#backyard dinosaurs
actionbastard1 · 5 months
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A new addition, Paul the Allosaurus from PNSO
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mandsleanan · 10 months
Where did this romanticism about loose Chickens in the Garden start?
Do you know what unsupervised chickens running loose in your garden gets you? A fucked up garden.
They eat everything. Not just the bad bugs. The good bugs. Bees from your hive. New shoots coming up. The tops of your root crops. Unripe tomatoes. Ripe berries. Your rare Aroid that you brought outside for more natural light.
What doesn't get devoured gets either trampled down or dug up. Then they go stabby-stab into your baby pumpkins with their damn face-knives. Dig holes like a sled dog trying to escape the suburbs. Gods help you if you’ve got a hormonal rooster with a clear line of sight to your elderly neighbor.
You’ve heard good fences make good neighbors?
Well here good fences are the only thing keeping the prehistoric horrors at bay. They will test the perimeter. Yes I know they're soft, round, and cute. They still forage like an orc army. Don't be John fucking Hammond.
For the Horde.
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epipremnum-aureum · 9 months
Muffin has things to say about snow
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bippercraycray · 4 months
Yes I still love Barney the dinosaur I don't care what others think!
Currently watching childhood nostalgia for me
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goldeneyedgirl · 11 months
I hope this question isn't too specific, but since the last snippet you posted of the babyfic, I've been wondering if Alice and Jasper are the kind of parents who throw birthday parties for their kid with a bunch of little children in their house or if Alice would be the kind of mom who goes to bake sales or whatever in the pre-school, or if this all would be too much of a risk for them. It's funny and curious to think about how they'd deal with all the needs and wants of a tiny person who actually grows up (and I assumed Alice, just like Jasper, doesn't age in this universe). Also I just think is funny to imagine Jasper going to pick up his son at school and all the other kids are scared of him because he's all murderer-like and then out of a sudden he's all soft because his kid is running towards him with a big smile :)))
Hi Anon!
So, when it comes to public-facing things, Alice and Jasper can only be Ollie's parents until he's in first grade. Alice's genetics are fucky, and she does stop aging when she hits 21 (though, spoiler alert, she is not immortal), so at a certain point she looks too young to be Ollie's mom. So they are a lot more involved before Ollie starts first grade.
By second grade, they've moved with the Cullens and Ollie has a bunch of different cover stories (Jasper's half-brother from foster care; Esme and Carlisle's biological son; cousin etc - Ollie looks way too much like a mini-Jasper for him to convincingly pose as only being biologically related to Alice, which is bittersweet for her.)
So when Ollie's in pre-school and kindergarten, Alice is juggling college, a part-time job, and her family. She definitely attends all his open days and school plays etc, but Esme and Alice's stepfather Simon are definitely more likely to be the ones that volunteer in Ollie's classroom, and contribute to bake sales. Honestly, Alice's cooking and baking is pretty hit or miss most days, so she wouldn't inflict her baking on innocent school children.
Jasper attempts a box-cake mix once for a bake sale and it's an event remembered with horror by all the Cullens. No one is sure what he did wrong, but that cake was not fit for consumption.
Jasper tends to keep his distance from the school for obvious reasons, but he has absolutely done school-pick ups, and he's always in the back of the auditorium during Ollie's school plays, filming everything.
Unfortunately, he's not serial-killer-looking enough when he does collect Ollie from school because a couple of the teachers have a bit of a soft spot for him, and how he and Ollie light up when they see each other. (There's definitely more than one mom at pick-up, waiting to see if its Alice or Jasper that picks Ollie up because they all think it's so unfair how good looking and happy the Brandon-Hales are. "I'm not sure if I want to be them, or be their bff, or do them, or what," - more than one bewildered, dazzled onlooker.)
Ollie socializes a lot with kids on the Res because Alice's stepfather lived there as a kid, the Pack obviously knows about Ollie's genetics, and Alice can be acknowledged as his mom at all times there. There is a single birthday party when Ollie is three held at La Push, where Jasper is allowed by the Elders to attend for sixty minutes with the Pack guarding him. None of the other Cullens are allowed to attend. It's a very precious memory, and one that Jasper knows the Pack did not make without long consideration and a lot of concerns. It's something he can never repay them for, and he treasures getting to be there to watch Ollie body surf and roll around on the beach.
There is also a singular entire-class birthday party for Ollie when he's in kindergarten that is held at the Brandon home. Jasper lasts for about half of it before he needs some space. Alice has more than one glass of adults-only punch because the only kid she likes is her own. Rosalie and Emmett have the best time ever.
After that, birthdays tend to be a family-only affair.
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spacenutspod · 1 month
Welcome to Astronomy Daily, your ultimate source for the latest in space and Astronomy news. I'm your host, Anna, and today we have an exciting lineup of stories that will take you on a journey through some of the most intriguing recent updates in the cosmos. Whether you're a seasoned space enthusiast or just curious about what's happening up there, this podcast is the perfect place for you to catch up on the latest discoveries. So sit back, relax, and let's dive into today's stellar stories.  - **Asteroid That Wiped Out the Dinosaurs Originated Beyond Jupiter**: Recent findings have shed new light on the asteroid that ended the reign of the dinosaurs. Researchers have pinpointed that this massive asteroid, which collided with the Yucatan peninsula 66 million years ago, originated beyond Jupiter.  - **China's Tianwen-1 Mission Unveils High-Resolution Global Color Map of Mars**: China's Tianwen-1 mission has released a groundbreaking, high-resolution global color map of Mars. This map offers unprecedented detail and accuracy, surpassing previous global images with a resolution of 76 meters per pixel.  - **Hypervelocity Star Discovered by Citizen Scientists**: A hypervelocity star named J1249+36 has been identified by citizen scientists participating in the Backyard Worlds: Planet 9 project. This star is speeding through our galaxy at about 1.3 million mph, making it the first very low mass hypervelocity star discovered.  - **Ensuring Astronauts' Mental Well-Being in Space**: Life on the International Space Station (ISS) can seriously impact the performance and well-being of astronauts. Studies on the ISS are focused on understanding these effects and testing new technologies to counteract them.  For more Astronomy Daily, including our continually updating newsfeed, visit our website at astronomydaily.io.  Follow us on social media at AstroDailyPod on Facebook, X, YouTubeMusic, and TikTok. We love engaging with our community, so be sure to drop us a message or comment on your favorite platform. For more Space and Astronomy News Podcasts, visit our HQ at www.bitesz.com. Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/astronomy-daily-the-podcast--5648921/support. Keep looking up, and I'll see you next time!
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libelelle · 1 year
I love that birds are legitamately dinos. Incredible
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bigmeatpete69420 · 1 year
I hope you guy enjoy this
Sorry about my fat guy breathing in the background
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play-zone · 7 months
How Technology is Enhancing Indoor and Outdoor Play Equipment for Kids
The selection of children's play equipment has changed dramatically because of technology, both indoors and outdoors. Technological developments such as augmented reality games and interactive play structures have elevated standard playground equipment to a whole new level. These developments encourage kids' imaginations and cognitive growth in addition to encouraging physical activity.
In the same way, technological advancements have led to significant advances in indoor playground equipment. With features like virtual reality game zones and dynamic floors that respond to movement, these contemporary indoor playgrounds provide countless chances for both fun and learning. Children are kept interested and motivated to explore and learn in a secure and supervised setting when technology is included in indoor play equipment.
In order to meet the changing demands and tastes of modern adept at technology generation, manufacturers are incorporating gadgets into both indoor and outdoor playground equipment. These developments not only improve children's play experiences but also encourage active lives and cognitive growth. There are countless opportunities to design dynamic and captivating play spaces as long as technology keeps developing.
Ready to elevate your play experience? Explore PlayZone today and discover endless fun for your children!
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ticklemanfan · 11 months
Hi you all could call me simmy and I'm apart of tf the tickling community and the Barney community as well I'm nice and funny and cool to talk to so don't be shy to message me I'm always happy to talk to new people
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cutiecookiecreme · 1 year
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Why does the art in the Barney and the Backyard Gang books remind me of Backyard Sports?
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rockheadcd · 1 year
just know roark is going absolute bananas on decorating the oreburgh house for halloween because he has too many rights and he is a modern day necromancer. in september.
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smallboyonherbike · 1 year
idk if i've mentioned my very rich uncle on here before but he rents a private jet along with some other rich families and my dads gonna ride in it for the first time to go to family reunion in memphis w their cousins. and ofc PJs are rather despicable but also i'm like "dad make sure someone takes pictures" lmao.
now keep in mind my uncle lives in california and the rest of my family lives in DC area/east coast lmao. i have no idea if he shares the plane only w ppl in cali prob not but it's so absurd. but he also owns a condo in DC and like four beach houses on rehoboth so 🙄 anyways they also aren't inviting any of the spouses of the siblings bc the plane seats 6 and there's 6 siblings and i was like "okay but couldn't y'all just go commercial?" but my mom was like they said we're not invited so 🤷‍♀️ meanwhile i've never been to memphis and would like to go but ah well that's for the future i guess
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milo-is-rambling · 2 years
Daydreaming about my tiny future home with a garden where I can grow vegetables and rhubarb and herbs for my tea and I have a kitchen where the oven is always preheating and there's fresh loaves of bread and hand made butter and cheese and I'm kneeding the pastry dough and I'm sitting in the window reading a book and getting caught in a daydream and I'm writing poetry and petting my dog and watching whatever tv I want or sitting in silence and I can just be alone by myself with no one else around at all.
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ironicallynormal · 2 years
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Myrna (barred rock) & Peggy Sue (red star) hanging out in a tree and totally not planning to use it to jump over the backyard fence
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