rasped, her voice barely above a whisper.
Both of his eyebrows shot up upon hearing her request. “Ria, we can ta-”
“I said put me down!” she exclaimed, tears burning her cheeks, her face swollen and puffy from crying. “Please. Now.”
He didn’t question her further as he dropped to one knee and lowered his hand to the ground. Immediately she hopped off his palm, rubbing her eyes with the back of her hand as she blinked back more tears.
She angled her neck upwards to look at him, his towering frame casting a long shadow over her tiny body as she swallowed back her rising fear. Now that she was on the ground, she was reminded once again just how small she was compared to him and everything else.
She needed to get away from him.
Before he could say anything, she sprinted away from him in the opposite direction. The ground trembled as his footsteps shuffled around on the dusty ground, and that only made her run faster.
Maybe it was utterly foolish for her to run away from her only means of protection, but she couldn’t bear to be around him in her current state. For her own sanity, she needed to get far away from him. They were still outside the Goblin Camp, the noises of the cheering from the goblins celebrating their latest kill rung heavily through the air, but she ignored it and continued to sprint towards the main building.
“Ria!” Astarion’s voice boomed from above, rattling through her very core and sending adrenaline spiking through her bloodstream. His large footfalls sent trembling earthquakes through the ground and she forced her legs to continue to run with all she had, not daring to look back.
In front of her she saw a small hole encrusted in the wall of the main building, just the right size for her to crawl into. She dashed inside, briefly feeling Astarion’s fingers brush past her hair as he made a failed attempt at grabbing her.  
“Wait, just hold on!” Astarion shouted from outside, his voice piercing her tiny eardrums and she flinched from the intensity.  
She ignored his words and instead ventured into the depths of the Goblin Camp.
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smolgloves · 4 months
Summary: Freya has to deal with Lae'zel's attitude
Tw: mentions of murder and dehumanizing language
“So, you will be joining us as we seek purification?” 
That cold voice cut through Freya like a steel blade. Willing herself to look up, Freya locked eyes with a scowling Lae'zel, her arms crossed and a cold glare froze the borrower in place. Unlike the others, Freya was not welcomed the luxury of having her own tent, so she either bunked with someone or she slept under the stars with Tav. It wasn't too bad, but she still had to get used to giant people walking up to her while she was busy sharpening her dagger or drying out herbs. The borrower definitely took those moments she was secluded behind walls for granted now that an angry gith was staring her down.
“Do you have a problem with that?” Freya spat out. 
“I have no problem with anyone who proves themselves useful in joining us...” 
Freya rolled her eyes, knowing where this was going to go. “And you don't think a borrower fits your definition of useful.” 
“No,” Lae'zel responded flatly, but her glare faltered, revealing a more curious glint in her ochre eyes. “But you stood up to a vampire, ventured into a hag's lair, and distracted an enemy long enough for me to end his life, you have displayed a fierce amount of courage for someone of your kind.” 
Freya sat quietly, making sure she heard Lae'zel correctly. “That's… not at all what I expected to hear.” 
“But I know you little istiks can't help your thievery nature, should you take anything of mine, expect to be skewered by a sewing needle.” 
“I only borrow things that are useful to me,” Freya met Lae’zel’s steel gaze with her own, she would not let the gith intimidate her, no matter how effective she may be. “And your stuff isn't worth borrowing!” 
“Chk, you have no understanding of the importance of githyanki items!” Lae'zel turned her nose up at Freya. “Our stuff has a purpose, we offer your kind nothing as you only take trinkets that offer little value. So just keep your hands to yourself, especially when we are nearing the creche and you may continue to live.” 
Before Freya could even react, Lae'zel turned and left, not wanting to waste a second talking to her anymore. Her venomous words were supposed to be threatening to keep the borrower in line, yet she was more confused. Did Lae'zel really just threaten her by saying basically the same thing as her? She looked around to see if anyone else was nearby to witness that, but no one was there. Freya shook her head, it doesn’t really matter. Lae'zel set a boundary and Freya agreed; there really shouldn't be a problem between her and the gith.
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vgtrackbracket · 4 months
Video Game Track Bracket Round 2
Raphael's Final Act from Baldur's Gate 3
All Master's Rap from PaRappa the Rapper
Propaganda under the cut. If you want your propaganda reblogged and added to future polls, please tag it as propaganda or otherwise indicate this!
Raphael's Final Act:
Literally the hypes moment in the game. I get chills every time it starts up. I only wish I could experie've it for the first time again.
All Master's Rap:
PaRappa gotta piss
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graypinegoods · 1 year
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Vampire Ascendant!Astarion-Kissing Elena's Back
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