#backyard owl
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raggednorth · 2 months ago
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Saw this beauty in my yard the other night when I took my dog out.
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asterwild · 5 months ago
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Great horned owl (Bubo virginianus)
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ostdrossel · 18 days ago
TW for mouse lovers.
It looks like I have summoning powers, look hoo stopped by last night and scored! I am always stunned at the small size of the Screech Owls, that mouse is tiny. There are many mice around here, so I am happy that the owl got some nice dinner.
(An Eastern Screech owl caught a mouse on the ground. The mouse is still wiggling a bit. The owl looks around for a while and then takes off with the mouse.)
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starflungwaddledee · 17 days ago
For the shipaganza
What if...
what if Coo and Starflung had a slumber party? Where they stargaze and do fun slumber party stuff? They deserve it (not forced ofc!!!)
you're right! i think they deserve it, too!
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*✩˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ valentines shipaganza masterpost ✩˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ ⋆˙⟡
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naffeclipse · 5 days ago
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Can you spy the owl?
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proton-wobbler · 27 days ago
Great Backyard Bird Off - Cosmopolitan Birds (poll 4)
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Bird Info & Submission Reasons
Ring-necked Pheasant (Phasianus colchicus)
Continents: Asia, Europe, North America, Oceania
"They're a fun pop of colour against all the corvids and seagulls, and I've also near run over them on my bicycle because they are so very stupid."
This long-tailed game bird is native to Asia and has been introduced in many other parts of the world. Male has fleshy, red facial wattles, iridescent blue neck, and richly colored red and golden underparts with dark spots; his namesake white neck ring is indistinct on some birds. Female is buffy-brown, heavily marked with black, and usually shows some white markings around the eye. Found in farmland, scrub, and along the edge of forest, and often gives a loud, abrupt rasping call that draws attention to its presence. (eBird)
Western Barn Owl (Tyto alba)
Continents: Europe, Africa, Asia
"Their name in Italian writes like "beard-Johnny""
"Aside from just generally being a cool bird, barn owls are one of the animals that consume most rodents (in regard to body weight) and are really important pest control because of this. We once had a juvenile barn owl peer in through our window and watch us for a few minutes."
Medium-sized owl with a heart-shaped facial disc and deep dark eyes; Varies across a wide range, but always note white-and-black speckling on the upperparts, beautiful gray-and-tawny wings, and large round head. Color of the facial disc and underparts varies from pure white to rusty orange. Hunts in open areas by night, foraging with a slow and buoyant flight. Roosts in old buildings, tree hollows, caves, and nest boxes by day. Gives a bone-chilling, rising shriek, as well as shorter rasping calls. (eBird)
Image Sources: Pheasant (Oscar Thomas); Owl (Jon Lowes)
Continents which are italicized represent the non-native range of the species. Whether introduced on purpose on or accident, these species may have become invasive in this range. Despite their potential impact on native wildlife, please do not leave disparaging comments on these polls. Their purpose is to celebrate people's love of these species.
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introvertedswimmer · 11 months ago
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Gray-cheeked Thrush
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batz · 9 months ago
i take my cat outside bc she Loves to lay in the sun but then she acts so Rude for the rest of the day. she keeps screaming at the door like NO its dark And chilly outside rn. even with a lead and harness you WILL be eaten by owls or coyotes,or a slenderman, even
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eomer · 7 months ago
i love how i can just sit in my backyard and watch a nature documentary unfold there. yesterday there were american robin parents feeding their fledgling, a mourning dove building its nest, a california quail hanging out on the fence, a chickadee checking one of the yard trees out. then it all gets disrupted by a sudden falcon. all in the span of at least 20 minutes.
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roarpilot · 9 months ago
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Friendly neighbourhood owl❤️
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keydekyie · 1 year ago
every day I wake up and thank the sun, moon, and stars that I don't have to live with an HOA
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stardust-in-my-mind-blog · 10 months ago
dialogue of birds
a few days ago I was nibbled by a determined swan
I watched a red winged black bird attack the same day
not me, luckily
last night I watched as thirteen ravens
flew over my head to lurk for the night
in a tree just beyond my yard
my friend, the cardinal, visits and sings to me
my warden, a blue jay, bright corvid
appears in the juniper when my confusion aches
today there was an owl outside my window
watching me and the morning with wise eyes
I wonder what it all means
I asked you in the silence but
as usual you did not answer
just gave me a feeling, a knowing
that I can neither translate nor accept
the empress doesn't chase or follow
she draws and receives and tells me
this is the archetype I am meant to embody
the fates have tied my hands behind my back
in cords of thorns and red thread
and roses of yellow and the pink dawn
the shadow of those ravens
the white bloom of thirteen irises
the songs the universe plays to me
to keep me in a state of patience and temperance
I know how to keep one foot on warm earth
one ankle in the cool current of flowing water
do you know how long my heart has been inflamed?
sometimes I fear what would happen
if our eyes met in a dark room
would you see everything?
I always thought others could see through
everything elusive like I always did
illusions don't register in my pysche
unless I blind myself into delusion
but still I touch each and every synchronicity
give it to the subtle flames of my soul
she'll sew them together until I see
the golden connection of my universal designer
I take a small step each day
draw a character or write a poem
scribe a message from angels
I touch the barrier with curiosity
it is warm under my fingertips
vibrating in magenta frequency
under my palm
I'm nearly there and it excites me
but I'm still here which frustrates me
I wonder how I'll feel when this
chronic foreshadowing leads to my destiny
I wonder how I'll feel when I know
and even trust my inner truth
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ostdrossel · 4 months ago
It's a true November day today, rainy and dark. As a Gemini, I thrive on light and air, so I can use some extra serotonines now. Baked goods with cinnamon help, and chocolate too, but so does nature! There have been some visitors to the tree cam, with a special one last night 🦉Sending love out to you all.
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mmikmmik2 · 1 year ago
I believe Philip drew a design of the portal door with the eye in his diary, not as an original design, but copying down what he knew about someone else's door in preparation to attempt to replicate it. I don't believe he ever succeeded and I definitely don't think the portal door has any connection to him prior to him acquiring it in Young Blood Old Souls. (I'm not sure whether or not this is already a common belief in Owl House fandom, but I've seen at least one post that suggested otherwise, so I'll make this post.)
I'm pretty shaky on the lore of this series (which already leaves a lot ambiguous or unresolved), so I might be forgetting some big evidence for or against this claim, but here's my reasoning.
The door's eye is strongly implied to be associated with the Titan somehow, or possibly even literally the Titan's eye. I believe it is unlikely that the eye would have been intact and acquirable hundreds or thousands of years after the Titan's “death”.
The door, imo, doesn't fit any of Belos's aesthetics. It's less sleek and grandiose than his present day inventions, but more polished and decorated than his jury-rigged gear from when he was just starting out as Belos.
Belos didn't insist on taking the key from Luz in Young Blood, Old Souls. She uses the key to summon the briefcase and then tucks it back under her clothes while Belos is facing away from her. Then he turns towards her, she hands him just the briefcase, and he accepts it and lets her go. Why would he have let her leave with an absolutely essential component of the portal, one that's all but impossible to replace, if he actually understood how it worked?
The key blueprints at the start of Eclipse Lake look fresh and modern. There are geometrically precise exploded-view diagrams of pieces and it's printed on literal blue blueprint paper. They're sitting right next to a book about Grimwalkers, which has yellowed pages and appears to be handwritten. This contrast suggests Belos kept and still uses very old books, but his key designs are brand new. I don't think he realized he needed a special key to power the door until he'd gotten a good look at the portal door for the first time.
What possible circumstances could have led to Belos successfully constructing a working portal to the human world that could be used infinite times, then the door being buried on Clawthorne property?
I also checked the paintings from Hollow Mind. There's a shot of Philip watching Caleb follow Evelyn through a stone archway portal (it has an extremely different design compared to the archway in Thanks to Them), and a shot of the repaired portal in the present day. That's all. So, that's not strong evidence one way or the other.
I believe the portal door with the eye belonged to Evelyn. (I would furthermore guess that she discovered/inherited the door with the eye and didn't make it herself, but she did make the stone archway in the graveyard so she and her bf would both easily be able to reach other while they lived in different realms. But that’s more of a headcanon for fun than a Srs Theory.) She buried it on her family's property, near the other portal, when she decided she never wanted to return to the human realm. Philip wouldn't attribute the door to Evelyn in his diary because he hates her and because it would be creating evidence linking him to a murder and an attempted murder.
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clamorybus · 11 months ago
damn the owls are going crazy tonight
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proton-wobbler · 8 days ago
Great Backyard Bird Off - Africa (poll 7)
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Bird Info & Submission Reasons
Spotted eagle-owl (Bubo africanus)
"They are one of the most common bird of prey in urban areas here. They perfectly straddle the line of intimidating and cute."
"love owls"
A large, gray-brown owl with bright yellow eyes, erect ear-tufts, and finely-barred belly and lower breast. The default large owl throughout its range; occurrs in a broad range of lightly-wooded habitats, including suburbia. The typical call is a soft, booming “whooo-whooo” or “whoo-are-you?”. (eBird)
Kwêvoël (Crinifer concolor)
Also known as the Grey Go-away-bird
"It go kweh"
"I love the silly name (it is named after its call) and the crest."
Unusual gray turaco with a long tail and towering crest. The flight is hesitant, and the tail flops up and down. Usually in small groups, which often perch up conspicuously on trees and bushes. The calls include a series of grumpy yelps, and the classic nasal “go-waaay” call. (eBird)
Image Sources: Owl (Kevin Vande Vusse), Go-Away (Kenneth Weaver)
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