ghoermann · 1 year
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Pfarrkirche St. Andreas, Babenhausen https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/St._Andreas_(Babenhausen)
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gutachter · 10 months
Mammutaufgabe Kirchensanierung: Sankt Andreas wird 2024 zur Baustelle
Babenhausen: „…Die Babenhauser Kirche ist in einem schlechten Zustand. An vielen Ecken und Enden sind Arbeiten notwendig. Auch, damit weiterhin Gottesdienste stattfinden können. Die Pfarrkirche Sankt Andreas mit ihrem markanten Turm bildet zusammen mit dem Fuggerschloss die Skyline von Babenhausen. Doch um das Wahrzeichen des Orts ist es nicht gut bestellt. An vielen Ecken und Enden hat die Zeit…
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mmh-dk · 1 year
NEU auf dem "Portal der Königin":
Die Orgel der Ev. Stadtkirche St. Nikolaus in Babenhausen
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dosenkunst · 1 year
Die Aerosol Queens in Babenhausen - finale Graffiti
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myhauntedsalem · 1 year
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Real Ghost Stories From The Military
Something in the Walls
“When I was stationed at MacDill AFB we lived in base housing and while I was TDY (temporary duty) my wife use to say she would here clanging at night. She said it was as if something was trying to escape the walls. After we moved, I found out that an Airman back in the 1950’s had killed his daughter and hid her body in the attic. He lived in the same unit we did. I never told my wife this because she would surely freak out!”
A Hostile Light
“This happened at Malmstrom AFB in Montana. Sometime in November, one coworker said he was checking a site (I can’t remember which one) when he spotted a single bright light moving around a farmer’s field outside the restricted area. It started to move towards the site, and he assumed it was hunters with a spotlight. He got on the loudspeaker of his vehicle and gave a warning not to approach the site. Immediately, the light went 0 to 60 directly at their vehicle. The vehicle abruptly turned off, the engine, radio and headlights dying.
He managed to scream into his handheld radio ‘they are going to ram us!’ as his alpha departed the vehicle in a hurry. He threw himself flat across the seat for impact, which never happened because the light appeared to stop on a dime, just short of striking their vehicle. When he sat up, the light was retreating away from them, and quickly moved away till it vanished over a hill. The vehicle suddenly came back to life, engine restarting on its own. How he didn’t soil his shorts, I have no idea.”
The Girl
“If you want military ghost stories just ask any military police that’s been around a while. We tend to see really weird crap late at night. Especially around places were there has been a lot of warfare and death. Like in Germany and in old hospitals. In Babenhausen, around the elementary school, there was always this particular area around the rear that would creep me the hell out when I would walk around doing security checks at night. It always seemed as though I was being watched.
In 99 I found a side door to the school open. I radioed for another unit and backed up several feet to a corner to observe the door. It took 20-30 minutes for my backup to arrive. I had a wall to my back and could see down the side of the building to the corner, about 70 or more feet. I was staring straight ahead and saw a figure appear at the far corner. It didn’t come around the corner or anything. It just appeared. It was a young female, 9-12 years old, wearing a red jacket or cloak of an old style. Maybe 20’s thru 50’s style. It must have been about 0200 or so. I started forward and told the figure that it was late and she needed to go home. And she just vanished. I sprinted forward to the corner to see if she had run around the edge. The area was open and I got there less than ten seconds after she disappeared and she was nowhere to be seen. I shined my Surefire around the building and didn’t locate her.
I went back to my position, and when my backup got there they cleared the building. They said they had heard noise in the gym like someone bouncing a basketball but no one was inside. They did find a basketball in the gym though. I told them what I had seen, and my team leader just laughed and said a lot of stuff goes on there at night.”
Ghosts of the Crow Creek Massacre
crow creek massacre 1325“F.E. Warren Air Force Base in Cheyenne, WY is extremely haunted. Not only is there the ghosts of soldiers who once served here, but there is also Crow Creek running through the base, right where the Crow Creek Massacre occurred.
My fiance was walking around at midnight one night, down a dirt road running alongside the creek, when he heard the screams of women and children. He described it as sounding faint, but like it was coming from right next to him. Buildings that are under construction, including a building said to be contaminated with polio, has been the site of many instances of believed paranormal activity. Strange noises have been heard and there have been possible sightings of a figure in the window. Women’s desperate screams have been heard at the FamCamp, but when Security Forces investigated the screams would shift and seem to come from a different location. The base was established in 1867, so it is very old and has been the site of many occurrences of solider apparitions dressed in full Calvary uniform from their time. There are many more stories that come from this base, and I would love to see it get investigate and see some solid proof.”
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afabstract · 1 year
Ehrengard: The Art of Seduction Review
Can a pompous painter with no family win over the beautiful Ehrengard who comes from a line of nobles? Read our quick review of the 2023 Netflix film "Ehrengard: The Art of Seduction".
⭐⭐⭐ Rating: 3 out of 5. “Ehrengard: The Art of Seduction” is what a Mills & Boons novel would’ve sounded like with a royal 19th century setting and a comedic touch to the story. Based on a posthumously published novel written by Danish author Karen Blixen, the 2023 Netflix movie directed by Bille August is set in the fictional kingdom of Babenhausen. The story revolves around Mr Cazotte…
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meusgrifos · 1 year
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Jamie XX - Loud Places. (d. Simon Halsall & JB Babenhausen, DP Jack Wilkinson)
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world-of-news · 2 months
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schunckinfo · 3 months
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ghoermann · 6 months
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Pfarrkirche St. Andreas, Babenhausen https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/St._Andreas_(Babenhausen)
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gutachter · 11 months
Wann geht es mit der Erweiterung des Babenhauser Rathauses los?
Babenhausen: „…Im Verwaltungsgebäude am Marktplatz in Babenhausen herrscht Platzmangel. Ein Anbau soll das ändern. Zunächst gibt es aber noch eine Aufgabe zu lösen. Der Blick aus dem Fenster ist für manchen Mitarbeiter im Babenhauser Rathaus völlig anders als in den Jahrzehnten davor. Statt auf das ehemalige Remmele-Haus schauen sie auf braunen Boden und Bauzäune. Das Nachbargebäude im Süden…
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dosenkunst · 1 year
Die Aerosol Queens in Babenhausen - Work in progress
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dammbach2022 · 5 months
Dienstag 30.04.2024
Einsatz: 987
Gegen 18:51 Uhr wurden die Feuerwehren Mainaschaff, Aschaffenburg/Ständige Wache, Alzenau-Hörstein und die Feuerwehrinspektion Aschaffenburg-Land 2 zu einem B 2 | im Freien - Bahndamm an die Bahnstrecke Frankfurt - Aschaffenburg alarmiert.
Wir wurden von der Leitstelle zu einem B 2 alarmiert.
𝗕𝗮𝗵𝗻𝗱𝗮𝗺𝗺𝗯𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗶𝗻 𝗠𝗮𝗶𝗻𝗮𝘀𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗳𝗳 𝗲𝗿𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗱𝗲𝗿𝘁 𝘀𝗰𝗵𝗻𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗲𝗻 𝗘𝗶𝗻𝘀𝗮𝘁𝘇 𝗱𝗲𝗿 𝗙𝗲𝘂𝗲𝗿𝘄𝗲𝗵𝗿𝗲𝗻
Am heutigen Abend (30.04.24) wurde die Feuerwehr zu einem Brand am Bahndamm alarmiert, der sich auf der Strecke zwischen Aschaffenburg und Babenhausen ereignete. Um 18:51 Uhr wurde der Alarm ausgelöst, und die Freiwilligen Feuerwehren Mainaschaff und Hörstein, letztere mit ihrem speziellen Waldbrand-Tanklöschfahrzeug, rückten unverzüglich aus.
Aufgrund der unklaren Lage der Einsatzstelle wurde auch die Freiwillige Feuerwehr Aschaffenburg mitalarmiert. Nach der ersten Lagemeldung konnte die Feuerwehr Aschaffenburg jedoch ihre Einsatzfahrt abbrechen und zum Standort zurückkehren.
Bei Eintreffen an der Einsatzstelle stellten die Feuerwehrkräfte eine starke Rauchentwicklung fest. Auf einer Länge von 30 Metern brannte der Bahndamm. Sofort wurden zwei C-Rohre vorgenommen, um das Feuer einzudämmen. Dank des schnellen Eingreifens und des Löschwassers aus den Feuerwehrfahrzeugen konnte der Brand rasch unter Kontrolle gebracht und gelöscht werden.
Kreisbrandinspektor Otto Hofmann machte sich vor Ort ein Bild vom Geschehen, während der Feuerwehreinsatzleiter, Kommandant Riccardo Martino, auf 25 Einsatzkräfte und 5 Fahrzeuge zurückgreifen konnte.
Aufgrund der Löscharbeiten musste der Bahnverkehr vorübergehend gesperrt werden.
Eingesetzte Fahrzeuge:
Feuerwehr Mainaschaff 12/1
Feuerwehr Mainaschaff 40/1
Feuerwehr Mainaschaff 47/1
Feuerwehr Mainaschaff 56/1
Weitere Kräfte:
Feuerwehr Aschaffenburg 1/12/1 (kein Einsatz)
Feuerwehr Aschaffenburg 1/23/1 (kein Einsatz)
Feuerwehr Aschaffenburg 1/40/1 (kein Einsatz)
Feuerwehr Alzenau-Hörstein 22/1 (Hilfeleistung Wasserversorgung)
Feuerwehrinspektion Aschaffenburg-Land 2
Deutsche Bahn Manager
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apotheke-kaufen · 10 months
Cardio Balance Erfahrungen Hessen ⚠️ Cardiobalance Hessen Kaufen ⚠️ Cardio Balance Apotheke 
 ✅ Website Deutschland: https://de.cardiobalanceoriginal.com/?utm_source=135639 
✅ Website Schweiz: https://ch.cardiobalanceoriginal.com/?utm_source=135641 
✅ Website Österreich: https://at.cardiobalanceoriginal.com/?utm_source=135451
 Wenn Sie in Hessen hier in Deutschland leben und mehr Informationen über den Kauf von Cardiobalance hier aus Hessen wissen, sehen Sie sich dieses Video bis zum Ende an! 00:05 - Cardio Balance Erfahrungen 00:21 - cardio balance kaufen Hessen 00:35 - cardio balance dm 00:46 - cardiobalance kaufen Hessen 00:58 - cardiobalance kaufen 01:21 - geberich gmbh cardio balance Hessen 01:41 - geberich gmbh cardio 02:03 - cardo balance 02:20 - geberich cardio balance 02:48 - cardio balance geberich Sehen Sie sich auch: https://youtu.be/0JELjKwl6HU Cardio Balance Nebenwirkungen? ⚠️ CARDIOBALANCE ⚠️ Geberich gmbh Cardio Balance Original kaufen https://youtu.be/y6n0aWi3nqQ Cardio Balance Erfahrungen ⚠️ Cardio Balance Stiftung Warentest ⚠️ Cardio Balance Test ⚠️ GEBERICH https://youtu.be/7RLZZHGiQrk Cardio Balance Apotheke ⚠️ Cardiobalance ⚠️ Cardiobalance Website ⚠️ DM ONLINE https://youtu.be/fJqeuV3RVIw teilen Sie: https://youtu.be/ZwTsxiClu6U Cardio Balance Erfahrungen Hessen ⚠️ Cardiobalance Hessen Kaufen ⚠️ Cardio Balance Apotheke Cardio Balance Erfahrungen Hessen ⚠️ Cardiobalance Hessen Kaufen ⚠️ Cardio Balance Apotheke Cardio Balance Erfahrungen Hessen ⚠️ Cardiobalance Hessen Kaufen ⚠️ Cardio Balance Apotheke cardio balance erfahrungen, cardio balance erfahrungen Hessen, cardio balance Bremen, cardio balance apotheke Hessen, cardio balance dm Hessen, cardio balance, cardio balance stiftung warentest, cardio balance apotheke, cardiobalance, Hessen, cardio balance dm, cardio balance nebenwirkungen, cardiobalance kaufen, cardio balance kaufen, cardio balance amazon, geberich gmbh cardio balance, cardo balance, geberich cardio balance, cardio balance geberich, cardio balance kritik, cardio balance Wiesbaden, cardio balance Frankfurt am Main, cardio balance Kassel, cardio balance Darmstadt, cardio balance Offenbach am Main, cardio balance Hanau, cardio balance Marburg, cardio balance Fulda, cardio balance Gießen, cardio balance Rüsselsheim am Main, cardio balance Bad Homburg vor der Höhe, cardio balance Wetzlar, cardio balance Oberursel, cardio balance Rodgau, cardio balance Dreieich, cardio balance Hofheim am Taunus, cardio balance Maintal, cardio balance Neu-Isenburg, cardio balance Langen, cardio balance Limburg an der Lahn, cardio balance Viernheim, cardio balance Dietzenbach, cardio balance Mörfelden-Walldorf, cardio balance Bad Vilbel, cardio balance Bensheim, cardio balance Bürstadt, cardio balance Kelkheim, cardio balance Bad Nauheim, cardio balance Bad Soden am Taunus, cardio balance Rödermark, cardio balance Friedrichsdorf, cardio balance Büdingen, cardio balance Hattersheim am Main, cardio balance Butzbach, cardio balance Groß-Gerau, cardio balance Seligenstadt, cardio balance Erbach, cardio balance Gelnhausen, cardio balance Riedstadt, cardio balance Idstein, cardio balance Karben, cardio balance Weiterstadt, cardio balance Pfungstadt, cardio balance Rosbach vor der Höhe, cardio balance Nidda, cardio balance Griesheim, cardio balance Korbach, cardio balance Ronneburg, cardio balance Obertshausen, cardio balance Bad Soden-Salmünster, cardio balance Lollar, cardio balance Nidderau, cardio balance Eschborn, cardio balance Lauterbach, cardio balance Usingen, cardio balance Langenselbold, cardio balance Alsfeld, cardio balance Groß-Umstadt, cardio balance Eschwege, cardio balance Hünfeld, cardio balance Bad Orb, cardio balance Schlüchtern, cardio balance Büren, cardio balance Nieder-Olm, cardio balance Babenhausen, cardio balance Seeheim-Jugenheim, cardio balance Heppenheim, cardio balance Rheingau-Taunus-Kreis, cardio balance Zwingenberg, cardio balance Wald-Michelbach, cardio balance Niedernhausen, cardio balance Melsungen, cardio balance Kirchhain, cardio balance Künzell, cardio balance Florstadt, cardio balance Bad Camberg, cardio balance Altenstadt, cardio balance Großalmerode, cardio balance Mücke, cardio balance Bickenbach, cardio balance Münzenberg, cardio balance Groß-Zimmern, cardio balance Gedern, cardio balance Rimbach, cardio balance Reichelsheim, cardio balance Biebertal, cardio balance Weilmünster, cardio balance Fuldabrück, cardio balance Eichenzell, cardio balance Eppertshausen, cardio balance Büttelborn, cardio balance Gladenbach, cardio balance Michelstadt, cardio balance Hasselroth, cardio balance Ober-Ramstadt, cardio balance Nentershausen, cardio balance Bad Schwalbach, cardio balance Hirschhorn, cardio balance Wölfersheim, cardio balance Breuberg,
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allengreenfield · 2 years
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amselectricpu · 2 years
Home security Company,
Website : https://www.amsefence.com
Address : plot No 60-F Block, Punjab Small Industries Corporative Housing Society, Lahore, Punjab
Phone +92 310 025 777 1
AMS Electric Fence Company registered since 2013, a certified ISO-9001 company in 51a, Ziegelhuttenstrasse, Babenhausen, Hesse, Germany. AMS certified Engineers always try to provide best security equipments according to modern era of world. AMS Electric Fence Company is Leading Electric Fence equipments Supply all over World. In 2013 start company with supply of electric fence products now in 2022 Walter Hans is the CEO of Company has manufacturing unit in German.
Walter Hans as C.E.O of Company always try to provide best security equipments in low as we can low provide rates with in best warranty period of electric fence energizer and accessories in all over world at wholesale rates.. C.E.O Message Products AMS Always try to provide complete solution of boundary wall security for top wall by smart electric fence in all over world according to below stated products line
Electric Fence Energizer Electric Fence Insulators Electric Fence SS Post & Support Electric Fence Indication Lights Electric Fence Warning Sign Plates Siren & battery Backup Wifi Module for remote Access High Tensioner Wires
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