#babe you knew you could make that comment without having to steal art but that's just me idk
rottiens · 2 months
I don't know how to feel with all these people shamelessly reposting art lol 🧍‍♀️ some give credit but, I see a lot more reposts than usual and wonder how the original artists feel about it
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clydiepie · 1 year
can I request some hcs of clyde with a reader who loves to draw him? they always doodle him in their sketchbook, in the corner of their notes, etc etc. ty!
Clyde x reader who likes to draw!
Thank you so much to everyone that has sent me requests! I will try to do them as fast as I can! I really liked this one (y'all know I love my Clyde) so I hope you like it! I used she/her pronouns since you didn't specify I hope that's okay!
Clyde Donovan x reader who liked to draw (pre-existing relationship)
She/her pronouns
baby boy clyde<3
cw: none!
Clyde knew you loved to draw
Whenever the two of you were together you normally had your sketchbook in hand
You were always pretty private about what you drew and you never wanted him to see, even though he was so curious
Even in class you constantly doodle on the pages of your notebook not really paying a lot of attention.
Cylde would notice you constantly stealing glances at him during the lecture but he thought it was nothing
At lunch, you sat with Clyde and his friends Craig and Tweek
"Hey babe you seemed a little distracted during class, so I got Kyle to send me a copy of his notes for you." Clyde smiled shoving a forkful of food in his mouth and chewing contently
You blushed remembering what had captured your attention during class
"Oh you didn't have to do that, I appreciate it though" You smile scooting closer to him at the lunch table
Clyde just hummed in contentment as he wrapped a strong arm around your waist
After your last class was done you met Clyde by your locker where he always waited for you
You gathered your things and Clyde wrapped his arm around your shoulder as you both walked toward the front doors
But just before you could reach the door Butters came running around the corner and knocked your books out of your hands making papers fly everywhere.
Butters starts to profusely apologize rambling on about how Cartman needed him quickly for some scheme
You tell him it's no worries as you bend over to collect your things
You look down at the ground to see Clyde has already started to gather the papers that had flown every which way
You see his face turn a dark shade of red as he examines a particular piece of paper. the one you just so happened to be doodling on in class
He looks up at your embarrassed face and asks "Is this me?"
"Ha um yeah.." you explain shyly as you rub the back of your neck
He calmly stands up and folds the paper into a square and sticks it in his pocket
Before you can ask what he was doing he spoke up again
"I'm keeping this, I hope you don't mind." he smiles and hands you all the other paper he gathered
"You don't think it's weird." you laugh
"Not at all, I think it's cute you're obsessed with me." He smirks putting his hands on your waist and drawing you in close
"Don't let this go to your head." you giggle
"Too late." he mumbles before pulling you in for a kiss
I also think after his he would want to look at your art all the time
Like all of it even the stuff not about him or stuff you think is "bad"
He is without a doubt your number 1 fan for sure
I can imagine him standing in a Micheals craft sore for an hour trying to pick out a good gift for you
"Fine tip? what does that even mean?" he would mumble to himself
He also defiantly brags to all his friends about your talent
"Guys Y/N drew this sketch yesterday, isn't she so talented?' he would gush
He is definitely the type to go behind your back and swipe some pieces to put in his locker
In between classes, he liked a little reminder of you to look at (but when you found out he had stolen your art you defiantly let him have it)
One day he was at his locker with the boys and Cartman had dared to make a comment about the goofy sketch you had made for fun taped up in Clyde's locker
"Dude, what is that?" Cartman laughed pointing at the picture
"Y/N drew that for me so shut the fuck me." Clyde barked
On your anniversary Clyde tried his hardest to draw something nice for you, he tried to draw the two of you together on your first date.
"Oh it's so cute...what is it?" you sheepishly laughed
"It's us! can't you tell?" he huffed, his face as red as his coat
"Ohhhh I see it now." you smile at him, taking his hand in yours
After that, he vowed to take an art class next year so maybe one day he could draw you something not so shitty
If any of your art was ever displayed anywhere Clyde would hype you up to no end
"My girlfriend is so talented." he beamed at you with pride looking at a piece you made hung up
"Clyde it's just on your fridge." you laughed
"Hey, that's a place of honor babe."
I hope you liked that! I kinda got carried away but I just liked his prompt so much!!! Have a great day!!!
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misschifuyu · 3 years
howdy 🥰 i reaaally like your writing style and the way you depict characters 🤌
can i request styling Baji, Chifuyu and Mitsuya's hair pleaase ? 🥺
thank you! i hope you have a GREAT day!! 💖
- hello there babes ! thank you so much omgg, really ♡ and I hope you’re having a wonderful day yourself, here’s your request bby !!
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Baji, Chifuyu and Mitsuya getting their hair styled by their s/o
genre: fluff
warnings: none
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as said in the shower headcanons, I believe that baji takes pretty good care of his hair. it's very soft to the touch, and the slight wave to his locks always made him look as if he spent hours styling it
realistically - and this you would find out after he spent a night over at yours - his hair will go that way with a simple brush through, nothing more, nothing less
you hadn't believed it at first, but upon watching him do so a few times, you came to the conclusion that he was gifted with perfect hair by the gods themselves
it would be a weekend that you'd ask him if you could play with his hair, seeing as he didn't have any plans until the evening
he'd comply happily, and patiently sit down in front of your bathroom mirror, waiting for you to start on whatever ideas you had stored away in that head of yours
of course, you'd start off with his signature ponytail
you had to hold back a gawk as the hair was easily collected into your hands, allowing you to slip the hair band on with ease
where had this guy even got his hair routine from ?
all this did was boost your excitement to see what other styles you could get his hair into
baji had to take a few silent seconds when you pulled his hair into two pigtails, right at the top of his head
you thought he looked splendid, but he, on the other hand, was about to regret letting you near his locks. nevertheless, he let you continue, slipping the hair out of the tight style
next were two braids. at first, you didn't think much of it: he'd look like a cute school girl, and you'd for sure had to try and sneak a picture of that if he let you
but, as you tied the second one with the little band and flipped them forwards, you could almost see the hairs on the back of his neck stand up
"I look like that haitani bastard, y/n, what the hell!"
after realising what you had done, you couldn't hold back a few laughs as he fumbled around, trying to undo the neatly folded pieces of hair
he wasn't best pleased, but was impressed by how - if a certain someone didn't sport them all the time - he'd actually pull them off
last, but certainly not least, you wanted to try a little something out with his hair that you had seen a few other guys with long-ish hair wander around with
parting the locks just above his ear, you pulled the top layer up into a bun, tying it loosely with the hair band
you made sure not to make it so tight that it would make him look almost bald on the top of his head by giving it a little volume
at this last style - the notorious man bun - baji sent a look to the mirror that made you confirm that he quite liked it
turning his head around to the sides, he looked at the bun you had pull together just a little below the top of his head
"you know...this one ain't too bad"
clasping your hands together in joy, you told him that it was a pretty easy style to do, and it would mean he could keep his hair out of his face without having to do a full-on ponytail
giving you a face of approval, he happily left your little hairdresser session, not even bothering to ask if you were actually done
you didn't mind though. in fact, you were looking forward to see what the others thought of your grand creation on your boyfriend's hair
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funnily enough, chifuyu does actually try and keep his hair in a good shape. he's tried silk pillowcases, deep conditioners and even treatments that he'd frequently steal from your place
he'd always bring the bottles back, though, so not to worry
it was the reason why he was happy to let you play with his hair one morning that he hadn't much else to do
he stole your hair products, so he guessed it was only fair to give his hair up for a quick experiment from your behalf
like baji, you'd sit chifuyu in his bathroom, just in case something went horribly wrong and you needed to wash out his hair in the shower
knowing you were only working with a top - although considerably thick - layer of his hair, you had taken out your smallest hairbands
you had frequently seen him with his hair pulled up by his bangs, as he'd usually pull it up into that style whenever he came over to your place
he deemed it much more comfortable than having hair on your face when trying to relax
instead, you jumped right into parting his hair into two sections, forming a straight line down the middle of his head
he looked a little strange with a prominent split like that, making him look like something out of the olden times, so you quickly went in with the bands to try and make his concerned stare go away
granted, it did, but only to be replaced by widened eyes as he stared at the two, small buns you had managed to tie up at the sides of his head
"you look like peke j now!"
at your comment, he whipped his head around to look at you, stood behind him as you marvelled at the creation
it seemed that the black cat had heard his name being called out, appearing at the bathroom door in an instant
the two exchanged looks with each other, silently, for a good minute or so
"do i, peke?"
you had to admit that chifuyu was very close with his cat, so much so you were pretty sure they actually had conversations through brainwaves, because the small animal gave a quick meow as an answer
when you eventually got him back in front of the mirror, you started racking your brains on what else you could do with the bundle of bleached, blonde hair
an idea came up, but you weren't too sure how it would play out on his head
nevertheless, you took a risk and started parting his hair in different sections
even chifuyu was curious to see what you were doing. all he could tell was that you seemed to be having a little struggle with it
and the result wasn't much better
having attempted to tie his hair into a short braid, you ended up noticing that not all his hair strands were the same length, ending up in what looked to be more like a bundle of messy hair, single strands sticking up in all directions
"what's...that supposed to be, y/n?"
after struggling to give a straight explanation, the two of you burst out into a fit of laughter
surely enough, the style had gone a little off track, but you couldn't deny how amusing your boyfriend looked with it on top of his head
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now, mitsuya doesn't really have much hair on his head
this is mainly due to the fact that he used to have his sides shaved, much like draken, so it would take him a little tweaking here and there to be able to get an even haircut all around
he doesn't really mind, though. it's a simple hairstyle, and he really had enough work with his sisters' hair that he didn't need another head to style every morning
this wouldn't stop you from running your hands through it, though, and wondering what you could do with it. surely there could be at least a little style to do with it
after a good ten minutes of thinking, you jolted up from your previous position, laying on his chest as the two of you had been watching the tv
with only a minimal explanation, you dragged him to your bathroom, sitting him down on a stool before the mirror
through the reflective surface, mitsuya could see you fumbling around in the drawers just behind him, just before whipping out a box, a triumphant smile on your face
when you placed the mysterious container on the sink, he automatically knew where you were going with this, and he was curious to see how you'd do it
you know those small, colourful butterfly clips that are all the rage now?
well, you had a whole bunch of them, and you were determined to make his hair look like whole colony of little butterflies
the first bunch that you clipped on were pretty randomly placed, but as his hair started to get filled up, you brought out whatever artistic side you had in you to try and turn it into art
mitsuya watched you try and place the last few left, looking around his own head to see where the next one could be placed
"look, you can put one here"
he has a very good eye when it comes to styling pretty much anything, so, of course, he'd lend a hand when you were finishing up with your creation
gleefully, you followed his instructions, and after fifteen minutes of decorating his grey hair, you finally smiled at him through the mirror
"what do you think?"
squinting his eyes as though evaluating your work, he quickly followed with a convinced nod
"im sure to become toman's image if I start wearing these all the time, that's for sure"
you giggled at his comment, and asked if it was okay to take a picture of him to be able to show his sisters later on. he happily complied, and he actually seemed quite content with what you had done with his hair
he had never imagined to wear so many clips at once
but, be aware...as soon as they're off, he's going to want to do either the same or maybe even more to your hair
you managed to keep him sat for one more style, though; one that you were sure would give you enough time to escape before he actually fixed it up
combing his hair back, you spread a considerable amount of gel on his hair, making it stick down to his hair. unsurprisingly, mitsuya gave you questionable looks as you flattened his poor hair down
the result was a very slick looking boyfriend, and you couldn't help but jokingly telling him he should wear it like that all the time
however, he was not about to go around looking like he had just come out of grease
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jalapeno-princess · 3 years
Bad For You Chapter 3
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Fuckboy Mark X Reader
Genre: Fluff and angst (the ending is hella angsty though just a warning)
Word Count: 11.1K (Damn this one is a long one LOL)
A/N: Am I the only one loving the fact that Mark is back home he’s been looking extra hot these days God bless. Things are getting more and more juicier with each and every chapter. Happy reading!
“Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?”
“Well, I mean, you remind me at least five times a day every single day—“
“Because you are. You’re so beautiful and it’s so hard for me to concentrate on anything else other than you. I want you to know that you are such an extraordinary human being and that I think the entire universe of you. I honestly think tutoring me does more damage to my grades than it does help them.” 
Mark pulled you closer to his body if it were even physically possible before smashing his cheek against yours. The two of you were practically sloths; clinging on to one another. When he first asked you to head over to his apartment, you told him you would only go if he agreed to work on some of his assignments. 
However, he coerced you in to eating some pizza with him; promising that once you both were finished with your food that he would start on his essay for world history. Knowing Mark’s tendencies to procrastinate and from past experiences of him sweet talking you in to doing anything other than his school work you weren’t surprised to find yourself sitting on his lap with his arms wrapped protectively around your waist—leaving kisses against the crook of your neck and stealing kisses from the corner of your mouth when you’d least expect it. 
You didn’t even try to fight him when you found yourself in the comfortable position you were currently in. He was warm—his air conditioning was on full blast yet he was your own personal furnace. It didn’t help that he was shirtless; he claimed that it took a lot for the air conditioning to really do anything for him but you had a huge feeling that was just an excuse to walk around without a shirt. You also loved spending as much time with him as you possibly could. 
Although the two of you got off on a rough start, you could confidently say the older boy brought out the best in you. It didn’t take much for him to make you laugh or to give him your signature smile that he claimed to adore so much. All he had to do was use a cheesy pick up line on you or compliment you on something he was well aware that you hated about yourself. 
Another thing you enjoyed about Mark was how childlike he was. Sure, there were times where he could be a little immature; whether it was being affectionate with you at all the wrong times—while the two of you were out to dinner with his parents or as you were proctoring one of the tests in your English class and he would playfully slap your butt when nobody was looking—but he was so free-spirited and positive about almost every single thing. 
Mark didn’t let anything bother him. He felt like allowing anything or anyone negative try to get on his nerves was a huge waste of time. He also enjoyed the little things; getting three scoops of ice cream not too long after the two of you would eat dinner even if he was full, sneaking in to your elementary school after hours just to play on the jungle gym, texting you random memes he’d get from Twitter even if he was sitting right next to you and taking you on dates to the most interesting places; like the art museum or the planetarium. 
The older boy was like a breath of fresh air; a far cry from the fuckboy who couldn’t care less about anyone other than himself you assumed he was before getting to learn who he really was. Honestly, he was one of the only reasons behind your happiness at the moment. Mark made you feel safe, protected—he made you feel so many positive emotions; carefree, joyful, content, loved—he made you feel beautiful; as if you were the most breathtaking human being to exist. 
Not once did you ever have to question your self worth; he made it very clear that you were perfect just the way you are and that whoever claimed perfect people didn’t exist obviously had never met you. Your boyfriend made you feel as though you were the only girl in the entire world because in his eyes, you were the only girl—let alone person who mattered. He’s told you on multiple occasions, he’d give up every single one of his friends and even some of his family members if he had to just to spend the rest of his life with you. 
If someone were to tell you at the beginning of your arrangement with Mark that the two of you would end up here; legs tangled up and hands intertwined—stealing sweet kisses from one another in arcades downtown and staying up in the wee hours of the morning, talking about your plans for the future—you would have laughed hysterically right in their face. But here you were, wanting nothing more than to be the lucky girl who got to love Mark Tuan and receive his love for as long as time allowed you to. 
You never believed in those romantic movie tropes where the main female lead—the goody two shoes who everyone knew was a virgin would be the only person who was able to change the bad boy male lead who had tattoos all over his body, got drunk and high on a daily basis and hated school in to a better human being. 
Things like that never happened. No man could ever love someone that much to want to change their entire life completely for. It just wasn’t real. Honestly, it was extremely laughable because that was so close to your reality—but you didn’t care. You didn’t think you changed Mark at all; well, he was no longer a fuckboy, but deep down you believed he was willing to settle down in an actual relationship with the right person. 
If only you knew then what you know now—you were the dream girl that Mark’s could only desire of having in his life to call his significant other. Even back in high school, he believed he was never good enough for someone like you. Someone with such an amazing head on their shoulders. 
Someone who cared more about their future and whether or not they were to succeed later in life. Someone who took every day with a grain of salt. Mark was well aware that he didn’t deserve you, but he was going to do whatever he could in his power to make sure he gave you everything he wholeheartedly felt you deserved. 
“Well, maybe we need to spend more time actually studying then. That’s the reason why we came together in the first place—“
“First of all, I think that is a stupid idea. Studying is genuinely such bullshit. You spend hours with your face in a book and barely memorize a thing. Second of all, we came together on many different occasions for many different reasons—ow, babe—what? I’m being serious. Making love to my pretty baby is my favorite past time—you’re no fun.” 
You repositioned yourself on his lap, turning your body so you were face to face with him and playfully squeezed his cheek before placing a kiss on his nose. 
“I love you.” 
The two of you had said that word quite a few times since you began your relationship. Actually, Mark confessed his love for you only a month after the two of you started dating and he claimed that he didn’t even care if it was too soon. He’s had feelings for you for over seven years now. It didn’t take long for his infatuation to develop in to something so much more—beautiful.
Even more so because he was spending almost every single day learning more and more about you; hearing that contagious laughter of yours, getting playfully shoved by you after making a dirty comment, watching your eyes light up as you talked about wanting to go in to criminology. 
It was only a matter of time that he’d find himself hopelessly in love with you and he had no intention on ever getting back up again. However, Mark was nervous to say the least which came as a complete shock; everyone knew how confident the older boy was. 
He was the definition of a confident man. It was one of his characteristics that you admired the most about him. But when it came to you—he was a complete and utter mess. If it were anyone else, he’d have no problem hinting towards what he wanted—but with you, he was afraid you had yet to reciprocate his feelings. You might have liked Mark, yet that didn’t mean you were ready to take a step further and claim you were in love with him. 
To say he was surprised to hear you say those three magical words only a second after he admitted it out loud to you was an understatement. It took him a while to process the thought of you reciprocating his same exact feelings. 
Especially because he didn’t think he was capable of loving another person. He understood that he should have been scared; the idea of love was terrifying. Being in love was genuinely one of the best feelings in the entire world. However, it also frightened him because he was so vulnerable and he was afraid of getting hurt. 
Mark was well aware that you would never do anything to purposely upset him or to make a fool out of him in any way. Sure, you said you loved him multiple times on a daily basis—but you were just as good with showing it through your actions as you were explaining your romantic feelings for him verbally. 
You’ve done so many things for him to prove your loyalty for him and that you were in this relationship for the long run—but that didn’t stop his many insecurities about never being good enough for you. Mark was selfish; he was well aware that you deserved better. So much better. 
He knew that there were so many more amazing men out there who could take care of you in ways that Mark couldn’t and who could give you everything that your boyfriend felt he lacked. However, he wanted you and only you—and he wanted to be the only one who received your passion, yearning, adoration and most of all, your love. 
The two of you haven’t been in a relationship for all that long, but Mark was very confident that you were the woman he wholeheartedly wanted to spend the rest of his life with. This was the first time he actually saw a future with someone; he knew this whole rolling stone life he was living was going to be temporary. He was young and in college. His entire group of friends lived the same hookup life and none of them—well, other than Jinyoung—but none of them ever gave off the vibe that they wanted something more than just a night of sex with someone they had no intention on getting to know on a personal level. 
However, he didn’t realize that it was going to end all that soon—he’d be lying if he said being in love wasn’t something he wanted to happen to him. For years, he would tell himself that he wasn’t capable of love or having someone love him. It came to a surprise to the older boy when you began to show him so much comfort, tenderness and affection that he realized every single person in the world—even people like Mark were able to experience the beauty of love and he was never going to take you or your feelings for him for granted. You were his person, and he was going to make sure you were aware of how blessed he was to be yours. 
“Babe, you can’t just out right say that you love me. We went over this. You need to give me time to prepare. You know exactly how much that four letter word means to me. My heart feels as if it’s about to leap out of my chest. Especially when you say it so confidently. God, you—you’re simply perfect. You make me the happiest man alive. I love you so much—ah shit. I’m hard again. Only you can be so adorable while confessing your love for me yet give me a painfully hardened erection. Ugh, I can’t wait till we start settling down one day. I hope you know that you’re stuck with me. For the rest of our lives. I never used to believe in soulmates. It’s such a cheesy and overrated concept but I know—you were made for me as I was made for you. I know I’m not what you deserve—you deserve so much more than what I can do and be for you. But I promise, I will do better baby. I will be better. I’ll work on being the man that you should be with. I just really want you to be happy.” 
He giggled softly when a stray tear fell down your cheek; it was hard to believe Mark used to be the campus’s number one player. Someone who never cared about what anyone used to think about him—nor did he care about anyone else but himself and his inner circle. He’s hurt so many people, both girls and boys in the last few years. 
Whether it was leading them on or making them look bad in front of other people—he was an inconsiderate asshole. So for him to say such kind-hearted and wholesome words, it was genuinely a lot to take in. Especially because it was meant for you. He loved you. He wanted to change for you. He wanted to take care of you and be the reason behind your happiness. 
He was aware that he wasn’t someone you probably would have seen yourself with, but yet he was willing to work on himself just to continue to be in your life. You stole a few sloppy kisses from his mouth—allowing your tongue to swirl around his and taking it in between your teeth before pulling away abruptly, earning yourself a raspy grown. 
Right as he was going to scold you for taking your lips away from his, you began to lower yourself down to his pelvis and brought your hand to his clothed cock—palming him through his sweats. His dick was throbbing through the cotton; the tip was protruding and standing right at attention causing your mouth to water. 
Both you and Mark have agreed that oral was one of your favorite parts of your love making sessions. He was very skilled with his mouth; he used every part—his lips, his teeth and his tongue in the hopes of bringing you to heaven at least once during sex. Your boyfriend knew you like the back of his hand—it didn’t take him long to find your g-spot and the parts of your body that would elicit any moan or cry of pleasure. 
From what he’s told you, you were just as talented. The first time you sucked him dry was the first time you’ve ever blown someone off before. Hell, the first time you found yourself writhing underneath him—begging him to something, anything to help loosen the tight coil in your stomach was the same night you lost your virginity. Mark was genuinely shocked to hear that you were a virgin. 
Although he had a hunch you had yet to go that extra mile with someone before, he found it hard to believe that you had never been in a relationship. Mark swore that you were the complete package; you were extremely beautiful, adorably cute yet painstakingly sexy. You were hardworking, super intelligent, dedicated passionate, fun-loving—men were stupid not to try and ask you out on a date. 
But then again, you didn’t seem as if you cared about getting in to a relationship nor did you show any interest towards the male gender in the first place. Something about knowing that he was the first man who got to have you like this—bare, innocent and raw—learning each and every single curve, birth mark, beauty mark and scar—learning your likes, dislikes, what made you squirm and scream—it made his heart soar. He was soon regretting not waiting till he met the one—you—to give himself to. 
Yet, he was glad he had some experience so he’d be able to show you a good time. It was understandable that you were just a little bit nervous. You felt as though you wouldn’t be able to please him in the way he never fails to do with you, but the way his moans practically bounced off the walls as you took him down your throat made it all the more evident that you knew exactly what you were doing. 
His expression once you swallowed him whole made you giggle like a little school girl. He looked as if you sucked the life out of his dick—he panted heavily as though he ran multiple miles in a short amount of time. The beads of sweat building up at his forehead should have been gross, but it only turned you on so much more than you already were. 
From that day on, he made sure you blew him off at least once a day—with your consent that is. He began to run his fingers through your hair and bit down on his bottom lip when you pulled down his sweats hastily, giving yourself better access to his length. When you finally freed him from the constraints of his boxers, he let out a breathy moan and the sound went straight to your pulsating core. 
“Such a pretty, pretty baby. Going to suck my cock like the dirty little cock slut you are? Want to show me how much you love me y/n? Put this dick down your throat and take it all as I fuck your face—if—if you’re okay with that my love—“ 
No matter how rough and dominant Mark could get behind close doors, his soft side for you never failed to come out every now and then. He was the definition of a switch for you; leaning more towards a sub both in the streets and in between the sheets. Sometimes, you’d forget that he was the man in the relationship because of how much he would follow you around as if he was a lost puppy. It didn’t bother you though, you enjoyed how gentle your boyfriend could be because you were the only person who got to see this timid, tender side of him. 
“You’re hard as a rock yet such a fucking softy for me babe. Who knew that the big and bad Mark Tuan would be so compassionate and sweet towards little old me.” A snarky remark was at the back of his throat, but instead, a groan of lust came out as soon as you circled your tongue around the tip of his cock. His grip on your hair tightened as you encompassed the beginning of his penis with your mouth. 
“Shit—shit, shit. Ah, so fucking good every single time. Y/n, ah just like that baby—y/n, y/n—“
“Y/n. Earth to y/n. Wake up—“ 
The not so gentle shaking of your shoulder broke you out of your deep sleep. Wait—that was a dream? It felt so real—you were seconds away from deepthroating him and you could actually feel him on your tongue. This wasn’t the first time you found yourself absentmindedly thinking about Mark in either a romantic or sexual light. This was probably the third time you’ve dreamt of him in the last week. 
Each dream became more and more sexual to the point where you’d wake up with a tight and uncomfortable sensation in between your legs. You’d try to take a few minutes and wonder why you were dreaming about him—especially all of a sudden. You’ve known Mark for more years than you could count on both of your hands yet this was the first time he’s been clouding your thoughts and this worried you. 
This was what you were afraid of when you agreed to tutoring him in the first place. Sure, it was only natural for him to appear in your mind since you’ve been spending so much time together. However, you were adamant on being nothing but platonic with him. 
No matter how nice he’s been to you these last few weeks and how much effort he’s been putting in to his studies, he was still a fuckboy in your eyes. You might have agreed to being friends with him, but you still didn’t trust him completely. It was going to take more than just a few study sessions to really get to know Mark as more than just someone you were trying to help with passing college. 
“Shit sorry. How long was I asleep for?” 
He giggled at your now pink cheeks; it’s obvious you were flustered and not all quite there yet. Your eyes were still droopy and there was hair stuck all over your face. The older boy leaned over and brought some of your hair back behind your ear. He might have thought he was doing you a favor—but he was only making things worse. His fingers grazed ever so gently against your neck; causing chills to run down your spine. If you were to look in the mirror, you’d probably give tomatoes a run for their money. 
“About ten minutes. But this is your second nap in the last hour so—“
“I fell asleep twice?! Why didn’t you tell me? Oh God, I’m so sorry. You should have woken me up! We’ve only been studying for a little over an hour—“
“You looked exhausted, and plus—you’re so adorable when you sleep.” 
You rolled your eyes at his comment as your way of trying to prevent your cheeks from warming up even more than they already were. Mark has been throwing in compliments and cheeky pick up lines at least once throughout your sessions and it was as if he knew they were slowly breaking your cold facade and your attempts not to smile at his words. You tried your best not to show just how much his flirtatious remarks were making their way in to your heart and repeatedly played on and on in your mind. 
When you weren’t with him—and even when you were together, Mark took up the entirety of your thought process and to your surprise, the feeling excited you more than it worried you like it would have weeks ago. It was only a matter of time that you’d end up falling for his charm; and you found yourself trying your best not to feel anything whenever you’d catch him stealing glances at you or whenever he would do something polite like pulling out your chair, carrying your things for you and opening the door for you. But it was impossible. 
You’ve spent enough time with him both in class and outside of school to see the way he interacted with a lot of your classmates. Not once have you seen him talk to anyone other than you and his friends and you never really questioned it. You just assumed that he had a tight circle and didn’t believe in breaking outside of the six guys he was so familiar with. 
Therefore, you wouldn’t really know how he was like towards other girls—then again, you weren’t sure you ever wanted to know. What did it matter to you? The two of you just became friends not too long ago. Before then, you saw Mark as someone you wanted no affiliation with at all. He was nothing but trouble, and you refused to be the next person on his list who he planned on ruining. 
For all you knew, the way he was actions towards you in the last few days could have all been an act to get you to trust him—to lure you in to his trap and get you to fall for his endearing ways only to break your heart and humiliate you for the entire university to witness. However, you were confident that the kindness and friendliness Mark has been showing you was not fake nor did he have any ill intent. 
He seemed to genuinely care about you even if you were just friends. It was in the little things; texting you encouraging words to get you through the day, purchasing you coffee and sometimes even meals as his way to show his gratitude, giving you his jacket to wear if he thought you were cold, asking you if you wanted to take a break—he would even pick you up from work if he was free against your many claims that you were fine with taking yourself to work. 
Again, like the many gifts and purchases of food, he stated that this was his way of thanking you for your help and you finally came to terms with the fact that the only reason why you agreed was because you really liked spending time with him. Mark made you very happy—in fact, this was the most happy you’ve been in a while. 
Nobody has ever made you feel so important; so protected and safe before and you could only hope that putting your trust in him and allowing the walls you’ve built so high to protect you from people like him wouldn’t come back to bite you in the ass if he turned out to be exactly what you were afraid he was. You were broken out of your whirlwind of thoughts when you felt something cold and wet yet refreshing being rubbed under your eyelids and just above your nose. Mark began to roll something all along your face and out of instinct reaction, you whacked whatever it was from his hands. 
“What the hell is that?” He shrugged indifferently and got up from his seat; picking the small tube off of the ground. 
“It’s a peppermint roller. Whenever I feel tired or my nose is congested, I either rub it under my eyes to prevent me from falling asleep or I’ll smell it to open my nasal airways—“ 
You couldn’t stop the giggle that fell from your lips as he described exactly what that little stick was; but your heart began to flutter at the proximity now that he was leaning towards you, and because something about his sudden movement was so domestic and considerate in a way. It was cute and so was he. God, what did you get yourself in to? 
“Oh. Well, thank you? Actually, it’s pretty—soothing? Where’d you get it from?”
“China. My family and I went to visit my grandparents a couple of months ago and since I’ve been using it from the time I was like eight I think, I stocked up on a lot of it. I can give you a few if you’d like. Can’t have you sleeping on me.” 
You gave him a soft smile and nodded in agreement. It took every bone in your body not to make it obvious that you enjoyed how much he seemed to care about you. Only Mark Tuan could make your head spin by just offering to give you something of his. 
“Hey, why don’t we call it a day on studying and go do something fun? There’s actually somewhere I want to take you.”
This peaked your interest, yet you found yourself giving him a knowing look. The older boy was notorious for trying to get out of studying. On multiple occasions, Mark would try and bribe you with food just so he could stop working on his assignments. Most of the time, you’d go along with whatever he’d ask of you only if he completed more than half of his work load. 
You’d be lying if you said you didn’t like taking these breaks—and getting to spend any time with him outside of your tutoring sessions. You needed a break from school every now and then, even if it wasn’t you who was doing all the studying and catching up on assignments. He picked up your things and led the way to his car. 
“Where are we going?” 
To your dismay, you were left with silence as he opened your door and allowed you to get in. You had a feeling he wasn’t going to admit where he was taking you, so you just accepted it for what it was and just sat back while he drove. Like most of your drives together, he would put on a playlist while no words were shared. 
Sometimes, you wondered why neither of you would start a conversation—when you were in the library or at a cafe while going over his notes or checking his work, the older boy would talk up a storm. You’d have to tell him to focus because he could talk to you for hours without getting any of his work done. But you liked it like this. You didn’t want to run out of topics to talk about with him in fear of losing him as a friend if he realized you were the definition of a boring person. 
Plus, there were a lot of songs on his playlist that you particularly enjoyed. On your down time, you’d listen to some songs even when you weren’t around him and that’s the moment you accepted that your feelings for Mark were no longer just platonic. You began to mirror a lot of his movements; scratching the back of your neck in embarrassment, biting your lip when you were deep in thought, tapping your pencil on the table if you were bored—and you also took a liking to his preferences. 
Mark had a positive influence on you which came as genuine shock seeing as you quickly assumed he was quite the party boy who wasted his money on drugs and alcohol. That might have been true before, but since you were spending almost every single hour of the day with him, you haven’t seen him drink or smoke even once. He was trying to change—to be a better person and it showed. 
“Hey, we’re here.” 
His gentle squeeze on your wrist as an attempt to break you out of your thoughts should have startled you, but the touch made you grin to yourself. Ever since the night you agreed to be friends, he started to be more physically interactive; he would poke your cheek, squeeze your nose, flick your forehead and even twist strands of your hair. Not once did you try to stop him—you genuinely enjoyed the skin ship.
You couldn’t quite put your finger on it as to why you were such a big fan of feeling him graze his fingers along your arm or when he would brush some of your hair behind your ear. Maybe it’s because this was the first time in your entire life that you were interacting with a guy other than in class or when you were at work. Especially in such a personal and intimate way. Was it intimate though? The two of you were just friends. You had to stop thinking that he there was something more behind his ministrations because you were only setting yourself up for heartbreak. 
But maybe you felt like this because it was Mark. One of the number one sought out boys on the entire campus and he decided to give up all his time to be with you. He didn’t really have much of a choice; his education completely depended on you and it was only a matter of time where he would realize he no longer needed to waste all of his time with you. 
“The beach?” He nodded in excitement while he walked over to his trunk and pulled out a few things. 
“Not just any beach though, this is my beach.”
“Your beach?”
“Mhm. No one ever comes here except me, so I’m assuming nobody knows about it.” 
He laid out a blanket and motioned for you to sit down, taking his place right next to you as you got comfortable on the sand. You’ve been to the beach many times before; you loved the beach, but you’ve never been to one that nearly took your breath away. It was beautiful. The sky was a bright blue and so was the ocean. 
The water was so clear, you could see the sand and there were a few palm trees. You closed your eyes and leaned backed; taking in the peaceful sound of the waves crashing against the shore. Mark chuckled at your extremely relaxed state—most of the time, you could be very stressed and tense whenever it came to school. He was happy to see you so calm and at ease. 
He mentally have himself a high five for taking you here. The two of you sat in silence, just like you did back in the car but again, it was a peaceful and comforting silence. Just having him there—even if no words were being exchanged made your heart extremely happy. 
Mark made your heart extremely happy. 
“So, I’m taking it that you’re enjoying yourself?” 
You turned over to face him and saw his cheesy grin, immediately tugging on your heartstrings. To be in such a beautiful place with an even more beautiful boy; it felt too good to be true. You wanted to spend however long you possibly could in that moment. Just you and Mark, away from everything. Away from the stress that came with education and work. Away from his air headed friends and the college life. Sure, he was just your friend and that was probably all he was ever going to be to you, but in the moment—he was all yours and you weren’t going to take it for granted.
“I do. The view is breathtaking.” 
You were so focused on taking in your surroundings that you failed to notice that Mark’s attention was solely on you. He was currently looking at you as if you were the most beautiful and ethereal goddess to walk the earth and in his eyes, that’s exactly what you were. 
“Sure is. Extremely breathtaking.”
“How long have you known about this place? How did you find it?”
“Well, one day, I got in to a fight with my parents and I just ran out of the house. I drove around for a couple of hours and I actually got lost, so I pulled in here to open up maps on my phone, but then I realized it was a beach and I went to go explore. It’s been about two years. I come here every time I need a break from life. It may not seem like it, but I do get overwhelmed and I just need some time by myself—away from all the negativity.”
“Oh, I see.” 
He was now slouched, as if he was upset with the fact that he was revealing so much to you. Yet, his words were so sincere. It was hard to believe someone like Mark—someone you assumed had every single thing in his life that he could ever want went through hardships. He was good at hiding it, but then again; it’s the people you would least expect to go through suffering that suffer the most. This was the first time you’ve ever seen him so out of it—anything other than happy and it made your stomach sore. Mark always tried to cheer you up and bring joy in to your day, so seeing him so distraught wasn’t something you ever wanted to see. 
“Are you—is life overwhelming you right now? I’m sorry if I’m a reason—I’ve been over working you and forcing you to study—“
“Don’t you dare even for one second think you are the reason for my distress. If I’m being honest—this is the first time I’ve been back to this beach in a while. A little over a month and a half to be exact. Ever since you came in to my life y/n, I’m so much more happy. I feel a lot more lighter in a sense. I love being around you and I love the effect you have on me. I’ve never brought anyone here before—not my friends, nor anyone in my family. You’re the first person and the only person I ever plan on taking here. You seemed out of it these last few days and I can tell you needed a well deserved break. You’re a full time student with a full time job and in your free time, you assist me with my education. I can’t thank you enough for all that you’ve done and continue to do for me. You’re such an indescribably wonderful and otherworldly human being. You deserve so much more than what this world can give to you. You mean hell of a lot to me y/n and I—“
“Can I kiss you?” 
His eyes widened in shock; as if they were about to pop out of his head yet he practically lunged forward and wasted no time connecting your lips together. As much as you wanted to lie yourself and say that you had no idea what had gotten in to you in that moment—asking if you could kiss him—it had been a long time coming. Hearing him say all those positive things about you, practically absentmindedly confirming that he did in fact see you as more than just a friend, hearing him tell you what you meant to him and that you deserved the entire world—you soon desired to be closer to him. 
As close as possible. Hugging, cuddling, holding hands—nothing would be enough. You needed to feel his lips against yours. It was irrational on your part, but you no longer cared at this point. He didn’t have to confirm whether or not he had a crush on you, his actions spoke the words he failed to and you preferred it that way.
Although he was hesitant at first, he soon took over and brought one hand in to your hair as the other cupped your neck all but gently. He pressed his lips against yours rougher—licking and sucking on both your bottom and top lip and playfully swirling his tongue around yours. He consistently hummed against your mouth and made his way on top of your lap, his legs were on either side of yours. 
The kiss got more passionate the longer the two of you continued and it came to a point where you didn’t even know how long you were kissing for. The desire—the thirst and even hunger to kiss Mark was too strong and you didn’t even care that you were practically breathless. He knew exactly what he was doing as his mouth melded so sweetly with yours. 
However, to his dismay, you finally detached yourself from him in order to catch your breath and retrieve back some of your sanity. Your chest began to heaven as if you ran a marathon and instead of feeling any ounce of exhaustion, you were filled with so much energy. He placed his forehead against yours but not before placing a kiss on your cheek. 
Never in a million years would you have ever thought you’d find yourself in this position; Mark hovering on top of your lap, his hair a mess because of how you were running your fingers through it, his lips raw and a shade of dark pink because of how much you nibbled on them. It was almost like your dream just a few hours ago—no wonder why it all felt so real. 
Your conscience was foreshadowing what was to come and it was a bittersweet feeling. You wanted to continue kissing him; he had the prettiest lips you have ever seen on a guy. But you needed to talk with Mark before continuing any further. He might have responded in to the kiss and allowed it to turn in to a full blown make out session, but you weren’t completely sure what was going on in his head. 
“Wow, y/n—I—wow. I can’t even speak. That was—fuck. You don’t know how long I’ve been wanting to do that for. I catch myself staring at your lips more than I’d like to admit, and I’ve even dreamt about finally feeling them against my own but nothing could compare to how perfect that was. Shit. Does this mean—“ 
You gave him a shy smile and hid your face in the crook of his neck; not wanting to heighten his ego any more than it already was. He laughed at how flustered you were and placed a kiss on your hair. 
“I like you Mark.” 
He began to tense up right as your confession fell from your lips. If someone were to tell you that Mark Tuan was going to get all shy once you told him that you harbored feelings for them, you’d laugh right in there face. He was the last person you would ever expect to see so speechless—especially because of you. 
“You—you like me? Wait, seriously? You’re not kidding right?”
“Why would I lie about something like that? I wouldn’t have kissed you if I didn’t see you in a romantic light. I’ve liked you for a while now Mark. I only accepted my feelings for you a solid three days ago—“
“Three days?! You mean I could have been kissing these sweet lips sooner?” 
You couldn’t help but playfully roll your eyes now that he was sporting the most adorable pout and stole a kiss from the corner of his mouth. “I didn’t know what you thought about me. I wanted to make sure we were on the same page before doing something I’d regret later—“
“I swear to God y/n I literally look at you like the sun shines out of your ass it doesn’t get much more real than that—“
“Keep interrupting me Tuan and that kiss was the last kiss you’ll ever get from me.” His sarcastic groan sounded off throughout the quiet beach—he tightened his grip on your waist and flipped the two of you over so that you were now the one sitting on him. 
“Fine, fine, but hurry up and say what you want to. I really need to kiss you.” 
You placed your chin on his shoulder and wrapped your arms around his neck; now that you finally got to experience what it felt like being intimate with him, holding him and being held by him—feeling his lips meld perfectly against yours, you knew there was no turning back now. You were hooked on him like a drug and it was at the point that you would even consider yourself addicted.
“I mean, I had the tiniest hunch that you might’ve developed a little crush on me, but then again—I just assumed you were being nice. I didn’t think I was someone you would see yourself with. You and I come from two different social classes Mark. I’ve seen the girls who attend your parties and—well, there are quite a few girls that talked about their experiences with you and I’m nothing like them. So I just assumed all you would ever be to me was a friend and I was okay with that. I tried—I tried so hard to make myself immune to you. I was afraid of getting hurt. I tried to push you away and I apologize for being so hostile in the beginning, but you need to understand where I’m coming from. It didn’t take long for me to realize that I liked you. I’m happiest when I’m with you Mark. I always get so excited whenever we spend time together. Every single thing you do fills up my heart with so much joy. I’m putting my trust in you Mark. I want to believe that you’ll take good care of me. Please don’t make me regret my decision.” He placed a soft kiss on your forehead and pulled you closer to his body if it were even possible. 
“You trust me? Wow. That’s just—I can’t even explain how elated I am to hear you say that. I will never take your trust for granted baby. I promise, I will do whatever I can to make sure you are always smiling. Fuck, you don’t understand what this means to me. I’m yours y/n, all yours. Those girls—they could never hold a candle to you. No girl could ever fill my tummy with butterflies the way that you do. All you do is say my name and it fills up my chest with so much warmth. You need to understand, I have never felt this way for anyone before. Not once in my entire life. I’ve um—I’ve actually had feelings for you since middle school, but we were never all that close so I didn’t say anything because I was afraid you would think I was weird. It was worth the wait though, it really was.” 
He placed a wet kiss on your nose and smiled against your neck; probably trying his best to conceal just how happy he was to finally put his feelings for you out there. “You’re the most beautiful person I have the pleasure of knowing. Both on the inside and out. I’ll do whatever it is that you want me to okay? Wait, so um—does this mean—would you, will you be my girlfriend then?” 
It was tempting; the word yes was on the tip of your tongue. There was nothing more you wanted than to agree to start a relationship with him. You were well aware that if any other girl were in your position, they would have thrown themselves at the opportunity without hesitation. But then again, you weren’t like most girls. 
You weren’t judgmental; you were a firm believer in not judging anyone. However, a lot of the girls on your campus were the definition of easy. They would give themselves to all of the guys at your university that were pretty much eye candy. In more or less words, Mark and the rest of his friends. You wouldn’t be surprised if their body count together consisted 85% of the girls at your school. You on the other hand refused to give yourself to just anybody. 
It was as if the only thing on the mind of most boys your age was sex. From the time you were old enough to understand the meaning of love and what it would be like to be in love, that’s all you wanted to experience. You wanted someone to be in love with you entirely; your mind, body, soul, personality, likes and dislikes, good days and bad days. 
If you were to allow a man to ravish in just your body, you’d feel so insecure and empty knowing that he only wanted you in the time being to help him soothe his carnal urges. Although you didn’t think too highly of yourself when it came to your physical appearance, you were very secure with your mindset, work ethic and your personality. 
You believed that you deserved someone who would love you the way you so generously love others. Not someone who would only call you when his dick was hard. That’s why you found yourself giving him a sad smile and his now disheartened facial expression sent a sore sensation to your stomach. 
“I don’t know if you are aware of this, I’m sure you have your assumptions, but I’ve never been in a relationship before. So, I really don’t know how these things work. I think it would be best for us to take things slowly and let whatever happens, happen. If that’s okay with you.” 
Once you confessed what was weighing so heavy on your mind, his posture immediately switched back to what it was right after you told him you liked him. 
“Shit y/n, don’t scare me like that. I was thinking the worst, like, you were going to say that you don’t want to be in a relationship with me or something. There’s nothing wrong with that. I find it hard to believe though, I mean look at you. You’re literally everything that’s wonderful and extraordinary in a woman. Boys are stupid for not even trying to ask you out but I’m sure you have your reasons for being single. If I’m being honest, I’ve never been in a relationship either. Don’t give me that look baby, I’m being serious—“
“What about Leah in junior year?”
“That was just a fling. It only lasted about two months and even then, we only ever had—um—wait, how did you know about that? Somebody was paying some attention to me back in high school huh?” 
He sent you a wink and nudged your shoulder playfully and you were quick to shove him back. Why did you have to open your mouth sometimes? This was only going to add fuel to his already large ego. 
“Word spreads around school like wildfire Mark. It wasn’t as if I was purposely trying to see what was going on in your life. People talk—everywhere. I had Leah in pre-calculus. All she ever did was talk about how the two of you were together so don’t think you’re hot shit.”
He placed his face in the crook of your neck and left a few sloppy kisses there—the sensation went straight to your tummy, causing you to bite your lip as an attempt to conceal the large amount of glee you were currently experiencing. 
“Well none of that matters okay? I’m serious, I don’t date. I’ve never dated anyone. I never used to believe in feelings, emotions and all that lovey dovey bullshit, but now I do and I want to experience it all with you. We will take it at your pace okay? Whatever you want. You need to be vocal about what’s working and what’s not okay? I don’t want you to be uncomfortable. I just want you to enjoy what’s blossoming between us. I’ll follow your lead okay? Are you hungry? What do you say we get out of here and go get something to eat? Maybe we can go to an arcade and play a couple of games. I don’t want to let you go just yet.” 
You nodded vehemently, no longer caring if you seemed overly excited because you were. Your excitement and contentment was through the roof. He giggled at your enthusiasm and abruptly got up, not being able to wait a second longer to go to your next location. 
Mark was sure that if anyone were to tell him that he’d be here with you, sharing passionate and fleeting kissing, holding you protectively on his lap, watching the waves crash on to the shore, stealing glances and hearing you laugh at his nonsense jokes, he probably would have punched them in the face in disbelief. The probability of you reciprocating the same feelings that he held for you was almost laughable. 
There was no way you, the girl he’s been crushing on for more than half his life—the girl who had every trait and quality he was looking for in a significant other, the girl he was willing to drop all of his friends and stop his toxic ways; the drinking, the smoking and ditching school, none of that mattered to him anymore now that he had you. 
Hell, it never really did matter to him and it took you to come in to his life in order for him to realize that all the negative things in his life was his coping mechanism for how shitty the world really was. Since he was always considered “popular” since high school, he never knew anything other than the attention he received on a daily basis and he was afraid of what his world would be like if he were to give that all up. Every moment spent with you—in this last month an a half was the best time he’s had in his twenty-three years on earth. 
There was nothing more amazing to him than you, and he was going to make sure nothing was going to get in the way of that. You and Mark made your way to his favorite diner which was also an arcade just ten minutes away from the beach. He raved about their food and claimed that their games were so much better than most of the arcades in the area. 
In fact, once you both arrived, there were quite a few people waiting to be seated so he put his name down and brought you upstairs to where all the games were located. His hand sneakily intertwined with yours and you surprised him by squeezing his hand and bringing it up to your lips, placing a kiss behind it. It might have been dim in the arcade, but you could still see the pink on his cheeks from your ministration and it brought warmth to your own cheeks. 
“Okay, how about this, if you can win me a toy from the crane machine, I’ll be your girlfriend—“ 
Before you could even finish your sentence, Mark made a beeline to the two crane machines and took out his game card; swiping it roughly to the point where he had to swipe it a few times since it wasn’t going through. 
“Get ready to call me your boyfriend y/n, I’m a professional at this. One time, I brought my nieces here and I won all three of them prizes. You’re mine baby.” 
You don’t know what it was; hearing about him talking about his nieces made you smirk—you wondered what kind of uncle he was. Learning more and more about him only sparked your interest in the kind of person he was in front of his family. To his friends, he was this cool play boy that could get anyone he wanted. To the many girls at your school, he was sex on legs and to you, he was this dorky, procrastinating, silly yet patient, courageous, gentle and extremely generous being. It made you wonder what he was like around the people that he loved. 
“Is there one you want in particular?” 
You began to scan throughout all of the plush dolls. They were all so cute and you didn’t know which one to pick. That was until you saw the mini dumbo figure all the way in the far left corner. 
“Dumbo, I want dumbo.”
“Sounds good. I just need a kiss on the lips for good luck.” 
You did as you were told, tip-toeing in order to steal a kiss from the corner of his mouth and moved slightly to give him more room. He began to move the control all the way toward the doll and pressed it so that the claw sank down in the bunch of toys. He cockily turned to face you and winked—assuming he picked up the doll. However, his mood was quick to change once you let out a small little giggle. 
“Okay, so I didn’t get it. It was only the first try. It takes time y/n but I’m going to get you that damn doll even if it takes me all night to do so.” 
Try after try, round after round, Mark failed to pick up dumbo let alone any doll for that matter. You had to cover your mouth to prevent yourself from laughing at his many failed attempts, but you began to look at him in adoration. It was obvious that he really wanted to call you his. Most guys would have given up after the first few tries but here he was on this twenty-fifth time and over thirty dollars later, still trying to capture the doll. 
“Mark, hey, it’s okay. You don’t have to get it. I can always buy one at the store, don’t waste your money—“
“It’s not that y/n. I couldn’t care less about how much I spend. I just really want to win. I want to be with you—“ 
You wrapped your arms around his neck and placed a sloppy kiss on his lips. He didn’t put much effort in to the kiss and you felt it was because he was disappointed in himself for being so confident only to fail miserably. You could only hope that your next words could break him out of his moody funk. 
“I’m all yours baby.” 
Seeing his award winning smile before he roughly picked you up and swung you around made you return the same expression. You were no longer scared anymore. It might have only been a little over a month since you and Mark began to spend time together, but deep down you knew your heart belonged to the beautiful boy in front of you. He was the one you were willing to give yourself to. 
“Thank you, thank you, thank you. I’m so happy, I can’t wait to start taking you out on more dates and getting to kiss you all the time. I’m so fucking excited I don’t think you understand just how over the moon I am right now. God, I know I said I would stay here all night but I didn’t think I’d mean it. That game is fucking rigged I call bullshit—“
“Let me try.” 
He gave you a look of curiosity but didn’t say anything as he swiped his card and made room for you. You looked on either side of the machine to make sure the claw lined up with dumbo before releasing it. The look of pure shock and jealousy as the claw picked up your plush without effort caused you to let out a loud snicker. 
“What the fuck? Okay, yeah this game is definitely rigged how the hell did you do that?”
“What can I say? I’m a professional.” 
He caught on to your mocking and pulled you close to him—tickling your sides to get a reaction out of you and to get you to stop gloating. He already felt like a bad boyfriend for not being able to do something so simple. So he felt even worse seeing you get it on your first try. He was really going to need to put more effort in to impressing you. 
“Yeah, yeah whatever. I helped you get it there—“
“If that’s what helps you sleep at night—“
“Mark? Hey man, what are you doing here? Oh, y/n, hey! Fancy seeing you guys tonight.” 
If only he was facing you, you would have been able to witness how Mark’s face dropped at the sight of his younger friend. It’s as if his blood went cold and his stomach dropped watching Yugyeom walk over to the two of you. In his many years of knowing him, Yugyeom was such a loyal and timid human being. 
In fact, he was one of Mark’s favorites within their group. He never caused the older boy trouble in any way and did whatever was asked of him. This entire bet however made him realize that Yugyeom wasn’t exactly who he thought he was. Or he changed in to the person he would have never thought Yugyeom was capable of being. 
He’s been trying his best to avoid the younger boy; he no longer attended any of their parties and he snuck away to meet up with you before anyone could find out where he was going. He also hasn’t been responding to his invites or text messages mainly because he was extremely pissed off with himself for agreeing to the bet in the first place. If he had the choice, he wouldn’t have agreed. 
That was the old Mark who said yes. The old Mark was the one who wanted to win the bet. The new Mark, your Mark, the Mark that was head over heels in love with you—he no longer wanted any part of that anymore but he was afraid of what Yugyeom was capable of if he did so happen call them entire thing off. 
“Hey. Is it just the two of you?” Jackson nodded his head towards Mark and then to you in acknowledgment before Yugyeom shook his head in disagreement. 
“Nah, we’re all here. Everyone else is downstairs waiting. Jackson wanted to come see the prizes. We actually invited you, but you didn’t respond so we just assumed you were busy. Are you guys on a date right now?” 
For some reason, something didn’t feel right. You never really saw Mark this agitated or tense around his friends. Normally he was always a free spirit around them. He was a happy-go-lucky type of person, so it made you wonder if something happened but you weren’t going to force him to tell you if something in fact did happen between them. He might have been your boyfriend now, but you respected his boundaries. 
“We—we um—we just needed a break from studying.”
“Cool! Say, y/n, would it be okay if I stole Mark away for a few minutes. I just have to ask him something. You don’t mind, do you?” 
Mark turned to gaze at you and gave you a look that said something on the lines of don’t do it. However, you didn’t want to be rude. A part of you felt bothered that Mark didn’t confirm the fact that you were technically on a date but then again, you wouldn’t want them knowing you and Mark decided to start a relationship. It wasn’t any of your business and you knew shit would be the fan if any of them were to get involved. 
“No, go ahead.” 
Mark released a frustrated sigh—only loud enough for you to hear and you watched as Yugyeom brought him towards the elevators. You could tell he was probably annoyed with the fact that the two of you were rudely interrupted and even more so because Yugyeom was taking him away from you. Jackson gave you an awkward smile before placing his hands in his pockets. 
Just like you did with Mark, you considered Jackson to be pretty attractive back in high school. He was a little more outgoing and outspoken than your boyfriend was. However, you never batted an eye at him much like you didn’t with your boyfriend. In your eyes, the boy standing in front of you was just as much of a fuckboy as you considered Mark to be. 
Seeing him so embarrassed in front of you though kind of made you confused. Whether or not he caught on to the fact that you and Mark were a thing—you would have expected a snarky remark but you were left with nothing. As Yugyeom guided Mark to whatever secluded area he was taking him, there were scenarios popping in to his mind. 
He was afraid that Yugyeom was going to open his big mouth about the bet and even more afraid that it was going to get you to change the way you looked at him. Mark refused to lose you before the two of you could really do anything together as a couple and he would rather let something bad happen to him than to let Yugyeom get in the way of the relationship that was developing between the two of you. 
“Ayyyy, Markie boy. I see you���re practicing early huh. So you guys are a thing? I fucking knew it man, congrats. She’s one of the hottest girls on the entire campus—“
“What do you want Yugyeom?” The arrogant boy put his hands up and feigned innocence, but Mark could tell by his stupid grin that he was up to no good. 
“There’s a party at BamBam’s parent’s house on Friday. I know you didn’t forget about our little bet.”
“Look yugyeom, about that—“
“No way, you’re trying to get out of it aren’t you? I never thought I’d see the day where Mark Tuan is willing to give up his reputation for a girl. Not just any girl, sweet y/n. What, is her pussy magical or something? Does she swallow? I get it, she’s beautiful and extremely smart, but what’s so good about her? There must be something else about her that you like. She must be pretty special if she got you to give up your reputation. Maybe I should get a taste of her—“
“You touch her and I fucking end you Kim Yugyeom you hear me?” 
This was the first time he’s ever wanted to sock his friend in the face but it wasn’t his fault. Yugyeom knew exactly what he was doing. What was his problem? What had gotten in to him? Why did it seem like the way he was acting went beyond just a simple bet? Hearing him talk about you in such a degrading way made his blood boil. Mark couldn’t quite put his finger on it, but he felt in his gut that something wasn’t right. 
“Ooooh, I’m so scared. Y/n is too much of a prissy bitch. I wouldn’t be surprised to hear that she’s still a virgin. As much as I wouldn’t mind being the one to break her innocence, I like my girls experienced. Listen here Mark, I’d be careful if I were you. I know we’re friends, so you should know me better than anyone. I don’t think she’d be too happy if she found out this was all an act. Should I tell her she’s only worth $100–“
“You’re a fucking asshole you know that?” 
Mark tried to think about what he could have done to piss the younger boy off to get him to act this way but he came up short. There was nothing. No legitimate reason as to why Yugyeom was being so hostile towards him. If anything, he was the nicest one out of their group of friends towards him. He gave Yugyeom rides every now and then, he’d buy him food and he was just very generous and kind when it came to him. What could Mark have done for Yugyeom to try and manipulate your relationship? 
“Proud of it man. If you know what’s best for you, I’ll see you both at the party on Friday. Enjoy the rest of your night bro.”
What the hell did he get himself in to?
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fakeloveaskblog · 3 years
Yay lasertag!!! Janus you should totally go visit Remus on the weekend and hang out! Also, maybe invite Remy too, if they wanna come. Then (specially if they don't show) you can plan with them both to maybe go on another hangout with Remus but to somewhere you like and let Remy tag along for the ride if they wanna while u're at it.
(Words: 3153 words)
Janus: "Ah yes! I will let you know that after hanging out with Remus I managed to use my incredible totally very good texting skills to ask the Rems if they wanted to go to an art museum and they both for some reaosn, maybe they are being blackmailed, said yes! I hope it will go g-"
He cut himself off as he saw the two Rems come towards him. He had been waiting outside the museum. (Honestly half the reason he had choosen it was because he knew Remus liked art)
Remus waved at him while grinning. He had on sweatpants, a way too large t-shirt and a necklace made out of animal bones. Remy had their arm swung around him. Even though they had sunglasses on their eyebags were still visible.
“Aight gamers! Are we ready to do an epic art heist!! I got my sunglasses ready!” Remus exclaimed. He didn’t, he was planning on stealing Remy’s sunglasses.
“Partner you’re forgetting that we must first observe the security measures of the museum before we can even start to plan the heist” Janus replied.
“Oh!!! That’s what we’re doing today isn’t it??”
“Correct partner!”
“Babes I dunno why you gotta steal art when I’m standing right here” Remy added while posing.
“Good point. Good point” 
Janus had on a yellow bowtie he’d gotten from Logan, a loose purple shirt and black dress pants. People had to look fancy when they went to museums right? Remy had a skirt short enough to fool god and their boyfriend’s hoodie on (it looked oversized on them but with how skinny they were Everything looked oversized on them).
As soon as they got in Remus started to bounce up and down as he looked at the posters showing all the different exhibitions. There was a modern art one, classical and one smaller exhibition for specifically mosaic works.
“So whatcha you wanna look at Snakey?” Remus asked.
Janus was caught of guard “Why are you asking me?”
“Well you chose how we would hang out. C’mon you deserve to choose this too”
He looked over to Remy who shrugged “Uhm okay. Well. The classical paintings would proably give us the most money on the black market so lets look at those”
Remus quickly took on his noise canceling headphones and a chew necklace before doing thumbs up. He firmly took Janus’ hand in his. He sent him a soft smile which made Jan’s heart spin before dashing of with him into the exhibition.
A few big paintings from the renaissance hung on the wall. Remy came a little later since with the cane they walked pretty slow. Remus eyed the paintings from a distance before squinting at them up close. He flapped the hand he was hoding Janus with around.
"Oh!!! This is so cool!!!! This is from the renaissance but it's not using the chiaro oscuro technique like everyone did 'cause Da Vinci would eat their newborn if they didnt!”
"Is that why it's looking flatter than me?" Remy asked.
“YEah!! Augh I love the renaissance!!! Mostly because they were dissecting bodies so much!! sometimes for the sole purpose of drawing anatomy better!! I wanna do that! Or watch someone do that! Getting to see one of those old classrooms where they dissected corpses would be so awesome!”
“Huh good way to get rid of bodies. Great time for serial killers” Janus commented.
He let out a dreamy sigh “It truly was. They’re doing serial killers dirty nowadays”
They went through some more rooms of renaissance paintings. Janus made sure to hold Remus back a bit so Remy could keep up with them. The duke kept rambling about different shading techniques.
They stepped into another room and the style changed. Remus continued to flap his hand nonetheless. Janus was definitely going to have pain in his wrist tomorrow. It was worth it if he could hold his hand though.
Remy leaned their elbow on top of Janus’ head “This is like the baroque time right?”
“YEah!” Remus’ eyes went huge “Bean you didn’t tell me you were into art history??! Do you know about Ruben too?? I like how he paints butts!”
“What? Nah. I just- I can like see it on the clothes in the paintings. Can’t you?”
“Do I look like a time traveling fashiong guru” Janus replied sarcastically “That is honestly impressive”
Remy sunk in on themself and a hint of red appeared on their cheeks “No. Nah. I’m like a total airhead! Completel idiot! hehe I’m like tots sure everyone knows this stuff. Y’all are just bad at fashion. I uh anyway Rem you were gonna rant?”
“I was?”
“Oh....Okay!!” He looked around the room before getting caught on a small painting in the corner. He dashed over to it “HANds!”
The painting depicted 2 bloody hands over a table. They were holding onto each other. the red stuck out against the dark background. It was hard to see if they were supposed to belong to two people who were fighting or in love.
Remus looked down at Janus’ hand while playing with his fingers “I think my favorite body part are hands” He mumbled “I mean they’re horseshit to draw but they can do so much”
Janus looked away from the painting as well. He let his crush do whatever he wanted with his hand as long as he kept holding it. the way he held him so lightly but kept rubbing his thumb up and down his skin made him melt.
“Yeah they can do a lot of fucked up shit” Remy butted in. Jan nearly jumped. He’d completely lost himself in adoring his crush.
“Well hands can also be used to give snakes small berries! And to make coffee!”
“Girl I wasn’t starting an argument. But you sure did won it!”
Remus was staring down into the floor as he said “When I become a cannibal I would wanna try eating human fingers first. I’m sure they would be tasty”
“Why was there a when in there?” Jan asked in a small amount of terror.
“Oh yeah babe totally. I will like actually eat a dick” Remy agreed.
“Why is there a will in there? What kind of time tenses are you people on?? Does english grammar mean nothing to you heathens!?”
Remy got a smug look on their face. They poked their finger right into Janus’ chest “C’mon say what you will eat when you become a cannibal”
“Yeah Snakey” Remus squished his cheeks “Say it! Say it! Say it!”
The two of them kept going on while Janus looked like a sour lemon until he finally caved in.
“Fine. I would either eat the stomach or....the buttocks since they would have the most fat and sustain me the longest”
The Rems looked at each other before bursting out into laughter. “He said butT!” Remus cackled out. The other Rem nodded along and pretended to wipe away a tear from laughter.
“Aight babe let’s put the guy out of his misery” 
They motioned for Remus to go ahead. He happily skipped into the next room and grabbed Jan’s hand to take him with him. The snake couldn’t help but notice how Remy stayed behind for a monent.
“Oh cool!! We’re onto impressionism! The first real art style!” He sighed “From impressionism to cartoon furries. How magical the journey of art is” 
(Jan who had a scaley phase in high school chose to not reply)
“I love the music as well. Crazy lads. My favorite lad?” Remus snickered “De bussy!!”
“That’s my porn name” Remy instantly replied, coming up behind them. “Hey that paint lady kinda like looks like Terra” They pointed at a painting.
“....Hey YEaH! I guess my art is timeless!”
Janus looked between them “who’s Terra?”
“Well girl” Remy playfully ruffled Remus’ hair “She’s just Rem’s tots cool like cartoon character. She’s like all over his sketchbook. Makes it look kinda straight if you ask me but she does have like a very cool design so I get it!”
“Oh......Yes...Sounds very....cool”
The group kept going around looking at art. While it felt like lead was filling Janus’ chest. He’d never heard about Terra. He’d never seen his sketchbook. Meaning they had spent time with each other without him.
He pierced his nails into his palms to stop the thoughts. He refused to be some jealous person who didn’t allow his friends to hang out without him.....Still he wish he could have seen the drawings as well....seen them smile together...heard their shared laughter....
Oh. Oh what if they thought he was annoying. What if they preferred being without him. What if he’d forced them to come here today. What if-
“Hey snakey wanna look at the modern art as well?” Remus interrupted.
Without realizing they’d gone through all of the classic art. Now they were in the last room with not much more than a giant painting the size of one of the walls and a bench.
“That sounds horrid!”
Remus quickly continued of into the next exhibition. Janus still had the taste of lead filling his throat as he went to follow. Until he realized Remy wasn’t there. He turned around and saw them sitting on the bench in front of the painting. They were leaning their arms on their cane.
“It would probably give us a lot on the black market” Jan said while sitting down beside them.
“Mhm. It’s pretty. I just like wanted to look at it some more” They lied.
The painting was pretty much a big flower field with a summer sky shining down on it. Janus noticed how Remy forced deep breathes through their gritted teeth. Their brows were furrowed and their hands kept shaking.
“Are you alright?”
“Of course!” 
“I have some painkillers with me. Would that help agains the pain you’re totally not in?”
They glanced over to him “Girl what you doing walking around with painkillers?”
He looked at them with the most deadpan expression “Remy I’m overweight. You can not phantom how often I get knee pain" He took out a pill and held it out to them "Here"
"There's really like no need! I can like handle it"
Even more deadpan "You shouldn’t have to ‘handle it’. It's 1 painkiller dear. I'm not exactly becoming a saint because of this"
They hesitantly took it "Thanks"
He did fingerguns "No problemo"
They stayed sitting for a bit so the pill could kick in. Jan shuly glanced over to admire them every now and then. Remy kept looking down into the floor while picking at their skin.
“I’m sorry” They said it in a much quieter voice than their usual high pitched one “I tried to do everything right so I wouldn’t ruin everything. I even went to bed early so I wouldn’t get tired....I...I really looked forward to getting to be with you two”
Janus heart beat faster. He pulled himself together to comfort them “You haven’t ruined a thing”
They hid their face in their hands “I’ve been tired and out of it all day. I keep like slowing you down. Don’t think I haven’t like noticed how much you have to hold Rem back from going faster! I’ve just been making this all much worse than it should have been”
“Well you’re here aren’t you? I for one appreciate you simply being here. You don’t have to do anything to make me appreciate you, don’t even have to talk. I hope you know that”
“Oh no darling I totally expect you to win the nobel prize while in a kind of pain I can’t even imagine being in on a daily basis”
Remy chuckled “Thanks”
“There’s really no need for that. I am at any and all times doing the absolute minimum to be counted as a decent human being”
“Sure snakey-babey” They had a soft smile on their face.
They moved to hug him. Their arms wrapped around his back and they muffled their head right between his man titties. Janus sat still for a few seconds, too flustered to think before moving his arms around them as well. A hand on the back of their head, another on their lower back. Their skin felt so cold against his.
Remy closed their eyes and let themself calm down. They could feel Janus’ breathing against their hair.
“I think my fav like human part is the chest” They mumbled out “‘Cause I can hear the heart beat. It reminds me I’m- we’re still like alive”
“Like a bloody biological seashell”
“Exactly” They pressed themself closer. “I like being with you” It was nothing more than a whisper, like it was a secret “When you’re here I feel a bit less like a rotting corpse”
Janus held onto them harder “Well I-I try my best”
“I know babe”
His heart was beating out of his chest. The people around them must think they were a couple. He closed his eyes and focused on Remy’s touch, on Picani’s words from their last session. He managed to push enough of the shame away and focus on the happy butterflies in his stomach instead.
Remy moved away. The moment broke.
“We should probs go find Rem before he starts like eating the art”
“haha yeah” Janus did thumbs up but kept sitting. He’d gone full idiot.
It wasn’t until he saw Remy straining to stand up even with the cane his brain kicked back in.
“Is there some way I could help?”
They didn’t answer. But they did lean their arm around his shoulder to let him carry some of their weight. They slowly but surely made their way to the modern art exhibition.
Remus was sitting crosslegged in front of a weird statue, he was doodling in his sketchbook but shone up into a smile when he saw them.
“There you are! I was starting to think that either the zombie apocalypse had started or you were making out somehwere”
“Oh yeah babe. Full tounge” Remy joked back. Jan let out an inhumane noise.
He closed his sketchbook “I think we’re done here. You’re looking tired beanie. We can come back some other day”
Remy held back the urge to lie that they were fine. Instead they weakly nodded.
The gang left the museum. Right beside it was an ice cream shop. Remus got 3 scoops of a worryingly weird mix of flavors. Janus got 1 scoop of lemon. Remy didn’t feel like eating.
They sat down on a couple of benches right outside. Remy laid down with their head leaned onto Remus’ thigh. He chewed his ice cream while calmly moving his hand up and down their back.
Soon enough they were deep asleep. Janus quickly laid his jacket over their legs. He didn’t want to accidentally see anything under their skirt without their consent.
Remus stared at him like a blood sucking eagle while smiling “Soooo now when beanie is in dream land.......Do” He stopped to giggle “Janny. Janny. Do. Do you like someooooonnneee??”
Janus just blinked at him for half a minute. This was too much. This whole day was too much. He was a wreck. His crush was asking him THis?! While his other crush was laying in his crush’s lap?!?
“Why- Why- What- Who are you working for?! The fucking FBI??? Are they after me?” He desperately tried to joke it away.
“No. No. But seriously JanJan!” He wiggled his shoulders around in a stimmy way “Do you happen to like anyone with a name that starts on R????”
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
Janus kept glancing between his two crushes while his blushing could be seen out into space. He wanted to lie but his mouth wouldn’t move.
Remus leaned closer and whispered “You’re into Remy right?”
He nodded. A breathe of relief went through him. At least Remus didn’t know he liked him.
“OH I KNEW IT!” Remus yelled out in excitement while flapping his hands.
“Shh! Shh!” Janus scrambled to cover his mouth as Remy stirred for a moment. “Shhhh!” They cuddled closer to their friend and fell back asleep.
“I knew it!” He giggled “Or I mean Remy knew. They told me they thought you were into them”
Now it was Remus that covered his mouth. He was full on cackling “Yeah! They said it was really obvious! But good for you snakey! I’m sure if you murder their boyfriend you can get them in no time! Or you can become a fab homewrecker!! I can help you buy a nice sexy dress and all!!”
Janus paled in terror “How- In- What- In what way did they say it was obvious?”
“Oh y’know-”
The notif on his phone went off. He checked and his eyes went wide. He carefully moved Remy’s head onto the bench before standing up.
“Sorry snakey! Ro needs super duper emergency help! Gotta go!! See you later! Don’t die!”
Remus left him just like that.  Right after dropping THAT bomb on him. Janus sat unmoving. His mouth was slightly agape in shock. His thoughts were runnig around screaming nonstop.
He sat like that for over 20 minutes until Remy let out a yawn and slowly woke up. They took off their sunglasses to rub their eyes. Just seeing their vibrantly green eyes made Janus panic even more.
“Did Rem disintegrate?” Their voice was hoarse from sleepyness. Janus pinched himself to hold back the uhm feelings.
“He- he uh he went he went he sure did went yeah”
They stretched their joints, they all cracked. They looked to Janus and moved closer. He couldn’t breathe. They knew. They knew. They knew.
“Girl are you feeling okay?” They pressed their palm to his forehead “You’re like super hot. In both ways! Maybe you should like go home and rest. I gotta get home before my boyf gets home anyway”
“Y-yeah” Was all Janus could get out.
“Cool. OH! By the way! Girl!!! We haven’t like hung out just the two of us right?? We should tots do that! Just like tell me whatever you wanna do and we can do it!”
“Awesome! Well I’ll see you on that hang out then”
They hugged him for just a few seconds but for those seconds Janus felt like he was in heaven.
They got up and left. Janus slumped over on the bench. His heart was going crazy. They knew. They knew and now they wanted to hang out alone with him. He turned to you. His eyes were wide and panicked.
Janus: “W-what am I supposed to do? I don’t know any good hang out plans! Do you know any??? I’m- this is all- how did they even know I like them! Oh I’m sounding like an overdramatic 13 year old.....This totally isn’t really overwhelming. I would hate getting Logan cuddles right now!”
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polar534 · 3 years
Jersey Stealing Pt. 3
This one is loooooong. I mean it. Probably longer then part one, but it's worth it. If you all were waiting for the bullies comeuppance, this part is for you.
Amity. Is. Pissed.
Amity leaned against the cold steel of the flagpole, her eyes peeled. Normally the witch hated using the internet to look up people. The human world's connected network was so filled with obnoxious jerks that it was no wonder Luz had one of them as a grom fear.
This was different though. She had to find what this girl looked like. As she stared into the endless amount of students milling out of the school her mind began to drift back to the night before.
As expected, her conversation with Luz didn't exactly lead anywhere.
"Hey Luz? Can we... can we talk?" Amity asked hesitantly, watching as Luz got ready for bed. The witch had been patiently waiting for the right time to approach her about this, and now was as good of time as any.
Luz blinked in the mirror, before turning around and facing Amity, her toothbrush still hanging out the corner of her mouth.
"Mhmm?" Came the muffled reply as Luz adjusted the brush in her mouth to scrub at the other side.
"I can wait until you're done you know." Amity rolled her eyes with a smile.
Luz made a face behind the toothbrush.
"Mhhhm. Mhmm hhmmmm!" She argued fiercely as she turned to face the sink again.
Grabbing the water nearby, Luz cleaned her mouth and spit out what was left of the toothpaste, turning to Amity with a grin.
"No no!! See! All done!" Luz beamed, flashing her minty smile and making Amity laugh. She leapt from the bathroom to the bed and sat cross-legged facing Amity.
"Whatcha wanna talk about?"
"I want to talk about what happened a couple of nights ago."
Luz's eyes widened before she waved her hand in front of her face.
"Oh that? It just caught me off guard. I'm fine now-"
"No you're not!" Amity said quickly, before Luz could try denying it all again. "You haven't been acting like yourself lately and I'm not the only one who noticed."
"Amity. I'm fine. It's all in the past anyways." Luz assured her, her smile fading to a small sliver. "Like I said, I just wasn't expecting to see them ther-"
"I know what happened. At the game. What they said to you." Amity interrupted her again, her voice coldly serious.
Shock registered on Luz's face before her hands found the blanket underneath them and gripped it tightly. She looked down at it as her face hardened, her expression guarded.
But Amity wasn't done.
"Lokte asked their brother if he heard anything and their brother told me." She continued a little more softly, reaching out to put a hand on Luz's knee.
"I asked your mother about Sasha. I think I have an idea of what she meant to you."
The blanket twisted harder, Luz's fists balling it into a small knot.
"It's ok to be upset. But you've got to let me in on these things, how else am I supposed to help?"
Luz finally looked up to her. Brown eyes met amber ones and Amity realized with a shock just how watery they both had become.
"Can we... can we please not talk about it? It's in the past. Anything she might have meant to me is all gone now, right? So why bother?" She practically mumbled, defeat dripping from her voice.
"Well it's not in the past to me! I'm still learning about all of this. And they can't keep treating you like that!" Amity argued.
"They don't matter to me. I've got Willow and Gus, and Eda and Lilith." Luz said quietly, slowly unwrapping her hand from the blanket to grab Amity's, a slow grin reappearing on her face.
"Annnnnnd I've got you." Luz waggled her eyebrows playfully causing Amity to choke out a laugh past the knot in her throat.
"Luuuuuzzz." The witch groaned as her girlfriend's grin grew bigger.
"I'll be fine, perfectly fine, so long as I've got someone as wonderful as you taking care of me." Luz teased further.
Amity groaned again and gave her a light shove.
"You're such a cheese."
"You're right, I am a cheese. A big cheese to everyone who counts!" Luz shot back, straightening up and leaning dramatically on Amity's shoulder, crushing her into the bed.
"And you loooooovvveeeee me." Luz sing-songed as she flipped over and laid on Amity's chest, looking her in the eyes.
Amity stared back into those big, dopey brown eyes and obnoxious grin and felt her heart flutter. Her face went red as she rolled her eyes.
"Yeah. I do." She chuckled, leaning forward to kiss Luz on the forehead and making her girlfriend squeak in delight.
"Which is why I'm letting this go for tonight. But this isn't over Noceda!"
Luz merely grinned.
"I'd expect nothing less from you, Blight."
A sharp whistle jolted Amity out of the memory. She sneered at the guy responsible as he winked at her and disappeared inside the school.
The sooner she found Sasha, the better.
Another wolf whistle had her moving up and into the school. Navigating the hallways of the human school was a lot like finding her way around Hexside. The only problem was, she had no idea where Sasha could be. A thought crossed her mind as she made her way to the back of the school. If there was anyone who knew where Sasha could be, it was Bryce.
And Bryce was the star player of the football team.
Amity pulled plenty of attention with her wherever she went. If she wasn't recognized for Hockey, her hair caught enough attention. Even though the dye job had faded just to the very ends of her hair, the bright green attracted many eyes.
Despite all of this, she thankfully wasn't stopped as she made her way through the school and past the bleachers to the team currently practicing out on the field. She found Bryce fairly quickly.
Or rather. He found her.
"Oh would you look at that boys! This is the babe I was telling you about!"
Amity growled in her throat as a bunch of sweaty football players started running towards her. Their leader, the person she assumed was Bryce, had his helmet off and was walking calmly over to her, a disgusting grin plastered on his face.
"Is it true you checked Ricky Gormley so hard that he cried?"
"I heard that you're the best shot on the team, why are you only on defense?"
The questions swarmed her ears as the boys surrounded her. Instead of addressing any of them, she glared at the player without the helmet.
"I assume you're Bryce."
Bryce's grin grew as smugness flashed in his eyes.
"Why, have you heard of me?" Bryce acknowledged her with a wink that made Amity's skin crawl.
She pushed through the unease and disgust.
"I've heard... some things." Amity admitted, keeping her face blank.
Bryce nudged his friend in the ribs. The known bully leaned against the other player as he waggled his eyebrows at Amity.
"So whatcha doing round here?" Bryce teased.
"I heard you might know where I could find Sasha. I've got a few questions for her."
The football player deflated for a moment before quickly recovering and sliding off his friends shoulder with a smile.
"Yeah. I know where she is. But it's going to cost ya" He grinned wickedly. "How about a date with me. Next Friday after the game. I'll even let you wear my jersey." He winked as his friends loudly gasped and laughed.
Amity smiled and used her finger to draw Bryce is close. As he leaned in, he moved his head so she could whisper in his ear.
"I have a different proposition. How about you tell me where Sasha is, and I won't embarrass you in front of your entire team." Amity growled lowly, making sure only Bryce could hear her.
To her annoyance he simply straightened and flashed her another insufferable grin.
"Ohh. That sounds like fun. I accept your terms hockey girl." He taunted loudly, getting into a ready stance.
His posse seemed to get even more rowdy at this, not having heard what Amity said and jumping to their own conclusions.
Amity rolled her eyes. Turning as if she was going to leave (a chorus of boos sounded behind her) she quickly whipped around and caught Bryce off guard. Using her shoulder to send him sprawling backwards while sticking her foot behind his own, he crashed to the ground in an instant. Amity took a step forward and stood above him, arms crossed.
"Tell me what I want to know or it's going to be more then just the wind getting knocked out of you." She snarled, stepping back and allowing him to get up.
Bryce blinked from his grounded position on the field.
"Hot." He breathed out, a little dazed.
Amity growled as Bryce leapt to his feet, showing no signs of any injury or slowing.
"Alright. You got me. Sasha is usually in the art classroom after school talking with the teacher. Don't know why, but I also don't care."
Amity rolled her eyes and turned to walk away, fighting the urge to make another comment or throw another punch. If Luz could keep her composure around him, then so could Amity.
That was, until the brute grabbed her arm. She reluctantly let him swing her around and to her surprise Bryce looked almost... shy.
"Wait. So about that date..."
"You've already been told I'm taken. I doubt it takes long for even an oaf like you to figure out I don't like guys." She snarled back at him, taking his hand off her arm and twisting it painfully until he crumpled forward in pain.
"You're going to leave my girlfriend alone from now on, or I will come back." Amity threatened lowly, releasing his wrist and pushing the football player back as he stared blankly wide-eyed and nursed his hurt wrist. "And next time you touch me, I'll break your wrist."
Amity turned around and started walking back up to the bleachers, the stunned silence of the team following her. Despite how good it felt to put Bryce in his place, to wipe the grin off his face, she immediately began to worry that she crossed a line. What if he came after Luz for the things she said?
Taking a quick glance over her shoulder the witch saw the injured player grinning at her once again. He cupped his hands over his mouth and yelled back up at her.
"Playing hard to get eh? I'll see you again hockey girl. I know you can't wait!" He yelled up at her before turning to his teammates.
His voice was faint but it carried up to Amity's ears nonetheless.
"She must've heard about that creep Luz hitting on her. Honestly had me going for a second. Good to see she's got a sense of humor though!" He laughed to his team.
Amity wished, not for the first time that the human world had just a little magic.
She would give anything to be able to burn the bully to ash.
Luckily doodles and posters adorned the 'art' hallway like signs pointing Amity where to go. It was far more quiet here then any of the other sections of the school and Amity almost felt like a ghost, hearing her footsteps echo loudly around her as she walked swiftly through the hall.
Her ears twitched from under the bandanna she wore like a sweatband. Following the faint sound of laughter, Amity found the girl she was looking for standing at the front of a large classroom with double doors.
Peering into the room Amity could see that Sasha was talking with an older woman with graying hair and kind eyes. They were both laughing at something the younger girl had pulled up on her phone, neither of them noticing the intruder.
Amity took the time to analyze her target. Sasha seemed to be a much different person now then how she appeared in her photos. Instead of the flowery and airy style she carried and wore in all of her pictures, she was dressed casually, wearing sweatpants and a bulky sweatshirt that almost threatened to consume her thin frame. It wasn't the wardrobe that drew Amity's eye however, it was the small almost barely visible strip of pink that waved in her otherwise blonde hair.
Unconsciously, Amity's hand went to the remainder of her own dye job.
The movement was enough to garner attention as both teacher and student turned to face the doorway. As Sasha's green eyes met her amber ones, Amity remembered why she was here. Her blood began to boil. Here she was, so calm and collected, so... confident, while Luz had been quiet and withdrawn for days now. It wasn't fair.
Not waiting to be addressed, she strolled straight into the room.
"Can I help you miss?" The teacher asked kindly, freezing Amity in her advance. The witch stiffened. Collecting herself quickly, Amity turned around with a wide smile.
"No it's quite alright. I'm sorry I was in such a rush! I must've forgotten my manners. I just really would like to talk to my friend over here."
"Is that alright Sasha?" The lady turned to the blonde haired girl with a raised eyebrow.
Sasha looked between the two people in front of her before shrugging casually.
"I'll be right back Ms. Reinard. Me and... uh, Amity, right?" Sasha looked over at the witch for reassurance and got a stiff nod as a response.
"Me and Amity are just going to step out into the hallway real quick." Sasha finished politely as she stuck her hands in the pocket of her sweatshirt and walked Amity out into the hallway.
"So... um. Why is the lead star of the hockey team wanting to talk to me?" Sasha asked quite shyly when they were far enough out of earshot. Not knowing where to stand, she settled with leaning against a locker.
Amity did not follow her lead. Instead she tore off the jersey she had on, leaving her standing in the hallway in just a white tank top and blue jeans. Sasha stared at her curiously as the witch began to fidget with the jersey.
"I wanted to ask you about something that happened at my last game." Amity said coolly, her tone level.
"Oh. You must've heard about Luz..."
Amity's heartrate spiked at the name of her girlfriend but she kept her face straight. Eyes half lidded. Don't show any emotion. Gain as much information as you can. That was the way of the Blight.
"One could say that." Amity replied casually. "What do you think of her?"
Sasha's eyes widened almost guiltily as Amity continued turning her jersey over in her hands.
"She's... she's nothing you should worry about. Luz is mostly harmless." The girl sighed, looking down at the ground and avoiding the witch's intense stare.
Amity's hands gripped tighter into the fabric of her jersey.
"That didn't answer my question." The witch ever so subtly growled.
"I don't understand what you mean?"
"My question was what you thought about her. Though in all fairness, I guess it doesn't matter. Luz never really cared about what everyone else seemed to think about her. Everyone except you."
Sasha stared at her with wide eyes as Amity's face twisted into a frown. Amber eyes drifted down at the jersey.
"Are you... ok?" Sasha asked after a moment. When Amity didn't answer right away, the girl took a step forward.
Reacting quickly, Amity side stepped the hand that was coming down to rest on her shoulder and instead tossed her jersey up in the air.
"Yeah. Hold that for a second would you?"
Sasha lunged forward to catch the jersey just in time as the fabric unraveled in her hands. Suddenly, the tag attached to the back was sticking out. Sasha eyes locked onto it immediately just as Amity knew they would. After all, the colors Luz chose were hard to miss.
"What is this?"
"First you don't answer my question, now you're you saying you can't read either?" Amity snapped.
The witch knew what was on the tag. Knew that Sasha would've understood it. Should've understood it.
When Amity had first gotten her jersey she had been a little nervous. A new jersey meant a new team. A new chance for her to get her teammates injured again.
Luz didn't see it like that however. She was ecstatic, making sure it fit Amity well and making sure that she was plenty excited about her new jersey. When her girlfriend still had some reservations about it, Luz claimed it was simply because she hadn't made it *hers* yet. Taking some markers and dashing out the door with the shirt, Luz emerged from wherever she had been hiding a few minutes later with a very bright and colorful tag that read:
'Property of Amity.' With a small drawing of a hockey stick and puck.
A couple of weeks and jersey stealing incidents later and there appeared another line on the tag.
'Property of Amity. And Luz! (her amazing wonderful girlfriend).'
The understanding quiet that swarmed the hallway was deafening.
"So she was telling the truth..." Sasha spoke quietly, thumbing the tag gently.
Amity leaned forward and plucked the jersey out of Sasha's hands. With her arms exposed, she cut an intimidating figure, the muscles she had gained from training and practice obvious. The movement seemed to startle the blonde-haired girl as she looked up in alarm.
"Look. I'm sorry, but you don't understand. You couldn't. The situations she's caused and problems... You haven't known her as long as we-"
"I don't need to." Amity interrupted calmly, gently sliding the jersey back over her head. "In the amount of time I've known Luz she's nearly gotten me killed in a library, almost got my siblings eaten alive, nearly set us both on fire-"
"What kind of camp did you go to?!"
"-and almost terrorized an entire town with their worst fears." Amity finished, ignoring Sasha's question entirely. She held up a lazy hand gesturing to nothing. "And that's just the short list."
"Then... why?" Sasha asked after a short pause, her eyes lingering to a specific spot behind Amity's head where the jersey's tag would've been.
Amity laughed, a sharp and cold sound in the mostly quiet room. Sasha flinched, her back hitting the locker she was leaning against with a loud and hollow bang.
"You know the thing about you bullies, is that the one thing you never did was give Luz a chance. I almost didn't either. That was a mistake."
Sasha looked up curiously, a large range of emotions flashing through her eyes. The girl's submissive stance was familiar to Amity. Uncomfortably familiar. Flashbacks from her days of sullenly stalking around Hexside flashed in her head.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, Luz was always the one who got us out of each and every situation. She's always willing to help fix her mistakes." Amity stared at Sasha pointedly. "Always willing to look for the best in people."
The blonde haired girl in front of her hung her head.
"You threatened to call the cops on my girlfriend." Amity told her plainly.
Sasha didn't say anything, but instead sighed heavily and nodded. Her silence only irritated Amity more.
"You know I asked around. I've seen Luz deal with bullies before. I know it usually doesn't ever get to her. I know about Bryce, about the brute he is. But you were 'different'. You meant something else to Luz."
"I..." Sasha blinked, genuinely confused, "... what?"
"Tell me, since you've known her for sooo long. Have you ever seen Luz quiet?"
"Yeah. Quiet. Withdrawn. Sad." Amity listed, annoyed.
"No, she's... she's always been really out-going and kinda loud if I'm being honest. Even when everyone was so clearly annoyed with it, she didn't stop." Sasha admitted. Her face grew with a sad smile. "Nothing really got her down."
"Well it has now. You have." Amity said coldly.
The blonde girl's eyes widened, but the witch didn't let her say anything.
"Luz has faced a lot of things, none of them pretty, and still come out the same person as before. I've seen her do it. But the idea she had of you, the hope she had... you were different in her eyes." Amity explained shoving her hands deep into her pockets to prevent them from clenching into fists. A lump formed in her throat, the anger and empathy she felt balling tightly there and making it difficult to speak or breathe.
"But I see now you're just the same as the rest of them." Amity growled.
The sentence clearly had an immediate effect on Sasha who's eyes flashed in anger, she rose up to defend herself but Amity was already done. Her anger was quickly fading, leaving her body cold and numb. All she wanted was to go home. To go home to Luz. With a short decisive wave she cut off anything the other girl could've possibly said and took a step closer, purposefully drawing herself up to look as intimidating as possible.
Even if it couldn't stick with Bryce, she would make sure it stuck here. The last thing Luz needed was more of a reminder of just how badly the human world failed her.
"Leave my girlfriend alone. Tell all your friends that if they come near Luz again, they'll get to experience exactly why I'm the best defensive hockey player in the division."
Amity turned sharply, her footsteps filling in the silence left behind from the threat. She heard the door of the art class room open again after a pause and the teacher's kind voice drifted through the hallway.
"Sasha... you're crying. All you alright? Did something happen?"
Amity didn't stop as Sasha hesitantly answered. She refused to hear her excuses, her mind stuck in the past. Stuck to the night Amity found her girlfriend nearly freezing to death, staring up at nothing. The night she saw Luz's hope for something die.
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rhosyn-du · 3 years
Never make a mess when a total catastrophe will do - Epilogue
Pairings: Jimon, past Clace, background Clizzy, a bunch of other minor background pairings Rating: Explicit Art: @cor321​ Beta: @all-thestories-aretrue​ Tags:  Alternate Universe - College/University, fake dating, oh my god they were roommates, friends with benefits, idiots to lovers, pining, miscommunication, holidays, drinking games, mistletoe, symbolically significant Oreos, domestic fluff, brief mention of past character death, Jace’s self-worth issues deserve their own tag Summary: What do you do when you find out your sister is not only dating your ex and love-of-your-high-school-life but is also bringing her home for Christmas? Bring your annoying, hot, annoyingly-hot roommate as your fake boyfriend to show them you're totally fine with it, obviously! There's no possible way this could backfire. Link: AO3 , Tumblr Master Post
“How is this the third store we’ve visited that’s out of cranberry sauce?”
“Because it’s eleven in the morning on Thanksgiving Day?” Maia threw Simon a look that clearly said ‘duh.’ “I’m honestly surprised we managed to snag those last two pie crusts.”
“I should never have let myself get distracted while I was doing my shopping on Monday.” He fixed Jace with a stern glare. “No more distracting me at the grocery store.”
“You were pretty into my distraction, if I recall correctly,” Jace said with a lazy grin.
“You’re laughing now, but you’ve never seen Bubbe Helen when she doesn’t get cranberries on Thanksgiving. You don’t even know.”
Jace wrapped his arms around Simon’s waist, pulling him close. “Hey, we’ll find Bubbe Helen her cranberries. We’ve still got a hundred miles left between here and New York. There’s bound to be a store along the way that still has cranberries.”
Simon relaxed in his arms with a sheepish smile. “You’re right. I’m being dumb.”
“It’s not dumb,” Jace corrected gently. “It’s tradition, and it’s important to people you love.”
“Wow, holidays make you really sappy,” Simon teased.
“You make me really sappy,” Jace corrected, reaching for Simon’s left hand. He brought it to his lips, placing a kiss on the knuckle right above his father’s ring. The same ring he’d used when he actually proposed two weeks ago, at the same table in Java Jones where they’d made their list of fake dating rules all those months ago. He’d hidden the ring under his muffin, knowing Simon would steal the last bite like he always did, and even though it wasn’t the kind of grand, romantic gesture his siblings had suggested when he asked for their help, it was theirs, and the look on Simon’s face when he said yes was really all that mattered.
“You make me pretty sappy, too,” Simon said, drawing him into a kiss.
“If you two start making out in the middle of the canned goods aisle, I’m stealing the van and going to New York without you.”
Jace pulled away from the kiss to give Maia an unimpressed look. “No one’s making you watch.”
“Yeah, but every minute I have to spend waiting for you is one I don’t get to spend with my girlfriend, who I live two-hundred miles away from and only get to see maybe once a month if I’m really lucky.”
“She does have a point,” Simon said. “Plus, Becky can be really vindictive when she wants to be, and she’s got easy access to the room we’re sleeping in tonight.”
“And the longer we stand around here, the longer other people have to buy all the cranberries at other stores,” Maia pointed out.
“Fine,” Jace relented, releasing Simon. “Let’s go find some cranberries.”
Simon took his hand, and Jace could feel the warm metal of his ring pressing into his skin.
“We have cranberries!” Maia announced as they entered the Lewis home.
“Oh, thank god,” Becky said. “Someone was starting to get a little agitated.” She raised her eyebrows and tilted her head significantly toward the kitchen.
“So, you’re only happy to see me for my cranberries, huh?” Maia teased.
“I’ve got a whole list of reasons I’m happy to see you.” Becky gave her a quick kiss, then turned to poke Simon in the ribs. “But I’m only happy to see this fool for his cranberries.”
“Hey!” Simon protested, poking her right back.
“I guess I just don’t even rate, huh?” Jace asked.
Becky turned a wide, mischievous smile on him. “Oh, no. I’m happy to see you for an entirely different reason. I want to offer you a trade.”
“Don’t do it,” Simon said. “She’s sneaky, and she will rip you off.”
“I am sneaky,” Becky agreed, “but this is totally above board.” She turned back to Jace. “I hear that you and Maia are drinking buddies.”
“I’m not sure I like where this is going,” Maia commented.
“That’s probably a pretty accurate description of our relationship, sure,” Jace agreed.
“Which means you’ve seen Maia drunk,” Becky continued. “Which means you probably have embarrassing stories about my girlfriend. Stories that I’m more than willing to trade embarrassing stories of my brother to hear.”
“See?” Simon pointed at his sister. “Sneaky.”
“Yeah, babe, I’m not sure you’ve actually thought this through,” Maia said.
“No, I have,” Becky told her with a smirk. “I’ve also thought up all kinds of ways to convince you to forgive me.”
“Please don’t elaborate,” Simon said.
“Okay,” Maia said, “but I have an even better deal for you.”
“I’m listening.”
“How about we both tell embarrassing stories about Simon and Jace over dinner.” Maia leaned in and finished in a low voice. “And then you can show me how you were planning to get me to forgive you when we get back to your place tonight.”
“Oh,” Becky said. “Yeah, that’s a much better deal.” She turned to Jace. “Sorry, got a better offer. No hard feelings?”
Jace shrugged, biting back a laugh. “I mean, I can’t really blame you.”
“Is it too late to do Thanksgiving with your family?” Simon asked Jace. “Or we could just sit in the van and eat cranberries out of the can. That’s also an option that would be preferable to this.”
“Oh good, you found the cranberries.” Bubbe Helen emerged from the kitchen, wiping her hands on a dishtowel. She walked over and pulled Simon into a hug. “I knew my grandson would come through.”
Behind her, Becky shook her head emphatically, mouthing ‘lies.’
Simon kissed his grandmother’s cheek. “It wouldn’t be Thanksgiving without cranberries.”
“That’s what I’ve been saying.” She turned a critical eye on Jace. He was pretty sure she still held a bit of a grudge over him supposedly proposing to Simon in a storage closet. “And what are your thoughts on cranberries?”
“Oh, uh.” Jace was pretty sure he’d never thought much about cranberries before this morning’s frantic search across half of New England. “I’m definitely pro-cranberry.”
“Speaking of which,” Simon interrupted, “we should get these groceries to the kitchen and get started on the pies. You’re going to love Jace’s pecan pie, Bubbe Helen. It’s the best I’ve ever had.”
“Pecan, huh?” Bubbe Helen gave Jace a considering look.
Jace nodded. “With browned butter. It’s a family recipe.” Technically, it was Alec’s recipe, but Alec was family, so he figured it counted.
Bubbe Helen nodded. “You’ll do.” Then she turned with a wide smile to greet Maia, and Jace let out a relieved sigh.
As they made their way to the kitchen, Simon bumped Jace with his shoulder and spoke in a low voice. “It’s cute that my grandmother makes you nervous.”
“It’s not cute,” Jace muttered. “She’s terrifying.”
When they arrived in the kitchen, Simon’s mother was checking the turkey.
“Another half-hour, I think,” she told them as she closed the oven door. “If you work fast, you can put the pies in as soon as the turkey comes out. I cleared some counter space where you can work over there. Do not touch anything else.
“Hi, sweetie,” she added as an afterthought, giving Simon a quick hug.
Simon returned the hug. “Hi, Mom. Pie plates still in the same place?”
“Bottom cabinet to the left of the sink,” she confirmed. “Is there anything else you two need to get started on the pies?”
“Pie plates to the left of the sink, half an hour, don’t touch anything,” Jace repeated back to her. “I think we’re good.”
“Perfect. I’m going to go toss the linens in the dryer. You boys get started on those pies, and I’ll be back to check on the turkey in,” she checked her watch, “twenty-eight minutes.”
Jace watched long enough to make sure she was out of earshot before saying, “If we’re ever crazy enough to do joint holidays, she and Maryse cannot be allowed in the kitchen at the same time.”
Simon chuckled. “Mom can be a little intense about holidays being perfect, but I think it’s just because she wants us to enjoy them.”
“I get it.” Jace knelt down to retrieve the pie plates from the cabinet. “I mean, you saw what Maryse and Alec were like just over Christmas dinner. Military campaigns are less well-orchestrated than Thanksgiving at the Lightwood house.”
“Is it weird having Thanksgiving here instead of with your own family?” Simon asked as he rolled out a pie crust.
Jace set the pie plates down next to the pastry mat. “I am having Thanksgiving with my family. I’m having it with you.”
Simon smiled without looking up from the pastry mat. “If you keep saying romantic things, I’m going to kiss you, and then we’ll never get the pies ready to go in the oven on time.”
“I wasn’t being romantic,” Jace insisted. “It’s just, it took me a long time after the Lightwoods took me in to really start thinking of them as family, to accept that they thought of me as family. I’m not sure I ever would have if it wasn’t for Alec and Iz. They taught me that family can be people you choose, not just something you’re born with.” He shrugged. “And I chose you.”
Simon looked up from the now perfectly-rolled pie crust. “That was super romantic.”
“Maybe a little,” Jace conceded. He lifted the crust into one of the pie plates and began smoothing it into the corners.
“That’s actually part of why I wanted us to do Thanksgiving here this year,” Simon said as he began rolling out the second crust. “I know you haven’t always felt like you had a family, and even though I know you do now, I wanted to show you that you get to have my family now, too.”
Jace wound his arms around Simon’s waist. “Now who’s being romantic?”
The pies were not ready to go into the oven on time.
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mortedeveles · 4 years
Model For Me
Summary: Y/N has always been a timid and awkward person and artist when it comes to social interactions and it only gets worse when she asks her crush and best friend, Katsuki Bakugou, to model for her.
And not just any type of modelling; Y/N needs to do a composition of a nude male body. Luckily for her, Katsuki’s personality is anything but shy and he doesn’t hesitate to undress in front of her. It’s for art, he says. But something tells Y/N that the boy has hidden and devious intentions, intentions that she has to unravel and discover.
Copyright © 2020-2021 by Veles.
Genre: fluff, humor, suggestive content (a wee bit of NSFW themes)
TW: cursing, sexual themes, nudity.
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x fem!artist!reader
QUIRK: LIQUIFY! Y/N can manipulate any type of liquid to her advantage and can also melt inanimate objects, but doesn’t work on animals, plants, or people. And at night time she can make any type of liquid into a solid!  
a/n: hellooo! i have an AUTHOR’S NOTE at the end and I would appreciate if you guys took the time to read it! as always, please leave a like, follow, reblog and/or comment if you enjoyed! i really appreciate it! 
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I don't like Katsuki.
I don’t like Katsuki.
We're just... friends.
You kept repeating the words in your head for a week, but it was useless. You were lying to yourself and you knew it- the feelings you had for Katsuki weren't platonic.
They had never been platonic, perhaps at the beginning of your friendship they were, but not anymore.
Since your last modeling session, you did your best to stay under the radar and avoid Katsuki. What he had said was simple and true, but whenever you recalled the moment, you wanted to scream. Maybe avoiding him wasn't the best idea- considering the fact that he hated being ignored, but you couldn't handle being close to him.
You had been perfectly aware that you had a crush on Katsuki but when he stated that you two weren't anything, why were you trying so hard to convince yourself you didn't like him?
Every glance you shot his way made your heart ache. Watching from a distance only reminded you of reality- you're nothing to him. Just a friend.
You were a friend and nothing else. He was way out of your league- you would never be able to tangle your life with his.
He was one of the top three of 1A, possessed a marvelous quirk and although he could have murderous tendencies, his determination and strength left you breathless.
But...you? You were only becoming a Pro Hero because your parents had pressured you into it and you didn't have a choice. If it was up to you, you would be a professional artist. Liquify wasn't an extraordinary quirk, compared to Katsuki's.
You were nothing compared to him.
These negative and insecure thoughts flooded your mind for the next few days, and without even realizing, you had placed some distance between your friends and yourself, including Katsuki. 
It was Wednesday and throughout the entire school day you had escaped from Katsuki- twice. Today you had your art class and you desperately needed to talk to Aneko. 
If you could talk to someone- Aneko in particular- about your current situation, you knew that it would remove the invisible weight from your shoulders.
Ranting out loud had always helped you calmed down and it was just what you needed today. Though, the interactions you avoided with Katsuki today were making you feel more stressed and overwhelmed by the minute.
When the final school bell rang, you blocked out any noise and began to pack your materials quickly. You didn't notice how Katsuki called out for you twice and how there was a glimpse of sadness on his face before it was quickly replaced by an angered expression. Or how Mina was carefully watching the scene.
You were a foot away from stepping out of school grounds when a pair of familiar warm and heavy hands clamped down on your shoulders. 
You practically ran out of the school buildings and picked up your speed when you heard Katsuki's explosions. By the sounds of it, he was not happy.
You can do it, you thought. If you can just make it to the end of the day without talking to him, everything will be fine.
''Fucking hell!'' he growled. ''Do I always have to grab you like this, you shitty girl?!'' you were used to Katsuki's shouts and insults, but this time his words made you flinch.
No, no! You wanted to scream. I can't face Katsuki today, not right now! Why can't he leave me alone?!
Your body froze on the spot, but you refused to turn around. One look at his bright red eyes would render you useless.
''Why the fuck won't you look at me?!'' he forcefully turned you around but you struggled to meet his gaze.
''I...I'm...,'' your face was burning out of embarrassment but just as you predicted, your heart ached when you met his gaze.
He was so, so close to you and yet, so far out of your reach.
''I have to go,'' you murmured and tugged his hands away from your shoulders.
 Katsuki stared at you with a bewildered look and you grew painfully aware of the sudden audience you had. Several students were near you, watching the scene develop as they giggled and murmured with each other.
''Hah?!" despite the aggressiveness in his tone, Katsuki dropped his hands and glared daggers at your head as you walked away.
You didn't dare look back and your entire body was tense- fearing that Katsuki would shout or chase after you. But once you took notice that he did neither, you felt your body relax.
Though, Katsuki never took his eyes off you. He watched you with a peculiar expression as you fled from the school. 
Once you arrived at the train station and stepped into the train, you sat down and pressed your palm over your heart. It was racing and the thumping of your heart roared in your ears.
''Everything will be okay,'' you murmured to yourself. You made sure to keep your voice low enough so no one besides yourself could hear.
''You'll get through this.'' 
When the train roared to life and the journey to the recreative center begun, you closed your eyes and doze off to the sound of your heart beat.
''Y/N. Let me see your progress,'' you quickly handed over your art piece to your teacher. She hummed and pushed her glasses onto the bridge of her nose, raking her eyes over the details that held all your effort.
''It's looking beautiful so far, Y/N,'' you smiled and clasped your hands together. Her compliment made your heart swell.
''Thank you, miss!" you outstretched your hands to receive your artwork but faltered when your teacher frowned and stared closely at your work.
''Is this...this boy seems very familiar...'' she murmured. You felt panic invade your veins and you discretely took your artwork with a shrug.
''Maybe you've seen him on TV, miss! I wouldn't know, he's just a friend of mine...,'' you laughed awkwardly and quickly stashed your work into your backpack. Aneko was watching the two of you with a mischievous smile and once your teacher nodded and stepped away to attend other students, she laughed loudly.
''Afraid that sensei is going to steal your boyfriend?'' she winked but you felt your stomach drop at her words. ''Don't worry, he only has eyes for you,'' she crooned. You groaned in response and shook your head. 
''I don't want to hear about Katsuki again,'' you grumbled angrily. Aneko frowned and crossed her arms.
''Wait, why? Is everything okay between the two of you?''
Your hand faltered and hovered above your backpack and you swallowed visibly.
''I...I don't know,'' you murmured and sighed loudly.
Aneko frowned and clutched your hand, squeezing it comfortingly.
''I would really like that.'' 
''If you want to talk about it, I can come over today,'' the teasing tone in her voice had quickly left and there was nothing but concern and understanding in her voice.
You smiled and nodded. 
Half an hour later, you find yourself sitting on your bed. Aneko is sitting next to you as the two of you munch on unhealthy snacks.
''So?'' Aneko asked between bites. ''What's up?''
You sighed and dropped the snack on the bed. This would take long.
''As you know, I've had feelings for Katsuki for like, since the beginning of studying at U.A. We've only been friends and that's okay with me, but something changed in the last session.'' you let out another dramatic sigh and grab a chip.
''Actually, since the second session, Katsuki has been acting a bit weird...'' you grumbled and crossed your arms. ''He's been oddly quiet and sometimes even distant and well, mom was home in our last session.''
You heard Aneko choke and splutter. Her reaction made you laugh and shake your head in amusement. 
''Oh my god,'' Aneko cackled. ''What did your mom say?!''
Nervously, you scratched your head and slumped your shoulders.
''There's the problem. Um... so we were having dinner together, and my mom asked us if we were a couple of and-,'' you were interrupted by Aneko's loud laughter. 
''Jesus!" she wheezed and turned over in your bed. You snickered. ''Did she really say that?''
Your face warmed up at the memory and you nodded. ''Yeah! It was really embarrassing. Anyways...'' you faltered and lowered your voice. ''The thing is, I just said and Katsuki well, he said that we weren't dating. But when he said that, I don't know why it hurt so much? His tone was so cold and firm...'' You groaned and buried your head in your hands.
''I don't know what's wrong with me,'' your words were muffled behind your hands.
You heard Aneko sigh and gently remove your hands from your face.
''Nothing's wrong with you, babe. You like the guy, and that’s why it hurts,'' she offered you a smile. 
''Tomorrow's our last session and I don't know what to do.'' 
Aneko hummed in response. She grinned deviously and clasped her hands together.
''Well then, that's it! Tomorrow, you should confess your feelings at the end of the session,'' 
Your mouth went dry and you swallowed thickly. 
''What?'' was the first thing that came to you. ''No, I can't do that...''
Aneko sighed and cradled your face between her hands, making your cheeks look squishy.
''You can and you will, honey. The boy likes you, that's obvious. You should at least tell him how you feel,'' Aneko's gazed drifted away but quickly returned to you, this time with a grin on her lips. ''And who knows? You'll probably score a date for the weekend!" she shot you a wink. 
''Just relax, Y/N. Don't overthink it. He likes you, and everything will be perfectly fine. Okay?'' she smiled softly.
You nodded and inhaled deeply. Aneko was right. You were stressing over nothing! Tomorrow would be the last session and by the end of it, you would make sure that your feelings were known to Katsuki.
But knowing your luck, things wouldn't go as planned.
''You're right,'' you forced a smile. ''There's nothing to worry about.''
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hi guys! can’t believe i have 100 follows this fast. i really appreciate all the fb and support i receive from everyone <3 to celebrate 100 followers, i will be OPENING my REQUESTS! here’s some of the basic information;
-i will open my requests for 5-8 slots
-i will share a prompt list and you can choose a number, character and whatsover!
-my requests will be available for MHA and JJBA. 
reminder: my requests are not open YET. i will post an individual post with all the details explained! this is just like an intro. if you’re interested, stick around to stay updated! xx 
TAG LIST:  @bakugou-is-my-daddy @justanotherlifeff @seokookchan @playboygeniusphilanthropist @awwjesus-gross @jenna-sakura @mykuronekome @ggclarissa @irenevyas @mrstodorooki​ @warmchoccymilk​ @coupsieddori​ @yikerb​ DM me if you want to be on my taglist or if I forgot to add you!! 
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queencatherynerhys · 4 years
Stuck With You - Chapter 1
Summary: Neal Caffrey had met his fair share of interesting women over the years. Once or twice he thought he had known what love meant. But he learned what being in love was like when he met her. Now he must face a future without her. How will he survive?
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A/N: I didn’t have time or energy to fully edit this chapter. I hope I got most of the grammar errors. I apologize in advance for any mistakes. I hope you enjoy. Don’t forget to like, and please comment if you do. Let me know if you want to be tagged for future updates.
Disclaimer: Most of the characters aren’t mine. They belong to the creators of the wonderful show, White Collar.
Tags: @kacie-0156
Four days earlier…
Earlier in the week, the FBI caught wind of an unidentified man that came into the city in the hopes of selling a stolen Rembrandt painting in New York. It sparked their attention because the particular piece hadn’t been seen or heard for at least two decades. The storm on the Sea of Galilee went missing in 1990 and now it has resurfaced.
Peter and Neal followed the trail of clues and they managed to set up an appointment with their mystery man in Gramercy Park. As per protocol, the FBI staked out and waited for their man to show up from the confines of a worn utility truck parked two blocks away from the meeting site. Peter, Neal, Jones, and Diana all took a screen of their own and watched for anyone suspicious to show up.
“There,” Neal pointed on his screen as an anonymous man sat down on one of the benches. He was a young man in his late 20s to early 30s with brown hair, but what caught Neal’s eye was his demeanor. His knee was bouncing up and down, his fingers were fidgeting, and his eyes kept glancing and looking around nervously. This man was no art thief. He was just a young man. He looked at Peter to tell him, but from the looks of it he already knew what he was going to say.
“Guys, I don’t think this guy is our man. Just look at him. He doesn’t even come close to the profile of an art thief. I don’t think this guy can steal a candy bar from a gas station. I think we are looking for another guy. This guy is just a middleman,” Peter told his team.
“I agree, boss, so what’s the plan?” Diana asked.
“We send Neal in to find out what he wants, and go from there,” he answered. He watched as Neal stood up, fixed his tie and suit, and flashed his signature, smug smile before exiting the van.
Neal confidently walked towards the bench the man was sitting on, but before he could even come near him the young man glanced at him, ducked his head, and appeared as if he whispered something to an earpiece. Guess that confirms the theory of this guy being just a patsy, but now Neal knew he’d been made. Without showing realization, Neal kept walking acting as if he was just taking a stroll through the park.
He made a big loop back towards the van and informed the others when he got there that the still unidentified knew who Neal was and he informed his partner, or employer, of him through the use of an earpiece.
“By the looks of it, he knew who I was. I don’t think this plan is much of a plan anymore, Peter,” Neal said.
Peter had his thinking, planning face on. Then, a brief look of hesitation flashed on his face. No one else would have caught it but Neal was a master at detecting facial expressions, subtle or otherwise. He saw it. When Peter turned to him, he saw it in his eyes. He beckoned him to talk outside the van so he followed.
“What’s up, Peter?” Neal inquired.
“I was thinking. This guy came to New York out of the blue to sell a valuable, stolen painting. What does that tell us? He’s desperate to get the piece out of his hand, so he needs to find a buyer fast. What if we put a middle man on the table?” Peter explained.
“A fencer?” Neal questioned although he knew it was the right answer. “Where are we going to find someone good enough to act as an art fencer? Diana? She’s good, but I have a hunch this guy is going to need someone more well-versed in the world of fine art. I would suggest Mozzie but he’s been…occupied…since the Cape Verde fiasco. So who else is there?” Neal explained.
Peter looked at him with a look of hesitation with just a dash of regret. It dawns on Neal why he was looking at him that way.
“Oh, no. No. No, Peter, No. You are not bringing her into this,” Neal began to object to his friend’s idea.
“Neal, listen, she’s the only chance we have of catching this guy. With her background in situations like this, who could be more perfect?” Peter tried to persuade. Neal was still not convince. He did not like this at all. Not one bit. Peter had one more card to play to try and get Ryne to do it.
“Well, how about we ask her opinion on it?” Peter slowly asked. He had come to know the young woman well in the year and a half she’s been in Neal’s life. He knew if anyone could change Neal’s mind, it’s her.
Neal had always been the romantic. Peter had seen him fall too easily and get heartbroken and dealt with loss no one should ever have to go through. He truly thinks that Neal loved them in his own way, but not the way he loves Ryne. Of all the women he’s seen come and go, Kate, Alex, Sara, even Rebecca, in his friends life she’s the only woman he was the most protective about. He could admit that seeing his friend care about someone the way he cared about Ryne gave him hope that Neal could have what he has with Elizabeth. A home, a family, love, happiness, contentment on where he is and what he has.
“Fine. Come by the apartment later,” Neal gave in and walked away but not back to the van.
“Where are you going?” Peter asked him.
Neal turned around and a flashed a bright smile, “To make my case before you show up.” He arrived at June’s house and as he does everyday since he moved in he went to say hello to his beautiful, kind landlord before making his way upstairs. He looked everywhere on the lower floors for her, but he figured she currently wasn’t home so he headed upstairs to his apartment.
The rich tones of a lively piano music being played gradually became louder as he ascended the narrow stairwell. A grin began to form on his face as he remembered the animated conversation they had about bringing getting a piano to his apartment.
“Come on, babe. It’s all I’m asking. Everything else in the apartment is yours. I just want one thing that’s for me. My own mark on Neal Caffrey’s perfect apartment,” she said in almost whiny, but endearing voice.
“Ryne, I just don’t see the practicality of having a piano in here. Do you know how hard it will be to get it up here? And where would we put it?” Neal reasoned while tying his tie in front of the tall mirror beside their bed . He turned around to face her after he finished fixing himself.
She sashayed toward him slowly, enticingly, until coming to a stop in front of him to fix the lapels of his designer jacket.
“There’s plenty of room in front of the bed,” she suggested, almost pouted, and looked at his blue eyes with her big, hazel one pleadingly. The only thing missing was batting eyes, but she was not a little girl begging for candy. She’s was a sophisticated woman who knew that the man in front of her would give her the world if she asked for it. He couldn’t resist her, and she knew it.
“Ugh, fine, you can have a piano in here,” he gave in and laughed when she jumped for joy at getting what she wanted. “The great Neal Caffrey tamed by big eyes and pouty lips. What have I become?” He looked down and shook his head with feign disappointment.
She lifted his face by the chin and flashed the brightest of smiles before she closed in and gave him a passionate kiss. One of his hands held the back of her head while the other wrapped around her waist to bring her closer to him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and threaded her fingers through his brown locks.
Had he no plans of meeting Peter, he would have gladly had his way with her on the apartment they now shared. Funny, even though Sara lived in his apartment for a brief time he never considered them sharing his home. It was always his, and Sara was there conveniently due to circumstances at the time they were dating. That’s not the case with Ryne. She’s different. He wanted to share everything with her, to be with her, to spend every waking minute of his life in the comfort of her arms. It was at that moment he realized he wanted to be hers forever.
Neal Caffrey was smitten with her. He knew he had never felt like this with anyone before. Sara had been close to capturing his heart, but she demanded a life he couldn’t give her. With all the women that came to his life, she’s the only one that didn’t want anything from him. She didn’t demand him to change, to be less the conman and more the honest-living-type-of guy. She encouraged and loved that he needed to live an almost free-spirited life. She simply loved him, Neal Caffrey, and all his facets, no more and no less.
“I love you, Ryne Beneventi, more than anything in this world, more than the finest art or jewelry. If you would have me, I want to be yours forever,” Neal proclaimed as he pulled away from the kiss and looked deeply into her eyes. He held her closer to him. Neal had never in his life said those three words to anyone but her.
Kate knew he loved her, but he never said the words aloud. It was always implied, assumed. Alex was a spontaneous relationship. They had something, but not enough for those words. With Sara, he came close. He realized he fancied the “domestic” life with her. He cared for her perhaps a bit more than the others. He even proposed to her as part of a job they were doing. Rebecca, she, was a different case. A loose canon not worth mentioning.
But Ryne, she was the light in the darkness. She was his compass when he felt torn on which direction he should go. She was the breath he needed to live.
“I love you, Neal Caffrey. And I am yours as much as you are mine. Forever,” she replied with a bright smile as she caressed his cheek softly with a warm, soft hand. He leaned to her touch and kissed the back of her palm before pulling away.
He would have loved to have stayed with her the whole day, but almost in cue his phone began to ring. His leash beckoned.
In the present, Neal shook the memory away and proceeded up the flight of stairs towards their apartment. He opened the door quietly as to not disturb her. He leaned by the doorway mesmerized by the picture painted in front of him with Ryne lost in her world of music simultaneously filling him with joy and contentment he never knew he could feel
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nazariolahela · 4 years
Best Beloved: Chapter 2
A/N: Hey y'all! This is a PM AU I’ve been working on. It’s a bit different than my previous fic series and I’m really excited to try something new. I hope y’all enjoy it. This story is told in dual first-person narrative, from Kaia (F!MC) and Damien’s POV. The first half of this story takes place during Kaia’s freshman year and Damien’s senior year of college. The second half is two years after Kaia graduates. There will be sprinklings of canon in this fic, but we’ll try to step out of the box for the most part. Thanks for reading, and please leave feedback, and/or if you would like to be tagged.
Catch up here
Series Tags: @lady-calypso​ @irishwhiskys-blog​
Synopsis: What happens when you find yourself crushing on your best friend? For years, Damien and Kaia have been friends, while secretly harboring feelings for one another. Everything changes one night after a little too much alcohol and years of pent up feelings. Can they control their emotions and salvage their friendship, or will the feelings they hold for one another destroy everything they have?
All characters are the property of Pixelberry Studios. Thanks for allowing me to borrow them.
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Chapter Summary: Nadia introduces the group to her new boyfriend. Kaia and Damien get paired up for a class project.
“Kaia! Over here,” Sloane called out from across the dining hall. I waved to her and snaked my way through the tables of cliques that made up Hartfeld’s student body. Jocks. Greek Life. Musicians. Techies. Theater Kids. When you think about it, college wasn’t that different from high school.
I arrived at the table she held for us and set my bag down next to my chair. “Nadia just text me. She’s on her way and should be here any minute.”
Sloane nodded and her stomach made an angry growling sound. “Do you mind if I go get in line now? I only had a granola bar for breakfast this morning and I’m starving.”
“Nope. Go ahead,” I told her. She smiled and made her way over to the register. I watched her scan her meal card, then happily skip over to the pizza station. I pulled out my phone and opened up my text messages to ask Nadia where she was when a high-pitched voice rang out through the dining hall.
“Kaia! There you are!” my cousin shouted as she meandered her way across the dining hall. I stood up from my seat and greeted her with a hug.
“Hey, girlie. How were your first few classes?”
“Oh. My. GODS, Kaia! I am SO excited for this semester,” she squealed. “I literally have the best schedule. It’s all art classes!”  She reached into her bag and pulled out a piece of paper, handing it to me. “What’s your class schedule look like?” 
I pulled mine out and handed it to her. “Mostly Gen Eds. But I do have a 200 level course, which I’m kind of excited about.” I scanned her class schedule and my eyebrows dipped into a V. “You know you’re going to have to take your Gen Eds before you can take your upper-level courses, right?”
She waved me off. “I can do that next semester. College is all about having fun. Who wants to take a bunch of boring courses where stuffy professors drone on about things no one cares about?”
I shook my head and handed her back her schedule. That’s Nadia for you. She never took anything serious growing up, which both amused and worried me. She did the same thing in high school. Her advisor told her she couldn’t take all elective courses, so when it came to the end of her high school career, she had to backload a bunch of Math and Science courses just to graduate on time.
A few minutes later, Sloane approached the table, holding her lunch tray. She set it down and took a seat next to me. “You must be Nadia. I’m Sloane. It’s nice to meet you,” she said, extending her hand to Nadia.
“Oh, my gods! You are so pretty!” Nadia replied, leaning over the table and wrapping Sloane up in a hug. Sloane tensed up for a moment, then relaxed and patted Nadia on the back before they released from each other’s grips.
“So...Where’s this mysterious guy you’re so eager for me to meet? I’m starving!” I said to Nadia. At that moment, she jolted up from her seat and began waving her arms over her head.
“Steve! Come say hi to my cousin,” she said. “Guys! I want you to meet my boyfriend.” Sloane and I exchanged a glance and mouthed “boyfriend?” as a tall blond guy made his way over to our table. He was at least six feet tall and built like a tight end. I eyed the Berry High Letterman jacket he wore and was taken aback. I didn’t think that was Nadia’s type. His long locks framed his face, and he tucked a strand behind one of his ears as he approached us.
“You must be Kaia! I’ve heard so much about you ” he smiled as he extended his hand. I took it in a friendly shake.
“All good things, I hope,” I replied, side-eyeing my cousin.
She laughed, wrapping an arm around Steve’s torso. “Ignore my cynical cousin. She’s totally kidding. This is Sloane, Kaia’s friend.” He shook her hand and then he and Nadia took a seat across the table from me and Sloane.
“Sorry, I’m late. My marketing class ran late,” he leaned in and pressed a kiss to Nadia’s temple.
“No biggie, babe. You’re here now.”
Sloane and I gave each other amusing looks at Nadia's use of the word 'babe.' “So, Steve. What are you majoring in?” I asked.
His eyes lit up. “Econ & Finance. My dad runs an investment firm that I’m hoping to take over after graduation. That is if my NFL career doesn’t pan out. Got into Hartfeld on a football scholarship.”
“You play football? What position?” Sloane asked, shoving a bite of pizza in her mouth.
“Wide receiver. I was a five-star recruit coming out of high school,” he replied, pointing to the logo on his letterman jacket. “I’m hungry, babe. Ready to get something to eat?”
“Let’s go,” Nadia answered. “Come on, Kaia.” I waved to Sloane and followed Steve and Nadia up to the register. We scanned our lunch cards and Steve made a beeline for the carving station. Nadia and I moved over to the sandwich station. She decided on the Caprese Melt while I opted for the Reuben.
“Soooo...what do you think?” Nadia inquired as we stood in line for dessert.
“He seems nice. How’d you guys meet?”
“Funny story. We’re dorm neighbors. I was moving my things into my room move-in weekend, and I had some boxes piled up in front of the door. So, I’m in my room trying to set stuff down when I hear this loud crash. I run out into the hall and there he is, laying on the ground, my stuff scattered everywhere. I had set the boxes down in front of his door and when he came out of his room, he accidentally tripped over it. I thought he broke his ankle because he was rubbing it. I felt so bad. I grabbed a cold pack and brought him into my room to elevate it and put ice on it.  I asked him if there was anything I could do to make it up to him. He said, ‘Take me out to dinner and we’ll call it even.’ So I took him out Saturday night to this cute little restaurant. We got to talking. Hit it off immediately. We came back to the dorms, got a little drunk. One thing led to another, and, well…”
“STOP! For the love of gods, please stop. I do not need to hear the rest of that sentence,” I pleaded. She giggled and picked up a plate of blueberry pie, setting it on the tray next to her sandwich. “So you guys are official now?”
“As of last night,” she blushed, her eyes sparkling. Uh oh. I knew that look. I love my cousin, but she tends to fall in love way too quickly. The douchey theater kid she dated our sophomore year of high school comes to mind. They only knew each other for a few weeks, but she claimed they were in love. Her parents hated the guy and forbade her from seeing him, so she ran away from home so they could be together. Thankfully his parents found them at the train station before it took off. They shipped him off to some boarding school out west and she never heard from him again.
“Soooo...guess who I literally ran into this morning,” I said changing the subject. 
Nadia gasped, nearly dropping her tray. I looked over at her and saw the frown on her face. She was the only one who knew of the “situation,” besides Damien and me. She was with me the days following his departure when I cried endlessly and refused to get out of bed.
“Are you okay?” she asked.
“Yeah. I mean, it was a shock seeing him, but I think enough time has passed where we can be around each other without shit getting awkward. Plus, I guess he has a girlfriend now.”
She sighed and reached out to touch my arm. “Let me know if you want to talk about it, okay?”
I nodded and we made our way back to the table where Sloane and Steve were chatting over their schedules.
“I heard Dr. Carson is a real hardass. I am not looking forward to that class,” she replied.
“What class is that?” Nadia asked, sitting down next to Steve. He slung an arm around the back of her chair and stuck his fork in her pie, stealing a bite.
“Calculus. Sloane and I have it at 2 today,” he said, licking the blueberry filling off his fork. Nadia watched him, eyes filled with lust and I cleared my throat to snap her out of it. “What classes do you have, Kaia?” he asked.
I slid my schedule across the table to him and he eyed it, then nodded approvingly. Nadia snuck a peek at Sloane’s schedule, then turned to me. “I’m kind of sad we don’t have any classes together this semester, Kaia. We’ll have to make sure we make time to hang out.”
“That’s your fault for not taking any Gen Eds, dork,” I replied, chucking a french fry at her. She swatted it away with her hand and laughed. The four of us talked through the remainder of our lunch hour. We discussed our majors, Steve’s football schedule, and any good parties coming up. Steve then invited us to watch the Bobcats play their first home game of the season on Saturday. Sloane commented that she had never been to a football game or a party before and we all gasped.
“Seriously, never?” Nadia questioned.
Sloane shook her head and took a sip of her Diet Coke. “I was too busy studying to participate in all that stuff. Plus, no one ever invited me.”
Nadia slammed her palm down on the table, causing all of us to jump. “That’s it, Sloane. I’m giving you your first real taste of college life. You’re coming to the Delta Mu Kappa party with us on Saturday. The quarterback on Steve’s team is a member and he’s extended an invitation to all the new freshmen. It’s kind of like a housewarming party for the new school year. You should come too, Kaia.”
Sloane looked over at me nervously. I smiled and turned back to Nadia. “Sounds fun. We can meet after Steve’s game and go together.”
“It’s a date,” Nadia said, clapping her hands together excitedly. We finished up lunch and headed off to our next classes. I made my way through the bustling crowd back to Clark Hall, where my noon class was held. Thankfully, I didn’t have to trek to the third floor this time. I arrived in room 210 for Dr. Ross’s Interpersonal Communication class. I scanned the rows of desks, looking for an open seat, and found one near the middle of the room. I made my way past the chairs filled with chatting students and claimed my spot for the semester.
I pulled out my MacBook and a bag of candy and prepared to take notes once class began when a familiar voice spoke. “Is this seat taken?”
I looked up and locked eyes with Damien. Oh. Shit.
“Is this seat taken?” I asked, hoping that it wasn’t.
When I walked into Dr. Ross’s classroom a few moments ago, I spotted her almost immediately. I noticed the empty seat next to her and thanked the Gods for my good luck. I moved through the rows of seats and approached where she was sitting, watching her type on her laptop. A bag of Skittles lay open on her desk. She always loved those damn things. Once a week we’d walk down to the convenience store just so she could buy them.
She looked up from her computer at the sound of my voice and her eyes immediately went wide, like she had just seen a ghost. She quickly composed herself and shook her head, motioning for me to sit down. 
I plunked down in the chair and drank in the sight of her. I couldn’t believe the girl I knew all those years ago looked like that. I was so taken aback by her bumping into me in the courtyard, I didn’t get a chance to appreciate her beauty. Her soft chocolate waves rested on her shoulder. Her deep brown eyes were the color of the earth after torrential rain. Her full lips pressed together as she chewed on the bottom one nervously. Her black and white collared shirt and A-Line skirt gave me some serious naughty schoolgirl vibes.
“Well, fancy running into you again,” I said with a laugh.
“Thankfully no humans or phones were injured in the process this time. But at least I can tell people you literally knocked me off my feet,” she quirked. Her comment drew a hearty laugh from me and several students turned around to look at us.
I winked and smiled back at her. “And no wardrobe casualties this time. My eyes traveled downward and I noticed she was no longer wearing pantyhose, giving me a view of her long legs. Down, boy I mentally told my dick. 
Her cheeks flushed and she turned away. “Yeah, I had to toss them. Can’t walk around on the first day with a run in my pantyhose. Know what I mean?” She replied, brushing away an invisible piece of lint from her skirt.
“Mmm, I know all about that. My freshman year, I went through so many pairs of pantyhose. Had to stop wearing them ‘cause I couldn’t afford to keep buying new ones. You have a lot to learn, freshman.”
She giggled, the melodic sound filling my ears. “So, what are you doing here?”
“I’m in this class.”
She burst out laughing but stopped when she noticed I wasn’t joking. “Wait, really?”
“Yeah, long story. I’ll tell you about it later." 
At that moment, Dr. Ross strolled in and began the class. I pulled out my notebook, sneaking peeks of her from the corner of my eye. She was fully immersed in the lecture, typing furiously as the professor went over the syllabus. 
I remember being that eager on my first day. Taking note of every word the professor said, making sure not to miss a thing. Now, I just rely on the cliff notes and blind luck. I was pretty sure I still had my notes from the first time I attempted to take this class. I reminded myself to look for them this afternoon. I watched her for a few moments as the professor went over what to expect from this class. Her long, slender fingers glided over the keys as her lips pursed in concentration.
“Can I borrow a pencil?” I leaned in and whispered. I didn’t need one, I just wanted an excuse to talk to her. She reached into her bag and handed it to me, our fingers lightly brushing as I took it from her. Her breath hitched and she jerked her hand back like she touched a hot stove. The corner of my mouth tugged up in a small grin. 
Professor Ross moved on to discussing the series of semester group projects he had planned for us. Oh boy. Here we go again. I tried to avoid group projects for most of my college career. They’re fucking awful. One person in the group always ended up doing the majority of the work, while everyone else fucked off and still got the credit. I did, however, meet Alana through a group project, so I guessed they weren't all bad.
“Okay, class. I’m going to divide you into groups of four. When I call your name, pair up with the other members of your group and get started on an outline for your first project.” He began calling off names and students shuffled around the room to pair up with their new groupmates. “...Group 4 will be Brad King, Allison Page, Kaia Park, and Damien Nazario.”
I looked over at Kaia and she ducked her head. Well, then. I gathered up my books and followed her over to where Allison and Brad sat. My eyes involuntarily traveled down her back and landed right on her ass as her skirt swished with her movements.
Stop it, Dames. But it was no use. This was happening, and my dick couldn’t be happier. I moved my books in front of my crotch to hide the semi currently taking up residence in my pants. She took a seat where a guy with brown hair and glasses, and a girl with wavy blonde hair were sitting. I grabbed the one next to her and subtly adjusted myself.
Brad, the self-appointed group leader took one look at Kaia, making a show of slowly looking up and down her body, then held his hand out to her with a smirk. “Well, you look promising.” He glanced around the classroom, then back to her. “You’re obviously the hottest girl here, which means we definitely need to be introduced.”
“Uh...I’m Kaia,” she asked, holding out her hand for a shake.
He took her hand and drew it to his lips for a kiss. “The name’s Brad,” he replied. Of course, it was. And he was a textbook douchebag. I shot a look at Kaia and Allison, silently begging them to let me punch him.
Allison piped up. “Hi, I’m Alli-”
“Alright, let’s skip introductions and move straight to the part where you give me your number,” Douchebag Brad said, waving Allison off and wiggling his eyebrows in Kaia’s direction.
“Orrr...we could just stick to introductions so we can get on with this project.” she snapped. That’s my girl!
Brad winked at her then eyed me incredulously. “And you must be Damien.”
“Yep, that's me. Let’s get this over with so we can start assigning parts.” I said, rolling my eyes.
Douchebag Brad smirked then opened up the packet Professor Ross handed us. “Okay, everyone turn to page three, where you’ll see a list of topics for this project. I was thinking we could do the first part on the Gibbs Reflective Cycle.”
“What about the Johari window model for our first part? It’s a great method to enhance our perception of others. And it’s the perfect way to reveal information about ourselves to the rest of the group and learn about ourselves from their feedback,” Allison chimed in.
Kaia hummed and tapped her finger to her lips, drawing my eyes there. I thought back to the night of my graduation party and what they tasted like. “I like Allison’s idea for the first part. We could use it to get to know each other. Then we could use Brad’s suggestion for the second part of the project and move to Knapp’s Relationship Model for the third part,” she said, looking in my direction.
My body tensed. Was she taunting me? The rest of the group turned to me, waiting on my input. I quickly scanned the page of topics the professor gave us and picked the first one I saw. 
“Nonverbal communication seems like a good place to start,” I replied curtly, drawing looks of confusion and annoyance from the rest of my group.
Kaia sighed. “Well, it doesn't look like we’re going to agree on the first part of this project today. How about everyone pick a couple of topics that they like and we’ll compare notes in Wednesday’s class. We need to have the first part laid out by next Monday, so that gives us a few days.”
The others nodded in agreement and class was dismissed a few minutes later. We all exchanged phone numbers and Allison waved goodbye as she left the classroom. Brad extended his wrist and checked his watch. “So, Kaia. Are you doing anything tonight? We could meet at the library for a study session, then grab a bite after.”
“Uhh...I’m actually busy tonight. But I’ll see you in class on Wednesday,” she replied. He looked at me quickly in annoyance, then back at her.
“The offer’s still open,” he said, winking at her as he sauntered out of the classroom. I watched as Kaia packed up her things. She looked up at me and smiled softly, then slung her backpack over her shoulder and walked off. I trailed a respectable distance behind her, avoiding staring at her ass this time. When we exited Clark Hall, she stopped walking and turned to me.
“So, what’s your next class?”
A light breeze blew a strand of hair into her face and I had to shove my hands in my pockets to avoid touching her. “I’m done for the day. You?”
“I have College Algebra, then I’m done. You wanna get coffee after?” she asked. 
“I thought you had plans.”
She laughed. “I just said that so Brad would leave me alone. I was hoping you were free this evening. I could buy you a cup of coffee to apologize for brutally crashing into you this morning, and it will give us a chance to catch up.”  
Guilt slammed in my chest. You have a girlfriend, asshole. Remember? “Uh...I-I have plans... with my girlfriend tonight. But we can get together another time.”
“Oh…okay,” she said, not meeting my eyes. We both stood there in awkward silence for a few beats before she spoke up. “Okay, well I gotta get to class. Umm...I’ll see you later.” She gave me a quick wave before taking off in almost a dead sprint.
I knew I was doing the right thing by not leading her on, but I still felt like shit about it. I pulled out my phone and shot a text to Alana, seeing if she was free. I walked over to a bench near the center of the courtyard and sat down waiting for her reply. The afternoon sun lit up the campus with a warm glow as students moved from building to building, talking and laughing.
A few minutes later, my phone buzzed in my hand. I looked down and saw a text from Alana telling me that she had something come up and wouldn’t be able to meet me tonight. Fuck. I didn’t want to believe that she was mad, but here it was in black and white. I dragged my hand down my face and gathered my backpack before shuffling my way back to my dorm alone. 
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hookedontaronfics · 5 years
I’ll Be Home For Christmas - Part 2
Title: I’ll Be Home For Christmas - Part 2 Pairing: Taron x OC Rating: T Warning: None A/N: Merry Christmas to all of my lovely readers! Thank you for being here on this journey with me, for your likes, comments and reblogs. You have been a blessing to me, and I hope to be the same for you, a tiny little corner of the internet that is a welcome retreat from the real world. I wish you peace and joy and blessings in the new year ahead! Love, Jess! X
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Andi woke up before the alarm, before the first fingers of daylight had begun to slip past the window shades and creep across the carpet. She shivered in the chilly room, realizing Taron had stolen most of the blankets. He looked adorable though, so she had a hard time being mad at him for that, and wrapped her arms around him as she snuggled in closer with him, if only to be able to tug the blankets back over to her side. Taron sighed softly in his sleep, his brow wrinkling slightly before a small smile settled on his face. She considered herself very lucky to be with someone who still caused butterflies in her stomach, even after all these years.
She dozed off again for a little bit, but soon her bladder demanded to be appeased, so she slipped out of bed, careful not to wake her sleeping husband, or Tibbs for that matter, who was still cocooned in blankets at the foot of the bed. She took care of her business and padded downstairs in her slippers, pulling a robe around herself as she went. She paused for a long moment in the dark living room, lit up from the moonshine, drawing patterns from the tree on the wall.
“Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse,” she recited softly from memory, reveling in the way the quiet house almost felt like it was holding its breath, a hushed whisper of excitement for the day ahead, even if she and Taron wouldn’t actually be home for it. She walked to the kitchen and got the coffee started, seeing as the alarm would be going off soon enough. They had a 4.5-hour drive ahead of them before they’d be in Aberystwyth, cozy and warm with his family.
She grabbed her favorite mug out of the cabinet, a tacky burgundy mug with two narwhals on it that read “I will narwahlways love you.” It had been a silly Valentine’s Day gift from Taron, but also the day he’d asked her to move in with him once they’d decided they were serious after an on-again, off-again relationship. Sure, there had been bumps in the road, and it hadn’t always been magical, but sometimes Andi was convinced it was what made them stronger now; they had fought hard to get where they were, and they were happy. That path didn’t have to be perfect as long as they had arrived there in the end; and she knew without a doubt they had earned it.
She poured herself some coffee, doctoring it with honey cream and sugar, making it probably sweeter than any coffee had a right to be, but it was the way she loved it all the same. It made her think of warm summer days and sunflower fields. She was lost in thought, sipping on her coffee, when Taron snuck up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and placing a kiss on her neck.
“Merry Christmas, love,” he said in her ear, nuzzling gently into her neck and sighing contentedly.
“Merry Christmas, T,” Andi replied in a whisper, her eyes tearing up slightly at the sweet, affectionate way he was holding her. Those baby hormones were certainly something else, she thought ruefully as she brushed the tears away quickly. “There’s coffee ready for you,” she added.
“Coffee sounds delicious,” he said, making no move to get some, still cradling his wife. He placed a few more kisses along her neck, his fingers deftly untying the robe and finding their way under the hem of her cami, caressing the skin of her stomach and waist and leaving goosebumps over her skin. Andi turned to face him, kissing him full on the lips, relishing the feel as he responded in kind. He walked her back until her butt ran into the counter gently, their kisses hungry. Andi let the robe slip from her shoulders to the floor, no longer aware of the morning chill in the house. She felt very warm, indeed, as Taron’s hands found purchase at her waist, pulling her hips against his so she moaned softly into his mouth.
“Don’t you dare start something you can’t finish, babe,” she said, pulling away to look at him for a moment, full of desire but aware of the ticking time clock too.
“Must I wait?” he groaned slightly, running a hand over his face and trying to blink the sleep out of his eyes.
“I’m not about to keep your family waiting while we… have fun,” she snickered, stealing one more kiss from him before going to pour him some coffee, missing the pout he gave her in response.
“But I’ve been waiting over a month,” he whined.
“That’s your own fault for being away so long,” she teased Taron, handing him a mug of steaming hot liquid, made up just the way he liked. She had that down to an art now. “I’m going to start getting ready, okay?” she said, kissing his cheek quickly and returning upstairs. Taron, for his part, fed Tibbs, sipped his coffee, and tried desperately hard to calm himself down. He knew he needed to see his family, since it’d been even longer than his absence from Andi, and they had news to share that he was incredibly excited about as well.
He eventually joined his wife in getting ready, donning a comfortable blazer over a plain shirt and jeans and, as usual, ready before she was. He went to pack the remaining gifts in the car, and by the time he returned Andi was putting on her coat.
“It’s warmed up a bit outside,” he remarked as he returned. “I’ve fed Tibbs so he’ll be good to go until we get back home and you look absolutely beautiful,” he smiled, taking her in, appreciating the way the blush rose in her cheeks. That he could still do that after all the time they’d been together always warmed his heart a bit.
“Oh, I don’t know about that,” she said, almost shyly.
“Well I do, and I’m a damn lucky man,” he replied sweetly, pulling out a long, skinny black box and holding it out to her.
“Taaaron, we promised, no gifts,” she said, shaking her head.
“Then consider it an “I’m sorry I’ve been gone so long” gift, not a Christmas gift. But I saw it, and thought of you.”
Andi cracked the box open slowly and gasped at the necklace inside. Really it was simple, a silver chain with a purple gemstone rendered in the shape of a bougainvillea flower. But she had been obsessed with those flowers on their honeymoon in Santorini, Greece, and it had been one of the best vacations they’d ever had together. Every day had been stunningly perfect, and the memory associated with those flowers was so strong she could nearly hear the waves on the beach as Taron carefully removed the necklace from the box and fastened it around her neck.
“Thank you, this means a lot,” she whispered. “It does make me feel closer to you,” she grinned.
“As soon as I wrap with this film, we should go back, before you get too far along in your pregnancy to travel. Just you and me and the beach and no worries at all,” he smiled.
“Is that a promise, husband of mine?” she asked, and he nodded his head vigorously.
“Abso-bloody-lutely,” Taron grinned, his dimples popping out and making her swoon.
“Well, I broke our rule too, and got you something,” Andi smiled, pulling out her gift and handing it to Taron. 
“Another gift?” he said, shaking his head. “You really shouldn’t have,” he said as he quickly unwrapped it, pulling the box open to find a glitzy pair of sunnies from his favorite brand. “Andi, you really shouldn’t have!” he exclaimed, knowing just how much that particular pair cost, and it was a pretty penny indeed.
“Yeah, well, I wanted to so I did, and I know how you adore those. So put them on your handsome face and let’s get out the door!” she grinned. 
He pulled her to him and kissed her sweetly, the way his eyelashes brushed his cheeks when he closed his eyes making her swoon again. “Thank you, darling, truly,” he said as he slid the sunnies on his face and looked every bit the movie star Andi knew him to be. 
“These were a good choice,” she grinned, admiring him a bit.
They managed to lock up the house and pack themselves into the car, both in a cheery mood as they sang Christmas carols, only stopping once to grab breakfast sandwiches when they both got hungry. They watched the sun rise over the still-green hills of Wales, and she knew how happy Taron was being able to spend the holiday with his family. They were lovely people, and she always felt like part of the family when they were there.
“Do you think Mari and Rosie will like what I bought them?” Andi asked suddenly, making Taron chuckle.
“Of course they will. They’re obsessed with Frozen right now, so anything to do with it they’ll absolutely love. I think you did just fine.”
“Okay, well, I just hadn’t seen them in a while, and I know you sent me ideas of things to buy since you wouldn’t be here to do it yourself. But it still makes me nervous,” she admitted.
“My family loves you, Andi. There’s literally nothing to be nervous about,” Taron replied, grabbing her hand and squeezing it supportively.
“What about the baby?” she asked, biting her lip.
“Ahhh,” Taron sighed softly, figuring there was more to her anxiety than just the presents themselves. “Mum will be over the moon you know. She’s never tried to pressure me about kids, but I think she’d be incredibly excited to be a grandmother. And I’m not exactly getting younger here,” he smiled. “I think it’s the right time in my life, and it’s the right thing for us too. I’m excited, and there should be nothing else that you’re feeling about it either.”
“But that’s just… not realistic, Taron. I am anxious. And I’m scared, that we’ll lose this one too. I’m worried that I won’t be a good mum. I’m excited, but also terrified in equal measure,” she said softly. “Because something we’ve wanted, something we’ve tried for a few times, something that could be so good, could so easily be ripped away from me and I don’t know if I’m strong enough to handle that.”
“Oh, darling,” Taron said gently, glancing at her quickly before training his eyes back on the road. “You are the strongest person in the world I know, and you’ll be the best damn mum there is. And we will get through whatever comes our way together. I understand the undercurrent of fear; I’m not immune to it. But I also want to hope, and I want to be excited, and until I have a reason to not be those things, I’m going to let that be my guiding principle, yeah?”
Andi nodded her head, knowing she was being overly emotional but also, in some ways, unable to control it. She just wanted so very badly for this to have the happy ending they desired. They had dreamed about it together for awhile; spoken about being parents in hushed whispers at night. To be able to share that dream with the man she adored, the man she loved and had devoted her entire life to, it felt like she had finally arrived at her purpose in life. She rested her hands on her belly; she had begun to show slightly, the barest bump she could only dream the best future for.
They were comfortably silent for a little bit, the strains of music the only sound in the car. The rolling hills soon gave way to the glittering water of the sea, grey clouds scudding across the sky in a hurry on their way to who knows where. Andi began to recognize some of the landmarks along the way, and soon they were cruising into Aberystwyth, Christmas lights twinkling and doing their best to outshine the sunlight. She breathed a small sigh of relief, happy to have finally made it, the place feeling at once familiar even though she had only been a handful of times.
Taron’s sisters ran out to greet them as soon as they had pulled up to the house and parked. Squealing excitedly, they hugged Taron tightly, and he hugged them back. “My stars, how you’ve grown!” he exclaimed cutely. Soon his mother and stepdad had come out to help them bring everything in, spreading their gifts out under the tree along with the others.
They talked and laughed together so much, Andi’s sides were aching from it all, and her face nearly hurt from all the smiling. The food was delicious, and she ate until she felt she nearly might pop. Watching Taron with his family filled her with a certain kind of warmth, and she was grateful to be a part of it at all. The girls, of course, couldn’t wait to open presents, and so they all settled in the living room after the meal, passing out gifts to one another, the girls absolutely loving their Anna and Elsa dolls and wanting to play with them immediately.
Despite Andi’s nerves over her and Taron’s news, she really needn’t be; when Taron’s mum opened a gift with a sweet little onesie made to look like the iconic orange velvet Kingsman jacket, her hands instantly went to her mouth and she nearly cried. It was the sweetest thing, getting to share in the excitement of that moment. “Well it’s about damn time, son!” Taron’s mum teased him, beyond thrilled for them, and soon Andi was having to tell her all the details too, which she didn’t mind one bit.
They ended up cozying up on the couches to watch a movie, and Rosie and Mari snuggled up to Taron on either side, leaving Andi to hug the arm of the couch instead of her husband. When his mum tried to correct them though, Andi just laughed and waved off the concern. She would never get enough of seeing Taron with kids, to be honest, especially as he was going to be a dad soon himself. Everything about this Christmas Day with his family reminded her of that, and she couldn’t feel happier.
The day had worn on and soon they decided it was time to head on home. Of course his mum offered for them to stay in the guest room, as she always did, concerned about them driving home late at night, but Taron seemed keen on getting back home, as he hadn’t really had much chance to enjoy being home at all since he’d arrived. His mum insisted on packing them some leftovers to take home, telling Taron, once again, that he needed to get some meat on his bones. Andi and Taron shared an eyeroll behind her back, but she knew he loved and appreciated his mum very much. Hugs and kisses and wishes of “wish you could stay longer!” were exchanged all around, and soon they were back in their car and headed back to London.
“I’m kind of sad to see Christmas over already,” Andi said wistfully.
“Who said it had to be over once we got home, eh?” Taron snickered lightly. “We can celebrate in our own way.”
“You’re quite naughty, you know,” she just laughed lightly, knowing exactly what he was hinting at, not so subtly.
“What!” He exclaimed innocently. “I’ve been home for a whole day and have yet to enjoy my beautiful, pregnant might I add, wife! A man’s got needs.”
“Uh-huh,” Andi just laughed, though she couldn’t deny her feelings for him too. “Today has really been just perfect though,” she smiled over at him.
“It has been,” he agreed. “And I am grateful I didn’t miss this one,” he said, raising her hand to his lips and placing a sweet kiss on the back of her hand.
“Me too,” she said softly. “It wouldn’t have been as magical without you.”
“It wouldn’t have been Christmas at all for me without you,” Taron said earnestly. “You are my whole world, Andi. I hope I never leave you with a doubt about that again.”
“Oh, T. I’ve always known that. I think, just facing this new adventure, feeling like I was bearing that news alone, was really difficult for me. But we’re good now. You’re here, and you know, and we’re going to be doing this together from now on.”
“Yes we are,” he agreed. “You won’t feel alone in this, not a damn minute, I promise.”
They talked off and on some more, sharing ideas and plans for the future ahead of them, but Andi started feeling incredibly tired, happy but worn out from the day. She tried hard to stay awake, partly for Taron’s sake, but eventually she lost the fight, drifting off to sleep, her head against the window. Her breath left little fog patterns on the glass as she snoozed lightly. Taron couldn’t help but smile to himself, just completely grateful for this moment with her, a moment that felt all too precious.
When they finally made it safely home, he didn’t bother trying to wake her. He went to the front door first and unlocked it, leaving it open a crack, just enough for him to be able to push it open without his hands. He returned to the car, carefully opening the passenger side door. He reached across his sleeping wife, unbuckling her seat belt, and then ever-so-carefully maneuvering her out of the seat and into his arms, lifting her up and carrying her inside.
“Hmmmmm, Taron?” she asked sleepily, her head resting against his shoulder as he climbed up the stairs slowly.
“We’re home now,” he said gently.
“I fell asleep?” she asked, her eyes fluttering open slightly.
“Just a bit,” he grinned. “But you can stay sleeping, it’s okay.”
“Oh, but I was supposed to stay awake for you,” she giggled lightly. “You know, for reasons,” she said, wiggling her eyebrows at him playfully, but the sleep was still heavy in her eyes.
“There will always be another day, babe. You need your beauty sleep, now that you’re a mama,” he said cutely, carrying her to their bedroom and setting her gently in the bed.
“God I love you,” she said softly as he leaned over her gently and kissed her, sweet and slow, enjoying the feel of her lips against his.
“I know,” he said against her lips, his bright green eyes meeting her deep chocolate brown ones. They held the gaze for a long moment, feelings shared but not needing to be expressed out loud. It was almost as if their two hearts were beating as one, and soon, they would add a third to their little home.
Taron left her briefly to bring in their presents from the car, to make sure Tibbs was okay and to secure the rest of the house. Andi wriggled out of her pants and sweater and tossed them on the floor before snuggling into the covers, pulling them around herself. Right here, this moment, was exactly where she wanted to be. She checked her phone for a moment, smiling over the text messages and social media wishes of “Merry Christmas!” from her colleagues and friends. She responded to as many as she could until Taron returned to the bedroom. He also mostly tossed his clothes aside, crawling in in just his boxers, exhaustion from driving all day working its way into him.
“We’ll have to figure out a way to reveal our news to everyone else soon,” Andi smiled as she got comfortable with Taron, her fingers finding purchase under the covers on the smooth skin of his chest.
“I’m sure we will,” he said, hiding a yawn behind his hand. “Something cute and creative,” he said, his eyelids already drooping closed. “But for now, sleep,” he sighed.
“Oh I guess,” she giggled, well aware that she was in no position to argue. “Sweet dreams, my love,” she said, nestling herself into the crook of his arm, the warmth of his body familiar and reassuring. All she knew was that the past two days had been near perfect, at least once Taron had gotten home. She had to laugh at her anger earlier, the way pregnancy made everything feel sharper, more in focus, more intense, the highs much higher and the lows that much lower. They were certainly in for a ride, she thought, as Taron’s breathing slowed and she could tell he had drifted off. He was never one to waste a moment of sleep, but she didn’t mind it so much. The quiet, peaceful moments were always where she felt most at home. And wherever Taron was, that’s where she belonged.
“Merry Christmas, darling,” she whispered into the quiet stillness of the room, brushing her fingers lightly over his forehead, brushing his already-messy hair aside. Right here, right now, this moment, was the greatest feeling of home of all. As that thought warmed her heart, she felt the sweet siren song of sleep calling, and she willingly succumbed to slumber, happier than she’d ever felt before.
Wishing you and yours the merriest holiday season and peace and joy in the new year to come!
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The Best Mistake Pt. 3: Championships And Diamond Ponies
Never in a million years would you have thought that you'd become best friends with a man like Delsin Rowe. Not that it's a bad thing, but very different from most things you've done. Certainly you never imagined you'd be filling your bag with rolls of tape and cutting out stencils late at night, all in preparation for an illicit art piece with a certain Akomish friend. Maybe that's what drew you in. Delsin isn't like any other person you've met before, he’s different. He is lively, exciting, bold, outspoken, creative, he is everything captivating, and a total bad boy. However, you never dared to say any of these words directly to his face, you already know better. It would only increase his cockiness and you'd never hear the end of his gloats. Still, you knew you'd always have a retort ready and he'd always mock right back and that was basically all part of a daily routine for you and Delsin. The roots of your friendship.
All it took was a few stencil jobs, running (lots and lots of running), coffee shops, and an aerosol can to build a relationship as thick as thieves. A relationship strictly platonic of course, that's how you prefer to keep it. You’re currently having too much fun with you partner in crime and therefore want absolutely nothing to ruin it. Yet that never stops Delsin from being his usual charismatic self, which leaves you to question yourself if there is a possibility for something more. Only to be followed by you shrugging off the question and completely abandoning the thought...at least for the while.
And so here you are sitting on the floor by the feet of your bed, cutting out stencils for your first original piece in preparation for the next day. With headphones in your ears blasting off "I Wanna be yours", by Arctic Monkeys, you start to replay the memory of your first time creating a tag with Delsin in your head.
'Are you sure this is a safe spot?' you asked.
Delsin rose from the floor with two rolls of tape in his hands and delivered you a smirk, 'Pfft yeah, totally. Now c'mon stop being paranoid and help me tape this thing.'
You complied and picked up two spray cans and handed one to Delsin.
'Ooh i love the sound when you-,' you shook the spray can and let the sound of the metal ball clashing within the walls of the can finish your sentence.
You giggle to yourself. Never did you really get tired of that sound or the smell. Now it became a habit. It’s fun.
Your phone shuffles on to the next song and so you start to hum to "Arabella,". Man, the Arctic Monkeys have good music. The music is blasting so loud from your ear buds that you’re pretty sure if someone were to walk in your room right at that moment they would totally be able to hear your music clearly. However, unbeknownst to you, Delsin had climbed up your fire escape and had quietly crept into your room.
He stands still as he observes the area until he spots you sitting below the feet of your bed, peaceful and undisturbed. Boy, was that about to change. His left eyebrow quirks up in mischief as a sudden idea hits him. Very, very carefully he begins to climb onto your bed, slowly crawling towards the end until he is practically next to your unsuspecting form. Slowly, he lowers his head to your level. By now you’re suspecting movement behind you but are too late to react before he-
"AHHHHH!!!! OH!! YOU LITTLE BASTARD!" you say through gritted teeth in attempt to keep your voice low but at the moment you are more concerned with recovering from your mini heart attack.
You bring a hand to your chest and release a breath you didn't know you were holding in. Delsin on the other hand is literally rolling of laughter on your bed with a pillow clutched to his face to muffle his laughs. Unamused, you get up and begin to pelt him with your two spare pillows. Delsin is caught off guard but quickly retaliates and manages to drag you onto the bed and into a full on pillow fight.
You release a low shriek as you fall on your bed and start to thrash around, aimlessly swinging your two pillows. Amused by your tactic, Delsin laughs and mimics your comical yet potent strategy, using his spare hand as a personal guard for his face.
"Watch the face, watch the face!" he warns, " you hit the face, this friendship ends!"
"The only ship in pillow fights are championships!" you retort as you stand on your knees and ambush him with your pillows.
He lowers his arm shielding his face, "Oh so that's how it's gonna be?"
Big mistake.
Setting his guard down puts him at an extreme vulnerability, even if for a millisecond. That is all you need. You expertly cease the opportunity, hitting him with your left pillow and went in for a second hit but he deflects it with his arm and hits you with his pillow successfully knocking you off your knees.
"Okay...okay...okay," you say between breaths and laughter before collapsing onto one side of the bed with your legs dangling. "Tie?"
He releases a tired laugh and tosses his pillow onto your stomach before collapsing onto the opposite side of you, "Tie."
"How did you even get here?" you ask as you take the pillow from your stomach and put it under your neck.
"Reggie drove me," he simply replies.
You scoff, "I meant how did you get in my room?"
"Oh," he smirks. "It was a lot easier than you'd think."
"And the heart attack??"
"Okay that was just for fun and partially payback."
"For?...." you sit up from your current position and Delsin slowly rises after you.
"Foorrr stealing my beanie!" he swiftly steals the burgundy hat from your head, putting it back on his head and lays back down again.
"Aw," you frown, you had forgotten you even had it on you at the moment. It's a miracle it managed to stay on during the entire pillow fight. "Pfffftt I looked way better in it anyways."
"You'd look good in anything, babe," Delsin quickly counteracts.
"I'm not your babe," you say as you rise from your spot on the bed and carefully go back to your previous spot on the floor to continue the stencils, making sure your ever reddening cheeks are not in Delsin's line of sight .
"But you're a total babe."
You roll your eyes and scoff as you begin to cut out more stencils. "You know, you really shouldn't tempt me while I'm holding scissors. Wouldn't want anything to happen to that pretty little face of yours."
He rolls over on the bed and rests his head on his right palm to face you, "So you think I'm pretty?"
You scoff again and resume cutting out stencils, "Is there a reason why you're here?"
"Oh feisty are we today?" he finally rises from the bed and walks around your room."Y’know I love how climbable your room is. Seriously, it's like it was meant specifically for me to sneak into," he says as he picks out a book from a shelf and begins to observe it.
Without breaking concentration from your current task, you reply, "Well I’m glad the alternative to my front door suits you so well. You know my dad would never let you walk in through the front entrance."
Surprised by your comment, Delsin narrows his eyes and places the book back on its previous spot on your shelf, "Wow, (Name) thanks. Knowing your dad hates me so much that he wouldn't let me through the front door if I tried really means a lot to me," he says sarcastically as he takes a seat on your bed.
You feel a little muddled by his tone. You can't quite place your finger on it but regardless you attempt to lighten the mood a little, "Well technically he doesn't hate you, he doesn't even know you exist."
"Speaking of which, you're doing a real good job keeping your family in dark about all this," he motions to the stencils. "How does it feel?"
With this question asked, you put down your scissors and sigh, "Necessary. My mom can be understanding but my dad- not so much. Who knows, maybe one day I won't have to hide who I really am," you roll your eyes and continue to cut out stencils again. "Then I'll ride my diamond pony off into the sunset. With double the horns for double the awesome."
"Wait, horses don't have horns, don't you mean like a unicorn?"
You bring your legs closer to your chest and rest your head on your knees as you pretend to cry and release a muffled, "Let me and my diamond pony beeee."
He lightly chuckles and folds his arms across his chest, "Well you don't have to hide who you around me. You know I don't."
"That's true," you pop your head out, "you haven't changed much since the day I first met you. Don't get me wrong though, it's not a bad thing"
"Hmph. That's funny because I don't wish I could say the same about you."
Perplexed and slightly offended you put your scissors down and turn your attention to Delsin, "What?"
"Well," he says as he moves to sit down on the floor next to you,"when I first met you, I obviously didn't know you as well as I do now. We actually became pretty great friends, therefore I'm glad I don't get to say that you haven't changed much since when we first met. You're more than just a pretty girl I met by the bay."
It's become a usual habit for Delsin to flirt with you. Yet it was moments like these, when he'd act and say things like that, that would leave you lingering with curiosity. Could there be something between you two or was Delsin just being Delsin?
Regardless, you decide to play along, "So you think I'm pretty?"
"Oh I think you're way more than pretty," he smirks.
You release a low chuckle in response to his compliment. Then suddenly a clever yet cunning idea strikes your mind. You turn your body to face him and inch closer and promptly his actions follow yours.
"Believe me, pretty would be a major understatement," he adds.
"Is that so?" you learn in a little closer.
"Definitely," he purrs.
"You know I'm kinda glad you snuck in through my window tonight," you lean in more, now only mere inches separating your faces.
"Why's that babe?" He leans in closer.
You lightly scoff at his remark. If only he knew.
"So....-," you trail off to make the pretense of you closing in the gap between you and Delsin.
"So you can help me finish the stencils!" you laugh as you swiftly stand up from your spot on the floor, leaving behind a very confused Delsin to fall onto your previously occupied seat.
Realizing what just happened, Delsin releases an evil chuckle and rubs his chin,"That was cruel, (Name), real cruel."
You stand triumphantly with your arms crossed and a pout on your lips, "Aw really?"
"Very," he says as he stands up and walks over to you. "But too can play it that game," he pokes you by your rib, earning a loud giggle and flinch from you.
"What, are you ticklish there?"
"What? No!" You protest.
Not buying your protest he pokes again and you release another giggle and quick jump. Amused, he starts to poke you continuously at your new found ticklish area.
"Del...sin....stop!" You plea between breathes and giggles.
Somehow in the midst of laughing and slapping Delsin's hands away, he manages to entangle his arms around your stomach getting an even better leverage in your apparent tickle fight. For a moment you had forgotten where you are and how loud you’re being. That is until you hear a knock at your bedroom door followed by your mother's voice.
"(Name)?" She says, causing both you and Delsin to cease your actions, his arms still around you.
"Is everything okay in there? I thought I heard-"
"Uh-erm yeah mom. I just- stepped on a... lego! Yeah, yeah, you know how annoying that can be," you say as you side glance at Delsin's face hovering over your shoulder, his lips pursed and face turned the other direction to avoid your glance.
"Legos? Do you still even have those-"
"Everything is fine mom, I'll be downstairs in a second okay?"
"Okay honey."
You wait until you hear your mother's footsteps descend the stairs before breaking free from Delsin's hold.
He mockingly pouts at your escape before asking, "Did you really used to have legos?"
"Cute," he chuckles. "So did I actually. But I kept getting mad when I accidentally stepped on them. Those things really hurt like a b-"
"(Y/N)!" Your mom calls from downstairs.
“I think she needs you for something,” he lightly giggles.
"Coming, mom!" you yell towards the door. “Wait here I’ll be back in a few,” you say to him as you exit your room.
Delsin nods resumes to observing your room. He really did take a mental note of how easy it was to access your fire escape and even wondered why the thought didn’t occur to him before. As he walks around your room he notices the many pictures you have up on a bulletin board of your friends and family.
“Okay...think she mentioned you before...and you I don’t know…,” he says as he ogles the photos.
“Ah, there’s the infamous cousin of hers,” he smiles as he recalls you telling him of how your favorite cousin was the one who drove you to the Akomish reservation on the day you and Delsin first met. “Gotta make sure to thank you when I see you… in person because now you’re a photo and… okay just shut up, Delsin.”
He continues to observe your room and starts to look for any pictures of the two of you. When he can’t seem to find any he begins to feel a little disappointed until he accidentally knocks over a book from your desk and from it slips out a small polaroid picture of the two of you.
He picks it up and he immediately remembers the day the picture was taken. You two had gone out to the park since it was predicted to have been a very sunny day. And it was until it started to unsurprisingly rain. You had left your umbrella at home and so Delsin decided to use his sweater to shield both of your already damp forms. His height made it easy for him to get coverage over the two of you and that’s when you pulled out your polaroid and took the picture.
“Cheese!” You said, catching Delsin off guard but he still managed to put on a ridiculously cheesy smile for the picture.
“Oh man, this one’s a keeper!” You said as you showed him the funny photo of the two of you. Drenched clothes, outstretch arms and big bright smiles.
“Whatcha got there?” You ask as you walk into the room, interrupting Delsin’s reverie.
“Hmph? Oh I-uh found this,” he hands the photo to you.
“Oh, I remember that day,” you say happily. “We got fucking drenched but your off guard smile is priceless,” you laugh.
Delsin merely laughs and smiles as you observe the photo. However, once you put it back in the book it was originally hidden in, his smile falters.
“Why don’t you have it up like the rest of your photos,” he asks.
“What and risk it being seen by my parents?” you say as if the answer is the most obvious thing.
“Okay,” he scoffs. “It’s kinda hard to not be offended by what you just said there. Is being friends with me that much of a burden to you?” He folds his arms across his chest.
“What? Of course not I just-”
“Listen I know you wanna keep the tag stuff a secret but why do you have to hide me from everyone?”
“I’m not! My cousin knows about you and some friends too,” you clarify. “They actually kinda wanna meet you, they say you seem really cool and fun.”
“Well I’m glad the cousin and your friends approve but would it really be that bad of a thing if your parents knew about me?"
You try to say something as you just stare at him but nothing comes out.
“What?” He steps closer. “You afraid they won’t approve of you hanging out with ‘some delinquent’?”
“Hey, that's not true, and you know i don't give a rat's ass about what my dad thinks," you say, almost bitterly.
“Then why hide me?”
“Why do you suddenly care?”
“Why do I care that my alleged best friend won't even admit to me being her best friend in front of anyone else but me?!"
If his outrage isn’t seen in his eyes then it sure as hell is heard in his voice.
You briefly glance at the door before calmly urging Delsin to keep his voice down.
“No, y’know what, how about I do you one better?” He says as he walks to your window.
“Delsin, wait!” you follow him and catch him as he still has one foot in your room and the other on the fire escape.
“Thanks for the clarity on our relationship,” he says before finally leaving through the fire escape.
Again you call out his name but he either doesn’t hear you or he simply chooses not to. However, after the fight you two just had you don’t blame him if he chose the latter.
You walk over to your stencils and slump down to the floor as his words and the look of hurt in his eyes just repeat over and over and over again in your head.
“Thanks for the clarity on our relationship.”
“Oh fuck,” you sigh and rub at your temples. “What did I just do?”
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bl-giftexchange · 7 years
To: @shadowfear-art From: anonymous 
While Rhys was more than happy to let Tim decorate the apartment for Mercenary Day, the doppelganger was going a little overboard with his enthusiasm. Plastic light up snowflakes twinkled against the window that overlooked Pandora, flickering blue then white, over and over. It was cute, Rhys wasn’t going to deny that – something about the way that Tim practically glowed with the holiday spirit was just plain adorable. But every day he came home to new decorations, at first it was just the lights in the window, then it was colorful stocking on the wall, today it was a huge white tree decorated with tiny Hyperion gun ornaments.
“Rhys! Can you help me put this on the tree?” Tim called out, poking his head out of the bedroom and coming out with his arms filled with sparkling tinsel garlands. Tim was practically covered in glitter, which scared Rhys because if he was coming out of the bedroom with glitter that means he’s going to be waking up in the morning with glitter in questionable places. He took the gold star from Tim’s hands and placed it on the tree, his height making it not so much of a chore as Tim probably expected with his reaction. He hugged Rhys, nuzzling his face against his boyfriend’s neck and mumbled a thank you, kissing the dark ink of his neck tattoo.
“Can I ask you why you’re covered in glitter before I see what you’ve done?”
“Oh… uh, yeah… I made you something and I might have gone overboard on the glitter. Don’t worry, I made it on the table, not in our room. Glitter is hard to get off your skin, just a reminder for the future.” Tim said, letting go of his body and letting Rhys get a good look at the festive sweater he was wearing. He vaguely remembered him buying it – saying it was just a gag thing and he’d never wear it, it was too ugly. It was a bunch of random holiday symbols – gifts, stars, trees and just about everything that was in their apartment all knitted into a red and cream mess.
“Is it for Mercenary Day or can I have it now?” Rhys asked, sitting down and pulling Tim into his lap. Despite their size difference, Rhys is a smidgen taller than Tim and Tim being a lot bulkier than Rhys - Rhys always pulled him into his lap and acted like the big, tough one in the relationship. Tim could easily break Rhys in half if he wanted to, the time he spent running around the moon and being Jack’s right-hand man gave him quite a bit of muscle – some of which disappeared under a soft layer of fat on his stomach gained from his lack of activity around Helios. He acted as a seat filler for the meetings that Jack couldn’t be bothered with attending and Rhys’ love for freshly baked cookies didn’t help his case. Tim practically curled in on Rhys, resting his head against his shoulder and taking a deep breath against his vest, the smell of fresh cookies practically radiated off Tim’s body and it made Rhys hold him a little bit tighter, burying his nose in his hair and smiling happily as Tim giggled. They were honestly disgusting sweet to each other, the soft touches and still-shy kisses placed on blushing cheeks, it was hard to imagine that this was their third Mercenary Day together with how they acted towards each other. It was like they were teenagers, kissing and giggling, blushing when a hand would stray.  
“This is the ugliest sweater I’ve ever seen, but you somehow make it work,” Rhys commented, sliding his cold hand under the itchy fabric, making Tim pull away.   
“You’re freezing, Rhys! ” Tim groaned, letting his boyfriend press his bony fingers against his soft stomach, trying to warm his hands.
“Wanna help me warm up?” Rhys asked, stealing a kiss and smirking as Tim’s cheeks went red.
“I have more decorations to put up…” Tim said, reaching over and brushing the garland with a touch that Rhys could only describe as lovingly.
“You’ve been decorating for the last three days, let’s take a break and take a bath together. Please, babe?” Rhys asked, his hands sliding so they cupped the soft flesh of his hips. Tim moved so he was straddling Rhys’ lap more comfortably and it was only then that Rhys realized that he was wearing only a red pair of boxers and the ugliest pair of holiday knee highs that Rhys had probably ever seen. Mercenary Day really brought out the ugly patterns, Rhys laughed at the thought.
“I picked all the clothes you hate so you were more tempted to undress me,” Tim said, giggling as Rhys’ face lit up and his words got jumbled. Tim leaned down, his lips warm against Rhys’, arms circling his neck – there lips colliding over and over as if it was the only thing that kept them grounded. Tim was never so forward with his intentions, he usually pushes into Rhys like a cat, probably hoping that Rhys would understand what he wanted. So, him being so bold – telling Rhys that he wanted to be undressed and the lazy grind of his hips – it was out of character and Rhys had an honest moment of wondering if Tim and Jack switched places just to mess with him.  
“You should have put on your Jack clothes then, I hate seeing you looking just like him. You go from adorable little Tim to “I will stab your eyes out’ Jack. Scares me.” Rhys said, chuckling as Tim nuzzled against his neck.
“I mean, I like wearing them because suddenly people notice me and they look at me like I’m important,” Tim said, his voice nothing more a strained whisper. Rhys shushed him, rubbing his back as he took hold of his jaw –their eyes met and Tim had a look like he was a puppy being scolded for doing something wrong.
“You are important, Timothy. I know that you’ve been through a lot, but hen these twenty years are up and you want to go back to being a freckled little cutie, you can bet that I’m going to stick by your side. That is if you still want me. I heard you and Vaughn call me a ‘noodle of a man’ so maybe you’d want someone less noodle-y.” Rhys said and Tim rolled his eyes, getting off his lap and tugging him up from the couch.
“I love you and your noodle body, Rhys, and I really want your naked noodle body on mine right now.”
It was the moment when Rhys rested his forehead against Tim’s back, his breathing ragged, mumbling sweet praises between his panting and moans, that Tim knew that what they had was real. The kisses and sly remarks about love – those could always be faked. But now, he knew everything that Rhys was saying now was the truth. Every mumble about how he didn’t know what he’d do without him, that made Tim melt – bucking back and reaching back to catch sweaty auburn locks in a gentle fist, pulling their lips together in a kiss that made the fireworks go off behind his eyelids. He wanted to cling to that moment for the rest of his life – the subtle rock of Rhys’ hips against him, soft lips caressing his shoulders and the nape of his neck, his fingers slightly digging into his hips – it was heaven.
Tim whined, Rhys’ body basically peeling off of his, sweat and a few specks of glitter clung to his warmed skin. Tim grunted - the last few thrusts that Rhys delivered sent him over the edge, burying his face in his arm and practically crying out. Rhys slimed, smoothing his hand over Tim’s back before pulling out and wiping up any evidence of their endeavor away. Tim rolled onto his back, smiling as Rhys kissed his stomach and trailed them up his body, smiling as Tim blushed and ran his fingers through his hair.
“I bought an eggnog bath bomb and a peppermint one. Which one do you want to use?” Tim asked, sliding off the bed and shuffling towards the dresser. Rhys hummed in consideration, eyes trained on the gentle sway of his boyfriend’s hips.
“Peppermint,” Rhys said, sliding to the edge of the bed and catching Tim’s hand once he walked by, he brought it up to his lips, pressing kisses to his knuckles before standing up and wrapping his arms around his waist. Despite the smell of sex and sweat, the lingering smell of Mercenary Day preparations still hung to Tim’s skin – the subtle smell of fresh baked cookies, nutmeg and cinnamon could only be described as home. Rhys caught sight of a small box, coated messily in red glitter with a tiny yellow bow at the top hidden behind the pictures of him and the rest of the vault hunter friends he had.
“So, you never answered, is the present for today or for Mercenary Day?” Rhys asked, following Tim to the bathroom, his legs slightly shaky with each step.
“Mercenary Day is tomorrow, Rhys. You can wait and it’s a big surprise, I want to give it to you in front of the party.”
Rhys must have looked as if Tim was speaking a different language with the way his face scrunched up in confusion, was Mercenary Day really tomorrow? He felt like the season just started and Tim just started putting up decorations. And a party? Tim must have planned everything after one of their long nights because this was all news to him.
“You’ve been working so hard, Rhys, you probably didn’t realize how fast the time went by,“ Tim said, dropping the bath bomb into the water – the tub was filled and Rhys must have missed that happening too. The smell of peppermint filled the room, the soft fizz as bath bomb spiraled around in a mess of red and white foam. Rhys sank into the water, letting the warmth of the water sooth over his tired muscles – despite being only nearly his mid-twenties, his body ached from the lack of sleep he got. He grunted, the weight of Tim’s body against him was comforting and Rhys instinctively wrapped his arms around his body. There was a thin veil of oil that coated his skin from the peppermint oil of the bath bomb, and Rhys dragged his fingers along his arm with a smile as they slipped around.  
“I love you, Tim,” Rhys said, kissing his shoulder and sighing, forehead resting against his shoulder. His hair fell over his face – a sight that wasn’t common, but Tim loved so much. They stayed like that for a moment, Rhys breathing softly against Tim’s shoulder, each exhale sending a cold shiver down his spine
“I love you too, Rhys.”
If Tim was over the top when it came to decoration prep, he was going in hyperdrive prepping for this party. Rhys never saw so many cookies in one place in his life, but it didn’t even look like it was going to be stopping anytime soon. He made eggnog from scratch and took out three bottles of the most expensive rum that could be bought, which Jack called his “Mercenary Day gift for his favorite gays” because Tim had asked his boss for suggestions and Jack delivered by buying them six bottles of it. It all looked so festive and perfect – like the untouchable spread of a magazine.
He’ll be a great wedding planner, Rhys thought. The idea made his stomach flutter, especially since he knew that Tim was going to pop the question tonight, he invited his friends – the vault hunters – who he very rarely invited to these events so there must have been something important going on. And the glitter box that Tim hid, it was the perfect size for a ring. The more that Rhys thinks about it, there were so many signs that he must have been misreading – thinking about the long haul of them being together once his face could go back to being not Jack’s – and he spent more time with Jack in recent weeks, even when he wasn’t working if the bottles of rum where any indicator, Jack must have bought the ring for Tim.
“Babes, can you please put on the sweater I bought you? I want you to be all festive!” Tim said, his hand warm against Rhys’ arm and the younger man only nodded – slipping off the stool and into the bedroom. He liked the sweater that Tim had picked out for today, unlike his sweaters that looked like the holiday threw up on him, it was a subtler approach – it was plain for the most part, a warm maroon on broken up by the thin band white silhouettes of holiday lights across the bottom hem.  Tim was wearing a similar one in a deep forest green, a color that Rhys had to admit looked wonderful against his tanned skin.
He pulled it on over his dress shirt, the white collars of popping over the round collar – a look that he wore frequently in his college days. He looked dumb, the sleeves were too short and he hated how his cybernetic looked with it – it was a familiar look, but the cybernetics showed just how much he gave up for his middle management position. Tim came in, patting Rhys ass and sneaking the box off the dresser before kissing his jaw.
“Nish just got here, so I guess the party is starting.”
And that wasn’t a lie – once Nisha arrived, everyone else who was invited followed. They all praised Tim for his cookies and the eggnog was spiked once Jack came in and poured an entire bottle of rum into it. Jack was oddly excited about the party, coming in with gifts and even some food, egging on Nisha that she had to kiss him under the mistletoe (despite the lack of mistletoe in the apartment). Athena and Springs, the only common friends between both Rhys and Tim, both giggled as Rhys talked to them. Hell, everyone did, as if they all knew a secret that he wasn’t in on. It made him feel a little bad like he was the butt of a joke that he wasn’t in on.
“Everyone, can I just get your attention? My little Timmy has an announcement to make.” Jack said, the room going quiet as Tim stood up, wringing his hands as he looked at Rhys.
“Thank you, Jack, uh…. thank you all for coming out here. I know that some of you needed to take quite the trip to get here and it’s for good reason. I’m just… it’s been three years since Rhys and I started dating, and it’s been like the best three years of my life. Last night, we were talking about being together for over twenty years and how you’d still love me even if I don’t look like Jack. I want to spend my life with you Rhys. I love you so much, much more than I can ever l love myself, will you marry me?” Tim got down on one knee, pulling the box and smiling at Rhys, who stood wide-eyed as he looked down at the ring – a delicate silver band with a huge diamond cut into a shape of a heart. Rhys was at a loss for words, frantically nodding and letting Tim slip the ring on his finger – stuttering as he wrapped his hands around Tim’s, bringing his knuckles up to his lips. He was vaguely aware of the cheering around them; only the loud pop of a champagne bottle making him come back.
“Congrats Rhysie! Looks like me and the wifey aren’t the only married gays now!” Springs said, hugging Rhys and shoving a box into his hands.
“Alright, it’s not wedding day yet and I bought you all gifts, so sit down so you and praise me after,” Jack said, ushering them into the living room. There wasn’t enough space for them all, so Rhys pulled Tim into his lap – kissing his shoulder and playing with the ring on his finger and humming.
Jack handed out the gifts while Nisha served up champagne, sitting next to them and petting Tim’s thigh. Nisha scared Rhys, something about how she basically murdered for fun was off-putting, but Tim liked her and any friend of Tim’s – no matter how murderous and scary they were – were welcomed to their home. She smiled at Rhys, her purple lipstick making her teeth seem a little brighter under the festive lights.
“Tim, I always thought you’d end up with Wil, but seeing you sitting on string bean’s lap like this – all happy and giggly makes me happy. And Rhys, if Timmy here gets annoying, a little spanking will make him shape up.” Tim groaned, leaning his head back against Rhys’ shoulder, the vibrations as Rhys chuckled warming him. It was hard for him to the thing about the time when Mercenary Day wasn’t such a treat from him – when he was working three jobs and the day off made him realize just how alone he really was, an empty dorm building as everyone else went off to be with their families – but now, he had family – a dysfunctional one, but a family all the same. Jack, despite him being the galaxies biggest jerk, helped him pick of Rhys’ ring and bought it for him when it came out to a whopping five hundred thousand total; Nisha and Wil, no matter how rough and tumble they were on the outside, helped Tim calm down from nearly breaking up with Rhys out of fear of rejection and hell, that he would have to spend his whole life trying to repay; Springs and Athena helped him plan the engagement, the whole party was their idea and although Tim went a little overboard, it made the whole moment a little more special. Even Rhys’ friends – Vaughn, Fiona, Sasha, and August – were getting close to him, adding a little more happiness in his heart.
“Alright, alright – so Timmy and I were planning the engagement for a little bit. And I wanted to be the first one to help add to my favorite gays lives, so I present them with this!” Jack said, pushing a huge box towards them and Tim swallowed – a surprise gift from Jack could only spell disaster (especially as he looked at Jack’s gift to Nisha a bright yellow dildo aptly named “the Hyperion Jack Hammer”). Rhys seemed to have the same idea, his hand stilled over the tiny tear already in the paper.  
“Open it!” Jack urged and Tim sighed, tugging the paper and closing his eyes to save himself from the horror.
“Oh my god, Jack! We love it!” Rhys exclaimed and Tim opened his eyes, it was a statue of him and Rhys together – recreated from one of the pictures of them on Rhys’ birthday, Rhys’ arms wrapped around Tim’s shoulder and the both of them smiling bigger than either of them had in a long time. Tim slid off Rhys’ lap, tears of happiness prickling at the back of his eyes. He hugged Jack, mumbling thank you into his jacket, the room breaking out in a chorus of awws.
“Thank you. All of you, I’m so happy that I’m able to celebrate the holiday with you and that you all were here to witness my engagement to my hot ass noodle of a boyfriend. The holiday season has always been a bad time for me, but tonight – God, I’m just so thankful for all of you and just thank you for being here with us.” Tim said, taking his champagne off the table and raising it, smiling as Rhys stood and wrappedan arm around him.
“And I just wanted to add, I know that you all get annoyed with me, but the fact that you all are here – and were probably in on it the whole time – but thank you for being some of the best friends I’ve ever had. I honestly hated that Tim made our apartment into a Mercenary Day hell, but I’m going to remember this forever. Happy Mercenary Day everyone!” Rhys raised his own glass, cursing under his breath as Jack pulled out a popper – the confetti falling all over and Tim groaned. Jack threw his arms around their shoulder, the proximity of him made it evident just how much of the spiked eggnog he had to drink, he rested his head on Rhys’ shoulder – mumbling about how they should get married on Mercenary Day next year so he could by them a house and it wouldn’t be that extra.
“I think it’s time to make this a real party. Nish, you can put it up.” Tim said and Nisha got up, turning up the music and changing the cheery holiday music to something a little more enjoyable for everyone. Jack peeled off of them and Tim shook his head and Rhys took his hands and lead him to the center of the room, pushing the coffee table out of the way and wrapping his arms around him, swaying gently to the music.
“Happy Mercenary Day, Tim. Maybe we should get married on Mercenary Day next year. A house sounds like a nice gift.” Rhys said and Tim laughed, kissing Tim with a little reluctance. Tim leaned into the kiss, fingers tangling in with Rhys, thumb brushing over the jagged cut of the diamond. For once, everything felt okay and right – even if he would have to be Jack for an extra ten years.  
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vanilla107 · 7 years
Masterpiece (Part 10)
It's been two whole freaking months since I've updated this and I'm so thankful for every comment, reblog and like. I made sure this chapter was extra long so that none of you people would kill me (I still love each person that reads this though) and I hope you like it. My final exams are in two weeks and that is pretty scary for me but your support for this fanfiction has kept me feeling positive! Credits to @krzed for the cute idea at the end of this part! <3 (Loads of love to my Nathchlo people for giving me ideas and support. You know who you are <3)
Loads of love and hugs vanilla107
Silence fell over the table and a few seconds later it was like all hell broke loose.
“She...she’s living with you?” repeated Marinette dumbstruck.
Adrien had choked on his water and was turning red from all the coughing.
Nino was trying to restrain Alya from jumping out of her seat.
“WHAT? WHEN? HOW? AND IS THIS THE SAME CHLOE WE’RE TALKING ABOUT?” Alya screamed and Nathanaël stared at the mad reporter in shock.
“Alya, calm down, babe! Let Nath explain and relax your news reporting skills,” Nino said gently rubbing her arm.
“Okay...okay okay okay okay...Nathanaël, when did this happen?” Alya said, her golden brown eyes dancing with curiosity as she regained a little self control.
Nathanaël sighed. “It’s a long story...and she’s not really living with me, she just spends the night over sometimes because her apartment needs some serious maintenance. It all happened on the night that she bumped into the four of you…”
Nathanaël retold the story and he could see Alya getting more and more interested by the minute. He omitted the special parts of that he had seen of Chloe; how she had sang with him, the pancake incident, taking her to the market for the first time, taking her to the gallery and the latest memory from that morning. When he was done he was bombarded with comments from everyone.
“I can’t believe you saved her from those three guys-!” gasped Marinette.
“Dude, you basically saved her life-” whistled Nino with a smile.
“Chloe is living in the same apartment block as you-?” Adrien repeated.
“How have you survived?” Alya whispered.
“Guys...she’s actually not that bad...she’s changed...a lot,” Nathanaël added and hoped that he wasn’t going red. It was embarrassing telling all of them about Chloe and it made it even more awkward since she was the one who made him so miserable in high school. The fact that he felt the need to stand up for her felt like the right thing to do since she really wasn’t the she-demon Alya claimed she was.
“I swear guys, Chloe pulled a total 360 and this is coming from the same guy who she bullied for most of his high school career,” he said and finished his coffee.
“Woah...that’s insane Nath...I’m not the biggest fan of Chloe...but I think it’s great that you’re giving her a second chance,” smiled Marinette.
“Agreed, I know she wasn’t the nicest person in high school but thank you, Nathanaël,” Adrien said sincerely and felt relieved that one of his oldest friends was at least being taken care of.
Nathanaël nodded and looked at Alya, who was tapping looking at him intensely.
“Okay, I believe you but...I wonder how much she's changed...that would be an amazing story, don't you think? ‘Mayor's Daughter Learning To Be Grateful or-"
“-Okay Alya. I don't think you should use Chloe’s position of vulnerability for a story,” Nino interjected and Nathanaël smiled gratefully. “From how it looked last week, Chloe just needs some alone time.”
“Yeah, sorry Alya but I think further first time, Chloe doesn't want to be the center of attention.”
Alya’s coffee arrived and for a short period of time, the Chloe topic was dropped. Adrien had ordered cake for the table while they all caught up with each other’s lives.
Adrien and Marinette were flying with Gabriel to Italy to do a photoshoot and to meet up with one of their old friends and the up-and-coming actress, Lila Rossi. Alya was being sent to the South of France to report on a mysterious incident that had happened there a few days ago and Nino had been invited to one of the biggest music festivals in Europe, to not just DJ but he had also been invited to all the VIP parties and was going to be living the celebrity life for a week. None of them were surprised when Nathanaël said that he was planning to just paint for the next two weeks so that it could all be done for the gallery.
After a good two hours spent at the cafe, it was time for the five of them to leave.
“Thanks for lunch, Adrien, you the best, dude,” Nino said as they gave each other a pat on the back.
It was normal for Adrien to pay for them. He always insisted and it was less of a hassle if no one argued.
“I need to go fetch Chloe now,” Nathanaël said as he looked at his watch and Marinette smiled.
“Nath, is she coming to your gallery viewing? Why don't you invite her along so that we can make her feel a little more welcome?”
Alya’s jaw dropped.
“Mari? Are you right in the head? This is thee Chloe Bourgeois. The same Chloe who stole your hat design, accused you of stealing her bracelet and wanted you arrested without any proof may I add, who blatantly insulted you with every opportunity, basically tried to bribed her way into being class representative, sabotaged your uncle’s soup and tried to wreck your relationship with Adrien multiple times!”
Marinette shrugged her shoulders.
“If Nathanaël says she’s changed then I believe him. Everyone deserves a second chance...even a person like Chloe.”
Nathanaël was a little shocked at Marinette’s suggestion and her change of heart.
He knew that Chloe was a truly awful person to Marinette when they were in high school and she had suffered the most, yet Marinette always managed to kill Chloe with kindness or figure out her plan. He was grateful for Marinette’s kind nature.
And why hadn’t he thought of inviting her? She did say that she loved art and he wouldn’t mind her at the viewing. Then he realized that he’d been so caught up with painting that he hadn’t really thought of asking her.
“Is that really a good idea, Mari? I mean I really would love to see her but...she did run out of the restaurant last week and I think we're the last people she wants to see right now,” Adrien sighed.
“Adrien does have a point...I can’t force her to go to something she doesn’t want to go to,” he murmured and stood up from his seat.
“Well, if we’re really going through with this, why don’t you just bring it up to her later this week and give her time to think about it?” Alya said as she brushed the cake crumbs off herself. “I’m still not a fan of Chloe...but if Mari thinks Chloe deserves a second chance...then okay.”
Nathanaël nodded. “I think that's the best idea. You guys will be at the gallery viewing, right? ”
“Of course, Nath! We'll always support you!” grinned Marinette as she gave him a goodbye hug.
“Oh, that reminds me! There’s rumours going around that you’ll be showcasing a new painting soon…and that it’s going to be bigger than ‘Rage’...well this is according to the tabloids and we all know that can’t be trusted,” Nino grumbled.
Nathanaël sighed,“Tabloids will do anything for a story these days. I can handle it.”
At those words, the four friends smiled at the artist. Nathanaël hadn’t had it easy as a child and seeing him mature and making his own decisions made them happy.
Nathanaël checked his watch and saw that it was almost time to pick up Chloe. He smiled at his friends and started to walk with them out the cafe.
“Thank you everyone. Adrien, Marinette, I hope you have a safe trip to Italy and you too, Nino. Alya, please don’t get killed while you’re investigating, you’re more important than some story.”
“Good luck with the painting, Nath!”
“Don’t work too hard!”
“Everyone needs a break every once in awhile! Get some sleep and eat when you need to!”
“You promised me an exclusive interview after the gallery showing, Nathanaël! Don’t forget that!”
Nathanaël stepped out of the cafe and surveyed the light pink sky merging with the navy blue to form a vivid sunset.
“Time to fetch Chloe,” he murmured with a small smile as he started to walk.
Chloe served the four plates of burgers and chips and with a forced smile she said, “I hope you enjoy your meal. Call me if you need anything else.”
The four males looked at her up and down and Chloe felt an uncomfortable shiver go down her spine. They were all wearing sweaters for some reason (was there some sort of clearance sale? she thought) just in different colours, red, green, blue and purple. They looked like they were round about the same age as her but she felt like prey and they were the lions watching her...waiting to let her guard down so that they could pounce.
“We’ll definitely call you if we need anything else, darling,” Red Sweater said with a rather creepy grin.
Chloe nodded and walked away as quickly as possible to any other tables that needed her assistance.
Her day was not going well.
Apparently Gabriella was ‘sick’ and that left Chloe working twice as hard. Thankfully, Mr Shelley had some common sense to hire a new girl, Camila. Camila was tall and had short brown hair. She was working with Chloe and she was picking up quite fast which definitely helped her but Camila wasn’t the friendliest person.
In fact she was cold and hadn’t spoken a word to Chloe at all except the quick “hello” from that morning.
Other than that, Chloe had burned herself while making coffee (three times to be exact), had found mold growing on one of the burgers, had to deal with an impossible parent and bratty child and now these four guys who hadn’t stopped ogling her since the time they had arrived.
“Deep breaths. They’re the last customers for the evening,” she whispered to herself as she saw the second last table of people leave the restaurant with Camila cleaning their table. Chloe couldn’t wait to get home and take a long, warm shower to get the greasy feeling off her body and smell like the ocean-
Nathanaël smells like the ocean.
 She felt her face go warm and her heart beat a little faster.
No, you do not like him! It’s only been a few days! This is just a crush! Chloe Bourgeois doesn’t like Nathanaël Kurtzberg!
Chloe kept herself busy as she wiped down tables and watched the clock tick by. Finally, the Sweaters were done with their food and Purple Sweater yelled, “Just the bill, hot stuff!”
Chloe kept her anger under control and came to collect their plates and gave them their bill.
“Here you go,” she said with forced enthusiasm and waited for them to pay.
“Sorry but I think there’s something missing from the bill?” Green Sweater said as he looked at it.
He pointed to a spot and Chloe leaned closer to look at it.
“I don’t see anything wrong-? OW!” Chloe screamed as she felt a slap on her bottom.
The group of Sweater idiots laughed and high-fived each other. Chloe felt her cheeks go red with anger.
How dare they?
“What’s missing is your number, beautiful,” the Purple Sweater purred and Chloe glared at him in disgust.
“I would never give my number to creeps like you,” she growled trying to keep her voice low. She did not need Mr Shelley to storm out of his office because of these asshats trying to get her number.
“Oh C’mon, Blondie- Chloe winced at the terrible nickname “-don’t you want to have fun with some quality attention?” Blue Sweater pressed.
“I’m perfectly fine with the company I have. Now, pay the bill so that I can go home,” Chloe said trying to say it as politely and calmly as possible. They were treading on her last nerve and if they said one more idiotic thing she was going to lose it.
“We’ll just take you out for a few drinks. No harm done! And if you want to come back to our place we could-”
She snapped.
“No. Hell freaking no. I’m not going with you disgusting assholes to some sleazy bar to get me drunk and wind up at your house and do God knows what. What do you not understand?” Chloe exploded. “And what gives you the right to touch me? Were you raised by wild animals?”
The Sweaters looked furious and she felt fear spread through her body. She had never talked back to a group of strangers before and these guys were at least a good ten centimeters taller than her. She was trapped and nearly screamed when she felt a hand on her shoulder.
Please don’t let it be Mr Shelley. Please don’t let it be Mr Shelley. Please don’t let it be Mr Shelley. Please-
“Chloe,” a warm familiar voice said.
“Nathanaël,” Chloe whispered, relieved as she turned to look at him.
The look in his eyes were dark with anger and she saw his jaw tense as he looked at The Sweaters.
“Hello, Chloe. How was work?” the red-haired angel asked, seemingly oblivious to the situation she was in.
“It was okay-”
“-Until these men started to harass you?”
She could see that the more Nathanaël spoke the angrier he seemed to get with the four men.
“Yes,” she murmured.
Chloe swallowed uneasily and saw the Sweaters expressions change from anger to confusion to anger again.
“She wasn't doing her job-" Green Sweater began but was interrupted.
“-Her job is to take your orders and serve your food. She is not for your entertainment,” Nathanaël snarled at Green Sweater. “Now, you are going to pay for the food, give her a huge tip and never come back here again,” he warned, his voice low and dangerous. “And if you do...let’s just say you won’t be able to walk again.”
Within minutes the bill had been paid, Chloe had received a huge tip and the Sweaters were gone. She never thought she’d seen four men so pale before until Nathanaël threatened them.
Chloe turned to face Nathanaël.
“Thank you.”
“Don’t mention it. People are supposed to fend off creepy assholes who harass other people,” he said and ran a hand through his hair and glared at the table were The Sweaters had sat.
“I’ll go say goodbye to Camila and get my stuff.”
She walked to the staff room. Camila was there, mopping the floor and looked up at Chloe before giving her a cold look and returning to her mopping.
At first Chloe wanted to snap at her. What the hell had she done so wrong to this girl, that she was treating her this way? Chloe breathed deeply and collected her bag and signed out on the employee register. She walked towards the staff room door and was about to leave when she turned to face Camila.
“Camila...You’ve been a huge help today...I don’t know how I would’ve handled this without you so...thank you,” Chloe said softly.
Camila looked up and for the first time, and surprisingly, gave her a small smile.
“I’m glad I could help. I know I haven’t been the friendliest person to you and I guess it was because I sort of developed a disliking towards you. I knew how spoilt and awful you were because I’m friends with some of the students who went to Collège Françoise Dupont and I heard all the stories.”
At those words Chloe groaned,“I know I was awful.” Camila grinned and stuck out her hand.
“Camila Vasseur.”
Chloe took it and smiled.
“Chloe Bourgeois.”
Camila’s grip was firm and warm and Chloe felt a little better about working at the restaurant if Camila was going to be working with her.
“Are you working tomorrow?” Chloe asked and Camila nodded.
“The only days I don’t work are Sundays and Mondays,” she replied.
“Okay, well a little heads up for tomorrow, since I don’t work on Wednesdays. There’s a girl named Gabriella and she is absolutely awful. Oh, and she and Mr Shelley are...close if you see what I’m trying to say…”
Chloe didn’t like the fact that she had to tell Camila this but she felt that it was the right thing to do. She didn’t want Camila to go through the same treatment that she had.
“And...stay cautious of Mr Shelley...he’s a creep.”
Camila looked at Chloe and lowered her voice.
“I assume this is coming from experience?”
Chloe nodded and memories of Mr Shelley’s hands on her waist and legs made her shiver.
“I need this job. I’ve looked at other places but I don’t have the experience required and this is the only hellhole that I can work at,” Chloe said bitterly.
Camila nodded and looked at her nails.
“I’ll gouge his eyes out if I need to. Oh, and are you leaving early?”
Chloe nodded.
“This is the one situation when having a boyfriend helps,” Chloe muttered and Camila giggled.
“I’ll try that trick if I ever need to get out early.”
“Good, see you on Thursday, Camila.” Chloe laughed and walked out the staffroom.
Chloe felt her stomach do a little flip when she saw Nathanaël leaning against a table as he read the menu.
He wore the red shirt! she thought.
Chloe felt happiness bubble inside her but she quickly shut it down.
So what if he wore the red shirt? That means nothing! The other part of her mind hissed.
“Chloe? You okay? You have this odd look on your face,” Nathanaël asked as he stopped reading the menu.
Chloe snapped out of her daze and nodded.
“Yeah, I’m okay! It was just a busy day.”
Nathanaël shrugged his shoulders and pushed open the door so that they could walk out.
“So, how was work?” he asked as they began their walk home.
Chloe retold him the events of that day and Nathanaël looked close to murdering Mr Shelley.
“You never told me that he assaulted you!”
Chloe sighed, “I need this job, Nathanaël and I looked at other places but I don’t have the qualifications.”
Nathanaël was silent for a while before he whispered, “If he ever lays another hand on you-”
“-He won’t...I’ve made sure of it.”
Nathanaël, internally, was burning with anger.
That asshole touched Chloe and she still has to work for him. He could understand why she hated him so much now.
“Nathanaël? You’ve been so quiet…” Chloe whispered and gently touched his hand.
“I’m okay...I just need time to absorb all of the information and try not to smash his face in when I see him again,” Nathanaël growled.
Chloe snickered,“Look at you, acting all boyfriend-y.”
At that comment Nathanaël’s ears went pink and that only made Chloe laugh.
“So, how was your day? Hopefully better than mine,” she grinned.
“Well, let’s just say that the red shirt does work wonders,” he replied, grinning back.
“Ha! Who gave you fashion advice? This girl! But anyway, continue.”
The rest of the walk home was Nathanaël talking about the meeting he had with the gallery manager and the commission he had received. Once they got back to the apartment, Chloe noticed that her window was fixed.
“Oh, the repairman came before I left for the meeting. Now, it’s all fixed,” Nathanaël observed as he looked at the window.
Chloe was thankful that she wouldn’t have to wake up cold anymore. She took a deep breath and turned to face Nathanaël. Her hands were sweaty and nervousness clawed at her insides.
Why did asking Nathanaël out for breakfast make her a nervous wreck?
“So...I’m not w-working tomorrow and I was wondering if you wanted to go out for breakfast? Only if you’re not b-busy of course! I-I got paid today and I’d like to repay you for everything you’ve done and I know you’re super busy with your paintings-”
“Chloe, you don’t need to do that.”
“Oh my word Kurtzberg. Can you stop interrupting me and being stubborn for a second?” Chloe scolded and Nathanaël grinned in surprise.
“Does that annoy you Chloe? When I’m stubborn and interrupt you?” Nathanaël teased.
“Yes! Now let me talk! Let me take you out. Just this once, for breakfast at your favourite place to get breakfast.”
Nathanaël thought for a moment before replying.
Chloe hated how her heart hurt and how her stomach deflated in sadness. Why did his rejection hurt so badly? She hated that she had let her guard down and she felt like dying. Refusing to make eye contact with Nathanaël, she lowered her head and whispered, “Fine. See if I care.”
Nathanaël noticed the quick change in mood and was a little surprised at how quickly Chloe’s emotions took over.
“Chloe wait-”
“No, you said no and that’s okay. It’s not like I didn’t want to have a nice breakfast with the one person who’s shown me kindness for the past few days but I see how it is.”
Chloe put her hands on Nathanaël’s shoulders and tried to push him out of her apartment.
“Chloe let me explain-”
“-No, there’s no explanation needed.”
“Chloe stop pushing me-”
“Leave my crappy apartment, Nathanaël!”
“If you stop pushing me-”
“Why are you so damn tall and heavy you beanpole!”
“-Chloe I do want to have breakfast with you!”
Chloe stopped and all she could hear was the sound of her laboured breathing and her heart beginning to beat faster.
“Y-you just said no...”
“I said no because you have other stuff to worry about than treating me to breakfast. You have to pay rent, you need clothes and toiletries and all that. I don’t want you paying for a breakfast that could possibly cost your whole salary.”
Chloe looked at him with annoyance.
“What’s your favourite breakfast place, Kurtzberg?”
Nathanaël sighed.
“It’s Eleventh Street.”
Chloe’s eyes widened and she knew that Nathanaël had caught her.
Eleventh Street was known for it’s mouth-watering food. Chloe had already gone there a few times before she hit rock bottom and she commended Nathanaël’s taste. She could still remember the scent of roasted coffee beans and blueberry pancakes would invade her senses whenever she walked in and their tastefully decorated interior made her feel right at home.
Their strawberry and red velvet crepes were the fluffiest Chloe’s ever eaten and the croque madam was simple yet filling. Their coffees were heavenly and health smoothies were the kick she sometimes needed in the morning but that was all gone now. She hadn’t been there in months and forgot how expensive it was for a whole meal for someone who was just getting paid the bare minimum.
Nevermind two people.
“Dammit,” Chloe muttered and she felt Nathanaël’s arms wrap around her and pull her into an embrace.
“Chloe, I appreciate your gesture, I really do. But I need you to focus on yourself for now, okay? There’s nothing wrong with that,” he murmured softly. Chloe slowly wrapped her arms around him and sighed.
Chloe grumbled and nodded into his chest. “Okay.”
To Chloe’s surprise, Nathanaël didn’t let go of her immediately. The hug lasted for a good minute or two and when he eventually let go of her, she was a little dizzy.
“Oh, and there’s something I’d like to talk to you about. I didn’t get to mention it earlier but maybe over dinner? I’m making Coq au Vin,” he suggested and Chloe’s stomach grumbled with hunger.
“That sounds perfect,” she agreed.
“You can shower at my place. Your pressure is still messed up, right?”
Chloe nodded, “I’ll get my stuff and take a shower while you prepare the food.
Nathanaël walked out the door and Chloe collected her pajamas and toiletries.
She liked how it had almost become a routine. Nathanaël would walk her home then invite her back to his apartment and they would have dinner together and maybe she would spend the night there. Her apartment was a little more liveable now that the window closed and she didn’t have to wake up with the cold on her face but...Nathanaël’s apartment seemed to have character and she felt more at home in his apartment than she did in hers.
Once she had everything packed she locked her apartment and walked to Nathanaël’s and opened the door. Chloe wanted to scream. Did Nathanaël Kurtzberg have any idea how attractive he looked?
His black blazer was cast aside on the couch and the sleeves to his red shirt had been rolled up to his elbows. Nathanaël’s hair was messy but she found it cute and she hated how good he looked. He was already cooking the bacon and getting ready to add in the chicken to the pot.
Chloe closed the door and she made her way to the bathroom. After a warm, relaxing shower she emerged from the steamy bathroom, smelling like the ocean and feeling like a new person. The food was simmering and the whole apartment smelled glorious. Chloe fell onto the couch and picked up one of the art magazines that was lying on the coffee table. She flipped through it while Nathanaël was still busy with browning the mushrooms and quickly began reading what other critics had to say about various pieces of artwork.
“Okay, food should be ready in the next fifteen minutes. I just need to make some phone calls to the gallery manager and by the time I’m done it should be ready,” Nathanaël informed as he closed the pot to let the food simmer.
Chloe hummed in response and he turned to look at the blonde. She had a small stack of art and design magazines on the coffee table and was reading them one by one. She was laying down on the couch with her head resting on the arm of the couch. He smiled a small smile and phoned the manager.
Once he was done walked back to the kitchen and stirred the food one more time before looking over his shoulder and saying, “Chloe, dinner’s ready.”
Chloe looked up and set down the magazines. She walked over to the table and Nathanaël dished out the food. He set down the plate of steaming stew and Chloe breathed in the smell.
“It’s smells amazing,” she said as she popped a carrot in her mouth. “And it tastes even better!”
Nathanaël grinned. “ I’m glad you like it.”
After a that, the room was filled with knives and forks scraping the plates surface and the sound of chewing. Once they were done Nathanaël poured some red wine into two glasses while Chloe packed the dishwasher with their dirty dishes.
“Wine?” Nathanaël asked as he offered her a glass and Chloe’s eyes widened.
When was the last time she had wine?
Hell, nevermind that...when was the last time she had alcohol?
Chloe was no stranger to alcohol and enjoyed the buzz she got from it but after a night of clubbing and waking up the next morning with almost no memory of the night before, in a stranger's’ bathroom, she had sworn off hard drinking. She still adored wine and cocktails but had them in moderation.
“Yes ,please,” she said quickly and Nathanaël raised an eyebrow. He wondered why her reaction was so odd but decided not to pry especially since he needed to ask her about the gallery viewing. He handed her the glass of dark red liquid and they took a seat on the couch.
“So, what was so important that you needed to invite me to dinner, Kurtzberg? I read that some murderers like to wine and dine their victims before killing them,” Chloe teased.
Nathanaël rolled his eyes and took a sip of his wine. “That’s the second time you’ve mentioned murder. First it was at the gallery and now. You seem to have some twisted thought that I’m going to kill you.”
Chloe looked shocked. “No! I-I’ve just read a lot of murder mystery books, okay? When I felt sad, I read those because it sort of made me feel better?”
Nathanaël stared at Chloe.
“You read murder mysteries to make you feel better? Chloe...you are a weirdo.”
Nathanaël felt the pillow hit the side of his face and he retaliated by grabbing it and throwing it across the room. He hand a hand through his hair and looked at the annoyed blonde sitting opposite him.
“You have your art and I have my murder mysteries!” Chloe exclaimed and folded her arms across her chest.
“Okay, I’m sorry. But the reason I wanted to talk to you was about my gallery. I’d like you to be there.”
Chloe felt her heart stop.
“I want you to be there Chloe. I know how much you like art now and I’d like you to see my new work. But...there’s a little more I need to tell you besides that. I had coffee with Adrien, Marinette, Ayla and Nino today.”
Hearing the names of the people who she had humiliated and who saw her covered in fries and tomato sauce made Chloe want to be sick. She swallowed uneasily.
“They spoke about you and I had to tell them how much you changed. They want to see you again, Chloe. Which is why I’m asking you if you’d like to come to the gallery viewing because they’ll be there. They mean no harm...they want to give you a second chance.”
Chloe was a tornado of emotions.
She felt anger, shame, sadness and a slight bit of relief.
She didn’t want their pity but she understood why they would feel sorry for her. She hated that they had seen her so weak and vulnerable. She was relieved that they wanted to give her a second chance but hell...there were four of them and one of her.
“You don’t have to answer right away. The gallery viewing is in two weeks so you have time to think about it okay?” Nathanaël said reassuringly. “I don’t want to pressure you into doing something you’re not comfortable with.”
Chloe nodded and sipped her wine and the taste of berries was left on her tongue. “Okay...thanks Nathanaël. I’ll think about it.”
The rest of the time was talk about his latest paintings and preparation for the gallery viewing. Nathanaël forgot that he was still in his work clothes and he got up and stretched. The two empty wine glasses glittered on the table and he made a note in his head to try painting glasses the next day.
“I need to shower. Feel free to stay but it’s getting late and I’m sure you need some sleep. You had a crazy day.”
She hadn’t realized how tired she was until her head hit her knee because she had dozed off.
“Yes...sleep is a good idea.”
Nathanaël chuckled at the sleepy Chloe. “How about I walk you to your apartment after my shower?”
Chloe mumbled something along the lines of, “Sure.” and Nathanaël went to shower.
By the time he had finished showering and was drying his hair with a towel, he found that Chloe was asleep on his couch. He honestly should’ve known that she would’ve been sleepy after drinking the wine and having a hard day at work. Nathanaël thought of taking Chloe to her apartment but he decided against it since he didn’t want to wake her up or bump her head into any walls. After much thought he decided to carry her to his bedroom and tuck her under the covers. She wasn’t too heavy and he found it easy to slide her under the covers.
“You’ve been working so hard, Chloe...it’s admirable that you want to be independant but I’ll help you until you find a better job,” he whispered, tucking a stray hair behind her ear. “I do hope you say yes...about the gallery thing. I’d love for you to be there and make amends with my friends.”
Nathanaël was quiet as he gently brushed Chloe’s cheek with his thumb and planted a soft kiss on Chloe’s cheek.
“Goodnight Chloe. Sweet dreams.”
Nathanaël switched off the light and got into bed and fell asleep. He had no idea that Chloe was still awake and that she had heard everything. He had no idea that she was internally dying because he had kissed her on the cheek.
“I hate you, Kurtzberg,” she mumbled before falling into a deep sleep.
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Look cool, isn’t.
He’s a tol shy bean.
Probably tried to compliment you when he tried to ask you, but it came out a jumbled mess, but luckily you could decypher mess and told him thank you and to pick you up at seven.
He was shocked you understood him, and that he had to pick you up at seven and he had nothing planned and he was freaking out mentally as you walked away.
Luckily he had his wingmen to help him out, but unluckily those wingmen can’t cook and instead just buy McDonalds and put it in a picnic basket because it taste fancy out of a picnic basket.
He wasn’t even planning on a picnic, but now he is because he has nothing else planned and they just gave him a picnic basket and blankets.
It gets to be like six thirty and he’s planning to leave, but realizes he didn’t ask for your address and he thinks it’s ruined, but you’re one step ahead and send one of his wingmen the place to pick you up and then they send him your address.
One of his wingmen friends probably told you what he was planning before hand, so you knew what he was trying to ask you, and you weren’t mad about it because you did find him really cute.
When the picnic goes well, and the dates after go well, he thinks he’s some sort of casanova because he got such a beautiful person like you.
He probably called his mom before and after each date to get advice, and probably still calls her.
After four or five dates, he’d finally ask you to be his girlfriend, which you said yes, like of course you did.
You’ve been dating like 2 weeks but people comment that you act like you’ve been married ten years, you’re just so comfortable around each other.
Claims he is not a big fan of skinship, but he actually is a huge fan of skinship.
Rarely starts it though, he’ll pout until you start it and then he’s like “Well if you wanna cuddle so badly I guess there isn’t anything I can do about that except cuddle you.”
And you’re just like yeah, but you know damn well what he’s doing, but it doesn’t bother you.
He’d want to call you a nickname, but is too shy too, until later on in the relationship when he starts calling you stuff like kitten, baby girl, and his personal favorite princess.
He constantly has his lips on your skin, your lips, just somewhere when you are alone.
In public to start with he’ll nope out and will just hold your hand, after you tell him to hold your hand.
But in private, it’s another story, the kisses never stop. If his lips aren’t on your lips, they are on your shoulders or neck.
A simple peck goes from sweet to steamy in .2 seconds, like this damn boy needs to chill, and before you know it his hands are under your shirt and he’s covering your neck in hickeys.
Covers your shoulders and neck in hickeys without a second thought, but he’ll always help you cover them, either with his scarf or your makeup.
He smugly smirks when helping you cover them, and constantly whispers in your ear telling you he could give you them to you in places that you don’t have to cover them up, since they are places only he gets to see.
He goes from blushing to pinning you against the wall kissing you in .5 seconds flat, like he goes from 1 to 100 real quick.
He’s very affectionate, like really really really almost too affectionate honestly.
Claims he likes hugs and cuddles more than kisses, but also claims they go hand in hand and he can’t live without both.
When you two are watching a movie or tv, he isn’t even watching it, he’s just snuggling into your neck the whole time.
Constantly giving you backhugs for no reason, probably creeping up behind you and hugging you and scaring you.
Has his hand on your thigh constantly, even in public.
Constantly has to be touching you, or he swears he’s minutes from death.
Probably teases you because he’s a cheeky little shit, and then acts like nothing happened.
Would do shit like grabbing your ass when you were at home, and then deny it, but you’re like I know you did it, and he just smirks.
Constantly smirks and does stuff like that.
If you are older than him, don’t expect him to call you noona, he ain’t gonna ever. But if you are younger than him, he probably wouldn’t be like demanding you to call him oppa, but if you do call him that one day make sure he’s not eating or drinking anything since he’s gonna choke and start coughing, then ask you to call him that more often.
If he was your first kiss, he’ll act like a cocky little shit, until his friends let it drop you were his first kiss too and then he’s reverted back to blushy and shy.
Will dance for you, but gets very blushy when you compliment him, but on the inside he’s like ‘compliments disgusting, give me more’.
He’d ruffle your hair, and if you started pouting he’d just laugh and ruffle it more.
All about couple outfits, but like subtle ones, he ain’t going all out in head to toe matching outfits, but coordinated outfits yes.
Probably says your fashion sense isn’t as good as his, so he’ll pick out outfits for you to wear, but really he just wanted to match your coat to the coat he was gonna wear the next day.
He won’t mind letting you borrow his jacket or sweater, but he specifically won’t let you borrow his button up shirts because he has no chill and he knows it won’t stay on long if you are wearing it and he would have to explain why all the buttons are ripped off.
Loves seeing you wear his big sweaters since you look so cute with your sweater paws, and to him you look like a damn angel.
He’d wear suits when you go out and all you can think about when he’s wearing them is the amount of disrespect you are receiving right now.
He wouldn’t even plan them dates ahead of time with you, he’d text you at like 5pm and be like we’re leaving at 7pm get ready, but then he gets there are 6pm and you aren’t even half-way ready.
He would take you shopping, and probably just ask you to try on lingerie or try to get your size and say he’ll buy some himself.
He might be a cocky little shit, but under all of it, he’s a gentleman, and he’d never do anything that would hurt you or put you in a really bad position.
Hella cheesy, you’ve been dating months and he’s still using those pick up lines he had thought to use as a way to ask you out on you.
A good 90% of them are dirty and make you blush and hide your face, but he loves watching you react like that.
If you go out to eat, he steals food off your plate, and then is like babe you probably ate that I didn’t steal it, but you know he did.
Fights wouldn’t happen often, and if they did it would be over something petty like him eating your last cookie or you cheating at Mario Kart.
They would resolve themselves, but when they didn’t and he got really mad, he’d probably leave and stay away for a few days wanting to clear his mind so he doesn’t say anything he’ll regret.
Yet, if you were mad at him and ignoring him, he’d just find you angry hella cute.
He’d squish your cheeks while laughing and get really pouty about you ignoring him.
Stares at you constantly, while probably saying something about wanting to take you to the museum but signs say not to touch the masterpieces yet someone has to nail the works of art to the walls.
Lowkey has a folder of random candid photos he took of you at random times, like he could be a paparazzi with his skills.
Loves sleeping with you in his arms, like arms tightly wrapped around your waist and you laying on his chest.
Probably begs you to watch him do something, like b-boying, but fails and hurt himself and you’re just like you idiot.
He’d beg you to take care of him when he’s sick or injured, and you will until he suggest for you to wear a naughty little nurse’s costume and then you’re like nope you can handle yourself.
If he was really sick, he’d claim his only cure is your cuddles, cuddles which he won’t get because you don’t wanna get sick also, since if you’re sick who is gonna take care of his sick ass.
Won’t help you clean or do any chores, he’ll just cling to you trying to talk you into coming to the sofa and cuddling with him.
Probably also watches as you do chores, randomly stealing kisses from you which probably turn into a full blown makeout session in the kitchen when you are trying to clean the counter.
He’ll purposely put things on the top shelf so you have to ask him for help.
He’d be full of cheesy and horribly pick up lines, but he’s also sweet and loving, and you love everything about him.
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Shipmas Drabble || ℳ𝓪𝓻𝓼𝓱𝓶𝓪𝓵𝓵𝓸𝔀𝓼 ♡
Prompt: Marshmallows (Shipmas Challenge) Ship: Keeping Each Other’s Secrets (Jared x Christy) Accompanying Art
If there was any specific series of dates in which there were far, far too many sweets involved, it was the holidays. They’d somehow survived Halloween this year, without anyone ending up dead or in (too bad) of a sugar-coma. Thanksgiving had been chaotic, but most had been too exhausted - likely from trying to keep Vincent and Benjamin from running themselves ragged over dinner preparations - to eat too many of the various cookies and pies that had been made as desserts. So far, so good.
But now, as December came into swing and - despite it still being weeks away from any actual holiday - it seemed there was no escaping the ‘trap’ that was sugar infused everything. Chocolates and cocoa and candy-canes and—it was fucking everywhere at this point, and it was only a few days into the month, so it would only be getting ‘worse’ as time went on. Sure, there were ‘sugar free’ renditions of most of it, but those were awful 80% of the time; either they tasted so artificial that nobody with a taste-buds could stomach it, weren’t actually sweet at all, or left this disgusting chalk-like film in your mouth for hours after eating it.
                                                      It was bullshit. It was just bullshit.
Sprawled out on the sofa at his apartment, Jared flashed a smile at his partner as they walked back into the room - freshly made hot chocolate—
         ‘ I̢t͏’s c̵all̛èd ̛hǫt co̧c͜oa, s̷il͝l͡ý. ’
                                       ‘ Dude, fuck off. ’
—hot cocoa (apparently) in hand, those over-sized marshmallows cut into quarters to fit on top of the sugary liquid. Because, you know, that shit wasn’t already sweet enough to choke a horse without the extra fluffy sugar chunks added to it. Eh, whatever - the grin that had curled onto Christy’s lips made it.. less than worth bringing up. 
Sitting up to let them collapse at his side, Jared swung an arm around their shoulders, flashing one of those vibrant grins as he snatched their mug away, stealing a brief sip of the overly sugared drink before giving it back. He really didn’t have any place drinking that shit, but hey, a sip or two wasn’t going to kill him, right? 
A soft giggle passed the blonde’s lips as they leaned against their boyfriend, nuzzling his shoulder before taking a happy sip from the hot beverage as well. After all, stealing a drink or two wasn’t going to hurt Jared any, so why nag about it?
Nuzzling their hair in response, the YouTuber let out content chuckle, and for a few moments, everything was just... calm.
But, impulsiveness is as impulsiveness does, so it wasn’t long before he was reaching over to snag one of the marshmallow chunks out of their drink, popping it into his mouth without a second thought. At first, his partner didn’t comment on it, but three pieces of marshmallow later, they were gently smacking an absent hand away from their drink, eyes narrowing scoldingly.
          “Jared! You’re gonna make yourself sick!”
Blue eyes blinked slowly, and then an awkward chuckle rumbled in his throat, head shaking briefly. They... had a point. Too much sugar could very easily be the death of him - how he’d forgotten that when it had been on his mind less than an hour ago, who knew, but it shouldn’t have come as a surprise to anyone. Jared had always been a touch.. forgetful, when it came to such things.
                                                    “Shit... sorry, babe.”
One of those adorable pouts promptly formed on Christy’s face, a careful hand reaching out to ‘boop’ him softly on the nose. 
     “No more marshmallows. You’ll wreck your sugar doin’ that.”
Sighing, the green haired diabetic nodded, head flopping to rest against hers once more, words coming out in a pouty grumble.
                                        “Damned marshmallows...”
And about then, a manic giggle rang sweetly in his head, static lined teasing echoing throughout his thoughts. 
       " I̢t’s̨ no͘t͝ ͟t͢h̡e ̨ma̢rs͞hma͡l̢low͞s͢ ̡fa̴u̕lt, ̀r͢em̴e͏mber ̴Ja͞red́? ”
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