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Hey! For the character ask game: 2 and 3 for FE4's Julia and 20 for Rhea?
Julia first!
Favorite canon thing about this character?
That's a hard question lol, because canon!Julia is... well, Kaga put it in words better than anything I could, but to him, she was designed as a Falchion with legs... Make of that what you want :/
Favourite thing would be... the line she has with not!Julius, asking Loptry why the fuck is he ruining her life - sure it's not much, but through this line, we see some anger and backbone for a character who was fridged by the plot, and cannot even have a line about her Father's death when she earlier called him the "kindest man" she ever knew.
Sure, it can feel like "sad uwus" for Oldvis, but in a game where family feuds are at the forefront of the plot, Julia lashing out at Loptyr for ruining her life should, at least, have had a line about her dad's demise.
So yeah, favorite thing from canon is "wow Julia can be angry and emote!".
I know, it's not much, but I'm willing to take everything at this point lol
Least favorite canon thing about this character?
More seriously, from the amnesia convenient subplot (which is completely stupid because, much like Deedee, Julia isn't killed before Chapter 10, when her unit dies she's "caught" by the big boss of the map and returns to you at the end of the chapter iirc, so if, say, Blume, Danan or even Travant "caught" her, that plot would have been lifted because you can't make me believe those three never knew who she was, especially since she's, looks wise, a carbon copy of Deedee and shares the same name as the imperial princess who went 'missing') to the lack of lines regarding her dad's death - sure it's played as some "she knows what's most important in this current situation, it's to rekt Loptry" but the epilogue??? Nothing???
Seliph even hammering that only Azelle's children have a bond and duty to Velthomer???
Granted, the most egregious thing in canon would be the fact that she can be killed - and the game can still be beaten bcs fuck the narration and the "only the book of naga can defeat loptyr" I guess, Seliph must be able to save the world single handedly, even if it runs contrary to his characterisation that basically amounts to "I feel like fraud".
For Rhea !
Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn’t matter?
I would say... Surprisingly or not, Manuela!
Not only because Manu is a Nabatean friend (which makes her Supreme Bullshit exclusivity in Nopes completely weird) but because I think Manu's deeply anchored in that "mundane life" Rhea aspires to, but avoids due to her function, let it be eating or just chatting with friends, etc etc.
In a verse where the cat is out of the bag and Manu knows Rhea's ears are pointy, I feel like they could still be able to talk about random things, from children in the monastery to fashion, food and maybe songs - Manuela singing what is basically Sothis' lullaby meant for Rhea is just something Rhea would feel especially emotional about, because it's still sharing a song from her mother, from Nabatea, to a human who in turn, can share it around and make that memory live on!
Manu wouldn't be a "best friend" as in a friend with whom Rhea would have a lot in common, but a "best friend" in the way that, thanks to Manu, Rhea will finally be able to "live" in the Fodlan she's protecting even if it means going out for a drink or sharing soup recipes, and I believe she would value a relationship like that.
#ladyniniane#rhea stuff#meme game#Julia stuff#remember how she has no lines in her canon exposition bar 'seliph...' ??#The fact she suddenly is allowed to express feelings and lash out is something I really liked in my run#but lbr a post FE4!Julia would be in a precarious mental state#I know I should finish that fic some day lol#I guess if Manu knew Rhea'd like to go shopping and be treated like anyone else regardless of her rank#they'd go shopping and maybe go to the opera together and what not#and maybe eat and drink together in a local tavern#Manu hell alt#FE16#FE4
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🌹🌹🌹 à mon tour de planter des roses !
Merci pour ces fleurs 🌹🌹🌹:)
for every “🌹” received in my inbox i’ll post one random sentence of a random WIP i’m currently writing
On va rester sur l'histoire que j'ai à peine commencée (pas encore de titre, d'ailleurs...)
"Un dépit, mêlé de lassitude, lui fit songer à son lit qui serait gelé, faute de domestique pour bassiner les draps." (from: le prologue, encore très vague!)
"Au moment de dormir, Urbain ne bougeait pas d'un pouce. Immobile, au mépris des crampes et des courbatures. Veillant à ce que son souffle paraisse égal, de façon à ce que Lionel le pense endormi." (from: le chapitre qui m'a motivé à continuer cette histoire...)
"Pour de bon. Il a gueulé qu'il ne voulait plus me voir sous son toit et c'est la première fois qu'on est d'accord sur quelque chose." (from: l'ancienne version qui sera bientôt remisée à la poubelle!)
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Coucou :) 3, 12 et 25 ?
Hello, merci beaucoup pour les questions ! :D
3. What were your top five books of the year?
Sans compter les relectures je dirais :
- Emily Wilde's Map of the Otherlands
Le premier tome était aussi un de mes préférés de l'année passée, je trouve les descriptions et la magie si belles dans cette série.
- The Trouble with Mrs Montgomery Hurst
Une histoire à la Jane Austen dans un petit village anglais. Beaucoup de personnages, certains attachants, certains pas du tout et des rumeurs qui couvrent vite. Exactement le genre de livre sans prise de tête qu'il me fallait.
- The Teller of Small Fortunes
Comme on l'a déjà dit, livre hyper réconfortant avec le trope de la found family bien réalisé.
- Long Live Evil
Pas un chef d'œuvre mais très amusant dans son interprétation du trope de l'isekai.
- Gideon the Ninth
Après au moins cinq tentatives infructueuses de lire ce livre j'ai enfin réussi à dépasser le chapitre 3 et je n'ai pas été déçue. L'écriture est exquise. La romance est quasi inexistante et pourtant la tension entre les personnages est incroyable. La suite m'a moins plu par contre, par manque des personnages qui m'ont fait tant aimer le premier tome.
12. Any books that disappointed you?
La plupart des sorties de l'année que j'attendais un tant soit peu m'ont déçu: The Last Murder at the End of the World , The Cautious Traveller's Guide to the Wastelands , The Midnight Feast , We Are the Beasts et probablement d'autres que j'ai juste DNF rapidement. Sinon on ne peur pas dire que je sois déçue, vu que je n'en attendais pas tant que ça, mais je n'ai absolument pas compris l'engouement pour les livres de Emily Henry. Deux ans après avoir lu un de ses romans j'ai réessayé avec son dernier et détesté, c'est l'antithèse du romantisme pour moi.
25. What reading goals do you have for next year?
Peut-être atteindre les 60 livres lus en essayant de remplacer encore du temps passé sur mon téléphone par du temps à lire ? Plus facile à dire qu'à faire haha.
Sinon évidemment j'attends avec impatience le troisième tome d'Emily Wilde, Sunrise on the Reaping et le nouveau T. Kingfisher.
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Jasmine tea, Iced Cafe Mocha and Iced Coffee of you want :)
Thank you @ladyniniane for the asks! Interesting questions you've picked 💐 Jasmine Tea : If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be and why? Dubrovnik. It looks beautiful and peaceful and full of ancient and recent history.
Mocha : Dream Job? Is there a job where sitting on the beach all day watching people and exploring nature without having to report to bosses or write out lengthy reports?
Iced Coffee : Do you like reading? If so, what’s your favorite book? I used to hate reading in school. At the time I didn't know it was because I didn't like the style of the authors. Nothing captured me and when I had to read it felt like a chore. But these are the classics! Teachers said. You'll learn so much about the human condition! My mother chimed in. It wasn't until high school where I was unofficially appointed "translator" to assigned Shakespeare plays that my love of reading took off. My favorite book will always be Wuthering Heights. (I know I know I can hear the groaning from some)
#I have another two vacations planned#that's why I answered the first with someplace I might go later#answered asks#ladyniniane#thank you!
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7 and 15 for the fanfic writers asks?
How many ideas for fics do you have right now?
Continuing Foundation OFC fic
Continuing HOTD OFC fic (2)
HOTD fic from Jacerys' perspective on lessons on how to treat women from the men in his life
LOTR Eomer/Lothiriel fic about culture shock in Rohan and settling in
Bridgerton/Poldark crossover-character study. (Demelza and Violet? Ross and Anthony? The possiblities are fun.)
Winner of my TDS AU poll fic
The obvious TDS extended cinematic universe I will need to write when Masters of the Air finally comes out.
…I guess that's 8. Kinda feels like I'm sleeping on the job here.
How do you come up with titles for your fics/chapters?
I don't usually do chapter titles since that feels like a lot of work. But story titles usually come from a piece of dialogue that I feel is really important to the whole picture I'm trying to paint, or from a relevant poem.
[fandom fic writer asks!]
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Salut :) Que dirais-tu de 6 et 11 pour les questions sur les livres ?
6. what books have you read in the last month?
Alors, je n'ai pas beaucoup lu au mois de mai, j'avais du mal à trouver quelque chose qui me plaisait, mais parmi les derniers que j'ai fini, il y a :
L'héritage de Clara, de Françoise Bourdin : les chroniques d'une famille bourgeoise entre les années 60 et 70, avec quelques secrets inavouables et l'ombre d'une matriarche (Clara), que chacun essaie de rendre fière. Pas le meilleur de Françoise Bourdin, mais j'aime beaucoup les familles qu'elle dépeint.
Haut de gamme, de Candace Bushnell : une plongée dans les méandres de la jet-set américaine clinquante et névrosée du début des années 2000. Rien que pour le dernier tiers du roman, particulièrement fort et cru, ça en valait la peine !
Couleurs de l'incendie, Pierre Lemaitre : j'avais détesté le film, alors on m'a conseillé de lire le roman d'origine pour comparer. Le roman s'en sort bien mieux, grâce au style de Lemaitre, tout en cynisme, mais je continue à trouver certains éléments capillotractés...
Sinon, je suis en train de finir de lire One Night At The Penthouse Suite, de Bianca Mori, et vraiment j'aime beaucoup : l'histoire d'une jeune héritière qui se retrouve à endosser le rôle de son père récemment décédé, à la tête d'un grand groupe industriel. Elle doit alors faire avec les vicissitudes de rivaux et trouver un équilibre avec son compagnon, issu d'un rang social beaucoup plus modeste. Franchement, j'étais très dubitative au début, je m'attendais à de la romance niaise assaisonnée de cul à outrance, mais non, c'est un bon scénario, et j'aime beaucoup les personnages principaux, n'hésitez pas à le lire !
11. what non-fiction books do you like if any?
De ce côté-ci, je vais y aller sur mes valeurs s��res :
The Imperial Harem. Women and Sovereignty in the Ottoman Empire, Leslie Peirce
Servants of the Dynasty. Palace Women in World History, Anne Walthall
A Woman’s Place is in the House: Royal Women of Judah and their Involvement in the House of David, Elna K. Solvang
Je rajoute également plus récemment les sorties récentes de :
All the king's women: polygyny and politics in Europe, 900-1250, Jan Rüdiger
Couples et conjugalités au haut Moyen Âge, Emmanuelle Santinelli-Foltz
Et si vous ne les connaissez pas, jetez-vous sur les ouvrages des Belin, dans la collection "Mondes anciens" ! D'ailleurs, rien que pour toi @ladyniniane, il y aura bientôt un volume sur le Japon ancien !
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send this to all your favourite moots and roll a snowball! KEEP THE SNOWBALL ROLLING!❄️❄️❄️
aww thank you!!!
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send this to all your favourite moots and roll a snowball! KEEP THE SNOWBALL ROLLING!❄️❄️❄️
Je retiens que je fais partie de la liste des favoris. Merci de me le faire savoir! 😁
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Merci beaucoup ! Ça me touche énormément, c'est réciproque et t'es adorable ♥
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2 OCs for the female picks, sure I can't complain bcs I didn't participate this year, but what is even the point to vote for characters you like from the FE series when the latest OCs will be added in because of melons ?
Sure, some people argue that Feh is a bona fide FE game but let's be real, Feh was first and foremost designed as a celebration of the franchise.
Sure Eik has more """plot""" importance than Castor or Arden, but the sheer fact that he was voted one of the most popular characters in the series this year feels wrong, as wrong as the sniddies, Sharena or this year's melon lady.
Hopefully the devs won't give a fuck about the results of what became a meme event to design new FE games, because even if I'd ultimately prefer Brave!Tibarn to Brave!Alcryst, ultimately what's popular with the fanbase isn't a character developed through its writing or importance in the story, but just the meme/fap factor.
Et on ne parle pas des persos féminins sinon je vais devenir une pile de sel incandescente
Well, I certainly didn't expect this result! To me, the appeal of FEH is to have characters from the games we know and love. It's not the barely developed OCs.
Though it's nice if Sharena gets some spotlight. I didn't care about Eikþyrnir but I guess people are tired of "big melons female OCs" (and so am I). But Baldr??? Why??
And Byleth, of all characters?
Anyway, I will save more orbs this way!
#Fe heroes#Heroes salt#ladyniniane#Fandom woes#Ok Elincia a déjà 5 alts mais merde#Entre Almedha et gros roploplos#n°35 pas grand monde connaît Almedha alors que la nouvelle méchante est connue par tous ceux qui jouent à ça#On est sur un sondage de popularité pour ceux qui jouent à ce gacha au final#À quoi ça sert de mettre les personnages des jeux antérieurs si c'est toujours pour finir avec les même choses#À savoir un lord et des memes + Fodlan ?
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Speaking of unification, the end of FE3/12 was so disappointing. FE1 ended with each country still being independent, which was perfect. But no, the sequel had to do a 180 so that Marth could rule over all of Archanea.
Especially since it comes with a...disturbing trend of putting female rulers back in their place: Minerva, Nyna, Sheena...
Like you would seriously want me to believe that Minerva would be happy to settle in a convent? But guys, she wasn't competent T.T. She couldn't rule like Michalis and it ended in an internal crisis.
But Sheena didn't want to rule. She just wanted to live as an "ordinary happy girl" UwU. Yes, Archanea gave us the wonderful Shiida, but Kaga's sexism shines here.
The worst thing is Michalis' ending in FE12. They wanted to keep him alive, fine, they did the same with Camus/Sirius after all. But he either gets to rule over Macedon again (so it means that there were no consequences for his actions unlike in the original game) or conquer another continent.
Perhaps they wanted to show that it realistically made no sense that an ambitious man like Michalis would give up on his dream, but it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. You can kill your father, be a tyrannical ruler, but don't worry, you will get your throne back or you will either get to conquer a whole new land. Yeah!
I would have made more sense if Michalis was the one to give up on everything and perhaps become a monk if they wanted to show that he was trying to atone. After all, he dies in the original version. It could have shown that the old him was indeed dead and that he was now going on a different path, thanks to Maria.
Yeah :/
The sheer fact that Michalis wasn't kept dead in the remake sort of pisses me - why keeping him alive after kind of saving Maria ?
Was it to have a "good end" where no one dies, or because you'd feel uwu for poor Michalis who :
Murdered his dad, had his youngest sister kidnapped, fought against another sister etc...
And as you said, what kind of message this leaves that he gets to survive to conquer other lands, after the mess he did in Archanea? Was it a joke or just to piss on the original writers ?
So between Kaga's sexism and the "but earl grey" nonsense from the "modern" devs really did a number of FE3/12 to me lol
The only character I can "realistically" see abandoning her throne is Nyna, because of the guilt she must feel regarding Hardin's fall but then I'm always reminded at that person @crushednugget found that said Nyna is responsible for the war in FE3/12 and I'm just...
#ladyniniane#Fe archanea#replies#Kaga refusing female rulers to be a thing continues to surprise me but not as much as#FE12 managing to save Michalis to have him lel conquer the world#and not rewritting idk Minerva's ending like idk have her oversee Macedon with Marth's assistance or what not#sure it wouldn't fit with the hero king of the entire continent#but what if minerva still was around and was some sort of local governor or something? I mean anything than 'and she became a nun'#it reminds me of Mathilda and people were legit memeing#the fact that she choose to be a housewife instead of continuing to be the badass knight we all love#because otherwise she would outshine Clive on all levels
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Hello :) For the OC asks: 1, 9, 15, 19, 30 for the characters of your choice. I would also like to ask : 2, 7, 8, 20, 39 for Raphaëlle if you want.
Thank you so much! What a good set of questions.
For the first set, I'll take Sid. He's one of the PoV characters of the story I'm currently writing, and I have some things to say about him.
1: What is your character’s biggest fear?
Being abandoned. It happened to him once before the beginning of the story. One of the reasons he feels so strongly attached to his (vampire) boss is because he will never lose him (read: as a human, he'll die before him)
9: How does your character feel about religion?
He comes from a very religious family and it fucked him up. A Lot. Now that he lives among monsters and supernatural creatures, it's hard to muster a strong religious belief in one god or another...but I'd say he directed his faith (and fear) toward someone else.
15: What music genre would your character listen to?
As his nickname implies: punk music. He looks the part in the comic series, with a mohawk that's a pain to draw (in the book, his head is just buzzed cut)
19: What is your character’s deepest, darkest secret?
He's in love with his boss.
It's absolutely not a secret, but he's rather die than admit it to anyone, let alone said boss. As you may have gathered from the questions above, he's projecting a lot of things upon him. It's absolutely not sane or healthy, and his boss is both a vampire and an unsavoury character. It will not end well.
30: Would your character have any hobbies?
Other than listening to music and worrying about everything? No.
The Special Raphaëlle Round:
2: What is your character’s favorite memory?
I'd say when she fell in love. It sounds sappy, I know.
Most importantly, when she allowed herself to fall in love. Letting her guard down, accepting the change that would come with it...and, yeah. Her life became much more interesting.
7: How does your character feel about their name?
Her full name is Raphaëlle Bellespry* and she doesn't like her last name. It sounds clunky and stupid to her** Her boyfriend loves it though***
*pronounce it in French.
**though there is no Bellespry last name as I know of, I did meet a Bellefort at my job last week. So it's not that far off...
***and ends up taking her surname.
8: Does your character hate anyone? Why?
Though she has a complicated relationship with her family, she doesn't hate them. She wants them to respect her choices and feels smothered by them, hence the reason why she ran away. I'll have her confront them in a future story. I just have to figure out how.
In the comic series, she hates Polidori, but that's for the jokes to work.
20: What is the most surprising thing about your character?
Her bravery. And her level-headedness. When confronted to incredible or horrible things, she doesn't break down, even though she's just a regular human among monsters and supernatural horrors. She's a true believer of the "fake-it-till-you-make-it" method, hence she managed to keep her sanity where other people would have faltered.
On a more meta level, I think the fact that she's not particularly nice and/or considerate comes as a surprise to some readers. I like her that way though.
39: What would be your character’s niche on Tumblr?
I think she would be kind of a studyblr user, with tips and posts about efficiency, etc. And a sideblog for memes.
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send this to all your favourite moots and roll a snowball! KEEP THE SNOWBALL ROLLING!❄️❄️❄️
Thank youuu ! <3
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Hello :) 1, 3 and 29 if you want?
Thank you for the ask! 1. what song makes you feel better?
This one from Dido because whenever I hear it, I want to get up and dance. (also Estelle, which I first heard on a playlist, not from a movie or show. I just like how sexy it makes me feel.)
3. what's your favorite candle scent?
29. morning, afternoon, or night?
Mornings for coffee on a veranda, afternoons for naps, nights for how it brings out creativity in me. It's also when I get to spend my time with the person who makes me smile the most.
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Jeu de tags - 10 personnes que j'aimerai mieux connaitre
Merci à @randomnameless et @ladyniniane de m'avoir tagué ! On va voir ce que ça va donner !
Dernière chanson :
Celle qui tourne en ce moment est la reprise de "7 days to the wolves" de Nightwish par Andra Ariadna, j'aime beaucoup sa voix et les chansons de Nightwish s'accorde bien avec son timbre !
Dernier livre :
ça devait être mes livres de bibliothèque alors, c'était le dernier tome de la BD Lou ! Sonata C'est une BD qui a commencé quand j'avais à peu près l'âge de Lou dans les tomes alors, j'ai un peu grandi avec elle, ce qui fait que je continue à suivre ses aventures depuis tout ce temps ! Surtout que la série n'a pas sauté le requin comme d'autres que je suivais quand j'étais petite / ado comme les Légendaires ou la Rose Ecarlate. C'est parfois assez perché mais, c'est le but à mon avis : la vie, parfois, c'est absurde mais, elle est bien quand même et on s'en sort bon an mal an (et maintenant, j'ai hâte de lire le dernier tome qui doit conclure toute la série vu le cliff-hanger à la fin !)
Dernier film :
La Guerre de Rohirrim ! Ce film est excellent ! Foncez le voir si vous ne l'avez pas encore vu ! L'animation est excellente, les personnages super attachants avec un développement positif qui fait du bien, même les figurants dans le fond, sauf le méchant qui reste à son rôle de méchant, l'héroïne est juste géniale et l'histoire sur le fait de garder espoir fait vraiment du bien !
Dernier jeu :
Plutôt jeu en cours mais, c'est Fire Emblem Engage ! A force de voir les gens alterné entre "c'est un très bon jeu ! ça reprend enfin l'atmosphère des autres FE" et "c'est le pire jeu du monde ! C'est pas comme Delagarde !!!", j'ai fini par y jouer en le trouvant en occas', et je regrette pas ! Ce jeu est juste excellent ! Il a de bonnes mécaniques, des persos pas mal défini par leur gimmick mais qui marche, un univers qui se tient même si l'histoire ne se prend pas ultra au sérieux, qui sait être touchante et jouer sur les bonnes cordes, surtout s'assume, et on sent que les développeurs se sont amusés en faisant ce jeu (et qu'ils lancent toutes les fléchettes qu'ils peuvent sur la route de Delagarde dès que Byleth est à l'écran)
Dernière série :
ça doit être Arcane... j'avais pas regarder à la sortie de la saison 1 alors, j'ai fait les deux saisons d'un coup, et même si je suis d'accord pour dire que la saison 2 est ratée sur de nombreux points de scénario, je dirais que ces défauts d'écriture sont déjà dans la saison 1 en moins flagrant et en moins enchainé les uns après les autres, c'est plus diffus (le coup du trafic de drogue de Silco, le shimmer qui n'est pas assez défini, la relation entre Sky et Viktor qui aurait mérité d'être plus développé...) mais, toujours bien présent (car les scénaristes sont centristes).
Sucré / salé / épicé :
Gros bec sucré ici !
Relation :
Célibataire, ce qui me va très bien ! ✌️
Couleur préférée :
Toujours le rouge !
Dernière recherche sur internet :
L'orthographe exacte de l'expression "bon an mal an", je croyais que ça s'écrivait "bonant malant" ^^'
Pour les tags : @thewinterpeony , @croissantcoffin , @new-resident , @mellowdarkness , @sinniel , @mwezina et on est déjà pas mal ^^ Et bien sûr, si qui que ce soit passe par ici et veut participer, faites vous plaisir ! :D
#jeu de questions#dame ladyniniane#dame randomnameless#merci beaucoup pour le tag !#c'était amusant à faire et ça a passé le temps !#et ça fait une mise à jour vu que la dernière fois ça commence à remonter !
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I Have done it!🥀
#morgwing#darkwing duck#morgana macawber#the terror that flaps#lets get dangerous#spotify#spotify playlist#darkwing Playlist#Playlist#Icon art by ladyniniane#Spotify
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