#baby's first fanvid!!!!
flouncysinatra · 5 months
Fell in Love with a Girl | 10 Things I Hate About You | Kat/Patrick | also on ao3 here
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thefutureiswhat · 1 month
I've dreamed of making this video for three years, and I finally did it.
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serpercival · 6 months
Jesus on the Telephone - A M*A*S*H Fanvid
You ever hear a song that so fundamentally changes your brain chemistry that you enter a fugue state and learn an entirely new skill?
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nightspires · 1 year
nancy & ace | youth
my eyes are damp from the words you left ringing in my head, when you broke my chest
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gyunikum · 2 years
Never let me down (again) // Paddy x Eoin
SAS Rogue Heroes
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suddenrundown · 11 months
ed & stede | that's the way it is
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ephemeramedia · 9 months
Hannibal (2013-2015)/NFWMB-Hozier
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randomfoggytiger · 3 months
Forever amazed by the amount of content you have created for the fandom in what feels like such a short amount of time! Thank you for helping keep this show alive!! What are the analyses/fics/lists that you are most proud of/pleased with that you've done?
Thank you! That compliment means the world. :DDDD
Couldn't pick one, but tried to keep things simple.
One doesn't stand apart from the rest, but Fics That Deserve More Comments (Part I)-- and Fics That Deserve More Comments (Part II) and Fics That Deserve More Comments (Part III) and Fics that Deserve More Comments (Part IV)-- is my favorite conceit.
I'll never forget the outpouring of love for my first fic Son of Egypt, so that is definitely on the list. Runner up is "The Dead Are Everywhere, Scully"; but I'm unutterably proud of both.
I also treasure all of my Fictober Wrap Up and Eight Nights of Mulder Master List fics (except the last one for 8NoM.)
Chariots of Fire  makes me chuckle.
The Bill Scully POV fics were a way to flex the nuances of his character. (They can be found through the Bill Scully POV tag.)
Fics outta my comfort zone that I'm proud of: "Kids Today, Huh?", The Hospital Where You Slept, and "I Know You. It’s What I Do."
I'm most proud of All IVF Roads Lead Away from The Unnatural and to Millennium, Fire and False Romance, Ice and Love, and How Scully Taught Mulder to Hug because they got the most traction.
In love with? Today: 1. "Proving" Mulder Knew He Was the Father of Scully's Baby, 2. Scully Is the Conduit Conductor and Mulder Is the Dancer, 3. Mulder Is a Brooder; and Scully Is His Concluder, 4. One Son: An Intense, One-Shot Analysis of “You’re Making This Personal”, 5. Never Again: An Intensive Essay and 6. The Mulder Family In-Depth. Also: anything Season 8 or Arcadia.
These are my passion projects, I admit.
TINH: Scully’s Solo, S2 Abduction: Mulder’s Torment, Drivin’ Right Along, CSM and Diana: The Riddle, and Milagro: Hellfire have my heart.
Others that make me equally proud: 1. Syzygy: Everything You Can Do I Can Do Better, 2. Mulder and Samantha: Miracle of Miracles, 3. Amor Fati: If I Never Knew You, 4. The Mulders: Sunrise, Sunset, 5. Monday: There’s Always Tomorrow, and 6. Memento Mori: I Bring You a Song.
I'm super, duper proud of MULDER, The Spooky INTP and SCULLY, The Enigmatic ISTJ (which I then applied to Mulder and Scully: Love and Touch for INTPs/ISTJs, and an analysis of One Son-- Part I and Part II-- and Never Again.)
My "live-blog" reacts to Return to Me (from the POV of Someone Averse to RomComs) and IWTB (Losing My Mind) crack me up.
Did a few Personality Typing posts for Hank Moody and other movies (Return to Me, Bringing Up Baby, and What Happens Later.)
Lastly, David Duchovny’s Face: an Aesthetics Study got me hooked on exploring fashion-- Seasonal Color analysis, body types, essences, etc.-- through the lens of David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson. (You can find those posts through the randomfashiontiger tag.)
Thank you for making me feel special this weekend~. :))))))
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that--funny--feeling · 7 months
Why Existence is the perfect conclusion to TXF: my take on S8
William's storyline is the last X-File of the season (of the entire serie for some) and I think that it contains the essence of the show and the characters and that's why S8 should have been the last one in my opinion.
This analysis will aim to examine both positive and negative factors of S8. I'll try to do my best, but this is also a very personal meta. I ask you to hang on with me, if you can.
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S8 overall impressions
I concluded S8 one week ago now and I had time to reflect with a cool head. I still think this is the worst season of the show (if we don't include 9 to 11 and I'm not going to talk about them here and I'd like to keep ignoring them :D ). Mulder's absence heavy influences the season obviously, the atmosphere is tragic and dramatic. It's a bit of a shock for the fans, since the light and fun air we had in season 6 and especially 7. Even though I liked Doggett and Reyes and I'm glad they joined the team, the mytharc episodes were way more then usual and as usual not handled well (starting with Within/Without), also some episodes were really just bad (Badlaa) and other make suffer Scully again and again uselessly (Roadrunners). How many times can Scully be afraid to have a miscarriage? She's pregnant and alone ffs, she had enough. All the fixation on her baby and people who wanted to hurt him or both of them really made me sick at some point.
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Mulder's return makes things better, if we ignore his OOC behaviour in Three Words. I get his PTSD and feeling out of place in a world that went on without him. And I expected him to be territorial about the X-Files with Doggett, but he talks to Scully like he resents she's moving out of work because of her pregnancy. He'd be the first one to explode with joy for her (for them both), finding out she's going to have a baby. I'm glad he behaves normally from Empedocles on. Mulder's resurrection in This is not happening/Deadalive is a bit all over the place (they think he's dead but in the end he's not but meanwhile they buried him for three months? And then they need a vaccine for him to not turn into an aline but in the end they don't? O-ok. What's going to think Maggie Scully about all of this? Poor soul) but ok, let's go on.
Scully's pregnancy
Through all the season, we don't exactly know what to think about Scully's pregnancy. She wasn't supposed to have children after her abduction. Then Mulder tells her he found the vial with some of her ova. She takes them to Dr. Parenti and he says she has a chance. We also find out Dr. Parenti seems to be involved in aliens' experiments. In the end IVF doesn't work. So it seems whatever he tried to do with her, he failed, but the question remains: how is possibile for Scully to be pregnant?
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Even Mulder doesn't know what to think. And I don't think his confusion is about the who's the daddy stupid topic, but about how it was possibile for her to carry a child in the first place. He's worried someone is using her again and she will suffer again. I don't think he has doubts that, experiments aside, he's the only one that can be the father of that baby. And even though he wasn't the biological one, he'd accept the role as the father all the same.
Aside from that, I think this baby is the first chance in Mulder and Scully's life to find their own normalcy, to start a life aside from work, to step aside from their save-the-world-responsabilities. They suffered enough for a lifetime afterall.
Getting out of the damn car
Mulder isn't in the FBI anymore. Scully is in maternity leave but she's not sure she'll be back. The X-Files were hard to leave behind for both of them, but they realized they would reach an end of the road sooner or later. And the end is now. We see a switch from Mulder's moment of closure about Samantha. He feels free and lighter, the atmosphere in S7 is fun and playful. As I tried to show in my fanvid, I think not only Scully, but Mulder too seeks a simpler life (maybe normalcy wasn't the right term. Neither Mulder nor Scully were ever proper afterall). At the end of S7 they both are getting there:
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But even before Mulder's abduction, there's always the dilemma: Mulder's personal quest may be over, but what about looking for the Truth? Unmask the corrupt government and its secrets? This quest is maybe endless and both Mulder and Scully know about it.
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Will the duty always be before the personal happiness?
Doggett & Reyes
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Here they come, a skeptic and a believer again, to achieve the needed balance. I liked how the writers didn't try to replace Mulder with a similar character. Doggett is way different: he's an old school policeman, he seems reliable and tough. The sheriffs respect him and don't go as far away as possible from him like it happens with some other spooky and weird guy. He has male friends and does manly things. But he's also lonely and he's lost somebody he deeply cared for because of something he can't explain. So he's drawn to the X-Files in more ways than one.
Reyes always smiles and that made me fall for her. She's a breath of fresh air in a dark and melancholic season. She doesn't know well Scully, but she's ready to help, because she trusts Doggett and that's enough for her. She respects Mulder even before knowing him, because Scully does and that's enough for her. She's ready to do everything for a cause that she cares for and her amazement and sense of justice really reminded me of the feeling of the first season.
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I adore how Scully and Doggett's trust is built case after case, I love how Scully sees something of herself in him (his need to find practical proofs and his stubborness on not believing the fantastic) and viceversa (Doggett is protective of her and her child because he doesn't want her to go through what happened to him). I love how Scully likes Reyes from day one, because she's fun and weird and she reminds her of her dead sister (this really warms my heart).
I love how Mulder obviously is territorial about his department with Doggett but then starts to respect and trust him enough with the X-Files. I love how Mulder sees how spontaneous and stubborn Reyes is and says she'd be useful in the X-Files.
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The way both Mulder and Scully pass the baton to them really does things to me. Because maybe the quest to the truth really is infinite, but they understand they can find people honest and passionate about that just like them. And after all these years, they can rest, knowing that someone is still out there fighting.
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As I anticipated, many things are said about this baby. He may be an hybrid by the aliens, he may be a supersoldier by the army, he may even be a real miracle by God. But I like to think it's none of these things.
William is really the union of Mulder and Scully. When the IVF fails, Mudler says:
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Mulder, the furthest man from religion, says it to Scully, because that's what he does best: he believes. He never gives up no matter what (he neither did when Scully had cancer). He knows she needs to hear it and he needs it too. He's ready to believe in a miracle for her.
I don't think William is a miracle in the christian sense. I think he's a miracle, because it's the most improbable but plausible thing that could happen in a sea of paranormal possibilities. What if there was a 1% chance for Scully to become pregnant in a conventional way and they fell in that 1%? He's the essence of both their genetics and their points of view. What if he is just a normal boy?
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Because it's theirs, their baby, their miracle. And if I have to choose what to believe, I want to believe that.
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The end.
My TXF posts and videos.
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It’s time to get ready for another Swanfire Week!  (the best week of the year!) Let’s celebrate our favorite OTP together. The event will run from September 18 to September 24 but don’t worry if you can’t do it on those days. Our babies thieves will always wait for you 〆(・∀・✿)
Please use this week to celebrate Swanthief in any way you want to, whether it’s making gifs, graphics, mixes, or fanvids, writing fic or meta, creating fanart, etc…
🦢🔥 Day 1: Favorite Important location  ||  Parallels || Writing Prompt: Emma and Neal playing on the swings at a small playground that nobody goes to anymore.
🦢🔥 Day 2: Family moment  ||  Season you associate with them  || Writing Prompt: Neal and Emma spend the night on the perfect hill for stargazing.
🦢🔥 Day 3: Love Languages ||  Favorite Episode  || Writing Prompt: Neal likes stealing Emma's phone to change Emma's phone wallpaper into something stupid. Neal is doing another routine swipe of Emma's phone but doesn't have the heart to change it because this time because Emma's phone wallpaper is a cute picture of the two of them.
🦢🔥 Day 4: A personal headcanon ||  Time travel AU || Writing Prompt: Emma and Neal go to a fair/amusement park and Emma wants to go on the roller coaster and Neal agrees. Later, Neal regrets their decision and ends up clinging to Emma for dear life.
🦢🔥 Day 5: Song/quote  ||  Holiday  || Writing Prompt: Emma and Neal wearing matching Halloween costumes or ugly Christmas sweaters. Or any matching outfits.
🦢🔥 Day 6: Favorite Trope ||  Meme  || Writing Prompt: Emma captions everything Neal does with 'That's hot/cute'
🦢🔥 Day: 7: Free Day || Writing Prompt: Emma and Neal sit outside together late at night and as the temperature begins to drop they snuggle up together. 
Don’t feel limited by the intention of the prompt! If you’d like to do something that’s not in the prompts, go ahead!
✔ The tag will be sfweek2023 so make sure to use it in the first five tags.
✦  Special thanks to @ljf613 for remind me of this important event and @claire-randall for her awesome ideas
Thanks all for being part of this and don’t forget to have fun. ଘ(੭ ᐛ )━☆゚.*・。゚
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iceman-maverick · 8 months
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ICEMAV CLEAN SWEEP as always thank you to the lovely @topguncommentbingo for putting on another wonderful event - really nothing gets my writing juices flowing like a thoughtful comment. so thank you for getting us out of our lurker comfort zones and making such a fun little game out of supporting our writing community <3 sincerely, ao3 user billpaxton
fics below the cut
fic tagged with meeting the parents/family - The Miles In Between (Saturn)
WIP - Behind the bars (WYGD4G)
platonic fic (char & char) - Bloom (thecarlysutra)
a 5+1 fic - looking to the sky to save me (Saturn)
fic where the last comment was 5+ months ago - That's All I Want (thecarlysutra)
fic with more than 5 additional tags - pete-and-tom, bradley-and-jake (andthentheybow)
fic tagged Porn Without Plot - Skirting Around Your Levels (ReformedTsundere)
fic published November 2023 or later - you’re safe with me (mavernick)
fic published before October 2022 - running through the underworld into your room (thecarlysutra)
fic that's the first part of a series - Plans (xihe1874)
first comment on a fic - Dr. Internet (Wolfcry22)
fic rated explict - all hands on deck (TheBestDetective)
FREE CHOICE - quickening (thecarlysutra)
fic you forgot to comment on - should send me running (quantumoddity)
canon divergent fic - Landing Gear (ReformedTsundere)
fic that takes place during a non-December holiday - I am My Beloved's (and My Beloved is Mine) (GaydineRoss)
fanvid - Older And Taller (lilly_the_kid)
fic set between the movies - Where The Miles Are Marked In The Blood And Gold (Disastrous_Canasta)
fic tagged one bed / cuddling for warmth - Moving In Slow Motion (boasamishipper)
fic set post TGM canon - Now You Have My Attention (Rav3nB1ack)
fic with fewer than 5 comments - Icarus (xihe1874)
fic from a fandom event - safe to say we tried (lookforanewangle) chapter 5
fic with 3k- 5k words - delicates (aelibia)
fic taged "____ to lovers" - ship to shore (thecarlysutra)
fic published November 2022- April 2023 - Am I your baby tonight? (jiangwanyinsimp)
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fiercynn · 1 year
bad buddy fandom getting-to-know-you meme!
since there are both recent newcomers to bbs fandom and people like me who are new to bbs tumblr, i thought i'd create a getting-to-know-you meme for people to introduce themselves if they want! all questions are optional
note: i consider "fanworks" to pretty much everything people create related to a fandom, including but not limited to meta/analysis/discussion, gifs, fanvids/edits/fancams, filk, fanart, fanfic, fan food, fan crafts, etc. please include this note with the meme unless you have a different definition!
name and whatever you want to share about yourself
hi i'm deepa! i'm indian-american, in my 30s, queer, and agender – please use my name (either deepa or fiercynn is fine) instead of pronouns when referring to me!
when did you watch bad buddy/join the fandom?
i watched the whole show in the course of about 36 hours just about two weeks after the finale had aired, in february 2022! i joined bbs fandom on twitter soon after and have been there ever since, but i’ve only really been interacting on tumblr in the last few months
favorite ship(s)
patpran and inkpa…i'm a traditionalist ig lol
favorite character(s)
it’s so hard to choose but i think it has to be pran! i love his pining and his cockiness and his anxiety and his kindness and his grumpy faces. really channeling pat right now aren’t i
favorite episode(s)
episode 5 for obvious reasons; my second-favorite is a tie between episode 3 and episode 8 i think
favorite scene(s)
rooftop kiss, episode 3 bus stop scene, episode 8 backstage apology scene, and episode 9 picnic bench hand-holding scene
one thing you would change about the show if you could
what are your some of your favorite fanworks made by other people?
ughhhhhh SO HARD TO CHOOSE and i think i'll do a longer rec list sometime but here are some of the earliest fanworks i engaged with that really set the stage for how i think about bbs
dynamic (fic, patpran) by riddles2 on ao3: one of the first fics i read in the fandom, it’s pat’s pov through episode 5 and it’s absolutely seminal imo
international love song (fanart/animation, patpran) by @architectxengineer: science is one of those incredibly multitalented people who writes, makes fanart, and animates?? among other things??? and this animation is sooooooo gorgeous and makes my heart absolutely melt
same page (vid, patpran) by dkyth73 on youtube: such a good fanvid of the show that p’aof himself tweeted about it!!!!
(if you create fanworks) what are your favorite fanworks that you’ve made?
traffic was slow for the crash years (fic, patpran): gotta plug my baby, right? this is my patpran fake dating au which is 80k words and was so fun to create!
we both know you’re my only dream (fic, patpran): on the other end of the length spectrum, this 1k fic is one of my favorite things i've written ever
just being friendly (vid, patpran) co-vidded with @scribescribe: yes i know this is an msp song but we made the vid before msp aired!! i think it’s very cute hehe
a song that makes you think of bbs (the ones in the show don’t count lol)
since “just being friendly” is already obvious from me and scribe making a vid to it lol, i'm going to say “keeping tabs” by niki, which is extremely pran-coded. like. look at the lyrics. doesn't it seem like it was written to be about pran’s feelings at boarding school, where he misses pat desperately and hopes pat’s thinking of him but is also trying to convince himself that pat’s forgotten him and that everything pran wanted from him was just a delusion on his part. PRAN 😭 😭 😭
idk anything else you want us to know?
i have opinions about pran’s sweaters
okay i'm literally going to tag all of my tumblr mutuals that i think are still in the fandom (if i missed anyone sorry!!), but also if you want to do the meme consider yourself tagged! please don’t let this flop lol 🤞🏽
@citystoryscapes @nicolasechs @architectxengineer @mahuhumaling @manogirl @galauvant @miscellar @monamay @dancing-out-in-space @melto @incandescentflower @loveongsa @dimplesandfierceeyes @geonbaeeee @faillen @cinnamonseadragon @inkpaa @yourunwiththewolves @prany @pranpats @teesemomma @iathefurrr @inventedfangirling @sharingfandoms @lamonnaie @maychild @thegayneurodivergentagenda @mistergreaves @dudeyuri @nyttvera @thecriers @threezoz @wontbotherrn @not0nmain
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pluckysidekick · 9 months
It’s Wednesday, my fellow Drewds! Going into the holidays I can’t help thinking about how our favorite Crew are celebrating the holidays. Can’t wait for all of the @secretsleuthexchange fics, gifsets, and fanvids we’re going to get!
In the meantime, I was inspired by a poll from @burningblake about which classic “standard” song best represents Nace (all excellent choices). I wound up making a Season 4 playlist of standards from the Great American Songbook, and a few other classic tracks, that represent their Season 4 journey for me. If you’re interested in this sort of thing, here we go!
I’ll be linking the Spotify tracks, but you should be able to find them all on Apple Music or YouTube. If you want a link to the full playlist, just hit me up here or on Discord.
1. The Nearness of You - This Hoagy Carmichael classic brings to mind Nancy and Ace’s inability to stay apart every time they’re near each other in Episode 401 🥺. I love the Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong duet, but I picked Norah Jones’ version from her 2002 debut album because it’s just so perfectly wistful.
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2. Is You Is or Is You Ain’t My Baby - this so so cool track was written by Louis Jordan, but I first heard it on Tom and Jerry (that’s the fighting cat and mouse cartoon in case you’re too young to remember them). I immediately envision the back and forth argument Nancy and Ace have throughout Episode 402 in the lyrics of this song. Ace just wants to know! I adore Joe Jackson’s version, but I went with Dinah Washington and Quincy Jones from 1956 because it is absolutely perfect.
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3. Night and Day - I like to imagine that Nancy and Ace stayed up all night talking at the end of 402. This song perfectly embodies their relationship at this stage 🥹. It was written by Cole Porter for Fred Astaire to sing in the original ‘The Gay Divorce’ Broadway musical (catch the film, a classic Fred and Ginger madcap musical romcom with such amazing dancing🕺🏼). But I had to go with Frank Sinatra from 1957’s ‘A Swingin Affair’ because it’s such a classic swing tune.
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4. April in Paris - I’m not crying, you’re crying. Warning, there’s going to be a lot of crying in this playlist. Nancy telling Ace the story of her parents’ honeymoon in Paris in Episode 403, that shy smile when she tells him she always wanted to recreate it with someone, GAH. I had to pick the wonderful Sarah Vaughan with Clifford Brown on trumpet, simply exquisite. I’m going to have to take a break to sob quietly in the corner. “What have you done to my heart” indeed.
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5. Fever - There was only one song, and only one version of this song, that matches the heat Nancy and Ace generated in the infamous Sigil scene. Peggy Lee burned the house down in 1958 with this track. “What a lovely way to burn” - Nancy can relate.
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6. So in Love - Another genius Cole Porter song, written originally for Kiss Me Kate, but sung here by the incomparable Ella Fitzgerald (my personal hero). I had to pick it for THE KISS. They are just so in love 😭. A beautiful song and a beautiful rendition worthy of Nancy and Ace’s love. The fact that Kiss Me Kate is a musical about bickering exes who eventually find love again makes it even more perfect.
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7. Crying - Roy Orbison, 1962. Need I say more? I may never recover from the final scene of 403. This song at least helps a little with the pain by naming it. Roy hits some insane notes in this song—the intensity matches both Nancy and Ace’s misery in that moment.
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8. Good Morning, Heartache - More like Good Morning, Sorbet. In Episode 404, Nancy drowns her sorrows in her favorite frozen dessert to deal with the heartache of gaining and losing Ace. And no one does heartache like Billie Holiday, who recorded this song in 1946. Heartache haunts Nancy all throughout S4, and this track represents it perfectly.
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9. I had two contenders for the Nace scenes in Episode 405, both from the early 60’s. I Fall to Pieces, released by Patsy Cline and The Jordanaires in 1961, was a country crossover and Patsy’s number one hit—an incredible track that embodies Nancy’s emotions on seeing Ace again. She can’t even look him the eye at the beginning of the episode. Which brings me to my other choice, Walk on By, written by Hal David and Burt Bacharach, and famously sung by Dionne Warwick in 1964. Nancy puts up a brave front for most of this episode, but inside she wants to break down and cry.
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10. Episode 405’s speed dating montage is one of my favorite scenes of Season 4. Again I have two contenders—why should I have to choose? Harold Arlen and Johnny Mercer’s One For My Baby (and One More for the Road), as sung by Ella Fitzgerald (again ‘cause she’s the best), is an ideal soundtrack for Nancy’s increasingly desperate descent as she spends every would-be speed date talking about Ace and THAT KISS. Equally appropriate is Billy Strayhorn’s Lush Life—velvet-voiced Johnny Hartman and saxophonist John Coltrane’s 1963 track positively drips with ennui, elegantly over cocktails, of course. If you’ve never heard this one, please give it a listen. There’s even a mention of a week in Paris 🥺.
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11. Episode 406, with the infamous Spider Prom, is Ace’s episode IMO—we finally get to see how he’s dealing with the loss of the love of his life and his best friend. He so desperately wants to somehow get back to being friends with Nancy, he resorts to spending countless hours with the help of S4 MVP Nick trying to catch Chunky Velez for her. Can’t We Be Friends? is the perfect song for him in this episode, gorgeously sung by Ella and Louis. That is, until he spies Nancy and Tristan dancing, and realizes what he can never have. Etta James’ blistering track I’d Rather Go Blind captures Ace’s feelings in that moment. He may have been the one to halt their attempts to brake the curse, but he’s hurting just as much as Nancy is.
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12. I’ve got two seminal songs to represent Episode 407. When Nancy realizes that Ace let Chunky go, and hears his admission that seeing her with Tristan hurt, it positively screams Cry Me a River. No, not the Justin Timberlake song 😅. This epic torch song was famously sung by Julie London in 1955, and expresses beautifully Nancy’s scorn at Ace’s hypocrisy even as she admits that he broke her heart.
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Their fight, and Nancy’s subsequent dashed hopes that Ace would call her bluff and come back, makes me think of Ev’ry Time We Say Goodbye. Another Cole Porter masterpiece sung by Ella. What can I say? You can’t top perfection:
Every time we say goodbye, I die a little Every time we say goodbye, I wonder why a little Why the gods above me, who must be in the know Think so little of me, they allow you to go
I dare you to listen to this track without weeping over the Nace of it all. Enjoy!
Well, Drewds, we’re just past the halfway mark of Season 4 and this post is already a novel, so I’m going to stop here for now. What did you think of my picks? Any you think I missed?
I’ll do a Part 2 as long as I get a few notes on this one 😂 . It will feature more classic songs that represent Nancy and Ace as they head into the back half of the season. I know it’s going to get rough ahead, but I promise the music will be sweet.
Update: Part 2 is here!
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wlwanakin · 19 days
Anidala for the ship ask game 👀
my all timers!! they’ve been my favorite ship for almost a decade at this point and every time i get normal about them i promptly get abnormal again
when i started shipping it: 2015…i was 12 and a hopeless romantic and repressed bisexual. didn’t quite go over the edge until i started watching youtube fanvids but i’ve loved them since my first watch through
my thoughts: THAT’S REAL LOVE BABY. no one has ever done it like them. epitome of romance, epitome of tragedy, two of the most fascinating and hottest characters in the franchise and they’re KISSING!? (and they’re both girls!! george lucas didn’t know this but they are)
what makes me happy about them: there is something so beautiful and intimate about being unable to truly be yourself with anyone but one other person. they’re safe with each other!! they’re each other’s home!! also endlessly a sucker for when someone sees all the ugliness inside another person and loves them anyway
what makes me sad about them: GIRL THE TRAGEDY. besides the obvious i’m always viscerally upset that they only had three years and those three years were during a fucking war where they were constantly yearning for an After that never came.
things done in fanfic that annoys me: i have had a pile of grievances built up since middle school so i cannot possibly list everything. but standouts are padmé characterized as less invested/colder towards anakin than she actually is, anakin characterized as wholly selfish/possessive with no nuance (he can very much be those things but it’s Complicated!), basically anything that doesn’t acknowledge that they are for better or worse each other’s #1
things i look for in fanfic: anakin getting grievously injured and padmé responding to that is a fave lol. i like angst i like when they both cry i like when The Horrors creep into their home and they have to chase them away. i’m very into padmé’s pov of anakin!
who i’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: no one lmao. i dabble in other ships for fun but it’s gotta be like unserious exes or something (faves for that are kitster/anakin as a cute little schoolyard crush situation and padmé/dormé as like fwbs i guess? handmaiden ships are fun in general)
my happily ever after for them: anakin leaves the order, padmé takes a break from intergalactic politics to focus on something more local, they fuck off to naboo forever, they raise their babies, anakin goes on mood stabilizers and also estrogen, they grow up to be weird gay grandmas and never have problems again
who is the big spoon/little spoon: they take turns i think but anakin is usually the little spoon with padmé as the big spoon bc he likes feeling tiny and she likes holding him. but also he’s huge and sometimes she wants to disappear into him so they switch
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: i think they would greatly enjoy attempting and failing to cook together <3 also think they like lazily talking each other to sleep. i think that is their favorite time of day
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startrekfemslashweek · 11 months
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Day One
Of Motel Rooms and Misunderstandings - lilolilyrae Why Do You Drink (the Raktajino)? - rebelrsr Resting Place - fancyadancebrigadier Take the victories you can get - Account5738525 Taking Flight - Hollie47 Picnic on Vulcan (Art) - starrycrowz Meet Me In Alcove Three - CreativeTadpole kiss kiss motherfucker (fuck nasty) - skylarkblue Happy New Beginning - hulkling616 Dare You To Move - baubeautyandthegeek Craving You - baubeautyandthegeek Jadzia/Lenara (Gifset) - ezrisdax Coffeeshop AU (Art) - seagull-energy J7 Mutual Pining (Art) - zestoflemon Mutual Pining: Kira x Ezri (Gifset) - stopthatbluecat There was only one bed (Art) - 40cleverways Misunderstandings - fenrisranger I'll Be Your Battery Pack - spacedogfromspace When the Night Turns Over - wonderofasunrise one of the rotten ones - wanderingwriter87 Cramped Quarters - darktiger57 The Saga Begins - Account5738525
Day Two
You saw me start to believe for the first time - baubeautyandthegeek Ain't Even Grey But She Buries Her Baby - baubeautyandthegeek Friends to Lovers (Art) - spiritintheinkwell Constant - stopthatbluecat A Round on J'Gal - Alsike May I Have a Moment (of Your Time)? - rebelrsr Protect - CreativeTadpole The Symbiont Owner's Manual - fenrisranger Chemistry - CharlieChills Friends to Lovers (Art) - seagull-energy Friends to Lovers (Art) - zestoflemon Friends to Lovers (Art) - starrycrowz i never did believe in miracles - twoheadedmoon Buckets - astronaut86 Take the victories you can get - Account5738525 feathered canyons everywhere - leohttt Rescuing Una - CandyCurlsofMaddness I Love You More Than Curly Fries - spacedogfromspace Friends to Lovers (Art) - tallysgreatestfan All Things Bright and Beautiful - Divinemissem13 Constant - stopthatbluecat one of the rotten ones - wanderingwriter87 Misunderstandings - MystidPurple i never did believe in miracles - twoheadedmoon Last Breath - CelestialVigilante
Day Three
Mirror Universe Aesthetic - my-gaydar-is-on-point Mirror Universe Aesthetic - my-gaydar-is-on-point Hold It Against Me Fanvid - pixiedane I was a flight risk, with a fear of falling - baubeautyandthegeek Show Me Some Decency - baubeautyandthegeek The Behavior of Individuals is Unpredictable - fenrisranger We Have Time - stopthatbluecat Returning Home - CharlieChills Evil, Skanky and Kinda Gay - SirenOfTitan The Wrong Kind of Interesting - darktiger57 Mirror Universe Kiradax Art - zestoflemon Malfunctioning Turbo-Lift of Destiny - spacedogfromspace Our Guiding Light, the Borg Queen - astronaut86 Cosy in the Turbolift - Hollie47 Mirror Universe Chahura Photoset - Kingstoken Mirror Universe Bevtroi Art - starrycrowz Mirror Universe Bevtroi Art - lyroart The more things change - CandyCurlsofMaddness Like A Rhapsody - skylarkblue We Have Time - stopthatbluecat Mirror Universe EzriLeeta Art - starcrossed-perceivers Trapped In A Turbolift - Account5738525
Day Four
Seeing Stars - Pixie The Treasure of Enterprise NX-01 - Alsike She is half your age - baubeautyandthegeek But something happened for the very first... - baubeautyandthegeek Fake Marriage KiraDax Gifset - stopthatbluecat All the Wounds We Cannot See - Divinemissem13 Milippa Fake Marriage Manip - my-gaydar-is-on-point She's Worth Trouble - fenrisranger We Make Our Hearts - EulGarakAFrites Chahura Treating Injuries Art - sopheadraws Chortegas Treating Injuries Art - seagull-energy Reciprocation - CharlieChills She's Worth Trouble - fenrisranger overdramatic and true - Lesbi_enterprise To The Bar - CreativeTadpole Oh No She's Hot - spacedogfromspace Take the victories you can get - Account5738525 Almost Magic - Hollie47
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cobalt-knave · 1 year
Fanvid Rec List #1
Ah, fanvids, my most beloved and underappreciated medium. Fanvids are video edits often done to music (though not all fanvids are music videos). They take an absurdly long time to make. If you check out any of the vids on this list, be sure to comment to give some appreciation to these great vidders!
General warning that fanvids often include flashing lights in their transitions, so take caution if that is an issue for you.
Fresh Blood: Vamp Willow & Tara by brunerousse 
Fandom: Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Song or concept: Constructed reality in which vampire Willow sires vampire Tara.
Rec: This is THE constructed reality to me. It really opened my eyes to that as an option. It’s got evil gay vampires and some great visual parallels using footage from a couple shows other than Buffy to create the AU!
Sibling Rivalry by brihana25 ( @brihana25 )
Fandom:Stargate SG1 
Song or concept: “Oh No!” from Veggie Tales, humor
Rec: This is a seminal work to me. It’s one of if not the first fanvid I ever saw. I loved it when I first saw it, was one of the things I always thought of regarding fanvids, and now I make my own vids and hold this one partially responsible for that. It’s hilarious and delightful. I was just rewatching it with a big goofy grin on my face. I finally started watching SG-1 recently (I saw this vid like a decade ago the first time), and I’ve consistently referred to the sarcophagi as “scrabble tables”. I also get absurdly excited when I spot a clip in the show that was used in this vid.
Will Scarlet | F*cking Awesome ♛ by Maria M.
Fandom: Once Upon A Time In Wonderland
Song or concept: “Fucking Awesome/Thrift Shop”, humor 
Rec: This is a fun vid and the thing that got me to watch Once in Wonderland, which is now one of my favorite shows. 
[AVATAR] Katara // River by Force Captain Tilly
Fandom: Avatar the Last Airbender
Song or concept: “Like A River”
Rec: A brilliant character study of Katara, her ferocity and kindness and passion. The transitions in the vid are excellent as one scene’s bending flows into the next fluidly.
Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell || I'm Dark Matter by KnittinGirl
Fandom: Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell
Song or concept: “I’m Dark Matter”
Rec: This vid is grand, magnificent, and cascading. The use of short cuts and beautiful visuals creates a sweeping sense of grandness and magic in an uncontrolled storm. Beautiful video.
Buffy and Faith (BTVS) - We Must Be Killers - HD Version  by JESS9191
Fandom: Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Song or concept: “We Must Be Killers”
Rec: This video is a brilliant study of Buffy and Faith’s relationship and parallels. “You kill me? You become me.” A stunning video in its visuals with a smattering of dialogue from the show punctuating its every point. The clips are well cut to perfect move from one to the other.
Angel the Series | Rescue Me by 1SnoWhiteQueen1
Fandom: Angel The Series
Song or concept: “Rescue Me”
Rec: Now there’s a vid that will make me want to laugh and cry. A focus on the relationship between the early Angel Investigations crew; Angel, Cordelia, Wesley, and Gunn. It so perfectly demonstrates how much this team loved and cared for each other and how their relationship still fell apart as time went on and circumstances and hurt came between them. This covers the whole team, but I associate the song/vid most strongly with Wesley and Gunn. It’s a song I think of when I think of them.
Buffyverse but it's a heist movie by SlayerVid
Fandom: Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Angel The Series
Song or concept: “A Good Song Never Dies”, humor, heist, constructed reality
Rec:This is exactly what it says on the tin, and it’s GLORIOUS. Grab your balaclava and your climbing gear and get ready to crawl through the vents because it’s heist time, baby! Absolutely excellent and perfect and hilarious.
Rockstar - a Buffy video by Jasmin
Fandom: Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Song or concept: “Rockstar”, humor
Rec: An absolutely hilarious video; I couldn’t stop giggling the whole time I was rewatching this. It lines up video to lyrics in the most literal way possible. We all just wanna be big rock stars!
Addicted To You by AurumCalendula
Fandom: Synetic Theater’s Phantom of the Opera
Song or concept: “Toxic” by Anthony Willis
Rec: I was delighted to find a vid for Synetic’s Phantom. It uses the visuals well as they flow eerily together with the slow instrumental version of “Toxic”.
Way Down We Go || A Zuko tribute  by The Stranger Artist
Fandom: Avatar the Last Airbender
Song or concept: “Way Down We Go”
Rec: An excellent character study for Zuko. The clips sync up beautifully with the beats of the song. The video is full of movement, and the transitions are quite good.
Whedonverse Women - So What  by Stefanie (valamd)
Fandom: Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Angel The Series, Dollhouse, Firefly
Song or concept: “So What”
Rec: A vid full of movement and quick transitions and ladies (+Clyde) being badasses. What is not to love? 
Believer - Sense8 by absolute_maximus
Fandom: Sense8
Song or concept: “Believer”
Rec: Man, rewatching this made me want to rewatch Sense8. An epic video with every clip fitting perfectly with the beat. I think of this vid every time I hear this song. This perfectly captures the show.
Come Together by Rosemarycat5
Fandom: Good Omens (season 1)
Song or concept: “Come Together” by Gary Clark Jr.
Rec: Fuck it, this is one of my own fanvids. Sue me. This is the fanvid I made that I am currently most proud of. It was so fun to make.
If you have any fanvid recs or want to share your own, reblog this and add or make a new post and tag me so I can watch them!
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