#bailan baby?!
karihighman · 6 months
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The Rookie 6x06 “Secrets and Lies” promotional photos ©️DGE Press / ABC. ⬆️
Bailey & John sneak peek video below ⬇️
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dylanconrique · 5 months
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lucihens · 4 months
alright here's my 6x10 live reactions in order as i was watching because this is the last chance i got to note down my every thought live until next year so this might be a little crazy and non sensical and just for me to look back on
‣ nooo they gave the infertile then adoption storyline to the most boring couple on the show this was supposed to be for chenford 😭😭
‣ when did monica suddenly snap from crooked lawyer to full blown criminal empire
‣ ngl them putting a lot of focus on side character villains might be annoying but given the small season it makes sense to do it now/use this time in this season because of course they won't have enough time to explore main characters fully (??) i guess??
‣ holding my breath the entire time like lucyyy
‣ where is everyone else always babysitting nolan's rookie
‣ 'i took your advice went to therapy' confirmation he did it because she said, like he's listening to what she's saying and thinks it's what she wants from him to be able to come back home
‣ and it was blair, a criminal, oh baby you'll find a good therapist don't worry
‣ chenford 🤝confined spaces eliciting grave emotional response (bathroom, elevator, car(s))
‣ freak in the what
‣ she was so happy so it's true she's a super freaky girl where's that edit
‣ angela whump angela whump
‣ oh shit this is going to be good future me was the fight scene good?
‣ angela lucy in a car together finally 😭
‣ holy shit this is the best the rookie has ever been i say with no exaggeration the music the action lucy chen im screaming lucy chen
‣ it was good
‣ monica turning loads of criminal men against each other while she stands pretty like that's mother
‣ jesus does this man never die
‣ okay chenford are talking that's good
‣ tim acknowledging just how tremendous lucy's worth is to his life is all i've wanted for 6 whole seasons like 😭
‣ i knew it was gonna be a bailan cliffhanger feck off and like where's the conclusion? why's it so open ended even with a cliffhanger? like i swear the rookie likes to drop off scenes and not round them out fully or is that just me?
but chenford are so back. until next year.
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mamadoc · 5 months
The Rookie timeline drives me bonkers.
Nolan and Bailey decided to try for a baby literally seconds after the Chenford break-up. But in this episode (6x7 which is only 1 day long), Nolan consoles Bailey that it’s only been TWO WEEKS.
But when Grey talks to Tim about his first day back on patrol, he says he’s been reprimanded for reckless behavior and broken up with his girlfriend WITHIN THE LAST WEEK.
This somewhat confirms my suspicion that the writers for Nolan and Bailey don’t talk to the writers for Chenford.
The Bailan team is dishing out love and happiness. The Chenford team is trying the dig the hole deeper each with each episode and enjoys watching their main characters struggle.
The Bailan team LOVES cheesy lines, awkward scenes, and sexy references that are anything but sexy. The Chenford team seems to be preferring soul-crushing breakups, a strong theme of dishonesty, and a focus on mental health.
It’s like watching two different shows that cross over each other occasionally.
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Maybe this is just me (and I'm sure people won't hesitate to let me know if it is. Just know that if you leave hateful shit in my asks it's getting ignored and deleted) but I do not want to see a Chenford engagement/wedding or babies in season 6.
We're going to be lucky to get 12 episodes (realistically it'll likely be 10) and there is a ton to resolve between Aaron, the big bad, Bailan's wedding, and Lucy's detective exam. Not to say that we shouldn't be getting other storylines, I just know it's going to be a rushed season, and I don't want storylines to feel rushed as a result. Especially storylines that could be better suited for season 7 when we have a full 20-22 episodes to work with.
I also feel like
A.) It's too soon for any of that
B.) Tim and Lucy have communication issues that need to be worked on
I (we) waited through 5.5 seasons of a show to see my OTP to get together and I just don't want to pump the gas and have them rush through 3 major life milestones in 1-2 seasons.
Will I write about these things? Til my hand cramps. Do I want to see it on screen just yet? No.
And of course, we have no idea how long we will be blessed with The Rookie on our screens, but at the very least, I'm hoping for 2 more seasons.
This is of course no hate to anyone who wants these things, or has said these things, it's all just my opinion as I go through my 46783 rewatch waiting for the series to return. I just don't want to rush things🫣🤷🏼‍♀️
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sylvies-chen · 7 months
top five moments of 6x02 ♡
lie detector (tim’s ily) — I think this moment is my favourite part of the episode by far, because first off you have the question about the bugs which was SOOOO cute and so encapsulating of chenford’s relationship that it had me giggling at my tv and twirling my hair lol. but then lucy takes the time to seek out confirmation of his love out of her own will, not because she needed to be proven right but because she wanted to hear it 🥹 and he immediately says yes! he loves her! we finally get to hear it and the lie detector shows it’s true and it’s just so gratifying for chenford fans to finally get this
cop cutie! cute and on duty! — GUYS I KNOW IT’S CORNY BUT HATERS WILL HATE, DADDY COP IS A BANGER!! this was so funny and such an earworm— and to those saying they thought it was an old episode when it opened on that scene, lemme just say SAME lol— but then to up the ante by pulling out the choir as if literally singing for and rejoicing the 100th episode was just so perfect and classic rookie: a little hokey but well executed and fun and all around heartfelt. 10/10 I need it on spotify right now.
if I ain’t got you by alicia keys (lucy’s ily) — okay I’m scared some of you chenford girlies are going to tar and feather me for not putting this at number 1 or 2 but HEAR ME OUT: I’ve expressed my problems about this temporary argument solution!! I think this whole scene is so gorgeous for so so so many reasons: lucy and tim dancing as a couple for the first time, the matching outfits, the kiss, ugh all PERFECT I love my babies 🥹❤️ that being said, I don’t like how so much of the resolution/peace between them relied on tim being completely in the wrong when I feel like it’s a more nuanced issue than that and denies lucy any opportunity to critically reflect on her own feelings about this. and also, it does seem weird to me that she wouldn’t have said ‘I love you’ back to tim when he first said it?? they smile at each other but then they’re back to looking awkwardly from afar at the wedding (prior to this scene of course) and so I’m a bit uneasy at the implication (which the writers did not necessarily add on purpose) that lucy’s ily depended on him admitting he was wrong in any way. but idk maybe I’m just being too nitpicky here, I still ADOREEE THIS SCENE FOREVER AND EVER I want it on my grave k thanks
tim down on one knee — need I say more?? this imagery of him on his knee with the ring staring up at lucy was a glimpse at chenford’s future and it was such cute teasing, god I love writers and showrunners when they add messy fun little teaser moments like this! plus tim totally kicked ass, all covered in blood and ready to pass out, and ah, I do always say the best kind of lust is bloodlust 😌
bailan wedding vows — I actually cannot believe the day has come where a bailan moment is in my top 5 episode moments but these wedding vows showed me how the writers are finally able to articulate what works about them as a couple!! with someone as impressive and as versatile and skilled as bailey, I think literally any other man would feel threatened or emasculated, but nolan really is just Some Guy™️ who’s really into her and obsessed with her and is very sturdy ground for her to come home to. I wish we dove more into her past as a survivor of abuse because I feel like that previous situation informs so much of why she loves john even though, let’s be real: she’s eons above his league holy shit it’s not even funny how out of his league she is. but also she could never be with anyone else! she really just loves him and they have such a nice soft relationship which the wedding really sold me on. I liked it a lot even though I had my qualms about her and him as individuals and together.
honourable mention to wade and luna because I love them so much y’all they are adorable!! anyways, here’s my list and lmk if you agree
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flan-tasma · 8 months
Te dedican una canción (Sumeru ver.)
💖~ A kind of continuation of this other post, but with different men. Party Time!
Wanderer isn't here 'cause I couldn't find a song for him. Sorry ;;;;
Warning: Nope now💖, GN!Reader, a little spicy I guess | Google Translate sponsors me (it's a lie) If I made any mistakes in the english translation, I would be happy to read your comments! | Content in spanish and english
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"I know the things, the things that you like."
No te la dedica en sí, pero el mensaje llega, claro que sí. Él te mira, tu lo miras, él sonríe cuando nota la perfecta sincronía de la letra y sus pensamientos y no tiene otra cosa en la cabeza más que sacarte de esa fiesta y desaparecer contigo algunos días. El ritmo se sincroniza con su cola que se mueve con diversión mientras ustedes dos siguen luchando con la mirada en el otro. Una maldita sonrisa astuta es necesaria para que ambos puedan irse por fin, y sus garras no parecen querer soltarte en lo que reste de la noche.
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"What am I gonna do? Not grab your wrist?"
¡JODER! Tu tenías pareja. Era encantador y lo amabas mucho, a pesar de que era un total idiota. Tenías que suplicar mucho por la más mínima muestra de atención o cariño de parte suya y siempre era insuficiente para ti. El escriba lo sabía, le habías contado tus problemas en varias ocasiones y por eso no tuvo vergüenza en acercarse a ti y sentarte en su regazo, tomando tu mentón para que lo mires. Te pidió que te olvides de ese pobre infeliz, que dejes de ser tonta y busques lo que te conviene, y te demostró que lo que necesitabas era a él.
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"Let's start the show 'cause I want you to be mine"
Al hombre lo encontraste con algunas botellas encima, ya estaba ambientado en una fiesta con amigos y el gran General Mahamatra se había ido por la ventana y solo quedaba tu novio, Cyno, que bailaba contigo y de alguna manera lograba susurrarte las frases más coquetas que se sabía junto a la canción que sonaba de fondo. Si bien no hay mucho mensaje que enviarte, sus manos en tus caderas mientras bailan es suficiente para entender sus sentimientos.
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"We can talk about it in the morning."
Estaba ocupado, tenía que acabar algunos planos y lograr ganarse el pan de cada día, pero estaba tan estresado que una salida tranquila no venía mal. Sin embargo la salida tranquila terminó cuando el alcohol entró en su sistema y superó el agua que se supone que corre por su cuerpo. Si bien sus palabras eran torpes al igual que sus pasos, la canción no pudo evitar salir de su boca con sabor a alcohol mientras admitía que eras una mala influencia directo sobre tus labios. Amaba esa mala influencia.
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"I know the things, the things that you like."
He doesn't dedicate it to you per se, but the message gets through, of course it does. He looks at you, you look at him, he smiles when he notices the perfect synchronicity of the lyrics and his thoughts and has nothing else on his mind but to take you out of that party and disappear with you for a few days. The rhythm syncs with his tail wagging in amusement as the two of you continue to wrestle with your gaze on each other. A damn sly smile is necessary for both of you to finally leave, and his claws don't seem to want to let go of you for the rest of the night.
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"What am I gonna do? Not grab your wrist?"
FUCK! You had a partner. They were charming and you loved them very much, even though they were a total idiot. You had to beg a lot for the slightest show of attention or affection from them and it was always insufficient for you. The scribe knew it, you had told him your problems on several occasions and that is why he was not ashamed to approach you and sit you on his lap, holding your chin so that you could look at him. He asked you to forget about that poor bastard, to stop being stupid and look for what's best for you, and he showed you that what you needed was him.
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"Let's start the show 'cause I want you to be mine"
You found the man with some bottles on him, he was already at a party with friends and the great General Mahamatra had gone through the window and only your boyfriend, Cyno, was left, who danced with you and somehow managed to whisper the most flirtatious phrases to you. It was known along with the song that was playing in the background. While there isn't much of a message to send you, his hands on your hips while you dance is enough to understand his feelings.
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"We can talk about it in the morning"
He was busy, he had to finish some plans and earn his daily bread, but he was so stressed that a quiet outing wouldn't hurt. However the peaceful outing ended when the alcohol entered his system and overcame the water that is supposed to run through his body. Although his words were clumsy as were his steps, the song couldn't help but leave his mouth tasting of alcohol as he admitted that you were a bad influence right on your lips. He loved that bad influence.
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rebelcaptain4life · 6 months
This show really needs to work on its pacing cuz the whiplash of going from chenford breakup to bailan baby making is insane
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chenfordspiral · 6 months
Invading your ask box!
I suck at coming up with questions and also I'm curious of everyone's answers, so in light of manifesting season 7, what are your hopes for when we hopefully get a full season 7?
Go as wild and unrealistic as you want!
Oh boy, this is tough 😂 but thank you so much for asking! I’ve missed being on tumblr and this was so nice to see in my inbox last night 🥰
Well, we might not know what the rest of season 6 will bring but if it doesn’t come up in any of the other six episodes, I’d love to have Lucy and Tim talk about officially moving in together and then actually doing so. I know they’re practically living together already, but I’d love for them to maybe get their own new place together? Get a whole new apartment/house that’s theirs. Honestly, just gimme all the cutesy domestic moments they can fit in because I’m a sucker for that - what else is new? But also, please let them keep working on properly communicating with one another even if it’s hard because no relationship can survive without good communication. 
And, you know, if they're feeling like it, I would also not say no to a proposal.
I WANNA KNOW BABY GIRL EVERS’ NAME FFS. Obviously I’m most invested in Chenford, but it’s driving me insane that we’re 4 eps in, and still don’t know her name. Speaking of kids, I’d love to see more of all the kids Lopez and Harper have. Get rid of some of the unnecessary Bailan domesticity crap and gimme any of the other couples instead. 
Speaking of Bailey.. I’m not a hater, also not exactly a fan, but can we get her in a storyline that doesn’t involve Nolan in some way? I think if she were to interact more with the other characters, we as the audience could potentially get more involved with her character. She’s basically tied to Nolan, and sometimes it feels like a disservice to everyone (including Jenna as an actress) to limit her interactions to basically just him and quick two-sentence exchanges thrown in every 20 eps like with Lucy in 6x04. 
I know it’ll never happen, but I would love to see Chenford babysitting either Jack and his baby sister or baby Leah because we know they’d just.. well, maybe not suck at it but they’d likely struggle and lose a kid or two lol and it’d just be so much fun to watch. 
I also gotta broach the sensitive topic.. I’ve been hoping for Lucy to do a long-term UC op practically since I started watching the show and even more so since Chenford became canon simply because I want to see how she would handle not being able to contact anyone she cares about. Give her a handler that’s not Tim, not Harper, not anyone she’s familiar with so she can experience what it would be like to be completely cut off from her life and the people she loves. Maybe I’m understanding her desire to be a deep cover UC officer and she’d flourish under those circumstances, but I think if she experienced an op without any of her friends (or her boyfriend) as her handler/back up, she’d have a better idea of what her life would really look like if she chose that path. She’s a people person, and I personally don’t think she’d like it as much as I think she wants to like it. (6x02 hinted at her not being as fine about it as she claims to be, and I hope we get to see more of the topic.) If not that, I’d also just like to see an op gone wrong. They’ve all been fairly straight forward without any kind of consequences even after her cover had been blown, and I’d be very interested in seeing something just not go as smoothly. Also, Lucy could do ANY job within the LAPD and absolutely kick ass. Where are all the departments wanting her on their team that the cop offering her that spot at UC school talked about?? Where?! WHERE?!?
I’m rambling now, great. Okay, I’m gonna stop here. I may have missed some obvious wishes here but for now these are some I could think of right off the bat.
Oh oh oh! Lucy’s called Tim babe before, can we get Tim calling Lucy by a pet name? Pretty pleaseeeee 🥺 and last but not least, give us Kojo back. And bring Genny.
Now I’m done. Thank you so much for thinking of me, Suz! ❤︎ This was so much fun!
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neeterloveschenford · 6 months
I have a lot of things to say about Chenford, and will do so later today, but I am so disappointed with the whole Bailan baby storyline. As a woman who has happily never married or had kids it was refreshing to see a couple who were happy to not have kids. Nathan is only 3 years older than me and I could not even imagine having a baby. On the daily I will hear someone say "It's never too late!" and it makes me want to vomit. I have two nieces and a nephew ages 4-7. They are the best and I adore them, but just being around them doesn't make me want to have any of my own. If anything were to happen to either one of my sisters I would most definitely step in to take care of them. They are family and I would lay down my life for them. But that doesn't mean I want to start a family in my 50's. I always found it refreshing that John was done. Been there, done that, ready to focus on his career. And to have Bailey never seem like she was baby crazy was the thing I liked most about her. I don't know, but this whole plot upsets me. I rarely feel like someone like me is represented in media. And when there is someone who is either not married or is married with no children they are rarely seen in a good light. I think they missed a huge opportunity, but then again, this is The Rookie. It's kind of their thing.
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mostowa · 4 months
6x10 random thoughts (mostly Chenford, because yeah)
I think it was a great finale to a not so good season. Spoilers below, beginning with Chenford, because, well. It was crazy good.
I MISSED ACTION CHENFORD SO MUCH. I loved Lucy badass, I loved how she saved Tim and everything about this scene was so aaaaah, so good.
I love Chenford at work. It is a completely organic dynamics for them and it is what made me fall for them and what I've been missing whole season. They are so good at their jobs, period, exclamation mark! And the dynamics is easy for them too. So happy for it!
I think it is extremely important that Lucy is still mad at him and she showed that in the episode. She was very reluctant (but easily won over) in the shop talk, but Sse was clearly mad that he wanted to talk in the elevator, when she was not ready to talk. She already shows him it will be a long work and he is accepting that.
I love how kind has Tim become already. I kind of see what they are trying to do (Eric mentioned in the interview), that they will not show his therapy, but they will write him toward kindness and softness. I love this new Tim: the way he could've snapped at her after risking her life to save him, how he could've dismissed her. But instead he thanked her and was kind towards her and also acknolwedged verbally her boundaries. Even Lucy was impressed.
I MISSED WADE GREY. Come on! The biggest opreation ever and we had him in one scene?! He was SO GOOD in previous episodes. But yeah. The writing is inconsistent, so yes.
WHY DID WE HAVE TO GO BACK TO BAILAN'S BABY. Why. Who even wants that. What for.
And the plethora of villains... I hope it's just a solid ground for S7, because it made no sense. What was the purpose of Christian Batista, why did we need that (apart from Lucy being UC). Why was it overcrowded on the bad teritory? Why didn't we have any connection to 6x01 and federal bank robbery? What was the purpose of Monica's bodyguard being a mole to Wesley? Whaaaat?!
I... I liked that we got a little bit of insight of Monica. That she doesn't have a back-up and she just buys herself friends and her own security. This episode showed how vulnerable she is and I hope we will get to see it explored in S7.
I think it was a great finale though to a not very good season. It was equally overcrowded and didn't make that much sense, but at least we got some good character development for Chenford and some evolution of big bad.
Melissa & Eric said that there will be some changes in the writers' room. We shall see if they are changes toward good or bad.
I AM SO HAPPY AND HOPEFUL FOR CHENFORD I AM ALREADY EXCITED FOR JANUARY 2025. And I'm here with this fandom to get through these 8 months.
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dylanconrique · 5 months
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lucihens · 3 months
i know it's been weeks since the finale and this is likely redundant at this point but because i'm deranged about this show i pushed through the mental illness and finally finished my season 7 wishlist for my birthday. this was once over-detailed and the points were really just fanfic prompts, now the points are non-sensical and probably not even s7 specific. so in no particular order of timeline or importance, likely to never happen and straight from the audrey head canon universe: SEASON 7 WISHLIST.
[if you wish]
general (most could happen in any season and are potentially insane.):
- actual bailan conflict
- wopez baby girl unnamed forever, just for a giggle.
- nyla family maybe? she's an only child to me
- grey angst. like i wanna see him fight someone or something
- monica lasts less than 7A, but we see her a bit. unpopular opinion but she's fun. like that's one of my fav characters from jtv manifested once again on my favourite show.
- celina and lucy get a cat. they'd just vibe with it i know it. tim loathes the cat every time he comes around during their reconciliation era. but loves it.
- fire episode. not just a victim in a fire but like the station or one of the characters house on fire, like oo an arsonist terrorising the characters specifically. (maybe nolan like burn his crib down and cause him pain for once.)
- lucy parents. this is non negotiable. like maybe they're in trouble, being harassed/stalked/held hostage or whatever and she saves them, and they, at least, lighten up on the disappointment.
- lucy cousin [not s7 specific]. i know she has one. like a younger, annoying, freeloading male cousin. just give her some family please. and her nana.
- and an ex-girlfriend but that's free for any season. heir to sappho, lucy chen.
- lucy fighting like 50 guys all by herself and winning.
- lucy going undercover at least once and spanning multiple episodes.
- generally any and all lucy storylines that aren't centered at all around tim.
- maybe give her a female friend her age outside of the main characters. someone who helps her in her career and personally. someone on the same level. and give her wesley too.
- lucy critically hurt like worse than D.O.D
- can you tell i yearn for lucy storylines? like that's my main character!
- characters generally struggling with things outside of work and relationships. like illness/disability. (and not for bailey)
- speaking of struggling (!!!!!):: i really want to see one or all of the main characters struggling with their morality/sense of self as a police officer. like we all know the despicablity of cops irl. we know the rookie knows, see: s3. why can't this be a consistent thing? and not just nolan struggling to not come off as white saviour. like all the characters, both white and non white, experiencing personal turmoil about their position on world affairs and how that would (i hope) completely misalign with the mores of the average cop. especially given the state of the world right now, while uncomfortable, it would be somewhat realistic/relatable to our universe, and would be intriguing to watch (either that or i unfortunately learn that the political views of the rookie tyrants are.....).
- fully explored appearance of a k-9 unit.
- the rookie finally goes back to the multiple patrol calls an episode format and stops trying to be like chicago p.d.
- harper and lopez are given the decency to be treated as two separate careers instead of one forever unit. like i love that they're often together and they are partners in the same job but can we stop segregating the characters into unchanging groups? i know there are often exceptions but spice it up a bit please? mix patrol and detectives. but don't make patrol all about detectiving, and don't make harpez one job and the patrols always on the same case. give them calls away from each other. let them all do their jobs separately so you don't perpetuate the above point too much. (but still keep my family together obviously - it's all about balance.) is this point a jumbled mess? i think. look away.
- celina more interesting. please make her more than nolan's miserably failing boot.
- and give nolan consequences!!!!! let this man learn for once! we see he makes mistakes, but he's magically cool and respected again? make him a watchable character by going deeper than nice guy who wants to do good and well, fails yet is picked back up again by everyone else who loves and adores him so much like!!! where's the pain and conflict!
- nyla with a homeless teen or struggling adult who she helps i just thought of this. i know that woman has empathy that runs deep. nyla centric episodes especially talking about her cartel past!!! and with that more angela backstory like why do the women of the rookie have like 5 backstory points and i could write a whole novel about just one male character's.
- feed me the greatest lucy fits and bring back angela's curly hair i'm on my knees and i'm begging.
- more lgbt+ rep
- more disabled rep
- more class rep, especially in the characters themselves, i wanna see a cop struggling to get by money wise. actually that would never happen for a cop nevermind.
- speaking of poor i want nolan to lose everything.
- i'm not a sadist i swear.
- something for aaron that isn't based on 'i was falsely accused' and 'i almost died' like not saying it's boring but i don't want the writers to lack the creative ability to explore him even more. and celina too, give her something beyond her sisters death. these were great storylines but i don't want these characters to become tired and underused.
- the rookie starts rounding out long running and short running storylines for once. please stop making me say 'wait, that was it?'.
- dear whoever runs the rookie: please take yourself seriously again, i know you can do it baby.
- and stop reading fanfic
chenford specific quick fire:
- tim therapy
- lucy therapy
- lucy discovering herself way outside of tim
- tim brain transplant
- just kidding i love him
- tim more therapy
- tim mother
- tim groveling
- lucy deciding to live a little bit more outside of him until she's ready
- tim just chill i don't want more tim backstory i'm good
- lucy win at work
- tim grovel
- timlucy chill, are cool enough with each other
- friends
- reconcile
- take it slow
- tim grovel and therapy
- lucy undercover as part of finding herself
- friendly enough, tim has no influence in her career now like it or not
- lucy badly hurt, tim crazy
- besties while lucy recovers
- besties again, and actually on screen, like i wanna see all those besties moments that we were only told about before
- tim 'you are my entire world together or not' moment
- getting closer, getting heated, getting to actually talking
- maybe arguing
- like i want my years long head canon of them (tim) blurting i love you in an argument like
- i don't know how the rest goes
- they kiss the end
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isca-tide · 2 months
4x08 Lucy just doling out all the married and heart eyes today. Dear lord, woman. Tim getting her body cam for her. So fucking married. They have like 5 distinctive looks in these first 5 minutes good lord my heart. It's been a rough few days for me so I'm just throwing myself all in on this rn. Lucy introducing herself to her sister-in-law. Genny immediately aware they are now sisters-in-law. Good good. I'd hoped Donovan would be a decent ex for Nyla to co-parent with. He'd seemed that way up until now, at least. Angry, yes, but he'd seen the progress she made and seemed willing to work with her.
Genny absolutely knew before these two idiots did. Look at those tennis eyes from the back of the shop after Tim let's slip that he's dating someone.
Well that glitching on Angela's phone isn't ominous at all.
Ya know, it would have been interesting to see if Genny and Nolan went anywhere. They definitely had some vibes, or at least the potential for vibes. It wouldn't have been a long term thing, but think of the comedy gold for Tim getting high pitched because his sister is going for drinks with Nolan to discuss house stuff. Obviously it wouldn't work because Bailey is on the scene at this point but still. The potential was there. I still don't dislike Bailey or Bailan. It's just a bit...meh.
I really love Aaron as a new cast member. I know there's some murmurings he might not be back in S7 because he wasn't at SDCC and hasn't been in any of the BTS stuff so far, but I really hope that's not the case.
Poor Tim. Honey. Oh he's not ready for therapy yet but he will be. And his face when Lucy says Tim test. God, this boy needed that therapy so much.
Chenford pls I can't with these sweet little moments. She's helped him grow so much. He's helped her too just as much, but god, just, these two i can't. And that she knows a good grief counselor. Oh, yep, there's that subtle reminder about Jackson again to hurt me. Lucy is so happy when Tim gives his endorsement for Nolan, and they share another fleeting little look and nod as Nolan goes to check on Angela. Just a little 'see, wife? I have my moments' nod.
Wopez, my other babies. I can't handle Angela crying.
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hecckyeah · 4 months
Hello there!! I'm here to ask: what were your thoughts on the Rookie season finale?
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Oh ho ho do I have some Thoughts™ for you.
Once again I'm going to break this up into Chenford and Non-Chenford
Starting off with Non-Chenford!!
First off, I had a hard time seeing this as the season finale because of the whole 10 episodes thing, so wrapping my head around that is still..... Just sad. I feel like there were so many different directions they could have taken the season, but it is what it is, and I'm trying to see the good parts for what they are :)
One of the weirdest things this season was probably the whole Bailan having a child thing (or not???) and the way the finale tried to handle that was just..... weird.
I mean maybe it is because I'm biased against Bailan (I really cannot stand them) but the writers are doing too much. They were established as a specifically child-free couple, and since we already have multiple couples with kids and we're all rooting for the same thing for Chenford (also has been foreshadowed for them), I feel like this is just the same storyline over and over again. Maybe instead of trying to introduce a new kid for Nolan, maybe (and this is kind of far fetched) get back to the son he already has, and maybe add some grandkids??? idk, just seems like Bailan as grandparents instead of new parents has lots of comedic potential and it's something that hasn't been done yet.
Oh yeah, and on that same note-- the whole Oscar and Jason situation?? Totally unnecessary and odd. I like Oscar as comedy relief behind bars, but not anywhere else. The dude has caused enough mayhem from inside prison, I don't need him galavanting around anywhere. The writers seem desperate to beat that dead horse.
(man okay apparently I had more beef with this season than I thought I did. trying to dial it back a little bit now)
So, to me the whole finale just felt very . . . patchwork. That's the only way I can describe it, truly. It's like a bunch of pieces were stitched together to create some sort of ending to a very stitched-together season.
Argentina?? Love the concept of it if it was fleshed out but cannot deal with the execution. It was SO sudden. Absolutely zero warning. Why Argentina specifically?? And why is Nolan not literally in an Argentinian prison somewhere for his disobedience? Who let him get away scot-free again?
Although I will say, Monica high-tailing it into the middle of absolutely nowhere, prancing through cactuses and brush in high heels, is genuinely the funniest thing this show has done all season.
I'm feeling a whole lot of vindication toward Blair London, as I think we all are! Had a funny feeling about that one from the beginning.
at this point I'm 10008% sure she's just going to grow up without a name smh
Also I know I've said this about 359238 times already, but why is Celina still in long sleeves??? there's no way she's only been a rookie for less than 6 months. This timeline, you guys. I can't. Poor girl is gonna die in long sleeves. The only silver lining is that it looks like Tim will be her TO for the foreseeable future, with Nolan's injury. Maybe that will get things rolling, idk. We can hope.
I've heard other people say this so I just have to echo it real quick. I miss the old Rookie. Bring back boring days on patrol, with 6-19 different calls per day instead of these massive decked out plots that a normal LAPD officer wouldn't even be touching. I want bridal gown brawls again!!! Show me the monotony!! The character development!!!!! The little lunches out by the food trucks!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stop making everyone and their mother a detective. Make someone another TO for once, and bring another rookie into the mix!!!! (Also let someone transfer to another station and/or wash out of the program mid-year for once smh *****COUGH celina COUGH****) Seasons 1-3 were truly peak Rookie and I miss it terribly.
There really isn't anything I truly loved about the finale, sadly, aside from Chenford (see below). I watched it twice, and both times it was just . . . Not it. The addition of Monica was random and pointless, and I despise her guts. I feel like this season could have been literally just the patrol cops answering calls and then mid-wilshire family movie nights and bonding time afterwards and we would have eaten. it. up. No need for the flashy lights and the big bad plot lines. But oh well, I suppose it is what it is.
OKAYYYY now on to Chenford :) Hoooo boy.
Let me just start out by saying -- NANNY LUCY MY BELOVED she's so freakin adorable I love her to death. What a queen.
The little "good to have you" I'M DEAD.
Okay but on a serious note, the whole breakup storyline is so heartbreaking, I've kind of felt numb toward it this whole time. Maybe it's a combination of life stuff keeping me busy and distracted, and knowing that they're not going to stay apart forever (because the showrunners are smart and they know that if chenford stays apart, they lose their entire fanbase), but I haven't felt quite as devastated as I would have, say, a couple months ago. I can't get behind it and I don't quite see the reasoning, but mostly I've been skating along pretty okay. It's weird.
That being said, I am SO GLAD about the direction they're going. Tim is growing in leaps and bounds, and I would LOVE to show this season to his season 1 self.
Would I have liked a little more cohesive conversation before the finale? Of course. Tim owes Lucy that real, adult talk, but with the time they had, I'm glad we are where we are.
I think the elevator scene was really beautiful. It gently touches on a lot of points from the last 5 seasons, just regarding their very different personalities and the way Lucy has treated Tim and vice versa. I think Tim is realizing most of his mistakes and -- dare I say -- double standards in their relationship, not just as a couple, but as friends and even back to their TO/Rookie times. Lucy has always been incredibly self-aware and empathetic, and those are things that have been largely missing from his side of things. But now, he's finally willing to admit that he needs to reassess his life and attitude, and I think that's so amazing.
(Actually it's a crazy cool parallel to Isabel, but I think that's a whole post for another day hahah)
I'm also SOO happy with how open-ended they left the elevator conversation. Anything more would have felt rushed and out of place. They're committed to the slow-burn game now apparently, and as impatient as I am . . . I can respect it.
ALSO I AM INSANE ABOUT THE SAVE IN THE TRUCK. Ahem Lucy kicking everyone's butt and looking good doing it?? Yes ma'am, slay queen!!!!!!! Also those little split-second looks they shared afterward, just carve those into my tombstone already. Tim climbing out of the car looking like he just went through a wood chipper but he can't keep his eyes off his gorgeous, beat-up ex-gf who has saved his live multiple times now? DELICIOUS. The life-saving parallels???!! I need to write so many fics and analyses. They just can't stop saving each other against absolutely all odds. It's programmed into their DNA at this point. I'm so so so insane. OMG
To summarize -- I hate that they broke up in the first place but I do see the light at the end of the tunnel. I loved their small interactions this ep, almost like a bittersweet nod to what they used to be and will be again in the future.
I have some more thoughts that are ping-ponging around my head, but I'm currently down with a fever and a cough so I haven't the energy to actually write them down lol but I plan to add to this later! Even if it's just in small random posts.
Thanks so much for the ask!! <3
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mamadoc · 5 months
If Virginia wrote last 3 episodes of Season 6 of The Rookie... What would happen?
Oooooo. I’ve had to think about this for a while. I’m going to try to go character by character.
Aaron - Id love to see him have a really strong, good cop moment. Not making a move on someone he shouldn’t (ahem… Celina and Dr London). Not getting yelled at by Tim. I understand the reasons for these, but I’d like him to have a good moment where he’s recognized for being a good cop.
Celina - I’d like her to either show more competency OR get put through the wringer for not being competent yet. I feel like she’s just floundering and not improving.
Bailan - I REALLY want the doc they see to tell them that they can’t be considered infertile since they haven’t even been trying for a whole menstrual cycle. And then I’d like that storyline to disappear for a little because it’s just too blown out of proportion for me. I’d like to see John be reprimanded for not teaching Celina well or be mentored/coached on improving his skills as a TO.
Nyla - I’d love for her to have a more dominant storyline again one of these days. I feel like she’s more of a support character. And can James show up? I love his friendship with Wesley.
Wopez - They are WAY overdue for a romantic moment. Plus, they have yet to name their baby; she’s something like 3-6 months old without a name. Ridiculous. If Elijah is part of the Big Bad, then I’m hopeful for some good Wooez moments. I’d also love to see Angela solidly reprimand Tim for breaking up with Lucy/how he’s treating Lucy.
Tamara - I REALLY hope that she’s not gone for good.
Genny - Can she please come back to support Tim? He could use some unconditional love. And she’s someone else that could slap up upside the head and/or talk some sense into him.
Grey - I’d love to see the captain of the ship steer them back together and help them get together again.
Chenford - I saved the best and the biggest for last. I would LOVE to see Tim heal (through therapy or through friends/Genny) and for him to realize how deeply he unnecessarily hurt Lucy. I want him to start being honest to someone. Then I sort need him to super apologize/grovel to Lucy. I don’t think they’re getting back together until early-mid season 7. But I’d like to see some baby steps.
For Lucy, I’d like to see her change her stars. Season 6 has laid a new slap on the face with each episode. I want to see her explore her career options and find something she LOVES (which I hope isn’t UC as I don’t feel like it fits her long term life goals and personality. Just because you’re good at it doesn’t mean you have to do it.). The tap on the head from Grey is a good start. But she seriously deserves some redemption and acknowledgement.
Phew. More than you asked for, I’m sure. I can’t wait to see what tonight’s episode has in store for us. Thanks! 🫶🏻🫶🏻😊😊
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