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yogatoyoupdx Β· 6 years ago
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Kickstarting Monday like...πŸ€ΈπŸ½β€β™€οΈπŸ€ΈπŸ½β€β™€οΈπŸ€ΈπŸ½β€β™€οΈ #startyourweekendright #oneleggeddownwarddog #yogastrong #yogateacher #supyogateachertraining #supyogaclass #mermaid #downwardfacingdog #strongwomen #pnwyogi #badassyogis #tentoessup #pnwsupyoga #pnwsup #yogainpdx #yogaonwater #standuppaddleyoga #pnw #staywildpnw #supyoga #pdxyogascene #pdxfit #supyogagirl #pdxyoga #movepaddleflow #yogatoyoupdx (at Portland, Oregon) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0OU9VuBZ53/?igshid=q6p9ffred7v3
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yogajeannee Β· 3 years ago
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𝐘𝐨𝐠𝐒 𝐬𝐞𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐠𝐒 𝐝𝐨 ⁣ ⁣ Twist and backbend πŸ‘ŒπŸ» Two poses my body does not like⁣ Give me a forward fold and an arm balance any day!!! ⁣ ⁣ We all have poses we love and we all have poses we hate….what are they for you?⁣ ⁣ #crossgripcamel⁣ ⁣ @ysydcrew @geeoice_yoga @yogaandchaigirl @bentley.likethecar @yogamand @natashaswinter @bethanysmithyoga @erikafischeryoga @cece.carson ⁣ #ysyd #ysydcrew #yogiseeyogido #badassyogi Also, I want to mention how excited I am to be a part of the Bad Ass Yogi Tribe. The BadAss Yogi Tribe is about unity, anti-racism and social injustice and anti-hate. It's about spreading love and light. Yoga is universal. (at Chandler, Arizona) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVqYFIFP-6n/?utm_medium=tumblr
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vidaloca-healthblog Β· 6 years ago
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I’ve spent most of my life feeling like I didn’t fit in, so I decided to just be who the hell I wanted to be. And beauty came from this! I found my tribe, my community of others who felt the same about what fitting in meant. I am an earth goddess warrior princess. A hippie chick and street fighter rolled into one. #vidalocahealthfitness #hippiechicks #iinhealthcoach #badassyogi #namastebitches https://www.instagram.com/p/B1PcL3Fg7R-/?igshid=1lxrh3pyd4x0v
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v8311667 Β· 6 years ago
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I love this post from @integrative_asana It shows that you can be fierce and a Yogi. #showyourstrength #strongaf #badassyogi #yogi #yogaahhwithvanessa #yoga #yogapath #850yogastrong #850yoga #savageunicornyogaπŸ¦„πŸŒŒπŸ•‰ (at Niceville, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvsoTQDladL/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=4c3rhq956z0
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thefarrahsharpe Β· 8 years ago
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For those who slept on ya girl! πŸ€˜πŸ½πŸ˜˜πŸ¦„ #nope #eternalbadass #badassyogi #happygirlmagic #unicorngoddess πŸ‘πŸ’œπŸ‘πŸ’œπŸ‘πŸ’œπŸ‘
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balancedandbarefoot-blog Β· 7 years ago
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Day 25 of #DYYBacktoBasics πŸŒ»πŸ’› Today we're practicing #SupineSpinalTwist. Feel free to take any variation/modification that you like! πŸ’ž. Feel free to take any variation/modification that you like! πŸ’žβ€¨β€’β €β€¨.
#doyouyoga #yoga #loveyoga #dailyyoga #yogaeverydamnday #badassyogi #yogaaddict #yogalove #yogaeverywhere #yogainspiration #yogagirl #yogapose #yogavibes #igyoga #yogachallenge #omgirl #yogawithfriends #yogastrong #onebreathatatime #yogapractice #myyogalife #practicedaily #yogabliss #yourvibearractsyourtribe #practiceyogachangeyourworld
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kenjmanderson-blog Β· 8 years ago
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@ina.yogabHello lovelies! 🌈✨🌸 #LoveMeSomeLotus β™₯✌🏼 It's Day 10 already! #lotus #scalepose #tolasana With a little twist in scale. . hosts: ⭐ @yoga_supqueen ⭐ @jbreton22 ⭐ @kellyogist ⭐ @throwin.shapes . sponsors: 🌷 @aloyoga 🌷 @yogisurprise 🌷 @yogapaws .... #yoga #yogalove #myyogalife #yogi #yogafun #yogafit #beagoddess #yogaeverydamnday #fitness #motivation Β #practice #flow #yogaeverywhere #inspiration #asana #yogachallenge #balance #flexibility #instagood #happyyogi #badassyogi #fitΒ #shine #freedom (at Yogi in the Light)
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yogatoyoupdx Β· 6 years ago
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At the end of the day, rescues are always the most adrenaline-filled moments of our training. I mean...you are learning how to save a life, right?! πŸ˜¬πŸ€— @pnwyogilife rocked this unconscious rescue! πŸ’ͺ🏽πŸ’ͺπŸ½πŸ’― #rescues #safetyfirst #supyogateachertraining #badassyogis #supyoga #badasswomen #mermaid #yogastrong #pnwlife #supyogalife #pnwyoga #pnwsupyoga #pnwsup #sup #standuppaddleyoga #supyogacertification #supyogateacher #pnw #laurancelake #pnwlake #staywildpnw #yogainpdx #movepaddleflow #yogatoyoupdx (at Laurance Lake) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0EH8Aih1wK/?igshid=116j8xzv2qyiy
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earthtoether Β· 8 years ago
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Hello awesome people! I have a special series running for 6 weeks this summer, at an awesome venue with beautiful mountain views β›° Yoga is a great way to improve flexibility and strength of mind and body, increase self awareness, manage stress, anxiety, depression, cultivate inner peace, mental clarity and overall quality of life. We will go over yoga postures, as well as breath by and meditation techniques. We will embrace our inner warrior πŸ™πŸ» NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. NO MAT REQUIRED. Thursday's July 6 -Aug 10 10:45-11:45am $60 for all 6 classes~~~~ receive 20% off if you use the code: BADASSYOGI when you register ;) Email me to reserve your spot: [email protected] Registration closes June 30th See you on the mat! #yoga #vernon #bc #okanagan #fitness #fun #nature #healthylifestyle #bjj #sweat #meditation #dedication
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balancedandbarefoot-blog Β· 7 years ago
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Day 23 of #DYYBacktoBasics πŸŒ»πŸ’› Today we're practicing #BoundAngle Pose or #BaddhaKonasana. Feel free to take any variation/modification that you like! πŸ’žβ €β €β€¨β€’β €β€¨.
#doyouyoga #yoga #loveyoga #dailyyoga #yogaeverydamnday #badassyogi #yogaaddict #yogalove #yogaeverywhere #yogainspiration #yogagirl #yogapose #yogavibes #igyoga #yogachallenge #omgirl #yogawithfriends #yogastrong #onebreathatatime #yogapractice #myyogalife #practicedaily #yogabliss #yourvibearractsyourtribe #practiceyogachangeyourworld
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yogatoyoupdx Β· 6 years ago
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Day 2 and 3 of the @yogatoyoupdx SUP yoga teacher training were equally challenging and amazing! πŸ˜˜πŸ’¦πŸ’› From anchoring to rescues to teaching practice, our #mermaids kicked serious πŸ‘πŸ‘! Such a great weekend with @pnwyogilife @carolyngarlandyoga @lavenderyogaig @karaebbutt @mountainmermaidyogi @travelon_paddleon @suthernyogipdx ... πŸ“Έ @elephantmediapdx ... #badasswomen #badassyogis #lifeisgood #yogainpdx #pnwoutdoorwomen #pnwoutdoors #pnw #pdxyoga #outfitters #pnwsupyoga #yoga #pnwyoga #pnwlife #supyogateachertraining #supyogateacher #supyogagirl #yogapdx #yogateacher #yogateachers #staywildpnw #movepaddleflow #yogatoyoupdx (at Yoga to You PDX) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz825PYhzlR/?igshid=g5w6kczz2bxx
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yogatoyoupdx Β· 6 years ago
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Have you read the yoga blog on our website written by @tangkaotan? πŸ’› He’s an amazing E-RYT 500 yoga teacher who is coming to Portland soon for a yoga collaboration with our owner @suthernyogipdx! πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½ Stay tuned! 😁 #yoga #badassyogis #yogi #portlandyoga #pnwyoga #yogasynergy #blog #yogateacher #yogablog #yogacommunity #pdx #pdxyoga #yogalove #yogaposes #yogacrush #communitynotcompetition #yogainpdx #yogateachers #yogatoyoupdx (at Portland, Oregon) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bvu82yCAST0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=v0mwbzd9clmw
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yogatoyoupdx Β· 6 years ago
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$95 off 😱😱 of our #supyogateachertraining when you book in full during month of March! πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½ Don’t miss out this year! πŸ’¦πŸ„πŸΎβ€β™€οΈπŸ„πŸΎ #pnwsupyoga #yogaonwater #magical #badassyogis #compasspose #movepaddleflow #staywildpnw #yogatoyoupdx ... πŸ“Έ @elephantmediapdx (at Trillium Lake) https://www.instagram.com/p/BurKVwPg34M/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1k8revcn31tbn
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yogatoyoupdx Β· 6 years ago
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When you roll with your crew...πŸ’ͺπŸ½πŸ„πŸΎβ€β™€οΈπŸ§œπŸΌβ€β™€οΈ #strongwomen #pnwoutdoorwomen #mermaidcrew #yogatoyoucrew #badassyogis #yogatoyoupdx #movepaddleflow #staywildpnw (at Yale Lake) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtwCya2hImx/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1tuur7t85531t
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yogatoyoupdx Β· 6 years ago
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When life feels a bit rough, just take a sec. πŸ‘ŒπŸ½πŸ‘ŒπŸ½πŸ‘ŒπŸ½#forrealstho #youdeserveit #justbreathe #yougotthis #lifecanbehard #wegotyou #thankgoodnessforyoga #pnwoutdoorwomen #goddess #badassyogis #pnwsupyoga #pnwyoga #midweekmotivation #wednesdayvibes #yogatoyoupdx #movepaddleflow #staywildpnw (at Round Lake (Washington)) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bsbp7SwBKub/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=jpro1taxli6v
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