#baldur's girlies
mt07131 · 9 months
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>>> The Baldur's Girlies >>> Xuna >>> Template by @lunardesigns
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lucidpeech · 2 months
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girls pool party!
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chaosroid · 2 months
Why have I seen no one on this site talking about this yet. The people are making a Stardew Valley mod with the BG3 companions 🗣️📢
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Like hello???? So far they've only added a few characters (shadowheart, astarion, gale and halsin) but there's plans to include the whole cast, unique maps and even romantic plots.
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fiveocock · 9 months
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vogelspinne · 6 months
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oiulse · 9 months
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they are so dear to me no one can take this hug away from me
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mooreaux · 6 months
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More than what my father made me…
Winter Rose thoughts. The bhaalspawn who wished to be good.
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ionomycin · 11 months
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My Baldur's Gate 3 tieflings, transmutation wizard Lumi and life cleric Primrose. I have been entirely obsessed with the game...
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kosalus · 9 months
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combining the two things im obsessed with bc the brainworms are real bad
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everchased · 9 months
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no one told me wizards are territorial! i didn't know!!
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misscoet · 10 months
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baby, you're the devil i know
better than the devil i don't
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mt07131 · 6 months
1, 4, 5, 11, 21 for all your tavs, please!
For ALL my tavs oh what a way to a girl's heart. I think (I hope) you mean for this ask game so for the sake of brevity we'll stick with the three non-durge tavs
What was your Tav’s place of birth and raising like?
Xuna: Xuna grew up in Menzoberranzan as the child of a priestess of Lolth. Already that sentence probably tells you enough, but it was not a happy home. There was a lot of pressure on her specifically, given that the nature of her was that her mother believed she was cursed. There was a lot of bitterness in that house, and while the circumstances of her exile weren’t ideal, she’s ultimately happy she was able to get out.
Ardanthe: Ardanthe is the epitome of it takes a village. Her parents were very nurturing and tended to her, but they were ultimately two humans who unexpectedly had a tiefling child, they were out of their depth in some regards. Luckily, the other druids in their enclave were more than happy to help out, so she was well tended to. She’s easily the Tav with the happiest childhood of my Tavs lmaoooo.
Artemisia: I think I’ve touched on this before, but Artie is a child of the streets. Born on the streets of Baldur’s Gate, and honestly she fully expected to die on them too. Her parents weren’t neglectful, not that they tried to be, they were just not very present in her life because of their circumstances. She really had to learn how to fend for herself at a fairly young age and that independent stubbornness definitely carries through to adulthood.
4. What hobbies does your Tav have? How did they acquire these interests?
Xuna: Pre-game, honestly, I don’t see her having many hobbies. A lot of her life she sort of had to struggle to find a purpose or something worthwhile to prove that she was worth keeping alive. Mid and post game however, I like to think she took up embroidery as a way to keep her hands busy during downtime. It’s a practical hobby, and she definitely denies that it has anything to do with a certain vampire (at first).
Ardanthe: This has become more of a hobby nowadays, but when she was fully living with her enclave, she was a skilled leatherworker. Everyone pitched in in some regard to keep the enclave thriving and that was her thing. She still tools with it sometimes, but she has less time to do so given the everything that has happened.
Artemisia: Similar to Xuna, she doesn’t have many hobbies as she as really fueled by survival. Anything that could be considered a hobby was definitely used to give herself an edge over the other street urchins or, eventually, other grifters. I think it takes her some time to simply enjoy something for the fun of it rather than for survival.
5. Did your Tav have any formal or informal employment? If yes, what was their job? If no, how did they make ends meet? How did they feel about it?
Xuna: In Menzoberranzan, no. Once she made it to the surface, she was a self employed “problem fixer” as she liked to say. I’d call it a way to make ends meet, but she was essentially doing the dirty work for people the Gate overlooked. Blades in the dark and poisons in the wine and all that. She enjoyed her work, she felt like her skills were appreciated and she felt like she was doing something good for someone.
Ardanthe: I mentioned above that she did leatherworking, and alongside that was actually traveling to settlements to sell her wares and others made by the enclave. She loved that part of her life, especially when she got to sell a piece she made, and traveling between Baldur’s Gate and Elturel throughout her life made them very special places to her.
Artemisia: She’s a conwoman, she’s one half of the Gate’s most annoying duo (affectionate). As I think I’ve mentioned before, she was the distraction. While Mithra was the mastermind, she made sure to keep people’s eyes on her and not their pockets. She loved doing this, especially when they got to target anyone particularly wealthy.
11. What would your Tav consider to be their greatest flaw? Is this accurate?
Xuna: She would think that she can be too nice sometimes. This isn’t quite accurate, really her greatest flaw is her impulsiveness. She gets into trouble quite a bit because of it, even if she says she’s a good planner.
Ardanthe: She would think her greatest flaw is that she has trouble standing up to people. I would say this is accurate, she is definitely a people pleaser and is more likely to give in to something rather than stand her ground and be stubborn.
Artemisia: She would say her greatest flaw is her bitterness, which she tries not to show. Really, her greatest flaw is her stubbornness and unwillingness to give in. It hasn’t killed her yet.
21. How does your Tav feel about love?
Xuna: Xuna never really had experience with a truly loving, romantic relationship, so it never really occurred to her that she could (and would) feel that way about someone. Once she gets her head wrapped around it though, she’s a bit of a sap. The fact that she cares that much about someone, and they care equally about her in return, is enough to get her a flutter.
Ardanthe: Big ol sappy hopeless romantic type over here. She loves the idea of love and while it wasn’t a driving goal, it was definitely something she wanted to find eventually. She’s all mushy gushy, loves the sappy kind of romance stories.
Artemisia: She’s pretty indifferent to the idea of love, to be honest. Again, not something she was explicitly looking for, but she’s also a little dense. When it does come to a head, it takes her a minute to realize and have that Oh moment. When she does have that moment, she’s still a little begrudging about it but that’s how she shows her affection.
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gallusneve · 11 months
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Baldur's Gate 3 - Karlach Cliffgate, The Infernal Heartthrob of the Avernus
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eanishu · 5 months
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Mistress of Darkness, Our Lady of Silver
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lyriumsings · 9 months
it’s so funny seeing people who are supposed to be part of the lgbt+ community circle the drain on “astarion is too gay to be bisexual/pan” like how do you identify the way you do and then put this character in a generic box because “well he acts gay” like elaborate on that. tell me more what that means. and then go on and on about how terrible the Straights are for doing the exact same thing you’re doing lmao like it’s genuinely mind boggling. they’re not “player sexual” that’s not a fucking thing. they’re all bi or pan none of them are gay. none are lesbians. they are bi and pan and valid and you can die mad about it.
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ansburg · 10 months
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If I can only be with one person, I want to be with you.
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