#baking for a friends bday and for friends moving out of state
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i have so much to do this week and no time to do it
#work including covering a 9+ hr day for my coworker#baking for a friends bday and for friends moving out of state#i need to reprint im broke & i’ve made little progress#therapy#walking a friends dog#coordinating with new housemate to move some stuff so i don’t have to do it all at once but#we all are super busy#meeting with a friend (who is leaving town for good on friday) about maintaining their garden project#as a fuck you to a local landlord who wants to destroy it for like. no reason#(which might involve signing something & doing snow removal & mowing throughout the year)#and then some obligations to friends i don’t want to give up#and i wanna make sure hal is getting enough engagement in all this so it’s like i need an hour or so each day for that alone#and like i need to do things like laundry and eating and sleeping
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The Heathers+Veronica and Holidays
So with my headcannons from now on I'm gonna do them in themes bc its much easier than coming up with a bunch of random unrelated bs
New Year's Day
They wake up at like 2pm with massive hangovers
Martha comes over with prairie oysters and other hangover cures bc she's the only one who didn't drink herself into a stupor
They keep all the blinds closed and just sit on the couch groaning and regretting every choice they've ever made
They promise to drink less next year
They will not drink less next year
Veronica's Birthday (January 16th)
I'm just making up days for their bdays
Veronica doesn't really like doing anything big for her birthday, and as much as the Heathers would love to be super extra and go all out, they respect how Veronica likes to spend her day
They get JD/Martha/Betty to keep her out of the house while they get the decorations set up
Chandler bakes a cake (which she does for everyone's birthday) as well as other sweets
Veronica is basic af and likes vanilla cake
Just plain vanilla cake with regular vanilla icing
Chandler hates that her baking talents are going to waste on such a boring cake but she loves Veronica so she will do what she must
She has to fend off the other two trying to get 'samples' while she's cooking
She lets Mac help decorate the cake, not Duke, she would eat all the candy toppings before they went on the cake
Duke puts up the decorations while Mac goes get the presents
Just because she wants a regular party doesn't mean they can't go all out on the presents
Chandler usually gets her something from the animes that they watch together on date night
For example one year she hunted down this limited edition Violet Evergarden statue on Ebay, it cost her an arm and a leg but they have plenty of money
Duke usually gets her some books, which is staring to become a problem
Between the two of them there is no space for books in the house
So one year instead of getting her books she showed Veronica a room in the house they renovated into a library
Only her and Veronica use it, Chandler and Mac think reading is boring
But it's very quiet and peaceful in there, its usually where either of them go if they need to cool off after a fight or a long day at work
Its also where JFK the cat usually hangs out, he's a lazy ass cat and just sits on the loveseat and naps all day
But back to Veronica's birthday
Mac usually gets her jewelry from her dad's shop
After all of these years, Veronica still cannot accessorize for shit, so Mac takes it upon herself to find things that fit with Veronica's style and still look good
Her parents and friends will come over too and they'll just eat cake and spend time together
It's nothing all that fancy but that's just how she likes it
Valentine's Day
Valentine's Day is basically just one big date night for them
They spend the morning getting all dolled up
Someone (usually Chandler) makes reservations at some uppity fancy restaurant
Mac and Veronica don't really enjoy the stuffy atmosphere these places have but its Valentine's Day so they go along with it
They get a bit tipsy and get an Uber to some club to go out dancing
They all agree its more fun to dance when there's alcohol in their systems, it loosens their inhibitions and lets them just have fun with it
They dance, drink some more, and the forever bachelor JD comes bring them home
By the time he comes Duke and Veronica are on the verge of passing out but Chandler and Mac are still going at it and they're doing all these crazy ass dance moves they were forced to learn when they were kids
JD has to practically drag them into the car
He's not exactly a fan of having 4 very drunk women in his car but he's not gonna let them walk or god forbid drive home in their states
In the morning he brings over hangover cures and Chandler gives him some sweets she baked earlier as compensation
Chandler's Birthday (February 24th)
The rest of her gfs might not exactly care for the fancy life but she does
But since they just went out on a big fancy date for Valentine's she shows mercy and lets them have a quieter day
But she is the Queen of the Castle and on this day she will be treated as such
I mean yeah she's had character development but she's still Heather fucking Chandler, the desire to be a spoiled princess is still there, she's just better at controlling it
Mac will bake breakfast bc she's the most competent besides Chandler and bring it to her in bed
Duke and Veronica stay in bed with her and cuddle their Queen
Usually her bday breakfast is chocolate-chip pancakes with whipped cream and some strawberries
While she eats it they'll give her gifts
From Mac she gets more jewelry (yes she gives this to everyone, but its not just random crap from her dad's shop, she has it customized with pretty jewels and shit)
From Duke she gets books (yes she also gives everyone books)
Chandler isn't a super big fan of reading but somehow Duke always manages to find something that she would be interested in
From Veronica she gets something different each year
Sometimes it might be new cooking or baking stuff, or it might be some collectible, or something that Chandler showed interest in
Afterwards she'll just relax all day, most days she's the only one at home so she has to do all the chores but on her birthday she takes the day off
She takes a long relaxing bath with bath bombs and all that relaxing shit and just takes her time to decompress
Then she'll just sit on the couch, watch TV, maybe read her new book from Duke, just whatever
The others take care of the chores for the day and they even try to make her a cake
Its never very good but they tried and that's all that matters
With the 3 of them doing chores it doesn't take very long so they can spend the rest of the day with Chandler
It's something she doesn't get to do alot, most of the week the 3 of them are working so they don't get to spend as much time together as she would like
If anyone gets why I chose the day I did for her bday then ur awesome
Duke's Birthday (March 17th)
Yes she was born on St. Patrick's Day, why do you think she likes green so much
She never really celebrated her bday too much growing up, her family never really cared to
So every year her gfs go all out for her
Chandler bakes this huge layered cake where each layer is a different flavor and there's a little candy Duke at the top of it
She also bakes all of her favorite sweets (Brownies, Chocolate Chip Cookies, etc.)
Duke really likes chocolate, to the point that the bottom and therefore biggest layer on her cake is chocolate
Mac goes all out on decorations, to the point that around March 17th every year the local Party City prepares for this small yellow lesbian to come in and spend thousands on party decorations for her gf
She gets so many balloons that they could fill an entire room, confetti, those silly paper hats, you name it, Mac bought it
Veronica's job is keeping Duke away while they set the party up
This is very difficult bc Duke is a chaos gremlin and really wants to see her party so she fights dirty to get out of the bedroom before it's time
Mac gets jewelry for her, its usually things with red gemstones bc even though its Chandler's color, Duke likes it too so why can't she have some red things
Veronica gets her a book (duh)
Chandler usually gets her a new outfit, usually in red too
Duke is really appreciative of all the work her gfs go through for her
She often feels like she's the least special of her gfs, like she brings the least to the table, and days like her bday remind her that they still do care about her and love her
McDuke/Chanduke Anniversary (March 28th)
So they (being all the Heathers+Veronica) celebrate each anniversary of when they got together
Basically that means they celebrate Chandlamara who got together first, then when Duke was invited to join the relationship, then Veronica
Chandlamara had been together for about 2 years at the point when they decided to invite Duke (This was Junior Year)
They had celebrated her birthday about a week beforehand and they had both been slowly developing feelings for Duke for a while, spending all of their time together in their clique will do that to a person, but seeing her all dressed up and happy during her bday celebrations was the straw that broke the camel's back
So after Mac brought up her feelings about Duke, and Chandler told her that she also had those feelings and that she would be okay doing a threesome thing with her
About a week later they were alone with Duke at Mac's house and they were all a little drunk and Duke started laughing and Mac just let go and kissed her
Duke was confused af bc she knew Mac and Chandler were a thing and why wasn't Chandler upset
Once they sobered up they explained what they felt and invited her into their relationship
Duke initially wasn't sure if she wanted to, she didn't really know about a poly relationship but she did feel the same as them and was willing to take it slow with them
Back to the present, Veronica will go spend the day with her friends or parents or whatever and let them go enjoy their anniversary
The Heathers will get all dressed up and go out to eat, maybe go take a walk in the park, something quiet while they go reminiscence on their lives
None of them are particularly religious, so Easter isn't celebrated in the Christian sense by them
No really its just an excuse to stay home from work and eat candy
Mac gets up early and hides eggs around the house and yard
She'll put the usual stuff like chocolate, candy, but she also has some bigger ones that she'll put the small bottles of booze into
She makes it into a competition, whoever finds the most eggs gets the big prize of one of those giant ass chocolate bunnies
Between Chandler and Duke's competitive natures and Duke's love of chocolate shit gets intense
Veronica just tries to find the ones with booze in them
After the eggs are found and whoever won gets their giant rabbit (its usually Duke, the thought of chocolate gives her the edge), JD, Martha, Betty, Veronica's parents and Mac's Dad will come over to have Easter Lunch
Mac brings out Munchkin the rabbit to just hop around, its Easter of course she's gonna let her rabbit out
Basically they just act childish and eat candy all day but who cares really, they're """"mature"""" adults and can do as they please
Mother's Day
Veronica goes back to her parents and spends the day with her mom
None of the Heathers liked their moms, and 2 of them are dead, so it's not something they really wanna celebrate
Mrs. Sawyer invites the Heathers every year but they always decline
It's not that they don't like her, she's been incredibly welcoming once she got over the weirdness of her daughter dating three people who used to bully her and her friends, its just that they all have bad experiences with their moms and this day just brings up memories they'd rather forget
They decide that the best way to deal with their issues is drinking, and Veronica always comes home to the Heathers getting wasted
Father's Day
It's the same thing as Mother's Day, expect for that Mac goes spend the day with her dad, but that isn't the most fun affair either
Her mom was a bitch who cheated on her dad so neither of them really care for her, but when its just the two of them the topic of her mom always comes up despite both of them wanting to avoid the subject
So when Mac gets home she goes straight for the liquor cabinet and finds the strongest shit and downs it
Mac's Birthday (June 22nd)
Mac likes to do fun things for her birthday, so they'll take her out to the bowling alley or fair or something like that
Chandler and Duke put aside their competitiveness to let Mac win
Mac tries to tell them they don't have to let her win but they still do
The other three will find some carnival prize or something in the arcade gift shop and work their asses off to get it for her
Veronica will get her some anime collectible, like a statue or something like that
Duke gets her manga bc Mac doesn't really like regular books, the pictures in manga help keep her engaged with the story and help her visualize the events going on
Chandler gets her something fluffy, like a new blanket or stuffed animal or some new toy for her rabbit
Some people might think she's childish for still wanting to go to these places, and its something she's talked to he gfs about, but they remind her that who tf cares, if you're happy thats all that matters
And yeah, going to the arcade or carnival or zoo or whatever sounds a whole lot better than sitting in some stuffy restaurant
4th of July
Can you guess what they do?
If you guessed get wasted, you are correct
They're the Heathers, what did you expect
JD gets triggered by loud sounds like fireworks, so they don't use any of them (They've threatened the neighbors to not use any either), but they still get sparklers and other non-explosive things
Mac's dad will come over and barbecue and Chandler makes USA themed sweets
They'll hold a party with Veronica's friends and they'll all go swimming in their huge pool
They have all the best pool floats, like the one that looks like the giant unicorn
What usually ends up happening is JD and Duke form a team to whack people (Chandler) with pool noodles and shoot her with water guns
She knows this is gonna happen so every year she finds a bigger water gun to defend herself with
One year she found this one that looks like a gatling gun
Martha tries to stay out of it, but sometimes a stray water shot will hit her and if that happens you better run
She'll fill a gun with ice cold water and she will not stop until you're shivering and begging for mercy
Veronica, Mac and Betty learned years ago to just let them do their thing, they just sit around and eat
Chandlamara Anniversary (September 1st)
Sep. 1st is not technically their anniversary, not being the day they actually got together, but its the day they first met and its what they consider to be their anniversary
On the first day of Kindergarten, Chandler and Mac met for the first time
Bc they had the same name, the teacher put them at the same table (Duke was also at this table, but she was already friends with Martha and wasn't interested in being their friend)
They connected instantly and became each other's best friend in a matter of five minutes
Chandler was everything Mac wanted to be, she was smart, could sit still and behave, she could listen without interjecting and she had everything together
It's these things that drew Chandler to Mac, she was so different and unafraid to be herself unlike Chandler who knew even from that age she needed to act a certain way so she didn't get in trouble
On that day, Mac was being harassed by Kurt and Ram at recess so Chandler took it upon herself to defend her new friend by kicking them in the balls
She was able to convince the teacher that she didn't do it and that it was an accident but they wanted to blame her bc she wouldn't play with them
But from that day forward she made it her mission to make sure Mac was always happy and safe
In the present, they spend every September 1st together
Duke and Veronica go out and spend the day with each other
Chandler and Mac both have vastly different preferences for what they do for dates, so what they do is they'll go to a restaurant for Chandler, go home, change into something more comfy, and then go out and do something fun
If a fair is in town they'll go, eat a bunch of unhealthy crap and go ride rides
Chandler is scared of the rides but she puts on a brave face for Mac
Afterwards they'll go home and watch a movie and cuddle on the couch
Mac usually falls asleep before the movie ends and Chandler has to carry her up to bed
Poly!Heathers+Veronica Anniversary (October 28th)
Veronica has been with the Heathers for only a few weeks at the point where the Heathers asked her to join their relationship
They had been surprised that this nobody could be so attractive once she put a little effort into her appearance
But it was also that she stood up for them to Fleming when she was under no obligation to do so, and as so bold as to ask for a favor afterwards that really drew her to them
It was kinda obvious to Veronica that the Heathers were gay, I mean what straight people dress in color-coordinated outfits, but she figured that Chandler and Mac were probably an item
She had no idea all three of them were together and even less of an idea that they wanted her to be apart of it
Now Veronica, absolute bisexual disaster she is, knew the Heathers were extremely attractive and being in a relationship with them would be fucking awesome
But she was a little overwhelmed, she's never had a partner before, much less three at the same time
They reassured her that she could say no and that she could leave at any time if she began to feel uncomfortable or overwhelmed
Veronica decided to give it a shot bc why the hell not and the rest is history
Their anniversary date is basically just a larger version of their monthly group date
They each choose one thing to do and they combine it all into a day
Chandler obviously chooses a fancy restaurant
What can she say, she likes eating good food she doesn't have to cook herself
Mac chooses to do something fun
Another shocker lol
Duke usually picks a shopping trip to the mall
She has alot of good memories in the mall, just hanging out with her gfs, looking hot, buying stuff they cannot, maxing dad's credit card
Veronica picks something different every year
Sometimes it'll be a walk in the park, going to a movie, concert, whatever, she just wants to find something new to do
Mac always makes them dress up in a theme
The rest of them pretend to hate it because Mac most of the time chooses the silliest themes but they secretly look forward to what they're gonna do this year
Beforehand they'll go to Costco and buy all of the bulk candy they can fit into their cart
I'm talking like full size candy bars, like the ones you find at a grocery store checkout line
Kids travel from miles around to go to their house and they've started to have to buy more candy as word spreads of the house giving out full size candy
JD will hide in their bushes and jumps out to scare kids
He's obviously dressed as Jason Vorhees
Mac doesn't like it but Duke thinks its hilarious
Veronica's friends, parents and Mac's Dad all come over to their place for Thanksgiving
Each of them will bring a side dish while Chandler cooks the turkey
Its a small, quiet affair, nothing too much happens
They eat, drink and just talk
When it gets to the part where everyone says what they are thankful for, of course Duke and Chandler make it a competition to see who can talk longer
It started when Chandler noticed that Duke's speech was always longer than hers so she started dragging her's out to be longer
Duke caught on and know its a competition
One year Chandler spent 15 minutes talking about how thankful she was for Mac while she sat there blushing and everyone groaned at how long this was taking
Everyone made a rule where it cannot be more than 5 minutes long bc the food was getting cold while they rambled on
Mac cannot wait for it to be over, bc as soon as everyone leaves she can get down the Christmas stuff and she fucking LOVES Christmas
This is Mac's favorite holiday
She goes all out
Their house is covered in lights, a fake santa and sleigh on top, inflatable decorations, you name it, its somewhere
The inside is even more decorated
Mac got specially made stockings, their tree is so tall it reaches up to the roof of the third floor, there's mistletoe under every doorway
She can hardly sleep on Christmas Eve, that's how excited she gets
On Christmas morning its like a child waking up their parents to go open presents but instead of parents its her three gfs who haven't had their coffee yet and nobody wants to deal with Chandler when she hasn't gotten her coffee
They'll open presents after everyone is awake enough to know what the day is
Besides the usual stuff, they each get an ornament
They'll draw a name out of a hat and whoever's name they pull is the one they have to get an ornament for
They've found an online store where they can customize their ornaments in extreme detail and do pretty much whatever they want with it
Sure it costs a pretty penny but they have plenty of money
Each ornament will say To xxxxx From xxxxxx Christmas 20XX
After the rest of their friends and family will come over and they'll exchange gifts and eat dinner
They'll watch the Christmas Day parades and old movies on TV
Once everyone leaves they'll just cuddle on the couch, enjoying each other
New Year's Eve
They get drunk
Its the same thing as 4th of July, they threaten the neighbors to not use fireworks as to not set off JD
They'll watch the ball drop on TV
Mac is pretty much out of it by 11 and once it hits midnight she just passes out
So yeah that was that, if yall have any comments or questions or whatever go ahead and ask
Also Chandlamara is the best individual ship and Mac is the best Heather fight me Duke Stans
#heather chandler#heather duke#heather mcnamara#heathers#heathers the musical#veronica sawyer#heathers headcannons#poly!heathers+veronica#poly!heathersxveronica
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Hi l turned 18 today so can l ask for a levi x reader were reader is his gf and its her bday
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Welcome to being an adult! (It is for me here in the UK) I do hope you had a fabulous day wherever you are <3
I am happy to do a Birthday story, that is not problem! I won't state reader's age, but she is legal ya'll. Let's go.
Levi was in slight panic mode, because it was your birthday soon and he had no clue how to celebrate one. Levi loved you and he wanted to make you happy. So, he did everything he could for you. He'd asked around and made Hange promise not to tease him, then he ended up going to Erwin because she wound him up a little. Eventually, Hange and Erwin gave him some good advice at how to be a good boyfriend, because he'd never been a boyfriend to anyone before.
It then came to his attention that your birthday was coming up and it panicked him. He found out because he heard you overtalking to a friend. Your friend asked you what you were doing for your birthday, but you shrugged it off and said you weren't going to do a thing. You didn't want a fuss made about you. Levi became more panicked and went right to Erwin, Hange and Mike for help, because he wanted to do something for you.
Levi got plenty of advice, some of it was joking, but when Hange and Mike got it out of their system, all three of them were very helpful. There were some difficult things for Levi, because he already did so much for you. He'd cook for you often when you came over, he'd take you on dates and he'd give you cups of tea all the time.
He had to do better, so he made a plan and he made sure it was perfect. He bought you the gifts that he thought was perfect, he made you things he thought you'd like and he organised it all. He invited you over the night before and spent it eating takeout, watching movies and then expressing your love for each other in bed.
He woke up before you, started the perfect birthday for you to show you just how much he loves you and appreciate you. You did so much for him. You helped him out. You helped him to function in society and how to be social. You made him less afraid to be him and to get close to people. You even stopped his nightmares. So, he had to shower you in as much love as possible on your birthday, because your birthday was an amazing thing to celebrate. Without a birthday, you wouldn't be in his life and he'd be stuck in his was and be lonely.
So, he had to do everything he could just for you.
You woke up slowly, then sat up in bed and realised Levi was missing. "Levi?"
Levi jumped at your voice, then grabbed what he had prepared and hurried to the bedroom. "On my way brat!"
You leaned over the bed and grabbed a neatly folded shirt of Levi's you wore as PJs. You pulled it on, then smiled when Levi opened the door. "Morning Levi. What have you been up to?" You looked over to him to see he was holding a tray with food on and a vase with a rose in. "What's this?"
Levi placed it on your lap to show you loads of cute and well made french pastries. "It's breakfast."
You couldn't believe what you were seeing. "Oh, well thank you. This is beautiful. Where did you get these?"
"I baked them." He sat on the bed at your side. "I hope they're alright."
You stared at Levi. "You baked them!? Holy shit Levi." You took a bite out of one and hummed in delight. "So good. Fuck Levi."
He blushed a little. "So, it's good?"
You nodded and sipped your tea. "It's amazing. Thank you."
He ticked the box of giving you the perfect morning for your birthday. "I'm glad you like it. So, would you like a bath?"
You stared at him and blushed. "Oh, sure, yeah."
Levi smiled and saw you were a little flustered. "Great. Well, it's a good job I've already filled the bath up." He moved the tray off your lap, then took your hand and pulled you into his arms. He smiled when you squealed at him picking you up like a bride. He carried you into the bathroom to show you he'd lit candles around the room, as well as bubble in the bath and the place smelt like lavender. "I hope this is okay." He put you on your feet, then pulled your shirt off. He cupped your face and kissed you. "Enjoy."
You got into the bath, then sank down into the water and relaxed. You were so confused by Levi's actions and how he was treating you. You tried to think of why Levi was spoiling you this morning, but you weren't sure why. You had your normal perfect aftercare last night with Levi, where he cleaned you, kissed you, held you and loved you. So, you weren't sure what he was up to and why.
Levi came back after cleaning up, then grabbed a little basket and sat at your side. "I'm going to clean you now."
You stared at him. "Romantic wording Levi."
He blushed. "Tch, I tired, okay? I mean, I'm here to bathe you."
You hummed a laugh. "I was teasing. This is perfect, so thank you. Umm, don't you want to join me?"
Levi stopped a moment and stared. "Would you prefer that?"
You nodded. "I love our baths together."
He nodded with a little blush. He couldn't believe you loved sharing baths with him, because he adored it. He pulled his things off, then got into the bath and sat behind you. "Can I still clean you?"
You leaned back against him. "You can do anything you want."
He hummed and had a rush of dirty thoughts, then he pushed them back and started washing your hair. He massaged you from top to bottom and smiled at you moaning and sighing in happiness. After he'd finished, you had asked him to hold you. So, Levi held you in the bath as you had a mini nap.
When it started to get cold and Levi got uncomfortable sitting in the bath with his dirt and sweat, he helped you out and dried you off. He loved drying you, because you looked like this sweet adorable thing when he did. Levi adored the many sides that were you, from the cute, the smart, the thoughtful, the tough all the way to the sexy. You were just everything to him. Which is why today had to keep being perfect.
Levi stared at you as you walked around his place in a nice outfit. "We're going out."
You looked over at him. "Out? Where we going?"
You hummed and pulled on your shoes. "Okay. This a date?"
He nodded, but didn't want to tell you where. "Yes."
You smiled at him. "Great, let's go then."
Levi led you to his car, then drove you for a while and didn't say a word as you got excited and kept guessing. He loved how excited you were and trying hard to guess, but everything you guessed was wrong. He loved the look on your face when he pulled up at the theme park, because you were over the moon excited to go on all the rides and try out the games.
He held your hand tightly as you went around, because he didn't want to lose you or have some guy try and snatch you up. You were Levi's and no one elses. He let you lead him around, because this was all about you. He went on the fast rides and wasn't phased by them, but he thought your screams of joy were delightful. Levi didn't focus on the rides, he just watched you the whole time.
After a few rides, he took you to get food. He allowed you to eat only a few things and warned you about eating too much, because he didn't want you to get sick. You were a good girl and did as Levi said, but you did give him a little pout. His favourite thing to treat you to was candy floss, because when he kissed you, you tasted so sweet.
You dragged him to the games, but Levi told you it was all a scam. He saw you get sad and accept his choice, but he felt bad and ended up playing a few games. He was unstoppable at most and was only defeated by the claw. You didn't care though, because you had a giant cuddly black cat that was almost as big as you. Levi wasn't sure why you wanted it, but you said it looked just like him because it was black, had a grumpy look and steel blue eyes. Levi was just happy that you were happy.
He drove you home in your happy little bubble. He saw you were tired, so a romantic dinner date was not an option. Levi was glad he had food back at the house that he'd kept as a backup for a dinner date at home. He needed you to be kept busy while he did, so his plan was to stick you in his office with your gaming things you'd brought over. You practially lived with Levi, because he always wanted you around. So, all your gaming things were at his. He sat you down on your gaming chair, put on your headphones, kissed your cheek and let you get lost in your games.
While you were lost to the world of gaming, Levi started setting up his dining room into something romantic. He put a big bunch of roses he had hidden in his cleaning room on the table. He set mood lighting and gathered all your presents on the table. He went right to cooking and made your favourite meal, as well as baked you your favourite cake. He set everything up, then nodded and smiled when he was happy with his work.
He went to see you again and lifted your headphones off your ears. "Tch, oi brat?"
You looked up at him with such a sweet look. "Hmm?"
He put your headphones down. "Dinner."
You got up and petted your new cuddly cat. "Sure, let's go."
Levi led you to the dining room and turned to you. "Dinner is served."
You stopped and stared at the room. "Levi." You walked over to the dining table. "What's all this for? This is beautiful!"
Levi hugged you from behind. "Happy Birthday."
You blushed bright red. "Birthday?" You put your head in your hands and groaned. "I can't believe I forgot that it was my birthday today."
Levi kissed your cheek. "Well, I found out and I wanted it to be the best day ever. I'm so glad you were born, because you showed me love and how to live."
You turned and faced Levi. "You are so wonderful." You hugged him tightly, then kissed him. "I don't deserve you. Thank you so much! Today has been the best birthday I could ever hope for."
"Good." He sat you down. "It's not over yet. We have your favourite food, favourite cake and we have presents to open."
You hummed a laugh. "Can I open my presents?"
Levi nodded. "Yes."
You unwrapped them one after another. The first was your very own teacup set with your favourite animal all over it. The next gift was different teas that you and Levi could try together. Another gift was a beautiful necklace that was just perfect for you. The last gift, which was your favourite, was a picture in a lovely frame of you and Levi. You loved this picture, because Levi was smiling in it. Levi might not have been smiling at the camera, but he was gazing at you and smiling with such deep love in his eyes.
You smiled at Levi making him melt under your gaze. "It's all so perfect. Thank you. I love it all."
He blushed and rubbed the back of his neck. "Tch, it's nothing brat."
You leaned over and kissed him. "It's everything to me. Thank you."
He smiled a little. "You're welcome."
You sat on his lap and hugged him. "I love you."
He gave you a big hug and a tight squeeze. "I love you so much brat. I really do." He sighed, then pulled back. "Now, you better eat all your fucking dinner, because I worked hard on it."
You giggled at how cute he was. "Promise I will. I love your homecooked meals. So, I will eat all of it."
He smiled at you. "Good birthday girl."
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may we be blessed with a smutty birthday drabble w Steve where he has everyone pretend they forgot readers birthday when in reality there’s something big planned 🥺👉🏼👈🏼 never had a big bday so I will be living through this lolz
change of plans // steve rogers
↳ pairing: steve rogers x reader
i’m actually sorry this took so long and sorry that it’s so long too lol:
you don’t know if you’re ready to face today.
it’s your birthday and you’ve never done anything big or extravagant - you think that maybe you’d like to keep it that way, though you’ve never had a big celebration before so you don’t even know how that’d feel. maybe there’s something comforting about the predictability of how today is going to go, but you can’t help the part deep inside of you that longs for something new.
waking up to an empty bed, you brace yourself for some kind of over-the-top present from tony but as you head out of your bedroom, you find the rest of you and steve’s apartment entirely unchanged. you tentatively walk through empty hallways into the kitchen and everyone is standing around aimlessly, chatting to each other about insignificant things and attempting to make themselves breakfast.
“hi guys,” you smile at all of them and they return the sentiment. “what are you making?”
steve breezes by you to press a brief kiss to your forehead before shoving a piece of burnt toast into his mouth. his voice is muffled when he says, “mornin’ doll.”
“looks like it’ll be cereal cause none of these idiots know how to cook,” natasha sidles up to you, narrowing her eyes and shaking her head playfully at the group of men crowding the kitchen. “sam’s still working out and we don’t wanna have to wait until he’s done. we probably should’ve though: he’s the only one who knows how to make anything decent in here.” she nudges your shoulder, “any plans today?”
you’re momentarily thrown, blinking in confusion because natasha always remembers your birthday.
“uhh,” you shake your head and plaster a smile on your face, “no, nope. not up to much really. how about you?”
bruce strolls by and waves at you while natasha plucks a grape from his bowl, popping it into her mouth. he gives her a look but she just smirks as she chews slowly, ignoring him and turning back to you.
“actually, fury called not too long ago. he’s got some important mission lined up for us somewhere in alaska... surveillance or something.”
“oh,” you frown, brow furrowing because you thought that you would’ve heard about it. “should i go suit up or...?”
“actually,” natasha swallows her grape and stands up straight, “it’s only some of us going. sam and bucky are staying here with you: the rest of us are heading out in about an hour.”
your heart sinks at the thought of not being able to spend your birthday with the whole team, though it seems as if they’ve forgetten anyway so maybe it’s not that big of a deal. but the thought is fleeting because you realize that you’re going to be able to spend some quality time with two of your favorite people who will definitely have remembered your birthday.
when the quinjet takes off an hour and a half later, sam, bucky, and yourself are all left standing on the launchpad, bucky’s hair blowing dramatically in the gust of wind that it leaves behind.
“so,” bucky rocks back on his heels and stares at you with a mischievous smile on his face. “what do you wanna do?”
“neither of you have any plans?” you look at them skeptically but they both shake their heads. you look down, disappointed because they always do something fun for you on your birthday. sam always bakes a cake and bucky always lets you win when you’re sparring but since neither have happened today, you’re assuming that they’ve forgotten... just like everybody else.
sam shrugs noncommitally.
“nope,” he adds, giving you a charming gap-toothed grin. “i mean, i’ve got some paperwork to do and i’m sure bucky’s got some knives to sharpen or something-”
bucky pins him with a glare but then looks back to you. “-but otherwise, we’re totally free...so, doll?”
“we could watch a movie?”
“yes!” sam exclaims excitedly, already sprinting inside. you and bucky are still staring at the door he burst through when you hear him call out: “i’ve got dibs on the first pick!”
that makes bucky’s eyes go wide and he quickly starts to chase after him.
“fuck no- sam!”
you’re sandwiched between your two heavily muscled best friends, cuddled up on the sofa with your body spread across the laps of both sam and bucky. a thick blanket is draped over all three of you while die hard plays in the background, but none of you are paying attention because you’re all making each other cry with laughter which drowns out the sound of the movie.
“we should go out tonight,” bucky casually suggests during a lull in the conversation, grabbing a handful of popcorn from the bowl on the table.
“true,” sam agrees, nodding his head. you look at him in shock because his default state is to always disagree with bucky. “the others aren’t supposed to be back for a couple of days so i don’t wanna stay all cooped up in here. you down, sugar?”
“yeah, i’ll go,” you nod, playing with your fingers because you’re still so shocked that they’re just casually making plans like today isn’t your birthday. of course you’re not going to point it out to them - you don’t want to make a big deal out of it, but you think that it’d be nice to be wished a happy birthday at least once today.
hours later, you’re wearing your favorite outfit - “we’re going to dinner, darlin’,” bucky let you know earlier - and just touching up your face when bucky and sam pause their incessant bickering to call you downstairs. at this point, you’ve come to terms with the fact that not a single person in your life has remembered your birthday. you’d shed a couple of tears in the bathroom not because you are dying for a huge birthday celebration, but rather because it goes to show that you don’t hold a lot of relevance in these people’s lives.
nobody on the team has ever forgotten a teammate’s birthday, so it cut deep this morning when they all went about their day as normal and barely even acknowledged your presence. you tried to brush it off but the moment you were alone, it all hit you like an oncoming freight train.
ready to forget this disappointing day and move on, you come down the stairs as quickly as you can and head to the front door only to see sam and bucky dressed impeccably and... still arguing. they stop when you stand in front of them. sam whistles loudly which makes you roll your eyes playfully while bucky just nods his head.
“you look great, doll,” he smiles at you and not being able to take any more compliments, you clear your throat loudly and step in between them.
“let’s go,” you say and grab a coat, stepping into the garage. once you all pile into one of tony’s many cars, you take off into the night.
you’re too distracted by your racing thoughts to notice the moment that you pull up outside of an extravagant hotel. you frown as you get out of the car because you thought you were going for dinner at the restaurant on the other side of town.
“change of plans, lil bit. tony recommended this place to us a few weeks ago and we just never got around to going.” sam smiles at you, offering you an arm as bucky flanks your other side. when you step foot inside of the luxurious building after handing the car keys to the valet outside, a well-dressed usher leads you down a hallway to an entirely separate part of the ground floor. you don’t think much of it because you’re used to private dining when tony’s involved, but you manage to lose both of your friends by the time you’ve made it through the labyrinth of hallways.
“excuse me, have you seen the two men i was with just a second ago?” you ask the usher kindly. he looks back at you and just smiles.
“this way, please,” he gestures for you to open the doors however, something doesn’t feel quite right. you’re on high alert but you tentatively push open the heavy gold doors anyway, hand ready to grab the knife that’s resting snugly in your thigh holster.
what you’re not expecting is a lounge filled with balloons and a chorus of “surprise!”, so loud that your bones threaten to jump out of your skin.
the room has been decorated in all of your favorite colors, lights strung up everywhere and banners in bold letters that say happy birthday, y/n!, as well as all of your favorite people with beaming smiles on their faces. sam and bucky are standing with rhodey in the corner and as you stare at them disbelievingly, bucky just throws you a wink.
“wh-what,” you stutter, teary eyes round with confusion, “what the fuck?”
“happy birthday, angel,” a very familiar voice comes from behind you and you spin around to throw your arms around your boyfriend’s neck in glee.
“all this?” your voice is muffled in his shoulder. “for me?”
“all for you, baby,” steve murmurs, rubbing his hand up and down your back. “you didn’t think we’d actually forget, did you?”
“i- i mean,” you exhale, shaking your head, “maybe? i just didn’t know how important it was to you guys-”
“y/n,” he takes your face between his hands and stares at you solmenly, “you are the most important thing in my life-”
bucky clears his throat in protest but steve ignores him.
“-and i would be a fool not to celebrate you everyday. it really got me thinking when you told me that you’ve never had something big done for your birthday. you deserve something extravagant and over-the-top because you deserve to be appreciated every second of your life because you’re so loved by everyone here. are we clear?”
you can’t help but kiss the stupid lopsided smile off his face because you love this man more than you’ll ever be able to articulate. to give the two of you some privacy, everyone else has started drinking and dancing, speaking to their friends animatedly as they avert their eyes from you and steve’s private moment.
when steve slips his tongue in your mouth and his hands wander down to grab your ass, you moan into the kiss only to pull away seconds later, blinking up at him as you both try to catch your breaths.
“steve, we’re in a room full of people,” you remind him.
“then let’s get out of here,” he presses you into his front and you can feel the hardness of his cock against your stomach.
“but i haven’t said hi to anyone else yet,” you whine, not wanting to be rude.
“we’ll come back, baby,” he brushes his nose against the curve of your jaw. “just a couple minutes. you look so fuckin’ good right now i don’t know if i’ll be able to last any longer without getting my cock in that tight little-”
“steve!” you gasp, swatting his arm and then looking around to see if anybody’s heard him, but he just chuckles low in your ear, soft lips dropping kisses on your even softer skin.
“c’mon, doll,” his teeth catch on your earlobe and your bite your lower lip, contemplating whether or not you should give in to your horny boyfriend. “they won’t even notice we’re gone-”
“uh, we definitely will,�� tony strolls over and butts in with a smirk on his lips and a drink in his hand. “happy birthday, babe.”
“thanks, tones,” you give him a one-armed hug because steve still won’t let go of you.
“your real present from me is over there,” he gestures vaguely to a huge pile of presents that makes your eyes go wide again, “but out of the kindness of my heart, i can also give you the gift of my wonderful storytelling so that people won’t notice that you guys have gone off to f-”
“thank you, tony!” you kiss his cheek quickly and proceed to drag steve towards a hallway that you assume leads to the bathrooms. you wave to your other friends briefly as you walk out, finding that the hallway you’ve gone down doesn’t lead to the bathroom, but rather a set of elevators. you and your boyfriend both pause, taking a minute to look at each other and you can almost see the lightbulb that pops over the both of your heads.
steve presses the up button and then his lips are on you, hands roaming your body eagerly against the closed doors of the elevator. slowly, his fingers travel underneath your clothes and start to massage your bare skin. you do the same, one hand gripping his hair and the other undoing the button to his slacks, shoving your hand into the band of his underwear desperately to palm at his manhood.
he hisses, stopping his assault on your body to throw his head back at the feeling of your deft fingers stroking him like that. you’re about to pull his lips towards yours again when you hear a chime and promptly stumble backwards, taking your supersoldier with you.
you cry out a laugh as you fall into each against the wall, drunk on desire and your adoration for the flustered man in front of you. chuckling, steve stabs the first button on the panel and is immediately kissing you again, tongue delving deep into your mouth as his large hand tightly grasps your jaw.
as the doors close and you start to move upwards, steve wedges one of this thick thighs in between your legs, pressing the muscle of his leg into your core.
“ride it, darlin’, c’mon,” he breathes into your ear, leaving wet kisses down your throat and framing your hips between his hands. you do as you’re told, pushing your hips down onto his thigh to get some friction to relieve the heat that’s building in your stomach.
“so good for me, that’s it sweetheart.”
it’s a quick ride to the top but with steve rutting against your hip with your hand down his pants and you against his leg with his fingers in your underwear dancing over your center, the two of you gradually push yourselves to a climax, almost there until there’s that same chime again. your boyfriend swiftly picks you up and you squeal, wrapping your legs around his waist and arms around his neck. his hands massage the globes of your ass as you walk across the roof, onto the edge of the balcony that overlooks the upper east side.
he rests you against the ledge and you keep one of your legs around him as he gets both of your clothes out of the way so that he can run the tip of his hard cock along your needy hole.
“shit, baby,” he spits right onto it, slapping his cock against your swollen skin, and you groan loudly, involuntarily clenching around nothing. “m’not gonna last.”
“neither am i,” you reassure him. “please steve, i need it.”
“i’ve got you, doll.”
he doesn’t say anything else because his eyes are glued at the mesmerizing way that his bulbous tip gets swallowed by your tight entrance. he rocks his hips back and forth, burying himself deeper and deeper into you until he bottoms out with a loud moan.
there are tears in your eyes from how good it feels; the open air on your nipples and the fact that someone could see you like this, vulnerable and open with a cock buried deep inside you, makes you shudder, trails of water spilling onto your cheeks.
“oh my god, sweetheart,” steve murmurs reverently. usually he takes a minute to let you adjust to his size, but the two of you are so close that he just goes for it, the sound of your lovemaking echoing into the night sky.
“yes, yes- fuck, steve, please,” you blink up at him and he uses his thumbs to wipe the tears off your face, pressing kisses to both of your cheeks.
“i know, baby, i know,” he reassures you, his own skin slick and cool in the evening air as he continues to drive into you relentlessly. you ignore how uncomfortable the exposed stone on your naked body is because you’re almost there and you know he is too.
“m’gonna come, honey,” he tells you, hands coming up to pinch your nipples at the same time he bites into your neck. “you gonna let me come in you? give you my birthday present?”
you can barely speak, babbling incoherently as your eyes almost rolling to the back of your head but you nod eagerly, nails digging into his back as he uses you to chase his orgasm.
“come for me, baby - c’mon, milk my cock, s’all yours.”
his words push you over the edge, your entire body convulsing as your breath is snatched from your lungs. you contract around his length and he stills entirely as he spills his release into you, the guttaral moan that leaves his chest raw and animalistic.
“fuck,” he drawls as he presses his forehead against yours.
“right?” you agree, looking right into his pretty eyes, brighter than the lights behind you.
he presses a chaste kiss to your lips.
“happy birthday, baby.”
“thank you,” you kiss the corner of his mouth and run your fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck, “i love you.”
as his chin rests on your shoulder, you take a minute to appreciate how thoughtful the big blonde man in your arms and you don’t think you’ve ever loved anyone this much in your life.
“can we do this every birthday?”
you laugh at his suggestion and tug lightly on his hair, heart about to explode from adoration.
“sure we can.”
“hey, lovebirds!” tony’s voice makes the two of you jump in surprise. “i’m not gonna turn the corner because i know for a fact that you’re not wearing any clothes, but i should definitely warn you that bucky and sam are on their way up with their phones... so unless you want a pornhub feature, i’d haul ass and get back downstairs if i were you. happy birthday, y/n!”
you both look at each other and then the mess that is your pile of clothes, and in unison you both realize that you’re fucked either way. but you know that it’s worth it since you’ve had the best birthday surprise ever, but you still don’t know how much steve is gonna love having his ass on display for his best friends.
“y/n! stevie! wh- oh fuck, are you kidding me?!”
that’s bucky, sounding traumatized as he sees the two of you stark naked.
“wh- damn, i didn’t expect you guys to actually be fuckin’.”
sam sounds genuinely shocked but simultaneously looks impressed. you close your eyes in amused mortification because steve’s body is shielding yours entirely and now, sam and bucky have a full view of his pale backside.
“guys,” he groans, blood rushing to his cheeks.
a flash goes off and steve cries out in protest. you laugh in disbelief, staring at bucky holding his phone up with a grin.
“happy birthday, y/n.”
#steve rogers x reader#steve rogers x y/n#steve rogers x you#steve rogers drabble#steve rogers drabbles#steve rogers imagines#steve rogers imagine#steve rogers fic#steve rogers fanfiction#steve rogers headcanons#steve rogers headcanon#steve rogers blurb#steve rogers blurbs#requests
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vanilla honey
bingo slot: bakery au
prompts: “i love your freckles” | “you’re adorable when you’re flustered” | “for someone so strong, you sure do have a soft spot for me”
paring: midoriya x reader
words: 1.6k
warnings: none ! just fluff <3
The bakery at the end of the street was one of Midoriya’s favorite places to go for numerous reasons. Not only was the food amazing and baked to perfection, but his girlfriend of four years happened to work there. They had been dating for two years before he’d been named the number one hero. Plus, they just so happened to meet during her shift so he could steal some sweets and spend some time with her. Midoriya locked their shared apartment door and walked down the street to where the bakery was located. The breeze felt nice against his warm skin, the shower he took earlier left his hair damp and small droplets fell on his shoulders. He noticed the wandering kids that ran down the street chasing one another, their screams and laughs carried through the air and made a smile make way to the green haired man's face. His feet moved without care as if they knew where he was going without any help. He came face to face with the sign that stood out against the other buildings in the area. The smell of pastries welcomed him as a customer who was leaving held the door open for him, he bowed his head slightly and let his feet take him inside.
Bits of chatter could be heard from the entire bakery and Midoriya was glad he hadn’t eaten anything prior to coming. A few of the employees were walking around and picking things up and his eyes made way to his girlfriend's head. A few other people had realized it was the pro and seemed excited at his presence at such a small establishment. After waving to some people, his eyes fell back on to the girl that was manning the register who was smiling at customers that bought some bagels and donuts. Midoriya got in line and picked up some croissants and walked to the counter and his girlfriend smiled at him as she was handed his bag of goodies.
“Hi, loverboy. Seems you’ve got some fans here” She watched his cheeks flare up and rang up his order, not before throwing an extra pastry on the house. His girlfriend always loved coming up with new nicknames for him and he loved her for it. “You’re adorable when you’re flustered,” she laughed and took his card that he handed her with pink cheeks. He loved her laugh and could spend days listening to it. He placed his card in his wallet and stepped off to the side when he saw another customer ready to pay. Midoriya chewed on the warm chocolate filled croissant and his mouth watered at the taste. His girlfriend thanked the paying customer and waved as they left the shop, her eyes turning to him when the bell rang. “How are you, angel?” She stepped off to the side and asked her friend to step in for a while. She patted her hands on the small apron adorning her waist, and he reached for her hands.
“Fine. I just wanted something sweet and to see you.” Midoriya rubbed his thumbs against the back of her hands and this time it was her who blushed. “Everyone wants to hang out this weekend you know.” Midoriya’s croissants laid on a table closest to them slowly growing cold but he didn’t care. She nodded in response to his statement. Her hands were soft in his calloused ones and she seemed to relish in the warmth of his hands. She squeezed his hands and watched a smile take over his features.
“I love your freckles.” Her words were soft spoken and Midoriya loved how her eyes would sparkle whenever she spoke. His eyes were trained on hers and the couple moved to sit down where his croissants resided. He scoffed and let a small laugh escape him at her compliment.
“I know, you tell me every chance you get.” She giggled and let her head fall back with his comment. She let her eyes fall upon his face as a soft smile graced her features.
His cheeks were tainted pink as she stared at him, he was reminded of their presence in public when an employee called an order out. She seemed entranced with him and he laughed off his embarrassment from some people who were eyeing the girl as they left the shop.
“Baby, you’re blushing.” She laid her head in her own hands as she continued ogling at him. His cheeks grew more red at the acknowledgment at his current state. In order to avoid any further embarrassment he put his head down on the table. She laughed at his reaction and reached one of her hands forward to ruff his unruly hair with her fingers.
‘... your fault,” he mumbled as she pulled away. She hummed a barely audible sound, head tilted to one side as if silently asking him what he had said. Midoriya cleared his throat before clarifying. “I said, it’s all your fault.” She pouted at his little frown and went to peck his lips. Her flavored chapstick lingered on his lips and he could taste the vanilla honey that she had applied some time before he got there. She laughed again and stroked his face before quickly stealing his croissant and taking a few bites before going back to work. Midoriya watched as she ate the sweet pastry, some chocolate peeking out from the corner of her mouth as she stole his treat. He wet his thumb and rubbed it off her face, an action that was domestic and so intimate that he hadn’t really needed to think about it before doing it. She seemed surprised but welcomed the gesture nonetheless. Some of the customers eyed them as they made small talk and hung on each other but he tried to ignore their stares as they kissed once again. Y/n could tell something was bothering her boyfriend so she grabbed his hands again and made him focus on her rather than the people surrounding them. Without even needing to ask she seemed to know what plagued him, he wasn’t surprised he was sure his insecurity and uncertainty radiated off of him. Since becoming the number one and essentially stepping into the public eye with the title, he had been having a hard time with the gossip tabloids that wanted to drag you and him through the mud. You could calm his every worry with just a few words.
“Listen, if they still can’t accept our relationship then they aren’t true fans. Deku’s true fans would want him happy and they wouldn’t care who he’d be dating.” A sad smile made its way to her face and she squeezed his hands in reassurance when he gave a small nod. “Baby, we’ve been together for so long and if they can’t accept it that’s on them, not you. You’re amazing and regardless of me, you’re the greatest hero we’ve seen since you know who.” She smiled so bright and Midoriya couldn’t help but to smile back with a light blush on his cheeks again. He mumbled a thank you and traced a small heart on the back of his hand
“When’s your shift over? I was thinking about takeout for lunch and I'd love it if you’d join me?” He held his breath as he awaited her answer, afraid she’d say no, even though that wasn’t even a possibility, even though they had been dating for years. There was still some insecure part of him that thought she would maybe so no. Y/n sat up straighter and checked the clock on the wall, her eyes gleaming when she found his green orbs.
“I get off in ten!” Midoriya breathed again and he smiled back at her beaming figure. “Wait for me?” Her head was slightly tilted as she stood up from their spot together so she could finish her shift. His hands left hers and he nodded, a breath of relief leaving him at the thought.
“Of course!” He shooed her away with smiles on both their faces. Midoriya spent the ten minutes eating what was left of the croissant and the extra cookie while watching his girlfriend clean up things and help people at the register. The hero was also asked for an autograph from a young kid before he saw his girl waiting for him. He waved at the small boy that retreated to his mother and linked hands with the girl that was waiting by the door for him. The door chimed behind them as they left and she started to swing their hands between them. Midoriya tugged her hand close to his mouth and kissed the backside of it to show her that he was happy to just be spending time with her.
He watched as her eyes roamed his face, searching for something he didn’t know. “For someone so strong, you sure do have a soft spot for me,” she teased as he laughed at her comment before letting their hands fall back to their sides, swinging lightly.
“Of course I do,” he smiled gently, feeling the soft breeze on his face, wanting more than anything to capture this moment in this quiet afternoon with the love of his life so close to him.
“The number one hero isn’t going soft on me is he?” she asked, a mischievous glint present in her eyes.
“Only for you, love,” Midoriya replied back with a small squeeze of her hand.
“You’re being so sweet to me,” she mused by his side. “You must want something from me… Am I right?” she giggled as she glanced at him.
“Just your love and affection… and maybe another free cookie when I drop you off after lunch.”
She swatted his arm affectionately and he pretended to be hurt. “You’re impossible,” she huffed.
“That’s why you love me,” Midoriya shrugged playfully.
“You know it,” she winked at him, bumping shoulders with him as they walked to her favorite restaurant.
an: this is for a slot for bingo and a late entry to deku’s bday event !! happy bday izuku 🥺
taglist: | @bnhabookclub | @pixxiesdust |
masterlist | bingo mlist | kofi
#bnhabookclub#bnha#mha#my hero academia#my hero academia au#mha au#mha oneshot#mha scenarios#mha imagines#bnha au#bnha imagine#bnha scenario#bnha oneshot#deku#deku au#bnha deku#deku scenario#deku imagine#midoriya imagine#midoriya x reader#midoriya au#midoriya scenario#midoriya oneshot#izuku midoriya#bnha izuku#izuku au#izuku imagine#izuku oneshot#izuku scenario
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mr. and mrs. jeon are two of the most reputation - obsessed people in the state of maryland . neither of them were born into wealth of any kind , but yearned for the luxuries and renown that came with multiple zeros in your bank account . both parents tried a multitude of business ventures and failed many times over , more often leaving the family in even more debt than they started with . they both tried to instill these success and infamy driven values in their three children , seeing their kids as even more routes to their familial success . but when their kids were anything but perfect , it just drove a wedge in their relationship . long story short this whole family has been in their flop era since day one .
arthur has always held the kids at an arms distance , never wanting them to get to close . this was only made easier by the older man constantly playing a balancing act between the multiple jobs he would hold at once . when he was younger , he tried his hand at all kinds of odd jobs here and there , saving up enough money to marry his long term girlfriend . however , when their first child was born , both he and mrs. jeon decided that they needed a more steady income for their growing family . so , mr jeon took out a loan and decided to open a restaurant ! and you guessed it ! it failed within the first year . and that was just the start of all the bankruptcy that would follow their family for the foreseeable future . but arthur jeon is a shifty lil guy who has always been able to pull on people’s heartstrings and make a quick buck here and there when necessary . of course , having violet , one of the most naive people on earth , as a daughter was really useful for arthur . he had always been able to make violet believe anything he told her , even as she got much older . which is exactly how he manipulated his daughter into being their connection to a drug ring , ship drugs out to grayson , and keep his affairs a secret . violet also learned how to victimize herself through this man ! like , any time she would catch him doing something less than respectable , arthur would pull that “ oh i am just the worst dad ever . i have never been good to you , vv . you deserve better ” which would then put her in the situation of comforting him ,, which is when he would be like “ violet , i know you care for our family . if you tell anyone , everything as you know it will change . you wouldn’t do that right ? ” and suddenly she’s blackmailing the woman he slept with to keep their family together smh Men ..
clare jeon is the final boss when it comes to perfectionism ! she has been the one who has always wanted to keep up appearances so that her kids and her family were never seen as ‘ being without ’ because it would reflect poorly on her and her skills as a mother . with one new credit card after the next and money that they should have been using to pay the bank back , clare would constantly buy her kids clothes with money that they didn’t have and drive the nicest car she could afford when driving the kids to school . her standards for her kids were unreasonably high and she was not afraid to let them know when they disappointed her by simply not being the perfect image she had in her head . and unfortunately , violet lived to try and reach her mother’s impossible standards , coming up short every time . after all , the girl had a chronic case of middle kid syndrome and was frequently the butt of her mother’s internalized misogyny . even when grayson was acting up , it seemed as though clare would prefer to deal with his screw ups than give violet the time of day for her newest swim trophy . maybe that was all in violet’s head , but it still left lasting effects on her self esteem .
( DRUGS TW ) these two were thick as thieves growing up . they were only a few years apart in age and the little girl idolized her older brother . grayson almost acted as a loving parent for violet and their younger brother , ben . with the way their parents treated all of them , grayson knew that his younger siblings needed someone to just be there for them and appreciate their accomplishments . even when grayson began getting older and getting into trouble , violet turned a blind eye to the situation , choosing instead to enjoy their time together before he would go away to college someday . however , once grayson began doing drugs more and more often , violet began to distance herself from him in order to make herself look better to their parents . she hoped that if she began to treat him like their parents did , that they would respect her for being so mature for her age ! that didn’t happen . and suddenly , grayson was leaving for an indefinitely long trip to europe . and that’s basically where their relationship went down the mf drain because then violet became her family’s liaison between the ,, shh ,, cartel and grayson away in europe , just causing his drug problems to get worse and worse instead of helping him like a sister should . all because her dad lied to her ,, again ,, and said that him staying out there is what was best for grayson and what was best for their family as a whole . but now grayson is in the elites and violet is Scared as fuck because she knows she absolutely fucked him over !! anyway !!!!!!!!
violet has pretty much always babied ben because he was has always been her little baby ! he has always been a lot more quiet and skittish than his older siblings . think : charlie from the perks of being a wallflower . he’s very emotional and more than a little awkward around other people . he also has that typical jeon kid mentality of wanting to impress his parents so fucking bad , but he hasn’t really grown out of it like grayson and violet have since moving out . he’s still a senior in high school and dealing with his parents’ shit every day . but now he’s alone with them , making it ten times worse . he tries to call violet almost every day , just to be able to talk to someone since he doesn’t really have friends at school . but most of the time , he can only call violet when he’s driving home from school now since their parents won’t talk to violet anymore and would probably be angry as fuck if they found out he was talking to her still . idk bro the boy just can’t wait to go to college and get out of his parents’ house . sweet , sweet kid . love u ben
( DRUGS TW ) okay i couldn’t NOT mention goose in violet’s family task because this man truly is like family to her . bennie covered most of it in their family task for goose , but i just gotta dive in some more from lil vi’s perspective . violet and goose probably met when she was around 12-13 ish ??? because he and grayson met at boarding school . and because goose was always kinda ,,, uh ,, iffy about his home life , grayson would invite him to come spend the summer fucking around in annapolis with him . he was very much like My Older Brother’s Best Friend in violet’s life , in the way that he would kinda pick on her and bug her but really and truly goose just reminds violet so much of some of the best summers of her childhood . she just remembers giving our gemini king a lil late bday party sometime in the middle of june . violet would probably bake a goose a strawberry cake with sprinkles all over it and some odd number of candles stuck here and there . she also remembers riding in the back of her parents’ car with goose and grayson up front , playing some music that their parents would probably kill them for listening to so loudly with the windows down . she remembers her , grayson , goose , and ben sitting on the curb outside of 7-Eleven drinking their free slurpees . god literally just so many memories i could go on and on and on . but like bennie explained in their task , violet and goose obviously did not remain very close after grayson disappeared to europe . especially since violet could pretty much assume where her older brother’s drug habits originated . she has always kind of held some sort of contempt for goose because of that . even now . she will never tell him that , but she has always wondered if things would be different if goose and grayson had never met . she and goose still got close at yale though after realizing that they are the closest thing that either of them had to family when all this blackmailer shit started . idk i just love them a lot
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for Neil's bday prompt, maybe Andrew doing small soft things for Neil throughout his special day, knowing that Neil doesn't particularly care for his bday that much but still wanting to make him feel good. idk does that make sense?
Okay, so here we go, for Neil’s ‘non-birthday’ (I should say ‘Nathaniel’s birthday’? Since January 19th is Nathaniel’s birthday and March 31st is Neil’s official birthday now). A day late but still, something for the occasion. Thank you for the prompt, I think it fits the occasion rather well, all in all!
Very vague references to what happens on January 19th in the books and very vague mature times between the boys but nothing graphic or things like that.
Neil was on edge as the weekend approached, which hesupposed most of the Foxes put down to him being stressed about them reachingthe play-offs and having a home game against the Ohio State Buckeyes. Which wasin part true – the Foxes needed to win, to get their two out of three games andmaintain a good point average while preparing the freshmen for playing with themore advanced teams of the championship season, but Ohio State didn’t present that much of a challenge.
Even with ‘Jack the Asshole’ and his partner, Sheena, makingrandom ‘Nathanial’ and ‘Wesninski’ comments, no one thought anything of Fridaynight other than of kicking Buckeye ass (which really, Neil couldn’t figure outthat team name or their hideous mascot)… well, other than the couple of timeswhen Neil caught Andrew or Wymack giving him intent looks while in the lockerroom.
They didn’t say anything, though, which was fine with him sincehe didn’t want to think about what had happened around that time last year,about the significance of that weekend.
The Foxes won by six points even with Jack trying to hog thedamn ball while out on the court with Neil (earning an earful from Dan, Wymack and Kevin after the game), and once thepost-games interviews and review were done, the Monsters piled into theMaserati and headed off to Columbia.
Neil felt some of his anxiety fade away as they left PSUbehind, as he sat next to Andrew in the car with the scent of cigarette smokefilling his senses each time he inhaled, the sound of Nicky and Aaronsquabbling over what soundtrack to play while Kevin called them out on their ‘poortaste’. He smiled when Andrew, quiet as ever, held out his right hand with thepalm upward once they were on the highway and was quick to entwine theirfingers together.
It was a usual Friday night, was their stop at Sweetie’s forfood and ice cream then off to Eden’s where Neil only had one shot to celebratetheir win then allowed himself to be distracted by arguing with an increasinglydrunk Kevin over the possible line-up for the rest of the championship season.For a while Neil could forget everything when he had Andrew by his side and hisfriends around him, when he felt as if he belonged among them.
When they got back to the house in Columbia with him andAndrew the only two sober ones out of the group, and once Kevin and Aaron andNicky were in their respective beds, Andrew led him up to the bedroom theyshared and asked him ‘yes or no’ then stripped him of his clothes after he replied‘yes’. Neil forgot about everything but how goodAndrew always made him feel, the feel of skin against skin as they movedtogether, as hands stroked and nails gently scratched then soothed, as mouthskissed and sucked, teeth nipped and teased and bit.
He fell asleep to the feel of Andrew’s fingers trailingalong his right arm, his lover’s body heat soaking into his back as Andrew laya scant inch away, the scent of soap from their recent shower mingling with thefaint hint of cigarette smoke which lingered on the pillow beneath his head. Exhaustedand sated, Neil somehow managed to sleep through the night without any baddreams.
When he woke up the next day, the house quiet and a sliverof light from the rising sun peeked through the mostly drawn curtains, he layin bed for a minute or two before the overwhelming urge to move had him sliding from beneath the warm blankets so he could goabout his morning run. Andrew made a low, disgruntled noise of complaint as hepulled the blankets almost all the way over his head and rolled over to face thewall while Neil dressed warm enough for the ‘cold’ (for South Carolina) weatherthen left the room as quietly as he could before heading for the kitchen doorwithout waking any of the others.
He ran for almost two hours, until the awful urge to flee, to find the nearest bus stop ortrain station, to heed his mother’s dying wishes finally faded away and hecould return to the house without any trepidation. Until the memories of bloodon walls, of cruel smiles and bright knives had been pushed away (for the timebeing), until he could convince himself that it was just another day, that itdidn’t have any special meaning to him.
It didn’t have anyspecial meaning, not to Neil Josten.
As soon as he used his key (the key Andrew had given him) toenter the house, he smelled fresh coffee brewing, which was a surprise sincenone of the others would wake up after a night at Eden’s until almost noon, ifthey could help it. Neil usually made coffee when he returned from a run so itwould be ready when he stepped out of his shower, yet there it was, the lastfew drops falling into a full pot. He blinked in confusion before he grabbed a mugso he could enjoy some to drink as soon as he stepped out of the shower.
There was no sign of anyone else being up as he went to the bathroom– all the bedroom doors were closed, and it was dark in the den with Kevin’sloud snores filling the first floor (even echoing up into the second level asNeil climbed the steps).
The next surprise awaited Neil as he entered the bathroom;there were fresh towels set out on the bathroom sink, still warm and fluffedfrom the dryer as if they’d been set out mere moments before he’d returned tothe house, along with a change of clothes. Savoring the feel of the linens, hewas quick to shed his sweat-soaked clothes and reached into the shower to startthe water, only to find that someone must have run it when they brought thetowels and clothes in so it would be hot right away when he stepped into shower.
Touched by the show of thoughtfulness, he quickly enteredthe bath/shower and pulled the curtain shut so he could wash off, grateful forthe hot water which rained down on his skin after all the time out in the cold.Once he was clean, he smiled at the still warm towels, and noticed that the sweatshirtwas an old one of Andrew’s which he loved to borrow since it was so soft fromage.
Neil took his time getting ready that morning, his spirits buoyedby the kind actions shown toward him, and made sure to grab his dirty clothesand the damp towels to take to the laundry room before he went back to thefirst floor.
When he opened the fridge to make something for breakfast, hemerely shook his head at the sight of the pints of fresh strawberries andblueberries on the top shelf, along with a few other items which he knew hadn’tbeen there the night before. Smiling in anticipation of a delicious breakfast,he pulled out the fruit and set the pints on the counter, then began makingsome oatmeal.
He’d just finished a big bowl of cooked oats with lots offruit and a little honey (with plenty left over for Kevin when his friendfinally woke up) when a sleepy Aaron stumbled into the kitchen. They exchangednods in greeting and Neil got up to put some bacon in the oven for his friends’breakfast while Aaron availed himself on the coffee as if it was the mostimportant thing in the world.
The bacon was almost ready and Neil was preparing the store-boughtbiscuits on a tray to start baking while Aaron brewed a fresh pot of coffeewhen Andrew showed up next. Neil gave him a smile by way of ‘good morning’ andwasn’t upset when his boyfriend nearly nodded once before heading outside(after grabbing a coat) to have a cigarette, and made sure to have a cup ofcoffee (plus enough sugar and milk) waiting for when Andrew came back inside.
He was tugged down for a quick kiss in exchange for thecoffee then Andrew got to work making chocolate-chip pancakes to go along withthe biscuits and bacon, which made Nicky’s morning when he staggered inpleading for coffee about twenty minutes later. The four of them were seated atthe table, everyone but Neil eating, when Kevin finally woke up (more or less),and was happy to finish off the oatmeal once he had a couple of cups of coffee.
Neil found himself smiling as Aaron and Nicky fought over ifit was better to put honey or butter on biscuits, as Kevin yelled at them foreating so many ‘useless carbs’ (while Andrew sat there quietly and determinedlyshoving pancake after pancake into his mouth), as Nicky informed Kevin that aperfect set of abs could only offset his terrible personality so much…
It was exactly what he needed right then, was his friendscarrying on like always, was it being just like any other Saturday. Nickyoffered to wash the dishes since Neil and Andrew had cooked breakfast, andsomehow guilt-tripped Aaron and Kevin into helping to clean up, and goteveryone (almost everyone) involved in a debate over what they would do for therest of the day.
Kevin, of course, wanted to watch Exy games, but even Neildisagreed with him on that. They eventually decided to watch movies, whichmeant that Andrew and Neil drove off to the video store to rent a bunch of movieswhich Andrew picked out; Neil didn’t mind since he still had a lot of catchingup to do when it came to movies, and it was nice to spend a little time alonewith his boyfriend.
He almost asked about the groceries and the towels andeverything, but Andrew didn’t say anything so he decided to remain quiet andnot ruin things.
Andrew had picked several of the 007 movies, which even Neilknew a little about but had never seen more than a few minutes of here andthere. Nicky groaned and even Aaron appeared put out by the choice, but oncesome beers were grabbed and popcorn was made, all of them settled in the livingroom, Neil next to Andrew on the loveseat, and their movie marathon started.
At first the five of them were quiet while they watched,then Nicky made a smart remark, followed by Aaron, and even Kevin joined in. Neilstarted mocking the accents, Nicky mock-gagging over some of the women andtheir improbable names, Andrew even scoffed at some of the fight scenes, andsoon they were tearing apart the movies, pausing only to make more drinks andorder take-out for dinner.
Nicky and Kevin stood up near the television to re-enact acouple of the most ridiculous ‘romantic’ scenes until even Aaron was red-facedwith laughter, while Andrew kept a count of how many improbable fight scenesthere were and massive failures on the whole ‘that wouldn’t kill anyone’ topic.
By the time the last movie played for the night, Neil’s facehurt from smiling so much, the scar tissue on his left cheek a bit sore fromstretching so much, and everyone appeared in a great mood. Even Andrew had moreof a contemplative mood about him for once, rather than shuttered or bored.
Once they were in their room, Neil sank down on the bedwhile Andrew began to remove his sweater and jeans for bed. “So… today,” hesaid, finally addressing the topic he’d done his best to ignore all weekend. “Thatwas you, wasn’t it? Did you have it planned out in advance or what?”
Andrew was quiet as he threw his sweater in the hamper thenslowly turned to face Neil and close the space between them until he stoodright in front of him. “I know how you think,” he said as he reached out hishand and, when Neil nodded, wrapped it lightly around the back of Neil’s neck. “Iknew you’d obsess over this day even though it doesn’t have any meaning anymore.”
“I… it’s… it was my birthday,” Neil tried to explain as hisfingers twisted in the soft material of his orange sweatpants.
“It’s Nathaniel’sbirthday,” Andrew said in his deep, calm voice, echoing Neil’s thought fromthat morning. “And I told you to leave Nathaniel behind, remember? Yourbirthday is March 31st, so if this is a lame-ass way to try to getsome extra presents out of me, fuck off, Josten.” Andrew’s hand slid around togently press against Neil’s face until he fell back onto the bed. “Go to sleep,maybe you’ll wake up with a few working braincells. Maybe.”
Neil laughed as he straightened out on the bed then pulledoff his sweatshirt and sweatpants before he crawled beneath the blankets. “Wouldn’tthat be a present for you, hmm?” Helaughed again at his lover’s aggrieved sigh and watched as Andrew threw his clothesin the hamper as well. Once his boyfriend joined him in their bed, he rolledover to face him. “In all seriousness… thankyou. They weren’t presents but everything you did today made me feel betterand kept everyone from remembering about today, so again, thank you.”
“That’s not you falling asleep, junkie,” Andrew said, but hereached out to give Neil’s nape another gentle squeeze before pointedly closinghis eyes.
“Night, Drew.”
“Sleep.” That timethe order was followed up by a light poke to his right cheek.
Neil smiled and closed his eyes.
Still working on Ghost in You ch4 and the reverse big bang fic - life is very MEH right now and insanely busy but there will be fic in the near future.
#aftg#aftg prompt#andreil#neil josten#andrew minyard#the monsters#neil's not-birthday#andrew looks after neil#nekojitachan fic
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First of all,,,,how dare you hurt the children *whispers* but tell me your headcanons p w e a s e
adgfh thanks for the interest nonnie. The post i made was about some Antarc hcs from the fic i’m writing so here it is i guess, my
HnK 1960s AU:
(more under the cut cause it gets super long)
- the fic is an historical AU set in the 1960s and 70s in italy, but since most characters are older than that many HCs date back to the 40s and wwii as well
- (most of) the gems live in an Institute that Sensei founded during the last years of the war by using a big building that was built during Fascism and then abandoned/destroyed by the war. Think of the gems as orphans/ppl who found themselves alone after the war or something
- the institute started off as a small thing but then more and more gems came around and it got its own elementary school and even middle school (thanks to Alex), there are dorms, a gym, a big canteen etc.
- the city is super small, it doesn’t even have a train station so the school was a huge help especially cause the place was heavily bombarded cause it’s close to a larger city
- most of the gems that died before the beginning of the series died because of wwii (like Chrysoberyl, Morga and Goshe). Yellow lost most of their friends and Papda got badly injured
- the school is more or less ran by Alex at this point cause Sensei is old and Alex and Chryso moved to this city after the war broke out, cause that’s the city Chryso where was born (and that’s why they knew sensei), also they thought the place would be safer but they were very wrong
- Alex is in their mid forties, around the same age as Padpa, a tiny, bitter academician who had once been famous for their work and that traveled around Europe with Chryso to attend conferences and stuff, and then the war happened and Chryso was snatched away from them in a very tragic way
- after Chryso died, Alex stopped caring about their career and basically resigned. They buried themselves in personal work as a big middle finger to the system and to distract themselves,they fell into severe depression and became completely disillusioned with life, they still have self-destroying outbursts from time to time, Red Beryl usually helps them but if those happen when Alex’s with Yellow then things kind of go for a tangent
- when Alex abandoned academia altogether they became somewhat of an anarchist, they don’t believe in the system anymoreand after battling to get an official high-school for the city and failing, they started teaching evening courses, which are kind of clandestine and very much unrecognized by the state, but fuck the state, let’s teach ppl how to think for themselves and let’s teach people just how much the state sucks
- also they *loved* to hear about 1968 and the cultural revolution and it will be very awkward when they find out Phos was basically in the midst of the storm
- Alex is basically the pillar upon which the whole institute is founded but they are not the headmaster, that role is Euclase’s who is also the treasurer, because Alex can’t deal with bureaucratic stuff for the life of them: they’d bankrupt the school in a fortnight
- Euclase is the second oldest after Yellow, they own the only car of the group and they let everyone borrow it. They walk around with a shawl over their head (because reasons) and a huge bunch of keys: they open and close all of the doors in the institute and when the younger gems are too loud and/or it’s too late in the night they tell them to go to sleep. They always check on everyone, included the gems who no longer sleep in the dorms (like Antarc, Phos, Bort and Cinnabar)
- along with Alex, they are the only other ‘old’ gem who went to uni and they graduated in Statistics or Economics (still haven’t decided), their official job is being a shopkeeper though, they own a small grocery shop near the institute
- Euclase also owns a small radio, the only radio of the group. The first tv arrives when Cinnabar is like 15 and Phos’ 12 and everyone is super excited about it, they place it in the common living room, in the dorms
- speaking of media, Jade runs a newspaper. They are not a journalist, nothing’s really official, but no one cares and they have an excuse to go about town and speak with people. They love the general aesthetic and the smell of ink too but they always wear dark pants to hide the stains.
- Jade is a ‘rolled up sleeves and very long hair in a bun or ponytail’ kind of person. They’re 5-7 years Euclase’s junior and genuinely like Euclase, they spend a lot of time with them. They probably had a crush on them at some point but got over it. Euc is also their main source of information, along with Dia
About the age thing:
- Yellow, Padpa, Euc and Alex (and Chryso) are the oldies, in their mid-forties to early fifties when the story starts and mid-thirties in the flashbacks.
- Jade, Red Beryl, Antarc, Peri and Sphene and Melon are the ‘middle generation,’ they’re up to 10 years younger than the old ppl
- Shinsha, Dia, Nepchi, Benito, the Amethysts, Lapis, Cairn and Ghost are the young ppl, 20 years or so younger than the old ppl
- Phos, Bort, Zircon, new Goshe and new Morga are the actual bbys cause they’re even younger than that. Please handle with care
- Shinsha and Diamond share a birthday, that’s one of the reasons why Shinsha doesn’t celebrate their own bday cause they didnt wanna steal Dia’s spotlight but then they became kind of bitter/passive-aggressive about it
- Zircon is just 6 months Phos’ senior but since Phos is an actual dumbass they are actually 100 years more mature than them
- Dia works at a flower shop, they still live in the dorms tho and so do most of the gems
- except for Bort, who settled in a place of their own and then left to study in a marine military academy cause they are a battle maniac, they left the place to Cinnabar
- Cinnabar has a weird history with school and education but at 19 they decided they actually wanted a diploma and they wanted to get their life together and now they’re in uni and they teach at the institute to earn some money, they’re 26 at the beginning of the story
- Phos went away as well, they tagged along Antarc one time that Antarc came to town cause Phos was quite literally struck by them and would not let them go without them. They were just 16 and a big idiot
- Antarc was Chrysoberyl’s cousin, that’s how they know sensei
- they always dressed in suits and light colors, also they had a thing for keeping their place clean which they passed onto Phos
- Padpa used to be the cool uncle that every kid loved before they could no longer leave the bed, now they’re more or less in a coma and only wake up sporadically
- Yellow and Padpa used to be a couple before Rutile came around, then it became a weird triangle, then a messy polygon, then a very, very weird obsession that eventually led to Rutile studying medicine just so they could obsess over Padpa more
- Yellow decided they were fed up with the world at that point, so they opened a kennel and more or less started spending their days with more puppies and less people or dying lovers
- Bort does help at the kennel whenever they can, yes, Zircon loves to tag along too, they’re good friends
- Dia stopped going with them cause they have a very bad middle-child case
- Zircon can bake
- Cinnabar is studying mathematics
- Phos is 23 when the fic starts and they don’t even have a diploma yet
- oh the town is by the sea and there’s an abandoned lighthouse too because that’s cool
- there is literally 100000 more things i wanna say about Antarc and Phos and Shinsha and all those characters I havent named yet but this is indeed super long and I’m afraid i must end it here for now, maybe I should make a new post for each character
thank you again if you had the patience to go through all of this!
#houseki no kuni#fic tag#1960s au#gosh this is huge#pls ignore any mistakes#theres just so much stuff going on i hope it makes sense somehow#also i love alex can you tell#and i didnt even get to talk about antarc#im verbose im sorry#im a simple nerd#nonnie asks for hcs#i start to ramble
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check the calendar
Kim Namjoon x reader
2.1k words
warnings: swearing
|| A.N. I know that Namjoons bday was yesterday but I live in the US which means that his birthday is today for me so obviously I had to write a birthday Namjoon imagine and honestly I don’t think it’s that bad but I hope you guys like it. HAPPY BIRTHDAY NAMJOON!!! please stay safe and thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this :) <3
Bright rays from the sun spill through the crack of the curtains as my eyes begin to open. I move my hand to shield my face from the burn the sun is giving me. I sit up and grab my phone from the side table and check my phone.
Calendar: Joonies birthday <3
A huge grin makes its way into my face as I read the notification that today was in fact Namjoons 26th. He’s never really liked big birthday celebrations but since I haven’t seen him in almost 6 months, I was going to go all out.
After taking a quick shower and putting on some clothes I make my way into the kitchen to begin baking Namjoons cake. I have to admit though I am probably the worst baker you will ever meet.
Just take the cake I tried to make Jungkook for his birthday 11 days ago. I burnt it so bad that the oven caught fire on the inside. Lets just say…. Joon and I are perfect for each other.
As I pour the last of the cake batter into the pans the oven dings as an indicator that it’s preheated and ready for me to put the cakes in. Right as I stand up from putting the cake tins in my phones starts ringing a special ringtone that instantly makes me know who’s calling. I pick up immediately and Namjoons soothing voice echoes through the kitchen as I put him on speaker.
“Good morning baby!” I can hear the smile on his face as he speaks. “Good morning Joon!” “I’m just calling to tell you I should be at yours in about a half hour. Panicking I shout out to not come over. “Umm why? I thought we planned to hang out at yours all day today?” my brows furrowed in confusion. He knows it’s his birthday right? “Yeah but I was thinking that maybe we should go out for breakfast first?” I say to him as a question. He hums as if thinking of an answer.
“Yeah I like that idea. Pick you up in a few then?” I tell him yes and then we say our goodbyes and hang up. “Shit, what am I supposed to do about the cakes?” I voice to myself. Before I can think of a plan a knock is heard coming from the front room.
I don’t remember inviting anyone over. As I move to open the door I hear voices speaking very loudly to each other. “Jin I swear to god if you drop that cake I'll ditch you in the middle of the road on the way home.” That’s definitely Yoongi. “I’ll curse you if you do.” A laugh makes its way out of my mouth at the bickering between the two men in front of my door.
I hastily open the door wide to see Jin holding a giant birthday cake and Yoongi to his left holding many, many bags of food. “Here let me take some bags.” He hands one out of the 7 and I shoot him a look. Yoongi just gives me a look as if to tell me there was no way I was getting more than one bag. “What are you two doing here?” I ask.
“Well everyone knows you can’t bake for shit so get the cakes that you just put into the oven out and get this one in the fridge.” Yoongi states while Jin hands the cake for you to put in the fridge.
Yoongi and I have been friends for years which is how Namjoon and I met. He introduced us a few years ago at a little comeback party they threw at the dorm and Yoongi insisted that I come. Namjoon and I clicked almost immediately and we were attached at the hip the entire night. The rest is history.
Jin and Yoongi basically take over the kitchen to start the birthday brunch food and I start putting up decorations around the apartment. “Y/n?” Yoongi says from the kitchen. “I don’t think Namjoon knows it’s his birthday today.” I look at him confused. That makes a lot more sense as to why he hasn’t said anything about his birthday brunch.
I told him we were going to do it but I now come to the conclusion that he doesn’t realize it’s the 12th and he wasn’t supposed to come until later. “Oh shit!” I say aloud. “Joon is coming over any second to pick me up to go to breakfast.” “Well you need to keep him distracted till we text you when we’re done with everything.” Jin says with his back to me as he cooks on the stove.
My phone dings and a text from Namjoon comes through telling me he is here. “Okay guys he’s here gotta go.” I run up behind them and squeeze both of their shoulders. “Please don’t burn my apartment down.” Yoongi groans at me to shut up and Jin pokes my side and shoo’s me out. I laugh at them but put on my shoes, grab my coat and leave to go to the lobby.
Right as I walk out the elevator I see Namjoon walking through the revolving doors and when his gaze meets mine a beautiful smile graces his features.
Quickly I walk to him and bury myself in his chest as his strong arms wrap around my shoulders and squeezes me so tight. “I missed you so much baby.” His lips pressed sweet pecks to my temples. I lean my head up and press my lips to his in a loving kiss. Our lips move together for a few more seconds until we pull back just a little, lips still touching.
Namjoon leaves little kisses against my lips before fully pulling away, his senses tingling that people are watching us in our intimate moment.
“I missed you too Joon. I love you.” His hands travel down to intertwine with mine and gives me one last kiss before walking us towards his car. “I love you y/n” He says as he opens the passenger door for me and waits till i’m fully in before closing it and moving around the car to get into the driver's seat.
The drive to the secluded coffee shop was full of catching up and many kisses on the cheek from me to Joon. He gently placed his hand on my thigh giving it a squeeze as he parked the car in the parking lot.
“How many times have I told you baby, I’ve got this one.” I shake my head in disagreement, both of us stepping out of the car. “Namjoon, you don’t get it. This one has to be on me and you can’t argue.” He gives me a confused look but I brush it off and take his hand to lead him into the cafe. I playfully push Namjoon to go find us a seat as I order our drinks. The fact that he doesn’t remember it’s his birthday only makes this so much better.
As I wait for the drinks I sneak a glance at the most soft, precious human that could ever exist. There Namjoon was staring outside the glass window smiling at the birds that were set on the windowsill next to him. Slowly I snapped some pictures of him and immeadietly set my favorite one as my lockscreen. Right after the barista passes me our drinks and I walk over to sit across from Namjoon. “Um I don’t know what you think you are doing but, I haven’t seen you in nearly 6 months come sit next to me so I can snuggle you up and drink this coffee.”
A giggle escapes from my mouth and I get up and move to sit right next to him. He instantly has his arm around my waist and presses a chaste kiss against my lips. “God y/n, I could stay like this forever.” He mumbles, lips still on mine. I smile and move my hand to cup the back of his neck and rub my thumb back and forth.
I quickly leave pecks on his plush lips before pulling away to take a sip of my drink.
We stayed at the cafe for almost 2 hours talking and just being with each other. My phone dings with a text message popping up from Yoongi saying that they were ready for us to come back to my apartment.
“Hey we should go back to my apartment.” I state to him as I begin to stand up. His hand grabs mine to stand up with me and we make our way to the car. As soon as we drove out of the parking lot I text Yoongi back saying we will be there in 10 minutes.
“So what exactly are we going back to your place for? I thought we were gonna be out all day?” I reach my hand for Namjoons and intertwine them together while placing them on my lap. “I just want to show you something.” I lie quickly. I’m the worst liar so I know he knew something was up but yet he said nothing of it. The drive back was short and the walk up to my apartment was even shorter.
I take my keys out of my bag and unlock the door to open it to a quiet, yet very decorated living room. “Baby, why does it look like you are having a birthday party here?” Namjoon says aloud. Suddenly all the boys pop out of their hiding places and scream happy birthday to a very scared looking man that was hiding behind me. “Is this for me?” He asks with wide eyes.
“Happy birthday Joonie!” I turn around fully to wrap my arms around his neck and kiss his cheek. “It’s definitely not my birthday.” We all laugh at him and he begins to look even more confused than he was before. “Hyung, are you really that forgetful that you don’t even remember your own birthday?” Jimin says while hanging off of Hoseok from laughing so hard.
“Guys it’s not even the 12th. Let me check the calendar.” He takes out his phone and the rest of us are waiting for him with smug faces to realize that it most definitely was indeed Namjoon's birthday.
His eyes go wide and his mouth forms an O shake at the realization. “I’m so stupid.” I shake my head and squeeze him into me. “You aren’t stupid Joon. You’re just working so hard that you forgot.” As I say this to him all the boys join in on the hug and surround both me and Namjoon. We all start to sway and scream-sing happy birthday while Namjoon just laughs at us.
“I love you guys, thank you for this.” I lean up and give him a kiss to his lips which he happily accepts. “Ew guys, no one wants to see that shit!” Tae says as he pushes away from the hug followed by everyone else. I giggle into the kiss and pull away only to be pulled right back in by Namjoon setting his hand under my chin to pull me into another sincere kiss. “My virgin eyes!” Jungkook yells while getting the cake ready.
“Okay! Okay! I’ll stop.” Namjoon says as he unreluctantly pulls away from me. We gaze at each other for a few more seconds before the lights are shut off and the boys start actually singing happy birthday and Jungkook walks out of the kitchen with the cake and 12 candles are lit and ready to be blown out.
Once Namjoon blows out the candles he looks towards me and says, “I love you so much with all my heart y/n.”
I give him a loving look before gripping his bicep. “I love you with all my soul Namjoon.” He kisses my forehead and everyone begins to migrate towards the tv where Hoseok had set up all of the games that will be getting played all night.
Namjoon and I sit on the chair to the side, me sitting in between his legs and my back laying against his chest. His breathing is soothing and his heartbeat can be felt through his sweatshirt. He set his hands on my stomach and I slowly carded my fingers through his squeezing lightly. He squeezed them back and I felt a light kiss being pressed to the back of my head.
I look out to all the boys having fun playing Gang Beasts on the xbox and just finally letting loose after getting back from their chaotic schedules. My heart instantly fills with love and happiness and I couldn’t be more content. Having the love of my life wrapped around me and my best friends laughing and happy is the greatest feeling I could ever have.
#bts imagines#bts#bts rm#bts fic#namjoon imagine#kim namjoon#kim namjoon imagines#min yoongi#jeon jungkook#jung hoseok#kim seokjin#kim taehyung#park jimin#kpop imagines
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A Cake for a Cake [B.I/Hanbin]
[Requested] Hello :) is it okay if I can request a Hanbin(iKON) scenario, where y/n is the nerdy girl at school who’s in love with the popular boy so y/n bothers him too much at times. The day of his birthday y/n bakes him a cake and when she takes to him she finds Hanbin with another girl, she leaves and leaves him alone for good. When Hanbin notice the attention that’s missing from her he tries to win her love back :). Thank you! I hope is not too much :( (angst and fluff)
a/n I’m sorry if this isn’t exactly what you wanted. I’m having a bit of bad day today, so my writing isn’t in it’s top shape and I feel like I didn’t do as well of a job portraying Hanbin as I would’ve liked, but I tried my best to incorporate what you wanted in it without making it too long. Sorry if that made it feel a little rushed.
I also didn’t edit for typos, so excuse them if there are any. I hope you enjoy it! Feel free to request again if it’s not exactly what you wanted and I promise to work harder on it next time. Or even if you just want a new scenario, I’ll do my best.
word count: 1648 genre: kind of fluffy? pairings: Hanbin x Reader (B.I iKon)
You took a deep breath as you stared down at the cake in your hand. It was nothing special, really. A small one with a little bit of chocolate icing on the top and with sloppy letters spelling out “Happy Bday” in pink letters. A little heart decorated the last letter and despite what may seem like a shabby appearance to the outside world, you had truthfully spent hours working on it.
Your eyes moved up to the house across the street, a red door painted in the front a basket of flowers on the front porch, most likely from one of the many female students at school who also adored the boy you had so much affection for.
Hanbin had been your crush for as long as you could remember, neighbors since you were both five, and even having been friends at one point, before you entered Junior High and things dwindled downhill. You hadn’t realized how serious your crush for the boy had been until he matured faster than you did, becoming extremely popular amongst your fellow classmates, and leaving you behind. At age 12, it was heartbreaking, but you knew from then on that your crush not something that would go away.
Even when he ignored you or acted like you weren’t neighbors, you followed him around like a puppy. A ‘good morning’ and wave goodbye from school happened every day, and on each of his birthdays you would make sure to give him a gift of some sort, always handmade with care. This year you had decided a cake to be the best possible gift - he probably had enough of your friendship bracelets at that point to make a scarf out of them, and you wondered if maybe changing it up and giving him something a little more practical would gain some much wanted affection, or appreciation at the very least.
You made your way across the street to his front door, your hands shaking a tad bit at the thought of seeing him again. At the ripe age of 18, Hanbin had only grown to be even more handsome, and you were completely smitten.
So much so that it was rather heartbreaking for you, when the boy you had a crush wasn’t even the one to answer his front door, but a girl you had never even met before.
You didn’t fully remember what happened after that, your ears ringing and distracting you from whatever was actually going on. You saw as she muttered something, most likely a thank you, took the cake, stating she would hand it over to Hanbin before walking back inside and shutting the door in your face.
You felt almost numb as you walked back to your house, and as you spent the entire evening switching from glancing out the window cautiously to sitting on the couch lost in your thoughts. It was hours later than you saw his door open and the girl walk out, Hanbin stepping from behind her. Your heart broke when he pulled her into a warm hug, and it was in that moment you truly realized you had no chance with the boy.
A couple of weeks passed. Not once did you greet Hanbin like you normally would’ve had, your “good mornings” replaced with a simply bow of your head before you scurried off. You didn’t think he would care, or even notice the difference for that matter.
But you were wrong.
Hanbin noticed by the second day that you had begun to ignore him. He noticed how you avoided eye contact, didn’t smile, or even speak to him.
Truthfully, he cared more than he would have liked to admit. His friendship with you in your younger days had been his most cherished, even if he never stated as much. When Junior High came about and he suddenly gained popularity and new friends, he hadn’t meant for there to be such a distance created between the two of you, it just sort of happened naturally.
But, he relished in the moments you would still try your hardest to be around him. It gave him a tiny sliver of hope that you could return back into your old friendship one day.
And the worst part of it, he didn’t even know why you had suddenly given up on him.
It was after by the start of the third week that he had finally had enough, and he approached you after school, cornering you into one of the empty classrooms before you managed to run away.
“Y/N, what exactly did I do?”
You were confused when he spoke to you properly for the first time in years. The most you had gotten out of him was a brief sentence about his day. It was even more confusing considering he had never once paid you any attention before, and you were positive he had a girlfriend.
You said, not quite ready for whatever game was about to go on, your heart unable to take the pain. “Nothing. I have to get home.”
He brought his arm up to prevent you from walking away, shaking his head at you. “I’m serious.”
“I am too.” You huffed, pushing his arm away.
You were done with whatever heartache that boy managed to bring you. You promised yourself you wouldn’t put yourself through it any longer. You walked past him without looking back, ignoring him when he called out to you.
The next day, a little note appeared in your locker. The only thing scribbled on it was an “i’m sorry”.
The was the start of it all.
Every day after, a new note appeared, each one saying something new. After the fifth note, a little gift also showed up with it, one being a little chocolate kiss, to a small stuffed animal.
It was quite easy for you to figure out who everything came from, though it was near impossible to understand why.
On the seventh note Hanbin wrote “meet me at my house after school. please.”
You contemplated not going, but every gift made you weak, and horribly confused and you just wanted to know why he was doing all of this. He had acted like he didn’t care for years, and now he suddenly did and it left your head reeling.
You didn’t even second guess yourself when you showed up on his steps like he asked - even further surprised by the giant teddy bear that sat on the porch, staring at you with another one of his notes tucked into the bow wrapped around it’s neck.
“come inside.”
With a deep breath, you placed your hand on the doorknob, twisting it and pushing the door open. Hanbin stood on the other side of it, a tentative smile on his face as he held a chocolate cake in his hands.
You were quite shocked to see him there, but when you opened your mouth to ask what all of this was about, he shook his head, signalling for you to simply listen.
“Y/N, I know I never really said it, or acted like it, but I’ve missed you from the day we stopped hanging out. It became a guilty pleasure of mine to see you follow me around so keenly, and when you suddenly stopped, I grew anxious about it.”
He placed the cake on the counter and walked closer to you, running a hand through his dark hair.
“I thought repeatedly about what could’ve caused you to start ignoring me. At first I thought maybe you had just finally gotten fed up with how I was acting, and then I thought that maybe you found someone else that you liked so you didn’t care for me anymore. But, then I remembered the cake that was delivered to my door on my birthday.”
You blushed when he looked at his own cake with a warm smile.
“I was really happy when my cousin brought it in for me, telling me it was from you. I didn’t even think to realize that maybe you had gotten the wrong impression until I replayed the situation in my head.” Hanbin reached down and grabbed your hand in his. “I’m sorry if I made you think I had a girlfriend. That was just my cousin who came to see me for my birthday. I promise. I haven’t thought about about dating anyone since we stopped being friends, because I’ve honestly liked you this entire time, y/n.”
You frowned at him when the words left his mouth, each on settling in your head bit by bit. It didn’t fully hit you what he was saying until, he bit his lip in worry at your silence.
He had missed you, all this time.
“Why have you ignored me, then? If this was how you felt.” You questioned, shaking your head at him.
“Because I’m an idiot. You were the first girl I ever liked, and still like I didn’t know how to act around you. I’m sorry it took you ignoring me to figure out that I needed to stop acting so childish. I promise I won’t act like that any longer.”
It sunk in that Hanbin had just confessed to you, almost immediately after that. You were perhaps far too naive for your own good, but all of those hurt feelings of the years of being ignored and the jealousy of the girl, who actually turned out to be just a relative, vanished.
Hanbin liked you. He really liked you back and you couldn’t contain how happy and giddy that made you. He saw the smile creeping onto your face, the pink tint filling your cheeks and gave you a playful smirk, grabbing your other hand in his and pulling you closer.
“Y/N,” He started, the twinkle in his eye matching yours. “Will you please be my girlfriend?”
#hanbin#ikon#scenarios#kpop#b.i#ikon scenario#oneshot#fluffy#kim hanbin#team b#reader#reader x hanbin
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Stay With Me Part 2/2 (Bucky x Reader)
A/N: This is part 2.
Word count: 3451
Warnings: swearing, alcohol, some talk of injuries, and SMUT
In the morning you woke up feeling so refreshed and rested. You stretched only as far as your stitches would allow. You pulled off the covers and started to step out of bed. Little did you realize that one foot was still wrapped up in the sheets so you fell out of bed, landing on your shoulder with a loud crack. You yelled out in pain. A few moments later you hear frantic knocking at your door “Y/N is everything ok?” you hear Bucky. “NO!” You yelled. He threw open the door and stood there for a second trying to figure out what was happening. You hanging halfway off the bed with one leg twisted in the sheets, he could then see your shoulder clearly dislocated “I’ll go get the doctor.” “No no just help me up please” you plead. He comes over and lifts you up with ease, setting you up on the bed. After you spit out a few curse words you asked him to pop it back into place. “Oh no way in hell, I’ll probably break your arm off!” He offered “let me just go get the doctor.” “Oh for fuck’s sake” you sighed out just as you stood up and walked over to the bathroom door and slammed your shoulder into the door jam, popping it back into place. “FUUCCK” you cried out and fell to the floor. “Holy shit!” exclaimed Bucky as he ran over to your side. “It always hurts more popping it back into place” you explained to him. “I know, I’ve had several.” He told you. That’s when Steve ran in and saw you both kneeling on the floor, you crying. “What the hell happened here!” Steve belted out. Bucky told him what happened as they both helped you up. Well more like picked you up, and sat you down on your bed. As Steve grabbed the bottle of pain pills from your bedside table, putting 1 in your hand, he looked at you in concern “Are you determined to kill yourself?” You just let out a sarcastic You heard one of them say under their breath on the way out the door “Jesus what are we gonna do with her?”
After a few days of treadmill walking to get your energy back, you decided you wanted to make a dinner for Steve, Bucky, Jessa, and Dr. Mburno for all they’ve done for you. You talked to one of T’Challa’s people and arranged for them to get you all the ingredients you needed and to give you access to the kitchen for the night. You decided to make your Honey Mustard chicken and potatoes with prosciutto wrapped asparagus. It was a recipe you got from your mother and it was your family’s comfort food dish. You spent about 2 hours in the kitchen making sure everything was perfect. The time came to bring out the plates. You started on the left and just went around the table, placing plates in front of your honored guests. First was Steve, fitting as he was the one who first saved you. Jessa was sitting to his right and then Dr. Mburno at the head of the table. On the other side, across from Steve was Bucky. That left you between Dr. Mburno and Bucky or in between Bucky and Steve. Steve motioned for you to sit by him and Bucky.
Everyone was so grateful and gushed at how good the meal looked and smelled. Steve started off the conversation with “So Y/N, tell us all about you”. “Hmmm, well I was born on Y/bday at 4 am. I was 7lbs 4oz” you smiled knowing that was not what he meant. You spent most of the dinner talking about your work in education, moving up into the Board of Education in your state. You explained how your friend had won a Top Educators of America award and that gave her the option to help start a teachers without borders type of group traveling to other countries to help set up and equip schools in 3rd world countries. She asked you to join and you were off. When it came time to move on and leave Wakanda, you just couldn’t. You loved it here, the people, the kids mostly. You stayed behind to teach here. “You don’t have family to go back to?” asked Bucky. You sighed “No, but what I do have is dessert!” With that, you stood up and took your plate to the kitchen. You came back out with a Chocolate Raspberry Ganache cake and 5 dessert plates. As you were cutting the piece of cake and handing them out Steve amazed “Wow I can’t believe you did all this. Where did you learn to cook and bake like this?” “Being sad and lonely gives you a lot of time for hobbies I guess?” you said hurtfully. They lowered their heads as if they knew they struck a nerve. You excused yourself to the kitchen.
Leaning your back against the refrigerator you crossed your arms as if to hug yourself, trying to hold back tears, remembering Bucky’s words about your sad baron apartment. Just then he walked into the kitchen holding two plates of cake “You didn’t cut yourself a piece.” “I’m good thanks” you waved him off and walked to the sink and stared at the soapy water. “I’m sorry if we pried and upset you”. Turning around to face him, he had placed the plates on the counter and bridged the gap between you. Only a few feet away from you, he looked at you with concern. “I heard you talking to Steve about my apartment when I was “asleep””. He opened his mouth to speak them stopped. “I know you think I’m sad and pathetic”
“No no no that’s not what I meant at all”
“It’s fine, I am in a way. But you know what I choose to be this way. People hurt you. People leave you. Hell, my cat even ran away a week before all this happened. So I just don’t let people in anymore. You can’t get disappointed or hurt that way.” You dropped your head.
Bucky moved towards you with his arms up to hug you. You put up a hand on his chest to stop him “I don’t want your pity”.
He pushed against your hand and wrapped his arms around you anyway “I don’t pity you. If anything, I understand. I understand better than anyone”
You thought about it for a moment and the truth of it sunk in and you wrapped your free arm around him and accepted the hug. It was warm, comforting, and it felt real. Then you pushed him away “Ok so let’s have cake!” you blurted before you started crying.
Over the next 2 weeks, the three of you talked about your lives, watched movies they hadn’t seen before and played a lot of Rummy. You loved dominating them at Rummy, it being your favorite game. It was like a long sleepover with your besties. Watching them spar in the ring from your treadmill or stationary cycle. Trying not to drool when they walked past, high fiving you while sweat glistened all over their magnificently muscled bodies. You flirted shamelessly knowing it wouldn’t go anywhere. You relished in seeing their faces blush and laughed when they were able to snap back with witty comebacks or sarcasm. Some conversations were deeper than others. Especially when they talked about the time they thought the other was dead or Bucky’s time with Hydra, although, he still had trouble remembering a lot.
You shared about your divorce 5 years ago and how your marriage fell apart because you focused too much on your work. “What do you miss most,” Steve asked. “Sex!” you spit out without thinking. You slapped your hand to your mouth so fast it made a smacking sound. They laughed. “ Oh my god I’m sorry. That’s so embarrassing”
Bucky chimed in “Hey no, I get it. I miss it too.”
Steve scratching the back of his neck shyly “yah me too, I guess”
“So how long has it been for you guys”, you asked, not sure if you really wanted to know when the last time these Adonis’ had some chica wrapped around them.
In unison they answered “1942”. Shocked they snapped their heads in each other’s direction.
“OH WOW, ok well you win!” You practically spit out your water.
“Ok now you know ours, how about you.” Bucky almost demanded
“It’s been 5 years for me” you felt embarrassed but still lucky it wasn’t 1942.
“You didn’t date anyone after your divorce?” Steve probed.
“Dated yes, but I don’t just jump in the sack with anyone” you defended.
“Oh no I didn’t mean that, I just meant, you didn’t meet any quality suitors since then” he quickly recovered.
“No I just never got that connection ya know” You started to feel uncomfortable, squirming in your seat.
Bucky sensed your distress so he stood up “Well I think that I am going to go…away…somewhere else now.”
“Yes I would love to end this conversation too” fake laughing.
The next evening you dug through the liquor bottles in the cabinet in the kitchen. Finding the Jack you grabbed a glass, ice, and a coke then poured yourself a glass. After 3 glasses you decided to just drink from the bottle. Having been so long since you’ve drank, the buzz hit you fast. You decided to take the bottle to your room. Gulping from the bottle as you meandered down the hall to your room.
You opened the door to see Bucky standing by the dresser shirtless. “What are you doing in my room? Are you my going away present?” you stammered towards him. You ran your finger down his chest and stomach down to his waistband. He gently swatted your hand away “You are in my room, and you are drunk”.
“Nooooo, this is myyyyy” you stopped as you noticed it was in fact not your room. “Whatever. Where’s the button on these?” You reached for his waistband again.
“They’re sweats Y/N” he laughed at the site of you drunk. “Wait what do you mean going away present? Where are you going”?
After taking another healthy swig you threw your arms up in the air and spun around once “Doc cleared me so I’m good to go.”
“Oh, ok. So why are you drinking? Aren’t you glad”?
“Fucking ecstatic” sarcastically, still trying for his pants.
He finally grabbed your wrists to stop you from pawing at him and held them up, pulling you closer. “What’s wrong”
Your eyes started to well up so he let you go. You started to take another drink but he took the bottle from you before you could. You growled at him. He laughed and set the bottle on the dresser. He reached down for his shirt and you screeched “NO” he spun around to see you making a pouty face “don’t cover up on my account” followed by a toothy grin.
“I’ll make you a deal, you tell me what’s wrong and I’ll keep it off” appeasing you.
You did a schoolgirl clap and jump “yay I win”. Then realizing the jumping was probably not the best idea, your face flushed white and you moved towards the bed to sit down. Bucky followed and sat next to you, placing his hand on your back. “You alright there?”
“I’ll be fine, I just need to sit for a few minutes. Don’t worry, I won’t throw up. I never throw up.” You looked at him with a beaming smile “It’s like MY superpower! I don’t get sick or hungover from drinking. Cool huh?”
He smiled “Yes very cool.” He continued to rub your back.
“I told you people always leave,” you said with severity in your tone now.
“I’m sorry what?”
“I don’t let people in because they always leave!” you reminded him of a previous conversation. “But it’s me who has to leave. I don’t want to. I’ve loved being here with you…I mean you guys” A tear fell.
“I don’t know, I just, I guess I thought maybe… It’s stupid but…” You trailed off looking up at his gorgeous turquoise eyes. Turning your torso slightly you placed a hand on his chest and leaned over to kiss him. His lips were as soft as you thought they would be. So warm. turquoise eyes. Turning your torso slightly you placed a hand on his chest and leaned over to kiss him. His lips were as soft as you thought they would be. So warm. He gently pushed you away “I can’t” as he got up and walked to the dresser, picking up his shirt and outing it on. “So stupid” you mumbled as you jumped up and ran out of his room across the hall to yours and slammed the door shut.
You plopped on the bed burying your face in the pillows to cover the sound of your sobbing. “So stupid”.
Morning. Great. You were not looking forward to today. Now because you were dreading seeing Bucky, not because you were leaving. It was still pretty early and you were thirsty from drinking last night. Damn why didn’t you have the foresight to bring a water bottle to your room. You crept to the door like in those Scooby Doo cartoons, hoping no one was awake yet. Slowly you turned the door handle to avoid making any noise. Peeking your head out the door you didn’t see or hear any one. Ok, I can run down the hall to the kitchen, grab a water bottle from the fridge and run back in the blink of an eye right. Sure sounded good enough. You darted out of your room, leaving the door open for an easier return trip. All went as planned until just before you turned to enter your doorway you heard his door open. You jumped inside, shut the door and locked it in such a quick motion you actually smiled with pride.
Knock knock knock! Shit, just don’t move, maybe he didn’t see you. “I saw you Y/N” Shit. Maybe if you don’t answer he’ll take the hint and go away. “I want to talk to you. Please.” Silence. Yes he must be going away. “I’m not going to leave until you talk to me” Shit. You can wait it out. Steve will come along and tell him to leave you alone and pull him away soon you’re sure of it. He exhaled heavily “You can’t stay in there forever ya know”.
“I’ll just jump out the window!” Why did you fucking talk?
“You know how easily I can kick in this door right?”
Sighing in defeat, you walked to the door, unlocked it and stepped back. He opened the door and walked in, closing the door behind him. You kept your focus on the floor. You did not want to look him in the face, not today. “Are you sober?” was the first thing out of his mouth.
“Good” he cupped your face in his hands forcing you to look at him, he leaned in and kissed you. It was intense and passionate. Your tongues swirling around each other. You couldn’t help but drop the water bottle on the floor and wrap your arms around his shoulders. He brought his hands down to your waist and started moving you backwards. You stopped abruptly and pushed him away “I thought you said you can’t”. You were confused, nervous, and angry all at once.
“Right, not when you were drunk babe. Now I know it’s not the booze talking.” His smile was so genuine. He pulled you to him and kissed you again. He reached down and cupped your ass, lifting you off the ground. You gladly wrapped your arms and legs around his muscular body. He walked over to the bed and slowly leaned over moving one hand up to your back to support you. He laid you down and started to unbutton your shirt, still kissing you. You grabbed the hem of his shirt and pulled up. He sat up so you could take it off him. He bit his bottom lip sending shivers to all the right places. His face turned to a frown when you laughed. “These have a button” you laughed as you undid the button on his jeans. He laughed as he came in for another kiss. Reaching down to unbutton your jeans his hand grazed your skin and you moaned. He looked you in the eye and grinned in satisfaction. “Mmmmmm” he hummed as he pulled down your pants to reveal your pink and white polka dot panties. “Well if I had known this was going to happen I would have worn something more befitting” you shrugged. “Nah babe, I love em”.
He pulled your pants off and threw them across the room, stood and pulled his jeans down. “I knew it, boxer briefs,” you said as if you had a bet with yourself. He stood there for a moment taking in the view. You laying there with your shirt unbuttoned and open, displaying your breasts almost spilling out of your plain white bra, your stomach with your new battle wound scar, and down to your panties. He knelt down and pulled them off gently, slowly. He started kissing his way up your legs, pushing his knee in between your feet forcing you to open your legs. Each kiss made your back arch and a moan escape. Every time he huffed and you could feel his mouth form a smile. When he reached your clenched slit, he kissed the skin just above it and looked to you for approval. You licked your lips before biting the bottom one and shaking your head yes. You relaxed and let your legs fall open completely. He placed one hand on your thigh and the other squeezing your ass cheek. He slid his tongue into your slit licking you up and down. Every stroke of his tongue sent you further into ecstasy. He slides his hand from your ass to your entrance and starts fingering you slowly as he circles your bean with his tongue. Slowly he works his way up kissing your stomach and your scar. You reached behind your back and unhooked your bra. He grabbed is and threw it across the room. He grasped a breast in his free hand while still penetrating you with his other. You felt him lick and nibble your nipple causing goosebumps to cover your body.
“Oh fuck yes” you cried out, climaxing, shaking, moaning. He watched you squirm in your delight. After you came down from your high he started kissing you again. Bliss in every stroke of his tongue in your mouth. He sat up on his knees and pulled down his underwear letting his thick cock pop out and stand proud. “Oh yessssss,” you said in appreciation of his magnificent member. You wrapped your hand around his girth slowly stroking up and down, pulling him towards you and guiding him into you. He crinkled his nose and licked his lips. Fuck you loved the nose crinkle. Slowly he pushed inside making sure he didn’t hurt you. Moaning you breathed “I’m so good, just keep going”. He smiled and began moving in and out slowly picking up pace. The two of you just pressing pelvises together in rhythm. You started feeling euphoric and it started getting brighter in the room. You closed your eyes to focus on the moment when Bucky says “Look at me babe. Stay with me.” Opening your eyes to see his soul piercing baby blues looking at you. “Stay with me” he repeated. “Stay with me”, again but the sound of his voice is fading away. “Stay with me” fades to silence.
“Stay with me” kept repeating but getting louder now. You tried opening your eyes, but only one opened. Pain everywhere, so much pain. What was going on? A blinding light made it hard to see but things started coming into focus. You could make out a silhouette of a man “Good, that’s it. I thought we lost you there for a second. Good thing this young man here ran and got help”. You tried to sit up but felt excruciating pain in your stomach. Peering out of your one good eye, you could see that you were lying on the ground in an alley and Yuna was standing by your feet. You looked down and saw a paramedic was changing gauze on a gushing stab wound on your abdomen.
The End.
Let me know if you liked and I’ll try and write some more stories :D
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