#bahryn festival 2023
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horatio-fig · 2 years ago
Bahryn Fest 2023
Challenge 2: A Gif or Screenshot of a favourite Kalluzeb moment.
This is some real “they certainly are standing next to each other” content but hear me out. My favourite Kalluzeb moment is anytime they move to be next to each or look at each other in the finale.
Here, Zeb is walking in with Pryce and Azadi.
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But instead of following them, he decided to stand by Kallus.
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Or here, where Zeb is standing behind Hera on the platform, right in front of the stairs.
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But instead of following her down those steps, he goes the long way round so he can go down the other stairs with Kallus.
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There are a few moments in the last two episodes where they turn to look at each other and they will always move to be standing near one another.
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It’s nothing huge, however, this is animation. Every one of these tiny motions had to be deliberately put in and probably cost extra money to do meaning someone decided that spending a little extra money on animation so that Zeb and Kallus could share a look in the background was worth every penny, and whoever made that decision has my whole heart.
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kalluzeb4later · 2 years ago
Bahryn Fest 2023
Challenge 3: Share a prompt you'd love to read
I’d love to read someone else’s take/AU of Lasat!Kallus
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nimata-beroya · 2 years ago
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For day 1 of @bahrynfestival I'm sharing an idea for a fic that I want to write someday, and fulfills the prompt of "In another life".
So here it goes. Imagine this:
Everything happens pretty much the same except for a small, but very important detail. What if Zeb was not only a captain of the Honor Guard, but also of the Royal Family of Lasan. Being a distant relative of the queen (like third cousin or something), he was so down in the line of succession, that in his youth, he never imagined he could sit on the throne. Neither did he have the desire to do so. The only way he could do that, however, was if his entire family die… and then the Siege of Lasan happened.
He still escaped his home planet and eventually joined the Ghost Crew. He never said a word about his royal status. But the day the crew rescued Chava and Gron, he's forced to face the fact that he's the sovereign of his people when Chava started babbling about the prophecy of "The king, the warrior, and the fool". He managed to keep the fact hidden by admitting that he had been an Honor Guard, but taking advantage of his unwanted position, he forbade Chava and Gron to tell the others anything else. Chava was not happy about it but recognized he wasn't ready for taking the responsibility as king, so she kept her mouth shut, for a while. Besides, the prophecy came true, Lira San was found.
Every time she brought the subject up in the later years, Zeb always had the excuse of being fighting the Empire; that it was his way to serve and protect his people. Not entirely untrue, but once the war is over, it wasn't a good excuse anymore.
You might be wondering where was Kallus in all of this, well, he still was a bastard ISB agent: he and Zeb still got stranded on Bahryn; he still became Fulcrum, and eventually defected from the Empire. And of course, they both were stupidly in love with each other, pining each other endlessly, making everyone around them wonder when they'd kiss already. It happened on Endor, during the celebrations after the second Death Star blew up.
The first months after that were a true honeymoon, until Zeb started to be a ball of constant stress, and Kallus asked him what was going on. It took some serious encouragement, but Zeb finally confesses that the group of Lasan survivors along with some Lira San natives wanted to reclaim Lasan.
At first, Kallus think Zeb is upset because they'll be apart for a while, which he'd understand, but when Zeb he'd have to stay in Lasan because he's their king...
"Excuse me, you're their what?!"
Zeb asks Kallus to go with him, because he can't do it alone, he doesn't know how to rule, he doesn't want to. Kallus refuses at first. He's terrified of offending other survivors with his presence. It was already hard to accept Zeb's forgiveness, but others wouldn't be so gracious. But in the end (and with the help of Chava, using the prophecy as an argument) Kallus goes with Zeb.
A few Lasats weren't too happy about his presence, but for the most part, they saw Kallus' help to restore Lasan as his atonement for his participation in the siege. He was giving them back part of what he took away from them.
During all this, Chava had a side scheming going on. She never told Zeb and Kallus that there was a second part to the prophecy, which said that the King and Warrior would lead their people to a golden age. As part of their coronation rituals for Zeb, whoever was destined to become the consort to the sovereign would find a branch of a specific, very special tree that later would become the royal scepter. She left those finer details out of the explanation when she asked Kallus to help her find a branch for Zeb.
Zeb was surprised and flustered when he saw Kallus coming with the branch in hand knowing its significance, especially because there a bunch of people around who also knew.
"You didn't tell him, did ya?" he said to Chava, who had the smugest grin.
"Tell me what?" Kallus said, scared that he did something awful.
Zeb explained and ended up asking him to mate with him, awkwardly because it's in front of everyone.
So that's how Alexsandr Kallus became Prince Consort to King Garazeb Orrelios of Lasan. And both restored and led Lasan to a golden age, just like the prophecy said.
The End.
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ahsoka-its-all-of-us · 2 years ago
For day 4 of the @bahrynfestival I really wanted to use the prompt It's time to let go, so I turned it into a little scene!
This is inspired by some things that I've planned to have happen in my Kalluzeb series, and I might adapt this moment to fit in there at some point 👀
Zeb knew the tentative look in Alexsandr’s eyes as he approached him, and he decided to keep standing where he was, overlooking the beautiful swamps of Rodia. Allowing his friend to come up to him at his own pace, voice his thoughts only when he was ready.
Alexsandr came to stand next to him, following his gaze.
They remained silent for a while, Zeb trying not to look at the wistful golden eyes trailing the landscape in front of them, the strong, long-fingered hand raking through the soft blond hair, the muscular chest above a too small waist.
Alexsandr was the one to break the silence, eventually. “It reminds you of Lasan, doesn’t it?” he asked, his voice timid.
Zeb sighed, knowing there was no sense in denying. The human knew him too well for that. “Yeah.”
“I’m sorry” Alexsandr mumbled, turning to leave.
Zeb caught his wrist, pulling him back towards the railing. “Don’t go.”
Alexsandr looked down, pressing his lips together in a thin line. To anyone else it might look cold and disapproving, but Zeb knew better. That was one of his masking expressions, the way he would look when he desperately tried not to show how much he yearned to give in.
Zeb sighed. “It’s been years” he mumbled. “I’ve been away from Lasan almost as long as I’ve lived there. I should be over it. It’s time to let go.”
Alexsandr turned to look him in the eye, and now the uncertainty in his face was gone, a steely determination taking its place. “It’s not. It never needs to be” he said, his voice hard. “You lost everything, Zeb.”
Because of me. He didn’t say it, but Zeb heard it in his words just the same.
“You don’t have to get over Lasan” Alexsandr went on, almost heatedly. “It was your home, a part of you, the place you would have lived out your life if – if it hadn’t been taken from you.”
Once again the word I lingered on his tongue, but he didn’t utter it. Zeb had told him countless times not to, and at least on this he listened. Sometimes.
“Still” he said. “I’ve found a new family, a new life, a new purpose. I can’t keep dwelling on it, I should get over it.”
Alexsandr let out a long, deep breath, almost literally deflating next to Zeb, all resistance bleeding out of him. “I haven’t gotten over it” he said softly.
“No” Zeb replied. “But it’s time for you to let go as well.”
Alexsandr pursed his lips again.
“Aleks…” Zeb said softly.
His friend abruptly pushed away from the railing. “I have something to show you.”
“Oh?” Zeb said, intrigued.
Alexsandr starting walking back inside the apartment, gesturing for Zeb to join him. “When I was back there” he started, and Zeb didn’t need to ask for clarification, realising he was talking about his time undercover with the Empire on this very planet, “I managed to build a network of fellow defectors, spies, informants.”
Zeb nodded. This wasn’t news to him. Even if Alexsandr hadn’t already told him upon his return, he would have known his friend well enough to guess. He was always thorough like that.
“A few days ago, one of them contacted me.” Alexsandr had come to a halt in front of the holo console. His face was apprehensive again as he reached into his jacket to withdraw a datastick. “They gave me this.”
His expression was cautious, waiting for Zeb to react, to give him whatever permission he needed to go on.
“What’s that?” Zeb asked, hoping to encourage him.
Alexsandr’s fingers subtly tightened around the stick, knuckles turning white as he looked away. “Pictures and holos of Lasan.”
Zeb’s jaw dropped, all the thoughts in his mind coming to an abrupt halt.
“How… how…” he stuttered. “How did you manage that?”
Alexsandr grimaced. “I told my informants to contact me about anything regarding Lasan or Lasats they would find.”
Zeb stared at him, speechless. Alexsandr had risked his life, going back to the Empire for as long as he had this time. Save for the occasional Fulcrum transmission he had stayed completely out of contact, knowing that in a position that high any slight hint at his real identity could cost him. And he had thrown all that caution away on the off chance of finding Zeb a reminder of his home world.
And here he’d thought he couldn’t love the man any more than he already did.
“Can I… can I see?” he asked, his voice trembling dangerously.
“Obviously” Alexsandr said, in that steely tone of his he got when not even his trained ISB neutrality was enough to hide the emotion lingering in his voice. “Though some of it is Imperial recordings from the Purge. I would…” He took a deep breath, visibly fighting to keep himself together. “I’d understand if you wouldn’t want to see that. It’s just… this one picture I thought you might appreciate seeing.”
He turned on the console, inserting the stick and scrolling through its files. Zeb saw the one he was looking for before he selected it, and his blood froze in his veins.
F. Ardyli & G. Orrelios, it said, followed by a date somewhere around the time the Empire took over.
Alexsandr hesitated, his finger hovering over the switch. “I’m not –”
“Show me” Zeb said tonelessly. He couldn’t recall who F. Ardyli might have been, but he needed to know it now.
Alexsandr flipped the switch, and the picture appeared.
Zeb stopped breathing.
He only very vaguely recognised F. Ardyli, but he didn’t care to look further into them. His eyes were drawn to the Lasat they were with. G. Orrelios.
It wasn’t him.
“Zan” he breathed.
“Is that your sister?” Alexsandr asked tentatively.
Zeb nodded, unable to talk. Alexsandr seemed to understand, patiently waiting until he found his voice again. “I’d… I’d almost forgotten what she looked like.”
“She’s beautiful” Alexsandr muttered, and the genuineness in his voice caused Zeb’s heart to burst open. Despite the Imperial xenophobia he spent most of his life around, Alexsandr was still able to see the beauty in another species.
“She was” he mumbled, reaching out in a desperate attempt to touch the hologram, and before he knew it his face was wet with tears.
Alexsandr was right. He could never fully get over Lasan. It would remain a part of him forever.
“Zeb –”
Alexsandr made an aborted move, like he wanted to put his arms around Zeb but thought the better of it. But Zeb immediately moved towards him, and after an awkward second Alexsandr carefully embraced him.
“I don’t think you have to worry about forgetting what she looks like” Alexsandr said softly, in a voice that was equal parts soothing and anxious. “You see her spitting image every time you look at your reflection.”
A howl escaped Zeb’s throat and he buried his face in the curve of Alexsandr’s shoulder. His friend just held him, a little stiffly and awkwardly, but clearly trying so hard. Like he clearly fought to keep the memory of Lasan alive, to ensure that the culture he had helped destroy wouldn’t be lost forever, that Zeb would never forget about the people who had meant the world to him.
“She would have loved you” he sniffled wetly into Alexsandr’s shoulder.
“I highly doubt that” Alexsandr replied, his voice hard again.
Zeb pulled back a bit to look him in the eye. “She would have” he said firmly. “We were very alike, we usually agreed on people.”
She would have loved you because I love you.
A powerful longing struck him all of a sudden, an overwhelming desire to do what Zan had done countless times: bring his newest flame back home to meet the family. How he wished he could introduce Alexsandr to his family, his friends, his home…
When the war is over, he vowed quietly, I’ll show you Lira San.
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seth-shitposts · 2 years ago
Bahryn Festival Day V Challenge
Taking a break between scenes in the next chapter of the Force User Zeb fic.
Anyway here are some headcanons in celebration of @bahrynfestival
-Rex and Kallus are good friends, Kal has a great appreciation to the clone. He gets along with pretty much all the clones. He enjoys camaraderie wherever it happens to bloom, and there's a lot of that with them.
-Once Hera comes to trust Kallus, the two are very quick to become best friends, though it's more reluctant/gun shy from Kallus. Hera sees him and tries to adopt him, as she does with any stray she finds, and ended up with a uno reverse. Kallus very quickly started regularly checking in with her. He used the "if i have to be mindful of how many hours I spend working, so do you, general," card frequently. Their friendship initially began to pick up quickly when Hera sent Kallus out onto base to make good, appropriate use of his spy skill set. Gathering the tea.
-Sometimes Zeb gets stuck in his own head. He'll space out while doing a task for hours, just falling deeper and deeper down the rabbit holes. Kallus catches on to this very early on and keeps coming up with different ways to help pull him out of it. He'll help Zeb with whatever task he's on, he'll become very playful because he knows Zeb will fall into the playfulness like a kit every single time, he'll give Zeb a smooch and Zeb doesn't let him leave until he gets a kiss (human kiss or lasat kiss), Kal will challenge Zeb to a spar and make sure to keep him present and grounded in the fight. He finds new ways of doing this continuously.
-Kallus is one of the few people Chopper doesn't fuck with. Hera laughs about it. No one can tell if Kallus is genuinely unaware of the fact that the droid is a menace or if he's pretending not to know just to fuck with people on base. Almost everyone on base has been mercilessly shocked by the droid at least once.
-Zeb likes to lounge any where he finds comfortable, which is pretty much anywhere. He'll rest or sleep on the most random shit. Ships, buildings, trees, crates, tables, equipment, Kallus so he is unable to move therefore cannot overwork himself and has to sleep.
-kids love Zeb. They will randomly start following him around. Sometimes in groups. One time Zeb was walking through a town and turned back to see 25+ children following him. He has genuinely no idea what to do about this and is very awkward around children. Babies are sometimes scared of him when he's anxious, but once that child becomes mobile, Zeb will be followed by them all.
*drops this one and fucks back off to my writing hole* -Ahsoka was the one who officially recruited Kallus as fulcrum. And no one knew this.
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mystical-salamander · 1 year ago
For the WIP Game, if you want- FLOWER OF MY EYE & BAHRYN FESTIVAL 2023: DAY 2-
(There also feel free for a bonus of another Confessions OF Love From Me To You, another snippet if you feel like it friend 💙💙💙)
Those were three that caught my eye in an instant---- 👀👀👀👀👀
Alright! Two of them!!
Flower of My Eye! This fic! 👏 It spawned from a doodle I did, and that I never posted, of Zeb wearing a rose and Kallus being so stunned by the sight ^^
It's just a sweet fic of Kallus giving Zeb a rose and all the trouble that happens because Kallus is so in love with him and keeps getting distracted XD
This one is still in the works despite it being in my wips for a year or two now >:( I've got most of the beginning, but the middle and end is giving me trouble 😵‍💫 Might need to add in some plot or something idk
Bahryn Festival 2023: Day 2 follows the prompt: "I love you, you idiot".
During a mission going terribly wrong, Zeb is shot saving Kallus' life. And after dragging Zeb to a relatively safer location from the fighting, they end up having a huge argument about it. A confession very much ensues ;)
Another concept that I feel like has been done before, but I haven't done it yet so I'm doing it now >:) It was supposed to be done last year, but I ran out of time... obviously. Now I'm hoping to at least get it done because I liked it too much :p
Alright, you asked for it! And you'll get it :p A snippet of Confessions of Love From Me to You:
Anyway, it was too late. He couldn't just go up and tear the flimsi out of his hands. He waited in anticipation for Zeb's reaction at the contents of the letter. Its words spoke of how enchanting his eyes were. How they were brighter than the sparkling stars in the night sky. And of his lovely stripes and how handsome they made him. Not one mention of him being in love with Zeb, just details of how wonderfully handsome and captivating he was. Kallus had hid the letter in Zeb's tool box and had already seen how his ears perked up in surprise at the letter's presence. It had been adorable.
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mossywriting · 2 years ago
This was written for the Bahryn Festival 2023. The prompt for this fic was "Narrow Escape."
Pairing: Kalluzeb
Titel: Narrow Escape
Chapters: 1/1
Rating: T (barely)
Words: 5k
Additional tags: imp!Kallus, Tight spaces, Head wound, pre-relationship
Summary: “What happened?” Kallus asked, slowly rising himself up from the ground, resting on his elbows.
"An explosion set off a rockslide and you attempted to block it with your head. I pulled you out of the way and now we’re stuck here.” Zeb nodded toward the giant mass of stones filling the mine. “You're welcome, by the way."
OR That time when Zeb and Agent Kallus got trapped together inside a collapsed mine.
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flowerparrish · 2 years ago
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[Podfic Link] | Rated: T | No Warnings | Length: 8 mns
Star Wars: Zeb/Kallus
The thing was, Zeb came to understand a number of things about one Alexsandr Kallus very quickly. The biggest one was that, if left alone, he had a tendency to get lost in his own head. Zeb figured it was why he buried himself in his work so much. If not for Bahryn, for that glimpse he got behind the mask, Zeb wasn’t sure if he’d have ever cared. But he did care, damn it. And he didn’t like what he saw.
Part 1 of "Make That Offer, Ask to Act" by @wanderingjedihistorian
Podded for Bahryn Festival 2023 @bahrynfestival as afill for the Day 1 Prompt(s): "in another life" and "is that all you've got?"
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bahrynfestival · 2 years ago
Bahryn Festival 2023
12th - 16th June
Day 1
In another life. Force user. “Is that all you’ve got?”
Day 2
Narrow escape. Lira San. “I love you, you idiot!”
Day 3
Apology. Sith artifact. “Hurry up.”
Day 4
Commitment. Bo-rifle. “It’s time to let go.”
Day 5
Undercover. The Spectres. “Get a room.”
Day 1
Comment on a fanwork you love! (Fic, art, cosplay, etc)
Day 2
Post a gif or screenshot of a favourite kalluzeb moment
Day 3
Share a prompt you’d love to read
Day 4
Rec a fic or share an AO3 bookmark
Day 5
Tell us a headcanon you have about one or both of the guys
Welcome to the first BahrynFest! A week-long celebration of Kalluzeb, and all of us in the Kalluzeb fandom.
Join in with art and illustration, cosplay, gifs, knitting, poetry, sculpture, fic; absolutely anything you like. We know there is a wide variation of talent among us and nothing is limited. Let the prompts inspire you, or bring your own ideas along. When posting begins, use the fandom challenges to join in day by day.
See you all in June!
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horatio-fig · 2 years ago
Bahryn Fest 2023
Challenge 4 - Rec a fic or share one of your bookmarks.
(I’m goona do both 😜)
Fic Rec - Not Safe for Space Whales by @kin-rokku
Something about this fic just scratches my brain just right, I can’t explain it. The story is cute, the descriptions are on point, and there’s a nice little discussion about safe sex which I love.
Bookmark - Poisonous Heat by @reginastellaris
This is some good smut, with those good complicated Kalluzeb feelings. (The second chapter especially is some top tier smut to me) plus we have Kallus working himself to exhaustion 🤤.
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kalluzeb4later · 2 years ago
Bahryn Fest 2023
Challenge Day 5: Tell us a headcanon you have about one of both of the guys
Kallus 100% liked the clone troopers even if people looked down on them. He shared their enthusiasm for rooting out “insurgents” in the early Empire but kept his admiration to himself more and more as they were being phased out.
            Zeb was a JOCK on Lasan. He wasn’t a bully but I can see him growing up a little sensitive about being perceived as physically weak in any way.
            At some point Zeb and Kallus would be in a three-way prank war with Ezra. Sometimes two of them gang up on the third or two of them will get pranked by the third at once.
(To clarify. I don’t mean it’s kalluzeb vs Ezra I mean it’s kallus vs Ezra vs zeb. Sometimes kal and Ezra get zeb and zeb and Ezra get kal, some times zeb and kal just prank each other)
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gunitnekoh · 2 years ago
(clap clap clap clap clap clap clap)
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For day 1 of @bahrynfestival I'm sharing an idea for a fic that I want to write someday, and fulfills the prompt of "In another life".
So here it goes. Imagine this:
Everything happens pretty much the same except for a small, but very important detail. What if Zeb was not only a captain of the Honor Guard, but also of the Royal Family of Lasan. Being a distant relative of the queen (like third cousin or something), he was so down in the line of succession, that in his youth, he never imagined he could sit on the throne. Neither did he have the desire to do so. The only way he could do that, however, was if his entire family die… and then the Siege of Lasan happened.
He still escaped his home planet and eventually joined the Ghost Crew. He never said a word about his royal status. But the day the crew rescued Chava and Gron, he's forced to face the fact that he's the sovereign of his people when Chava started babbling about the prophecy of "The king, the warrior, and the fool". He managed to keep the fact hidden by admitting that he had been an Honor Guard, but taking advantage of his unwanted position, he forbade Chava and Gron to tell the others anything else. Chava was not happy about it but recognized he wasn't ready for taking the responsibility as king, so she kept her mouth shut, for a while. Besides, the prophecy came true, Lira San was found.
Every time she brought the subject up in the later years, Zeb always had the excuse of being fighting the Empire; that it was his way to serve and protect his people. Not entirely untrue, but once the war is over, it wasn't a good excuse anymore.
You might be wondering where was Kallus in all of this, well, he still was a bastard ISB agent: he and Zeb still got stranded on Bahryn; he still became Fulcrum, and eventually defected from the Empire. And of course, they both were stupidly in love with each other, pining each other endlessly, making everyone around them wonder when they'd kiss already. It happened on Endor, during the celebrations after the second Death Star blew up.
The first months after that were a true honeymoon, until Zeb started to be a ball of constant stress, and Kallus asked him what was going on. It took some serious encouragement, but Zeb finally confesses that the group of Lasan survivors along with some Lira San natives wanted to reclaim Lasan.
At first, Kallus think Zeb is upset because they'll be apart for a while, which he'd understand, but when Zeb he'd have to stay in Lasan because he's their king...
"Excuse me, you're their what?!"
Zeb asks Kallus to go with him, because he can't do it alone, he doesn't know how to rule, he doesn't want to. Kallus refuses at first. He's terrified of offending other survivors with his presence. It was already hard to accept Zeb's forgiveness, but others wouldn't be so gracious. But in the end (and with the help of Chava, using the prophecy as an argument) Kallus goes with Zeb.
A few Lasats weren't too happy about his presence, but for the most part, they saw Kallus' help to restore Lasan as his atonement for his participation in the siege. He was giving them back part of what he took away from them.
During all this, Chava had a side scheming going on. She never told Zeb and Kallus that there was a second part to the prophecy, which said that the King and Warrior would lead their people to a golden age. As part of their coronation rituals for Zeb, whoever was destined to become the consort to the sovereign would find a branch of a specific, very special tree that later would become the royal scepter. She left those finer details out of the explanation when she asked Kallus to help her find a branch for Zeb.
Zeb was surprised and flustered when he saw Kallus coming with the branch in hand knowing its significance, especially because there a bunch of people around who also knew.
"You didn't tell him, did ya?" he said to Chava, who had the smugest grin.
"Tell me what?" Kallus said, scared that he did something awful.
Zeb explained and ended up asking him to mate with him, awkwardly because it's in front of everyone.
So that's how Alexsandr Kallus became Prince Consort to King Garazeb Orrelios of Lasan. And both restored and led Lasan to a golden age, just like the prophecy said.
The End.
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ahsoka-its-all-of-us · 2 years ago
Okay so with moving and work being absolute batshit chaos atm I really don't have time to do anything real for the @bahrynfestival, but I really do wanna join so here's a sneak peek at the upcoming story in my main Kalluzeb series using the Force User prompt from two days ago (rip)
The entire story will be from Hera's perspective, which I wanted to include in the series as part of @sempaiko's FACPOV challenge (that I'm also super late for ripppp)
But Hera was surprised. Not by Alexsandr being great at infiltrating the Empire – after all, nobody had been a more model Imperial than Agent Kallus –, but by Ezra readily admitting it. After finding out everything Alexsandr had done as Fulcrum – and witnessing Zeb’s rapidly blossoming friendship with him – Ezra had been quick to let go of his grudge towards their former nemesis; now he just wanted to beat him like he wanted to beat Zeb, or Chopper, or Sabine. But there was no friendly rivalry in his face now; everything about him just radiated concern.
Hera was no Jedi, but she wasn’t blind to how Alexsandr seemed to withdraw lately, return to the solitary Imperial defector he was when he first arrived on Yavin 4. It wasn’t difficult to see: his tentative smile was disappearing again, the shadows under his eyes deepening and his cheeks hollowing just like they had back then. Zeb had confided in her that it worried him, too. But so far Kanan and Ezra hadn’t seemed to notice it much.
Something must have happened in that research facility, something that a Force user like Ezra was able to pick up on enough to feel this concerned about, no matter how high Alexsandr had pulled up his guard.
“Why are you worried, Ezra?” she asked.
“When we were in there, he… I sensed something” Ezra mumbled. “I… I don’t think he’s doing okay.”
“What did you sense?” Kanan prompted, serious now.
“I’m… not entirely sure” Ezra said. “Just… darkness.”
“You think he’s somehow using the Dark side of the Force?” Kanan asked, alarm written all over the part of his face that wasn’t hidden by that ugly mask of his.
Hera gently took his hand. “He’s no Force user, love.”
“That’s what we thought about Palpatine” Kanan muttered darkly.
“It’s not that” Ezra interjected. “Just… I think he’s in a dark place.”
“Ah” Kanan said, and Hera didn’t need to be a Jedi to feel his relief – Order 66 had never fully left his mind. “Yeah, maybe.”
Fair warning: I haven't actually written the preceeding scenes to this yet, so this might be adapted a bit for the final fic 👀💦
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seth-shitposts · 2 years ago
Bahryn Festival Day I Fic I Force Sensitive Kallus
Our first fic for @bahrynfestival has been posted!
Lmao it is NOT beta'd or edited so pls take with a table of salt. I am about to start my second fic for day I, I'm excited for this one, I just hope I can complete it today. Mondays are my double shift days so my entire day will quite literally be spent at my jobs T_T
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mystical-salamander · 1 year ago
WIP Tag Game
Rules: In a new post, list the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Thanks for the tag @thatonegreyghost ^^
I also don't have a wip folder, lol. But here are my current writing wips. Most of them I'm sure y'all have seen before, since I'm a slow writer and I've been in a writer's block for ages (help... me....)
Also all, if not most of these are kalluzeb, so....
Confessions of Love From Me to You
Febuwhump 2024
The Winter Hunt
Ice Pack and Guilt
Kit!Zeb idea
Flower of My Eye
Bahryn Festival 2023: Day 2
No pressure tagging: @digital-gargoyle @astudyinpanda @zebsfloppyears @seth-shitposts @foxxxtransformer123 @heart-of-a-rebel16 @lost-in-derry
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mossywriting · 2 years ago
This was written for the Bahryn Festival 2023. The prompt for this fic was "Is That All You've Got?"
Pairing: Kalluzeb
Titel: Is That All You've Got?
Chapters: 1/1
Rating: T
Words: 3.3k
Additional tags: Getting Together, Mutual Pining, Sparring
Summary: Demonstrating hand-to-hand techniques to a group of recruits is anything but easy when the only one volunteering is the one person who makes your breath hitch.
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