#badass nun
fallen-angel-92 · 18 days
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Chapter 2:
Rated: M
Trigger: Brief mentions of violence and swearing
Twins. Children created from her blood and the blood of a creature that was only legend. Avia Harker must now begin an arduous journey to protect her children from dark forces, but her heart as well, least she fall prey for a being that once insnaired her grandmother.
“The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other's life.” - Richard Bach
Avia watched as the horses ran among the large field: black, brown, white and some in between with their coloring. Two years had passed since she found her son and daughter, since then they had brought more light into her large home. 
“There you are, mother. Nora Obasan and I were wondering where you had gone,” a soft child-like voice spoke from behind her.
Turning around she was greeted by her twelve year old daughter, Akagi, her long dark brown hair dancing around her as the wind picked up. Her dark brown furred ears flickered around her slightly as her mahogany colored eyes seemingly glowed in the setting sun.
“Well you have found me. What's wrong, my dear Akagi?”  Avia asked as she reached up, adjusting her black cowboy hat on top of her head.
“Melania, has managed to find Kaga's lipgloss and painted her whole face with it,” Akagi replied with a slight giggle.
Avia let out a soft huff as she smiled, holding out her hand to the young kitsune,” Shall we go? I don't want Kaga to be upset.”
Akagi giggled as she took Avia's hand and they began to make their way home,” Kaga won't be too mad at our dear little sister.”
Avia chuckled as they approached their rustic ranch home, as they entered through the front door, she was instantly tacked by a blob of white and blue. Avia let go of Akagi's hand before she placed it upon her other daughter's white hair while being mindful of her white ears.
“Now. Now, Kaga. What happened sweetheart?” Avia asked with a soothing tone, watching as Kaga's white nine tails drooped downward.
“Melania,” Kaga began with a sniffle,” She went into my lipgloss collection and messed it all up.”
“I'm sure she didn't mean to mess it all up. I think she just wanted to be pretty like her big sister,” Avia replied as she gently pulled Kaga away from her and wiped her tears from her cheeks.
“Ah! There you are, Avia. I'm sorry for this. I was taking care of Micheal when Melania gave me the slip,” Nora called out from the hallway, holding Micheal on one hip while Maleina sat on the other.
“No worries. I'll go ahead and take my little terrors-” Avia began to say when suddenly she was cut off when a tall man emerged from the living room area, cutting in with a soft gruff tone,” Forgive my intrusion, Ms. Harker, but we received a phone call from Sir Hellsing in Great Britain.”
Avia took Micheal from Nora, placing him onto her hip as she turned to face him,” Now there is a name I haven't heard from in some time. Did Integra give a reason for her phone call, Eleojo?”
The dark skinned male locked eyes with hers, golden eyes glittered with a warmth that could rival that of the sun, as he replied back,” Yes she did. It appears she was recently attacked and requests our assistance to help train any possible recruits.”
Avia raised an eyebrow as she cut in,” I trust you informed her of my children?”
“Of course she has no problem providing us with housing, and other things we may need. Though she wished to speak with you about Micheal and Melania's father.” Eleojo responded, when Avia sensed his hestantancy, she chimed in,” So I take it Morris arrived and spoke to Integra about my children.”
Eleojo's lips twitched upward as he replied,” He did and just in time. He managed to impress Sir Hellsing,” Avia snorted as she thought about the brunette, “Oh lord. Who did he punch?”
“Sir Hellsing's vampire. Impressed both her and the vampire himself. So he managed to do the test that was requested and she wishes to discuss the results with you before she did so with her vampire,” Eleojo replied as he shifted his head causing his black braided hair to jiggle slightly due the black beads that were decorating the end of his hair. 
Avia let out a hum as she glanced down at her children, letting out a soft sigh, she looked up at Eleojo, “Well I suppose we better get everything ready for a trip to good old England.”
Soon they were all on a private plane heading toward London. Upon their arrival, Avia had Micheal and Melania upon her hips as Akagi and Kaga stayed close to her sides, their ears and tails twitching at the sounds that were around them. Behind them were Nora and Eleojo taking up the rear. It was then that Avia spotted the familiar tall figure of James Morris and began to walk toward him.
“Uncle?” Micheal asked, looking up at her with happiness.
“Uncle!” Malania exclaimed excitedly as she began to bounce up and down.
James chuckled as he approached them reaching out, taking Melania from her and placing her on his own hip.
“Come to escort us to Integra, James?” Avia asks with amusement as she watches James reach over and messes with Micheal's hair.
“Correct. How have you been? Sister Nora? Eleojo?” James asks as he signals for them to follow.
Avia follows them, listening to Nora and Eleojo answer, as they make their way to the large vand and soon they arrived at the Hellsing manor.
“It's quite large. Don't you agree, Kaga?” Akagi hummed out with curiosity.
“Yes sister. It is quite large.” Kaga replied as she looked over at Akagi.
Avia watched with a small chuckle as the two young girls were looking out the window, she turned her attention to her two year olds, she allowed a smile to appear when she noticed that the two were quietly looking at their surroundings. As they pulled in, Avia made sure everyone else was out of the vehicle before her, opting to take the rear. Avia stepped out, taking quick notice that James and Nora were holding Micheal and Melania respectively, before she returned her attention back toward the entrance of the mansion where she could see the familiar long blonde hair woman standing outside with sharp blue eyes staring at her with a hint of warmth in them as Avia walked over to her. As they stood apart from each other, Avia smiled as she spoke,
“It's been a long time Integra. Heard you needed some help. How can I help you?”
Avia watched as Integra gave her a slight smirk. In that instance, two friends would once more work together to put down an enemy that was once slumbing in the dark. As well as the vampire that would come to help move the cogs into place.
(Here is chapter 2. I hope you enjoy it! I promise the next chapter will have Alucard!)
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danielleitloudernow · 4 months
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Holy. Fucking. Shit!
Artist credit to hungry_allen
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softavasilva · 2 years
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praise God and kick some ass
ALBA BAPTISTA as AVA SILVA  WARRIOR NUN (2020-) | season two
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sbd-laytall · 6 months
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Warrior Nun | 2.04 | "1 Corinthians 10:20-21"
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simplykorra · 2 years
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beatrice + every episode - episode 2: "proverbs 31:25"  
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infinityinakiss · 2 years
michael: we can't use the elevator, it's guarded. there's no way we can make it past that many men.
beatrice : hold my cloak.
*ave maria plays while she plows through 20 guards by herself*
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pymsanz · 2 years
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WARRIOR NUN : Sister Beatrice 🥷🏼
Season 1 & Season 2
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rayrayor · 6 months
New chapter but please read triggers on this chapter
And the official art of the story by @darthvaders-wife
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randomnameless · 2 months
Speaking of unification, the end of FE3/12 was so disappointing. FE1 ended with each country still being independent, which was perfect. But no, the sequel had to do a 180 so that Marth could rule over all of Archanea.
Especially since it comes with a...disturbing trend of putting female rulers back in their place: Minerva, Nyna, Sheena...
Like you would seriously want me to believe that Minerva would be happy to settle in a convent? But guys, she wasn't competent T.T. She couldn't rule like Michalis and it ended in an internal crisis.
But Sheena didn't want to rule. She just wanted to live as an "ordinary happy girl" UwU. Yes, Archanea gave us the wonderful Shiida, but Kaga's sexism shines here.
The worst thing is Michalis' ending in FE12. They wanted to keep him alive, fine, they did the same with Camus/Sirius after all. But he either gets to rule over Macedon again (so it means that there were no consequences for his actions unlike in the original game) or conquer another continent.
Perhaps they wanted to show that it realistically made no sense that an ambitious man like Michalis would give up on his dream, but it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. You can kill your father, be a tyrannical ruler, but don't worry, you will get your throne back or you will either get to conquer a whole new land. Yeah!
I would have made more sense if Michalis was the one to give up on everything and perhaps become a monk if they wanted to show that he was trying to atone. After all, he dies in the original version. It could have shown that the old him was indeed dead and that he was now going on a different path, thanks to Maria.
Yeah :/
The sheer fact that Michalis wasn't kept dead in the remake sort of pisses me - why keeping him alive after kind of saving Maria ?
Was it to have a "good end" where no one dies, or because you'd feel uwu for poor Michalis who :
Murdered his dad, had his youngest sister kidnapped, fought against another sister etc...
And as you said, what kind of message this leaves that he gets to survive to conquer other lands, after the mess he did in Archanea? Was it a joke or just to piss on the original writers ?
So between Kaga's sexism and the "but earl grey" nonsense from the "modern" devs really did a number of FE3/12 to me lol
The only character I can "realistically" see abandoning her throne is Nyna, because of the guilt she must feel regarding Hardin's fall but then I'm always reminded at that person @crushednugget found that said Nyna is responsible for the war in FE3/12 and I'm just...
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warrior-halo · 2 years
Warrior Nun Reductress: Part 4
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Warrior Nun + Reductress Articles (part 4)
I’m back from my hiatus with more memes! Gutted about Netflix’s decision to cancel the show. Hope this softens the blow. Remember, the fight is not over! Warrior Nun deserves to continue. In this life or the next, but let’s fight for this life!  <3
Follow me for more memes and shenanigans! 
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bi-gone · 2 years
Beatrice: Don’t worry, I have a few knives up my sleeve.
Ava: I think you mean cards
Beatrice pulling knives out of her sleeves: No, I do not.
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simplykorra · 2 years
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beatrice + every episode - episode 6: "isaiah 30:20-21"  
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uselesssapphics · 2 years
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Did Beatrice Reject the Halo? I’ve been rewatching WN S1 and I’ve been thinking about a few scenes, one where Mary tells Lilith she wasn’t chosen as the next WN not because of her skills as a warrior but because she has no “heart”. Later on she tells Ava she doesn’t want to catch “heat” from Bea and to trust her instincts as long as it tells her to listen to Bea. Clearly Mary respects Bea but to gain that kind of respect from Mary leads me to believe Bea has all the qualities of a WN and then some. So why wasn’t Bea chosen instead of Shannon? 
IMO, I think Bea was chosen but rejected it. Maybe out of fear that the Halo would reject her and her secrets would be revealed and she’d be excommunicated? 
In the scene where Ava asks who’s next, Mary looks like “are you nuts? No way” while Bea sort of looks down almost in a guilty way. Of-course I could be looking at it too hard or maybe this was already discussed somewhere but I just think it’s an interesting topic that maybe they could’ve explored further (if they haven’t already). Why wasn’t she considered and if she was why did she reject it?
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pymsanz · 2 years
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attackoneyebrows · 2 years
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warrior nun + badass moments
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