#bachelor apt.
cranberrylane · 4 months
i personally associate this song with harvey...
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newfruits · 6 months
im not psychically and spiritually strong enough to withstand the noise of the infamous st patricks day street parties.... its 8pm and im hearing ppl outside now.... its only just begun
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moodywyrm · 1 year
thinking about apartment neighbor! abby. you're both young, barely out of or just finishing up bachelors degrees, maybe starting grad school. living on the fourth floor of a somewhat crappy apartment building, but figuring it out nonetheless. Abby, in apt. 4C, only vaguely (incredibly) in love with her neighbor in apt. 4D.
when abby first moved in – finally living on her own after sharing an apartment with her bestfriend, Manny, for all of undergrad – she was stunned to find the sweet bookseller from her favorite bookstore entering the apartment next to her's. y'all had already struck up an easy friendship, born from Abby's frequent trips to the bookstore.
it's a good set up, for both of you. y'all have dinner together at least once a week, usually over takeout and shitty TLC shows. You see each other in the mornings too, usually for coffee or toast or whatever pastries you've baked for breakfast. Abby doesn't know this, but at some point you started baking her favorites (pastries filled with guayaba y queso), purely so she could start her day off with a win.
Once, Abby came over with her hair loose around her shoulders, hair tie and brush in hand, tears brimming in her eyes because, for the first time in years, she couldn't braid it herself. She'd injured herself while helping out some of the kids at the rec center she volunteers at, and ended up with a pinched nerve that made it damn near impossible to lift her shoulder. It had been fine the night before, but the ache had become borderline unbearable by the time she woke up.
You sat her down at your kitchen table, easing the brush through her soft tresses, being so soft and gentle with her that she almost cried out of gratitude. Abby swore she almost started purring when you ran your fingers through her hair, sectioning it and weaving together the three chunks of hair, taking care not to pull at them.
it's so sweet, and kind, and Abby swore she wasn't in love with you but now she's reconsidering everything she's ever known. Especially when you tell her to rest for the day, letting her stay in your apartment with your fluffy black ragdoll cat, Selby, while you work your shift at the bookstore.
She spends the day reading the copy of Small Things Like These she found on your shelf, drinking the sweet tea you left her. Selby trails her around the apartment as she takes in every detail of your living room. The patchwork quilt draped over the armchair in the corner, a half-read copy of Good Omens sitting on top of it. The mismatch dinnerware sitting in a collapsible drying rack on your kitchen counter. The handmade red scarf hanging in your entry way, the fuzzy animal slippers underneath it. It's all very sweet, very you, and Abby gets the feeling she could get used to this. This sitting, waiting for you, wanting you to have someone (her) to come home to.
I dont have more coherent thoughts but uhhhhh??? tentatively back?????
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ventique18 · 1 year
Speaking again of the whole debacle with Lilia's very close relationship with his best friends, I think this is a perfect example of why human translators/localizers are extremely important. You can try to machine translate all you want, but it can never pick up tones, explain the culture behind those sentences, and break down to you in great detail how the sentences you're translating are even related to each other.
It's why I can see at first glance which "translators" are just using google translate. There are certain words that have a lot of meaning, but they share the literal ones instead of the most apt ones, especially if the original is more idiomatic in nature. Most good translators will actually try to rephrase the sentences in English, instead of translating word per word, so it'd be more digestible and comprehensible. A good example of an impressive translation is Turtlesoup's version of the Twisted Wonderland Comics.
That said, I actually don't know how the English ver will approach this. On one hand, blind translators (by that I mean if the job is just outsourced) who don't know Lilia might assume Meleanor was being serious. On the other hand, Twst EN is pretty insistent on passing this game off as a lukewarm otome game, and Lilia is one of the "bachelors", so they might actually completely change the dialogue and make Meleanor say "You love me like a sister, no?"
Eitherway, I think the fandom's completely going to riot, as they always do. 😂
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fancifulplaguerat · 1 year
Something I struggle to reconcile with Daniil’s character is his attitude towards violence, because he’s this impassioned doctor claiming he wants to save everyone but at the same time is pretty quick on the draw across all three routes. E.g. in the Bachelor Route, the player can say that Daniil doesn’t want others to die for him; that it’s his job to preserve lives, not waste them; and tells Saburov that Artemy couldn’t be a killer, because why would a *doctor* kill anyone? but then the next conversation he’s expressing delight when Andrey tells him he can kill marauders with impunity. Thinking about it more, though, I don’t think it’s necessarily that dissonant given how Daniil’s character is constructed within this “destroyer” idea, and I think his motivations are pretty consistent as well. 
I feel Daniil is the most emotional healer—he’s very wear-it-on-your-sleeve and seemingly easily swayed by emotion, considering how he reacts to Simon’s death/Aglaya’s betrayal. He’s not altogether impulsive, since he’s conscientious and sometimes even refuses to act without ensuring whether he’s right, but he’s clearly partly motivated by emotion. For one, he often to lashes out at people—there are frequent dialogues in his route where he can snap at someone and then say a variant of “Sorry, I lost my temper.” I don’t think Daniil is necessarily an angry person, but reactive and in a situation where he’s constantly under pressure/being prevented from doing what he needs to be done, so obviously he’d often be frustrated and angry. I also don’t think him acting violently is  because he wants to take his anger out on others, and rather his sense of justice allows him to justify violence on the grounds of who “deserves” to be punished or to die. For example, in the Haruspex/Changeling Route he only threatens to kill Artemy or use violence against Simon Kain’s murderer because eye-for-an-eye; the killer deserves to be punished, because that’s just. Daniil also expresses anger and disdain towards those who kill others, so it seems to him, killing a murderer is just righting a wrong. 
Outside his motivations, I also think Daniil’s tendency towards violence works within his broader characterization as a fighter/destroyer. He’s indirectly characterized as an apt fighter in both the Haurspex/Changeling Routes, and rhetoric of ‘fighting’ is constantly used to describe his research and actions within the town. On Day 1, both Maria and Katerina describe his fate as a battle—Maria says, “a truly terrifying battle is ahead of you [...] You will fight a foe that few can defeat” and Katerina says, “I’m talking about a very particular battle... You are one of the combatants, Bachelor Dankovsky [...] you will have to fight to the death.” I also want to point to this dialogue with an herb bride, which I know is in common, but: 
Herb Bride: How are you smart? Smart people are four-eyed nerds... bulgy heads on stunted legs. Cunning, cautious, weak, old even... no, you are not a smart man. You are a warrior.
Player: You can be both.
Herb Bride: Really? I thought you can only have one. Your eyes are throwing needles, and your teeth are clenched fast. You've got the face of a man who can sweep down anything that stands in his way. The face of a destroyer.
Player: Correct. This is the true purpose of smart people [...] I destroy death. 
Herb Bride: Oh... So that's why there are always sparks of hatred in your eyes. And that's why your smile is so spiteful.
I’m still debating my opinions on the implications here, but I feel it’s partly related to the game’s pessimism about miracles/utopias. Specifically that in Daniil’s attempt to attain utopia:defeat death, he can only cause more destruction, as in Kaspar’s infamous “You may mean well, but you bring evil and destruction all the same [...] Your heavy hand will crush us all—even if you were only grabbing us in order to pull us out of the abyss.” The sentiment that Daniil is solely a destructive force even when he tries to do good is echoed all over the game, which frankly makes me upset because I’m too attached to this tortured little fellow. Daniil does what he thinks is right just as Artemy and Clara, but he doesn’t even get the privilege of attaining his goal like the others do in their endings. The Bachelor ending is really only a symbolic victory for Daniil; Thanatica is burned down and he hasn’t really gotten any closer to beating death. For all intents and purposes, Daniil loses even in his own ending, and I have all sorts of thoughts about that but. I shall tuck it away for another day 
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happy-mokka · 3 months
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"Their faces were as a rule good-natured rather than beautiful, broad, bright-eyed, red-cheeked, with mouths apt to laughter, and to eating and drinking. And laugh they did, and eat, and drink, often and heartily, being fond of simple jests at all times, and of six meals a day (when they could get them). They were hospitable and delighted in parties, and in presents, which they gave away freely and eagerly accepted."
J.R.R. Tolkien
The Lord of the Rings
Concerning Hobbits
I've been coming back to this book for more than 3 decades now.
How could I not notice this?
Maybe I first had to reach a certain level of adulthood (not calling it "maturity" on purpose...because 'thou shalt not lie' and stuff...), to finally see:
I. Am. A. Hobbit.
No doubt about that. It all fits too perfectly. The hairy feet are not even mentioned in this quote...
I never identified more with Frodo than today. That good hearted middle-aged (and sooo queer) bachelor.
I'll go have my 2nd breakfast now. It's little past 9 am after all...
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shanesbluechicken · 2 years
The bachelors with a selkie partner? (gn)
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The farmer is a selkie (Elliott, Harvey, Shane)
The selkie, also called the seal people, the sea people or the mermaid – a selkie is a marine legend that tells of people who are half fish, and half-human. In the water, they are seals, but on land, they shed their skin and take on human form. And for some reason, they are irresistible to ordinary humans, who are apt to fall in love with the seal people.
I had way too much fun with Shane :'D
TW: heavy language, mentions of alcohol
Gender: neutral
That man is basically the Wikipedia of mythology AND he lives at the beach. It doesn't take him long to figure you out.
The first time you met it felt like lightning struck him when he laid his eyes upon you. Nothing and no one could match your beauty and you better believe him when he says that. Elliott has seen countless of beautiful things in his search for inspiration for his stories and yet nothing compares to you.
He definitely let's you know that and immediately recites a poem he once wrote.
But not only are you absolutely stunning, you're kind and humble as well, giving him magnificent inspiration for the hero in his new novel.
Shortly after your arrival in Pelican Town, he starts spotting a seal at the beach. It confuses him a bit since he's never seen one of those around these shores and to make it even stranger, that seal seems so incredibly familiar too. He can't exactly pinpoint what it is, but he knows it's there.
As I said, it doesn't take long for him to put 1 and 1 together. Especially not after looking around the beach and finding the seal's skin.
Now, it's common in the stories for the human to take the skin as soon as they find it, but Elliott decides against it. It doesn't feel right to take what's yours.
But he does back off for a couple days to think about a good way to approach you regarding this. You obviously want to keep it a secret otherwise the entire town would know by now and ambushing you is the last thing he wants to do. The fact that he feels pretty guilty for knowing something so private about you is just the cherry on top. He feels like je wronged you.
You of course notice his absence and how he's practically avoiding you. Worried that you might have done something to upset him, you decide to pay him a visit and right the wrongs.
Now Elliott has no other choice than to confess his knowledge to you. What he doesn't expect though is your relieved sigh and the way your entire body relaxes.
"I'm so glad that someone finally knows. It's tough to keep your identity only to yourself sometimes, you know?"
"I understand and you don't have to worry. I will stay silent."
The sweet smile you give him, makes him fall for you all over again.
He offers to keep your skin in his house, because if he found it then it's just a matter of time until another resident stumbles upon it as well.
He even shows you a secret spot for you to put on your skin and take a dive into the ocean as he watches you from afar. The adoration on his face is as clear as the sky and he doesn't even think about hiding it.
A mess when he meets you. Don't get me wrong, he is a grown man who knows how to keep his composure around attractive people. He doesn't run around, screaming, giggling and blushing of course. But you're on a whole other level. Running, screaming and giggling might not be part of the progeam, but the blushing surely is.
It's just that he has never met anyone THIS beautiful and he tries so hard to stay professional during your doctor visits.
Keeps telling himself that you're just a patient, but can you blame him for losing his focus whenever you bless him with a sweet smile? Or when you slightly lean over, because you can't understand a word of his stuttering and a strand of your hair falls over your gorgeous face? Or when you say his name with your alluring voice?
Maru made it a habit to teases him slightly everytime you leave the clinic.
One day though you pass out infront of the mines. The exhaustion from carrying countless of stones and defending yourself against all sorts of creatures finally caught up to you and as soon as the fresh air hits your face, your legs give in and darkness consumes you.
Next thing you know you're being greeted by bright LED lights and the familiar walls of the clinic. Harvey enters the room, his eyes narrowed in both concentration and confusion as he's fixating a document in his hands.
"So we've made some tests..."
By now your heart is pounding so fast that you're afraid it might pop out of your chest and fear settles in. You've been avoiding this day since you first arrived here, because you KNOW. You know that no test result will match up with the ones of a normal human and that Harvey will notice it.
"It must be a flaw in the system, because this doesn't make any since. We need to repeat the tests, if you don't mind."
You can't hide the desperation and fear in your lovely voice which gets his immediate attention. The poor man is basically fighting the urge to pull you into a comforting hug, his eyes big with worry.
It takes all your courage to confess your secret to him and much to your surprise he handles it very well. There are still doubts rising in the depth of his mind since he has never seen something or someone from mythology, nor has he heard of someone else witnessing such a thing.
These doubts vanish though as soon as you start feeling comfortable enough taking him to the beach with you. He loves watching you dive through the waves.
If there is something he hates more than meeting new people then it's crushing on new people.
He only sees a figure approaching him in the corner of his eye and he pretends to not notice it, groaning internally when said figure blocks his path. A curse is already forming on his tongue, but he quickly swallows it, practically choking on it, when he looks up at you.
You're an angel. This could not have gone any worse for him.
"What do you want?"
An outsider might assume he is simply acting rude, but if you look inside you can see that he actually meant the question. Shane genuinely can't comprehend why someone as divine as YOU would willingly walk up someone as messy as HIM. Especially today when he didn't have the time to jump into the shower to get rid of the smell of yesterday's booze. He can't stand the fact that he cares what you think about him, can't stand the fact that he wants to leave a decent first impression.
But if you'd mind it then you're not showing it, your bright smile staying on your face as if you couldn't be happier about meeting him. Weirdo.
And that scenario repeats itself on a regular basis. Days turn into weeks and Shane has given up. His attempts of pushing you away don't work at all, on the contrary they seem to make you even more interested in him. It has gotten to a point where he greets you with a smile. Okay, a half smile and only on his good days.
One afternoon after his shift he is being surprised by Jas and Vincent who were waiting for him and Sam infront of JojaMart, rambling about some seal they saw at the beach. Shane doesn't feel like going, the urge to have a drink at the saloon pulling at him, but the wish to make his goddaughter happy prevails. This time.
Now he is finding himself covering behind the leaves and branches of a bush, knee high in dirt and looking down a cliff at the ocean.
"We can't scare the seal so stay hidden."
Sure. If there even is one. He has never heard of seals around this area and especially not around this time of the year.
"There it is!"
"Holy shi-"
He is able to bite his tongue in time. Shane has enough decency to not swear infront of the kids.
But holy shit, there actually is a seal. After a few seconds it disappears between the waves and the entire group exchanges excited and shocked looks with each other. He has to admit that that thing was absolutely adorable.
Eyes still locked onto the sea, he doesn't notice the other three walking off, their voices slowly becoming more quiet as they're leaving. Then he spots it. Or should I say, YOU.
"What the fuck?"
Why is the seal going on land?
"What the FUCK?"
Is it taking off it's SKIN?!
You're the seal?!
He doesn't believe his eyes, doesn't want to believe his eyes. He must still be drunk from yesterday right? No, that can't be it, he hasn't felt anything besides his usual hangover and even that is fading away.
Of course you overheard his yelling, knowing fully well that your secret has been lifted. So now you're rushing up to the bushes and catch Shane the second he was about to head to the saloon and handle this situation the way he handles everything. With a couple drinks.
"Shut the fuck up."
The man freezes upon hearing your harsh words, but not because he is hurt. He has simply never heard you talk like that before and he can't deny that he kinda likes it.
You basically force him to accompany you to his farm and explain everything to him. Shane of course tries to be somewhat patient and understand, but you can't get much out of him except an occasional "what the fuck".
He swears to keep it to himself though and if you'd just look a bit more closely you'd see how happy is about the fact that you're trusting him with this. Shane can be an asshole often times, but he is the most loyal person on earth.
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mzosofaboloustv · 8 months
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Apt-1: 1 Bedroom ( Boujee Luxe style)
Apt-2: 2 Bedroom (Bachelor Pad Style)
Apt-3: 2 Bedroom (Neutral Country Esthetic)
Apt-4: 3 Bedroom (Boho Chic)
TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/mzosofaboloustv
STREAMING LIVE: Sun, Mon, Wed 2-7pm est.
MY GALLERY ID: Gemelli2020
TWITTER: @GemelliSimmer
SIMSTAGRAM: @Gemellisimmer
INSTAGRAM: MzosofabolousTv
Shout out to some of the amazing CC creators for making dope pieces for me to build with!!!
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l0mljeonjungkook · 2 years
Odd One Out | JJK / KTH / KNJ
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⋙ Summary - Being friends-with-benefits with Jungkook was already messy until the universe introduces him as your stepbrother.
Namjoon has your heart in his clutches, and pity he's getting married soon.
And, Taehyung, is just not interested in your sister.
⋙ pairing: Taehyung x reader -? / Namjoon x reader -? / Jungkook x reader -?
⋙ rating: 18+
⋙ genre: fake dating to lovers, childhood bestfriends; fluff, angst, smut (more to come, won't reveal yet... Shhhh🤫)
⋙ warnings: no warnings in the prologue, will be added in future chapters.
⋙ word count: 1.7k+
A/N - I really have forced myself to post this, my sis (pain in the ass) too though, thank you B, for motivating me, and iloveyou. So, I hope you guys enjoy reading this, though it's just a prologue but do set a base for the series. I'd very much appreciate your feedback, it'll motivate me to no extent. Do leave your thoughts. And, thank you, angels, for reading💕
Also, cross-posted on Wattpad and ao3
Masterlist | series masterlist
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Instagram, scrolling through it makes you cringe. The worst app, a zone for the nerds posting pictures or say it vaunting their spotless, seemliest, apt snippets exclusive of their messy life behind the camera. That’s what every walking moneybag, tycoon, and trouper does on this shitty app.
It’s one of the reasons you hate this app.
Right now, you ain’t scrolling for any baron or trouper or any love birds from your friends' group to pop on your screen. Clicking on this app seconds ago once your dad and mum left your room, intending to search for the one your father happily informed you, his exact words - “Well, I’m sure kid you’ll like him”, he was beaming, and studying his face, this one might be the one, he seems in no doubt.
And, that beam on his face makes you want to search --- Will Carter, you’re sure, you heard that name before yet can’t recall.
Your stepdad made an arrangement or just call it a blind date for you to meet this person, just another silk-stocking of New York City.
Apparently, it’s Saturday evening, and you’re so in for meeting new guys for the sake of your heart. If anything, you want to think about the one who will love you back one-sided love is shriveling your heart into a raisin. Only love can swell it back which has evaporated from it or say you've poured it on the one who never needed yours.
Whys and Wherefores, about clicking on the app with the end to gain some deets about Will Carter. Your date. Because this Instagram is good for nothing but stats about the one who posts their flashy life on here.
That's how you're left, bottoms up, zero drop left. For the sake of your shrinking to-raisin heart, you want to move out of the barricade you kept yourself into.
If that means, taking a step and meeting the silk stockings of New York City, you're ready with a pure vibranium shield like the one Captain America holds. However, with a slight change, no star but a heart in the center. 
And before you get a chance to search deets on, your date tomorrow, on the app, with zero intentions, zip anticipation, and no image of the two men in your head, the picture popped on your phone’s screen makes your eyes shine but that shine fades seeing his love by him.
Posted three minutes ago it’s written below... the caption says - She said YES!
Now, coin it as the second reason to hate this app.
Okay, so thing is, USA’s most eligible bachelors, majestically statuesque with hearts brimming with goodwill, shockingly - befall upon you to be the most treasured men in your life. It’s stimulatingly the most unbelievable truth of your life.
The Foxy Holy Trinity is what your heart screams upon seeing them together.
The first one, Kim Namjoon, whose girlfriend said YES, minutes ago. So, nothing is arduously uneasy for you when it comes to him, merely thinking about him pumps your frozen blood into sweltering, circulating to every corner of your body. The man you yearn for and envy his girlfriend for being by him every time you eye the two. Whether on news articles or social media each time you log in to your account, it's not uncommon for their picture to pop up.
Not only he’s the CEO of the KIMS Group, one of the globe’s largest companies in the video game industry but also he’s the Romeo of your life. It’s not only you who envy his girlfriend of six years, there are uncountable single women out there wishing to spend a mere night with him well some drool over his money. However, that’s not the case for you. Neither his money nor his body is what you drool over, lets's just tag the latter one on you, howbeit never for just a night.
It’s a bit late for him to propose to her when you thought he might have done that. This also means you had time to go on your knees for this man with a platinum ring and propose to him.
Shame you’re late.
Shame, there’s no one like him.
Shame, even if there is, he ain’t your Romeo.
The picture your eyes are flukily glued on, is a picture of him, his girlfriend Heejin - now fiance, and your childhood best friend. Namjoon, on his knees holding her hand, pressing a kiss to her knuckles with so much content in his twinkling brown eyes and smile touching them. Heejin looks happier than ever you’ve seen her. And, why won’t she?
You didn’t know you were crying until a tear streaks silently down your cheeks, blurring your vision, you quickly wipe it off. But a smile swipes on your face, wiping away the ache of your heart upon seeing your best friend, Kim Taehyung. He looks high under the starry sky on the cruise, wearing a champagne tuxedo, holding a flute of champagne in the air, between his fingers while staring at the couple, broadly grinning.
The second - Kim Taehyung, the man with an angelic face who has been cherished by you, to no extent among the three men in your life, is your childhood best friend. Also, brother of the former man, the love of your life. He’s been with you in all those darkest rooms when you gave up on yourself when you were left alone like a doormat yet he picked you up, hugged you wiped off your tears until his shirt soaked in tears until you left with zero, cleansed your brain once flooded with agony and fed you with affection until one day his dream came between you two. In situations where you zipped your lips from letting out stuff even to your mother and sister, it was him who stayed by you.
Everything was glittery until the enormously thick granite wall of his dream stood between your friendship. Following his dream is something that was meant to be.
Sanely, still pointing imaginary daggers to the picture, you notice the cruise isn’t the one, Taehyung gave you a surprise birthday party on, it’s junior you reckon. Also, the smile on his face isn’t the same as your birthday, he was practically glowing that day.
Not only your heart but your uterus too, contracting awfully right now. Perhaps you’re PMSing randomly crying your heart out, you reckon. “Shit not tomorrow. Shit shit, how did it slip,” you twist for the drawer beside your bed, yank it open pulling out the norethisterone bottle, you’re pretty sure and it’s even written in bold to take one but you pop out four, eyes on the screen and swallow them without water. It pokes inside your throat but you’re blind in love, eyes fixed on him. 
Seems unfair to you, you’re currently clenching your fist, so terribly in pain, granted you’re alone and them - enjoying the night on cruise. You wish to be there, Taehyung invited you but you denied it, as a rule. It’s how you mechanically work, to keep yourself sane. On the flip side, regretting in the eleventh hour, and the next stop for you - to loathe yourself all over again for always choosing options that make you kick your guts out of the universe.
But that’s not your fault, declaring yourself guilty can’t be the third stair.
Wishing that you might have said yes, but you’d have to miss the date tomorrow and above all seeing them together would’ve only broken you to bits of a bit, and you’re not never up for that. 
After that dream proposal, you don’t know how to react, but one thing’s for sure beyond a doubt - being happy isn’t on the list. However, faking that is the first bullet. Pretending is left.
You feel, might throw up, trying to find patience when impenetrable thoughts congest your mind. Locking your phone, you hurl it off as far from your sight to the end of your bed, looking at how slackly you are at present, in such an awful ache you won’t bend to hoist it up.
Your teary eyes forcing your brain to erase the memory of the past few minutes, tend to search for something around your enormous room only to show you something for which you wish nothing but a Ctrl+D for piles of unfortunate memories that you no longer ought to warm. Because at that very moment, your eyes fix on the huge picture on the blank wall, chilling your warm blood, skipping your beats, and choking breaths. You never hide the distaste that gets mixed with your blood every time you catch the sight of that picture, and to be honest, it’s just growing.
A picture of your parent's wedding night.
You lie down huffing out a deep sigh, next second you close your eyes, finding him smiling at you, and again a tear courses down your eyes melting away into your hairline, God these mood swings will be the end of me.
The third, once precious but now you change your route upon seeing him, Jeon Jungkook, where will you start about him? Once a friend twisted into a stepbrother by the grace of fate. It's that awfully easier for anyone to understand but to you - it's another dreadfully unpleasant memory marked on the darkest corner of your soul for the rest of your life
Although you're to be blamed for it.
Ache, written gracefully in your story.
It almost dies you, curling your toes and curling your trembling fists at the same time, every time your brain takes you to fly back to the time when there was something more. It gets hard to face, but that’s your reality, now.
So, these men are out of your league, given the reasons.
One is engaged today.
The other one, your best friend, you never saw him in the way your mum wants you to see him, perhaps it’d be impossible for you to even envisage such an irrationally illogical future with him and surely beyond your senses. It will only create awkward situations and complex everything in between.
For the third one, you won’t say much, barely two words popping in the back of your mind, to burn the bridge of imagination - moonshot.
Tomorrow it’s date night, and your period cramps are making you think if you’ll even see the light of day.
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Apt. in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Uh... would a flat floor have been better than a runway?
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Apparently, studio apts. are called Bachelor apts. in Canada.
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I’m gonna say that the square part is for a mattress? Don’t get up in the middle of the night and try to get to the fridge via the narrow ledge.
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 8 months
Can we get the Star Seven's favorite TV shows or Movies if you haven't yet? <3
AYYYY that’s what’s up!!! I did OrangeJuiceVerse Stan and Kyle’s favorite media here (shoutout to the wife for askin) but here’s the rest of the seven!
KENNY!!! Ok I cannot stress enough how much of a Muppets enthusiast this man is. Kenny absolutely wanted to work for Jim Henson Creature Shop at some point (same) and he fucking LOVES anything remotely related!!! He’s also a big horror fan due to the fact that he’s seen a lot of gnarly shit in his (consistently interrupted by deaths) life, and OH. MY. GOD. he fucking loves Troma Entertainment. Lloyd Kaufman and his gross ass vulgar comedy is Kenny’s lifeblood. He introduced the m5 to Toxic Avenger and Shakespeare’s Shitstorm (idk if that one’s actually out yet my partner’s just friends with Lloyd so we got an early copy) and literally every single one of his movies are so gross but Kenny very much enjoys them, out here casually enjoying the Tromaville High trilogy without flinching once. And he LOVES watching buddy comedies with Stan!!! The two of them will be up to all hours just watching Superbad and Clerks and any movie where two guys are in silly situations smh. And this guy ADORES the marvel netflix shows, especially Daredevil omg and he went feral for The Punisher. Kenny has also seen every Barbie movie ever
Tweek! He is a CHRONIC rewatcher!!! He’s seen Sherlock more times than he can count. Any show that’s formulaic, he likes it bc it isn’t unpredictable, so think kids shows. BUT!!! He also very much enjoys the most obscure gory art pieces, loves early film like A Trip To The Moon and Stagecoach, and adores Buster Keaton. At some point Stan got him into Supernatural and Tweek was TERRIFIED at points, but he loves the lore and the attention to detail. And he laughs his ASS OFF at Its Always Sunny In Philadelphia but it stresses him out lmao
Craig watched The Orville and absolutely lost his mind getting obsessed with it, he may be an astronomy professor and generally into space, but he can take or leave Star Wars. And Star Trek. His biggest guilty pleasure with movies that only Tweek knows about? This stoic mf fucking LOVES musicals. Like if Stan knew, OH BOY he’d be over at apt 2 constantly hanging out just because Craig is watching The Greatest Showman. Craig doesn’t discriminate against objectively bad cgi either, so he genuinely enjoyed the 2019 Cats and rewatches it frequently. He loves Seven Brides For Seven Brothers and introduced it to the rest of the star sev (Cartman loved it, Kyle was repulsed by “Bless Your Beautiful Hide”). One of his favorite shows is How It’s Made lmfao and he ADORES Mythbusters.
Marj omg she’s such a romantic, movies based on Jane Austen novels? She’s there. Bridgerton? Yep. But ALSO!!! Any movie that’s very race against time or like a movie where someone is falsely accused of a crime, she’s watchin it, and DUDE she LOVES CARTOONS!!! Her parents only ever let her watch pbs kids and she was SUCH an Arthur Girlie!!! Omg Fetch was a fave too!!! Also shes showed the group some DARK movies, like it was her turn to pick on movie night in the Survivor House and she put on The Black Phone and everyone was like JESUS CHRIST MARJ WHAT bc they were expecting her to pick Fern Gully or something again but nope she was like “fellas it’s really cerebral and dynamic” and literally Stan got so freaked he had to leave the room
Cartman is a HUGE reality show guy!!! He and Marj are sittin there watching the bachelor with popcorn and a love of drama!!! LITERALLY he lives for the arguments in Dance Moms and the pettiness like “oh you guys Jill bought a bench for Abby this is about to be freakin sweet” lmfao messy king. He’s definitely more of a show guy than a movie guy, but as long as there’s significant arguments he’s clocked in! Also when he was watching Hannibal 24/7 Kyle was VERY concerned lmao. Cartman’s favorite movie is ‘Alive’ (I think that’s what it’s called?) JUST because it scared kenny so bad when the characters had to eat each other. His favorite show is Lost and he was out here chomping his popcorn and that scene in the episode where Kate has her shirt off bc they ran into a swarm of bees and Charlie goes “I think it was full of C’s” and Cartman is like “hell no those are A cups at best” (this is a very specific hc I’m sorry) but lmfaoooo Cartman absolutely sends me into orbit bc he absolutely doesn’t shut up when he’s watching ANYTHING!!! His favorite musical is Phantom of The Opera.
There ya go my dude! Thank you again for asking I LOVE getting asks especially abt OJV and I deadass had so much fun thinking on this!
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farshootingstar · 1 year
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Guess it didn’t take as long as I was thinking. I really wanted to draw Ashton. So yeah, another Picture Perfect Boyfriend playlist and cover image.
Here’s the Ashton playlist for my fellow simps out there! Like with the Ashino playlist, I tried to make it a bit of a mix of stuff he’d listen to and songs that otherwise fit his vibe, though this list is a bit more structured since this guy has more of a character arc and I have more to say about that.
Obviously, we have to start off strong with this list, so Welcome to the Black Parade by My Chemical Romance was a no-brainer. Kind of a similar deal with the second song, I Will Possess Your Heart by Death Cab for Cutie (albeit the Radio Edit, since the album version is like 8 minutes long).
Spoiler cut below that pertains to both Picture Perfect Boyfriend and Picture Perfect Boyfriend REBOOT, even if I assume that Ashton’s nature is pretty generally known by this point in the fandom.
Coffee Bar by Yung Dark is next and probably doesn’t come off as super notable aside from being the most atmospheric song on the playlists so far. I just thought it would be fun to toss in to represent some chill coffee dates at Café Rose, since things will escalate quickly. Weird little aside, but I kind of like how audible the hand movements are on the guitar strings for the fret work, so I guess we can stretch that to Ashton pulling the strings on these dates? :p
Lightning round, sort of, Alien Boy and Feel Good Inc. are mostly for the sense of isolation, if that makes any sense. Smooth Criminal (covered by Alien Ant Farm) and Kill All Your Friends also come off as… pretty apt for what happens in the events of the first game.
I’ll admit that Reptilia could also really fit for Ashino, but they are more similar than they’d care to admit, so I put it on Ashton’s list since the genre’s more of a fit for him. Besides, we’re in his smug winner phase starting with that song! It definitely continues with Ava Adore and particularly The Glow (especially the line “making light of it, when you’re winning”, but also the general sentiment of the song that the anonymity afforded by the internet makes some people feel secure in their cruelty towards others).
I like to think that Dark Red is the smallest hint of faltering, since Ashton tried really hard to brush off the fact that he murdered his friends just to be assured closeness to the player. From there we head into Take Me Out for the iconic garden confrontation and Thnks fr th Mmrs for the fallout.
I consider the next handful of songs to generally be Ashton’s musings between the two games: regret over causing that whole shitshow, still loving the player, wanting to be better, etc. Bossa Nova Corps by Origami Angel is probably my favorite song selection for this playlist because it feels especially tuned into those sorts of sentiments and is about where we’re hitting sequel territory.
I think Nevermind can be used bluntly for the search for Ashton and You’re On being once he’s back in, after Ashino’s blocked off the Bureau and the kill switch isn’t working as intended.
While I try to kind of have an array of songs to give the vibes some wiggle room for how the player feels about characters, I’ll admit these last few are simp territory. Bad Habit is a pretty good “nerd wins love” sort of song, got Maybe Chocolate Chips for mutually assuring over looks and expectations, Honey for the obvious reason of the title and that the lyrics are about resolving to be better than before, and we finish on Death of a Bachelor. We can ask Ashton a particular question on one of the REBOOT dates that makes the last song feel right, if you chose to ask it.
But yeah! That’s the general thought process in this playlist. If I ever go back and add some more songs in, I really should add some more grunge. I totally forgot for a while that I had wanted to add in Black Hole Sun, so traded it with a kind of redundant choice I had in there before (for now, I’m trying to have the playlists reach the hour thirty mark and might expand on them at a later point, since I wanted to keep things fair).
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beapuffsimmer · 1 year
San Myshuno Lot Renovations
Here are some lot renovations in the gallery that I think would help make San Myshuno a more interesting and full world.
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Spice Market, the starter neighborhood
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17 Culpepper House [ID: simlicy]
18 Culpepper House [ID: Momopapagei]
19 Culpepper House -> Single Mum Apartment [ID: JessicapieYT]
20 Culpepper House [ID: modernmiss]
2A Jasmine Suites [ID: carolabeatle]
2B Jasmine Suites -> 2B Jasmine Suites - No CC [ID: eregister]
The Old Salt House -> The Old Salt Spa MOD [ID: IndieAuthorExtra]
Waterside Warble [ID: amysimspace] *can be turned into a bar, restaurant, karaoke bar, lounge and nightclub
Fashion District, the trendy neighborhood
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701 ZenView -> 701 ZenView (1st/2nd Floor) [ID: ] *check "Include Custom Content" to find the 2nd floor
702 ZenView -> 702 ZenView - 1st/2nd Floor [ID: simlicy]
1310 21 Chic Street -> Bachelor Pad [ID: JessicapieYT]
1312 21 Chic Street -> Photographer Apt [ID: Gryphi]
1313 21 Chic Street -> Grungy Criminal Apt [ID: Gryphi]
1 Torendi Tower Penthouse [ID: Deligracy]
Planet Honey Pop! [ID: Allisas]
Arts Quarter, the art-filled neighborhood
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910 Medina Studios -> Athletes Apartment [ID: Gryphi]
920 Medina Studios -> Bohemian Apartment [ID: JessicapieYT]
930 Medina Studios [ID: odaphii]
121 Hakim House [ID: PeachesPlace]
122 Hakim House -> Luxury High Rise [ID: Gryphi]
FountainView Penthouse -> Industrial Penthouse [ID: JessicapieYT]
Casbah Gallery -> Casbah Gallery Refurb [ID: acaberry]
Uptown, the rich and powerful neighborhood
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1010 Alto Apartments [ID: lilacturtle]
1020 Alto Apartments [ID: chobitlove]
VIII Landgraab -> VIII Landgraab 1st/2nd floor /balcony [ID: JohannaB96]
IX Landgraab -> Feng Apartment Floor 1/2 [ID: JessicapieYT]
888 Spire Apartments -> 888 Spire Apartments LOW/MID/TOP [ID: futurecatlady]
Stargazer Lounge [ID: BrookeHAZ] *greatly decorated with a place for singing and playing the guitar, two bars and a dance floor
Skye Fitness -> Skye Fitness Renovated [ID: kokotask] *a full gym with a pool, basketball court and spa areas
Myshuno Meadows
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[ID: AbyArashi]
*works as a place to have weddings, but doesn't have the wedding stories items
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Masquerade (Chapter 4)
Summary: This is your third season and your aspirations on finding love are dwindling but news on Lady Whistledown’s society pages say that there is to be a foreign royal in attendance to the season. Could this royal dignitary be the one you’ve been waiting for, or could there be a mysterious stranger lurking in the shadows, waiting to pluck your heart for his?
Disclaimer: I do not own Bridgerton nor The Mandalorian- all rights go to the owners and creators of their separate stories.
Warnings: Descriptions of violence and minor blood and wounds- nothing too major. (I tell you, we’re getting into it, I promise!)
|| Please do not repost or plagiarise my work ||
If you’d like to read more of my works, please visit my Masterlist!
| Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2  | Chapter 3 | Chapter 5 |
Tags: @technicallykawaiisoul @call-me-soap @the-feckless-wonder @elinedjarin @bluevxnus @literallydontlook @sm0l-0ne @1am9root6 @ems-alexandra​ 
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A week had passed since your promenade with the Mandalorian King and the town was abuzz with the news from Lady Whistledown’s society pages.
Suitors from all over the town had come to compete with the monarch for your attention, the allure of stealing the coveted gem of the Mandalorian King’s singular affections too appetizing to not take advantage of.
You had attended balls, soiree’s, luncheons and picnics- you had the pick of the eligible bachelors and yet, there was only one suitor you wished would vie for your affection and he was naught to appear.
Perhaps he had seen the other contenders arriving in droves and was discouraged from courting you or perhaps he had read Whistledown’s report and was disinclined to pursue you from the daunting prospect of competing with a king.
You wished he would visit but the week was soon to end and there had been not one sighting of the mysterious man that you had danced with at Lady Danbury’s gathering, you had given Olivia an apt description of his visage and instructions to inform you of his arrival but your maid came to you with negative reports.
You and Mando had been keeping regular correspondence during the time in which his duties kept him from the social functions of the season. It was kind of him to be so dedicated to courting you and managing to do so even without physical appearances. He was sweet- gentle even when looking past the obsidian claymore strapped to his back constantly and the armored plating that covered him but you yearned for your elusive dance partner on the night of the Danbury ball.
At this rate you were beginning to believe he was a dream you'd concocted in your mind. 
You sat on the loveseat in the drawing room with your mother and siblings, surrounded by the lavish gifts of all the suitors that had come to visit, each one more pretentious than the last. Even Colin Bridgerton had made an appearance though you knew the boy well, he was not serious in pursuing you and for that you were glad- otherwise he would have to suffer your imminent rejection partly on Penelope’s behalf, nor did you find the boy attractive. 
Your younger siblings sat at the table, enjoying their sandwiches and biscuits as they conversed about some game they were going to play later on in the gardens when the weather warmed. Your father had been present for each of the suitors’ meetings but as the week carried on and the prospects began to dwindle in light of the upcoming events, he took advantage of the somewhat slow day to head to the club for the afternoon while Ryder decided to repay Colin Bridgerton's visit with a meeting of his own with Daphne despite the rumors surrounding her and the Duke of Hastings. 
It was some kind of playful feud they were taking part in.
Your mother sat close by and was reading through a novel to pass the time while you distantly plucked at the gossamer pink ribbon of a wrapped gift, eyes cast unseeingly upon a landscape painting of a lush forest. A babbling brook wound through evergreen trees while reflecting the setting sun in a wash of apricot and orange hues and the evening sky was warmed with a wash of pale pinks and blues while pale cream clouds dusted the horizon daintily.
The arrival of Olivia in the drawing room door tore you from your disassociated musings, her bubbly figure and bright smile only served to confuse you and you frowned at her excitement. Michael, the head footman leisured in shortly after Olivia’s whirlwind entrance and you turned your attention to him, setting the half-unlaced gift on top of another in the ever-growing pile beside you as the rest of your family also looked to the footman, “a Mr. Din Djarin to see the young Lady Dalton.” 
You gasped, bolting upright at the name. Now Olivia’s sudden arrival made sense, you had forgotten your own orders you had directed to her. 
Your mother looked to you in question but stood as well just as the mysterious Din Djarin turned the corner, nervous eyes taking in the lavish surroundings of the drawing room, just as rich and refined as the rest of the house he'd observed beforehand. His gaze shifted from Elaine to your younger siblings and finally to you and you bore witness to the soft smile playing upon his lips as he bowed to you in greeting.
“My Lady.” He rasped kindly, straightening up and without missing a beat, he turned to your mother and bowed to her as well, “Your Grace.” 
“Ah!” Recognition flitted across Elaine’s features and a smile curled her lips, “you are the gentleman that took my daughter’s attention on the dancefloor!” Din chuckled shyly, scratching his chin. 
“You flatter me, Your Grace but the roles are reversed. Your daughter took my attention the moment I met her.” He remained tight-lipped over the peculiar, yet intimate way you became acquainted with one-another and for that you were glad. “And I am indeed very blessed that she allowed me a dance.”
Elaine clasped her hands together, a soft expression curling her features before they widened comically as she remembered herself, “please do come in, Mr. Djarin. May I help you to some fresh biscuits or perhaps a sandwich? A beverage, perhaps?”
“Oh, no, please. I’m perfectly capable of fending for myself. You all must be so exhausted from entertaining so many suitors.” His eyes rested over the piles of unopened gifts and your breath caught in your throat.
“I insist.” You finally found your voice, strong and true and his flustered gaze turned to you, softening somewhat and a gentle smile curled his lips at your confidence. He couldn’t help but see the turn from your promenade with Mando.
“If my Lady insists, who am I to decline her offer?” 
“Truer words have never been spoken! How do you like your tea, Mr. Djarin?” Elaine glided toward the small refreshments table and daintily picked up the ceramic kettle and poured a generous amount of the aromatic brew before gesturing toward the milk and sugar in a silent question and Din shook his head.
“Just as it is, thank you.” Dark eyes flicked from the Wintere matriarch to you and your heart clenched as he offered you a kind smile.
You practically beamed with excitement as he came forward, fingers fidgeting with his rumpled waistcoat as he perched beside you on the lounge. "So, not a Lord, hmm?” Your gentle teasing prompted an amused chuckle to rumble past his lips, his expression crinkling with a blinding smile and the lines around his eyes and mouth became more pronounced. He was so handsome. “There's no need to be nervous." You hummed to him quietly, noting the way his fingers clung together, paused in their trembling touch as he looked at you, observing your relaxed posture and leisurely grin. 
“I must confess, my Lady. I have never courted a woman in such a capacity before, n-nor have I actually courted someone before.” Your eyebrows raised in pleasant surprise, his nervous countenance endearing you and your smile said as much as your mother served your suitor and she refilled your teacup before retaking her place at the loveseat, returning to her novel but always keeping a watchful eye.
“There is no need to stand on ceremony, Mr. Djarin. I am just relieved you thought to come. I did not think you would.” 
“Why the doubt of my interest if I may be so bold to ask, my Lady?” Din watched her, eyes creasing in question.
You hesitated for a moment, resting your joined hands in the lap of your pale lavender dress as you rolled your lips together, "after the Danbury Ball you left so abruptly. I've been operating under the notion that I would never see you again." 
 Din winced at the memory of the ball. 
He had been so overcome with anger that if he hadn't left, he would have done something he would have regretted in front of so many people but it never occurred as to how it may have felt for you.
Did he really make such an impression on you? 
You had only danced once, surely there wasn't much to desire if his limited dancing prowess was the deciding factor. He wasn't even dressed appropriately by England's societal standards nor did he attempt to seem like a gentleman at the time- more resembling a homeless individual than a man of good standing. Din was grossly unaccustomed to such a lavish event and acted on habitual impulse to stick to the shadows and remain unseen although that philosophy had been abandoned quite early on when he’d made your acquaintance by nearly trampling over you in an effort to quench his thirst.
You somehow found an old, ragged, world-weary man worthy of your affections?
"I apologise for that, my Lady." Din began, sifting through the appropriate words to convey his thoughts, “as you can tell I’m quite inexperienced with things like this and I handled my feelings rather poorly as you can surmise from my hasty exit from the ball- I apologise sincerely for that. I did not mean to give you the wrong impression.”
You waved away his apologies, “but you returned. You’ve already proved yourself far more considerate than most of the other suitors of this year’s season.” You gestured toward the pile of gifts, “I can accurately guess just what is in all these packages just by looking at the size of each gift- all uninspired and repetitive.” You gestured vaguely to them, "I find your brashness a breath of fresh air in the stuffy, overcrowded room built on rules and societal mannerisms and expectations far outweighing the results.”
"Isn't that considered rude behaviour?"
"Only to those who do not understand that you are different amongst a vast sea of monotony.” Din watched you the soft glimmer in your eyes as your fingers slowly traced the delicate bracelet clasped around your wrist absently.
“Not many women would consider my brashness a reprieve.” Din took a sip of his steaming tea, careful not to burn the roof of his mouth in the process.
“I am aware that I operate under a different assumption than most but then I am also considered to be of the same unruly stock and instead of alienating those that seem different, I enjoy their company and attempt to understand them.” 
“Not many people are so honest and they use alternative techniques in an attempt to colour themselves favourably.” Din noted your expression, seeing not a single flicker of a different emotion other than innocence. You truly believed that some people could be as genuine as you. 
For someone who has participated in a competition to find a husband, he would have thought you’d have known somewhat more of the rotten nature of those less inclined to understand the warmth of your actions.
“Some will wear a mask to hide their true intentions until they have acquired what they covet.” Din answered bluntly and watched your shoulders roll, back straightening as you looked toward him with increasingly guarded eyes and he slowly set his teacup back on the matching saucer, “from my experience, those that give their all to understand those in whom seem to be contrasting with the norm, their kindness will often be warped to suit the agenda of ill-purposed individuals or those sweet individuals are usually seeking something more than praise.”
“What are you implying, Mr. Djarin?” Your tone was guarded, tinged in frustration as he questioned your motives- your good nature.
“I have seen many things, my Lady.” Din began quietly, crossing his leg over the other as he leaned back into the loveseat, “I have traveled extensively as you could probably discern from my appearance. I am no stranger to the outdoors and find that I prefer them. But along with my travels, I have gained knowledge I would have rather not have had the fortune of realizing.” 
“And that is?”
“That some people will take advantage of such innocent generosity and use it for their own selfish gain.” Din watched you deflate somewhat, “I don’t mean to offend you, my Lady. That is far from my intention and I apologise for the nature that this conversation is taking.” Din leant forward to place the teacup and saucer on the small table, “nor is it my intention to call your gentle nature into question, I merely mean to educate you,” your gaze returned to his, an emotion he couldn’t explain glimmering in your eyes, “you are an extraordinary woman with an extraordinary heart. So kind and selfless.” 
Din floundered to explain himself, fumbling over half-formed words in an attempt to continue his train of thought. “I don’t expect you to know so much of the world when you’ve been sequestered away in London, bound by social arrangements and left to wonder what’s beyond England. Turning to printed words on a page to steep yourself in fanciful tales of a world written in the views of authors wishing they could witness such inventiveness in reality.” 
Without thinking, his hand slowly came to rest upon yours in your lap. The warmth of his skin seeping into yours as his fingers gently pressed into the space of your knuckles to calm you, “I’ve spoiled your kindness. My sincerest apologies, my Lady.” He slowly began to lift his hand from yours, a deep sigh rattling in his chest as he fought back the wince pulling at his features as he knew he had overstepped. He had already crossed the mark. You weren’t comfortable with his touch and he just grossly ripped away your physical boundaries.
You were quick to act, your free hand slapping over his when he attempted to remove it from atop yours, clinging to him with a fierce strength that made his eyes widen. He had vowed he would not touch you until you felt comfortable with him and he almost deigned to rip his hand from yours until he was faced with the truth.
That Mando had pledged to do so and that Mando had to work to gain your trust once more. It was the King of Mandalore that was striving to work himself back into your good graces and learn about you in a way that showed he was more than what Paz made him out to be.
Din Djarin had made no such error in his brief meetings with the Incomparable Lady Dalton.
“You are the second man that has opened my eyes a little more. I appreciate that.” 
Din stifled a laugh and his fingers tapped against the back of her hand, “I warn you of the potential dangers of strange and worrying individuals yet here you are praising me.”
You couldn’t help but chuckle, your hand squeezing his for a moment, “I’m choosing to believe my intuition with your character, Mr. Djarin.” 
He watched you, the soft smile curling your lips, the way the sun beamed across your form- the pale blue of your dress almost an ethereal white and the sun highlighted the individual subtle colours in your hair before bathing across your eyes and he would swear forever more that he was sure they were glowing.
“And what does your intuition tell you, my Lady?” His question made you curl in yourself in thought, eyes lowering to your lap as his thumb gently licked across your pulse point.
Biting your lip bashfully, your lids lowered somewhat before you looked up at him through thick lashes, “that even if my heart is left in ashes, you would cradle it amongst your own to protect me rather than discard it to the wind.” 
Din watched you, dark eyes wide and wondrous and he wrestled back the urge to capture your lips and claim you as his.
He needed to make an excuse to leave before he did exactly that.
He pulled away slowly, steering the conversation to something less volatile and they stayed on that topic. Din stayed for an appropriate amount of time before announcing his intention to depart. He fabricated an explanation that he had work to attend to and punctuated his farewell with a gentle kiss to the inside of your wrist and he scented the perfumed oil dabbed on your wrist- the aromatic blend of flora and spices tickled his olfactory senses and he again, had to fight the urge to nibble on your wrist and leave a mark there for all who came before him to see what only he could do.
As Din walked down the hallway with the Dalton’s footman guiding him, it never occurred to him just how much time he had been spent with you and judging by the line of impatient suitors desperately waiting to lavish you with their expensive, unappealing gifts was quite telling as it continued all the way out the front door of your home.
He couldn’t help the very slight grin curling his lips as he made contact with one of the men who glared at Din with a misplaced sense of propriety and he simply nodded to the man, smile widening at the growing indignation twisting the jealous suitor’s face and decided to turn his head away from Din and instead opted to look down his bulbous nose at the back of the head of the suitor in front of him.
‘Pompous di’kut.’
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Once they reached the exit, Din thanked Michael, the Dalton’s footman and walked down the pathway where Sofir awaited in her civilian attire, “where is Tatya and the carriage?” His voice was low, lips barely moving as he continued down the street. 
Sofir took a moment before following him, voice low enough that any passerby would be able to hear her but they were attuned to this- deception and deflection was Sofir’s specialty and Din had been an exemplary mentor, “she moved the carriage around the corner out of sight, Manda’lor.”
They walked in silence for a modest stretch, Sofir’s quiet prompts guiding him to the carriage hidden in between an alleyway, “you took quite a while, Manda’lor.”
Din slowly turned to face Sofir with a raised brow, noticing the teasing lilt in her voice and she had the sense to look somewhat chaste as she turned to look away from him but the smile curling her lips couldn’t be so easily hidden.
He bit back the urge to say something un-kingly and more like his former self but allowed himself to chuckle at her teasing. 
This is why he chose Sofir and Tatya- they upheld their respect and the traditions beholden to the Crown, but they never forgot who he was and for that, he appreciated them all the more for it.
The sound of the carriage door opening turned their attention to Tatya leaning out of the carriage with a bored look in her eye, coattails swishing gently in the air, “I was beginning to wonder where you’d gone.”
“Just for a stroll, although I’m sure Sofir will have plenty to say on the ride back.” Tatya jumped down from the carriage, keeping the door open and bowed as he passed her, fist to her heart and she bent her knee, “stop that, Tat. You know better than that.” He scolded her as he settled in his seat, pinning her with an unimpressed look and a simple lift of his brow.
“I’m simply being respectful, Manda’lor.” 
“I’ve told you time and time again, I’m still me.” Din stated, pointing a warning finger at the girl in front of him, “don’t forget that.”
“Of course not. How could we ever forget who founded and sponsored us?” Sofir answered, a gentle look in her eyes as she looked up at Din, “and that is why we treat you as you deserve to be treated, Manda’lor.” 
“So, to put it in simpler terms,” Tatya added, gripping the door to the carriage, “suck it up, ori vod,” and slammed the carriage door in their King’s face.
Din smiled, his real smile and allowed himself to sink into the seat as the carriage began to rock.
The ride back was uneventful, Din peeked from the closed curtain out to view the scenery of London and felt somewhat. . .homesick.
Even if he wasn’t native to the land in which he reigns; it’s sprawling sites and architectural beauty far surpassed the olden age of London and its traditions and old buildings that stunk of dust and filled with conquered relics. The high society of this kingdom called his people savages, they only saw the warrior garb and their armour with their weapons proudly displayed and assumed they were lesser simply because Western society deemed it so.
If only they knew the truth of his people- just how beautiful and rich their culture is. How inclusive.
Maker, he missed Mandalore.
Din felt the carriage stop and before anyone could scramble for the door, he pushed it open and stepped out himself, waving off Tatya’s hovering. As he stepped on the cobblestone path of his London Estate- when he noticed Paz hovering in the large, ornate doorway.
“Careful, Paz. Stand anymore rigid and I’ll begin to think you’ve petrified into stone, then that frown on your face will truly be stuck there.” Din’s teasing usually would be met with a quick-witted remark from his clan-brother and a possible threat of breaking his nose to make it straight but there were no such jibes today.
Din noticed the tense atmosphere within his own staff.
Dark eyes flicked toward the two guards standing on either side of the entryway. The rigid shoulders, hands clenched into fists so tight their gloves creaked against the beskar spears they held and they held their backs so straight they curved upward. He didn’t need to see facial expressions to know something had happened.
“Paz,” The General’s eyes flicked toward Din, a grave glint in the bluest part of his eye made Din’s jaw tick, “what in the Maker is going on?”
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Di’kut - Idiot
Ori vod - Big brother
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mindblownie2 · 9 months
4, 5 and 16 if youre up to it!
4. anything that resonated with you in particular from the marble nest?
Well we have talked a bit already about it, I love everything about this game, I love it as a character study of Dankovsky and the sort-of-time-loopness of it is great too because trapping a character in a box (a time loop and/or a bottle episode of sorts) is a perfect setting for vivisecting them, but is also particularly thematically apt for Daniil because (to me) he's not about immortality per se - he rejects the concept of inevitability, of anything being predetermined and set in stone and unchangeable, up to and including the laws of nature; and death is just the ultimate expression of that; though it is of course also one of the things that the game is about at its very core, the starting point on every level: Daniil finds Simon dead. Artemy finds his father dead. Clara wakes up in a grave. The Powers That Be return from a funeral. The player sees the children burying the doll even before they even see the main menu screen. And here, this time, Daniil wakes up in a coffin; and for a day he will desperately try to save people and he will clash with them and will search for answers, in the Stone Yard, the place he was invited to in the first place, under the tower that was meant to be what he was looking for, now that place being the last refuge, the last hope; and in the end he will lose. It's a microcosm of his story, distilled to its primary elements. And it's done so, so well.
And with all that. I enjoyed the sort of overarching story that was accidentally (unplanned; going in I only knew a handful of vague spoilers I turned out to have misinterpreted anyway) created by what I did in what order, and treating my subsequent replays as one continuity through which he perhaps retains some sort of awareness. First time I played I did see most of the game's content though not everything (due to getting lost a lot and forgetting I can run faster here), but importantly I did the heart quest so then I could get the meta ending (and of course I was going to. I'm Daniil fucking Dankovsky, I'm not going to just give up and accept death, or submit to the rules of the game. Duh.) and it was just after I finished the classic bachelor's route and it was a perfect coda to it. So here we go, I won. But of course some time later I wanted to see everything I missed, so I played again. (So here we are again. Being a video game character is a kind of immortality, but definitely not any kind of freedom.) And I did pick the choice that kills you at the start, for the sake of completionism (which is where the game slaps your hand and says no, take this seriously. Once more from the top and treat it like it's real again.) And so I went back and what I did then, because the first time around I listened to Sticky but now I traded with Shrew for the lockpicks and I thought, what if I go to the infected house now? Previously I didn't find it in time, but it's 10 am now. (I've been here before; I know the solution now. I don't need to waste any time.) And oh my god how shocked I was when the game just took me to the evening in that moment. So I had to choose the time loop ending then; (no, wait, that wasn't supposed to happen. Put me back, I can figure it out. I'll get it right next time.) And I played for the last time, and I went to all the places I haven't before (like the house with faces on the walls, or the executor bonfire party), and chose some alternative dialogues here and there - and of course ended up in the same place come midnight. (It was never a puzzle to solve, after all; it was about acceptance. You can do everything right and still fail. You have explored every possibility and Death still wins. There is only one ending left.) And it's a less uplifting order of events than finishing on the meta ending, but I liked it. I found it to be a good (as in "well fitting" rather than necessarily "happy") ending for him; that he has to accept he's lost and allow himself to move on, but also good on him for fighting for so long. (It is also somewhat adjacent to my personal views on life and death. Do not go gently into that good night, be a huge bitch about it. It sometimes needs to be reckoned with that some things cannot be changed, but sometimes it is also vital to try changing them anyway. Etc, etc.)
Rest in peace, Bachelor. I hope you went to heaven and tried to pick a fight with god himself.
5. assuming the world goes on after the game ends, do you think daniil will leave the town? if so, to where?
So I made this post about the characters' post canon fates but I actually gotta expand on that:
Firstly I think in all timelines he could easily die, in a number of ways. He could get sick, or have some sort of accident. He might be careless with his life; helping with curing the sick post-termite ending without adequately protecting himself, or doing some plague- or death-related research and experimenting on himself. He might spiral into addiction, a slow self-destruction, or might straight up just shoot himself in the head.
But if he lives, I think he is in a very bad state. Physically, because he has been running himself ragged, overworked, under pressure, not eating or sleeping enough, taking unholy amounts and combinations of Substances to sleep or to keep awake, to prevent infection or cure it, etc; the exertion and exhaustion is bound to catch up with him. And on top of that, depending a little on the route and how good you are at fighting but he's been beaten unconscious, stabbed, shot, and always having to get up and keep going, not letting his body heal properly; I think he's going to deal with the consequences of that. And emotionally, take your pick: the loss of his life's work, the feeling of failure, the guilt over letting down his colleagues, the guilt over not managing to stop the plague, maybe over Eva's death too, and the general relentless horror of everything he's seen and experienced during the game...
Now it's kinda unspecified as to what sort of consequences he or his friends in the Capital might face - just losing their careers or actually jail or even death? I think he might not be entirely sure himself but he might get a bit paranoid about it, with the guilt he's feeling, afraid that if he comes back or even just gets in touch that might get people in further danger by association with him, so it's better if everyone thinks he's dead and forgets him... And then adding to that a certain kind of inertia, after he lost everything and doesn't know what to do next, he'd just hunker down in Gorkhonsk for a while I think. But as much as we all love our burda domestic bliss fantasies, I know my boy isn't made for settling down into a quiet life; I think after a period of licking his wounds and kinda just surviving day to day he'd become restless, wanting something more. And there's some weird shit in town to study and he might poke at that, if nothing else it would make him feel like himself again and occupy his mind with something else than just grief and self-loathing, but ultimately the town is lacking in resources for proper scientific work and I don't think he'd be content with just being a regular doctor with a little mad science hobby on the side.
Coming back to the Capital, then, maybe, if he'd be allowed to, though he might feel unwelcome even if he isn't outright persecuted; so I think I see him eventually moving abroad, somewhere where people either don't know him or are more receptive to his ideas regardless of past controversies, and trying to start anew. That'd be his happy ending, I think.
16. [the scariest question of them all] how would you describe their relationships... [including platonic / antagonistic / philosophers with benefits / etc.]
Daniil - Andrey: pre-canon, one night stand that was probably some sort of formative experience for Daniil and fun but not life-changing for Andrey. In the game, I think as with the utopians in general, Andrey included, Daniil becomes in their mind some kind of missing puzzle piece in the plan to realise their vision. Sucks when that doesn't happen (in my mind, even the utopian ending leaves everyone involved feeling like it's not quite what they hoped for). Should've kept it to just a casual fuck but alas.
Daniil - Peter: self-recognition through the other (uncomfortable) (unwanted) (take it away).
Daniil - Farkhad: they don't know each other, and Daniil has his own ghosts.
Andrey - Peter: Dead Ringers russian AU. Unbreakably codependent and mutually destructive. Unviably conjoined at the soul.
The twins - Farkhad: haunter and hauntees, of course. Previously rivals, and rival of my brother which is even worse. Well that's all canon. I haven't really done further thinking about it.
(the questions)
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dandylion240 · 1 year
ORIGINAL CHARACTER ASK MEME – PSYCHOLOGY EDITION #2 all questions please for both your bachelor doers, that my brain refuses to remember the name of.. please and thank you!
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3: Does your OC struggle with any type of addictions?
No addictions.
4: How does your OC behave typically under severe stress?
He becomes hypersensitive and becomes easily offended when he's overly stressed. He'll try to isolate himself, spending hours locked inside his room. He's been known to delete all his social media sites feeling he's not good enough and that everyone would be better off if he disappeared.
5: What calms your OC down the best under severe stress?
If he has to do something that's causing him stress he needs to break the task down into bite size portions so it doesn't feel so overwhelming. Once he accomplishes one thing it bolsters his confidence to do the next thing and before he knows it the task is done and instead of being stressed he has a sense of accomplishment.
6: Does your OC have an unrealistic view of some area of their life or worldview?
He's always looking for his self identity and wants to be unique. He even gets upset if he thinks someone is trying to copy him or take credit for an idea he had.
7: What does your OC hate and like about themselves?
He hates that he tends to have a lot of negative thoughts and doubts his ability to accomplish his goals. But he also delights in thinking of himself as unique.
More under the cut
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8: What does your OC hate and appreciate on others?
That people don't always understand him and what he does. They don't always see the artistic value in writing computer games and programming them.
9: What maladaptive behavioral models in your OC’s personality do they have to struggle with the most?
He has a tendancy to day dream a lot sometimes to the point where it interferes with his grip on reality. So if he's staring into outer space don't worry he's not staring at you but at the images in his own head.
11: What makes your OC feel most guilt in their life?
That he wasn't able to protect Ephy from being bullied at school. He tends to think if he was a better brother he'd have been able to prevent it.
12: Is your OC mature or immature for their age?
He appears to very mature but inwardly he's very immature.
13: How independent is your OC for their age and life situation?
Not independent at all. He says Ephy lives with him so that he can look at for Ephy but in reality Zeke would be lost without his brother.
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14: Where and what from does your OC seek most typically comfort from?
He often feels not quite good enough or that he's broken in some way. So he seeks reassurance from those closest to him. Protecting Ephy helps him feel confident and less inept.
15: Is your OC afraid of confrontation or do they seek to lay things down on open?
He's really volitile. One moment he's afraid to express himself and the next he's pushing all your buttons to provoke you into action.
16: How openly does your OC show their emotions?
He's pretty good at expressing his emotions except for when he's feeling overwhelmed then he's apt to take offense at the slightest things especially if he feels it was unjust.
17: What does your OC do when they’re dealing with intense emotional pain?
Withdraw from everyone and everything.
18: What aspect of your OC’s personality or essence do other people usually have a problem with?
How sensitive he is.
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20: Do other people have misconceptions about some parts of your OC’s personality?
He want's to be seen as unique so people sometimes think he should used to comments about how odd he is without realizing how upset it makes him.
21: How much of an attention seeker is your OC?
He'll say he's not an attention seeker but he also likes to be different.
22: Does your OC believe in something supernatural or not scientifically proven?
Definitely. You name and he believes it.
23: Does your OC have a criminal record?
No he does not.
24: Does your OC have any sexual deviances or kinks?
None at none that he's aware of as well he's pretty inexperienced.
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25: How does your OC see their own value in comparison to other people?
Well he thinks of himself as having a piece missing or broken somehow. Yet he's also unique which makes him pretty special. So it depends upon his mood.
26: Does your OC live in self-denial about anything?
That he's more self reliant than Ephy. He'd say you were wrong if you told him that he depended on Ephy more than Ephy depended upon him.
27: What does your OC think about the concept of love?
Oh he can't wait to fall in love.
28: Is your OC loyal or more prone of take advantage of people close to them?
He's pretty loyal.
29: Is your OC wild/ reckless or do they tend to stay on the safe side inside their comfort zone?
He has an adventerous side once you convince him to leave his comfort zone. Not an easy task.
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3: Does your OC struggle with any type of addictions?
He's addicted to life. He likes to have fun.
4: How does your OC behave typically under severe stress?
He deals with it by pretending it doesn't exist. He'll start a new hobby, join a club, read a book, watch a movie, throw a party. It doesn't matter what the activity is as long as he's too busy to think about the problem.
5: What calms your OC down the best under severe stress?
Someone who doesn't let him ignore the problem and helps him confront it.
6: Does your OC have an unrealistic view of some area of their life or worldview?
He focus on the positive things while burying the negative. So he often believes the best in everyone he meets and is genuinly shocked when someone turns out to be not as good as he thought they were.
7: What does your OC hate and like about themselves?
He has a curiosity to learn and he tries many things but he hates that he doesn't have the focus to actually get really good at anything. He's always bouncing from one thing to the next.
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8: What does your OC hate and appreciate on others?
Oh he hates it when people assume he's not smart enough to do something. But he appreciates the few people who have the patience to actually show him how something is to be done and let him try it before making any judgements about him.
9: What maladaptive behavioral models in your OC’s personality do they have to struggle with the most?
That he buries any and all negative emotions focusing only on the positive leaving him wide open to being taken advantage of. He's really like a happy go lucky puppy.
11: What makes your OC feel most guilt in their life?
He feels bad that Zeke feels guilty about the school bullies. It's why he lets Zeke think he's dependent upon him.
12: Is your OC mature or immature for their age?
He is quite immature for his age
13: How independent is your OC for their age and life situation?
Oh he's quite independent but don't tell his brother that.
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14: Where and what from does your OC seek most typically comfort from?
He mostly goes home to his dad and Cecil. He's super close to Cecil and he tells him everything.
15: Is your OC afraid of confrontation or do they seek to lay things down on open?
Ephy seldom feels the need to confront anyone. Everyone is his friend and when your friends there's no need to confront them.
16: How openly does your OC show their emotions?
He's an open book.
17: What does your OC do when they’re dealing with intense emotional pain?
He ignores it and pretends it doesn't exist. He focuses on the positive and if that doesn't work than he keeps himself as busy as possible so that he's too tired to feel anything.
18: What aspect of your OC’s personality or essence do other people usually have a problem with?
He's a bundle of energy always bouncing from one thing to the next. People often think he's an overgrown child and tend to treat him like one.
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20: Do other people have misconceptions about some parts of your OC’s personality?
Since he focuses on the positivie and does his best to ignore the negative things people tend to think he's not very bright.
21: How much of an attention seeker is your OC?
He doesn't go out and see attention but it kind of just finds him.
22: Does your OC believe in something supernatural or not scientifically proven?
23: Does your OC have a criminal record?
24: Does your OC have any sexual deviances or kinks?
Right now he's pretty inexperienced but it's something he's going to find he likes a lot XD
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25: How does your OC see their own value in comparison to other people?
He knows the value of his own self worth and it's neither more nor lesas than anyone else. He's just himself.
26: Does your OC live in self-denial about anything?
That the world isn't as good as he things it is. A lesson he's going to find hard to learn.
27: What does your OC think about the concept of love?
Right now he has this larger than life idea of what love is and it involves a lot of fireworks and explosions.
28: Is your OC loyal or more prone of take advantage of people close to them?
He's very loyal.
29: Is your OC wild/ reckless or do they tend to stay on the safe side inside their comfort zone?
He's a bundle of energy and he's always looking for something new to try. So he can tend to be more on the reckless side of things.
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