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dyingpharaohsbr · 2 years ago
Baixe o novo álbum gratuitamente em DYINGPHARAOHS.COM
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useless-catalanfacts · 17 hours ago
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De Salses a Guardamar i de Fraga a l’Alguer: les comarques de parla catalana una a una. 53/88: el Baix Maestrat (Castelló, Valencian Country).
Baix Maestrat is a coastal district in the north of the Valencian Country. Its capital city is Vinaròs.
Its most recognisable landscape is Peníscola, a city built on a headland over the sea. It’s surrounded by a Medieval wall and has a castle built by the Templar Knights between 1294 and 1307. From 1415 to 1423, the pope Benedict XIII, the last of the Avignon antipopes (popes who had separated from Rome and set the seat of Catholicism first in Avignon) lived here until the end of his life.
Photos by comunitat_valenciana, un país para recorrérselo, turisme vinaròs, turismo_alcossebre, Marc Prades, comunitatvalenciana.com.
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filmap · 7 months ago
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Daaaaaalí! Quentin Dupieux. 2023
House Passeig de Xavier Miserachs, 2, 17211 Llafranc, Girona, Spain See in map
See in imdb
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honeybeelullaby · 7 months ago
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S'Agaró, Costa Brava
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kieran-0 · 1 year ago
High cloud quintet relationship headcanons
Dan feng: a good friend, a bit closed off but they got along despite her constant teasing him.
Jingliu: baiheng quiet enjoyed her company, thay were drinking budys and would often go drinking with out the others.
Jing yuan: part of her still thought of him as a kid, (i don't have a lot to say about there relationship from her perspektiv) they got along well enough.
Yingxing: she was quiet fond yingxing ever sense there first meeting, she was incredibly supportive of his work and dreams.
Dan feng
Baiheng: dan fang got along quiet well baiheng despite her constant teasing, when she died he was devastated and blamed himself for her death.
Jingliu: he respected jingliu and looked up to her as a leader, the two would often spar and jingliu would always win even with the help of yingxing.
Jing yuan: the two would often play strategi games agenst one another, with jing yuan often being the winer, they were quiet close.
Yingxing: yingxing was dan fang's closest friend and confedont, dan fang world often went his frustrations to him.
Baiheng: baiheng was her closest friend, they would often drink and laugh together, baiheng's death effected her greatly and jingliu's memories of her would eventually propel her into mara.
Dan feng: jingliu held great respect for him, despite constantly wining in there sparring matches she belived the if he was to use his cloud hymn magic he could probably have won half of them.
Jing yuan: jingliu loved jing yuan like a son but would never be caught dead emitting to it (she acctidenttly told baiheng about it when drunk, but nether of them remember it) the day he bacame general of the luofu was the proudest day of her life.
Yingxing: jingliu also saw him as son (jing yuan was the favorit tho) she found his head strong nature and arrogant bravado indering, she also admierd his craftsmanship and the sword he made for her was one of her most prized possession.
Jing yuan
Baiheng: jing yuan looked up baiheng when he was younger and her carefree spirit definitely rubed of on him. Out of all the members of the high cloud quintet, he was the least effected by her death but it was still devastating for him.
Dan feng: dan fang was a good friend to him, the two would often play chess and other games, jing yuan held great respect for him as well.
Jingliu: he held an immeasurable amount of respect for his master, she practically raised him and taught him everything he knows about combat, when she became mara struck in the aftermath of the sedition of imbibitor lunae it effected him more then baiheng's death had done priviously.
Yingxing: despite there constant bickering the two were actually quiet close, they were of a simulera age to one another and would grow to become like brothers, to this day the starfall reverie is one jing yuan's most treasured possessions.
Baiheng: baiheng was the one who inspirerad yingxing to be self confident in his work, he eventually grow to have a crush on her but he never confessed his feelings out of fear of ruening thier friendship (he made the flagon with the intentions of confessing, but never did) yingxing was the most effected by baiheng's death out of all of them.
Dan feng: dan fang was yingxing's clonest friend and the only person he would voice his selfdoubt to (including his feelings for baiheng) when dan feng came to him with his plan resurrect baiheng it didn't take much convinsing to get yingxing to help him.
Jingliu: was like a stern mother figure to him, he respected her greatly and the sword he made her was his magnom opis, he would regularly spar with her (and dan fang) but was never really a warrior (until he bacame blade of course)
Jing yuan: when they first meet yingxing thought he was loud and obnoxious they would constantly be butting heads with one another, but over time they would become close and their constant bickering would turne into playful banter.
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rabbitcruiser · 30 days ago
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Peñíscola was conquered during the French occupation by the Napoleonic general Suchet, on February 2, 1812.
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aroaceofthesea · 2 months ago
Putos francesos tinc gana que es aixo q no hi hagi ni una area de servei oberta des d ls 22😭😭😭
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negreabsolut · 4 months ago
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Baix relleu d'una estela urartiana que mostra el déu Khaldi, una de les tres deïtats principals del panteó del poble d'Urartu.
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yingren · 5 months ago
The hour was late with most being asleep and tucked away in their beds. The same should have been for Baiheng, but something unsettled her. She felt uncomfortable in her own home. Her room more specifically. It smelled foreign to her like it was missing something. The more so pondered the deeper into the night it became. Cutting her losses she wrapped a blanket around herself and stepped out the doors.
She knew the path by heart, so it was no surprise that her feet took her towards a certain craftsmen residence. She let herself in with the key she was given, walking silently through the rooms until she got to his. The smell of smoke and coal reached her nose and it calmed her. This...this was just right. Not wanting to wake him up she carefully climbed into Yingxings bed, nuzzling against him. Her tail rested over him as she felt her body ease into sleep. This was where she was meant to be.
yingxing has always been a light sleeper, ever since childhood when sleep eluded him for other reasons. now, he fills his days with endless work, trying to tire himself out enough to rest. but even that rarely does the trick, so it’s no surprise when the slight shift of the mattress and the warm weight beside him rouses him from his shallow sleep. the soft, familiar tail draped over him confirms what he already knows—the little sparrow has joined him.
without fully waking, his arm instinctively wraps around her, hand slipping under her body. he doesn’t need to open his eyes to recognize the comforting presence beside him. this is familiar, something they’ve done countless times before. as she inches closer, nuzzling into him, warmth radiates from her, sinking into him in a way that only she can manage. baiheng, the most genuine connection in his life, breathes a sense of calm into him, and for that, for her, he’s endlessly grateful. his fingertips press into her soft skin, slipping beneath her shirt, craving that intimate skin-to-skin contact that feels like home.
“ come, sleep. ” he whispers softly into her hair, his voice barely audible as he leans into the comfort of her presence. half-asleep, with his eyes closed, yingxing lets himself sink into the warmth of having her close. maybe, just maybe, he’ll get some proper rest like this, with her by his side. it only takes a few minutes for the weight of sleep to settle over him again, though he remains lucid enough to feel her presence, her warmth perfectly fitting against his own body. there’s a hesitation though, a reluctance to surrender to sleep, not wanting to trade this perfect reality for anything else. no, yingxing would never exchange what he has with baiheng for anything or anyone else. he’s certain of that, resolute in the belief that this is his to keep. this moment, this life & this love is perhaps the most beautiful thing he’s ever crafted.
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travelella · 11 months ago
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Calella de Palafrugell, municipality of Palafrugell, Baix Empordà, province of Girona, Catalonia, Spain
Manuel Torres Garcia
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useless-catalanfacts · 27 days ago
Late winter in Peramea (High Pyrenees, Catalonia).
Video by ignasi_eco on Instagram via Visit Baix Pallars.
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honeybeelullaby · 7 months ago
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S'Agaró, Costa Brava
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ernestdescalsartwok · 3 days ago
SANTA COLOMA DE CERVELLÓ-PINTURA-ART-AJUNTAMENT-VELL-PAISATGES-EDIFICIS-PATRIMONI-PINTOR-ERNEST DESCALS por Ernest Descals Por Flickr: SANTA COLOMA DE CERVELLÓ-PINTURA-ART-AJUNTAMENT-VELL-PAISATGES-EDIFICIS-PATRIMONI-PINTOR-ERNEST DESCALS- El edificio del AJUNTAMENT VELL en la Plaça de la Constitució en el centro urbano de SANTA COLOMA DE CERVELLÒ, antiguos edificios pertenecientes al Patrimoni Cultural en la comarca del Baix Llobregat, provincia de Barcelona y muy cercano a Sant Baudili de Llobregat, paisaje urbano con automóviles y personas en movimiento llenando el espacio de la calle, Pintura del artista pintor Ernest Descals con óleos sobre lienzos, siempre pintando para documentar con el Arte la historia de los pueblos de Catalunya. La luz del sol incide sobre la fachada y nos ofrece tonos cálidos en una mañana primaveral.
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rabbitcruiser · 5 months ago
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Pedro Martínez de Luna y Pérez de Gotor, known as el Papa Luna in Spanish and Pope Luna in English, was elected as Benedict XIII as the new pope on September 28, 1394. He was considered an antipope by the Catholic Church.
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negreabsolut · 7 months ago
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Capitells romànics a la Seu Vella de Lleida, Principat de Catalunya, Catalunya.
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santidarko · 2 months ago
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