#bailey 44
malinda-knowles · 10 months
Black Leather Mini Skirts and Cyber Monday Sales
Black Leather and Cyber Monday #shopping #fashion #sale
Happy Cyber Monday! Ive been a little busy and full of Thanksgiving dinner! We cooked a 5 cheese mac and cheese, slow-roated smothered turkey wings, collard greens, leek and garlic mashed potatoes, yams, and stuffing. So, have you been shopping this holiday weekend? There are still some great sales from Black Friday but some even better for Cyber Monday. Anyway, recently I wore an all black…
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sneekpeekinspired · 1 year
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Bailey 44 Katrina Wavy Stripe Shirt -$39.97
Max Studios Pull-On Pleated Wide Leg Pants - $29,97
BP. Single Prong Faux Leather Trouser Belt ($19)
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ludinus-is-a-bitch · 2 years
Marisha: can we all huddle under the uh--
Laura: *you're not awake*
Marisha: I mean, uh, -snoring noises-
I love these dorks!
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grigori77 · 2 years
Critical Role, Campaign 3 Episode 44
Happy New Year ... and what a strangely subdued table ... ah, I see ... what the hell is THIS msd shite? The camera perspective is WEIRD and Ashley is giving me motion sickness ... Travis: "Why do you keep calling this a drift?" Sam: "Because it sounds cooler!"
Laura: "How did you get changed so fast?" Indeed ...
MERCH!!! Apparently ... XD
Matt: "I wanna feel a pocket too." Laura: "Well you can't! You should have done it before the shoe."
TLOVM is SO CLOSE!!! Yes it is! Squee!
So what's happening in the cellar? Solve the cliffhanger! Solve the cliffhanger!
Laudna:"FCG, SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!" FCG: "I like to do the sound effects for people."
Chetney wants to turn this into an orgy to make them uncomfortable ... FCG: "I could use my tongue!" The rest (ESPECIALLY Matt): "NO!!!"
Working out the mechanics of blocking the door ... Liam: "Well I think that's the SECOND step of the orgy."
Yes. 11 is better than 10. By ONE, in fact.
Matt leading them to how to jam the door with the rod through the handle ... why do I sense a trap?
Meanwhile Chetney is STILL preparing for sexy times. This episode is getting horny already ...
Frog? Huh?
Laudna's going to use Shapechange on Pate and turn him into a spider ... that is CREEPY ...
Half-elf ... handlebar moustache? That's impressive, I thought D&D elves couldn't grow facial hair.
Living whirlwind weirdness ... WTF is THAT shit?
Uh-oh ... they're busted ... that's not good ...
The spider's physical strength? For real? Negative 2? OH REALLY?!!! Pate! NOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Laudna's clearly getting a mental eyeball swirl ... Matt: "Make a Constitution saving throw." Laura: "Don't throw up on me." She does ... oh boy ...
FCG: "EVERYONE wants to talk. It can help your insides AND your outsides."
And they're determined to get fucking! Fearne's stripping off already ... here we go ... XD
Roll for initiative!
Sam: "Maybe this is a super horny air elemental."
The idea of FCG underlighting Fearne's underboob is sending me ... XD
Travis (as Chetney): "Taliesin we miss you!"
Liam: "Plan fucking? You want to fuck in initiative order?"
Orym: "Invite only!" Like a badass!
Travis: "Our son will see this one day!" Laura: "Don't say that!"
All the dirty talk is getting a bit much ad the group are still pretending the orgy I'd still happening while Liam us congratulating Matt on creating all that "DEEP LORE" in the last episode. Now NOBODY can keep a straight face ...
This whole combat is completely imploding because the innuendos have taken over and everybody's just pissing themselves ...
The Gil dice DID NOT fuck Marisha but it's too late to contest it now ...
Werewolf Chetney pornstar dialogue routine ... oh boy ...
I just cannot take this seriously any more, I swear ...
Travis (werewolf Chetney voice): "I'm a big bright shining star!"
Naked Fearne is doing an interpretive fire dance ... and holding her action ... Matt: "Make a deception check." Sam: "Danception!" Ashley rolls a 15.
The thing is CONFUSED. Ashley: "Then my work is done." Oh boy ...
FCG: "No touch no touch no touch!" The group descends into giggles.
I'm sorry, is Orym now BLUFFING?
Werewolf Chetney: "Can you just wait until the scene is done? I get performance anxiety."
Orym uses his vine attack from the sword to yznk the half-elf down the stairs ... yeah, here we go, then. Whoa, Ofym is stabbing him in the side of his gut while he's down and trying NOT to be lethal? Really?
Another one ... ooh, this one sounds more dangerous ... oh, Chetney AND Orym both take hits! Meanwhile she is weirded out by the scene in general ... of course she is!
No! Not a crossbow! Not good! Argh!
Matt's getting hits but keeps rolling so shitty on the damage! XD
So they ARE committed to fighting in a basement? Oh wait, here we go ... Imogen trying to bluff them out of this now ... this deception check is SO vital ... FUCK!!! Crap roll!
Yeah, that really didn't work ...
Imogen Misty Steps into the kitchen ... and Matt's goy ANOTHER combat map prepared!
Laudna: "My scene partner!"
Naked Laudna form of Dread! And Spiderclimb! That is WILD!!! And clearly MOST unsettling ... Mirror Images TOO?!!! Yeesh!
Matt: "This got really weird really fast!" Marisha: "Yes! It did!"
A naked werewolf leaping right at you WOULD be scary, wouldn't it?
Sam: "Whoo! THAT'S a blowjob!" Oof ...
Yay! Mage Armour for the win!
Half-elf: "What is even happening here?" Laura: "Indeed!" Werewolf Chetney: "Physical expression!"
Fearne: "We're done, we're done, we're done with the bit?" FCG: "That's a cut!"
She turns into a Clydesdale! Oh boy ... Laura: "How are you gonna get out?"
AND now she's wedged in what's left of the door ... oh boy ... this is just a MESS again ...
Sam: "I can change that!" Matt: "Players make the creative choices they choose!" Sam: "I don't want to subject our viewers to that image!"
Travis: "Vigorous masturbation! Just furious!"
Gods, it's all pure filth again ... I just can't ...
Liam, determined to bring the serious tone back in order to get them out if this mess now ... yes, Action Surge! Noyce! And halfling luck to reroll 1s is so sweet ... 24! Excellent! Acrobatic Orym for the win!
The bad guys are still so confused! XD
Athletics Check for a horse kick ... NO!!! Damn it, that would have been SO cool ...
Silvery Barbs! Ooof ... but it doesn't work, bugger ...
Matt: "Enemies can multiclass too!"
FCG: "Me? But I'm just the sweet cinematographer!"
Psychic Lance at BOTH OF THEM?!!! Oof ... SEVEN D6 of Psychic damage? Ow ...
Laudna's casting Bane! Cue Tom Hardy in the Bane mask muttering noises from half the group. XD Travis (as Bane): "Gravity has BETRAYED you!"
Turmoil! Nice! Fire sickle! Double nice! And the rogue is incapacitated ... oh this is gonna be NASTY ...
Marisha doing a weird Laudna nude shimmy action is hilarious ... XD
Wow, the Elementalist really doesn't have a clue what he's doing here, does he? FCG: "You're doing great!"
The situation in the kitchen is so much worse ...
Yes! The horse kick works this time! Nice! And they fall on FCG. Oof ...
Horse Fearne BURSTS through the door into the kitchen ... oh boy ... pure fucking chaos in here now ...
Chetney is NOT getting out of the way, he us STANDING HIS GROUND!!! Oh boy ... he is CONTESTING the horse! Ashley: "WHY?!!!" Chetney, WTF are you doing?
Horse Fearne is now going APESHIT.
The guy hasn't been touched. Sam: "Banishment!" Travis SCREAMS in gleeful astonishment and he's not the only one impressed by Sam's audacious BALLS.
Travis, describing what FCG sees when they come up: "Tits everywhere." XD He gets the jitters. Marisha: "Oh really?" FCG: "I'm going jnto the red, guys!"
Orym tries to dart under Fearne's legs but it's just TOO crazy for him ... or not? Oh, so Matt has to CHECK THE RULES now! Holy fuck, Liam sctually GETS THE PASS because the rules are on Orym's side! AND he gets a sweet attack on the rogue on the other side! HE GETS THE HDYWTDT!!! And then he just keeps on going into the front room!
It's the mage's turn ... he decides to just FLEE!!! Of course he does! XD but he has a parking gift with the orb! Lightning attack! Eep!
Ouch ... okay, Laudna is FUCKED UP, and Horse Fearne is destroyed, leaving only a naked Fearne stood in the middle of the kitchen!
Mage full clutzes CLEAN through the window and he's FUCKED UP but STILL manages to maintain concentration on the elemental?
Does Inflict Wound even work on a Wind creature? 6 D10 of Necrotic damage? Holy fuck Imogen you can be TERRIFYING sometimes.
Wait, Pate was still trapped inside the vortex? XD Anyway, he got YEETED ...
Laudna sends him BACK INTO the elemental and casts Shocking Grasp through him into it! Boss move! 10 Lightning damage! Fuck!
It is now SCARED of her and I am NOT surprised ...
Chetney jumps through the window and MAULS the mage in the alley while he's down ... oof ... that is NASTY. And he KILLS HIM!!! Of course he does ... AND he just chucks the corpse back through the window !
Oh fuck ... now the elemental is UNFETTERED!!! That may have just backfired on them ... yup, it's just flailing like crazy ...
Fuck! Imogen's now unconscious? Fuck ... oh! No! Phew ... whsy a fucking SAVE!!! Laudna saved her with Silvery Barbs!
FCG casts Spare the Dying on the mage. And they zre now in A murder scene in a residential area. Matt: "And that's where we're gonna take a break!"
Stay, run or hide? Who's good with religion? What? There's no time,this guy's coming back already! Ashton has the Hole! (Because it's funny.) They grab the mage and BOLT right out into the street.
Guy's back in the kitchen but they're already gone ... phew ...
Pate really enjoyed that, apparently. XD
Somehow Ashley rolling 26 saves the group's collective Stealth. XD SO far away from the old days ...
Ashley's just being Fearne being a horse again. XD Imogen is being a horse girl going along with it. It's really quire adorable.
Looking for parks, then. Or not? Now looking for DOCKS. A warehouse? Now I'm confused ...
Oh, right, for an interrogation. Yeah, makes sense. Yeah, maybe FCG isn't the best choice for this. Yeah, Imogen is better for this.
Uh-oh, he's waking up ... and now they've brained the poor bastard. FCG casts Spare the Dying again. Matt: "Just to be safe."
Matt: "Are you looking for anything in particular with this warehouse?" Laura: "Something shadowy and abandoned-y."
FCG: "We really don't wanna give him brain damage."
Lock picking! Okay, here we go, Chet, roll nice ... 25 on stealth ... AND 25 for the lock picking itself! Bloody hell, Travis!
Guy tries to bolt and Matt rolls SCARY well, everybody scrambles to stop him! Miniature initiative! It's chaos! Oh nice one Imogen! Perfect, that's it. Game over.
Wow, this guy is weirdly smug all of a sudden.
Imogen: "Oh yeah, well it's a porn-gardening business." FCG: "Trimmed Hole Productions."
Wow, dude is LOADED!!! Nice.
Laudna Banes him snd FCG casts Fast Friends. Chetney: "Suppose that's better than me pulling out his fingernails."
FCG: "We are sexual deviants, it's true." Chetney: "That's our LLC Name."
Laudna: "Do gods not like sex?" Imogen: "I think some if them do."
Fearne: "How do you make a fresh start?" By siding with Predathos and killing the gods, sounds like.
Oh fuck, they totally hot him to admit that they're working with Thull! Nice one, Imogen!
Who is this HIM?
Oh, so this is an enemy of Ira's ... an older elf gentleman? Intriguing ... seriously, who IS this guy they're working for?
Wait ... is he some Unseelie dude running that operation from the Feywild?
Creepy ruins! That's intriguing too!
Bracers of Defence ... so they're DEFINITELY gonna kill him, then? Ooof ...
Yeah, clearly these guys are seriously FUCKED in the head. They're just gonna doom the whole world if they get their way.
Orym: "What did Zephrah have to do with any of this?" Liam rolls HIGH for an insight check znd GETS A WHISPER! Sam: "From hardcore porn to hardcore lore!"
Yeah, no, this is NOT a conversation that they're actually having in front of this guy. I kind of got that already.
24 on a persuasion check ... Nice!
Imogen just TOTALLY gets to this guy through his hubris. AND bullying. Da'leth? Here we go. You total moron. XD
"You have terrible taste in friends, you know that?" FCG: "You just have to get to know them. Biblically."
Sam's flask this week is an FCG self portrait with ACTUAL TONGUE!!! Urgh ... XD
What to do with him, then? Oh, yeah ... the Grim Verity would be a good choice, they might have questions for him, message Ryn.
The mind-numbing task of working out where the hell they even are. Tricky ...
She literally just goes right over and KNOCKS ON THE DOOR!!! Ryn, you awesome lady ...
Oh, she knows who Da'leth is ... oh boy ...
Yes, destroy the keys ... The Malleus Keys? Oooooh ...
Ah, so the one in the Feywild is potentially in trouble ... well you're gonna be going there anyway, so ...
Yeah, this guy is just a complete MORON. XD
Cheesesteak. Yes. Sounds GORGEOUS. And Ryn continues to be amazing.
Laudna, you got A BUNCH of friends now!
Laura (exasperated): "Why am I rolling so many ones today?"
Only midafternoon? It feels SO LATE ...
Ashton's response ... Matt: "Is where we'll pick up again next week!"
Travis: "You know who I blame for this? I blame the Mighty Nein for not finishing the Cerberus Assembly when they had the chance!"
We're really just going through a memory lane of all the crazy shit they went through in the first 2 campaigns now, huh? And Sam gets a sneaky little 4-Sided Dive plug in too ...
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nocompassnosign · 2 years
We’re movin 🥹
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fandom · 10 months
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This seems as good a moment as any to remind you that this is a quantitative list. You've yelled about these people a lot this year.
Elon Musk +14
Pedro Pascal +14
David Tennant +46
Neil Gaiman +15
Michael Sheen +92
Margot Robbie
Misha Collins +2
Bella Ramsey
Ryan Gosling
Martin Scorsese
Joseph Quinn -9
Jensen Ackles +2
Greta Gerwig
Jenna Ortega
Kit Connor +12
Chris Evans -11
Daniel Craig
Henry Cavill +2
Taika Waititi -13
Taylor Zakhar Perez
Nicholas Galitzine
Noah Schnapp +23
Rhys Darby -5
Sebastian Stan -11
Ryan Reynolds +39
Joe Keery -15
Robert De Niro
Mads Mikkelsen
Hugh Dancy +19
Sam Reid
Lynda Carter
Zendaya -20
Brendan Fraser
Lily-Rose Depp
Tenoch Huerta
Jacob Anderson
Oscar Isaac -30
Michelle Yeoh
Hayden Christensen -7
Nick Offerman
Emma Myers
Ke Huy Quan
Cillian Murphy
Ewan Mitchell
Tom Holland -41
ND Stevenson
Riz Ahmed
Joe Locke -7
Joey Batey -13
Michael Cera
Tom Hiddleston -21
Oliver Stark +38
Freddy Carter
Ayo Edebiri
Queen Elizabeth II -54
Keanu Reeves -12
Jeff Satur
Chris Pine -41
Marilyn Monroe +7
Ryan Guzman +39
Dana Terrace -28
Ana de Armas +26
Kit Young
First Kanaphan
Florence Pugh -44
Amita Suman
Selena Gomez +4
Jack Wolfe
Guillermo Del Toro
Rian Johnson
Harvey Guillén -1
Matt Smith -35
Khaotung Thanawat
Jeremy Allen White
Anne Hathaway +9
Sydney Sweeney -16
Halle Bailey
Omar Rudberg
Edvin Ryding
Issa Rae
Jennifer Coolidge
Gwendoline Christie
Wang Yibo -2
Glen Powell
Jamie Lee Curtis
Apo Nattawin -33
Jodie Whittaker -28
Andrew Garfield -85
Letitia Wright
Timothée Chalamet -55
Tom Sturridge -53
Ncuti Gatwa
Anya Taylor-Joy +7
Alexandra Daddario
Angela Bassett
Hugh Grant
Jamie Campbell Bower -40
David Jenkins -26
Scarlett Johansson -16
Jason Sudeikis
The number in italics indicates how many spots a name moved up or down from the previous year. Bolded names weren’t on the list last year.
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prettyfuul · 1 year
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Halle Bailey for Schön! 44 digital cover: behind closed doors
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jbaileyfansite · 2 months
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Jonathan Bailey as Tim Laughlin in “You’re Wonderful" (Fellow Travelers - 1x01)
Gifs 44/?
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whencyclopedia · 4 months
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The Civilian View of D-Day
The Normandy landings in France, which began on D-Day, 6 June 1944, involved the largest troop movement in history, but in this article, we focus on the view from civilians directly involved in that momentous day when the Allies sought to liberate Western Europe from occupation by Nazi Germany and end the Second World War (1939-45).
D-Day Preparations
As the Allies built up their troops and resources for D-Day in the south of England, to maintain secrecy and provide areas where training exercises for the landings could be conducted, some civilians were required to temporarily move from their homes and such buildings as churches were locked and surrounded by barbed wire. Betty Tab from Slapton in Devon remembers telling her mother of the rumours about this:
My sister heard the rumour in the shop when she went to get some groceries and she said to Mum that we were all going to have to move and of course Mum says, 'That's nonsense talking like that. Where we going to go?' And she says she heard in the shop. There was a meeting called then in the village hall and that confirmed that there was going to be an evacuation of the area for the American training.
My parents just couldn't believe it. I mean, Mum just said, 'Well, no, it's not going to happen because it can't. What are we going to do? Where are we going to go?' But it had to be so. So, of course, everybody had to get their thinking caps on and think, 'Well, where are we going to go?' If you couldn't get anything yourself the authorities would help but they did want you to try and get yourself fixed up, if possible, because, as you can imagine, there were hundreds trying to move. Thousands, I suppose, really. Quite an area it was.
(Bailey, 44)
Desmond O'Neill, an official cameraman for the British Army, describes his visit to a camp of troops readying themselves for the invasion:
I remember going to one unit, I think it was the South Lancashire Regiment, and taking some film of their final preparations for D-Day…they were laagered down near Roland's Castle in Hampshire, in woods there, and I went into the camp – the whole area was actually one huge camp. Very strict all the way round.
There was certainly a very excitable, tense atmosphere amongst those chaps. They'd been training presumably for a couple of years and they knew full well that they were going to be the spearhead troops and they knew therefore that there was a good chance of them getting shot. The atmosphere there was totally different to any other unit I'd ever been to. Discipline was strict but absolutely on a hairline. A very peculiar atmosphere. I know that the casualty figures had been given to them, the presumed casualty figures.
We photographed the chaps being instructed as to what was going to happen on the morning of D-Day, where they were going in and the rest. It was all mocked up. I didn't do very much filming apart from taking pictures of these chaps in the camp. They liked it. First of all they'd never seen a cameraman before. Secondly, it was a great divertissement. You know, 'The Mrs is going to see me back in Wigan,' all this kind of thing. I think it was a welcome diversion.
(Bailey, 66-7)
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coqxettee · 10 months
Coquette Winter Gift Guide:
🎀 Gift ideas for yourself or your friends who love the Coquette aesthetic:
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1. Anything from Brandy Melville (Amara heart lace pyjamas)
2. Bailey bow uggs or normal uggs
3. Ralph Lauren sweaters
4. A ballet wrap
5. Floral pyjama sets, Cami’s & Long sleeve shirts
6. Grandma cardigans
7. A cable knit sweater
8. Legwarmers/pretty tights
9. A pair of cute gloves
10. ANY clothing from “Mymummadeit”
11. ANY clothing from “Favourite child collective”
12. Any clothing from the “Cutey” section on Romwe
13. A dress/anything from “Selkie”
14. Any slogan tee’s / baby tee’s from small businesses and independent brands
15. Victoria secret Pyjamas/Robe
16. Pink puffa coat
17. Tiffany & co earrings or necklace
18. The “Mymummadeit” puffa bag
19. Kate spade heart bag/Vivienne Westwood one or just a heart purse
20. A printed tote bag
21. Ted baker bags/cosmetic bags
22. Any dresses from - Cider, Motel rocks, Pretty little thing, Oh polly
23. A ballet skirt
24. ECOSUSI summer garden romance bags
25. A cape/fur shaul//A glam doll coat
26. Vintage nightgowns/nightwear
27. Cute earmuffs & things to decorate them with
28. Mary Janes & frilly ankle socks
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29. Any products from “Glossier”
30. Dior (addict) makeup products (Lip oil’s, Blush, lip balm,
31. Anything from “Flowerknows” “Etude house” “Too faced” or “Charlotte Tilbury” “C beauty mall products”
32. Chanel lipstick
33. A quilted floral coquette makeup bag
34. W7 Tinted kiss lip oil
35. Miss Dior perfume
36. Chanel mamoiselle perfume
37. Any of the Ariana Grande perfumes/body sprays
38. Penhaligons “The favourite”
39. Oriana “Parfums de Marly”
40. Victoria secret body sprays
41. Paul & Joe Cinamoroll collection
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42. The Amazon floral bedsheets
43. A heart mirror
44. Love shack fancy homeware items
45. Anything from Paris Hilton’s new cookery line
46. A ballerina/music box jewellery box
47. Pink/Vanilla Yankee candles
48. FreePrints photos to make a wall collage
49. Roccoco style picture frames
50. An angel tray dish
51. Fake flowers
52. Pretty Cushions / A large throw fluffy blanket,
53. Caroline medium jewellery case
54. Fake cake jewellery boxes
55. Tall candles and a candle holder
56. Posters of celebrity’s/artists etc
57. Any pretty art that can be displayed/put into frames
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Self care:
58. Spa headbands, and wrist bands (Kylie skin headband)
59. Inn is free skincare products
60. Philosophy shower and skin products
61. Chanel eye patches
62. Mulberry silk eye mask (pink)
63. Look fantastic heartless hair curlers
64. Dior prestige skin products and body lotions
65. Baylis & Harding products
66. Angel tangle brush
67. Charlotte Tilbury skincare gift sets
68. Elasti - cream
69. Embellished claw clips
70. Sol de Janerio body cream
71. Mugs, hand warmers, face masks, lip scrubs
Miscellaneous: ⋆꙳•̩̩͙❅*̩̩͙‧͙ ‧͙*̩̩͙❆ ͙͛ ˚
72. AirPod max
73. Wildflower phone cases & airpod cases
74. A pink waterbottle (Stanley or Lululemon)
75. Lana del rey vinyls
76. Coquette notebooks
77. Dior & Chanel fashion books
78. My year of rest and relaxation
79. The seven husbands of Evelyn Hugo
80. Jellycats
⋆꙳•̩̩͙❅*̩̩͙‧͙ ‧͙*̩̩͙❆ ͙͛
I hope this helped you think of some ideas of things you want to ask or get someone for Christmas 🎀✨🎄
Merry Pinkmas coquette doves
⋆꙳•̩̩͙❅*̩̩͙‧͙ ‧͙*̩̩͙❆ ͙͛
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leclerc-s · 10 months
track 003. te marque
─── ❝ me merezco alguien más que no me, trate tal como una basura que me ame de verdad ❞ ───
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liked by danieljricciardo, maejones, baileywinters and others
isabellaperez no race this week enjoy this eras tour dump. it was a life changing experience. 10/10 would recommend. (we all cried during marjorie. daniel sobbed the entire time. we had to go back for night 2) the urge to quit my job and become daphne's personal photographer is strong.
tagged: daphnejricciardo
view all comments
daphnejricciardo you're welcome to join anytime isa!
user17 isabella jpg account when?
↳ isabellaperez don't tempt me
landonorris how come you never take pictures of me this good?
↳ isabellaperez because you aren't photogenic like daphne?
↳ landonorris are you calling me ugly?
↳ isabellaperez well i'm not calling you pretty.
user89 oh my god, she looks so pretty?
user32 how the hell did daniel ricciardo manage to marry daphne fucking jones?
↳ maxverstappen1 we've been asking ourselves that same question for years
↳ user32 oh my god. excuse me while i go scream in a pillow.
danieljricciardo hey, my wife looks great
↳ isabellaperez doesn't she always?
↳ danieljricciardo yes, she does. i love her
↳ user02 daniel will take any and all opportunity to remind people that he loves his wife.
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lando norris i've come up with a name for nando and seb
isabella perez and that is?
lando norris papa nando and papa seb
daniel ricciardo fucking muppet
bailey winters you gotta give it to him he finally didn't fuck something up
lando norris HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO SAY SORRY FOR LEAKING DAPHNE AND DANIEL'S RELATIONSHIP? bailey winters so many times you muppet
isabella perez what am i missing here?
isabella perez AND I FUCKING MISSED IT?
fernando alonso yes, it was hilarious.
daniel ricciardo anyone, from the original group chat, remember that time seb and nando got pissed at each other and the group chat was named multi-21 for like a year?
charles leclerc it was still named that when i was added, like 5 years ago mae jones and it was a picture of mark, because yes, i remember lewis hamilton dear god, has it seriously been that long? oscar piastri justice for mark isabella perez amen to that pastry boy!
arthur leclerc added one person
logan sargeant yo, who added ollie here?
arthur leclerc i like drama. pierre is rubbing off on me.
daniel ricciardo no. maybe. yes. but only to arthur and pierre, i swear.
+44 1632 960767 arthur, i like you, i truly do, but what the hell is this? and why is the picture fernando alonso in a pool?
arthur leclerc you're one of us because i said so.
penelope trevino 10 cookies says daphne and daniel adopt him as one of their kids.
carlos sainz 11 cookies says natalia and charles beat them to it. ollie bearman why are you betting cookies? sebastian vettel they're forbidden from betting money ever again. fernando alonso they bet $50,000 on what gender baby leclerc was going to be and no, i didn't confuse the dollar sign with the euros sign lando norris listen, i was drunk. ollie bearman and that's a good excuse because? fernando alonso i like this kid, we're keeping him
lewis hamilton further proving the point that this group chat is full of idiots with the survival instincts of a hamster
max verstappen NAME ONE TIME! sebastian vettel you drank only red bull for 80 hours straight. twice. lewis hamilton isabella drank an unknown liquid for "fun" that liquid turned out to be laundry detergent. she was in the hospital for three days. fernando alonso lando swallowed a lego piece, we had to rush him to emergency services. sebastian vettel charles nearly jumped off a balcony on a dare. he was 15+ stories up. lewis hamilton daniel wanted to adopt a venomous snake fernando alonso pierre, yuki, freya, george, and dulce have all fallen down several flights of stairs and said it was a 'fun slide with bumps'. every single fucking time. isabella perez we're just built different fernando alonso built like a bunch of idiots
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liked by danieljricciardo, pierregasly, maejones and others
redbullracing mood because they're telling me i have to "go back to work" after the religious experience that was a daphne jones concert. jeddah gp here we come or whatever. message not approved by our team
tagged: schecoperez, maxverstappen1, danieljricciardo
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user64 isabella is so real for that caption. i went to a daphne jones concert and it was the best day of my life.
maxverstappen1 do you live to embarrass us?
↳ redbullracing yes. i played nonsense to christian for a reason
↳ daphnejricciardo what does that mean?
↳ redbullracing nothing!
user92 admin who's your favorite driver on the grid?
↳ redbullracing for legal reasons my uncle, checo (charles)
↳ user92 you're so real for that
↳ redbullracing this comment was not approved by our team
user21 christian seems like a tired dad trying to rein in isabella and her love for ferrari
maxverstappen1 you're not allowed to leave unless i retire, that was our deal
georgerussell63 we don't want you here
↳ redbullracing well toger gave me a job offer and i declined. so suck on that russell george
↳ landonorris she's not precious trust me.
↳ redbullracing wow. that block button looks real good lando norizz.
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liked by danieljricciardo, charles_leclerc, oscarpiastri and others
redbullracing anyways here's the superior red bull duo because our current drivers are pissing me off. (multi-21 vibes)
tagged: sebastianvettel, aussiegrit
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📍 redbullracing damn guess we know who the favorites are because i’m hearing no salty spice complaints
user81 oscar liking posts because mark is in them will never fail to make me soft
danieljricciardo i thought seb and i were your favorites?
↳ redbullracing top 3 drivers for sure. seb, mark, then you, charles then max. i can't say my uncle because that would be biased.
↳ danieljricciardo so you like australians?
↳ user10 why do i get the feeling this is one of their inside jokes?
↳ user61 because it probably is
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isabella sat on a table near red bull hospitality with her buzzing phone near her. it was taking everything in her not to pick and listen to the other voice. oscar, who happened to be walking by saw the girl sitting with a faraway look in her eyes. he looked around, hoping one of her friends was near, with no such luck he approached her and sat with her. she didn’t even look up to greet him, which seemed strange from the girl who greeted everyone.
“bella?” oscar questioned, “are you going to answer that?”
“no,” she whispered, “i’m not supposed to.”
“why not?”
“ah,” oscar replied. he looked at her teary eyes before reaching for her phone and answering, “hello? may i ask why i’ve been getting so many calls from this number? isabella? no, i don’t know who that is. you have the wrong number."
oscar looked at isabella, “problem solved? i hope. if he calls again let me know.”
isabella looked up at him, for the first time since he’d sat down, she reached across the table and hugged him, “thank you but you lied to him.” somewhere in her mind it was still engraved to never lie to austin. he never hit her, but the verbal assaults were still bad, sometimes she prefered he would've hit her. but she knew that if it would've gotten to that point, he would've had several f1 drivers and one team principal on his ass. as much as she disliked austin, she didn't want her friends or uncle in prison for killing someone who wasn't worth it.
“about?” oscar questioned, breaking isabella out of her trance.
“not knowing isabella.”
“oh, i didn’t lie, i only know bella.”
isabella huffed, “stop calling me that.”
“no,” oscar smiled before getting up and begin walking away, “i like calling you bella because it annoys you.”
isabella found herself smiling at the boy walking away before shaking her head and standing up herself to walk back into red bull hospitality. she walked in with a smile still gracing her face, something the red bull drivers and reserve driver were quick to notice. checo couldn’t remember the last time he had seen his niece smile that genuinely.
“todo bien?” he asked her. isabella nodded, “everything’s okay tio. lo prometo.”
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duckling puta madre
super max oh no, what happened?
duckling how does one get rid of feelings? i'm feeling things.
paddock dad i think you're being a tad bit dramatic duckling CONSIDERING HOW MY LAST RELATIONSHIP WENT I'M ALLOWED TO BE DRAMATIC SEBASTIAN
super max we should ask mark for advice on this.
paddock dad why would we ask mark for advice on this? what does mark have to do with this?
honey badger she's in love with oscar? the mclaren rookie?
paddock dad is this what the operation is about?
duckling what operation?
super max so you do have feelings for oscar?
duckling no. why would i? i'm asking about ollie.
honey badger no one actually believes you have feelings for oliver. not even you believe it. besides, you're the one who said you would never date someone younger than you.
duckling oh i know, but it riles arthur up so much i just have to make the joke everyday.
paddock dad so do you like oscar?
duckling it's just a crush. it'll go away by next week.
paddock dad and if it doesn't? duckling i'll ignore it until it goes away. paddock dad that's not healthy duckling my last relationship wasn't either, that's why we are where we are today.
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lance stroll if i commit murder in miami, someone better help me hide the body no questions asked.
logan sargeant i have so many questions?? lance stroll I SAID NO QUESTIONS GEORGE WASHINGTON!!
fernando alonso i think you're father's an idiot.
max verstappen who are we murdering?
esteban ocon and why are we murdering them?
fernando alonso lawrence stroll and austin riley
isabella perez why would we be murdering austin in miami?
lance stroll if you're thinking what i think you are, the answer is yes.
mae jones oh you have got to be kidding me.
isabella perez i don't get it.
daphne jones-ricciardo isa, sweetie, aston martin invited austin to the miami grand prix.
isabella perez oh. excuse me while i go jump off a fucking bridge.
isabella perez logan, what’s the best bridge in florida to jump off of?
freya vettel lawrence stroll is on my hitlist
oscar piastri i'm so confused, who the hell is austin riley?
dulce perez he's isa's ex, who we don't like because he's a dick. lando norris just, listen to logical and that should tell you everything you need to know about that dickhead.
oscar piastri is that the guy who was calling you today? the one i answered?
isabella perez that would be him.
oscar piastri he sounded like dick.
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daniel jones-ricciardo added one person
daniel jones-ricciardo checo, before you leave, again, know that the mission has changed.
checo perez to what?
dulce perez to keep isabella away from austin at the miami grand prix
checo perez puta madre
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taglist: @burningcupcakefire @arkhammaid @sunflower-golden-vol6 @applopie @lorarri @mypage-myfandoms @bb-swift @thewannabewriter @you-bleed-just-toknowyouarealive @stopeatread @hobiismyhopeu @lilsiz @alessioayla @niniluvsainz @au-ghosttype @cowboylikemets1989 @justtprachisblog @rmeddar123 @nichmeddar @landonorizzz @unluckyyoshi @cool-ultra-nerd @kami10471633 @1nt3rnetgf @fernandoswarcrimes @arieltwvdtohamflash
strikethrough means i couldn't tag you
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¡leclerc-s speaks! heyyyyy, i say as if i haven't updated this series in like two weeks. i'm not going to lie, i got too busy with the other ones and then i took like a week off but i'm back! hopefully i can get updates for this entire series out sooner. but hope you liked this one.
¡disclaimer! this is in no way making assumptions about the people involved in this story, this is all fake. it is a fanfiction please don't take any of what is said seriously. this is all for entertainment purposes and as a creative outlet for me. enjoy!
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sneekpeekinspired · 2 years
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The ATTICO Bella abstract-print T-shirt - $407
Ever New Avina Petite Straight-Leg Pants ($99.99)
Bailey 44 Myles Sweater Jacket -$102
0 notes
necros-writing-stuff · 8 months
I had to go looking to make sure I was remembering right and I was!! 25 November 2023 at 23:44 Vrel said Eden fell in love with PC at first sight, but they had seen a picture of them before meeting them in person. Gave me the mental image of Eden straight up telling Bailey he was lonely and wanted to buy a spouse from him, and Bailey has to compile a binder full of pictures of orphans he thinks Eden might like, because Eden refuses to get a phone or learn how computers work.
Throw back to thus fucking cursed shit Inky made with my PC and Scamgan Paul as Bailey.
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eardefenders · 8 months
Sherlock & Co Locations
Location, location, location. Are you like me and not a native Londoner? Are you also like me wondering how to visualize a place or, perhaps more importantly, how long does it take to get from 221B to the various locations and how much they're spending on tube fare?
Well then look no further! This is my masterpost with links to each location described in detail in each post made on those locations. Each post gives a bit about how far from 221B it's located (depending on travel method), how much it likely cost them to get there, photos of the location, and a bit of the location's history.
Every time we get a new locale I'll add a post and link it here. :) Lmk if I miss any and I'll add them. If you see a location and it has no link then either the link broke or I haven't made the post yet, but logged the location.
The Criterion Bar
221B Baker Street
The Volunteer Pub & Restaurant
Regent's Park
Thor Bridge (Upney Ln)
Walthamstow (Morgue)
King George's Hospital
Barking/North Barking
Fortnum & Mason
Paddington Station
Hilton Green/Chatham
Berlin (John's Vacay Spot with The Boys)
Heathrow Airport
Hotel Cosmopolitan
Bailey's Street
King's Road
44 Cross St., Croydon
Chiswick Flyover
The Fox (the swinger's pub)
Hanwell/Ealing/West London
Islington Tunnel
Blackheath Common
"GAIL'S Bakery"
The Strand
'Saxe-Coburg Square'
Pinewood Studios
Charing Cross
Opera House (?)
Barking Station
Waterloo Bridge
Bank of England Museum
Camden Town
Living Room Club Cafe
'Gloria Scott' (Oil Rigs)
St Dunstan
Little Venice
Brick Lane
Neal's Yard
South Kensington (Ice Rink)
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readthephible · 6 months
120 misc ship questions | shaymien edition
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buckle the fuck up guys /pos
1. who rushes to open doors for the other?
2. who drives more often?
3. who is more eager to jump in the shower with the other?
4. who takes self care more seriously?
both but probably damien
5. what’s a song that reminds you of them?
starlight - muse / rather be - clean bandit / everywhere - fleetwood mac / j’s lullaby - delaney bailey + every song i’ve used to make an edit of them with (everything i know about love - laufey, end of beginning - djo, you & me song - the wannadies)
6. what’s another couple / duo (real or fictional) that reminds you of them?
ian and anthony tbh (also dan and phil but i don’t think anyone cares about my explanation)
7. which one keeps more things because they’re sentimental?
8. which one tells their parents about their partner first? how does it happen?
damien i feel like would be so excited bc he’s so fond of shayne that it would just accidentally slip
9. whose family are they more likely to stay with during holidays?
shayne’s maybe? bc az is closer?
10. whose parents are / were stricter?
11. who uses more emojis?
damien but like ironically
12. where was their first date?
so random soundstage /j uh idk maybe something casual so it wouldn’t feel do heavy at first. a restaurant they both enjoy or smthn
13. what’s their favorite game to play together (any kind)?
14. which one spams posts / links to the other?
damien “this reminded me of you” haas
15. who is the black cat and who is the golden retriever?
obviously damien black cat shayne golden retriever i mean come oN
16. what mythical creature / monster would they each be? (vampire, werewolf, dragon, fairy, etc.)
damien - vampire, shayne - something with lots of wisdom like druid idk
17. who urges the other to go sing a karaoke duet with them?
18. what is their karaoke song?
rather be or an emo one like panic or fob losers (me hitting my 10th year as an emo mark)
19. who is more likely to serenade the other at random moments?
20. who stares at the other from across the room?
21. who brings a shopping haul of clothes home and who watches their fashion show?
22. who insists on paying when they go out to eat?
23. who is more impulsive?
24. who is ‘everything’ and who is ‘just ken’? /ref
damien is everything, shayne is just ken (sorry bud)
25. whose main goal its it to make the other blush?
26. who is first to know about a new trend, meme, slang, etc.?
27. who gets up early to make the other breakfast?
28. who insists they are their pets’ parents?
29. do they have pets together? what kind, what names, etc.
mildy canon /s freyja and zelda
30. who is more of an animal whisperer / befriends wild animals?
31. who has more patience?
32. who insists on fixing something themselves, and who would rather call a repair service?
damien wants to fix himself, shayne wants to call service
33. who turns something into an innuendo first?
34. who takes longer to understand a joke or reference?
35. who hides in the other’s arms during a horror movie?
36. who is more jumpy / scared easily?
37. who makes more movie references?
38. who thinks die hard is a christmas movie, and who doesn’t?
damien thinks it is, shayne thinks it isn’t (idk for sure though this can probably be fact checked)
39. who talks more during a movie?
40. who carries the other bridal style?
41. what are their thoughts on marriage?
hmmm idk. hesitant but open?
42. what’s the last name situation when / if they get married? (who’s last name do they take, do they keep theirs, do they hyphenate)
haa stopp (like haha, stop) i’m so funny guys (haas-topp or topp-haas idfk)
43. who wants the less traditional wedding?
44. where do they get married, and where do they honeymoon?
probably in a more secluded pretty place in california, and they honeymoon in japan
45. where is their favorite place to travel?
46. what do they do on vacation?
do all the touristy things, shop at nerdy places for magazines and trinkets, get lost
47. which one overpacks and which one underpacks?
both overpack?
48. who is the yapper and who is the napper?
it depends on the topic, if it’s about sports then shayne is the yapper and damien is the napper, if it’s maybe voice acting roles or something damien is the yapper and shayne is the napper
49. which one is a lighter sleeper?
50. who is the moon and who is the sun?
damien moon shayne sun
51. who collects more? (figurines, pokemon cards, etc)
52. who is more excited to decorate for the next holiday / event?
53. who stopped believing in santa later than the other?
54. do they want kids together? give me all the details - names, what traits they inherit, etc.
in parent au i would think they maybe have 2 girls and 1 boy? alice, cheyenne, and ??? (on my sims they have 2 kids so far, klaus and alice)
55. who is a stricter parent and who is more lenient?
shayne maybe slightly stricter than damien
56. who reads a book, and who reads over the other’s shoulder while cuddling?
shayne reads, damien cuddles
57. which is booba and which is kiki? /ref
damien is booba, shayne is kiki
58. who believes in soulmates and who doesn’t?
neither but damien slightly believes more
59. who gets nostalgic more easily?
60. who is more of a perfectionist?
61. who hosts more parties?
62. who makes handmade gifts more often for the other?
both!!! (damien’s little wooden board for him, shayne maybe mini paintings or origami 🥺)
63. which one is more formal when answering emails?
64. who prefers skinny jeans and who prefers baggy jeans?
damien - skinny jeans, shayne - baggy jeans
65. who’s better at roasting the other?
66. who initiates more pda?
67. which one is better at censoring their language, and which has less of a filter?
damien can censor better (twitch) shayne just isn’t as used to it
68. who insists on being player one?
69. which one snores like “honk shoo” and which snores like “hoooonk mimimi”?
damien honk shoo, shayne hoooonk mimimi
70. who gives more forehead kisses to the other?
71. what does their future look like?
happy, content, open communication, side by side coexisting, love, support
72. which one believes in astrology more?
73. what was their first kiss like?
with both consent and surprise
74. who steals the other’s clothes more often?
75. who steals the other’s food more often?
76. do they believe in ‘celebrity hall passes’? if so, which celebrities are theirs?
damien maybe fictional characters, shayne pretty demispec so he doesn’t really have anyone to feel that way towards
77. what matching couples costumes do they wear?
something nerdy as fuckkkkkk from an anime or video game probably
78. who is naturally more cold / more hot?
shayne maybe cold for snuggles, damien for cute sleepy frustration of kicking the sheets off
79. which is more extroverted?
80. how do they celebrate valentine’s day?
maybe a small outing but mostly at home together enjoying company, touch, and sappy sex hehe
81. what’s a holiday tradition they have? (ex. presents before breakfast on christmas)
insisting they don’t need to splurge on each other’s presents but they each give at least one that’s pricey but thoughtful
82. what niche pet names do they have for each other?
for damien from shayne - slaymien yaas, deem beem, damienuhhh
for shayne from damien - baby bird, my guy, bitch
83. who hates small talk and would rather have deep conversations?
84. what’s their icebreaker / olive branch after a disagreement?
“i brought home food from canes for us”
85. what kind of food or restaurant is their favorite to get together?
86. who believes in conspiracies more?
87. which had their friends tries to set them up?
sorry matthew scott you will always be the wingman if it’s during so random days. if it’s during smosh days it’s courtney.
88. think of your favorite movie, then incorporate your pairing into it somehow and talk about it.
damien being jack skellington, shayne being sally née finklestein
89. when they’re separated in public, what do they yell out to find each other?
90. professors!au. what subjects would they teach?
damien - linguistics or history, shayne - psychology or botany
91. ghostmates!au. who is the ghost that haunts the other?
92. soulmates!au. how are they connected? do they have matching tattoos, names written on them, etc.
i haven’t finished my soulmates au fic but i did the stereotypical purple/black moon, yellow/blue sun
93. punk x pastel!au. which is which?
punk damien pastel shayne. this is canon
94. historical!au. what time period are they in? what are they up to?
probably victorian vampires like iwtv (gaaay)
95. hospital!au. who’s the doctor, who’s the patient, and how did they get in that situation?
shayne broke his ankle and doctor damien is confused how he got in that mess. or damien is a hypochondriac and doctor shayne is trying and failing to reassure him he is fine
96. massage parlor!au. who is the masseuse, who is getting the massage?
damien giver shayne receiver ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
97. angel x demon!au. who is the angel and who is the demon?
angel shayne demon damien
98. gender swap!au. what are their names? (ex. anthony is antoinette)
demia and shaniya?
99. superpowers!au. are they hero and sidekick? mortal enemies? villain duo? what powers do they have?
i love enemies to lovers villain damien hero shayne for some reason
100. timeloop!au. who is stuck and who helps them out of it?
shayne is stuck damien helps him out (read this fic now)
101. royalty!au. who is the royal and who is the knight / guard / maid etc.?
shayne is royal damien is the knight (read this fic now)
102. magic!au. what kind of magic do they use?
damien i can see either being a healer or persuasion. shayne again with wisdom like vast knowledge or nature powers idk
nsfw / suggestive ⚠️
you didn’t see me fill out any of this btw
1. what’s their favorite position?
missionary so they can keep taunting each other. or riding. or any way damien can touch shayne the most. or anywhere
2. who uses their mouth/teeth/tongue more?
3. who uses their hands/nails more?
4. who is a bit more adventurous?
hmmm. shayne?
5. who is more willing to go to a sex shop in person, and who is more embarrassed?
damien can wear a mask and somehow convince himself that he’s extroverted enough to small talk. shayne tried to just get him to order online
6. who is more into dirty talk?
7. who is more into eye contact?
8. what was their most risky / adventurous experience?
across the bed instead of up and down ? smoffice ? in the car in an empty parking lot ? idk
9. who likes to bite, and who likes to be bitten?
damien likes to bite. a lot. we have been over this (i was the one who made this question list)
10. what is their favorite sexual activity to do together / to the other?
damien marking shayne up, dirty talk, biting ^ shayne roleplay, appealing to senses, sense of mystery
11. which is more dominant / which is more submissive?
the d in damien stands for dominant and the s in shayne stands for submissive
12. what was their first time like?
very loving and gay and beautiful and sweet and sloppy
13. who likes to be spanked more?
14. who sends dirty texts more often?
15. mile high club? yes or no?
too sleepy or anxious so no
16. what’s something they reserve for special occasions?
17. how long into their relationship did it take for them to have sex?
i love the trope for them of like friends to lovers, so as soon as like, they decided they were gonna be more than platonic, it was pretty quick after. damien’s playful touches turned sensual very quickly
18. how often do they have sex?
pretty often bc damien’s pent up-ness will spill into other aspects (like being ‘horny’ in videos), and shayne just gets a lil irritable / attention seeking
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fandom · 2 years
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Taika Waititi went up +69 this year. Nice.
Queen Elizabeth II
Joseph Quinn
Andrew Garfield
Tom Holland +3
Chris Evans -3
Taika Waititi +69
Oscar Isaac +32
Robert Pattinson +44
Misha Collins -5
Tobey Maguire
Joe Keery
Zendaya +7
Sebastian Stan -10
Jensen Ackles -9
Elon Musk +22
Pedro Pascal -15
Chris Pine
Rhys Darby
Neil Gaiman
Henry Cavill -12
Florence Pugh +20
Maya Hawke
Chris Pratt +12
Will Smith
Alex Hirsch +55
Johnny Depp +24
Kit Connor
Mads Mikkelsen -10
Ewan McGregor +28
Tom Hiddleston -24
Sadie Sink
Hayden Christensen
Dana Terrace
Hailee Steinfeld +29
Timothee Chalamet -11
Joey Batey +59
Matt Smith
Tom Sturridge
Dylan O’Brien +8
Katie McGrath -25
Joe Locke
Finn Wolfhard
Alfred Molina
Keanu Reeves -8
Noah Schnapp
Benedict Cumberbatch -4
Zoë Kravitz
Hugh Dancy -22
David Tennant -21
Elizabeth Olsen -33
Hayao Miyazaki +10
Natalia Dyer
Apo Nattawin
Charlie Cox
Tom Hardy -24
Paul Dano
Jamie Campbell Bower
Mile Phakphum
Jodie Whittaker
Sydney Sweeney
Chris Rock
Chris Hemsworth -22
Alexa Demie
Ryan Reynolds
Nichelle Nichols
Marilyn Monroe -17
Amber Heard
Barry Keoghan
Natalie Portman
Harvey Guillén
Selena Gomez
David Jenkins
Con O’Neill
Christopher Eccleston
Tessa Thompson +15
Simone Ashley
Jonathan Bailey
Jodie Comer +7
Walker Scobell
Bella Hadid -22
Wang Yibo -54
Betty White
Scarlett Johansson -58
Anne Hathaway
Emma Watson -9
Millie Bobby Brown
Jared Padalecki -76
Ana De Armas +3
Xiao Zhan -60
Oliver Stark -23
Bible Wichapas
Prince William
Angelina Jolie
Toby Fox
Jack Black
John Mulaney -84
Michael Sheen -42
Blake Lively
Ryan Guzman
Anya Taylor-Joy -68
The number in italics indicates how many spots a name moved up or down from the previous year. Bolded names weren’t on the list last year.
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