#baby turts stories
'Pranking The Prankster - A Turtle Toots Story'
I hid under the couch in my shell to scare Leon while he was in the kitchen, grabbing himself some pizza.
When Leon came back & saw I was gone, he started to smirk & he ran to hide behind the sofa, thinking I've gone to the bathroom. He was so excited to scare me that he kept chuckling to himself while I was still under the couch.
After a few minutes, Donnie entered & he heard Leon laughing.
"You know, this is a furniture piece to sit, don't you? You don't have to... sit behind it?"
"Yeah, yeah, psssst, I'm trying to freak Miguel."
For a short moment, Donnie looked straight to where I was hiding - I knew he was aware of where I was. I looked at him with pleading eyes.
"Ah, sure. Right."
Donnie went to sit next to Leon & I had to bite my tongue so I wouldn't start laughing.
"When is Mikey coming back?" Donnie asked casually while fidgeting with a purple fidget spinner. "I have... still work to do."
"Can't be long."
Then Raph entered & Donnie nudged Leon, who impulsively shot up & screamed, "GHOST ATTACK!"
Raph didn't react at all & just looked at us with the well-known 'really?'-expression.
I heard a soft 'meow' from Donnie & I slided out from under the couch yelling, "BOOOOOOOO!"
Our lovely prankster champion Leon basically did a double flip backwards while screaming & hissing in terror. It was a delight to see!
Donnie started chuckling & I couldn't hold my amusement in either. "Got you SO GOOD!"
"Guess you're no longer the champ, huh?" Donnie asked with the smug smile.
"Oh, shut it, Donna. This game's not finito."
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cokoweee · 10 months
—M•U•S•T•A•R•D•P•O•S•T— •
Fixing this just a thicc bit. Most comics I make have no real order unless they’re pinned here. I gain interest and lose them just as fast with things I do. Disappointment is all I’m serving here hoes
‼️Anything tagged Sticky Note is a one shot au I put a weird amount of thought into. They don’t last‼️
Sticky Notes: Trope—Fish—Gluttony
Pause till OctPurple Delusions🎆:(<-YT playlist) It’s a Kendratello story just to let y’all’s know. It’s a last ronin situation. The invasion happens just no one survives it fam wise. Donnie’s a tad bit fucked up but so is everyone else 👍
FIRST->🐉 —🐉—🐐—🐉—🐢—◾️—🐉—🧨—🫗—🟨—🏕️—👹—🍻—🍳—🛌 —🃏—🛟—🪇—◼️<-WHERE IM SADLY AT NOW
Anon fic📒 —Anon fic2 — Anon fic 3
Quilt Au:
Don’t rlly got anything to pin so quick description-
It’s my own lil iteration. All turts are mixed with a lil sumthin, April and Casey are adoptive siblings, Draxum isn’t trying to destroy the world, I slapped ocs in here, Splinter’s a women. Mikey/Raph are twins, Donnie’s a loser, Leo’s the baby.
Spirits Reborn: WOAH A PLAYLIST?
Hello’s and Goodbyes
Spring Arrives
Not Canon
Comic Palettes:
Twin talk — Bad Jokes — Escape — Knock-knock
Casey and Raph interaction --- Wake up..
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moodymermaid3690 · 26 days
"Bridge Kids" - Larissa (Fan-Child)
Let me start by apologizing for my lack of skills in drawing in the "Bridge Kids" style. This is only my second piece in the style, so practice is sorely needed.
To prevent this post from appearing too long for people scrolling through, I'll post the drawing and then explain a bit of her lore under a Keep Reading break.
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To be completely transparent, my darling girlfriend, Abbey (@busyasabbey) drew Larissa first and named her. Since then, she (along with another fan-child that I'll draw in the future) has become a co-creation between the two of us. Abbey came up with the names and designs, while I came up with the back-stories.
So, I've had the head-canon of Isaiah being trans-masc since the beginning. I also ship him with Lars, and wanted to expand on how their (and the other characters') lives would be in the future - an AU of sorts.
Lars and Isaiah weren't planning on having children, considering Isaiah's sights were set on having his gender-reassignment surgeries. However, at one of his check-ups in preparation for top surgery, Isaiah is rejected. At first, he's livid and feels discriminated against, but Lars reminds him not to jump to conclusions.
When the doctor returns, they explain that the surgery is only going to have to be postponed because blood-work reveals that Isaiah is pregnant. Knowing how much it means to Isaiah to transition, Lars (reluctantly, yet supportively) assures Isaiah that it would be okay if he decided to terminate the pregnancy.
Isaiah, however, becomes rather defensive because, while children weren't in their plan, their baby was part of each of them. The conversation is sappy, but goes along the lines of: "are you kidding me?! They're part of you! Part of us! But... uh, let's just make sure this is our first and last...? Okay?"
And, that's essentially how Larissa comes to be in mine and Abbey's future-AU.
Her outfit is an almalgamation of hand-me-downs from both parents (hence Lars' shirt being turned into a dress) and her Uncle Marc Anthony.
We also have a second fan-child for Moe and Fugger. Unlike Larissa, however, their child is adopted. Her name is Maggie, but I won't delve into her lore until I finish drawing her.
A few other head-canon ideas we have include:
• Lars and Fugger host a podcast together; Lars' main job being at a convenience store and Fugger's being a librarian. Fugger is also studying to become a history teacher.
• Lars and Isaiah have two pets, a turtle named Kurt (Kurt the Turt as a joke) and a ferret named Cobain. Their names are a clear nod to Kurt Cobain, while the animals themselves are because we think Isaiah looks like a turtle and Lars looks like a ferret.
• Isaiah tutors children in music while studying to become a psychologist.
• Moe and Skid actually get their rap career off-the-ground, but often use Isaiah as a ghostwriter for their lyrics.
There are many more, but I'm running on little sleep, blood loss, and what's either severe allergies or possibly COVID. 🙃
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jobooksncoffee · 1 year
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Self-Reblog Saturday
“Will You Take Me Home?”
@thetimemoves declared today Self-Reblog day, so I offer my story
Note the incredible art by @johix , gifted to me by my dearest @loveismyrevolution for chapter 7 of my baby, my story “Will You Take Me Home” on AO3.
It’s an angsty, long-established relationship, recently broken-up story, including parentlock, Mystrade, and characters old and new. Mike Stamford and his family are a friendly presence throughout, Molly is there, finding the unlikely love of her life. Our John starts out quite S4. His journey towards being his better self is long and was very satisfying to write!
Here I’m also sharing the video my dear Bakerstreet edits who was the stories first reader and dedicated beta.
I invite you to give it a chance. Also, to self-reblog your stories, your art and your content!
@missdeliadili , @the-reading-lemon , @totallysilvergirl , @khorazir , @elwinglyre , @7-percent , @helloliriels , @a-victorian-girl , @topsyturvy-turtely , @safedistancefrombeingsmart , @inevitably-johnlocked , and anyone else who wants to show their work one more time!
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wafflerageface · 3 months
For the 3rd past life ask game, number 7 and 13?
I got sick and got behind on these I'm so sorry
7) The Slayer form is part of their dread inheritance so how did they earn it? Before or after becoming Chosen?
Okay so I know how the game mechanics work to keep things from being overpowered, which I get, but I took a completely different take on the Slayer form (cause I'm special like that o.o)
So being the mythology nerd and having grown up on PJO, I had some disappointment with how normal Durge is in game play considering they're meant to be a demigod. Even if you go off the idea of Durge is made from a scrap of Bhaal and other Spawn are just born from some mortal he impregnates, imo there still should have been something more that set them apart from normal people other than just simply being slowly going insane murder hobos. I personally headcanoned the idea that all Spawn have the potential to achieve Slayer form through training and an appropriate amount of blood tithes to Bhaal. An idea where Sarevok could instruct how to eventually achieve a level where they could assume the Slayer form, but ultimately only if Bhaal really decided they were worthy. That way we kept some of that "inheritance" vibe to it but it still added that something special I felt the character was lacking. Kind of like reaching a bloody nirvana.
For Fallon, knowing that Durge is canonically Bhaal's specialist little baby and can do no wrong (unless it's loving Banite Chosen), she earned her Slayer form much easier because she has always been a people pleaser in order to survive the temple. She has always put what Sarevok or Sceleritas says over her own thoughts and opinions. As much as I really dislike Fel (he gives me the creeps) I do recognized that he loved Durge in his own twisted way, so I fully believe he helped Fallon find the best people to sacrifice to her father in order to speed run hitting bloody nirvana and achieve her Slayer form.
However for Aria it's a different story. She isn't made for direct and close combat and she's never been "daddy's princess". She hates sacrificing her kills to anyone, especially Bhaal. It's not that she has any problems with killing, she actually enjoys her kills, but only when they are hers. She hates being forced to do anything in Bhaal's name, so her blood tithes, while performed, weren't exactly the most reverent as they should have been. She can only sort of shift into a Slayer form. Like she can get half way there with the more monstrous attributes and appearances (like the horns, claws, the tail, she gets larger, she grows spines) but it isn't complete because she isn't complete. She is an almost perfect Spawn so her Slayer form reflects that. Now admittedly part of this was born from seeing really good fanart of half-shifted Durges on here, but also I thought it added such a cool mechanic story wise that the Spawn could be almost perfect.
13) Cazador's dungeon is located really close to the temple. Were there ever any run-ins with each other or disputes?
I'll be honest that I did not notice this detail while playing so I absolutely have to take a closer look when I get back to act 3. As it is, thinking about it, I feel like the answer is both a yes and no to the run-ins, definitely no disputes.
We all know Cazadick is a major asshole and a whiny bitch, but he was effective and careful. I mean you would have to be in order to survive as a vampire lord living in the heart of Baldur's Gate while planning to perform a profane ritual of ascension. Like the Gate is home to not just the Flaming Fist but also a lot of religious sects that would love to take credit for crushing turts like Cazadick. So I firmly believe that the moment he settled in and found out there was a Bhaalist temple full not only of, well, Bhaalist, but also Bhaalspawn he decided fuck that and one of the rules given to his Spawn was you are to never go near that place. Kinda like with forbidding them to ever go near where Jaheira's house is.
As for run-ins, I don't think there were ever any face-to-face run-ins with each other, but I do think that they caught glimpses of each other as they came and went. Fallon might have been hiding in the rafters somewhere in the undercity tunnels to think and vibe and watched Astarion and Petras walk under her while arguing over how they fumbled grabbing a victim that night at Elf Song. Astarion probably heard footsteps on his way out one night and ducked in a corner to hide only to peek out and see three Bhaalspawn sisters playing a dangerous game of knife tag. Both groups of spawn very likely came across the aftermath of the other and walked the same beaten paths they did without ever really acknowledging the presence of the other because there was no need to. I think at the same time it may have been a comfort knowing there was someone else walking the same paths you did, living just as awful a life, but you were suffering together and there was some comfort found in knowing there really would be others out there that could relate to you.
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gregorovitch-adler · 1 year
(Not canon-compliant)
John had arrived to the bus stop near Baker Street so that he could go to that house in the suburbs. The one he had shared with Mary, when she was alive. He sat down on a bench to wait for the next bus, with Rosie in his arms.
John recalled the conversation he'd had with Mycroft and Sherlock at the flat in Baker Street, his former home.
"This is family," Mycroft had said, referring to the story about Eurus, who was apparently the third sibling in the Holmes family. What a weird thing to gain information about!
"That's why he stays!" Sherlock had snapped in his reply.
John recalled his heart feeling warm and fuzzy, knowing that Sherlock had just referred to him as family.
However, as he shifted a bit on the bench, adjusting Rosie in his arms to hold her properly, a dreaded memory flashed before him.
John shoving Sherlock against the wall of the morgue, slapping him brutally, and kicking his ribs till the point that Sherlock was coughing up blood on the floor.
John frowned at the memory and gulped down his throat as he held his baby close. He shuddered.
The weather had become cloudy, with dimmed sunlight and darkness spreading everywhere in that evening.
The darkness in the surrounding, too, was going blur in John's eyes. He wiped both of them with the back of his left hand and shook his head furiously.
After all he'd put Sherlock through-- despite being in love with him for ages-- John did not have the luxury to cry. What was he even thinking?
All John had given to Sherlock was pain and agony. What did Sherlock give him in return? Love and acceptance as part of his family.
How was that fair at all? How could John make any of this right, after so much of their friendship gone to hell?
John had no idea. He screwed his eyes shut, in an attempt to hold back on his tears. Even that was a failed attempt, as he felt a drop of tears falling on his palm, that was placed on Rosie's shoulder.
Prompt Family by @calaisreno and @notjustamumj
Thanks for the tag, @keirgreeneyes!
Tagging: @helloliriels @totallysilvergirl @topsyturvy-turtely , @catlock-holmes , etc.
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idiot-mushroom · 1 year
Does Draxum ever mention to them how Splinter was permutation? How would they all feel?
How do April's parents bond with the turtles? Do they keep some of their stuff at April's place in case they 'get sick', like how they hide stuff with Raph? How do the O'Neil's bond with Casey?
Do the others ever find out about Raphs experiences regarding SA? Does he ever open up about it to Casey? Before or after they started dating?
Do Mikey Donnie and Leo ever call Raph mama? She called herself that but do they do it as well?
Draxum Stories:
He does tell them abt pre-mutated splinter, he even has pictures of the baby turts with him! This results in the turtles to have hope that Splinter has the ability to change, even if it doesn’t seem likely.
They like to hear these stories after something shitty happens to cheer them up, and Draxum is always happy to provide.
Bonding w/ da O’neils:
They just like to have movie nights , sometimes Splinter will be gone for a few days to go get supplies/shopping and they’ll bunker down with the O’neils until he gets back.
Casey kinda ignored their efforts to have any relations with him at first, but after chatting with him and an incident regarding the principal of Casey’s school (the principal being a bitch) Casey learned that they weren’t all that bad.
Raph Opening Up:
Raph doesn’t like expressing bad and negative emotions to his siblings thinking they don’t deserve to deal with his shit, so he never actually tells them. Being said this the Rat King being the creep he is basically says something inappropriate about their first encounter (like saying ‘you looked so pretty underneath me’ or some bad shit like that) which raises question for his little bros.
they do end up asking abt it and Raph immediately shuts them down, closing herself off and not talking to them for days. this leads her to seek comfort in Casey in which she opens up to him and Casey being the good guy he is comforts her and tells her that he’s a sicko and that Raph is way cooler than him and that she’ll be ok and that it’s ok to feel whatever she’s feeling and rhat he’ll be there for her in anyway possible (this opening up session will kickstart their relationship btw as it takes both if them to be vulnerable with each other and it strengthens their bond)
Raph does end up telling her bros abt it, and while delivering their clothes to put up Splinter ‘accidentally’ eavesdrops and immediately starts to plan the Rat Kings death for putting his filthy paws on his son.
Yes, all of them call her this, as that is how she earned her nickname:)
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tinytinyturttlesoup · 5 months
Asking some writers/artists I follow:
Is there anything in your fic/comic that you as the author know about, but won't end up in the actual story?
If we are talking about two Nardos there is Quite a bit with future raph that we won’t see. Baby Raph has quite a bit going on to make up for his lack of a future counterpart though.
but due to where Leo ended up in the time line we have already missed Raphs death by like 3 Years. He died by accident knocking down a building. It wasent really anyone’s fault per se but everyone took it hard. Donnie blamed himself by not giving Raph enough gear to protect himself. Mikey was still figuring out his powers and Leon just wasent there.
What we also don’t really see but I have drawn quite a bit is Mikey’s process of turning Raphs Nimpo into the beads he wears. So technically Raph is always with them just as jewelry I guess.
Also we don’t get to see a majority of the main timeline turts recovery after the krang attack. A lot of people have already done much better renditions of that story and it wasent really something I was interested in portraying. ( go read Aftermath) BUT shit for after Shredder…….
*Looks at baby Mikey* yeah we will be talking about that a bit more lol.
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clandestinesnee · 2 years
i was supposed to have posted this like 15 min ago but fr i keep getting distracted by all the cool stuff on my timeline
okayokay rottmnt old art dump!!!! :]
btw the second photo (raph) was before my brother expertly taught me how to draw men so broad shoulders were an untouched domain at the time LMAO
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also featuring my triceraton oc in the last picture because she's so comfy to draw and she is my baby fr and i might rant about her story sometime :D
i like drawing the turts. they be very fun to draw! :] i have recent art but that will be a separate post
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thelazyecrivain · 2 years
Fluffbruary - Day 19 (nursery)
Day nineteen of @fluffbruary, using the prompt "nursery"
Read on AO3
French version
"And this is our new home." John said to Rosie, even though she was too small to understand.
She looked around, curious about the strange objects that decorated the flat. John had been with her many times, of course, but knowing that he was coming back for good with his daughter would no longer give him a gut feeling every time he walked into the house he shared with Mary. His home has always been here, at 221B Baker Street, with Sherlock.
Speaking of the devil, Sherlock greeted them when he heard them from the kitchen. Rosie wanted to go into his arms when she saw her uncle.
"I'm going to put my stuff upstairs." 
Sherlock nodded but continued to talk to Rosie. John left them with a smile on his face. He nostalgically opened his bedroom door but thinking he'd find the same room as before, he hadn't expected this. Everything had been redone, the decoration, the paint, the wallpaper. At the back, a baby bed, with childish decorations, a shelf to store clothes and toys, and a changing table. Everything he needs for a child. On the left as you enter, his bed is still in the same place, with a more modern decoration, an old wallpaper that reminds the decoration of before. The two parts are cut by a curtain to keep some privacy.
He is blocked in front of the room before dropping the bags and going downstairs. Sherlock is still talking with Rosie, telling each story behind the various objects in the room, but he stops when he sees John coming in with a bewildered expression.
"John?" Sherlock asks, concerned. He's been apprehensive about his reaction since the work was finished in the room.
John didn't answer anything but walked over to him and without thinking, took him in his arms. This change of decoration is the proof that John needed since he asked to come back to Baker Street. Proof that he accepted him and Rosie back.
"Thank you." He says in a husky voice. This thank you is for the room, but also for everything Sherlock has done for him since they met.
Sherlock tentatively wraps his arm around him, the other holding Rosie against him.
"I didn't know what Rosie liked for decorations, so I chose neutral things and she can choose later. I knew you liked your old room, so I didn't touch it much on your side and keep the same style as before."
John cut him off, framing his face to get his attention. "It's perfect."
Sherlock smiled at him, "Welcome home, John."
(tell me if you wish to be tagged !) @topsyturvy-turtely@missdeliadili@mxster-jocale
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'The Tattoo - A Baby Turts' Story'
When we were small turtles, Leon asked me if I could write 'super girl' on his left arm since I was the only one of us four that could 'write' at that time (thanks to me being an artist: I just copied what I could see, I couldn’t actually write, nor could I read!).
And there was only ONE letter sequence I was able to remember...
With the most confidence I had I wrote 'shit' on Leon's arm.
He happily ran off to papa & shortly after that, papa started yelling my name.
I hid under the kitchen sink for 30 minutes & when papa found me, he scolded me & then Donnie saw Leon's arm (he could read at that time) & laughed so hard, he actually cried.
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Prepare for more of these to come! (*^▽^)/★*☆♪
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1,2,3,,4,and 5
I haven't been writing anything to do with Undertale, so get ready to hear about turtles!
Give a 5-word summary of this chapter/fic.
Casey finds baby sea turtes.
Give the first line of this chapter/fic.
On this day, Casey was glad that his family had left.
First line of the last chapter is this, though- Casey knew that he had to go to school today, but damn, he really didn't want to!
Whose your favorite character for this chapter/fic?
So far? I really like writing for Casey. It's interesting to give him more story, but I also like Donatello a lot(and my sea turtles lol)
Whose is your least favorite character for this chapter/fic?
Casey's dad >:(
Are there any OCs in this chapter/fic? Who’s your favorite?
Yes! My four sea turtles. They're a big part in the story at the moment. My favorite to write has to be Donatello, cause he's so chill.
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ariel-gremlinzkeep · 2 years
This needs updated
ToaF AU Introduction 
Okay. I suck at these kinda things so bear w/ me, lmao. 
Long Story Short:
Turts of a Feather is my canon divergence AU that is mainly based on ROTTMNT w/ bits & pieces of other iterations & OC shit tossed in. 
I suppose the easiest way to describe it is, take the Hamatos, throw them in a mixer w/ more found fam, heaps of trauma, loads of familial love, & hit max speed. Yay~
ToaF on Tumblr ToaF on AO3
Long story summarized-ish:
The biggest divergence goes back to when Drax first made the Ooze & the fact his initial concoction was Empyrean free. Instead it utilized the Mystic ability of a nigh extinct class of Yōkai, a relation to the Phoenix. A rather small percentage of the female population can produce a powerful transmutation substance they call the Krókos or Yolk. Said substance can be used by the Krókos-Foréas (Yolk-Bearer) to transform any animal into a Krókos-Polemist (Yolk-Warrior). The catch being that the Yolk can only be used once in their lives.
 A young Draxum happens upon not one but three of the rare Yōkai. The quad band together to escape their current circumstances, growing close & forming a new clan. 
When Drax learns about the Mystic ability of his partners he hatches a plan of science & alchemy to make a combined Yolk that could be used for more than the three times normally allotted by their Yōkai ability. The trio agree, wanting nothing more than to be a part of a large clan all their own.
But when ambition, pride, & fear cloud the intentions of Draxum a disagreement blooms between himself & the rest of the Niwatori. The wives wanted a family, he wanted an army. Something that the three refuse to be a part of. 
Nettie, the science-then-alchemy to his alchemy-then-science is the one to find out about his true intention. Refusing to listen to his excuses as she sets about to destroy their hard work, swearing that no baby of hers would be raised as a child soldier. A massive fight erupts, resulting in Draxum accidentally blinding her in one eye, she retaliating by severing one of his fingers. 
In the end the other 2 find them, stopping Nettie from killing their former lover & leaving him amongst the broken remains of the life they had built. The Niwatori believing the Ooze to have been destroyed.
But little did either party know that each had managed to salvage a small sample. Each going on to use it in far different ways. Drax would go on to use Empyrean based on his portion, increasing his batch & making careful plans on how best to use the precious material. The Niwatori wives stealing an egg & using the small vial to have a child of their own.
One year after changing the formula to a concoction of his own DNA & Empyrian Drax finally finds the last piece to his puzzle in the form of Lou Jitsu. Battle Nexus Champion. But Drax's lofty plans go awry. Culminating in Lou Jitsu fleeing the imploding lab with the four young turtles who bore his genetics, that of the warring warrior scientist, & those of 3 very jaded, unaware Zoí-Pouliá.
From there Lou goes through several hardships & trials, suffering from not only his mutation but the void of losing his former life yet again. Thankfully along the way he collects a band of kindred spirits, a pair of fellow Nexus veterans & an Undead who knew all about having to toss aside former lives to be free. With his trio of newly claimed siblings the Hamato clan grew, the lot of them striving to give the children the peaceful & safe life that they had wished for in their youth.
But life has a way of always shafting the Hamatos. Hardships & chaos kept needling its way to the family, building their strength but also adding to their traumas. The clan keeps moving forward, always fighting alongside their own. 
Kiwotsukete. Yūkiwodashite kudasai. Watashitachi no Kuran ni modorimasu.
Take care. Be brave. Return to our clan.
It didn't matter what happened to the outside world, family above all. All that Splinter ever wanted was for his children, his entire claimed family, to get back safe & sound. But life was set on making that a lofty goal. One that may not be achievable.
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strangeduckpaper · 2 years
E136: TMNT
My version of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, within the world of E136.
- Operate from Geranium City, the successor of Genomorph City, founded in the catacombs of Gateway City’s CADMUS facility. Takes a lot of inspiration from the Undertown from Ben 10 Omniverse and ROTTMNT’s Hidden City.
- The Foot Clan is a group with ties to the LoS, though accounts vary on whether it’s just ties or them being an actual splinter group.
- They are currently researching a highly mutative semi-mystical chemical called “Mutagen”, working in cooperation from a Queen Consolidated subsidiary known as TCRI
- The Turtles originate from Mutagen experiments involving four Turtles, a Rat, and former action star and Meta Brawl champion Lou Jitsu, aka Hamato Yoshi.
- Following a long story of betrayal, revenge, & deals with Baron Draxum & Big Mama, he ultimately dies following a break in to the Foot HQ.
- His lifeblood ends up mixing with the Mutagen to cover the rat & turtles he rescued from the animal experiments.
- Via Mystical Magical Mutagenic Weirdness, his spirit ends up transferring into the rat, and he ends up waking UP as a rat.
- Ended up opening the ‘Splinter & Sons Dojo & Courier Service’.
The Turts themselves
- Personalities are a mix of their 2003 and ROTTMNT incarnations, leaning towards the 2003 incarnations but with an edge of Rise’s banter and softness.
- The vibe is definitely ‘neighbourhood heroes protecting their own’ it’s just the gangs are in service of magic and sci-fi shenanigans.
- Red Eared Slider.
- Eldest brother. A lot of 2003′s seriousness contrasted with Rise’s tendency towards banter. The Responsible One™ who just wants to get by and maybe inherit the dojo.
- Big Nerd. Loves superheroes, loves sci-fi, loves whatever stories of Hamato Clan he can pry out of Splinter.
- Actually the one most against becoming vigilantes, but by far the most dedicated once they actually get started and rises to leader.
- Best/most skilled fighter amongst the turtles, most reliant on just his skills, but also uses Donnie’s gadgets. Always has a plan.
- Closest to Donnie, but kinda dismisses Raphael and infantilizes Mikey.
- Gay.
- Alligator Snapping Turtle. Short due to Mutagen messing with his growth cycle.
- A ball of righteous anger and desire to protect people, the first one to actually become a vigilante as the Nightwatcher. Clashes with Leo over leadership because Leo didn’t even want to do it originally.
- Mechanic with a soft spot for animals. Surprisingly attuned to other lifeforms, possibly some form of mystical empathy.
- Closest to Mikey, and butts heads with Donnie over building things and his seeming uncaringness.
- Soft shelled turtle.
- Autistic, soft spoken like 2003 but with Rise’s trouble with sincere emotional expression.
- Doesn’t really like fighting but also worries about falling behind his brothers.
- Overthinks everything, has a contingency, takes pride in his gadgets and distrustful of mystical powers.
- Experiences a (permanent) secondary mutation giving him his 2003 monster form.
- Kinda annoyed by Mikey, argues with Raoh & gets along with Leo.
- Box Turtle, the only one who can fully retract.
- ADHD, never has a plan, the artist among the group. His graffiti is famous both in Geranium & Gateway, and he nicknames everyone.
- Slacker, but kinda discouraged by his own inability to focus. Looks up to all his brothers, but kinda resents how they treat him as the baby.
- Also has a soft spot for animals. Definitely the friendliest and most sociable turtle. Even the foot kinda likes him
- The most mystically attuned, and naturally talented at Ninjitsu, could probably be the best if he was as serious as Leo.
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keelyharper · 6 months
About Keely
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TW: Middle Child Syndrome, Death
Keely Juliet Harper was born July 24, 1991, to Amelia and Jack Harper. Growing up, she always felt loved by her parents but when you’re the middle child, you tend to get overlooked, between the oldest and most rebellious sister and the baby who can do no wrong, Keely’s relationship with both her parents was strained. She felt like an outcast and ignored. Her best relationship growing up was with the dolls she played doctor with alone in her room. Her voice was never heard and when she came home crying after a bad day at school, it was overshadowed by baby sister whining or older sister yelling. She never felt like a true part of the family no matter how hard she tried. She was the mediocre child that is just there. To this day, her relationship with her parents is just as strained and while she still visits, its never for long because while she was the one who went on to become a vet, that pales in comparison to baby sister’s career.  
She has always loved animals. Even at an early age, she knew she wanted to work with them in whatever capacity existed. She isn’t your typical animal lover though. Whereas most people want the four legged variety, Keely loved the aquatic animals. She was fascinated by the idea of an entire underwater ecosystem and habitat living in harmony with one another and wanted to learn more about it so she started reading every book she could find on the subject. That’s not to say she doesn’t love dogs and cats, she just prefers the ones with scales/slippery skin. She is the proud owner of 4 fish and a turtle, all named after Shakespearean characters: Ophelia, Lady Macbeth, Lysander, Oberon, and Puck the Turt* (see end of this bio for photo reference)
She knew she wanted to be an aquatic vet for the first time when she rescued her fish from a disastrous fate. She was dancing in her room and knocked over her fish bowl, causing immediate duress to Mr. Gwilliam Grumps III. Seeing him gasping for air made her cry and she immediately threw him into the toilet until she could find him a new bowl to live in… she had no idea he would escape through the plumbing… to this day she wonders how his life turned out.
To most people, she could be considered a nerd, or weird, for her beliefs. She swears she saw a spaceship once thereby confirming the existence of aliens and strongly concurs with Bigfoot enthusiasts that they do in fact live among us. She loves watching shows about Cryptids and other unexplainable things, but especially the paranormal. If she hadn’t made it through vet school, she would have become a paranormal investigator. Don’t get her started on her many ghost stories because she will never stop talking. Period dramas/fantasy are her genre of choice but she doesn’t mind a good horror movie once in a while.
Keely does not own a car. She commutes everywhere on her scooter. She likes to feel the wind in her hair, the smell of the fresh air as she rides through town. She tends to feel a bit claustrophobic in cars so when she got her license, she bought herself a new scooter. It has a few dings and dents but she’s reliable and Keely has not once considered trading it in for a car.
Keely 100% believes she is cursed when it comes to matters of the heart, thereby she does not fall in love or give her heart away. She is fine with flings/brief courtships but when things start feeling serious, she will leave and walk away. She doesn’t talk about why she feels this way, not wanting to hear the typical ‘its just bad luck’ ‘you couldn’t have known’ condolences she has heard for years. She cannot fall in love with people because when she does, they die.
Her first attempt at love was in high school. His name was Kierian and he was the love of her young love. They were going to get married and start a family once he got out of the military and her veterinary practice took off. It was fun to talk about and plan with her sisters because it was something she believed in 100%… and then tragedy struck. Kierian drowned on vacation during his senior trip. He was swimming in the hotel pool and got a cramp in his leg while in the deep end and before anybody had realized anything was wrong, he had stopped breathing. The doctors said it was a 1 in a million accidental drowning but Keely felt like her world was over. She loved him and he left her. ‘There will be others. You’ll fall in love again.’ No I won’t’ She replied. ‘He had my entire heart.’
But she did move on. She met Samantha in Vet school and even though she was scared, she opened herself up to the idea of love again. They fell in love very quickly and Keely was the happiest she’d been since Kierian. They discussed marriage and had even moved in together, ready to start their lives in their practice. The day started like any other. Keely woke up, made their coffee, went to nudge her girlfriend awake as they had their final exam that day. It was important and she knew that Sam had stayed up the night before, despite complaining of a headache, studying for it. When 15 minutes had passed and Sam still hadn’t woken up, Keely went to check on her…
They pronounced her dead at 9:02am, a time that will stick with her for the rest of her life. The exact moment her heart broke for good. A brain aneurysm they said. One she had not known she had. It had ruptured on her in her sleep. She had been dead for hours and Keely hadn’t known. She wondered if she could have done something different, if she had paid better attention, Samantha might be alive. Losing her only confirmed what Keely now knows to be true about herself: loving her was toxic. Everyone she loves dies. Well, never again. She refuses to let herself fall for anyone again.
She buries herself in her work, ensuring that she doesn’t have time for a social life. She would not survive another death in her life. She knows that if you looked at it from an outside perspective, she was playing her partners, perhaps giving them false hope for a relationship but she can’t help how they feel, she comes with a disclaimer and its not her fault that they choose to ignore this, even if they don’t know about it.
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idiot-mushroom · 1 year
Really annoying and boring rambling
My TMNT iteration is literally just a crossover between TMNT (rise and 2012 mostly, but it's a bit of everything) and Wings of Fire so their all drakes and basically big mama hired Draxum to capture 4 baby seawings (thas the turtle's base tribe) and fuse them with other tribes as well as other animals so she could have new weapons and then Splinter is like "that ain't cool goat dude" but the turts are already fucked up and they are on the run in a cave deep in the woods where it's kinda like the sewers cause the cave leads underground in a network of tunnels. Then April finds it cause she's like "yo YouTube fam what's this OH SHI-"
Yeah I just love my iteration and need to talk about it more </3
ooh that sounds cool! you should defo build upon that, would love to see a detailed story abt it
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