kurjakani · 5 months
Sorry i was thinking abt babyslings
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flowerflamestars · 1 year
Chapters: 2/? Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Padmé Amidala/Darth Maul, CC-1010 | Fox/Quinlan Vos, CC-2224 | Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi, Padmé Amidala & Coruscant Guard Clone Troopers, Padmé Amidala & CC-1010 Fox Characters: Padmé Amidala, Leia Organa, Luke Skywalker, Darth Maul, Obi-Wan Kenobi, CC-2224 | Cody, CC-1010 | Fox, Quinlan Vos, Clone Commander Thorn (Star Wars), CC-5869 | Stone, Mace Windu Additional Tags: sith mind control, Jedi Maul (Star Wars), annoyance to lovers, Recovery, Political Campaigns, Padmé Amidala Lives, chosen family, Fox killed the Chancellor, Ashoka Tano becomes a Jedi again, Galactic war consequences, Force-Sensitive CC-1010 | Fox, Rex having a no good terrible time Summary:
"This is why," he drawled, handsome face ruined by overflowing disdain, "We train children."
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camysg8 · 2 years
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-¿Quién eres tu?
-Soy tu pero más canon.
🤡 Un mismo personaje, dos historias totalmente diferentes, un fandom🤡
🤡 The same character, two totally different stories, one fandom🤡
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shu-box-puns · 1 year
Tsu’tey getting pissed at a root that had the audacity to trip Spider up whilst he was chasing his Dad’s tail. 
Just young Spider toddling along after Tsu’tey whilst the hunter navigates the forest. He’s decked out in the loincloth Tsu’tey made for him with a little toy bow slung over his shoulder so he can be like his Dad. Since he’s learnt to walk, Spider’s been getting more and more confident in getting around. When he’s not tired, he’ll fuss until Tsu’tey relents and lets him out of the babysling so he can explore. He always makes sure its somewhere safe enough for Spider to explore, somewhere he can stretch his legs but Tsu’tey can keep an eye on him.
It’s mid morning, plenty of time to hunt for dinner later after Spider has tired himself out enough to sleep whilst Tsu’tey works. 
Now, the little one is making grabby hands at the tail waving above his head, and not looking where he’s going because he’s so enthralled. To his credit, Spider doesn’t cry when he falls, just lets out a startled yelp and landed face first. Tsu’tey’s ears flick back at the sudden noise, head snapping round to check on his son, only to find him lying on his stomach in the dirt looking sad and pathetic.
With big watery eyes, Spider’s gaze climbs Tsu’tey’s towering form, his lower lip wobbling. He’s clearly stunned, watching Tsu’tey for a reaction so he knows whether he’s supposed to cry or sit back up. 
The hunter has to swallow hard as he turns and crouches to assess the damage. He knows his ears are pinned back and his tail is thrashing dangerously, but he works hard to keep his expression neutral. For if he panics, it’ll send Spider into hysterics.
Spider is stock still as Tsu’tey examines him with careful touches, watching his Dad’s face like a hawk for signs of distress or sadness. Tsu’tey gives him nothing so Spider just keeps staring. Momentarily frozen as Tsu’tey realises he’s fine and let his ears spring back up.
“What a brave little warrior.” He coos, gently hooking his fingers under Spider’s armpits and lifting him back to his feet. Spider visibly brightens at the compliment. He makes grabby hands at Tsu’tey once again, who is more than happy to scoop him up into his arms. 
Spider goes willingly into the sling, allowing Tsu’tey to carefully dust off his knees before tucking him in securely. Before the hunter turns to go, he makes sure to give the offending root a sharp kick. 
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classificationhell · 6 months
how would alastor or ethier lucifers react to a fiesty reader who's a fighter. Whether martial arts, guns or swords, or making their own bombs, or even just arguing with their words or debating, like they get a thrill from it and always try new tactics to come out on top no matter the fight? I guess think like vi from arcane.
Had to look that up since I don't play league of legends (I'm more of a solo rpg type gamer type tbh lol)
Alastor is fine with it as long as that fiestiness isn't directed at him specifically. Do you want to beat up someone else? Just don't do so publicly and make a spectacle of yourself, is all he asks. However, you want a go at the radio demon? You are just asking for discipline aren't you?
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As stated many times, Alastor is very old school in his discipline, feeling like sparing the rod is spoiling the child, or Little in this case. He'll be sure to stamp out any rebellious behavior and even fight you if you so wish, but when he wins, you're also getting your ass spanked near bloody for causing a scene and having the gall to go against your Caregiver and Alpha.
Even in the case of just using your words, he's upset. As long as you can do it eloquently enough to avoid foul language and for the original sentence to have double meaning though there's not much he can do about it begrudgingly. Being smart does have its perks. However, if you use foul language or say something that couldn't be taken innocently, then you're getting a good spanking and having to hold a piece of soap in your mouth until it dissolves and only then will you spit it out and apologize to your Papa for your vulgarity. As always afterwards he reassures you that he does love and care for you and that nothing is wrong with you. You just need to learn how to put your fiestiness to use in other ways that are hopefully more productive. He'll offer to allow you to verbally handle Vox next time he tries to smear his name or something.
Lucifer will try and help curb their more violent tendencies should they have, but he isn't really big on discipline. Might ask Charlie for advice as a last resort if they're too fiesty. I could imagine you having regular sparring matches with Vaggie to try and manage your fiestiness in an appropriate way. If it's just words then well Lucifer lived through Charlie's goth phase, he can handle words.
Mourningstar is very obtuse due to his delusions. He will take fiestiness as a kind of cry for attention and triple down on Daddy daughter time with you. Do not try and fight him unless you wanna be in a babysling, or worse, constantly for a while.
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evilwriter37 · 1 year
If Hiccup and Toothless never separated, do you think Hiccup would have had a babysling for the Nightlight eggs/babs? (Provided the Lightfury didnt try to murder him for getting too close to her babies lol)
YES. That just conjured up the fucking cutest image ever. Imagine Hiccup with a baby sling on his chest with Zephyr or Nuffink in it, and another baby sling on his back with one of the Night Lights. Or, switch it around. Or give Astrid Zephyr or Nuffink and Hiccup is trying to fit all the Night Lights into the baby sling while the Light Fury looks on in dismay.
I'm dead from cuteness!!!!
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...case, help, i got myself trapped in a babysling-
......as the baby?
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quackityposting · 1 year
the qsmp needs a babysling mod so the players can carry the egg around
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moonstone27ls · 2 years
Inside Job season 2
spoiler warning.....
..I warned you...
what did I think of it? It was pretty good. Not saying it was as good as last season but I sat through it all. I give Reagan props on wanting to have a better life and actually be happy,
Cause I’ll be blunt and I’m sorry if it offends anyone but her parents are LITERAL shits. Now her mom dunno her excuse, and I guess her dad is... pft sorry I’m not giving him excuse. He’s only on a level below from Rick villain/asshole because he gets a few moments of clarity of “I’m a dick parent”. But just a few. As antagonist to her story they are awesome. Parents pft lordd. I mean her dad during both seasons his whole purpose other than control/is trying to make his exwife love him again. I mean real life wise thats stalking and a part of me was sick of his obsession.
But anyways yes I enjoyed her and Ron’s romance and both wanting better. Because well yes I liked them and I wanted them both happy. Was I shocked that none of them tried to help Reagan kick her dad out or that they ignored her when her instincts were right... heh nah. I mean Brett aside, they are office friends at most. They are better than Rand to a degree I guess? They helped in the finale and I guess thats what matters.
The episodes were pretty much up to the level of last season. With us seeing how both Reagan and Brett have miserable family lives.
And although I did like her with Ron. I will not lie the last two eps made me ship her with Brett again. I mean Reagan had a chance to have Brett stay with her to take down her dad. But moment she saw he had a chance of being actually happy with his life. She let Brett go. Out of all the characters in the series, its Brett whom she cares about and is willing to sacrifice her happiness for.
And same for Brett, though he had doubts of taking her job. And was clearly having a problem with that whole “keep the airbud dog”. The moment he saw that Reagan just wanted to be happy with Ron. He withheld his insecurities from her, he toughened up and tried again. Because all he wanted was to see her happy even if that meant they’d never see each other again. My shipping side was screaming for them to kiss/or hug XD.
It is too bad she and Ron didn’t get a happy ending. But maybe among those many aus. They’re happy. And maybe next season if I’m lucky I’ll see one where she’s with Brett. Don’t judge I think they’d be cute together. Lord I can see her being the boss and Brett with a babysling going “Aww look at mommy yelling at the everyone again 8D!” Pft.
Anything I want if they get a next season... I dunno figure out what those robes are? Whats they’re plan and whatever happened to Reagan’s robo doppleganger? Cause first season it disappearedddd.
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When you're wearing your sling or carrier, don't forget the T.I.C.K.S. rules for safe baby wearing! 👇🏼
✔️ TIGHT – slings and carriers should be tight enough to hug your baby close to you as this will be most comfortable for you both. Any slack/loose fabric will allow your baby to slump down in the carrier which can hinder their breathing and pull on your back.
✔️ IN VIEW AT ALL TIMES – you should always be able to see your baby’s face by simply glancing down. The fabric of a sling or carrier should not close around them so you have to open it to check on them. In a cradle position your baby should face upwards not be turned in towards your body.
✔️ CLOSE ENOUGH TO KISS – your baby’s head should be as close to your chin as is comfortable. By tipping your head forward you should be able to kiss your baby on the head or forehead.
✔️ KEEP CHIN OFF THE CHEST – a baby should never be curled so their chin is forced onto their chest as this can restrict their breathing. Ensure there is always a space of at least a finger width under your baby’s chin.
✔️ SUPPORTED BACK – in an upright carry a baby should be held comfortably close to the wearer so their back is supported in its natural position and their tummy and chest are against you. If a sling is too loose they can slump which can partially close their airway.
If you're struggling with your sling/carrier in class, our Sweaty Mama instructors can help assist you to make sure baby is in a safe position! Make sure you hit SAVE so you know how to wear your carrier safely! 💾
#babycarriers #babywearing #safebabywearing #mumandbabyclass #mumandbabyworkouts #babysling #ticksrules
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lovebugdotcom · 2 years
If I get a canonical kid I’m drawing my summoner carrying them in one of those babyslings
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Rainbow Wrap - August 2018- warp was made from supima cotton hand dyed in colours reminiscnt of a Kingfisher. This was combined with a pineapple bast fibre and cotton weft, dyed in rainbow colours. The weave chosen was an undulating twill to create the illusion of watery movement as I have always been inspired by water.
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inyujidraws · 5 years
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Day 19 Sling: Old man carrying his adopted tiger child in a baby sling. It's a pretty good disguise, all bundled like a baby burrito when traveling amongst people.
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brandstaetter · 5 years
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Spring has sprung! Illustration for a postcard series for the charming Austrian babysling label wildhübsch. You'll recieve a postcard with every sling order.
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classificationhell · 7 months
How does alastor and lucifer punish their Littles when they misbehave? Or put themselves in danger? I think I read some lore that alastors mom was the only person he respected and feared because when he misbehaved his momma spanked him. XD I can relate to this, time out was my preferred punishment not that we get a say in punishments since it defeats the purpose. Lol!
Assuming you mean normal Lucifer, he is definitely the time out and restricted privileges type of Caregiver when he has to be. For the most part he tries discussing the problem on their level to see if it resolves the behavior, however, if it's something that is moderately dangerous and doesn't need to be repeated for safety sake he'll go with time outs and restriction as stated. Most he will do if it is extremely dangerous is you are going to be in a babysling for a long while. He couldn't ever stand to hurt his Little.
My man Alastor on the other hand >.>
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Listen it's not like he enjoys it because his Little reminds him of his own mother, but just like the woman herself he is a believer that sometimes the rod is necessary. Still, he won't do much about anything he doesn't deem as either bad behavior or a danger to their safety. They pranked Husk just to see his reaction and laugh in his face when it worked? Alastor does the same thing darling, other's are only their for amusements sake the only deeper connection either of you needed were each other. Now let's say they tried to do the same to him.... depending on how far they got it could just be a slap on the wrist type punishment. Overall not too bad, but you did something to endanger yourself? Oho may the lord have mercy upon you because Alastor certainly wouldn't.
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sheloya · 2 years
Instructions for making a Velcro closure baby sling that will stay useful until your child is over 2 years old.
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