#<< saw that tag as an auto suggestion and i love it
alexcharmsyou · 1 year
fic wip crumb;
its taking me forever because im having to reread the 2nd arc as i go but here is a little excerpt from my planning process notes>:)
--I want to focus on Mothpool and the struggles of their relationship, why it didnt work out and scenes we never got in the books that I think explain their whole thing a bit better. I also want to turn it into a medival setting where Leafpool is the princess of -Thunderdom-, first daughter of King Firestar, and Mothwing is a low status foreign exchanged knight of said kingdom. This is will be fun to write because a sapphic story of a knight and her princess is just cute. Yes i did get this idear from the meme and I have no shame. Mothwing is from another castletown (hence why shes seen as kind of an outcast, as well as her brother Hawkfrost who im thinking of making part of the royal council, this is how he tries to overthrow Firestar. Sasha will be seen in flashbacks, im thinking of making her some kind of pheasant from the other town and having Tigerstar somewhere in the mix. Most of the fic will be from Moth and Leaf’s pov but I have interest in Sashas pov as well, I want there to be background reasoning to how Mothwing responds to things (as there always is) and also Crowfeather chapters to see why he was how he was with Leafpool, just little things because I want to mainly focus on MothPool, it is THEIR fic after all;) --
randomly had the urge to write this one night and now im scavenging for all my books fhshwhdhsj
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strunmah-mah · 6 months
So I saw this interesting post discussing the bashing of otome heroines, and the person i saw it from had some tags comparing the OBSCURA and Touchstarved mc's and the different fan response to them. Which go me thinking, but reposing to it there felt like it would have derailed that post, some I'm putting my thoughts here instead.
Basically the tags were an observation that OBSCURA's mc gets treated as their own character (Vesper) whose popularity is comparable to that of all the different love interests. Meanwhile Touchstarved's fandom doesn't seem to rally around one singular MC with everyone having own OC instead. This despite the fact that their both gender neutral blank slates you never even really see.
I'd noticed that too and got thinking of why that is, so here's my theory.
Name. Notice that I referred to OBSCURA's mc as Vesper, but didn't give a name to Touchstarved's mc? When asking what your name is OBSCURA auto suggests a name. There's a not insignificant number of people that when given an auto suggested name won't go to the effort of changing it. (ex My first time playing a Legend of Zelda game it didn't even occur to me to change Link's name despite it definitely being an option.) And despite still being a reader insert just the act of giving them name makes Vesper feel like a more defined then Touchstarved unnamed MC does.
Origins. Vesper is Vesper. Who they were before the start of OBSCURA doesn't really matter, no matter what you might hc they were like before the start of the story, they still enter the mountain with the skill set no matter what. Touchstarved's mc is deliberately fluid. They have three different possible backgrounds and which one you pick does effect the mc's skill set. Make your own oc is literally built into the game.
Presentation of information. Touchstarved is very upfront about their mc's motivations. You are cursed. It's very isolating and has caused you to hurt others unintentionally. You are looking for a cure. What your curse is is never really a question. That's a very different experience from playing OBSCURA. The games hook is "people don't go under the mountain unless they have a good reason, unfortunately you have a great reason" it does not say the reason, it's a great hook. So you play the game, you go under the mountain and you find out what you're looking for is . . . blue moon ichor. You have no context for what that is, it's not initially explained, but it makes people pity you. It's not until you meet one of the LI's that it's revealed you want the ichor. You only only learn about Vesper's motivations as they chose to reveal that information to others. It's an interesting story telling choice. For me, it was more engaging to have Vesper being just as much of a mystery as everything else, than Touchstarved approach of giving that information upfront, but it comes at a cost. The MC's are both supposed to be self inserts, but hiding that information puts distance you and Vesper again making them feel more like their own character than a self insert.
Choice. Atleast as far the demos go Vesper's choices matter more. Your choices change who you meet, if you get a partner to help you face the future, or if you fail to achieve your goal chapter one. The Touchstarved mc makes choices too, it gives you slightly different dialog and you then you move on with your day. The TS MC is a vehicle to meet that game's LI's, your choices change what side of them you get to see. In Obscura your choices affect Vesper first and fore most, which again gives Vesper a stronger sense of character.
Just to be clear, I don't want this to sound like me dunking on RedSpringStudios and say they can't make good characters. Boy can they! All five of their love interests are full of character and intrigue. It's like I said in point two, the "build your own oc" approach seems very purposeful. It's a fan response they've encouraged, even releasing bio templates that match the official bios of all the LI's. This is what they wanted.
What amuses me is that RottenRaccons did not seem to realize what they had done. They seem very surprised but pleased by how much fans are latching onto Vesper as their own character.
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gingerbreadana · 17 days
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• no pronouns OR he/him
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• tags for blacklist #suggestive #not ovw
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• I love my friends :]
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jacepens · 6 months
Let Me Drive my Auto into your Heart
Intro: A little 1920s AU I wrote that's just unfinished porn without plot where this stops literally right before the actual smut, so there's nothing explicit here, just suggestive
Fandom/Tags: Hamilton, Washington/Lafayette, unfinished, suggestive
The room was filled with a stench of cigars and sweat that always dispirited him so. Hamilton’s parties were always phenomenal and stocked with the best celebrities, tycoons, gangsters, and flappers around. Bright lights and bright decorations filled his view as he shoved his way out of the crowd and outdoors for a breather. The balcony was a relatively small one compared to the rest of the house, but it still helped him feel secluded from the grandeur of the party. It wasn’t that he didn’t enjoy them, but they simply became overwhelming at times. George had to admit he always felt like an old man when he left parties for a breather, but what was wrong in needing quiet, fresh air?
“Are you George Washington?” A delicate voice said next to him. George nearly jumped out of his skin, not seeing anyone else on the balcony but now there was certainly someone. This someone happened to look very young, with expressive eyes and red lips that his eyes were continually drawn to. This boy had an extremely lissome face with complimentary small arms and legs that smoothed out to almost feminine curves. In short, he was very attractive.
“Why, yes I am.” He smiled, hardly giving the boy a glance before focusing his gaze nonchalantly ahead of him. The boy continued.
“My name is Gilbert du motier, marquis de Lafayette, but you can call me Lafayette.” The boy purred out in a thick French accent. “I noticed you tonight, in that bright red auto of yours. I asked around about you, curious to know more about that handsome man and his lovely car. You’re quite the interesting one.” Lafayette smirked. At that George felt slightly convinced that this Lafayette was a prostitute placed at this massive party in hopes of finding a man curious enough to drop some money on him for the night. George truthfully would give the kid all the money he wanted if he continued being as adorable as he was now, seductively biting his lip to pull him in.
“That’s awfully flattering of you, Lafayette.” George quipped back, a small smile on his lips.
“I suppose I’ve always had a thing for men with autos like yours. My parents never let me have one in Paris and now that I’m in America I see them all over, but I’m just too afraid to drive them now.” George chuckled at the boy’s forwardness and bluntness. Probably not a prostitute, but not an average kid.
“You’re only talking to me cause I have a car?” George teased, “you realize most every man here has one.”
“Oh no, you see it is only what drew me to you.” Lafayette turned to put his back to the balcony banister and rest his elbows on the rail, looking up at George, “but you see you fascinate me because of the work you’ve done. Certainly not pure work, as I’ve heard, but I like the idea of your sort of living. Comfortable but quite dangerous.” George chuckled again,
“It’s not dangerous when you’ve got enough money to pay anyone off who gives you trouble.” George flashed him a dangerous smile and he saw the boy almost lose his footing. Seamlessly, George caught the boy and steadied him, keeping his face so close to Lafayette’s he could feel his shuddering breaths against his neck. Oddly charmed by Lafayette, George leaned down and purred in his ear,
“Would you like to go for a drive?” George felt Lafayette shiver against him and whisper out,
“Sounds lovely.” Before gulping. His face was bright red and George felt flattered by Lafayette as he laced his fingers through his and dragged him through the crowd of people to the front door. Lafayette trailed closely behind, occasionally touching the small of his back until they reached outside. The butler brought his car to the front for George to step into, taking the driver's seat with Lafayette sitting down next him, adjusting his hair and nervously gripping the car seat.
“It’s a little pointless to adjust your hair, you know.” George smiled as he put the car in gear, “I’ll be sure to mess it up.” He winked and Lafayette turned an even brighter red. What a dazzling man.
As they zoomed out into the city, Lafayette laughed and clutched the seat as his hair was blown in the wind. George increased his speed and changed gears to entertain Lafayette more.
“I’ve never been in such a fast car!” He laughed, “where are we going?”
“You’ll see.” George smiled quietly to himself. “Why don’t you tell me a bit about yourself? Since you already know so much about me.”
“I grew up in a wealthy Paris family, but my dad died young and my mom left for Spain. I was technically raised by my grandma but I was the one who looked after our finances and taught myself. I came to America looking for a fresh start, and I have never been happier.” Bright lights whipped past their car and illuminated Lafayette’s beautiful, soft features as he smiled. Advertisements for more things he didn’t need but would inevitably buy to impress people with. George suddenly took a left turn away from the glittering city lights. As they continued along the road, signs of city life became more and more scarce when George turned the car into an abandoned store parking lot.
“I’m glad to hear you’re enjoying yourself here, but I’m curious.” George turned off the engine, “is that all made up?” Lafayette laughed.
“I knew you’d be the suspicious type, but I promise you it’s completely true. Just ask Alexander.”
“You’re friends with Alex?”
“I’d say so.” He smiled, relaxing into his spot, never taking his eyes off George.
“Stay there.” He said, getting out of the car. Fidgeting with the roof of the car, he yanked it up and over Lafayette’s head then quickly fastened it down to the car. He then hopped back into the car and shut the door behind him.
“So what is it you’re doing now?” He asked Lafayette.
“Currently I’m going to college just to do something with my time but it’s honestly very boring, but I suppose I only have a year left.” He shrugged.
“Interesting. I don’t know a lot of people that go to college. You must be incredibly smart.” He leaned forward to invade Lafayette’s personal space, he leaned in as well.
“Smart is an understatement.” He smirked, “but everyone there is so stuck up, they don’t know what a good time is.”
“Shame. You certainly seem like you know what a good time is.” He murmured.
“Afraid it’s about all I do.”
“So you confess to being a slut then?” He smirked as Lafayette blushed.
“Perhaps I do.” He grinned, placing his hand on George’s thigh, “and it’s been so long since I’ve been fucked by someone as experienced as you.” Lafayette’s face was so close to his, that he could feel every warm, shaky breath that he exhaled. Lafayette bit his lip and looked at him through those long eyelashes.
“What an absolute beauty.” George whispered as he placed his hand on Lafayette’s cheek and pulled him in for a bruising kiss. Lafayette submitted nicely and let George snake his arms around to pull him even closer and to kiss him deeper. Lafayette sighed and George pulled apart for a moment, observing his red lips and tracing his hand up Lafayette’s thigh before whispering,
“Would you like to get in the back of the car?”
“Yes Please.” Lafayette moaned. Not wanting to wait a moment longer, George almost fell out of the car and ran to open up Lafayette’s door for him. Lafayette stepped out cooly and rushed to the backseat, with George climbing in eagerly after him. Lafayette giggled when George closed the door behind them and looked over him, eyes taking in every piece of Lafayette. 
Leaning back down to kiss him, he began to work at the buttons on his vest and felt Lafayette’s soft hands reaching down to help, frantic nature taking over their actions. Lafayette arched his spine beautifully when George slipped off the last of his shirts and felt bright red and out of breath as he let his hand touch the new exposed skin.
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backinmypjs · 2 years
Does anyone know how to disable the ALT tags on images for mobile? Or make them more opaque or move their placement?
They don't seem to have been added by the OPs, since most of them are auto-generated text when I click on them. Seems like a cool feature from devs for those who need it; might be better to place the tag in the top right rather than bottom left, since they're covering text in many images as-is.
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Image ID: A screenshot of a post with 4 stacked images. The first image identifies the poster as u/Gizabunni in the r/London reddit. The second image says "Hi all! A bit random but I am a tourist in London for a week and I really love hamsters. They are illegal in my country and I've never seen one in person before. I heard hamsters are allowed here and I was wondering [obscured by black box with "ALT" in white letters] could see one! Are they at pet stores? Are there special hamster [obscured] I really want to pet a hamster they are so small and cute." The second image reads "EDIT: Thankyou so much for everyones help! This morning I went to pets at home per the comments suggestions and saw SEVEN HAMSTERS! [Obscured]oking at them very happy and the employee offered me an up [obscured]eeting with the friendly ones :) I have linked a picture to share [obscured]with those who asked! Meeting a hamster for the first time!" The last image is cut off.
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idreamofplaid · 3 years
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Square Filled: Anonymous Sex
Characters: Dean x Reader; Cara (OFC); Chase and Jake (OMCs) mentioned
Rating: Explicit
Summary: After a nasty divorce and some soul searching, the reader knows just how to get her life back with a little help from a young handsome stranger.
Word Count: 3576
Tags: language; oral (female receiving); unprotected sex; age difference
A/N: This is for @idabbleincrazy ‘s 1k Follower Celebration. Congrats on your 1st thousand followers! I chose the song “1985″ by Bowling for Soup for inspiration and the prompt “Oh, fuck off.”
Created for @spnkinkbingo
Fuck him and his new girlfriend. He could have at least waited until the ink dried on your divorce papers before he decided to parade his “new” woman in front of the entire town. New. Right. He’d been fucking her while he was still married to you.
You needed to get the hell out of this place. Start over somewhere, somewhere that no one knew of your humiliation or how you’d thrown your life away. Only, you couldn’t because you had two children in high school that loved their lives here. At least they were happy; that’s what mattered, right?
The so-called “friends” you had in the subdivision couldn’t wait to tell you about your barely ex-husband and how he’d been seen out with her at the fanciest, most expensive restaurant in town. It was the same place he’d taken you for your last anniversary. 
By the time your SUV pulled up in front of the bridal boutique, you were still seething. You slammed the door when you got out, not giving a damn who saw you. Let them go back and tell the entire fucking book club about your lack of decorum if that’s how they got their thrills.
When you walked into the store, a sea of white flooded your vision. Well, here was exactly what you wanted to see. Wedding dresses. Beyond them, further in the back, were the prom dresses. It was like the highlight reel of your life in dress form. 
You’d gone to your senior prom with the cheating son of a bitch that was now providing juicy material for all the town gossips, and just like the biggest cliche ever; you’d given him your virginity that night. If only you could take that back, but you’d been young, wide eyed, and in love. Four years later, right after college graduation, you married him. As a result, Chase was the only man you’d ever had sex with. Right now, you were really kicking yourself for that one.
In fact, you couldn’t be more pissed at yourself for the decisions you’d made. If there was a way you could erase it all and somehow keep your two kids, you’d do it. You loved them, and it was that love that brought you here to this hell of taffeta, sequins, and silk. The alterations were finished on your daughter’s prom dress, and it was ready for pick up.
You tried to settle the storm of anger and frustration that was raging inside you before you walked up to the counter. It wasn’t the sales associate’s fault your life had turned out the way it had. You blamed yourself for that, and blaming yourself just made you madder.
Somehow, you managed to plaster on a smile while you gave your name and got the dress. Once it was in your hands, you stood frozen staring at it. It was a sapphire blue, body hugging, silk and Cara would be beautiful in it. It made your mind wander back to another blue prom dress, the dress you had worn thirty years ago. “I was the goddamned prom queen,” you muttered under your breath.
“Excuse me, ma’am.” Joachin, the sales associate was staring at you with a confused expression on his face. 
“Nothing,” you replied a little too sharply, abandoning all your earlier good intentions toward the innocent Joachin. You turned and swept out of the store in a huff of tarnished memories and present day frustration.
As you walked out into the sunshine of the early afternoon, you draped the dress over your arm. With your other hand, you started to dig around in your purse for your keys. Where the hell were they?
By the time only a few steps remained between you and your car, a feeling of furious panic started to bubble up inside you. You couldn’t have.  When you reached the car and looked through the window, you saw that indeed you absolutely had. There were the keys, hanging in the ignition. 
You placed your forehead against the cool glass of the window and closed your eyes. Of course this had happened. You would be stuck here dealing with this fuck up for hours. The auto club was never quick to respond to any call for help. At least you didn’t have to worry about the kids getting home from school. Cara had her own car, and Jake had an away baseball game this afternoon. You wouldn’t need to pick him up until later tonight.
A deep voice broke through your mental attempt to organize this mess. “It looks like you could use some help.”
You opened your eyes to see those bloody keys still hanging there, mocking you. Without nearly as much fire as you’d been feeling earlier, but still enough to get your sentiment across, you responded, “Oh, fuck off.”
“Well, I could. Or, I could help you break into your car.” Break in? Who the hell was this, and how dare he have so much cockiness in his voice?
You turned to confront the unknown son of a bitch who was so clearly finding your situation amusing. Upon seeing him, your attitude instantly changed. This man was gorgeous. He had full lips, a chiseled jawline, and eyes the green of an Irish meadow.
His face was so pretty it could easily grace a movie screen, and his body was equally heart stopping. He had the broadest shoulders you’d ever seen on a man, and you could see enough through the open front of the leather jacket he was wearing to know his chest and stomach were firm. He looked like walking sex, and it had been way too long since you’d had any.
The spark of inspiration struck, but in this case it was more like a lightning bolt. It was time to reclaim your own life. “Forget the keys. Where’s your car?”
Young and handsome smiled and gave a nod in the direction of the other side of the street. “It’s over there.”
Your eyes followed the direction of the tilt of his head. “That’s your car?” It figured. The car was a classic muscle car, strong and beautiful. It was just as much of a standout as the man it belonged to. 
You dug back in your memory, seeking your long dormant flirting skills. They were rusty for sure, but still there. You smiled at this breathtaking man, just the right combination of coy and suggestive. “Could I trouble you to give me a ride home?”
He smiled back, and those green eyes got a certain gleam in them. God. He was clearly much better and more practiced at this flirting thing than you were. “Sure, sweetheart. It won’t be a problem at all.”
You followed him across the street, enjoying the view of his ass as you went. When you reached the car, he opened your door for you. THAT was something you hadn’t experienced in awhile. A welcome feeling began to flow through your veins, replacing the anger, frustration, humiliation, and regret you’d been feeling all day. This was a ripple of excitement and anticipation of entering unknown territory.
Handsome started the car, and the purr of the engine revved up that ripple of excitement inside you, turning it into a wave that washed over you and secured the idea that had been dancing through your mind. You silently committed yourself to it, and that decision filled you with something that felt remotely the way you remembered joy feeling.
He reached over and turned the knob to start the radio, then pushed a tape into the tape deck. Good lord. A cassette tape. It had been forever since you’d seen one of those. This guy had barely been born the last time they had been popular. 
The songs that poured through the speakers were from your youth, before that even. They were the songs you’d heard when you were a kid. Songs from the time of your life when you didn’t think anything about mistakes, or getting things wrong. You were just filled with hope, possibility, and excitement for the future. That was the feeling you needed to recapture.
This was a good start. Many would say it was a reckless start, but this wasn’t their life. It was yours, and it was time you took it back. In some ways, you would be claiming it for the first time, and this incredibly handsome, exciting, and just a bit dangerous man beside you could help you do that. 
He noticed the smile that had appeared on your face. “You like the music?” he asked. 
“I do. I appreciate a man with a taste for the classics.” Those intoxicating green eyes were focused on you before he turned them back to the road and smiled. 
Then a little bubble of excitement rose up in your chest, and you bit your lip. An idea had struck you. It was possible to redo your life; you were young enough. You weren’t just going to spend the rest of your days on the sidelines watching your kids live. On impulse, you turned and asked him, “Do you have anything from the eighties?” It was possible. This was a man with a collection of cassette tapes.
He didn’t take his eyes from the road, but his grin got bigger. “There’s a box under the seat. You might find some Bon Jovi in there, but I’m not making any promises.”
You reached under the seat, found the box, and started to shuffle through the bunch of tapes you found there. After sorting through the Zeppelin and the AC/DC, your eyes fell upon exacting what you’d been looking for. It was Bon Jovi’s greatest album in your opinion, Slippery When Wet, circa 1987. 
You opened the plastic cassette cover and took the tape in your hands. It sent a rush through you, unlike anything you’d felt in years. This was the album you played in your own cassette deck every afternoon after school, all that time ago, with your best friend in the passenger seat beside you. Everything lay ahead of you, all the bad decisions still lay ahead. It was all nothing but good. 
It felt like a magical talisman you held in your hands. You looked at your new companion hopefully. “Can I?”
“Sure,” he answered as he popped the current tape out of the deck and tossed it on the seat between you.
You put your find in the tape deck, and immediately the sounds of “Livin’ on a Prayer” filled your ears. Your eyes closed, and you allowed yourself to indulge in the fantasy of turning back the clock and living a different life. It was a life with a different boyfriend and a different outcome, the one where you weren’t a washed up stay at home mom who had put so many of her dreams on hold to support her husband and his.
Dreams of travel filled your mind, dreams of travel and starting your own business. Once you had imagined being a fashion designer, a glamorous fashion designer, before you started wearing conservative suburban wife clothes and stopped dreaming. The rekindling of that spark of who you might have been brought a smile to your lips.
“What are you thinking?” Handsome with the green eyes and the incredible voice asked you. He reached across the seat and took your hand in his. Your smile got even bigger. It was time to push the reset button on your life.
You gave the gorgeous stranger directions to your house. Okay, that was a little risky, but of all the things that had gone off the rails in your life; your intuition wasn’t one of them. You had the very distinct feeling you could trust him. 
Your garage door opener was trapped back in your SUV along with your keys. He’d just have to park his car in the driveway. Let the nosy neighbors wonder about that.
Fortunately, you had a spare key to the house hidden nearby. It took a minute to find the correct rock, but when you did; there was the key where you’d hidden it underneath. You returned to the front door triumphant, key in your hand. Once inside, you put your purse on the table in the foyer while mystery man turned in a slow circle, taking in the place.
He turned back to you. “Nice house.”
You took off your jacket and hung it on the coat rack in the corner. “Thanks. There’s a nice liquor cabinet too. How about a drink? A small thank you for rescuing me from the side of the road.”
He rubbed his thumb along the corner of his mouth. “It wasn’t exactly the side of the road, but I will take that drink.”
You walked on into the house, making your way to the living room; he followed. The bar was located near the massive floor to ceiling fireplace, and the ceilings were high. Chase had insisted on it. It always struck you as a little much, but he was ever aware of appearances. Until now, it would seem. Apparently, abandoning your wife and children for a gold digging bimbo was a good look.
The crystal decanters on the bar certainly had the right look. They also had the right aged whiskey inside them. You flipped over two tumblers and poured some in each. 
He took the glass you offered him and raised it to those luscious lips. After a long sip, he asked you “What’s it like living in a place like this?”
You whirled the whiskey in your glass for a moment, starting at it, then glanced up at him. “Not as wonderful as you might imagine. What about you? Where do you live?”
It was his turn to find his glass fascinating for a few seconds. “Nowhere really. I travel around a lot.” You couldn’t quite pin down the tone of his voice. Did he like that fact about his life or not? Either way, it added to the air of mystery around him.
You took a swallow from your own glass. The little boost of alcohol induced bravery certainly wouldn’t hurt with what you had in mind. “Are you in town for long?”
He licked his lips before answering. “That depends. I’m here for a job. Not sure how long it’s going to take yet.” Enough with the small talk.
You took the glass from his hand and put it down on the bar. “What about this afternoon? Do you have a little time off?”
He settled his hand at your waist. “I could take a couple of hours for some relaxation.”
You downed the remaining contents of your glass and placed it on the bar next to his. “I have a couple of hours too.” You put your arm around him and let your palm rest over the center of his back.
That sinful mouth was on top of yours in an instant, and he absolutely knew what to do with it. His kiss was gentle but firm, tongue dragging along the seam of your lips until you opened them for him. The taste of the bourbon on his tongue as his tongue moved around yours was practically weaving a spell around you.
The kiss became deeper and more insistent. Your tongue swirled and tangled around his, and your breathing hitched in your chest. He started to bend you back over the bar, and, from deep inside your pocket, your phone started to ring. “Ignore it,” he said against your lips.
“I can’t.” That’s what it meant to be a mother. You fished the phone out of your pocket and checked the screen to see who was calling. Maybe it wasn’t one of the kids. Cara.
You touched the screen to answer and put the phone next to your ear. “Hello.”
Without any preamble, your daughter launched right into the purpose of her call. “Mom, is okay if I…. Why are you breathing so hard? Are you doing one of those old aerobics routines again? Mom, that is so lame.”
He was kissing down your neck, his mouth open just enough to require you to struggle to concentrate. “No, that’s not what I’m doing.”
You heard the sigh and could picture her rolling her eyes. “Whatever, Mom. Can I go over to Tabitha’s for dinner?”
He was sucking on your pulse point, and it was getting harder to keep your mind on the conversation. “Yes. That’s fine. Be careful driving home.” You ended the call, aware the kissing that had felt so incredibly good had stopped.
He’d taken a step back from you, and those captivating green eyes held a big question. “Look, this can’t happen if you’re….”
You quickly replayed your side of the conversation in your head. “Married? No. I am very much not married. That was my daughter, and she won’t be home for several hours.”
His smile was back, and his arm went back around your waist. “Well, in that case, where were we?”
You all but tore the leather jacket from his shoulders and let it fall in a heap on your expensive rug along with your phone. The rest of his clothes and yours disappeared on the trip down the hall to your bedroom where you’d been sleeping alone for so many months. 
Surprisingly, you didn’t feel at all self conscious as you walked into your bedroom naked with this man you’d just met. He was a sight to behold. You wanted to taste and touch every tempting inch of him, and you started with his chest. 
You ran your hand over the firm muscles in his pecs and let your fingers trace over the fascinating tattoo there. It was as much a mystery as the rest of him, and you didn’t ask him any questions about it. This wasn’t a “bare your heart and share your past” kind of afternoon. 
He watched your hands on him, and when he raised his eyes to meet yours; they were dark, filled with lust. His hand closed over yours, large and strong, and he led you to the four poster bed. God, he was gorgeous. 
Solid thighs, toned stomach, and thick cock that made your mouth water just looking at it. He lay back on the bed, his golden freckle dusted skin a beautiful contrast to the white of the comforter, and pulled you down with him. You could feel his hard cock pressing against your thigh. 
It made you wet for him, and for a brief second you wondered exactly what it was you were doing. That stray thought didn’t last long. It was replaced by a voice inside you that had been silenced by responsibilities and expectations of who you should be. He’s hot, and you’re single. Enjoy him.
He pulled you down into another kiss that made your head go dizzy with the sheer goodness of it. It felt wonderful, blissful, and consuming. Most of all, it made you feel sexy again. You started to move your hips, undulating them on the warmth of his firm body beneath you, losing yourself to the moment. 
There were so many sensations competing for your attention. He was igniting the desire inside you that you had all but forgotten was there. His muscled arms circled around you, and he rolled you under him, caging you between his arms on either side of your head. 
“Sure you want to do this?” he asked you huskily. His voice was as sexy as the rest of him.
“Absolutely. Don’t you dare stop now.” His lips crashed down on yours, and you returned every bit of the passion he put into that kiss. Then he moved his mouth down your body. The heat of his mouth closed over one of your nipples, and he began to suck on it, pulling the softest, neediest moans from you you’d ever heard escape your mouth. 
This man shattered every inhibition you ever had with his talented tongue. The sounds you made when he closed his lips around your clit were absolutely wanton. He licked at you and ate you out like he enjoyed it. If his mouth was talented; his cock was even better. 
It stretched you with a sweet burn that satisfied the ache and filled you. You dragged your nails down his back, wanting to leave your mark on him. He was certainly going to leave his with you. The memory of this day would be seared in your mind always. 
He knew ways to make you feel good you had never even known about yourself. After your third orgasm of the afternoon, he finally came. You felt the pulsing of his cock inside you, and there was a certain satisfaction in that. You were smiling when he pulled out, rolled over, and lay down next to you.
His chest was rising and falling, his arm slung over his head. He was the picture of debauchery, and you loved how it felt to be debauched. You would need to take the comforter to the cleaners after this, because you weren’t done yet. Let those busybodies at the dry cleaners just try and figure out what happened to your bedding.
That wicked thought made you smile broadly. Oh, yes. The comforter would be ruined by the time you were done. This guy was for sure good for another round. Or two.
Everything: @gambitwinchester @princessmisery666 @peridottea91 @beenlovingromansincedayoneish @fangirlxwritesx67 @waywardbaby @atc74 @tumbler-tidbits @fandom-princess-forevermore @emoryhemsworth @emilyshurley @shaniquacynthia @crashdevlin @terrarium-jpeg @jules-1999 @cosicas-cuquis @sammyimpala-67 @queenoftheunderdark @dean-winchesters-bacon @timelordy-fangirl2 @sweetness47 @hobby27 @awesomesusiebstuff @kickingitwithkirk @becs-bunker @sandlee44 @supernaturalgrandma @volleyballer519 @kdfrqqg @lizette50 @sorenmarie87 @lovealways-j @mrswhozeewhatsis @spnbaby-67 @wayward-and-worn @asthesunwentdown @vulgar-library @thinkinghardhardlythinking @petitgateau911
Dean/Jensen: @deansyahtzee @flamencodiva @deanwinchesterswitch @feelmyroarrrr @focusonspn @akshi8278 @ladywinchester1967 @sgarrett49 @wingedcatninja @coffee-obsessed-writer @adoptdontshoppets @ellewritesfix05​ @weepingwillowphoenix​
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bunny-hoodlum · 3 years
Asynchronous With You: Ch 6
ship: naruhina
rating: teen (quite possibly mature or explicit later)
tags: Modern Day AU, Foster Siblings, Family, Angst, Unrequited Love, Poor Communication, Missed Opportunities
summary: An awkward journey full of self-denial and missed moments between two foster siblings. Perhaps their love will find the right timing someday.
"I think everyone should know," she said.
They were walking the usual route to their high school, the train station coming up ahead. Naruto kept a protective though furtive gaze on Hinata as he walked behind her on the steps.
He swore she's never modified her skirt. It would be against the dress code she's forced to protect. So he has no idea why it feels like he's seeing more of her than usual.
"Know what?"
Usually he's already doing this, because he's worried about perverts. Even in grade school, he was worried. If it weren't for their teachers educating them on Stranger Danger, he probably would have had to do it himself.
He had to learn it the hard way before Kurenai-obasan took him in, but so did Neji apparently. That's why he's gotten good at being less obvious with his suspicion, and also why he can better tell apart intent based on their body language.
He used to perceive everything around him to be potentially malicious. He never realized the toll that had been taking on him until Neji taught him how to really see.
He stood close behind her on the platform as they waited.
"That we're fosters."
A burst of wind shot through the platform, ruffling overcoats and business suits and whipping pleated skirts and loose hair in a sudden frenzy.
The PA announced the train's arrival, and it wheezed to a stop soon after.
He observed Hinata as she flattened her skirt down and smoothed her bangs, but none of it registered in his brain.
It was simply auto-pilot for him to follow her onto the train, then using his larger frame to block the other passengers from nearing his little sister.
Right. His foster sister.
In all of their nine years together, they've never told anyone. It wasn't that it seemed weird, it just… never occurred to them?
But now it did seem pretty weird.
"Why, though? In a couple years, it's not going to matter anymore."
She turned her face against her shoulder to look at him, but he didn't know what she was thinking. It was the same schooled features she put on last night when visiting Neji, like there was a one-way mirror and only she could see through him.
Then she looked away.
"You're not going to introduce a girlfriend to Kurenai one of these days?"
"Hmm?" The suggestion bloomed in his mind and quickly withered. The idea wasn't… very appealing. Something about inviting judgment onto his life and stuff. He defends himself in every aspect but at home, and he'd rather keep coasting on the good thing he's got. "Dunno. Hadn't ever thought about it."
He certainly wasn't going to introduce any of the one's he's taken to bed when the apartment was empty. He's rarely done it with the same girl twice, mainly because he can't help but lose interest.
He blames it on sexual incompatibility.
"Well, I know I will."
He misses the melancholy hedging around her words, and latches onto the opportunity for an easy ribbing.
"You're gonna bring a girlfriend over?" he's happy she shoots him a look so that she can see his corny grin, otherwise he worried she might've mistaken him for serious.
He's nonplussed by the severity of her glare, but then she says "Maybe when you're not around," and he no longer knows what to think.
"Wait, what? Hinata?" He's craning left and right in hopes of catching a smirk or a giggle from her, but she's evasive. Has she? "Hinata, are you--?" And since third grade she said? "Also, what's that supposed to mean 'when I'm not around'? Huh? Hey, what's that supposed to mean 'when I'm not around'?? Hinata???"
"We're getting off topic--"
"Bullshit! I have questions!"
She ignored him.
"I vote to tell our friends that we're fosters. And I'd like to have it taken care of during Lunch. What's your vote?"
Is this what she sounds like during her Public Morals Committee meetings? Because it was doing something to him.
Oh, right. She wanted an honest answer.
But… "What do you get out of announcing this? I mean, aside from knowing how to introduce me in the future or whatever. Have you thought this through at all?"
What's the rest of the school going to say?
The guys who share their skin mags with him might get wary and reject him. The girls he's dumped might try to get to him through her. Teachers might give up on disciplining him, essentially offloading their responsibilities onto her as both Public Morals Committee and his sister. And he wasn't having any of that shit again.
All kinds of things could bite them in the ass one way or another.
She hasn't replied to him at all, and he thinks she's upset again, but he has to make his point.
"Hinata, the way things are now isn't broken, so what are you trying to fix?"
"It would help me."
"Huh? How? With what?" He waited, and she was silent. A drop of dread sank in his chest for her. "So something is wrong," He leaned in closer, causing her to shrink. He sighed. "Hinata, for someone who wants the world to know we're fosters, you sure don't seem willing to rely on me like a sibling."
"I don't favor Neji-niisan over you."
"Yeah, well, you don't have to," Tension clutched at their throats. "People always have more history with their blood. I can't really compete, y'know?"
He can't compete at all, actually.
Sometimes he thinks his only true brother is Sasuke, but he still wants to work at this. She just has to let him.
"I'm sorry. I just thought it would be less lonely if we could talk to each other normally again. And we only see each other at school these days, so…"
He envisioned her waving to him in the halls between periods, or her having a reason to cheer him on during a deadlift tournament. It would prevent people from making the wrong idea about them.
Damn, he felt stupid now.
"Fine!" He intoned with mock-annoyance. "If it'll make you happy."
She looked over her shoulder again, and what she found was his warm, supportive smile.
Hinata gathered her friends, Kiba, Shino, Ino and Sakura.
And he gathered his friends, Sasuke, Shikamaru, and Chouji.
Ino had tsked in distaste when she saw Sasuke, had gone as far as to drag Sakura away so that the others sat in-between them. He caught some sort of nickname from her lips, but wasn't sure what she had really said.
As Naruto stood before them alongside Hinata, his gaze fell on the skinny lad scribbling away at his sketchbook, and immediately his fight instinct was switched on.
"What's your monochromatic ass doing here??! Did anyone invite him?!" He jabbed a finger in Sai's direction.
The monotone, softboy, little creep didn't even look up.
"I'm making a record of these proceedings for posterity," he lifted the sketchpad and flipped it around.
Inkified Naruto was pointing right back at him with an agape snarl. Sai then proceeded to show everyone else individually, and they all cracked up, one by one.
Ino was absolutely dying. Stomach-clutching and tears rolling, the whole nine yards. She snatched the sketchpad from Sai and begged if she could keep it.
"Whaddya want that for??" Naruto interrogated. He was so about to punch Sai and throw his art supplies in the pool. This was Hinata's announcement and the softboy was ruining it.
Ino mockingly tilted the sketchbook side to side. "Something to keep your ego in check, Charato."
Hinata faintly snorted. He wasn't sure until he saw how she had her face turned around and her shoulders were lightly trembling.
He frowned at her, feeling betrayed.
"Ahhhh, alright, enough! Me and Hinata have gathered you all here for a reason! So shut up and listen! Hinata, tell them!"
Hinata jolted out of her humor, her face flushing as though this were the first time she's done public speaking.
"Uh, Uhm… Naruto-kun and I… we're foster siblings. We, uh… we live together," Hinata froze up under their collective stares. With a stiff smile, she half-heartedly sang "Ta-da," and punctuated it with rather embarrassed jazz hands.
"And as our friends, you're the first to know," Naruto added. "Also we don't care if the whole school finds out. So don't worry, we're not sharing this out of confidentiality."
Their collective shock evaporated rather quickly.
Sakura was the first to speak. "Well, that answers a lot of questions. And raises plenty more." She ended it with a growl and a glare. That accusatory look irked him.
"Feel free to ask away! I've got nothin' to hide!"
Sakura flattened the back of her skirt as she rose up like a dignitary representing The House of Hyuuga. And then like a certain video game attorney, she pointed at him.
"I always wondered why you obsessively protected Hinata in the past, but never showed any romantic initiative towards her. Now I have to ask, knowing the sex maniac that you are: Do you ever sneak into her bedroom?"
"No," He answered unconvincingly. He looked at the jury one by one, unsure how much of their scrutiny was sincere or misperceived. Sasuke was leaning forward, arms circling around his knees. He looked a little too interested in the idea of him and Hinata… doing things… "I-I've never done that! I would never do that! Hinata's special to me, okay?! You've got a filthy fuckin' mind, Haruno!"
"Me?! You've tried to sneak into the female locker rooms!" Sakura took off her shoe and slugged it at him. "Multiple times!"
Naruto hunched up and twisted away as the shoe smacked his shoulder and bounced away.
Hinata moved in between him and the one-woman mob. "Okay, this is getting out of hand--"
"I will never fucking do that to Hinata. I was in an orphanage for six years. And they're not all run by saints."
This was way more than he ever wanted to share.
He took a few steps back before turning tail. He jogged downhill as fast as he could.
What was he doing?
Uzumaki Naruto doesn't run away.
But it was either that, or… have them watch him cry.
AN: So this is missing a scene cuz I cut it. I might not use it anymore, and instead I'll see if the backstory I had expanded upon will be worked in later on in the plot. Because before I started writing this, I had anticipated that things would actually get cuter from here on out. (Also anticipating that I may work in at least one smutty chapter in the future. Yeah, it's totally diverging from this fic's original concept when I posted it for Secret Santa, but that's okay!) And the total Ego Death I unexpectedly wrote just feels kind of Deus Ex Machina in a way to Naruto's vices. I just can't have him maturing right now. That's a plot route I don't have any material for, and I don't quite see it as not defeating the other stuff I had planned to write. (I'm also happy to state that I'm starting to get a better picture of how to condense this content on AO3, because I honestly feel like this could be Ch. 2 now. :B I mean, it's too short on its own if I do, but it kinda has that hook for the rest of the story.)
I hope you enjoyed this update! 😘💕💕💕
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rayshippouuchiha · 4 years
I know I am late to the tagging discourse here but I just wanted to add a little (or a lot) of info.
The tagging system is flawed but better than nothing.
I remember ff.net. I actually remember BEFORE ff.net when fanfic was just floating around on either yahoo groups or on individual pages and you had to search with a very beta Google and pray that you won’t find something you are not prepared for (10 year old me was NOT prepared to find Sailer Moon hentai comics of poor Usagi with and Octopus)
But again tags are flawed. Like hashtags on tumblr one spelling error when filling out the tagging group when an author submits a fic and it won’t get filtered out when readers use the filters:
I dislike readerX fic because I find seeing y/n in a fic really takes me out of the experience.
So I filter out reader and reader-insert tags. But most authors don’t actually use those filters. So when I get into a fandom I filter out reader/most popular char (eg Kakashi/reader, Sasuke/Reader, Naruto/reader) to at least filter it down a bit. But there will still be some that get through.
Likewise, say I want to filter out hurt comfort (ha!) some people use different tags instead of the main hurt/comfort tag, such as “hurt Naruto”. And sometimes they tag with a misspelling which adds a new tag, hrut/comfort.
In general AO3 groups together tags that mean the same thing eventually, but a single fic with a misspelling won’t be in the group. For example if someone searches for Kickass!Naruto, Badass!Naruto or BAMF!Naruto their search would find all three, likely filtered under a “Naruto is a Badass” tag.
Also, personally, somethings a completely random tag will intrigue me so much as to read a fic that the summary and or other tags didn’t draw me into. I recall and excellent fic that I nearly scrolled over until I saw the tag “dont worry the penguins definitely get away with the $20 million” and I was instantly intrigued.
Some authors have almost a mini story in their tags and I love it. There is a plethora of “no beta we die like x” tags which won’t all filter if you only use “no beta we die like men”. Umbrella Academy mostly uses “No Beta we die like Ben” but I’ve also see “No Beta we die like Vanya’a heterosexuality”.
“No Beta we die like Izuku’s bones” is a personal fav.
TLDR: tags on AO3 are the BEST even if they’re slightly flawed. I wish real books in the store had a few tags on the back cover instead of a blurb.
The only slight flaw is that tagging depends on things being spelt correctly and honestly after they’ve written a 20,000 word Naruto fic with intense Worldbuilding that makes canon look like childsplay imma forgive them for a misspelt tag while I’m digging in to that sweet sweet ambrosia.
And hell we can even get around some of the misspelling issues since AO3 will auto suggest tags for you.  So that helps a lot.
But yeah I absolutely agree. The tagging ain’t perfect but it is a blessing compared to what once was.
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gumdropgamespot · 3 years
Check In Tag ✔️
From the incomparable @izayoichan , who I thought was just a good storyteller and then saw your blog in desktop and now feel the need to redo my theme because ooohhh ahhhhh 😱. Très jolie!!
Why did you choose your URL? – I genuinely don't remember. I just wanted something that sounded nice, and my sims at the time were all in pastels and such. That was before all the sims went vampiric/monsters-of-the-deep/etc. 😄
Any side blogs? – Technically a (very messy) poses reblog and another, currently empty, stories blog that will not stay empty.
How long have you been on tumblr? – Four or more years? Although not in an active, engaged sort of way. I just reblogged the cc I wanted in-game. I'm new in the sense that I became active this year. You can probably still scroll to the end of my posts pretty easily. 😅
Do you have a queue tag? – Nope.
Why did you start your blog in the first place? – CC reblogs. And then I fell into all the stories simblr, and here I remain. I used to log in just to read @cyberth0t 's updates but then I found all of ✨you✨ and now I have to hunt through my follows just to find them. (If u don't follow this story, u should. One time I hopped into their livestream and forgot I hadn't introduced myself and felt very awkward for the rest of my life.)
Why did you choose your icon/pfp? – That's Sugar. She's all over this blog. She'll be all over the story blog too. She was my simself, but she grew a personality, and I pretty much let her do what she wants now. She has a whole family and goes on adventures and shows up in every save I have... I'll let you see some of her shenanigans one of these days.
Why did you choose your header? – See above. The Shakespeare misquote seemed like a good way to exemplify those sims. Sweet, with a suggestion of scary.
What’s your post with the most notes? – Not counting reblogs, my sleeveless shirts recommends post. But I'm small, so it ain't no thing.
How many mutuals do you have? – Math. Um... I think 85. If I subtracted right. I'm big into making pals here. :)
How many followers do you have? – 93. Should I do something for baby's first 100? Maybe I'll just tag you all so you can meet each other haha! (that thought scares me, lol!)
How many people do you follow? – 333 OMG what a perfect moment for that question.
Have you ever made a shitpost? – I reblog memes... but that's the best we get over here. You'll have to seek flames elsewhere.
How often do you use tumblr each day? – Twice or more, but I try to cut down to posting in the evenings. It's also when I auto-post, so things get active then!
Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won? – Only playful teasing with a 🍋certain someone🍋 once or so. I *may* send secret love to her on occasion. 👀
Do you like tag games? – I like the game, but the tagging is hard. Who will want to play?? Have they already been tagged??
Do you like ask games? – Asking makes me shy, but I do it anyways. It can make people so happy to get something nice in their inbox!! I always delete the chain-mail parts, though (or modify them).
Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous? – Oh goodness. Are people famous on tumblr?
@queenofmyshuno A. Literal. Queen. 😘
Do you have a crush on a mutual? – HA. I haven't had a crush since I was... not the age I am now. 😋 But I love you all, so that counts for something.
IDK if everyone has done this but @heartwave99 (bc literal check-in; hope you're doing okay, lovely) @shessoblamblam (hugs to you) and @pixel-bloom (if for some reason you haven't done this yet 💘)
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Two Souls - Part 1
Welcome to my first mini series! I had originally planned on this being a one shot but I got attached while writing it and it’s a story that is very close to my heart. I decided why not turn it into my very first mini series! I say mini because I don’t plan on it being longer than four, five parts tops. But that could change. We will see how it goes. :) In this series, Dean has retired from hunting but still lives in the bunker with Sam.
I’m the only one who has read this, so if there are mistakes, I apologize. I read it and did my best to find all my errors. You can find more of my work here.
Pairing: Dean x female reader
Warnings: Fluff, Dean being adorable. Possible trigger warnings in future parts of the story.
Word Count: 3,866
Series Summary: Dean starts a job working as a mechanic as a locally owned auto shop. The owner’s daughter, who works at the shop, makes Dean’s heart ache from the moment he sets eyes on her. But, does she feel the same way? What will her dad think? When her life starts crumbling, is it Dean who will be there for her and help her pick up the pieces?
I would love feedback, please :) Also, please send me a message/ask if you'd like to be added to my tag list.
Tumblr media
Dean pulled his Impala into a spot at David’s Auto Shop for his interview with the owner and office manager. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly as he looked at the shop bays, all seven of them full of cars. The shop was a busy one because it was popular with the locals. The owner, David, was well respected and had been in business for over twenty years. Dean was nervous that his resume wouldn’t impress the veteran mechanic since he had never worked for an auto shop before. 
He got out of the Impala and ran his hands down the front of his shirt, smoothing out the wrinkles. He had chosen his nicest plaid shirt, buttoned all the way up to the collar and tucked into his jeans. He had done his best to clean up his boots but they were still stained. 
Dean approached the shop, resume in hand. He grabbed the door, took another deep breath and stepped inside the shop. The phones were ringing off the hook, mechanics were running in and out of the door from the shop to grab keys, put paperwork on the counter and answer the phones.
A husky, tall man with broad shoulders walked through the door and set his gaze on Dean.
“How can I help you?” He asked.
“I’m here for an interview,” Dean said. He glanced at the man’s name patch. He was the owner.
“You must be Dean. I’m David.” He extended his left hand to Dean. Out of instinct, Dean reached out his right hand to shake David’s. Only to fumble and change to his left. David laughed. “I’m left handed. My handshake always throws everyone off. Go through that doorway,” David pointed to Dean’s right, “and the first door on your right is the office manager’s office. I’ll meet you in there. She’s expecting you.” 
Dean crossed the lobby and into the hallway. To his left was a hallway that lead to the shop and  a few feet ahead he could see the office manager’s door. As he approached it, he could hear music. To his delight, it was Led Zeppelin. When he entered the room, the woman looked up at him from the desk and his jaw slightly dropped. He hadn’t been expecting a woman as beautiful as she was. He stood there staring for a moment until she broke the silence.
“Hi. You must be Dean.” She stood up and walked around the desk. Dean couldn’t help but let his eyes travel up and down her body. She was wearing jeans that fit just right, hugging her curves in all of the right places and that flared slightly around her boots. She was wearing a plain black V-neck shirt with a mechanics shirt that matched David’s “I’m Y/N. It’s nice to meet you.” She extend her hand to Dean with a blinding smile on her face.
When Dean took her hand, he was surprised at how soft her skin was despite her very firm handshake. “Y-Yeah. Dean. Nice to meet you, too,” he stuttered.
David saved him by walking in the door. “I see you’ve met my daughter,” he said. “Turn the radio down.” He gestured to Y/N who turned the nob down to a whisper.
“Oh, I didn’t know she was your daughter,” Dean said. He looked back at Y/N who just smiled again.
“Shall we get started?” She suggested, taking a seat behind her desk again. 
Dean sat in a chair across from her and David sat next to Y/N. 
“So, Dean. It doesn’t look like you have ever worked as a mechanic before,” Y/N said, looking over his short resume. “But you say you’ve got a few decades of experience.” She looked up at Dean.
“No, I mean yes. Well, no I haven’t ever worked as a mechanic for a shop before but I do have a lot of experience. My dad taught me a lot and then I also learned as I went. I have rebuilt my car a few times. I do all of my own work on her. My other dad, well, my adopted dad, kind of, he owned a junk yard. I worked on a lot of cars at his place as well,” Dean explained. He took another deep breath and cursed himself for fumbling so much. 
Y/N and her dad nodded, exchanged a glance and Y/N smiled a little.
“I am mostly self taught as well,” David said to Dean. “Just classes in high school and college, mostly because it’s the only subjects I liked,” he chuckled. 
“It says you have been self employed all your life. Winchester Brothers. What did you do?” Y/N asked.
“My brother and I were in the business of... pest control.” Dean widened his eyes a little, realizing he didn’t actually know anything about exterminating bugs. He prayed they didn’t ask him details.
Again, the daughter and father duo nodded. Dean used the back of his hand to wipe the perspiration from his forehead. He hadn’t been this nervous about anything in awhile. It didn’t help that every time he looked at Y/N, his heart lurched as if it were reaching out to her.
“Dean,” David’s voice brought Dean back down to earth. “I like you. And I’m always right about people. You’ve got yourself a job. Y/N will get your shirt size and have a few made for you. I’ve got to get back out there. I’ve got an engine I need to finish a rebuild on by the end of the day.” David stood up, stumbled a little and groaned.
Y/N jumped jump. “Dad, why don’t you take it easy. I can finish the rebuild for you.”
Dean raised his eyebrows. She listened to Led Zeppelin, was beautiful, and could work on cars? He was impressed.
“I’m fine,” David snapped, causing Y/N to recoil and plop back down behind her desk. “Can you start tomorrow?” David directed at Dean.
“Yeah, definitely.”
“Great, see you at 7:30AM. We might have some old shop shirts you can wear until Y/N gets yours in. Have a good one.” With that, David lumbered out the door and disappeared.
Dean looked back at Y/N. Her eyes were glistening with tears but he could tell she was holding them back. “Are you okay?”
Y/N looked up, blinking back the tears. “Yes. I’m fine.” She cleared her throat. “What size are you, Dean?”
He loved the way she said his name. It was heavenly. “Large.”
“Okay. I’ll order you five shirts. Do you have a nickname you’d like on the name patch or is Dean ok?”
“Dean is fine. I don’t have a nickname.” Dean was now able to see the name patch on her shirt. It said Bud. “Is Bud your boyfriend?” He asked before his brain could tell his mouth stop.
Y/N looked down at her name patch. “Oh, no. My dad calls me Bud. Has ever since I was a kid. I have one or two with my actual name on it but the ones that say Bud are my favorite,” she explained as she stood up. “Come with me. I’ll get you a few shirts for the rest of the week. Your shirts should be in by next Monday.”
Dean followed Y/N out of her office and down the hallway. Next to a door labeled Parts there was a coat closest. Y/N rummaged through it looking for shirts. She handed him four.
“That’ll get through until Friday and Monday morning I should have yours in. Oh, what kind of car do you have?”
“67 Impala.”
Y/N eyes widened a little. “Can I see it?” Her voice was bubbling over with excitement. 
Y/N followed Dean outside. “Wow,” she breathed. “She’s gorgeous. How long have you had her?”
“A couple decades,” Dean answered. He watched as her hand hovered over the hood. He could tell she wanted to touch it, run her hands along the shiny and warm metal. She curled her fingers and retracted her hand. “You can touch her,” Dean said through a small laugh.
Y/N turned to him, a smile on her face. She gently placed her hand on the hood, soaking up the beauty of the Impala. “I might have to talk to you into letting me drive her someday.”
Dean laughed. “Maybe. I barely let my brother drive her.”
“Fair enough. I won’t let anyone drive my truck.”
“What do you have?”
“66 Ford F100. Caribbean Turquoise. It was my dad’s first truck. I helped him rebuild it a few years ago.” She turned to face Dean. “Want to see it?” Her smile was so big, there was no way Dean could say no.
He followed Y/N around back and as soon as he turned the corner, he saw her truck. It stood out, the Caribbean Turquoise bright and shiny compared to the darker and more neutral toned cars around it.
“Oh, wow. It’s nice. How long did it take you guys to rebuild?” Dean peeked through the window. The interior was the same color, even the seat. The inside was immaculate.
“A few months. We had an advantage, owning a shop and all,” Y/N said, gesturing up at the building. She looked at the shop for a long time. Dean watched as she admired it and her eyes started to glisten again. “Well,” she broke the silence. She curled her index fingers under her eyes, pushing her eyes closed to soak up the tears. “We will see you in the morning, Dean. Have a good rest of your day.”
“Yeah, you too. See you tomorrow,” Dean said with a wave. He watched Y/N disappear around the building before making his way back to his Impala and driving away.
Three months into working for David’s shop, Dean had managed to learn a few things about Y/N. She loved classic rock, the Doors, 13th Floor Elevators and Zeppelin being her favorites. One of those three was always playing in her office. She was just as good as any one else in the shop at working on cars. She filled in when other mechanics called out or were on vacation. She also had a few of her own regulars who only would let her work on their cars. Her favorite color was Y/F/C and she loved rainy days. He also never once saw her wear a shirt with her actual name on it, only ones with Bud. 
Christmas time had rolled around and the company holiday party was on a Saturday night at a local pizza parlor. Everyone was allowed to bring their families or partner with them and Dean was anxiously waiting to see it Y/N would bring anyone with her. He’d never heard her talk about anyone at work. Never even saw her take a phone call to anyone but customers or vendors. No one stopped by to see her either. Just customers.
In the back seat of the Impala Dean had a gift for Y/N. It was a scarf in her favorite color. He had picked a scarf because sometimes, when he’d stop by her office to say good morning, she had the collar of her shirt pulled up. He asked her why and she said it was always cold in her office in the winter time. It was practical but also thoughtful. 
Dean walked into the pizza parlor. It was nice and warm inside so he shrugged off his jacket and straightened out his plaid shirt. He surveyed the room until he saw some of his co-workers, including David, in the very back. They all threw their heads back in laughter. Beer pitchers were empty on the table but not for long. Soon he saw Y/N walking over, gripping the handles of four beer pitchers, two in each hand. She spread them out across the table before turning towards the door. Her eyes landed on Dean and she smiled. She waved enthusiastically at him and made her way through the crowd.
“Dean!” She said, throwing her arms around him for a hug. Dean smiled, the smell of her shampoo tickling his nose. “Pizza and beer at the table already. I’ll grab you a cold glass.”
“Oh, no. It’s alright, I’ll go get it,” Dean protested.
“I’m going back up there to grab my dad another soda, I’ll grab it. Join everyone else.” She smiled and walked away towards the counter. He watched her go, her steps a little jagged from the beer she’d been drinking. He smiled to himself and approached the table.
Everyone greeted Dean cheerfully. He was introduced to everyone’s guests they had brought with them and he did his best to keep up with everyone’s names and which kids belonged with which couple. A beer was set down in front of him. He looked up to find Y/N standing above him. He smiled and thanked her. She sat down in the empty seat next to him with her own beer.
“I got us special ones. It’s actually my favorite from a local brewery. I hope you like IPAs.” She put the glass to her lips, taking a generous drink. “Try it!” She smiled at Dean, making his heart flutter. 
He complied, his eyes growing large. “This is really good!”
“Told ya,” she smirked. “Pizza?” Y/N put two big slices of pizza on a plate and sat it down in front of Dean before he could answer. She then helped herself to some as well. Dean couldn’t help but smile. A girl who liked pizza and beer. There she goes, he thought, checking more things off my list. A list he didn’t even realize he had until he’d met her.
As the night wore on, people started leaving. A few of the kids had crawled into the laps of their parents and fallen asleep. Their group got thinner and thinner until it was just Dean, Y/N and her dad.
“I’m heading home, Bud.” He hugged her and kissed her cheek. “Dean, thanks for coming.” He reached out to shake Dean’s hand.
“Thank you for having me.”
“Can you make sure, Y/N gets home okay? She walked here and it’s kind of late.” David eyed his daughter who was sipping on another beer.
“Definitely, sir.” 
As everyone left, Dean turned to Y/N. “Are you ready to head home?”
“I guess…” Y/N trailed off. She was lost in thought for a second. She downed the rest of her beer. “Alright, let’s go.” She stood up and lurched towards Dean, putting her hands onto his chest to catch herself. Dean instinctively wrapped his hands around her biceps.
“Whoa there,” he chuckled.
“Sorry. I am definitely a little bit buzzed.” Y/N laughed, her cheeks growing red.
“Don’t be sorry,” Dean assured her.
Dean lead Y/N out to his Impala and opened the door for her. He let her get in on her own, his hand close by just in case she needed it. 
“Oh! I’m honored to get a ride in Dean Winchester’s Impala,” she remarked. She looked up at him from the passenger seat, an enormous grin on her face. Dean couldn’t help but think she looked perfect in the passenger seat, as if she was always meant to be its passenger.
A few minutes later, Dean pulled up in front of Y/N’s house. It was a modest home in a nice neighborhood. All of the homes were older, built in the 50’s. Y/N’s was light green with a white porch and steps. Her F100 was parked in the drive way. It was the only car there, Dean observed.
“Do you want to come inside?” Y/N’s invitation caught Dean off guard.
“We won’t wake anyone up?” Dean posed the question carefully. He was prying for an answer, but didn’t want to be too obvious that he was trying to figure out if she was taken or not.
“Nope. This is my place. Just me. Party of one.” She smiled, her eyes slightly glassy.
Dean hesitated a moment. He got his answer but since Y/N had been drinking, he didn’t want her or her dad to get the wrong idea about him taking her home and ending up inside her house. He did want to give her the gift he’d gotten her though. “Okay. I have a gift for you.”
Y/N’s eyes lit up. “Really? I actually have something for you, too,” she said quietly.
Dean smiled and his heart, again, leaped forward, always in the direction of Y/N. “Let’s get inside, it’s getting cold.” Dean got out of his Impala, grabbed the gift box from behind his seat, and then walked around to open Y/N’s door. He held out his hand to assist her. She took it, squeezing his slightly as she hoisted herself out of the car. 
He followed her up to the door, she fumbled with her keys, first using the wrong one. “Oops, that’s my dad’s. They look the same as mine. Here it is!” The door creaked as she opened it. She stepped in side. “Welcome to my humble little home.” She gestured for Dean to come inside.
Y/N’s house had all hardwood flooring and was accented with Y/F/C, her favorite, and smelled like cinnamon. She walked over to the small Christmas tree she had in the corner and turned its lights on. The lights were white and the ornaments were all different kinds. There was no theme to her tree, just random ornaments she liked, ones that reminded her of people, places, and things. She grabbed one of the presents from under the tree. 
“Let’s sit on the couch and open them together.” She made her way to her couch and plopped down. She patted the cushion beside her, beckoning Dean to sit with her.
As soon as he sat down, Y/N shoved his gift from her into his lap. “Open it! I’m terrible at keeping secrets when it comes to gifts.” The grin on her face was bigger than he’d ever seen it before. 
He chuckled as he unwrapped the box and pulled the lid off. Inside was a few things. First was a nice, heavy duty travel coffee mug with his name on it. “So the guys at the shop know it’s yours” Y/N said through a laugh. One time, Dean and another mechanic had gotten their coffees mixed up. The other mechanic liked his coffee extremely creamy and sweet, Dean liked his black. Y/N had witness them both spit out each others coffee all over the shop floor. Next was a picture of Dean’s Impala in front of David’s shop. It was from a low angle, the car taking up the foreground with the shop’s sign hovering over it. There were raindrops on the Impala and the sky above was dark and angry. He looked at it in awe. It was a beautifully crafted shot.
“I thought it was a neat picture,” Y/N said quietly with a shrug.
“Did you take this?” Dean turned to her, awestruck. She nodded her head, a small, closed mouth smile on her face. “I love it. It’s… it’s a really beautiful shot. Thank you.”
“I’m glad you like it.” Y/N smiled. “There’s one more thing in there.”
At the bottom of the box was a black mechanics jacket with Dean’s name on it. He pulled it out and turned it around to reveal the shop’s name on the back.
“That one is from my dad and me. Only he and I have one. And now you,” Y/N half whispered.
Dean turned to her, overwhelmed by the kindness and generosity she, and her dad, had shown him. They took a chance hiring him and now, they were giving him a jacket, something that clearly held a special meaning for the two of them. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. We’re so happy to have you be part of the shop family.”
They sat in silence for a moment, Dean taking in his gifts and Y/N watching him. He gently placed his gifts back into his box before handing Y/N hers.
“Now I feel like I should have gotten you a little more…” Dean trailed off.
“No,” Y/N said, dragging out the O’s, and waving Dean’s remark off with her hand. She pulled the bow off of the decorative box and popped the lid off. She pulled out the Y/F/C scarf Dean had picked out. She ran her hands over it, taking in how soft the fabric was. She wrapped it around her neck and looked up at Dean. “You remembered my favorite color.”
“Of course,” Dean said through a grin, his voice hushed. “Now you won’t be so cold in your office in the mornings.”
“Thank you, Dean. I love it.” Y/N pulled the ends of the scarf forward, taking in the details and feeling the warmth around her neck.
She looked up at him, and held his gaze for a moment. Then, she closed the gap between them to place a soft kiss on his lips. As she pulled away, Dean took a deep breath. He’d been wanting to kiss her for months and he didn’t want to stop now.
“It’s late. I should get going.” Dean stood up, gathering up his gift box.
Y/N followed suit, still wearing her scarf as she walked Dean to her door. He stepped out onto the porch and spun around to face her. She was holding onto the door, letting it support her. But not because she had been drinking, no. It was for a different reason. It was because kissing Dean had taken her breath away and made her knees weak. Her hands were trembling and she needed to steady herself, not wanting him to notice what he’d done to her, what he’d been doing to her since they had met in her office months prior. She had been pining for Dean, but she was so sure he had a significant other. There was no way a man as handsome, kind, funny, caring, and… her list went on. But there as no way, so she thought, that a man like Dean was single. 
“Do you want to go out to dinner with me tomorrow night?” Dean’s question pulled Y/N from her thoughts.
“I’d love that.” Her answer was quick, zero hesitation, and Dean noticed.
“Pick you up at 6?”
“I’ll be ready. Casual or fancy?” Y/N questioned.
“Which one would you like?” 
“Casual it is, sweetheart.” Dean smiled, wished her good night and almost skipped back to his Impala.
Y/N waved to Dean in his car and closed the door, locking it tight behind her. She leaned back against it, letting out the breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding. She had a date, for the first time years. And, it was with the man of her dreams.
Tags: @akshi8278​, @notan-applepielife​
There is a pinned post with my Masterlist on my blog. Thank you for reading! 
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starrynite7114 · 4 years
Misconstrued: Part 1
A/N: HELLO EVERYONE! First of all, I would like to thank you for the response you gave the preview I posted last night. Hopefully this will do it justice. Thank you so much again for all the support you have given me! Kind of went overboard and it was much longer than I expected. Enjoy this new multi-part series!
Anon:  I don't know if this is too specific but could you do something about Angel ruining a date and later admits it because he loves them and then they have some angry smut and late night fluff
Word Count: 6708
Masterlist Tag List: @iambabyharry​ : @justahopelessssromantic​ : @carlaangel86​ : @marvelmaree​ : @mrsamaroevans​ : @ifoundmyhappythought​: @woahitslucyylu​ : @cind-in-real-life​ : @briannab1234​ : @fairygardenss
If you would like to be added to the tag list, let me know!
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Your Tio Obispo was so lucky you love him. There was no bone in your body that wanted to go to a clubhouse party. All you wanted to do was stay home and sleep. He was lucky you decided to come even after going home to shower and change. You parked just outside of EZ’s trailer, not wanting to draw attention if you had gone all the way in. 
It was a good night to host a party. The weather was quite good, not cold and not scorching hot. You didn’t wear anything special, just jeans and a shirt. It was a Barbeque, you didn’t need to wear anything crazy.
Walking in with a few other people, you made your way towards the clubhouse, but before you did, you spotted Angel sitting by the bonfire with a club hang around on his lap. For some reason, you’ve never seen him with any of them before and it definitely hit the point home that Angel would never be interested in you. He seemed like the type of guy who couldn't hide his feelings and was straight forward. Only thing he did with you was keep you company while you’re at the clubhouse and text you every now and then. You were certain that the only reason he hung around you was due to your tio’s request.
Pushing your glasses up the bridge of your nose, you entered the clubhouse in search of your tio. If you showed your face once, you could hide at EZ’s trailer for an hour or two and then head home. You’re pretty sure he’ll be wasted soon enough. 
“Sweetheart,” you heard your tio call you. He just came out of Templo with Taza following after him.
“Tio, hey.” You wrapped your arms around Bishop once he was close enough to you. 
“Glad you came, I thought you were just going to stay home, knowing how lazy you get.”
“Haha,” you rolled your eyes. Your relationship with your tio always seemed to be more brother-sister like than anything else. Your mother was much older than your tio, when he used to take care of you, he would teach you how to fix cars, change your oil, etc. He was the cool tio, but you still had that boundary and never overstepped it. “I wasn’t going to, but I didn’t want you to send your security after me.”
“It would most likely be Angel.” Bishop knew of Angel’s crush on you, it was hard not to notice. He always volunteered to do things when it came to you. At first he thought Angel took a liking towards you since you were new in town and he felt naive that he even thought that, but it became very apparent why he was always nearby.
“Yes, my own personal bodyguard.” You nodded your head. “Who is enjoying the women today, which works out for me so I don’t have to worry how much I bore him.”
“I don’t think you’re boring.” Bishop frowned. He knew it was difficult for you being an only child and with how overprotective your mother was, he was surprised that you didn’t want to choke her out at times. You yearn for freedom and he was certain it was the primary reason you chose to stay put in Santo Padre.
“Tio, it’s a joke, I know I’m not. But maybe you could rotate some? Angel doesn’t always have to be the one attached to me.” You two walked over to the bar, EZ manning it as always. “Give Angel a break.” EZ placed one of those ciders you liked drinking, mouthing a thank you. 
Bishop was perplexed at your suggestion. He knew why Angel was always around you and he thought you knew as well. Angel was always around you, surely you had to take the hint that he had felt something towards you. 
“What? Angel goes to you on his own accord. Contrary to popular belief, I didn’t actually sic any of them on you.” 
“Oh,” you gnawed at your lip, a habit you developed when you were unsure of what to say or do. “I, I just thought you had Angel attached to me.”
“So that I can get an earful from you? No fucking way.” Bishop chuckled. Maybe at the beginning he did have Coco keep an eye on you, but otherwise, it was Angel’s own doing that led him to you.
You smiled as you took a sip of your cider. You didn’t want to drink much since you had to drive home. The cider didn’t have much alcohol content so you weren’t worried.
“Don’t cause trouble, I’ll grab you some meat.” Bishop left you to your own vices. He was very overprotective, but he tried not to be as overbearing as your mother. The last thing he wanted was for you to push him away. 
“Where’s Angel?” EZ questioned you once Bishop walked away.
You shrugged. “Outside? He’s not on babysitting duty for once so he’s with one of the girls.”
EZ knew that Angel most likely didn’t know you were coming. Angel was definitely interested in you, but getting one in every once in a while wouldn’t hurt either. Angel was no angel after all. He had needs, they all did and it’s not like you two were official and from what he could see, it was one-sided, on Angel’s side.
“Aw, you know you’re not so bad either, besides the fact you can be an annoying smart ass.”
“Right back at ya Boy Scout,” you lifted your drink toward him, making EZ laugh.
“Y/N, hey,” you heard someone greet you.
Looking back, you saw Damien, who worked with the club from time to time. You weren’t exactly aware of what the affiliation was, but all you knew was that he was not a member of the club and was running some business.
“Hey, how are you?” You greeted him, turning so you could face him. “I rarely see you at these parties.” 
“I come all the time, you’re always preoccupied by someone else.” Damien teased. “Glad you’re all alone so that I can have some of your attention.”
EZ wanted to gag at that. This guy was a quintessential douchebag. He lured girls in with his charm and usually disposed of them once he had them. The club worked with him before, but as far as EZ knew, they were no longer in business together.
“Attention? You can always come up to me, not like I bite.” You joked. You tried to recall if you ever saw Damien at any of these parties, but you were always with Angel. Hard to look elsewhere when you were with him. “Don’t worry about these guys,” you pointed at EZ. “Completely harmless.”
“Not my brother though,” EZ mumbled under his breath.
“What was that?” You turned to EZ, not quite heating his words.
You turned back to Damien. He was a good looking guy. Six foot two, muscular built, with slicked back brunette hair and hazel eyes. He was a definite eye candy. 
“Are you busy next week?” Damien had to leave since he had promised his mother that he would drive down to Chino for some quality time. 
“Um, depends when, I mostly just have work.” You tried to think of your schedule at the top of your head. You worked at the auto repair shop four days a week and the other days, you were at home doing orders for cakes, brownies and other baked goods.
“Should be fine, I get off work at 7, what’s up?”
“Would you like to go to the fair?” 
“What?” You and EZ said in unison. 
You and Damien both looked to EZ confused by his reaction.
EZ wished that Angel was here to stop it, if he even tried to stop it, people would misconstrued things and maybe this would be the fire under his brother’s ass to push him to do something.
“Sorry, Coco was mouthing something to me.” EZ looked across the room at Coco who was thankfully looking at him. He made some gesture at Coco who gave him a confused look. “I’m just gonna go see what he wants.”
You two watched him walk over to Coco, still confused by his reaction. 
Damien knew why he reacted in that way and he should get an answer from you immediately before they reported to Angel. “Anyway, so, you down?”
“Are you asking me out on a date?” You haven’t been on a date with anyone at Santo Padre. Maybe it was a lack of trying on your part, but regardless, the dating scene in Santo Padre was nonexistent. You didn’t want to assume either, but it seemed like he was.
“Yes. If you want to go?” Damien knew if he fucked up, he would be six feet under. Despite the rumors, he was trying to be a decent guy and truly wanted to show you a good time. Just a plus if he scores afterwards. 
“Sure, I’d love to go on a date with you.” You were kind of excited. This was your first date in years, but you kind of wished it was Angel who was asking you. Then again, you weren’t his type, so, why not explore the field?
“Everything good here?”
You thought you were hallucinating his voice, but you weren’t. Right behind Damien was Angel, holding a plate of food that you assumed was yours.
Damien turned around and backed away to the side. He was slightly afraid of Angel after seeing him fight a few times in the ring. He knew Angel was some sort of watchdog for you however, seeing the last few times you two were together, he was almost certain Angel was interested in you.
“I was just talking to Y/N. But I got to go, so I’ll see you both later.” He placed his empty beer on the bar. “See you next week?”
“Yes, see you next week.” You nodded your head, offering him a small smile.
Damien quickly made his exit. Angel’s eyes were trained on you, not paying any mind to Damien. He wasn’t sure why Damien was speaking to you, but it didn’t matter, he was leaving. 
“Querida, why didn’t you tell me you would be coming? I could have picked you up.” As far as Angel knew, you weren’t coming to the party. You texted him that you were swamped at work and all you wanted to do was sleep.
You really hated it when Angel spoke in Spanish, it made the butterflies in your stomach run wild and it was just annoyingly sexy. “I wasn’t, but tio wouldn’t let me say no. Something about not wanting me to be alone.”
‘I could keep you company.’ Angel thought.
“Here, I brought you food.” He placed the plate in front of you. “I marinated the ribs.” He proudly informed you.
“You are pretty good with your meat.” You paused. You two looked at one another and smirked. “That’s what she said.” You and Angel said in unison, laughter erupting from the both of you. “You don’t have to keep me company, I’m going to take my food to EZ’s trailer, kill two hours and then go. At least I showed myself and tio doesn’t have to give me flack for not coming.”
“I’ll stay with you.” Angel was entertaining someone earlier, but as soon as Bishop informed him that you were here, he made his way over to you.
“Don’t be silly, I saw you talking to a girl earlier, just go back to her.” You tried your best to not sound bitter or jealous. You really hated that you weren’t Angel’s type, but it was the story of your life. Bad boys don’t go for the good girls as they believe in movies and television. They befriend them sure, but nothing else. “Get your dick wet.” You wanted to cringe at that one, but you always spoke to Angel with no filters, yet you couldn’t tell him you like him.
“I’m good, I’ll stay here.” He grabbed some fries that were on your plate. “I may have gotten the food for both of us.”
You laughed. “I was hoping so because I don’t think I eat this much.”
“What did pretty boy want?” Angel took the seat beside you. 
“Damien? He asked me out on a date.” You took some fries and ate some as well. You mentioned it so casually that Angel took some time to reply to you. 
“He did what now?” Now he was on his shit list. He had no claim on you, he knew that, but that didn’t mean he was happy about this. To top it off, now it made sense why Damien was always watching you, but he stayed away since Angel was always around. The one time he left you alone, Damien was able to slide in. Where the fuck was EZ? He knew his little brother manned the bar, he should have prevented it. 
“Right? It’s kind of unbelievable, but yeah, I guess we’re going out next Saturday.” You shrugged and ate some of the carne asada on your plate. “It’d be nice since I haven’t been on a date for a while.”
“Wait, why is it unbelievable?” You haven’t been on a date in a while 
“I don’t know, no one has asked me out around here, figured it was cause I was so unattractive.” Self esteem issues were a bitch. It was hard not to think that something was wrong with you when men didn’t ask you out. 
“Mi dulce, you’re the most beautiful girl I know, don’t ever think that.” Angel placed his hand on top of yours.
You felt your cheeks hit up and the butterflies in your stomach just went berserk. 
“You’re such a sweet talker.” You moved your hand and turned to the food so you could start eating. 
Angel loved seeing the blush on your cheek. He liked knowing he had some sort of affect on you, especially since he was fucking in love with you. 
Angel Reyes was fucking in love with the president’s niece.
It wasn’t his fault. It really wasn’t.
You barged into his life and there was really nothing he could do. 
He was powerless against you and he honestly didn’t care.
“This is fucking stupid.” Angel heard EZ complaining at the backseat of the van. He was driving with Gilly at the front passenger seat and Coco behind him.
“No one asked you to come Ezekiel.” 
“Asked me to come? You fucking forced me in the car.” EZ scoffed. “No choice Boy Scout, you do as your sponsor says.” EZ rolled his eyes, mimicking Angel’s words. “What does this have to do with club business?”
“Feel like we wouldn’t be doing this if Angel grew a pair and spoke with his dick like he always did.” Coco shook his head. 
But that’s the thing, Angel couldn’t listen to his dick with you. 
This was different. 
You were Bishop’s niece, he couldn’t exactly go guns ablazing. He stayed away from you cause you were related to Bishop, keeping you at arm's length. But it was so difficult to keep you at arm's length when you were so damn charming. You didn’t even do much. You hooked him with one smile and he was fucking done. He felt like an idiot, like a teenager boy with a crush, but all you had to do was fucking introduce yourself. Bishop brought you by when you first moved two years ago. His sister, your mother, wanted to be close to her baby brother, so she decided to move to Santo Padre. But your mother was only able to stand the heat for so long before she went back to Oakland. You stayed behind, liking the work you found at one of the auto shops down the street from the scrapyard. It was owned by one of Bishop’s friends. Due to the closeness of the shop and scrapyard, you were always around and it was difficult to ignore you. 
“Why haven’t you told her you like her?” Gilly questioned. “It’s not like Bishop doesn’t know.”
“He doesn’t think he’s good enough for her.” EZ answered for him.
“Fuck you Ezekiel.”
“Angel, what makes you so incompatible with her?” EZ hasn’t been around long, but even he could see his brother hung onto every word you said. It was actually quite fun to see. Whenever you were at the clubhouse, Angel stuck to you. No girls, no shooting his shit with his brothers, nothing else caught his attention. Whenever you would talk about the new cookies or cake you baked, Angel listened. Whenever you animatedly talked to him about the new car you fixed the last few days, he listened. He didn’t give a fuck about the baked goods or the cars, all he cared about was listening to you. It was cute. You were the good girl that the bad boy wanted, EZ had to say you weren’t Angel’s type, but you had his older brother hooked. “She isn’t your usual type, but I figured you dabbled in every pool.” He knew his brother felt more for you than any other women around. But he could never pass up a chance to tease Angel. 
“My type, the fuck is that supposed to mean?” Angel looked at his brother through the rearview mirror.
“She technically is his type, she has a pussy.” Gilly joined in with teasing Angel. 
“Don’t talk about our hermana like that.” Coco scowled at Gilly. “Y/N is special, she’s a good girl, untainted. Angel doesn’t do good girls cause they want commitments, something he can’t offer.” 
“I’m fully capable of holding a relationship assholes. I was with Gabriella for like,” he paused, knowing his argument was not going to hold. “Fuck, how long was I with her?”
Gilly and Coco laughed loudly while EZ chuckled, shaking his head. 
“You see? Come on Angel, if you’re not serious about her, let’s just turn around.” EZ was trying to use reverse psychology on his brother. He knew Angel hated it when people doubted him, counted him out. Maybe if they pushed his buttons a bit, he would get with the damn program. 
“We’re not going for her, I don’t even know where she is.” Angel scoffed. He was lying, but these fuckers didn’t need to know that. “You fuckers don’t want a night of fun at the fair?”
“At the same fucking fair that Y/N is going to?” Gilly was amused. It was fun to see Angel head over heels over a woman. 
“Oh, that’s the one she’s going to?” Angel smirked. He was a bastard, he knew, but he got the details of your date from EZ. He should have pulled his head out of his ass long ago, but Damien was a punk. He portrayed himself to be a good guy, but he was a perverted douchebag.
“I feel like you could have saved us the trouble.” EZ scoffed. “Angel, what’s your game plan? What are you going to do? Just listen to her like you always do and not say you like her?”
“When we get out of this car, I’m beating your ass.” Angel threatened. 
Coco, Gilly and EZ laughed. If they were being honest, they tagged along to see what the fuck their brother was going to do. It was like uncharted territory for Angel. He went for easy girls who fell at his feet, they were easy, noncommittal, easy to leave. But you, that’s not how it worked, which made him out of his element. He’s had relationships before, but this was different. You two weren’t even together but he saw your future together. It was the reason he avoided you. Seeing a future with someone was daunting on anyone but for Angel? The guy who didn’t think he would ever find someone? It was something else.
When EZ came home, he thought you would drift to EZ, you like books as much as he did, fuck you two had a hell of a lot more in common than you and Angel. But instead you two bantered like siblings and it was an actual amusing site to see.
“I don’t even know why you like her, she’s obnoxious.” EZ didn’t actually mean that, but you were the sister he never fucking wanted. He couldn’t even imagine how Angel fell for you, you definitely were not his fucking type. But his brother could have changed in the last eight years, like becoming an actual mature adult, he has still yet to see that. 
“Watch what you say about Angel’s girlfriend.” Gilly looked back at EZ. “Oh wait, she’s on a date.” The three men laughed with the exception of Angel.
“Funny shit, fuck you three.” Angel grumbled. 
Angel was relieved that they got to the fair and parked the car just so he didn’t have to be in the car with these assholes. 
Getting out of the car, Angel smoothed out his kute and made his way towards the entrance of the fair with his usual three partners right behind him.
He wasn’t going to ruin your date, but he had to make sure that Damien kept his hands to himself. 
You giggled as your date, Damien finished telling you a story about his silly dog. You were so happy this date was going well, especially since you haven’t been to one in years. You decided to wear your contacts today in case you and Damien decided to ride some of the rides. 
“You should meet him some time.” Damien commented as you two walked side by side.
Your hands were in your jean pockets and Damien has been trying to hold your hands, but you just kept it in there or if it was in there, your arms were crossed. He also wanted to make sure you were comfortable before he did anything. He knew that if even a hair on you was harmed, the MC would come looking for him. 
“Your dog? Yeah, that would be great. I love dogs.” You always wanted a dog, but your mother was not the biggest fan. You’ve been thinking about getting a dog, but you just haven’t found the right one as of yet. 
“German shepherds are very intuitive and they’re great dogs.”
“They definitely are.” You nodded your head. “So, can I ask you a question?”
“Sure.” You two were waiting in line to get some funnel cake, thankful that not that many people were here so you can get to the sweet treat faster. 
“Why did you ask me out on a date? Don’t get me wrong, we’ve met, but you haven’t exactly spoken to me.” It was always a short pleasant conversation between you and Damien. A quick hello, goodbye, how are you’s and he was on his way. It’s not like you thought you were some horrendous looking person, but it just made you wonder why it took him so long to ask you out.
“I’ve always wanted to, but your uncle can be quite intimidating and Angel basically put out word that you’re untouchable.” It was true. He was warned off by Creeper that you were off-limits. At first he thought it was Bishop, but it became more apparent it was Angel. Any man who approached you during club parties was immediately turned away by Angel. At first he wasn’t certain if Angel was acting on Bishop’s orders, but when he noticed that Angel, who usually was surrounded by women, didn’t pay attention to any other woman but you, he knew then that it was Angel’s own doing. He asked himself why he asked you out knowing Angel would hunt for his blood, but as he saw it, you were single and were free to do as you please. 
“Angel?” Your heart quickened a bit and for some strange reason, you heard his voice as well.
“Querida,” it was Angel’s favorite term of endearment for you. At first you thought he called everyone that, but it seemed that it was reserved for you as of late. You knew it was his way of being charming, but you couldn’t help it when your heartbeat quickened cause of it.
You turned around and found Angel and his usual suspects with him. His eyes roamed over your body and you couldn’t help, but blush. Angel’s eyes were always so intense, yet warm. He noticed your glasses weren’t on and he thought how much better he liked the glasses on you. 
“Angel,” you said in some sort of disbelief. “What are you guys doing here?”
“We came to enjoy the fair, surprised to see you here.” He looked over you and at Damien, narrowing his eyes. It was his warning to him. He may have passed by him once, but it wasn’t going to happen tonight. “Damien.”
The greetings were curt and you could feel the tension rise. You were still confused at Angel’s presence, but it showed you one thing, the butterflies didn’t come till Angel came. Your mother always told you that when the butterflies in your stomach fluttered, whoever did it for you was someone you would be someone special. Your mom was a die hard romantic person. You weren’t exactly all that romantic, but you definitely didn’t believe in fairy tales. 
“Y/N, you wanna go get some ribs? I just realized we haven’t eaten.” Damien had to get you away before Angel could sink his claws and interrupt your date. 
“Sure.” You looked at the three troublemakers behind Angel, giving them a questioning look and the three stooges fucking shrugged at you.
Damien attempted to lead you away, but Angel grabbed your arm.
“We’re all here together, we might as well stay together. Right querida?”  
You opened your mouth, but nothing was coming out. You were enjoying your date, but seeing Angel changed the atmosphere. You couldn’t play this game. Damien was genuinely interested in you and you wanted to give him a chance. You weren’t even sure where you stood with Angel, it doesn’t matter anyway.
“No, it’s okay, Damien and I are going to get ribs. Enjoy your night guys.” You gave each of the Mayans members a hug and when you got to Angel, you tried to make it brief. You hated hugging Angel, he was always so intoxicating. If you lost yourself in that hug it was a done deal.
Grabbing Damien’s hand, you dragged him away from the group. You were going to continue and have fun, fuck Angel Reyes.
“Wow, that went well.” EZ commented. He couldn’t help it, it was rare he could pull Angel’s leg like this.
“Ezekiel, not fucking right now.” Angel watched you walk away, with Damien turning back to throw him a grin. “Motherfucker has me fucked up.” He took out a cigarette and lit it up. 
“So what’s the game plan?” Gilly questioned.
“We enjoy the fair.”
Somehow, they knew that wasn’t exactly what was going to happen. 
You were starting to get irritated. At every corner you turned, the Mayans were there. You were certain that your tio didn’t send them since he already threatened Damien at your apartment. But you never know, he may have had a sudden change of heart. You just wished it wasn’t four fucking members. That was like half of their charter.  
“Is it me or are Angel and the other members following us?” Damien turned back and sure enough, there they were just hanging around. 
Angel was leaning against one of the poles that was holding a game together, smoking his cigarette just looking at you. He winked at you and you scowled at him. You would like to think Angel was a friend, why was he here?
“Don’t pay them any attention.” You brushed them off.
“Why won’t I win you a prize, get you a memorabilia of this fun night we had?” Damien offered.
You laughed, nodding your head. “That sounds like a plan to me.”
Damien led you to a knock the bottle game. He knew he had this, he was a star baseball player back in the day, if it wasn’t for an injury, he would have been big time now. He had this. After four tries, Damien won you a small bear, which was very sweet. You appreciated the effort.
“Here you go beautiful.” Damien handed your bear to your
“Such a small prize for such a beautiful girl.” Angel whistled, sitting beside where you stood, shaking his head. “I can win you a bigger one preciosa.”
“I’m good Angel, you know it’s not always about the size.” You smirked at him, even throwing a wink.
“Perhaps, but for the record, mine is pretty thick and long.” He licked his lips and you swear to god, you wanted to smack that annoying smirk off his face. “Come on, let me win you one. I always told you that if we go to the fair, I would try to win you a prize.” Angel was talking to you as if Damien wasn’t a few feet away. And your attention was on Angel, as much as you hated to admit it. But this was a conversation you had before, he told you that if you two ever went to the fair, he would win you a prize. You two had spoken about how you thought it was sweet when guys won girls prizes, it was very sweet. 
“Fine, you get one shot.” You don’t know why you gave Angel the okay, but you figured if Angel didn’t get any hits, it would bruise his ego and he would leave you alone so you could enjoy whatever was left of your date. 
Angel took some money out of his pocket and gave it to the worker. Angel got three balls to get the bottles that were stacked together. 
“Which one do you like, baby girl?” Angel questioned. 
“Surprise me.” You looked over at EZ, Coco and Gilly who were far too amused by this whole situation. “Are you three going to try too?”
“No, this is all Angel hermana.” Coco took a bite out of his churro, enjoying this whole situation. He always advised Angel to just bite the bullet, but as always, Angel was as stubborn as they come. “Just watch your man win you something.”
You bit your tongue, not correcting Coco. You pretended you didn’t hear him.
“Wanna give me a kiss so I can have some good luck?” Angel playfully teased you, offering his cheek to you.
“Just throw the ball Reyes.” Damien finally spoke up. 
You turned to him and gave him a sheepish smile. “This will be done soon, he won’t hit anything.” 
Angel smirked at your words. He threw the ball and all the bottles were knocked out. Damien’s mouth slightly dropped along with yours. Coco, Gilly and EZ all cheered him on, yelling out their congratulations.
“I know them down two more times and she gets the big one?” Angel questioned the teenager that was working the booth.
He nodded his head. 
And Angel did it. One throw for all of them. He smugly looked over at you and held his arm out towards the booth.
“Whatever you want mi dulce.”
You didn’t want to give him the satisfaction, but you were quite impressed. “I told you, surprise me.”
Angel chuckled and nodded his head. He wasn’t sure what you were trying to play at, but he knew you, after taking a random trip to the San Diego Zoo, he knew every fucking animal you liked. “Let me get the giraffe.” He handed it over to you, the giraffe had a long neck and was surprisingly soft. You couldn’t help but blush and look down at your feet. It was a habit you had, it was hard for you to look at the person you like in the eye. “You want more?”
“No, she’s good.” Damien had enough of Angel showing him up. This was his date, he wasn’t going to let Angel ruin it. “You want to go to the ferris wheel before we leave?” 
“Sure,” you nodded your head. “Thanks Angel, have fun with whatever else you guys do.” You couldn’t exactly tell Angel that you really appreciated the gesture, especially since he remembered your favorite animal was a giraffe.
As you walked away, you tried your hardest to not turn around and look at Angel. You would have just ran back, besides, Angel was just being nice. He was always nice to you, very sweet as well. But you didn’t want to assume that he had feelings for you. A similar situation occurred to you a few years back and the guy was just being nice to you due to your connection to the Mayans charter in Oakland. It stung, but you promised yourself then that you would not assume things and always wait for confirmation from the person’s mouth. No telephone game, people misconstrued things and that’s what led you to believe that the guy had feelings for you. 
“I’m really sorry, I don’t know why Tio Bishop sent them here.” You apologized to Damien as you two made your way to the Ferris wheel. 
“It’s okay, they’re like the older brothers you’ve never had.” It was true. You had mentioned it to him that the Mayans felt like and extended family to you. A bunch of misfits that you never would have thought would become your family but they did. The charters up north always took care of you and your mother, checking on you weekly to make sure you ladies were taken care of. Damien was trying to be understanding of the situation, but he knew what Angel was trying to do. And he couldn’t let him win. 
“Yeah, they are.” With the exception of Angel, cause that would be odd.
They were close to the Ferris wheel, Damien figured he could make his move on you then, no Angel to distract you. There was no line so you and Damien were slated to go next, but you weren’t exactly sure how it happened. The next thing you knew, you and Angel were in one of the capsules making its way up. 
“What the fuck are you doing?” Damien growled out at the Mayan members. 
“You know she’s Angel’s girl, you knew this was going to happen.” Gilly wasn’t exactly sure what Damien expected out of this whole situation, but everyone who hung out at the club knew that you were off-limits. If being Bishop’s niece didn’t drive them away, it was Angel’s closeness to you that should have. 
“They’re not together. He doesn’t even know if she feels anything for him.” Damien didn’t want to push his luck, but he was also getting annoyed. He wasn’t going to let them push him around.
“Doesn’t matter, you fucked up.” Coco scoffed.
“It’s interesting how much shit you’re spewing out when Angel isn’t around.” EZ smugly pointed out. 
“Angel can go fuck himself. I’m sorry he didn’t have the balls to ask her out on a date, but tough shit. He’s not the only one interested in her.” 
“What are you trying to gain from this? You think you're gonna bed her like your other girls?” Coco was curious as to why Damien decided to ask you out. He’s seen him lurking around, but he never tried to make a move since again, you were always with Angel, Gilly or himself. It was hard to penetrate that wall. 
“That’s none of your business.” Damien venomously spat out at them, looking at the ferris wheel. 
“Don’t make it our business, be smart about this then.” EZ warned. 
You looked at Damien who was being held by Coco and Gilly while EZ waved to you and Angel.
“This is absolutely ridiculous.” You scolded Angel. “I’m on a date! I don’t know what my lovely tio told you, but please leave so I can enjoy what’s left of it.”
“Come on amor, you know you’re not enjoying yourself.” Angel scoffed. 
“I was, till you and your three stooges came.” You slightly turned your body away from Angel, crossing your arms and looking out the windows in the Ferris wheel capsule.
“You were really having fun with Damien?” Angel knew you weren’t very happy with him, but he didn’t give a fuck. He was saving you from this asshole.
“Yes, I mean he’s a decent guy Angel, it’s a date not a marriage.” You refused to look at him. You kept getting mixed signals from Angel and you weren’t exactly brave enough to ask him questions about it. 
“Look, I think I should be honest with you here.” Here it was. Angel was going to tell you that he was just messing around and that he was just following orders. No biggie. You weren’t going to be affected at all since you expected it. “I like you.”
“And I like you too when you’re not being a prick.”
“No, I like you, as in I have feelings for you. Seeing you with Damien is driving me crazy so I followed you here to make sure nothing happens between you two.”
It was silent for a few moments between you two which made Angel nervous. This wasn’t the first time he confessed to a woman, but this felt different. The air was heavier if that made any sense. 
“Angel, this is going above and beyond my tio’s orders.” You spoke up, happy that the ride was making its descent. 
He gave you an incredulous look, eyes wide and confused. “Orders? You fucking think I developed feelings for you through an order? The fuck do you think this is? Is it so unbelievable for me to have feelings for you?”
“No, it’s just, why would you like me? I’m not your type.” That was such a weak excuse but from what you gathered you weren’t his type.
“My type? How would you even know my type?”
“Observations? I don’t know.” Your knee began to shake, an indication that you were becoming anxious, something Angel picked up with all the time he spent with you.
“You have nothing to be nervous about.”
You felt the walls closing in around you. Escaping this option was not an option right now since you were still at least six feet above ground. 
“I’m not nervous, I,” you sighed. “This shouldn’t be hard, but I always thought you hung around me cause tio requested for you to do so.”
“Believe me, your tio requested for Coco and Gilly to do it, I was drawn to you because of you.”
“Did Coco tell you about my crush on you? Because I feel like there’s a way to let me down without leading me on.”
Crush? You had a crush on him?
“Querida, what are you talking about?”
“Stop, don’t call me that. The pet names make this all that much more confusing.” 
“What? Y/N, I’m not leading you on.”
The door opened and you immediately got out with Angel hot on your trail. “Damien can you take me home?”
“No, she’s good, I’ll take her home.” Angel stepped in between you two.
You glared at the back of Angel’s head which was seen by EZ, Coco and Gilly.
“I would really like to end my date at my house Angel, thank you for the offer.” You stepped away from Angel and walked over to Damien, grabbing his hand and making your way towards the exit. 
Angel watched your disappearing form and let out a yell of frustration.
“She’s fucking insane!” He yelled out.
The three tried to keep their laughter in, but it was just so difficult for them. 
“I’m glad you are all having fun at my expense.” Angel walked away from the three, grumbling under his breath.
“How was the ride?” Coco questioned.
“I told her I had feelings for her and she told me that I was going above and beyond my orders. The fuck is that supposed to mean?” Angel took out his sixth cigarette in the span of two hours. 
“You’re smart bro, you know what she’s insinuating.” Gilly patted his brother on the back. “Maybe it’s time to take a different approach.”
“Again, if you just ask her out on a fucking date, this wouldn’t be so difficult.” EZ really didn’t know why his brother has been playing this game for years. It was like he was so afraid to be rejected. If he didn’t play confidant and immediately asked you out, then you two would be together and they wouldn’t be playing this game for Angel. 
“Like what?” Angel questioned Gilly, ignoring EZ. 
“You should play hard to get.”
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haechanhues · 3 years
My Analysis Of Enhypen (From I-Land mostly) and I was going to do it straight out of watching it, but it was like 2am and the next day I was sick so today it is :) (Edit : It took a couple of days to even write it) and I also watched some Enhypen videos so.... yup but I’ll try my best to keep it to my observations with I-Land and like the behind videos 
- My expectation of him : I thought he’d be the loud one like San/Wooyoung  is in ATEEZ from the get go but he was so shy at first. Watching him open up and spread who he is as a person was one of my favourite parts of the show. He also became more confident in himself and his abilities. You may think differently but if you take the first episode and last episode as examples, you’ll be able to see his level of comfort in showing his qualities as a person.
- In saying that, his expressions, especially in brighter concepts astound me. Like in those concepts, he just has the spotlight. For real, for real. He can also do intense concepts too. Amazing. He also has a voice that surprises me, like you’d expect his voice to be slightly higher but it’s among the lower tones (I don’t know the tonal scale)
- He doesn’t really take too harshly to teasing or when the other people poke fun at him. He takes it in good stride (Though nobody should go overboard) He just accepts it as it is with a smile or maybe a little sigh or even just teasing back. He knows it’s all with a good heart. I find that really admirable - it’s not an easy trait to have. Also the fact he can joke with the others as well.
- I love the way he monitors others, especially his members, and like he can make a person feel good. Like the way he without any hesitancy will help style another person’s hair if they asked or whatever. He just wants to do well, together. He wants to share his happiness with other people and I think that’s such a reason to love him. He also is the first to emphasise the beauty in every person. He brings attention to it in such a beautiful, caring way. He also can see the bigger picture so easily and so thoughtfully. Always looking for others.
- In saying all this, I have a theory that he was chosen as the producer’s pick because he has this ability to him. Like a moodmaker is someone that keeps the team’s spirits up and provide the stress relief and I feel he’s more than that? He has absolute faith in other people and can bring out hidden components of a person they didn’t really know they had e.g Sunghoon during Chamber 5/ The Heeseung Aegyo fiasco. Like he has this flamboyancy and shamelessness to him that you can help but join in or that it’s alright to join in.
- My expectation of him : I thought he’d be a refined person, with a real likeness to someone with a status of a prince. Regality to a tee. But he’s got such a dorky tender heart. He’s so incredibly handsome. I know this is a really shallow and obvious observation. Anyone with two working eyes can see the boy is incredibly gorgeous. But he just leaves you in awe. He’s arguably the prettiest boy I’ve ever seen. I also love how shy and bashful he can get. 
- The way he cherishes the people around him. I feel from the very first episode, he’s not necessarily a social person, but you can tell he wants to get along with everyone.  He’s so comfortable to be around and you want to try anything in your power to make him smile and laugh and be your friend or whatever. During I-Land, you can see it from the way he talks about his sister and his friendship with Jake and the other I-Landers. 
- He’s a massive dork. Like he doesn’t know how cute he is. And because he’s got that Prince look to him and that title attached to him, when you see him being dorky and screeching you can’t help but like that paradox. I think Episode 10 was his episode and that one VR segment too. Like he’s so funny and just he’s a soft spot for me I think. The ‘Pork Slice’ part I want ingrained into what made my life a life worth living. 
- As a leader, it was so interesting to see him work. He helped K a lot with his leadership when Sunghoon left the team. He takes a couple of steps backwards for other people, and at times it scared me, but it ended up so right for him in the end anyway and I’m thankful. It helped people see what kind of a person he is and I’m glad he had other people looking after him. He also is careful and accepts suggestions and sincerely works with each of them. He makes observations on his own too. 
- This can be interrelated but I think a large massive part of why he’s in Enhypen is how hard he works. He works diligently and wholeheartedly. He’s a quiet powerhouse in that respect. He does his work without the need for attention but solely to improve his skills as a performer and for his future. He doesn’t care if his hands get dirty. As long as one person, even if it’s himself has faith in him, he’ll do it. 
- My expectation of him : I thought he’d be known as The Ace and hardworking and etc. It wasn’t a wrong assumption but I think we can go into more detail. He’s a really talented person and I mean that with every fibre of my being. From the very first episode, he’s labelled as the ‘Ace’ and it continues throughout the programme so when he does debut, it isn’t too much of a surprise, if at all. 
- Too be honest, I’m not really sure if this counts but I’m going to add it anyway. His relationship with his brother (so hilarious) is such a heartwarming moment. In I-Land he was one of the older ones (I think) and someone with a leadership role and so a lot of people relied on him. But it was great to see he had a good support system who he loves and adores with all his heart. The way his older brother is a source of energy for him really made my heart go into overdrive. So fucking cute. 
- As a leader, I feel a bit like stupid for mentioning it cause it’s so obvious, but he’s got leadership skills. (Duh) But like as a leader, he works on the synergy of the team. He’s patient, stern and is usually almost on the right path. He’s someone very reliable and his objective is clear. He wants to fit the concept as well as he can and makes sure that everyone is on the same page without anyone falling behind. 
- He also has the ability to let loose and have fun. He makes jokes and tries things out because it looks fun. He’s under a shit ton of pressure, especially on I-Land as the ‘Ace’ and I’m grateful he’s able to enjoy his time with the other contestants. He actually plays around quite a bit and his smile is so wide and bright, it’s so nice to see. 
- Even though he’s not the leader in Enhypen now, he has a role of being a caretaker. He helps out when he’s needed (e.g Helped out Taki for the BTS performance) He’s a really thoughtful and understanding person. He’s always the first one to state problems and then come up with solutions. When someone feels bad for getting criticisms, he takes it as his own as well. He doesn’t want to succeed solely. 
- My expectation of him : No joke it’s just Aussie, at first. He was the first Enhypen member/I-Land contestant who I ever learnt about. I also think he’s a little like Eric from The Boyz. Slightly. Just, not as crazy. Like it’s weird just seeing a not-loud Eric and/or a crazy Jake. Also, he’s really attractive. I don’t know exactly why he’s so attractive but there’s something about him you just can’t describe in words. 
- His debut astounds me the most. Not because I didn’t think he could do it. But because he had such a short training period and even as a trainee he had to exceed hundreds of others (500 others/499 others?) to be let into the company. He’s just got this natural luck to him as well. Imagine that. He’s also quite an adaptable and fast learner. He always seems to improve with every little thing he learns and it always has such an impact. 
- He’s got a charming way of performing. He may not be as rich in skill training as the other contestants or members and often gets criticism for it. But every time he had a performance where you forget about it. He’s got this irresistible charm on stage. You want to learn more about him, watch him more and he plays his role really well. 
- His eyes are so sparkly and they just lure you in. He’s currently one of the only boys I’ll accept lip bites from (I usually find them cringe). But he makes it look natural. He gets so excited with new possibilities - new opportunities of fun, to get to know other people and know the people he knows more. He always engages with every situation with eagerness and acceptance. 
- As I mentioned before, he’s the icon of growth. Yes, everyone knows it. But you don’t look at him and see his inexperience nor the lack of skills in comparison. You want him to debut immediately and grow with him. Out of all of them, I feel like you look at him and apply yourself in his shoes. You want him to succeed and to learn and to grow and you want to hold his hand during the whole process. You want to watch and do the same with yourself. 
- My expectation of him : I thought he was going to be a mood maker of the team cause I saw a lot of compilations of him being groovy and weird. It’s a weird thing to say but he reminded me of seaweed in the game of Seaweed (I don’t know how to explain this game to anyone, it’s kind of like tag I guess except when you get tagged you have to act like seaweed in the ocean) or like those inflatable balloon people at car autos or something. Weird analogy but- He’s actually quite chic. 
- From the very first episode and all to the very end, he’s a very skillfull dancer. He picks up the dances quickly and he’s such a small person but he has this way of performing large gestures that astound you. He was a really meticulous teacher too. A stickler for details. He’s very satisfying to watch dance. When he’s in the zone of dancing, it’s really beautiful and you just want him to perform more and he could do the same dance again and again and it’d still have the same impact it did the first time. 
- In I-Land, in the earlier episodes he struggled with the team aspect. He was amazing individually and could lead the team well during dancing. But wanted to show the best version of himself and forget about the rest of the team. BUT, if you look at him now, he knows the importance of his teammates and strives for the best. He also allowed himself to open up emotionally and cried more and adored more. (I noticed this moment especially with Hanbin, Sunoo, Taki and those who were eliminated) 
- During the show, it didn’t really show Niki enough being playful. I think we got to see cheery Niki when he received the hanbok from Jungkook. But you can see it better in the behind I-Land videos with the sheep costume that Jungwon wears and during Enhypen’s debut. But my favourite moment is when Jungwon wants to sneeze and he looks at him and he’s like ‘Jungwon hyung ANDWAEEE’ and his voice and everything is going to be stamped into my head. 
- He’s practically made to be an idol. His dancing is one thing but when he takes pictures and has to fit concepts that his hyungs find awkward, he just does it with such a chic way of doing things. He knows where to angle his head and he’s gotten so good at expressions. Off stage, he’s chic yet playful and extremely loving with his hyungs. 
My expectation of him : First of all, the whole reason I’m into Enhypen is because of him. He’s the reason I watched the show. He’s almost always my avatar on Rhythm Hive. I expected him to be confident and good at everything. He’s also really good looking. Like, the type of guy I’d have a crush on if he lived in my country type of crush. 
- He’s a great speaker. His ability to give feedback and constructive criticism is an amazing feat. He points out problems carefully and constructs a solution. He does so in a way that he creates a feeling of trust and faith. I’m terrible with criticism, like I can accept it but I don’t know how to reply to it. But with Jay, I actually want him to provide feedback. 
- He’s a really intense performer. He’s just constantly burning and his gaze is like a promise. He uses emotion to perform harder and to outdo himself and to prove to others that they’d regret making their decision. He is very emotional and it shows when he performs. A really determined person to do well in everything he does. He’s got this wild and untamed look in his eye but his body is very controlled and confident. It’s seriously a good look on him. It’s really attractive. 
- His leadership qualities are amazing. He knows how to utilise everyone’s talents to make the team standout more. He has an in depth understanding of everyones personalities and talents enough to put them in the right position. (That sounds like a report card). He’s also not as hardheaded as I had expected him to be, he’s flexible and is able to listen to everyones opinions and communicate on an equal level. He helps out without taking complete control over the situation. 
- He’s the moodmaker! Yes, he’s responsible for about 95% of the memes and quotes in I-Land. I don’t think I have to quote them. In saying that he’s pretty much the victim of Enhypen and I-Land pretty much. 
- I think the way he is so emotionally driven is what makes him stand out. He is the epitome of a fiery personality. He’s so unapologetically him and also open about what he’s feeling and what he’s aiming for, which is considerably quite new considering how boys are kind of taught to suppress their emotions. He also doesn’t let his emotions dictate how he treats a person. He treats them fairly, even when he’s disappointed or angry at someone. Watching him succeed and sometimes fail and promise to come back, genuinely felt like he was destined for it and wasn’t waiting for Lady Luck to shine on him. He goes and does shit done himself. He invokes so many emotions and empathies in other people. 
- My expectation of him : When I was watching KCON:TACT 3 I was really attracted to his voice and they way he talked and danced. Though I didn’t expect to end up biasing him to the point of no return. Never in my life have I loved a boy quite like this. I don’t know it feels different. It felt different with both Haechan, Kyungsoo and Sunwoo but this is all so different this feeling right here. Warning : This is going to be extremely biased. Like no joke. I’m sorry, this boy is just going to have longer lines but I’ll still keep to the same bullet points. 
- He’s so lovely. So so lovely. He has this ability to smile and have fun and tease and make little comments. His eyes are like hypnosis. You’re able to look at him, see the uplifting of his smile and every one of his facial features are uplifted so it makes his expressions brighter, more welcoming and more trusting.  He’s got broad shoulders and like someone you want to cuddle and watch with stars in your eyes. Like that chick is so right, ‘you’re someone I can’t live without now.’ The way he reacts to such comments, bashful smile and the whole hand over his mouth. He’s so pretty. I don’t want him to be sad or whatever. 
- He’s so accepting of other forms of life and doesn’t care for status, wealth, age or whatever. For him, if they’re part of the team, they’re part of the team and he’ll look after them as a team member. He puts his importance on things that actually matter and looks to create an atmosphere where he can be relied on and that others feel comforted. He has fun and talks with others with softness and makes others feel engaged. He’s so fucking attentive. Like he understands other people well and has high observation skills. Like if one is upset, he’ll just quietly go to comfort them and give attention in a soothing matter. He’s also got a soothing voice. I love hearing him talk. 
- The hidden ACE. He made an impact during the competition at significant times. I think the reason why many contestants and him, himself went down the ranks was because they were previously in the higher ranks and were believed to be safe. But as a vocalist, he has such a clear and stable voice. You can recognise his voice immediately, even when I wasn’t a Enhypen stan, I could recognise his voice even without knowing who he was. But as a dancer, he’s so amazing at it. Like, his popping and his ability to do intense choreographies. As a performer he understands nuances, meanings and the concepts of a song and understands his role in the performance. Him getting praises was my favourite thing ever. I think he was a favourite among the producers. Though when he did have stumbles, I was so worried for him. Like no, I refuse. 
- He’s got an optimistic way of thinking, without being overcompensating. Basically when things don’t necessarily go the way it was set out to or when others suggest another way of doing things, he takes his time to think about it and decides. He basically uses it as a tool to grow and adapt in order to produce the best results. Now that I’m thinking about it, rather than being optimistic, I would say he’s an opportunist(?) in a sense. He’ll accept the suggestions and has this greed to live up to and exceed the expectations. This is easily seen when Jungwon isn’t doing too well doing part 5 and ends up swapping with Heeseung. And he also has this greed. It’s a greed I’ve never seen before. The goals are the same but in a way that’s different?; He doesn’t  want his grandmother to be devastated if he is eliminated, he wants to be an artist that does music he loves, ‘it’ll be even more impressive if we can go beyond their expectation’. He uses the current happenings as a way to exceed them and to go beyond capacity. In short he’s a realist without being stuck, he’s an idealist without being too high up in the clouds, he’s optimistic but not unrealistic. It’s inspiring, he’s inspiring. They all are but Jungwon has my heart at the moment. 
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diavohno · 4 years
Could you please do a story with 7., 37., and 43., with Satan please? Thank you so much!
this was such a great combo of dialogue lines omg THANK YOU!!! anyway, here’s the 2.6k that it inspired 😂
warnings: angsty (assumptions make an A-S-S out of U M-E), minor hair pulling, hickies (MC’s got one bruised next yikes), and implied smexy stuffs ;)
“wait a minute . . . are you jealous?”, “I can’t keep kissing other people and pretending they’re you”, and “I can do whatever you want, babe” + Satan
x   +   x   +
Satan wasn’t supposed to have seen you and the other demon in the club, your back pressed against the wall and your leg hiked around his waist as his warm hands roamed free across your body. He wasn’t supposed to hear the light gasps that were teased out of you by hungry nips that left a trail of marks around your neck and bare shoulders. He wasn’t even supposed to be at The Fall, but there he was anyway, his distinctive aura of contained wrath screaming out his presence to everyone in the vicinity.
Your heart all but stopped when you finally noticed him. How long had he been here? How much had he seen? A chill quickly spread throughout your body as Satan turned around and just walked away, his face hauntingly neutral.
A displeased grunt from the demon suckling on your neck snapped you back to reality, and the booming bass and chatter from the crowd came crashing back into your awareness. While you had felt comfortable here moments before, the atmosphere now felt stifling and overbearing. 
“I’m sorry, I’ve made a mistake.” Your body moved on auto-pilot, pushing the demon off of you and stumbling after the blonde without a single thought. No, the only thought running through your mind was that you had to make it up to Satan. You needed to. Even as you were jostled to and fro by the club crowd, carelessly flung elbows bludgeoning your helpless form, no other thought came to mind.
It took much too long to make it to the doorway, and you cursed yourself when you found Satan to be nowhere in sight. Of course he hadn’t stuck around--why would he? If the situation had been reversed… 
Imagining it felt like a weight pressing down on your chest, threatening to press all of the air out of your lungs. The thought of some random demon pressing herself against his lean frame, her nails suggestively trailing lower and lower down his abdomen, whispering false promises and adorations into his ear, and knowing that it wasn’t you doing those things to him felt absolutely crushing.
But for you, it was different, because you love Satan.
And you certainly don’t feel that way about people you don’t love.
You were undoubtedly sure that he was returning home; it’s not often that he’s anywhere else this late anyway, so it only made sense that that’s where he would go. Also, you had come to learn that whenever he needed time to control his emotions, he would read--what better place was there to go than to his own room?
As you began your trek home, taking time to ensure you didn’t twist an ankle in your heels, angry tears started to prick your eyes. You had been selfish going to the club tonight, and you had been selfish to numb yourself with a stranger. More tears threatened to spill down your cheeks, and you let them. Without a doubt, you knew your makeup was thoroughly ruined and streaked, leaving markings to show your mistakes for the world to see.
Pebbles wormed their way between your foot and shoe, and multiple times you had to quickly catch yourself because you had misstepped and lost your balance. Maybe you should’ve left yourself fall--after what you had done tonight, you deserved it. Hell, you deserved so much worse than that.
That thought brought you to a stop. Did you really, though? Why were you so upset about having been found out? It wasn’t as if Satan cared, seeing as how he never made comments about how Asmo hits up the town on almost an every night basis. Maybe he was a little disappointed, and maybe he had expected better from you, but a little disappointment wasn’t anywhere near worth dragging yourself over hot coals for. You had gone to the Fall for yourself, after all.
The inner reassurance encourages you enough to resume the hike back to the House of Lamentation, all the while still thoroughly engulfed by your thoughts.
It had started with you tagging along with Asmo as a way of erasing the fourth born from your mind for a little while--you’d indulge in someone else, pretending that it was Satan’s lips moving with yours instead of the reality of the situation. It had never completely worked, but the distraction was nice, so you started to make more regular visits. Asmo was thrilled to finally have someone that he actually enjoyed spending time with tag along (Mammon took great offense to that statement and promptly declared that he had better things to spend his time doing anyway.) Eventually, you felt comfortable enough to fly solo, like what you had been doing before everything came crashing down.
For a while, it worked great! Whenever you got too down about your unreciprocated feelings for Satan, you’d hit up the Fall and find someone to distract you for a little while. You never slept with anyone, although there were days where you were tempted. Tempted to not return to the same place you knew he’d be. Tempted to see just what kind of reaction he’d give when he realized where you had been, and why. Tempted to hurt as much as you’ve been hurting every. Single. Day.
But you could never bring yourself to chase those temptations.
The same image of betrayal that gave you a fleeting burst of satisfaction also ultimately left you feeling hollow. The idea that maybe, just maybe, he’d be hurt by any action of yours filled you with dread. You knew, deep down, that you’d never be able to do that to him.
Then he saw you at the Fall and gave you that terrifyingly calm look, and you knew you messed up bad. Whatever had run through his mind when he saw you was a mystery, but even still you knew that you had messed up in the worst possible way.
At some point, you had reached the House of Lamentation. Other than your first day in the Devildom, before you had become accustomed to everything, you’d never really taken notice of it. Now, it’s towering size and dark exterior somehow stand out amongst the dark background like it’s a monument to your mistakes.
Shaking the feeling off, you slowly crept in through the door. Undoubtedly, Lucifer already knew you were out of the house, but the last thing you wanted right now was to sit through another one of his lectures. They tend to be much more pointed late at night, although they get done no sooner than the others, and your ego was rather fragile at the moment. So long as you could prolong the inevitable just for a few hours, you’d be grateful.
After slipping off your heels to minimize noise, you began tip-toeing up the stairs in the entrance hall towards Satan’s room. A gnawing anxiousness made itself ever more present in your stomach the closer you got to your destination, but you pushed it aside and pressed onward anyway. It was about time that you finally came clean, not only to him, but to yourself, too. Fighting the urge to walk away while you still could, you instead tapped your knuckles lightly against the door twice. Every second that went unanswered weighed you down, but you soon heard a low ‘come in.’
“It’s me,” you announced quietly as you stepped into his room. As per usual, you had to awkwardly guide your way around stacks of books, but by now you’ve become fairly skilled at it. Still, doing so meant looking down to make sure you weren’t about to bulldoze through some books, and looking down meant you weren’t looking at Satan. He remained silent the entire time it took you to find where you wanted to stand, and even when you looked up at him after, he didn’t say a word. Clearing your throat awkwardly, you jumped straight to the point. “You saw me at the Fall tonight.”
“I did,” he responded cooly, closing the book resting on his lap but keeping the page with a finger. “You certainly seemed to be enjoying yourself.”
The hidden venom in his words caught you off-guard. If you were anyone else, you would’ve thought you were simply being scolded, but you had come to know better. You noticed the hardness behind his beautiful emerald eyes and the slight clench of his jaw. Of course you had known he was upset, but you never would have imagined that he’d be this upset about seeing you at a club--unless that wasn’t what he was upset about.
“Wait a minute,” you hesitated for a moment, unsure if your hunch was right. Well, you’re not going to find out if you don’t ask, right? And you had come here with the intention to put all of your cards on the table, so it didn’t make sense to hold back. “Are you jealous?”
Although Satan’s eyes never broke contact with yours, it was easy to see how his grip on his book tightened and his jaw fully clenched in anger. The understanding of just what that meant lifted all of your stress off of your back, and with that relief came an incessant yearning to hold him so you could erase everything that had happened so far tonight.
“And if I was? Would it make any difference?” he spat, unsuccessfully masking the bite in his tone. You involuntarily swallowed as he pushed himself to his feet, book long forgotten as it tumbled from his hold onto the floor. In just a few steps he managed to get close enough to lock his hands firmly onto your hips, and in just a few more he has you pushed up against a bookshelf. Your breath caught in your throat at the sheer intensity of his gaze and how you could physically see him unravel by the second, mind reeling at his close proximity.
His attention shifted from your face to your neck, and you could tell by the narrowing of his eyes that he’s taking in the myriad of hickies decorating your skin there. One of his hands left its place on your hip and moved upward to lightly press against one of your markings. With them being as new as they are, the pressure sparked a small amount of pain, causing you to suck in a quick breath through your teeth.
“Would being jealous make these go away?” he whispered, his warm breath fanning across your face. Without pausing to wait for an answer, his hand dragged further upward still until his thumb was able to run along your bottom lip while the other slipped behind you to press your body flush against his. It didn’t escape your notice how perfectly his body slotted against your own. “Would it change the fact that his lips were on yours?”
Just before you could grab his face to pull it just inches closer to meet your own, Satan caught one of your wrists in his hand. “Why did you come back, MC?”
The hand that was still free gently cupped his cheek; a curl of satisfaction twisted inside your chest as he subtly leaned into your touch. Your answer slipped out with almost no thought at all. “Because I can’t keep kissing strangers and pretending they’re you.”
With those words, something inside Satan snapped, and next thing you know his hot lips are fervently moving against yours. The unbridled passion fueling the kiss caught you off-guard for a moment, but soon you were returning just as much as you were receiving.
He quickly dropped your hand so he could place his at the nape of your neck, tilting your head to give him better access to your mouth. With your heart racing but your train of thought completely derailed at the moment, you moved on pure instinct; both of your hands carded through his golden locks for a bit before grabbing some strands in each, the light tugs earning you some deep groans for your efforts. The sound sent a jolt straight to your core, and without thinking (which is something you’ve been failing to do a lot lately) you hooked one of your legs around his waist to draw him impossibly closer.
Never one to lose the upperhand of a situation, the hand on the small of your back shifted lower until it rested on your ass, where his fingers almost immediately dug in for purchase. As your mouth opened to gasp, his tongue darted in. The slick muscle immediately met your own, and the two wrestled for control until you finally relented; however, the battle must’ve taken longer than you realized, and you soon felt a burn in your lungs urging you to breathe.
As you parted, a thick strand of saliva stretched between the two of you. As gross as it was, there was also some part of you that found it oddly hot, like it served as a reminder of the bond the both of you were currently sharing. Your eyes took in the state Satan was in before you, and if you weren’t already flushed then you certainly were now.
Despite his emerald eyes being half-lidded, it was plain to see the heated desire burning behind them, and his cheeks were painted a pinkish hue, much like how you imagined yours to be. He heaved in a few heavy breaths before his mouth sought out the tender spots on your neck. It seemed like he was determined to cover up the marks the demon from the club had left.
This wasn’t right though--you had come here to apologize to him, not to have him dote over you.
“Satan.” His name came out much breathier than you had planned, but it can’t be helped when said man was sucking on your neck. All you get in response is a hum that buzzed against your neck, the vibrations sending a shiver down your back. However, you still needed his full attention, so you dropped your leg from its position around his waist and your hands disentangled themselves from his hair, sliding down to his chest so you could ease him off of you. He parted from your neck with a quiet ‘pop’ and a displeased sigh, but lifted his head regardless.
Suddenly, a wave of nervousness washed over you, and you found yourself struggling to say the words that were threatening to burst out of your mind. It was annoying that this was happening now of all times, as if you hadn’t done just as much with other men before, but maybe that was it--Satan wasn’t just any other man. He was the very man that you had spent a good few months nursing a wounded heart over.
Shit, why was this so hard?
Almost as if he knew what was running through your head (which he probably did--he doesn’t miss many details) he grasped your hands in his own, rubbing soothing circles on them with his thumbs. “Go on.”
“I’m sorry for assuming how you felt,” you murmur softly, emboldened enough by his physical reassurance to be able to formulate at least coherent sentences. “Let me make it up to you. Please.”
“Well, what should I have you do to make it up to me?” You were acutely aware that he was teasing you as a wolfish grin split across his face and he once again began to press his body against yours. This time, there was a slightly new feeling where his hips met yours.
You donned a sly grin of your own as you freed one hand to gently trail it down his chest and abdomen, your fingers hooking themselves on his gaudy white belt. “I can do whatever you want, babe.”
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indiabreathe · 3 years
As a kid i didn’t really experience alot of these gender restrictions. i played tag outside, with legos and water guns same as him. i played the xbox and ds as well as mortal kombat games, Grand theft auto and all of that. We both cleaned we both played gender didn’t really play a big role in anything until i started getting older. Whilst young my little brother loved to do everything i did because that’s what siblings do, so when i would play with my dolls he would too. My father however did not like that and reading this chapter i see how toxic masculinity played a big role on his view with dolls. In regards to me, i was told it was now my brother responsibility to take out the trash and i didn’t have to help. I was raised to do those things and help with groceries so i didn’t really get why it was a sudden change as i got older but i see it had to do with remaining within my femininity, since females where supposed to be always clean and smelling good. That also explains why when i would have burping competitions with my father he told me to stop because i’m a girl. It’s weird but it’s what’s been taught and hardwired into peoples brains like generational racism.
Looking at the first commercial i saw had no gender roles.
It was a board game that was kids versus parents so i feel like it was targeted towards families that do game nights and things like that.
The second ad it was a barbie commercial clearly targeted towards girls. One of the things they did is have a pink glittery background.
Next i saw a gaming watch commercial it didn’t have gender roles though because it was a boy and a girl playing the same thing.
The next commercial I saw was a batman toy but it had a boy and a girl playing with it again. the back ground was a dark blue so i do think it was more aimed to boys but it didn’t exclude girls like the barbie commercial did to boys.
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This was an ad for cars and they used things like deep voices, crashing , yelling and dark colors to target boys. Commercials like this use gender stereotypes to find their target audience.
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This my little pony ad had a very high pitched voice and very bright colors and so did the shopkins ad so i was starting to see a pattern in toys targeted to each gender.
At a young age it is put into kids head that girls play with doll babies quietly while boys play with trucks and loud things and as soon as a boy wants to play with a doll baby now he’s in trouble because he’s being feminine. Why should femininity be a bad thing though? For example as i stated before for the most part i could partake in any masculine activities i desired but vice versa my brother got in trouble for it. Femininity is looked at as a weakness and so boys are told things like not to cry or express their emotions because that’s “girly”. When in reality that’s just human. we are meant to have emotions and cry and express our selves and this is where so much built up anger stems in young men. We should disregard and completely try to out learn these gender stereotypes to try and grow as a race.
In conclusion, I gathered they use things like colors to subtly suggest a gender to each toy. Also in a commercial targeted to boys you can see how deep the voices get and they loud and deep. Whereas commercials targeted towards girls are bright colored and use high pitch voices . Toys suggested for boys also have started including girls in them because of the generation were in now but not so much vice versa. We still have a journey to go on erasing gender stereotypes but process is being made.
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capricornus-rex · 4 years
The Haunt of Redemption (7)
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Sequel to: A Path I Can’t Follow
Chapter 7: What The Heart Beckons | Cal Kestis x Reader
Summary: It has been months since your last encounter with Cal, at that time he was a fledgling Inquisitor. In an ironic twist of fate, you cross paths and blades with him once again, and he’s keen on turning you into an Inquisitor as well—unless you bring him back to the light first.
Tags: Dark Side! Cal Kestis, Inquisitor! Cal Kestis, Redemption Arc! Cal Kestis
Also posted in AO3
Chapters: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 | Previous: Chapter 6 | Next: Chapter 8 | Masterlist
7 of ?
You apologize to Obi-Wan profusely for giving him this responsibility.
“Oh come now, there’s no need for apologies,” he smiled. “I believe there is a reason for all of this.”
“What is?”
“Everything happening right now, and I truly believe that there’s an endgame. Though, I can’t say for sure if it will benefit the good or the bad.”
“Well, the only way to find out is to see how it all plays until the very end. What I’m in is just another part of the game,”
He joined you outside his abode and taught you a shorter way to your ship, it was a path that leads you away from the places where the Tusken Raiders are more likely to be found.
“Just keep low by the rocks,” Obi-Wan added.
“Got it. Thank you, Master Kenobi,” you said as you slung your bag and headed downhill.
“Oh, and [y/n]?” his call stopped your in your tracks, you look back and find him smiling. “May the Force be with you.”
A load from your chest dissolved, your heart felt light after hearing those words.
“May the Force be with you, Master Kenobi.” You bid back and headed out this time for sure.
You were thankful that he gave you directions to a shortcut, which was significantly shorter in terms of travel time and easier to traverse on. There were no animals that you could tame and ride like the Varans; you could only see those large, brown beasts that move slower than a Slyyyg’s pace and gave up on searching possible mounts to make the trip faster.
Halfway in, you uncapped a bottle and brought its nozzle to your mouth—careful not to spill, you gulped every cold drop that frostbit the walls of your throat. You had to conserve the water while you’re still out in the open. Along the way, the tense heat has finally subsided—but it only meant that it’s getting dark soon. Gold and indigo colors mingled in the sky over the horizon, the twin suns changed from a harsh, blinding white-yellow light, it dimmed down to a soft orange hue.
“It’s beautiful, BD,” you sighed.
“Shame he’s not here to see it. He always liked sunsets. I wonder if he still does,”
The ridge where the Mantis sat by was close. Cere could see you from below, she’s sitting by the open entry ramp with Merrin and Greez waiting outside the ship. From where you stand, you slid down the slope of sand and jumped down at the end with the sand cushioning the impact of your landing.
“Gods, [y/n], what happened to you?!” Merrin exclaimed, the first thing she noticed was the purple patch on your face.
“I ran into some… locals. I don’t think they like visitors,” you blurted.
“I’ll go get some ice for that,” the Nightsister rushed into the ship and you could hear the clattering of the cabinet doors.
“Well, how did it go?” Cere asked.
“It went actually better than I hoped for. I’ll tell you on the way,” you shifted to Greez. “Can the ship make another jump?”
“Right, of course! Let me just fire the old girl up!” he dryly chuckled and then sprinkled in some extra grumbling as he waddled into the ship.
“He was more eccentric than I hoped,” you snickered as you and Cere entered the ship together.
You hopped right into your seat in the ship and typed another string of coordinates into the computer. From your periphery, you saw Greez peeking over your shoulder as a small image of the planet flashes on the screen.
“Where… are you taking us this time?”
“Alyon, it’s a remote planet. Tropical and temperate. You’d love it there, Greez!”
“Oh sure, I love overworking my sweat glands with severely humid tropical temperature!”
You shot him your smug face, “Punch it then.”
The Mantis appeared in the sky, Obi-Wan watched the ship fly away out of the atmosphere until it was nothing but a silver speck in the clouds. He gave out a resigned sigh, turned to the other side of Tatooine’s horizon, something about that small, white dome sitting in the middle of nowhere made him smile. He retreated into his cottage as the suns begin to sink.
Thankfully, Tatooine and Alyon are in the same system, although there was a stretch of distance between them; Greez said not to worry as the Mantis could cover the distance without overworking the lightspeed compressor.
Everyone won’t admit it, but they’re anxious once they’re in deep space. Greez was beginning to regret declining your offer in outfitting more powerful ion cannons on the Mantis, however, it’s doing well so far. The scanners weren’t picking up any blips, it was also negative on Cere’s side—she’s not picking up any Imperial signals.
“They can still calculate our last known trajectory, y’know,” Greez pointed out.
“Then it’s like looking back and forth on lines scribbled on paper: pointless.”
“I wish I had the same perspective, kiddo,”
You dismissed yourself to your bedroom and shed all over your outer clothes, exempting the tank top. You slouched on the bed and examined your once-messed up leg. BD-1 panned his scanners across your shin and beeped out his diagnosis.
“Really? That’s good to hear. I can’t fight our ginger Inquisitor with a screwed-up leg, right?”
“Wooo!” BD whistled in agreement.
It was another long trip, enough for Greez to keep the ship on auto-pilot while still travelling through hyperspace and whip up some snacks. You gave a hard pass. You decided to rest in your bedroom—suddenly, you weren’t so used to desert heat. You preferred the temperate kind all because of Cameegon.
While the others snack away with fruits and bread, you paid a visit on the workbench—particularly, Cal’s lightsaber. You shut your eyes and tried to recall everything, as if trying to recognize him by repeatedly playing all the memories in your mind: his dark-tinted hair, the stubble that tickled your cheeks and jaw, the way he spoke with his eyes, the trademark lightsaber of the Inquisitor and the fluid way he moved with it. Thankfully, the imprints on the saber remained the same—you’re still figuring out if there was a way to get rid of the negative feelings.
You passed the time tweaking and polishing both sabers. Every once in a while, you’d use his saber to practice dual-wielding—conjoined or otherwise. You’ve indulged so much in your pastime that you didn’t notice the silence.
Meanwhile, Cal has flown back into his command ship hours ago and is staying in his personal quarters after the garrison has been established. In the solitude of his bedroom, he allowed himself to lose control: his lightsaber flung across the bedroom, a clang vibrated across the stale metal walls, he swept away the glasses and pitchers littered on his island counter, the datapads and hologram pucks flew off from the table in a single swing of the arm.
From the outside, the patrolling guards stared at the door, listening for the muffled noises coming from Cal’s side. They traded slow, awkward glances at one another—the banging sounds made their shoulders jump with every impact, they’re somewhat anticipating for indistinct shouts and roars but none came.
“I think we should call the cleaning droid,” one Stormtrooper suggested.
“Yep. I’ll radio that now,”
Minutes later, a protocol droid comes knocking in and introducing itself while doing the work. The least the Eleventh Brother could do was be polite to it and not scare it off.
“My apologies for the mess,” he sighed.
“Oh, it’s not a bother, sir. I will have these broken items replaced immediately.”
“Thank you,”
The Eleventh Brother gave himself time to calm down in the presence of the droid—he liked his privacy too much for anybody or anything to see him be himself. The droid leaves after rearranging the things on the floor, though it avoided the lightsaber lying on the floor. When the blast door shut, the young Inquisitor brooded over everything in his mind: the thoughts before, during and after his encounter with you in the forest, his impression of you, and the feelings he’s repressed all this time.
The seething rage and anger—which he doesn’t know whom to direct it to—burned all over his body. It was so intense that it made him feel hot all over. He tugged at his collar, struggled to take slow breaths, and clear his mind. Those efforts proved to be futile. He propped himself against the edge of his holotable, staring blankly at the empty surface of the machine, and attempted to clear his mind once more.
A faint, soothing sensation entered his body out of the blue.
It was sudden yet gentle, like a quick jab that landed a careful impact. The sensation—its warmth—was familiar though he can’t point his finger on it. He couldn’t explain it.
The Eleventh Brother starts to seek it, surveying his bedroom to trace where that feeling was coming from—it was the Force that beckoned him, but it wasn’t the Dark Side, he knew it wasn’t.
He still hasn’t mastered how to revel in it the way he’s supposed to—the Grand Inquisitor saw that. The master also saw that his groomed fledgling is still clinging on to certain emotions.
“If you cannot bring yourself to let those feelings go, you will either grow weak or you will have to make yourself resourceful with it.” The lumbering Pau’an once lectured the boy some time ago in the middle of his training.
The voice of the Grand Inquisitor and his words on that lesson rang in his head, but it was short-lived. He kept his mind fixed onto that strange feeling that caught his attention. The idea of following it, finding it, sounded appealing to him—it was almost seductive. This spurred his curiosity and led him out of his bedroom. The young Inquisitor prowled through the hallways, ignoring everyone who bumped into him—the employees didn’t even greeted or nodded to him, they simply gave way.
It felt like the trail was growing colder, weaker, and he was inclined to think it was just the exhaustion getting to him.
Cal found himself in an empty corridor. Am I in a dead end? He pondered to himself.
“[y/n]…?”he dared to utter. He didn’t know why, he felt like saying it.
Oddly enough, you heard your name being called. You turned around and there was nothing. But the voice… You know that voice better than anyone. Just hearing it spiked your senses—especially seeing, hearing, and feeling.
The discovery made you drop everything you’re doing—you put down the rag and the lightsaber part you’re polishing to search for the voice that uttered your name. You didn’t respond and hoped it would speak again.
What’s this feeling I’m picking up? You wonder in the dead silence.
Cal turned his head the other way and saw you standing at the dead end, with your back turned to him.
“[y/n]?” he takes one cautious step close.
In Cal’s perspective, he can see you physically—it’s as if you’re standing in the corridor with him. You were moving naturally with the subtle head-tilts followed by the slight brushing of your ponytail against your back, the pivot of your arms and elbows, and the noticeable shine of the lightsaber nestled in delicate grip of your fingers. He gulped a non-existent lump in his throat when your tank top partially revealed your upper back and the strap slid off from your shoulder.
When did she get here?
The echo of your name rung again behind you; this time you decide to do it slowly—first, angling your neck until you could glance over your shoulder. All of a sudden, you find Cal standing in front of you inside your bedroom in the Mantis!
When did he get here!?
Normally, you would’ve jumped or screamed and literally dropped everything to the floor. But it doesn’t make any sense to you. How did he get past? Why didn’t anybody from outside warn you about him?
“You see me, don’t you?” he spoke.
“And you see me?”
“As clear as day.”
You shake your head slightly, “I don’t understand…”
“What’s going on?”
You didn’t answer—rather, you couldn’t answer and you looked for an answer. It was crazy, but you took a step forward—and Cal sees your every move from his point of view too, he didn’t even realize his feet have dragged him one step forward, past the small bed.
“Where… where are you?” you asked.
“In my command ship,”
He guessed that you’re in the Mantis. Where else would you be?
His eyes trailed from bottom up. He spotted the bruise on your cheekbone, by impulse he stepped closer with his arm slightly reaching for you.
“What happened to you?”
“Huh?” you instantly realize that you forgot that you’ve been struck by a Tusken Raider. “It’s nothing. I… I bumped into a wall.”
An unamused chuckle huffed between his lips, “You, of all people? I doubt it.”
“Look, whatever it is you’re doing, stop it!”
“I’m not doing anything. This isn’t on me,”
From that reply, the confusion just spiraled deeper.
“Do you think the Force connected us?” he added.
“But how did it…?”
You trailed off. Thinking about it more just gave you migraine. An inch was the only thing that stood between the two of you. This was the only docile moment you’ve ever shared. Standing so close to him made your chest constrict, hot tears welled up and stung your eyes—you got a better look of Cal, without violently flinging lightsabers at one another. Past that dark façade, you hoped that he’s still the same boy you still love.
The young Inquisitor fondly gazes back at the girl—his girl—standing in front of him; although he isn’t entirely sure whether it’s all real or just an illusion, nonetheless, it was something he didn’t know he needed.
Another step closer to you. He can almost feel the warm air around the Mantis and hear the machine hum.
“It’s still you,” you gasped.
“What do you mean?”
“I still see the real you. I still feel the good in you,”
He wanted to prove you wrong. But what good will his words do? Will telling you that he’s not the same person shake your resolve? No, even when you’re far apart from one another—he still knows you all too well.
You slowly hoist your hand, you watch Cal mirror you, and like magnets your fingers gravitated towards each other. The inches diminish every second.
To feel each other once more…
It felt like a sin. The thought of it. The act of it.
“Kid, get in here!”
Greez’s abrupt call through the speakers in the room startled you and faltered your focus altogether; in the next second you blinked, Cal was gone. You were all alone again in the quarters. You shrugged it off and decided that it was wise to keep it to yourself; you hurried to the cockpit and co-piloted from your seat.
As for Cal, he wasn’t sure what went wrong. His fingertips were so close to yours, in the blink of an eye, he found himself alone in that corridor. A lieutenant patrolling the area spotted the Eleventh Brother standing in the middle of the way, looking left and right for something.
“Sir, is there something wrong?” the officer initiated.
“Nothing, I just… took a wrong turn,”
Cal marched past the lieutenant and headed back to his chambers. Questions piled up in his head, followed by theories and assumptions that do more harm than good—it just made him overthink, and overthink he did when he shut the door behind him and rummaged through his small shelf of texts from the Jedi Temple ruins in Coruscant as well as manuscripts that the Grand Inquisitor loaned.
Crusty parchments rustled between his fingers as he flipped the page, every once in a while, his finger would run down the pages to find a keyword or a drawn figure—anything goes. Reporting this to the Grand Inquisitor treaded in a gray line between “do it” and “do not do it” for Cal. Regardless, he’s found another thing to while away: sticking his nose into the books for the sake of figuring out the answer to how and why the Force connected the two of you together.
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heauxplesslydevoted · 5 years
Home Again Ch. 2
Catch Up Here
Summary: AU TRR fic. Four years ago, Kendall fled Cordonia and the love of her life. But when she’s forced to come back, she’s also forced to confront long buried feelings and painful revelations.
Tags: @drakewalker04 @canknot @lapisreviewsstuff @akacalliope @senseofduties @badchoicesposts @sirbeepsalot @texaskitten30 @ao719 @eadanga @hopefulmoonobject @ramseyandrys @aestheticartwriting @loveellamae @kingliam-rys @bascmve01 @flyawayboo @choices-lurker
A wail. It was a sound unlike anything Zachary has ever heard and it woke him out of his sleep. Though foggy, his mind instantly went to his sister. Is she hurt? Did something happen to her?
He jumps out of his bed without a second thought, nearly tripping over his own feet in the process and bolts out of his bedroom.
The sound gets louder the closer he gets to it, bouncing off of the walls of the quiet home. Zach sees Kendall downstairs in the foyer, sobbing uncontrollably and his adrenaline kicks in. “Kendall! What’s wrong?”
She doesn’t say anything back, and he runs down the staircase in an effort to reach her faster. He quickly scans her features, checking for any visible injuries. Her face is red and blotchy, and tears are streaming down her face faster than he can keep up with, but he doesn’t see any cuts, scrapes, or bruises.
He hears a door open and watches as his parents walk through the door. They’re talking, not even noticing Kendall’s appearance. 
“Hey, we just saw Liam’s car as we were pulling up in the drive–” Victoria’s sentence stops when she finally sees Kendall crying. “What’s wrong?”
Zachary shrugs. “I don’t know.” But apparently Liam was just here, so maybe something happened with him.
“Kendall, sweetheart, can you talk to us?” Victoria asks. Kendall opens her mouth to say something, but no words come out, her cries taking on a life of their own.
“H-he’s gone. It’s over, w-we’re over.”
As soon as the words leave Kendall’s mouth, she breaks even further. Zachary feels her body go slack against him and he reaches out to catch her as she collapses onto the floor. He wraps his arms tightly around his sister's frame, holding her close. Victoria gets down on the floor as well, not caring that she’s wearing an exclusive Ana De Luca couture gown. She crowds the siblings’ space, her hands coming up to soothe down Kendall’s hair.
Zachary doesn’t know how long they stay like this, one giant heap on the floor, but he doesn’t move. He just continues to hold Kendall while their mother attempts to get answers out of her. Their father is the only one keeping his distance, standing a few feet away.
“Kendall, what happened?”
“I don’t know! I don’t know, I was just–” she coughs and clears her throat, attempting to stop the oncoming sob right in its tracks, but it doesn’t work. “He left me.”
The way her voice cracks makes Zach feel like shit. He’s never seen this side of Kendall, so distraught. 
The news of the breakup shocks him. Kendall and Liam had been inseparable, going on 4 years of dating. He’s hard pressed to remember a time when they weren’t together. And now it’s over? For what?
“Did he say why?” Victoria continues, her voice soothing and melodic. Liam absolutely adores her daughter, she can’t imagine them splitting up without good reason.
Kendall doesn’t respond, and Victoria asks again, hoping to get her daughter to open up. It soon becomes evident that the younger woman doesn’t want to open up.
“Let’s give her a minute to breathe,” Zach suggests. He knows bombarding her with questions isn’t going to help. Kendall is far too worked up. “I’ll take her upstairs,” he says after sitting with her for a few more minutes. Gently, he lifts Kendall off of the cold marble floor, a protective arm slung over her shoulders.
He leads her back to her room in tense silence, Kendall moving on auto-pilot. No sounds can be heard besides slight whimpers and the occasional hiccup. Once they’re in the privacy of her bedroom, Kendall climbs into her bed and burrows deep under the down comforter.
Zach doesn’t really know what to do or say at this point. He can’t cure her broken heart. He can’t bring Liam back. But he wants to help, somehow. The sight of his sister sobbing is something that’s going to be burned into his memory forever, and it sends a chill down his spine.
So he stands in her doorway for a long while, thinking of what to do. “Can I get you something, sis?”
“Go away,” Kendall orders weakly. Zach doesn’t hear it.
“What was that?”
This time she yells, “Get out!” Zach receives that message, loud and clear. Space. She wants space, and he can give that to her.
“Got it.”
Kendall’s childhood home seems so much larger than she remembers as Gladys pulls into their long driveway. The sprawling estate goes on and on, and it almost feels daunting to look at.
She barely waits for the car to stop before she jumps out, ready to get in the house. As soon as she turns her key in the door, she’s greeted by the smell of blood oranges, her mother’s favorite scent. The smell almost envelops her in a hug, soothing her nerves and calming her instantly. She’s home. Her eyes scan the foyer, taking it all in. Everything feels so similar, but different.
She makes her way up the spiral staircase, following the familiar path to her childhood bedroom. Everything looks the same. The faint smell of fabric softener lingers in the air, and Kendall surmises that her mother had someone on their staff come in to tidy up and change the sheets in preparation for her arrival.
She doesn’t bother changing her clothes, she just kicks off her shoes and dives face first into bed, the down comforter dramatically moving with her.
Tired is an understatement. Between the severe jet lag, the stress of her dad being in the hospital, and running into Liam, every bone in her body aches with fatigue. 
There’s a faint knock on her door and it opens slightly. Out of the corner of her eye, she sees dark curly hair at the threshold of her bedroom. “Ken?”
She manages to roll over and see her younger brother, Zach. Kendall motions for him to come in. “Hey!”
Zach strides in and Kendall looks him up and down. It still trips her out that her younger brother is so tall now. “I thought I heard you come in.”
“Yeah, a few minutes ago.” Kendall forces herself up and wraps Zach in a hug. “I’ve missed you.”
“I missed you too, sis.”
“I need you to come to New York more often.”
“I’m in school,” Zach replies. He’s a senior, majoring in biology at the University of Cordonia. “You could always come home more often, not just for extreme life or death situations.”
“I have a job.”
“Well I guess we’ll never see each other.”
“You graduate in a few months. Come spend time in New York before applying to medical school.”
Zach smiles, the dimples in his cheeks showing. He makes himself comfortable at the foot of Kendall’s bed.  “For you? I’ll see what I can do.”
“Thank you.” 
“Did you get to see dad?” Zach asks.
“Yes. He was awake when I went to the hospital. His doctors say he’s doing well, so I guess we can all take a deep breath.”
“Good. I’m glad you saw him, because he kicked me out.”
“Me too!” 
“Are you just now coming back from the hospital? Your flight came in late.”
Kendall bites the inside of her cheek. She contemplates telling her brother about the evening she’s had. Zachary is the only other person who truly knows the depths of her relationship with Liam and just how heartbroken she was after their untimely end.
“No,” Kendall replies. “After he told me to leave, I went to the beer garden with Liv.”
“Oh okay.”
“And I ran into Liam,” she continues, whispering the last part.
Zach notices as her demeanor shifts. Her body gets stiff at the mention of his name, as if she’s in fight or flight mode.
“How did that go?”
“Horribly,” Kendall deadpans. “He touched my arm and I nearly broke his wrist in retaliation. I saw him and all of this pain came flooding back to me.”
Liam makes her stupid. He clouds her judgement, throws her off center. She doesn’t like it, not one bit.
“Did you guys talk?”
“No. I left very quickly after seeing him.”
“I get it. You have every right to be pissed off at him, but I think you guys should talk.”
“What is there to talk about?”
“I don’t know,” Zach answers. “That’s between the two of you to muddle through. But the breakup affected you deeply, and if affected him as well.”
That gets her attention. She sits up, elbows resting on her knees as she sits forward. Liam was hurting after their breakup? “What do you mean?”
“I never really hung out with your friend group, but I could tell things weren’t good with him. He always seemed so...withdrawn. Quiet.”
Kendall doesn’t know what she’s supposed to feel about the news, but she just feels angry. Was their breakup even worth it if he was just as unhappy as she was? Why did he torpedo their lives if it was something he didn’t want to do? He didn’t have the right to be upset. He was the cause of this.
When she doesn’t say anything, Zach takes that as a hint. “I just thought I’d throw that out there. Get some sleep, Ken. It’s been an incredibly long day.” He leans over and kisses his sister’s forehead. “See you in the morning.”
“See you.”
The week passes by in a blur. Stephen is released from the hospital, and the Mason household goes into overdrive, doing everything to make his recovery as easy as possible.
Between doctor’s appointments, having a nutritionist come to the house, and searching for a good physical therapist, everyone is exhausted, running on no sleep and tons of adrenaline.
Kendall’s first week back in Cordonia had been so consumed by her father, she didn’t have much time to herself. Her friends had reached out, calling and texting to check in, but she didn’t respond much. She didn’t have time. She won’t lie and say her mind hasn’t (annoyingly) wandered towards thoughts of Liam. Being back in Cordonia was bringing up a lot of conflicting feelings, especially about him and their relationship.
She heads to the kitchen and sees her mother already there, making a cup of tea. “Your father is sleeping, thank goodness.”
“I thought he was being dramatic when he kicked you out of his hospital room, but I get it now. Kendall, you need to get out of this house.”
Kendall rolls her eyes. “Mom, not you too.”
“I appreciate your support, but you still deserve some time for yourself,” Victoria says. “I know you’ve been ignoring your friends.”
“They know I have more important things to worry about.”
Victoria sighs. Her daughter is stubborn to a fault. “You’re going to have fun this weekend, and it’s not up for debate.”
“I came home to support you, not traipse around Cordonia. This is not a social visit.”
“You’re 23 years old, I promise a little bit of fun won’t be the end of the world.” Kendall crosses her arms across her chest in protest, but quickly uncrosses them once her mother cuts her a sharp glare.
“I guess I can figure out something to do this weekend,” Kendall mumbles. 
“Good! And you’re taking Zachary with you.”
Liam sits in the back of his car, staring blankly at his cell phone. He’s on his way to the engagement party for Bertrand Beaumont and Savannah Walker, but his mind isn’t on it at all. For the past 24 hours he’s been trying to formulate the perfect way to reach out to Kendall. Does he send her a bouquet of flowers? Call her? Text? Is her number even the same?
He’s typed and deleted his message 10 times since he’s been in the car on his way to Ramsford, nothing sounding good to him. He doesn’t know how to start with Kendall. They haven’t spoken in over 4, almost 5 years. And they didn’t end things on good terms. The last time he saw Kendall, she tried to break his wrist, and before that, he literally walked out on her as she cried.
After she left the beer garden last week, he wanted to follow after her, but his friends told him that was a horrible idea. She had enough going on in her life, she didn’t need the added stress of him trying to re-open old wounds. But if she was going to be in Cordonia for a few months, he wanted to attempt to make amends. They can’t ignore each other forever right? And she can’t physically assault him whenever they were in the same room.
His fingers hover over the keyboard before he says, “screw it,” and sends her a simple, one word text.
As soon as he sends it, Liam regrets the text. Was that too casual? 
So he follows it up with another.
I’m really sorry about what happened at the beer garden.
And I’m sorry about everything that happened all those years ago. 
And if you’re going to be in the country for a while, I think we should be able to coexist.
Can we please talk?
Liam looks at his phone and cringes on the inside when he realizes that he just sent his ex 5 text messages in succession. “Fucking idiot.”
Bastien looks at Liam through the rear view mirror. “Is everything okay, Your Majesty?”
“Fine,” Liam says, pinching the bridge of his nose.
The car rolls to a stop, pulling up in front of the Beaumont estate. Liam sees guests coming in and out, mingling.
Exiting the car, Liam instantly spots Bertrand and Savannah standing at the door, greeting the guests. Bertrand sees him and instantly drops into a low bow.
“Your Majesty! Hello, I was expecting you to join us today.”
“Of course. You guys are my friends, and I’m officiating the wedding. Why wouldn’t I be here?”
Bertrand glances around uneasily. “Before you walk in, I must tell you that Lady Kendall is here, along with Sir Zachary.”
“Really?” Liam swallows thickly. “I thought she’d be spending most of her time at home.”
“Her mother told her to get out of the house, and I extended the invitation. You’ve been so busy with work, I didn’t expect you to come.”
Liam swears it’s destiny. He’s getting a second chance to talk to her. He smiles brightly. “I’ll be able to manage.”
“Maxwell told me what happened at the beer garden,” Bertrand adds. “If we can avoid another scene like that…”
“You have my word,” Liam says seriously. “It’s your day, I won’t interrupt your party.”
“Well enjoy!”
Meanwhile in the Beaumont ballroom, Kendall sits at a table with Drake and Maxwell. They’re sipping out of champagne flutes, Kendall drinking more than them. She’s trying to work up the courage to get this conversation started. Ever since her brother told her that Liam didn’t handle their breakup well, she’s been curious. What does that even mean?
She downs the contents of her glass in one large gulp before turning to her friends. “We need to talk, guys.”
“That doesn’t sound good.”
“I have a few questions,” Kendall starts. “Last week I was talking to my brother, and he said after I left, Liam was different.”
Maxwell and Drake exchange a quick glance. “Different how?”
“I don’t really know. Kind of sad, I guess. I just wanted to know if you guys could confirm that or not.”
Maxwell bites down on his lip. “Sad is putting it lightly. The boy was…a wreck, for a long time. He didn’t smile much, didn’t crack jokes anymore. All of the tiny bits and pieces that made Liam who he is went away.”
“It was like he was carrying an invisible burden,” Drake adds, thinking back on Liam. “It was the first and only time I’ve ever seen him cry. The breakup tore him to pieces, Mason.”
The admission knocks the wind out of Kendall. “But, he’s the one who broke up with me. Did he ever say why? Because I never got a good enough reason.”
Drake shakes his head. “No. He just said it was something that needed to be done.”
“Do you think Constantine was pressuring him into dating a noble?”
Kendall isn’t a noble, but Liam wasn’t the heir and her family lineage isn’t anything to scoff at. Her family has been in Cordonia for centuries, working just as diligently as the nobles and royal family. While they never had fancy titles, the Mason name still held immense weight. And the former King was friends with her father, so he couldn’t have been that snobbish, could he?
“Constantine always liked you, but who knows?” Maxwell says with a shrug. “That man is a scary labyrinth. I won’t even try to get into his head.”
Now she feels even more confused than she did before. “Thanks guys.” She stands up. “I’m going to get something stronger than the champagne they’re passing out.”
Kendall makes her way to the other side of the ballroom, where the bar is. She orders two vodka cranberries.
Her back is turned to the rest of the crowd, watching the bartender fix her drinks. She doesn’t notice the shrewd blonde sneaking up behind her. “Kendall! What a pleasant surprise!”
Kendall’s back tenses slightly, but she relaxes and schools her features to not show her surprise. She turns slowly and a fake pageant smile adorns her face. “Madeleine!” The blonde is wearing her signature green dress, her hair pulled back. “You’re looking as lovely as ever.”
“Of course I am.” Madeleine looks Kendall over. “What are you doing back? I thought Liam ran you out of town.”
“Excuse me?”
“That’s what happened, right? Liam dumped you, and you ran off, never to be seen again, until today that is.”
“I didn’t run anywhere,” Kendall clarifies. “I left because I got a chance to go to one of the best schools in the United States. And then I got an amazing job. I had options, Madeleine. I know that’s something you don’t quite understand because you spent your entire life focused solely on marrying Leo, and we all know how that worked out.”
“Similar to how things worked out for you and Liam,” Madeleine shoots back.
The two women never got along, even in their younger years, despite dating brothers. People just assumed they’d be sisters-in-law one day, and they’d get along amazingly. But Kendall always thought of Madeleine as an uptight, self righteous social climber, and Madeleine thought of Kendall as nothing more than a commoner that Liam was wasting his time on.
Kendall takes her drinks from the bartender, thanking him before she turns back to Madeleine. “Is there something you specifically wanted to talk about, Maddie? Why are you bothering me?”
“Morbid curiosity, I guess. You’ve been gone for years, now you’re back, and I just wonder why. It’s interesting that Liam was crowned as King a few months ago, and now you’re here.”
“Are you calling me a crown chaser?”
Madeleine shrugs. “Merely pointing out facts. As a commoner, I’m sure the idea of becoming Queen is quite titillating.”
“Okay. Fact number one: you’re 27, correct?”
“So that means you’ve been chasing after the crown for over 13 years. I remember when your parents allowed you to follow Leo to Ibiza after he ran off for a week. You let him cheat on you countless times, disrespect you, and chip away at your self-worth for years in hopes of securing a crown. A how did your Labrador-like loyalty get rewarded? You got dumped. The one thing you ever wanted was taken away from you so you stalk around court like a raging bitch in hopes of making yourself feel better one insult at a time.”
“Fact number two: I’ve never been interested in the titles or the crown, and sniffing behind Liam is something you would do. And I’m sure you already did, because you’re that desperate to be queen.”
“But at the end of the day, Madeleine, I have just as much influence in this room as you do, maybe more so because I’m actually likable and well-respected. Get out of Cordonia every once in a while, you’ll notice that most people truly don’t care about nobility and rankings.”
Madeleine stands there, shocked. She wasn’t expecting Kendall to actually respond to her.
While the blonde gapes at her, Kendall smirks. “Pick your jaw up off the floor, Maddie, you look like a fish. And try the champagne, it’s delicious. I’m sure your alcoholic mother would enjoy it.”
With that final dig, Kendall brushes past Madeleine. 
The party has become too much, so she decides to leave the ballroom, heading out to the outdoor patio on the property, overlooking all of the vineyards. It’s peaceful out, and Kendall gets a gorgeous view of the sunset.
She manages to get a few peaceful minutes alone, but it’s cut short. She hears someone behind her, their footsteps light, but audible.
“I’ve always appreciated the Ramsford countryside,” Liam says, making his presence known. “These vineyards are something out of a storybook.”
Kendall stays silent, hoping he’ll get the hint and leave her alone. She came out here to get away from everyone, not make small talk with her ex.
He doesn’t take the hint and instead steps closer to her. Liam looks Kendall up and down, appraising her. She’s wearing a pastel pink dress, y’all nude heels that make her legs look like they’re going on for miles, and her hair is in a long braid, out of her face. Even after all these years, she’s still the most stunning person he’s ever seen and it leaves him breathless.
“You’re staring,” Kendall deadpans, snapping him out of his trance.
“I’m sorry. You look beautiful.”
“Is that all you wanted to say?”
“I saw you talking to Madeleine and then bolt out of the ballroom. I don’t know, I guess I just needed to check on you.”
“You’re the last person I need swooping in to play savior, Your Majesty,” Kendall says with an eye roll. “I can handle her just fine.”
”Trust me, I know you’re a very capable woman. But I can’t help myself.”
“Well try.”
Liam sighs. He knew things would be difficult with Kendall, but he never expected this level of coldness from her.
“How is your father doing?” He asks. Maybe a change in subject will do them both some good.
Kendall’s icy facade falters slightly at the mention of her dad. “He’s doing okay. He’s mostly been sleeping a lot this past week, which his doctors say is good for him. His body needs the rest. He’s one of the hardest working people I know, I’m glad he’s resting.”
“That’s good. I’m glad he's recovering.”
“Me too.” Kendall anxiously twists her finger into the fabric of her dress. “I was so scared.”
“When my dad told me what happened, you were one of the first things on my mind.”
“I know how close you are to your father, and I’m sure you were quite terrified.”
“That’s putting it mildly.”
“Whatever you were feeling, just know that I was worried about you, and my family will be there for yours, no matter what. Your father can take as much time as he needs to recover, and his job will always be there.”
Kendall looks at Liam, locking eyes with him. This is her first time truly getting to look at him. He looks tired, more tired than a newly 24 year old should look. 
But she can hear the sincerity in his words. He always was incredibly empathetic and compassionate. “Thank you. I know he’s itching to return to work. Soon, he’ll be asking to Skype in on official meetings.”
Liam laughs softly at the joke. “That could be arranged, you know.”
Kendall groans. “Please, do not plant the idea in his head.”
“You have my word.”
As quickly as the peaceful moment starts, it ends. Kendall clears her throat and egged quiet again, much to Liam’s dismay. That was progress, right? They were making progress.
“I’ve spent this entire week thinking about you,” Liam confesses. “I’ve been wanting to reach out. I wanted to talk to you.” He walks over to Kendall, standing next to her. She gets tense in his presence, her spine going erect, her jaw set. “Kendall, I hate how we ended things. And I hate that we started off on the wrong note when you arrived. At one point in time, you were my best friend and my biggest confidante, and the fact that you can barely look me in the eye hurts. If you’re going to be back in this country for an extended length of time, and we’re going to be running in the same social circle, I would like for us to try to be civil. Can you do that?”
Kendall stares back at Liam, the question hanging in the air between them.
Can she be civil with him? Can they put all of the past hurt behind them and attempt to move forward with their lives?
“You have to answer something for me first,” Kendall says.
“Anything. I’ll answer anything.”
“Did your father tell you to break up with me?” Kendall asks. She sees Liam move back, slightly stunned by the question.
“Excuse me?”
“I’ve been wracking my brain this past week. I talked to my brother, and to Drake and Maxwell earlier today and they said you were actually upset over our breakup. If you were upset, that must mean you really didn’t want to do it. So, what? Did Constantine tell you that you needed to settle down with a Duchess or princess from another country?”
“Then what happened? I thought we were happy.”
“We were.” Liam bites down on his lip. Telling Kendall the truth would be too much. It would absolutely crush her. He can’t bring himself to break her heart twice.
“Did you love me at all, or were our 3 years together some sort of joke to you?”
“Yes, I loved you. How can you even question that?” And if he’s being honest with himself, he isn’t sure he ever stopped loving Kendall. He may very well love her for the rest of his life.
“You proposed to me!” Kendall exclaims, a secret she hasn’t shared with anyone. “You got down on one knee, and you put a huge diamond ring on my finger, for Christ’s sake! Don’t you remember?”
A month before Kendall was set to graduate high school, Liam took her on a day trip to the Forgotten Falls. After jumping off of the cliff together, he presented her with an engagement ring.
Kendall’s eyes widen at the sight of the large radiant cut diamond surrounded by two smaller but no less brilliant ones.
She’s so stunned, it doesn’t quite register what he’s doing. Instead she grabs her beach towel off of the large rock it was just occupying and wrings out her hair.
“Liam...what is this?”
Liam ignores the question and instead gets down on one knee. “This might be the craziest thing I’ve ever done. Yes, I’m 19 years old, and you’re only 18, and our parents may very well kill us for this, but I don’t care. Kendall, I love you. And if someone were to ask me to envision my life 10 to 15 years from now, I see you. I see us, happy and in love, with our own happy and beautiful family. You’re it for me, and I have never been so sure of anything in my life. Kendall Juliet Mason, will you marry me?”
A chill passes through Kendall and she isn’t sure if it’s due to the cold water they just plunged into or because of Liam. “You’re crazy, Rys!”
“Yes, that’s been established, my love. Now, please don’t leave me hanging here.”
Kendall nods. “Yes! Yes, I’ll marry you!”
With a shaky hand, Liam takes the ring out of the box and slips it onto her finger. It sparkles in the sunlight, more radiant than anything Kendall has ever seen before.
“It’s beautiful,” she marvels, holding up her hand to get a better look.
Liam looks at her, completely ignoring the ring that she’s mentioning. His eyes are transfixed solely on her. “The most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”
“Come here, you.” Kendall pulls at Liam and wraps her arms around him, pulling him in for a long, slow kiss. Liam responds with a pleasant hum, his arm snaking around her waist. 
“I love you.” Liam whispers against her lips once he breaks the kiss.
“I love you too.”
“And I can’t wait to make you my wife.”
“Of course I remember, Kendall!”
“Really? Because two weeks later, I was left all alone by you. Were you having second thoughts? Did you change your mind about the engagement?”
“No.” Liam reaches out and touches Kendall’s hand. She doesn’t back away or strike back, so Liam gently wraps his hand around her wrist, stroking the skin. “Proposing to you was never a mistake and I meant every word of it.”
“Then what could’ve possibly changed your mind?” Kendall’s vision gets blurry with unshed tears and she curses herself for becoming emotional at a time like this. Liam doesn’t deserve her vulnerability anymore, but she can’t help it. “Please, give me an answer.”
A pained look flashed across Liam’s face. “Kendall, I’m begging you to please just drop it.”
Something inside of her explodes. “I cannot believe you!” Kendall pushes Liam away, watching as he stumbles back slightly. “I can’t believe I was willing to spend the rest of my life with you! I was going to become your wife, and you don’t even have the decency to look me in the eye and give me a straight answer. I am the biggest fucking idiot. I can’t believe I spent almost 5 years trying to come up with some sort of answer and I nearly deluded myself into thinking it wasn’t your fault. But the truth is you are nothing more than a sniveling, weak coward. So no, we can absolutely not be civil. For the rest of my time in Cordonia, stay the hell away from me and my family.”
Kendall doesn’t spare him a backwards glance as she walks back into the estate. Liam contemplates following her, but he doesn’t want to face any of her fury.
Instead he leans over the railing of the patio and groans. One step forward, and two steps back.
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