#background mothpool
ask-warrior-jaypaw · 2 years
why don’t you go talk to tawnypelt? I’m sure she’d love to meet you three
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Tawnypelt is here!
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mangostar · 2 years
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eastcoast-envy · 7 months
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Is when I'm alone with you
I've always been a fan of MothPool, especially because I've always found Mothwing interesting. It wasn't until recently that I learned about Leafpool (I'm not up to date with the books!) and it honestly hurt more than I thought it would :( Have some tragic yuri to one of my favorite songs!
(I kinda just made Leafpool's design on a whim, but Mothwing's is @meroaw 's design but slightly tweaked. If you haven't seen their work you totally should!)
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magpiesky · 1 year
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Part of my sisters swap au - Mothpool is a given
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griffincloud · 2 years
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This was originally done/being worked on for Valentine's Day but this is as far as I got before crashing (mentally) but I’m happy with it enough to post it as it is so far
BG under the cut
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cryptidclaw · 1 year
After checking my business email recently I was reminded of how popular this MothPool art is as a design on my Redbubble ... and I also realized that it is getting kinda old, my designs for these two (especially Moth) have changed and my art has gotten better since i drew it.. Sooo I redrew it!!
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Here they are all new and updated!
Ough it was really fun to draw these guys again! and its also nice to see how much i've improved!
I decided to make their background round so it can work better as a sticker design! Though I also have a version of the design available w/ no background! Hopefully this is a good update and ppl will keep purchasing these designs hehehe
Bonus no background version (the other option on RB) and no background + unshaded version just because!
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manthemoth · 1 year
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Certified mothpool moment (happy homo month)
[Image ID] A drawing of Mothwing and Leafpool from Warrior Cats but anthropomorphic. Mothwing is much bigger than Leafpool and is hugging her from behind while Leafpool has her head leaning back into Mothwings neck. The colors are warm with a white and peachy background and hearts around them in the colors of both the lesbian and bisexual flags. [end image ID]
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bonefall · 1 year
Bones, are there any Bisexual character in your AU? I myself, am a proud bisexual who NEEDS MORE BISEXUAL CHARACTERS IN MEDIA! I headcannon Bluestar as being bi and Leafpool as well! Mothwing is DEFINITELY a Lesbian!! MOTHPOOL FOREVER! HAPPY PRIDE MONTH!!!!!!!!!🌈
I approach bisexuality as a default! Cats who lean towards certain genders are the exception, not the rule. I just write it being totally standard to feel attraction to whoever.
So I try to make an effort to show it in the story, by having cats visibly display it. I crave media that has bisexual people who act on that attraction as more than offhanded background lines, if that makes sense
Characters who are shown being bisexual;
Ivypool. Dates Blossomfall, has a pretty massive breakup, marries the ex-kittypet Fernsong.
Dovewing. Dates Bumblestripe, ends up with tiny wife Heartstar.
Brushblaze. Joined WindClan over how smitten he was with Onewhisker; eventually ended up with his Honor Dam Whitetail, and fathered Heathertail's half-siblings, Galerunner and Smokehaze.
Onewhisker. The iconic bisexual disaster. Of course. Brushblaze, Firestar, Smoke, Whitetail... they were all items at one point.
On that note, Firestar is aromantic but not ace.
Harestar, Breezepelt, Heathertail. They're married together.
Violetshine, Tree, Dragonfly. Also married to each other.
Leafstar. Husband Billystorm, girlfriend Echosong.
Bramblestar. Yes. The worst person you know is bi. He was in love with Stormfur during the journey and I do imagine he has at least a little bit of a thing for Spiderleg after he retires.
Squirrelflight also, though. Likewise I imagine she feels something for Daisy, but always has other things on her mind. I ideate about them ending up together in a peaceful moment after TBC and quietly being together in the latest arc
Also Nightmare Exes being contrasted with Dream Exes is VERY funny to me
Reedwhisker is still pining for Hawkfrost, but he did happily sire Duskfur's kits for her and took care of her. I think he would have been able to love her more fully if he wasn't constantly missing Hawk, he's had a lot of grief in his life.
Crowfeather made Leafpool feel loved and important for a while, and she thought he was hot, but god she regretted it after a few weeks and doesn't know what she saw in him
Bluestar had a LOT going on, but I wax poetic about her too much. She's a whole rainbow. This girl's pride flag is shrimp colors.
And this is all in addition to cats who casually talk about how attractive other cats are, how they'd consider relationships with them, but end up with one permanent romance.
So yeah there's a lot of bi cats, listing them is moot because if I don't explicitly state they heavily skew to one gender (Hollyleaf for example), I am writing them as bi-default.
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sageokami · 2 years
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Mothpool! I didn't know what to do for the background so fall themed again. I’m still working on my mothwing design but other than that I like this. 
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brightest-star2 · 11 months
🍃tag nine people to get to know better🌽
tysm for the tag @lemon-mint813 ! 💖
🌊three ships: dnf, stucky, mothpool
⚓️first ever ship: Kopatani (The Lion King, hmu if you know who Kopa is I will love you forever /p /lh)
👀currently watching: Foolish's stream as background noise xD as for series, I'm still binging Agents of Shield
🎬last movie: uhhh Valerian? it sucks
📖currently reading: Physiologus (it's for an essay. It's basically The biology textbook for the middle ages, meaning they're convinced that everything that happens in nature is a reference to the bible, it's kinda funny)
🥦currently consuming: air (the last meal I had was caramel chocolate muesli with oat milk)
🥞currently craving: potato chips because I always crave potato chips. gimme
tags (apologies if you've already been tagged, also feel free to ignore this if you want! No pressure 💖): @diamantspitzhacke @grayyskies @quackitys-stuff @felidaefighter @v0idl1ng @cdrream @voidpidgeon @charles-simmons @i-anonymous-crow
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puppiekit · 9 months
❓️ 💋 ❎️ for ask game
❓️ : fav total background character (im not talking minor characters like say. whitewing or moonlight, i mean cats with like…3 lines tops)
I'm sorry but I cannot remember half of our primary characters do people think I can remember any background charcters WEHAHAH... The most minor character I can remember atm is Sorrelstripe. I REALLY REALLY like her. I havent read the newest ASC yet but I desperately hope the writers allow Nightheart to spend more time with her. Please I need more sweet foster parent + child content....
💋 : is there any ships out there you absolutely hate for genuinely no good reason at all. like its not problematic in the slightest, if anything it's one of the better ones, you just cannot bring yourself to enjoy it
I wouldn't say I hate it but I just cannot like mothpool. UH OH! Of course I dont hate it, or even dislike it, but I dont see the appeal at all. I feel its probably because 70% of the time when I see the ship, its nothing more than people reducing it down to "I dislike crowfeather so Moth shall be his replacement". Like damn do you even like this ship or do you just hate crowfeather?? So lame to me....
❎️ : what's the weirdest crossover au involving warrior cats that you've made? (if you haven't made any, then what's the weirdest one you've seen?)
Warriors x Neon Genesis is my only crossover so I suppose it counts!
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alexcharmsyou · 1 year
fic wip crumb;
its taking me forever because im having to reread the 2nd arc as i go but here is a little excerpt from my planning process notes>:)
--I want to focus on Mothpool and the struggles of their relationship, why it didnt work out and scenes we never got in the books that I think explain their whole thing a bit better. I also want to turn it into a medival setting where Leafpool is the princess of -Thunderdom-, first daughter of King Firestar, and Mothwing is a low status foreign exchanged knight of said kingdom. This is will be fun to write because a sapphic story of a knight and her princess is just cute. Yes i did get this idear from the meme and I have no shame. Mothwing is from another castletown (hence why shes seen as kind of an outcast, as well as her brother Hawkfrost who im thinking of making part of the royal council, this is how he tries to overthrow Firestar. Sasha will be seen in flashbacks, im thinking of making her some kind of pheasant from the other town and having Tigerstar somewhere in the mix. Most of the fic will be from Moth and Leaf’s pov but I have interest in Sashas pov as well, I want there to be background reasoning to how Mothwing responds to things (as there always is) and also Crowfeather chapters to see why he was how he was with Leafpool, just little things because I want to mainly focus on MothPool, it is THEIR fic after all;) --
randomly had the urge to write this one night and now im scavenging for all my books fhshwhdhsj
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miss-kittyy · 6 years
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After 100 years I post again
A mothpool ft. background practice
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mallowstep · 3 years
Does Tadpole / Frogheart get a love interest in the Misty au?
yes? maybe? i don't know?
i figure out ships when i'm writing. like, i didn't know about storm/shade until i was writing about shadepelt. the five f family panclan polycule came out of a joke, but they're background characters, so i didn't have to think about it, and i sorted out the squirrelcrow part before the five f family panclan polycule developed. (yes, i Will type the full name every time.)
feathertail/brook was because i didn't want anyone to die to sharptooth.
mothpool because i can't NOT write mothpool, it's humanly impossible.
frogheart kind of...takes a while to mature, i suppose. he doesn't become a warrior for a while, which is somewhat symbolic of that (the fact that he chooses not to move on is pretty symbolic)
so i don't Know. he might have a love interest? but until i start writing who he's close to, i won't know who that is.
anyway, excerpt is when the three meet tigerstar for the frist time. i might have already shared it. shrug.
(cw: referenced abuse, tigerstar manipulating feathertail's ptsd, etc.)
"Where are we?" Mothwing asks. Hawkfrost and Frogpaw are standing to each side of her, and she tastes the air.
"I don't know," Frogpaw says. Hawkfrost shrugs, and then his ears swivel.
"That was Feathertail," he says. "That way."
Mothwing and Frogpaw nod, then run after him. She strains to hear what Hawkfrost is following, making out a distant voice, and then something quiet.
"How do you know it's Feathertail?" she asks. "Could be anyone."
Frogpaw overtakes them both. "It sounds like her," he says. "I'd rather not be wrong about this. She could — she could get hurt."
That's enough to keep going. They've never said it, but they've never had to. If Feathertail is in danger, they'll be there.
"So she left you to raise them," someone says. "Figures. I suppose she would have just fucked them up."
Mothwing can smell Feathertail now.
"This way," she says, slowing to a jog. "We can..." She flicks her tail, trying to convey some indeterminate plan.
"Have you told them about me?" There's a pause, and Mothwing stalks forward. A tom is staring at Feathertail, his claws extended and his teeth bared, and she stands in front of him.
"What's she doing?" Frogpaw whispers. "She's so calm."
Mothwing studies the tom. Frogpaw and Hawkfrost press around her.
Feathertail has only described their father once. She did the thing where she folded her paw back and forth on the ground, her tail tucked between her legs and her ear folded flat.
They didn't ask about him after that.
But Mothwing had committed it to memory. She said he had amber eyes, said he had brown stripes.
The tom lifts his head, and tastes the air. Mothwing sees the scar that runs across the bridge of his nose, and she knows.
"I know you're there," he says. "Why don't you come out?"
Frogpaw pushes past her. He's the one who's been waiting for her, Mothwing isn't surprised. Hawkfrost and Mothwing run after him, and she presses her face against Feathertail's shoulder.
She was so sure Feathertail was still, but now, next to her, she sees the tremble in Feathertail's legs.
"Do you know who I am?" Tigerstar says. Feathertail stands, taking a step past them. Mothwing can see the shake in her legs.
"Get away from them," she says, her voice trembling.
"Does little Feather think she can stop me?" Tigerstar says.
Feathertail cringes. Nobody calls Feathertail Feather. Not Stormheart or Stonefur or even Mistyfoot, and before Feathertail left, she was almost inseparable from Mistyfoot.
"Get away," she repeats, and her voice is quieter.
Tigerstar takes another step closer to her, and Feathertail leans back. He puts his paw over hers.
"I thought I taught you how to behave," he says, his voice low and gravelly.
"Get away from her," Frogpaw says, brushing Feathertail's shoulder.
Tigerstar sighs, moving his paw off of Feathertail's. "I've done this all the wrong way," he says, his voice flooding with warmth. "This isn't how I wanted this to go."
Hawkfrost steps to Feathertail's other side, and Mothwing brushes to stand at her shoulder.
Feathertail is shaking.
"I'm sure she's told you about me," Tigerstar says, baring his teeth slightly. Feathertail wavers. "All lies, most likely."
He purrs. His tail flicks forward, across Frogpaw and Mothwing's chins.
"I hoped to catch you alone," he says. "So that I could have a chance to explain myself. We'll have to do it all together, then."
"I said stay away," Feathertail says, and she steps past them again. Every one of her muscles is tensed, and her hind paws splay out, the tips of her claws extending. Feathertail is trembling.
Tigerstar growls, and her legs buckle.
"That's right," Tigerstar says. He growls again, and Feathertail's stomach touches the ground. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. Mothwing glances at him, and then Feathertail.
"I'm sorry," Feathertail whispers.
Mothwing crouches down, touching her nose to Feathertail's shoulder. Feathertail whimpers, and Mothwing pulls back, staring at Tigerstar.
"You're...Hawkfrost," Tigerstar says. "Mothwing. Frogpaw. Hm. Not a warrior yet?"
Frogpaw's tail lashes.
"Fine, fine," Tigerstar says. "Don't talk. I am sorry for how this came about."
Hawkfrost turns his head towards Feathertail. "We don't want to talk to you."
"Because of Feather?" Tigerstar says, incredulous. "I suppose I have my work cut out for me."
Feathertail's ear is pushed all the way back, her tail tucked between her legs.
"You would've been better off with Mistyfoot," he says. "Go on. Tell me the terrible things she's told you."
Feathertail hasn't told them about Tigerstar. The elders have, but only in short spurts. Stormheart and Stonefur were always quick to usher them away.
"What's Mistyfoot have to do with this?" Mothwing asks, despite herself.
Tigerstar laughs. "She's your mother."
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duhcatluvr · 4 years
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Some mothpool background practice
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Warrior Cats Hot Takes Part 3
Some background characters should be used more. Like some of them being the MC friend or maybe they could be like their rival or something or maybe they could like be the villain or something.
Thrushpelt deserves to have been made deputy.
Appledusk should get a novella solely because seeing his side of the story might be useful and the fact that he is in Riverclan and we need more stories in Riverclan.
Rainflower deserved to go to the Dark Forest. She would have been more interesting as a villain to be manipulating Ivypool or something.
Also I will never forgive the writers for being to pussy to make Mothpool cannon.
In the next arc if Mistystar doesn't die they should kill her off.
I like Berrynose because he isn't just generically nice, or whatever ya know?
Some of Spottedleaf’s dreams should have been replaced with Redtail.
Oakheart is an overrated character. 
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