#b.) addicted to pills
sage-nebula · 1 year
The nasty fucking skank that's been sexually harassing my dad ever since my mom died had the audacity to get on the phone with me tonight, so. If nothing else, she has now been told in no uncertain terms that she's a massive skank who needs to take "no" for an answer.
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ilyrafe · 6 days
𝒇𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒖𝒕𝒆𝒔 ✧ 𝒓. 𝒄.
pairing: ex!rafe cameron x ex!f!reader
warnings: angst, pregnancy scare
word count: 1.6k
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“i need to talk to you, it’s urgent. can i come over?”
the text catches rafe by surprise as he hasn’t spoken to you in three weeks. since the breakup, to be specific.
despite not being your boyfriend anymore, rafe still cares for you a great deal, and you rarely text him stuff like this, so it must be serious.
“of course.”
he puts his phone down and begins to wonder what must have happened for you to break your own idea of going no contact.
this has been killing him, not being able to talk to you. he misses you more than he anticipated and it sucks. it’s horrible not having you around, and the saddest bit is that he has no one else to blame but himself.
him and his ways.
half an hour later, he hears a knock on the door and before he can stand up from the chair, you come in. you seem anxious. terrified, even.
“hey, what’s so urgent?”
“i’m late.” you say, but rafe frowns, not quite understanding what you mean. “i’m late, rafe.”
“my period, rafe. i’m late.”
oh, no.
“h-how late are you? i thought you took the pill!”
“i did, but i am a week late. so, i wanna know what we’re gonna do about it.”
rafe needs to breathe, it seems that all the air has left the room. he takes a step back and rubs his face with both hands, trying to be rational.
you’re probably pregnant with his child. this is not how he imagined this was going to happen. it turns out, rafe is quite traditional.
“what do you want to do?”
you seem a bit surprised with his question.
“i… i don’t know, rafe. we’re too young.”
“i’m good with whatever you decide. if you want to keep it, i won’t, uh, i won’t be absent. i’ll provide for you both, i’ll do everything i have to. and if you don’t want to keep it, i’ll pay for it.”
this isn’t going how you were expecting, if you’re being honest. you expected a fight, you expected rafe to claim it wasn’t his child, but… he’s being mature about it, which is new.
truthfully, you don’t know what you want. sure, you’d like children, but not now. not when you’re nineteen and don’t have a clue about what you’re doing in life. not when you don’t have a partner, a job, a house. not when the father of your child is rafe cameron, a drug addict with anger issues.
“i’d like to buy some tests first before i decide what i want to do.”
he nods and takes his car keys, leading you out of the office and taking you to his car.
it doesn’t take long for him to drive you to the nearest drugstore. when he parks the car, you don’t move an inch.
“hey, what’s wrong?”
“i can’t believe this is happening to me.” you say, not being able to hold the tears any longer. this is a nightmare. “what am i gonna tell my parents?”
“you’ll tell them the truth. you’re pregnant and you won’t be doing this alone, i’m here.”
you look at rafe quite skeptically and try your best to believe him, but he’s broken your trust so many times before, it’s difficult to see any honesty in his words.
“not telling them anything and getting an abortion is also an option, you know? we don’t have to tell anybody. whatever it is that you decide, i’m cool with it.”
for your own sake, you choose to believe him and wipe away your tears before you exit his car and go to the drugstore.
you try not to look so suspicious, but you’re looking around, to make sure no one you know is there, and thankfully you’re safe. you buy three different tests and quickly come back to rafe’s car.
the drive back home is excruciating. you can already picture your future as a single mother. you fear what your parents will say if you are indeed pregnant, which you probably are. you’re never late. when you were two days late, you thought it was odd, but then the days kept passing by and nothing happened.
then you did the math.
rafe, on the other hand, is actually happy that you might be pregnant with his child. he always knew he wanted to be a father. this is probably not the best time because you’re not a couple, you’re not really adults, and you don’t really have a stable life, but hey, this is what happens when you have unprotected sex. sure, you took the pill, but no contraceptive is one hundred percent effective.
this kid may be rafe’s only chance to have you somehow linked to him forever and that isn’t a bad thing necessarily… right?
once you’re back to tanney hill, you and rafe nearly run to his bedroom and he makes sure to lock the door so no one can catch them. you open them all and read all the instructions to do it right. you enter his bathroom and once you’re done, rafe has expectant eyes.
“we have to wait five minutes.”
“oh, let me set a timer.”
he pulls up his phone and sets a five minute timer while you sit on his bed and sigh as you look up, trying to remain calm, but you can’t.
“i think we should talk about our… possibilities.”
“what possibilities?”
“if you are pregnant and want to keep it, you won’t be doing this alone, okay? i promise. i know this isn’t ideal, but… we’ll get through it. money isn’t a problem.”
“rafe, this isn’t the point. i don’t want to have a baby at nineteen with someone who isn’t my husband. like, i respect the ones who do it, but i don’t want this to be my life.”
rafe chuckles. you’re such a goodie-goodie, he wonders how the hell he managed to get you to date him.
“c’mon, you’ll be a great mom.” he says, truthfully. “you’re great with kids and you’re so caring, so understanding.”
you look at him and chuckle.
“that’s not only what it takes to be a mother.”
“but that’s also important.”
you lie down on his bed and take a deep breath. if rafe wasn’t so unstable, you’d consider having his baby, but… he’s not. he’s being good now, but you can’t predict how he’s going to be tomorrow morning and you can’t raise a child in this environment. you know better than that.
“if you’re keeping the baby, i’m getting clean.” he says. “i’ll quit everything.”
“i’m serious. i don’t want my kid to be afraid of me, to be in danger because of me.”
the last part breaks your heart a little, as it was one of the reasons why you decided to break things off with him.
“that’s… that’s good to know.”
“i know we don’t need to be married to have a kid, but it’d be nice to, i don’t know, try again.”
“you want to get back together because i’m pregnant?” you snort.
“i want to get back together because i miss you and i love you, and since you might be pregnant, i think it’d be better for us to try again, so our baby can have a full family. you know, mom and dad in the same space.”
our baby. hearing rafe say such things make you even more confused and aggravated, only because you know, deep down, rafe isn’t the right guy for you, as much as you love each other. you know you’re too good for him because even barry told you so.
“he’s a lost cause, y/n. don’t be wastin’ your time with him, he’ll get you in trouble and you don’t deserve that.”
“stop saying things like that, rafe. please, this isn’t the time.” you plead, trying not to cry.
god knows how difficult it was to end things with him, because you love him oh so much. as cliché as it sounds, he’s really not like the other guys. he’s sweet, caring, funny and smart, but he also keeps setting himself up for failure and you’ve realized you can’t fix him and that realization alone broke you in tiny little pieces.
it’s like they say, loving someone is also learning to let them go and this is what you’ve been trying to do. it kills you that you told him to never talk to you again, because you miss his voice. you miss his jokes. you miss hearing his voice saying your name or whatever silly nickname he comes up with.
his phone rings, startling you both. once again, you don’t move, so rafe takes you by the hand and enter his bathroom with you. on the counter, you take the tests and see the results.
the relief you feel is indescribable. you can finally breathe.
“what does it say?” he asks, a bit anxious.
“they’re all negative.” you respond, showing him the tests.
“oh, my god.” you sigh, smiling for the first time in a week. you turn to rafe and give him a hug. “thank you, rafe.”
rafe hugs you back, basking in the feeling of having you back in his arms again. for a few seconds, he allows himself to forget you both are broken up and just had a pregnancy scare. for a few seconds, you’re his again and nothing else matters.
“you okay?”
“now i am.” you chuckle, wiping away new tears.
“d’you want me to drive you home?”
“no, no, it’s okay. i’ve bothered you too much today.” you say, jokingly.
whenever you said that, he always said you never bother me, but he figures now it would be inappropriate.
“call me if you need anything, okay?”
“okay. thank you.”
you give him one last smile before you get your things and leave tanney hill, feeling light as a feather, not at all suspecting that rafe feels like absolute shit.
when you pictured your life as a single mother, rafe saw himself with a family. his own family. the people he would do anything and everything for, the people he would love endlessly.
the only hope he had of having you back in his life, the only thing that would make him turn his life around, the only person who would make him want to be a better person.
it never existed.
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tell me what you think! i love feedback <3
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beatrixstonehill2 · 7 months
"None of my tops fit.... Nothing zips or buttons... I just can't keep up. Guys, I'm gonna have to go topless 24/7 soon. Thank you all for smashing those sub goals and sharing my Twitch all over social media..... When I first came up with the subscription incentive of taking breast growth pills, I thought it would be harmless fun. Like do these things ever work???? I was barely a B-Cup, so what did I have to lose? Well, being able to wear clothes is a start. Or not getting groped a dozen times a day. Or not dripping milk everywhere like some dumb hucow...... God I was such a moron for doing this!
But don't get it twisted. I'm SO grateful to you all. I got to quit my day job and now I stream full time, but these breasts are getting insanely huge. Like.... I'm legit considering throwing out all my tops, converting any dresses I like into skirts.... That's it. And you guys know I'm too addicted to growing out my breasts now to actually stop. I love it. Although it's painful and humiliating and I get raped like some free use cum dump on public transportation and at parks.... Even in line at the grocery store or bank, some dudes are so thirsty. So now you can't even really see it, but my belly is constantly full of kids. I try to show you guys when I remember to..... I'm exaggerating a bit, but soon my boobs will cover my whole belly and lap.... you won't even know I'm filled with some stranger's kids.
And it's so effed up, but I thank guys that randomly grope and fuck me. I guess I'm so into geek culture and games and anime.... hentai... that my brain is rotting. I used to be so against all this stuff but look at me now, acting like a perfect hentai bimbo, happily getting fucked in public, filled with cum, putting on a show for people's phones.... It's so sick but I love it. And my channel's only growing. I'm going to wind up as one of those front-page girls, aren't I? Naked, my boobs so big I'm surrounded by them, my arms resting on them with my mouse and keyboard as I play. I legit can't move and have to hire maids to clean me, feed me, and milk me.... If I'm rich, I guess it won't matter if I'm immobilized by these things, huh? I hope my spine doesn't snap from being so reckless, but they have those ocular computer and gaming interfaces paralyzed and quad amputee girls use so who cares, I guess? I'm destined to have my tits weigh 200lbs each..... And I'll love every second of it."
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wakkoroni · 8 months
I want y’all to imagine Nico, after the battle of manhattan, all alone, roaming around and being homeless pretty much. He probably did some stuff to stay alive/ did some stupid stuff cause he was a) young and alone and innocent and b) IN THE WRONG CENTURY
Imagine like Nico revealing the shit he’s done to like the seven (plus Will but I feel like Will would already know)
Nico: yeah so like I learned the “don’t take candy from strangers” the hard way
Percy; what the fuck does that mean
Nico: um so after the battle of manhattan went down and I left, things have changed in society that I didn’t know about. And the fact that I was in a whole different continent didn’t help either. So uh in the 1930s, it was all talk about how the future was going to be great and how everyone’s problems will be solved
Percy: yeah?
Nico: right so uh I’m walking down the New York, being my little depressed self-
Jason: *trying not to laugh*
Nico: -and this guy walks up to me and he said “you look like your having a tough times” and pulls out this baggy with like a pill inside, and says “here this should take all your sorrows away, for a just a few hours and if you need more you just have to find me”
Annabeth: you didn’t-
Nico: looking back at this I should’ve known, but then again how would I have known? No one taught me this shit. And he phrased it like this really cool invention and in my head I’m like oh wow times really has changed
Will: babe you are a idiot and I’m surprised you even still alive
Nico, laughing: me too actually- I should not have lived past a lot of stuff but anyway I took it and thanked him and ummmmm one minute I was in the streets of New York and the next I was in the back of a cop car in Jersey with a headache.
Nico: yup. But legally I don’t exist and I still don’t cause I managed to run away before they could get my DNA or smth idk the process and then went back to New York and tried to find the guy again
Percy: why would you try and find him?
Nico: so I could get more? But either I just have a horrible sense of direction or he vanished cause I couldn’t find him anymore
Jason: the city’s confusing streets saved you from an addiction
Nico: no actually-
Percy, still trying to wrap his head around this: wait so no one warned you about taking drugs?
Nico: I didn’t even know what they were, well that’s kind of a lie I knew that they existed but I didn’t know what they looked like?
Percy: and the baggy didn’t seem suspicious?
Nico: it was a free sample
Percy: I- I don’t even know what to say
Nico: to be fair they treated the common cold with like cocaine back in my day so-
Percy: dude- *turns to Will* you don’t seemed surprised by this
Will, shrugging: wait til you hear about the “friend” he made
Nico, clapping his hands together: that’s a story for another time, hopefully never
Annabeth: I want to know-
Will: you really don’t-
Nico: if you thought this was bad the other was way worse
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mysicklove · 8 months
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DAY 22: A/B/O
With: Isagi Yoichi
Word Count: 2.6k
Warnings: Omega/bottom Isagi, Top/Alpha/Gn reader, omegaverse stuff (slick, claiming, scenting, etc.), isagi is in heat, readers pp could be read as strap or dick, marking/biting, slight blood, possesive behavior, instincts and stuff, isagi lowkey being feral
A/N: i like this one. and dont ask me why i know so much about a/b/o dynamics.'
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Isagi was completely fine with being an omega. Sure, in the beginning he thought it may affect his soccer career, but as he grew and matured, he realized that it wasn't a problem anymore. Scent blockers and suppressants were a gift from the gods, and key factor of how he went pro. Without them he didn't know where he would be.
But, it led to an addiction. Constantly hiding his scent, hoping people may mistake him for being a beta so he doesn't have to deal with the slander omegas get on the field. And without heats he doesn't have to miss practice. Hence, every morning he puts a scent blocker sticker on his neck and wrist, and the second he feels a little amiss, he pops a heat suppressant. And he lived fine.
Except then you came into his life. An alpha. 
Heats are supposed to be spent with you. His body was begging him to spend it with someone, but he shuts it down immediately. Its unhealthy, and he knows it. A doctor has reminded him for years now, but he brushed it aside. 
The two of you had fought about it for about a year now. It was damaging his body, but he was too deep in his soccer career to sacrifice those multiple weeks of the year. You couldn't force him to do it, but every time you saw him pop that pill, and instinctual dread flooded your veins.
He hasn't had a real heat in five years. More than twice longer than what is considered “unhealthy” for an omega. It means when he finally does fall into it, its bound to be painful, and long lasting. Not only that, but his instincts are supposed to be heightened more than usual, so he doesn't know what he will say or do once he goes into it again.
But you finally convinced him spend it with you. He has been hinting for months now that he wanted you to mark him, but when he finally bluntly asked you to claim him, you said you would only do it during his heat. He agreed with much hesitancy.
It's a dread to think about, and honestly he is a little scared. But he promised you he would do it. He (very reluctantly) called off two weeks from soccer practice during off season, when he felt his pre-heat begin to creep up on him. 
So, here he is. Going to have his first heat in five years. 
The two of you stayed at his place. It was probably better to be at a spot he is comfortable with after all. The days before it weren't too bad, you forced him to put away the scent blockers for a couple of days, so the house smelled strongly of him. He went out of his way to scent as many things as possible, growing anxious as the days went by. He also built a nest on the space next to his bed, covered in blankets, pillows, and too many items from your dirty hamper. He was antsy during this time, finding himself clinging to you, and following you around the house. It was cute honestly, watching him have a slight pout while he grips onto your hand.
His body temperature started to pick up by the third day of his preheat. He started wearing less clothing, and you hand fed frozen fruit to him, hoping to cool him off just a little. He tosses and turns in the night, whining out for you to hold him, comfort him, make the strange feeling stop. It was so confusing and he hated it.
And finally after four days, he experienced his first heat since he was a teenager. It was in the middle of the night, the two of you in his nest, and you were fast asleep when he awoke. Every inch of his body ached, and he was panting. Sweat dripped down his temple, and he could feel slick stain his boxers. It made him groan in frustration, but he couldn't do anything about it because he was so horny.
Everything in him screamed for him to get filled, and as quickly as possible. He doesn't even think about it, tearing off his shirt and boxers. His now naked body trembles and he pants into the back of his hand, before turning to your sleeping form. He quickly finds himself scampering over to you, shaking you awake.
You turn to him with a groan, eyes blinking in the darkness to try to adjust themselves. “Yoichi?” You question, voice hoarse from sleep.
He basically tackles you, collapsing his entire body onto yours, and burying his face into your neck, scenting it quickly and desperately. “It’s h-here–dont know what to do. H-Help. Hurts. It hurts. Make it stop!”
You snap awake in an instant, resting your hand on the back of his head. He straddles your leg, beginning to hump at it. You croon at him, the sound low and comforting, hoping to calm him down just slightly. “What do you need me to do, Yoichi?”
He shakes his head back and forth in your neck. “I don't know! J-Just touch me. Please, alpha!” 
You cup the back of his head, letting him rest in your neck, while you reach to grab his toy bag the two of you packed just a couple days earlier. You flick on the lamp on your nightstand and he glances at the bag in your hand, letting out a small growl and nipping at your skin.
You flinch, and he continues to growl, low, not threatening, but annoyed. “Don't want the toys. Touch me,” Isagi hisses, grinding his cock onto your leg.
“Feisty omega,” You murmur, setting the bag on the other side of the nest, and moving to reach behind him.
He gulps at the words, feeling bad already. His hormones are all out of wack, and he can't seem to think straight. He nuzzles into your neck and purrs, lifting his hips up to meet your fingers. 
You use a finger to prod at his entrance, eyes slightly widening at the feeling. “Wow love, you are so wet. You're dripping all over your legs and the pillows,” You murmur in astonishment, dragging your finger around the hole.
He whines in embarrassment, cheeks flushed from his heat, and now from humilation. “D-Dont know why. I woke up and it hasn't stopped,” he complains, voice low and gruff. You continue to pet his hair, trying to comfort him.
You hum in response, pressing your other finger into his hole. He shivers at the feeling, clinging onto you in the darkness. When it slips in easier than usual, you prod another one, finding it just as easy to slip in. “Fuck Yoichi, you’re just begging to be fucked aren’t you. Taking it so easy.”
His back is arched by now, pressing into the fingers that are now scissoring him. “More. ‘ts not enough. Please, please. I need more, alpha!” He cries, both sides of him now leaking. His face is flushed, and his whole body feels like its on fire.
You shush his mewls, letting out a soothing scent and he moans into your neck. “Alright, alright. I’m going to make you feel good, relax,” you whisper, trying to pull yourself a way for minute to prepare yourself. He doesn't let you go far, arms wrapping around your entire body, breathing into your skin. The scent seems to make him feel grounded, and it's what he desperately needs right now.
“Here, lay down for me,” You encourage, trying to pull him off just for a second so that you can line yourself up with him. He doesnt seem to listen, shaking his head and panting. Sweat beads at his temples, and he's already beginning to beg again, but you push him to the bed, pinning his hands up for a moment while you press the tip into him.
He groans at the feeling, already borderline oversensitive. “Hold me. Please. Hold me, ‘s hot. I can't–”
You kiss his neck, pressing further inside of him, and his eyes widen, gasping at the feeling. His nails dig into your back and you try not to hiss out, continuing forward till you bottom out in him. Slick continues to leak out and onto the nest, but you don't say anything, afraid of embarrassing him.
But you couldnt help but notice the way his back arches, and the wet feeling now on the both of your stomachs. His breaths are shaky and his hold on you is weak. It gives you a chance to pull away for a second, glancing at the cum spread between the two of you. 
He covers his face with his hand, blushing profusely. “I'm sorry. Don't know what happened. J-Just felt…really good,” He warbles, not daring to look at you, but feeling himself begin to grow hard again. 
You giggle at him, planting a soft kiss to his lips. “S’alright. So cute, Yoichi. Wanna take a break then?”
His eyes are back onto you in an instant, wide and panicking. “N-No! You can't stop, please keep going!” He begs, lifting his hips to grind his cock on your stomach in a plea.
You know it's the heat talking, so you don't dare to tease him, afraid of pissing him off. So you abide by your omegas command.
“Fuckkkk,” He breathes, eyes rolling back when you start to pick up the pace. You grip at the back of his head, pulling him into a kiss, and thrusting forward. His legs wrap around your waist, and he wraps his arms around you, pulling you impossibly closer. Your thrusts are hard, short, and make a lewd slapping noise from the skin to skin contact. 
Isagi pulls away from the kiss, eyes cloudy, and mouth slightly swollen from the attention. “Alpha. Alpha. Alpha. Alpha,” He chants, mewling at every thrust, while slick drips down his thigh.. 
You kiss his cheek, humming to him in question. “Right here. I'm here. Doing so well. Such a pretty omega,” You coo in response, and the effects are immediate. He purrs at your voice, nuzzling into your neck and scenting you with a small fucked out grin.
“Mark me.”
You pause your movements, eyes flashing to his blue ones. He whines at the interruption, grabbing at your hips to pull you in closer. “Right now? It's so early,” You reason, growing dizzy off his warm scent.
It turns sour in an instant. “Y-You dont want me?”
He was being unreasonable, but that was the heat talking. His brain wasn't in the right place, and the second you didn't agree, it hurt. Way more than it should have. Tears prick at his eyes, and he begins to push you away, feeling gross with himself.
You don't let him go far, releasing a calming scent, and crooning to him. “Not what I meant. Relax, omega. It's okay, you're okay. I'll mark you, will that make you feel better?”
He clings onto you immediately, scent light again. “Please please please. Wanna be yours. Your omega. Please bite me!” 
You groan, grabbing his hips and forcing him back down onto the length. He gasps, trembling, but now baring his neck to you. 
“You're going to be the death of me, Yoichi,” You sigh, not liking how much control he has over you. Between the scent and his lewd words, which would never come out of his mouth if he wasn't in heat, it was hard to stay present in the moment.
“Please please please,” he cries, grabbing your hair  and forcing you toward his very own neck. You glance at him one last time, looking at his glassy eyes, and flushed cheeks. He nods at you, a whine slipping past his lips. 
You take one last deep breath, inhaling your lovers intoxicating scent and bury your teeth into his neck. He yelps, gripping onto your hair as tears drip down his cheeks. But his back arches, and hes cumming again from the action. His head spins as he feels your tongue lick at the wound, crooning out apologies for the pain.
Your thrusts have slowed down slightly, but they are deeper, harder. After cumming two times Isagi feels himself grow tired, weaker, but every cell in his body is screaming at him to go again and again. Till he passes out, if he must. 
“You alright? My omega…All mine,” You whisper, brushing away his sweaty bangs. He feels light headed, absolutely amazed at the feeling of being claimed after all this time and your words, but frustrated from your bare neck. It's not fair.
A possessive nature takes over him, and he lets out a small growl. You raise your eyebrows at him, confused by the sudden aggression. He was always pretty temperamental, but you granted his wish, and were fucking him, what more could he need?
A pair of canines dig into your neck before you could even process his movements. It makes you wince, hissing out and shivering as you feel his tongue lick over the wound. “N-No warning?” You half complain, not minding the feeling of being marked by him.
He doesnt seem to be listening, heat clouding all coherent thoughts. “My alpha. Mhmmm. Mine, mine, mine.”
“Possessive little thing. S-Supposed to be my line,” You laugh at him lightly, and he pulls away for the first time tonight, maneuvering you until he is sitting on your lap, and beginning to raise himself up and down. Two hands fall on your stomach to help steady himself as he begins to grind on the length, head falling backward as he pants at the ceiling.
His movements are frantic, desperate even, as if he was afraid he would never get a chance to cum again. His own cum on his stomach is beginning to dry up, but he doesn't seem to mind. His cock flops back and forth at his movements, and sweat drips down his neck. His whole body seems to be a pinkish shade, covered in sweat. It makes you slightly worried, but knowing him, if you force him to stop so that you can check on him, he may try to kill you.
He cums again without much warning, his fingers curling up and eyes rolling backward. The stream is weaker, dripping pathetically down his cock. His whole body trembles and he collapses forward onto you, pawing at you to hold him again.
You grab water from the nightstand and basically force it down his throat, the excess dripping down his chin and onto your chest. He gulps it down without much complaint, staring at you with lidded eyes the entirety of it. “Lets take a break,” You mumble, caressing his cheek and wiping away the water.
He purrs into your touch, and realigns himself up again, a drunken smile on his face. “Not a chance, alpha,” Isagi says, sinking onto the length to try to chase his fourth orgasm that night. 
The two of you get little sleep, and you awoke to him grinding on your leg, and biting at your ear, begging you to make him feel good again, full again. But even in your exhausted state, you didn't mind too much, because how could you say no to your precious omega? 
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thedeathwitchescats · 6 months
I have seen so many people discussing the way everyone treated kevins addiction and trauma in canon and I want to out my two cents in. I agree absolutely that someone needed to put that boy in therapy, but also, they did?? Like Abby was there, almost constantly, to support Kevin, Kevin had Betsy around essentially constantly and could have scheduled more sessions with her. No, wymack and Andrew shoving a bottle of vodka into his hands anytime he was sad probably wasnt the greatest method to help him but also??? Kevin needed to take responsibility for himself at least a tiny bit. He had Betsy ready and available to talk to, he had a support system, he had people. Wymack is shown to both love and care about his team and also not have the best ability to care for them. Wymack did what he could and he also made sure they had a licensed professional therapist nearby and ready to talk to them. It is not everyone elses fault that Kevin is an addict, it isnt their job to help him, but they did. Also Kevin was a) not their priority atm, b) was safe, and c) we only know a limited amount of information. Neil was written to be unreliable as fuck. This man wouldnt have told us the day unless it directly related to what was happening or Andrew mentioned it. Kevin could very likely have been getting better psychological help than we saw. Also!! It was kevins responsibility to help himself.
And before the assholes come ragging about how I hate addicts, I was an addict. I guess by society standard I will always be an addict. I understand addiction. I know how it fucks you up. It was never up to anyone but me to help me. It was no ones responsibility but my own to get me clean. And no one fucking helped me. I was on my own desperately trying to piece myself together. Every day I have to struggle to piece myself together. Its a battle. Its hard, it hurts, its painful and it sucks. But it is still my responsibility to get up, get dressed, and go about my day. Its my responsibility not to pick up a knife, to chug a bottle of tequila, to pop a couple pills. It is my job to keep myself together.
It was kevins job to keeo himself together. But he had a support system that we see him utilizing. Idk where this idea that he was helpless to his own fate came from but it was stupid and wrong
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the-genius-az · 2 months
I can definitely imagine Mai got addicted to Azula's come. So while they were fucking (again), Azula is about to pull-out when Mai wrapped her arms and legs around Azula, so Azula couldn't pull-out. Azula panic because last time she didn't pull-out, Mai ignored her for a week (or month, idk). Azula tried to get out of Mai, but Mai just hug her tightly (she wants that cum so bad). Azula can't hold back anymore, so she let her cum off inside Mai.
After that, Mai consult to a doctor for some pill or birth control something like that. Mai realize she loves it when Azula fills her with her cum, LMAO.
- Psyche 🌸
Thanks for the scenario, Psyche!
Yes, from here I smelled Azula's panic when Mai caught her.
Who knew the stoic and cold Mai would become addicted to Azula's cum?
Let's pray for Azula, because now she has to run away from her Omega if she doesn't want to be completely dry.
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hearts4golbach · 10 months
Light Shower. (Sal Fisher x Fem!Reader)
part 1
"you are the light I've been searching for forever."
at 4:11 a.m., I sat on my bed. the warm, early summer breeze blew in through my window. I had a dollar bill rolled up in one hand and a bag of pills in the other. I dumped one out, placing it gently onto my old math book. I crushed it up, being as quiet as possible not to wake up my parents. I formed the line with my id and snorted it with one quick motion. I tilted my head back and placed my finger over my nostril, sniffing the excess up. it felt like i had just got flipped upside down to give my brain a refresh. I felt the drugs start to kick in. I put the back back in the little rip in my pillow and took out my flip phone to text Larry and Sal.
"yoooooooooooo." I sent the group chat, I felt my body relax as it usually does after a long day and some coke. I knew I was an addict. but I was holding on by a string. Having a boyfriend that hits you constantly and forces you to fuck and having parents that are constantly fighting and should've broken up ages ago dont mix well.
6 months ago, my friend brought a small packet of coccaine to school, and it flipped my life upside down. I was addicted and ended up buying and selling my own. I was a goody two shoes, always had good grades, and would have a panic attack over a C or a B. but that completely changed.
My other friends boyfriend got my number and started hitting on me. he would tell me he only wanted me and not my friend. I gave in and helped him cheat on her. we met every day at the science hall to make out. he broke up with her, and we started dating a month later. he always begged to have sex with me, even after me telling him I wasn't ready. the first time I went over to his house for dinner, he raped me in his bed. and he hasn't stopped since. I've tried to break up with him multiple times, but he said he'd kill himself so I just gave up. I gave up trying to stop him. he began hitting me after the first time I tried to break up with him. there hasn't been a day since when I didn't have any bruises on my arms, legs, or torso.
"y r u up?" Larry texted back.
"the usual reason" I rolled onto my stomach. "u?"
"set my alarm wayyy to early 2day."
"damn. meet @ the treehouse?"
"me 2?" sal finally responded.
"of course sally" I replied.
I slipped my converse on slipped out the door. me and sal met at the elevator. he lived in 402 while I lived in 404. we spent most of our free time together. sometimes with Larry, but you two also hung out alone. you guys found it comforting sitting on the roof of the apartments talking about the past and the future. Sal was your childhood best friend, until you had to move to new jersey and leave him behind. but your luck shone like a star the second you found out Sal was moving in right down the hall from you. your reunion was amazing, like rereading your favorite book and noticing all of the smaller details or like going on an intense roller coaster. I love him with all of my heart, and I knew he did too. he expressed it very frequently. Sal knew everything about my life down to the smallest details. yes, he knew about my boyfriend. and yes, he knew about my addiction. he knew more than anyone has ever known, and he just moved back 3 days ago. you two stayed in contact after you moved, going from writing letters once a week to staying up all night texting eachother. Sal was unlike any person you had ever known, and you loved him for that. I thought back to one of my favorite memories with him.
I pushed sally on the swing while his dad and my mom spoke.
"I think sal likes her." Henry smiled. "ever since they met, she's all he talks about."
my mom giggled. "Y/n aswell." she nudged Henry. "soulmates?" she asked.
"sure seems like it. she helped sal a lot, you know, meeting her when they were sharing a hospital room is no coincidence."
"nothings a coincidence." mom grinned. "when sal was put into the room, the first thing she said was 'poor boy, mommy! he can't die, his hair is too cool.' y/n cared so much about everyone else she didn't realize how close she was to death, too."
"do you remember them playing cards in the middle of the floor?"
mom pulled a Polaroid out of her wallet. "I remember every day."
Henry gently rubbed her back.
"Hey, sal?" I asked as he slid the key card for the basement into the slot.
"yeah?" his voice has a slight rasp, as he had just woke up 10 minutes ago.
"do you remember our week together at the hospital?"
"how could I forget?"
"what's your name?" 3 year old me asked the bluenette in the hospital bed across from me.
he gently sat down his juice. "sal, what's yours?" the one eye showing squinted, so I assumed he was smiling.
"Y/n!" I responded cheerfully. I glanced down at my tray. "want my jello? I'm not hungry."
he silently nodded. I brought the jello over and gave it to him. I jumped and sat with him in his bed. "so, sal. I'm bored."
"me too." he exhaled, forcing a small bite through his bandages.
"I have an idea!" I dug through my pocket and pulled out a thing of light pink nail polish. "we can paint eachothers nails!"
"isn't that a girls thing?"
"that doesn't matter, silly!" you scooted closer to him. "do you want yours done first?"
he nodded and gave me his left hand. I gently brushed on the polish. he looked at the bruises and deep cuts on my arms and face. "what happened?" he asked.
"a strange man hit me with his car. he broke my leg too. I had to wobble over here." I giggled. I pointed down at my leg. "why are you here?"
"I got attacked by a doggie. the doggie killed my mommy." tears filled his only visible eye. I finished his pinky nail and pulled the blue boy in for a tight hug.
"yo, Y/n! you must be on some hard-core shit, I can see it on your face!" Larry laughed a little too loud.
"shut the fuck up, lanky bitch." I threw a pebble off the floor at him.
"you're on something?" sal questioned me.
"it was a long day." I giggled lightly, throwing another pebble at Larry after he threw the other one back. I flipped him off and leaned my head back on the bean bag, realizing the sun was just starting to rise.
"Shawn came over today." Larry didn't know he was abusive, all he knew was that he was a massive, super mega piece of shit. Larry and Sal groaned collectively, which made you laugh. "I know, right?"
"why don't you just dump him?" Larry sighed.
sal and I glared at eachother. we both knew it was because he would hurt me or someone else. bad. I shrugged. "I love him." I didn't.
this fanfiction is inspired by Light Shower by Melanie Martinez. I DO NOT OWN THE SONG!
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voltstone · 5 months
LYCOS | tacet anima mea | Master Content Post
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Hello! I'm VoltageStone. I write a lot of fics. This being one of them, and it's been in the works for a while. Since November 2022 "a while".
I'm a shit updater, but life has also been nonstop for the past year. Ergo, updating has been...an interesting journey.
This is a beast of a fic. Both in its size and, given this post, its content. In short, this post will be linked to in future updates for this fic, and will serve as an ultimate introduction to LYCOS as far as Tumblr's concerned.
This fic is a Wenclair a/b/o. Extremely violent. Wednesday is unhinged to borderline demented. It does explore sexual content, both healthy, and in the healing of related traumas.
It's Dead Dove, basically. In the name of catharsis, but ultimately because of how...unwell Wednesday is.
...she is honestly the prime reason why it's Dead Dove. I dunno what happened. She just keeps being...really fucking weird, and wants to eat Enid? Like? Literally? In a heartfelt, non-vegetarian way.
Anyway, for those interested, the following is the summary. For the tags and specific warnings (none should be spoilery), keep reading. The tags will have what is on AO3, then I will specify/call attention to important tags and themes, and also add stuff that I know will come in later chapters.
I really do love writing this fic, but I know that it won't be everyone's cup of tea. Ergo, I felt like having a post that gives a glimpse to anybody new.
If you read, I hope you enjoy. If you don't, have a good one.
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Wednesday is waning. In her dreams, or by touch, she has been locked to one moment. Her visions know no peace. There is Enid, beneath moonlight, skin a dying shade. Then there's herself between the trees, drenched in blood, with the knife at hand… Her true nature writhes. This is…just what happens when someone like herself snaps. It's happened before, will happen again. Because Enid and Ajax have been together through several moons. And he knows his way around her heats. And Enid seems…happy, until she isn't, and Wednesday has to put her back together. Enid has been stuck in a heat for a while now. And she smells good. She smells really, really good, and Wednesday will kill for it.
or, wednesday still doesn't know what to do about enid, and enid's biology really doesn't help matters. she is going insane.
(there will be bodies.)
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General Warnings:
Gore, Extreme/Graphic Violence, Fights, Murder(s), Cannibalism (feat. Autocannibalism), Dismemberment, Drug Overdose (past/mentioned), Body Horror, Sexual Deviancy (mostly sadism/masochism).
Mental Health:
Alexithymia/Emotional Blindness, Grief/Mourning (a murderer's guilt), Addiction (alcoholism, pills, sex), Familial Dysfunction, Dissociation, Identity Crisis, Depression, PTSD, Medical/Sexual Trauma(s), Self-Destructive/Suicidal Tendencies, Psychological Horror.
Other Tags (less concerning):
Demisexual & Aromantic Wednesday, Sun/Moon Motif, a (slight) Gomezification of Wednesday Addams, a Morticiafication of Enid Sinclair, no i am not tagging enid's dynamic you figure that out yourself, Dark Humor, Poe-isms, a very unreliable narrator, healthy depictions of discovering sexuality i promise please the addamses raised wednesday right, that being said, weirdass "courting" behaviors (ex: stealing laundry, then stuffing it into a bed after it was shanked open), addams-flavored terrorism for funsies (gotta teach someone to smile in her headshots!).
Also: Unhinged chapter lengths. None will dip under 20k.
AO3 | Ch.1 Tumblr Post
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bambiraptorx · 9 months
Okay, my long overdue infodump about yokai medicine/painkillers is here. Just as a heads up, there will be discussion of and reference to a variety of drugs, drug use, and addiction.
There are three main forms of treatment used to deal with pain: pharmaceutical drugs similar or identical to the ones used by humans, potions, and spells. For now, I'll focus on pharmaceutical type medications.
So, to begin, I do need to address the fact that the yokai population has an immense level of biodiversity, from skeletons to insects to dragons. This means that the use of medicine is probably incredibly complicated, as a given substance can has wildly different effects on different species--not to mention that even within a species a compound can have different results (see: stimulants and how they have drastically different effects for people with ADHD than for neurotypicals).
Add to that the fact that we also see a large variety of sizes for different yokai, from Exploding Frankie (maybe a foot tall) to the colossal building-sized creatures we see walking around int he first episode of the show, and you've got a very complex problem. (Size is relevant in figuring out dosages because drugs often have different effects at different doses, but also because larger people tend to need more to have an effect in the first place. A dose that would kill a mouse probably wouldn't kill a 6 foot tall man, for example, but depending on the exact drug it might still mess him up a lot.)
This means that it would be very difficult to, if not impossible, to properly categorize a chemical based on its effects. Sure, they know Adderall works as a stimulant and opiates are painkillers for humans, but how does that translate to a slime yokai who doesn't even have a nervous system? How do you effectively (and ethically) figure that out when the population of slime yokai is extremely limited? In all honesty, you probably don't.
(As a side note, it's fairly important that for the drugs humans use, they go through large amounts of animals trials before ever being tested on people to a) make sure the drug actually has the effect it's meant to, b) figure out what potential side effects might crop up, and c) find out what a lethal dose is. That's because we can reasonably compare the reactions of animals to what we might see in a human body. For large amounts of the yokai population, that comparison probably does not work.)
So yokai can, in dire circumstances, use substances that humans would (as painkillers, sedatives, etc) but it would be very difficult to know what dosages are safe for a given species, if any are. This would also mean that the Hidden City probably has a very different approach to drug education: less "ooh these drugs are evil and you'll get addicted immediately if you ever try them" and more "just because meth acts as a stimulant for humans doesn't mean it can't kill you at half the dose it takes them to even get an effect so be fucking careful".
I would imagine that drug regulation works very differently in the Hidden City out of necessity. After all, you can't even reliably say what effects a given chemical has, let alone recommend a dose for people to use. In a lot of cases, the best that the HC can do is probably enforce purity standards and proper labeling of products so that at the very least, people know what chemical they're actually getting and how much of it.
Which of course means that their legal system is entirely different when it comes to drug related crimes, because the use/possession of drugs is something that cannot effectively be criminalized when a pill that would cause an overdose in one person would act as a mild cough suppressant in another. (That and the whole idea behind making drugs illegal in the first place is to prevent addiction by making access harder, which... is a bit of a weird premise in the first place? but that's a whole other rant. Yes, use declines somewhat when the drug is made illegal, but it also makes it much harder for addicts to get the treatment they need when drug use is criminalized.)
Given the length of this post I think I'll cut it off here and edit with links when I get the other topics covered lmao.
Part 2 Part 3
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tcfkag · 10 months
With Netflix's Painkiller coming out, consider this your friendly reminder from your neighborhood chronic pain patient:
(a) we deserve to be seen,
(b) we deserve to have our pain treated, and
(c) we deserve to be treated with respect instead of suspicion or outright hostility in medical settings and in society as well. While I will not and never have trivialized the consequences of the opioid epidemic, the pendulum has swung so far in the other direction that chronically ill and disabled people are paying for the mistakes that regulators and the medical field made two or three decades ago. Our pain is dismissed and our treatment options are taken away or limited in more and more arbitrary ways because if regulators can't stop illicit fentanyl, by God they need to look like they're doing something. So that something is ever stricter limits and regulations on the medical treatments that chronic pain patients need. Just something to keep in mind; there are many faces to the opioid epidemic and not all of us are just one pain pill away from inevitable addiction and overdose.
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aleksa-sims · 8 months
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RL Simselfstory (18+)
CW: unplanned pregnancy, pregnancy stuff, addiction, drugs ⚠️
It was Friday. Finally! That was my last day of work in that fucking asylum I worked. 🥳 Goodbye Mr. B., on never reunion! 😡
I had a date with N. I haven’t seen him all week. Which kind of unsettled me. After all there was still his.... fiancée or ex-fiancée. Second, I’ve probably been pregnant, since our last night together in his Mom's house.... Anyway, first I went to Sandra, to visit her and little Liam, who, btw.... shit on me. 🤨 Yep,  little stinky pooped and the poop escaped! 💩 My dress was the target. So, Sandra lent me something to wear.
Sandra was the only one I told about Nico and that I might be pregnant. S. was so happy for me. She said, I have to keep this baby! Who knows, if I will ever get pregnant again, after I had those issues in summer last year? It's like a little miracle she meant. Also this was the second time I was pregnant by N. So this time, I just have to keep it, she said. But what about Daniel? I was so sad again. When I stopped by my apartment at the beginning of the week, to check if everything is still ok there, I had that sad dream about Daniel. I was totally depressed because of that. But apart from Daniel and Nico’s ex- fiancée, there was a really serious problem, that will await me and my baby, if I am actually pregnant. 😥🤦‍♀️ My fucking pills! I relapsed a few weeks ago and had to start that drug replacement therapy again. This damn thing ruined everything. That’s why, I’m going to make an appointment for an abortion. But Sandra and my Grams will save my Baby. 😞 They’re gonna change my mind at the last second! 🩷🧡 But as for my addiction & pregnancy, I think I’ll have to make a own post about it. I mentioned once, at the beginning, that I had a high-risk pregnancy. And well, this was the reason.
Anyway, Sandra tried to calm me down..
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Sandra: Don’t you worry, sweetie! After the weekend we will get you a pregnancy test and if it's actually positive, I'll help you. 💛
Me: Ok. But what about Nico? He doesn't even like Babyies. Besides, he’s gonna hate me for taking those damn pills.
Sandra: Yeah, that’s pretty serious A.... But your doc said your pills won’t hurt your baby in case of pregnancy. So don't worry, it's gonna be fine. 😟
Me: Yea, but he also said, that my baby might get withdrawal symptoms the first days after birth. Daniel and I talked about all this earlier. But Nico? He's gonna hate me! And he's right! I'm gonna die if my Baby gets withdrawal. But my parents are gonna kill me anyway. 😩🤦‍♀️
Sandra: I'm sure N. ’ll love your Baby.... Once he’s here to pick you up, I’ll give him Liam. You’ll see, he’ll like it and he’ll change his mind about Babies.
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Nico came...
Sandra: Hi, Nico! Nice to see you. Glad you're back. (😬)
Nico: Hi, S.! Yea, good to see you too. Kind of crazy. I barely left for a year and everyone has babies. Philip told me a bit last summer... Are you ok?
Sandra: Yea all fine. He's my little sunshine. He has changed my whole life. I'm so grateful for my Baby.
Nico: Glad to hear that. You look good S.... Oh, and I got a little something for.... Liam, right? Here, just a gift card, nothing special. I'm not that good with all that baby stuff.
Sandra: Whaat??.... Thanks, N. This is so cute, but you didn't have to! 🤩
Nico: Not a big deal.
Sandra: Now I see it too, you’ve changed, N.... I like that. 😊
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Me: Aww, you're so sweet. I missed you.
Nico: I missed you too, you’re so pretty, babe.
Nico (to S.'s bf): Yo, man!... What happend to your black suits? Is that... hipster, nerdy look, your new style now? 🤨
S.'s bf: What happened to your tracksuits? Ha? 😮‍💨
Nico: You’ve never seen me in a tracksuit, so what’s your point?
S.'s bf: Hm, that’s how I remembered you. Maybe bcs of your... soccer thing, you know? 🤨
Nico: Yea, anyway 😒 ...... Let’s go, babe. Today I’ll take you to my place.
Me: And you're sure we'll be alone there?
Nico: Don't you trust me? I told you, I broke up with her. It's over.
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Me: But why didn't you want to see me? I was so sad this week.
Nico: I wanted to see you! I just didn’t have time, I was busy with soccer. Was pretty tough that week. But you knew that. I called you. Every day.
Me: Yea. Idk? I thought maybe she was with you? And I was so sad about Daniel too. But when you’re with me, that pain is gone.
Nico: Why didn’t you just tell me?... I was at practice and I couldn’t come to you bcs of your parents .🤷‍♂️ But let's talk later about that.
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I think Liam thought Nico was Daniel. 🙁 He started crawling all the way to Nico. Just to look and smile at him. He was literally cracking up about Nico. This was so funny. I’ve never seen and heard Liam laugh so loudly and much. So cute! Sandra asked Nico to take Liam in his arms. She wanted to see, if he was really afraid of Babies. Nico hesitated. But I could understand him! Liam just pooped, that little stinky. Again! 💩💩🤷‍♀️
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Nico (to S.): Can you please take Liam. I think he’s pooping.
Sandra: OH! Ok sorry. Yea, just give him to me.
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Nico: Heh! I knew it, I knew it! 😄
Sandra: Oh no, Liam! That new baby food, is probably not really good for you, huh?
Nico: This little dude seems like a little shit. 😉😄
Sandra: Just wait till you get your own little shit.
Nico: Nah! No thanks! As long as I can avoid it, I will.
Sandra: Are you sure you’re doing everything to avoid it?
Nico: I hope so? 🫤
Sandra: But seriously Nico. What if A. wants a Baby? Will you say no to her?
Nico: Am... If she really wants a Baby, I won’t say no to her, of course.
Sandra: But what about you? Will you take care of your Baby?
Me: 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
Nico: I'll have to, I guess... Babe? You ok?... What's up?
Me: Nothing! Let's just go.
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Nico took me to his place, where he and his ex-gf lived together. I was so nervous. I was afraid of what to expect. He warned me and said that some of her things are still lying around there. He tried to put everything away today, so that I feel comfortable there, but some of her stuff, she still has to pick up. I could see he was nervous too. Rather worried that it could hurt me, to see, how the two have lived together.
He also told me, when she moved in with him, she has the entire living room newly furnished, without Nico knew about it. She just ordered everything in Nico’s name, so he got the bill at the end. A friend of hers studied interior design or something and that girl, wanted to redecorate his whole apartment. But Nico came home from abroad in time and was able to stop this shit. He was totally pissed! He didn’t want to pay that bill and told her that she has to do it, or he's gonna dump her. Well, her parents had to pay for the new living room.... This is so crazy!! I'd never do something like this! Even now not after all those years with him.
Anyway, next time I will tell more about her and I will meet her there myself. 🤦‍♀️ Actually, she was ok. And tbh, I felt bad about her. She told me what happened to her a few years ago. Something really bad! That’s also why Nico couldn’t just break up with her, like he thought. She threatened to hurt herself, if he did. I thought that was totally stupid of her!! And I was mad at Nico, bcs he allowed her to succeed with that pity shit. But you'll see soon what I mean.
Previous/ Next
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beatrixstonehill2 · 7 months
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Willow stared at her growing breasts in total disbelief. They weren't stopping. This felt half like a dream come true and like a nightmare for her. She was a therapist, and needed to maintain a certain level of professionalism with her clients, she wondered how they'd react seeing these monstrous, growing breasts. She teased the idea of letting her male clients play with them to relieve stress, hell, maybe she'd make a killing! All she knew was there was no going back to her old self.
About a year ago she met her future husband, Liam. He was suave, older than her, and very fit. He had his own Condo in Manhattan, working as a stock broker. The man was everything Willow wanted and more out of a guy. Six months after their first date he proposed. A month later the had their wedding by the waterfront, and Willow didn't have a second thought. On their honeymoon, he confessed his fantasy, handing her a bottle of breast growth pills, telling her how much he always dreamed of a woman growing out her breasts for him....
She was only a B-Cup and thought it couldn't hurt to try. But she didn't understand this bottle of pills activated something in a woman's DNA..... These weren't simple, innocent supplements you could stop, they were a very expensive program that hit a switch inside a woman's genes. The switch told the body to make the breasts grow, and it simply wouldn't stop. Her husband already joked that after her breasts cover the bed in a couple years, they could be reduced back down to MM-Cups or 'something manageable'. Though they'd only grow again.
Willow salivated, watching them inflate every day, all of her clothes not fitting. Her husband constantly bough her new things, though they both knew soon she wouldn't fit in much of anything. How could her clients possibly adjust? Dealing with their dark fantasies and porn addictions, only to step into a room with a therapist who used to have small breasts, now with a pair spilling onto her lap. She pictured herself trying to act casual and go about her day, her breasts getting heavier and more cartoonish by the day. There was nothing she could do, even if she for some reason left Liam, which she'd never dream of. She'd forever have turbo-charged gigantomastia. She smirked, admiring them spilling from her dress, thinking to herself she could always do her sessions by Zoom, sitting in her bed, her breasts covering their king-size bed, surrounding her. The thought made her blush, but she couldn't deny how hot it made her, too. By then she'd be so pregnant, she could hardly wait to see how much milk she'd produce.....
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sapphic-woes · 2 years
no thoughts just vampire sevika draining me of my blood while i’m sitting on her lap
Since this is the second time I've been suggested vampire Sevika imma go for it...with hcs cuz I'm very tired these days :)
🦇 Vampire Sevika 🦇
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In this au, Silco is a vampire drug lord that sells blood pills in high demand. They could have like major side effects or be addictive like shimmer, who knows.
The thing that's important is that they're drugs specifically for vampires and you don't know that when you begin working there.
The reason why you, a human, was hired by Silco is becuase you're great at money laundering. So good he's willing to bring you onto the team...with his right hand tasked to protect you.
Sevika isn't happy. She's already busy af and yet she has to take care of you? You're already weak amongst humans. To vampires, you're a mouse walking into a lion's den.
To you, Sevika seems ready to snap you in half at any second, however instead of you she eventually does that to someone else. Some goons are oddly interested in you to the point where it's terrifying, and when one of them tries to do something, Sevika is quick to put them in their place.
One second you're cornered and trying to escape the hands of some goon–and the next, they're gone.
You can hardly process the fight. There's not much of one anyway. With speed slightly greater than a human's, Sevika beats your assailant to a pulp before slamming them into the wall, with Sevika's arm pressed into their neck.
She nearly kills them with how long she keeps her arm there, growling out a reminder that you're Silco's before letting them go. She looks back at you, and you swear....you swear her eyes are golden before she blinks, and suddenly the cloudy grays are back to glower down at you again.
After that she prowls. You don't know how to describe it with another word. She walks behind you like she's meant to hurt you. She's rough when she pulls you away from other curious vampires, hands always dancing over your throat as she stares them down. You know there's some meaning to it all, but for the life of you, you can't figure it out.
That is, until you see her drink the blood of some woman at the Last Drop.
You had been so tired. Usually, as Sevika's orders were, you scurried back home into your apartment, shut the doors with double locks and...sprayed the outline of the door with Sevika's cologne?
You still didn't understand that last part. She made you wear her cologne all the time. If you forgot, she wouldn't even greet you in the morning.
Rather, it would be a fistful of your blouse yanked toward her. She'd deeply inhale at your neck before letting out a tsk–and then, oddly enough, she'd pull out a bottle of her own and douse you in it.
Perhaps that was why when you walked into the Last Drop at the witching hour, only to witness a usually homely bar sullied with the stench of blood, the scent of her own cologne over it all made Sevika's eyes snap to you so quickly.
"Don't come out after midnight. People are out there that you don't ever see otherwise. They walk around looking to make sure people like you never get to see the light of day again."
For once, you understood what she'd meant.
They'd reached for you, people with glowing eyes and sharp fangs, and you nearly screamed. However, before you could even let out a sound Sevika gathered you in her arms.
"The fuck are you dogs doing? Can't you tell she's mine?" Sevika's voice was a frightening snarl. She lifted you up with ease, carrying you bridal style in her arms. Her hand shifted on the back of your head, guiding your face until it nestled into her chest.
"She's here for me." The vampires in the bar laughed, and one spoke up.
"I knew you were too obsessed with her to think it was just a job." Another agreed.
"The way you've been looking at her these past days, I was worried you'd lose it and suck the poor thing dry. Almost told Silco his new ace human was gonna end up an empty blood bag soon." That earned laughter from the entire bar, and Sevika scoffed, arms tightening around you as she walked toward the door.
"Funny. If you weren't already drunk off your asses I'd beat the shit outta all of you right now–" Though you couldn't see anything, suddenly you heard footsteps and felt Sevika come to an abrupt stop, hearing a voice right in front of you both.
"Hey, she just got here! Stay, live a little. No one's gonna try and touch a human you've claimed anyway." The way they talked, as if they weren't humans themselves, made you shudder.
But they aren't. They never were. The thought had you heart hammering away, and the thick arms around you pressed you closer.
"Clearly, she's not used to the night life yet. Sweet girl missed me so bad she dared to venture out..." You squeaked when fangs nipped at your ears, Sevika's breath like ice against your skin. "and at this rate, her heart might give out. Humans can do that you know. Die of fright. So unless you want to explain to Silco why you let that happen..."
"O-okay! Fine! Fucking hell you're still as possesive as ever, I know you just don't want to have anyone else to try her blood." Sevika snorted, and you felt the body you clung to move as she strode out the door.
"Of course I don't. Why would I ever share what's mine?"
She was pissed, to say the least.
Sevika would have thrown you onto the bed if she thought she wouldn't accidentally kill you. (She thinks humans are quite brittle.)
Instead she merely dropped you onto it, watching you scramble back with dark amusement.
She doesn't say much, just lights her cigar. She watches you as she takes a drag a few times, eyebrows furrowed. It's uncanny silence for what feels like eternity until she speaks.
"Now, everyone knows that you know, and the only way everyone's gonna leave you alone is if they think you belong to me. Do you understand?" You quickly nodded, shrinking back when Sevika came forward. She towers over you and looks you head to toe. The tantalizing gaze makes you tremble, and that makes her lips curl around her cigar. Another drag, another puff of smoke. The heavy scent of jasmine spice lingers.
She bites you before you can even blink.
There's no ceremony. Not slow easing into it. One second Sevika is standing, and the next her teeth are buried into your throat, and her hands are holding your arms down to keep you from squirming, and she's taking deep, draining gulps that feel like fire at your throat. You can't breathe, you can't think, you just want to cry and moan and scream at the same time. The pain is as ruthless as it is sweet, and it consumes you.
Sevika pulls away after having more than enough of her fill, well aware you'll be faint for days. She thinks it worth it with the sight of your teary eyes and bloody neck, the clear outline of her bite visible for any vampire to see. She's frazzled herself, eyes gleaming gold as she huffs down at you.
"You don't taste too bad...for an accountant."
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little-diable · 2 years
Fool Me Twice - Demon!Dean Winchester (dark!smut)
You guys know the drill - don't like it, don't read it. Enjoy my loves.xxx
Summary: The one time the reader doesn't have any weapons on her, she finds herself trapped by an alpha, with black eyes and an insatiable hunger.
Warnings: 18+, unprotected vaginal sex, noncon, A/B/O, demon!Dean
Pairing: Alpha!Demon!Dean x omega!fem!reader
@spnkinkbingo square filled: Omegaverse
header by @hidingsikki
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“Look at me, don’t you dare look away.” The man’s rough voice left her shuddering, eyes trying to find his in the darkness, though without any luck. Her heart was racing, not able to push away the anxiety thumping through her veins. Fuck, of course the one time she was hunting on her own, she ends up stuck in a situation like this.
“You had to play hard to get, didn’t you? But don’t worry, this made it even more exciting to me.” He tightened his grip on her throat, keeping her pinned against the wall. Her smell stuck to him, filling his nostrils with every breath he took, an addicting scent he had been  high on since crossing paths with her days ago.
And ever since then he had known that he had to have her. 
“Please, don’t.” (Y/n) was trying to buy herself some time, cursing herself for leaving her weapons in her car. She had nothing useful on her, all but her hands, which were currently pressed against the cold wall of the dark alley. 
“Aw, sweet little omega, begging for help. But no help will come, it’s just us two, sweetheart.” If she’d find any source of light to rely on, (y/n) would notice his fully black eyes, filled with nothing but a primal need he was forced to follow. A need he wouldn’t tame, not as long as Dean wasn’t the one guiding his mind and soul.
“Fuck you, I hope you rot in hell.” She spat into his face, using his second of distraction to bump her forehead against his, successfully ripping herself free. (Y/n) started running, slowly but surely struggling to keep fighting against her body’s call, very well aware of the alphas presence. 
She wasn’t used to the biting pleasure thumping through her veins, wasn’t used to her pills not working, once able to prolong her heat while she was hunting. But now her body had decided to break through the barrier, fighting against it with every ounce of strength. If she wouldn’t get enough distance between her and him, her body would easily give in, not caring about her mind’s warning. 
“You can’t escape from a Winchester, nobody ever does.” He called after her, body colliding with hers as he ripped her to the ground. Dean hovered above her, pinning (y/n) to the cold pavement with his thighs pressed against hers. A moan clawed through her, drowning out the wave of disgust that flushed through her. She was stuck, and wouldn't escape from the alpha her body was focusing on.
“Are you that desperate? Can’t you find somebody else to terrorize?” (Y/n)’s voice wavered as the sinking feeling made itself comfortable in her system. Not once had she been stuck in a situation like this before, not once had she not managed to rip herself free, always able to rely on her quick thoughts and her strength.
“Such a bratty slut, but don’t worry, we’ll find a way to shut you up.” His hands worked on her flannel, ripping the fabric apart, not sparing the flying away buttons another thought. And for a moment, (y/n)’s gaze got stuck on his features, he was handsome, fuck, she’d definitely be into him if he wasn’t about to do this to her.  
Another moan rumbled through her as he ripped her bra off her chest, cupping her naked breasts with his big hands. Dean didn’t seem to mind their surroundings, the dark alleyway that seemed to close in on her, the flickering street light that didn’t manage to illuminate anything near. Her own personal hell.
“Stop, fucking stop it.” It seemed like all her strength to fight back was leaving her trembling body, fully focused on the pleasure his touch elicited. Dean’s hands were working on her trousers, ripping them down just enough to reach her throbbing heat. Her body wanted him, no matter how loud her mind kept screaming in protest. 
Without another warning, Dean rose from the ground, hands firmly pulling her along. (Y/n) found herself pressed against another cold wall, heart racing as if she had just finished running a marathon, body drenched in sweat as if she had crossed a river, mind pulsing in pain as if she had solved an almost unsolvable riddle. 
“I can smell your arousal, you want this, sweetheart.” With one hand Dean freed his hard cock, spitting into his palm for some kind of lubrication. “Stop struggling and enjoy this, not everybody gets a chance to be fucked by me.”
He pushed into her, ferociously fucking her like he was working on a time limit. Her screams turned into moans; her anxiety into pleasure; and her racing thoughts into nothing but a calming ease filling her body. 
It had been months since (y/n) had last been fucked by a man, a handsome man like Dean that is, and yet her mind still managed to pull her out of the moment every now and then. Forced to remember that she didn’t want this. The fall was closer to the high than she had  thought, ripping her into a deep sea of darkness she’d drown in.
Dean fucked her rough and hard, hips slapping against her behind with every thrust. He was set on chasing his high, set on pumping her full with his release to leave his stain. No attention was spared to her cries, not one ounce of guilt simmered inside his possessed body, purely focused on his arising orgasm. 
Her body was sore, sore from his manhandling; sore from being pushed against the cold wall; sore from the last few days. But Dean didn’t seem to mind her whimpers, the silent begging that this would end, her walls kept clenching around him, clearly enjoying his merciless pace.
She felt his knot swell, ready to cling to her till the moment would break, forced together by their primal needs. And even though the voice in the back of her head screamed at her, (y/n) couldn’t help but allow the soaring wave of pleasure to clash through her, pushing her closer and closer to her high. 
“See, we both know how much you enjoy this, don’t you? You’re begging for my knot, begging for me to fuck you till you no longer remember your own name, pathetic little omega.” Dean murmured his taunting words into her ear, hot breath teasing her goosebump littered skin. A cry of protest clawed through her, a cry he drowned out with his hand finding her mouth, pulling her into his chest. 
And before (y/n) could even try to stop her body from letting go, her orgasm rocked through her like an untameable fire. Gasps, cries, and moans rumbled through her, sounds that rang in Dean’s ears like the music that would normally echo through Baby. His knot locked inside of her, not giving her a chance to escape, leaving (y/n) struggling in his tight grasp.
“Fool me once and you may escape.” Dean pushed his hand off her mouth, wandering down to her throat to squeeze her windpipe. “Fool me twice and you may never get rid of me again.”
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Please like and reblog if you’ve enjoyed reading this, come talk to me about my writing, let’s spill some tea or thirst over our favorite people. xxx
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goldenboygate · 1 year
carlando headcanon that i really want to turn into a fic. cw for drugs/alcohol
Lando is in his early 20s and flunking out of college because of a drinking problem. He’s been going off the rails throughout his childhood but always manages to hide it well enough to at least function in society, well, until he doesn’t.
His mother threatens to cut him off, tough love and all that, so he decides to go into rehab. But he’s scared about what happens after rehab. How is he gonna be able to function when he’s back in the real world and has to start taking care of himself again?
He wants to take this seriously, so he gets into a sober living arrangement. A group home for adults who have finished rehab but are either) not ready to live alone/go out into the real world, or b) are on probation and have to stay there
It sucks, or that’s Lando’s first thought, at least. The people there are weird, and most of them are so much older, and a lot of them are drug addicts. Lando never did drugs, and he kinda looks down his nose at them.
There’s this one guy, though, who definitely doesn’t look like he belongs there. He’s cute, no scratch that, he’s hot and kinda aloof, which makes Lando want to get to know him more.
But Lando has a boyfriend out in the real world who is waiting for him, so he’s def not interested in anything more with this hot, aloof guy.
And, plus, relationships between housemates are forbidden.
Lando manages to break down the walls that hot, aloof guy has set up. turns out his name is Carlos.
Carlos is recovering drug addict, pills, powder, you name it. He's also on probation for stealing and destroying his boss' car in a drug-induced rage after he was reprimanded at work.
He's incredibly remorseful and wants to do everything to make things right. that included breaking up with his drug-addicted girlfriend before he went to rehab.
The thing is that Lando makes it incredibly difficult for Carlos to keep a distance and keep his heart safely tucked away. Everything Lando does makes Carlos' heart either flutter or race.
Carlos is older, in his late twenties, and he's basically been a functioning addict for a long time until he isn't. until his girlfriend gets addicted to heroin, and he does all that he can to stay with her during that time, even if it means being off his face. Their co-dependency is toxic, and he knows it. He never shoots up, though. There's something stopping him from doing that, this voice in the back of his head that sounds like his mom.
One day, he shows up wasted to work. there's a big corporate thing that day, and he embarrasses both himself and the company he works for.
it's the first time he's ever done something like that, and everyone is shocked. his boss really likes him, he's a good worker, a good human being, and so he only reprimands him. he should be let go, realistically and according to company policy, but his boss just can't do that. Not to Carlos.
Carlos goes home that evening and feels so much remorse, that is until his girlfriend gets into his head, telling him that he doesn't deserve what happened, that this was unfair on him, on her as well because he's gonna lose his bonus this year, and who's gonna take care of her then? She can find somebody else if Carlos isn't man enough to do that.
It fucks with his head and he gets angry. not angry at his gf but angry at his boss. His millionaire boss who owns a penthouse suite and drives a Ferrari. Carlos feels like he deserves more. He deserves that Ferrari.
So the next day, in broad daylight, he smashes the window to the Ferrari as it sits in the executive parking space, manages to jumpstart it (a bad idea since it fries the electronic systems) and barely manages to drive it out into the streets before he's being rammed into by another car.
He's fired.
Carlos gets off with probation since it's his first offence, but he has to complete a 9-month rehab stay and then live in the sober house for a year.
So it's safe to say that Carlos has been burned and doesn't need any more empty smiles and dead eyes to fall in love with. Except Lando is the opposite of that. He's excitable like a puppy, earnest and loving and cares so much about others, too much even. So yeah, Carlos falls in love with Lando, probably even before Lando falls in love with Carlos. But there are still a couple of things.
Dating in the sober house is not allowed. Not under any circumstances. The worst thing an addict can do is start a relationship while in recovery. And Carlos needs to take his recovery seriously.
There's also the slight problem of Lando's boyfriend, Daniel.
Daniel, the party boy, who keeps trying to tempt Lando with alcohol. He visits him with vodka in a water bottle or jellos that have been soaked in liquor. "Lando treats" he calls them, but Lando doesn't ever take any. But he's not strong enough to push him away, to tell him to stop. and it's not Carlos' place to do it.
And then there's Carlos' ex, who finally decides to get her life back together only to show up at the same sober house two months into Lando's stay there, and Lando feels nothing but jealousy coursing through his veins as he sees the bond between her and Carlos.
How could Carlos ever want him? He doesn't act like that around Lando. He doesn't have a special smile just for him. It's a game that Lando isn't quite sure he's ready to play. He's not sure he can withstand the pain.
Carlos' ex-girlfriend can't function sober, and she ends up leaving. If you leave, you can't come back, and Carlos frantically tries to search for her so that she can get a second chance. Lando comes with him, and they find her where she and Carlos used to live together, and she's too far gone, strung out again. Carlos realises he has to let her go for the last time. He can't keep saving her, but it really fucks with his head, so he pushes Lando away.
He pushes Lando back into Daniel's arms, and that's kind of dangerous cause, stupidly, Lando has attached his sobriety to Carlos, and if Carlos doesn't even want him sober, then what's the point?
Lando almost breaks his sobriety as he goes to a party with Daniel, but he calls Carlos instead, who comes and helps him from the situation. Lando cuts all ties with Daniel in the process.
But that's when they realise that they can't happen. It's too much of a risk loving someone who is in the throes of addiction. Lando asks to be transferred to a different sober house. He needs to take his sobriety seriously, and he can't be a burden on Carlos anymore.
He can't be the reason that Carlos fails. He would never forgive himself.
Lando was only supposed to be there for six months, and he's already done four, and when he moved in, Carlos was on month six.
So they're getting out into the real world at the same time. Lando six months sober, and Carlos 12 months sober.
It's a risk
But it's a risk they're willing to take.
They meet on the day Lando moves out from the sober house and exchange sobriety chips. Six months for Lando and 1 year for Carlos.
They promise to be each other's keepers and to love and honour their relationship. It's difficult, especially when Lando goes back to university with temptations all around, but every time he feels himself about to misstep, he calls Carlos. His one true north that guides him back on the straights. And then, after a long and hard day, he comes home to Carlos, who is working from home, and falls into his arms, and that's all the high either of them ever needs.
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