#back to programming o7
autism-corner · 4 months
guy who has dysthymia wonders why his depression comes in waves and out of nowhere.
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gxlden-angels · 7 months
I'm forced to go to a Catholic school, and my theology was trying to teach us about how some disciple was asked by Jesus to follow him out of nowhere and he did? She then made us write what we would do?
And I was supposed to give the classic Christian girl answer of "of course I would follow Jesus :3 <3" But I kid you not I wrote "Well, let's see...a random dude asking a teenage girl to follow him? seems sketchy doesn't it..."
No one knows i'm sacrilegious and a dystheist yet
Reminds me of when my youth group was asked how they'd react to a popular celebrity coming in the door then we were asked how we'd react if Jesus walked in and got shamed if our Jesus reaction seemed any less enthusiastic than our reaction to our favorite celebrity
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sodafrog13 · 8 months
have had 0 energy for creating anything n it feels bad man
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dragonji · 5 months
about to start ripping studs out of the walls ive been trying to complete all the totk shrines and Somehow I am consistantly missing One single shrine its been TWO DAYSSSSS
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lwieserce · 6 months
These mood swings have been getting crazy iam so tired of living
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capyclub · 8 months
sometimes it’s more stressful for things to be on the verge of working out than it is for them to not be working out at all
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cuteiemonster · 1 year
also ive been recording my big bang art so if theres any yall want to watch me draw let me know
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badolmen · 1 year
I forgot that boxing does terrible things to my legs (I am buffer but at what cost?)
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vickychendraws · 2 months
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designing a workspace as a part of a mentorship program o7 sorry, I've been a bit inactive in terms of replying and fanart-ing! My schedule has been a bit crazy, but I'm going to try to get back into the swing of things organically
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psychonautswebarchive · 9 months
Psychoportals update!
A couple weeks ago I realized the keywords I was using in the wayback machine were a bit whack, some links lead to psycho-portals.com and others to psychoportals with No Dash ,,,, and I found THIS
It's the first time I've come across a link with a working video/gif that actually loaded and played and everything!
I ALSO found the psychoportals sweepstakes registration page where you could sign up for the event.
Unfourtnatly I haven't found much information on who WON the psychoportals contest other than LA being the first state to win the first PART of the game, the only place that mentions this is the MixNMojo site
Of course, I went through wayback to see if their were any deleted posts or missed updates... but theirs not.. all talk about it just kind of... stops after the LA post that ends with reminding people to check back in on April 28th, I've yet to look up the brain tumbler sweepstakes wich was supposedly the second half of the challenge so... maybe something promising?
Some other news:
This post from mix n MOJO via the wayback machine was posted on June 7th of 2005... majescos profits are doing great!! ..... right?
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Couple weeks later, June 30th, 2005... Majesco is saying they spent millions on promotion for psychonauts and their shares fell by 15%
Yikes! I'm not surprised though. Between the psychoportals sweepstakes, the psychonauts receipt program and the Golden disk sweepstakes they were practically giving those games away! Yeesh. Plus cash prizes... I really don't know how it all went wrong and how little documented it is on majescos end. Oh well.
Anyways, theirs no way to login to a defunct site through wayback, and most of the files I've found for psychoportals just... don't work... no images or corrupted files (if anyone knows how to make images and gifs work from like. A cobbled together site that was deleted in the early oughts... lemme know lol) so my work for that ends here unless I find some reuploaded assets somewhere out there! Meanwhile I'll be looking into the brain tumbler o7
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(Gif via mixnmojos April 11th 2005 post about the psycjonauts demo, and yeah it's a gif file... dunno why!)
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elifinchsart · 1 year
Wanted to give a bit more coherent life update. For the last three and a half weeks (and possibly longer) I have been dealing with excess fluid in my cranium, causing extremely frequent migraines, nausea, occasional loss of sensation in limbs (thankfully my non dominant arm LOL) and my eyeballs are swollen in a weird shape that hurts + gives me temporary vision loss. The neurologist I've been seeing has decided to hold off on treatment until we have a cause for it (or rule out causes for it). I have an upcoming lumbar puncture this week as well as further MRIs so I'm hoping we have answers soon. This is they best option to figure out what's wrong with me medically but unfortunately means in the meantime I have to deal with the above symptoms (+ my previous disabilities) with very little relief besides OTC meds and self medicating with weed. With my symptoms I was no longer able to work my part time job and had to quit early before the season ended which was devastating as I really, really liked the job I had. Luckily, my parents are supporting me financially right now in addition to the government assistance programs I am on (again, already had health issues that only allowed me to work part time and have been having a rough summer). I do not need any donations or financial assistance at this time (though any nice words you have are appreciated!) I hope to open commissions back up some day so I can contribute to my own finances again (+ they're fun!) but for now they will have to remain indefinitely closed until I receive treatment and recover. If you have an outstanding commission I will be completing that for you! Thank you so much for your patience, it is very appreciated. I pride myself on quick turnaround time for my comms so it's been very frustrating to not be able to keep that up. I'm extremely thrilled the Blaseball Fatshion Zine was completed and so proud of and grateful to everyone who submitted work. Next up on my list is completing outstanding commissions and art trades. I have some personal projects I want to complete as well as some other plans with friends in the future but for now expect my art output to be a little slower than normal. That said no force in the world can stop me from drawing Tillman o7
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disruptivevoib · 8 months
You probably get this a lot, but I love your art style and would like to draw like that (obviously with my own flare and style and not an exact replica because idk how I would even do that), so I was wondering if you have any tips ?
(Obviously you don't have to answer ! I totally get it if you don't wanna ^^')
I never mind giving out advice when/where I can! Drawing takes a lot of time, and its even more time to get a style down (or several! Because I think you wind up finding that many artists have multiple styles or ways they can draw! But there are often still consistencies throughout!)
My biggest suggestion is experimentation. Referencing how other people draw certain things AND also referencing real life. I always suggest using poses, random photos or even your own hand to draw from or use as jumping off points before distorting or changing around anatomy to stylize it.
Messing with brushes too on whatever program you use is always a big suggestion too! I personally love rougher or less "smooth" or vector-looking brushes for things, as well as adoring bigger thicker lines that vary in that thickness depending!
Most of the time esp in the case of line-art I variate line thickness by erasing parts or going back over them or just generally fucking with pen-pressure. Smaller thinner lines put less emphasis on something, where thicker ones make it more evident. Its why thicker outlines all around then the inner lines or details being smaller or thinner works so well!! Bolder the line, the more somebody will see it!
Also experimenting with color and what colors you like to use. I adore a mix of colors but always like at least one to be more neon or to pop more so it stands out and highlights a point in the piece or design!
Other good tips are:
sketching a lot and as much as you are able, but also not to pressure yourself into drawing when you have no motivation or no ideas.
warm-up sketching and drawing before getting into drawing a bigger piece or returning to coloring!
Just in general experimenting more! Again, looking at what your favorite artists do and ALSO how the human form or any form you wish to study functions in reality too. I VERY often will make huges files of art from artists I like or will save photos to look back at or turn opacity up on to sort of vaguely outline. Not to trace and use for my art, but to see or break down how an artist I admire used shapes or gained the fluidity in the art they have.
I am still learning a lot, constantly. And I'm not 100% always the proudest of my work, or I will compare it to someone else with a vastly different niche or style. But, ultimately, I've got to know that art is always a process of growing and changing as much as all things in life!
A very big personal tip is patience. Art takes time, and rushing a piece because you are excited or might put pressure on yourself to finish it- maybe you're sick of it etc, it isn't healthy and it will not produce good work. Draw, color, and paint at your own pace, and allow that pace to be as slow or as fast as it feels.
o7 Hopefully all of that is helpful! I'm always happy to answer more questions!
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intotheelliwoods · 1 year
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Ouughhh the best way I can put those 10 years is really just, little moments. Thats really all it was, 10 years of just peace and everyone could actually relax..? Shredder was gone, aside from maybe fixing/cleaning the city the Krang were gone. The foot outside New York have not bothered regrouping just yet. There was no one to fight, just moments to live
Memories included in those 10 years off the top of my head:
-The time Medium Leo tried to put on one of his socks/leg wraps really fast only for it to rip
-Big and Medium going to the hidden city and shopping around for Medium Leos new look
-At some point or another Medium Leo had to undergo another port surgery due to his growth, and the old port no longer being his size, but he didnt mind much
-Donnie got to build a new arm, Medium Leos current arm is definitely one of his favorite creations
-Casey got to go to the zoo with Cassandra :) Those two sooo spent lots of time getting to know eachother, not really as mother son, but still as family
-Medium Leo being strong enough to pick up Big Leo! Ha that was a day
-Mikey learned to float! With help of Big Leo ofc
Some of this I would love to draw but mannn, my plate of things I need to draw is getting scarily big haha
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Yeah.. :( With BIg Leo we knew, sorta nothing about him, just a vague idea that was never really plot important so it was not brought up often. We all knew him as just, the strong guy with good advice yeah? Someone you could depend on and who would always be there.
With Medium Leo, you know what happened. Each time he gives solid line of advice, or any line in general, you know exactly where its coming from and you can figure out exactly what happened in his past that made him say that you know? (I know hes had like, no lines after the whole time travel ordeal but give me some time to work on later updates haha!)
This was definitely a big risk for me ough! I didnt even think I would get this far a while back! I am sooo happy theres people still invested in the story after all this! :) Thanks for sticking around waa!
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Oh you are so not alone, autodesk was kinda a trip for me too after I swapped computers a while back! I have a weird story with autodesk-
Listen, I got autodesk for free, years ago, and to this day I have no clue how I even managed that! On top of that I have some special imported brushes that I dont even think you can find online anymore????
Because when I switched computers, 1. I could no longer find a free version of autodesk, so I had to just transfer the program file from my old to my new computer, and 2. I could no longer find the free online brush packs! I had to transfer those files too!
But yeah hello! Autodesk be wack but thats why I love it <3
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Not paying for your therapy bills o7 @justletmereadmycomics
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allianettemie5 · 2 months
Sometimes I scroll through my yt page trying to find anything to watch and I stumble upon videos that I watched around 7-8 years ago of a few guys and girls in their late 20s–mid 30s gathering together on a Minecraft server and creating stories, characters, simultaneously doing let's plays and teaching their viewers about the mods they had in their modpack, and sharing stories about their real lives. I catch such a painful nostalgia about it, it almost makes me cry that the group just...dissipated. Due to many reasons, but maybe, generally, they grew out of it. A few of them still stream MC to this day, some of them moved on to other formats and projects, many stepped away from creating content entirely.
I remember them with fondness and admiration. I still to this day remind myself that they pushed me to become my current self. They inspired me to study programming, to learn English, introduced me to lots of videogames and healthy gaming, taught me many things about life, how to be logical, honest, fair, creative, how to look at things from a mature perspective, even if I was only like 13-14 at the time. Now that I look back at them, I see similarities between pr1 and them, my old yts being maybe more tame and a little bit more mature and leveled vibe-wise.
As did they, I grew out of them as well, but not in a bad way, not at all. Like many things that I've ever encountered in my life, they changed me, and for the better.
But I miss them a lot, and sometimes wish that I could go back and sit there quietly on their streams and watch as they mined ore and everything, built their bases, automated everything they could (one of them was insane in that), and chatted about their work, their pets, their favourite movies and tv shows, funny memories they wanted to share.
R.I.P. my childhood mcyt era o7
(also, the rp was cut off on a cliffhanger, and it's driving me mad to this day. I even started to write the continuation for myself, sadly, I am eager to learn what's next, but it's painful to be the only one on this planet—it is really that bad, I'm pretty sure I'm the only one left in the fandom—who can write it)
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wilt3d-r0zes · 1 year
Fic Name (and link): Feel Like I Could Die Today Series: Lab Rats Characters: Chase Davenport, Marcus Davenport Pairings: N/A Trigger Warnings: Sensory Overload, Autistic Meltdown, Vivid Descriptions of Self Harm Urges (things like ripping your skin off, acid, etc) Important Tags: Autistic Chase Davenport, Autistic Meltdown, Angst, Good Brother Marcus Davenport, Hurt/Comfort, Redeemed Marcus Davenport, Takes Place After Elite Force is Founded. Summary: Protip: Don't spend 12hrs working on code. I don't care if you're bionic, don't do it. Or, I watched Free Guy and was liike wow. Keys is literally so autistic. I wonder if there's any fanfiction of him being autistic and there WAS. Exactly one beautifully written meltdown fic and i was like imma do that imma write a fic inspired by this so i did. (It's linked as the inspiration o7) (title is from A Little Bit Off by Five Finger Death Punch)
Inspired By:
shaking hands
by Anonymous
Chase stared at the computer in his lap. At the screen of code he's been agonizing over for who knows how long. The program wasn't working. It definitely should be, he's gone over the code four times trying to find whatever error he missed but it's yielding nothing but increased frustration when he tests it and nothing happens.
The only option he really has is to restart. But this is hours of work-- hours of slaving over this stupid little laptop that he'd lose because of what's probably one line of code he missed and can't find. He hates restarting, loathes losing hours of progress on a 'first draft.' 
A hand lands on his shoulder, one that's hard and identifiable as Marcus based purely on the fact it's made mostly out of metal. Despite this, his synthetic skin burns against Chase-- which, of course, isn't possible unless he developed a new bionic ability and decided to turn on him-- again-- but chances are pretty low that that's happened.
Still, he shrugs off the hand, turning back to look at the android with wide eyes. Marcus stares back at him with a blank expression, one he wears more often than not now that he's stopped putting up a facade of human emotional responses. "When's the last time he slept?"
Chase just turns back around. He doesn't need this right now, he needs to finish this project. He said he could finish it in a few hours, and it's already well beyond that mark. This program could help take a massive load off Adam, Leo and Marcus until other locations are finished and more mission overseers can be promoted. Hell, it'll even help after that happens.
He scrolls back to the top of the project, trying to scan the code- just one more time- but finds himself squinting beyond diagrams, theories, digital post-it notes and warnings on his information hud. He can barely read any of the letters, numbers and symbols that were supposed to create something helpful but sit there like a useless pile of junk.
Chase swings the mouse over to the New Project button near the top, the sound of plastic on the countertop a grating swoosh of agony that's so much louder than it ever had any right to be.
(Why didn't Douglas give him an on/off switch for his bionics?)
He ground his teeth, a habit that he'd been doing since before he started highschool and one day is going to cost him his teeth. "Dude," Marcus starts, his voice like a freight train in Chase's ear-- it's enough to make him flinch, so the next thing Marcus says he, evidently, turns the volume down so low you wouldn't be able to hear it unless you took his voice box out and put your ear right up next to it, "How long have you been out here?"
Chase continues to glare at the code, another thing popping up on his HUD. The time. 2:32. He'd been working on this for nearly twelve hours.
(Teach him to think "Oh, one more hour can't hurt." Really, he should've learned that six years ago. Probably longer.)
His hands falter, and he pulls them away from the computer enough to notice how much he's shaking, the trembling through his entire body that feels like low-blood sugar and a panic attack had a baby.
Without the mouse in his hand and the keyboard underneath his fingers, grounding him to the real world and giving him something to focus on, he's overcome with the sudden urge to bang his head on the counter he's working on. Again, this would yield little no results other than pain, and he's overwhelmed enough as it is.
Instead, he reaches his shaking hands up to run through his hair, only to catch the strands in his hand and yank. His scalp burns where he pulls hairs out completely, but he can't bring himself to stop, slowly dragging his still-gripped mess of semi-gelled hair until his slimy hands cover his eyes and he wants nothing more than to be drowned in a vat of acid to get rid of the feeling.
But there are no vats of acid for him to drown himself in, so instead he finds himself standing from the desk with little more than the thought of getting away from the danger of his own senses. Then, he’s standing in the medbay.
The lights are off, and with Douglas gone to the Elite Force and nobody actively injured, it’s empty. Marcus has evidently followed him, something he didn’t notice in the walk in his panic to get out.
His shoes squeak when he tries to rock onto the balls of his feet, a screaming sound that genuinely brings up warning on his HUD. His hands find their way to his arms, too-long nails digging into them. Without the focus of his computer or the code in front of him, all he wants to do is scream and hit things– anything, something to distract from the sensory overload that makes his very skin feel horrible.
Marcus grabs him when his hand first makes contact with his shoulder, solid arms wrapped around him and burying his face in unscented clothes. He squirms, and eventually he finds himself sinking to the floor with Marcus still wrapped around him. His throat burns and his hands hurt, and he doesn’t have the foggiest idea why.
His face is wet, and a sound he can’t identify with his bionics working overtime makes him drag his throbbing hands to his ears. His throat burns, like he got rugburn on his vocal cords. His head hits solid metal, but it doesn’t make the feelings go away. Abruptly, he realizes he’s screaming. The realization makes him snap his mouth shut, carelessly clacking his teeth together so his brain rattles and his jaw aches. A whimper follows and his squirming reignites until Marcus tightens the arms wrapped around him.
He slumps, a broken sob raking along his strained throat. The fight suddenly leaking out of him so he’s just laying against his brother, crying. He feels pathetic, suddenly. Useless– freaking out over a program that would take only a few hours to rewrite.
He opens his mouth to apologize, but all that comes out is a breath of hot air. Above him, he hears things whirr when Marcus activates his voice box and fan, “It’s alright.”
His volume is still low, though it doesn’t grate any more than it would’ve three hours ago. The fan whirring to life makes his chest rumble slightly, a layer of surprisingly calming sensory input that makes Chase wish he hadn’t already slumped so he could simply melt away the tension still writhing in his muscles.
“I know how it is, don’t worry about it,” Marcus continues, chest mimicking the way it’s supposed to move when a human talks, “We can stay here as long as you need.”
One good thing about Marcus being an android: he doesn’t really get bored easily. He really could sit here with Chase for the next few hours with plenty to entertain him, having full access to the internet. He once told them that he could bring up games on his HUD– something Chase is forever jealous about.
However long they lay there, with Marcus positively compressing his brother, it’s long enough for Chase to doze off into a dreamless sleep, where Marcus picks him up and deposits him on the couch in the mentors quarters and settles in on the chair to watch tv until he wakes up.
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Chem anon back again - thank you for the juice box 🥰 and sorry for the jump scare 🤣.
If it makes you feel better I’m certainly not an expert in EMR - even as a first year grad student a lot of science is often kind of hand waving magic, so I love seeing it put to use in fun AU’s. Looking forward to future installments of the hunger au!
og ask (sorry i know its been a hot minute 😭)
EMR does just seem like absolute wild bullshit from what delved into it for hunger au. I was truly out here just rawdogging scientific journals for the sole purpose of figuring out how my funny danger noodle eats and desperately hoping it made enough sense that the scientific community wouldnt put my head on a pike for it SKDNSKS
And now im about to do it AGAIN because someone in my discord asked me an offhand question about how i see elytra and things have snowballed in my brain to the point that im looking up planetary atmosphere composition and gravity. Smth smth Otto Lilienthal gliders smth smth aerodynamics smth smth air blocks smth smth the marriage between computer programming and irl physics. I feel insane see you on the other side of a 3 hr research binge o7
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