#bad parent cruella de vil
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hannahhook7744 · 6 months ago
Blood Is Thicker Than Water;
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Summary: Everyone knows about Carlos, Diego, Ivy, and Hunter de Vil. But what about the other de Vil cousins? Co written with @dragoneyes618 . Please use clean language when commenting on this fic. Author's Note: The five that go to Auradon are: 1. Carlos de Vil. 2. Mal Bertha Fae-Athanasiou. 3. Princess Geneviève ‘Evie’ Evelyn Grimhilde-Westergaard Of The Southern Isles. 4. Jakeem 'Jay' Al-Jazira. 5. Hannah Artemis Hook. Trigger warnings: Child death, horrible isle conditions, child abuse/neglect, murder, extreme untreated mental health issues, briefly implied cannibalism, etc.
Hunter was eleven years older than Carlos and the oldest of the de Vil ‘kids’. 
Yet he was the one Carlos related to the most.
They were both the ‘quiet’ de Vils; the nervous wreck de Vils who were less intimidating than a wet paper bag. 
Both of them were the most well known inventors in the family and the ones who found it the hardest to relate to others. Both were claustrophobic (because of Cruella) and both were well-known animal lovers, and barely tried to hide it. 
They were also the de Vils most scared of Cruella.  
The two of them just clicked better together than they did with the rest of their cousins (and siblings, in Carlos’s case). Not to say they didn't like their other cousins, of course. 
They just enjoyed each other's company more. 
It had always been that way. 
Fourteen year old Hunter sighed, looking up from the radio he was tinkering with and over to the doorway where Carlos was standing tall (well, as tall as a three year old who was barely taller than his one-year old brother could). A determined look on his little face as he struggled to hold up a large book. 
Carlisle was supposed to have put him to bed hours ago. 
The blonde didn't know why he was surprised that the other boy (who was also his age now, wasn't that weird?) didn't. 
Carlisle never did anything anyone other than his mom (and sometimes his siblings) asked him to do because he knew he was Cruella’s favorite and that he wouldn't be getting in trouble for disobeying whoever was in charge. Even if it was Cruella he was disobeying.
Hunter should have known he was asking too much of him when he asked him to put Carlos to bed. That he was taking up ‘dear’ Carlisle’s precious fireworks time by asking him to do what Cruella should have been doing anyway. 
And knowing him, he hadn't put Remi or any of the others to bed, either. 
Just great. 
Cruella was gonna kill him. Again. 
“The Tales of Flynnigan Rider again?” Hunter silently promised himself that he'd strangle whoever wrote the stupid book he'd had to read  a million times to his younger cousins and the various kids the de Vil’s various henchmen had had, over the years. 
He was sure he'd never hate any more than he did the book, except for Cruella, of course.
Carlos shook his head. Tapping the book’s cover with the palm of his hand. “Nu-uh! M-mech-an-ics and… and.. mech-a-tisms!” 
It was gonna be a long night. 
As terrible as it sounded, Carlos hadn't always liked Ivy. 
She was loud and scary at times, bossy and demanding and an all around terror who never hesitated to get into screaming matches with Carlos’s mom. 
Carlos's mom, who terrified him (and some others) more than anything and because of that, Ivy also terrified him. 
She just looked so much like Cruella.
Sure, Ivy had never been violent towards him like his mom had in the past. But she just reminded him of Cruella so painfully that he couldn't help but be scared and run for the hills. 
Her forcing him to play dress up with her in his earliest memories hadn't helped that fear or helped quell the disdain he'd had for her in his youth.
It was a secret that wasn't a secret. 
At one point, Carlos had been sure that no one but him knew that he was afraid of her. Convinced that he'd be able to take that with him to the grave. And then he'd remembered all the hurt looks he'd caught glimpses of on Ivy's face when he'd been so small and so bad at lying and so desperate to avoid spending any time with her—and realized that Ivy, and probably others, had known all along that Carlos hadn't liked Ivy. 
It had changed over the years, of course, when their numbers had started dwindling alongside the Baduns but it wasn't something that could be easily forgotten. It stayed unspoken but it had definitely left a nasty looking spot on their relationship.
Even if they now could talk and laugh with one another over their inventions and outfit designs; Ivy would never forget that Carlos had been afraid of her.
Carlos cried a lot as a baby; cried and cried until he couldn't anymore. Until he was red in the face and couldn't breath. 
He cried. 
And he'd cry worse when Ivy tried to soothe him. 
Kicking and flailing and choking until Hunter or one of the other de Vil (or henchmen) kids came to get him away from her. 
Carlisle thought it was funny. 
Ivy didn't. 
Hunter and Ivy told Carlos separately. 
Some parts were easier for one of them to say than others. So they took turns.
“You’re going to Auradon, you should know this,” was the explanation, like Carlos wouldn’t be running off to talk to Diego the first chance he got.
If he had time, that was. 
Enough time before he left.
It made sense. 
It explained the nightmares both Hunter and Ivy had; they’d both woken up screaming too many times to deny it. It explained why their birth dates didn’t quite match up to their exact ages.
 It explained the strange, almost otherworldly feel they had sometimes, a feeling they shared with all those who had been brought back from the dead prior to being imprisoned on the Isle, but that no other members of their generation—not Carlos’ generation, but the generation older than him, the one consisting of the children who had been exiled to the Isle with their parents—shared.
Ivy had been dead. 
Hunter had been dead.
Two more of the people who had helped him build his tree house as a child had been dead.
Ivy had been six. Hunter had been twelve, just a couple of years younger than he was now.
They’d been resurrected and sent to the Isle, just like everyone else. 
What would it have been like? To be dead, cold and lifeless, childhood and life abruptly cut short, only to be thrust gasping and breathless into the world of the living years later, at the exact age you were when you had died?
“Do you…remember anything?” was the first question Carlos asked after Ivy finished, both of them sitting with their legs dangling off the edge of the roof.
“Not really,” Ivy said, and then sighed. “Sort of. It’s complicated. I can’t really explain it….Hunter’s the same way.”
She moved her hand in a vague, all–encompassing gesture. “Like I remember—sort of—shadowy shapes, but not anything clear. Strange lights. Colors that don’t exist. Sometimes I dream about it, but I can’t remember it when I wake up. I remember best when I’m half awake, or just about to fall asleep. If I try to remember more, if I think really hard about it, it’s like…it’s like I’m not supposed to remember more. Like there’s this—this barrier, I guess, stuck in my head, and if I ever got past it it would be….”
“Bad,” Carlos supplied.
“Yes.” She looked lost for a moment. “I’m sorry. I wish I knew more…well, sometimes I wish I knew more. I know it’s not what you wanted. I can’t tell you anything about what it’s like for them.”
Like all of his cousins, Ivy knew him better than anyone else did. The de Vils were very good at reading each other, at seeing what they didn’t say, knowing each other’s history and body language, the way they thought, the way they dreamed… 
Them . 
Both of Carlos’ sisters, each of them bearing the same name, neither of them ever knowing the other.
Lotta , he’d called both of them. While their family generally didn’t do nicknames—at least, he’d never known anyone except his mother and P.H to allow themselves to be called by one—he’d called his sisters ‘Lotta’.
According to Ivy, in a much different heart-to-heart years ago, another rare occasion she’d opened up, when he’d been learning to talk he couldn’t fully pronounce his older sister’s name. He’d been able to manage Lotta, but not Carlotta. And so he’d called her Lotta.
She’d been three years older than him, and he never remembered being alone.
She’d always been there for him. She’d been the one to look after him, much more than their mother had been, and they’d both preferred it that way. Most of his early memories consisted of him following her around wherever she went.
He’d adored her.
She was gone when he was seven. He came home one day and she had vanished. 
Asking his mother yielded no answers, even when it was Hunter or Cecil. There had been no sign of her. To this day, there still had not been.
She was dead. 
She must be.
Carlos knew it in his bones.
While it wasn’t unheard of, on the Isle, for children as young as she’d been—she’d always seemed so mature and capable in his eyes, and it was always with a small shock whenever he realized that he was now several years older than she’d ever been—or even as young as Carlos had been to run away, or to be left orphaned, to be homeless and alone, she wouldn’t have left without him.
 She wouldn’t have left him alone. Even if the others had refused to go (but they wouldn't have. None of the living ones would have refused to leave, even Diego with the parents he'd loved so much. Even the Baduns would have gone if she'd asked, which she never did because she didn't run away— ). 
There were many ways for people to disappear on the Isle. Half of them would barely even need any sort of special effort.
People who disappeared on the Isle, with a few rare exceptions, were generally never found again. Not alive, at least. If you ever got lost—well, if you weren’t found again after a few hours you’d be lucky if your body was.
Especially with the witches on Cannibal Cove around. 
Carlotta had been one of those who was never found. There’d been no signs, no traces. No body, no blood, no footprints, nothing. It was like she’d ceased to exist…..at least, his mother pretended so.
His little sister had been born eight months later—the second Carlotta.
Mother hadn’t bothered taking care of the baby. She’d barely ever noticed her. It had been Carlos at the age of eight who had scrounged and searched for milk and formula, Carlos who had woken up every time she cried, Carlos who had named her.
( Just like his cousins and siblings before him, when adults weren't capable of doing so for him and the others). 
He’d named her Carlotta, the only name he could think of, the name of the sister whose presence was always on his mind, whom he desperately missed.
She’d been such a sweet little girl.
She’d been very quiet, of course, in a way that growing up with Cruella as your mother warranted, quieter even than him. Which was funny, in a way, because his older sister had never seemed meek or quiet to him. He had a vivid memory of her standing on her tiptoe while she and Ivy shouted at each other…about what, he’d forgotten, and he wasn’t going to ask Ivy.
But maybe it was the way of older siblings to go out of their comfort zones for their younger siblings. He certainly had for little Lotta. Would she have remembered him as he thought of himself —shy and timid? Or as someone who spoke up for her when it was needed, who shielded her from the worst Mother and the Isle had to offer?
He hoped the latter.
Then again, it wasn’t like he’d actually been able to do anything for her when it mattered, had he?
She’d always been in delicate health. She was small for her age, just like him. Oh, she was healthy, and could run and jump and clap like he imagined carefree Auradon children doing. But she was susceptible to illness, always came down with every little cough and sniffle that made its way around. He’d spent many nights awake at her bedside, trying to cool a fever or get her to drink as she shivered, wracked by chills.
It hadn’t been sickness that had killed her last year, but it certainly hadn’t helped.
When he was twelve years old, he’d gotten his leg caught in one of Mother’s bear traps. He still had a slight limp. Carlotta, four years old, had run to get Hunter and Ivy. As he lay in bed recovering —the week following was the only time he remembered ever being exempt from his mother’s long list of chores—he’d heard his uncle Cecil shouting at his mother—his only memory of Cecil ever raising his voice—that those traps were going to get someone killed one day.
Well, he’d been right. Twice. 
He’d been able to survive the pain, the shock, the blood loss, even the infection. A little girl like his sister (and a little boy like Joseph Badun)? Not so much.
The house now reminded him of the months after his older sister’s death—eerily silent, Mother’s unhinged laughter echoing from the corners, ghostly visions of long hair and dark eyes in the shadows. Seeing her everywhere and nowhere, because she was gone. Gone, to that place Ivy and Hunter had been in.
Ivy and Hunter were alive again. None of his siblings or the Badun kids (or the various other children of his mother’s henchmen who'd died in those very halls or this dratted Isle) had been given the same courtesy.
Carlisle and the twins hadn’t been given the same courtesy. 
Carlos remembered Carlisle better than he remembered the twins, but that wasn’t saying much given the fact the three of them had died within a year of one another. 
He remembered his silverish-gray hair, his unnaturally blue eyes,  and his maniacal smile. 
Remembered his laugh that sounded hauntingly similar to their mother’s laugh.
He also remembered how much of a mama’s boy his brother was—and Carlos’s own jealousy that he hadn’t even been able to name at the time at how much more their mother had loved him and the twins when she loved him and the others all so little. 
He knew that when he was five, he had hated the older boy—had hated him so much that he went out of his way to make things difficult for him just so that he could spend more time with Hunter. Made things difficult when Carlisle hadn’t really deserved it.
All because Carlos had been jealous of how much better off he was. 
It was stupid, in hindsight. Carlos knew that. 
Carlisle had only been fourteen when he died— had only been the age Carlos was now .  
It wasn’t his fault that he sounded and acted like their mother (to a much more dialed down degree). It wasn’t his fault that he found fireworks and explosives entertaining more than the rest of them did. It wasn’t Carlisle’s fault that he’d outlived both of the twins.
It wasn’t his fault: he was just a messed up kid with no friends who’d never known any different than the horror that was their family.
But of course, it had taken Carlos nine years too late to realize that. 
Because all his five year old self had seen was a warped reflection of the scary mother who didn’t love the rest of them enough instead of his big brother who did his best to bond with Carlos, Carlotta, Remi, and the others. 
Even after Carlise had died—having bled out after trying to show off how cool his new fireworks were to a girl he’d had a crush on; only for the firework to explode in his hand. 
Carlos still had nightmares where Carlise lay bleeding out, screaming for their mother who did her best for once to help as she cried and cried—cried harder than she had when both of the twins had died because the last child she truly fully loved was gone. 
She hadn’t cried for either of the Carlottas.
(And deep down, Carlos knew that if he or Remi joined them tomorrow she wouldn't cry then either).
Conway and Codias both had heads full of curly red hair that no one was quite sure the origin of, freckles, big brown eyes, and missing teeth in different places from all the roughhousing they did with one another and Carlise. 
They’d both been only nine when they died. 
And Carlos had liked them both well enough. 
At least, Carlos thought he did—he couldn’t really remember them all that well.
He vaguely remembered Conway trying to teach him how to draw as he poured them both a glass of the blue ink he loved to drink so much only to cry when he got sick from drinking it and remembered even more vaguely Carlise screaming at Codias until he cried because he accidentally broke Carlos’s arm when playing with him. 
Hunter said Conway was the shy twin and that he didn’t like to leave Cruella, Carlisle, or Codias’s side for longer than he had to when outside—and that he had been so excited when Carlos was born and was the reason that Cruella even bothered making both Carlos and Remi baby blankets. 
Diego said that Conway was good at much more than just drawing and that he was just good at artsy things in general; except music of course, because he was just as tone deaf as Hunter and Ivy were.
And all Ivy had to say about Conway was that he was an idiot for drinking ink till he died just because he liked the way blue ink tasted. 
(And later, when she cooled down, she’d tell Carlos how much Conway had liked the color blue).
Carlotta claimed that Codias had liked to be called ‘Cody’ and had only let their mother call him his actual name.
Uncle Cecil, in the rare moments where he was open to questions about the siblings and relatives Carlos didn’t remember, would quietly remind him of the wooden plane that Cody had carried around. A plane Carlise had  apparently made for him (he apparently made the wooden toy tools Carlos had played with years after his death, too).
Ivy called Cody stupid and reckless, saying that the broken arm Carlos remembered getting wasn’t the only time the redhead had accidentally hurt him.
Hunter grimly noted that the swing that had eventually plunged Cody into the cold, icy waters and jagged rocks that killed him had been the one that little Cody had tried to push a one or two year old Carlos on as an attempt to bond. 
But Carlos couldn’t confirm or deny any of it. 
Because he didn’t remember and their little brother, Remi, wouldn’t either.
And now it was just him and Remi. The only surviving children of Cruella de Vil. And it was him ( not his little brother who he may never see again after this) , the one chosen, out of all of their cousins, out of everyone on the Isle, to be one of the five to go to Auradon.
Lucky him, right?
“Are you sure you aren’t mad?” Carlos asked his brother for what had to be the third time that hour as he packed what little belongings he had. 
He could barely meet his brother’s eye. 
He hadn’t even gotten to tell Remi that he was leaving for Auradon himself—no, Remi had found out from his friend Hannah who was also being forced to go to Auradon with Carlos and the others on Maleficent’s orders.
The inventor knew that his little brother had to be mad at him.
He’d be mad, in his shoes. 
Remi huffed, plopping down on the ground dangerously close to one of their mother’s bear traps without even a hint of fear (Carlos couldn’t help but shiver at the memory of what had happened to the last two children other than him and Evie who’d been close to those traps). “For the last time, I’m not mad at you—but I will be sending you down to Davy Jones’ locker if you keep asking if I am.”
“Dude, I don’t speak pirate—”
“You can speak dog —when you’re terrified of them—but you can’t pick up simple pirate lingo that I’ve been speaking since I was six?”
“It doesn’t make any sense!”
“It makes perfect sense!”
“It’s a locker underneath the ocean! Pretty self-explanatory as to how someone would end up there!”
“It doesn’t even exist!”
“Whatever.” Remi rolled his eyes. “I said, no, I’m not mad at you. You’re getting out of here, why should I be mad at you? Just get us off, too, once you’re out there. Don’t forget about us.”
Don’t forget about us.
Carlotta and Carlotta. Carlisle. Codias. Conway.  Ivy and Hunter and Diego and Remi. All of them. Every one of them. Carlos could visualize the faces of each of them, even if it had been a decade since his eyes had seen their faces, that they had breathed.
His family . All of them, all the de Vils. Together. What was left of them, anyway.
“I won’t,” Carlos vowed softly. “I would never.”
His first night in Auradon, Carlos popped in the only pair of earbuds he'd ever seen on the Isle and listened to The Bad Apples on the old, cruddy MVP player his cousins and brother had quickly fixed up for him as a going away present. 
Listening to every single song on repeat until he finally managed to fall asleep with tears in his eyes. 
Missing his long-gone siblings. 
Missing Remi, the only one left alive.
Missing Hunter and Ivy and Diego . 
Diego, who had grabbed all of his bandmates to record all of their songs just so that he could hear them whenever he wanted to. Just so that he wouldn't feel as scared and alone as any one would in his situation.
Diego, who Carlos hadn't even always been sure liked him all that much. 
Did that just for him. 
It even made Carlos enjoy his cousin's music for the first time in his life. 
“The Beast will take off with your dreams,
And shatter them in the night.
Rip your heart apart at the seams,
He's nothing more than a blight–”
(Harriet, Claudine, and Ginny as Chorus)
Gotta fight to survive—”
Even if it was a bit cringey. 
( “Oh shut up, Carlos, my music’s not cringey you just have no taste—”
"Just keep telling yourself that."
"You're the only one who doesn't like The Bad Apples" ).
Carlos wasn’t quite as surprised as he thought he perhaps ought to be when he found out he had family in Auradon.
Plenty of people on the Isle had family in Auradon, after all. Most of the de Vils had been sent to the Isle, but there were a few who hadn’t been, distant cousins and the odd long-lost uncle. They were bound to be out in Auradon somewhere.
No. His surprise was, when he finally found out about them and met them, that he actually had already known them. Or one of them, anyway.
His mother had a brother Carlos had only heard about from Cecil’s occasional mentions (one he was much more willing to talk about than the one who had been on the isle with them, once upon a time, Cristin de Vil), Divus. Some time after the rest of the de Vils had been banished to the Isle, Divus had married a perfectly ordinary woman named Eleanor who was not connected with any villainous or heroic families in any way. The two of them had one son, a little boy of about seven named Henry.
Carlos had met Henry. Last year, during the schoolwide scavenger hunt. He and Jane had stumbled upon a lost little boy who had been separated from his mother on a trip to Auradon City, and had helped him find her.
To Carlos’ surprise, Henry had known who he was, and had been shocked—awed—to actually meet him.
Carlos usually forgot that he and his friends were kind of famous. The Isle was small enough that everybody knew everybody at least by face, and he and his friends rarely ventured out of Auradon Prep. But everywhere else?
Well, the decision to bring over several VKs to Auradon had made national news. Their arrival had been televised. So had the coronation. So had Cotillion. At this point, it was safe to say that Carlos and the others were probably recognizable on sight anywhere in Auradon.
And, to his own shock, it turned out that they had fans. Carlos, at least. One fan in particular.
It turned out that Henry had idolized him before even meeting him. Which felt weird . Was this what it was like to be Ben, multiplied by a couple million?
Henry also liked to tinker with machines and electronics and figure out how things worked and come up with new ideas, just like Carlos. It was like meeting a miniature version of him, minus the black in his hair. The kid actually had white hair, unlike any other Auradonian child Carlos had seen.
(“It was actually black-and-white, like normal— normal for de Vils, I mean,” his uncle Divus would tell Carlos later, his own black-and-white hair safely disguised by the grey streaks in it and the lines on his face. “We dyed it black for a while, but around the time he turned six he started driving us crazy to have it white instead, and eventually we gave in. If he couldn’t have it black-and-white he wanted it white, at least, so it could be like the kid’s he saw on TV. You.”)
(The relatives of villains sent to the Isle, even though they’d been lucky enough to escape banishment themselves, were often treated less than kindly in Auradon due to the actions of their relatives. There was a reason Divus hadn’t reached out to Carlos until now, a reason he’d dyed his son’s telltale hair even as an infant.)
Carlos and his friends had helped Henry find his mother—his aunt, Carlos now knew—and Carlos remembered watching Henry and his mother hug each other, both of them crying tears of worry, relief, joy, and he had thought that he had never, ever been as excited to see each other as Henry was. That his mother had never been as worried about him as Henry’s mother had been over her son disappearing for half an hour.
In that moment, in that image of a relieved mother and son uniting in joyful embrace, Carlos had glimpsed something he could never have, and had turned away quickly, leaving his girlfriend to explain to Henry’s mother how they’d found him.
He’d wallowed in self-pity for a while, the look on Henry’s tear-streaked, beaming face as he looked up at his mother like she’d hung the stars in the sky haunting him. 
Carlos had never looked at his mother like that. From his earliest memories, Cruella was something to be feared and avoided and obeyed unless you were Carlisle and the twins. 
It took him a while to realize he was jealous. Jealous of Henry. Jealous of Ben and Lonnie and Jane. Jealous of every kid in Auradon interacting with their parents that he’d ever seen. Jealous that they had something the Isle had robbed him of, him and every VK he knew, for even those villain parents who did care a whit about their children never showed it in the free, easy way affection was given in Auradon ( because they couldn't on the isle—showing you cared just painted a target on your loved one's backs and made you look weak—) .
Then he found out that Henry was actually his cousin. Divus was his uncle, Eleanor was his aunt by marriage, and little Henry was as much of a cousin to him as Ivy and Diego were, the youngest de Vil.
All Carlos could think of as he sat through that first, awkward meeting with his newfound family members was how normal they were. How, well, Auradonlike, but in a good way.
They took him out to an eatery in the city that the Auradon students often frequented, the Mad for Tea Caf é .  Carlos didn’t eat much. He mostly just watched them. Occasionally Ally, who worked there after school as her parents ran the place, would appear over his shoulder to refill his tea cup, give him an encouraging wink, and boop Henry on the nose.
 They—Carlos couldn’t help but think of them as the Auradonian De Vils— talked. They laughed. They occasionally made an effort to include him in the conversation, but not too often, so it didn’t feel like an interrogation, not like when the well-meaning Anita and Roger Radcliffe had met him; this allowed him to sit quietly and observe them, how they moved, how they acted. Eleanor sometimes chastised Henry for acting too wild or reminded him to “use your fork” or “chew with your mouth closed,” but she never smacked or shouted. They all seemed at ease sitting close to each other and occasionally touching each other, none of them clinging to each other or, conversely, sitting stiff and still to ensure not touching each other, both actions being what characterized every de Vil family meeting Carlos had ever been in, even the ones consisting only of himself and all his cousins.
They acted like other Auradon families Carlos had seen. How Jane and her mother talked. How Lonnie and her brother sat next to each other by lunch. How Audrey and Ariana gossipped in the halls, how Arabella and her cousins all did their homework together in the common room while draped over each other in a big pile.
Divus and Henry and Eleanor acted normal .
And Carlos realized he was completely, inexpressibly glad , glad that little Henry was growing up with parents who were just like Auradon parents, glad that this little branch of the de Vils seemed somehow to have escaped the curse of madness and grief that inexorably ruined all their lives, glad that Henry would grow up happy and free and safe and as unlike the lives of the other de Vils as he could get.
Little Henry would walk a path of light and happiness, unlike the warped, shadowy path that the rest of them followed through life. At least one member of the de Vils could get a happy life. If it couldn’t be Carlos, if it couldn’t be his older sister or his younger sister or Remi or Diego or any of them, at least Henry could be carefree.
A real child.
A normal child.
A normal life.
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penny-anna · 7 months ago
ok further thought having finished re-watching the OG Descendants:
not only is Cruella de Vil wildly out of place in a line up of otherwise fairytale & fairytale-adjacent villains the film also just completely fails to grasp her as a character?
Like: Jay's thing is that he was raised to be selfish and only look out for number one and he learns the value of being a good team player. Evie was raised to think being beautiful is the only thing that matters and learns that she's actually smart and talented. they're both solid character arcs w good messages for the audience and engage with what made their respective parents evil.
Carlos's thing is that he was. raised to think dogs are bad and then learns that dogs are nice? problems here:
a. this isn't a Growth Arc like the others bcos its not like he was raised to think dogs suck bcos love & friendship are bad his mother straight up lied to him that they're dangerous and as soon as he met one he realised they're not. he doesn't have a personal flaw to work on, he was just ignorant.
like there's shades of a good arc here w idk his mother having raised him to think love&friendship are overrated and that the only thing that matters is what people can provide for you? he would be all like 'what's the point of having a dog they're nuisances who just eat and poop all day' and then he would learn about unconditional love. but no that's not what happens bcos his mother just lied to him about what dogs are.
& this stands out bcos the other character journeys are actually very solid!!
b. hating dogs. was never Cruella's thing? Cruella's thing is consumerism. she's into furs bcos it's a way of showing off how rich and powerful she is and slaughtering 99 puppies just to make the world's fanciest coat is the ultimate expression of her conspicuous consumption. its a custom baby seal leather boots situation.
so like Cruella's kid's issue should be having been raised to value material goods over people's feelings which is an arc that absolutely could be resolved by him befriending a dog but again the root cause of his issue with dogs is that they're 'rabid pack animals'
aughhhh (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
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lowkeyrobin · 7 months ago
Hi could I request a Carlos De Vil x reader where maybe she is the daughter of Roger and Anita Radcliffe from 101 Dalmatians. Maybe it could be like an enemies to lovers situation but not necessarily enemies cause Carlos is such a sweetheart
IM SOBBING YES YES YESSSSSS ; also fair warning I only write gn / they/them readers so I keep everything pretty in the middle so everyone feels included haha ; but thank you so much for requesting! I hope you enjoy 🫶
CARLOS DE VIL ; a new story
summary ; yours and carlos' parents were enemies in their stories, but you and carlos, not so much
warnings ; language
track ; something new, tokio hotel
word count ; 1.6k
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You knew the story of Cruella De Vil and your parents one hundred one dalmatians. It was told to you as a bedtime story every night you asked for it growing up. So, naturally, you'd grown a distaste for Cruella De Vil, and her son who'd you'd just found out existed, Carlos.
You never sported a fancy dress or a tux, considering you worked with dogs.
During the VK's second day in Auradon, their search for their next class led them past your little pasture of grass where you worked with and trained dogs. From Yorkies to German Shepherds, you had them all.
But you'd unfortunately caught their attention as they passed by, your loud shouting and jogging leading them to you. Mal opens the door, Carlos behind her shivering and shaking at the sight of dogs.
"What are you doing?!" He asks her
Mal rolls her eyes. "Seeing what they're doing with all these dogs"
The four approach you, nearly scaring the hell out of you with their bright hair and clothes. They'd snuck up on you while you had your back turned, in your defense.
"Oh, hello! You must be the new kids?"
Mal nods. "Mal, Maleficent's daughter"
She accepts your handshake as you introduce yourself. "Y/n. Rodger and Anita Radcliffe's kid. Y'know, Cruella De Vil and the dalmatians?" You chuckle
Mal, Evie, and Jay all look over at Carlos, practically pretzeling himself as he holds his arms to his chest, feet stuck together to make himself a smaller target for all the dogs.
"Evie, daughter of Evil Queen" The blue haired girl smiles.
"I'm Jay" The boy with the long hair flexes his muscles.
Mal snaps at Carlos.
"Uh- Carlos."
"Cruella De Vil's son" Mal smirks.
You blink, staring at the boy. "Uhm, so! Why are you guys here? Shouldn't you be in class?"
Mal shrugs. "We'll be fine. What's with all the dogs?" She asks, watching a pitbull nearly tackle you as it jumps on you.
You giggle, rubbing his back. "I train dogs" You answer, looking back up at her.
"At school?"
You shrug. "Better than on the street. Fairy Godmother allowed it cause I'm such an excellent student" You give them a fake smile, knowing your grades were fairly average, maybe just below. "But, it's either this or they get killed" You shrug, "I work with cats as well, but my friend Marie is mostly in charge of that"
"Let me guess..." The purple haired girl begins. "Marie, like those three little talking kittens?"
You nod. "You can play with them," you say, referring to the dogs, "I'm not gonna tattle on you for skipping, I couldn't care less."
Carlos shrieks, jumping onto Jay's shoulders quickly as a small dog attempts to jump on him, wanting attention. Your eyes quickly widen, looking up at him. You look back at Mal, curious as to why he was so jumpy.
"He'll tell you" She snickers, her and Evie walking off to play with one of the smaller dogs.
Jay shoves Carlos off his shoulders, leaving him cowering in fear to chase after one of the larger dogs. Carlos stands still, staring at you while the dogs bark and growl, playing with each other and with his friends.
"Why are you so scared of dogs?" You chuckle, picking a little Shitzu up, holding her in your arms.
"My mom told me that dogs are little demons that eat boys when they're bad" He answers quickly, the words falling out of his mouth. His eyes are running wild, trying to make sure none of the dogs approached him.
Your expression softens, realizing he's not some evil asshole that you'd thought he was at first. Christ, he wasn't gonna hurt these dogs, he couldn't even be within the same space as them.
"Well, your mom lied to you. These dogs are the nicest creatures on this Earth, they wouldn't ever think of purposefully hurting you, let alone think of eating you" You chuckle, scratching the ears of the dog in your arms.
A slightly wide eyed look appears on his face, like he couldn't believe that his mom would lie to him about that, especially so much to create a phobia. But, it made sense to him, she's lied before, she treated him like some servant to her.
"You wanna hold her?" You ask him, referring to the dog in your arms.
He quickly shakes his head no, still a little too scared to wanna face his fear. For all he knew, you could've been lying to him.
"That's fine," you softly smile, trying to make him feel comfortable. You could tell he was a bit less tense, but you tried keeping things calm for him. The audible laughter of his friends fills your ears, seeing them practically playing tag with a handful of the dogs. "You don't have dogs on the Isle, do you?"
He shakes his head again.
"Well, feel free to do as you please. I don't think your friends wanna leave anytime soon"
"I don't think so either"
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It'd been a while since your first encounter with the new VK's. But, you didn't think they were some delinquents with no hope for a future like others did, they were just misunderstood and needed a chance to succeed.
Carlos, by himself, had come down to your spot one afternoon.
You were occupied with brushing the shed fur off the longer haired dogs, working on a retriever when he entered.
"Hi" He shyly smiles.
You turn back to look at him. "Oh, hey, Carlos!" You smile. "What's up?"
"I don't think dogs are evil anymore"
"Good" You chuckle. "What changed your mind?"
He shrugs. "You"
You roll your eyes, turning back to the retriever to hide the fact your face was heating up.
"You need any help?"
You stop yourself, looking back at him. "If you'd like to"
He smiles, approaching you to help.
"Just hold her paws like this. She likes squirming"
"She's pretty"
"She's got a hell of a coat"
He jumps as the dog barks, wanting out of your grips.
"Calm down, it's almost over"
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Carlos was still kinda jumpy with dogs, even after he'd been on the tourney team for nearly a year. You, in honor of his growth with his exposure to his fear, decided to give him a dog to finish his exposure therapy. That was all his idea, you never thought for a second to try and force him to get along with dogs.
But, he wanted to be closer to you, which meant he'd have to get used to the dogs.
To be totally open and honest, he'd quickly developed a crush on you. Crush as in he was totally, completely in love with you.
He adored your soft smiles of encouragement and reassurance, how you were so kind and understanding, how you saw him for who he was. A lot of people assumed that he and his friends were pure evil, not thinking for a moment that maybe since they were raised by and to be villains, that they had things backwards but had grown into good people. You did that for him like how Ben did for Mal, how Doug did for Evie, how Lonnie did for Jay.
He just wanted to love you, to hold you close, and thank you for being truly you.
If he had to admit it, he'd be honest about how he was damn near mortified of you after hearing who your parents were, thinking that you were just like the retelling of your parents in his mother's stories. Thank God you'd exposed him to the true story and proved to him that you weren't some asshole.
He never expected to fall in love with you like this, your stories of the past told in the present, just a little backwards. How funny would it be to explain how your parents were rivals in the past and you'd fallen in love? How ironic.
He knew at least that your parents liked him, he was not planning on introducing you to his mother though, if that ever could've happened. The barrier still being up was the perfect excuse not to.
But, he desperately wanted to ask you a very specific question, something that could really make or break your relationship.
"Do you wanna go to the cotillion with me?"
"Sure" You shrug. "But, I do have a little surprise for you"
You stop yourselves on the path in the woods. You whistle, causing a dog to sprint up to you from the woods. He stops at your feet, barking at his arrival. You smile, picking him up, handing him to Carlos.
Carlos, confused, looks up at you.
"His name is Dude. Don't ask about that. But he's yours. He needs a home, you're a pretty fit candidate" You smile
Carlos happily pouts. "Why are you?-"
"Because I can" You shrug. "And you've come a long way with your fear. I'm proud of you"
He scratches Dude's ears, a happy smile upon his face. "Thank you?"
"You're welcome"
"I still don't understand how or why you decided that I needed a dog, but I appreciate it"
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At the cotillion, you and Carlos, after Uma's final attack, dance in the pool of water together, soaking yourselves while Mal and Ben dance together. Evie and Doug and Jay and Lonnie do as well, eyeing yours and Carlos' looks at each other, like you had hearts in your eyes.
You both jump in the water, splashing each other with it purposefully.
"Stop!" Carlos laughs, picking up a cupped handful of water to splash your face.
"Oh, you're dead!" You giggle, doing the same to him.
"Watch out, lovebirds!" Mal laughs, running past you two as Ben chases her.
"Do not act oblivious." Evie rolls her eyes playfully. "Just kiss already"
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capitan-copi · 4 months ago
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Name: Caitlyn de Vil Alias: Chanel Daughter of Cruella de Vil Parent's Story: 101 Dalmatas Birthday: October 30th Sign: Scorpio Alliance: ""Royal"" Favorite food: Cheesecake Quote: "Bad taste chases me, but I'm faster" Powerful personal qualities: Sweet as sour candy, just joking! Creative
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Name: Robin Charmflower Alias: Teddy Daughter of The Skillfull Huntsman Parent's Story: The Skillfull Hunstman Birthday: December 14th Sign: sagittarius Alliance: Royal Favorite food: Pizza Quote: " A Prince who isn't afraid of heights" Powerful personal qualities: ---- ""I prefer to skip this""
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Name: Poison Drache Alias: Diablo, Chivo Daughter of The Witch Parent's Story: Counted words Birthday: September 9th Sign: Virgo Alliance: Royal Favorite food: Chocolate souffle Quote: " Dulces sueños maricon" Powerful personal qualities: ""Dark magic 🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑""
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Name: Huntress Charmflower Alias: Nibor, Cara de Perro Daughter of The Skillfull Huntsman Parent's Story: The Skillfull Hunstman Birthday: December 15th Sign: sagittarius Alliance: Royal Favorite food: Tiramisú Quote: " A missed shot? I never miss. Never" Powerful personal qualities: Smart and elegant
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mudpuddlenl · 1 year ago
My headcanon of a VK hierarchy
(Thank you wikipedia list of Disney Villains. I will be listing canon VK's that apply where necessary)
Rank 1 (Reflections) Kids of the "13 reflections of evil" (the 13 villains that are used most often in Disney's marketing). Often these are gang leaders (or at least high up in the gangs). Messing with any of them is a really, really bad idea. You're going to end up dead, or, if you're lucky, severely wounded.
Evil Queen (Evie) Chernabog Queen of Hearts Captain Hook (Harry, CJ, Harriet) Maleficent (Mal) Cruella de Vil (Carlos) Ursula (Uma) Gaston (Junior, III, Gil) Jafar (Jay) Oogie Boogie Scar Hades (Mal again, Hadie) Dr. Facilier (Freddie, Celia)
While some with strong connections to these villains (such as Diego and Jade) will be elevated higher due to this, they won't be in rank 1. They're more likely to be somewhere in rank 3 or 4.
Rank 2 (Big-name VK's) Kids of villains that might not be part of the reflections of evil, but still have big name recognition. Think of a disney villain, which ones outside of the reflections of evil are likely to come to mind first? Yeah, those are in here.
Examples, but not conclusive: Claude Frollo (Claudine) Horned King Tremaine family (Dizzy, Anthony, unnamed cousins/siblings of these two) Madam Mim (Maddy) Mother Gothel (Ginny) Prince Hans Shere Khan Yzma (Yzla, Zevon) Shan Yu
Rank 3 (Small-name VK's) The villains that are in movies but that you're not likely to name if asked for a villain, or even have to check a list for in order to remember them. I'll be listing their movie with them.
Examples, but not conclusive: Amos Slade (Fox & The Hound) The Stabbingtons (Tangled) Edgar Balthazar (Aristocats) The Ringmaster (Dumbo) (Hermie)
I truly am not in the position to give more examples in this rank since it really depends on each individual person tbh, but you get what I mean.
Rank 4 (Protected) Sidekicks, family, gang members, kids; if they are under the protection of higher ranked VK's they go here. This is where Jace and Harry Badun, as well as Reza, would fall. Possibly the Smee kids, Diego, and Jade too, but those might be able to make it into rank 3.
Rank 4 might have a hierarchy within itself, but it's not as formal as the actual isle hierarchy. For most if not all kids on the isle, this is the highest rank that one can climb to; anything higher than rank 4 is unachievable.
Rank 5 and lower Honestly, these are harder to be specific about since we don't really have any examples. These kids aren't really VK's. Their parents were sent here for crimes, yes, but they're not villains the same way the above are. Crimes can range anywhere from minor offences to murder. There is likely a rank system between them too (which is why I listed it as rank 5 and lower) depending on the crime the parents committed, but ranks 4 and up don't often bother with them unless they're recruiting (in which case the ones joining go up to rank 4)
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trizy0 · 7 months ago
Descendants- Entry #2: The Villains
I'm going to make a quick analysis of the Villains as parents and of their character in Descendants
The Villains
Maleficent's character is quite solid during D1, her being based off in her counterpart of the animated movie, even when we see her in Merlin Prep we can see that counterpart of hers.
What I don't understand is why they didn't use her counterpart's past from the Maleficent movie (2014) that would've been even more gut wrenching since it would've added depth for both her versions. But, utilizing her version of the Maleficent movie wouldn't make sense for her to be a bad mother (given that we see her being like a mother to Aurora).
Evil Queen
For me, the best interpretation of the Evil Queen was Regina from UOAT, she was misunderstood and had a stronger affinity with magic (and better character development).
We don't see that much of her during D1, but the little we see about her, I interpreted her as a mother that tried to do her best, who tried to get past that 'fairest of them all' thing to be a better mother to Evie, even tho we later learn that Evie was scared of her mother.
For me, the Evil Queen was the best parent between all the villains, who was proud of her daughter because of everything she could do and become, but thought that her daughter would only gain success if she married someone with royal lineage, which made her the kind of mother who a daughter would think that she'd never make proud.
The biggest mistake that D1 made was making him have a kid (even tho I love Jay and his fantastic) and that he could live in a house with two teenager girls (I think that everyone was weirded out by the scene where Jafar kissed Jasmine).
But other than that he would just ignore the existence of a son and would just use him to make his dirty bid.
Cruella De Vil
Cruella being one of the big bads in D1 didn't make any sense, she isn't considered a fairy tail nor had magic to make others so afraid of her (but the , só having her as one of the 'absolute rulers' of the Isle of the Lost didn't make sense.
Hades being the CEO of daddy issues is so funny to me (since his dad literally ate him), and he didn't even apologize to Mal for draining her magic.
Other than that he was a fantastic character and was really coherent with his animated version (plus the way he was portrayed in D3 was super good, because that was exactly how I would imagine Hercules' Hades in a modern setting)
With what we know about Ursula (basing in her tentacle appearance in D2 and Uliana whole personality and actions) is that she's someone that both her daughter and her sister looked up to her, wanting to be her (Uma wanting her mother's influence and Uliana wanting her sister's power).
We cannot determine if she was a good mother to Uma, but we can determine that she had that sisterly relationship with Uliana where both of you are a pain in the other ass.
Captain Hook
Same goes with Hook, we don't know if he was a good father, but we can speculate that Harry looked up to him (since he tries to act like his father) and that he was a rather ambitious man (D4 Hook).
As a character, younger Hook having already lost his has was like "where TF is this kids parents", my man already had beef with Peter Pan (and the probability of Peter being a goddamn baby is too funny for me).
Dr. Facilier
Facilier being a good dad to Celia is cool as fuck, I, personally, can't think of him as a girl dad, but is rather good his relationship with Celia.
And his character is not consistent when we compare him with his animated version. I just hoped we saw more about him.
Drizella and Lady Tremaine
Drizella not appearing was a crime and Lady Tremaine trying to be a good grandma (D3) did make sense, but them trying to redeem her in D3 didn't make sense.
Lady Tremaine character was consistent in ROR, but in D3, it wasn't that much.
Mr. Smee
Him being a good dad made sense, we know shit about his version in Descendants
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slashingdisneypasta · 2 years ago
MultiVillains x Reader || Drabbles
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Plots / Includes: These are each inspired by texts from the Unsent Project- so this is gonna be heartbreaking 😅 . Enjoy XD
(Also- the ratings at the end of the blurbs is how upsetting it is at least in my opinion, for your convenience XD 😅 0 is happy, 5 is sad, 10 is dark. Remember these are my opinions so take them with a grain of salt and proceed cautiously if you think anything will trigger you ^^ I'm just trying this out)
Bo Sinclair x ChildhoodSweetheart!Reader- whatever happen to us, remember that i always loved you and always will. Your parting words to your childhood sweetheart before you leave town. || 6-7 1/2 out of 10
Captain Hook x Reader- i don’t hate you. i’m sorry it ended how it did. An affirming moment between two people who used to love each other. || 4-5 out of 10
Cruella De Vil x Model!Reader- you did a damn good job of hurting me, but not good enough i’m healing. You call her up and say some things that satisfying your fricken soul. || 8-9 out of 10 (its angry)
Hades x Reader- even when I get over you and all that you’ve done for me, i’ll never forget the happiness. This one’s about an ex-lover of the lord of the dead who, if you asked, would never say a bad thing about him. And how he responds. || 2-3 out of 10
Inkubus x Reader- if you had said something earlier it would have been you. He finally admits he really wants you which is all you’ve wanted for the last 5 years but its awful because its too late and you cant do this with him now. || 6-7 out of 10
Laughing Jack x Reader- i hope you can forgive me one day. i’m sorry i didn’t say goodbye when u left. i love you. These are the words L.J wishes he could send you, but that part of him that can admit those things out loud died a long time ago. || 5-6 out of 10
Wheezy Weasel x Reader- the universe keeps putting us in the same place at the same time and you still refuse to come to me. Wheezy is sick and tired of letting you leave every time you two find your ways back to eachother so he lays it all out on the table for you. || 5!!! out of 10
Warnings: Heartbreak and angst throughout. But also mentions of Mr and Mrs Sinclair (Neglect and abusive parenting), break ups, past break ups, caring about eachother but not getting back together, kind of psychotic reader in Cruella’s, being in mutual love but not being together, death of reader, gratuitous swearing, inner struggles, L.J struggling with his emotional trauma, break ups, immoveable objects, etc. Also unedited.
Bo Sinclair: whatever happen to us, remember that i always loved you and always will
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Bo always had a deficiency in love- his parents never truly loved him and in a house like that you learn to protect yourself. You have to learn to protect yourself so your heart doesn’t break daily. You could tell this was in him, or it wasn’t in him, from the moment you met Bo when the two of you were 5. He just had that… air. And little five-year-old you, in overalls and mud, felt for him.
Since then, you did everything you could to make him feel loved, because honestly? From the second moment you met him he was. Sure, at first it was just puppy love; A little kid looking at another little kid and thinking he would look perfect next to a picket fence walking a cute dog, or in a church holding your hand. Despite that it was more then enough fodder to build a lifelong relationship from, developing rapidly over the years from being sandbox buddies to sneaking out of your window at night after a fight with your parents just to spend the night in his truck with him. To making out behind school for the first time and ending up with a kissing rash you hid by staying home for days. To him inviting you to prom. At 16 the two of you were the steadiest couple in town. And you were right when you were a kid- he would look good in a church holding your hand, now.
… Your heart still pangs like hell in your chest when you even just remember that that is never going to happen, though.
Because you cant stay and he cant leave.
He’s never going to walk that dog (Skippy you’d named it in your head over the years, after the peanut butter Bo liked) by that damn picket fence you would’ve taken such good care of. You would never get married, though it felt something like torture inside knowing that you two would not share a future at all.
Bo always had a deficiency in love- it came from his parents and you tried like hell to put him back together but looking at him now, your bags in the backseat and the drivers side of your car open, waiting for you… and him standing there all sweet and charismatic, like he’s not bothered by this when he raged last night in the darkness of your back yard… you can see it never really got fixed. Nothing you can do could ever repair what they broke. And it destroys you inside.
Sniffing, you carefully lay your hands on his shoulders just to feel him a last time, maybe commit him to memory. The darkness over his eyes from the baseball cap on his head hides the dark look inside him that you saw last night. You give him a serious look, nudging your forehead against the rim of his hat. You take a deep breath in, for saying goodbye with-
-He immediately shakes his head, leaning back from you. “Don’t say it.”
“Bo- “
“Naww, don’t say it.” Theres a good-humoured smirk on his face but the tone in his voice is not joking. He’s not joking. “Y’can still stay. C’mon, I’ll help you unpack- “
“Bo,” You start again, insisting and closing the space between you two again. Persistently, you catch his eye before speaking again, waiting until he’s still and he’s paying attention.
… Then you take another deep breath and lean your forehead softly against the rim of his hat, this time. “Whatever happens to us- I need you to know-… I always loved you, and always will.”
Then you squeeze your eyes shut, squeeze your fingers into his shoulders one last time, and then break away into the car.
Captain Hook: i don’t hate you. i’m sorry it ended how it did
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Of all the things to see outside your window at night, this had to be one of the most surprising. Sure, its true that he used to visit you at your window every night, you would leave the window open for him, but its been years since then and now the window is closed and latched. And yet, he’s here.
Even so, you move forward a moment after you see him and unlock the window for him once again- then step back and wrap your dressing gown tightly around your body; eyes wide as they flicker up and down his body. “Is everything okay??- “
“Everything is fine, my dear.” A terrible pang rings throughout your chest at him calling you that, a twisted echo of the reaction you used to have to his pet name for you. A lot can change in 3 years, you suppose… but that doesn’t mean you like it. “I just… I wished to… ask you something.”
This experience is almost surreal, for you. Dreamy. Having Hook turn up at your window again after all this time has been a dream - no, nightmare, - for you since you said goodbye; You imagined all the things he might say, the way he might beg for you back and the way he might come back just to have a last word with you… you were never sure which was worse. Whether you hate them or still care about them, its always awful when your ex comes back. Its always painful.
You’re not quite sure which one this is. Looking warily at him, you arms crossed over your chest, you feel the cold air coming in from around him on your face and shake your head “… Why don’t you come inside?”
“… thank you, but no.”
“Why not??”
“I don’t think I’ll be staying for long, to be frank. Can I ask my question now, dear?”
“I… “Taking a deep breath in to strengthen yourself, you nod. “I suppose. Go ahead… “
Something in his face shifts then, something vulnerable appears. “Well I.. I- I’ve been thinking lately, about our time together. I had a dream, and… “ His eyes flicker away from yours for a moment, and you know he had dream like yours. You sympathise, but sympathy is a dangerous game and you can’t fall back into old feelings for him- it would be too much, having to start again from the beginning getting over him. So you fold your arms tighter and lift your chin, holding it in when he looks at you again. “And I couldn’t get it out of my head. Smee, that… blundering fool… suggested I come here and ask you myself, so- I- I just have to know, my dear… do you harbour any ill-feelings towards me, still? I know that we ended things and it was unpleasant but I would really regret it if… if you hated me, for anything I said at that time.”
At this you cant help it, your expression immediately softens and your arms loosen against your chest almost entirely. You feel bad for him. And you would never want him to ever think that.
You??? Hating him?????
You couldn’t.
“No… no no no- I- I could never- “ God, you’re a blubbering idiot. Taking a deep breath to calm down and possibly manage a complete sentence, you start again. “… I don’t hate you. I’m sorry for how it ended.”
The two of you just look at eachother, then. Searching eachothers faces for any of the malice that you remember from those last weeks- it wasn’t that you suddenly disliked each other though, it just… some things… sometimes two people aren’t meant to be for that long.
And thankfully, its not there.
A warm smile crinkles the corners of Hooks eyes, and he nods. “As am I.”
Cruella De Vil: you did a damn good job of hurting me, but not good enough i’m healing
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“Arghhhh!” The frustrated scream is muffled by the pillow you have pressed against your face but its still loud, and you don’t feel better afterwards when you pull your warm face away from the pillow and force a deep breath. When that doesn’t work either you stand up, throw the pillow on the floor and stomp down on it.
Its childish, you know. But you are pissed.
Not only did she just stop answering your calls, stop looking at you at work, stop asking for your presence - like it was some switch!, - , but now she’s fired you!??
This. Bitch.
“How the fuck could she do this??” You hiss, storming to one side of your little studio apartment- then whipping around storming to the other side. “I am the face of that stupid fucking company!” With that, you snatch up a cushion from the couch this time on your way across the room. Its one she gave you, made of precious fur so she wouldn’t have to totally slum it in your apartment the rare times that she visited. You stop and stare at it for a few moments, fury bubbling and rising inside you at the sight of the stiff, uncomfortable black-and-white thing before you finally whip around again and go to your desk. There you grab a pair of scissors and stab them into the ugly thing.
That feels good. So you rip the scissors out again and cut a sizeable chunk out of one of the corners.
It cuts surprisingly easily and you sit down for a few minutes at your desk just cutting away at it until all you have now is a pile of feathers and fur. When its finished, you’re a little calmer and pick up your polaroid camera from the very edge of your desk. Snap!
“Hmmm,” You smirk, shaking out the polaroid until it shows the picture. “Cruella will appreciate this nailed to her office door I think… god I sound like a psycho… “For a moment, you consider chopping up the photograph, instead- but instead just shrug. “Honestly oh-fucking-well.“
Cruella made you this way. She can reap the rewards.
“… fucking hell… “As you sit by the ex-cushion and its innards, you feel an almost sadness looking at it. You remember how she bought in the first place, yes to jazz up your home a little bit so she doesn’t feel uncomfortable in the low-rent district,… but also so she could be there when you were sick that one time. That was shockingly warm, of her. You thought after that, that she actually cared about you.
Then your face goes sour again, anger licking at your heart like flames. Because despite that, she did this to you. Somewhere between then, and now, she decided that you weren’t in fact worth it. She changed her mind. Like you were an option on the fucking menu.
Slamming the scissors down on the desk and dropping the polaroid, you stalk across the room back to your bed. You throw pillows off of it until you find your cell phone, that she gave you, and punch in the numbers that would get you her.
 When the ringing stops and the line clears, and you can hear her breath in to say something, you immediately speak first. As far as you are concerned- she has nothing to say. “How dare you- I am a supermodel you heinous, ice cold, disgusting old freak. Your company is going to crumble without me to wear your rags and you’ll- ughh! You’ll- “ What? She’ll regret this? She’ll miss you? She’ll want you back? You know in your heart that none of that will happen. And it kills you. “Agh! I’ll- I’ll find something better. I’ll be much happier working for- being with, someone else. I promise.” Are you promising her, or yourself??? Either way this screeching has calmed you down some, and now you’re just standing there with one hand on your hip, breathing carefully. “… you know what? You hurt me real bad, Cruella, you did a fantastic job. But not good enough- I’m gonna heal.” As soon as you say it you know its true, and a semblance of sanity returns to your mind.
Then you hang up and, for good measure, you throw the cell phone at a wall with all your might- smashing it into pieces.
Hades: even when I get over you and all that you’ve done for me, i’ll never forget the happiness
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“Even when I get over this and you and everything we had- I’ll never forget how happy you made me.” Those would be your last words to him. Those were perfect, you thought. He needed to know that despite this not working between you both anymore, that he would still never be a villain in your life. A lot of people make those assumptions about him and just because you were finished, you would never revert to being on of them. He made you happy for a long time when you thought you wouldn’t be that again and that will never be erased by anything. Not to you.
So, giving one final teary smile, you then turned around and walked away.
Its many many years later when you see eachother again. You’re much, much older now and your heart stopped beating. He meets you at the gate, not something he does with just everyone, and he smirks at you just like he used to.
Its nice, that he still looks at you the same now as he did back then. It makes you feel warm inside, despite being dead.
“So… welcome back.” Are the first words he says to you in so long, and you give a warm smile in response. Sure, you should be scared… you’re dead… but looking at him, you just can’t be. “How bout I show you to your bunk for the next eon?”
Nodding yes, you follow him nervously past the gates and past the river styx. You’re surprised, walking by that- aren’t you going in there?? You thought you would… But Hades keeps moving, not looking back as he leads you deeper into the Underworld. Past the throne room you’re familiar with, past a big iron door with Asphodel Meadows indented into it… to a similar door with Elysium on it. Your eyes widen, stepping back- but Hades’ smoke creates a barrier behind you so you cant get away. It gathers against your back and softly nudge you forward again.
There’s no way- you don’t deserve-
“Uh uh uh… not so fast, babe, you belong here. Look- “ Hades speaks and your wide-eyed attention is immediately on him again, waiting for a good explanation for this. You never in your wildest dreams thought you would ever end up- “I know when our thing ended I was aaa… lets say a little cold. But- I need you to know that wasn’t because I didn’t like you anymore. Babe, damn, you’re still my favourite mortal. And… “The odd, unfamiliar, empathetic look on his face transforms once more to a smirk now. “I heard all the nice things you’ve been sayin’ about me all these years. Remember, I got ears everywhere.”
Oh- well- you’re about to say something, but a smoke tendril wraps itself around your mouth. Hades holds up a finger. “Not just yet. I just wanted to show my gratitude and… “He pushes the door open, which creaks from absolute lack of use over the years, and what’s you see inside is beyond your wildest daydreams. There is absolutely no way he is sending you in there- “Welcome to your final resting place, sweetheart. You like?”
The smoke all over you slips away, then, you’re free. And without thinking, you step towards the doorway.
Its beautiful… and you can’t wait to be there. Is he really sending you there??? Glancing at him, he nods and you look back at Elysium. You take another step, putting your hand gently on the inside doorhandle.
Elysium. You can’t believe it.
“Y/N- “
“Hades,” You finally speak, turning to him before you just go and step inside without saying a word to him. If you did that, you would regret it forever. When he looks back at you, you give a gentle shrug. “I promised, Hades.”
This grin on his face now, is genuine. He loves you- he is always going to love you. This is the reason you couldn’t stay together, because one day you would die and it would be too hard on him. You’re so sorry that the separation changed nothing… but a small, selfish part of you is glad he still loves you too.
… But instead of saying that, making this harder on him, you just give another warm smile, a thank you, and then turn around and walk away.
Inkubus: if you had said something earlier it would have been you
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You are literally looking at him in horror. You didn’t think before this that anyone in real life would truly have the power to horrify you to this degree, but he has done it. Honestly if anyone could, you’re not surprised it was him, but you do wish he would shut up now.
By the time he’s finished your eyes are downcast, you can’t even look at him. He comes back for the first time after a year and… and this!? 5 minutes ago the last thing he said to you was I’m going away for a little while, watch my plants and now its I shouldn’t have left like that. I’m in love with you???
You have no clue how to respond. You want to tell him to leave now, you want to say get fucked, how dare you, you want to slam the door closed so hard the walls shake and crumble, you actually pray for a hole to open up under you and take you away to somewhere where he isn’t looking at you anymore.
“Uhh… “Eyes flickering up towards the porch light to keep your eyes dry, you delicately cross your arms around your stomach and then tighten them there. Then you take a deep breath, and look square at him- you hope he scan see the rage and the hurt in them. You wish it would make him step away, back down, apologise. “So a year ago… when I said to you… if you think you’ll ever want me back then tell me now… were you listening??”
He senses the absolute storm in you but he doesn’t step away, or back down, or apologise. He takes a step forward, reaching out for you. “I always listen to you- “
“Oh-” Fiercely rolling your eyes, you twist away from him and pull your hand up and out of his reach. He always listens to you?? “Because I was asking you that because I needed to know, if I should let go of any dumb hope that the man I wanted would actually ever actually love me back, or if I should wait- because I would’ve waited. I really would’ve… “Looking at him now, you remember that part for definite. You loved him, you wanted him, you would’ve waited… however long, he needed. “Do you remember what you said, Inkubus?? It was important, so you should remember it. You better.”
You watch him and see the very moment the memory flickers through his head; The wince that follows… you almost feel the regret that must burn in his chest. “I said- “The sharp look in your eyes makes him stop. You do not want to hear them again. “I see… “
“I don’t suppose I could make it up to you, for that grievous mistake on my part?”
Here was the man you wanted so badly for the past 5 years, finally finally begging for you- actually begging. You know if you only said yes, just closed the door behind you and nodded he would grin at you and your insides would turn to goop, he’d kiss you just the way you imagined - and damn it did you imagine. Which is just wasted time, now, - and he would take it from there. It would be so easy to do. You might even be happy with the decision…
But then you take a deep breath and look away from him. Remember how he left and you had pick up your pieces and do this fucking thing on your own.
So, no. No.
You can’t.
Now your voice has lost all the unrestrained venom from before, all the anger, and you’re just tired and sad. “If you had said something earlier… “ God, it would have been so different… “But no. No. Its too late.”
“Y/N- “
You close the door.
Laughing Jack: i hope you can forgive me one day. i’m sorry i didn’t say goodbye when u left. i love you
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“Just send it.” I growl, an almost feral edge to my tone that I cant say I’m fully proud of. “Put. It. In. It’s just a bloody letter Jack. Now!- “
The letter nearly slips into the slot this time, but I see Y/N’s face in my head for a moment, just a moment, and they’re pretty as ever but they’re reading the letter. They’re reading the letter, finishing it, and then setting it aside. They do not respond to me.
The letter swerves and goes over the top, slipping down the backside of the letterbox, instead.
“Aghh!” I’m heaving. This is ridiculous! What!? Why can’t I- “My god.” Dropping to my knees on the ground, I reach underneath the letterbox with one of my long arms and collect the now dusty, dirty letter back again. I sigh. “Of course.”
Slowly getting back up to my feet, I look at the letterbox with a frown on my lips. I have to do this. I have to tell them…
Okay. Taking a deep breath and puffing out my chest, I inwardly pump myself up for this. I think I need to, considering how hard this seems to be. Let’s go Jack, we can do this, we’re very very close. Just one more try. Come on. Here we go-
I accidentally picture Y/N again at exactly the wrong moment. This time it’s a memory; This actually happened. And its horrible.
Before my eyes, seemingly, I see them animatedly explaining why they have to leave to me - because they got an amazing job opportunity, a fact I’m surprised I remember considering I was blocking them out at this point, - , that they’re so very sorry - something I definitely didn’t care to hear at the time, - , and then… inviting me to see them off the next day. Say goodbye properly.
… But the next day came and I didn’t go to see them off… The letter once again mises its target. I saved myself from that unnecessary pain of saying goodbye. Didn’t I?
I’ve been so sure about that, for a while… But not so much, lately. No. Suddenly I regret it. I’m thinking maybe I should have been there, maybe it would have been better. Perhaps I wouldn’t still have this nagging itch in my chest every time I think about them. I wish I would have… been there…
And now I just want to tell them that. They need to know that I’m sorry I didn’t go, or say goodbye to them when they left.
That I hope they forgive me.
I love them.
But I am apparently physically incapable of sending this bloody letter!
Wheezy Weasel: the universe keeps putting us in the same place at the same time and you still refuse to come to me
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Creaaaaaaaaaaaak- “Oh, shoot.”
“Mmm… toldya that floorboards a little loose.” Wheezy mumbles sleepily, cracking his eyes open to see you caught with your boot just pulled on but not laced up yet. He immediately sees what’s happening, and those scary steel eyes narrow at you. Oh, no. You were really hoping to avoid that. “… Goin’ somewhere?”
“I… “ Searching for the words gets you nowhere; There are no words to sufficiently explain yourself in a flattering light. You’re running away- again.
“Its kinda early.”
“Wheezy, I- “ You try again, but he’s already climbing out of bed and fixing his sleeves. Watching him, you wait for the way he’ll shut down and let you go like he always does. It hurts, but you’re used to it. And you’re sure it hurts him when he sees that you’re leaving, so… you’re even. You owe it to him to stay and see the moment he gives up on whatever’s between the two of you every time.
“No.” Is all he says, and you’re a little surprised. No?? What does no mean??? You open your mouth to ask, concerned, but he says it again; Head still down and eyes not on you as he finished rolling up his sleeves. “No.”
He lifts his eyes to see you again and you’re struck with the utter intensity of them. “No, yer not leavin’ again.”
Jaw dropping, you look around- searching inside yourself for the words again- this time to say yes, you are. You have to, this isn’t good for either one of you. Sorry. “… Actually- “
“Y/N,” Suddenly he’s in front of you and his hand’s on your face and his eyes are soft on you now and god- you could give up right there. He is such kryptonite to you, its unbelievable. “Just stay this time, huh? Just fer breakfast- its Greasy’s day, so you don’t haveta worry about anything. And it might actually taste good, considering the boss aint cookin’.”
“I can’t stay for breakfast… “
“Why’s that?”
“You know why!”
Eyes going cold again like a switch, Wheezy gives a frustrated sigh in front of you and closes his eyes; Letting his hand fall down to your shoulder, instead. “… why can’t you believe this could work?”
What kind of question is that? Exasperated and desperate to just leave, you step away from him, edging towards the door. “Because it never does!- “
He looks at you again and he looks so damn frustrated, throwing his arm out for emphasis. It’s surprising, he’s usually so cool. “ - Because you always run away! What are you scared of, Y/N??” He comes in close to you again and you feel like a bowl of soup- “The universe keeps putting us together over and over again- and you still refuse to come to me.” His voice is quiet, and soft as it can be after years of chain smoking, and it’s the most romantic thing anyone has ever said to you… in a crappy low-rent apartment downtown smelling faintly of pee, no less. “… Why’s that??”
You have no idea what to say to second part, so you elect to ignore it. Its easier. “… I’m not scared- “
“Really?? You coulda fooled me.”
“Wheezy, I-… This is dangerous, for me.” You can feel the pressure building up, hear the blood pumping in your ears. You have not wanted to admit this part, you have wanted to keep it buried so as to not hurt him but it’s about to come out and you can’t stop it. “This stuff that you do for Smartass, and the judge… I can’t be mixed up in all that! I could get hurt. And… I can’t-… I can’t… “
“… y’cant put yourself in that situation for a guy.” He realises slowly, on his own. And it’s a small relief… though really, really small.
You want to tell him it’s not true, that he is so worth it because truly, honestly, he is and you love him… but… “Yeah,” You let out, more as breath then an actual admission. But he hears it.
And he understands, too. He nods and actually looks like he understands you. Which just makes it worse for you! He’s fucking perfect, what the hell!? “I get that… “
“Thank you… “
… When it’s clear that Wheezy isn’t going to stop you this time, you sit down on the edge of the bed and silently do up your boot laces. Wheezy carefully sits down next to you, reaching to get your jacket for you and hold it silently while you finish your boots. When you do finish, you turn to him and he hands it to you, forcing a small smile.
For a moment more you just sit there, wondering how you could possibly say goodbye to him. Really, say goodbye. Because you don’t think… you’re ever going to do this again. Not after this. Its over.
You can feel your heart breaking as you lean over and press a kiss to his cheek. “Thank you, Wheezy.”
“Love ya, baby.”
“Oh I love you too.” You sigh out, pausing only a moment more to let it sink in, then take a deep breath and leave the room.
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nuttersincorporated · 1 year ago
The Villains Lair: the story so far
I’ve been rewatching The Villains Lair by PattyCake Productions and I’ve written a summary of the plot so far.
If you haven’t watched it and want to avoid spoilers, you can watch it here.
According to the villains themselves (what they say should be taken with a pinch of salt) and what we’ve seen ourselves, the story so far is this-
Maleficent helped Stefan gain the throne and become king. Stefan pretended he’d done it all alone, didn’t acknowledge Maleficent’s help, married someone else and didn’t invite her to the christening of his daughter.
Maleficent wanted revenge so made a deal with Ursula AKA the Sea Witch (sister of King Triton and daughter of Poseidon). Ursula gave her a Sleeping Spell in exchange for her wings so that she could curse Stefan’s daughter.
When the Evil Queen gave Snow White the poisoned apple, the seven dwarfs chased her off a cliff. The Evil Queen fell into the sea and died. Ursula found her and brought her back to solid ground.
Ursula spoke to Evil Queen’s spirit and offered a deal; if Evil Queen helped Ursula overthrow her brother, Ursula would bring her back to life. Evil Queen agreed to the terms. However, the moment she felt she could get away, Evil Queen reengaged on their deal and went off to do her own thing.
Evil Queen found Maleficent at the bottom of a cliff with Prince Philip’s sword in her heart. It’s unclear if she was dead or dying but Evil Queen either somehow brought her back to life or saved her.
Evil Queen and Maleficent teamed up. Evil Queen asked Maleficent to resurrect the other dead villains and when they came back to life, they all moved into Evil Queen’s castle. Villains who didn’t die, like Cinderella’s step-mother Lady Tremaine also got invited.
Evil Queen was still in debt to Ursula who might be able to undo the magic that brought her back to life. Some or all of the villains worked together combining their powers to magically seal Ursula away so she’d be unable to collect her debt.
While they are all talking about how much they hate how their stories went, Dr Facilier AKA the Shadow Man told them there was a way to rewrite time and make it so that they’d won. He took items from some of the villains to make a magical spell of some sort. The spell didn’t immediately rewrite time or do anything obvious.
The villains asked Dr Facilier for more details of how to mess with time. He told them about the Sundial of Cronus.
When the universe was young, the titans ruled. Cronus – the most powerful – became obsessed with controlling of time. However, he was cruel and mad. Eventually, Zeus defeated Cronus and locked him away inside the Sundial. Now the Sundial of Cronus can be used to move time forward or backwards.
Dr Facilier used his cards to discover the location of the Sundial. It used to belong to Hades but Zeus entrusted it to Meg after Hades’ soul fell into the river styx. She now protected it at the Princess Academy.
Unfortunately (or fortunately because they are villains with evil intentions), Dr Facilier told the other villains that, even if they managed to get the Sundial, he didn’t actually know how it works.
Maleficent told them that she thought the answer was obvious. Sunlight moves time forward and moonlight moves it back. However, for the dark magic they were planning, a blood moon would be needed. As Mistress of all Evil, Maleficent said she could easily make a blood moon.
Evil Queen decided she would disguise herself, go to the Princess Academy and trick the Princess into handing over the Sundial. It took her a while to prepare and put this plan into action.
During all this, different villains have been interacting in different ways. Some get along but others do not. Evil Queen, Mother Gothel and Lady Tremaine bonded over their abusive parenting techniques.
Cruella de Vil, Gaston, Mother Gothel and Yzma all love making bad look good. Dr Facilier, who was listening from the shadows, stepped out and introduced them to Vanessa, a Queen from under the sea, who can change her looks. The group then had a discussion about something (it’s probably nothing, don’t worry about it!)
The minions and henchmen hung out together and sang a jolly song about being their for their villains.
Evil Queen went to the Princess Academy in disguise. She span a story about being sent by Zeus to stop a great evil. However, it turned out that someone got there before her. According to the person who’d come the day before, the Sundial was in danger but it would be safe under the sea with Triton, so now it’s gone.
When Evil Queen got back to the castle, she told everyone what had happened. They realised someone must has leaked their plans. Then worked out that Dr Facilier had tricked them into releasing Ursula and told her about the Sundial so that she could steal it first.
Cruella de Vil, Gaston and Mother Gothel tried to sneak off but were caught by Maleficent who realised they knew about Ursula already. Yzma wasn’t there so its unclear if people know that she knew.
Vanessa stepped out of the shadows. At first the villains threatened her until they thought she was an envoy for Ursula. They demand Vanessa tell Ursula to bring them the Sundial. Only for Vanessa to transform and reveal that she was Ursula all along.
Ursula told them, she would bring the Sundial once they’ve all made a deal with her. If they don’t, she would keep it 20,000 leagues under the sea.
Dr Facilier revealed that he hadn’t told them everything about the Sundial. Only the descendent of a god can unlock its power. As Poseidon’s daughter, Ursula is the only one of them that can make the Sundial work. Whether they liked it or not, he said they needed her.
Ursula vanished. She would come back when the others decide to make a deal with her. Some of the villains thought they should make a deal with Ursula but others didn’t.
Lady Tremaine pointed out that if the descendent of a god can activate Sundial, then surely a god would work even better.
Evil Queen remembered Hades who’d already owned the Sundial once. Unfortunately, Hades was dead, dead. Maleficent had brought a lot of the villains back to life but Hades wasn’t one of them. His soul had fallen into the river Styx but Evil Queen thought that the Black Cauldron might be bring him back.
Maleficent voiced her reservations but Evil Queen was sure this is a good plan. She asked the Magic Mirror where the Cauldron was and it told her it was on Morva. It also said that the lord lost inside it will rise again. Everyone ignores that line.
Maleficent pointed out that the Cauldron was supposed to be broken and it’s protected by three witches. Evil Queen dismissed this. The Mirror said the Cauldron would work and she believed it. She decided to distract the witches by pretending to offer them the Mirror so that someone could steal the Cauldron when they were away.
Captain Hook offered to sail to Morva with his pirate crew to steal it. He just needed a new ship (Peter Pan stole his).
Prince Hans had recently come to the castle and Lady Tremaine thought he’d be willing to offer his ship and sail with them. We don’t see her ask him but later we find out he did agree to help with the plan.
Gaston offered to go too and be the mussel.
After all her arguments against the plan, Maleficent suddenly changed her tune. If this was the plan they were all determined to go with, she’d accompany them to make sure everything would go smoothly. As punishment for not telling them about Ursula, Maleficent told Cruella she has to come as well.
It’s unclear why Maleficent wants at least two members of the crew of the mission to be people who knew about Ursula before everyone else. It seems like a bad idea to put them on a ship, on the ocean, where they’ll be nearer to Ursula but I’m sure she has her reasons. Maybe she just wants to keep an eye on them.
Maleficent went down to the dungeon where she’s keeping Oogie Boogie prisoner, for reasons unknown. Oogie doesn’t care about the villains’ various schemes and backstabbing. However, when Maleficent offered Oogie a tied-up Santa in exchange, of his magic dice that can control the shadows, he didn’t hesitate to agree.
It’s unclear where Dr Facilier has been since he told them all they needed Ursula. However, Maleficent hopes the dice will be enough to stop him using the shadows anymore.
Hans, Gaston, Jafar and Frollo bonded over being misogynistic incels. Even the other villains think that their ‘love interests’ were right to turn them down (though the hunters do like Gaston’s story of in sighting a mod to kill a monster). Anastasia and Drizella, on the other hand, were on Hans and Gaston’s sides, and said they were in the right and fought for their attention.
Evil Queen questioned Maleficent about why she’s choosing to go to Morva. Maleficent says it’s to return Hades to life but changes the subject when Evil Queen asks if that’s the only reason she’s going.
Whatever Maleficent’s motives; she, Hook and his crew, Hans, Gaston and Cruella will set sail soon.
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zombbimbo · 2 months ago
Okay so I had really bad art block and made some EAH ocs with the EAH maker
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Pookah Hookah or Zephyrine (pronounced "ze-fer-REEN") is the daughter of the Hookah caterpillar in Wonderland. She was originally a royal but was downgraded into a rebel due to her smoking habits.
She's also one of my oc x canons with Alistair :D
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Delilah de Vil is the daughter of Cruella de Vil; She is naturally born a rebel but wants to become a royal, she attempts to be kind but she does have trouble sometimes. She has a knack for fashion, often sketching in her notebook dresses and coats!
I did draw her but I lost my sketchbook, she's also the first EAH oc I made back in middle school with my friend while we were in class :D
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violetrose-art · 2 years ago
My Favorite Cartoon Villains
I decided to show off a list of various villains and bad guys from cartoons and animated movies who've really caught my eye. Now keep in mind, they're not in any particular order. What do you think? See anyone you like?
-Maleficent of Sleeping Beauty -Hades of Hercules -Emperor Belos of The Owl House -Riley Greene of Gremlins: Secrets of the Mogwai -King Goobot V of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius -Ooblar of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius -Professor Finbar Calamitous of The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius -Meldar Prime of The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius -Oogie Boogie of The Nightmare Before Christmas -Victor of Bling -The Shredder of Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles -Falcon of Stuart Little 2 -Dr. Facilier of The Princess and the Frog -Toffee of Star vs. the Forces of Evil -Jafar of Aladdin -The Evil Queen of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs -Krang One of Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: the Movie -Professor Ratigan of The Great Mouse Detective -Maestro Forte of Beauty and the Beast: the Enchanted Christmas -Ursula of The Little Mermaid -Morgana of The Little Mermaid 2: Return to the Sea -Cruella De Vil of 101 Dalmatians -Captain James Hook of Peter Pan -The Joker of Batman: the Animated Series -Scarecrow of Batman: the Animated Series -The Mouse King of Barbie in the Nutcracker -Gothel of Barbie as Rapunzel -Preminger of Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper -Duchess Rowena of Barbie in the 12 Dancing Princesses -Rothbart of Barbie of Swan Lake -Rattlesnake Jake of Rango -Nightmare Moon of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic -Queen Chrysalis of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic -King Sombra of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic -The Lich of Adventure Time -Velma Green the Spider Queen of The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy -Rat King of Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur -Mr. X of Amphibia -King Andrias of Amphibia -Bill Cipher of Gravity Falls -Plankton of SpongeBob SquarePants -Nefera de Nile of Monster High -Kieran Valentine of Monster High -Mother Gothel of Tangled -Dennis of The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie -Anti-Cosmo of The Fairly Odd Parents -Dark Laser of The Fairly Odd Parents -Mr. Crocker of The Fairly Odd Parents -Vicky of The Fairly Odd Parents -Moriarty of Sherlock Gnomes -Azula of Avatar: the Last Airbender -Circe of Hercules: the Animated Series -The Rat King of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles -Lord Farquaad of Shrek -Fairy Godmother of Shrek 2 -Dr. Blowhole of The Penguins of Madagascar -Queen Vexus of My Life as a Teenage Robot -Jack O'Lantern of The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy -Ben Ravencroft of Scooby-Doo and the Witch’s Ghost -King Magnifico of Wish -Lord Maliss of Snow White: Happily Ever After -Hexxus of FernGully: The Last Rainforest -Dr. Phillium Benedict of Recess: School's Out -Katz of Courage the Cowardly Dog
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swynlake-rp · 6 months ago
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A magical forest teeming with wildlife and magical beings, a pristine lake, drama and intrigue, and a bustling small town main street, what else could you need to bring these characters to life in a magical town?
Shan Yu (Shan Yu, Mulan) - You’ve awoken into a new world, one that you refuse to admit confuses you. You were done wrong back in your day and you know what? You're still angry.
Philippa LaMarr “Psycwave” (Psycwave, The Incredibles) - Why should you be punished for being better than other people? And you ARE better. Stronger. More interesting. Why shouldn't your magic flourish and be allowed to stretch its legs because some people -- including your parents -- are afraid of how brilliant you are?
Abigail Gabble (Abigail, The Aristocats) - Murder mystery novels. Nancy Drew wanna be. When you have someone else exactly like you; it is easy to get lost. She’s pink, you’re blue, blue, blue. The family has lost their money but a mysterious clue has led you to believe that a fortune awaits you in Swynlake. Unravel the mystery and, maybe, find yourself within it.
Cruella De Vil (Cruella De Vil, 101 Dalmations) - The curl in your lips, the ice in your stare, all innocent children had better beware... you’ll stop at nothing to make your art, even if it means spilling a bit of Magick blood. It’s all in the name of fashion, darling.
Simon James Paladino “Gazerbeam” (Gazerbeam, The Incredibles 2) - If prison taught you one thing, it’s that the world isn’t FAIR to magicks like you! That’s why you linked up with MAFIA, determined to show the world that they shouldn’t step all over you. You’re practically living a real life comic book!.
Blitz Wagner “Krushauer” (Krushauer, The Incredibles 2) - The world isn’t so kind to people like you, so why should you be kind to it? Look you’re not a bad guy! You’ve just got some ideas for how things could be done…better. Namely, better for you and magicks like you.
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hannahhook7744 · 17 days ago
Hunter 'fuck around and find out’ de Vil (Au);
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Hunter Claudias de Vil is the oldest of the de Vil cousins and the only one people know the least about.
There's Ivana 'Ivy' Mallory de Vil, the second oldest de Vil cousin: the pyromaniac. The former two faced beauty pageant queen who can change moods at the drop of a hat. An inventor like most in her family and the de Vil cousin most prone to violence, especially if it's for her family.
Then there's Diego Ethan Ramirez-de Vil, the second youngest/middle child de Vil cousin: the hyperactive, impulsive, loud multi-multifaceted musician who’s inventive with his musical and artistic endeavours mainly but who can be REALLY inventive when it comes to technical stuff like the rest of his family. Even if it’s to a lesser degree. Not to mention the inventive traps, plans, and weapons the seemingly laidback musician can come up with when he puts his mind to it and is left to his own devices. Everyone knows him—he’s a member of everyone’s crew—and almost everyone likes him. 
And there’s Carlos Oscar de Vil. The ‘baby’ of the family: the nerdy, ‘wimpy’, and snarky wild child who nearly brought the barrier down with a remote—the boy who returned from the isle of the doomed mostly unscarred and runs around with Maleficent’s daughter, Jafar’s son, and the Evil Queen’s son causing chaos on the daily. The boy who knows more about Auradon’s technology than anyone on the isle. The de Vil you never want to piss off because if you piss him off not only will he find little ways to make you miserable but you’ll have every other de Vil and the rest of the core four breathing down your neck.
Everyone knows those three. 
Shudders at the chaos they can cause.
Like Ivy setting fire to the school when she still went there after the last time someone said she looked like a carbon copy of Cruella. 
Or Diego and the rest of the Bad Apples having band practice at 3am in Dragon Hall for a week straight after Dr. Facilier refused to make his teachers fix the actually unfair grades they gave him because ‘he had no proof’. 
Or the hair raising pranks that filled Dragon Hall after someone had stolen Carlos’ cat: more than one of which ended in injuries until his cat was returned ruffled and a bit hungry but uninjured three days later. 
Most of the isle doesn’t know about Hunter. 
After all, he usually keeps to himself and his cousins after having lost his friends. 
They know he exists. 
He’s Hunter de Vil: animal lover, tech genius, and former social media star. Great nephew of Cruella de Vil and the one who is the best at handling Cruella’s shit. But the ones who know a little more about him and his cousins than that know the most important thing about Hunter de Vil. 
Which is that if you want all three of the younger de Vil cousins to behave you get Hunter ‘fuck around and find out’ de Vil immediately and he’ll sort them out if he’s in a good enough mood to help you (or in a bad enough mood with them to help you anyway). Because the thing people tend to forget about the de Vils is that Hunter is the one that raised them—not Mallory or the other long dead de Vils. Not P.H de Vil who would have long since experimented on Carlo’s beloved cat if Hunter hadn’t put his foot down.  Not Cruella, who likes the idea of being an aunt/mother on her good days more than actually being one. Not Cecil who’s been a mess ever since his beloved Audrey died.
(After Cecil stopped parenting Diego after his mother’s death when he was just five).
It's Hunter who changed Carlos's diapers, who stopped Ivy from emulating the worst of their family's traits long before the isle existed when the two of them from being tossed around like a hot potato after they both lost each of their parents. It's Hunter who nursed Carlos's intellect on an island that's school system was a joke and Hunter who made sure all his cousins had what they needed and more.
Hunter wouldn’t have survived a day raising the three of his hellion younger cousins if he wasn’t good at getting them to call it quits. 
It’s Hunter who can freeze all three of them with one look despite the fact none of them seemed to be terrified of him. 
If anyone can keep Ivy, Diego, and Carlos all in line at the same time it’s Hunter de Vil. 
(And it isn’t just because he has years worth of blackmail material in the form of baby photos that he’s more than willing to use). 
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Link to the picrew here.
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juiceedapplee · 7 months ago
Omg I wanna talk about the inconsistencies in rise of red cause ik it’s had to have been a few years since Audrey happened but omg what happened to Jane? Like ik mal, evie, and jay went on a trip but like we’ve never ever heard of anything else outside of the isle and the usa so where in the name of god did wonderland come from?????
Like I’d understand if it was on the isle but it isn’t, and if it was then mal and all them would’ve been aware of said place and they for sure would’ve taken over the isle cause no hate to jay, carlos, and evies parents but they aren’t taking down the queen of hearts
Which implies that either all of them are now old and decrepit, they all had their children a little too early, orrrrr maleficent, hades and hook aren’t actually them.
Because the movie or maybe the whole trilogy (cause there’s no way just one movie coming out) is what I speculate to be the reason why villains were moved to the isle in the first place. And if that’s true then everyone or at least the people there at the time (fairy godmother, maleficient, ulyana, hook, hades, etc) would remember the incident although cause of time travel it didn’t happen.
Let’s address the time travel, If there are other incidents after what happens to the queen of hearts then it clearly didn’t affect her personality but it must’ve still affected how belle and the beast saw villains because nothing was said but because nothing was said is why we have to question whether or not villains were still banished to the isle.
If they weren’t then all the original vks stories will be very different especially Mals because in the first movie her mothers goal was to take over Auradon and steal the wand after they were invited to join the school. But if they weren’t exiled then mal is already going to that school and I don’t think her mother would care as much and try as hard as she did to get mal to steal/give her the wand.
If they were then there’s still a separate incident involving ulyanna and her friends. (if Bridgette/the qoh was someone so kind and stuff is that incident the reason she’s considered a vk or will the hearts always be villains?) Which might not affect the queen of hearts as much or as badly as the first one but still affecting auradon either as a whole or just the school and its students bad enough to warrant them being exiled.
The time travel plot potentially erases all of the lore from the previous movies, because if they keep going back and fixing problems, if said problems were the cause for the villains ending up on the isle, then the vks and maybe even the villains won’t be who they are today.
That would imply they are of similar age which just doesn’t make sense because Ursula would then be older than those four but I’m pretty sure all the kids are of the same or similar age, did they have kids at the same time or something cause time wise it’s not clicking for me
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silverloreley · 2 years ago
In canon, Dolores knew that Bruno was in the walls. In the Bruno on the Isle AU, did anyone know that he was secretly living within Hell Hall? Cecil? Diego? (Also I will totally reblog all the asks of mine you've answered recently, I just haven't been able to do so yet because I'm at home so I can't properly access Tumblr at the moment. But I'll do it as soon as I can.)
Never worry about you answering late with me, I'm terrible at keeping tabs on when to do it myself, for one reason or another. As you see, I'm answering late too, lol.
For the first year, no one did, Bruno was very careful about not blowing his cover. Cecil asked Ella where Bruno went and she only answered she kicked him out and didn't care what has been of him. But Cecil cared, they were friends at that point and he owed Bruno a lot since he took care of Diego in his first months. Yet, he couldn't find him anywhere and worried he was comatose in a ditch or worse, trapped in the basement of Hell Hall (he didn't want to think badly of his sister but, eh, he knew her too well not to suspect she had a more active hand in her husband's disappearance).
Yet, the first one to know Bruno was alive and well, was Will Baker, Anastasia Tremaine's husband. You know the snippet with Carlos being ill, Bruno went to Will to see if there was a cure because he worried Cecil, with his blind loyalty to Ella, would have told her something. The next to know was, of course, Facilier, whose shadows had informed him. Mr. Ratigan's crew knew too, as they had an alliance, Ratigan Jr was actually friends with Bruno who taught him to act, along with a lot of other rats. Bruno wrote the Ratanovelas for them and offered shelter, they helped him out by keeping an eye on Carlos and providing other stuff.
Cecil eventually figured out that Bruno had never left Hell Hall, it was more of a suspicion at first, so he waited for a day when he knew Cruella wouldn't be home to find clues, and he did, although he didn't manage to speak with him directly, he did told him he was sorry Ella treated him bad and he was willing to help, if Bruno could still trust him.
Years later, Carlos had one of his legs broken in a chase and Bruno didn't know what to do, so he did go to Cecil for help. Never for himself, but he'd do anything for Carlos' sake. Cecil tried to convince Bruno to tell Carlos everything but he refused, as he believed that kind of life fitted him better, and also that Carlos would have suffered from the conflicts that would arise in the whole family if he tried to be back in his life openly.
When Carlos was selected to go to Auradon, Maleficent didn't give the kids time or chance to go back home to pack, it all happened in a matter of hours, she summoned the other three Villains to tell them what was going to happen, then got the Rotten Four to Bargain Castle to tell them too and they were shipped that very day, too quickly to realize. Carlos' garbage bag was put together by Hunter, who overheard and managed to get that much before the limo arrived (Carlos trusted his eldest cousin and grabbed the garbage bag without questioning it. All the De Vil cousins wanted out and knew Carlos needed out more than anyone. Ivy and her kids could wait, Diego was one of the most beloved children of the Isle by his parents, Hunter was old enough to do well, but Carlos? No, Carlos had to get out the first chance he got).
Ahem. I digressed.
So, Carlos is sent out before the news could spread enough to get to Bruno, who thought Carlos would be at school or around with his new friends. When Carlos didn't come back home that night, he worried a bit but assumed he must have stayed in the nice hideout Mal and Jay had built and the Rotten Four sometimes crashed at, but no, Carlos was gone for more than two days and he never was and Bruno worried. Eventually, he ran out to ask Cecil who told him Carlos was in Auradon, safe and sound (Bruno cried a lot when he heard. of happiness but also because he knew he'd miss Carlos so damn much and he regretted he couldn't give him a letter to give his family to let them know who Carlos was and beg them to take care of him...), and it was then that Diego and Hunter found out about him living in the walls of Hell Hall. They told Ivy, who told her husband and parents, who told PH. Eventually, they even told Ivy's kids and Hunter's partner.
No one told Cruella, by common agreement she didn't need to know and it was better if she didn't have a clue (they all liked weird Uncle Bruno). In fact, she'll only find out at her own trial of domestic abuse, way after the Barrier will be open and Bruno is allowed to move back into Encanto.
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sl-newsie · 2 years ago
Spelled (Carlos de Vil x Sanderson Daughter)- Ch. 12: Cats And Dogs
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When Ben and I get to the tourney field, we find Carlos already waiting for us by the bleachers. But he still seems uneasy.
“Ben, are you sure I can do this? I mean it’s not-” Then he sees me, and his eyes widen. “Um, hey trixie- Magica! Uh, are you here to help too?”
Ben pats his shoulder. “Relax, Carlos. Sparks is here for any positivity spells or healing tonics you might need.”
Carlos’ jaw drops. “Wait, healing? Am I gonna get sent to the hospital or something?”
“It’s a sport, Carlos. You’re gonna get hurt sometimes,” I say with a shrug. 
Ben starts walking over to the coach’s booth. “I’m gonna go set my gear down.”
Carlos seems just as uneasy as I am, and keeps looking at the ground. At least it’s not siren magic- I hope. I busy myself by hexing rocks into flowers.
“You’re really good at that,” Carlos observes.
I shrug. “This? These are just simple pocket spells. We haven’t gotten to the big stuff in class yet, but-” I look over to make sure Ben’s out of earshot and lean in to whisper: “I’m way past pocket spells. I’ve been practicing advanced spells since I was 12! But don’t tell Ben.”
Carlos’ POV
“Remind me to never get on your bad side,” I smirk. “And don’t tell Mal, but I think you’re cool.”
Magica frowns. “Mal doesn’t like me?”
Oh. I didn’t mean to upset her.
“Um, she thinks you’re “too good.” But you gotta remember who our parents are, I mean… We’re always gonna be wicked and running a-muck everywhere-”
Suddenly Magica’s eyes light up and she starts dancing around, clapping and chanting “A-muck! A-muck! A-muck!” Normally I’d cautiously ask her to sit down and see if she’s feeling ok… if it wasn’t so cute. Jeez, Carlos! Why are you so loopy for this girl you just met? Stop staring at her like she’s eye candy!
But Magica’s giddy outburst soon comes to an end, and when she realizes what she’s doing she nervously folds her arms across her chest and hangs her head.
“I- I’m sorry, Carlos. That… That’s what happens when I hear that.”
“What? A-m-?”
“Don’t say it!” She shushes me. “It’s like a trigger word. It’s like I’m not in my right mind and start to do crazy stuff. Please don’t tell anyone.”
Trigger word? That’s odd… But who am I to judge? I have a mom who wanted to skin puppies.
“I won’t say anything. I promise.”
She seems to relax. “Thanks. If I’m being honest, you’re one of the few people I trust here. And I don’t trust easily.”
That makes two of us.
“But enough of that. Looks like you’ve got training to do!” She points to Ben, who’s walking up with a stopwatch.
Magica’s POV
“Ok Carlos, we’re gonna do some sprints! You ready?” Ben calls after looking at his clipboard.
I give Carlos one last smile. “Don’t worry, you’ll be fine.”
He sighs. “I hope so, but I don’t think- ah!”
Carlos suddenly takes off as if he’s been lit on fire, and when I turn to see what the commotion is all I can find is a small dog running our way. 
“Ah! A dog! A dog!”
“Nice pace Carlos- wait!” Ben yells after him as Carlos takes off into the woods.
As Ben goes running after Carlos, Binx bounds up and perches up on a rock.
“Hey!” he pants. “That’s Dude. He lives on campus, he’s no threat. I don’t know why Carlos is running.”
I tilt my head. “I don’t think he’s ever been around dogs. I’m going to go find out.” I stop, and turn around to give Binx a look. “You’ve been hanging out with Dude, and didn’t bother to introduce me?”
The black cat seems to shrug. “Sorry. You’ve been so busy.”
“I’ll meet up with you later. Right now I gotta go keep Carlos from having a heart attack.”
When I catch up with the two boys, Dude has chased Carlos up a tree.
“Ben! Magica! Help!” Carlos calls from the tree. “This dog is an evil beast and he’s going to rip out my throat! He’s a vicious pack animal!”
“Whoa whoa whoa!” I hold my hands up. “Who told you that?”
“My mother!”
“Cruella?” Ben asks.
“Yes, she’s a dog expert!”
I huff. “Some expert. If she’s such a dog expert then why does every dog hate her?”
Ben picks the brown mutt up and holds him up to Carlos, who looks as if Ben’s offering him poison.
“Why are you holding him? He’s gonna attack you!”
“Carlos, you haven’t really actually met a dog, have you?” Ben asks. “Dude, meet Carlos. Carlos, this is Dude! The campus mutt.”
Slowly Carlos descends the tree, all while looking at Dude with a new-found interest.
“You’re a good boy, aren’t you?” He cautiously holds his hand out to pat Dude’s head.
“You guys must have it pretty rough on the island, huh?”
“Yeah, well… let’s just say we don’t get a lot of belly rubs,” Carlos jokes.
“Good boy.” Ben seems to rethink his sentence. “I mean- you’re a good runner, y’know…”
“Yeah… thanks.” Carlos smiles awkwardly.
“Um, I’m gonna give you guys some space to, y’know, get to know each other and all that. So, just find me when you’re done!” 
I give Ben a smirk. “Real smooth, Bennie. Real smooth!”
He rolls his eyes. “Shut up, Sparks!”
When Ben walks off Carlos gives me a dazed look, as if he’s never been happy before.
“I never realized how great animals are.”
I avoid his smitten gaze and play with my skirt. “Yes, animals are the very best of companions. Far better than people, I think. They don’t judge and claw at your every flaw.”
Just then Binx wanders over.
“So did Carlos faint?” 
Dude barks at the black cat, who just scoffs. “You’ve got a new best friend, Carlos.”
The freckled VK chuckles. “So you’re Binx, Magica’s faithful companion? Nice to meet you.”
Binx bows his head. “Thank you. And Magica’s told me so much-”
“Um, Binx!” I interrupt before he can blab anymore. “We’ve got to head back.”
Carlos looks disappointed. “Really? Already?”
“Yes. C’mon Binx!” I scoop him up. “I’ve- got homework to do and some errands to run for Ben. Why don’t you take Dude for a walk?”
Carlos grins at the idea and sets the pooch down. “Come on, Dude! Let’s go see the Enchanted Lake! See ya later, Magica!” He waves goodbye as he chases after Dude.
“Well that was a bust!” Binx complains as I start walking back. “Why’d you stop me? I was going to tell Carlos-”
“I know very well what you were going to tell him! You can’t just spill my secrets to Carlos!”
He grunts. “Why not? You can’t have feelings for him and stay quiet.”
“Oh yes I can! I’m trying to keep things professional, remember? I’ve got enough to be worried about without adding love to the mix! Besides, eventually he’d find out about my family. Who’d ever want to date the daughter of a Sanderson?” I give a heavy sigh as I climb the steps towards the dorms.
“Better find an outlet soon,” Binx warns when I set him down. “Keep your feelings bottled up and it only leads to something dangerous.”
“Don’t remind me,” I hiss as Jane comes rushing up. Binx gives me one last look of caution before scurrying up and out the windowsill.
“Hey, Magica! I’m about to go visit the VKs. Want to come?” 
I tilt my head. “Something seems… different about you.”
Jane grins and fluffs her locks. “Yes! Mal spelled my hair to be cool! I wanted to ask if she could help me with some other features, but mom was opposed to it.”
“What was wrong with your hair before? Also I thought you were skittish about the VKs?”
“Yeah, well… I changed my mind.” She shrugs.
Oh. So villain descendants are only accepted if they do you favors? If only they knew who I really was.
I nod, with a slightly half-crazed expression.
“The VKs actually aren’t that mean once you get to know them!”
Jane, you have no idea.
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intothewickedwood · 2 years ago
Ruby or Mulan, Maleficent or Cruella, Dragon Queen or Outlaw Queen, Shadow Queen or Regina x Kathryn?
Gaaah! Thank you for the questions! These are challenging, for sure!
Ruby. But it's close! The werewolf thing wins it for me, and also because she was in Season One. I have a lot of Season 1 feelings. And also her friendship with Snow! And "Red-Handed" being one of my favorite episodes. She's a great and tragic character who does her best to help others no matter what she's going through herself.
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I do love Mulan a lot, though. I may be in love with both Red and Mulan. Oops! I just wish we'd gotten more of Mulan. I loved her dynamics with every character she interacted with. She's such a badass. Mulan x Aurora x Phillip is one of my favorite ships in the show, and I also wouldn't have said no to Mulan and Ruby ending up together. Mulan deserved better.
Cruella. I agree with you about having a lot of room to explore with Maleficent, as she could have done with a bit more development in the show. I'd have at least loved to have seen more of her relationship with Lily. She was an adorable mom in the one episode we got to see them interact. But Cruella makes me laugh out loud. She has some of the best lines. "Sympathy for the De Vil" is one of my favorite, most unique episodes. She just wants to murder people! Let her have her happy ending, Isaac! xD. I don't know, she's just so fun, but I do still really enjoy Maleficent. I wish they'd explained what the heck happened with her and Aurora's parents. I like to believe she was in love with Briar Rose, and it went terribly wrong.
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Definitely Dragon Queen. I've just been having a discussion on a different website about how Robin Hood was possibly evil the whole time. Looking at the evidence, his words don't match up with his actions. If he wants to steal from the rich, why date Regina? His code says he can't divorce his wife, but he'll… let her die instead? In the book, there is a page which shows that when he met Marian, he planned to kidnap her for ransom, yet he tells Will that he tried to steal her horse, didn't because she was poor, and from that day forward, he chose to steal only from the rich and give to the poor. Yet, in "Heart of Gold," we see that he only decides to steal from the rich and give to the poor long after he and Marian are a couple. Not to mention he shot at Regina without hesitation when looking for the Wicked Witch and, knowing at the time that the Wicked Witch had bright red hair, hid in the bushes and aimed his arrow at the back of a clearly dark-haired Regina's head for a good while before making his presence known. It's just a theory, but I do wonder if he had a plot for revenge against her all along, at least at first. I think that would have made him a much more interesting character. Otherwise, I struggle to make sense of why Regina, post formation of the Evil Queen, would want to be with someone like him. She kinda had to change her personality during their interactions just to make it make a little sense. It's just not for me. But power to those who like it, and I may adopt the revenge plot theory as headcanon, which might make me more invested in them.
Dragon Queen, on the other hand, has to be canon, right? I mean, the intensity of the moments when their noses almost touch. I think they should have kissed. There is so much blatant subtext there, and it's so wonderfully gay. Okay, so Regina rode home on a dragon. Okay, girl, I see you. "Are you a bad girl, Regina?" "The worst." I mean, come on! Everything that comes out of their mouths when they interact just screams "we are exes who can't stop flirting with each other." I love it! I wish it was more explicit!
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Okay, this last one is really freaking hard. I do love both almost equally, but I've been thinking a lot about Regina x Kathryn lately and their potential, and I just wanna go back to season 1 and make them fall in love. I want the angst post-season 1. I need it! I honestly would have been ecstatic if Regina had ended up with either of them. And it's totally cool that she ended up single at the end. That was a nice way to demonstrate that happy endings/beginnings don't have to involve romantic love. But goddamn, I wish Facilier didn't die. I know love triangles aren't popular, but heck, if they'd brought Facilier in earlier and had a Kathryn/Regina/Facilier love triangle, I would have been very happy. Idk, I love both pairings, but the Kathryn x Regina friends-to-lovers gets me. And we could have gotten so much more Kathryn. *Cries forever*.
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