#backyard swim lessons
zweiginator · 8 days
babysitting for art and Tashi's kid and you just dropped her off at her swim lessons so you have a few hours to yourself. tanning in their backyard in your teeniest bikini, listening to music and their friend Patrick comes over to pick up something he forgot at their house. him coming into the backyard after seeing you and you're dozing off so when you wake up and see a random man you yelp but no, Patrick says, it's okay. he's a friend of the Donaldsons. so you get to talking and he can't help but stare at your body, how sweat is trickling down your cleavage, and the curve of your ass as it melts into your thigh. Patrick figuring their fence is high enough and their neighbors are far enough away for him to lean into you and tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. it's innocent, but your eyes linger on his hands and then they drop to your thighs, massaging them. Patrick ending up cradling you in his lap and pushing your bikini bottoms to the side. rubbing his fingers over your clit and god you're so wet already. it's so easy to plunge two fingers inside you, then three. you beg Patrick to fuck you--you don't care where or how.
"fuck--I need more." you whimper and mewl against his mouth and he wants to so bad, but hearing you beg is somehow sweeter than giving in.
"I can't fuck you sweetheart. I'm so much older than you."
you look at him, confused. he's fucking you with his fingers already--what's the difference?
"p-please?" you reach down to touch his erection. god, he seems huge.
"honey I can't." he presses an open-mouthed kiss against your throat and takes his fingers out, pushing them into your mouth. it hurts to say no, but he knows girls like you aren't used to not getting what they want. he knows you'll throw yourself at him and track him down and beg on your knees to be fucked like a whore.
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upsidedownwithsteve · 6 months
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Steve Harrington x fem!reader[4.3K] loosely based on the movie float, lifeguard!steve, a summer full of swim lessons. mentions of drowning, eventual smut 18+
[Six Months Before]
Steve Harrington was standing in Tammy Thompson’s backyard, bumping his knuckles against Eddie’s as the boy approached with a bottle of Jack Daniel’s in his hand.
Eddie had dragged you out, brown eyes pleading as per, promising he’d score big at this party and he’d definitely buy you a burger and shake with his takings on the way home. Midnight, he’d said, swear it, he’d said. But the clock in Tammy’s moms kitchen was ticking towards one o’clock and when Eddie spotted Steve - and Jonathan Byers - out by the pool, you’d made the decision to hang back.
They were too close to the water, the lagoon shaped pool lit up in the night by an underwater glow, yellow-white spotlights that made sure you could see just how deep it was. There were some girls hanging close by, dresses and skirts rucked up their thighs and their shoes long lost as they dipped their legs into the bright blue water, pink lips around cherry vodka bottles and their eyes on the boys - a potential ride home in more ways than one.
“M’not gonna let you just fall into the pool,” Eddie had frowned when you’d told him you’d wait inside. “Who even does that anyway? You’re not wasted enough for that sweetheart.”
And you weren’t. Barely tipsy, actually. 
But the pool took up most of the patio space and other people were drunk, stumbling around the yard and trying to dance to the music that came from the open kitchen door. The water was too much, too deep, too blue, too dark.
And Steve Harrington was too pretty and intimidating - but you didn’t tell Eddie that part.
Jonathan spotted you over Eddie’s shoulder and waved, smiling kindly before he said something that made Eddie’s eyes light up with excitement. And that was okay because Jonathan was quiet and sweet and always polite to you, commenting on the books he’d see you reading when he passed you in town and sometimes he’d bump into you during Eddie’s hellfire meetings, passing as he picked up his little brother.
Steve, you didn’t see as much. Only from afar, usually. He was quieter than he’d been in high school, crownless and a little softer around the edges than when you sat two rows behind him in Mrs Click’s class. But Robin had a lot of things to say about him, gentle ribbing that was always wrapped in a fondness anyone with eyes could see and for a while, you thought that maybe they were a thing until Robin had vehemently told you that they were everything but.
Platonic with a capital P, she’d told you, popping the last letter and hiding the burn in her cheeks. 
But still, you knew he gave her rides to work before he drove himself to the pool, acting oblivious and almost uncomfortable when the hoards of freshman girls made a point to pick the loungers closest to the lifeguard tower. 
Not that you’d ever seen such a thing. But Robin liked to poke fun and Eddie was a bigger gossip than the cheerleader he used to date during his sophomore year. 
So really, you had once mused, there wasn’t really any reason to be so avoidant of Steve Harrington now. Except, once you finally admitted to yourself you had an awfully bad crush on him, that was excuse enough. He would nod and smile politely at you when he ran into you and Eddie around town, at the mall, in the crowds at parties. And on good days, you’d smile back, lips thin and tight in an overly polite grimace of some sort but neither of you attempted to make conversation with each other. Any awkward silences were filled by your mutual friend, Eddie talking loudly and animatedly about whatever topic came to mind, his curls and his laugh both big enough to patch over any uncomfortable silences.
So when a few minutes passed with you staring into your drink, watching the ice cubes melt into whatever concoction Eddie had handed you, you didn’t expect Steve to appear beside you. He was busying himself with the stack of beers on the kitchen counter beside you, but he cleared his throat all the same, unsure about it as he gained your attention. But he was looking at you, purposeful, as if his elbow softly knocking yours wasn’t an accident. 
His gaze was still holding yours as he popped the cap off of a bottle of bud light lime, the cap hitting the floor. You blinked at him, eyes only straying for a second to see that Eddie was still out by the pool talking to Johnathan and some other guy you didn’t know. Brows furrowed, you turned back, lips parting to ask if everything was okay, because why else would Steve Harrington be looking at you. 
But then he was talking, smiling sweet and kind and holding a little of that confidence you knew back in school. It was still there, that self assurance that he had years ago, but it was muted, a boldness that wasn’t quite dimmed but definitely softened. It made him seem even more intimidating, prettier with his messier hair and scruff along his jaw, his clothes less tight and pressed. 
“You doin’ okay?” 
You blinked again, wondering if he really was talking to you. But there was no one else around and you gripped your cup a little tighter, nodding before you could make a fool of yourself. “Me? Yeah. Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?”
Steve shrugged, smiling as he took a sip from his beer and he gestured out to the patio, to the pool and to Eddie who was grinning at you. “Just wondered why you weren’t coming out, that’s all. You’re normally glued to Munson.”
You scrunched your nose, cheeks warming because he wasn��t wrong, but the reminder of how close you usually stuck to Eddie made you feel younger, childlike. 
“It’s not like… that,” you explained, although you weren’t sure why you were bothering. “Us. Eddie and I- it’s not like we’re together, or anything.” You immediately regretted your words, the explanation feeling thick and clumsy on your tongue and your neck was burning, heat creeping up along your jaw.
Steve was still smiling, grin hid behind his beer and his brows were raised. He looked amused, nodding as you stumbled around each word and when you frowned, gulping down your watery cranberry and vodka, he grinned wider. “Yeah, no-- I know,” Steve assured you. He shrugged, “still, thanks for the clarification. S’good to know.”
You never found out what he meant by that, if he was being funny or just friendly, if he was flirting and genuinely interested. A neighbour called the cops and Eddie grabbed you before they could come through the front door, boosting you up by the foot so you could both scramble over the back fence. Steve had left with Jonathan and his girlfriend Nancy, the three of them running to Steve’s car just as Chief Hopper started yelling at the drunk kids left behind and you hadn’t so much as glanced back at each other for fear of being dragged home in the back of a cop car. 
The next time you’d spent any real time with Steve Harrington, well. You’d been sinking to the bottom of the lake.  
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You were standing by the closed gate of the community pool at seven am sharp, the obnoxiously large lock stopping you from entering - despite the rip in the chain link fence to your right. 
You weren’t waiting long, even though you would’ve happily stayed on the other side of the lot for as long as required. The air was already warming, the scent of chlorine and leftover sunscreen surrounding you, mixing with the sound of the cicadas, the early morning sprinklers from the houses across the road. Then Steve was jogging towards you, one big hand clutching a rolled up towel and a set of keys and his cheeks were pink from his efforts, his sliders slapping on the concrete and he looked apologetic as he approached. 
“M’really sorry, car had a flat,” he huffed. “Would’ve left earlier if I knew I was walking.”
It was harder to look him in the eye after last week. Once the initial fear that had a vice grip on you loosened - if only slightly - it was easier to become so aware of how close you’d been to Steve. A whole morning spent half clothed and wet, his hands on you at all times, gentle and guiding as he coaxed you to walk around the shallow end of the pool. He’d been nothing but a gentleman about it, professional at all times with his hands either in yours or bracing your arms, never straying anywhere they shouldn’t, even if you’d caught his eyes going just that, maybe once or twice. 
You pulled at the collar of your t-shirt as Steve busied himself with the padlock, the air so much stickier now that he was close by. “It’s okay,” you told him. “I’m not in a rush.”
Steve snorted and it shouldn’t have been an attractive sound as it was. His eyes crinkled in amusement, mirth in them as he glanced down at you from under his lashes. He still looked soft from bed, hair mussed and a five o’clock shadow across his jaw that suited him too well. His lifeguard shirt was sunbleached and threadbare, the red shorts he wore smaller than his last pair, the material well above his knees. He was more sunkissed than last weekend, freckles on the bridge of his nose, cheeks stained a permanent blush. 
“Was your first lesson that bad?” He asked.
You burned, not knowing what to say, not wanting to offend him, not when he was looking at you like that. 
“No,” you squirmed. The lock was open now but neither of you moved. “I mean, yeah, but not— not as bad as I thought. It was okay.”
Steve  grinned like he knew something you didn’t, nodding slowly as he held the gate for you. “It was okay,” he repeated back, “I’ll take it.”
The pool was as blue and as intimidating as the first week, the generator humming and the filter trickling softly as you walked around it, giving the edge a wide berth. If Steve saw you frown and the dark blue depths, he didn’t say anything. Instead, you both dropped your towels and bags on a lounger and the boy didn’t so much as blush as he stripped off his shirt, throwing it alongside everything else. 
“You wanna get changed?” He asked, already busying himself with pulling some floats out of a shelving unit. “I’ll get everything sorted and you can—”
You were stripping off your own shirt before Steve could finish his sentence, the words getting stuck in his throat as you revealed the same old black swimsuit underneath your clothes. It wasn’t anything he hadn’t seen already, but you couldn’t help but feel flustered as you popped the button of your shorts, the denim dragging down your hips. You didn’t look at him as they slid off your legs, your feet clumsy as you tried to toe off your sneakers and step out of your shorts all at once. 
Steve was pink, even if you didn’t see it, his whole body turning from you abruptly as he decided what else he might need to take from storage. A pool noodle fell to the floor as you bundled up your clothes and chucked them onto the chair, both of you decidedly not looking at each. 
“Uh, right.” Steve dragged a hand through his hair, the soft ends immediately falling back across his forehead. He looked like he’d already caught most of the morning’s sun as he finally glanced at you, the tips of his ears a little pink. “Let's get started.”
Your arms were crossed over your chest as you stood waist deep in the pool, partly for a little cleavage cover, mostly because you were cold. Your skin had prickled as you entered the water the same way as last time, step by step into the shallows, with Steve by your side. He didn’t hold your hands, but one of his hovered by your elbow the whole way down, ready to catch you if you stumbled, if you felt less than brave. 
He murmured soft encouragement the whole way down, a new praise falling from his lips at each stair and when you made it onto the pool floor, he’d grinned. 
“Look at you go, we’ll have you swimming lengths in no time.”
You couldn’t work out if he was joking or not, and the idea of going to the other end of the pool was enough to make your stomach churn, the lucky charms you’d shovelled into your mouth before leaving turning acidic. Still, you grinned - grimaced, maybe - and made a strange noise at the back of your throat. Steve thought it was supposed to be a laugh. 
“Ha— yeah, sure, maybe in a while.”
So Steve just smiled and left it at that. Then he was wading a little deeper, the water moving from his upper thighs and soaking his shorts, the cherry red turning scarlet, a deeper colour that you couldn’t help but stare at and then the pool swallowed his lower body, the ripples catching around his hip bones. 
He was facing you as he moved, arms out and hands coaxing, encouraging you to follow and when he saw the look of panic in your face, he stopped walking. “Hey, hey,” his voice was soft, just like the morning. It was all hazy skies, a blue-lavender fuzz and the trickle of water, the smell of chlorine and sunscreen and Steve Harrington’s wide, brown eyes. “Look, yeah? We’re not going any deeper than this, I promise. ‘N I’m right here.”
You remembered how you told him you trusted him, just seven days ago. How he’d told you in return that he’d come get you, just like he had before. It felt rude to question the man who’d once saved your life but still, you hesitated, arms still curled around your chest like you could anchor yourself to that spot. 
But then Steve held out his hand, palm up and resting on top of the surface. The blue of the pool made his skin look even more tanned, sunkissed and glittering with droplets of water, beads of it sliding off of his forearm, pooling in the middle of his hand. He wiggled his fingers at you. 
You didn’t even know you were reaching out to him until his hand curled around yours, bigger and wider and warmer despite the way you were still adjusting to the colder temperature. The sticky heat of the morning air didn’t do much for the large pool, the water still nipping at your skin as you moved through it. 
“There you go,” Steve praised, smiling wide and earnest as you took a step. “There she is, ladies and gents, Hawkins next high diver—”
You scoffed, eyes rolling and cheeks sore when you grinned, unable to help it. But you were still moving, baby steps towards Steve and the gasp that left your lips as the water crept up towards the line of your belly button was due more to the cold than the depth. 
Steve held your hand tightly, a solid grip, your own kind of anchor. 
“Alright, see?” He was beaming, eyes squinting through the rays of the sun that bounced off the surface and he was too pretty with it, painted in the reflections of the ripples and stripes of rainbow. “You did it, you’re killing this.”
You didn’t point out that you hadn’t technically done any real swimming yet, but the fact you were standing further into the pool than you were seven days ago felt momentous. Eddie had spent countless summers trying to even coax you inside the property line, sunscreen smeared on his nose and pleading in his eyes. 
“You still trust me?” Steve asked, eyes bright and earnest and god, it was impossible to say no. So you nodded, throat feeling a little thick and the words lost behind your teeth but you did and you meant it. And that only made Steve smile wider. “Good. We’re gonna practice floating, okay?”
The idea of it made your chest feel heavy, a sure fire sign that it wasn’t going to go as well as Steve had planned. Letting the water take control of your weight seemed impossible and the task of taking your feet off of the solid tiles at the bottom of the pool was nightmare inducing. But Steve was moving closer, his hand still in yours and his free one grazing your spine. His fingertips skimmed over your back, guiding you in front of him and turning you to the side as he spoke the whole time. 
“It’s easy, right?” He explained, your shoulder brushing his bare chest and you tried not to think about it all too much, tried not to panic despite the way your heart was thundering so hard it was a wonder Steve couldn’t hear your ribs rattle and crack. “M’gonna help, I won’t let you go, I promise. You just gotta let yourself lie back, just a little. I’ll help you do the rest.”
You laughed at him, his words, his positivity that was brighter and warmer than the whole of June and July. It was a gasping, mocking thing, a laugh that got stuck in your throat and the mere suggestion of letting your body fall backwards into the pool was enough to make your eyes dart for the safety of the stairs. 
“I— I can’t. I can’t do that,” you told him, eyes wide and head shaking furiously. “That’s just— no. I can’t. I’m sorry.”
Maybe you tried to move away, to take a step towards the shallow edge of the pool, or maybe you only imagined you did. Because Steve’s hand was flat against the curve of your back and his palm nearly took up the whole god damn space there. His fingers curled around your own, his thumb running over the bumps of your knuckles. Steve bent a little, knees folding under the water to bring his face down level with your own and he looked so serious when he said: 
“Hey, listen, alright? I know it’s scary. But I promise you, I won’t let you go. You’re not going to go under.” He licked his lips, eyes searching yours for signs of panic, fear, flight. “I won’t let you go under the water, I swear.”
So you stayed, rooted to the spot but there nonetheless. And with a jerky nod, Steve’s hand squeezed your own and he moved into you. You felt his knees bump under your thighs, rough with coarse hair and lined with more muscle than you had, his hips bumping against the side of you. Suddenly the water didn’t feel as cold as before, the sharp chill of it gone. 
“I just want your to bend your legs, okay? Just a little and then let your feet come up. M’gonna support your back. And remember, you can stand here, yeah? S’not deep, you can stand right back up.”
You mumbled something, confirmation maybe, a curse perhaps, aimed at Steve or Eddie, you weren’t sure. You about your friend who was probably still in his bed, face down and oblivious to the situation he’d once again coaxed you into. But you also remembered how he’d been knee deep in the lake as Steve pulled you out, eyes wide and terrified as he prepared to throw himself into the black water to find you too. 
You lifted one foot, a mere stretch onto your toes, really, but Steve hummed in approval and his hand pressed into your back a little more, a silent promise that he was still there to catch you. 
One foot came off of the pool floor. 
“Thatta’ girl,” Steve whispered and he was close. So close, close enough for the words to feel warm against your temple and you could feel his gaze on the side of your face, watching, waiting. “I’ve got you.”
Another foot came off the tiles. 
You dipped, just a little, just for a second, your shoulders submerging and a shocked gasp ripping from the back of your throat before Steve’s hand on your back was pushing you upwards. You tried to fight it, legs kicking awkwardly until Steve was pushing you again, upupup, and your body broke out of the water, shoulders and back and butt flat against the top of the surface. 
“Keep your legs out straight,” Steve instructed, “let me take your weight, breathe in and out, keep calm.”
It all seemed too much to do at once. 
Your hand was a vice grip around Steve’s, but he didn’t seem to mind. He was watching you, gaze studious and gentle, nodding almost to himself as you tried to do as he told you. Your legs straightened out and stopped kicking, the warm air kissing your shins above the water, your chest shuddering as you sucked in a breath. 
“Uhuh, that’s it. Now just lie back for me, s’alright, I’ve got all of you.”
You choked out a laugh, a cynical sound and Steve’s eyes found yours. You were shaking slightly as you tried to relax, trying to drop your shoulders back into the water. “All of me? You been hitting the gym, Harrington?”
The joke was weak sounding, especially when your lip wobbled too but Steve grinned all the same. The hand on your back moved down a little, settling in the curve there, just above your ass. 
“Thanks for noticing,” he replied softly, a teasing lilt to his voice, a smirk in his smile. “Eddie never compliments me.”
You laughed again, louder this time but just as harsh sounding as before. The water was filling your ears as you lay back, a cold rush to the back of your head and neck as you finally flattened yourself out. 
“What a shit friend,” you managed to choke back. 
Steve let go of your hand with a soft murmur of assurance, quickly placing it beside his other one, both palms supporting your frame. His touch was a delicate thing, the width of each hand encasing your back, keeping you afloat. He was the warmest thing in the water. 
“Right?” Steve whispered, afraid to break the quiet, the spell that you were under. Your eyes were wide and on the sky as you lay there, watching the blue and the pink coloured clouds that were making their way over town. “You’re gonna have to have words with him.”
You nodded before realising the movement made your chin dip, your balance wavering. Your arms that had been floating at your sides tried to claw at something, anything, for purchase but found none and fear seized at your chest again. 
“You’re okay,” Steve told you. “Another deep breath in— there you go. Now, keep your chest and tummy pushed out, okay? Keep it all above the surface, chin up, legs straight, you got it.”
And you did, kinda. The panic that made your chest tight loosened its grip as you let out the breath you’d been holding onto so fiercely. Your legs felt lighter once you stopped fighting the drag of them, your arms floating out to your sides, the back of your right hand brushing Steve’s stomach and you felt the muscles in his abdomen tense. But your eyes were fluttering, lashes blinking against your cheeks as you just let yourself be, your body floating, the cool water lapping at your neck, your face. 
Steve’s hands were sure and steady on your back, never leaving or faltering. In fact they steered you away from the wall and kept you pushed to the surface, gently guiding and encouraging. They made your body feel warmer than the water did, the sun on your front, a dry heat that shone over your face and chest, rainbow spots in your vision and his palms were just as hot under the water. 
He murmured nonsense as he let you balance on his fingertips, always encouraging and soft, pretty praises that made your toes curl into the pool and when he saw the way you trusted him, the way you let him hold you, he stopped talking altogether. 
It was just you and Steve and the water under the sun. 
Fingers danced a line along your spine, one set between your shoulder blades, the other holding you up from the small of your back and it was a shockingly intimate touch, especially when his skin found your own between the straps of your bathing suit. 
Something told you that it would be a bad idea to open your eyes, but Eddie told you bad ideas had good outcomes all of the time. So you did just that, blinking against the sun that was rising as the morning moved on, the sky turning bluer and brighter, but not nearly as warm as Steve’s gaze. 
He was looking down at you, his knees still bent and the water lapping at his chest, his face much closer than you realised. He was smiling, a soft thing that made your heart thunder loud enough to travel through the water, a steady drumbeat in your ears. And when the boy realised you were looking too, his cheeks turned that pretty pink colour, a cotton candy blush that you couldn’t help but stare at and he nodded, clearing his throat before he spoke. 
“You’re doin’ great.”
The water filter trickled somewhere in the background, the sound of someone’s car door slamming in the distance. Apart from that, it was just Steve’s voice over your drum kit of a heart. It took a while for you to nod, water slipping over your chin and lips, tongue licking away chlorine. 
“I’ve got a really good teacher,” you replied. 
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currentlylurking · 1 year
Thinking about... low stake Fenton Family headcanons. Those kind of things that have no wider world-context when it comes to fic ideas but really speak to their family dynamic.
Like, one of my favourites is that Danny doesn't avoid swearing because it's a kid's show from 2004; he avoids swearing because when he and Jazz were little, Maddie and Jack caught them repeating what what they'd heard from the lab. So they promised their children that if they could make it the next decade or so, until they got their drivers licenses, without swearing in front of them, Maddie and Jack would buy Jazz and Danny each their own car! They assumed the kids would forget before they had to follow through, but Jazz did not. And once she was sixteen, she traded the inability to swear for a car.
Danny can fly. He doesn't technically need to get his driver's license. But by this point he's committed, and won't swear at all - he doesn't want to risk slipping up in front of his parents, and losing his chance at a car!
Another one I really love is that up until he was about ten, Danny spent most of his time at the public pool. Maddie had him and Jazz in baby swim lessons, but Danny loved the water, so she kept him in it. And Danny was an amazing swimmer - he was incredibly fast and by the time he was seven, could dive well enough that there was barely a splash when he hit the water. Danny thrived in the water, and with some guidance, absolutely could have become an olympic level swimmer.
Unfortunately, when he was 10 or so, he mentioned to his parents that the chlorine in the pool hurt his eyes so Jack tried to replace the pool filter with an ecto-based one, which went very badly. And the family was banned from the public pool. They set up a blow-up pool in the backyard for Danny during the summer, but it wasn't the same.
Fortunately, he turned 14 and gained the ability to fly, so he doesn't miss it too much anymore, but Jack does still feel bad.
And of course, the last quality one - none of the Fenton family can cook. Maddie and Jack can bake extremely well, but baking and cooking are different. They like the experiment too much with their cooking, and even without ectoplasm, it usually leaves their food inedible. Jazz can make simple things, like macaroni, but whenever she's tried something more complicated it hasn't gone to plan. She's too much of a perfectionist to risk that.
Danny, meanwhile, has burned soup before and will burn it again. But he's still eaten it. Sam and Tucker have joked about how Danny's tastebuds must've died in the portal too, because there's no way a normal person would eat the kind of things he does, but he's always been like that! He's far too ready to eat almost anything.
It was particularly stressful for his family when Danny was a baby, because it seemed like for the first four years of his life, his sole goal was to eat every single battery he could find.
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artdcnaldson · 4 months
sex lessons au is the only thing that’s been on my mind i literally cannot think of anything else.. virgin!reader my beloved..
them finding your vibrator and asking you to show them how it works……… they totally didn’t plan this at all knowing you had one. if it was the summer before stanford… art was digging through the dresser in your room looking for something (totally not your panties!!! or that tiny bikini you wore yesterday!!!) when he found it. or. or!!! they heard it… from down the hall. just a slight buzzing noise they wanted to go investigate which ended with them camped out in front of your door and you being none the wiser..
GODDDD it’s like you live in my brain <3 Pre Stanford prequel is sooooo yummy <3 I can’t decide which I like better so fuck it, combo value meal
But, sigh <3, Art being a total fucking pervert my beloved. The whole summer you’ve just been so fucking confused because why do your panties keep getting lost in the wash? Totally not because Art steals them from your hamper, cums with them wrapped around his dick, and feels so guilty that he throws them away entirely. Anyways… back to the topic at hand. Patrick catches him in the act of rooting around your room, just stands there completely silently in the doorway until Art finds a cute white pair of panties, goes to tuck them into his pocket. He clears his throat, nearly gives Art a coronary.
“Jesus christ, you’re clinical,” Patrick mutters, but he’s grinning ear to ear. “Why don’t you just look for her diary or something?”
Art glances out the window, towards the backyard and the pool you’re currently swimming in with Patrick’s younger sister. Far enough away that it still feels safe to snoop, to be a nosy, perv.
Patrick lifts up the mattress, looks through your dresser drawers, all leading up to the moment he pulls open the nightstand and finds what he’s been looking for. Art’s cheeks burn an embarrassing shade of pink as Patrick holds it up. It’s a cheap wand vibrator— probably from the Spencer’s at the mall— pink and bedazzled around the handle. Patrick presses the button and it buzzes to life in his hand.
“Jesus, turn it off,” Art says quickly, glancing around like you might materialize out of thin air and catch them. Patrick rolls his eyes, but obeys. “Do you think she… uses it.”
Patrick makes a face, almost annoyed. “No, it’s fucking decoration, dipshit.” Patrick swallows, presses his tongue to his cheek while he thinks. “We should come back tonight, see if we can hear her use it.” He expects Art to argue, shake his head and say that’s fucking weird and invasive. But Art just swallows hard and nods.
So they wait until after dark, when everyone else is asleep. Patrick brings his gameboy to occupy himself, Art pretends to be interested in the corners of the wall where the wallpaper is peeling. His watch reads 11:45 when he hears your blankets start to rustle. He and Patrick press their ears to the door, so close that they’re sharing breaths.
They hear you gasp and sigh, shifting a bit, and let their mind fill in the blanks. You’re in bed, with your hand between your thighs to start, getting yourself worked up. It isn’t long before he hears you swear under your breath and rattle the nightstand drawer in your haste. Click, and buzz.
You moan softly, sounding sweet and pretty. It doesn’t feel fair that they’re on the other side of the door, that they can’t know what you’re imagining, what you’re thinking of. Or who. They’re practically holding their breaths until you cum, with a shaky moan that you have to muffle behind your hand. They hear you click off the vibrator, slide the drawer closed, and roll over in bed with a sigh.
They hurry back to their shared room, faces flushed, buzzing with the pervy adrenaline of being halfway successful voyeurs. Patrick pins Art down on his bed, slotting his body against his. Art groans, cants his hips up, seeking friction. “Do you think she was thinking about us?” Art pants as Patrick works their boxers down grips both of their hard cocks in one hand, pumping them in tandem.
Patrick nods, moans into the junction of Art’s throat. Art fumbles for something under his pillow, retrieves the fucking panties he’d stolen earlier that day. Patrick laughs weakly as Art sucks them into his mouth, tongue laving over the gusset that had previously nestled against your pussy.
“Jesus, Art,” he groans, already close. Art moans, muffled behind the cotton, and cums the second Patrick’s thumb brushes over the head of his dick. Patrick jerks them both through it and finishes messy and warm over Art’s softening cock.
He collapses boneless on top of the blonde, who slaps at Patrick’s shoulders until he relents and slides off of him.
The next morning, you’re all eating breakfast like nothing happened at all. You, none the wiser, them, perfect little liars talking about how they went to bed early for once. They figure they’ll try their hand at camping outside your door that night too, just in case.
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hopplessilse · 10 months
The nanny ll. Your House, Your Rules
Joel x Nanny! reader 18+ explicit
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The Nanny l
Summary: Pool day, you in your bathing suit as you watch Sarah take her swimming lessons, and Joel next to you, impatient to feel you again.
Warnings: age gab (in her early 20's, he's middle 40's), public fingering, infidelity, pet names, squirting, indecisive, regret (for a moment). tell me if something is missing
A/N: Here is the second part of The Nanny, I wrote it in 1 night, I don't know where all the inspiration came from but I hope you love it, kisses. Thank you for your support, it means a lot to me.
After that day, the day your relationship with Joel change, the day you took a step that's hard to get out of, every time you felt the tension, every time he looked at you, every time you heard his voice speak to you in front of his wife, every time you were alone for a while, you thought you were going to die.
Had there been other opportunities? Of course. But did you want it to happen again? You were aware that if he offered it to you. You would. Every day it was agony to think about it, to be sitting in that armchair, to see him, to see him sitting next to his wife and daughter, it was very twisted to think if he would have done it in that armchair with his wife too.
It was very twisted to think of him that way. It helped you that he went on a trip, you didn't see him for 2 weeks straight, at first you felt the absence, you came to miss him, maybe you missed the looks he gave you, you missed the sound of your name against his lips.
But… As the days went by you forgot how it felt to have his attention, you really focused on thinking about taking care of Sarah, now you were happy and excited to take care of her and not to see her dad. You've always been happy to take care of her, only things changed after that day, you were out of yourself, your head was wandering, you only thought about him while you were with Sarah, now you only thought about going out with her to the park and eating her favorite ice cream.
Just before Joel arrived from his trip, Mrs. Miller had gotten a few days off, which she would use to take Sarah to her family, so they wouldn't need your services for a few days. There would be more days when you wouldn't see Joel Miller. Which you could take a breath and think clearly what the hell you did in the comfort of your own home instead of theirs.
After 1 week you got a call, right on the screen it said 'Mrs. Miller'.
"Hello" said your name "Sorry for bothering you at this hour"
"oh don't worry"
"I wanted to know if you would be free tomorrow"
"That's great, tomorrow I have an important meeting and Sarah's swimming instructor is coming to give her lessons, and I wanted to know if you could keep an eye on what I'm not on"
"Of course, it's my job"
"Okay, tomorrow at 11 o'clock would be fine"
"i´ll be there"
And here you were, in the sun chair under an umbrella that covered you from the sun, in your bathing suit, as you watched Sarah swim along with her instructor. When you arrived there was no sign of Joel anywhere, Mrs. Miller told you that he would be in his office until late, that calmed you down a bit… But since luck is never on your side, well sometimes it is (if you know what I mean).
You saw him arrive in his jeans and a black short-sleeved shirt, just above his elbows, revealing those muscular tanned arms. It seemed like he was in slow motion as he walked out the backyard door, everything you had thought about, so much time spent resolving those thoughts, denying wanting to be with him again, disappeared when you saw him approach you while smiling, it's a crime that he's so attractive, and it's wrong that he has you at his mercy.
When he stood next to you, you could smell his cologne, that smell you would identify anywhere, it was his mark, and your curse.
You don't know why or how, but was it possible that you found it more attractive? These 3 weeks without seeing him were your salvation for your thoughts, but right now… You realized how much you missed seeing it, it had a huge effect on you.
"You're doing great sweetheart" Joel yelled at Sarah animatedly
"Thank you, Daddy" an excited Sarah said as she kicked along with her floats.
"Good afternoon, Mr. Miller" The coach greeted him from afar
"Good afternoon."
After that exchange of greetings, you felt his gaze fall on you. You were wearing dark sunglasses, that would help him not look straight into your eyes.
Without looking at him and keeping your gaze on your book, you felt his figure fall sitting on the chair next to you.
"Good afternoon to you too" You heard his voice this time in a low tone, with that hoarse, manly voice, as you felt his eyes on you, on your legs that glistened from the sunscreen.
"Good afternoon, Mr. Miller," you said a little seriously, still looking at the page of your book, glancing over the same paragraph over and over again.
He leaned back on the back of his chair as a small choked laugh echoed in his chest as he crossed his arm and legs. His presence was so heavy that you couldn't help but glance at him sideways as he continued to watch you.
"Why the formality?"
"What are you talking about?"
"Why do you call me by my last name?"
"Because it's your last name" sounded obvious, but it was the dumbest and most absurd answer you could think of.
"I'm not Joel to you anymore?"
You inhaled letting the air out in an exaggerated way while adjusting your glasses on the bridge of your nose
"it's not right to call you that"
"if I allow it it is"
"not as long as I work for you" This time you turned to look at him, and you could see his serious face, his eyebrows together, his eyes were different.
His lips were straight, the wrinkles on his forehead were more prominent, his jaw was stiff, his neck tense as some veins were present. He just nodded and looked away from you to focus on his daughter.
You were damn sure that he could also feel the tension that had formed around you. You were behaving like a bitch, but it was what you had to do to forget the desire you had for him. You didn't want to feel used, but he wasn't going to take you seriously the way you wanted him to if he was married with a daughter. You could send his wife to hell like that time, but it didn't feel good to look her in the face after that.
It didn't feel good to see her afterwards, knowing that her husband could do anything he wanted to you in his house, without her being suspicious. But it felt good to feel that he would do anything with you, that he would give you whatever you wanted, that he would have you on his mind every time you went, every time you couldn't be with him, every time he fucked his wife wishing was you, or at least the target of his desires.
You need to see a psychologist or therapist because your emotions and thoughts change drastically from one moment to the next. You wanted to play with him, to know who has control over whom.
So you made your move. While sitting, you leaned forward lying on the chair with your stomach in the chair, leaving your butt exposed… at his mercy . You placed your arms in front of you, crossing them, and rested your chin on one while you read with your glasses on.
You could feel his gaze on you, on your body, you couldn't see what he was doing, his face, or if he was about to make a move. When suddenly you felt his fingers brush against your calf, caressing it as his fingers slowly moved up your inner thighs. A wave of shivers ran through you as he caressed that part of your thigh from top to bottom, carefully with the gems on his fingers.
You couldn't see him, but he had a smile on his face, as he watched that you weren't seen. You were smiling anyway, his caresses felt good, it was inevitable to respond to his touch. Around the perimeter of your eye you saw how he sat in the chair so that he could be closer to you, and you felt how his hand deviated to your buttocks, giving each one a squeeze. He caress them for a few more seconds and deflect their fingers to your crotch, caressing over the fabric.
You let go of a sigh with a small moan, turned your head to him, leaned it into your arms as you bit your lips and looked at him. His gaze was on you, with his dark eyes, you could see how much he wanted you, he could see how much you wanted him. He ran his fingers again and he can feel how wet you were, he raised his eyebrows and with his eyes asked permission to have access, and you just nodded as you bit your lips.
He pushed aside your bikini bottoms and you spread your legs a little so he could see you. You saw how his lips parted and his eyes sparkled, he turned to look at the pool and then at you, saw how two fingers went to your lips, you knew what he wanted, so you opened your lips giving access to his big fingers inside your mouth, you licked them slowly and he pulled them out with a pop.
He looked at you for another second and brought his hands to your face.
"I want to see those cute eyes, honey," he said as I take off your glasses and set them aside from him in the chair.
You let out a sigh as you felt the touch of his fingers on you, your saliva mixing with the moisture that stuck to your lips. That touch that you longed to feel after that day, those big fingers that you wanted so much inside you 1 more time. His fingers traveled from your entrance bringing your moisture to the center of your clit, slowly massaging it as tiny moans came out of your lips against your arm.
You were so sensitive, so needy that you couldn't help but move your hips against his fingers to get more friction. He stopped you with his other hand on your back.
"Shh calm down honey, they don't have to notice"
the desire clouded your vision that you had forgotten Sarah and her instructor, you turned to look at them and saw that they were submerging, you turned to look at him and with your eyes you begged him to touch you
"please Joel, I need you" you let out a groan
"That's right pretty girl, say my name" His fingers entered you carefully as he told you that. You closed your eyes and bit your arm to silence your moan.
His fingers moved in and out of you like a master key, he was so careful but at the same time he was increasing the speed of his wrist, you could feel all that tingling inside you increasing more and more.
"Shit," you said over your palm "Joel, I can't" you complained quietly, preventing your moans from coming out in prayer.
"Yes you can doll, just a little more" You could hear his breathing a little heavily, you knew it hurt him not to be able to do more at that moment
you let out a moan in response as you looked at the pool being alert.
Your breathing increased as moans were silenced by your arm covering it with saliva, you began to sweat from your breasts, your body began to heat up, you felt your heart go out of your throat. All the sound that was in the background became blurry, the sound of your liquid was more noticeable to your ears, his breathing, his grunts as he listened to you, the speed and intensity of his fingers ramming you, opening your skin as tickles ran through you.
Just as you saw Sarah and her instructor dive swimming in the water, joel put pressure on your lower back as he pulled out and in his fingers quickly, you couldn't contain yourself and some moans escaped your lips as you felt your limit close, you were about to burst out, when you felt joel's fingers hit that spot, You burst with pleasure letting go of all of yourself in his fingers, and you felt a liquid jump on your legs.
"Shit," Joel said, agitated and grunting
Joel agitated continued to touch your as you continued to come, you writhing in pleasure in the chair lifting your hips in the air and over his hand.
When you finished, you lay on your stomach, exhausted and with your legs shaking, while Joel caressed your thighs.
"Did I pee or...?" you mentioned with your head in your arms
"No honey, you definitely didn't pee yourself."
"did I just.?? did I just have a SQUIRT?" you said sounding surprised
"fuck, of course yes doll" you felt him get close to your ear and whisper "and it was too exciting to have seen it"
You turned to look at him with a shy and weak smile as you tried to get up to sit in the chair, just when you felt that it was wet from the liquid.
"Let me get something to clean you" Joel said as he stood up and you could see that the liquid had reached his pants, leaving a few drops splashed on the pants.
"You might as well clean yourself" you pointed to his pants. where a coming lump was present
"Don't worry darlin, it will dry itself" he winked at
Everything around you returned to normal and for the first time after your climax, you heard Sarah's laugh and splashes in the water, no one had noticed, but you knew it was dangerous to do so around his house.
They couldn't expose themselves like that in front of anyone, especially while they were alone with Sarah. But you wanted to have him again, and have more time with him, you would have to think better next time, because of course you wanted to be with him again, with Mr. Miller... with Joel.
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thatmexisaurusrex · 4 months
Summer BuckTommy. Going to the beach together. Maybe making the most structurally sound sandcastle as Buck infodumps about architecture. Hanging out on the peer. Buck teaching Tommy how to surf. Maybe going to Joshua Tree to camp. Hiking. Looking up at the stars. Buck talking about camping at parks in between jobs on his cross country road trip to find himself. Buck teaching Tommy the constellations. Maybe Tommy talking about looking up at the night sky while he was on tour. Tommy talking about his own made up constellations. Muay Thai lessons with the garage door open. Book club with only the two of them and the books are all about the history of cars and how to assemble and disassemble them. Flirting at harbor station before flying lessons. Lasagna nights. Helping Bobby during a barbecue at Bobby and Athena’s rebuilt home. Buck and Tommy playfully arguing about grilling methods before Bobby steps in and they watch and take notes on Bobby’s technique. Going to Disneyland with Eddie and Christopher. Arguing about the better Star Wars films. Taking Jee-Yun to the local YMCA for Chimney and Maddie to bring her to swimming lessons. Hanging out with Chimney and Maddie in their backyard, making s’mores with Jee and Chris and Eddie and Denny and Mara and Karen and Hen too. Double dates with Hen and Karen. Karaoke with Chimney and Maddie. Summer-Themed Trivia nights together. Kissing under the soft light a summer sunset. Summer BuckTommy.
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yuwuta · 3 months
PLS PLS PLSSSSS keep talking about kids with olympic athletes! gojo and nanami pls pls pls i have to Know. everything u wrote about yuuta was already so so cute
(prev olympics au here)
the gojo twins are hilarious because your baby boy looks exactly like satoru, but has very little of his personality—it seems like the only things he inherited was satoru’s love for sweets and love for you. still, even though he’s a strong swimmer, he much prefers to relax in his floaties alongside you if you’re also in the pool, or chill by your side on a lounge chair, glasses too big for his face keeping the sun out of his eyes as he shares his smoothie with you, and asks to borrow your phone to take pictures of his sister and daddy in the pool. 
your baby girl on the other hand… she might have your face but she’s got satoru’s everything else—his competitive streak, his confidence, and definitely his mischievous nature. she’s the one who tiptoes into your bedroom at five in the morning, tapping at her daddy’s shoulders, and putting her little finger over his lip to shush him before he can wake you up; she’s always the one to convince satoru to take her swimming the backyard at the crack of dawn, and why by the time you and your baby boy wake up, she and satoru are already past warm up laps and swimming lessons and onto who can make the splashiest canonball competitions (she always wins because while her tiny body can endure a belly flop, satoru’s years of training physically doesn’t allow him to do it… and maybe because he’s not so competitive when it comes to his baby girl, he’ll always let her win). 
kento’s professional judo career honestly doesn’t last very long. after his first olympic games, you two start dating and he proposes just after he wins gold the second time he’s in the olympics; he does maybe two more years of national competitions while you’re pregnant, and decides that the intense training for the next two years in preparation of a third olympic competition isn’t worth missing time he could spend with you or your baby girl—plus, with all the money he’s made from competitions, winning gold medals, brand ambassadorships, commercials, and collaborations, he had enough money to provide for all of your for the rest of your lives. so, that’s what he does (his dream has always been to be a househusband, anyway...) his previous salaryman career comes in handy when deciding how to invest his money, how to buy a house, how to take care of his friends, how to set up a fund for your daughter, and an extra account or two… just incase more babies come along… 
by the time your baby girl is four, she’s already kento’s biggest fan. she loudly and proudly proclaims to everybody that her daddy was basically superman and won all the shiny trophies and medals in the house from when he was being a superhero. if anyone recognizes kento when they’re out together, she always confirms their suspicions, proudly boasting, “yeah kento is my daddy! he’s a winner!” it always makes kento’s heart swell to hear her praise. he doesn’t compete professionally anymore, but he does train from time to time, and has taken on a few mentees, and your daughter LOVES to watch him coach/train. she’s got her own uniform that she always puts on whenever they go to the gym together, and gets so excited when kento or ino or yuuji pretend to spar with her. 
she’s honestly kento’s mini figure. she’s respectful and reserved, but strong and knows when to fight and how to use her voice. there’s a time when he gets a call from her school saying that she got in a fight, the principal frames it as your daughter needlessly pushing around an older kid, but your daughter is certain in her words when she tells her dad that it was because the kid was being mean to the younger kids, and to her. kento doesn’t say a word to the teachers—doesn’t even fight them sending her home early for the day, because he’s happy to scoop her up and take her out for ice cream and tell her that he’s proud of her.
#anonymous#gojo twins r so real to me... one looks like him but does Not act like him and the other one does not look like him but might as well Be Hi#and he loves n smothers them both so much....#kento goes from salaryman to professional athlete to househusband he really does live the dream life LOLLL#see also: kento's baby girl 🤝 satoru's baby girl = best friends LOLL#in my head kento and satoru are olympians at the same time/know each other#but yuuji isn't he has his own story/trajectory#which is why he is nanami's mentee in This Universe#actually i think yuuji's kinda exists on his own#and all his friends/his circle are real proud of him when it's all said n done yk#nobara teases him about finally putting his strength to good use megumi is proud in his own way#his grandpa and nanami are obviously proud of him and he comes home w a gold medal#and is basically a hero in his tiny home town#(also time for me to introduce my favorite hc: yuuta and yuuji childhood friends bc they're from the same city)#the narutoism of it all... he comes home w gold and everyone basically tosses him up and down... angel boy :(#megumi kinda exists in the kento/satoru world too i think... nd before him there was toji#wait maybe yuuta and yuuji can exist in the same timeline nd everyones like what r the odds those two kids from sendai are olympians#jjk x reader#jujutsu kaisen x reader#gojo satoru x reader#satoru x reader#nanami kento x reader#kento x reader#think tho in the yuuta/yuuji olympics verse yuuji competes 2 or maybe 3 times (so total of 12 years) nd then quits#not because he's gotten weaker but just because he really did it for the money yk but he's set for life now#honestly he was set after the first time but he just wanted to be sure/you and his grandpa encouraged him to at least do it to have Fun#this time around so he does#but for yuuta this is his Career yk like he loves tennis#he's not in it for the olympics he just likes it and happens to be real good at it#two of them talking about each other in press conferences so cute
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Hey I was wondering if u could do 14 “ hey that was my slurpiee” with Jeremiah just some fluff with reader and him when he’s working 🤷🏽
Thank you So much u write so amazing
Second attempt with Jeremiah. I think I'm getting better!
my taglists are here + you can send requests here at any time
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After your first debutante lesson, you and Gigi changed and went to see Jeremiah at the pool. You had a big blue pool in your backyard — minus the annoying children splashing and screaming —, but you didn’t have a hot lifeguard sitting in his high chair. 
Gigi sat on her chaise, all wet from the pool, ready to tan for the next few hours. ‘’Would you fetch us drinks?’’ she asked, feeling thirsty. 
You nodded and lightly dried yourself to not slip on the poolside on your way to the snack bar. That would be embarrassing. 
‘’Thank you very much,’’ Steven said as he handed you two cherry-flavored slurpees. ‘’Don’t forget to tip your waiter.’’ 
You put a few coins in the jar to be polite, then went back to Gigi…who was flirting with Jeremiah. A part of you wanted to be mad at her for flirting with your crush, but everyone was flirting with Jeremiah since he started working at the country club pool. You couldn’t blame them, he looked like he came straight from Baewatch with his red swimming shorts and sunkissed skin. 
‘’I didn’t know you were working here this summer,’’ you heard the blonde say as you approached with the drinks. She was batting her eyelashes and leaning forward so her cleavage would catch his attention. ‘’Do you think you could give me swimming lessons? My breaststroke could use some perfecting.’’
Jeremiah smiled back, a bit uncomfortable. ‘’Eh, I don’t know. I only teach kids basic swimming, nothing too technical,’’ he replied, trying to maintain a professional demeanor despite the obvious flirtation. ‘’If you want, I could ask Randy if he can—’’ 
‘’I got the drinks!’’ you announced, relieving Jeremiah from Gigi’s flirting. She was your best friend, but she was a handful sometimes. Especially when she was in a flirty mood. You handed her her cherry-flavored slurpee. She took it with a smirk, still engaging Jeremiah in conversation.
Unfortunately for her, Jeremiah’s attention had shifted to you. ‘’Hey, I heard you were learning to surf,’’ he said, a smile lighting up his face. ‘’I've been surfing for years. If you ever want some tips or go together, I'd be happy to show you the ropes.’’
Your heart skipped a beat at his offer, and you couldn't help but feel excited. You nodded, taking a sip of your slurpee before replying. ‘’I caught my first wave two days ago. It was so exciting! I lost my balance three seconds after though…’’ 
Gigi shot you a glance, seemingly annoyed that you had shifted the focus away from her. Nevertheless, she continued trying to get Jeremiah's attention. ‘’Oh, I wanna surf too! Maybe you could teach us both?’’ She raised her eyebrows suggestively, trying to turn the situation into something more flirtatious again.
Jeremiah chuckled, trying to handle the attention from both you and Gigi without being rude to the latter. ‘’I’ll have to check my schedule—’’ 
‘’Jeremiah!’’ a loud voice called out from the snack bar. ‘’I don’t pay you to flirt with the club members!’’ his boss continued, catching him past his break time. ‘’Break’s over!’’ 
Jeremiah nodded. ‘’Well, I gotta get back to my lifeguard duty,’’ he said, excusing himself. ‘’Talk to you later.’’ He leaned to take a sip from your slurpee, his striking blue eyes catching yours as he drank, taking a purposely long sip.
You felt a rush of excitement and nervousness from the lingering eye contact, holding back a smile.
‘’Hey, that was my slurpee!’’ 
Jeremiah shrugged with a small mischievous grin, then made his way back to the lifeguard chair.
All and more taglist: @spiokybirdstarfish @kenqki @liidiaaag @hawkegfs  @gillybear17  @areaderinlove @acornacreacure @black-rose-29 @fudge13 @cece05 @rosie-cameron @Caxddce @laylasbunbunny @gemofthenight @beautyb1ade  @hi-bored-as-fcuk-rn  @lovelyy-moonlight @mellabella101 @vxnity713  @marzipaanz  @bisexualgirlsblog @queenofslytherin889 @thatbxtchesblog @softb-tterfly @ethanlandrycanbreakmyheart  @xyzstar  @graceberman3  @Heartsforneteyamsully  @aerangi  @hallecarey1  @bxbyyyjocelyn @mikeyspinkcup
TSITP taglist: @msmarvelknight  @maritaleane @dingus0401 @idontknowwhatimdoing777 @nomorespahgetti​ @lomlolivia​ @5sosbands​ @bloodyhw @depthsofdespairr @a-band-aid-for-your-heart​ @gilbertscurls​ @brandirouse86 @leilani-nichole
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mrkified · 2 months
Surf’s Up! — 5. jeno’s pink speedo
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JAEMIN wiped the sweat off his palms and finally mustered up the courage to knock on your door. it felt like 20 years before you opened the door, and he was a nervous wreck.
you opened the door and gave him a warm smile, “you made it! come in.”
you close the door behind him while you take his hand and guide him to the backyard. it was one simple absentminded gesture that wasn’t anything special, but to jaemin it had it his heart drop in shock.
jaemin wasn’t usually this much of a simp, especially given his age he was very mature and composed, but when it came to you it was like a different story. he met you a few months after his breakup with his longterm ex, and it was you who brought him out of the slump of being hung up over them. you both always had very short random encounters but jaemin always looked forward to them because it was time spent with you. since he met you at ocean view, he’s been pining for you ‘not-so-subtly’ — at least the people around you seem to think so, but thankfully not you. he wanted to make sure that this summer he finally made at move to prove his coworkers and friends wrong, that he could finally man up and take control of his nerves that held him back from you.
‘this summer was going to be different’ he etched those words into his brain as you brought him out to the sliding door that led into your backyard.
“here’s where i’ll be teaching you! i got it all nice and cozy just for you.” you let out a little laugh as you turned to him and lightly squeezed his hand. “how do you think we should start this?”
“um.. well i’m not sure how this works..”
could he be anymore awkward? he mentally cursed at himself while you quickly went to shoot out a reply.
“don’t worry! let’s start with these floaties, i’m going to put these on your arms after you change into your swimsuit.” you hand him a pair of training floaties that have a unicorn design on them, something that made him feel a little more embarrassed to be in this position with you, but at least you weren’t making fun of him.
you showed him to the bathroom and left him to change. he wasn’t sure about which swim apparel was appropriate to wear so he consulted the best two people he knew — sungchan and jeno. sungchan bought him dinosaur swim trunks while jeno.. bought him a speedo? what made matters worse is that it was bright pink. jaemin quickly put it away and decided to go with the dinosaur trunks.
he walked out of the bathroom and quickly met up with you in the backyard. you handed him the blown up floaties and helped him put them on. jaemin prayed you couldn’t hear how fast his heartbeat was beating as he slowly watched you put them on.
“there! now follow me, i’ll start you out on the shallow waters and then we can slowly work you up towards the more deeper end of the pool.” you explained while grabbing his hand again and takes slow steps into the pool. jaemin didn’t think it was so bad — at least until he got to the 3 feet mark. he felt himself slightly slip, and you both fell backwards. the floaties helped to keep his body up while you tried to get him to stand straight.
“jaemin — oh my god, are you okay?” you gave him a look of horror while he just laughed. “why are you laughing!?! you could have drowned” he couldn’t help but laugh at the frown you gave him.
“i’m fine don’t worry, let’s just start with the basics”
the rest of the lessons with perfectly (besides when jaemin almost drowned when he couldn’t get back to surface level but then he realized he could have just lifted his head up since he was just in the shallow water) and it was finally time to say goodbye. he was standing with you at the door as you two were saying your final goodbyes before he left.
“this was actually a lot of fun, i didn’t realize that i was missing out by not knowing how to swim” he scratched the back of his head. “thank you for today”
“of course jaemin! i had a lot of fun too! see you next friday.” you gave him one final wave while closing the door and he turned to head off back to his apartment.
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✦ where you give your coworker jaemin swimming lessons while he tries to hide his crush on you.
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[TAGS] @j2upiters @junviadinho @p-d1ddy @busy-daydreaming02 @nanaxwi @nctrawberries @chaerinmin @wonwootakemyheart @lovesuhng @onlyhyunjin @girlz4jaem @flwrs4marklee @haechology @njmluvr @haechansbbg @roseangelxfuma @chernabogsbiggestfan @starfilledgaze @vantxx95 @sunghoonsgfreal @daegalfangirl
[NOTE] this was soooo bad chat i’m sorry 😞😞 posting the next chapter soon bc i actually cant bare to leave u guys with just this 💔
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boyfhee · 1 year
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prompt ·  “you’ve been talking about this for months so i figured that maybe if i got it for you, you’d shut up.” “i love you.” requested
g · fluff warnings · kissing wc · 0.7k
note · why is looking for pics on pins is the hardest part of writing a fic. btw the hyunjin is not skz hyunjin i promise that's like the only name i could come up with
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“i can’t believe you turned hyunjin down,” your friend pipes up from behind you during the self study session, bringing up the same topic for the fourth time in the past twenty-minutes. “even i felt my heart flutter at his confession, he was even promising you the world and all,” 
“just because he said that doesn’t mean i should date him,” and you reply with the same eleven words that you’ve been telling her for the past twenty-minutes as well. “besides, i like someone else,” you turn around, making sure your words reach her loud and clear, and your gaze travels to the back of the class, setting upon sunghoon, who looks away instantly with a rosy tint dusting his cheeks. 
and then you don’t see sunghoon again, at least not for the next two hours. when the german lesson rolls by, you decide that skipping it would be better. you’ve simply taken that course for extra credits thinking it would be easy and so far, that language has only proven you wrong. which leads you to sitting on an old wooden bench in the school backyard, enjoying the consoling winds with sun rays kissing your skin just as gently, your fingers busy running over the tiny words and patterns engraved by the alumnus. 
you look up the second you hear footsteps approaching your direction, a little worried that some staff might’ve spotted you sitting here instead of being in class, but the sight of a familiar figure eases your thoughts, making your lips curl up in a soft smile. 
“sunghoon?” you shift to your right, an action that tells him to sit next to you, as if he wasn’t going to do that already. “skipping classes again?” 
“you’re one to talk,” he chuckles, and you feel a thousand butterflies in your stomach. it’s almost unreal, the way you feel when he’s around you, it’s like you’re underwater, and you could breathe. “i have something for you,” 
but sunghoon manages to help you swim out to the shore with his words, pulling out a small something from his pocket, which you fail to recognise until he takes you hand and places it on your palms, a soft gasp escaping your lips as the smile on his face grows wider, cheeks quite literally flushed red. 
“you’ve been talking about this for months so i figured that maybe if i got it for you, you’d shut up.” you agree you’ve been mentioning the kuromi keyring you saw at the store to sunghoon quite frequently, but you didn’t expect him to buy it for you, especially since it’s official merch and well, also expensive. “i love you,” 
you didn't expect him to say those three words either.
and sunghoon is quite taken aback by his own words, eyes open wide as his heart started beating like it’s going to come out of his chest. he just hopes you don’t hear it beat crazily at the sight of you, although the flustered look on his face gives away how his feelings are spilling around everywhere, and the way you glow in sunlight, the way wind ruffles your hair, it’s doing nothing but making it harder and harder for him to pull himself together.
“before you say anything, this is not how i planned to confess. i don’t think i even planned to confess right now, i thought i had all the time in the world to do that, but then hyunjin asked you out this morning and. . .”
a second passes, and then another, you tilt your head to take a better look at his face, his sun kissed eyes catching your attention almost instantly with the way they gleam with surprise and hesitation. “and?”
you manage to breathe out, words as quiet as a whisper, his hands brushing against yours as you shift closer. 
“i guess, i’m just scared to lose you, perhaps a bit jealous ever since he confessed to you, but again, i can’t blame him. it’s impossible to not fall for you,” his eyes meet yours, it’s quiet, just the sound of summer being the music before you break into faint laughter, his laughs joining you and spinning in the air the next second everything goes silent once again.
you feel a certain nervousness pooling inside of you as his hands slides into yours, a touch that sets all the butterflies free. “i can’t promise you the world, but i promise you all the love in this universe, even beyond,” 
“i don’t need the world, hoon,” you lean towards him, one hand intertwined in his while you proceed to hold his face with the other, smiling against his lips before his eyes flutter close. “just having you is enough,” 
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gayforanthonyjcrowley · 3 months
So, I have this writing idea, but I might need some help from you guys.
I have this idea where Crowley and Aziraphale go on abc dates, but I need some ideas. This is the list I have so far:
A: alpha Centauri, amusement park, arcade, aquarium, …
B: baking, boat ride, botanical garden, berry picking, backyard camping, bowling, …
C: cooking, circus, concert, craft night, chocolate fondue, …
D: dinner order, drag show, drive-in movie, …
E: eventing, eating escargo, Everest, estate sales, escape room ( no miracles ), enchilada date, elephant back riding, Easter egg hunt, Eden garden, …
F: fishing, filharmony, fruit picking, firework show, …
G: gaming, getting matching tattoos, goat yoga, …
H: hair tutorial remaking, hiking, horseback riding, historical museum, …
I: ice cream, ice skating, ikea shopping, …
J: jazz club, jogging, jacuzzi, jigsaw puzzle, …
K: kayaking, Karaoke, …
L: live music, Lego building, …
M: movie night, museum, mini golf, magic show, …
N: national park, Nintendo game night, …
O: oven baked cookies, opera, open mic night, origami class, …
P: pancakes, planetarium, pottery, painting, picnic, …
Q: Queen concert, quiz night ( triple date ), … 
R: roller skating, Ritz, …
S: swimming, sushi, stargazing, …
T:  tour with the Bentley, thrifting, trampoline park, train ride, …
U: ugly sweater party ( triple date ), …
V: vintage car rally, vinyl record shopping, vineyard experience, volunteering, Venice trip, Venus, …
W: wildlife sanctuary, wine tasting, waltz lesson, …
X: Xylophone concert, Xylophone lessons, Xerox, X-Rays, Xbox gaming, xtreme sports, xylophone, …
Y: yacht ride, YouTube marathon, yoga, …
Z: zurich mini break, zero-proof cocktail making class, Zumba class, Z A Rob Zombie concert, zen garden, zoo, …
So let me know if you have another fun idea! I’ll post a poll on my tumblr, so you guys can decide what they are going to do on their date! ( If no one votes, I’ll choose myself, but I hope I’ll get at least some votes )
I’ll be posting this story on my AO3 account, same as my tumblr, GayForAnthonyJCrowley.
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shopcat · 2 years
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if they met each other in elementary school steve would be like you know i have a horse and robin would look up from the dogshit coloured pencil drawing she was making and would be like this is a PEGASUS -_- and steve would panic and be like i know. i own one of those too. and robin would be like no you fucking don't because she was one of those little kids that swore and steve's eyes would get huge and he'd be like oh my freak she said the f word but on the outside he'd be like YES I DO i can SHOW YOU i have to brush her every day or my mom gets mad at me her name is rosie and robin's like ugh why is this dork even talking to me and would look him up and down and realise they both have bandaids on their knees but his is pink and hers is blue and to her that is a +1 point in his favour plus she secretly absolutely cannot miss the chance of this being real because she knows pegasuses obviously exist but why would STEVE HARRINGTON have one that's so not true
and she decides that like okay fine steve harrington's house gives out full sized hershey's every halloween and he always has this huge pack of pencils like the real fancy ones with the cool colours like silver and and gold and 4 shades of pink and he lets everyone borrow them and doesn't even get mad when kids shove them into their own bags so maybe he does own a pegasus but he TOTALLY wouldn't love her or anything he doesn't deserve her at all but robin really really needs to see it and make it love HER so it runs away and lives with her instead because she has a HUGE backyard okay it always takes her dad ages to rake up all the leaves and she goes well then prove it and steve is like :D okay come by my house after school !!!! and robin's like i can't i have swim lessons and steve's like it's fine i have a pool and this makes sense to their child logic and she's like fine tell your mom to call my mom and steve's like okay and then he walks away really quickly to go have a panic attack in the boys bathroom because he was lying from the beginning and needs to figure out a way to dress rosie up so that robin will believe that a pegasus has been magically transformed into a senile golden retriever. and robin continues colouring in her dogshit horse with wings with a blue pencil that was carefully labelled "s.h."
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https-harlow · 1 year
Pool Day
Summary- You, Jack, Paisley, Olive, and Hayden spend a day in the pool.
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One of Paisley and Olive’s favorite things about your home was the backyard, they loved playing on their playset and running around. It was the main reason you and Jack chose the home, so that your kids could have a large backyard to play in. Specifically though, their favorite part of the backyard was the pool you and Jack had built. With Jack traveling less over the summer, that meant alot of your days were spent out in the pool. Both girls had been begging to go swimming since they woke up and you told them as soon as Hayden woke up from his first nap of the day. 
As soon as Hayden woke up, Paisley and Olive reminded you of your promise, so while you fed and got Hayden changed, Paisley and Olive chose matching pink floral swimsuits, Paisley getting changed herself while Jack helped Olive get her swimsuit on. Jack then took Hayden so you could get changed, you changed and tied your hair up before taking Hayden and the girls into the backyard while Jack got changed.
“Mommy, can we get in the pool now?” Paisley asked. 
“Wait for Daddy to finish changing and come out okay? One of us still needs to hold Hayden because he’s too little to swim by himself.” You explained, and Paisley nodded. Hayden was only two months old, and while you didn’t let him in the pool for long, only a few minutes at a time, he loved it. You and Jack only felt comfortable if both of you were in the pool with all the kids though, one holding Hayden and the other focused on the girls. 
Jack came out of the house a couple minutes later, and it didn’t take long until you were all in the pool. Olive had put her floaties on while she was waiting, even though both girls had taken swim lessons and she could swim, she still preferred to use her floaties most of the time, and since she was only four years old, you and Jack felt more comfortable with her having them on too. Paisley preferred to swim without them since she was a stronger swimmer and older.
Jack took Hayden from you, bouncing him so his feet would splash in the water, making him kick his legs, splashing the water even more, making cooing sounds as he smiled. 
Olive swam over to where Jack was holding Hayden.
“Daddy?” She asked.
“Yes Olive?” Jack asked, looking over at her.
“He likes it?” Olive asked and Jack nodded.
“Yeah, Hayden loves swimming with us.” Jack said as Jack continued to splash his legs into the water.
“Sadie swim with us?” Olive asked, if there was anyone who liked swimming more than the girls, it was your dog sadie.
“When Hayden gets out Mommy or I will let Sadie out okay?” Jack said.
“Okay.” Olive said before swimming back over to Paisley. Olive and Paisley wanted to play mermaids, so that’s what they did for a while until Hayden started to get fussy. Once Hayden got fussy, you took Hayden from Jack and got out of the pool, immediately wrapping him in a towel and holding him extra close so he didn’t get cold.
“Mommy, let Sadie out!!” Paisley yelled from the pool.
You got up from the pool chair and went to the back door, and as soon as you opened it, Sadie ran out of the door. Once Sadie saw Jack, Paisley, and Olive in the pool, she ran up to the edge, wagging her tail, waiting to jump into the pool. As soon as Jack gave Sadie permission to jump into the pool, she did, splashing the water, making both girls shriek as the water splashed them. 
They convinced Jack to play mermaids with them, Sadie being the shark they had to swim away from. You threw one of Sadie’s toys into the pool for her to chase before continuing to calm Hayden down. He just didn’t want to be in the water anymore and he was getting hungry so after you fed him he calmed down.
After a while of playing mermaids, they got bored of that, and decided to play with Sadie, taking turns throwing her toy while the other tried to swim faster than Sadie to the toy. Luckily Sadie wasn’t protective of her toys, so she found the game just as fun. 
Jack sat on the edge of the pool, close enough that he was there if he was needed. You joined him, sitting with your legs in the pool, Hayden, who was now asleep, in your arms.
“I always dreamed of this.” Jack said.
“Not your rap career?” You teased and Jack laughed.
“Well, that too. But I always wanted this. A wife, kids, a dog, my own family to spend my time off with. My time off would be boring without you and the kids, hell, even my time spent working would be boring if it wasn’t for all of you.” Jack said.
“I always wanted this too. It just makes it better that it’s with you.” You said, leaning over slightly to kiss Jack.
“I’m the lucky one. Anyone who thought you might be trapping me with a baby when you got pregnant were wrong, I was the one trapping you” Jack joked, making you laugh.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.” Jack said, this time he leaned over to kiss you.
“Daddy, come play fish with us!” Paisley said, her and Olive swimming over to you too.
“How fish and mermaids can be two separate games, I’ll never understand.” Jack whispered to you, you laughed as Jack got back into the pool to play with Paisley and Olive again.
Tag list @jackharloww @harlowcomehome @nattinatalia @hoodharlow @itsyagirljaz @heavyhitterheaux @harlowsbby @awhore4moree @harlowslefttoe @twerkforambrose @jackmans-poison @ilovenudy @taniapri @killatravtramp @easternparkway @macey234 @toocriticalharlow @lightsoutstyles @rachxc13 @iknowdatsrightbih @idktbh101 @blossomluvv @middlechild404
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WIBTA If I told my neighbour (40 F) to stop sending her kid (9 M) to my (24 M) house whenever I come home?
Long story short last summer I was an unemployed grad student who wanted to make some extra cash. I am a certified swim instructor, so I decided to run some lessons for the neighbourhood kids out of my parents’ backyard. I advertised around and I got a few bites and I ended up doing fairly well for myself between my classes at Uni, with around 7 different family’s joining my lessons.
Well now I’ve graduated and I’ve started a career job around 2 hours away. This summer I have been coming home almost every weekend so I can see my family and use the pool, which has been a really nice break from the city.
The problem is this kid (who is honestly a really great kid, and I don’t fault him) whose mother is using me like a free babysitter. Whenever I come home (i.e. whenever they can see my car in the driveway) the kiddo comes over so say hi, and asks if he can hang out. I kind of assume the poor guy doesn’t have a lot of friends, and I’m worried that if I tell him no I’ll really hurt his feelings.
The first time I texted his mom to make sure she knew where he was and if she was ok with him being in my house. She said yes and asked me if that was ok with me, and I said it was cool. We mainly played some age appropriate video games, and chatted, and I made sure my mother was in the room with us the whole time (because I honestly feel a bit awkward and I don’t want to be seen as a creep or anything). I sent him home and I was happy that I could make him feel a bit better, but then the next time I came home he was there again. And then again. And then again.
It’s getting to the point where it feels very inappropriate. I would never do anything to hurt a kid, but I keep feeling more nervous that this could be misconstrued as some kind of grooming. I see him a lot like my little cousin (7 M) and I want him to be happy, but I’m just not feeling comfortable with the situation. I also feel like I’m being taken advantage of, because his parents keep letting him come over, sometimes for multiple hours at a time, without asking and with no warning, and of course no pay for what is technically babysitting.
I really don’t want to hurt the little guys feelings, but this last time I was home without my parents and I just got out of the pool so I was in my swim trunks. I didn’t want to turn him away but I also didn’t want him to stay because of the way it looked. I didn’t know what to say so we hung out for a bit in my front yard (in clear view of the whole neighbourhood) and chatted for a bit before I sent him home.
It’s getting very disruptive because I feel like I can’t have a few drinks with my buddies just in case this kid comes over and I need to pull out my camp counsellorsona, and again it’s not like I’m getting paid. To be blunt, I want to be able to relax.
He’s moving away in a few months, so I figured it wouldn’t matter for much longer anyhow, but after this last time I really don’t know anymore.
I have a hard time saying no to anyone, but it’s especially hard to tell this little kid no to his face when he comes to my door so excited to see me, so WIBTA to text his mom and tell her not to let him come over again? I really don’t want to hurt his feelings, and I really don’t want his mom to tell him I don’t want to see him again, but I’m running low on options here. I’m uncomfortable and frustrated, and I don’t know what to do here.
What are these acronyms?
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teddyeyeseddie · 1 year
To Hell I Go
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Open the Gate
Bull Rider!Steve X Reader
warnings: reader calls steve cowboy a lot, a party, drunk reader, steve smokes some party darts, he also drinks budweiser, and chews gum like a cow, injury to main character, use of a belt for punishment, minimal understanding of how bull riding works
(a/n: poor baby stevie :( thank you @lofaewrites for looking this over!! Love you eternally)
Now Playing: Open The Gate
Monday comes faster than Steve would have preferred. The dawn creeps into his room as he sits up in his bed, groaning at the way the sun perfectly breaks through his curtains. He grabs his phone off of the end table, bringing it in front of his face in order to unlock it. He smiles when he sees a goodnight text from you. The timestamp reads 2:17 so Steve prides himself when he realizes you probably went to bed thinking about him. 
Good Morning, Dandelion
He gets up from bed, sitting on the edge in order to stretch out his limbs. He’s about to make his way to the bathroom when his phone buzzes in its place on the end table.
Good Morning, Cowboy
He smiles to himself, quickly picking up the phone as soon as he sees the preview of the message. 
What are you doing up so early, summoning all the ranchers?
Steve abandons his phone, heading to his closet in order to put on his work clothes. He settles for a pair of wranglers and an old competition shirt. He shrugs on his denim jacket before grabbing his hat and heading out for the morning. 
While he waits for his coffee to brew, he pulls out his phone. 
Girls have ranching duties too 
Steve has to bite his lip, because the idea of you doing ranch chores has his mind whirring. He pours his coffee into his yeti, mindful to shake the images of you away before doing so as to not spill and scald himself. 
He pushes his way out the front door, hopping into his truck and heading over to where the cattle are kept. When he gets there, Jamie and Richard are already at work.
Steve spends his day riding between the main house and the barn all day, finally giving up driving his K10 and begging Eddie to take one of the horses or his beloved razor. Eddie relents, giving him the keys to the razor since the horse Steve usually rides was being used for the lesson Eddie was giving. 
Steve smells like shit by the time he is done working for the day. He called it quits at around 3, leaving Richard and Jamie to tie up some loose ends. 
He heads up to his bedroom, shucking off his clothes before hopping into the shower. He rinses the day from his body, careful to wash under his nails and behind his ears. He wallows in the rinse for a while, the ache in his bones washing away in the warmth of the water. 
Once Steve decides it's been enough, he gets out. He wraps a towel around his waist, fetching his phone out of his pants. 
Having friends over at my place tonight, care to come?
Steve makes his decision rather quickly as he gets dressed without any hesitation.
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Steve’s boots crunch on the gravel as he makes his way down the driveway. He had to park almost on the main road given how many people were at this party? Hangout? Steve didn’t know what it was.
He pushes his way through the gate he had seen people going in and out of, rounding the corner to reveal a gorgeous backyard. There are people swimming, enjoying the summer sunset in the water. Some are around a fire, and some are mingling on the deck. Steve feels very overwhelmed as he stands at the edge of the yard, unable to find you. He’s about to duck inside in order to track down a beer, but your voice stops him.
“Steve!” you exclaim, smiling up at him as you wrap your towel around your body. 
“Dandy,” Steve tips his hat, smiling down at her as he chews the gum in his mouth. 
“So glad you could make it,” you grab his hand, leading him to the deck before bending over to dig in a cooler. Steve looks away in respect to you, you take notice and blush at what a gentleman he is.
He stays with you for the duration of the night, sipping on a budweiser and smoking the occasional party dart. He keeps his hand on your lower back when you push through crowds of people, your cheeks flushing each time he does so. 
You begin to sway in your spot when you make it to the back garden, Steve settles you down once you reach a set of patio furniture that is tucked away. 
“You okay, darlin?”
“M’ ok cowbo- hic,” 
“You’re real drunk, ain’t cha?” he questions, you offering a small giggle. You pinch your fingers together and hold it up to your eye.
“Just a teensy bit,” 
“Come on, Dandelion. Let’s get you where you need to be, yeah?”
Steve hunts down someone to help get you to your room, finally giving up when the beat of the music becomes too much for him. He comes back to where he left you, groaning when he sees you’ve fallen asleep, he gently nudges you awake, startling you as he does so. 
He helps you up from your seat, hand finding its way back to your lower back, his other hand holding yours to keep you steady. You direct him to your room when he oh so politely asks you where it is at. 
“Darling not for any other reason than getting you to bed safe, where is your bedroom?” 
You simply giggle and attempt to lead the way. 
You finally make it to your room at the back of the hall, Steve opening the door and smiling at the decor that litters the walls. There’s horse decals peeling away from your old bookshelf, stuffed animals are strewn across your mattress, he even has the privilege of seeing your award from your 4th grade spelling bee. 
“Please stop looking, it's embarrassing,” you mumble from your spot on the bed. Steve grabs a sweater that is hanging on the back of your chair and hands it to you before turning towards your drawers.
“Where can I find pajama bottoms?” he questions softly, his voice gravely and smooth. 
“Third- hic drawer,” 
He fishes out a rather childish pair. They’re a soft yellow with little owls littering the pant legs. You blush as you reach your hand out to take them from him. 
“Listen um, I’m gonna get goin’...” he backs away from your bed and towards the door, tipping his hat to you as he is about to dip out of your door. 
“Wait- Steve,” you say quietly.
“Yeah, Dandy?”
“You won’t tell your daddy I threw a party at the ranch right? Mine will have my behind if he found out,” 
“I don’t kiss and tell, darlin,” 
“And I’ll see you again, even though I embarrassed myself?”
“You didn’t embarrass yourself, just got a little too drunk is all. Of course you’ll see me again,”
He doesn’t call, you don’t see him again.
He knows why he didn’t call, he couldn’t get out of his own head. His dad’s voice echoed in his mind, “I made you,” 
Normally, Steve did a good job at keeping his dad’s words in the back of his mind, but in times like this when self hatred was such an easy pill to swallow, the ammunition was there. Steve knew deep down he was right, his dad made him. Through hard work and enough times at the end of his father’s belt, Steve Harrington would always be just like his father, made in his image. 
He sees his mother, Steve knows she wants a better relationship with his father. He knows she aches and yearns for a man who is present and loving. Steve knows his father takes his mother for granted. Steve saw all of this and knew he loved just like his father. All or nothing. 
When he looked at you and saw all your potential and grace, Steve decided he wasn’t going to be like his father and ruin you.  
Not only was he equipped with daddy issues, but he had his lifestyle to take into consideration as well. It had him hopping from location to location, so he told himself it wouldn't work.  Steve knew you’d find yourself a cowboy, no matter how much he wished it would be him, he told himself it couldn’t be.
But now, here he is, telling himself that that’s not how things have to be. He has a string of hope tied to his heart, willing that this won't go belly up.  He fiddles with his phone, thumb hovering over your number as he lays his head on his pillow. He finally decides fuck it and calls you. 
“Steve?” you’re confused as you answer the phone, the two weeks of radio silence having broken your heart. You spent every waking moment waiting for his phone call, finally giving up after a week had passed. 
“Hey, Dandelion,” Steve rasps, sucking in a breath when he shifts on the bed. 
“It’s been awhile, cowboy,” you say, a little bit of irritation lacing your tone. 
“Sorry about that, darling. Had important cowboy stuff to do,” Steve lies. “Just a few things to settle away before I could get to ya, darlin,” He wishes he could tell her the whole truth but he knows that would be grounds to scare anyone away. He figures he will save the boo hoo my daddy doesn’t love me mess for when they make it to third base. 
“Watched you while you were in Cheyenne,” you say, getting up from your place on the bed as you begin to pace. 
Steve's mind plays back to his weekend, nerves flowing through his body, making its way up his neck, flushing his face. He was in the chute, ready to take his ride in Cheyenne. He grabs the braided strap, holding on tight as the chute is opened. The bull he is riding, Tank, begins to buck. Steve’s body ebbs and flows as the bull erratically attempts to get Steve off of it. 
The bull gets exceptionally high after Steve has been at it for several seconds, the bull bucking him off, Steve falling to the ground. The next two days were filled with endless bull rides, broken ribs and dirt. He rode hard and stayed on long, his score on his final ride coming out to a 93.4, winning him the competition in Cheyenne. 
He comes home days later on a red eye flight, his mom picking him up in the city. His bones ache when he gets into his bed, his torso bruised by the falls he had taken throughout the weekend. 
The two of you talk about it for a while, the casual conversation flowing easily between you two. 
“I really am sorry I went MIA, Dandelion,” he says with a small sigh, angry at himself for letting his own insecurities cloud his ability to be normal with a woman. He was a gentleman through and through but daddy issues coupled with his irrational fear of abandonment made for a concoction that was too dangerous for anyone to swallow, let alone you.
“It’s okay, just don't let it happen again,”
And he doesn't, every morning you wake up a “Good Morning Dandelion” text was always waiting on your phone. He would send you pictures of every dandelion he would find while on his ranching duties, he even sent a selfie with one tucked into his hat. He kept it there all day. 
And it’s still there when he takes you out to dinner the night before he leaves for regionals, which is luckily a few towns over. 
“Are you nervous?” she questions. He Oshrugs his shoulders, taking a sip of his coke. 
“Not really? I mean kind of? I have to ride this bull. His name is “To Hell I Go” so that is intimidating in and of itself,” he says with a chuckle, rolling a straw wrapper between his fingers and twisting it around his finger. 
“Sounds scary,” 
“Yeah, but I’ve got it, I’m the best out there right now, at least that’s what I gotta tell myself to not- pardon my french- shit my pants,” he states as he begins to twist the ends of the straw wrapper together. 
“You’re good at what you do, it’s good to be confident,” he shrugs his shoulders at your words before reaching his hand across the table to take yours. He slips a paper ring around your finger and smiles widely at you.
“Something to remember me by,” 
“You’re only gonna be gone 3 days cowboy, plus it’s only a few towns over. Maybe I can make it out to a ride or two,” 
“Don’t sweat it if you can’t, I’ll be sweaty and dirty anyways,” 
“Just how I like em, cowboy,”
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Steve has ridden in 3 of his 5 rides, avoiding going up with To Hell I Go. His coach pulls him aside after his last go and tells him what to expect next.
“The next one is it, kid. To Hell I Go, you last at least 8 on him you have this in the bag,” he says as he pats Steve on the shoulder.
Steve spends the next hour settling his nerves, he knows he’s got this. He can handle Ajax no problem back home, what's 2,000 more pounds gonna do, right?
Sweat slips down his temples as he gets situated on To Hell I Go. His hands grip the braided leather tightly, clammy hands making it hard to hold on. 
You’re up in the stands watching, you were able to beg your boss to let you cut out of work early to come see Steve ride. You watch him make his way to the chute, shoulders pushed back and confident as he walks towards his enemy of the night. 
He keeps his head down, focused on going the required 8 seconds. He’s got this, he’s always got this.
The chute opens.
To Hell I Go comes out of the gate much like a bat out of hell, strong, ferocious and fast. 
Steve holds on the best he can. 3 seconds. He’s found a rhythm. Four seconds. His grip is tight. Five seconds. He’s got this. Six Seconds. He’s totally got this. Seven seconds. He totally does not have this. 
To Hell I Go delivers one off rhythm buck that sends Steve flying. He got so comfortable and it all happened so fast, Steve didn’t have time to tuck and roll. He lands to the floor of the corral with a loud dense thud. 
The next thing Steve can remember is white hot pain radiating throughout his shoulder and arm. He writhes on the gorund as others distract To Hell I Go. His coach and the medical team flood the corral and are next to him in seconds. Steve knows it’s his shoulder, it has to be. He knew he felt it break, the loud crack resonated in his ears despite the crowd. 
They’re able to assess the situation rather quickly and get his shoulder stable enough to get him off the ground. They offer him a stretcher but he politely declines, walking off the dirt and back behind the chutes. The ambulance is waiting for him, Steve hating the theatrics of it all as he loads up into the vehicle. Before they can close the doors, he remembers you. 
“Fuck, we can’t leave without Dandelion,” Steve shouts to his coach.
“Dandelion this, Dandelion that! Boy, your shoulder is broken.” 
“I’m not goin til we find her,”
“Well, too bad,” The paramedic slams the door shut at the request of his coach, driving away and to the hospital. 
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Paw Patrol Appreciation Week 2024
Monday - The Beginning
Now about Zuma!! As headcanons instead of a mini fanfic this time XD Also 30 minutes late in my own timezone but who cares lmao
-> Zuma was born along with 4 other siblings. They were 3 females and 2 males total. Their mother was owned by a nice middle aged man who had a surfing school by the beach. She used to be always there with him, and so did the puppies. All the students loved their company and played with them.
-> Zuma was always fascinated by the sea and learned to swim and to surf pretty fast. Soon he was a big local sensation, attracting people from everywhere to go see him surfing.
-> Unfortunately, things weren't going so well for the school, and the surfer couldn't keep them all for too long. He didn't want them to suffer or be hungry when he couldn't afford any more dog food, so, as soon as they reached a reasonable age, he put them up for adoption.
-> Several people ignored the other puppies and wanted to adopt specifically Zuma, due to being impressed by his skills and playfulness, but the man rejected all offers so far. He knew Zuma had to go, but he wanted to be sure his good boy would have an actual good new home, with people who knew how to care for him and would be able to help him continue developing his skills, in a place where he could keep doing what he loved the most.
-> One day, during a surf lesson, one of the kids ended up dragged by a stronger sea current and was unable to paddle back to shore. As a matter of coincidence, Ryder was there with his puppies, on a holiday trip. They were still figuring out how to help without being dragged by the current too, when they saw Zuma grabbing his surfboard and jumping in the water.
-> Zuma succesfully brought the kid back to shore, under applauses of the people on the beach. Ryder and his pups were impressed and congratulated Zuma on his rescue. As they were talking to Zuma, Ryder overheard the surf teacher declining yet another offer to adopt the pup, as he asked for pictures of the person's house and saw it didn't even have a backyard and was away from the beach. "You see, Zuma is special. He is a beach pup, he can't live confined to a small house and away from the sea. I'm sorry."
-> Zuma told Ryder about their situation, and why his owner was worried about who would get to adopt him. In turn, Ryder asked Zuma if he would like to go with him and become a member of the Paw Patrol. "We don't have anyone specialized in aquatic rescues yet." Zuma loved the idea and both went to check with his owner. As Ryder explained everything, he also made a deal. "I'll take Zuma with me, but you won't close your surfing school. I'll fund it and we'll make it better so you can keep teaching and keep Zuma's family with you, I know they'll be happy to stay with you."
-> After some talk and negotiations, the deal was made and Zuma moved to go live with Ryder in Adventure Bay. Since then, he goes over to visit and spend a week with his family once every six months.
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