rvs-fanart · 6 years
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K. Since reblogging has become such a mission, and I’ve got a headache, I’m just gonna post this and leave.
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😂😂 @la-femme-lupita how can you even be so hacked about this.
Whether or not long distance relationships exist irl was never the point. A long distance relationship plot? For MCL? In this economy? You gotta be joking cos shits hilarious. A whoolleeee ass long distance relationship to soothe your butt-hurt. The point of that for an otome escapes me personally. Just cut your losses and stop playing.
Orrr you’re just gonna have to get over yourself and deepthroat. 🍆
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rvs-fanart · 6 years
The secret is...
He doesn’t humanely exist. He is :
1. MC’s imaginary friend/illusion and everyone fake to see him so she don’t feel different.
2. An android she created when she was young and it became sentient ( UDNDUNDUN -terminator music- ).
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So me being me, the first thing I notice is his date of birth. April 31st? 🤔
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rvs-fanart · 6 years
Writing Prompt Masterlist
Pick Your Poison
The AU’s - (for reference)
Headcanon AU Meme
Choose Your Own AU
Some More AU’s For You
And Some More
Bed Share AU’s
Even More
Holy Fuck That’s a Whole Lotta AU’s
Romance Tropes / AU’s
Soulmate AU’s
Soulmate AU’s (Part Deux)
Soulmate AU’s (Part Tres)
Soulmate AU’s (Part Quatre)
Coffee Shop AU’s
College AU’s
Christmas AU’s
Various AU’s
Send Me A … 
Character Description Meme
Drabble Prompts
Fake Fic Title Prompts
I Wish You Would Write A Fic Where …
Three Sentence AU Fic Prompts
Five Sentence Fic Prompts
Six Sentence Fic Prompts
Send Me A Ship Meme
Send Me A Ship & I’ll Tell You Meme
Send Me A Ship Domestic Meme
Send Me A Song Meme
The Prompts
2-6 Word Prompts
4 Word Prompts
5 Word Prompts
8-bit Fiction Prompts
8-bit Fiction Prompts (Part Two)
10 Ways to Say ‘I Love You’ Prompts
30 Day OTP Challenge Prompts
30 Day OTP Challenge Prompts (Star Wars edition)
31 Days of Ficmas Prompts
50 Dialogue Prompts
100 Ways to Say I Love You
101 Writing Prompts
137 Winter Writing Prompts
200 Prompts
300 Words or Less Prompts
A Softer World Prompts
Awritingpromptaday Prompts
Abstract Prompts
Acts of Intimacy Prompts
Affection Suggestion Prompts 
Angst / Fluff Prompts
Angst / Fluff Prompts (Part 2)
Angst / Fluff Prompts (Part 3)
Angst / Fluff Prompts (Part 4)
Angst / Fluff Prompts (Part 5)
Angst / Fluff Prompts (The MVP’s)
Angsty Prompts
Angsty / Suggestive Prompts
Angsty Relationship Prompts
Angsty Romantic Cliche Prompts
Angsty-ish Prompts
Angsty-ish Prompts (Part Two)
Bitter Soulmate Prompts
Breakup Prompts
Christmas / Holiday Prompts
Christmas / New Year’s Prompts
Christmas / Winter Prompts
Cuddling Prompts
Cute Domestic Prompts
Cute Shippy Prompts
Cute Valentine’s Day Prompts
Dialogue Prompts
Different Ways to Say I Love You Prompts
Disgustingly Cute Domestic Prompts
Domesticity Prompts
Drabble Challenge Prompts
Drabble / Ficlet Prompts
Drama Prompts
Even More Kissing Prompts
Fake Dating / Married Prompts
Fall / Autumn Prompts
Festive Prompts
Fic Meme Prompts
Fic Title Prompts 
Ficlet Prompts
Flirty / Suggestive / NSFW Prompts
Fluff Prompts
Fluffy / Blushy Prompts
Friendship to Romance Prompts
Fun Sex Trope Prompts
Height Difference Prompts
Hugs & Kisses Prompts
Hurt Prompts
Intimacy Prompts
Kissing Prompts
Kissing Prompts (Rebelcaptain Edition)
Kisses, What Else Prompts
Kissy Prompts
Lots o’ Prompts
Mini Fic Prompts
More Drabble Prompts
More Kissing Prompts 
Nearly 200 Random Prompts
Never Enough Kissing Prompts
Non-Romantic Fluff Prompts (let’s be honest, tho, it’s me, it’s gonna be romantic)
Nonsexual Acts of Intimacy Prompts
NSFW Prompts
One Shot / Drabble Prompts
One Word Headcanon Prompts
One Word Prompts
OTP Question Prompts
Pick a Fight Prompts
Pick a Letter Prompts
Pick Your Own Prompts
Plots For All (by tag)
Post Breakup Prompts
Pre-Relationship Prompts 
Promptsgalore Prompts
Protective Prompts
Protector / Protectee Prompts
Random Sentence Prompts
Right to the Good Parts Prompts
Romantic / Fluffy Prompts
Sarcasm Prompts
Secretly We All Love Angst Prompts
Sentence Starter Prompts
Seriously, All the Kisses Prompts
Sex Tropes Prompts
Sharing a Bed Prompts
Smut Prompts
Smut Prompts (Rebelcaptain Edition)
Smutty Prompts
Some Random Prompts
The Way You Said ‘I Love You’ Prompts
Unblockingwritersblock Prompts
Unique Words Prompts
Unrequited Love Prompts
Wholesome Domestic Prompts
Why We Failed at Love Prompts
Winter / Holiday Prompts
Winter / Holiday Part Deux Prompts
Word Prompts
Writing Prompts For Days Prompts
X Me Prompts 
And just because we can never have enough prompts … 
Blogs for Prompting
Humongous Masterlist of Prompts & Prompt Blogs
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rvs-fanart · 6 years
This is so fucking important.
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hi hello CATS!!!! CANNOT!!!! BE VEGAN!!!!!
i cannot believe i have to fucking say this.
dogs are omnivore and IF YOUR VET APPROVES your pooch MAY be able to go on an APPROVED(!!!!!) commercial vegan dog food like the brand “v-dog” which has all the essential vitamins, protein, etc. (the oldest record winning dogs have been vegan)
cats are CARNIVORE and cannot fucking live on a vegan diet. a vet would laugh in your face and probably find some way to have your pet taken away from you because you’re obviously not fit to have an animal if you think you can feed a cat a diet based on your own ethics
i’m vegan but this is so fucking harmful.
it’s about minimizing your harm, not putting your animals on risky diets in an attempt to be perfect.
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rvs-fanart · 6 years
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rvs-fanart · 6 years
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Slice of life ; my IRL husband ALWAYS say that (what rlse is new) each time we arrive saying some wicked shits xD.
I feel so happy because of it somehow LOL.
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rvs-fanart · 6 years
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I'd recognize that Atlas line anywhere xD
( Atlas route, when they get out of the Union building and interrupt Jaxon story, Atlas say that line )
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rvs-fanart · 6 years
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rvs-fanart · 6 years
Slap me some Tyrian in the face.
Omg, I just realized we are FRIDAY. And because I am in California instead of Montreal, I get the new updates 3 hours BEFORE the time i’m used to normally >:)
Good read at 7-8AM instead of 10-11AM.
I love timezones difference XD
I know it’s technically “at the same time still” but on a living basis it is different
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rvs-fanart · 6 years
Made a new Tumblr for art of things that aren’t Lovestruck :3. Feel free to follow there too to discover Original Characters and other stuff :D >> https://rvs-art.tumblr.com/
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rvs-fanart · 6 years
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rvs-fanart · 6 years
At least now we know Tyrian route won't be an arc from Atlas's.
Personal opinion ; I utterly dislike the end of At's season. It was all good until the 2 last panels. And I am so sad to say I'm not in a hurry for S5 because heck we all know MC will flip a coin of immaturity like Orion's route with Rhea.
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rvs-fanart · 6 years
Honestly that cliffhanger dont even give me the hurry for S5.
Mostly because jealousy plots are soooo fcking boring and redundant lol
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rvs-fanart · 6 years
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rvs-fanart · 6 years
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So Atlas is legit turned on sooo hard when MC shoot people, especially Petros. XD good
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rvs-fanart · 6 years
Are fedoras really that bad?
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rvs-fanart · 6 years
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Finally getting our sexy Atlas CG ♡
Thought the chest muscles/abs shapes+shading already scares me sadly :/
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