On January 20, 2004 Baadasssss! was screened at the Sundance Film Festival.
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tygerland · 5 months
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Sweet Sweetback's Baadasssss Song (1971)
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roseillith · 12 days
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lisamarie-vee · 3 months
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cinemaquiles · 2 years
Blaxploitation em cinco filmes essenciais para conhecer esse movimento cinematográfico
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hitchell-mope · 5 days
I’m curious about something.
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onscreen-heartthrobs · 3 months
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Melvin Van Peebles in “Sweet Sweetback's Baadasssss Song” March 31, 1971.
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gotankgo · 8 months
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Sweet Sweetback's Baadasssss Song
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ncutisgatwas · 2 months
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The Simpsons 5.19 | Sweet Seymour Skinner's Baadasssss Song
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schlock-luster-video · 10 months
On November 17, 1980, Sweet Sweetback’s Baadasssss Song was screened at the London Film Festival.
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Here's a new portrait of Melvin Van Peebles!
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roseillith · 1 month
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vampirecorleone · 2 years
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"The title of the films refers to the X rating used by the MPAA from 1968 to 1990, which indicated that a film was only suitable for an audience aged 16 or older. The idea behind the rating was that, unlike the other certificates, X would not be trademarked, and would allow filmmakers to release their film in theaters without needing to submit it to the MPAA for an age certificate. Notable films that were originally released with an X rating include A Clockwork Orange (1971), Fritz the Cat (1972), Last Tango in Paris (1972), Midnight Cowboy (1969), and Sweet Sweetback's Baadasssss Song (1971). In the '70s, the porn industry would end up exploiting the X rating's lack of a trademark by releasing pornos in theaters with that same rating. Eventually, X became more associated with porn, and more and more theaters started refusing to show films with an X rating, forcing non-pornographic films to be censored to receive an R rating. In 1990, the MPAA discontinued the X rating and replaced it with NC-17. Unlike X, NC-17 was trademarked and could not be self-applied, but it still meant that most theaters would not show films with the rating, resulting in censorship, once again."
X (2022) dir. Ti West
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psychics4unet · 2 months
20 Simpsons Psychic Predictions That Came True 🚀
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Hey there, fellow Simpsons fans! 🎉 If you’ve been following The Simpsons, you know that this iconic show isn’t just about laughs and donuts (though we love those too). It’s also about some eerily accurate predictions that have left us all scratching our heads. 🤔 How did this cartoon get so many things right about the future? Grab a seat, grab a donut 🍩, and let’s dive into some of the wildest psychic predictions from The Simpsons that actually came true! 🚀
🌟🔮✨ Curious about what the future holds for you? Just like The Simpsons predicted some mind-blowing events, you too can uncover what’s in store for your life. Click the link below for your own personal psychic reading and get insights that might just amaze you:
1. Donald Trump’s Presidency 🇺🇸
Season 11, Episode 17 (“Bart to the Future”)
In this episode from the year 2000, Lisa becomes the president and mentions that they inherited quite a budget crunch from President Trump. Fast forward to 2016, and Donald Trump becomes the 45th president of the United States. What the what?! ���
2. Smartwatches ⌚
Season 6, Episode 19 (“Lisa’s Wedding”)
During a future vision of Lisa’s wedding, her fiancé uses a watch to make a phone call. This was in 1995, way before smartwatches became a thing in the 2010s. Talk about being ahead of the curve! 📱
3. Disney Buys 20th Century Fox 🏰🦊
Season 10, Episode 5 (“When You Dish Upon a Star”)
In 1998, there’s a scene showing the 20th Century Fox sign with a subtitle “A Division of Walt Disney Co.” In 2019, Disney actually bought 21st Century Fox. Coincidence? I think not! 🎬
4. Video Chatting 💻
Season 6, Episode 19 (“Lisa’s Wedding”)
Again in Lisa’s Wedding, we see video calls being made. This was years before Skype, FaceTime, or Zoom became part of our daily lives. The Simpsons were definitely on to something here! 🖥️
5. The Shard in London 🏙️
Season 6, Episode 19 (“Lisa’s Wedding”)
In the same episode (wow, it’s like a crystal ball!), we see a skyline that includes a skyscraper eerily similar to The Shard, which wasn’t built until 2012. 👀
6. Lady Gaga’s Super Bowl Performance 🎤
Season 23, Episode 22 (“Lisa Goes Gaga”)
In 2012, The Simpsons showed Lady Gaga performing at a concert, suspended in the air. Fast forward to 2017, and Gaga did exactly that at the Super Bowl halftime show. Fly, Gaga, fly! 🎇
7. Nobel Prize Winner 🏅
Season 22, Episode 1 (“Elementary School Musical”)
Milhouse predicted that Bengt Holmström would win the Nobel Prize in Economics. And guess what? Holmström did win it in 2016. Way to go, Milhouse! 📊
8. Ebola Outbreak 🌍
Season 9, Episode 3 (“Lisa’s Sax”)
In this 1997 episode, Marge suggests that Bart read a book titled “Curious George and the Ebola Virus.” Years later, in 2014, there was a significant Ebola outbreak. Chills! 😬
9. Siegfried and Roy Tiger Attack 🐅
Season 5, Episode 10 (“$pringfield (Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Legalized Gambling)”)
The show depicted a white tiger attacking entertainers similar to Siegfried and Roy. Tragically, in 2003, Roy was indeed attacked by one of their white tigers during a performance. 😥
10. U.S. Wins Olympic Gold in Curling 🥌
Season 21, Episode 12 (“Boy Meets Curl”)
Homer and Marge compete in curling and win a gold medal. In real life, the U.S. men’s team won the gold medal in curling at the 2018 Winter Olympics. Sweep that, skeptics! 🥇
But wait, there’s more! Let’s keep this prediction train rolling with some honorable mentions that didn’t make the top 10 but are still pretty mind-blowing. 🚂💨
11. Horse Meat Scandal 🐴
Season 5, Episode 19 (“Sweet Seymour Skinner’s Baadasssss Song”)
Lunchlady Doris used “assorted horse parts” in the cafeteria food. In 2013, a scandal erupted in Europe when horse meat was found in various beef products.
12. FIFA Corruption Scandal ⚽
Season 25, Episode 16 (“You Don’t Have to Live Like a Referee”)
The episode features a storyline involving corruption in the World Football Federation. In 2015, several FIFA officials were arrested amid a corruption investigation.
13. Farmville 🚜
Season 9, Episode 12 (“Bart Carny”)
In this 1998 episode, kids are seen excitedly playing a yard work simulator game. Fast forward to the 2000s, and Farmville became a massive hit on Facebook.
14. Faulty Voting Machines 🗳️
Season 20, Episode 4 (“Treehouse of Horror XIX”)
Homer tries to vote for Obama in the 2008 election, but the machine keeps changing his vote to McCain. In 2012, there were real reports of voting machines changing votes.
15. Beats by Dre 🎧
Season 8, Episode 14 (“The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie Show”)
In a scene from 1997, we see a character wearing what looks like modern-day Beats by Dre headphones, years before they existed.
16. Mutant Tomatoes 🍅
Season 11, Episode 5 (“E-I-E-I-(Annoyed Grunt)”)
Homer grows mutant tomatoes after using nuclear power on his crops. In real life, scientists created genetically modified tomatoes that glow in the dark.
17. NSA Surveillance 🕵️
The Simpsons Movie (2007)
The movie depicted the NSA spying on citizens. In 2013, Edward Snowden revealed that the NSA was indeed conducting mass surveillance on American citizens.
18. Shard Building in London 🏙️
Season 6, Episode 19 (“Lisa’s Wedding”)
We see a tall building in the London skyline that resembles The Shard, which was completed in 2012.
19. Michelangelo’s David Censorship 🗿
Season 2, Episode 9 (“Itchy & Scratchy & Marge”)
The episode shows Springfieldians protesting against Michelangelo’s David being exhibited. In 2016, Russian campaigners did try to cover the statue.
20. Autocorrect Fail 📱
Season 6, Episode 8 (“Lisa on Ice”)
Dolph writes a memo that says “Beat up Martin” which gets autocorrected to “Eat up Martha.” Apple’s iPhone autocorrect has had many such hilarious fails.
It’s wild, right? How does a cartoon get so many things right? Well, it’s probably a mix of clever writing, sharp observation, and maybe a bit of that Springfield magic. ✨
And it's not just us hardcore fans who are intrigued. Thanks to the internet, more and more people are discovering the spooky accuracy of The Simpsons' predictions. Social media platforms are buzzing with theories and speculations. Reddit threads are filled with fans dissecting episodes, and YouTube is packed with videos analyzing every prediction. It's like a virtual treasure hunt where every frame might hold a secret clue to our future! 🔮
Some folks even believe that the writers have a time machine or some sort of psychic ability. While that’s probably a stretch, it’s fun to think about! One thing’s for sure – The Simpsons will keep surprising us with their uncanny knack for predicting the future.
Whether you’re a longtime fan or just curious about the show’s “psychic” tendencies, it’s clear that The Simpsons is more than just a TV show. It’s a pop culture phenomenon that continues to influence and amuse us, while also making us think twice about what might come next. So, next time you’re watching, pay close attention – you might just be getting a sneak peek into the future! 🕵️‍♂️✨
Stay curious, my friends! And remember, the truth is out there… or maybe just in the next episode of The Simpsons. 🌟🚀
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citizenscreen · 19 hours
At a special screening of BAADASSSSS! in New York, Ossie Davis, Gordon Parks, Melvin Van Peebles, and writer, producer, director, star Mario Van Peebles.
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cartermagazine · 1 year
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The Legendary Melvin Van Peebles
Filmmaker, writer, and composer, Melvin Van Peebles feature film debut, The Story of a Three-Day Pass (1967), was based on his own French-language novel La Permission and was shot in France, as it was difficult for a black American director to get work at the time. The film won an award at the San Francisco International Film Festival which gained him the interest of Hollywood studios, leading to his American feature debut Watermelon Man, in 1970.
Eschewing further overtures from Hollywood, he used the successes he had so far to bankroll his work as an independent filmmaker.
In 1971, he released his best-known work, creating and starring in the film Sweet Sweetback’s Baadasssss Song. He followed this up with the musical, Don’t Play Us Cheap, based on his own stage play, and continued to make films, write novels and stage plays in English and in French through the next several decades; his final films include the French-language film Le Conte du ventre plein (2000) and the absurdist film Confessionsofa Ex-Doofus-ItchyFooted Mutha (2008).
His son, filmmaker and actor Mario Van Peebles, appeared in several of his works and portrayed him in the 2003 biographical film Baadasssss!.
CARTER™️ Magazine carter-mag.com #wherehistoryandhiphopmeet #historyandhiphop365 #cartermagazine #carter #melvinvanpeebles #blackhistorymonth #blackhistory #history #rip #sip #staywoke
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onscreen-heartthrobs · 3 months
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Melvin Van Peebles in “Sweet Sweetback's Baadasssss Song” March 31, 1971.
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