#baccarat crystal glass
antiqueestatebuyers · 6 months
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Sell Your Lalique Crystal Glass to Antique Estate Buyers and Turn Timeless Beauty into Cash
Do you have a collection of Lalique crystal glass collecting dust? Perhaps you inherited a beautiful Lalique vase or sculpture that no longer complements your decor. Whatever the cause, Antique Estate Buyers can assist you in selling your Lalique pieces for cash.
With Antique Estate Buyers, you can unlock the value of your Lalique crystal glass and sell it for cash. Contact us immediately to discover the benefits of a hassle-free, trustworthy selling process. Sell here - https://antiqueestatebuyers.com/antique-collections/
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darlincollins · 1 year
darlin roping sam into shenanigans at the summit to make it more fun for him
the two of them playing quarters with the baccarat crystal glasses, doing goofy impressions of various fancy people in the room, throwing cheese cubes at each other's heads, darlin showing sam "how the real estate business is done" and giving him a fake tour of the venue with increasingly untrue statements complete with a ghost story, requesting that the string quartet play metallica songs, teasing vincent about his crown and met gala worthy outfit, eventually getting chastised by david for being clowns and trying not to giggle while he lectures them but then glancing at each other and bursting out laughing
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matttgirlies · 4 months
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Matt & Me🎀
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
a story heavily based on Priscilla Presley’s Book “Elvis & Me” based in the 1950’s - 1970’s.
fem! reader x singer! matt
disclaimer!! - in no way am i saying matt would ever support or do these kind of things, for the sake of the book certain unethical things do happen at times.
warnings - semi smut (not really)
y/nn = your nickname for any confusion🩷
Chapter 18
My attitude toward the usual wedding formalities was naive and unsophisticated. If it had not been for my good friend Amber Doe, I can’t imagine what I would have done. Amber was great that way. She was raised in Missouri, where her mother was somewhat involved with political events and ventures. Amber knew all the social graces along with proper etiquette.
Before the wedding there had never been an occasion for formalities—the same people came around for years and were always included when there was a special party such as New Year’s at a local club or fireworks wars in back of Graceland.
She reminded me to order my own personalized stationery for later thank-yous and a guest book for later memories. She registered our name with the city’s finest silver and crystal dealers for the convenience of family and friends buying wedding presents.
I had never attended a wedding as large as ours—nothing even close. I was nervous. The bounty from the wedding showers took me by surprise. Graceland had always seemed to have everything anyone could want. We were content with what was there, plus little things I’d bought over the years, such as simple dishes and plain glasses (in case of breakage).
“What’s wrong with those?” I wondered. I was raised to be practical and it was showing. Amber introduced me to dining luxury, the top names in silver, crystal, china—Baccarat, Lenox, Steuben.
The wedding ceremony itself took place on May 1, 1967. Colonel William handled the arrangements. His plan was for Matt and me to drive from L.A. to our rented house in Palm Springs the day before the wedding, so that any inquisitive reporters who got wind of the event would think it was going to take place there.
In fact, we planned to rise before dawn on our wedding day and fly from Palm Springs to Las Vegas, where we were scheduled to arrive at the city clerk’s office at 7 a.m. to get our marriage license. From there, the plan was to rush over to the Aladdin Hotel, dress, have a small ceremony in the private suite of the hotel’s owner, and then—we hoped—slip out of town before anyone noticed.
Time was of the essence. We knew that once we applied for a marriage license, the news would flash around the world. It actually was only a few hours after we got our license that Rona Barrett’s office began calling to ask if rumors about the marriage were true.
Matt and I followed the Colonel’s plan, but as we raced through the day we both thought that if we had it to do over again, we would have given ourselves more time. We were particularly upset at the way our friends and relatives ended up being shuffled around. The Colonel even told some of the boys that the room was too small to hold most of them and their wives, and that there wasn’t time to change to a bigger room. Unfortunately, by the time Matt found out, it was too late for him to do anything about it.
Now I sometimes look back at all the commotion of that week and wonder how things could have gotten so out of hand. I wish I’d had the strength then to say, “Wait a minute, this is our wedding, fans or no fans, press or no press. Let us invite whomever we want, and have it wherever we want!”
It seemed that as soon as the ceremony began, it was over. Our vows were taken. We were now husband and wife. I remember flashbulbs popping, my father’s congratulations, my mother’s tears of happiness.
I would have given anything for one moment alone with my husband. But we were immediately rushed out for a photo session, then a nationwide press conference, and finally a reception, with more photographers.
Mrs. Matt Sturniolo. It had a different ring, a nicer sound than previous labels such as “constant companion,” “teen heartthrob,” “live-in Lolita,” “lover.” For the first time, I felt accepted by my peers and the majority of the public. There were exceptions, of coursethose who had that little hope that they might be the one to finally catch Matt. I didn’t understand that at the time. I was in love and just hoped they would be happy for us.
When I read in the newspapers that I was the best-kept secret in Hollywood, I felt very proud; it was good to be acknowledged. The years of doubt and insecurity of where and if I belonged were over.
I was both exhausted and relieved when we finally returned to Palm Springs aboard Frank Sinatra’s Learjet, the Christina. There were more photographers and reporters waiting for us as we stepped off the plane, and others were parked outside our home.
I was surprised that Matt was holding up so well, considering how nervous he’d been about this ultimate commitment. Yet he was charming with the press and dealt easily with endlessly clicking cameras and flashbulbs, all of which he could usually tolerate only for short periods of time. On top of everything else, we hadn’t slept for nearly forty-eight hours.
In his own way, Matt was determined that our wedding day would be special for us. He joked with Nate Doe, asking, “Is this the way it’s done?”
He carried me across the threshold of our house singing “The Hawaiian Wedding Song.” He stopped and gave me a long, loving kiss, then proceeded to carry me up the stairs to our bedroom, the whole crowd teasing and applauding.
It was still daylight and the sun shone brightly through our bedroom windows as Matt carefully placed me in the middle of our king-size bed.
I don’t think he really knew what to do with me. After all, Matt had protected me and saved me for so long. He was now understandably hesitant about fulfilling all his promises about how very good this moment was going to be.
I have to laugh at how nervous we both were. One would have thought that it was the first time we had ever been together under intimate circumstances.
Gently, his lips touched mine. Then he looked deeply into my eyes. “My wife,” he said softly, as he drew me close. “I love you, y/nn,” he murmured, covering my body with his.
The intensity of emotion I was experiencing was electrifying. The desire and lust that had built up in me throughout the years exploded in a frenzy of passion.
Could he have known how it would be for me? Had he planned this all along? I’ll never know. But I do know that as I went from child to woman, the long, romantic, yet frustrating adventure that Matt and I had shared all seemed worthwhile. As old-fashioned as it might sound, we were now one. It was special. He made it special, like he did with anything he took pride in.
Within a few days we were in Boston, where Angela Sturniolo held a small wedding shower for me. At the end of May we threw a big reception at Graceland for all our friends and relatives—and some fans. Matt and I wore our wedding clothes, greeted everyone, sipped champagne, and shared cake just as if the party were taking place after the wedding ceremony. It was much more comfortable and relaxed than Las Vegas.
Laughing and somewhat high from the champagne, we could really have a good time. There were no photographers or strangers watching our every move.
It was fun seeing James get loose.
“Dad, you want some more champagne?” Matt asked, his eyes twinkling.
“Don’t mind if I do, Son. That’s pretty good stuff.”
“Yeah. Well, don’t drink too much. I don’t want my dad gettin’ in trouble. I see that blonde you’ve been eyein’.”
James stole a glance at the girl and, with the same twinkle replied, “She ain’t too bad, is she? Think I’ll go see if she needs anything.”
Matt turned to me and said, “I like seein’ Dad happy. He hasn’t had too much of it lately, poor ol’ guy.” He watched James make his way through the crowd.
The reception at Graceland was our way of trying to make everyone happy—those who hadn’t known about the wedding ceremony, those who knew but couldn’t attend, and those who knew but weren’t invited. It was a way of including everyone, of making up to anyone whose feelings might have been hurt during the rushed hours in Vegas.
One person who had been very upset was Red West. He had not been invited to the wedding ceremony in the suite, only to the reception afterward. I believe the reason Red was so hurt was because Matt did not demand that he be present, did not take a stand over Colonel William’s decision that only the immediate family and best man attend. I also believe that Red wanted to be best man. After all, he’d known Matt the longest, since their days at Humes High. When Red found out he could not watch the ceremony, he refused to come at all.
Matt was aware of Red’s decision but was determined not to let anything mar the wedding. I understood that but was never able to figure out how Marty Lacker made it to the ceremony. In a last-minute decision Matt had included him as best man along with Nate Doe.
It took a long time for Red to come around again without showing his displeasure. This bothered Matt and he discussed it with many of us, justifying himself and blaming Colonel for putting him in an awkward position.
“You didn’t make the decision—I did,” Colonel reportedly stated. “No matter who you picked, there was gonna be someone left mad. You got too many as it is. You oughta listen to me and let go of some of ’em, then these things won’t come up.”
There’s an old Southern belief that holds that a woman goes into a marriage thinking she can change her man, while a man wants his woman to stay the same as when he married her. I didn’t want to change Matt, but I did have the romantic delusion that once we were married, I could change our life-style.
For the first few days after the wedding, I thought my dream had come true. We divided our time between Graceland and the ranch, where Matt and I had taken up residence in a large, three-bedroom trailer.
It was typical of Matt to choose the trailer over the quaint little house. He had never lived in a trailer before and it intrigued him. The place was completely furnished, including a washer, a dryer, and a modern kitchen. It turned out to be very romantic.
I loved playing house. I personally washed all his clothes, along with the towels and sheets, and took pride in ironing his shirts and rolling up his socks the way my mother had taught me. Here was an opportunity to take care of him myself. No maids or housekeepers to pamper us. No large rooms to embrace the regular entourage.
I got up early, put on a pot of coffee, and started his breakfast with a pound of bacon and three eggs, proudly presented it to him the moment he woke up.
“You see, if we were ever stranded somewhere alone, you know I can take care of you.”
It must have been difficult for him to eat the instant he opened his eyes—but he wasn’t going to disappoint his new bride.
Although the rest of the group traveled with us, they respected our privacy as newlyweds and, for the most part, left us alone.
I understood Matt’s need for the camaraderie the entourage provided, and I didn’t want to take him away from the people he loved, especially now that we were married. He had always criticized wives who tried to change the status quo. He told me about one wife, saying, “She doesn’t like him to be around the boys so much. She’s going to cause problems in the group.” The last thing I wanted was for Matt to think I’d be the kind of wife who’d come between her man and his friends.
I decided one evening to show off my cooking skills for everyone by making one of Matt’s favorite dishes, lasagna. I invited the regulars, bragging to one and all about how well I prepared this Italian specialty. Despite my outward confidence, I must have made ten longdistance calls to my mother in New Jersey, checking and rechecking on quantities and measurements. It was important for me to prove myself a success. Nate Doe, our only Italian and a “gourmet chef,” kidded me all week about how he bet that my lasagna wouldn’t be as good as his. All that ribbing only made me more nervous. I kept thinking, What do I know about pasta? I’m not even Italian.
Finally, the night of the dinner came. Everyone was seated at the table, watching me expectantly. I tried to appear cool and confident as I brought out the fancily prepared platter and started cutting individual squares for my guests. I did notice that when I started slicing the lasagna, it felt a little tough, but thinking I was holding a dull knife, I continued dishing it out.
I sat down, smiled anxiously, and said, “Please start.” We all took a bite and—crunch. There was a look of shock on everyone’s face. I looked at my plate and was mortified when I realized I had forgotten to boil the pasta.
Matt began laughing, but when he saw I was about to cry he turned to his plate and began eating, uncooked noodles and all. Taking their lead from him, everyone followed suit.
Nate Doe still laughs about it, frequently saying, “y/nn? How about some lasagna?”
Excerpt from: "Elvis and Me" by Priscilla Beaulieu Presley. Scribd. This material may be protected by copyright.
a/n - married!! 🎀
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iamarealkat · 7 months
(or at least the main parts i recognized)
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mads mikkelsen and lydia hearst for "euroman", april 2010 by kenneth willardt.
1. GE Monogram 36" Rangetop
First up, the rangetop. Unlike a cooktop, which sets into a pre-cut space in a counter or island, a rangetop overflows the sides and extends beyond the boundaries of the counter with front-facing knobs. This unit in particular is the GE Monogram 36" Rangetop (ZGU366NPSS), with an MSRP of $3400, reversible grates, and six 18,000 BTU power boil burners.
2. 30" GE Monogram Tri-Zone Counter Depth Integrated Refrigerator
Next, a dual installation of 30" GE Monogram Tri-Zone Counter-Depth Integrated Refrigerators (ZIC30GNHIl, shown with optional custom panels for seamless appearance). With an MSRP of $6999 each, these units are made more shallow, known in the industry as counter-depth, to integrate properly with standard cabinetry. Featuring fridge, freezer, and convertible middle-drawer climate zones, this unit has a capacity of 14.09 cu. ft. overall, per unit. It has two separate sealed systems for constant temperature control, and uses the first HFC-Free refrigerant, which has a lower global-warming impact.
3. 30" GE Monogram European Convection Double Wall Oven
A 30" GE Monogram European Convection Double Wall Oven (ZET2SHSS). An MSRP of $5300, with two 5.0 cu. ft. capacity oven cavities. With easy-to-clean all-glass interior door panels, both self-clean and steam-clean options, ten-pass baking elements, and two True European Convection ovens, these units boast convection bake and roast features with closed-door broiling as to not overheat a kitchen, and a built-in temperature probe for perfectly cooked roasts. It also offers a proof mode to assist dough-rising for avid bakers, convection conversion as to not overcook standard recipes, can be monitored remotely with use of a smart phone and GE's WiFi Connect app, and is programmable in both Celsius and Fahrenheit.
4. GE Monogram 240v Built In Oven with Advantium Speedcook Technology
Behold, the GE Monogram 240v Built In Oven with Advantium Speedcook Technology (ZSC2201JSS).
This bad chicken has an MSRP of $3200 and has settings for Speedcook, microwave, convection, and warming. What the hell is Speedcook? It's a combination of microwaves and convection, delivering results up to eight times faster than conventional cooking, and without the need for pre-heating. This thing can reheat, microwave, toast, brown, bake, and gently warm to your heart's content, and has the ability to remember custom recipes.
5. 30" GE Monogram Warming Drawer
Next up, the 30" GE Monogram Warming Drawer (ZW9000SJSS). With an MSRP of $1600, this drawer has a 1.9 cu. ft. capacity, and has variable temperature settings of anything from 75*F to 230*F, and humidity controls from crisp to moist. Gross. It also has a half-rack so you can store more on the inside, and has ball-bearing glides so it pulls out and closes smoothly while making that soothing whoosh noise.
6. 24" GE Monogram Undercabinet Wine Reserve
We also have the 24" GE Monogram Undercabinet Wine Reserve (ZDWR240HBS). With a cool MSRP of $2000, undercabinet wine refrigerators are notoriously tricky because of their front-facing venting needs. If you suffocate refrigerators, even small ones, (like humans) they die.
This fridge features cooling settings suitable to red or white wines, full-extension sliding racks with both horizontal and vertical storage, and has a capacity of 5.5 cu. ft, or 57 bottles.
Hannibal also, apparently, does not believe in dishwashers-panel-ready, drawer-style or otherwise.
What he does believe in? Is coffee, apparently:
7. Royal Paris Vacuum Balancing Coffee Siphon by Royal Coffee Maker
This, dear Fannibals, is a Royal Paris Vacuum Balancing Coffee Siphon, specifically noted by Bryan Fuller to be crafted by Royal Coffee Maker.
Handmade by artisans with affordable materials such as genuine Baccarat Crystal, malachite, copper, obsidian, azurite, and plating of silver and 24k gold, these start at the low, low price of approximately $15,500.
Hannibal's model is the Royal Classic finished in silver, on a Piano Black base. It is, perhaps surprisingly or unsurprisingly, the most tasteful and least ostentatious of all available models.
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This brings the approximate total of all Hannibal's kitchen appliances, plus or minus a few of the minor ones, to $45,000.
8. Additionally in his stolen borrowed home in Florence: La Cornue 43" CornuFé Range
In 1908, in the heart of Paris, Albert Dupuy ignited the flame of elite cuisine. It was there that Dupuy premiered the world's first convection oven. At the time, most ovens were mere flat-topped cavities that held racks suspended over a fire. The majority of people simply considered cooking to be heating food to eat. But Dupuy pondered: "What does it really mean to cook?" He developed his oven with a vaulted ceiling to usher heat around the food, rather than trapping it to burn beneath. To enable optimum precision, the oven drew upon the city gas lines that were winding their way to homes and street lamps throughout the City of Light. Dupuy christened the oven La Cornue after the French term cornue - the system for refining the gas that warmed the new creation.
Each range is made by hand and the labor is intensive. Each worker is a specialist, understanding the greater goal.
However they are not just craftsmen, but companions to each range along its journey from inception to crated final product. They are experts in steel, copper and brass, inspired by great design, working as a team to create an inspired tradition.
True excellence can only be achieved when every step in the process is in pursuit of perfection.
For over 100 years, La Cornue has continued to build upon Albert's initial convection innovation and they've expanded the designs and introduced new styles. As a result, the name La Cornue is supposed to represent a renowned spirit.
Hannibal's version runs about $10,000.
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jovoy · 2 years
good morning i am wearing my little travel size of baccarat rouge 540 extrait i got in the mail yesterday :3
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i immediately cursed myself and my ancestors upon opening this package because now i want a full bottle of this and i am going to eventually have to dish out an inordinate and insane amount of money for it because it is so stupidly expensive. it smells so good i cant help it!! it doesnt smell like cloud it doesnt smell like burberry her it doesnt smell like amber oud rouge it smells like nothing else in this world somehow.its like stained glass windows in a grand old catholic church with the morning light shining through. its very hard to pick out individual notes its so blended…its crystalline like baccarat crystal. not as sweet as the edp but has that same spun sugar quality..more woody and a tad muskier. it has this strange quality to it where you go nearly noseblind to it when you smell it directly on the skin but indirectly it smells amazing. anyways it is so stunning and i would spring for the extrait over the edp 100 times out of 10 probably if money were no object because i think its much more special. this has been baccarat rouge 540 everybody
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kyndaris · 1 year
The Rise and Fall of Empires
After an uneventful day of transit, we landed quite late in Turkiye and were rushed quickly to dinner before we pulled in at the hotel that we would be staying at in Istanbul: the Pullman. On the two hour flight from Cairo to Istanbul (for most of the day, we simply sat around the hotel before hopping onto the coach that would deliver us to the airport at 10AM), I managed to watch Bullet Train and tick off the chaotic but fun movie from my long list of films that had looked interesting but I hadn’t bothered to go into the cinemas to actually well...watch.
In any case, by the time I had showered and fallen asleep on the soft bed at the Pullman, it was quite late and we had an early start the next day.
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At about 6:35AM, I was rudely awoken by a morning wake-up call and served as a reminder that I was late! Popo and I came down for a hurried breakfast before boarding the coach that would take us around the ancient city of Istanbul, or Constantinople as it was previously known during the Byzantine and Ottoman eras.
We arrived at our first stop for the day: a decently sized marine vessel, just before 9AM. Hopping on, we enjoyed a cruise around the Bosphorus Strait, providing us with excellent views of the city of Istanbul. It should be known that the city straddles the bridge between Europe and Asia and has proven to be a pivotal beacon throughout most of history. It played a key role in Christianity before it fell to the Ottomans and became an Islamic stronghold. 
As such, the history of Constantinople is really a history of the world, as well as a symbol of the West’s relationship with the East.
But back to a recount of my trip there!
It was unfortunate that we had arrived in the city in March. The weather was still quite cool and after a good thirty minutes, I felt quite frozen to my spot on the upper deck and quickly sought shelter from the fierce wind.
After our trip on the high seas, our ship pulled into port near the Dolmabahce Palace. In Chinese, the palace is often called the “New Palace” as it was built in and around the mid 1800s and was in use for approximately 70 years until the 1920s when Turkiye became independent. 
The style of the Dolmabahce Palace, although commissioned by an Ottoman Sultan, was very European in design. However, this was soon explained by the fact that the architect for the palace had studied in France and had helped build similar types of buildings all across Europe.
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Still, the decorations inside the palace was a lot different to the ones I’d seen before in France and Austria. A shame, really, that photos were not allowed as I could show you rather than be forced to describe what I saw. Even though there were a few other tourists that took quite a few ‘subtle’ photographs of the rooms and the grand ceremonial hall.
Most notable, at least to me, were the paintings that lined the walls. Most of them depicted famous battles the Turks partook in. Another interesting piece of interior design that caught my eye was the crystal staircase, with the crystal primarily being the supporting columns of the banister. 
Down in the old storage cellars, too, the palace sported numerous displays full of utensils compromised of Bohemian and Baccarat crystals. They also had Mosser glass, which the internet tells me can cost thousands of dollars because of their high-quality construction. Another location in the heart of the palace had displays for medals, weapons and Hokka sets. 
But it should be noted that the palace also had similar trappings as its European counterparts such as the gilded halls, lavish drapings, huge mirrors, as well as beautiful chandeliers. Which will serve as useful material for my future writings although I lack photos for reference.
After touring the Dolmabahce Palace, we had a quick lunch in a spot that was, no doubt, frequented for its water views and which served as a popular fishing spot.
With our stomachs full of grilled fish, we headed to the Grand Bazaar, established all the way back in 1481 according to the plaque out front. There, we roamed the shops and I exchanged some Australian and American dollars into Turkish lira. And though there was a leather jacket I dearly wanted to purchase, my funds, unfortunately, did not have enough stretch to allow me to buy it out right. Nor did I want to risk using my debit card for fear that the details would be stolen and used for nefarious purposes.
Good riddance, I say! I didn’t want it anyways...
Gosh, I do wish I had bought that reversible leather jacket!
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Once I had established how useless I was at haggling, we headed to the Blue Mosque, which sat opposite the Hagia Sophia. Due to ill luck, visiting on a Friday of all days, the Blue Mosque was closed by the time we arrived. It was also undergoing renovations. This fact angered one member of the tour group who was quite rude and aggressive to our tour guide for fear that we would miss out on all the key locations on the itinerary. 
What he didn’t know, of course, was that the itinerary had already been rejigged when we had paid a visit to the Dolmabahce Palace earlier and we would have plenty of time upon our return to Istanbul to take a gander around a mosque if we so wished (which did happen, although it wasn’t the Blue Mosque!).
Undaunted by the trantrum thrown, the tour guide continued to tell us about the Roman Hippodrome that had been constructed in the heart of Istanbul and why the only signs of its presence was the obelisk that had been taken from Karnak Temple. Of course, we had already seen its twin when we visited Karnak Temple several days ago when we had given Egypt a whirl. Score one for a well-planned trip!
We then headed to the Hagia Sophia, which was initially built as a Church following the conversion of the Roman Empire to Christianity. The Hagia Sophia was later converted into a mosque when the Turks took the city. When Turkiye became independent, it served temporarily as a museum before being converted back into a mosque.
And to think that such a sight had been built in a mere 5 years!
True, a lot of the material, such as the Grecian columns used to support the roof, had been recycled from older buildings like a Temple to Artemis in the Ephesus region, but it still looked and felt like a marvel of engineering and vision.
The day ended with dinner at a doner kebab place before we headed back to our hotel for another long day ahead. Although, this time, we would mostly be on the road.
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poshfind · 17 hours
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Wedgwood x Vera Wang TIARA Vintage Wine Glasses Set of 3 NWT.
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pablodelarcorey · 2 months
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developerwith1 · 5 months
A Touch of Luxury: Dior Crystal Glass in Vibrant Colors
In the realm of fine dining and sophisticated home decor, nothing speaks quite like the elegance of crystal glassware. When it's from Dior, especially in partnership with Baccarat, it transcends ordinary elegance to become a statement of luxury and vibrant artistry. Dior's collection of crystal glass, particularly the Dior Baccarat glasses, is renowned for not just its crystal clarity but also for its captivating color palette that transforms any table setting into a dazzling display of light and luxury.
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The Allure of Dior Baccarat Crystal
Dior Baccarat glasses are not merely glassware; they are gems crafted to add luster to your lifestyle. Known for their impeccable quality and breathtaking beauty, these glasses serve as a testament to what luxury drinking experience should feel like.
Exploring the Color Palette
From deep sapphire to vibrant ruby reds, each piece of Dior crystal glass is infused with rich, captivating colors that enhance the aesthetics of its contents. The play of light through the colored crystal creates a spectacle of beauty that is as delightful to behold as it is to use.
Craftsmanship Behind the Beauty
Each Dior Baccarat glass is the result of countless hours of meticulous craftsmanship. Made from the finest crystal, these pieces are handcrafted by skilled artisans who ensure every cut is precise and every finish is perfect, making each piece uniquely magnificent.
Design Elements of Dior Crystal
Dior’s crystal glasses are designed not just for aesthetic pleasure but also for functional superiority. Their ergonomic design ensures comfort in handling, while the varied shapes cater to different beverages, enhancing flavors and the overall drinking experience.
Setting the Mood with Colored Glass
The right color can transform the mood of a dining experience. Dior’s vibrant glassware is perfect for setting a festive, elegant, or a subtly romantic ambiance, making every occasion memorable.
Perfect Pairings: Glassware and Table Settings
Pairing Dior glasses with your table settings involves matching the color and style of the glassware with the theme of your dinnerware. This harmonization brings a cohesive and refined look to your dining table.
Caring for Premium Crystal Glassware
Maintaining the pristine condition of Dior Baccarat glasses involves careful handling and proper cleaning techniques. Avoiding harsh chemicals and using soft, non-abrasive materials for cleaning are key to preserving their luster and elegance.
The Ideal Occasions for Dior Glassware
Whether it's a formal gathering, a celebratory banquet, or a quiet intimate dinner, Dior crystal glasses add a layer of sophistication that elevates any occasion.
Where to Purchase Dior Baccarat Glasses
Dior Baccarat glasses are available at select luxury retailers and can also be purchased through Dior’s official boutiques and authorized online dealers, ensuring authenticity and quality.
Investment Value of Dior Crystal
Beyond their immediate utility, Dior glasses are collectible items that often appreciate in value. Their timeless appeal and the prestige of the Dior and Baccarat names make them a worthy investment.
Celebrity Admirers and High-Profile Events
Favored by celebrities and often featured at high-profile events, Dior’s crystal glassware is a popular choice among the elite for its style and sophistication.
Testimonials: Users' Luxury Experiences
Users often express their delight in the luxurious feel and exquisite design of Dior glasses, noting how they transform everyday moments into special occasions.
The Future of Luxury Tableware Trends
As trends evolve, Dior continues to innovate, integrating advanced techniques and new designs to stay at the forefront of luxury tableware. The future promises even more exciting developments in this arena.
Dior’s Baccarat glasses offer more than just a means to enjoy a drink; they provide an experience, enveloping users in a world of luxury, elegance, and unmatched beauty. Perfect for those who value sophistication in every detail, Dior crystal glassware makes every sip a celebration and every moment at the table a memory worth cherishing
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antiqueestatebuyers · 7 months
Sell Your Lalique Crystal Glass to D&J Antique Buyers: A Timeless Treasure
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D&J Antique Buyers recognizes the enduring allure of Lalique crystal, a name synonymous with exquisite craftsmanship and artistic brilliance. This article delves into the history and legacy of Lalique, exploring the unique qualities that make this crystal so highly sought-after by collectors and enthusiasts alike.
A Legacy of Innovation and Beauty: Baccarat Crystal Glass
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Key Characteristics of Lalique Crystal Glass:
· Pâte de verre: Lalique crystal glass has signature technique involved using molten glass pressed into molds, allowing for intricate details and three-dimensional sculptures.
· Opalescent effects: Lalique masterfully employed acid etching and other methods to create stunning iridescence and variations in light refraction.
· Art Deco motifs: Lalique embraced the geometric patterns, stylized figures, and bold colors characteristic of the Art Deco era.
Beyond Functionality, a Canvas for Artistic Expression:
Lalique crystal transcended mere functionality, becoming a canvas for artistic expression. The brand produced a diverse range of pieces, including:
· Vases: Recognized for their iconic shapes and exquisite details, Lalique vases are coveted collector’s items.
· Vintage Jewelry Buyer NY: Lalique’s early career as a jeweler translated into stunning crystal jewelry, adorned with floral and animal motifs.
· Sculptures: Lalique’s mastery extended to creating captivating sculptures, showcasing his artistic vision in three dimensions.
Collecting Lalique Crystal Glass:
Lalique pieces are highly sought-after by collectors due to their:
· Artistic merit: Each piece embodies the creative vision and skilled craftsmanship of René Lalique.
· Investment potential: Well-maintained Lalique pieces often appreciate in value over time.
· Historical significance: Owning a piece of baccarat crystal glass connects you to a rich artistic legacy.
FAQs: Antique Collectible Buyers
1. How can I authenticate Lalique crystal?
Look for the signature Lalique France mark typically etched on the base of the piece. Consult reputable sources and experts for further verification.
2. What factors affect the value of Lalique crystal?
Rarity, condition, size, design, and provenance (ownership history) all influence the value of a Lalique piece.
3. Where can I purchase Lalique crystal?
Reputable antique stores like antique collectible buyers, auction houses, and specialized Lalique retailers offer genuine pieces.
4. How can I care for Lalique crystal?
Handle with care, use mild soap and water for cleaning, and avoid abrasive materials or harsh chemicals.
Lalique crystal stands as a testament to the enduring power of artistic vision and exceptional craftsmanship. It’s a legacy that continues to captivate collectors and art lovers worldwide. Whether you admire its artistic merit, historical significance, or potential as an investment, Lalique crystal offers a timeless treasure waiting to be discovered.
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james-smith07 · 7 months
Crystal Elegance: Discover the Timeless Beauty of Dior's Hand-Crafted Pink Glassware
In a world where the essence of luxury is constantly evolving, there remains a timeless symbol of elegance and sophistication: Dior's hand-crafted pink glassware. dior bacarat glasse This exquisite collection, born from the collaboration between Dior and the legendary Baccarat, encapsulates more than just the act of drinking; it elevates every moment to a celebration of beauty and craftsmanship. Let's embark on a journey to explore the allure of these iconic pieces and how they continue to define the standards of crystal elegance.
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The Legacy of Dior and Baccarat
Diving into heritage, the collaboration between Dior and Baccarat represents a meeting of minds and mastery. Both houses have been synonymous with luxury and excellence in their respective fields, making this partnership not just a venture but a celebration of heritage and innovation.
The Artistry Behind the Glass
Creating Dior's pink glassware is an art form in itself. Each piece is meticulously hand-crafted by the skilled artisans of Baccarat, who bring the designs to life with precision and passion. It's a dance between fire and crystal, where every touch adds to the uniqueness of the piece.
The Significance of Pink
Why pink, you might wonder? This hue isn't just visually stunning; it carries layers of meaning. Pink represents compassion, nurturing, and love, embodying the spirit of Dior's vision for beauty that goes beyond the surface.
A Symphony of Craftsmanship
The making of Dior's glassware is a symphony where every stage, from the selection of materials to the final polish, is performed with utmost care. It's a process that respects tradition while embracing modern technology, ensuring that each glass is a masterpiece.
Design Philosophy: A Blend of Tradition and Innovation
Dior's design philosophy marries tradition with innovation. Each piece of glassware not only reflects the elegance and sophistication of Dior but also incorporates contemporary design elements, making them timeless yet modern.
Celebrating Moments with Dior Glassware
Dior's glassware transforms ordinary moments into celebrations. Whether it's a quiet evening at home or a lavish dinner party, these pieces add a touch of glamour and elegance, making every sip a memorable experience.
The Sustainable Luxury of Dior Glassware
In an era where sustainability is paramount, Dior's glassware stands out for its commitment to eco-friendly practices. From the sourcing of materials to the production process, every step is taken with environmental responsibility in mind.
Maintaining the Splendor of Your Glassware
Caring for your Dior glassware ensures its beauty endures. Simple practices like gentle washing, avoiding extreme temperatures, and proper storage can keep your pieces sparkling for years to come.
Dior Glassware as a Statement of Style
Owning Dior glassware is more than just a luxury; it's a statement of style and sophistication. These pieces reflect the owner's appreciation for fine craftsmanship and a lifestyle that values beauty in everyday moments.
The Collectibility of Dior Baccarat Glasses
For collectors, Dior Baccarat glasses are coveted treasures. Each piece, with its unique design and impeccable craftsmanship, holds the potential to become a valuable heirloom, cherished for generations.
Where to Find These Treasures
Acquiring Dior's pink glassware is a journey of its own. Available through select boutiques and retailers, each piece invites you to become part of the storied legacy of Dior and Baccarat.
Conclusion: The Lasting Legacy of Dior's Glassware
The allure of Dior's hand-crafted pink glassware lies not just in its visual beauty but in the stories it tells—of craftsmanship, luxury, and the pursuit of perfection.
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wildbeautifuldamned · 9 months
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6133939 Baccarat CRYSTAL GLASS FIGURINE IN BOX SHEEP ebay sou_japan
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developerwith1 · 5 months
Baccarat's Bearbrick Crystal: A Timeless Piece of Art
In the realm of collectibles, where the delight of nostalgia meets the luxury of craftsmanship, stands a shining example: the Baccarat Bearbrick. This isn’t just another decorative item; it’s a fusion of playful design and sophisticated artistry, creating a timeless piece that appeals to both the young at heart and the connoisseurs of fine crystal.
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What is the Baccarat Bearbrick?
Have you ever seen a child’s eyes light up at the sight of a toy, then felt a similar spark as an adult? That’s the magic of the Baccarat Bearbrick. It’s a designer toy made from the finest crystal, bridging generations and tastes with its universal charm.
The History of Baccarat Crystal
Founded in 1764, Baccarat has been synonymous with French luxury and impeccable crystal workmanship. The Bearbrick collaboration represents a bold step into modern design, while staying true to its heritage of excellence.
The Unique Appeal of Bearbrick
Why does a Bearbrick stand out in a room full of art? Perhaps it’s the way its polished surfaces catch the light, or how its playful shape contrasts with its luxurious material. It’s a piece that invites curiosity and admiration.
Craftsmanship at its Finest
Each Baccarat Bearbrick is a result of hundreds of hours of meticulous craftsmanship. From the precise cutting of crystal to the flawless polishing, every detail is perfected to ensure the piece dazzles from every angle.
Incorporating Baccarat Bearbricks into Your Decor
Introducing a Baccarat Bearbrick into your home is like adding a sprinkle of stardust—it immediately elevates the space. Whether it’s showcased in a glass cabinet or on a mantle, it becomes the focal point of the room.
The Symbolism Behind the Bearbrick
More than just a figure, each Bearbrick carries a deeper meaning. It represents the playful spirit within all of us, reminding us that art doesn’t have to be solemn to be taken seriously.
Collecting Baccarat Bearbricks
For many, collecting Bearbricks is a passion. Each edition is a chapter in an ongoing story of art and innovation, making them highly coveted pieces among collectors.
How to Care for Your Crystal Bearbrick
Caring for a crystal Bearbrick involves more than just occasional dusting. It requires careful handling and a proper display environment to ensure it remains pristine.
Bearbricks as Investment Pieces
With their limited availability and artistic value, Bearbricks can be wise investments. Like fine art, their worth can appreciate over time, especially rare editions.
Where to Purchase Baccarat Bearbricks
Authentic Baccarat Bearbricks can be found at select luxury retailers, high-end department stores, and directly from Baccarat boutiques. Ensure authenticity by purchasing from reputable sources.
Celebrity and Designer Collaborations
The Bearbrick has seen various collaborations with renowned designers and celebrities, adding to its appeal and collectibility. Each collaboration infuses the Bearbrick with unique artistic visions.
The Future of Collectible Art
As we look to the future, the Bearbrick stands out as a pioneer in collectible art, merging traditional craftsmanship with contemporary culture. Its ongoing popularity underscores its potential to remain a cherished item for generations.
Frequently Asked Questions About Bearbricks
Do you have questions about starting your collection or maintaining your Bearbricks? This section covers the most common inquiries, providing you with expert advice on enjoying your collectibles to the fullest.
The Baccarat Bearbrick is more than just a collectible; it's a masterpiece that holds a mirror to the playful and luxurious sides of our lives. It’s an invitation to appreciate art in one of its most whimsical forms, promising to be a delightful addition to any collection or decor. Owning a Bearbrick isn’t just about having an item of value; it’s about possessing a timeless piece of art that brings joy and refinement together.
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antiqueestatebuyers · 7 months
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Sell Your Baccarat Crystal Glass?: Antique State Buyers
Baccarat crystal, synonymous with exquisite craftsmanship and unparalleled radiance, has graced tables and adorned homes for centuries. Its timeless elegance and inherent value make it a coveted treasure for collectors and lovers of fine things alike. At Antique State Buyers, we're your trusted partner in exploring the captivating world of Baccarat crystal glass, offering both buying and selling expertise.
Let us handle the complexities of selling your Baccarat crystal. We offer free consultations, appraisals, and secure selling options, ensuring a smooth and efficient process.
Visit Us – https://antiqueestatebuyers.com/antique-collections/
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james-smith07 · 7 months
Luxury Redefined: Unveiling the Beauty of Crystal Glass in Pink
In a world where luxury continuously evolves, the timeless beauty of crystal glass, especially when tinted in the softest hues of pink, stands as a testament to sophistication and elegance. This delicate color, often associated with charm and gentleness, finds its perfect expression in the exquisite craftsmanship of Baccarat glasses, further elevated by the legendary style of Dior. Together, they redefine luxury, making every moment and every sip a statement of refined taste and unparalleled grace. Let's delve into the enchanting world of crystal glass in pink, where Baccarat's heritage meets Dior's visionary design.
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The Enchantment of Pink Crystal Glass
Pink crystal glass is not just a material; it's a narrative of beauty, delicacy, and luxury. Its soft hue captures the essence of elegance, making every piece a coveted item for connoisseurs and enthusiasts alike.
Baccarat and Dior: A Match Made in Luxury Heaven
When Baccarat, known for its unparalleled crystal craftsmanship, collaborates with Dior, a symbol of haute couture elegance, the result is mesmerizing. Together, they create pieces that are not just glassware but icons of luxury.
The Craftsmanship Behind the Glass
Each piece of pink crystal glass by Baccarat and Dior is a masterpiece, born from the skilled hands of artisans who blend centuries-old techniques with modern innovation to create something truly unique.
Incorporating Pink Crystal into Modern Living
Integrating pink crystal glassware into your lifestyle is a statement of your appreciation for the finer things in life. Whether for special occasions or everyday use, these pieces add a touch of luxury to any moment.
Caring for Your Crystal Glassware
Maintaining the beauty of your Baccarat glasses Dior requires a gentle touch and an understanding of proper care techniques. We'll guide you through ensuring your luxury glassware remains pristine for years to come.
Spotting Authentic Baccarat Glasses by Dior
In a world filled with imitations, knowing how to identify authentic Baccarat glasses by Dior is essential. We'll share tips on distinguishing genuine luxury glassware from counterfeits.
The Art of Gifting Luxury Glassware
Choosing Baccarat glasses by Dior as a gift is an expression of love and esteem. These pieces are perfect for weddings, anniversaries, and other milestones, embodying the spirit of celebration and luxury.
Expanding Your Luxury Glassware Collection
For collectors and enthusiasts, acquiring new pieces of pink crystal glassware is a journey of discovery and delight. Learn what to look for and how to curate a collection that reflects your personal style and elegance.
Pink Glass in Interior Design
Beyond their use as drinkware, pink crystal glasses by Baccarat and Dior serve as stunning decorative elements, enhancing the aesthetics of any interior space with their luminous glow and sophisticated design.
The Symbolic Meaning of Pink in Luxury Items
Pink is more than a color; it's a symbol of grace, warmth, and affection. In the realm of luxury items, pink crystal glass embodies these qualities, making each piece a token of beauty and love.
Where to Purchase Authentic Pieces
Finding authentic Baccarat glasses by Dior requires knowledge and discernment. We'll point you to reputable sources where you can acquire these exquisite pieces with confidence.
Customer Testimonials: The Joy of Pink Glass
Hearing from those who have experienced the joy and elegance of owning pink crystal glassware by Baccarat and Dior offers insights into the transformative power of these luxury items.
Conclusion: Celebrating the Beauty of Pink Glass
The beauty of pink crystal glass, especially when crafted by the legendary hands of Baccarat and brought to life through the visionary design of Dior, is a celebration of luxury redefined. These pieces are not just objects of admiration but vessels of history, craftsmanship, and unparalleled elegance. As we raise our glasses, let them be a toast to the enduring allure of pink glass, a symbol of luxury that continues to captivate and enchant
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